>> Albert Pineiro: And we're gonna be doing the really popular. until now, it's just Five months for all the surrounding life. So we're really close wonderful School. Thanks. Oh good. Hello. Hey like to call the meaning to order. Mike would you call roll? Whatever Dr. Brown here this trash here. This recipe here. >> Johanna Jarcho: Just right. >> Albert Pineiro: Miss Hollywood here Mr. Knuckles here, Mississauga. Yeah, vice president hooker. Yeah president. here. They stand for the price. I pledge the United States of America and to Republic for which it stands one nation. Mike could you please read the statement concerning over public meetings. public notice that this meeting pursuing to the open public meetings that has been by the superintendent of schools in the following manner while January 10th 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the School administration offices 95 Grove Street, Hadfield. written notice was submitted and filed the Hadfield Borough Clerk and notices for email to the carrier potion in the retrospect newspaper. Okay, today we're going to start with presentations from Temple University partnership for research and Mental Health Training. We have Dr. Jarcho. I'm Phil Kendall Philadelphia. She's ill. Oh, okay. I can say wow. Am I reading's really bad. Kendall. She's right Hello. Thank you for being here you. Oh my goodness. >> Johanna Jarcho: Alright, my voice is completely out. >> Albert Pineiro: so better >> Johanna Jarcho: I'm sorry. >> Albert Pineiro: Hello nice to see you folks I couldn't resist mentioning that my sister is a was a school principal and then was a assistant superintendent and I feel like she's in the audience. what I have to impress her. Anyway, I'm a senior faculty at Temple. I'm in my 68 year of Education. I can't seem to get it right. jarcho is a junior faculty. She does more cognitive. pictures of the brain kind of thing and I'm treatment I do. Adolescent and child anxiety treatment research so, I don't know Johanna if you can open your share slide because I couldn't get my USB to work. >> Johanna Jarcho: Do you want to just chat? I'm sorry. I didn't I didn't know you need this. >> Albert Pineiro: Okay. Thank you. >> Johanna Jarcho: I'll try to >> Albert Pineiro: So much. So I've worked with Gino and I've worked with John listino up an Edgewater Park probably with John for about 30 years and with Geno for about 10 and during covid. We had two of our graduate students flower Rifkin and Kate Phillips and some of your school so you may have run into them. My research is mostly what treatment works best for what kids and we've done that now for about 30 years and we have some information. We know what we know but we also know what we don't know. And one of the projects that Dr. Jarcho is interested in is memory and recall and how socially anxious youth especially teens developing teams. tend to remember only the negative and over remember the negative and so the project which and image funded several million dollars will allow us to study teams for about three years found mostly two years, but it'll take a while following them up mostly on Zoom. I'm sorry mostly on Red Cap, so it's all internet based with one visit to the university. They get paid. for their participation so I think and oh, there it is. And there we are. We go to the next one. I'm I don't have it. Oh, okay. There we go. Most things will be linked to the web they can go online and do that. And those eligible will be contacted for further participation and it can be anywhere on the Continuum so it won't be identifying troubled kids that get labeled. They can be anywhere on the continuums. They choose to practice. If you go to the next slide Johanna if you can hear me, thank you. So we wrote a message that would go to parents. We thought the idea to go bad that would be to tell parents. It's available and let them decide. So that's the actual draft of an email. We ran it by, you know, we landed by John lostino. All the appropriate things are there like they can quit at any time if they want to whatever but if they participate they get paid and it can be anywhere. I think correct me if I'm wrong Johanna, but I think it's between like a hundred and twenty-five dollars and 450 dollars. And it's like an hour here an hour there over a period of time with one visit to the university for the cool part, which is the brain scan. Um, nothing invasive all approved all good stuff. and if the kid asks, or if they choose they can also go home with a picture of their brain, which is for some kids kind of cool. Here's the break go back if you want more if you would please Johanna One forward there it is. So this shows you about the amount of time about the amount of money. And it's all been approved. The one thing I want to mention which may seem trivial to you, but it's important to me if the parents do some work the parents get money if the kids do the work the kids get the money. We don't write the check to the parent if the kid so that's just something that I think it's important and it's part of the project. um And you can see 24 months is the outcome. We've also mentioned with our prior work with doctors placino and Gino that will also help out from RN to urine we've provided. presentations on anxiety for parents and we've done some training for staff who work with anxious kids, and we'd also be willing to continue doing those things. So that's pretty much at Johanna. Do you want to add anything? I shouldn't have asked. >> Johanna Jarcho: All I can say are croak out is that we're very excited about the possibility of working with you. We're extremely excited about the possibility of this worked. really have an impact on the way that treatment is delivered in the future And and yeah, we're really excited to be able to share that opportunity with you. >> Albert Pineiro: Thanks, and of course, that would be here too, and she would have done part of the presentation, but She has a better excuse than I have. I'm happy to answer questions and you know. discuss things or And this is item to see on your agenda to be desirable and it's a voluntary that the students opt-in and and like you said they can always opt out whatever it's under school we had met with you last month and our policy committees and you know verify that needs our policies around. And all the activities are outside of school. It's just they we need to they're asking for permission to send a letter to our families. That's it. The one question I have is you would mention doing professional development work with parents. I think it said AP research on the board if in Memphis even when we came in here, I'm wondering if there would be interest just connecting with. that class or classes