##VIDEO ID:o7iA1FmSVZA## >> HSD Broadcast: Up here. Like watching, they got you here, right? Okay. I'm going to call the meeting to order. Mike, could you please call roll? Present. Mr. Knuckles. Miss Sonic. Vice President Hooker here. we stand for the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible with liberty. and justice for all. Michael, could you please read the statement concerning open public meetings. public notice of this meeting. Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act as being by the superintendent of Schools in the following matter. Well, January 10th 2024. Notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the school. administration offices, 95, Grove Street Hadfield written notice was submitted involved the handful of Borough clerk and NOTICE IT FOR EMAIL TO THE CARRIER POST in the RETROSPECT newspaper. Okay, thank you. And thank you all for joining us as we are on the road. Actually looks really good. for Roadshow. And I'd like to introduce Matt Ritter who has submitted an application for the board. Thank you, Matt for joining us today. Thank you. Okay. we don't have any here, you know, any commendations or presentations today. So we're going to go right to board committee reports. Curriculum. We have not met yet. Correct. It's been a busy beginning of the year. So a lot of committees have not met yet. um, and facilities has not met yet. as we met last year, policy has not met yet and Lrfp has been very busy. So we'll talk about the long range facilities plan. Okay, then okay. yeah, thanks Jeff. So we want to Polly or the district has sent out a message. letting everyone know that the detailed website is live. We also have just made a fastbacks facts and FAQ page live as well. trying to get as many of the questions that were hearing answer. There's also a link to submit questions Through that page. So what we'd like to ask if everyone has questions submit through there and then as we see things that are trending will not only update Age. But then what we'd like to do is as we come to the board meeting any topics that are trending, and we know that people are asking about we're going to try and, and just hit a couple of questions. And then additionally, talking about Q&A just want to say again that we will have a town hall that will be a complete Q&A session of September 30th at 7pm and the HMS Auditory Generation. hmhs. Sorry. thank you. Thank you. In high school, auditory. So we have tonight's three big questions, three that we pulled out as things that we're hearing and we'd like to take a little bit more time to explain them. One question is why Question, instead of multiple questions and it's good. Good question. We in the past there have been multiple questions and then you would then vote them on them. separately. It's something that we talked about a lot during the last couple of years, But as we put this entire plan together, it's a comprehensive plan And one thing is so dependent on another that you can't just vote for one piece of it, because if you took one piece out, then something else. that's dependent on that piece being in place is impacted. So we did consider it. But just with the comprehensive solution, it's just not possible. Um, one important note that I think we want to make sure that people understand, there's there, these are all of the areas that we've identified as needs, but we're hearing a lot about additional classrooms. additional enrollment concerns there and that is a big concern of ours as Mr. Klaus talked in, he presents it in the last meeting that we can Mission of the cost, right? So it's 46.7 million. That is the cost of all of the projects, that's the cost. that's going to go into be on the question when people go into vote. they're going to see 46.7 million dollars. That's not the real cost. The taxpayers. so there's nine million dollars in state aid. So when you take that off of that, then what we have is 37.7 million dollars. That's the real tax impact. which then that is what amounts to 369 for the average household. Um and that is assessed value. not market value. So keep driving that home because people need to understand what they're assessed value is. And that is that's where we get that impact. But then, in one of the questions, it's also how is state aid applied and Mike or Chuck? Do you guys want to talk about that? Yeah, every year. I certify. what the amount of debt payments will be for the upcoming year. Usually around February that we find out what our state on those debt payments are on an annual basis. We find out on basis, but we assume what what is going to be just based on? Historically typically, it's been 40. statutory is 40%, but we've been getting 85% of that 40% that that amount of those payments is offset by steady that we get annually. So over 22 years, if successful We'll get state aid every single year. to offset the local share. So it's like when you're going to pay your credit card account once a year, if you paid it once a year, then here's what you're supposed to pay. But we also have some money. