##VIDEO ID:AhJwczE4zjo## all right to Res the flag of the United States of America to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for alls and car your post as ads on January 5th 2024 call M Desi here Mr here Mr here Mr Richie here here Miss Williams here here all right moving into to section two um can I get a motion to approve item 2.1 the regular meeting and work session minutes of August second all in favor uh can I get a motion to approve item 2.2 this is the appr approval of the agement between the Board of Education and the had Township Education Association some second all in favor before we move on from that I think Bob you're going to talk a little about process the process yeah um I think oh yeah yeah um sorry about that no two seconds that all okay all right R all M Desi yes Mr Kendall yes Mr Lex yes Mr Richie yes Miss Robin yes Miss D yes Miss William yes so more will be shared about the process in the dep report do we have any correspondents no all right moving into our public comment section this is the first public comment section of the evening uh and it is for items that are on tonight's agenda you have a comment state your name address and to make your remarks for three minutes all right moving into our superintendent report section five okay um first topic is I do want to talk about the collective bargaining process I have been ineducation as a teacher and administrator now for think this is my 23rd year process we just went through an I observe between HDA and Bo leadership um was the most effect effective most professional positive colletive barting process that I through more than two decades so I do want to commend both sides of of the table for that I think that we have a a fair agreement and it's for a period of 5 years so we're going to have strong amounts of continuity if our sta feels recognized and I think that um feels great about the contract and program that happy that for our kids so thank you for everybody that served on the committee thank you to jie Weber here tonight she's the Pres d uh she was especially helpful um as we got to the later Innings and and really went to now this thing down and completed and uh it's not easy work we talking about these topics and talking about dollars especially so yeah I just want to second that it was a really collaborative process like it felt like we were at the table looking for and working toward the exact same things that we weren't on opposite sides of the table or the negotiations process so it was a great experience I would say being part of the negotiations committee is not always the most exciting thing for either committee uh to be part of but this one was just wonderful it really set the standard for what this can look like in the fut us so thank you thank you thank you to thank you all right uh next music education we made I'm sure you Rec call that for the last few months and back until last spring 're trying to answer this Bell that we reduced it full time for of STA and we're able to align the schedules to cover all the music classes except for the instrumental music piece thing that we discovered was that you know the instruction that is mandated by the Department of Education in the music standards we're we're actually um able to deliver that with the STA that we had the music structure that we're not able to deliver is what we've done traditionally above and beyond what the state requires and that's that instrumental pie instrumental music piece so we found a a good pathway forward to be able to not utilize funds from a um from a general budget and instead utilize funds from an Enterprise budget for tuition dollars that were paid to the district for various programs a couple years ago kindergarten enrichment was there child was there other programs basically whatever parents paid tuition for um for enrichment purposes these will be only eligible funds that they have to be used for enrichment so um since this type of music construction is not all you know not required we were categor categorizing it now as enrichment and we feel confident that this is appropriate use um of these funds and today we're hiring my recommendation is to hire an individual on a part-time basis for 3 hours a day to provide services so um I think we're able to thread the needle with this with this program and we're hopeful to out come similarly we had an existing gap of the summer in the area of gifted and talent education gifted tal education is required from the state of New Jersey and the of Education um so we needed to work within the resources in which we currently have and our school media specialist Andy tagm has assumed the responsibilities to oversee gifted count instruction um I sent out deep out information to our community today today um the updated information on the website and Mr shorter has been read in charge in this area of the organization perspective you want add anything to um yeah I think I'm really excited about uh Amanda tagm has been extremely helpful and strategic as we work through how do we still how do we remain in compliance and still offer robust services for our students and meet them where they are so we've been actually enjoying our time together and planning all that out so math and Ela extension activities will still be available the biggest difference people will see it's going to be classroom based versus you know being pulled out of the classroom so those extension activities will be available as early finishers and such um there's also a middle school opportunity for Battle of books and an invitation to SP out for that and um parents will be updated during conference time throughout the year and school-based teams versus just having one resource so it's more of a team approach and then testing for those students so miss tagm will be doing the identification process of new um potential gifted and talented students and nominations will come through twice a year and those testing periods will be in January and May so we're you know really excited everything's