>> Michael Groves: Thank you. Like to call the meeting to order. Mike could you just Dress with her. Yes hollandworth. Mr. Knuckles here Mississaug. Yeah, vice president hooker here president crooked. Yeah. I pledge of the United States of America. And you are looking for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty. Thank you. Please read the statement concerning open public meetings public notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act as being by the superintendent of schools in the following matter. Well, January 10th 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the School administration offices 95 Grove Street. Haddonfield red notice was submitted to follow the Haddonfield Borough Clerk and notices were email to The Courier Post in the retrospect newspaper. Thank you. We're going to start tonight off with our Awards. I have tonight. Yeah. so the Haddonfield educational trust is delighted to award over $14,000 in teacher grants for haddonfields Innovative teachers for the 2023-24 school year. This award includes an elementary level drumming program and all three elementary schools new computers for the high school music production programs partial funding for the pug mill for the high school hydroponic garden for seventh graders and one that we are excited about which is a pilot program for decodable text libraries for kindergarten through second grade. We started the teacher grants program in 2015. The ATT has awarded the 97,000 in funding for our teachers. So we hope you have a wonderful year. Thank you. photo off here forever Thank you. That's just right Thank you so much. So, um, I'm sorry, you know, sir. I was supposed to say thank you to the ATT who've done a lot to support our students and our teachers and remind everyone they have two big fundraisers every year rally in the alley which is going to be the Saturday before Thanksgiving this year, right? or and then the ATP golf outing is in June with do you? so June 17th, so if you'd like to support fundraisers that go on to support the school in our students. They're great opportunities and lots lots of fun. and well, thank you HTT, um to the teachers you heard some of those things that grants were all wonderful things by the AGT being so generous as many as much time to help our teacher is our teachers to try to stretch a little bit do things in there. We wouldn't do I have to thank my teachers because each one of these ideas came with time effort thought thought nothing just Google thinking how can I get better happen to things differently the we're with a podcasting. We're going to Talk podcast from KYW or administrator megament. Man. Yeah, and that was from the student. S so so the the generous generosity the group allows us to to stretch and our teachers Innovation makes it perfect marriage for this too. So I have to thank both sides of that and we really appreciate all Okay, next we're gonna have our state about Athletics presentation from Mr. Vanoss. Hello. Good evening, and good afternoon. and nice to meet some of the new board members. welcome and thank you for the service I guess. so I was asked to say a few things about some of the things that we have been doing in the athletics department. And starting off. I put some numbers together. For the last 40 years. which we were looking at to see if there will be any changes. implementing or expanding our Squad reduction policy that we had in place with some of the sports. IA basketball boys and girls and golf the numbers became so great in some of the sports that we thought that we needed to expand and include some additional support to specially in fall. About three years ago. We had 90 girls soccer players come out of the team. And it was hard to manage. without increasing Coaching staff will proper supervision. Having to pay for additional buses to transport everybody additional uniforms, so we thought it was time to include some of those sports that we're seeing if out of the ordinary A participation numbers overall they did not go down. They remain strong. What if we saw was a shift some of the players that part that there might be a God that shifted to another sport. We saw that in girls soccer as you can see the numbers declined a little bit, but all those girls went and did another sport that when it did either the join the cross country team and Coach Wilson was ecstatic because he had 25 more girls to train and run every day coach Holman. Welcome to another 20 girls. And that's what caused the spike in girl's tennis. but overall the numbers fall winner and spring they remains from this strong. We're a group to school 880 students. But the number of athletes that we have representing our schooling Community equal that of Shawnee lanape in Washington Township group five schools. We have great involvement. We have multi-sport athletes and we're glad that I will still thriving and doing well. Any questions on the participation numbers? Okay. The other thing that I wanted to mention is the work that we have been doing with our student athletes and coaches. With the Positive coaching Alliance. It's a national nonprofit that provides education. to coaches and student athletes work through schools that they join We join forces. and they provided workshops for our coaches and curriculum for our student athletes to cover some of the areas on on sportsmanship on leadership last year. We have every single student athlete take the sports can battle races and workshop. And that we received great feedback from the students that took the survey after taking the workshop overall. It was very beneficial. This year we said we want to continue the relationship and in discussion with positive coaching Alliance. We found a great Workshop, which is character and leadership development