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yes. So they're not they don't do a love song, right? So they pay it just the same time that we would be paying it and so it incrementally reduces over time but the full 46.7 million will be against our credit line and then degree and and lower. As we make payments in the state makes payment. And it's important. One of the reasons we're driving home. and we wanted 46 46.7 million that were were Right. Yeah. Oh I thought you know, I was gonna ask him to advance now so that we know. Okay. So the 46.7 million it's important that because while Everything else is reduced, what we don't want people to do is go to the polls and see 46.7 million and be thinking? Oh well, they said it was 37.7. So we want people to understand that that, although we're not paying that full amount, that is the amount that's going to be on the bill. and how much ultimately it would be costing us. But we won't be paying at all. I want to just, Dance it. so that I know it's a five minutes. this one. I I so the the other question that we want to address tonight is what's included in the Hopkins. parcel that, that project because I think everybody's talking about the gym and it's not, you know, it's this amount of money for the gym. It's, yes, the gym is the blue. building. That's there. but Hopkins, parcel there's much more to that project. So that the gym, it'll be a new gym and a wrestling room. It has locker rooms restrooms but that also is vacating space in the high school that we then have earmarked for future growth. So that's one of those interconnected type things. Um, the turf field that when cooling gets knocked down, we are very, very eager to put there. Um, lighting will be put on there, so that we can get even extended hours and Mr. Klaus talked last time about how many more hours we can actually get for. Ports. And get these kids home early and to bed early, because it's not great for a young kids to be out, practicing until nine. Familiar with the parking at the high school. Might not be important to a lot of us here. I can tell you this high school kids that are driving. They very much care about that but it's also a safety issue as well because the way that the parking is configured it's really not great with the way that people have to like walk across the the driveway to get into the school. So all of that is going to be reconfigured. So you've got parking reconfiguration from the parking that already exists. but then there's additional parking That will be put in place next to the turf field and then this is important as well. Those teeny little buildings, the purple buildings there. those are historic buildings that we got with that parcel the carriage house the the bigger purple one that we've talked about storage, Mr. Klaus just talked about the amount of money that we could save. if we were buying in bulk right now. We can't do that for the district because we don't have any place to put it, but if we could start buying and bill, Involved. We've got a place to store these things and then we can get savings from that. And then those other two little buildings, one of them is it. So and this is on the referendum question as well. The bigger one is the carriage house. The medium sized one is the Maggie House. Many people know that as the greenhouse that did the carriage house stays where it is the greenhouse needs to be. Needs to be moved. Relocated and then, that little one is also a start building. It's a shed. And I mean, you think that it's it was used by the like, the train. so that the shed and Maggie house which is the greenhouse came from the railroad tracks. So they were they were one time where the speed last station is now they were relocated. The. Maggie house was a ticket group, basically, and the shed was where they store their tools and make the pump things that the cars used to run along. So that's when those two buildings are. And they were moved here on the blank properties. They are historic. That's where they came from up by where the speedline station is So, the the cost is also the moving and reconfiguring of these historic buildings, which we have to do, because they're historic buildings, but it also is going to make for a really nice campus for for our district. Can I also act? Because when we renovating them but are using the carriage house as Storage is strategic. We need storage space for these bulk. items, but that also frees us up from having to do a full renovation of the inside of the carriage house with saves us. a lot of money. We talked over and over again about possibly using it for programs in order to make that accessible for students, it would have been cost prohibitive. So using it for the storage allows us one to save money on that end of renovating the insight. and also save money on the end of both purchases. so that we can save the items there. Quickly. back to the wrestling area in the ground floor. Has a 2500 square feet is a huge Uge. Yeah. we have our Jeff thanks for coming night. How big is this space? Yeah. 1800s. We'll talk about the gathering this much space and more back for future instructional spaces. so it is a big number if we don't do it now. That opportunity could be lost, and in the other thing just for aesthetic piece, Lower Paul. we all know we refurbished on the corner. That's not part of this. But if we refer, when we refinished refurbish these, those other three buildings and little falls there. You know, two days we heard when we did the community pieces. We want this to be community use and we want some green space open. space. That'll be a beautiful little stretch of old Victorian having jokes sitting right there as you enter the town. It'll be a very nice look, as part of the high school campus even though it's called may not be part of the high school. It'll still aesthetic. Imagine that right? You wouldn't tell it numbers of athletes. Yes. So the good to know what the the whole Hopkin project is. But talking about athletics, and why, you know, why do we need a more space for athletics? I Chuck. Thank you for pulling these numbers today. But between the high school and the middle school, there are more than a thousand of our kids. that participate in sports across those two schools. 