##VIDEO ID:wfLgF4DY4-A## do notice that this meeting has been provided to the retrospect and the Cur legal ads on January 5th 2024 to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all here here here Mr Richie is that's it m Rodman here Williams is that's it m here jumping into section two are minutes can I get a motion to approve item 2.1 the regular meeting and work session minutes from October 17th 2024 second all in favor uh can I get a motion to approve item 2.2 the special meeting minutes from October 30th 2024 so move second all in favor I do we have any correspondents today no we do not wonderful okay opening up for our first public comment section of the evening this is for members of the public for the board on items included on tonight's agenda if you have a comment please state your name and address hearing none we'll move into section five superintendent report great uh welcome everybody thanks for coming tonight uh we're going to start with uh familiar organization had Township Education Foundation um W and Chris Cook are here tonight they're going to be presenting us with called the big check and cycle and be thankful forf partnership uh $177,000 a matter of 17606 but there was another 2,000 of of calculators that we purchased on our own to save the money of having to go through the the school vendor so we just want to present this check the grants was9 grants approved yeah um your support's always welcomed um anything Grant wise for teachers always welcome something unique is going to add to the classroom environment we'll be uh you know happy to entertain well I would like for you if you don't mind listen the process is a very rich process I me the group puts in a ton of work right um talk a little bit about the process that the organization takes to solicit the grants you know we're visible this year at faculty meetings great the you know teachers idual the reading that takes place the selection process the discussion the amount of time that your organization puts in to make this possible yeah I appreciate that the opportunity um from beginning from inception really we're outreaching to the teachers out through the point of approval and funding there's a ton of work to goes into it so if let's say teacher has an opportunity or wants to present R up a grant or something like that they'll write up the application online they'll submit it to the principal review has to drive with curriculum goes to the superintendent's office where has to be signed off on and then eventually when they're all rolled up the deadlines met um they meet there's a committee of retired teachers and and folks in town that volunteer a lot of time to review the different uh applications uh tied it to a rubric they score them they make some recommendations yes or Nos and then some not so sure then the board gets together and we meet kind of review it we generally take what the committee review uh at face value that if it's a good idea it's a good idea we'll support those and then we review kind of the questionable we're not 100% sure if it's more of a Schoolboard function fun District function or something that we can add value to um and from there you know we fund it but even beyond that it's the raising of the money you know we raised money we raised I think $50,000 last year we we goal is to give away about 40,000 this year in in the fall Grant cycle and spring Grant cycle so we're always out there hustling talking to Professionals in the district uh that work with the schools and uh you know we do an event we do golf event we do week giveing and some other event so we ask you in the public that when we have an event please come out and support it um not you too but everyone else happy happy to come out he's looking at me kind of like I'll be there to come out and support and and to promote right just pass along social media when you see something so appreciate your support first of all the person that took the photo are you from the retrospect yes oh good cuz I want to make sure sure that gets into retrospect that would be good thank you for your work gentlemen it's really an excellent thing for our town for the students I remember you w he started way back trying to convince us to do this I don't know how many years ago before you were on the school board we were speaking to Dr Ravens about it so yeah it's a pleasure to see it and and I commend you and Chris and the whole team well we got a good group of people thank we got a great group of people on the bus and the right seats um trying to push this forward so it's a it's a group effort from you know Inception of the grants out through you know funding and all that stuff but it's an absolute pleasure it's an absolute Joy uh to to do this and whatever else we can do please feel free to ask me that any cap yeah and and and again every dollar we raise just ends up back in the classroom so um the fact that we we target you know5 $20,000 twice a year um is what is where we are right now but it's definitely not where we want to be we want to be even more than that so it's just a question of of how much more money can we raise so that we can put more money in classes and and D that the interesting thing we just created an endowment right where we're starting to fund a little bit at a time to kind of put away our goals to raise a million were at about 20,000 or so with with with stock market growth but there's a lot of opportunities are out there for the public when they want to gift money or Reef money you know upon death whatever the case may be so there's a lot of opportunities and we're talking to a few people about some some significant gifts there as well and that would do is once we get the 100,000 it'll provide a 4% fund $40,000 a year into the operating fund of the Education Foundation that we can give a grant of some sort kind of on an ongoing basis if we get to uh you know a million God willing that it'll be you know $30 $40,000 which is a significant amount of money but we'll get there thank you I appreciate your time thank you very much