like it for kids who might have an interest in academic research? So I don't know share a letter or share something with them about, you know, here we are and we're doing this and I think it could be cool if I heard you correctly. Um, we have undergraduates at Temple who we have as research assistants if there were a high school student who was interested in learning about research that could be something that we would provide we have to be a little careful because in the clinic was confidentiality and Dr. Jarcho's lab they could learn a bunch without having to touch on clients even just hearing like how you run a control and we're being a part of it. They might be interested. To be part of it. Yeah. I know. I've done that my actually my daughter right now. In college. she's a part of a project that you see how that works just by being in it and it's would be a really good as you said that I'm thinking back when I was in college. I was a participant I was too. Yeah. I'm so old that back then they didn't have an IRB. I gave us a cup of water to drink and then had our student memory cast and they didn't tell us that there was caffeine in half the water. So when I got the caffeine I was like and but then it wasn't an IRB now. There's an IRB you can't do that stuff. Yeah. That's great. Thank you. Okay. thank you. I don't know what the process is because I'm so this will be going on are actually is the 25th vote on it then and then Geo back in touch with you on the 26th, right? Thank you. Thanks everybody. Thank you. >> Johanna Jarcho: Thank you. >> Albert Pineiro: Thank you. >> Johanna Jarcho: Very >> Albert Pineiro: Okay. Next we're gonna have Terry Lewis is here from the njs VA. Who's she's going to present our ethics train. I'm gonna have a ton of Technology here. So, let's see if I can get it covered. Hmm. Well, thanks for having me. I know this is going to fulfill he requirement for you for Cusack for your annual discussion of the code of ethics. This is going to be part of it and passing this out. There are two pages. They're not stable. So just take too please. So first I have to tell you that any of the content that we discussed in here. I'm not an attorney. I've never played one on TV. So if you ask me for any legal opinions, I can't give you those any of the legal opinions that you need in order to do what you do as board members have to come from your board. So why do we have school ethics because they're elected officials? and it is up to you to maintain the trust and the confidence of the people that elected you anytime the public can really kind of stand back and scratch their head is oh, wait a minute. That doesn't seem right to me. Can the board do that? That's when we have trust issues. And once you have a small trust issue like that. sometimes it's snowballs into something larger. So we just need to make sure that as elected officials we stay on the bank side of that. So we're going to talk a little bit about the school ethic asset with enacted in 1992 believe it or not in a hundred years of education in the of New Jersey. There was the ethics Act only came into play in 1992. So it's the very recent it did several things it established the school ethics Commission. It established what the prohibited Acts were. And obviously the school ethics commission was there to decide about you know, did you commit act or not It established the mandatory training requirements the disclosure statements and nine years later wasn't in the initial act on years later in 2001. It is established Dakota school board members. So let's talk about a couple of those elements the disclosure statement the annual disclosure statements that you have to fill out have to be filled out within 30 days of taking office. Or if you are returning member by April 30th of every year. The mandatory training and this was a change this year because if you're a first year first term board member your training had to be done within 90 days versus one year, so that was a big change by the end of the second year of your first term You have to take up two, which is finance by the end of your third year of your first term. you have to take governance three, which is a student achievement program and then every year that you are reelected you need to take governance for only once just on that year that you are being elected. And these are some of the prohibited acts which it was really in the first. the first part of the statute and really what it says is you can't use your position or influence as a board member. for personal gain or for the gain of family or friends? and that's really what it says. So if you have a If you're putting in a RFP for a snow removal contract and you have a brother-in-law that has one of those businesses they can certainly put in a quote for that. That's not a problem. but you can't vote on it or be any part of that discussion. So you would need to choose yourself from that. difference between a recusal and a an extension so abstaining it's a little bit different. But if you have a direct conflict you need to recuse yourself and you should also vote that way. You should say I'm refusing myself from this both. So who enforces all those things? that would be the school ethics commission? It's a nine-member board. It's pointed by the governor. There are two school board members two School administrators and five just regular folks that are part of that team. I'm not sure if they have all nine numbers at this point in time Sometimes their terms and and they go off. the important thing to know here is that they do several things they hear advisory opinions and they hear ethics complaints. So anyone can file an Ethics complaint against the school official and you are considered school officials. if they think that you have violated any tenant of the code of ethics or any part of the ethics statute itself, they can write to the school ethics commission fill out the form and say I think this person has done this. here's my evidence and then you'll hear back from the school ethics Commission. advisory opinions are a little bit different because if you're in a position to say wait a minute, I'd like to do this, but I'm not so sure that I can maybe it would be a conflict. You can actually write to the school ethics commission and ask for an advisory. So I had a board member at one point in time. That was that used to write grants. not fertility, but she did in a small community and she was very successful in rainy grants. So she got them fire trucks and ambulances and a lot of other things. That she became a school board member. She said you know, I I could probably use, you know, some of the knowledge that I to help you write grants here. and they were about ready to