81% of high schoolers and 55% of middle schoolers participate in sports. we've just added volleyball. So that's yet another space. It's great that we're adding these programs because it's, we all know, It's wonderful for kids to be involved in sports. be passionate about sports, or whatever it is. that that their passionate about, these are big numbers. but additionally, this isn't just for the school. This is to help community. youth groups as well. and Mr. Klaus also pulled those numbers. and there are about 4,000 Participants. Now, recognizing that kids to play multisports? their their double counted. But when you count soccer field, hockey, La Crosse. Wrestling basketball football. cheerleaders, baseball and softball throughout the town in youth sports. We're talking about about 4,000 participants. So this is something to help the community as well. So, those are big threes for tonight. and then as more questions, come in, and, as we're, we're seeing, you know, where people might have confusion. We'll get to another big three next time. I do have some mortise, my son. Oh, I'm sorry. just right. That was my big three. You have everybody. I have money so we are traveling. We're traveling s*** because we want to talk about different places different buildings, right? So these are the projects for Central Elementary and Middle School. Central Elementary. We're adding. there's a net gain of three classrooms. There's a lot of stuff going on the sausages. Made moving this from moving there. But if that game of three to get us a 23 classrooms, they'll be expanding the h9s building the old. you'll, the old Border Office. which would be classroom small group instruction, and a new faculty workspace. Adding instructional space, by moving other places. dedicated, guidance and counseling suite, we'll be moved to the second floor. Next to the nurse is all just very appropriate because they work closely together. and large and improving our nurses office right now. I talk last meeting. The Central Middle. Nurses Office is the same size as soon as you had in the Nurses office. One school was he had? and serves 400 the other one serves over a thousand One has two nurses. One has a single nurse. So we're going to make room for more appropriate. Nursing for our students. safer playground. Air. gonna go with the poured in place for the accessible removal of the Mercury retaining floor. We spoke about We're getting new roofs here, upgrading part of the corridors. And then, Buyer systems. Where's all of our buildings need new fire systems once again? I say they are safe, right now. But they may not be forever. if we don't fix them, right? That's what that's what that is. The high school or the middle school Other new auditorium upgrades and alterations complete overhaul going from A space. You can only hold one of the three grades at a time to a place. We will hold all three grades at the same time because with seating arrangement changed. So Mr. McHale can have a full building assembly. Not just three assemblies by great. um, The renovating the music practice rooms below there. Part of this media center serves both schools. It's gonna be divided and I'm going to show you pick and and the circulation desk office area takes up 25 square. square 25% of the square footage in this room. That's going to be reduced. So the space is going from The adult work space to student instructional space. We're shifting that that model there. then we're going to Of the Nurses office part of it capacity is serving line, which is I'm going to show you a picture a minute. It's I can't fit. Throw it as bizarre set up. So gonna fix that. Um, the States. the stairwell needs to be fixed and then upgraded corridors. And then once again, the fire alarm system. So here's some pictures. That are not going to come because of the way. it's going in. Oh, it's working. That's the 1890s but that's gonna part of Central School. that is actually accessible as well. So, while the Central School accept, well, we'll work through the hallways the holes in the wall. this area. we made accessible as well with the lift. Um, this is the stero. I was talking about. if you go to the main stairwell in Central and where central middle meet that structure at woodhold, that's holding up all together. together which is not great. It's been that way for Eight years. So we're gonna get that fixed. This is display of how we have things in the hallway that shouldn't be in the hallways, right? They should be private areas up testing and working with students 101 That's why we have our small constructions. so