Alright, I'd like to call the meeting to order. Mike can you Dr. Brown Miss Hollywood here Mr. Knuckles here as president here president here. Allegiance I pledge to subscribe the United States of America and Republicans one nation under God indivisible with liberty and just Mike could you please read the statement concerning open public meetings public notice. of this pursuant to the Oakland public meetings act has been generated 2024 notice for this meeting was posted on the interior of the School administration offices 95 Grove Street. Haddonfield written notice was submitted and followed the Haddonfield Borough Clerk and notice that we're email to The Courier posts and retrospectors. Okay tonight. They're going to start with some commendations student commendations for our former Board of Education student representative. Tammy Ryan age. Come on up. you know with the stand here so on the cameras, so on behalf would education with a thank you service in time effort over the past year dedicated to the craft of the event was remember and the importance of having students share the voice and the opinion of their peers is crucial we can think we know adults with schools like to be there you guys really know every day in and out what it's like the most We couldn't do our job. Well, it wasn't for your average time. Even myself. Thank you very much. And here's to keep your name plate, which is the best parts and you're gonna collection to hang on to normal wall. You're behind us. And we have free more coming up in a second. They said a high standard. So you guys have a lot about you realize that. Thank you very much. Goodbye, and thank you, Miss McHale. We love you. very good Now we are going to move on to our new student Representatives. So Mr. Claus is going to administer the oath of office to our new Board of education rep. Arently The Greener shoes. Yes. I have one here. for itself I state your name. Hi, everybody. You saw on the Square or firm. Please only swear word from I will support the Constitution of the United States. right because he's in the United States and the Constitution the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith in Allegiance. Hello, just the same governments. Do the same and the governments establishing the United States in this state established me United States in Tennessee under the authority of the people under the authority of the people. I see your name. I am an hour. He's always wear a refer you always remember I possess the qualification established for the office. That is the qualities in established for the office student representative member to where education let's see member of the Board of Education Faithfully. Little safely partially partially and just to perform all the duties and just say before all of Duty's federal office that office who are the best of my ability according to the best my ability. Congratulations. Oh, okay ready to get everybody to like. you. so yeah. so it's not on here. Yeah, so so usually our board reps give their give their their talk on the voting sessions. But next week is midterm. So we decide we're gonna do it it tonight that way. And study next week and always so so you're on for your you? Stop, okay. Yeah. okay, so I sat in on a a discussive coding conduct meeting about disciplinary action in our school and it was mean a few other students. This is McHale and Mr. Class and we discussed the suspensions and how in class suspension seem to be more beneficial than at home suspensions. And it will also change the requirements of using open campus since open campus is a privilege. So like if you had a GPA below like say like an 85 or like an 80 you couldn't go out for study hall and just roam around the town. and also we talked about the midterm schedule and how we're going to stick with the same schedule as last year where I was two days a weekend. we also talked about the therapy dog and how you would think for thinking to make it on full-time instead of just during the term since basically every week all the students have like big tests coming up and they're always kind of Stressful. um, we also talked about the climate and Safety Committee and they created the multi or their planning the Multicultural day and they're thinking of celebrating on February 28th. and they also talked about the equity Summit and how there's only select a few intimate students and how they want to open up to more HMHS students. and also the senior Lounge the seniors completed a survey and a team of students. Of students is meeting with Mr. McHale to move senior Lounge to the to a conference room and make the cafeteries in your Lounge into the robots. any and we had a really long discussion on the suspension policy at our meeting with you two weeks ago our few months ago. Now, what was the students? Science Channel, so we kind of put it into like a situation. So if a student got caught for like vaping or like things like that in school and they got suspended and had to go home for a week. They would just be free to do all the bad Deeds that they would do in school and we feel that in school suspension would be more beneficial because they could be working on their assignments or catching up on overdue assignments and basically just catching up on school. They've been missing and they feel like everyone feels like more beneficial. Products and we have a lot of supports. Thank you feel and and with therapy dogs. So yeah that they're here all the time, but that's great. Right? good to hear. Education with some of these right? So to be the case. in case you Know and also keep hearing the idea of community service. Yeah. It conversation. I enjoy it. I think we're supposed to be like 20 minutes to start was economies. Yeah. so good. Very enjoyable very very formative. Yeah. We were looking forward to continuing our conversation, but really wanted to see The students you find smarter. Yeah. Thank you for that and thank you for serving and thank you to our other other Representatives. We appreciate it. We're happy to have you here. We sometimes have pretty exciting meeting. So we're glad to have you here. That's a question, how are the girls bathroom the bathroom I think personally the bathrooms are a bit of an issue since yeah since most of them aren't even open and I like some of my classes are like only after like walk like five minutes to go to that. I like waste a lot of time in class, but It's pretty common. Yeah, yeah. I I absolutely am one of the the folks who have spoken loudly about that, but we do know that in our last in our last meeting there was a schedule right? So I don't think that we expected them to be done by now. Is that correct? Yeah, so they have promised they're gonna show up month. They are done. We'll be here. next. Yes construction management will be here next Thursday. And then he said every Thursday, you know every time but just so that we have facts out there. Um, it had to be redid and the since since it's out there, I don't want it to be like, yeah, we talk about it and it's still not done the expectation. is that it wouldn't be done. So when when do we think that I mean, I don't know food and have days for when we think that is, but I just want to be clear with that. I told but I I would like new road to elaborate. Okay, so we'll talk. Yeah, okay. He'll give us more detail, but the essentially the people he hired abandoned the job correctly and then we had to rebid. you when there were punch list items right then they okay. Yeah, there is some dispute over is this finished or not? Is this what we asked for was this a big specifications right? That's where God specifications they're saying everything code and we're saying our specification differently code like we're up the code like playlists for an adult size human and second grader. Thank you so much. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Oh. some pretty spicy conversations for more vegetation. okay presentations We're going to start with Mr. Reverso for the 22-23 audit present. Ation, thank you. Hopefully everyone has in front of you your summary 2023 summer, which I look forward where we stand as a June 30th 2023 And that year if I can direct your attention left hand. We took in tax levy of $38 million 1985, tuition 000 mislane is revenue federal aid 128 state two million 953.606 total revenue for the period 42 million 826 or 18 We expanded the same period 42 million 175 or 60. Giving us a net profit of the year of 650,958. We started here with the fund balance of eight million 944 193. And we're ending with the fund balance of nine million five. Ninety. Which sounds like a whole lot of money and a bit? And that's further defined right below. what makes that up? reserve for excess Surplus That's the amount that must be put in the 24 25. reserve for incompresses 9 15 04 dollars one million five was put in a 23 24 budget. We have remaining one million seven seven two nine. maintenance Reserve We put 200,023.24 budget we have remaining one million 99791. unemployment Reserve designated for this year's budget 961-457 that's put in a 23 24 budget. And we have unassigned thumb balance of 1 million. Oh 14 The state has a formula for how that's arrived it and that's described below. at the very bottom of the page at the expenditures 42 million 175 460 times 2% Plus the extraordinary the 17640 the amount that was received over the budget of the mail. And that comes to the as far as comparison of place to actual our budget was 44 million 498 112. We expended 43 million. Oh 9464 or about 90 close to 97% close last year. and that's how we return my circle by watching this thing the overall revenues tax let the state aid and we receive any extra. However, we turn my any school Municipality of fire district. It's watching what you spend we've been doing. Good job. That's what we stand. Can I question? sure, our miscellaneous is much and in terms of Revenue is much higher than it was the previous year. Yes. What drove that up. The big thing was interest was 153,000 higher than last