##VIDEO ID:fIlnvMJPrrI## >> HSD Broadcast: Other States of America. and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible liberty and justice for all. Mike, could you please read the statement, concerning open? Public meetings. although notice of this meeting pursuant to the Oakland public meetings that has been by the Superintendent of Schools in the following matter. On January 10th 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the school. administration offices. 95 Grove Street HADDONFIELD written notice was submitted and follow the HADDONFIELD Hero clerk and notices where he went to THE COURIER POST and the retrospective Okay, we're going to jump a little bit around from our agenda. that's printed and start with our chalice. They're always excited. Okay? you do the introduction. It's a mess. usually, in the spring. So it's nice to be here. This time of year as you notice. you can see they're wearing the fancy. Kind of feel. Department. T-shirts, jquely Stand up. if you please, please. don't know these T-shirts are gonna be sale on sale to the public within the next week or two permanent time. So people can buy. for log ones community members for the holidays Coming up. Also if you have any seal in North Dakota Representative Music Department, you get her one of the QR codes whatever. Our song that we're performed for you tonight is Amazing Grace. Right. we start. So basic race. Would have played the melody. three times. Each student is playing the melody. each time. and they're taking their own interpretation or nine. So it's going to kind of hop around so you can tell the difference between each first interpretation of One. Me. you. Yeah. We are. We are live, right? Yes. you can. Okay, so we are backtracking now to our student commendations for the 2025. National Merit, Scholarship Program. Thanks folks. appreciate you having us here. As always, this is always a really fun night recognized the outstanding accomplishments of Initiative 13 students that were going to recognize. I personally recognize this process. So everything you're at the high school, we give the PSAT to all students are great design and 11. Really appreciate the support. the board. and of course Mr. Klaus drill over this initiative. It's a big undertaking and our students remarkably every single year to take this with great sincerity and some of that shining through this evening. So I'd like to start off, we're going to recognize first our tennis suits who were named amended students. That's like 25 National Merits Scholarship Program, committed students place among the top 50,000 students who entered the competition by taking the 2023 PSAT committed students are being recognized for the exceptional academic processary by their outstanding. performance. Commended students that had people Memorial High School in the Class 2025 are now Martin False Case Hurley May Early Dash Land, Courtney Malachi, Eleanor Mcmacken. Hello, Yield High Richards, Ryan Robbins, and Dan The scores. Now, You call me Mark. Spouse Richards and Eleanors. Services. Before 0. Right. here. Yes. I'll be doing pictures with Justice Group and then you talk about it. And I'm sure, but I'll try to stand behind someone who's not. Yeah. That's, that's real. also, this evening we're also going to recognize students who qualify for National Merit scholarship Semi-finalists test papers. who scored in the top, 1% PSAT becomes violence. This is, of course, significantly significant accomplishment. This is only a word about 16,000 high school students a year for other country and we have three of them here. This evening being, This recognition is a national merits. and finals. Achievement Women on how the applications and many colleges and corporate sponsors to offer, special scholarship students. even if they don't compile. So, at this time, I'd like to recognize Henry Cowan here at Hardy and Asher. Frank this week. Congratulations. Thank you. so much for being here with you. Congratulations on tremendous conference. Thank you. so much for coming out. We really appreciate it. We also know that you have a lot of homework and responsibilities so it's not rude to pack up. and go. So thank you. so much. We have outstanding student reputable coming up. another time. okay, we have Vienna here who's going to be presenting our our board reports. Hi everyone. My name is Vienna. and we're I'm doing the October like recap for the HADDONVILLE High School. Um, so on the 23rd, we're having a vaping assembly for rather than week and we'll be live streaming. Daniel on men's to discuss the dangers of vaping. He received a lung transplant in 19 due to vaping. he live streams in his presentations due to On the 29th. we're having Multicultural Day. each time and was basically like all these clubs, like French Spanish German ASL, Jewish American, LGBTQ etc. and we have things like, Food. educational information are another like trivia and stuff. like that. and it's really fun. So thank you to the PTA. They supply Mister Softee for the freshman barbecue. And there are also hosting the sophomore class field trip to Springdale Farms for a class bonfire on the 20th. Earlier this month, we sent out a survey based on summer work. and we're figuring out whether to just not get rid of it, but discuss if it's really substantial and help them helping them throughout the year, We're also having a play. Fantastic, Mr. Fox. It's like roughly 30 minutes long. You guys should all go see it. We also have the fright night. dance on the 30th. It's hosted by pure leaders Leo Club DAC, and Bulldog Bulletin. and kids dress up like, individually or in their sports team or they're choosing. It's really fun. And um, from my perspective we have a ton of college applications coming up for seniors. One, just happened. I think it was October 15 and our next big one is a number first. This is for like, early decision, early action, but yeah, it's awesome. Feeling a little stressed. Yeah. that's just what we doing, great. Have no idea last year, the tennis team was Mr. Holman so Yeah, that's great. Very good. Thank you. For the crowd. Okay. Um, we are going to move on to the presentations of the. hmhs, AP analysis. This is doing. It's a product. Yeah. And it's here. Back up again from spokes. a wise person that I met throughout my time. field. feel very weed. In this case is We have more students enrolling in. AP course we have more students. testing. We have more students, learning, apple grades. So this is a really great thing to be able to share with you this evening. So we're going to just look through tonight. We had a great honor, roll recognition from the college for the class of 2024 that specific to seniors who just graduated We'll talk a little bit about the 2324 accolades. This is for all students. who tested during the 2324 school year and just take a look back at how it's maybe compares. the previous years. So I hadn't feel Memorial High schools are in gold recognition on the 2024, AP scholar honor roll. This is a really big deal. You're going to see in a second that we just just missed the highest possible recognition if you have this is based on free metrics, one is college culture which is the percentage of students and graduating class. It took an AP examine any point in high school. the second is college credit. That's what percentage of the senior class of graduating class earned at least, one score to three or higher. And then there's this one called college optimization. College optimization. As it states up. here is a percentage of students in the graduating class five or more apk saves high school or at least one exam was taken in 9 or Because research finds this is according to the college world. All of the dialogue. that's cereal, the descriptions that are here. they find and six are more APs. Going to do, not improve college graduation rates. beyond the optimal total of five. There's no added bonus. I went through every single student. so an AP exam last year. It ranges from scenes of Dayton one. all the way up to a graduating seniors. last year took 15. Throughout the course essential career. So there's a really wide range. So college optimization in their eyes is just that you take at least five and one is during the 9th percent for a year. When you look here, it gives you an idea of where we felt in all these The descriptors are still at the bottom for easy reference. The three factors that are there is college culture. so we just missed the platinum status and 80% of our students. taking at least one AP exam 80% of the class of 2024. That is we had 78% which is phenomenal. really proud of all of our students for taking on that challenge. We are in class for college credit. with 66% of class of 2024 pass at least one AP exam. And when it came to college application, we hit the mark of 15% of our students took at least five exams. One of them being in the 9th grade year, I want to dive into that a little bit. I wasn't sure exactly how the College Board was representing this. So we did have 34 students who took One exam. and I intent for a year and some five total. but we had an extra 32. It's a beyond that number. Of. So they are not necessarily listed there because it exam in 9 or 10th grade. but they took five or more drawings, just a little content. so that's about 30% of the class. So, at least five eighties, which is incredible. Our students continuously push themselves. They really high expectations, the staff as well, counseling department. does a great job of scheduling this to make sure all fits any questions so far. Awesome. Okay. Well I do just wait till the end. I know what my perception is. Yeah. But why does this matter like, why? Sure. Yeah. so I think number three college optimization, the College Board. It is not suggesting that the more AP classes, you take the greater, the likelihood of you graduating It's in our eyes and working with our counseling department. our students, we're trying to position ourselves the best. Our students are trying to position themselves. the best they can to get into the so, I really think that that's part of it. One of the biggest predictors of college success. And that's tied in with number three, There is that