##VIDEO ID:Z-jR3pduMPI## >> HSD Broadcast: There's nothing. I had that we're gonna call me to Mike, could you please call roll? Dr. Brad Mistress. Here, Mr. Essenberg here, this Hollywood. Mr. Knuckles. The Sonic. Yeah. Vice President Hill Girl President Crooked. Yeah. Please stand for the pledge. allegiance to cry of the United States of America. and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible with liberty. and justice Girl. Mike, could you please read the statement concerning open? public meeting? Public notice of this meeting pursuing to the Oakland public Meetings Act. Schools. The following matter, on January 10, 2024 notice how this meeting was posted on the interior of the school administration offices, 95, Grove Street, Haddonfield written notice was submitted and filed with Haddonfield Borough clerk and notices where he met at the Courier Post and the retrospective. Okay. We're going to jump ahead to our student representative. What we have made really here with us today. All right, so we started doing a monthly survey through the board of ED Representatives. We're going to begin with September survey about summer work. That went out today. and we're going to give about a week for students to answer and then next meeting will come back with the results of that survey. We have the college fair this week, Not this baby. Sorry. That was the club fair, which we have this week, the club fair had 43 clubs represented and students can sign up for exposed himself to a majority of different like language clubs culture clubs as well as debate and model UN The college. fair was this month, we had a hundred colleges attend as well as 450 students. There were community meetings per grade that reviewed the handbook changes, and the impact on the campus. and they went in depth and kind of the new guidelines for students wouldn't be confused. And we know what's going on financial aid night was last night and last but is now a graduation requirement? The PSAT for 9 through 11th graders is going to be Over 9th. And on that date, we will also have the senior seminars. The anti-bias leaders are working on events for the week of respect and the theme. This we have this idea is kindness starting with acceptance, they will also receive a three-hour training from the ADL on October 23rd which also starts. Red Ribbon Week, which is a drug and alcohol education. like sort of. event where we kick it off with an assembly. Right. How was the club fair? It was awesome. It was a very attended event Sometimes people leave, or go home, or just stay inside of the cafeteria, But this year, there's a lot of students signing up and even if they didn't sign up, there's a lot of which I think we're out there. The general walking out of three Sorry. Pictures. Like we take pictures of it. Nice. and tall. One. someone there. And he became the prince of the president of his economics club at Georgetown. So, it's exciting to the picture selling picture. We finally have one okay, lots of great opportunities like quick sidebar. My freshman came home the other day and said, Mom, there were so many interesting things. I signed up for nine clubs and I was like, Wow, that's a wow. and dance team and That's Marshall, Brady. Yeah. Thank you. Okay. I mean for the presentation, do you want to do that now or at all our application, through my superintendent? Okay, that sounds good. Many curriculum committee. Sure. I will give a brief update on Gino I just, Very good. Okay. In that case we had a great conversation on September 18th. We spoke about some Developing opportunities in terms of better tools to help evaluate students and determine how we can support the best. We talked about a new middle school. Seventh grade. novel. that is up for approval. I think next month and then we talked about the vast amount of work, that's occurred around. extensive revision of our curriculum maps which we will be. I think approving come November so Katie, and Matt and Rob. and, and many many teachers here have been closely involved in a huge amount of work to really review The current curriculum maps, make sure they're reflective of what's actually happening and ensure we are compliant with you know, state regulatory requirements, and make sure that the curriculum is really Much of what we? Want to tell you. started about a year and a half ago, and by the end of next month will be roughly 95% completed. I'm guessing over a hundred curriculum maps that have been reviewed and revised enhanced over that period of time. so, we're excited about the work and really proud to share and share the work. that's been done. Absolutely. I think, you know, and each map it's fair to say a lot of thought and Has gone into devising these. These are not, you know, jot down a handful of ideas and call it a day. They're here. elaborate and detailed. And I think Will be incredibly helpful to our educators. in terms of, you know, making sure we're presenting. Content in a really compelling fashion to Our students. So yeah, it was a great meeting. Um, Greg finance facilities. Yeah, we've been on. September 17th. The first to 10 topic. Was the Japanese Exchange program or in the past, the District, that provide transportation to the students. We decided that that's not something we wanted to continue because the majority of students aren't from Haddonfield. and as we look to be fiscally responsible, just wasn't Something that happened in the past, We just want to put an end to it and like German Club pays their own way. So it was a sort of an outlier. We One thing we did try to do is find the sponsor to provide the transportation