for the student for the captain. So the teams so I have a student athlete leadership team that have been running for the last couple years each team sends two representatives, representatives, and I'm here with a monthly. I thought it would be a great opportunity to have some in-person workshops to come to cover some of the areas that the coaches talk Dane and day out but it's nice to have a dialogue among the leaders of the teams and hopefully that will filter down to the younger grades and there will look up to them anything using the same language. Hopefully that creates a culture that we hope that we instill in a student athletes. They have four in-person workshops that will completely this year with the student athlete leadership team focused on. Some good for the next one. Yeah. There was one I one hour on becoming the Triple A impact competitor being able to move through mistakes. help your teammates become better. competitors being a leader out there making your teammates better. By being positive by including everybody. creating that culture that the coaches really believe it's necessary to be able to have a successful season part 3 talked about about hazing initiation rituals how to be an upstander versus a pipes by standard. Um, and the last the last one was about our brain our image not only how you conduct yourself on the field on the court. But also, why do you post on social media? You know, you might conduct your way yourself in a certain way on the game. You might get the pattern the back and people would be proud the way you played because you're in front of your coach. But then does that match? How you are on social media? what you say with teammates your group chats so that that was really really very beneficial. It was great workshop and we'll continue the work as I meet with a monthly for the rest of the school year. That's it. Any questions from us? Oh, no, and I was just gonna ask I had two questions one was about cheerleading because I noticed the enrollment numbers seem to have dropped or the cheerleading program sort of phasing itself out or it's just we don't know yet. That's the average of number of cheerleaders that we've had. Okay in the program. Coach Mays has been that you're leading coach for 19 years and at least and She hasn't expressed the concern that I think those announcements here. And we were going to add Middle School to that. what? Yes they offered to do that we offer but we have we had one girl that joined the winner season. Okay, so we have one little story right take time for that to catch them. Yes. So let's have an opportunity for them too. Yeah. you had mentioned that after you did the sessions that you did feedback with the students, which is great because it's one thing to have these sessions, but you know, what are the kids thinking? What are they doing? And I don't want to put you on the spot. You're not prepare for this, but you said you got good feedback. Is there anything at all that you can share with the word to you know, let us know what some of that feedback was from the athletes. and if you don't have no no, please, you know, it was a you know, the presenter will. And most of the service happened last year after the sports can battle races and workshops and you basically go on your phone and you give it a scale one to five and the grades or the the ratings came really hot on the positive side some of the comments I would give in was I was so glad that I had an opportunity to actually talk with my teammates about their stuff that I've been taking about and creating a Common Language. So that was positive comments that we see. Thank you. Yeah, I want to thank you for this too. a good. It's it's also one of those programs where we hope issues don't arise right, but they do but you don't really realize the impact of it until it's because it just naturally unfolds and then it just doesn't you know, you start to see it become part of the culture of the kids. So it's so hard to quantify, but I think qualifying it like you you really will start to see. you know a good just a good I'm not and I think the culture and had been positive, but I think just that that continuation of that leadership skills, which really served to to impact the entire team, you know reinforcement. Non-Stop is something that I think it's necessary and you know, will the coaches talk about the things that how to conduct the software right away and how you represent your school the right way, but then we meet together in the classroom and we talk about it again and hopefully repetition will make it stay. Thank you. That's question for me. I'm in terms of because that leadership steps sounds great in terms of bringing it Beyond Team level into the athletic department level. Do we do anything between teams like I'm thinking of in college we would pair sports with different sports like women swimming we repair with. Boys wrestling men's wrestling so we would go to each other's meets and support each other to sort of create a cohesive athletic department culture. Is that something that we've done in the past? Yeah, we've talked about in a certainly leadership team and another already super busy as well. I've been bugging this the spring more athletes, you know, just you know, you all come to the boys games, you know, there's so many other sports that you can attend as a group that you know, they're organized and all it takes a couple group messages. Hey, we're going to that game today, So I'm trying to get that through but hey, I have this I have that but definitely it's a good idea in something especially for those of us in sports that are not like football baseball working really hard and I know when we would see our our paired team show up. was absolutely yeah, and I think probably working with