>> Albert Pineiro: um Oh. Yeah, sorry. Okay. Well, so HMS posted the prosecutor's office and it's got cyber safety cyber bullying this comes out of obviously. I was starting to see there's some cyber safety or some cyber bullying cases early on in the year. I already been talking to County prosecutor's office about doing some different presentations. They said that this was a presentation they could do so they came in on the beginning of December and we did a presentation for six seven eight on cyberpoint and cyber safety. They're also coming back next Tuesday and are doing one for all the parents teachers and the whole community so they're gonna be doing one HMS seven o'clock. So if you guys are around love to see you there as well received at HMS, I think that the students received it very well. The teachers are really impressive the presenters as the same presenters again coming back so And that's on the 30th. That's on the 30th. Yeah, seven in the Middle School. Middle School auditorium. Yeah, so I have a flyer poster at the end. So and I know parents wear sent it out we posted on some social medias. I probably be sending stuff out reminders again. So, um HSC also hosts a responsive classroom for site visits the elementary schools. We're provided with some feedback on ways. We can enhance responsive classroom throughout the elementary schools. They're also containing their monthly ruler lessons that Haddonfield School District as I said earlier had a meeting with had trainings with Joe on the sixth. And again, we're having one on the 20th. and then we continue to increase awareness or stop it, which is the anonymous Reporting Act or science hanging out throughout the the buildings and whatnot. Letting students know that that's another way that they can report hivs. These are disciplinary remediations. It is important to note that even if a if it's found not to be a HIV. It doesn't mean that it just goes away right? We still do things. you know that the school administrators. They still do address it either through code of conduct or sort of practices those type of things. So these are some of the different examples of disciplines remediations that we do these are some of the things that we do throughout the district for climate. and culture they have addressed him which obviously also falls under me CF trainings diversity lessons ruler trainings the annual climate survey the doe week with respect stop it as I mentioned. These are breakdown of just a small sample size. I know you guys have students within the schools join them in the schools, you know a lot take place just small sample size of things that we do within the schools to help address climate culture and you know work with hopefully not having you know having having students be able to respect one another. And then this is this something I don't know if you guys have had all the time the past and addition to the hip reporting period that I had to submit to the state. We also have to do a violence ambulism report to get some minutes to the state. So I'm wrapping that in with this one. It's just a quick breakdown violence and there are seven things that a hsd student could be removed from school instruction for I'm not gonna read all the definitions or pretty much self-explanatory which have him violence banditism threat that substance abuse on an influence selfless abuse possession and then other incidents and these could be things like, you know being disrespectful to the staff member. Entering the building, but you know not allowed exiting a building. We're not allowed those. type of so for the 23-24 reporting year for the elementary schools, These were all in school suspensions ISS stands for the school suspension. We had one in school suspension. You a central for a hip one for a threat zero ahead and one for violence total 3 report instance for the elementary schools for her period one. At the middle school. We had one out of school suspension for one day for two days. OSS is out of school suspension three days. We had two four days. We had two five days. You have one here. You can see the pie chart the pie chart only includes out of school suspensions because that's how it's recorded by the state on the New Jersey report cards. So don't include down a school suspensions and you can see the breakdown there of which each one percentage. I'm an HMHS. This had two out of schools are two three day out of school suspensions. You can see the breakdown there violence and others really to removal. And then this is a district total right here. This is a combination of all of them. And my flyer promoting our cyber safety presentation, which will do Internet safety cybergoing and safety of Socials and this is a collaboration the Camden County prosecutor's office is the one that will be doing it, but it's also collaboration with Police Department. three of us coming together to work on this so I'd say from thank you so much. This is perfect. Will this will the presentation also be recorded and available on the district? Yeah, I'll have probably put it up tomorrow. Yeah, I already have a PDF and perfect as long as you guys don't want anything change or whatever. It'll go out tomorrow morning. Sir, that's it. You guys any questions? I actually this session the cyber bullying. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you meant this. Um, yeah, this is also awesome. Useful thing for parents I can talk. I don't know. I guess I'll talk to John Miller and see I don't think it was an intention of recording it I think well, I also think you can talk to it. But yeah, they may not want to posting our web. site, so that's okay another maybe maybe the entity. that's the organization that is providing the expertise probably has comparable resources available. Yeah online. So maybe it's linking stuff. It's through the County prosecutor's office through their community policing the vision. so I can certainly reach out to them and be okay, you know, if we can't do this or something else that we That's great. Thank you because I suspect I mean a lot of people might not be. Able to understand yeah. I think whatever resources can be shared. You both attended directly this well, I was there. It was actually. yes. It was all gone. I think we talked about before it wasn't we're gonna arrest you if you do things better say you're putting yourself in danger and just be aware that we think is very interesting thing. You get to a lot of trouble not just from us. Yeah or from the stranger down the street who is fine and find out with your older right? So down the street Texas that one balance. Yeah. I want to talk about sex. It was really well done and the two people who presented were just personable. entertaining but where's he actually you were Yeah, I want to thank you for