take her up on and the superintendents and wait a minute, but I don't want to get you into any trouble. Let's ask for an advisory. If so, they wrote to the school epic submission. Then sure enough ethics commission came back and said no, that would be like administering to the school. So you really should. So that was an advisory opinion. once to go back to the They're gonna go back to the ethics complaints. There are four things that the school ethics commission can apply if you are found guilty of a violation so they can reprimand you they can censure you. They can suspend you or they can remove you. I will tell you that if you Started your board service and you really thought that this isn't what I want to do and you're trying to figure out a graceful way to get out of it. The easiest way to get kicked off. The board is not feel like you're disclosure statement. They take a very good view of that the state level and I mean they will just you know, the second easiest way is to not do your mandatory training that they really make a very dim view of that. So those are the two biggest that people are actually so who was accountable under the ethics act remember? There are two parts to the ACT? one is the actual epic statue and the other is the code of ethics. So the actual ethics statute with the prohibited acts the disclosure statements Etc. That is the board superintendent. Yay. everyone is accountable for that but the code of ethics and the mandatory training only applies to Gordon. So I thought that we could take a look at the code of ethics in front of you. I'm not going to cover them all. I know you hear all that. There's a couple of my favorites in here. The first one that I have is see and that's always my favorite because I think it kind of outlines what our board work is. So I will confine my board action to policymaking planning and appraising. So boards make policy so the districts know what they have to stay. You know, here's the lines. I have to say between these lines you help train large plans and then you appraise how well those plans were carried out? if you're not doing any one of those things, you're probably doing somebody else. Someone else's job in the district. So you're kind of out of your bank. So that's the first one the second one is e and this is a big one because a lot of the ethics complaints that have been coming out of school ethics Commission Now are actually violations of Eve. So I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and we'll make no personal promises. Okay any private action that may compromise the board? So it's that private action that is getting a lot of people in trouble. So you have power now as a board you're sitting here at illegally advertised meeting with the form of the board. This is where your power exists. Once this meeting is over and you go out in the public you need to make sure that any of the actions that you're taking are not reflecting back on the board and we're going to take a look at. case here that involves c and e and I left yeah. So this happens to be a board member? And the district that they serve in has MacBooks. a lot of districts in the state of New Jersey has Chromebooks this one happened to have MacBooks, but they decided then they thought that that was really expensive. They did not understand why the districts continuing down that path and they thought it would be cheaper and more efficient for them to go the Chromebook wrap the district disagreed and said, you know we've been doing this for years. We're really happy with it. The staff likes it suits like parents like it. We're really good. But this board member decided to go out on their own and obtain a lot of pricing on MacBooks versus Chromebooks contacted vendors Etc. And then go out there findings back to the board. so you can see that this is a direct violation of C because it's not policymaking. It's not planning and it's not appraisal. That's number one and the second part was. e because they did not recognize that Authority rested with the Board of Education. They took some private action out there. They actually told vendors of paper representing Board of Education. So Let's move on to f I will refuse know that yes, I refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan groups or use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends. so let's take a look at another another couple of cases here. The first one was the one that we just covered and I put it on here because it's e the second one used board email to Express Personal views on mask mandates and encourage action. So they actually took their board email wrote to state legislators. and said, hey what you're doing is wrong and blah when you do that and you're using your board email you're kind of recognized as a board member. So they were definitely taking private action that may compromise the Border because they were not speaking for the board. What's the next one that we have here? So in this particular case board member sent an email again from a district. from a district email to a known political entity the district was having a rally in the school. They misrepresented the purpose of the rally. To a particular political party and suggested that they come in. So the content of the email suggested political motivations It only invited one side to come in And again, here's the big part. using District email can get the Impressions that these statements were made on behalf. The next one is the confidentiality. And usually we don't have too many problems with this. This used to be a problem years ago, but I think boards have gotten to the point where they understand that we're talking about this in public. It's okay. We can talk about it in the community. But if we're in executive session, we have to hold that close to the best. However in this particular case this was a board member who received a communication from a member of the public. So remember the public emailed all the board members. And said, you know, I'm having this particular issue. with my child mentioned the child's name and this particular board member thought it would be a proven ID to copy and paste parts of that email and send it to the Man. Or whatever reason I have no idea. but It was considered confidential because the board had not met and voted on any of the contents. And the other piece was that was definitely private action that could compromise the board. So questions on anything that we just covered there. I just want to give you a couple examples to see how that worked in action. You can see that most of the things that we talked about here. The violation of e so you need to be really careful about that private action. I mentioned earlier about conflict and recusal