uh just to give you back on that the thef there the commitment to funding Innovative things in the classroom is increasing right um there a couple grants that come in mind we had a Time Kettle Grant last year that provides students that English is the second language and ability to kind of translation services right in their ear so the teacher can understand the language that they're speaking and they can understand English better that's an Innovative thing it really wasn't ready for prime time yet in terms of school budget hdf got us there in terms of Dipping our toes in the water was big Grant it's made a huge difference and it's helping with our conferences in wear one teacher wears one it's really helpful we're wrestling with artificial intelligence there's a million different things out there this year there's a grant from middle school that's going to help us Implement kind of another level artificial intelligence the program that we budgeted that one of our teachers thought you know has potential we think it has potential HD hdf helping us get um the first basic right so um you know you know graphing calculators don't sound like super uh Innovative uh but because kids generally want to do that work now on an iPad but our Matt teachers have a strong commitment and a strong belief that they should do the work specifically on a gravity calculator sometimes a pressure point because the expense of that with parents um last year the hdf took a step helped us get these graphic calculators math AP scores were the highest they've ever been had in Township this year there's another supply of U graph graphing calculators coming our way uh for our Math teachers and to help us um avoid any type of confirming purchase orders and to save money on the calculators they're actually helping us by not making us order them they're buying them themselves and doing anything to us so it's great work all around so thank you guys okay student reports Joe and Mar a lot going on here uh from a student perspective uh I'll turn it over to you and uh Le what to begin so um about two days ago Joe and I talked to two eighth graders about how they were feeling about middle school right now we talked to Bella and faven and they told us that they had um a couple successful events which included their dance and a community Gathering to discuss just like what's going on around school they also talked to us about challenge day and um how it affected them and they thought it went really well and they're seeing the effects in their school too even though they're a little young younger than us they still thought it was uh beneficial for them um the eighth grade had their first ever trip to Washington Crossing and they had a lot of fun there too and the seventh graders just went to the Pen Museum and they just talked more about um the only real issue they're having is the uh traffic in the eighth grade Hall but they understand that that's kind of hard to navigate right now uh and then we also recently talk like this past week and the week before we talked to um a lot of people from the senior class about a Poss will switch in the graduation location and just like General thoughts and feelings on that if the field will not be ready in time and um the general consensus seemed that um students were very hesitant to uh like at the idea of having graduation at another school and they kind of seem like if it was unable to be held at the football field they would want it at another HT location like maybe the turf or the uh Outfield of the baseball field but um I guess like the main problem with that would just be like stay and seating for like guests and parents which I guess would have to be like some sort of bleachers brought in but it definitely seemed like um uh students are concerned about not having it in hat Township so like like guess they would rather have it at um like like I said the turf of baseball field as opposed to like um maybe like a nearby school or something and um other than that um the fall is a very busy month uh in terms of like student Le events um this week and next week we have spirit week which just entails um a lot of a lot of opportunity for student participation different events um last night we had the crazy Olympics which if you're not familiar with it it's just like a series of games um students compete within their grades um for ultimately bragging rights but uh the seniors do win every year most people think it's biased but as as a senior it's not biased not at all um but yeah it was a great but yeah it was a great turnout um people seen Barry and this year which is which is always nice to see and um we have the fall play coming up um I believe it's tonight tomorrow night and Saturday and uh we saw a preview of it um of a few of the few of the scenes um yesterday during an assembly and from what I saw it was great it's it's it's always nice to see that like uh get get the look get a look into the all the hard work that goes into it but um yeah other than that it's just um keeping up with a lot of the events just trying to um Me and Mar especially trying to um encourage par ipation in a lot of the events that are going on but ultimately it's going very well so far did you enjoy meeting with Belle and fav in the middle school we designated two middle school students as we kind of reps to the high school leadership did you enjoy that meeting tell us about the interaction we to be able to yeah it was it was very nice I thought they they were very well spoken it it was really nice to speak with two people um like of that of an eth grade and get get that perspective because it seems like it's it's changed a lot like a lot of the teachers and stuff so it was nice to hear uh um like since we were there so it's it's nice to hear a lot of the stuff going on definitely they were both easy to talk to and just they seem excited for high school too nervous but it just seemed like us when we were that age too good well thank you anything else guys that's all we yeah I think that's it I ask you a question what's