from a local organization. you just made a connection. and you know, where it goes. We decided that Fund that expense. Take a bathrooms. We're happy to support the the construction center manager in their first assignment was that a great job for us, the punch list items should be complete by October 1st. We'll see on the agenda tonight. The two bids, the approved, the elevator bid and banking services bid. We're gonna be going out of Oregon tonight. The crosswalk in front of the high school. Should be completed by the end of October. The Esit were waiting on some final numbers to see where that ends up. What we can accomplish through that. Facilities usage is something that we 'Ve, rented. our gyms and things for, in the past. With this schedule. We're looking to maybe revise that schedule to maybe drive some income. And make sure we're supporting local organizations. More. and then, the last thing that might had asked about, is we, Agreed that any budget. item. We retract to a board. goal. We're just trying. we don't want to make it over. It's on like his team. tracking these things. I think we came up with the simple way to decide that if we want to spend this money, It comes to this board goal than at the end of the year. We can look to make sure that we met the goals will support you as a board. Yeah, you actually came in under budget, right? Mike Or the change were for? Yeah. The bathroom is not. yeah. Okay. Clarified to the revising. this schedule. It's For community. and local, taxpayers associated groups that cost is going to remain pretty low, right? Yeah. It's really just that third category of not affiliated with the town or yeah. Sports or that might see a job. just to clarify that for anyone who might have heard that. Oh, and as always, we wouldn't just bring this on it, correct? This would be discussed. it would be announced and Time for what people might have. Just ask everyone. It's a time to when It reference successful. A lot of those places that are are running out, may not be available. Anyway, this is a good time to talk about it. What's right? Thank you. Oh, actually. one thing I just wanted to add and this is only I don't know what our viewership is, right? moment, but I feel like they're shifting. The They're shifting. the crosswalk because currently where that crosswalk? is it empties onto a driveway? and you can't have a crosswalk empty onto a driveway. So, they're gonna shift it to the the other end. I just feel like anytime we change something, we do every day. Everybody's like, why do we change it? And I'll feel the same way because that's my loop. So, but just so people know that that change had a reason. It's also got bump bounce To slow down traffic. That's gonna have signs that blink. Okay. People are aware of the pool. So we must say, I mean, if you ever see that in the morning or the economic kids will primary going, it is. so this is a necessary safety. Okay, Rachel isn't here for policy Did somebody? I don't we were in policy but I don't remember talking about you. We didn't talk about the body, right? We only had that. Yeah, yeah. You just reviewed our first and second policy readings which include very mundane policies. One on electronic communication among board members, which included a clarification and providing guidance to board members of communication, They can't have by email. In many can't have that discussion Quorum. that counts even though it's electronics. we clarified that in the policy. That's the first room and second reading of board committees, it was a minor change. We're previously. the board president was required to sit on each of the standing committees. We, we fed a little bad for Jamie So we're gonna include the Vice president or vice President. Those were the two things. and then the other policy that was up for That that had a lot of discussion. no resolve but discussion it was regarding the assignment of students particularly at our elementary level particularly in grades K. And one we are where we are typically over a subscribed. Great. Thank you. Um yeah and just for our information, the both policies regarding the board. the committees and they communication. there were things. We were doing in practice. We were just clarifying it in, The body itself. Okay, thank you. Linda Rfp. Yes, we met as well. We've met right after September 17th which is when there were a lot of references that had happened across the state and many of them they didn't ask many of them had a much higher impact than than ours. But it was a the thing that was really interesting in those numbers was the low voter turnout. We were looking at numbers were Definitely a movement. Yes, that is shocking. Yes. So it was just really a reminder that the most important thing in the referendum is for us to be trying to let the community know this is what the proposal is get. as much information out there. and we want to hear people's voices. We want people to get out there and vote. And tell us, did we, did we make it Did we not? did we hit it on the head? We really want people to vote. That's the most important. Thing. Um, so we'll certainly we still have time. It's not until December. And there's there's another election that I think that people are paying a little more attention to right now. But as they go get closer, we think it's really important that we just share with everyone getting up and going and having the voice for these really important. We need to talk about. making sure that that people knew in their homeschools that there were going to be important. duties in their homeschool. So I think that there was some