and remember there are times when you vote on something and you may want to abstain maybe you don't have enough information. Maybe you missed the last meeting where there was a you know a big discussion about it. So maybe you want to abstain on that and that is fine. However, if there is a conflict involved and you have to remove yourself from the discussion Also from the vote we're suggesting this is from one of our attorneys that you choose yourself at the vote. So instead of saying I've seen it's like I'm recusing myself from this issue for this book. um just like I know you have a nepotism policy here and part of the that's part of some of the ethics that are covered in the regular ethics act prohibited acts. You cannot hire relatives support members. more of the superintendent there are certain exceptions and they're really big exceptions if you're looking for a Latin teacher, there's probably like two left in the state. Yes. you could probably hire a relative. But if you go to the county and say hey, we can't find a third grade teacher. They're probably gonna have a lot to say about that. um, if you already have a relative that works in the state here that works in your District that does not prohibit you from being a board member so that is okay. I threw this slide in here not because I really wanted to discuss it But if you have a relative that is a member of the NJEA or similar Statewide union represents teachers, then you may or may not be conflicted from participate or some from voting on Collective. Depending on what your circumstances are. If you are just let your attorney know and say like, you know, I have this can I can I not and then be happy to advise you. We have to keep the handy game be chart because every several years School ethics commission tends to reverse one of their decisions on that. So we never know what is current today. Social media and I threw this in here. Holy because when we talk about taking action that may compromise the board. sometimes it's social media that really gets us into trouble. So if you human need Just can't control yourself. And you feel the need that you're gonna have to put something at their own social media. Not that we're recommending it. You need to throw it in spleen or in there that says I am, you know, I am a board member, but I am not speaking on behalf of the Board of Education. And make sure that that is totally clear. However, just because you put the disclaimer in does not mean that you may not finally accepted. So in terms of social media, let me let me take a step outside of that. So there was a board member that. put out a communication with doing election time, and he was endorsing a couple of Candidates and he put out there that I am a board member. I'm not speaking on behalf of the board, but I am endorsing these candidates and this is why and he proceeded to list a lot of board business in the evening in his. yeah. It was in writing in his pamphlet. and school ethics commission came back and said what like you can't do this. You can't say I'm not speaking on behalf of the board and then list all the stuff that the board was doing. So in that case, you know, that was another direct violation. So it usually happens in social media does not have to but just be careful when you're out there. There's the statement. again, if you're using a disclaim or that does not always say that you're going to be in the clear so you really need to be careful of your actions. Any points to consider? If you have any you know that we when I leave here, you're scratching your head and you're going I'm not really sure. I have a conflict or not. Your attorney is the best person to talk to about that. questions How far does that social media disclaimer go if I say? I'm gonna vote for Donald Lawrence. Right in my personal social media. I should put this flavor on there say no, I don't think so. Okay. It's just you know, yeah School related has ever Community relatives like that. However, you said maybe I'm going to vote for him and I'm going to urge everybody else to then I would put the disclaimer on there. Okay? because people look at you in the public as a board member. Yeah. Now it's your personal page, but they still know. Hey, you know what these four timer? So I would probably do that. Good question. So with the social media think if this is something that I struggle with is say you're in a parenting group and someone sharing an issue that their child is having. I often really want to respond as another individual parent. But doing so appears to because people know I'm a board member. I can't do that and we kind of have on top of what you're saying. We have our own policy that says we we cannot as a board comment on on this because we don't want to put the word in right but it's difficult. It's hard to know. You you give up that yes, you did. you're not like which is hard but part of it is like there are things you're just don't get to do that. So you never can rank the right to advocate for your own child. Yes, but you can't do is advocate for other people. Yes in your position. you know and sometimes when you look at that, I mean if you you're taking that position and for some reason it does rise to the board level and you're gonna have to do something then you're gonna have to reuse yourself that you were involved in a a lower level. And you know what? I want to say what one of the thing that you just said. I also think because we've talked about this that No, you should be able to advocate for your own child, but never use your board email to do it. It should be your own private email that you're doing it and you should say I'm contacting you as a error and not a word member. Yeah. it's so hard for staff because yeah, I know they're saying they're repair. Yeah. but and we're sorry back to the same question. everyone answered me something I struggle with stay there are things that you feel. I don't know supporting. a particular demographic of people that might be marginalized or supporting A specific group of Learners like today's today this month is neurodiversity months like Where is the line in terms of our ability to support initiatives like that without or is that still falls under e mum's the word don't change your photos, but profile don't like. I would think that's okay. Right? I mean, it's okay. You just have to be cognizant of things that you're posting. That's all I mean, there's nothing wrong with supporting that if that's one of your but if it comes to it comes to something where it's touching on school business and you need to be Really? No easy answers to that now now because there's so many different scenarios, you know, right so many different groups and there's so many things