hey how are you you caught me zoning out for the for the one minute before the meeting let's go meeting is being H with the sunshine laws of the state of New Jersey chapter 145 by mayor and Council and the planning board for official notices notice of this meeting was posted on the burough bulleon board and the bur's website for that purpose uh can I roll call Suzanne sure miss bonana Cory Mr Madden here chairman Hansen here Council bman Haren Mr famular here Mr Shannon here Mr Schmidt here we have a quorum everybody rise for the flag salute please I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay we have some administrative items to handle this evening before we get to our case load um first first item is the approval of the meeting minutes from the March 21st 2024 meeting uh has everybody had a chance to review the minutes are there any uh revisions or comments want to entertain a motion to uh approve the minutes I move to approve have a second all in favor I any opposed any abstentions Matt Mr Madden and Mr Shannon uh have abstained Suzanne uh on we have six resolutions from last month that we need to approve uh first one is case number 24-2 d3p that's univo LLC 414 White Horse Pike block 37 Lot 8 and that was for an amended site plan approval I believe um has everybody had a chance that voted affirmatively had a chance to review the resolution any comments or questions on the resolution hearing none we'll entertain a motion to approve motion to approve we have a second roll call Suzanne sure chairman Hansen yes Miss bony yes Mr famular yes M councilwoman Haron and Mr Schmidt yes motion passes case the next resolution is case number 24-2 d1p that's Keith and Beth Borchers 1 9 Sycamore Street block 70 Lot 19 have all the uh members that voted affirmatively on the matter had a chance to review the resolutions resolution uh any any questions or revisions comments on the on the resolution seeing none entertain a motion to approve I'll move to approve may have a motion in a second roll call Suzanne please miss bonana Cory yes chairman h yes councilman he Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes motion passes next resolution case number 24-3 d1p Casey and Daniel H 1728 second Moore Street block 94 lot 3 everybody I trust everybody's reviewed the resolution are there any comments or uh questions on the resolution seeing none we'll entertain a motion to approve make motion to approve have motion a second roll call Suzanne Miss bonana Cory chairman Hansen yes Council mman harn Mr fam yes and Mr Schmidt yes motion passes next resolution case number 24-3 d2p Sean Carney 612 West High Street block 50 lot six has everybody had a chance to review the resolution and if so are there any questions or comments on the resolution seeing none we'll entertain a motion to approve make motion to approve roll call Suzanne Miss Bon Cory chairman Hansen yes councilwoman heren yes Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes okay next resolution case number 24-33 P Crescendo Ventures LLC 121 7th AV block 21 lot or block 28 lot 31 that was a duplex certification uh or mly family certification I should say uh has everybody had a chance to review the resolution any comments or questions on the resolution seeing n will entertain a motion to approve make a motion to approve we have a second second roll call please Suzanne Miss bony yes chairman Hansen yes Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes okay the final resolution case number 24-3 d4p Michael M cardi 278th Avenue loock 40 23 everybody had a chance to review the resolution there any uh questions or comments seeing none we'll entertain a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve roll call Suzanne for Miss Bon Cory chairman Hansen yes Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes motion passes um at this time I'll Anor open the meeting for public comment on any matters that AR on agenda tonight see there's nobody here from the public that doesn't appear to be associated with any of the cases we'll close public comment on the new business we're going to shuffle the order a little bit tonight because one of our cases has a legal representation I'd like to accomodate them to try to get them done as quick as possible so we'll call first case will be case number 24-4 d2p that's Andrew teigler 318 Crest Avenue block 13 lot 9.01 for an appr porch addition and I he's represented by uh Mr Dom Fay tonight and I'll turn it over to you Dom thank you Mr Hansen uh Dominic Fay appearing on behalf of the property owner uh Andrew tler who's not able to be here this evening um I have with me U Mr tayler's father Kurt tler who's very familiar with the project and the property would you like to swear him H can you I'm sorry um is it ber is your first name B CT yeah and I SAR in our board uh professional as well um Mr Cher If you could raise your right hand you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth yes yes thank you great would you like um a brief overview of our application you want to just tell us about the relief that's being sought or maybe might even be easiest for just to go through St have Steve go through his letter if if you're all right with that Dom the overview should come from the out okay and then we'll Jump Right In happy to do so um as you can see we're um proposing to do a 600 square foot one-story Edition in the rear of the property um in um Mr Bach's uh letter it points out that uh we're proposing to enclose an existing front porch um that's not true that this particular house doesn't have a front porch there is a front uh Landing um that is has one step and then has a landing so just wanted to set the record straight on that you will be enclosing that Landing uh so we are our plan is to remove the landing and build a front porch on the front of the property uh and then um the one