students. take a course load that has a great deal of academic intensity and our students do that. and they're, they're doing that at increasingly accelerated case. We have more and more things are pushing themselves. And I think one of the best parts this school is the support of Major in the balance. that's important on them. While there is a great deal of intensity. that's up here, it's done in the planning. Someone care students will maybe opt to level up a little bit in an area that they haven't previously. because they might be either. not taking a course in a particular subject or you know, or something like that. So there's a great deal of balance and care that goes into this. It's not a push. Push push, push culture. It's let me push myself appropriately to get to where I want to be and that's done individual. basis. A huge credit to accounting department. The Mr. Blue right here tonight but that is done with painstaking excellence throughout the course of every as long enough from your meetings, you don't know. They're awesome. Yeah. So, these are 2324 accolades. As it says up here. AP scholars. AP scholars of honors salary sanction, and the Capstone Diploma and then seminar and research certificate. All those are detailed down the bottom. These are students. that could be in any rate 10 11 or 12 who have earned some sort of designation from the College Board at this point. Either in their senior year or in their high school career. So AP scholars grants students, who receive scores of three or higher on three or more exams. If scholar, with honors bringing students who receive an average score at least 3.25 on all exams taken and scores for your higher, on four or more of those exams. then we established distinction, the Capstone Diploma, and Seminar and research Certificate come out of our AP Capstone Program. students in 10th and 11th grade have the option to take AP seminar and then following year research, which allows them to be designated either with an AV Capstone Diploma or AP seminar. and Research Certificate. So our students not just the last 2024, our students are continuously. continuously, earning this great honors from College Board. What's good news up there? I think this is a really interesting slot. Sorry. it's not presenting well to folks are here. this evening, maybe a little bit better online. you. So this is a five-year. Look, we have to remember to pandemic. certainly impacted testing in 2020. All students tested from home. It's quite quite an undertaking. So this here represents Three different statistics that I think are important. First, is this top blue line? These are AP registrations at how to put Memorial high school. So this is that a student is registered to an AP class one you can be represented five times. Once you've Everyone. Additionally, the number of exams administered. That's this. red line 535 by qualify 95, 78 up to 712 the most recently. Those are the amount of tests that we The yellow towards and shows the amount of tests out of those at four administered, that earned a three Our students are. Like I said and it accelerated rate continuously. Not only registering for courses that have the AP designation. There are also registering for and taking these tests and succeeding on this less. So who knows those are here. All the other. I'm on the folks that is as well. This is really, really impressive Students are working really really hard to prepare their teachers. I got the witness this over the last five and a half years are doing a dynamic job, engaging them, and They are ready to take that test at the end of the year. that can help them learn the accredited. And questions here. I have a question. Will this award given that? it's new especially Will we be putting this on our school profile at a company's applications for college? Can you explain that process a little bit to that everyone understands why that's important servicing the year Goes our college applications and it details really gives a great picture to the admissions office as what happens here at the Memorial High School. It is a neat place and when we get to put on there that we have 22 to 25 AP classes and we have ton of students that were super or motivated. I think requests. well on our students as they apply. So it also takes a look at Athletics the arts and gives a good snapshot of what. That's kind of what I was alluding to. Because in talking to people who counsel for, for a living. This is a complex subject. So, while individually our students may do well on a test individually students, may or may not be able to get those credits when they enter their college of choice. Ultimately, this helps all of our students because the level of rigor that's recognized at colleges across the country. when they see this they know what kind of academics happen here and all of our students get a bit of a boost when they are coming from our school versus another school. because of that. So it's not just one individual test or one individual class but it is the the sum of the, the whole really elevates the, our students in the eyes of the colleges that they're to. and in terms of the exam, the rigor required to prepare for the exam regardless of whether you got the three, four, five, or if you're going to use it when you go to school. Um the rigor of actually taking the exam is comparable to the college experience, which therein lies the the correlation between taking tests and doing too. in college, one of the things you know, we discussion I shouldn't even bring it up because of this discussion is saddled but we talked about midterm exams at some point. and whether or not, to not have those like, how full are they and a lot of there's, you know, I've read a study recently and then I just in from word of mouth from students from people, I know who's high students went to high schools where they don't have the exams. The problem becomes when they get to college. and it's so heavily exam based, they struggle a lot and at that point, it really were our midterms are such a low fraction of the overall score. It's really the process of learning to study and prepare for an examine, we have overall very conscientious students. So we even though it's only five percent, They put their all in or however, I think it's five percent. that's idea. Um, they put their all in because they really want to make sure that that they're, they're keeping their score up. but it's the process of doing. And, and, and as somebody who at the college level, when you see students coming in from different high school experiences, some that might like more rigger than others. The struggle is real and it's nice to have. I think it's safe environment where they're encouraged and then they don't realize they're actually preparing themselves for college. to get there. And I know a lot of the data we've gotten back from alumni. it's been they felt prepared and I think this is all part of it. Absolutely. I think to two points to jump on that in the 2122 school year. This was the first year that the policy went into place where difference between whether or not you were enrolled in the AP class and whether or not you took the test. I didn't run any significant data analysis, but you can tell that there are significantly more students enrollment classes and taking the tests and there were prior to them. So you're great. And then just speaking about the midterm schedule, one of the things that we talked about with our teachers and they do a great job is providing feedback on that process to your point. That's about the process. It's not necessarily about It's about the process of preparing taking, and then, reflecting on how that preparation went during that midterm schedule. And I think that the schedule that we utilize, now for half midterms are typically on Thursday and Friday and the other half around Monday and Tuesday. kind of allowed for a little bit of a slower piece, and I think that our students benefited from so and what happens if students financially can't afford to take an A patient or anybody who Know reaches out to us or reaches out to the counseling department, we work with them to support. That's So many questions. Very impressive. It's great. This, if this is and you'll see is in a second. Oh give some kudos words do This is just a different way to look at the data that you just saw totally true students number of exams If you stands with scores for your higher as well, percentage totally, He sees the scores. three. So great. Great numbers. more students, enrolling more students taking more soon. Succeeding. That's great. Yeah. Really. It's a great present. It really exciting. That's another way of representing that percentage. is totally consumes the source of their higher, of course, or far more. since testing the 2024 or 2020. So we want So, just in summary more since you can even enroll in Excel and AP courses and on the exams, this is absolutely joint effort. The students carry, you know, the biggest loading in preparing for this but you know, our teachers do a wonderful job or counselors are phenomenal throughout the sole process and this doesn't work without the greatest support the family. So thank you to all of you here and those at home in 2025 means to speak. even more exams. The addition economics. and those things test actually to different formats micro And/or macro. So I would anticipate that those numbers continue to jump as our students get to continue to be able to responds. Any questions for me, folks? I have questions. Sure. So I know for me, I took a lot of my APs like my tunes in many years that you didn't have the option. My freshman software. are you gonna make it more like distributed evenly? If you can take it, freshman Sophia, sure. So, that's really good question. It really depends on when you enroll some students choose Apiology. Quite a few tempers to take that AP seminar quite a few, temporaries will move on. That course some seems to take easy sat prior to the junior year so those are options that are there and I think computer science. Thank God size. If anyone you some students, take that question, not great. Yeah, right. So, it really is student dependent like I