on the website and we're still going through the resources but we're excited about the opportunity to work together and still have a really great program thank sure okay uh it's my pleasure now to introduce our our student representatives of the Board of Education uh ince and Joe recall that this is our third year that we start this program it's actually good initiative by the NJ newy you credit for this our first may recall we had naan and AA who added tremendous value his board and then last year we had BR event and uh here we know these kids and um they had tremendous Insight of what's going on day to day on our school so um we have a great pair here and I'm sure they're going to continue in that tradition first Mor Kamas is the vice president of the student council she's involved in virtually everything in our high school and um Mar I want to talk to the board about uh why you excited to be in this role and some of your favorite activities that you have here um I'm excit to be here because especially I'm I live in Philly but had to up has always been um another home for me I love the community here they've welcomed me since I was little so um to be a part of what makes it so great is really cool um I do yeah I do sto um I'm part of field hockey team here uh the the lacrosse team here and I do the Hope club which is our it's called sbur Hawks post Prejudice everywhere um I'm part of that club and then our school's Honor Society uh share about your older siblings that graduated here what you're up to now so my brother he graduated in 2022 he went to George he goes to Georgetown um and right now he's studying bolognia for um until December so he's there right now and my sister graduated last year she's in pen State now and she's like my best friend so we we've always done everything together have any questions for Amilia what is STO stugo oh sorry student council like yeah yeah you could find us you got SE am I the only one didn't know [Music] that thank welcome Mara we're really excited thank you um do I tell you these kids are busy bu for a week I'm trying on her schedule can you give me Omar to a schedule she's like yeah the only times are avable at 7:30 in the morning all right uh all right uh Joe shean president of the hatal student council uh Joe is going to deal with Jo show and involved in many other sports and activities and clubs and Service uh Joe want to share about yourself for your family I'm uh one of four brothers um two of my older brothers Matthew and fin graduated from um head high school um one of them just graduated from fa University and another is um also abroad in Italy right now in Florence at St Joe's and uh I'm very excited to be here it's it's really cool not only be able to witness what's going on uh like the inw workings of what's going on in the um in the school district but uh now like to be a part of it which which is even cooler and as I'm also a part of SPO and uh as as student members we're supposed to be we're representative to the students from like um to to like not only teachers in the highs so now we're representatives to the students um to like to the board which is like the highest which is which is very cool very very happy to be here7 is very um very Legacy Legacy Legacy Family head Township uh a year or two ago I attended the head House of sports Hall of Fame banquet Joe's father was not only inducted but you were there John not only inducted but spoke probably gave one of the best speeches that I've heard so many of these Banquets it's a very moving speech and I still remember the speech of how much had all his achievements you know how much they met was in hand cter and the connections and the relationships that he made and that's really kind of talking about thriving you know uh that that's something that is it's a great legacy and uh yeah thanks for being here yeah of course thank you Joe what else are you involved in um I play I'm currently playing soccer um basketball I'm on the golf team um I'm a member of had society and about outside of school district um outside of school district most of my time is um I volunteer at our local Paris um St J of Kata uh I'm a Lector once a month at the AMS and I teach CCD Sunday nights okay thank thank you folks all right and board members the same with the uh construction management team if you have S questions that you want me to turn over to Joe and Cilia that I could send for them uh ahead of time you like hey I want to get the their perspective on school lunches or school dances or specific things I'm have to turn that over so you know it's she she's okay she just answered in always do that right pretty well but I think it's good it is like a little we do become like a little family and unfortunately or fortunately we only met Wednesday I think um and I was already I had to tell Joe I was like I asked him to do something I'm not going to share what it was something in reference to like future college and I'm like I'm a little pushy sorry I'm going to need you to do that today so it's okay it's all would I introduce you tonight did I introduce you as Mar yeah all right uh exchange student program we welcome in three exchange suits tonight I could do one from Mexico one from France and what's the last one from I get dra a blank here [Music] Spain France and Mexico so uh listen again this is a program that has potential to grow host copies are not always easy to find we are now certified to accept J1 and F1 students this this program has the ability to add to our enrollment which could lead to increases in state aid we also have the ability to collect tuition U for students that come the new improv F1 program um I I see good things um in the future for this and I'm excited to the building this area during work session we discuss uh the process regarding the turf installation both in terms of the product that needs to be selected and the timing right and the reality is that whatever timeline that we choose to implement for start construction we're going to lose the use of