important This is the mercury containing floor by the way. This is this. I feel the great photographer actually. then it's a picture. This makes this fluid good. This floor doesn't look anywhere near this quality right now. It is really kind of beat up badly Plus it needs to plus has a mercury containing in it. Um, that's the picture of circulation decks, which I could just point, but I put a picture anyway. um, this the cafeteria line, you see, where that? That Okay, or juts out. It's it's almost impossible to get through there. So if you, if you're on crutches or you know wheelchair we have in a boot with a book, you can't fit through there, it's simply doesn't work. um, This is some of the the two classrooms that are the art room and and the steam room. they're gonna get out. grades because they they're, they're old and antiquated. Auditorium seats. That's not staged by saying. Let's find the worst road there. That's simply how they exist today. Auditorium. I actually showed part of the dressroom in the high school. Rotating, Agt did when I told the music programs people, I would have thought. This is what our music, practice rooms look like and there's no HVAC down there. So there's kids just down there. in these rooms are probably or built for a storage purpose. Now, using those instructional purposes, we're gonna get those upgraded. And then, once again just stuff in the hallway that we have to solve those problems. So that's just a quick talk about what we're going to be doing central middle school. Questions. Thanks for joining us. You just we just did. Why you are watching all that? I actually texted you guys because it I saw that. We put it on here. It looks like it's better. Yeah, frozen here. We said he froze on you. so hopefully yeah. caught the good stuff. All right, great. Thank you. PTA update? Most likely start next week. Yeah, back to school nights are on our going on. We did go to the back. Night. At movie. Today, it was great. I handed out our flyers and just talked a little bit about the fun referendum. And Was good. It made me miss having not that. I normally don't miss having a little one but it was fine. Like the the back to school night Excitement was there. That's always nice. Okay, Dr. Priolo, do you have anything? Yeah, two announcements one the Required assessment, The Nja SLA that students in grades three through 11 took last spring. Go score reports will be available by the end of next week. if not sooner. They will be available in the parent portal in Genesis and the notification for my office will be coming out detailing. how parents access and interpret that information. Moreover, we will be presenting a comprehensive analysis of those results at next month's board meeting. will actually the first meeting the work session. our supervisors. Mr. De Donato and Ms, Russos will be completing that analysis for the board. and for the public. And tomorrow is the deadline to submit nominations for eligibility for the gifted. and talented program. And that is just for kindergarten and newly enrolled students. So annually. we do our newly enrolled students. In kindergarten students, in the fall within the first few weeks of the school year. And then we do our open testing for anyone who would like to test annually in the spring. So, this one coming up. The deadline tomorrow is just for kindergarten and newly enrolled students and we have about a hundred nominations sitting in as of now. Okay, thank you. Okay. Our board discussion was really the Sellerfp, right? We don't have any nothing else and for that, okay? Um, oh, wait. oh, you, I forgot you Mr. Flowers. Sorry. ahead. I actually did myself too. cool as you as we probably on the school's open last week. Only one red rose. He's actually I'm not as superstitious persons like you say. I'm not for you. was Eerily smooth on all levels. It really went well. I've, it's got a lot of times in the buildings going around. Seeing everything happens, exciting. Great work by our, by our teachers. our building level administrations make sure everything was ready to go. I just a very positive starts. I'm feel very good about that as mentioned back to school much. when full swing Addons was last night. Next week is Central's. Next week Central? and high school. And then the week after that is going to be Tatum our middle school Then Tatum Um, sports started. The drama clubs are all those things are happening in high school. They're already going. it's interesting. the weight. They waste force have changed these days. Tomorrow night is a home, football game. You're a third way through the season. That I know they're starting it just go. Well, things are happening fast and then things are shifting in a way that starting earlier and all that stuff. So that's probably another topic in front of the day. but it's something we should probably talk about, but maybe say, hey, And Jason. hey, maybe we should rethink some of these things. we're doing. Because You know, football players football players in high school cannot play 14 or 15 games and that's moving college players play. and I don't know. that's a great thing on. so, but that's that's just how how fast we're moving along. We're I actually was looking to put in my schedule to go see all the teams play. I'm already. I'm gonna