year and we ever 43. And the questions. Yeah the designated for subsequent years expenditures. Is that related to Kingsway or no? that was independent for the capitals are that's was budgeted if we purchased so that is now it's part of the planning on year more terms. So Right now today you think that the real total well pepper service like three point three point two closure. So overall the there's no comments or recommendations in the oil and have your report that there's often a nice job. I think Mike and instead should be commended. Okay. Thank you. Okay, and our next presentation will be the update on the elementary math Pilots with Matthew donat. Hi everyone. Thank you for having me back to discuss the math pilot. I'm Matthew Donata the supervisor for supervisor for Math and Science. We're gonna go over just a brief history of the math pilot for people who are aware of what's going on. We're gonna talk about how the math pilot was set up how it's going and and what we have coming next. Um, so the this process started a few years ago. We recognized that we needed a new program on the program Everyday Math that we have been using. Wasn't necessarily aligned with the newest New Jersey learning standards and the newest research on what we know about math teaching and learning and so some of this which have been adopted in the early 2000s. So we are looking at some other programs to consider for adoption. I believe you have this presentation and there's a link and both places. I think this will also be posted on the website. There's a link in both places to the two previous word presentations regarding the same subject. So as I said the goal this program was to find an evidence-based mathematics program that we could use K to five that's rooted in the research that we have about math education. that could be implemented in the time period that we have to teach math that's focused on Mastery for those of you know, every day math. It was a spiral curriculum. where you did a little bit of each thing. And we're looking for something where students can Master a specific topic and move on to the next so last in last during the last school year the elementary principles Dr. Priolo and a group of teachers selected for potential curricula to study based on how they align with the New Jersey standards for Matt. They could fit within our 60 Minute block that we have for math at the elementary school. They had an online component. students and teachers a tiered approach to intervention. You've heard a lot about mtss. That's what is aligned with that and then also came with great recommendations from other school districts that use these programs. They then took those four curricula and using a rubric scored them based on Research that each like they split each little subcommittee had different one of those programs did a lot of the research presented them and they score everybody score them using a rubric. using sample program resources and feedback from other districts as well as a lot of research on the programs themselves and then eventually to programs Rose to the top. I already classroom mathematics from curriculum Associates and reveal math from McGraw-Hill. Those are the two programs that were currently piloting. We have a year long pilot in all grade levels. Each grade level is piloting one reveal and one. I ready this is our teacher group, and I also want to just give a shout out to them because they've been working really hard to do this program and they signed up for this knowing that the thing that they worked really really hard on all year long might not be something that they ever get to do again and they've been absolutely wonderful we couldn't do without them. I also want to shout out our math Specialists Mary Hall morning McGrady and making sleep is coming back soon who have really their leadership through this has been really extremely invaluable. so again, this is a year-long pilot and we decided that this was the best format that would give us enough information to make it this is a very big decision and we wanted to have as much information as possible before we determine which program will be using for the next few years, and I wanted to point out because I think some people might have questions that although the sequences differ from program to program. the great level standards are taught in both of these programs. So, you know, if you have a third grader who's in a pilot classroom, and your neighbor is in an everyday math class or even the other pilot classroom you your student might have learned division, but the other students haven't learned division yet. And so I just they are gonna learn the vision. Everybody will learn everything. We just learn them in different orders and it just has to do with different philosophies of the program in terms of scope and sequence if you look I have example sequence here for fifth grade. So if you look they both start with volume, which is an application of multiplication. But then if you look at the sequence on the left, they group operations that are similar to each other to emphasize that similarity and number constructs. So if you see like they're adding and subtracting with decimals and fractions multiplying and dividing with decimals and fractions because we want students to see that decimals and fractions are almost the same thing. And then if you go to one of the right, that's where we're going to multiply with this we're going to Hydro decimals, then we're going to do fractions all at once. So it's there's two different approaches. We have some feedback Cycles going on so we can learn from these programs and ultimately make a decision as well as learn for what to do next year. We have monthly meetings of our teacher committee and our administrators where we each each month. We talk about something different about the programs and plan for next year. We have monthly teacher surveys as well of try trimester surveys for teachers and parents the first of which went out in December the second of which will be in March and we're all going to have a student surveying grades three four and five at the end of trimester two in addition to that We have a lot of professional development for our teachers. Our teachers came in and August with for intensive professional development, then we also had a next session during our November PD and then there will be a third session in February during our PD day in addition to those trainings. We've also had a lot of in the classroom professional development happening. Um with lots of observations feedback mechanisms co-teaching model lessons, that's been really wonderful. We also are going to look at assessment data in March, but we do have a caveat that we can't just base everything on the assessment that we give in March is because we're looking at a very small sample and we really haven't been we're not you know, we don't have much to compare to if we're not comparing a lot of apples to Apple. So we will look at assessment data we will be aware that there are some caveats there. So, where are we right now the programs? Like are really successful in doing exactly what they set out to do, which is to increase students' mathematical capabilities through mathematical practices discussion sharing their thinking analyzing others responses evaluating others thinking and so I think if you were to walk into one of these classrooms, it would look very different from how we learned math and it's it's really wonderful to see how much discussion is happening how much the students are engaged. They're using whiteboards. They're teaching each other and and I think that is one of the biggest differences you would see if you walk into these rooms. The intellectual rigor is extremely high. There's you know, it's not a lot of I'm doing this now you're doing the same thing that I just taught you how to do students are developing ideas coming up with strategies and then learning to use multiple strategies flexibly and fluently to to share their thinking And there's also a lot of problem solving happening and one of I shared this example with a curriculum committee yesterday, but I happen to be in a fourth grade classroom the first time students ever learned or had ever multiplied multi-digit numbers, right? So in third grade, you're multiplying seven times eight and then in fourth grade, you're you're multiplying 57 times 8 and so a lot of students, you know. The way we learn right? We just learned the standard algorithm. And why do you bring down the zero I just do it, right? We know why we bring down the zero which we just we learned a rope process for doing this and the students who had never seen 57 times 8 before all developed ways of solving the problem some used arrays, which is kind of like drawing out a little boxes some actually developed on their own came up with what we call partial products, which is like the preferred meant that we teach them in fourth grade from multiplying multi-digit numbers and so to see the students develop that having not been taught it before shows us that they're willing to use or that they can use what they've already learned previously and apply to new novel situations partial products. Is that like for 57 times? They would be 50 times 8 plus 8 times seven. Yeah, so you breaking it down the place. That's right. That's exactly they're greater. We haven't gotten there yet. That's exactly right. and so I just wanted to highlight two quotes here to show some of the successes. We've been having one of our third grade parents on the survey said I love the increased focus on concrete quantitative comprehensive tension and not just Road memorization noticing that it will set their child up for Success down the road and it's been really interesting to see you know, third graders. I was in their I guess right before the break. there was a third grade lesson on the distributive property, which we like I did not learn about until middle school, but the students were using that to multiply numbers the same way our