of the things I want to note is that the property is uh undersized um the this particular Zone I believe is R3 requires 8,700 square feet we currently have 7500 um there is a a side setback uh that is a pre-existing non-conformity um the the the code requires 8 feet we're at 4.86 feet and the aggregate side it requires 20 feet and we're at 14.2 the addition that we're proposing as you can see from the plans does not uh increase that uh encroachment but rather follows that line uh on both sides um what currently we have uh 34t in the front setback we're proposing 28 feet which does encroach uh an additional um 1.8 ft on the front setback which requires 30 feet for the front porch but this is uh if you look at the um existing properties um on that street this is consistent with uh a number of the properties on that street uh I think that's a good summary for us right now I'll refer the board to our uh April 12 2024 review as the applicant is indicated uh they're asking for a few points of relief maximum lock coverage uh the minimum front yard setback side yard uh setback and side out B setback uh we have indicated in our review uh that this is going to be uh more than 500 ft of the surface so lock rating plan will be required as to the uh increase of the maximum permitted of prvious coverage of 30% uh they are increasing to 33% uh this is relatively negligible uh in terms of what they're allowed to do so we're recommending the use of rain barrels and then directing all uh uh newly installed uh downspouts from the gutter system to be away from a Jason properties other than that that that's my report is the applicant amendable to all the suggestions of Mr Box review letter yes okay and uh the question I was going to ask was uh about the how it compares the other setbacks but you said there are several several setbacks of similar nature along that block yes yes there are okay it is noted the front yard encroachment is only one andet yeah it's 21 Ines over was permitted so I figure it wouldn't be somebody's got to be at least close to the setback line there I'm familiar with the block the the houses are they're not they're not typically that far back on that block no and Mr te do you know um I happen to drive by do you I think there was two properties that have similar front porches that follow that are going to follow similar I know one for sure I don't know the second one um two properties west of this property um was uh they were the plans were done by the same architect and they have a front porch okay so I know of the one I think it's 214 or 216 is that right yeah okay seeing how none of the nobody came out from the public to object it doesn't seem like it's an objectionable project but uh the porch proposed full width of the front of the house well no I mean in terms of from where the landing goes to the front door The Landing that currently is there that you're going to repace it's going to be the death from the from the front of the house out towards the street it's going to be longer yes yes but not by right couple feet right porch is only what six porch is only six feet wide right it looks like yeah I believe that's plan it's probably two feet further than Lany Lan is probably a 4 foot block I would imagine anybody else have any questions or comments I'm just looking at the map an overhead map of it and you said 314 and 326 are further out towards the street correct sounds like property property addresses and they look to be at no more than that looks to be about six feet as well so I'm yeah yeah yeah there's a two-story there's a two-story west of us it may be three houses um I have the drawings for that because we were considering doing a two-story at the time and it is their porches was six feet from the original yeah and how how high is the porch going to be uh it's enough to need a railing won't need a railing won't require a railing I saw I didn't see a railing in the uh yeah in the drawing so just curious I have a quick question um while the board is um kind of mulling things over um for the property assessment for the tax page um when you can there's a different owner on the page oh yes I just wanted to ask about that it's like Rita d f yes uh so Mr tler just purchased the property I believe the deed was dated the 4th or third of April she passed away in September and it was uh passed on to her two sons um so the date of the deed I'm not really sure they settled on February 29th has hasn't been hasn't been uh it's probably not updated we'll see I think it's just not updated I think yeah they just close recently soon so we are the the owner long I just want to double check there's somebody that might know about something like that I'm I'm checking I am I am checking to see if it's recorded now yeah you can check Camp County property records does anybody else going does anybody else have any other questions while Mr Schmid is uh doing his investigative work if not Foundation Title has it for recording when did you say they closed February 29th U loton block everything all right suzan y a is a 9.01 131 got to restart this thing I can't make it make an announc for app oh we'll make an announcement we got to make an announcement because the third guy's not coming so I'll make that just remind me before we adjourn there's another one besides yeah there's two Ela they do have consent of the owner as part of the application I just no I don't think it does I mean I don't know how long that website takes to update we have a consent of own form either way though he doesn't they have a consent of we should just I think we could proceed as long yeah I I'm okay with that I just wanted to clarify and understand the situation that was it okay thank you any other questions for us questions or comments from the board seeing none we'll uh open the meeting to the public do anybody wish to