your work Rob and this I appreciate it. I think that the presentation was great and the resources that are allocated to empowering the faculty and staff to better be the need the students it's great. And and yeah, I think thank you. Thanks. No problem. Thank you guys. Enjoy the concert. Thank you. Okay, next we have Rob Nutley from new road construction on presentation for toilet from Renovations update. evening Rob notley new road construction management. I'm one of the principles of the firm updating you on the I guess long overdue completion of the The main issue that has been holding up completion of the punch list has been replacement of 15 water closets toilets in the high school that needed to be set at a height of between 17 and 19 inches. It's taken a long time to get to an agreement with the contractor to get that work done at no cost to the school district, and we've now gone confirmation that they are going to do that work the replacement or the retrofit toilets have been ordered. Are set to be delivered next week and the contractor is scheduling that work to take place. I'd like to tell you it's going to take place in the next two weeks, but it's probably going to be three to four weeks before the contractor gets that work done. All of the other punch list items have been addressed. And we're looking forward to finally wrapping up for the contractor finally wrap up punch list fork, and then we'll just continue to address any items that come up as post-punch list maintenance items the contractors required to have a two year maintenance Bond substantial completion of the project was October the 27th of 2023. That was the date. that was agreed to between the contractor the school district the architect and new road. So we've got basically two years from that date. So all the way through October of 25 that the contractors on the hook for any latent defects that might show up. with that one opening up to any questions from the board. I mean I there's a there's a couple things but one being um, and what is your role oversight? Because our students are coming to us with a lot of these issues and these issues. I mean, I'm just thinking as someone who let's say I had construction at my home and popping in to make sure things are being done correctly as they go and and being students To be ready to go. Who's Who is whose job is that to make sure that this is done correctly. Um the first place what's a combination of the construction manager? So new road and the architect we had somebody onsite full-time throughout this throughout the summer as the work was taking place. There were a lot of issues that came that came up during the summer. that worked out with I'm not the least of which was that the sinks. that we've been assured would be delivered at the beginning of August didn't show up until late August. At the same time as the toilet fixtures were being installed. so and and the height of those water closets the toilets Was not a black and white issue there were parts of the documents that showed them at what would be considered code compliant height which is 14 and a half inches, and then there was another section of the drawings that showed them at 17 to 19 inches. We were looking at the plumbing plans for the plumbing work and that's what showed them to be acceptable at a high of 14 and a half inches. We did not pick up the 17 to 19 until after the job was yeah after the building was occupied. There was complaint about some of the fixtures being low. So that's when new road and land went out and started measuring them and there was an issue. Thought by documents would document the construction on my name. Yes. And you know what? I I absolutely understand that. That part of it wasn't black and white. Yeah, I can tell you as a five foot person sitting on those toilets and not many people are smaller than me. It was it was very very evident to me. But I get that that it that's it could be because if it is within the you could say well according to code but the toilets really leaking there's you know titles that were chip. There are panels that that work, right? We just a walk around. trash cans that are properly you know, they're kind of not in their correctly. So if it was just that that well it's within code and and maybe we wanted them higher, but it was with a code I would get that but help me understand because I don't know that as a construction management company, and this was being done in the summer. And here we are at the end of January almost. How do what would be the proper way that this would have done been done and those things all handled and is this a correct timing that if you would suspect that it would take six months to get here. No, I mean it certainly not. you know, the timings not ideal, but we don't get to choose our contractors. It's a little bit public Contracting. Sometimes you get good contractors. Sometimes you get not so good. contractors in this case the GC was compliant in most of our dealings with them. It was the plumbing subcontractor. That was an issue. We would have liked to have replaced that plumbing subcontractor, but the public bidding laws do not allow us to do that. If it's a named subcontractor that's named in the bid. You cannot replace that those those subcontractors unless they voluntarily withdraw from Project. there were issues with the toilet partitions from the manufacturer when those were initially installed most of them had scratches on them. at that time the building had to be reopened. So that was that that became punchless work of having the contractor go through. I think they replaced about 80% of the total partitions. I'm aware that there's still one that's scratched in the high school that needs to be replaced and that's still onward. So, you know, I'm I'm not happy with the way the project came out, but you know we have continued to pursue completion of this with the contractor with the architect and working with the school district to get it done. So just the smallish project and you know, we are looking to what's next. What can we learn from this? what what would we do differently? Because I can't imagine that we want to extrapolate out this experience and and moving forward. We're still going to have to be dealing with Logan. you know, the rules that you have to live by how do we not get into this place? And then the exponentially Um, you know, I I I'm not sure that there's a that I that I've got a great answer for that and You know, we've we've done work with the school district and in the past we did the referendum work from the 2016 referendum that was done. you know to the satisfaction of of the of the school district in the board, we did we we managed a roofing replacement project in the spring of this year. That went well, not every construction