students in Middle School are using that to evaluate how to break expressions. And so that's really cool to see that progression of knowledge and how students will now be primed with that when they go to learn further and then a fifth grade parent notice or noted the regular compared to previous years. Um, we also learned some things that we need to do better for the survey or things that we need to be aware of for next year one thing's throughout this program, is that we've been identifying where do we have to make adjustments? because the students did not come from the students who'll be learning from a new program next year. We're learning Everyday Math this year. So for example, if there's a certain number routine or things that the students would naturally know if they did in second grade they have that going into third grade we have to fill in those gaps and be prepared for that. So that's one thing that we've been working on one thing. We identified through the survey was was the desire that parents have for short able to explain things like partial products because again, we did not learn this way. So having a video that a parent can watch at home so they can feel empowered to help their child with their homework instead of being frustrated by that right because a lot, you know, there's situations where why didn't learn it that way Mom. Okay, well, This is the only way I know how to do it because that's the way your thoughts I can see how that is, very frustrating. So it's one thing we're gonna work on for next year. The other thing we have to look at and this is a financial decision just as much as it is a curriculum decision is as we adopt one of these programs do they have online components or resources that take the place of something we already use rather than having a redundancy. and we streamline our online platform. That something to consider as well. This is a quite one one of the questions. We asked on the parent survey, but it's an overall question. So I decided to share here overall How satisfied are you with your child's new mathematics program and then on a scale from one to five where one is not at all satisfied and five is extremely satisfied the parents rated them this way is you can see we have about like if we consider the fours and fives to be favorable responses we have about 50% responding favorably and about 20% responding unfavorably in these and it's kind of similar for both programs. So this doesn't really give us insight into which parents like better because they're you can see the deline agents here The percentages are aligned of almost exactly but I will note that, you know, although this doesn't tell the whole story from it's from the open-ended response that we can really learn a lot. Right? So from those people who responded unfavorably what is it that they don't like there was a lot of concern about new math that came up a lot the the new math ship has sailed a little bit right that we've been doing new math for a while now, but it really is I think it's the better math. It's the research-based math. It's the math that's giving our students better. Number sense that we want them to have the flexibility and fluency with numbers and operations. So that was one of the concerns some of the concerns and their valid concerns about you know, Do use multiple online platforms not just through these programs some of the negative response. We're about screen time, especially the younger grades. We want to be aware of adding programs that have right now. We're have we have that like double online program thing that I was mentioning to you in some rooms. So that's something that is coming up in their responses as well some of them most of the unfavorable most of the unfavorable responses aren't necessarily about what's happening in the classroom and the instruction the curricular resources. We also asked the teachers a few overall survey questions. We had we had drilled these down to very specific things, but I wanted to share these two overalls with you on the first one on the left is overall. How confident are you that this is a high quality curricular resource that produces that will produce strong results for our students and as you can see all of the teachers responded very confident or confident regardless of the program they were using which is a really great thing to see for teachers piloting something for the first time. There has been a lot of positive response. Yep. It's I can't see it is left. So this which was which a dark green is very confident. No. No, I mean what which is which of the two pilots? Oh, I'm sorry. So the top one is I ready and the bottom one is God. Okay. So always top as I ready always bottom is yeah, whatever. I'm sorry about that. the one on the right says overall do you think the program is an improvement over Everyday Math, which is what we've used in the past. One thing you'll know if you can see the numbers or if you want to get the presentation. you can look closer. We had nine teachers respond for each program, but there's only seven responses for I ready that's because two of our i-Ready teachers our new to our district so they didn't have experience with everyday math to which they could compare this year's experiences all of the irony teachers that respond is set it. this is a great improvement over everyday math, and if you look at reveal math, we had a breakdown six that it was a great Improvement. two sets somewhat of an improvement in one said not a significant improvement over what we've done before. So those are very encouraging results, I think and as we go into looking ahead at the end of March we're going to take our March survey data. We're going to take our March assessment results. We're going to take all the anecdotal classroom observations that we've been everything from our monthly meetings. We're gonna put it all together. We're gonna make a decision so that in April we can make a recommendation to the board so that we can get these materials purchased in May at the faculty meeting will have our first training for our teachers so that they can have something before they go home from the summer and then they'll come back a little early and August for some intensive training and then of course, there will be support throughout the year in November in February, but then also that is obviously a huge priority of mine next year as well as our math specialists in terms of classroom observation feedback coaching model lessons and things like that. Um, does anybody have any questions about the math plywood? Yes other test scores you can compare or something like that. Yes. So cool. So we're gonna do in in March Everybody takes our link it which is our benchmark assessments Form B, which is scaled based on like recognizing at what point in the year where should students be mid year, right? They should we're not expecting to have end of your results here all last year's. and that's that's kind of a little tricky because we can compare in some grade levels where those students were. So the the linkets will give Like a predictor of njsla, so like an exceeding expectations meeting expectations partially meeting expectations are approaching and so on so we can use that and look at where the students were last year and where those pilot students are this year. We could also look at where they are relative to their peers who are in Everyday Math. But again, we just have to keep in mind that we are looking at a small sample size. We're looking at the first year of these these programs so we are but we are gonna take a look at all that I love data. So yeah, I don't know if it all be useful, but I'll make lots of crafts see where you go. and the one thing and you've probably already but this is what I like data, too, but I'm thinking the one issue will run you you may run into it like if because they don't tackle the same things at the same time. It might look like oh well, then this group didn't learn this skill as much as the other group would really they haven't gotten as deeply into it. So, I mean that's just the nature of it for sure. Yeah, then that's the problem having so many variables and yeah. And in some we we have different classrooms too one thing. that was really important to us. was that we piloted these classrooms in our general education classrooms and our inclusion classrooms classrooms with and without co-teachers so that you know that we have to consider that when we're analyzing the results, but it's been really wonderful to see how effective these programs have been for all populations of our students. I want to thank you for the thorough explanation, too. I know when I started on the board and we first started talking about you know, that programs and you know for those of us who aren't in you know, Academia in K through 12 schools. It's confusing. So, you know, what does that mean? Does that mean that the kids that are in this pilot program or guinea pigs? And so I mean you the I since learned that but I think it's good to know that everybody still getting the same instruction that they need to meet those benchmarks, but it's a different way of approaching it. I didn't understand that and when I started on board, so this was really and thank you. Thank you, and I'll say I will say I in doing this job. I I had never been an elementary school math classrooms before and that's it's one of my favorite places to be especially in this room. And I will there's so many wonderful things happening here. I know that we have had some you know, I know we're moving away from Everyday Math, but the students in those classes are still getting a great education and if I were lucky one day, I hope I'm lucky enough to have children. I would be very happy to have my child in any of those classrooms, but I would want to see my child one of the pilot classrooms, but you know, it's really like the amazing stuff that's happening there everybody mad, which is where my kid is obviously probably most of your kids here. Like even that is like you said