the whole decorating theme this year this year it's inside out so it's different emotions I know seniors have joy Juniors have um anger sophomores have disgust and freshmen have um fear they they chose and these are all chosen they like the grades they seem a little negative but the gr these were chosen by the grades and we had a a general meeting where the students voted on these and inside out the different motions was they got the most votes so we're doing that okay thank you uh I have about six pages of those for arts and Athletics and a lot of exciting things that are happening so I'm going to CH pick you a little bit um the HT madri goals competed in the Renaissance Fair against 15 other schools and uh we did the first play stroke you com in into hat town so that's very exciting um we had um the RMS ball play the day the internet died smashing success everyone seemed to be excited about that um and special thanks to Matt Gallagher Art Theater Tech director who has been really hard at work kind of behind the scenes a lot of these reports were constantly recognizing students but there's a lot of theills behind the scenes who may aren't teachers who don't necessarily get the credit uh who are just cleaning and doing tasks that you know after hours that really beneficial and other thing that was nice uh was that we were once again able to take students to Broadway to see uh this year they saw Mulan Rouge um as our theater production class um again great experience no discipline problems every time we travel with had and house students we always get complimented on how our students behave and conduct themselves and we're really lucky to we can continue to take these types of trips all right on the athletic side we have two humble students here uh sitting before us start with Mara uh really great for the LA season right 14 14 seniors yeah talk about your experience you know and I know you've been a huge part of this program graduating 14 seniors you know what is that what's the program that to you and talk about your experience player it was really great we we have a lot chemistry on the field hockey team just because we start from the summertime so we're all super close and since freshman year that's been my a lot of my like closest friends I've hung out with um coming into high school was nice to have those girls by my side um and we've just stayed really close throughout high school we had a new coach this year a whole new staff this year and they just brought great energy um we were nervous but we got really close with them and um it's been a really fun year we had um the pep rally where we all dressed in pink and that was seem to be people's like favorite event of the year and pasta parties were fun too but just to have those girls even after field hockey is is a great thing thanks for sharing and on the soccer side I'll tell you this this has been a soccer town right I know for many years even before I've gotten here a couple years ago we made several runs to the to the state finals but this year I've seen two soccer games that I they besto soccer games I've ever seen the first one uh was at Washington Township you guys were losing right um came back Alli son got the winning goal right had heads off for can and then the last game it was joose let's make sure all and then the South Jersey final this year was at pal Meer and you can talk about that game but you down two with eight minutes left you know and uh talk about what happened there what that night talk about the atmosphere and what that was like playing that game yeah it it was incredible it was one of the craziest games I've ever played in like both in positive and negative way obviously going down two nothing wasn't wasn't ideal but the atmosphere was incredible we had a great support uh for both students and parents it was it was probably the most packed uh game I've ever been to but yeah it was it was so much fun and we were just it was unbelievable to get to get the win get a sectional Championship uh celebrate with the with the guys afterwards it's just it was incredible it was a lot of fun good the thing that always get me to that in that game was the way the girls team came and support support the boys yeah they've been there they've been there almost every game always supporting us which is great and go goes both goes both ways soccer one more got one more one more I know I can't believe it all right hey we're proud of you no matter what right it's all it's all about the journey as a young as a young athlete you think it's all about achievements and what you're going to win and what you're going to do but at the end of the day it's it's the journey and and who you do it with and all the all the things that happen so enjoy every minute of it yeah I will uh we have some uh first uh all group one just want to acknowledging all group one athletes um Ellie Smith was first team B group one in tennis Kristen cahan was all group one and Tennis as well both in singles girls across the country uh Blake cry and Biz mayor boy soccer gate chatton boys cross country malalo foot Shan Maloney Luke wol and James shmel another thing that speaks to me about both our boys and girls soccer teams are both going to the state championship only one player on either team was all one and needs to need to be a revote or big commendations really not teamwork you know it's obvious that the the whole is greater than the sum of its part so HT rowing continues to be a program that's continuing to achieve Excellence uh they recently wrote At The Charles orata in Boston uh it did remarkably well our football team uh had a winning record we hosted our first playoff game um since 1998 at home Thanksgiving we're hopeful against audon this year that game is going to be away uh kind of behind the scenes recognition uh we would like to thank Jeff Tor Jeff uh is in our grounds Department he's worked tirelessly again behind the scenes maintaining our practice fields our game fields um at JV and varsity levels as we play kind of deep into the into the fall here