communications some extra Communication about that. and there are videos being done by a student Mr. Klaus' doing videos with one of our students, which is just such a great combination of So students, who was interested in something and then Let them do the thing. They loved and do. It for or principal group being That's right. Um, and and then we said that as the time gets closer, we certainly want to make sure that in addition to the town hall which is happening on Monday that if there are any opportunities if they're people want a more intimate, casual coffees or whatever. and they want to host them in their house that people are going to organize that and we'll find a way to get a representative there to Get the information provider. there. So. and we also talked about the state employee hall. We can do it is possible until Yes, demolished the for anyone that's Maybe or keeping track. there was a vote on Monday night to at least, except it did to take care of the environmentals. So that's step one and you're going to keep tracking this and we The questions. any PTA updates, I just have att reminder that rally in the alley. Is November 23rd. It will all proceeds are going to go to support the teacher. grants. Our teachers to write up grants and submit them to the Agt and then they find the grants that are aligned with, with their mission, and our mission. And it's really great opportunity to support the schools. And you have a really fun event. It's a lot of fun. If you haven't been there, it's also kind of like A you know, that you go to those food. They have where's a nice food festival. Yeah. So great food festival. Feel all like that. Haven't field stores. Nice. You really denim. that had the student heart last year. That's yeah. It was really good. My people were sleeping on that one. A lot of fun. It starts to find the clock. There are also looking for sponsorships if anyone is interested in sponsoring, you can sponsor as a family, you could sponsor as a business. So and tickets are about and they can sell extra tickets. this year because of change in ordinances. so and last year they did sell out. so just don't forget to Okay, Dr. Priolo you want to do superintendents before? So this is a relatively new Department of Education. requirement where annually by September 30th. We're required to report to the board a graduation report. happy to announce that our graduate, our rates of students, graduating continue to be excellent. We're typically hover anywhere between 97 and 99%. As you can see from the chart here, we're required to break this down a couple different ways. And it's not the most intuitive chart to read. So I'm going to do my best to explain it. You can see that first column where you see the numbers 214 to 11 and 221. So those are the students who traditionally graduated through the traditional paths of graduation completing. All their course, requirements. And passing any state assessment like the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment Every year. we'll have a handful of students that do not pass one or both of the graduation proficiency assessments again. that's the NJ GPA that's taking annually and as a result of that, they're able to use alternate needs to demonstrate proficiency for graduation. One of the most common examples is PSAT and SAT and those are the numbers that you see represented in column C where 11 students took that alternate path last year, 10 the preceding year and six, two years ago and we don't have any students that were denied gradu Now, the only thing that that An odd thing that impacts our graduation percentage, numbers are students who take advantage of post-secondary, 18 to 21 programs. So, that is a right under federal idea loss for students who have special needs. can a subset of those students can continue. To access a free and appropriate public education through their public school, district until age 21. It's a wonderful program. It's a wonderful. service that helps provide students with job coaching job placement and post-secondary life skills. The downside statistically is that counts against our graduation requirement, which is a head scratcher to me. It's a program, a federally protected program. That's their for students. Who demonstrate a need? but anyway, should be removed from that works against. and it's they're not removed from from successful completion of the program at 21 should be there. Quote graduation, right? and if you did that, it would be probably a hundred. Correct. so, That's the graduation report, any questions about that? Thank you. Okay. I do have a couple other announced like, one is, We will be kicking off our Educator of the Year program. This is the program. The state part that the state-run program where a teacher in educational support. professional is recognized for excellence. We assemble a scoring committee for each of our five schools. We seek nominations from the community staff members parents community members we've had robust participation in the past few years and as we talked about in the short time we've been involved with this program, we have a state teacher of the year, a two county teachers over here most recently, Stacy Brown Town. Who's the 24-25 Camden County Teacher of the Year? I am looking for a board member. I'm looking for five board members to be specific. We actually added another layer. that's not required, by the educator of the Year program. but we're also adding a Live of a parent of a student with special needs. And so we are excited about that edition. So board members, if you would like to volunteer time, I promise as a