that are tentative and you know, they're just sensitive and while you're working when you're done go crazy. That's the way I feel good. People would be like, I can't believe this you're like just go talk to the principle. You know, why are you spawn right here? what the comments that would insinuate or that suggest silence on the part of board members is apathy. I really struggle with that as an emotional person. I know likes to connect with other I know emotionally that reservation is very hard for me. I I know that it's my Boulder to shoulder. I will tell you that I left certain groups because it is difficult to to not to not participate so it's better. Just not to see it. Anyways, I have to. Pull our tongues. Does anyone else have any other questions for Terry? Thank you. I'll leave you with is. Like the closest exit. Yeah is you're looking for any updates on any of the advisory opinion or any of the complaints check School Board notes. Because we try to stay up on that when they publish them and that would give you any idea this tons of social media on there. You go back into some of the archives and take a look, but that's the place to keep up on top of the Epic. All right. Let me see here you. Okay. Um, thank you curriculum today. do not discuss that last. Okay. Finding facilities Greg count yet. It's policy. So it was actually wondering How I should report on policy so policy met but our policies are not going to be voted on this month. We're like too close to the agenda day our meetings. And so I'm wondering if it's more confusing if I describe to you next months because you don't see them yet or if I go, I think we should talk about a little bit. maybe the fact that the Mandate we had a long discussion, maybe yeah. Don't know. I mean just the second reading ones it also there might not be enough Gap either between working and voting and that's okay because I feel like it was General stuff like yeah. Yeah. Okay, so I'll just do it, but just to clarify that not all the specific policies we talked about or on the agenda yet because we want to give board members enough time to read the policies think about it, right? So we're we like to see policies on a working agenda and devoting agenda before we vote right. So there's We don't know how we're yeah every game you. it's pretty great moves. It's just moves. Yeah. We had that. The Tuesday spring break that we came here. We lost that. Yeah, and that's how bad I think so the last time so yeah. this week the big thing we talked about was if you see an m. on a policy document or a regulation document that means it's mandated. Right. that's a required policy all districts policy or regulations and So our policy advisors we use a company called Strauss, which is very commonly used. They guide the majority of any edits that you see and those policy documents and those edits are based on state watches, right? So it's not just like arbitrarily randomly editing. It's the legislature voted on something and it has this kind of side effect. And so we have to clean up our book. so the policy committee what we do is spend a lot of time. a quality committee members current and former can attest to us. We spend a lot of time thinking critically about the language that is used in policies to make sure it's clear because we know the policy will be you put into action at some point or reference at some point. So we want to make sure there's nothing blurry about it and we have debates over like should we add an oven or not? Of course should be like, sometimes it's really seemingly minor things, but it can change what the sentence feels like. We have discussions where like I interpret the policy this way just a difference the policy. it's different right? And so then we kind of like cash out. Okay, so how will people so that's kind of the purpose of the policy committee is we get in the nitty-gritty then we bring the policies to you all you can ask questions right you have access to it, then we can go back and revisit something based on anything you all bring up. And so that's why we have a first reading a second reading before it's officially edited and just that came up because Some of the policies and or all the policies and regulations that we looked at were mandated and some of them seem I don't know like nothing orders is how I said it the committee meaning it's one of those regulations. I think it was said if there are curriculum changes. Oh like the superintendent is in charge who else would be a charger, but it's a mandated. So like I guess we have to do it right so we were having those kinds of discussions because we've also had this tension of there could there be too many volunteer, you know, like when do we there's three many that the library doesn't even useful anymore of calls. What does that mean to be mandated does the state mandate that we have a policy for that specific topic whether they mandate the contents of that. They almost all the legislation language. Yes. copy pasted. Here's the code and that's why we have a policy because this is which is statute. And yes, that's and that's why we're talking to you get in trouble if you try to modify modify you need healthy because you okay so many of our questions if we're like, we don't like this phrasing then we'll go back to Strauss say could we change this phrasing or will this have You know and impact that we're not anticipating illegal that's heavens. And so any of the changes tie back to the statute, right the ones that we reviewed, right? And so when you look especially at mandated polic ies the updates may seem like they're scratched a bunch of words and now we're using a different phrase if that's because the state legislature has changed, you know, like if they have changed how they so that was I mean a lot of our discussion. I'm thinking I can. um, bring some more specifics closer to next month, you know what I mean? Like if you the other thing that happened in our policy meeting that I is Worth sharing is Rob Fox visited us and talked to some more about suspension data. He's analyzed kind of multi-year. He looked at 2020 to present to see if we have any Trends right? It's suspension data. Are there more are there less? Is there anything going on and are there multi suspensions with one kiddo? You know like is there something that maybe we could be doing differently to help kids modify whatever whatever behavior is and this year. There are so far as of when we met only 12 suspensions and it seems like there have been some small tweaks and practice and that have supported the decrease in suspensions the middle school for example has been using Saturday detention more. and that is in our policy and the student, you know, like if it's nothing new, but