night and day compared to what math educational is like 30. Oh, yeah for sure. So the idea of having something even better and more rigorous than that is really great. I have a studio one of the pilot classes and I have to say that I I've already talked to you about this. You know, I've seen a market difference between last year and this year with her understanding of just comprehension with the you know, just up with all the different like explanations of how to do certain things even just the practical application at home and all that. I do have a question though. You did mention how Everyday Math was a spiral curriculum compared to I forgot what the term is for it this one. Could you explain the difference between sure so um we would describe these as Mastery curricula where the students are working on one topic and then they master that and then they move on to the next Topic in Everyday Math. They used a spiral curriculum, which is we're going to start learning this topic and then we're gonna do something a little different and then we'll cycle back to that later and we'll keep increasing our understanding and then by the end of the year, we will have mastered all all of those things, but it's It was the program was intended to be taught in that cyclical way these programs do use what's called Spiral Review, which is we're not going to teach it to you at different times, but we're going to keep you fresh in those skills. So for example when you're in the multiplying and dividing decimals unit, you're still going to every once in a while and subtract whole numbers so you don't lose that fluency and and that efficiency with those skills. Man, and I just want to well first of all again, thank you for your great leadership that you providing for this really complex initiative. There are a lot of moving Parts in this we have three and running three different math programs in our in our elementary schools. which more specifically speaks to your accommodation for the teachers and we've set time and time again. We're a great School District because of our faculty and staff our leadership and most specifically our classroom teachers and we talk about student engagement a lot, but I I have been so impressed with the level of Engagement from our teaching staff. which started back in the pilot exploration. You know, we have we had 20 teachers who are so dedicated to this process and did a considerable amount of work and coming up with these recommendations and just not long ago you talked about How we are facilitated teachers visiting other classrooms to be able to observe what's happening and I happen to walk into one of those classrooms and you would have thought it was a college class with the level of Engagement for those teachers taking notes interacting with their colleagues comparing and contrasting some of the things that they're doing their classroom. So just just a significant accommodation to you in most specifically the teachers for that the hard work that they're doing with this. It's been absolutely wonderful to work with them. Thank you. I was curious if the committee has thought about the next year's fifth graders like will you? Have you thought about rolling this out instead of a wholesale change but letting the fifth grade stay with everyday math as well. have a change once they go to sixth grade. Like do not like but then what's the third grade whatever however you roll it out. Like are you thinking about rolling it out in different ways or just a wholesale change. Um, the plan is for a wholesale change next year. the one thing that's you know, when we look at this year our fifth grade because it's of our departmentalized We had one. It's the one great one instead of just one classroom for each. We had one school for each so we had like one third of our students district-wide with i-Ready one-third with the reveal one third with every day that and I all of those students are in a really great place to go into middle school next year. So our plan as of now is to move forward K5 full implementation Ultimately you as you mentioned transitions. I would like to look into the possibility of adding one great at a time for Middle School in the future to this because I think these are really great programs and I think having that consistency in a k to 8 program could be really valuable a lot of programs now are as you probably know our paid out for one. that's and and there is value to that. Neither of these programs has an algebra one right now, but I know that they're in development for them. So that's something that we're looking forward to the possibility of yeah, I guess I was just thinking for next year's fifth graders. One of your Lessons Learned was filling in gaps. Yes. So is it worth putting the energy into filling in gaps when? like It's hard because we're talking ahead of ourselves. Right so like the current this year's fourth graders if they just said every day math next year when I have to fill in any gaps, but then when then next round of kids come through many gaps would have been filled. It'll be a different you anyway. Yes, you know what? I mean? It's like how to Make sure the work of the teachers is worth it. So like a kindergarten teacher making sense of this curriculum makes it like right away. That's who we start with right? like of course and then third grade we're gonna have to fill in some gaps and that's gonna happen like it's gonna happen. But then once you get closer to like exiting the kids, yeah, then is the effort really worth it. That's all right. It's a really good question. I think that's a great perspective to have specifically I can say for fifth grade the the the one thing that we found an issue with in fifth grade in terms of like what are those specific gaps? Right? The only thing has been for division both programs Teach an area model for division and fourth grade which Everyday Math does not teach and that's one of the things that I'm glad we're doing because they use the area model for multiplication. And so it's amazing how well the students in fifth grade understand what they're doing because they see that multiplication division are the same thing. So I so like that's one thing worth It would be sad to not have exposed them to that and that's what we really found at Great specifically is like the only major Gap, but the They've done that already and I already so I can speak more specifically to that what the teacher has done is Is gone back into those fourth grade lessons, which is actually built into the curriculum. There's always like the where you coming from and taught some of those fourth grade lessons so that our students are prepared for that the division work they're doing it's just amazing. Oh, yeah. the thinking if it's like, you know, I'm limited and the other things I think just like mindsets but these are good mindsets to have you know, and I think that emphasis on multiple strategies like the biggest change we've always had strategies but emphasizing. Being able don't just pick the one that works for you. Like can you find other ways of doing it? So that eventually you can pick the one that works for you best given the context of the problem right like something like I'm not just gonna know this one way of doing it. I'm gonna know a lot of ways and I can have my favorite way, but sometimes my favorite way isn't the one that's the most efficient and that's what I say. It's like I would say Gap was at the biggest mindset. Yeah, but again like it's a good job to try and feel you know, as you to have the sixth grade teachers see the models that are being used so that they can referral shades on that. That's the question that I had of like is there I know this is K to five but then is there a plan to at least bring in the Middle School teachers of filling them in on? Okay. Now you're gonna have students coming in. This is what they've learned and this is how they've learned it and how might there be any kind of tweaks or shifts in the way that Middle School map is delivered for sure these programs actually there's a few things that these programs don't teach in fifth grade that everyday math did teach or that we did teach when we used everyday math, not necessarily that everyday math taught. Yeah. Um, and that's something that we are address this spring because the these programs teach the grade level standards. And so that's one thing we can reevaluate now as we go with the transition for fifth to sixth grade. Let's make sure we know who's teaching was and when it's being taught so that everybody's getting everything they need in the time when it's appropriate and like the Middle School teachers aren't just assuming that oh, they got this in fifth grade or whatever. Okay, exactly. And that's the most fun part about my job is doing those the 568 tonight that you know those transitions there. that I was just thinking same thing just being so thankful. that they put in place that somebody is, you know, we've talked about this for for many years that you know, this there. is that that you and that focus on what's Happening year to year and that escalation over the great so Close to you and to everyone who's working on this. Thank you very much. Thanks. member comments and committee reports curriculum committee next sure. We had a great kickoff to 2024 with our curriculum committee meeting yesterday. We hit four topics. We briefly discussed the curriculum review process genome walked through some reminders on the process and the intent of the committee kind of level set and get everyone grounded we talked about new business offerings for the high school to be adopted for the 24-25 school year. These will be discussed conceptually and presented in our February board meetings for approval which is exciting. Course Maps will be developed and submitted for approval by the summer. We had a review of two material items for two new books essentially to be incorporated into the curriculum the committee was enthusiastic about that. They will go to the board for approval