personally I don't think that we need to chase a platinum ranking. That's something that the College court has set forward but if that's what's best for the student. and they engage the counselor and parents and realize what they're taking on, you know. our students are so busy with after selected. These athletics clubs other classes, I think it has to be the right thing for the student. So I don't think our counseling department is going to start pushing students to take a course as freshman year, just for a, you know, I think it's really depending on student, I think there could potentially be some benefits. The practice schedules aren't as late into the evening if you have the opportunity to practice sooner and may allow them Think about that balance that they're taking on and maybe engaged in, of core. they'll consider that we did that. Okay, that's rhetorical questions. Imagine pass about kids leveling up and our philosophy is if you want to take a shot of class, you do things out of class. There are school districts. Like No you have a 93, you cannot take me before you have. Yeah. our our philosophy. If you want to go to go you can give it a go. It's going to have all the product So, if you are, if you would, if you take junior English and you get an 88 you would take AP English New Year. That's that, we You know, go ahead and do it. We'll find that there are districts is like no it's got to be a 93. Otherwise, I can't take or not any came in otherwise you keep so. That's one of the things we thought to you. Absolutely. And that's for that whole course like to process meaning with counselors I need to families understanding what's on that students play? As they look into the next Really, I think it's what's critical. So also we've changed. It was it this year? That AP Lit is senior year and AP. So we'll start in the 20 next year, right? Accelerated English. But then the AP. What a language and lit. It can is senior year and then they could take AP with. I believe will be junior and senior year and why. Okay. Junior, senior Junior, okay. Huh. why I couldn't think of it for nine times, okay? Thank you. Absolutely. This class, right? Just take 30 seconds tonight. Folks is my my last for me here. Yeah. But I just want to thank all of you for this opportunity for students. I mean, not saying this presentation I can see them every single day. just absolutely amazing. You guys are rockstars. It's been inspired for me as educated. It's my 16th year in public yet. And I mean, the student body is nominal, faculty phenomenal. A huge. Ready to Mr. Klaus'. mentor. You know, to me, as a young education, young ISH administrator and Dr. Prillo as well. and I just can't speak anymore. Highly of the students. The staff Tammy, is is a rockstar in her own right. You guys are in great. great hands and looking forward to working in the serrano. As she she picks up, but thank you. Thanks. Thank you this opportunity. Thank you. And congratulations. Yes. Our love that their game. Thank you guys. Thank you. Okay. Um we'll move on to committee reports May curriculum. Sure. Yep. I will have a brief update for you all this evening. We had a short Not sure. just slightly shorter than usual meeting. yesterday this week is blown over. um, and we hit four main topics. Mike Michael, our new middle school principal came and talked about essentially an optional student survey. he will be communicating to parents through all of the standard parent. square and other notification channels to share more information. The short story is This is an opportunity for students to this is not like a mental health assess. And this is really to enable students to raise their hands. So to speak through a survey, if they feel like they would find some additional kind of group supports or program, it's programs around things like, you know, stress management or things along those lines to help support them. So again, parents will get more details about that soon as well as the timing. But we're excited to as always be able to help support our students as best. we can. And if I didn't, Yeah, I did say it was specifically. Um, next, we talked about curriculum maps. Didonato gave a really great update. As you guys have heard before. there has been a vast amount of work underway for months and months since our curriculum supervisors joined to collaborate really closely with our teachers review. At very granular detail the existing maps and really work to kind of evaluate what's in them assess to our state standards and ensure we're compliant modify where needed and really get input with teachers. so that we have standardization. But also the teachers are really involved in the process to modify the maps. as needed. Those will all be published and available through our site which is another benefit. that folks have that information. all available. Um, and we will be doing our official approvals. I think in November. Yeah. Because there are a lot of Hundreds of pages of good stuff. We talked briefly. Chuck shared some information about the Camden County Community College, Catholic Growth Pathway to graduation. Thank you. And this would relate to a program offered. I think it's the Blackwood Campus essentially. in alternative support program to help students focus on kind of core curriculum. life skills and more. potentially to transition into another program down the road. So it's sort of another opportunity for our students and we don't have any students kind of currently enrolled, but this will be a great option to have available in the future. And then we talked about the calendar. and I think Chuck's pelling to talk about that. More. I'm really. Yeah. Yeah next meeting. So. I mean the policy to have the same conversation. Laura, next November, we're gonna have our academic calendar on an agenda for a 25-26 school year. It takes two readings for that. so much. We should be able to know what we can make our education plans for sure. Awesome. And that was it was a good discussion. Yeah. if you haven't been to our website, lately, which I mean, I feel like yeah we all like there's so much. we have a very great website and that was a that was a goal. You're a couple years ago. Remember make that better. and it's really good. I think it's a really good. It's a lot of information. However, someone had asked me about a curriculum question about a certain grade, and I had not gone do that page and a few months. And, you know, I'm gonna give you a huge kudos because you've been talking about it and I we see them. We see them in like pdfs, right? Like we don't really or we see Google Docs right? But when you go to the website, it's Were clear and everything's laid out. and the detail. It's really well done. Having taught and and having visited many schools. I've never seen any curriculum quite so well done. In the terms of. It's it's thorough but not a script and that's a really hard balance. It's a strike and It's, it's really good. It leaves room for creativity while really being very clear about the objectives. you want to hit and then but it just looks beautiful and there's really it was really well laid out already. very easy to follow very overwhelming because I'm looking at what I'm like I'm like here you go. Like a lot of ages there, but but it's it's got everything. It's really well done. I have to say, I have a surprise when I went, I have not been here. Did a wonderful job. And and what I'm really one of the things I'm most proud of I didn't really recall sitting in this seat about a year and a half two years ago saying We have a lot of work to do. a lot of cleanup. We need to do. we have not a lot of revisions we need to make and we can do better and it's great to be able to sit here to your majors. say like 95%. It looks good. Well and the last plug that I have to do is certainly the supervisors leading this work. The actual granular work was done by our teachers and again, it speaks to the quality of teachers that we have or willing to serve on these committees and work collaboratively with their colleagues to really put forward documents that not only. represent the standards and our, our Course of studies. but it is also inaccurate representation to our community into interested parents of the content that is being taught in our lives. So, thank you for recognize. Yeah. And I also have to give you a lot of credit to so often I think we see you know, teachers with no light in their eyes and it's because so much is like you're gonna do this, you're gonna do that. It's a lot of top down and the fact that you're like the teachers are working on doing this. They're not like it's, it's truly representation of their professional skills. And I think that that correlates to the happiness of the students to the feeling of belongingness to the culture and you know, I just I I go in schools all the time, and I think it's so special to be able to see like, Oh, how the difference in having the teachers have collaborative. Impact. when the curriculum is rarer than it should be. I'm sure, you know that, but I think people don't realize how rare that really is and how valuable it can be. So, so thank you. and thank you for this year. Spider, right? So thank you. I've been said about 95% done and then new standards coming next year. so, Anyone else have any curriculum questions? Mike. You're going to do the finance? Yeah. Yeah. We met all Tuesday. We had seven topics, we covered first. First one was the budget calendar. That's my among the agenda tonight for approval that covers, a cusack requirements and also covers the timeline from now until we adopt and implement the budget to next. Next, fiscal year, fiscal year, 2025 2016 and all. helps ensure that any new budget initiatives and then the current budget is aligned with district goals and the mission. So that's when the agenda also we discuss the finance summary given to me by the district auditor, they, they are wrapping up their audit on the financials are set. We reviewed the appropriations revenues and also all the reserve panels is as a result as a June 3000, 2024 and also what the budget Fund balance would be for next year because that's set. In these balances as well. Also not financial. there's no anticipation of any Audifying this year. So that's good. That'll probably be coming in the next couple months. The actual report. Um, next thing is also on the edge of and the M1 and the comprehensive maintenance plan. What that is, is a summary of Required maintenance expenditures. not just last year, but the lack of the previous. 