so again it's important to recognize folks who may not always get that recognition so thank you chef and we team on the CRS Department it's all I have for you for um Visual and Performing Arts and Athletics the last thing that you should know in regards to a free new program that we may be look what we are going to be looking to move into is a club that is going to be designated as Esports it's not going to be a a Varsity Sport um we're starting it as a club it's a student driven club that um they reached out themselves to uh Sports organization as Esports they may be competing against other schools um they're allowing our membership to be complimentary this year and again we're trying to engage as many students in as many different activities as possible so we're excited about that club that's going to be start thank you all right moving into section six presentations we do not have any on tonight so we will jump to section seven finance and Facilities um Mr Alex would you like share committee update absolutely thank you when do we meet last remember Wednesday Wednesday M uh off my memory uh we talked about the audit we talked about uh the additional funding we went over most of the stuff in the referendum part so I don't know I don't there's any like other parts to that I mean a major [Music] surpris the audit we talked about uh working receive electronic payments from cor afare program called Jack Rabbit we're going to hopefully have up and running by Jan and then we talk about the referendum thank you all right can I get a motion to approve items 7.2 through 7.11 move second any questions roll call Miss Desi yes Mr kendle yes Mr Lex yes M Rodman yes Miss that yes the single yes all right moving into section eight instruction and program uh I believe Mr shorter were you going to give that committee update yes we met on October second and we discussed qac um and the work that's being done in reference to curriculum revisions and updates the district performance review self assessment is on the agenda for approval tonight in the different categories uh we discussed a math program that we're looking at called crazy8 um it packages remediation enrichment activities into 8we kits that provide engaging activity filled lessons for p through 5 students so we are um hoping to do that program January through May and just um finding the teachers right now to work that after school program and we are looking to um we're continuing to dive into our math data to provide our students with the highest level of instruction and support also on tonight's agenda agenda we found our music consultant so we're super excited about that to on the fourth grade instrumental program and more information will be forthcoming in the very near future regarding those instrumental demonstrations for those students cultural proficiency lessons are underway with our staff and students and focusing on relationship building hour of harassment intimidation and bullying parent Guardian information session was held on the 13th so that was well attended it was through Zoom with some information coming from the state of New Jersey um from more of a legal um um informative foundation for all parents so that people understand the um harassment intimidation and bullying laws in New Jersey from U mental health and wellness support we are looking at a playful app um that's going to help us provide wellness support in the most relevant ways for our students through their um kind of like a foundational level through their phone coaching support that students can utilize to tackle some of the common um issues that arise uh specifically in middle school and budget preparation we're starting those conversations now districtwide to streamline all of our goals and consistency when it comes to resources and ordering that's it this is shorter one small point of clarification we met on November 13th was it November yeah oh just kidding K can I I don't know where the time's going it is November can I get a motion to approve item 8.2 and one thing I will share is that this is consistent because Mara and Joe and I met Tuesday and I kept saying tonight when we meet Mar's like she's like the board meeting is Thursday isn't it so this is just meal consistent last second then thank you any questions in 9.28 8 I'm sorry jumping ahead said you wanted to move it quickly any questions on the qack think we yeah yes we did cover that uh roll call M Desi yes Mr Kendall yes Mr Lex yes M Robin yes m Da yes SLE yes moving to section nine Personnel I'll turn it over to you Mrs TR for comme update awesome so our committee met on November 13th um we discussed um some Personnel challenges many of which Dr ficaro highlighted in um our work session this evening um we also discussed um a request from some some homeschooled um students who might want to engage um in extracurricular and sports activities and some of you who have been here will recall this is something our committee has reviewed previously so we're going to go back to that particular policy in our December meeting um some of the different pros and cons that have come up to the table before are one these are students that we're not capturing funds for so it's not like an outof District placement where funds are funneling directly into the district for for that student um we've also kind of wrestled with what does that mean for particip participation of students that are in District um particularly if it results in a competitive Sports placement or a competitive um Arts um opportunity that that exists we've also um talked about what behavior and supervision guidelines those students are bound to because they don't sign for example a student handbook in the way that our um IND District students do so if something were to arise during engagement in in one of those activities what repercussions do the supervisors and so forth have in that particular area so those will be some of the things that we will discuss as a committee in our December meeting um certainly we want to provide opportunities to as many