that field so moving forward the board have strong preferences for when or when not that field should work begin or end or what events should be prioritized over others please goe to reach out directed through those things right all I have for report thank you all right we will jump past section six presentations we do not have any uh moving into section s finance and Facilities Williams would you like to give you a committee report sure uh we met earlier this month and uh discussed quite a few things that uh Dr Kara already mentioned but um about the cops Grant we're still waiting on approval for that um we also discussed that um the portion of the kindgarten section come from the title [Music] two um as Dr and Kelly mentioned uh the negotiation um finalized um and they'll be approved or they were approved today happen so they were approv today September 19th um and to be approved by the board and then uh we also discussed the projects that have been completed in the referendum as of that state um five elementary schools um APR FL replacement um Middle School drainage haven't been started and the St projector replacement thank you can I get a motion to approve items 7.2 through 7.17 roll call oh sorry any questions one question on 7.9 and I forgot to ask during work session I um and that's the shared services agreement for the communications Consortium I know we've had a number of districts kind of cycle on and cycle off based on their needs for the current year completely understandable um but as we're looking at total um cost I know that sometimes the number of districts doesn't necessarily equate are we still kind of on par with we expected today yes we are okay one thing I forgot to mention covering salary benefits and top yeah great one thing I forgot to mention um that I want to say is that the projects that have been completed to date have probably um as a look around the table here you have to give Mar and Joe access the agenda on the laptop guys you can look up up on the screen tonight the agenda's there as you can see what we're talking about access that next time I had a question about the bus so we use H now for bus just in the count just in the count this sub that was due to be eliminated in December was the budget um so uh you Frank did put in for retirement a month earlier that it was to be eliminated so instead of trying to hire somebody for one month or going to use hul uh as as a way to try to service these buses and see where we are in dous Bud CLE thank you any other questions M Desi yes Mr kend yes Mr yes Mr Richie yes M rman yes Miss yes Miss William Miss yes moving into section instruction and program since Bley is not here so I will give the committee update um we met on September 4th uh we talked about opening day um and the professional development days before the students started we had a guest speaker who was really the opening session of Dr Monica Shey she's the dean of college and education uh sorry College of Education and human development at Temple University she gave a great talk um very well received by our staff by our administrators and then other topics that were covered during that time were anti-bullying updates safety training onfor training AI content area Refreshers so a lot of content there was also a kindergarten um meet and greet for new preschool prek and kindergarten families um professional development has being planned for October and for following October as well October's focus is going to be on professional learning communities with a focus on data content areas AI on course and challenge day debriefs um challenge dat is on October 9th so on that um and then we talked about uh gifted and talented program as well which is a there's a followup to that um sh diversity Equity inclusion um workshop at Temple that Dr sh posted you know we probably don't do enough collaboration with off the universities they're less than a half hour away education because Philadelphia sncs up with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and and New Jersey college has syn up with New Jersey Department of Education there's not typically a lot of training a lot of crossover uh something that we should probably rep uh excellent workshop at Temple that day and I'm sure that there's a variety of offerings and there's probably great support networks that we're not aware of you should probably look at so close to that can I get a motion to approve item 8.2 so move any questions ler book were like so tight glasses the screen all right roll call Desi yes Mr Kendall yes Mr Lex yes Mr Richie yes M Rob yes yes M Willam yes moving into section n Personnel Mrs [Music] Rodman so our committee met on September 5th um we spent time kind of updating one another on where things were with the HCA contract negotiations um and I'll just Echo the sentiments of Dr ficaro and um the single that it was an incredibly collaborative and professional process from start to finish um from the board perspective particularly as personnel and policy chair um it could not have been more positive so I'm really really thankful that we landed um in a wonderful place for both sides not just with a three-year agreement but with a 5-year agreement um with our teachers um as we've noted during work session in section 10 you will not see any policies on for first reading or second reading this month um there's been a lot of work kind of happening in the background with policies that our committee has been reviewing and quite transparently that we've asked the administrative team to review and provide feedback to our committee on before we then make recommendations to the board um so I just want to kind of prepare the board that across that October November December period you can expect to see probably 10 to 15 policies per month moving through there I'm doing my best to keep the board kind of updated on what those policies are going to be so if you look at the end of the minuts that I sent out earlier today um you can start to preview what some of the things admin