project goes well having a construction manager is not a Panacea. To guarantee that there aren't going to be issues. What it does is provide you with a team member who's going to deal with those issues. We've been dealing with them as they come up in a case like this where we've got You know a and an issue that's not black and white on the drawings it takes some measure of diplomacy and Um, sometimes being less diplomatic in order to get those issues resolved in this case. It just took time to get the contractor to come around to our And I I think that had we been involved with this project more at the beginning, you know, pre-construction, perhaps having an extra set of eyes on the construction documents at that time. We've helped to flush out some of the issues that came up later on the project. Yeah that the project. And and sorry, why did that not occur because it was prior to the contract start date for your team. Actually. Yeah, that's I hear you and as we all have had kids construction projects of much more minor scales, no doubt in our own homes. Totally get what you're saying about not every project goes. Well, I think what we're hoping is maybe some more concrete. sort of confirmation that would give us the ability to say. Yeah, we work with that group again because right now we have a town of you know, not the whole town. We have many many high schoolers who are really really inconvenienced every single day by this issue and it's become a big problem and it's what seven months behind schedule or somebody you can refer to the height of the toilet and I get it here today. The only thing wrong with those bathrooms is the height of the toilet. I don't think it'd be here. The snakes are falling off in there. The clock around the clock around the toilets the urinals I mean And I'm not even a picky guys first thing. I noticed walking into six pulling up and so you don't get the toilet open down, but the other stuff should have been. There's no drawing that says oh this thing should be crooked to be straight. Or six months in it's not straight. if they A punch list was established meaning, you know, incomplete and unacceptable work items those items have been have been addressed and and reinspected. if we see something that's not you know, it's a problem the pointed out to the contractor and deal with it. You know. admittedly the last time I was in those those toilet rooms was just before the Christmas holidays. and you know if there are issues, we'll come around and reinspect them with the contractor and get them to deal with them from up from the maintenance box standpoint. So the last time you were in the building before the Christmas holidays, we're sitting here a month. Later. that's a construction manager trying to finish your project. That's six months overdue. Here. Yes. that normal Maybe it is I'm not trying to beat the jerk. I'm just being crazy. Where's the urgency? I think it's what year why I will ask if you those bathrooms right? There are perfect examples that need the men's room specifically which tonight was my first time in that but it's you I mean you can't miss it. The sink is it's falling down and you're sure to report to us. You would think they may become a few minutes early and take a lot. Or look at them. I had two questions that I wanted to ask. One was that you would mention that there's an inability to replacing named subcontractor under public bidding law. Do we have the ability to restrict that on the front end and say that we're not going to accept bids that have a name subcontractor because of this issue. There's something no idea. That's something in terms of Lessons Learned when you pointed out I think retaining our ability to have more. AutoNation yeah. yeah value some of the ocean needed contracted post. Those companies have to hit certain. requirements other state or so you have to I mean they all have to show their their support their Public Works. They're probably working. So there's probably How did he name that they? there's probably time that just be on that contract any form you get these five things about the Statue correct produce that ahead of time and I wonder if we can submit you. know. process Factors, there is a complaint process. So I would like to I would like to follow through with that for for our contact my other my other question concern kinda to to Greg's point, so you've got these Plumbing drawings that are a little bit ambiguous in that you're looking at plumbing and it says 14 and a half you have another document that has another Why didn't someone flag that sooner as hey this doesn't seems resistant or are you sure you're in a high school 14 and a half is code? Yes, but like that's code for really a preschool building. And when you check in there. Just notice like the women's toilets The the toilet paper is mounted essentially in your lap. if you're sitting on the toilet, and you have to sort of like reach under and around to get it, I just don't understand why. that like who's who's responsibility? is that choice identify these issues? Like we and my workplace we have like a you touched it. It's now your responsibility. So how how do we translate that into everyone is responsible for? The parts of the project once they touch them once you see them you think oh, well, this doesn't matter what's in the documents. No one could possibly want to have a toilet paper holder in their laugh while they're using. is it the architecturals that would specify where the toilet paper holder goal and I know these are questions. I never my life, right? Is it have to will write specifically where the toilet paper holder goes in reference to the toilet? it yes, okay. That's good rest now and a lot of things. I like it. You see it what you not call it out as I think we need that we need this is not opinion. This is you know, what's the role of a construction manager versus the architect and and listen. I know it's probably not easy for you to stand there. I know you probably know that I I've been probably the most vocal in the previous. This is not about you know. trying to to it well is to address what happened because we want to make it better but more importantly to get to the Lessons Learned. In fact, we're going to move ahead with major projects. We need to be comfortable ourselves that those projects can be handled and we need to be able to then be comfortable that we're going to tell the community that these projects will be handled. So we need some kind of confirmation that this is not going to happen again or this is how we can prevent it together. What whatever that role is we have to do better and we can take this small project and learn from it. We must because we can't move forward in bigger projects when this is us. I mean, I know you're standing there, but