well-organized and efficient process that I think you would enjoy being a part of. So we are looking for five board members for that. We are in the heart of our Cusack, monitoring year. And I like to thank the principles in the room and and the business office. We're about 90%. finished our work. So we're about two months ahead of where we were last time around when we did this. and I will be doing presentation for the for now. I can't remember if it's October November. on the qsack process. and to give you a little bit of an insight of our internal scoring process, and we don't receive our score from the county, until the end of the school year. But Working in earnest for that. The NJ SLA, which is a standardized test. That's mandating. grace through through eight and selected high school courses. results. From the spring 2024 administration were sent to parents accessing one of two ways. Either through the Near to New Jersey Department of Education, PORTAL or the Genesis Portal. and a portal clarification. You have to start with the Genesis portal in order to get your code. if you want to see it on the state portal. but the same information, Yeah. in in both spots. And at next month, board meeting are at supervisors will be presenting the analysis of the 20 or 24 and jsla results. And we recently completed a very successful two-hour delayed opening Once again, we're very thankful that the Board supported this initiative, a couple years ago where we have, I think it's three or four, three delayed openings throughout the school year. That's used as data analysis days for our staff. For example, this most recent two hour delay that we had on Tuesday focus on NJ SLA, that data analysis of teachers become intimate with the data from their students. They took in the spring, they use that data to help guide and inform destruction. If a teacher wasn't in a testing grade, for example, Katie to just listen to grade three. They were analyzing early reading benchmark data that we have on students. So again, it's a way for our staff to really orient to the students. They have you the multiple data streams, academic data streams that we have on students. And help to use that information to guide inform their instruction The questions about any of those items. I just like to note how important, that time is because we often talk about standardized testing and and how the cons of it, right? But it often just sits there and then we're not making the most of it. This allows teachers to have the data when it's early in the school year. and planning is still under underway. and allows them to pivot and and meet needs. And I just think it's it really makes that time. And and therefore the the reminding students that it's there's no way punitive but it is informative. And so taking them seriously is important because we can really, I mean, you can really help students grow. so much faster. When you have accurate data that says like Hey they you know, they That's a double mixed numbers. Yeah, it's like taking the data is the easy part. What you do is you doing right? in the hard part and the follow through, which is often where the ball gets dropped. And I think it's that also important to know that We don't use any of those singular assessments as a high state's assessment, in the sense that if a student did poorly on the njsla, that doesn't mean they're going to be in basic skills classes or it doesn't mean they're not going to have access to our highest level. Of course, is but it helps teachers to ask questions. Like, Well, does that njsla score? Does it correlate with their reading level score from last year? or their performance data from other formative or summative assessments? So, we always try to take a photo album approach, you know, looking at multiple data sources to make decisions as opposed to looking at it. That's a snapshot which is a singular deaths. Never try to make decisions that yeah, I I Think it means. what is the trends in their own classrooms. That sometimes you're like Oh, you know what? I must not be doing enough. grammar because everybody, you know my classes did when It comes questions. So but, It's the learned in my new teaching experience because you don't realize you. Oh I really Did not teach. it well and understanding that that happens. but it helps to know a little sooner than like because you're probably like me I get my my scores at the end of the semester and I was like, Oh, I thought I pressed that and then, you know, you realize that maybe next year, maybe next year, I did a couple midterm assessments that, that wasn't you know whatever. Yeah. Okay. I'm valuable, I agree with that. If anything? Yes, I don't. Okay, Mr. Klaus. All right. Um, just go through. superintendent support. Once again we're on tour. We're hoping to get a better turn out. Okay. talk about the referendum and the impact on into the school. So once again, it's 46.7 million dollar, total improvements, nine million to state eight, which comes through the payback. which means the local tax impact. it's 30 seconds million. We're 369 for the average. house. 