speak on this application come forward seeing none we'll close public participation and bring it back to the uh board it looks like we got a bulk variance case three bul variances side yard setback aggregate sidey yard setback and front yard or for four of them I'm sorry side yard aggregate side yard front yard and imperious coverage yeah and it sounds to me that the application um would qualify for the standard for a C1 uh bulk variance seems like there's a hardship because the property is under sized um which is a pre-existing non-conforming condition um they have a few others pre-existing non-conforming conditions as well um so I think that would create a hardship for the applicant anybody want to make a motion to approve or disapprove the application second uh roll call Suzanne sure miss bonana corsy yes Mr Madden y chairman Hansen yes Mr Shannon yes councilwoman Hern yes Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes motion's approved so um I'll just give the same Spiel that we give everybody that comes in for these next month we'll do the resolution like you heard us voting on the six resolutions we had from last month once the decision of that res once that resolution memorialized next month there'll be a notice sent to the newspaper and then there's once that decision's uh posted in the newspaper there's technically a 45-day appeal period where somebody could appeal your approval you can proceed with your project once you get your permits you're just proceeding at risk until that 45 day appeal period expires okay okay great thanks good to see you Dom take care yeah likewise all right I'm gonna before we go to the next case I'm just going to make one announcement and that's that uh our third case this evening case number 24-4 P 24-4 d4p William Kenny 1944 South Park Avenue block 141 lot one uh Suzanne said that he's not able to make it this evening so his case is going to be uh pushed to the to the next meeting which is May 16th so no further notice no further notice will be required um and then there's the other case that isn't on this agenda because it was already let me see if I can find it the case that was supposed to be on what can you tell me hold on I'm going to find find it is it on the is it in the Dropbox for uh May okay no for May is it in is it in a May Dropbox I'll look I thought I should have thought of this earlier what was the name of that app I can't find it start with a B B say okay what's the address okay and they didn't do this okay we go over I don't have the file for it anyway so [Music] and I do recall the email where they didn't get the notice in all right so there's no reason to continue notice then right yeah I don't see anything for four 4.3 let me see if you know what I can I thought of something I'll go here it is I found it in one of the old agendas it's right there okay so also and one more notice uh case number 24 - 4-3 P Gregory bassong 4112 Avenue block 15 lot 16 he asked for his case to be uh pushed to the May meeting to the May 16th 2024 meeting so we're going to accommodate that request and uh no further notice he needs to notice why they got yeah so he will have to um yeah make sure that both notices to the paper and also the 200 foot list um is accomplished in order to proceed with the main meeting okay all right thank you for your patience we have one more case this evening it's uh case number 24-4 d1p Alexa jvero Jano jevo I'm sorry 1628 Maple Avenue block 103 lot five and this for an addition we'll have our solicitors s and Miss J um do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you yes you want to tell us about your project sure so it is a 176 square foot one-story Edition that will be off the back of our house um it'll be consisting of two walk-in closets and a laundry room that'll come off of our master bedroom and the other bedroom that's right next to our master I don't know as much as that other guy I imagine there's both variance relief Mr chairman if I may refer Bo to their April 12 20224 review uh property's located in the R5 residential Zone we have a compliant minimum lot area uh minimum lot width uh the the relief s this evening is for maximum lot coverage uh where 34% is being proposed 31 is existing and 30 is permitted in the zone we do note that there's U uh several existing nonperformance only that will be recognized in any approv resolution that is for front yard setback and side yard aggregate um similar to previous application uh the increase imperious is 3% of the maximum permitted in our opinion that doesn't warrant the necessity of any uh onsite storm own management improvements however we would recommend the use of rain barrels uh for uh uh some downspouts and directing any new uh downspouts from the gutter system away from any adjacent properties uh we also note that it's under the 500 ft so no grading plan would be required for ordinance section 250- that's Mr nebro do you agree to comply with everything in Mr Box letter yes of course okay any uh anybody on the board have any questions from Mr Neo I have some questions um would you kind of describe I guess the thought process of having you know um making this application in order to have the addition specifically also putting it in the back versus putting it anywhere else on the property sure so our house is like two bedrooms in the back first floor two bedrooms upstairs and our two upstairs bedrooms are used for our kids downstairs is my husband and I and then we have a guest bedroom that's currently used as a closet and so we want the closets to be off of our Master which is in the back and and the only other place we could really put the laundry room is off of the other bedroom that will hopefully be a guest bedroom um just because our sides are literally the other two houses and the front well we wouldn't put in the front but just because our