ultimately we fail and and we need to make it right. you know, it's we've done. You know. hundreds of these projects in the in the 44 years of new road has been in business and it's not always the size of the project. that's an indication of which projects are going to be more difficult than than others. This is a small project. It was an 858,000 contract with the with the GC. Um, you know it. I think that this was you know, just a You know, it sounds cliche to say that there's like a perfect storm or a Confluence of events, but there are a lot of of issues that we were dealing with on the Fly throughout construction that perhaps got in the way of us, you know dealing with with Quality control issues, you know before it became after the fact You know, it wouldn't have made sense from a from a cost standpoint to put you know second construction manager on the on the job, you know for a job of this size. So I I probably not have the same person who was out in the field on this on this project doing the job and that just spend more time. following up on on issues. You know, I apologize that that you know, we have to meet like this. I apologize to the project, you know. Didn't you know didn't come out well. You know, we we haven't left the job. I'm not invoicing for any of my time on the job since September. And we put in a lot of hours just dealing with. You know post construction issues and we're going to continue to deal with them until this Pro until everything is is complete. so I think if we can learn from this then maybe you know as a board we need to. we need to make sure that we are providing the oversight that we need and I know that oversight is your job, but maybe what it is is the next time we have a project that there's an there's an ongoing report. That's word. is that you know, every meeting you understand. Where are we with the project? Are we on track? Are we on budget? Is there anything we should be concerned about and I would ask that you were completely honest with us and say, you know, listen things are going awry and he needs you to know that I think we'd much rather hear in in August. things are going awry and and we have to to address it rather than us continuing to hear. It's you know, it's late. Okay the next next month next month. I think the more transparent we are and the more that we can be communicating during the life of the project. Maybe that's how we don't get here. You know certainly willing to attend a monthly board meetings or committee meetings. I'll continue to do so until this project is completed to your satisfaction. All right. Thanks. Appreciate you there. And yeah, it's really, thank you. You know, obviously through this conversation we talked about a lot about how we got to where we are talking about who's responsibility, Honestly. You said we but this kind of take some takes some firearms because this is if we didn't have a construction matter, that's me. That's me and our daughter facilities and then the architect has his role in construction administration, too, but Most of that is is me, so don't put that way. I mean I get you're taking you're taking that that a credible you're taking that in our life responsibility, but at mostly so so we'll do that. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, brother. Okay board member committee reports mag. You already shared last. week Finance graduation policy Rachel anything new reading? Did your height lrft Linda? Yes. so Today so today it was 24. It's a new year. It was a reset. So we had a very good meeting with them. We are still waiting for the funding documents from the doe having gotten them back yet, but are hoping that we're going to be getting them soon and we talked about how even though we have a reset right now. We're not starting from scratch. We certainly had a bunch of options on the table before and they they came with all kinds they didn't know what what we're gonna talk about so they came prepared for everything. They absolutely talked about how we talked about this last week. We're going 44 King's Highway while adding a building to the school district in a landlocked town would have been ideal. They did talk about how all of the complications that went along with it a multitude. of complications now that that's gone. That then makes what we're about to do much much easier. So we talked about that we talked about Ron are our architect. He offered to come here to board meetings to report to you guys same way that we just talked about, you know Rob being here. So Robin will start coming to these will be here to answer any questions that you have but as we start rebooting this process we want to do, you know to do it a little bit differently. So Ron offered to be here we Having that funding is really going to help inform what we can and we can't do so, hopefully we'll have that soon. We are looking at February 8th meeting as the committee of the whole we feel pretty comfortable. That's that basis. I think. Okay. so good time to start a conversation about how we thought we are here we are. Yeah, you can get a better feedback and our community the whole we're members is like we work in committee, but we do it at the public meeting and we do it as a whole group. The only time we can all kind of hash out things. That we pick certain things that certain times that we're going to do the lrfd or first one letter so that it'll be a great time for us to to talk about all the different opt. Ions, where where we could potentially go. um one thing that I want to mention were actually the citizen of the Year award this past weekend and our mayor gave lots of updates on things and she did talk about the demolition of holy Hall talked about how we that is an agreement. that was made many years ago and that they know that that needs to move forward. She talked about the fact that it's taking them longer than they thought to get bids for demolition because the building is so hazardous that they can't get people in there to check out everything that they need to properly did it, but she did tell us that we should be hearing from them soon about what the date is and we're looking forward to to getting that in place one thing that I just want to mention. So our mayor of this weekend was talking about the demolition of who is all yet. Another commissioner is openly talking about us looking at Cooley Hall to put our little three and four year olds while the other while the mayor is talking about hazard. buildings, even if the building was not as hazardous as it is. Superintendent Klaus has a couple of times shown the footprint of Cooley Hall on top of the footprint of this High School. It is bigger. The footprint is bigger than the high school, and there's far less classrooms. So there is a multitude we have for those that are