30,000. Once again, we believe this is a comprehensive piece. These are interlock. The specialized learning areas are necessarily support the early childhood education in additional classrooms but these Early Childhood Education in District Classrooms in There. No, specialized learning. spaces. You're losing something the accessibility is the additions. Give you extra digital classes and accessibility the dishes. the auditories and athletics improve accessibility and will free up space in the high specific, it all locks together and obviously, building a maintenance, Safety goes with everything. so we really want to emphasize that This once again, we talked about this before the athletic complex, it'll free up space in the high school. But also we talk about how Field, space. and and Jim Space can get kids home early, more appropriate times? all those things. One of the questions that comes up as we talk about this, we'll go through first Another that specifically net game of three classrooms. UM Media Center will be properly size. We're in the media center right now. It is small. As I'm sure you all notice looking around we'll have more small group instruction accessibility which is this is the building where this is the biggest issue. There's no elevator in this building If you have a child who struggles with stairs and you have to do the third floor is quite the ordeal and even But a kid has sprained ankle or hurt me and her own crutches with a backpack. going up and down stairs, his challenge crowd, a stairwells where kids are running up and down stairs. Both specifically even more. So the accessibility here is crucial, we will have a dedicated music space, rather than playing the APR. improve room for otpt. the elevator. The removal of mercury containing floor in the API. All of our buildings upgraded electrical service. that's to accommodate the addition. It's successful. the parking area. Outback is a mass, by the way, that, so, that would be improving repair. We're going to get some roofing repairs and some quarters. and stuff like that. And once again, So this is, this is what's going to happen in this building. there's there's hat now and these are just a couple pictures of kind of how spaces used here in the hallways. This area here. This is that inner courtyard. we're the stairs early. Let me filled it. That's where the elevator gonna go And I know the PTA, and, and principal admission to be chompy. the bit for years to make this space Usable, this space will become accessible. Because right now, it's not accessible through a new door, put in And they're gonna make that into an outdoor faster. So, cooperating with our PTA, is going to make this base combining with with the referendum, a really usable space. Um, Mercury floor, which is going to be coming out. removed. Once again, small areas that just the clutter these problems should be solved. It's kind of sad when you have a school that has signed to say, not accessible. That's that's for something that you hate to see kind of breaks your heart to a certainly great. This is where we are. and what's more spaces and then this is the rendering of what the potential for this area is. Now one of the questions that we've been talking to people about is like what happens first? and then what happens second and when is everything finished the three to five year project? What happens first? I can't say. what will happen is if for successful in December, we'll go out and we'll commit. we'll set them in the spring and there are block attack and our construction managers will put fit packages together. and they'll decide what happens. Some places are pretty simple, right? So if Central school. You have the building already there you're gonna not goals in the wall and renovate that area that can happen pretty quickly. This building is very complex. so, to give you an idea, the two kindergarten rooms and if you've had kids here, you know how disorder the rooms are because they're too And the bathrooms are about the size of, I don't even know. I came to believe a kindergarten it is, very so small. Yeah. That's gonna become more the main office. so the steps to get that to be the main office means we have to lose two classrooms temporarily while that gets filled. So um, the addition is going above Where we are right now. so don't put that up. and then they have to start making moves. So it's this is a number of series that can happen in a lot of them. can't happen. when kids are in school. So decisions I'll be made. Like do we get trailers? mobile units to put students in for five or six months while they do stuff? Or do we say no? it's gonna take an extra summer to do it. those things haven't deciding it, and of the big drivers of these decisions. Is cost. You want to get all your roofing packages together. Same time. All these things. So they'll package, the construction management will package together projects. You know there's a cost effective way that will this that will also look at. so the time impact and then there's a big question. that I've gotten more often anything else and I don't know the answer. I do know. if the scenario just gave Central School, can have their three new classrooms pretty quickly, Elizabeth had no not. Well, we start fully kindergarten in one school and not another. another. We say no, that may change between now and then, I find it hard to believe we say this section of town, that's where they can go. like and this one does and to that end we may ask the construction management company Say Why don't you align the completion of these projects? at the same time? So that rolls out and we can always small dish. We can only handle. so much construction the time. where we have another capacity, you say, take hold that project off. and alignment with these two and let's focus. our energies on something else to finish equipment. So that's kind of the challenge, we're going to be facing as we go through this. the other thing I think to go to this point, too. I there's an editorial. The Editorials? I don't need a whole other tour, was Was that? So if I shut this slide again, um, The nine million dollars of State