the coaches and maybe if the coaches say hey guys, we're going there tonight, you know, so that's probably something that hopefully I was never me. Yeah, I was wondering if there have you considered or is there a need so I have a high school student? who plays for you all but I bet I could benefit from attending as a parent who has an athlete so I could be reinforcing some of this messaging or saying the right lingo or I don't know. Maybe I've stepped in it. I didn't realize it. Yeah, we're not there and workshops and how to be a good sports bearing in the past and maybe it's time to have a refresher next year. Yeah. Absolutely. We can all use a reminder. how to filter our athletes in the car right home. That's right. That's great. Thank you. I just want to announce that the principal search for the new Middle School principal has begun that position was posted on January 22nd. It will close on February 22nd. We currently have 19 applicants. So we're seeing a fairly robust Canada pool that will continue to review and analyze. The 22nd the interview committee has been reassembled and we are timeline identifies the March 21st board meeting as our Target date have a new principle approved for July 1st start, okay. Thank you, Gina. Welcome back tracks. curriculum, we do not have We're meeting this week next week. Um gray if you had to finance me Finance, we had an initial meeting the 2024-25 budget yesterday. We have some challenges ahead of us to balance budget that makes working diligently Two Bells. We've seen increased costs in a number of areas. where to follow with the board meeting at the end of the month Michael oven in detail update for us. any questions Okay. Okay, Rachel policy. Yeah, we met on the first. Sorry. I'm getting used to meeting readers as an old lady and we looked at regulation to 2010 curriculum development or just some small tweaks to that and it's incorporating. That's the one right. Do you know that's incorporating the new? I want to say curriculum Specialists, but that's not right. That's kind of supervisor. Sorry. Thank you supervisors. Justin the curriculum adoption. So like now we have new kind of players in our buildings and our school. So making sure that the regulation. But there are part of looking at textbooks or any changes in curriculum. and policy 85/07 and 85:08 have very weird names breakfast offer versus serve and lunch offer versus serve Essentially. It's ensuring that we have training which we've always done how to correctly offer meals and what how much someone takes for it to qualify for government support and whatnot. And so that was pretty straightforward. It's new and new policy, but things you've already been doing so just getting it getting it down as a policy and we looked at All right. We didn't really have much discussion on the second meeting of policy 1642. that was up some updates on sickly and we did talk. a bit about the suspension policy and regulation 5610. The policy and regulation looked good. And we know that there's been administrator and student discussions right about suspensions and kind of how we handle those and what we realized is it isn't really about the policy. The policy is pretty General. It's really about the code of conduct and how things get implemented. And as it last meeting that we had the presentation over kind of what's been happening in school. That's what kind of incidents we've seen and so that's something that I think I don't know. Does this fit in a board thing, you know, like I don't know what had operationalize this but I think it comes out of conduct and that is appropriate discussions that we I met with the high school students a second time to talk about some other other aspects of the code of conduct, which is um, many the violations require also carried with it suspension from extracurricular events for so many days, right? Um how that looks new students want to do and I'm meeting with middle students. A better week per month a week from Monday. I think it is to have this similar conversations. And so would it be the Policy or like what? We're like, I don't know what that is. So yeah before more to policies as good as code of conduct policy that does outlays that the ones with our code of conduct. Okay. that's something that's kind of potentially on the horizon for our community and the board and we also talked briefly about the policy and regulation 55 16. Around electronic communication and recording devices and we talked a little bit about the policy and about cell phone use by students and schools. and how phones can be distracting. I mean we are mine's right here right My kids already texting me four times, right and I should know that because I am here and present right And so that was kind of we're kind of chatting about that and then making sure that the policy look good and covering the policy we decided we don't need around recording and so there's just a brief discussion about them. So we'll see. Thank you questions for Rachel and policy. Okay. Lrfp, Linda. Did you want to share something now or did you wait? I think we we're gonna we're gonna cover it with videos. Yeah, you don't wanna I think we're giving teaser negotiations committee. I'm just negotiations are ongoing and constructive and we're you know moving moving along really good. So Keep you posted when there's a more to share any PTA update I do have. that I am I went to the thin Apple how to build World HIV just ages. So they talked about they they talk about the things that they had just donated. to the high school a cricket machine, which is really kind of cool VR glasses for for psych class. so that these classes simulate perception Distortion, so kids can get a sense. So, you know what that Distortion is like they donated three portable whiteboards a