and really the Highlight was what you folks just heard about largely. You know, they they're really exciting part of the meeting and I have to confess. I don't normally get very excited about math. But Matt who you just heard from got me excited about math, which is good because I have a fourth grader and we have a lot of math right now. Um, but it was really pretty awesome actually to hear Matt's kind of passion and enthusiasm as everybody just had a chance to hear some of us again two days in a row and really kind of see firsthand the rigor frankly that's going into this process. It has been incredibly, you know thorough really well supported and as Matt let us know really well received We're getting terrific feedback. all of the critical stakeholders we're hearing from parents. We're hearing from teachers. We are, you know evaluating as we go and all of that I think will will mean this is a truly successful pilot process. I'm not going to go deep on this because you just heard from the actual expert but two things I would just double click on again the big shout out being teachers who are working really hard and have been able to really Institute this effectively for our kids, which is really exciting to see and the other piece that I think Rachel touched on briefly, which is Matt said something that stuck with me. So I put in the minutes. He said we're focusing on operational fluency. to achieve true understanding not just memorization. This will pay off in the long run by preparing kids for higher levels of math classes and content. They will have a better level of actual understanding. I thought that was pretty great as someone who struggled with, you know flashcards and memorizing by Road and that that's not the way we're teaching it. So big again kudos to Matt and and team and our teachers for great work is a good meeting. To follow I think 49 individuals lineup for AP economic slasher that corrected number was that 79 79% great. So our first round over 89 economics next year, Mr. Kelly said, that would have been eligible. That's 25% right? And we'll be excited to start navigating a lot of work on this McKayla Mr. McConnell's Point putting an entire new business brand and it's paying off already and give you start and I think the electives are also filling up. Everything is great. All right. Counselors we did course selection a little differently this year like randomly didn't ask but where we did a little presentation at each grade and we have them all in the autism and every counselor and was able to meet with small groups in that process and we're at like an 85% of students at Living of course will actually right now just be eighth graders or slacking a little bit but besides that and so they were able to get a lot of feedback based on their grade and even just the communication with their with their peers. So yeah it for a new program. It's just there's a show you like just even it to do this for many then Not covid subtract things, but it's been definitely desperately. We're excited. That's right. Okay, um. Finance and Facilities, right? Yeah you. Tuesday of this week one of the items we discussed was. the Administration has been approached to starting volleyball program. similar to the rowing program or crew program we're going to consider it as we develop next year's budget. To find out some more information about it costs and things of that nature, but it's it'll be under consideration. We talked briefly about the audit which we just got a presentation on so all good news there. Mike's gonna be working hard on the the 2024-2025 budget. He feels great about it at this stage, but more following that and with the numbers are crushing. There's a lot of different variables that go into it. We were approached by two ptas for donations one was the Lizzy Hadden PTA that wanted to donate a significant sum of money for a shade area our main questions. From the committee were if we put this up were their proposing to put it up. depending on where the referendum ends up if it gets approved and we need to do an expansion or something. We want to make sure that it's not wasted money to this stage. So we have some doing some more research there at Tatum. They want to put a mosaic. And we're just contemplating the placement of the Mosaic. We had some more questions around that so more to follow. Chuck and Mike Mike had their monthly meeting with the borough. I know two of the agenda topics for maintenance of fields. You know, who's responsible? what time of the year and what the responsibilities like try to have outlined some parameters for the the baseball field? and then the anniversary with the replacement of the turf trying to get things a little more detail detail. So there's no surprises later on. That was it questions. And one comment for the just another consideration, which you may have already been thinking about is for the Lizzie shade structure. Just making sure you consult with any teams that use that field as well to make sure that the space where it goes doesn't conflict with what they use to play the cross, but I do know people practice there. Yeah. The intention is for it to be over the younger age play around at the corner of the pain and have no and oh, yeah, that's the older kids and leave those kindergarten. Oh, so that's that's not pain. And that's Avondale everybody. Yeah. Yeah, I would just yeah because I do know that they always practice like lacrosse and like I don't know how organized. Base I do. I just you know, and that's where they line up their bags. That's all. I just want to make sure that it's not good impede anyone from using that practice field. I mean, I think it's a great idea. And would have no impact or anything We had planned for any refund. So you're talking about okay, that would be no. issue Coley we're doing Where we stand with it, you know what we did talk about that right with the burrow where there's where they're at. They're still doing or calls. what you know, they're still doing their due diligence. on what it would take you because they are breaking down to two different aspects for demolition of that building one environmental treatment to regular I'm just because I know that's one of the things that people email us. a decent amount about want to make sure that we're being public in our responsiveness Yeah. Okay. Thank you Rachel policy. But on Tuesday the 9th. And started with a Welcome to our new members of the committee and talk to kind of process. So just as a refresher selfies are mandated summer optional and after them with their mantiated regulations are generally just what the school district leadership. let us know how they're kind of acting on a policy what it looks like in practice, but there are some Mandatory regulations. So those we would vote on so we just talked through those kinds of things and then we looked at. a first read the sick leave policy 1642 we have recently passed this policy your good with remembering policy numbers and but we had an update based on some conversations with Ada. and and so there's some guidance around when doctor's notes are needed and things like that some kind of practical pieces. So you'll see those changes and that will be voting on next week. And this we did a second reading of policy 5120 you'll notice that there are there's an addition of language around students that are domiciled in two different districts. And so that's the requirement that we have that policy and remember this is one that we've kind of Consolidated from an older previous policies. We're just making sure we have everything covered. So that's an update. you'll see we also had a discussion about honoring families who registered last year for this year, right so our old policy let people pre-register like pre-register. And so we're moving away from that but you'll see the policy that will be voting on has language. Honoring that and then we'll as a committee bring this up next school year and delete that language and the policy. I don't think it'll need major attitude. That's in there just to make sure we're honoring that. that work and policy three three two, four and four three. two four you'll notice is not on the agenda. We decided as a committee to remove both policies. We have another policy on the book 55 16, and we don't want to be redundant. So if you recall. before a thousandths or faculty or in the 4000. supports, okay, 4,000 support staff 3,000 teachers and 5,000 students. So this policy 5516 is aimed at students but has teaching and supports teachers and support staff in it already and so it seemed kind of like I don't know. How many policies can they have around the same thing? You know, when are there too many policies it wasn't a mandatory policy. And we also had done some investigating around special education. Currently. there aren't any students who have recording accommodations, but our policies as is cover that accommodation so we're not concerned about that if an electronic recording device is inappropriately used that would be handled the undercoat of conduct. So it's covered there basically all the things that we were discussing in December that we were upset about or wondering about we have the committee's realized. We're pretty much covered with code of panda policy 55 16. We don't really need anything. So those aren't on the agenda because we've decided if you want to make sure the staff you've got I'm Good Charity everybody. We want to make sure that support staff and teaching staff. No, they're supportive but we think you know everything so that's not that's a I don't know. that was a good discussion and then we always have policies for a review. Do you know there's a nice job of just making sure we're cycling through anything that has been a few years since we've voted on. Everything was pretty straightforward except for our identification zero one one zero we have our old address You have a new thing. So that's on the agenda for voting what it's just kind of clerical cleanup, but I will know that the introduction so