aid. and I just glanced at World. We get to all the paper plan just well. You know. I will tell you yes, yes. it is it says that the board is trying to obscape the numbers and that not that nine million dollars in state being is not mana from heaven. that taxpayers pay for it. So, State aid is from taxpayers and shop. I'm sorry. I don't want it. No, that's, you know, I didn't. I just I read it. You said sometimes planted before coming up. Yeah. Only reason that I want to address it. Is we all welcome. Difference of opinion. I think that that makes us better, it challenges us to think about things differently and we know that we then we think we rethink. We change our plans. Facebook feedback, and that's good. The difference of opinion is good. Um, we are not obfuscating numbers. We are trying our very best to be as clear as we can. We have poured so much information into the website. With somebody asks a question, we then put the answer to it on the website. We are trying our best to be as completely transparent as we can. So nine million dollars in state aid is, most certainly taxpayer money. the thing is, If we don't get that nine million dollars. nobody's taxes are going down. That money is being paid. no matter what. another school will get it and we will. So yes, that is taxpayer money. That's good. It's not the 12,000 handbook. taxpayers. Yes, yes. several million. Yes, New Jersey. This is New Jersey taxes. Nobody's taxes are going down. If we don't get that nine million dollars, we don't the bond referendum does not have to pass but that nine million dollars will go somewhere else. Nobody's taxes are going down as a result. So there's no OB. Vious case, claimed it really well last time. That this is how New Jersey as a state has chosen to fund long term capital. Improve. And it's spread out district by district the theory being, you know, you have one this year they have one another year and yeah if this doesn't pass We just don't get that money. It goes to another district. It's not I'm glad you clarified it again, but I thought you recognize the numbers are confusing. We have spent countless hours diving deep into this. That none of this is a super superficial read. These are months and months it is community feedback. It is making changes. based on community feedback, making changes based on what the architects have to say making changes on what do we think that the community can bear. How can we deliver to the the school district? the best that we can based on what we heard? the needs are at a price that the community can bear and how can we be as transparent as we can about every part of the process and answer questions. and then at the end of the day, say, Please go vote. If you don't agree with it, Please go both. If you do agree with Please go, But no obfuscation is out. Yeah. and I think one of the, the two point, two is what we want to be sure. Is that people people make their decision based on facts and that they and would really I have to say it is really hard. To educate. on such an expansive referendum, which is why the website has So much information, but it is. And while like some people will answer questions that we're going through one vehicle for answering questions because it is so much information. And we need to make sure that like some of the questions that we're answering. like I might if I don't remember exactly. I can't give out wrong information. so we will go back. We'll call the you know, we'll call the architect and say Hey what was this again? Like So your questions aren't being answered. Not that. I don't know what I'm doing, but it's a lot of information. so it's not being answered off the cough. What I'm thinking. very quickly, they're going to be very thoughtfully answered and we're going to go to our experts who are times. You might have really good questions that were like, Wow. What's the answer to that one? And we will go to the expert? Who knows? It's all been discussed at one time or another for us. but we've been doing this for two years. So to remember all of them, my new chef and the rationale behind some of the decisions that have got us here at this point. you know, every Disney we need to revisit it at times. So, all the questions are helpful, and it's also Know it. So you think it's it's obvious but we've been going through it for two years. So what seems obvious to us is not necessarily to everyone else. and so trying to guess what, people might not quite get is challenged. So um we just really encourage everyone to check the website and be sure that, you know, you have facts And again, it's going to come down to to whether you support it or not and that's why there is a vote. And it is December 10th. So, just reminding everybody that it is. December 10th. If you automatically receive a male and ballot, you will receive your mailman ballot. There is a way to sign up for a mail ballot, as well. We're gonna put that on our website. Did we do that? We didn't. Oh, we did. Oh, okay. so that's on the website. And we have the town hall on the 30th which is Monday already. Yeah. that felt so long away. That's it. Thank you one. Who's class. Did you have more? I didn't want to. Okay? I feel like that was my four president. Okay, public comments. Um, I'm gonna paraphrase because I don't have the computer. Well, now open for public comments. you have three minutes. You may approach the podium, please state, your name, and the name of your street and address all comments to the board. and you may, Or to comments. In your video sooner on Avondale Avenue. Um, I had three questions and one of them is you know the answer