have a hard time getting them in because I'm too late getting to that for a lot of. So that and that's just a drama club are coming up in October. in November October is a high school. No members and middle school. and that's really, I have Thank you. yeah, I don't have much just I want to thank everyone who helped towards, you know contribute to the smooth openings of the schools. everyone from as we know, like maintenance. Tim everyone getting our air conditioning up and running. Tommy was complaining. it was too cold today like Wow, be happy. it's not too hot. Um, and and really like, just getting everything running smoothly and and being flexible and it's also I think it's a mark of opera faculty, who's welcome? our students into the schools and our administrators who are ensuring that everything is in place for what they need. and freeing teachers up to really do what it is. they do, which is care for our students, and teach our students and be there for the the immediate needs in the classroom. So thank you to everyone. I really appreciate it. and it always reminds me of how fortunate we are to have somebody dedicated people in our community. and as well as the parents because that's it's a lot getting back to school in the back to school night. And there were so many parents there. last night and we always have well-tended events for the parents and and that means a lot. you know, kids do better. when parents are involved. so we thank you for that. the ATT rally in the alley is going to be Saturday. November 23rd tickets are available and sponsorships are also available so that you can go to the ATT website, right? Matt. Would it be on the HTT website too, Right, so if you, if you'd like to sponsor or buy your tickets, it did sell out last year, right? It's yeah. I remember now you've already got good sales already without you. Yeah, number one, right? Such a good event. This is playing. That's it. Oh yeah. They were there, right? It was good. I I always really good whatever, I don't even know the name of it because the auction. Yeah. I don't know the name of it because I never win. But Linda win every year. so just follow her. don't put your tickets where herself And I also want to thank the board for all of your work getting this referendum on, you know, going hitting the ground. It's a lot of work. A lot of study I want to particularly thank Linda for her diligence, on the website. if they had like Emmys for websites, I think. that's good. think that We're great and Chuck and I'm surprised that he hasn't strangled me, but he the amount of work that Chuck has poured into that is really amazing. So yes, thank you. and and we appreciate it. It's definitely a team effort. So We appreciate everyone. and I'm working on being more grateful. That's my my resolution for this school year. but You're all making these. Okay. Um, oh, All right, so moving on to open public comments. Well, now begin be open. public comments session members of community, or invite it to speak for up to three minutes at this time. If you'd like to make an additional comment, you must wait until each person has had a chance to make their initial statement. All comments must be directed toward the board. not members of the public according to our bylaws comment session can last no longer than one hour. This is an opportunity for the board to listen. but not debate issues or enter question. and answer, period. Please be aware that, not all issues, Grown up before. Board meeting will be resolved that evening, we ask you to identify yourself by stating your name and the name of your street before making your comment to the board. While public education can be an emotional issue. we strive to maintain a certain level of decorate. at the meeting. Public meetings are streams and available for replay on YouTube and students off the participate in the meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain a total tone of and civility. It's okay. Anyone like to make a public comment? I'm Matt Ritter 227 chestnut. First off. Thanks. all of you for serving on the board. I know exactly what that is like, as I was on board previously Pre-covid. So, thank you for everything you do for the for the district. Appreciate it. So, we're going to referendum this is on a question, but more of a comment As I'm starting to hear some things from potential opposition. The law of averages which you did, exactly correctly with the based on the average assessed value. it should come roughly around 369 per house per annum. Which is exactly what to explain it. but then what happens is some folks take that and start to do some math. what they think. Number of households are in this town. They spread the law, average and solution between two. year bond. This should be less ten. We have the same paid off. But that's the law marriages, right? This doesn't always work out that way. In terms of in terms of perfection of exactly 369 per house, right? So we're gonna be higher, A large portion of 500 would be lower. So, I don't think you need to put anything out in terms of exact numbers and percentages and walking people down the line of. Hey, this is exactly how the math works out. But just more broad statement should it come up? Because I think you might hear about it as this gets closer that listen. We