10 years also helps us determine our Maintenance reserve. Maximum amount simply 4% of replacement costs or buildings, which is roughly 2.3 million dollars. That's on the agenda. We, We also discussed the sidewalk in front of the board offices. 95 Grove Street. We identified some some safety issues with the sidewalk accessibility issues. So we're looking at having that sidewalk replaced. We're right now, it's, we're looking at what the prices. we don't have quotes yet but that's that's what we're looking at. He also discussed the good news that we received. Grant from the State of New Jersey, that we applied to for electric buses and it's very financially beneficial. We could actually receive 270,000 per bus for up to two buses. but to put it into perspective, don't get too excited. Don't consider extent. So electric bus costs somewhere around. A bus and we've been working with. Vendor called Highland fleets over the past. I think it's been 18 months. and in trying to implement an electric bus vehicle. and it's, it's not cheap because we have to not just get the plus itself but also put the infrastructure for charges. and that's a huge expense too. And actually part of the financial award is up to $20,000 for a charger. itself. um, looking at the first, let me go back up. We'll be looking at least these larger bosses even with the the grants. What we looked at was initial Presentation or from what police could look like. It's still causes about. Being over 40,000 hours a year for 12 years just for the election boss, right now. the normal type, C, or type D because that's a bus we need now. Type C or do your typical 54 passenger buses. Guest bus costs. somewhere between 120 to 150 thousand dollars. so, It's going to be tough to pass, but it's it's something We took a hard look at. economically. It's really just not feasible, even with these grants, I'm sure I know the answer to this already but why not? give us $400,000 for one bus rather than 270 for her? That's the way this? Well, that's how you take other buses out of commission in order to get the new ones in. So there's which one is on the cost. We're on the cost of one of those. Our next, oldest bosses, Eight years old, but it's so wouldn't be worth it to take one out and just do one bus it could. So when I say, because it really is have we would be paying for what we would be paying for one regular book. And if we, if we did two buses, it's 37,000 per bus per year. that invested before. plus a few percent escalation. Over the course of 12 years. So I mean, for for one bus, you're paying over half million dollars. Even when I was heavily either releasing two years ago with the 200 those are not going anywhere financing. that INFRASTRUCT Instructions. Yes, we were like stop talking like, you. And we believe in this. It's just, it's just very tough to walk. Yeah. Because we have great, you go word Grant. But it's, it's still. I mean, if it was close we could we could discuss it but it's not. Yeah. you've done the due diligence. You've explored it. And you structure, we get to charge you. Where the grants are set up. If you get 10 buses and you spread that infrastructure across 10 buses, it's pretty reasonable to. It's it just doesn't make any sense. They love the months ago around this the federal EPA grant that we got, We got that too, and but that was less, you can't. Let's yeah. you're not allowed actually. That's a New Jersey, restriction. not a federal restriction. You can't co-mingle, combine, stagger grants. but the New Jersey Grace is actually. it's 70 thousand dollars more for us. an EPA one of his still the economics. Sounds like yeah. um, just throwing it out there for later. Not for me. I don't want to overcomplicate this. I know we're not doing it. However, let's say us time, township having heights. we're all like Hey everybody. let's get buses and you let's all get buses and we spread out the infrastructure. so that we can have one place where to charge them. Is that, can we please keep that in mind for future? especially neighboring district? Yeah. So, walking distance. they're also gonna have no, but if he regional school district, right? Right. Yeah. do the road so far and they're driving. so much that. Yeah, that's not. I mean that presented them but All right, so here we talked about that. The next thing we talked about was actually the ESOP Energy Savings improve her program. program. At the time, I did not have the Result on the agenda. Now I did surely later that day. I did search told the the Finance Committee and then we put it on the agenda and I'm gonna leave with that because I actually have Caroline Jackson from Honeywell. Honeywell's are Emily Savings, all right, energy Service company. I'm sure there's gonna be questions about that whole set of revenue. I think there's seven resolutions but those whole, all those resolutions particularly the guarantee about that too. We can talk about that when that comes up for. Oh yeah. the next thing we talked about, Was here. out in the last thing you talked about was the TV always have this on the agenda. the board goal for budgetary reporting. I had mentioned that it's it's my it's my goal. I think it's an ideal time which is totally reasonable. It's not overburden that when we go through the budget process in January or February, I'll have a product to share with the community to show how we tie into all those goals. Paper. Yeah. thank you. Alright, any questions for Mike aside, from esips stuff? because we're going to talk about that when we get to discussion of our voting items. Um, Rachel. Yeah. so policy didn't officially meet again but we've obviously heard comments from the public and an email and so I wanted to give us an opportunity to talk about policy. 2431 Together. and you know, in our community time. Yeah, I think it's good because a lot of us Was new information. it's new information. So, and reminder that we are. I mean, we know but we get the policy discuss it and then today, even if we vote, we then go next and nothing. No policy ever goes into effect until second vote, which is technically for meetings. usually, for meetings lessons holiday Okay. So, um, and really the problem that we're trying to solve here is, which whenever we, we talk about in policy we think, you know, policies come up. they get cycled in for, for revisions and some of them we literally are like, well that that's good or we change something NON-SUBSTANTIAL, But for this one, the problem that we're really trying to solve, which is why we wanted to take a look at that is a couple things. One, our populations changed since this policy's been instituted. We never had a policy. We now do that's new, um, because our our students have grown our student population is grown. and our facilities have not. we have limited resources, but the bigger problem When we looked at it was trying to really solve the problem of the landscape in education is changing. Homeschool when this pop home school is a very specific thing but The NJSIA precludes other organizations from like, like, if you're attended a private school for your attending a an online school and even variations of hybrid education that precludes students from participating in njsia sports, which we're part of and that That's not homeschooling. And so we thought that taking a look at it because what it becomes difficult for us is because it's not really our purview just we can't for us to figure out. are you homeschooled? Are you not? And then so our thought was for not including homeschool was because we wanted to wait until we can with fidelity in force The Nisa regulations of being a true homeschool student. and so that you can participate. and I know Linda has a lot of details. She talked to someone at Njsia to get more information. Yeah. So I mean maybe you guys notice but I mean, the, the information I'm gonna tell you but you know, we know that that sometimes we have there's not a black and white. When we look at policy there are some complex issues and that's why there are nine people. and nine different thoughts. But then when we hear from the community sometimes, even though we thought we had a perspective, it makes us, you know, look at things a little bit differently. I will tell you that I, for one, looked at things a little differently, and that's good. That's all part of the process. So the very next day I went and I did some research. I maybe you guys all know this but I'm gonna share because some of this was new to me. My first question to myself, was what purview do we even have as a board to say, whether a homeschool child can participate or not? There are 20 states that allow my law homeschool students to access interscholastic sports. There are other states. Do not allow. And then there are a handful of states that say it's up to the local boards. The local school boards, New Jersey is one of those states. So that's what gives us the purview to even say, whether or not we. we have a saying this so then the next thing that I looked at and it is based on what Jamie said. I mean, I think 20 years ago, we all know what homeschool was. I mean it is very cut and dry. what homeschool was 20 years ago but it is changed now. So I went and look at the definition of homeschool from, according to the MJ Doe. Um, and it is that the legislature has permitted children to receive the equivalent instruction elsewhere. Then school including the Um, so I thought, okay. that's that's homeschool. But what is equivalent? education? Is it that the homeschool program is is part homeschool and and part online. Because we know that over the years, there's so much more online activity. So is that what? Homes this? the definition of homeschool is I could not find anything concrete online about the question. I was looking for the homeschool in combination of online school. So I did reach out