thousand dollars toward the junior trip, and then they're looking to donate in kind for freshman and sophomores recognizing that or you know, the seniors there's a there are a lot of things that are here for seniors and we all know why and it's great to have your senior year but Sure that every year they're donating something for those other years as well. So they're just looking into what they might do for them and going to be working on some Wellness day that these as well, so it was good. Just doing anyone else have anything else before? I just wanted to remind you that Holly sent at the talking points for any PTA meetings. So anything if you're going to the 55 Club something like that, it gives us a way to make sure that you cover all things that might be important for the general public. I will say it was helpful because when I sat there this week there were things that we hadn't talked about for like they're old, but they're not old for the people that are sitting there and don't have that information. So I think those talking things are really good bring them with you and make sure that you have those things to remind you and it cuts down on prep time. I feel like I prep for like a half hour to go to a meeting. So this allows you to maybe save a little time or just important exactly exactly. Yeah. Okay. All right, so we have We regulations for a Board review regulation 2210, which is correct development reminder, especially for our new board members that when regulations are up here. We don't vote on them. They're just for our information. So feel free to ask if you have questions, but they're not something that needs are our vote for approval, but we do put them on there so that you're aware that it's being changed. Um, Dr. Priolo. I skipped you to the front of the line. He said you have anything else you to add anything? since okay, do you okay so we're just gonna okay. So we're gonna do it all actually before we do that. I will skip ahead to my my board president report. I just wanted to touch on a couple things more administrative things. We'll have to start the superintendent evaluation soon. And I know it's hard for new members coming on and it's just it has to be completed by and approved by June. So we're gonna start the process. Soon but Mr. Klaus starts it really he does his end and then it goes to us for us to do our evaluations, but just that's coming down the lines in probably April. Maybe look at that and also we'll do a board self-evaluation. Probably right after we do the superintendent evaluation and Mike was kind enough to arrange with rmjsba rep for her to come into one of our meetings. Did we say in March? Did we still have some more? Okay. So she's going to come in and do a brief presentation on the code of ethics as a reminder for us. um, and and that's really all I have So I guess we could it's did you have some yellow so jump in on that? So we did decide last year to change this up a bit and and do the board self-evaluation now and have it done before we have our order treat and have that inform what the things are. So let's we do our stuff evaluation determine. What are the things that where we think we want to work on and then we'll create an agenda for a retreat based on that feedback. So just keep that in mind as you're feeling. Yeah, because we're backing it up a little bit which I know is harder for new or members, but you also coming out the fresh eyes. You might have suggestions and ideas to help us planning that Retreat our Retreat is in June is it if you in July, okay, but we haven't okay, um moving on we'll go to the committee of a whole discussion Mr. Klaus is going to lead us in that to start and we're going to set a 30 minute limit on our discussion because it could go on very long, but we have a lot of business to handle so we'll start with the presentation and then we'll start the timer after yeah, and then we'll start the timer that will be 30 minutes or discussion. I'm gonna go through this. This is a lot of stuff but I try to tear down two years worth of work into some reasonable chunk. You can go through relatively quickly people. We're not here to be brought to be a little bit and kind of give us a groundwork and for those of us who don't ever committee to hold the committee the whole functions this Way Forward meets in small committees no more for because the sunshine almost so a lot of times the other five members don't know the inside discussions happening. They just get the general. So what we're trying to start doing now, we have starts over we're continuous the big important issues. We'll bring the committee of the whole where the share the thought process of the lrp for the rest of the committee at that point in time. We get questions guidance feedback about whether it's going on. so I'm going to kind of review. Where the where we are now with the referendum how we got there and the last ends gonna be like where they're right. Now the lrp thinks we should be going at that point. We'll say I think we should be going there. I don't think he's going why this decision? why not that decision so all mine were members the community can hear the thought process and we'll be gathering feedback. Um, I remember if you have the contact the referendum that's right. We do want to get this this feedback after we already have some feedback, but we're looking to do more now that we've changed years a little bit. So our mission statement, is there Inspire academic Excellence lifelong learning and students come to remove members of global Community. It really we should be able to tie everything I talk about tonight back in one of these three things right if we're doing it for doing our jobs. Well, so, um, this is a real quick recap of a process that that feels like it's only feels