not on the committee We have talked about this. We went into that building consider Is not like we're none of these things we're considered. It was absolutely considered in a landlocked town where we can't add another building and and space is so Priceless. We need to optimize every bit of our space. So for a multitude of reasons, we said that's not the right choice a while ago. I don't know why one of our conditioners is saying otherwise, especially when the mayor saying something different, so just wanted you guys if you are hearing that that you are aware of what's going on and we can talk about it more and I remember that too. I think those visuals are really helpful for anyone who is considering why the board had made the decision that it had made and that was the value. we did many moons ago and that was because it is an absurd you to space the building is not in good condition. It's an even worse condition now and you know, and also really doesn't solve our The traffic there. I can't see I'm feeling safely when we look at this seven prayer, but I think even have the Trump doesn't meet any of them. Yeah, so, um, but so so and as we you know earlier on we talked about this. I just think that and it's not it will would not say taxpayers money to do that probably would lose space and we while money would be saved on demo for the commissioner side. It's going to pick it up on the taxpayer side. Anyway, where they there's we using that space in a very dry or it would be important things and and given the condition of it. I wouldn't put my babies in there. I wouldn't expect anyone else to put So, but yeah, so I think but we had a great we thought we left there feeling positive and it's a reset and we'll talk more about it. See Ron in our future board meetings. Yeah last week. Yeah, which will give you guys a more of an opportunity to be good and we were saying one of the the struggles with Kingsway is, you know, acquiring a property LED for Less public discussion, just because you know, there was negotiations. So at this point given that we don't proceed properties hopefully really have how to lay things out and the Public's used to the process a little more too so we can kind of share our ideas and our thoughts going forward. We have a lot of input and it gives us opportunity. for more Yeah, so I didn't like it was a good meeting. I thought it was I thought we all kind of laid down some good ground rules for moving forward. Yeah. We'll run be here for February 8th discussion, or is that too premature we have here. Yeah, he was so open to it. Said you know, that's why every meeting so yeah, sometimes he hears things that we like somebody will mention something and and like I might not think that's important, but he will heal like he had a couple ideas today, which maybe we'll get into next time but that you know that we haven't had an entertained yet. So he might be able to get a lot from our discussion. My other question was the waiting for to hear back from the state about fun things. is our other districts also in the win again. This is not how to build is the only it's the whole state. Yes explode to it. Yeah, I understand because I've been directly communicating with the state on this. Anyway, I told him. two things one that we weren't going to go out for more reference measure thought like that's it. Should I have done that? Yeah. No, it's not going to do right now. Yeah and Then too after be voted to not before with all 44 Kings Highway. I told them stop. We don't need that determination. Anymore so between both of those things. it's actually caused us to like they have to adjust the lrfp amendment because because of what he's working. sorry, and actually might actually might cut these approvals were still waiting for it actually might be even more favorable in the state funding because all that additional space that we're now not isn't going to be new construction that will get back. So there's also that but just talking to the state about this today. It's still so we're still waiting for I might spend in touch with. them once we decided we weren't going out if they're really were people who were waiting to get that back because they were going out for reference. They should have gone. Yeah. No, that makes sense. just hopefully There were there were still Marsh. districts coming out for March vote that were still in her cue. At the time so good job doing the right thing for those days. And we have we we did decide to to press on like we're going to keep due diligence, right? Yeah, we're not dictating like we have we're not rushing it. We're gonna make sure that we following a timeline that make sure sure everything is well vetted summer. And two, I think implementing some of the policies that we are probably going to develop as a result of the bathroom project in terms of our own oversight and management. Yeah. we did talk about that. We talked about crap. Yes, not it exactly but you know, they were we had a my a timeline. That was okay. You need your submission in by here and and you know that high level timeline, but then we talked a little bit more granularly about all now that we're back at you know concept and we're not, you know square one, but now we're at concept how long should that take and then if that takes the next we said, maybe eight weeks and then after that they would need another four weeks for finalization before they could come back to us with numbers. Thankfully. I mean we we've been going we didn't have all the numbers but now we have body counsel and that involved and we'll have the the doe numbers back So once he comes back to what's with will really really be able to say okay. The tax impact will be that because we were flying in mind with that and then from that point then we'd say, okay, then we're ready to submit and from this point. we have to give ourselves this much time but to get it back from the state and then we need 60 more days before you could possibly go out to a bond referendum. once all those things Go of us putting a state in a flag in the sand and say this is the next one. We're going to do things. because this is for a long time we want to make sure. It's time for you to it. Doesn't matter right nuts, but it doesn't matter whether it's this referendum or this referendum. Well, that's practically not everyone is doing this week and possibly whatever that's right. Yes. I think that's right. job. Okay. anything else nothing for negotiations any PTA updates? I'm Colleen sent out the like that. I cannot attend but you Questions for us. You know, like how many African meeting you know, like I'm trying to yeah, we'll be a little bit of delay. I think the next meeting so my timing Is up and we could always have machine if ever you can't go right you can have you. Okay, super