to someone at Njsia. and they are. Are you the recovery body first? Intercourage Catholic. thank you. Yes. Um, and 100% So we talked about earlier Where is our programming point? You know, you And this is a quote, students enrolled in a private online school that offers a diploma are not eligible to compete in other school athletic teams. So, whatever. our opinion is, Doesn't matter. We have no purview here. We have no business having a discussion about it. That is njs. s. I a eligibility and there's no way that we would have an ineligible to participate. Yeah. teams. So then that makes the it's just that jeopardize eligibility of the team. Exactly. Exactly. So we wouldn't do that for students. Um, so then I said, Okay, so that's and dry. I so I asked the person so what about if it is heart homeschool and part online and he said that is what has changed over the years? That's where the gray area is. and it really depends on. what are those homeschool components that you know, online components that are part of the the overall equivalency? And what he said is that this is a gray area and that they would work with a school district on a case by case basis to determine whether a student was eligible or not. So again, we've got no per view. We don't have a say in that because we don't get to say whether a student is eligible or not. So then that may be go back and think, okay. Well, why are we? What is it about this policy? Because, yes, it started. because we never had it to worry about it because of no cuts. I think that I know that we had a someone from the community say, well the answer is no cut. I do not think that there was a person at this table that wouldn't raise their hand and say, Man. If we could do it, I I'm all for it. I mean, that was another hard decision if we had unlimited resources, unlimited fields unlimited, but the building and not even enough and the cut is actually not a policy. That's in response to our numbers. This is what? Okay, cut in basketball always. Because there's only so many people. Yeah, you care. outdoors, for example, there's plenty of that. there's space, but you have a growth playing soccer. We don't have So we we would love that too, but that's just not a possibility. So then but the the other thing and again, I mean, I spent a lot of time and I do want us to talk about this, you know, when we talk about our mission statement of existing in the the Global community and what does community mean? and what do we want to teach our kids about community and our focus is on inclusion? It really makes you think is does this policy make sense? I think we need to think about it but then the other part of it that you pointed out is that homeschool kids get entitlements that our own kids don't, right? Because we have rules that they they have to have our the hmhs students have to have passed. courses, required for prom. And or graduation in the proceeding marketing period. They must be in school by 9:30. Am and remain there for four hours and any student in any grade fails to observe any school room rules for student contact? They're not allowed to participate. So, the homeschool kids do have an entitlement that our own kids don't, but they always have. So, we've had the policy, we've always had it. So there's a big complexity here. Um, I think we should talk about it And my suggestion is that we don't vote on this. That we kick it back and if we choose to move forward, I think that we need to define what homeschool is and what it isn't. when when was eligible, and just to be clear, homeschool is like, we're not defining. Yes. No, we're good. We are outlining in the policy for clarity. What is? Yeah, right. So that it's not because a lot of this isn't our You know, we don't get. yeah but what we do get to say is whether or not will continue to include Homeschool students. but either way it needs that the policy needs clarity. I think one and procedure and one of those questions to speak was This is a policy that really should start in 25-26, rather than in another school year, right? So yeah, as this part as you kick the policy back to Policy Committee. Yeah. it's discussed over the next several months. The actual voting on. this won't happen. until the spring. Yeah, we're not right in this is not something to be instituted. Not effectively. What we? Do. And this would then be administrators per view of like saying like okay, like like when and and you had said too, when you talk to Njsa, they will help. They will make the determination. So we need to know what that looks like. We need to know one that process in the policy, and I also would it be possible to have anyone from njs. IA to come to a policy like to either present or just something like getting a little more clarity. Yeah. This is new from them too. Yeah. Yeah sure. that committee for years. I was a president. Oh yeah. And just you this is not an issue then so this is mute for them as well. So they're also you have the same discussions. around. Yeah. Okay good. yeah, we would want to do Ask. It's because it's not policy. I think we ask our administrators to come up with. What do? what does Njsia need to determine make a determination. They're going to let them figure out what the procedure will be in order to determine eligibility because again we have no purpose over that because I will also just say what else it doesn't feel comfortable is having it be up to. Let's say the building administrator or the board to make a decision that could actually unk knowingly, put the whole team in jeopardy. That's exactly that. I think is there one? They say this kid can go. We know that song. yeah. And natural. what we're trying to. Possibility. it makes me hesitate and putting something so black. and white in policy. Yeah, that's why it should be a procedure. Not obviously. yes, yes. So we can even you can make it a regulation, but you don't even have to You, what? we're drawing. We're not going to table. Okay. so guys, About this because and that is something that I do think that as a group, You know, the back but we really do listen, like we like it is important. That's why we very clearly put. And this policy was one where we didn't talk too much extensively about it, but this is the process, right? Putting it out there. Getting the comments getting the feedback, finding out where the holes in our thinking are and then doing the language to figure out like what else? what else can we learn? And so Yeah. so I get so I and yeah, that was good. I I that's why we're yeah. Excellent. All right. You have anything else, right? And Linda Lrfp? Yeah. So we met today on the agenda for tonight. We do have approval for a mailing. So, just the opportunity to make sure that everyone in town understands what is going to be on the ballot. This has been done before. so we will pretty much take. I mean we spend a lot of time putting the information on the website and what we're going to do is take the information from the website, put it into a mailing and then make sure that everybody in town has the information. So we just talked about the just the logistics of that and making sure that we get it in the mail in time before. Where people get their mail in balance, because I want to make sure that they have their informed before. Mike is scheduling a bunch of copies, just same kind of thing with anybody who wants information, who has questions. and I know that you're looking to try and get you know as many community members who are interested in have questions and organize that. So thank you Mike. Um and then just, some of us are going to be at the the fall play to again hand out some information. Right. outside the auditorium. So that when people walk into the auditorium, they sit in their broken chair. They understand that there is an effort just to try and get it fixed part of the need. Yeah. So could we just encourage anybody? Listening or online. Just if you are interested in having a coffee, you know, to learn more, just you know the board will certainly respond. and send somebody out there to because of questions and talk about is also and stuff. Yeah. that's right. So we had a request from a history teacher at the high school because Russell the A building is Hundredth anniversary. have Mike, pulled the old records and he found from 19. What would have been their version of the mailing? which was the Booklet. put together to form the community about why we needed a new high school really much family, might spent all day today. finding all the stuff. Pretty cool, Maryland. One point to put it like the middle They went out for a referendum in on. November 20th. It failed. And not to put it up here that they was well. was it for the new wife? Okay, I apostle and for the noise and then, 26 days. later, they went out for reference again. 