students in in our community as possible because we really believe in in those diverse perspectives and and having opportunity for students to engage in in those opportunities but we just want to make sure that we're doing our due diligence to kind of weigh things on on both sides the work committee will come back to um the full board with a recommendation during our December meeting we also um discussed during work session but some of the challenges with um the attendance policies so we have um some mandated revisions that are up for review related to attendance policies and as we started digging into those we discovered that there are some mismatches between how an elementary level handles um excused and unexcused absences versus middle and high school um while those are mostly matters of school handbook we want to make sure that the school handbooks align to the policies that we have in place both existing as well as any potential revisions that are on the table um so we wanted to give a bit more time for the administration to review that as well as our committee to review those and look at other districts um to make sure that we're um moving forward as responsibly as possible um and then the other policy that we sort of put on hold that you will not see on tonight's agenda um is mandated revision to our Suicide Prevention policy um we want to make sure that the training that we're providing during teacher in service as well as part-time and Aid and service aligns to what's being required of us um from the state so we just want to spend a little bit more time with the administration to to review that um before moving forward with those revisions as I highlighted um during our September meeting you know October November and again in December will be very heavy policy months for us as we continue um to move some of these things through first and second reading most of them are mandated updates um details of them were highlighted in our committee minutes but certainly at any point if you have questions um don't hesitate to reach out so you will see roughly 13 or 14 policies um on the agenda for second reading this evening there have been no changes to those from the first reading that was shared during our October meeting and then similarly we have um just about you know nine or 10 policies on for for first reading this evening thank you can I get a motion to approve items 9.2 through 9.29 so second any questions in 9.28 the8 appointment I just wanted to confirm um is that individual the same or different from what we discussed in our committee meeting 928 yep the eight appointment I'm looking at the second individual on that list for us I know that we we discussed no that's not the individual we discuss that's all thank you and I had a question about I lost it um the music instructor when is that 9.14 when is that down to start start tomorrow just a matter of him initiating ready to go he's working a few days week another part time um but there's no barriers be here tomorrow I don't know he's communicating with John and the principal um so that's ready to go working and he's working with the other um music person to work on scheduling and all of that so he's writing it's clear I just know parents are probably CH be nice to be able to get them yeah we're going to start this time any other questions M Desi yes Mr Kendall yes Mr Lex yes robman yes M yes M yes moving into section 10 student services and activities can I get a motion to approve items 10.1 through 10.12 so Mo second any questions so Bob you said our enrollment went is same a couple I think we're up about 10 kids at the beginning of the year right 2110 is that where we're at [Music] I do want to offer I should have tell you this story work session I do want to offer that last few meetings the board has had some questions about some hies and you may have sensed that I wasn't totally clear on on some of the detail so one of the things that we've changed is we have um Shantel and I have now established a monthly meeting with Mr Allen who um the week before every board meeting similarly to had meet with Joe and Mer and we go over each one of the suspension HIV so again this is not really the Forum to have uh you know share the intimate details of that but I just want you to know that um that we're having those discussions so there are concerns about dates or cses or things like that we'll be more prepared to make sure that we know the intimate details of each situation for 10.7 the HIV self assessment were there any items in those self ments that emerged where the board can support schools in being even more effective in that area um no I think I think uh no there's any Bo for any other questions call M Desi yes Mr kend yes Mr Le yes M rman yes M yes yes moving into section 11 policy can I get a motion to approve item 11.2 so move second any questions don't this meeting right now second don't the meeting oh no worries uh roll call uh M Desi yes Mr Kendall yes Mr Lex yes Rodman yes M St yes SLE yes section 12 tonight is an executive session I want to make sure y so the board is going into executive session to discuss individual student matter uh was called correct me I think 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes yeah okay 10 minutes yep all right we will take action on one item related to that conversation before we adjourn the meetings when we what exact session4 um Joe and Mar you guys can go [Music] all right now that we are back you're in section 13 can I get a motion to approve item 13.1 [Music] go Miss eie yes Mr Kendall yes Mr Le yes Miss Rodman yes Miss sder yes Missle yes all right moving into section 14 our public comment section this is for comments from members of the public for the board of education on any topic um and if you're making a comment please state your name address and your remarks in 3 minutes I'll keep them really short Chris Cook 509 Cooper Street uh one I just read in the retrospect the other day that Collingswood has started to allow Elementary 3 through 5 to bike to school did you guys