it's just the administration at the middle school is starting to kind of lean into Saturday detentions coming to school on Saturday is no fun. And so that has seemed to go over here. So having kids kind of school and Saturday some more effective disciplinary 12 and telling them stay home. Okay? the high school similarly has lead into removing open campus. So Juniors and seniors are allowed to leave campus during lunch and study halls freshman and sophomores. I believe are allowed to if they're grades are certain way. They can't promotion. I don't know you. I realizing like I have I have three kids in various states in the school, but I really have never experienced any building entirely because of covid, you know, so I don't really know what is normal. so Juniors and seniors, All I need to leave campus and again only during study halls and but the high school administration has been leaning into removing open campus as a punishment and again, where you don't know but it seems like maybe those are things that speak to students. Yeah. truly shocking. Yeah, and so Rob and a crowd at the district is working on an application for a grant around some behavior management support stuff that they'll be working on today. So I'm sure we'll hear more about that a few different committees and then next month. We as a policy committee asked to see or hear about similar transient data around kid victims offender, you know, like can we look longitudling? That easily yeah because we as you can see on the agenda as everybody knows we vote we see this but it's my month and so or we're just asking can somebody just check and see what's so those are kind of Yeah. Thank you. any questions for each. Great. Thanks. Okay, Linda. Do you have anything lrfp? I do not. For me and negotiations were excited to announce. We have an agreement in principal with the HCA which is like record time and we really like to thank the hga negotiations committee and and as well as our own committee we you know that last night was a very long one, but you know, I think I think we all had the best interest in mind of all those involved and I think we're happy to say wonderful PTA updates I have so I attended the meeting on March 25th. and they gave some updates around just some of their like monthly events and teacher appreciation. I think they also talked about the idea of creating a chair positioned oversee the teacher appreciation events for the Middle School PTA because that seems to really be a large part of still some work work to be done on the renovation in the teacher lounge And so the PTA is working on just looping back in with I think the all the materials are there just needed to finish up a couple of last items. Um, they are this week and I think what tonight was parent or family night this week was the Middle School book fair at inkwood. And so that was something that they were excited about. They also talked about, you know, just some of the upcoming events towards the end of the year. Let's see what else they have here and talked about like recruiting for new board members and one thing that I just wanted to know that was interesting in the discussion around. with the middle school being three years that too that there's so much turnover in the PTA and that just something to keep in mind and talking about ways. Could they, you know partner on even different share positions like somebody coming up versus somebody because a lot of them that kind of institutional knowledge then goes away with because you're only there you come and it was really effective. Yeah to have two year terms for board members in coming out going and helps. and I just I thought that that was really a good idea and just something that you know again as a parent of a sixth grader. don't always think about and how that and especially I will say if you don't have multiple children to understand how quickly that can turn over I did share with them the board highlights and the press release on the new Middle School principal and was really excited the other thing that I know we had talked about in a previous meeting about the some of the renovations within the locker rooms in there and by Renovations, it's just like a freshening up and what they're looking to do is how there's there's a lot of trash and things just clutter in the locker rooms in the middle school and talk working with teachers to maybe form like a teacher committee to lead that clean out because what then needs to happen is their paperwork is their files is their equipment and things like that going on in there and then they talked about replacing some of the recess equipment. That is something that they're planning on doing. think that every Chester anyone who had middle school kids do they dress for Middle School gyms before them now. so you have sorry Tatum PKA didn't have a meeting, but the inclusion Expo is next Thursday as open to everybody in the district, but the potato PKA sponsoring it and it should be awesome. I will go unfortunately be in the car driving my kid to a soccer thing, but I'll be there in spirit and I also saw in the weekly or whatever it is update from Tatum PTA that their sponsoring a circus assembly and I think for the week after for the kids and enough to be the details on it. It's it's based one of the theme around an orange correctly. Oh circus assembly. Yes. yeah. Sorry, I believe it was Jerry school that's already had the service construction. So when you start off with them performing for the entire school and then during the physical education classes every day. they have performers who come and teach the children all sorts of really cool activities and tricks and things that they have done in the show. So it's really exciting and I'm exciting to you. Yeah, that's right. So many culture pieces in Philly. like DC has a lot more like yeah one of them, that's me for the pieces. Yeah. I just have the h-e-t golf outing is June 17th, and we had a meeting this morning and then it's to remind her that the HCA Town dinner is next Wednesday, 17th. Okay, Mr. Class. Do you have anything I do have a few things? um excited news for all of us our senior trip begins tomorrow. There are 212 seniors travel. It's 95% of the class. That's very impressive number. As if you're the principal you're nervous about that. That's great. We we changed. I think we taught us before we change the format. So normally they've been eating here like one o'clock in the morning, but now that maybe 10 day flying out of Newark which is different, but you know what happens if you leave it that one o'clock you're gonna play today you're playing against Lane you get your first age and your trip for clock you've already missed out. Okay, so we made that change