15th. So, how much did it cost to build a high school? So hard to buy this high school to buy this parceland? This is a wing and where the football field is Of 60,000. Yeah. All the high school. So ready for this? It was halfway dollars. but then they ran money and went out back out for another 60,000. Yeah. So Father says about the heat wing, Oh, man. And that be. All right. should have built. Not take all day. I want to make sure you Yeah, I know that. That's why. Oh, and Scott Field was was not expensive. It was a couple million or something. Girl. Anymore. All right. Um, anything else on the back? I know that's it. Negotiations. we have the contract on the agenda. You're Negotiations with our ministry, we pass it. It's going about Of two weeks. a couple weeks. So we'll keep you guys sounds good. All right, lots of. I want to side note. I just met with a researcher from Europe who came to America to research. teacher retention, and so I met with him to give him some takes on, on America. he was thinking I'm like, No, no. I can give you like. I didn't feel because he didn't realize everybody operates. a differently. And in America, in Europe, the country's everything negotiate as a country like every teacher salary is scales. his name. which is kind of amazing and he's like, you know, you have a lot of a lot of additional resources, you need to do this, I know Well, aware. It was interesting. So sidebar. Alright um, PTA Updates. Anyone we have, they were not I wanted to share that. I am and Chuck and Linda know this already. I spoke to Listen Jamie. Mullen. I would say Jamie Miller Jamie Mullen of the Haddonfield Environmental Commission and I had met him. over the summer. I think maybe in May of last year and we were talking about how he really likes to have students as part of his organization. He has students who sit on his board. a few of our students are on his board. and you really wants to get more involved with the district as a whole. And so now that we have Matthew Donato, who's our science supervisor, I connected the two. And so I think that's really exciting and a lot of great opportunities. They really have a lot of great programs for, on, for the kids who are on their board. But I think working with our, our students would be great. So, Green Week specifically that we're looking at. but yeah, so it'll be great. Dr. Priolo I don't have any updates. Okay. That's right. I actually don't have anything either. Mr. Klaus. Um, just about this with your Fox Friday, Saturday night and Sunday too. I I preview. Um, Wednesday. And it's I think, I think point out Examp I've got to see the movies that outstanding movie, but it's a lot of a lot of foxes digging. So our our Fox systems are running around. doing a lot of digging. And my company was, I don't know how to speak after all the running around you, It's a lot Very it's a lot of fun. It's a fun shot. Thank you. Okay. well now we can open public comment session members of the community are invited to speak for up to three minutes at this time. If you'd like to make additional comment, you must wait until each person has a chance to make their initial statement. All comments must be directed toward the board. not members of the public according to our bylaws comment session can last no longer than one hour. There's this is an opportunity for the board to listen. but not debate issues or enter question. and answer, period. Please be aware that not all issues brought up before. Board meeting will be resolved. That evening, we ask you to identify yourself by stating your name in the name of your street. While public education can be an emotional issue, we strive to maintain a level of decorum at the meeting public. Meetings are streamed and available for replay on YouTube and students often participate in the meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain a tone of courtesy and civility. You may come. Hello Carol Stoner. I Avondale Avenue on the presentation tonight at the AP exams does not include the new fact with the 2022 AP test. That students must take the AP exam in their AP classes, or they are dinged on their GPA. this was not mentioned tonight and it should have been if they don't take the AP exam, they only get 10-point weight on their GPA. so they have to pay for their weight of 12 points by paying for each AP, exam, which some colleges do not use In my case, It was a total waste of money for every single one of my children. With the addition of the c** laude tears, these upper little upper level kids are being forced to take these tests in order to keep their class rank. The tests are also during a normal school day and on the heels of New Jersey testing which is rough. I personally believe that you're exploring your smartest kids to pad, your results for all. So that now the school looks better with your qsat scores. if you want the kids to take the AP exams and the school should pay for it. like you do now with the psats. I'd also like to talk briefly about the proposed changes to policy two, four three one Banning homeschoolers from athletics. How many students are homeschooled with? This affects you didn't mention that njs. can clarify their criteria to participate. If and when it changes I would think they need to do that first. I know a lot of homeschoolers and to clarify to this board, most homeschoolers do not receive a degree from an online institution. They do a variety of work and then they test within the state for each grade, most do not do an online school. I also don't appreciate tonight that you said that homeschoolers were entitled. With the overcrowding in our schools. Why are you not rewarding these homeschools with athletics since they aren't taking up spots in the school with Bancroft and the Archer? and Grinder? Building on horizon, we are headed to Major overcrowding. You would think that this board would be in their court, but you're not With the addition of sports cuts, what difference does? It make if a whole scholar tries out for the team? If they aren't good enough, they're gonna be cut. cut. Let the best man win. This bond referendum. includes a gym that you want. These kids won't be able to use, but you're asking the public to approve this bond. Many on Facebook on Hadfield parents have hadn't feel. the know are not happy with banning them and the bond could be affected accordingly. Just wanted to give you my updates Thank you. I'm sorry. Only because I do I do need to say one thing because they don't want my words to be twisted. I'd by no means set. A homeschool child is entitled, It's an it's called an entitlement. it's you. There is a an item that one one entity has that another does not right? I said that they have an entitledment that they do not have to have grades or they do not have to have a toddlers. And I there is no way. I said that those children are entitled. So please do not trust my words. There, there's no way that I said that they're entitled. Not at all. And I'd like to Verify that Mr. Licotti did mention, the increase in testing scores that happened after the increase. It's not a thing against those who don't take the test. It's an increase for those students who do go through the rigor of taking the test, and he did specify that. that did lead to a bump in the presentation. So he said that very clearly Jennifer Garner Hosted Avenue. Um, my husband spoke at the last meeting about our son, the time And I just want to thank the word for clearly, taking the time to discern this really important. and complex issue. All right, Shawna offset Avenue, obviously. I also want to thank the board for deliberating this. Obviously going question, Um, I do want to create what I said in the last meeting, which is, it seems to me very difficult to. Punish in a way, these kids isolate them when they clearly need the exact opposite. But thank you all. Dr. Elbow and thank you. Jamie for The Continent. My name is Jennifer Fuller Online, a um, I was made aware of this policy four, three one, and We? Are very thankful to be in Haddonfield. We have chosen right now not to enroll our kids in the school district. We do have our children being educated in a private setting private school setting and I It was I know that it's great to hear your heart and your research about Njsia. Obviously, I would not want any child to feel like they work. so hard and then they get to the championship and something gets yanked out from one of them. because they want eligible and there was a technicality. Obviously I don't think anybody wants that. And I'm going to actually use my own personal research about Njsa as well. And I hope that anyone that's for homeschoolers or private schoolers to not just take your word for it. Even though I know that you're doing the research but also, you know, pushed into them as well because I feel like, you know, I understand like this is not our purview. But I also know that there is some freedom and discernment and For you to look. and see and try to like, advocate for students on a case-by-case. basis because truly, I don't think that the way I'm hearing this, even though you want to see, you want to say and you want to be inclusive with our our community, This is not coming across as inclusive. It's coming across is really devices. especially for families that have many different reasons for why. they are doing homeschooling or private schooling. It's not because they are Anti--heim Field School District. There's many reasons, whether it's certain academic issues, value systems, um, That child is not feel safe in an environment. And we have to look at, you know, education for all students. And so for a family to make a decision. but also or sandwich choosing to stay Sorry for our family for families. They were, we love Haddonfield, and we, we are, you know, faithfully paying our taxes and enjoying the town. You know, you could, you could play the argument that well there, you know, kids that are doing all the extra curricular club sports. And doing extra stuff outside of school. is that also going to impact the school experience for those that are only doing the in-school sports, You know, like I just feel like this is an area where I would hope that the board would really. take time to consider and give all students all Families. that are paying the taxes to support all the things that you want to do to improve. You know, the auditorium to improve the bathrooms improve, all the things that we want to. We want to improve for all students. To allow them to also access. The sports fields my kids so that Wedgewood. I want them like our school right now. Doesn't have a swim team. They don't have a bat. They have a basketball team but they don't have a football team. I know one of my children who's six years old has a has an amazing army. He wants to play football. And now I'm in a position. Where do I feel like academically I feel like he's gonna thrive better at this private school. but I wanted to play football. And there's no club football team, So what do I do? and yet I'm paying for, you know, I'm paying a lot of taxes to be in this town to access some of the beautiful things you guys have to offer. and I just don't want them to feel left out. Thank you. Okay. All right. We'll close public comments and move on to. Items for Board of Education. approval, Governance of acceptance of Monthly HIV Vandalism Violence Report to submitted by Dr. Brillo Approval, Of Fire. and Security Drill Report Policy Approval for Policy. 2431 Policy. approval for electronic communication among board members Approval of the School Bus. Emergency Drill report. and resolution to approve the school districts. 