is reviewing for upcoming meetings as well as the board is reviewing so that if you have questions as you're looking at some of those policy titles you have time and space to kind of reach out to the committee or reach out to myself or draro individually to make sure that you have all the information you need there um a number of them are mandated policy revisions that we're playing a little bit of catchup on um as we've been kind of you know working negotiations as well as some of the grading policy components um but then a number of them are recommended revisions so those in particular if um you know there's certain things that you want us to be mindful of with those recommendations I did highlight and we'll continue to highlight in the minutes which ones are mandated and which ones are [Music] recomended can I get a motion to approve items 9.2 through 9.39 so second any questions um I had a question about the lost it translators we have a large number of transl services at Point have increased in the last uh 12 months I wouldn't say the large number we're having new new registration okay new registration we're seeing okay I just wanted to clarify we do have our copier at the board office does helps us with our translation um documents that need to be translated whereas before we may have had to Outsource that so that helps there are parents who may need just help working forms and things like that at the building level that don't you know necessarily come over to the board office with those impro types of questions after registration too apprciate that thank you any other questions M Desi yes Mr kend Mr yes Richie m rman j yes moving on to section 10 student services and activities can I get a motion to approve items 10.1 through 10 I'll second any questions I just want to point out I on 10.6 there was a error in the formula it wasn't [Music] any other questions or comments Calli yes Mr kend yes Mr yes Mr Richie M yes M yes M William yes moving into section 11 policy we actually have no items for approval um 11.2 as Mrs Rob mentioned so we're going to move to section 12 public comment this is our second public comment um section of the evening and this is for any item that an individual would like to count on please state your name address and for few minutes all right hearing no comments seeing no one any questions comments from the board do have I would like to uh elaborate a little on the communications aspects that we're discussing tonight I would like the board to think about bringing something back that we used to do the days before c we used to have a dinner with the leaders of the PTA so that they could get a chance to actually meet board members and not this discussing word activities but who are you you know how's your family and you I think this is important and that is important and blah blah blah but things that you know I mean it's a chance for the PTA members uh the zone and all of the school PTA executive committees executive committee people to meet we used to go to R SE you know or some other restaurant and we used to uh like one board member would sit with this group in this table another group group another board member at this table Etc you know and you at one table the superintendent and J and CH could sit at a table and we could all get to know each other and it doesn't have to cost a whole lot of money now I've W to pay for my own dinner but you know that's how we used to do it doesn't really have to be you know or or or you know I mean if it's the cost issue to do it in the cafeteria you know whatever way we have to do it I just think it would be a nice thing to bring back uh to Foster better communication having you know the public the PTA people get to know us you know and we used to do that once a year I just think it' be a cool thing to bring back you know like the board to think about it and administrators to think about it if we could fit that back in I think that's a really cool thing to do and it helps everybody get to know everybody and you know PTA to to ask some questions you know and and we give answers and we ask them questions you know how long have you lived in h what do you like that ET said whatever I just think it' be a cool thing to bring back and kind of got it cut out with the co like so many other things but just something to think about that maybe we could do uh start thinking about doing it again I like that I didn't know that ever happened I don't think it's happened since I it works really well after the reor meeting because it's a date that's already on word members calendar that's typically a very short meeting um so that might be something to consider um I don't know if anyone else has commented um I just wanted to say the first thank you for bring that up I mean I was like um can I just thank everybody for their support the last couple months I'm happy to be there thank you very much um two just quick updates um I'll be sending an email we've had trouble finding time for a board retreat so now we're just going to look to hold time in January knowing we can't firm that up until January but just to get it on calendars and then we'll take Mrs Robin's suggestion about scheduling a summer Retreat when we do the reward meetings that can get on calendars very early um and then the other thing I just wanted to share our next funding advocacy meeting is going to be on September 30th Monday September 30th if you'd like to join let me know we're continuing that work see shaping up great Community [Music] involvement htpf uh it's having an event on this on the Square with fingers crossed for good weather we've not been lucky on the weather last few years uh it's a good uh popular B that's going to be there and a lot of suppor School our students and then if you plan on attending the school board's convention let us [Music] know 21 I think Donna already but if you haven't responded to the email respond to that if you're going anything else from the board all right can I get a motion to adjourn all in favor all right ch