it's been much longer than this right. So we started off on March September We got to stakeholder input we decided about for referendum we explored and purchased. Actually. We've got a contract for 144 Kings Highway West Kingsway Money Center that we had from February to point to September our architect about Iran's monkeys here and his Associates at land put together a scope of work drones and submit to the doe and September 23 December of 23 we anticipate to get back our state approvals of there's two different approvals in this process because we acquired ability that the permission from the department head to buy that building. We just can't do it and of our of our scope of work and that would also tell us our financial aid or not our state aid numbers, um through what's called a plumber call Assessments in June and January 20th 24, we came to the Kingsway purchase and these important to note that This decision was based on an internal deadline that we set that we know if we didn't have this in line by this point in time. We're going to make them more for a friend and then we have the building. so it was set on. Where we thought the most reasonable time to do it? as we wait as long as we could we all know we did this date. We've got any decision so we did. um, and then here we are right now, we're gonna process. I think it's important to note that we're not starting from scratch. We've got a lot of information. We've got a lot of it's following our path and a lot of that's gonna inform where we go moving forward. This hasn't changed. These are the seven crucial areas that we look at accessibility additional classroom athletic facilities auditoriums Early Childhood Center education and Investments of our building and specialized learning. um specifically today some of those things we're not going to discuss today. They're just accessibility. It's essential. It's crucial. that hadn't gets a little bit I guess in elevator because a large part of hat is not accessible. The important placements these are not going to discuss things. These are kind of things. We know we're gonna do we no matter what this discussion is. These are things we are going to do. I know we have to do them know how they do, right? The auditoriums are not going to be partisan because they're in the building. That's that's where we are with that. So so they're just gonna Focus mostly on Hopkins parcel and kindergarten because they're the two things that when we that Kingsbury Learning Center, they're the two things. We're not no longer solid before we get solved. Here's we were considering moving forward as as we stop as we as we cancel the person of Kingsway Learning Center. We need to explore these two things explore possible occasions for additional classrooms to accommodate kindergarten and and this was an end potential increase in population to develop. So as as we get a situation where more housing they go up we are right now in first and second grade and two of our school buildings. We are at Max. um, so we have to have at least a continuity for what happens when we go above Max. We were very close in first grade having to break policy because we're going to go over our 225 limit for students by policy. So we have to start thinking about that as well as what we hope that the kindergarten and based on those. rain, this is this is feedback from board members from people emailing us from people on public comments things We could do maybe repurpose one like or 95 Groves Street to help these. Out build a hop bill on Hopkins, which we're gonna talk about or building addition to the three elementary school. So, um, that's what something we have to consider. The other we're looking for is explore potential uses for hockey's parcel. I'm going to talk I'm not going to talk about using cool at all. I'm gonna Point again why coolie Hall is not a realistic solution for us, but then we can talk about Early Childhood Center at Kingsway at Hopkins building a middle school, which is something we've had conversations about on on Hopkins if you're a build a middle school in Hopkins you would then move. Reship population the central school would go to part of Middle School. Early Childhood because after school so we could play dominoes like that. So that's something we needed. We need to consider. look at our concern looking at and then the other thing up opportunity for Kingsway is for copies is a an athletic complex. So here's why one that can happen when I-5 grocery really don't work for us in as far as a standalone piece if we were to go for king-way space only if you need about 35,000 square feet for the 200 person building within cafeteria All Purpose room offices make it one thing and I was And 95 programs 3500 square feet. So using you make an abdomen talk about because boots connected to Central we can use that as part of Central. So that's in play that way but as a standalone function for kindergarten, these are too small, but let me can't use one of us that's gonna come on. One thing that I will be part of central school a lot of times you've done we're gonna hold the wall put stuff in there. So that's gonna Early Childhood Center on Kingsway This would be kindergarten only because of size. Yeah. Hopkins hard, I'm gonna keep saying Some positives it'll it will accomplish one of our top priorities. We'll have a state-of-the-art 35 square foot 35,000 square foot building and they're both great things and they would be real strong positives. Some of the challenges are new construction means lower percentage of state aid. So renovating a building gets you about 34% State a new construction gets will get us about nine or eleven percent bear State on right? I think they get 34% of. the state department died at maximum. Okay, so that's how that works in