2425 Cue Staff Performance Review. Emotion motion. Linda. Second Mag. Okay discussion. Can I make a motion to table policy? Two or four. Three, one. Okay. second justice. Um, Those in favor. Hi. Okay. I'll see here motion carries and then we'll we'll discuss that again in Um, and in policy and come up with a plan just to make sure we're in with Njsia and that we're Taking into consideration. All right. Any other questions or comments about these? All right. Vice President Hooker. Yes. Dr. Brown yeah. distress. Yes, this Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes. Just yes President Okay, curriculum. and Special Age. Education. approval field, trips conferences, travel, and overnight field trips resolution between the board of ED. and Newgrange School. It resolution between the Board of Ed and Camden County College Garden pathways resolution between the Board of Ed and Burlington County Special Services. Resolution between the Board of Ed and Gloucester County Special Services, Resolution to approve the Middle School. Class Field TRIPS, Resolution to approve, elementary PLC class trips. L Resolution to approve ECL ccbi resolution between the board of that, and Cooper, Learning Center resolution between the Board of that. and Gloucester County, Special Services. resolution between the Board of Eden Orchard Friends. Resolution between the Board of Ed and Burlington County Alternative School Resolution between the Board of ED. and Burlington County Alternative School Resolution between the Board of ED. and an NJ, PSA legal One resolution between the Board of ED. and House, Fun and Fitness. Resolution between the Board of ED and WAUSAU Legacy Resolution between the Board of ED and learned. well for educational services. Resolution between the Board of ED and Orchard Friends for Adult. District Placements resolution between the Board of Ed and Camden County Technical Schools for Educational Services. Resolution between the Board of Ed and Camden County College to participate in the gateway. to College Program, Approve of the 2425 Nursing Services Plan approval. the 2425 Standing orders for District Medical procedures. and Protocols Resolution to approve the patterns of power Professional Development Workshop. And that's it motion. like, Machine. Comments. I'm excited. I think the Camden County pathways program looks like it's a really great opportunity for our our students. I also just want to say as a former special area teacher, I appreciate seeing the specialized professional, development on there. For the gym teachers? Yeah. All right. Mike can you call Dr? Brown. Yeah Mistress. Yes, this Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes, this is Sonic Yes, Vice President Hoager. Yes. President Crooked. Yes. Person Out Approval of New Personnel transfer Salary. upgrades mentoring extra curricular coaching appointment leaves of absences and resignations. approve. The use of reflected practice protocol in place of one of the two required evaluations for tenure teachers. resolutions for A teacher to provide compensatory education for students resolution for another teacher to provide one-on-one support for after school program. Resolution to approve, Bethany Kirk for one-on-one support for extra curricular activity, resolution for Samantha Ryan to provide in-house parent training for it. Andy Resolution for students to receive HOME-DOWN Instruction Resolution for another student to provide It should be to receive to receive. All right to receive how bad instruction. Resolution for Students who receive held on instruction from those teachers motion. Just and Linda. Comments. Do we need to? can you since it's more clerical? Can you just change it? Oh yeah. I'm sorry. Linda Any questions comments? What can you tell us a little bit about the reflective practice protocol. Yes. So the reflective practice protocol is an option for highly effective 10-year. Teachers replaces one of the two required observations, and instead of a traditional observation, where Are an administrator goes into the classroom. observes for a class period. Take notes. and then evaluate that it's more of a collaborative process where the teacher themselves are gathering evidence to demonstrate proficiency. based on a specialized rubric that, the New Jersey Department of Education provides. So it's an alternate method of evaluation for our most highly effective teachers, right now like that. Yes, it's much easier to be watched for 40 minutes and evaluated. Yeah, very demanding process, a handful of teachers. Express interest wanting to do this every year. That's great. Okay. Michael Dr. Brown yes, distress. Yes. This Hollywood. yes. Mr. Numbers. Yes, this Saturday. Yes. Vice President Hoper. yes. President, Crooked, yes. Okay, this is a finance approval of the Southern New Jersey. Harry. Native cooperative to provide nursing services. Do not to haddonfields non-public schools. Acknowledge the receipt of the budget. calendar approval of annual maintenance budget, Approval of the collective Negotiation Agreement of Resolution for the District to Host a Flu vaccination, clinic approved purchase of information hours. From Gumnak group. And of the Eastern. Yeah. Okay. all the esips stuff. Yeah. Right. Payment of Bills. budget transfers board secretaries report and cash report. connections. You should make. just, Okay discussion. Good, good. One of the audience. Yeah, sure. Thank you. don't actually have a presentation. Here is a resource. Yeah. So I mean, Time ago. And we talked generally about the guarantee of, you know, we're the concept here. is that we are We're going to have a lot of equipment that we get replaced, which is great. and and we get the new equipment and ultimately the energy savings that we get over the course of the years will pay for that equipment. So it's conceptually that all makes sense to me. And from the beginning, I had asked What if it and you talked about that there is a guarantee. And so now we have the guarantee on on the agenda tonight. I did read through Mike gave me the what you had provided but I just want to know, you know what? what does that guarantee not cover? What should we be thinking about? What when will we not get if something doesn't lie enough when does that guarantee? Not apply. So those are the kind of things I really want to get into sure about to my best to describe it. And so, we're still developing the exact scope. So I did say to my I said, I want everyone to feel comfortable. Understand it. And when we put this forward, the resolutions kind of came together all together which um, Tony Irvine Council. Just likes to do them as a group. I was like, we needed to people that we could because I want to keep it all together. You know, it makes sense for everyone to understand and look at it. but it is important understand. And as we finalize the scope, we're looking a couple options. for your scope right now to finalize and not to exceed pricing is what can be covered by the energy savings. The rebates and Gr The we have like a remote solar purchasing that we're still looking into, right? The project isn't going to be as big as I'm actually exceed but we wanted to go move forward with the financing because rates are very they're we want to see what the rates are because your finance rate will affect how much you can. how much you can fund. and what any other contributions would be. So that's why we're like moving forward where we are now. So, so then we said, Okay, what's the cost of guarantee? What's the guarantee based on the scope? you have? And the number of measures they guarantee is the cost to be able to meet her. the existing conditions for and you do a sampling things, right? And leader once, like the lights are installed into the 10 different kind of lights measure them and five different or six different places Have the results of what it is before once the lights are changed. This is the easiest thing to describe you come back and meet her again. multiple head by the Chamber of lights. the number of hours that they run, and that would give you your savings, right? So what could change that lady is very simple, right? simple thing. What is more difficult is your schedules for your heating system, right? We're not doing any boiler, efficiency? or boiler upgrades, but we are recommending some you know, retro commission on controls and some different things like that. So that's something that you would see in your heating. Bill, you have to do it by calculations. We'll have to like show. it's not easy, but you will do to look at your chili bells. Trying to think how it can describe. So what happens, what could happen that could void a guarantee like that sort of what is the risk. So the biggest risk that could happen is if somebody goes in to the boiler room and no one's monitoring or goes into it building management flips, the switch on and the weather never turns off for the whole season and there's no alarm for that. Well, that's what you're building, management. System will tell us. we'll be able to report and see that it's line. Do periodic checks with Tim and so But if we can't get online and if your bills, if you don't provide us access, that could be something that's like Hey we misses for two months. we can calculate that and say what that is? what you missed and come to an agreement on it you know and I'm trying to think of what else. So it's a matter of telling us what the changes are, you know, being diligent and using your scheduling and capabilities that you'll have with your building management. utilizing and maintaining the equipment as for manufacturers specifications, right? I know I'm looking right here. and so um you know following the rules and if something changes, like, if you put an addition on, or if you decide to have night school or if you decide to take off Fridays, you know if there are different things that we can calculate and agree to how it is, how it will affect the guarantee that there will if you decide to take on Friday. When you're saving energy. that's not related to what we did. So we probably want to try to identify that. We're guaranteeing a certain amount of energy