and and be honest the first couple days are exhausting kids get sick you some of the experience that happened. Um, this is here's some really good news. The school performance reports came out and one of the new standards that for is the essay accountability indicator and some other practice so every school gets a score between zero and a hundred And then you get a rating which is your percentile, right? So that's how that works central school last week. I talked about central school and they're being studied by Rutgers in the state because there's test scores have been doing so well. Central Schools score at one of the 100 was 96.53 and their percentile their rating was 99.82. which means you want a top five schools performing in the state. So I'm gonna have them come I was having come next week to to celebrate them, but we have like math Audits and so may not really Target that try to do something very special offensive school. That's a great accomplishment. Also the high school their score was ninety point four four and they are the 93.6461 percentile also one of the top schools in the state and this includes by the way, this includes magnet schools Charter Schools, you look at some of the vote Tech schools up in Bergen County where they're at the test to get in. the world being tested the same way and in central school if you take out some of those magnets, it's this is 2,600 schools, right? So the Central Schools number five. Three of them ahead of them are mandatoricals. So our two of them had a very so it's a really it's a really a great honor. So we're gonna do try to do something wrong mice for them to knowledge that I will do. Well, I'll have some time to plan we're asking what's the planes? I'm not good at this but may not we're gonna have invite them. We'll try to do something special for that. um also where the touch quickly on if you if you're in central school or middle school your last Friday was very different than the rest of the districts. That is Friday, which they had to go to school. I've talked about this before the state does not Flex on 180 days under any circumstances unless there's catastrophic and you have to go Saturdays and Sundays before that s*** out of it. I talked I worked with the county executive superintendent. She is permission to make it a virtual days with a virtual half day Central School had over 60% attendance, which is pretty impressive. I think given that teacher attendance was very high 90% A lot of families are traveling but even some of the families who traveling they logged in from vacation, which is exciting classes went well by the teachers work from their classrooms. They came to school they found that a better way to do it. a challenging thing because You want to engage the kid to make it meaningful and they came to school that day, but you can't go forward because you're missing 40% So a lot of the activities were really about a Richmond and having and having a kids work on some things one-on-one session to teachers. They had they challenges like constructing the materials of any model of a famous building in sending a picture of it or create a shopping list your favorite meal the pricing it out. So there's some things like that activities. We're really enrichment a lot of times been on reading into dangerously Lexi stuff like that middle school had 56.76% attendance which I think is really impressive. and once again a lot of activities that were based on. the eclipse they need a lot of studies in the eclipse or something would never really normally do the eclipse was coming the next the next Monday science classes worked on the eclipse pre algebra classes worked on notation stuff stuff. that was more enrichment and highlighting social studies. Does the ancient Chinese myth of when dragons ate the song which is awesome another eclipse piece? so they found the way to make it engaging and meaningful and hats off to the 6% of students. who came I saw for the teachers who made the day put a lot of hard work in making me very easy to lay back just gonna read today. They didn't so that end up being a pretty good solution all around and credit to the leaders of this abilities and staff and indication being about and the parents who made the kids log on especially they want to hurt you. like hearing all the kids and CJ's math class because I was like, wait what and then you heard them all and so I was like you didn't have school that day. You wouldn't. Yeah, but It and thank you Chuck for exploring this option again with the virtual half day. Yeah, whatever. It would have been a disaster. Yeah people come in. Anyway, you're welcome. Actually's Mission because he's like this so. Okay. So for me, I just have a reminder you did get an email for the board self evaluation. It is open. We asked for you to get it done by April 26th. So you'll have it just in time to get Mr. Classes, which is early May, right? Haven't had my hoping to finalize by the end of the month and they'll be really Absolutely. I'll show you guys too. So lots of lots of evaluation lots of introspection and are Retreat is going to be Wednesday, June 4th at I have. I have at 4pm at 4:00 a.m. That's why so it's Wednesday, June 5th at 4pm. and we'll get more information for you. In fact, it's closer. Okay. Well now begin open public comments session members of the community are invited to speak for up to three minutes at this time if you'd like to make an additional comment, please wait till each person has had a chance to make their initial statement. All comments must be for we have anything for seven or no? No, yeah. All comments must be directed to the board not members of the public according to our bylaws comment session can last no longer than one hour. This is an opportunity to listen, but not to be issues or other question Nancy period Please be aware that not unless she's brought up before board meeting will be resolved that evening We ask you to identify Yourself by stating your name and the name of your street. Well education can be an emotional issue we strive to maintain a certain level of decorative meeting public meetings are streams and available for replay on YouTube and students often participate in the meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain a tone of courtesy and civility. Hello, Carol Stoner Abigail Avenue. Um I'd like to talk. This is not going to be popular, but I'd like to talk about the recent hiring of the new Middle School principal. Who is the husband of our high school principal? I don't believe that it was me clear to our school district that they are in fact husband and wife to my knowledge. Is that correct? I'm surprised that we would hire a husband and wife to hold such important admin positions