policies 0000.02 These are all our four pillsies that one has great definitions. So that might be one that you might want to start our favorite because it's like you hear what I mean. There's so much lingo here that you eat one boarding folder and then I'm gonna share the onboarding folder with everybody because it's stuff all of us, please right just Yeah, that was a help. Ful. Um, but I think that was everything. Yes, you are not surprised by the question. I'm going to raise about the student assignment and pre-registration and all of that. I'm glad to hear that. It's being honored for next year. I I just want to you know, share my thoughts as someone who needed full Decay We're not gonna have full decay. um, my school is perennially over subscribed. So the parents that are gonna come behind me are then going to be looking at am I forced to send my kid in the district for a happy program in order to reserve a spot in my neighborhood school for first grade. or do I do the program that I need with full day kindergarten and know that I might be driving to another school. That's further. and I think as someone who has has been in the experience of being sort of shut out and moved around. It is very very frustrating when you have been involved in the district have been paying taxes in the district for many years to not be able to sort of Reserve that spot when you know, you want to enter for first grade. So I think that as we consider the fairest way to deal with that I I don't love the moving away from my pre-registration model when you know, obviously the goal of our referendum is to provide full decay in District, which I think would be inappropriate appropriate time to face that out. but until we have a full day option It just feels wrong to me to tell people that really have. no choice essentially, but to send their kids to a full day program that well too bad. So sad you're now going to be in a different school for first through fifth. Well, I don't think it's fair to imply that that's the attitude that people are doing this with right like I understand that. that's your personal opinion and that you have a personal experience with this. but unfortunately, right I wasn't man we I mean, I don't think anybody feels good about the situation but the lack of space is is just an issue we struggle with and it's going to get worse. Yeah, um without a doubt so I understand where you're coming from and I absolutely I think we hear that. I think that it weighs on the people within the district you have to make these decisions or not decisions but enforce policies, But we also have to make sure that we offer kindergarten to kids who are coming in when they're coming in for kindergarten. Like I I it's very hard to say. Well we can't take you for kindergarten because we're saving a spot for sale. that's not going to be that I understand. So I I so I don't understand how logistically it would work any different. well, because so for right now, let's say just using the numbers that I happen to be more about we've got 55 kids enrolled in kindergarten. We've got another 18 that pre-registered for first grade. like registered for kindergarten and deferred Those 18 I think should get the priority before any new registrations. Obviously understanding if you've got 75 kids signed up for kindergarten and you've got another 15 that really want to come for first grade, but can't come for kindergarten. I get that. I get the not holding a spot, but I still think that there's a space for a pre-registration part of the thought processity other side is I'm living in town. This is my first child. I don't know this rule. I know one full day kindergarten. So because of the rule I'm having cold and that's that's part of me. There's a lot of both sides forever. I I know this is so tied into our referendum to and it's not something with any I appreciate I'm sorry that I was flipping. about trying to address this in good faith that's born out of my own very personal frustration with with what has been really three years of A lot of challenge. So I I absolutely get it but I do think that there's two sides that you very personally like you knew that you your kids were gonna go there but if you take those 18 To the district. They don't know is that person really going to show are they gonna stay in in a private situation? Are they going to move out of town? And and so well, you know that your situation was straightforward. I think the district is dealing with a lot. There's no there's no right or wrong this situation. It's just it's just that I have to do something about it. Which and I think the very least yes here about it, too. Because how do I know when we bought our home like hey. There's a good chance. the fool that you are living two blocks from you're not gonna be able to go there if you don't send her kids together to check point. like that is that's a problem. Yeah. It is but there's a reason why when you sell a house, they cannot legally tell you where you'll go to school. I mean that is it is a it is a problem that we all face. I mean, I know what I moved in Lizzie was really crowded at that time. You know it is like I understand but I also think that it is it's it's a problem. We can solve to the best that we can but we all have to be fiscally minded that some things just aren't possible especially with building capacity and Staffing capacity. Um, and it's hard, but you know, I think that that at this point we're doing the best we can Linda's going to Right, do they talk like that? I already No, thank you for hearing me on that one that and that we couldn't have a better segue of I mean the we all know that blurry of activity that happened. at the end of the year the whole reason that we wanted another school building is because we're out of space and we spent a lot of time and we truly believed that was putting another school building in this District when we're out of space and we know that the Barrow is building more housing that will bring in your families. absolutely seem like the right idea. Unfortunately. We know that acquiring a piece of property for school district is not nearly as easy as hiring a piece of property for yourself. There were many moving Parts. um, and we had contingencies but in place because we knew Timing could be an issue Unfortunately. We said that if we did not have the approval from the Doe by December 31st. there was contingency that we could terminate the contract and just for clarification because I think that whether it was like a reporter or someone. that we were not denied the the deal we did not deny us we just had not and still have not we won't now we didn't get back the approval that we needed in time as of January 18th when we had our lrfp meeting we all so have not gotten back what the state funding would be So we had to push the lrfp because we can't go and talk to the community about what this is going to cost. We don't know what the funding is we still we still haven't gotten them as today, right? So we still today don't know what funding would be for the projects that we were projecting that we could do and submit it in September. So all of that timing well originally was going March no. No we submit it the oh, okay. And still have not gotten anything back from them as of today. So it as of today we have no idea the amount of funding that we will be getting for those projects when we if we are changing sort of the scope of work long term and light of Kingsway this to meet the same needs in a different way. Is that going to impact the state funding number? So we're going to have to have them way. That again. Yes, but we are very much still looking forward to getting those numbers back because at least we'll have something right there those those they're still a bunch of projects in there that we want to do and we'll have a sense of what kind of funding and certainly that's great. We need to to to Risco. So we had a 2024 let's you know get back on that horse. We have a lot of work that went into the lrfp. It's that all that work is still good work. We have many options on the table. We chose the option that we thought was the best but there's still a lot of options. So we're revisiting that Chuck and Mike have met with the Architects. We have a meeting scheduled with them to kind of revamp. look at some of the options that we had previously and we'll we'll scope them. And then what we're going to do is plan. Hopefully we'll get this this information and come back to you. Maybe it'll be in February but have our committee of the whole meeting and then just for for new members. We will we've designated certain meetings where while we can't openly discuss topics, you know, if we have more than a quorum we have a committee of the whole So that we can talk about this so in an upcoming meeting we're planting on having a committee of the whole we have more information. We'll talk about what some of those other options were and what our plans are hopefully will have a base of State funding so we can talk about well, these kinds of things will be funded at this level. So how that kind of conversation with the board. And so that the public can hear it as well. And then I think that we're playing on having the district send out a message to parents and the community to let them know which meeting we plan to to just discuss that so that everyone has enough notice that we want to have that full is our plan to do the committee as a whole. I forget how it works. That would be before public comment or would we do yeah. So yeah, we'll you're more a meeting. We haven't determined which one it is quite yet. But as soon as we have more information we will and I guess the most important thing is during the entire process we identified. seven areas of need that it's accessibility additional classrooms athletic facilities Auditorium early childhood education investments in her buildings and specialized learning and media centers. Nothing of that has changed. Those are the things that are needed for this District. We