reduction And it's Kw's, or the of gas or btus. so, the other things that changes weather, you know, sometimes you have a hot winter, you know, a hot summer cold winter and that is all regulated by the baseline year. You take the baseline of information. through the standard of what the weather was then. And then we do calculations to sort of like, alter that we've sort of take that out of this because of the type of measures are more electric measures. We can do most of it with meters so that that really would go away. You wouldn't need to take in all those considerations, so it's, um, it is, you know, trying to think what could change it. We are very good percent accuracy and your measures they do. take a lot of safety factors. It's not all energy, savings. It's being paid. For some of it is rebates and grants. So trying to think what else it could. So and I mean this is it's a big contract. So I mean I think that we all need to be very comfortable. that, you know, theoretically it makes sense, but we need to feel certain that it's if things, don't go right. And I will say that, you know, New Jersey, put this legislation into effect in 2009 and then it was revamped again. the 2011-12 and the legislation has put into it back to give districts the choice of choosing. the guarantee. And what they they did, was they the third party engineer reviews it, the Vpu reviews it. So there's already been, like, eyes on the calculations and all that's being done. So, this is like an additional insurance policy. so that you can have somebody go through and sort of verify and show you and you have a choice of how many years you keep it. Usually once they see it's working every time it stops. trying to think so. So I told Mike I was like, I'm happy once we've nailed down everything to put, you can vote on it today but we can you can tell me after when we do the contract. You know what? we're comfortable? We It, we don't want to pay for the guarantee. No, I did understand that, but yeah, frankly, I didn't feel good voting on the contract without feeling good. I mean yeah. we can pull the guarantee out. I personally don't want to do, right? So I didn't feel good voting. Yeah, yeah. So I was gonna vote on that. you say, okay. And but well, I just want you to know that I don't want you to feel pressure. Because you didn't get the information earlier. and, you know that. And and what I can also do is once we have the measures, like I did take the measures, I thought the most applicable and it's, you know, for lighting to like kind of have the measurement. process. What would happen? What would start once the project is complete. So, if we started a project in January, got designs bids did work next summer and the project's completely. Let's say next December that's when you're guarantee period would start. So let's say when January December that year, during that time would be monitoring checking in Making adjustments. You know, if we miss a guarantee? We do ask in the language. We could maybe make it. There's an investment. We can make that could help rectify it because we want to see you do that. You know, make your guarantee as well. And if not at the end of the year is when we you know, take a look. See if it's right. And like I said, it's kind of like insurance policy. I know those have a first party guarantee, I know like some of our competitors guarantees are much more expensive because you're using an actual insurance company. you're coming, right? To Honeywell for that. you know, our people and we're working out with you. I don't know if that matter. Yeah. just one more question so because my question was Okay, is it for a year? you did answer that? So you get to the end of the year and let's say that our energy savings aren't anywhere near. what was projected. What happens? So we would look at why and make sure there's nothing that was You know. No one. turn the boiler on. Left it on. never turned it off at night, and not, it was all to the parameters. And that parameters, that will be very specific in your plan, which we just haven't put on paper yet. then we would pay a check for the difference. We don't have to pay very many so it's very hard. I do. But I really have to do that. I know. And and that is what you feel comfortable. all along. It's our job. totally great. So, I'm like trying to think it's like, I, I Time. it took some time. Rachel kids and whatnot, but listen to me back. It's like I haven't even like haven't heard of anyone not making it or moving forward. Half way. It's been six years now. I've been back even early on there. Were things that happened in the 90s. But that was a long time ago. and then we did. Right? Pay people. We like that was like, in our presentation, because it was like, we haven't had a sample check to say, hey, miss it. And this is what we did, okay, Yeah. Yeah. we wanted to show that we're here to do the right thing, but I do feel like I'm very happy with the question because sometimes I feel like we're putting on this documentation out doing it and like, they're like, what do you mean? We can't put our, you know, spoiler your temperatures up to 78 in the classrooms, you know, it's like well, no, we needed to be like 72 or you know. that's that's aim for that. If you have a, you know, a special case, it needs to be more. We show you what that will be and what will reflect And what the change will be in making an agreement to do that. How? might if our bond referendum passes, how might that impact it? And are you aware that? We have a bond. Referent amount as that you I know you. I want to make sure I understand so So remember I reach out to you. tomorrow about? Potential head of space. program. Because the energy savings plan, remember you? We're reducing our energy consumption with what we have right now, but we're going to, we could possibly adding a lot more space, right? She's asking how, how will that affect this right now? I'm sorry. I just make sure if it was the scope, you know, versus that question. So yeah. So that's one of the adjustments that we've made to the baseline. So if breakdown, you have 100,000 square feet, you're adding 5,000. We would we would adjust the Basini, this would be better for my measurement. verification specialist answer but we adjust the baseline to say. all right, if you had this edition and you're paying but you know the utility rates, it would have been this. We just make an adjustment and calculations to show like this. That wasn't here, right? And the same concept because There's there's rates too and rates are going up. Yeah. and in June rates are going out for everyone, everyone around. There's a it's happening already, I'm sure you see on your home grades But Pennsylvania, Jersey Maryland is a grid and that is like, our demand charges and that's 30% of our bill is demand charges. and your school bell and that portion is going on like seven or eight. times in like next June. So at the energy savings that we're projecting. Now, we're going to guarantee that amount of energy, we can't affect the cost of energy but so theoretically you'll the more you say, you know, in this project you'll be really increasing that you might have to reflect that. Exactly. it's good. Yeah, we're not gonna be something that I address for the budget season. But again. It's all about energy consumption, right? Exactly, right. man charges that they're not going to change our consumptions. They're gonna change our bill, right? And your demand will go down the lighting is the biggest thing that adds your demands. That's really good, right? Because that's in your lighting, bills that kind of sets your demand. Oh you're around and you have certain things in the summer that um you know, cool. different things. It's the highest demand. And that that's like how much energy the utility company has to leave for having feel. So by bringing down your lighting, you're bringing down everything and you've done so many views throughout, But you probably like 60% that you still have to do so be very Did I answer everything? Like I said, I'm happy to come back again. And once we have every details and have the contract part, and go through it. Thank you. Yeah. I think it's really good question. Thank you. Like I said Yeah they have to be. Yeah, yeah. we have to be a team. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. we really do appreciate your coming because yeah, it's kind of last gonna. know. It was fine. It was good. I'm ready tomorrow. Thank you. Any other questions for this section, Michael? Stress. Yes. Miss Hollywood, yes. Mr. Knuckles. Yes. Miss Sonic. Yes. Vice President Hill Girl. Yes. Dr. Brown yeah. President Crooked. Yes. Approval of the minute, Special Meetings, September 4th Regular meeting September 12 Regular meeting September 26th and Town Hall, September 30th. Any. Out motion. Sorry. Motion. So, Linda anime. Comments. I think he was someone had a correction. from the last movie. You got that right? Locations are first to me. I got time. That's okay. Can you cover? This Hollywood. Yes Mr. Knuckles. Yes. On a abstain of BNC. Yes, indeed. Miss out. Yes. Vice President Hoover, yes. Dr. Brown I'm staying on, see that? Yes, it may be. This dress, yes. President. Of future consideration. So you've got so much on our plates, but I mean, so you won't have something else they'd like to throw up enough. Just kidding. Anything. I think you're like, We've got a lot, but that's good. All right, if you think of anything obviously let us know. Um, Oh, yeah. Next week. Yes, school boards. Next week. so we'll be exciting. There's a viewer who are able to join us and if not we'll get some of the powerpoints and stuff that you say any of the Any of the things you would have liked to see if you don't get to it usually you can go on the app and download there. their slideshow. Really Of activities. Yeah, I remember thinking about they did not always, I think it was there was not, it's gotten better in the past few years. although they no longer serve any food or like even water in that. Building. I think that just be an improvement. Do you remember that? I guess it was right after pill then this personally All right. It's Jeff and Mike. Okay? Meaning