but is there a guarantee of the nine million dollar estate aid? so you put it up there and I know you have to apply for it every like year for the next 22 years, I think. But is there guarantee or does the state decide whether that you get that money. So, that is a question that we are trying to find out. So that's one question. Um, I also wanted to know if you thought about breaking down the bond into more than one question splitting up those items that don't get state. I understand that you want to do one question? I want to time machine. You want to put it as a yes or no, but a lot of people are talking about those that aren't getting financial. aid, whether or not you want to split that into two. So that's something I just wanted to share. Um, will there be an offering of half day? kindergarten for those who don't want it? With the proposal. they kindergarten, that's another thing that people ask me, you could actually free up a whole classroom. that way if you had one had one half day kindergarten, I don't know how many you would have, but it might be a possibility that was another question because that would give you a room back. um, and I wanted to talk about the proposed sidewalks if any on the new bank parcel, where the new turf field and the parking would go, will there be sidewalks in your proposal going for an anniversary field of all the way up to Kings Highway? So try to look in here to see if there's a sidewalk and we have parking and then you have lower recall but in front of lower all the way down. all the way down, you're gonna put parking in there, right? or their sidewalks. So yeah, I can't see it from what you did. You might have it by just couldn't see it. so you're not talking. Were talking. Yeah. well actually I'm talking anniversary, but anniversary is going the town which I understand. that's why I wanted to bring it up. So I wanted to know, maybe future commissioner, if we could have the stainless sidewalks from Hopkins, all the way up to King's Highway from the Hopkins Park Hall. There's all of it because I walked it on Tuesday. There's cross country meet, I'm finally. Everybody else park in front of there. You take your life in your hands especially if you little kids, it is appalling that we let people walk on Hopkins Lane to get to school. there's no sidewalks. Just nothing. So I mean honestly we need to do go fund me or whatever we need to do to get stretch in front of the anniversary field to have a sidewalk needs to have a sidewalk from there. all the way up to King. So if we could scoot in the sidewalk with your proposal and look, it's in there. I just couldn't tell. All right? so just I'm a big fan of psychucks. Yeah. that we can walk safely that's when I get back against the architect. I don't know. I didn't see it. I really looked but it doesn't mean that's something, okay? And those are renderings, too. So, Still, it's not really like, not yet, but I just parking like there. So don't know if you could if there's a parking lot. do you put sidewalk grass? Parking. So we take a little bit but please make sure it's seamless to get to that. Yes. thank you. One thing. So, The. These are really good questions. and because this is a board meeting and the meeting is really before. I think that the questions would be really great questions on Monday night. I'll be there. Yeah. you Okay. all right. I'm like waiting for someone else. Okay. All right. Well, we're going for public comments. All right, and it's a voting session. So, Governance. Acceptance of the Monthly HIV Vandalism. Violence Report submitted by the Super Assistant. Super Policy Approval of Electronic communication among board members and policy approval of Board Committees motion. Position, MEG. Linda. Discussion. Yeah, both of those policies are pretty straightforward. Okay, Mike. Missoto. Sonic, yes. First President Hooker? Yes. Connect. night. Yes. Distress. Yes. Yes. Hollywood. President Brooker. Yeah. Curriculum. and Special Education, Approval Field trips. conferences, travel overnight field trips resolution to approve, growing university student teachers to complete student teaching, and Elizabeth had it. At Tatum and Central Resolution to improve growing student teachers to complete student teaching at Haddon. Resolution between the Board of ED and Meriden Valley College for a student took place for field Experience resolution between how to feel Important. And and New Jersey Coalition inclusive, ed for consultation coaching services resolution to the Board of Ed and Robert Davis for music therapy resolution between the Board of ED. and the Jewish Family and Children's Services. For job coaching resolution to approve the high school. CBI Classes Field. TRIPS list of events and resolution between the Board of ED and JAG one athletic training services. Motion. just, Outside. Sorry. you're harder to see. I have a question about Eve, so and Jasonie. Team, unless you're Correct. Is that something that's going to with? Yes, they're continue to work at Tatum Now, never had because the PLC class we've had But it's been a very positive program. so Dr. Blair is looking to expand it and continue working with them. and that multiple fastest not just with the PLC but Yeah, more inclusive and all it is. That's right. Okay. Mike, can you call The President, yeah. This dress, yes. Miss Hollywood. The Sonic. Yes. President Bergen recuse ombc and yes yes, for everything else. Hey personnel. Approval of new personnel. Transfer salary. upgrades mentoring extracurricular, equation, appointment visa apps. and resignations approved to submit Executive County. Superintendent, Miracles. Resolution