Mr. Klaus. Hey guys, I don't do this like oh just a few quick things. It's hard to believe that we are had point of the year, right? We're midterms of high school. We're closing on 100th day and they almost excited then. Um, so we're there. one thing that I was talking some high school kids in the day. That's there's a new fastest. the chase how fast it looks and it's it was just it was a small Jews a dramatic change. So you're usually apply they exit didn't open until end of December. I think so, so it really is a big difference and then people aren't getting their numbers back as quickly. So there's a lot of anxiety. I need those numbers that sit my college. So there's a lot of that as stressful is going to college or except to colleges. That's a little bit on top of it what I understand the process of significantly easier once the That's good much simpler for everyone. Um, but the first time through the delay is open again, and then you go and get kicked off and shut down so because it's delay that we're trying to do the same thing one of those things. So they're making a way through but that would cause a little thing an interesting enough about a week ago The governor passed a law saying that the faster it could be graduation requirement that we're going to graduate high school. You must complete the fast reform. Which in a very interesting? Right, um now since then we've heard there's going to be exceptions. There'll be opt-outs for it first if you're going to military, there's going faster. I don't I just rationale. Yeah, so I I think what it is. should may not. Consider College because they've economics they are fascinated. They may learn it's real. It's a realistic of something good. That's probably the rationale. But now they are saying that they are putting out ways. You can people will be able to choose not to deal with. You for readings x y and z. They haven't been outlined specifically yet, but that's I imagine that's that's a good reason I heard I Good. Yeah, I mean I could get on to my I just feel like ethically that. I I think I think you what we're supposed to do gradual. Yeah, I think there are using into what your parents do too and don't and you can't really do that. What I understand Here and Now infusible off that refusal to freezing, okay? But it's also there's no other. Graduation requirement you have to say it. It's a hundred twenty credits this menu. Okay? I don't like history. I'm not a great history. It's not even. It doesn't make sense. That's not related to celebrate completing your high school. right your education's kids. That's that's up. You know when I first Years. Yeah. Oh, yeah graduation requirement instead of like this service Works tied developing registration. So yeah, not this year. connections countries Tell her you know what exactly there's a little bit. Do anything else? That's it? Okay, I don't really have anything. We feel like we've got a lot of compost earlier. Okay, so I'm only going to public comment. We'll begin public comment session members of the community are invited to speak for up to three minutes at this time if you'd like to make an additional comment, please wait till the person every person has had a chance to make their initial statement. All comments must be directed towards the board not members of the public. This is an opportunity for the board to listen, but not to date issues or enter a question and answer period Please be aware that not all as you shut off. The core board meeting will be resolved that evening. We ask you to identify Yourself by saving your name in the name of your street before making your comment. while educate public education can be an emotional issue we strive to maintain a certain level of deformed meeting public meetings are streamed and available for replay on YouTube and students often participate in the meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain the tone of privacy and Carol Center, Avondale Avenue um first I would like to suggest having a microphone here for the public speakers because it's hard for us to hear back there when you're their backs returned to us the for instance for the guy who just took for your bathrooms. very hard to hear nothing I could hear him, but it's hard for some people so that would really help us. Um, another thing I wish that what I saw tonight on the presentation for the hid numbers were indicative of what is really happening with our youth perhaps you need to take a look ahead and feel parents Facebook page and you're going to see which really going on in our town with our youth. I wish the 24/7 was reinstated. There's middle school kids who harass the principal at Christ the King. And we're recorded by her should be ashamed of themselves. the kids who couldn't even go sledding without shoving other kids to the ground and yelling profanities to Fourth Graders are awesome dictative of where we are. How do we get here? Is the ruler policies and the SEL training helping our kids behave better? I don't know. All I know is. It's just really disheartening not the kids didn't do things before but I think it's getting worse. With regards to the bathroom projects at the high school does the school district have a project manager? I don't believe that this should fall on this board to follow up. You just don't have time. It's not your job. I think you need a project manner. that's helping people and going into the bathrooms and taking picture like you would do it your own home. You don't have the resources. So I just wonder if there's some way to accomplish that maybe yes volunteers. Hall I think can be refurbished just like Kingsway and was deemed usable in 2019. It is sat there just like every other building deteriorating but perhaps think about making it a middle school and making Century School an early childhood education just something that's really mix and that's it. Thank you. hey, we'll I'm going to governance. this is the first Action meeting for machines now very excited. Okay for governance acceptance of the monthly HIV suspension vandals of violence report as a second approval the Fire and Security drill report policy approval for sick leave and identification policy approval for the assignment of students approval of the 24-25 academic calendars the second reading approval of the school bus emergency drill reports and how to feel Memorial High School's Central of their school board reports school reports Okay. Sorry about that. Now the motion don't stop. right discussion and I already made my comments on D last week. It was still stand to the one thing that I wanted to introduce to the discussion about capacity numbers is that in discussion with some folks over the weekend? Um, someone suggested like wouldn't it be helpful if we had capacity and current enrollment? posted