see that this this is something that's come up before this board uh in previous years I just brought it up maybe something to for us to to look at maybe wait and see how things go over and cinwood but um I know we had conversation previously with the previous chief of police here in town maybe that's an opportunity to to revisit it and then second uh I just wanted to say happy birthday to K happy bir do do you find spot for that yeah comment is that okay Chris yeah I mean [Music] listen couple things we here right um number one school districts are responsible for student safety we called portal to portal so from the time students leave home the time they arrive doorsteps of the school and vice versa and we we looked at this a few years ago with all intents and purposes of trying to make accommodations in fact the request actually came from a student a third grade student student and we were trying to help her out right we were all kind of like you know and we looked at the roads right and I I did consult with that c police chief and and it's just at that just not safe pass down some of these streets like one of the streets that was an example was that Chestnut Chestnut Avenue there coming down coming down by bricko there um it's certainly look at it again but we did look at this kind of long and hard and it the streets have had Township in terms of safe passes to some of these elementary schools and it's hard to if you're going to do it you're gonna have to do it you can't say okay uh you know you LIF two blocks from particular School in this section you can ride your bike but if you three blocks you that across this road it's pretty difficult to do that but if the board thinks we should look at this again we absolutely will I'm not opposed to looking at it again so can I say it was my school that pushed for it we've had two kids ride their bikes to school since it started that's it they put in like three bike graphs respecting so I don't know about the other schools but it doesn't seem like it's been a big hello all I'm Nicole glazbrook I live 433 East Mose Avenue I am a past homeschooling parent um you know um I have a kiddo I have two kiddos that are in the district now they're in first grade and they're in fourth grade and my fourth grader has ADHD and d and anxiety like other one has dyslexia so we're reconsidering going back to homeschooling we are trying to be in the district one of the reasons we decided to stop homeschooling is because my 10-year-old really wants to be with her community we have about 20 kids on our street and they're our friends and we see them every day and she wanted to be with them and she's joined chorus really loves it but if we go back to homeschooling she won't have access to those same extracurricular programs that our neighbors have and I just wanted to put a face to a name and a kiddo to a policy um I feel very strongly that it is you know we're part of this community we pay taxes for the past 10 years plus in this community um I know that that doesn't get the state aid funded um for extra things but we are still contributing we always vote Yes for the schools to have money from our taxes for referendums and things and um yeah I feel like that would be a addition to have homeschool kids in this uh extracurricular space other districts in our area are all doing it they all have policies around it and they're not revoking those policies so something that they have figured out is working I'm hoping we can use that as a model after we're looking at the policies and all the potential issues that could come up um I also know that there's not a lot of homeschooling families in our community because I have sought Community within the homeschooling people so that our kiddos could have other people to kind of be with and community and there's not that many of us um and I have to say like in terms of discipline um yeah I guess I would just propose that they can't do it if there's any disciplinary problems I feel like that's a very simple solution um in terms of competitiveness I do feel like there are people that live here around everyone and they would only contribute with their diverse needs it's probably the reason they're not in the public school system um yeah I just want to cut my face to that policy and my kiddo and we do love this town and we love this community and we just want to continue to be a part of it and have access to the programs that the school can provide that just wouldn't exist like chorus or Performing Arts um if we weren't in the schools so thank you thank you man thanks for coming out tonight and thanks for your patience um not not for tonight but you do mention it other districts that are allowing this we try not to talk about other districts where our public meetings but uh if you know of other districts that are allowing you think that are having Success With It email me that please I go to round tables it seems to be like a mixed bag and under particular topic so I'm happy to follow up with those districts that you mentioned um so I know we talked in the past and I look forward to your email and we'll follow up on that okay we're going to discuss it in December thank you for the perspective any other public comments all right any comments or remarks from the board you didn't mention Broadway night so we um we did have a very successful Broadway night for Shannon and we raised over $6,000 for the visual so it was a great night great turnout and the soccer players after the game all came in so we delayed the start of the show for 20 minutes while they were all in line paying to come in we had 193 students come out and support the students which was amazing so I wanted to credit the kids for coming out to them support each other thanks for mentioning that that was with John didn't give me that I just think again Char picked out of the reports because we had so much going on so thank you for sharing that noises office happening now anything else from the board can I get a motion to adourn motion toour all in favor thanks all happy thanks