to approve the compensation, for employees to move rooms, resolution to approve Madison, or Galaxy for 48 hours of competitory. education. Resolution to approve backlossal to complete her. sabbatical at the high school. resolution to compensate. Ashley Miller for his 24-25 school year resolution to include employees, compensation for attending kindergarten orientation, resolution to approve the follow. Who is compensation for attending kindergarten? orientation at central and resolution for compensation for attending kindergarten orientation at Tatum Resolution of progressing, her to attend sixth grade orientation, resolution to approve negative deployee for compensation, for news student orientation. congratulation to improve, real Alexandra, from kindergarten orientation. Resolution to approve polymerical Compensation for Genesis Lesson, Planner training, resolution to approve employees, to attend. I-ready, Classroom Math training, Resolution to compensate this fracture for the 2425 teaching assist period. resolution to approve, Mr. Williams for 10 hours. of summer, work, resolution of proof. tomorrow Miller for two hours of ability access support resolution for MS. Reaganata as one-on-one nurse for a student. Resolution to approve this Ewing as a sub one to one nurse for students resolution to approve phosphate for 90 minutes per day for those following employees resolution to, for students to receive hold down. Instruction resolution for another student to receive hometown construction. Instruction. resolution to compensate teachers for the 24 25 school year for teaching at six period. and resolution to about to approve the following bus route, assignments. Motion. Machine. and Linda. Questions. or comments. I want to thank everyone for and if people are compensated for the work. but a lot of this is people who worked over the summer and gave up their summer time. So I think that, you know, we really appreciate it about that. We wouldn't be running as smoothly as as we do during the year. um, and it takes a lot of dedication to about that time. I want to thank everyone for that. I'm excited. Dr. Watson will be here for a sabbatical. She'll be able to help with them Spanish, 22 courses. And kind of give a give another perspective on world language instructions. Mr. Douglas. That'll be nice. Okay. Michael. Yes, Miss Dress. Yes. Mr. Strassifer. Yeah. This Hollywood Miss Sonic Vice President Alberto. President Brookfield we use on E. Yes. everything else. Okay, approval. for business and finance recommendations. approval of tuition. reimbursement. Adopt updated. Oprah request. Form, approve. The contract for the Sea Week. Elevator approve. the awarding of the rxp banking services. Approved change. order to deep decrease the builders for the toilet room. Renovation resolution to approve the for maintenance reserve account transferred into the appropriate. maintenance accounts. Payment of Bills. Budget Transfers Board Secretary's Report and Cash Summary report. Motion. Steps. and Linda. The Destructive Participation Award Questions comments. Like to see more of f. That's just wonderful. Yeah, yeah. That's right. I know it's not much but it is something and it's much better than going over. And the reminder, I know we talked about it lasts week too, but the Oprah request form or visions were done due to a change in the law to make it compliance with. Yeah. That sounds really fun. And I do want to say, shout out to our if you construction manager because I think you know it that that to go well. so, and, you know, they should probably that. Just too. I mean, We, I think. And Chuck. You guys said, we don't necessarily need a construction manager for this project. but it was kind of trial run knowing that we want to to see how are they. going to perform? The absolutely want to make sure that we've got a construction manager with feel good about. And we know that, you know, we've got a good relationship. If in fact, we are going to be be moving into these larger projects All. Too. Try them out and feel comfortable before we get into anything. There. exactly as much smaller. scope thing you have in the elevator project is tough logistic. so, having a person, having a firmed oversee that project is crucial. Yeah um same thing, when we build the turf and then hopefully 46 million dollars worth. So, before we do anything like that big, we want to be comfortable with all the professionals and Okay, could you call, Bro? Stress. Distress. Yes. Miss Hollywood. The Southern. Vice President Cooper. Yes. Mr. Happy Yes President Yeah. um, approval of meeting minutes from the 22nd the executive and regular session motion. Dragons. and Jess. Clements. Like those. My people distress. Yes Mr. Ashley. Yeah, this Hollywood Miss Sonic. Yes. On a Epstein. on the West, President Oberlin. Misbaneckney stay number. And President. Yes. Okay, items for future consideration by the poor. And I think that's just mentioned last week. but NJ sla, the content area. supervisors, doing the reports that's coming up in the next couple months. Yes. month, next month work session. Looking forward to today, job. Last The data. Don't forget the 20, the 30th Monday. Physical. Okay. more to it. We will likely take action onto technicians working meeting on an assistant, principal high school. By then we'll probably have a candidate in place, and that first got to get 60 days from their current jobs. So the earlier we can get that person approved the best time we'll have With that job itself. just so that doesn't catch you off guard. Thank you. For Meg. And I was here that was a scratch or no.