or who how many kids we have in each of the schools for people to review and be informed before buying homes before renting. Is making the decision whether or not to enroll their child for kindergarten and sort of cobbled together daycare in order to get preference and I thought that was an interesting comment. We clearly already have the data. We do have those documents we see and I know Chuck is presentation. Can't use them. I mean people are free to access, right now, but you can advertise them because the numbers change we're not liable. They won't be right. They won't be your snapshot. They'll be a rap song. Yeah, you having a snapshot of available? With you know the caveats it's not a guarantee. It's not it's only as good as however often. we're updating it. But to have something that says as of this time, these are the current enrollment numbers. I think that would be helpful for people both in making their own individual decisions and I think to you for informing the public about some of the rationale behind referendum Oh. I think maybe the timing of it is what I hear he's saying but you know like when we're advertising it's involvement on. maybe we can time it that like these are occurred enrollments just or whatever. years ago. Mike Wilson. Yeah, and then he used to do he used do like I got cheat when you come in. I remember coming to board meetings and when my kids were little, you know, he's a public. Not as much of you. I think we should do it more. You're right. It might just a lot more we can certainly go back to that practice. I just session now, make sure that you're trying to keep currently. I mean I also to think that it might be useful for us to consider as part of the lrfp and just general for planning to do what we can do to sort of and check when we talk about this last weekend. I said, you know, we don't know families decisions change, but I think that like to the extent that we could have like I notice of intent or a voluntary, you know survey of people who are in the district and Plan to send their children. The more we know about that. I think the better not compulsory, but I think trying to get the data is better than just saying like well, you know, we don't know what we don't know. I'd like to see what we could do to try and get those figures and then once we have them, you know make them as accurate as possible and maintain it, but I think that that would be important for us this for calendars. I know the Public's been so we build a snow day in in this new calendar that we're going to vote for shortly. Does that have a snow day deduction and that's that extra May Day. So the Tuesday after Tuesday at we were scheduled for school the Tuesday Memorial Day. If we would not use an emergency closing day that would become use as the emergency. So what do you want to drop them Like? Okay, and I know to which is not related to the boat, but I just calendar the HMS Central no power. There's lots of rumors going around like that building has all those kids have to make up a day but no one else has to make it the day because we were open. Can you just I don't think on the spot, right? Drive all of them. Okay on work with the county superintendent now to see if that made of money. Okay, so I actually contact with her You have to water any days. They're down on 179. We're trying to talk to her about things being able to do it. Anyway that day. To fulfill Our obligation for 180. That's that's right. Umors the certain percentage of the district is here then count. the district is open. So none of that is true strategy to build is urban legend even though so if you have school and scheduling it's on. Then don't comes you schedule school and the teacher anyway, that it doesn't matter. you know, what matters that they happen. You know, which is I'm talking to the county super 10. That's what we're trying to discuss. given that you the unique situation it's not like they open the building and because it was only one building out of all those, you know, can we look at this differently? So that's the conversation right? So you'll keep everybody once I'm hoping having you tomorrow. Oh, yeah. What's that? Not the Monday the latest that time. Yeah, we'll have something put together and I imagine it first happened. We had the snow day built in so we're fine. But then he actually had a snow day. It's about cause more wrinkles. Okay. I'm just trying to make sure I follow along and doing it public service. Is anyone asking you guys are like the answer to the answers. I did address a publicly. So hoping for one answer. But but that has been that has good. We have floated up different. Solutions, right, okay. Because no one. 's gonna be right for every family. Okay, right. So we're trying to conf. Use you also. Don't worry. It's not productive. you can't so right. That's just making it to that's not something so in front of trying to talk about. We want to hear we want to be. productive and useful in this and that was supposed to do that. So that's that's the conversation classes. Okay. When ready Mike, can you call roll? This product yes on all but deep. No, I'm different. Dr. Brown, yeah It's trash. Yes. Mr. Yes This Hollywood. Yes. You should know yes. Yes, you saw it. Yes. Vice president. Overalls. Yes president. Yeah. Okay education approval field trips conference is traveling overnight field trips textbook approval resolution between the Board of Ed and out of sight teaching or visually impaired student resolution between the Board of Ed and children's home for provide training course student resolution between the Board of Ed and Robert Davis to provide music therapy for the 23 24 School Year resolution between the board today and Gloucester County Special Services. resolution between the Board of Ed and Courtney Sherwood for learning evaluations approval of the high school plus Career Tech education program agreement with Camden County College resolution to approve the unified Bowling Club is an inclusive Bowling Club. resolution for students to receive homebound instruction resolution for another student to receive homebound instruction. Are you kind of emotion? sure, Amanda stuff discussion It's again. Just joking about the Bowling Club. Yes, it's really great. And then do them PTA did a bowling event last week that it just I thought it was really nice to see it's it Blends itself. very well to inclusion. So yeah. Okay, Mike. you, Dr. Brown. Yes. Trust. Yes, Mr. Yeah, this Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knows. Yes the song. Yes. I was President hooker. Yes. Disconnected yeah president crooked. Yes. personal approval of the new Personnel transfer salary upgrades mentoring extracurricular approaching importances of absence of the resignations resolution to approve Jessica fingert for five