have many projects that we plan to address those needs and now we just have to do some some shifting into one of our other options to to say. Okay. Well, what are the other things that we can do and what will be the cost and what is our next best solution for all of the things that we identify so more to come The questions. Yeah. I was wondering. so connecting the financial picture to this we had money budgeted for Kingsway. So that means you could potentially take on a project next school year with that money. Right? Like we didn't lose what we were saving. So now we've opened things about so essentially we are students and our us and the public could see the small project because the scale of what we were talking about was way bigger than a million. Yeah, and you just what that project looks like State numbers are very helpful, right? not be funded through a referendum, right? Because so the record's not gonna phone Project X. Yeah, and we were investment out of our Capital we do that project. Yeah. It doesn't. Yeah, that's one thing. Yeah. And that's kind of fun. That'll hopefully be something to you know. something management Okay, so we have started the negotiations committee. officially. We had our first meeting with the hea negotiations committee Wednesday night. I thought about really well Adrian and Shawn are here. I feel like so so this is my first time going through a negotiations. So the first meeting we kind of bring our ass to the table. So both sides did that we got to introduce each other ourselves to each other. It was amicable. We're really looking forward to working collaboratively to come up with an agreement. And so I think all in all I had heard like Okay, so, oh my other point was we made by monthly meetings up until March. so we are going to be regularly meeting with the AGA and will be meeting on in those interims. Every other every other week, we're going to be meeting all again for the agreement to hopefully be finalized and science summer. So this one and July or June 30 would like to have it by then, so. Historically that's not common because we'll have once the last 30 Oh, that's there's we're back just one. So yeah, only two meetings this time. doing agreement All right. So any other questions we can't really write you. All right PTI updates. I went to the HMS PTI when you all were at your new orientation. It's a passionate hardworking group of folks who are keeping our middle schoolers socialize really. So one thing that is important to note is an Elementary PTA has a different Focus than a middle school. Unless you're high school is different too. So the middle school ppa's mission is to really socialize their kids and support the teachers at the most. and so they Don't have a lot of meetings and don't have a lot of activity like you've seen when you come from an elementary school, but instead they offer a lot of outings for kids and do monthly events for teachers, you know, like keep them or something snacks or whatever that kind of thing. Um, and so they're always looking for volunteers one thing that's important us to know is the dances during covid became a PTA thing because schools can have kids Gather in large numbers, but the outside of school we could do socialization right? Like go in that weird time. We already loved it. We remember and so there is some that I want to break the finance committee that we need to talk to the Middle School administration about is Or is the Middle School are we going to take over offering some of those dances? So that the PTA can do the other things they more typically do what? is that look like I mean, obviously we don't charge yourself through the space, but it's paying for chaperones and providing. Yeah and something. Yeah, that's not like we're so they're they're working with and new principal on the current assistant, you know to try to figure out how are we going to transition that and when our the eighth grit the current eighth grade group has had off-site dances and I was like, oh well at the high school. we're here partying. So like you train our students you have reasonable expectations. So I think it's like a coordinated effort of all of us right to kind of get things back. But again, it was because of covid the need to get kids together, right so they kind of friends so all good stuff, but that is coming. They also have so many that they were interested in doing I don't have a ton but they have a little a locker room refresh. They said the most school walk around he didn't have time because my parking here was going up too close in the building, locker rooms have become storage of miscellaneous stuff and they just look and so there they were thinking, you know, can we help clean? Can we help paint? Can you know like what can we what supplies are needed and that kind of thing so that's something that they're talking about and are interested. You know, we'll talk to the principles and I'm sure it will come up to us, you know working with us to try to do that. But again, they have thought we should pause it because they're referendum but now the referendum is pause, so maybe we should they should do that. So and that's something that they are interested in coordinating with all I think that was everything Megan if I forgot something let me know. Yeah, I've met with AGT we're talking about. as you know the possibly the the since for this Centennial we're doing the design and the flagpole and with Mike's been real helpful with getting getting numbers for that and so that seems like an exciting possibility for Centennial. so I'm gonna talk about lighting and those kinds of things for the front sign in the high school. That's a centennial is next year. Well the stone on the flag Paul says 26, but the first class entered in 27. So 27 28 is the actual so 10 the building was completed in 26. Oh, okay. 20 was first class here. So it's actually two years. So this year's current eighth graders are the 100th graduating classes. Well, you realize that this is kind of a ways in the future. We planning on doing some sort of Memorial of the first world war as well in conjunction given the school's history. We have them. I know project copy. Right, we have actually core speed developed the high school research course to go back and do that. We're gonna talk about limits. There's a lot of stuff to work on the seats for that and we'll probably launch that even though it's two years away. Um, probably within the next I mean 18 months out so we can try to games on the matter. That's right. All right drill. Do you have anything? This is class. just I'm not sure if you're aware of again is aware that there's a snowstorm on the way. Oh, yeah. so from my seat is the worst possible timing because winter well, no, but we're supposed to start so our goal process was just a whole process was. It's not a slow accumulation storms. We're looking at the same boy if it starts this hour we might be able to half day in account school that start to just sound we're gonna call it. So we're thinking about calling tomorrow morning. Um, it was funny. Like when I when I talk to kids again, I actually did your age. I say you annoying for living in my old thing is on the guy who calls snow days. Yeah fourth graders done what that means. They've actually never had so I think third now that's okay. Um, it's not official yet. They may have the first tomorrow if you promise me everyone was sledding tomorrow. Yeah a big info. so on and I look back. I had one up to the coast nobody doing online learning. I said, we don't need to think mistake. So there's some really needing very hard. once I get look at the maps again the board meeting. I'll make the call so you look Tonight the next 40 minutes. But yeah, you got to test the study for tomorrow, so I'm not okay. study a little bit. That's where we are with that just about since you have since you may have a testimony you a quick like one minute 30 seconds synopsis of the factors that you're wearing when you're making this. Decision because obviously the kids are delighted parents are either sadder and different and most safety games safety for the students safety for the staff. you have to travel and so one of the thought process like tomorrow. I think you could probably get a half day tomorrow because where the storage hitting in house days, but there's also the fact that pierced me walking or driving your kids to school in snow. Yeah, we're four years later the instant again, it seems like a very frustrating experience for everyone And so what the thought process is that all those doctors coming to play. it's all safety. I mean if you have buses running which we don't you most schools by like I think we may be right now to make the only School in Canada. Who's not yet canceled. Well, I think you guys is probably waiting for you. HFS that oh, no, they called it. Kids. Yeah, it's primaries and I feel like that's one that I know the answer to but it's always helpful even things like it's supposed to be like nice to talk with my with my grounds crew. They think the snow blower they keep so I walk screen but teachers what people get the cars out of parking lot. but he will feel cloud, of course. So all those factors All right. Well we don't end for you. We don't have you when you call and tomorrow if you know and I I went back and forth that says good for morning. but so since I'm so sure it's gonna happen. I will call tonight. Yeah, I do appreciate the reminder that. Kiddos have an experienced this now. Yes, really long time. I also like we haven't had snow in two years like yeah, it's very exciting. Yeah, you know what? I mean like it is just we haven't yeah, we haven't sled in our like they made like a foot tall Snowman the other day like that hasn't happened in years. So that I think is making an extra well and two and we haven't all been driving in snow, right? I always worry about that high school. Oh, okay. Okay. Thanks. Sorry. So I don't really have much I said stuff with negotiations and this is turning so long meeting. so it's