made this for simplicity's sake of 369 per house, but the law of averages will work that quite that way. We're dealing with bond reference just a little FYI in that as you walk down, this journey. Okay, thanks. so much and I really do I mean, the comments. Okay. Um let's go on to the agenda. It is a working. session so you'll be spared my reading all of it. So let's first start with governance. Take a look. Any questions or comments? for the Report. It shows like June. Is that mean there are no new correct? Okay. Thank you. cycle twice. They happen after the Jew. we logged him in after the Dream Board meeting So you saw him September, okay? Okay. Anything for curriculum and special education. I could make a comment now about the curriculum. My kid. Dave, I don't know what is it five. Loves. I ready? math? Rave reviews. Oh no done. Math. Curriculum team. Very excited by. Okay, thank you. Thanks for sure. And they are being excited about math. pretty good. The. Math one. Yeah. I have one of those. Too. I had one question, but Yeah. Okay. Um Personnel. I just had a comment on a, how cool is that? We have someone on sabbatical, who's gonna work? Yeah. it's really neat when we can Oh, absolutely. Yeah. absolutely. Exciting. And that was one of Michael's professors. but, Okay. How about business and finance? Oh, I guess where my question was? Is this a new Oprah form? is that like a state regulated? One is that they just updated it? Yeah, it doesn't impact us too much, right? Except maybe those massive emails that they just want information to send send like surveys and stuff to students biggest difference. But when I get a request now they have to disclose what it's for. There's three exceptions, whether you're you're if you're trying to obtain the information one, this is one for something in that. Someone is thinking we go action against us, they can't open request us now for information. Okay? So that's an exemption. I'm just close that. Also A lot more filling out of a form. It's it's a little more tedious to cope arose. Now, that's a standard form. It's everywhere, every, every government I need New Jersey. Also September 3rd had to get this form. implemented. It's on our website now, by all we have to have in place, but it's also recommended. We get it, does it prevent like the people Or marketing. Not like community people who want to know things but the marketing is what I like because they can. they can they can exception over our information and then use it to market, okay. All our teachers' names and addresses and centers, which identify what information is exempted from? Yeah. yes. For their personal address personally, right there? Yeah. they can get someone. That's really designed for. Trent. It was getting slammed by. so many upwork guys who were. so many. Well, you know where we're under that same rule. There was the idea when they were this together. Really papers. It's all but wasn't the right thing to do friends like we just can't give up with what we're doing. burdened. Yeah. and yeah. The three. You can't be a convicted of any insidable offense in New Jersey. You can use. you have to certify, you can't use it for the commercial purpose. That's what I was. That's what I have heard. That's what it is. What? I mentioned, seeking records and connection with the legal proceed. Okay. So I have the right to deny, oh, and then it would go through attorney anyway, right? We were We were a victim of not too long ago. So yeah, this is this is nice. Okay. yeah, I like to see that the commercial, right pharmacist. You also is nothing over again. Okay. Anyway. oh yeah. Okay minutes I mean. They look good. Any questions on those yet, we're going to vote next week. Items for future consideration by the Board. I just want to put one little plug in We're talking about some of the different events. I think it'll be before our next meeting is a September 20th THERE, Mr. Hecker is doing the band buddies at the football game at the high school and so special with all the different, you know, things that we're doing. It's really nice to be like outside in our facilities, in the community And it's such a cool event where they've got. I think fifth through eighth graders in the band that they come out and they literally march out onto the field with the high school. marching band. and stay and sit in the stands and play with them. the whole game. And so it just I I am very excited about or impressed by how comprehensive the Lrfp. put this referendum together but also the connection between the community. And so it's events like that, that can really highlight that and I will just say, my last little plug was to be able to Our son soccer game was actually on the football field at the high school. Their first home game was on Sunday to be able to sit there in the stands and then just see where all of these things could be. and on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, where we had, you know, travel teams from other communities sit. and, you know, see, oh wow. Like this is great that we can play on this football field and, you know, you don't have to bring your chairs the parents can sit in the stands. It's just it's cool to see. So anyway, yeah, I plug the band Buddies event on September 25th. Thank you. Okay. motion to adjourn. What. And