direct ell support resolution for at least they're doing to provide nursing supervision for students resolution for Jeremy Beckford provides support for students. Ask for iot for the art Club resolution to approved Diane Wallace to attend and after school graphic professional development literacy Services event resolution to approve Emily Kramer to observe very costica for professional learning. resolution to approve Stockton University students to complete her practical and Central resolution to approve of growing universal student to complete her clinical experience and how to build elementary schools inclusive program resolution for Nancy Benson to provide dll after school tutoring and resolution for Patricia Pike contemporary compensatory education for students. motion motion leg and Linda discussion I have two retirements like to discuss quickly that not a great work by some by two individuals who like I I very fondly on the first is Ann posadas. She's a learning disability teaching itself. I'm not quite sure but she case guys just lost a lot of talks about salsa. Um, it's a tough job. It's a really hard job and I think the one thing about Ann Marie anyone who knows how we say she had one she had one why or one one one what's best for the students? And when you sit in her seat, I'm glad I never had to and you're trying to write an IEP and get with kids need. But everyone wants something different. it's and you've got a figure out what's best for the kid and you'll have the school or some of your colleagues or the Chelsea questions that we really need to do. This should be this you do that and that's a lot of pressure on here and sometimes parents. I want this. I need that maybe not sometimes both sides. Um, and it's easy to get into that pressure to persuade. You want everybody what's best for the kid? Because that's the only question I have to answer my why that child and the only question for the kid and then she did that and I know God I know. I know it's hard. I've been a meetings that I was one of the people pressure between one time I admit that but but always, you know one focus and that was it and and just a real. hard thing to do really hard to do and and did it. well, and I know I I hope which would have been through those frustrating age. She said I deal with that you kid and sleep very well. So I'm hoping ends up we wish him. We're very well. You're 16 years work very well future other is Scott Fleming High School business and teacher. He was here 24 years you were in 1997. Whenever right? I text my kids I three kids kids ago when I said so it says it's actually said Mr. Fleming's retirement as I say something about him. No tell me about right. And myself Max the oldest said we should quote something from that's a Salesman. and you read that Max obviously. I would take blue words. You Know Not only was he well liked he was very oh everyone well top the bottom and you know, he taught even his nature of his course, he's semester courses 25 kids in a section six a day. He's getting 200 plus games for a year, right? That's key new everyone. Not just their name in a hallway. Not just you. Look familiar right three different children by three different children, very different personalities and three very different needs sets and they will all tell you how much they love plan, but when they describe and they describe them different because how he treated one of the other it was exactly what I mean. So really a fine person a good friend 16 or 24 really good years and Now they would be like you to start with that. That's how I think Scotland so we wish him well, too. Congratulations. Yeah both. Yeah. It's true. Hard work. Yes love. yes. president over here. Yes, brother Brown. Yeah present. Perfect. Yes abstain on H. Okay, approval of business and finance recommendations approval the resolution and in an Indemnity and trust agreements renew membership in the bcip. approval the revised tuition contract of Haddon Township Board of Ed for as a Sunday District approval of tuition reimbursements to be paid from the 2324 budget. approve the Moa between the Board of Ed and the local law enforcement officials acceptance of the 2223 audit approve the mou for the streaming between us and the local law enforcement approval to settlement agreement for student payment of bills. budget transfers board secretaries report has summary report and can have a motion. yeah, I was going to make a motion first right now. You think so motion staff and may can I make a motion to add to our business and finance business to affirm the appeal of residency for students? seven five five eight two five three 9 7 5 and Without alcohol. Oh, sorry. No. It's an emotion for that. Yeah. okay. And Rachel suck. discussion Okay, Mike. you call roll? Mr. Ashenberg I guess with no tell. It's hard. Yes. Fisher knows yes to all The stock. yes vice president hooker. Yes. Christina Yes except for L which is a no don't yes, no, no. distressed yes for the no one else. And president. Yes. Okay approval of the minutes from December 6th. regular and executive session motion Mike and Linda I mean discussion and we'll catch Okay, Mike. Can you Yes. Who knows? Yes. Yes. President hoping yes, Mr. Nick I'm staying. Father Brown, yes. just trust yeah. Mister asabler. okay president. Yes. Okay items for future consideration of the board. He brought my number earlier. right order Yeah, and may not be able to stand on either of us, you know, but yeah tonight and I'll let you speak to potential ask of the financing. Yes, just had the status of where the the Centennial Mosaic is right now. Like do you have information those are actually you know the principal back today and the PT person has the same question today. So we talked about that financially less. But yeah, we yeah, we should help other guy. But yes I speak. Um, we did have some questions which I've already interacted with the principalitative about did get some clarification. Let's do it anymore because we want something more to see what it may look like and also as internal on where the location of them maybe so I've given those timelines to principal BD and the beta president and will be invited to do is I have this on our Jennifer financing me to talk about next month of 20th. And if if all is good, we'll have it on board approval for the 28 and actually same goes for there was two PTA things that came out right? It was the sensor he had an achieved with. change structure concern was potential interference with future construction. Yeah and and field space. I just you know, and and like I just make sure that this thing that sports teams are not going to be it's not it's not gonna be in the proximity. Okay. it'll be in close proximity, but it won't be interfere. It's strictly for shame on the on the plate.