not important. So I'll just keep going. Um, we're not going to do the that for discussion today, right? We're gonna we're gonna table that for next month and we'll do so we have the numbers. That's the committee as a whole you'll see. how you call it the whole so it's a it's where we can work like committee, but everyone can be but it just has to be in the public. Whereas in our committees, we if we don't record we can we can kind of hash things out. All right. Oh the public comments. So well now begin open public comments session members of the community are invited to speak for up to three minutes at this time if you'd like to make an additional comment, you must wait until each person has had a chance to make your initial statement. All comments must be directed toward the board not members of the public according to our Bible's comment session can last no longer than one hour. This is an opportunity for the board to listen, but not to be issues or enter a question and answer period Please be aware that not all issues brought up before board meeting will be resolved that evening. We ask you to identify Yourself by stating your name and the name of your street before making your comment. while public education can be an emotional issue we strive to maintain a certain level of decorum at the meeting public meetings are streamed and available for replay on YouTube. That's an update. equipment the student of often participate in meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain a tone of courtesy and civility. Thanks to say televised and I was like a happy very updating myself. Okay, anyone like to make a comment? I am so Adkins on lsgate. First of all, I should say I'm really hoping for today. I am I'll add to that list. I'm silly and they announced we have snow day not virtual all students you. we were told to send them home with computers and I don't have to teach tomorrow. So I'm excited. Okay, that's how I am. Here. I'm here. I came in May and I spoke and I thank all of you for all of your hard work to for Kingsway, and I'm here now asking to please find if we can find another solution. I know it's hard. I know you all work really hard to get to where you are at and there is a lot of other moving factors, but it's something that I know we all care a lot about and understand that you know early childhood education is really important. I've been 10 year old is a fifth grade. It's almost gonna be middle school and I have a two year old figured out last time class of 2040. You'll be it. Okay. 2026 and its own it's only two years away now and then in kindergarten 2027, I would love a full day program for him and affording program in you know in Haddonfield and not having to find out. You know a morning program or an afternoon program for him. So just asking you all to keep on keep on keeping on and trying to I know it's there's no space. There's no, you know anything but just as you know as a parent of a future students, please that's all. Thank you so much. Thanks for your hard work. I know it's not easy and you're trying your best and but appreciate it. Thank you. Hello, Carol, Stoner and Abigail Avenue. Um, I first wanted to say how thrill I am to see AP economics and accounting one and two it's well overview and I think it's so I think that's just really awesome. I also wanted to put out a suggestion for what she just said regarding where to put full day. Kindergarten which I think is the greatest need right now. the Board of Education purchased the Remington Vernon building on Monroe Street the Board of Education also owns other properties. Why not? turn the current Board of Education building into full day kindergarten which is right next to Tato. Tatum can be used for additional kindergarten facilities and they already have the drop-off in place and a playground. so they can actually drop off a Tatum or walk to Tatum and you could still your board of education's right there so you can use that as For the kindergarten. That's what I think. um Is a suggestion maybe the board of education then might be able to get some space from the newly purchased Bank of America building that the police are in. I don't know if you could do that, but that's a big building that perhaps could be utilized from both of you. Um question and I was wondering why the board can't put in a new agreement of sale for Kingsway with a new date for funding that would allow the state to get back to you Um, and also, I just want to suggest not taking up any playground space to build anything on our playgrounds specifically. I look at Elizabeth Hadden. There are people there we live here. There are people there on the playgrounds all the time. I know you're buying that spot to try to build something, but we can never take back open space once you use it. It's gone and people like we use this playground for just their people is important. So it's just another suggestion. I just wanted And that was it again. Because we don't want. to have okay. Thank you anyone else? okay, we will close open public comment and move on to agenda photos. um this for our newer members and for those just tuning in on the televised version. In the working session so we don't go but it gives us an opportunity for us to public all to hear everything that we're going to talk about Anthony questions, and then we all can regroup for next week when we come in. We'll actually Policies are all voted on twice Everything else is voted on one. Except for calendars counters are voted twice as well. Okay. no remote so for governance acceptance of the monthly HIV vandalism violence report. approval of the fire security drill report policy approval bylaws, zero one one zero policy approval policy 5120 approval of the 24-25 academic calendars for elementary and middle school. This is the second adoption second reading. An approval of this school bus emergency drill reports. Um, discussion any questions or comments about that? I already made my okay again to those of you trying to make these hard choices. I did not mean to be so open. I didn't read this book in your phone. Thank you. for restorative calendars. It's like Labor Day is right. You are honoring it Friday and Monday, right? Like no. Yes. It looks like it. Was offered it might be what you had planned that you would just have teachers back Monday through Thursday, and that's obviously it's just reading it. Yeah, double check it. I don't know but yeah. good like this that the counters are like to be unified. there's oh you Feel good. Absolutely. Oh Yeah, I want to Dish me to the calendar. Hunter happen this year's we actually designated Tuesday after. Memorial Day we don't use a snow day as an extra day and that may go away. Yeah about an hour. Not first, but you lose the name and lose the name. I would like to thank I don't know who was responsible for. Right. I like it. Too even better. Um HIV Is there more dark blackout? No, no, the only part that is a blacked out is information related to specifically to an HIV incident for violence or vandalism incidents, which don't HIV symptoms. Thing. Okay, so Linda and microconduct to remind me. I don't read the whole thing on the work session. Thank you. So curriculum and special education Annie questions or comments about that just excited to see the unified Bowling Club on there. Yeah the ground. It's a high school queer Tech program. Just a renewal like it's not something having College h. The CTE. Yeah CTE programs event One no, that's just so this is just of a renewal. Okay? Say nothing for curriculum and education personnel. I was curious about the the like coaching extra curricular assignments Everything looks fine. I've been hearing rumors my high school that numbers and some programs are different like numbers are going down and different programs plus kids are going out more kids are turning out to a different program do we ever make shifts once like, you know, like we're preemptively looking I think on this attachment or approving track Lacross all the spring things that haven't started so we're not 100% sure with Members are using our historical data and who played last year and whatever but like do we ever make tweaks or do we just are historically is it like an off-year? And so we hold steady so that we don't lose that person, you know, like we don't you so if so, we we try not to just fluctuate we try to keep coaching in this this is a long time friend of numbers decreasing order increase. Okay, so we will hold study in last. Yeah, another one factor for numbers increase is we put in a cup policy last year, right? So before we out of the coach of the same week you have a policies as we can cut now, right? Um, so that's that's different. We wouldn't let go of a coach if numbers drop for one year. We would not eliminate a coaching business. You know, what the next year they won't like them. business finance I've had one thing on here, which was the mou with the What was it for hours? So anyway, it's a clerical thing, but it has handful of high school not had a memorial. If you're taking them, I know that's why I have to do the rest of you all got to pick up your game. Rachel's name there was a lot. that's why I think I tested you with there anything that I should specifically yeah memorandum with the police. I was like, holy. you know, it really have a lot. You can't say anything about you. right? Yeah. Okay. Our minutes anything on the minutes. items for future consideration the board just want to make a quick comment. I I did a fist bump window and you said you liked the format the credit has to go to Rob Fox. okay. Many things are those joining us. I had you know, I hated the way that the HIV was so I guess, you know change it even like what I wanted and I thank you. Okay, I'll change it. I asked the teacher back you like, Okay, and then he has continued to make it better about any never know Okay, are you doing an executive session we have exceptions, okay. What am I? Okay, okay. any other comments for? Future duration. okay motion to close the meeting and