front is like our kitchen and living room and also would you say that you want to keep the front um of the property consistent with the neighbors yeah the way that it looks yeah um and then also I may I add uh do conversation uh solicitor that they do have a uh detached garage all the way in the rear of the property uh which necessitates uh a long driveway but that is one of our goals in terms the Aesthetics of all our residential zones is to have detached garage and have them further back in the in the uh the lot so that's consistent with that and I believe that contributes to the lot coverage that currently exists at 31% in this increasing it up to so substantial benefit substantial benefit variance I believe so I believe that could be I think the Bard can consider that the Ben benefits of this variant outweighs the detriment especially on the Aesthetics and the uh back rear the T garage okay you have a shared driveway we do soit oneit yeah like you it gets one straightway between the two houses and then it does split off into both garages would you say that the addition is also consistent with other maybe additions in your in neighboring properties yeah definitely anybody else got any questions um going be appro to bring it for a motion at this point say it yeah absolutely you want sum yeah I can summarize so this did we open oh yeah open to the public U open the meeting to the public seeing how there's nobody here we'll close the meeting to the public sorry about that without further Ado thank you I'm glad Mike's here um so this applicant is requesting a one-story addition um to an existing dwelling the addition will uh is proposed for the back of the dwelling um she is Seeking a variance from for lck coverage um for proposing a lot coverage of 34% when the maximum lot coverage is 30% um she also has the also to mention is that the um existing lot coverage is already over the the required um amount by 31% so it is an existing non-conforming condition um she also has a existing non-conforming condition both um in the front yard setback on the and the aggre aggregate side yard setback um it sounds to me like this application could qualify potentially for both C1 and maybe also C2 um bulk variants or it sounds like some of the existing um property conditions are a hardship specifically in that the um property has a detached garage um which has a long driveway it contributes to the amount of lot coverage um it sounds to me that putting the addition in the back of the property would keep the front of the property consistent with other neighbor um neighboring properties and there are you know uh side setbacks so there's quite an issue with you couldn't put it there either um and it sounds like it's also going to be very consistent with the look and Aesthetics of other neighboring properties would anyone like to make a motion to approve or disapprove the application at this time I mean I I'll make a motion to approve the application the condition set for by Mr letter and also to incorporate the existing nonconforming uses second any discussion on the motion seeing none roll call vote Suzanne Miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Shannon yes councilwoman Hearn yes Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes congratulations the uh it's approved okay and did you hear the caveat I gave to the last I know next month May 16th you guys will do what you did earlier do I need to come to hear that no you don't you don't need so we just tell you so that you know you're if you proceed before the appeal period expires that you're proceeding at your own risk should anybody appeal it but okay I would say that's highly unlikely okay I don't even know when our guy can start at this point so who knows when this way things are going but thank you so much thanks for coming in have a good night last thank so it was recorded it was recorded yeah I mean I don't know when the whip EV the tax portal I don't know when that's up well I don't know up uh well the process is it first comes to the county clerk's office which records the deed and then after a few days of go through the processing then it gets sent to the county tax board who takes a few days to update their records and then then push it out to the other what other other services are out there so there's sever there's a lot of lag time in there before it gets it shows up on the record yes so Mr sh would you like to share your password with all of us I know that's a pretty good password I think we should oh no no no you you have a subscription don't you yes I do oh is that what you just looked up on the subscription yeah so that's pretty fast yeah pretty fast I got recorded that just in February very nice thank thank you for that you're welcome I thought you had a special password good mine gets it about 24 hours before you yeah oh that's not uh do we have any other business this evening is there any correspondents Suzanne does anybody have anything they want to bring to the board's attention or discuss why are you being shy well I hear I see that 503 and 505 five stations on pack a lunch sorry we get well we have it's gonna be Kenny and bossing you Sav me on the public parp you're you're off the don't worry you got a life you have a life you have a life outside of the planning board I think don't you yeah me neither we look at that I I think that would probably Mr chairman I would say right now that you have uh Kenny uh which is the shed uh aong which is another uh we have the BFW which is a sign and then you're GNA have Station Avenue if any if the other one fth one three of them seem pretty straight forward potentially yeah let's yeah let's close let's uh I'm sorry I was just talking a motion toour the agenda though I'll make yeah that's why I didn't all in favor I any opposed weour so there's four cases well it sounds like