in our school district with only one high school and only one Middle School in Haddonfield. Why do we want the same family in these positions? What could possibly go wrong with this? anything what other candidates of the 30 plus that applied were not considered because he was the husband of our current High School principal wasn't appetism involved. I'd like to know how many other schools in New Jersey allow husband and wife to be principals of both a single middle and high school. What policies do we have in place if any regarding husband and wife hirings for administrative positions I realized that we have had husband and wife teachers, but I don't ever remember a husband and wife being in charge of an administrative position. of the Middle School to high school ever that's numbers. really in the comments Okay, we'll now move on we have one action item before we move on to. the agenda Can I have a motion? Do I have to make a motion to add it to the agenda first? Yeah, that'll be our motion that we can work. Okay. Can I have a motion? to add the motion to deny the request to change the student record of student eight to three five six, seven five nine eight nine based on determination that all do process rights were followed. Linda just okay motion. so moved and Mike and you have discussion, right Mike. could you call roll distress? Yes. Mister yes. Miss Hollywood. Yes. Mr. Vice President Hoover. Yes. Ms. Beneke more Dr. Brown. Yeah president crooked. Yes. Okay. items for Board of Ed approval any questions comments about governance It's a review of next week's agenda. Yes. Yes. so I don't read through it this time you just I did not have access to buy walls introduction. Now. I know what that is good, but I requested access and and but it was just here this you didn't get access the same. I haven't either I have access all the at least as of five when I lived. I figured it would be sort of about between them. Is it all of them? know there was something out about this were I didn't have access in this month's folder, but I wanted to get folder I could actually and I had actually been in the power just lost it right. Yeah, yeah. Okay. okay, curriculum and special education love in the field trips. That's a Locals I love in the smarts. Oh executive content. I have all that I That's a great idea. Okay personnel. I was wondering also require d and Jay the athletic and non-athletic stipends just the athletic include include the HMS. Students are just say yeah, it's all it's all in there. Okay, there's my question. Yes. no names listed because they have a ghost. Yeah. No, but we're budget. Yeah. So any of these positions are near to year. So what we put them out. Well everyone have to reapply for the position again Middle School being there. And we don't know who put it together. But is there a way to either add a line spreadsheet so we can some by either activity like the fall play or the football team? Because when I went in I didn't have an option to make any edits, obviously that I couldn't change things, but I would love to see just the comparison numbers of this is how much we spend total on the fall. Play this is what we do in the spring musical. I know Heather previously inventioned concern about Equity between Athletics and the Arts and other extracurriculars and I think that would just be helpful eye to eye comparison in my head when I eyeballed it seemed roughly even but would be a helpful figure. Woman I might even have that documentary prepared for student life, but that's I thought I it's as simple as like a some and drag and just and then the only thing because we did talk about this during student life is you really can't look at just that number because they're the hours are vastly agreeing on. Yeah. And the numbers not a perfectly comparison against but just you know rough. Yeah, see what one thing because hot fresh out of negotiations. I don't know the total Athletics statements in the total non-athletic statements are almost I know. Oh Paul winter spring Athletics and all the other and can comparison to all the other unlikely points out, you know Athletics in particular. I'm thinking of Athletics and the musical and theater is like those are the two most time-consuming Every Day hours situation that that's good to hear. Okay. Um, this is some Finance recommendations. Good to see the budgets on here. We're at that process. County Business missionary writer going back and forth on non-substantive things. So I anticipated proof of the Canada. It's due by next. their approvals due by next Friday I think it's probably worth calling out the second to last whereas Clause that the budget includes the use of capital reserve funds for their renovation of happens Fields. I heard some questions in the community about where that money was coming from was there going to be a separate tax loving of there's not it is funding from capital reserve as we've or but maybe Thank you. in part that decision was made because it was something we could move forward on and get that space working for the community while we're doing the rest of the stuff. And we would get and you wouldn't see it anyway, so again just reviewing that again Okay, any questions about the minutes we're done at a budget section just like in minutes or for no no budgets here. I was just surprised it so many questions on a minute. Oh, I always want to find something wrong with it. It's just an honor. For the budget is 54 million dollars and the taxes are 44 million dollars like The difference it's stated, right? Yeah different. Okay Revenue. That's all right, but there's also other source of Revenue like I budget tuition Revenue right other. miscellaneous revenue or category, okay. Thank you. I obviously most of our What makes up most of our budget is text? Yeah, okay, I just I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear anyway, so, okay. Any other questions? Yes, I thought you said you had a bunch. Did you know that's why I surprise because I thought you were asked the questions about the minutes. No. I could see does anyone have questions over there? No, I just need to set my clock two minutes early. 7022. We're punctual. Yeah, we start seven on the dogs. Always my partner in the habit. five minutes late Um any items for future consideration the board? we we did that email about the oh, yeah, that's a solution. I mean, I don't know that's important thing or that's fine. that's a subcommittee. Okay. Considering it but do the budget. Yeah the crew. Probably will show discussion. Is that on our finance subcommittee agenda again? This is Tuesday. Okay, anything else? motion to adjourn my staff to focus you're just pointed out, but that was anything bigger meaning adjourned. All right.