just so you know fraction of what really when we started this year. You started this it was about 450 square foot is now 600 square foot. So that's a big difference in that. Um, the other thing too is if we were to build a Kindergarten Center on on Hopkins even people who were supportive of of case, Kingsway and learning center. They had two concerns one was shot when the kids on buses people knowing been we're not happy about that and the other was the loss of schools for kindergarten. If we were to build on. Hopkins those things don't change we have to get the kids there somehow and they would not be in the neighborhood school. So the dozens of that aspect of the problem. it also eliminates not any other office that it makes other potential. For development, so it's a pretty big space. We want to use more than one thing if we can if you put it Kindergarten Center there it's gonna make best best options available. um, like the missing here Okay, the dishes are so this is another one auditions of three elementary schools. We can look at and this would be exploring taking our current buildings and putting additions on as I said Central. We probably wouldn't build out or up. We probably build through a wall. and include one that can have it Tatum and had we'd probably look at building up and adding classroom space and some other features. it but it does it does accomplish our priorities. It's not require the shuttles. It does keep the neighborhood schools. New construction which here's the interesting thing. that all those things I just spoke about even though we owned the buildings are new construction. Because it's not something we're writing place that correct business like that's it. So all three of those are new construction, so they're not going to get the 34% They're going to get the new construction rate keep the roof and just like Oh, you're all the offices. look at that would count as not new construction because that is really that's right. footage. We'll get like a better deal on potentially even when you just for instance even when you did your high school viewing reconstruction last time we see proportions of the building we created the floor plan almost identically in that qualified as organizations. Okay, so it's not creative new square footage notes. So incorporating it as part of central will be cheaper for all of us. And we'll get us the square footage we need for additional classrooms. Okay, but the other building they hear you new construction and the other part of the consumers planning for enrollment growth, so if we're gonna do this option, and this is really something we had to talk so deeply about it. It can't just be to accommodate what we have this second right? We have to think and we have to ask Ron and his team. How much can we build and how might we build for the future and still not be outrageously price. So that's that's part of the challenge of where that decision. Um Cooley Hall renovation is going out of viable option the ability to the state of disrepair and the large building front makes it unrealistic and I've showed these before this is the high school campus right now down the bottom here. This is Cooley Hall. This is this structure here at the entire High School. The yellow perimeter. here is our property line if we superimpose coolie Hall on top of the high school. It's the footprint the size of the high school. the high school serves 860 students about 100 staff members a Kindergarten Center would be 200 students and maybe 40 staff members. So the amount of physical space it takes up makes it very impractical. We'd be far better off doing a two-story building with a smaller footprint giving us other ways to use the property. Bill Norwell Childhood Center at Kingsway is an option so we can look at doing this what happens? Thank you. building a middle school. Now, this is one we looked into and I think um, when we talk it's can't just be middle schools we have right now if you're gonna think this through it might be seven and eight grade not 678 right? So that's something to think about doing because six seven eight grade is a huge building seven days still really big. But it is a difference. That has Domino effects, right? So then where the sixth graders go? Well, they stayed in the Middle School. Who's there with them? Central School plus six and there's something there are things you can figure out it's not impossible problem. but it is something you'd have to do in this case a middle school and take something. We have we got to rethink we have to rethink Middle School to assembly. um positives it does accomplish a priority. We would have a state of New York building how many Middle School adjacent to the high school annual Sarah chair of resources. you know you have yeah, we share teachers who go across town to be able to walk across a parking lot. Um, we so there's a lot of positives that way. Um, this would once again be new Spacewise just to that's the example I was talking about. our Middle School's 80,000 square feet we couldn't put us on that day. We couldn't put something there back there would be monster if you think of every inch of land no more parking stuff like that. That would try that would problematic and then the old Childhood Center being at Central we did this the same problems with busing lose your neighborhood schools. They go away too. Um Standalone facilities in these also require additional Administration support staff. So if we were to incorporate kindergarten to the three neighborhood schools you could there's resources already in place, right? We already have administrative team. We have a nurse we have Specialists. That's not saying that's we wouldn't expand those we have if you put three more classrooms a kid, we have to put more support in there. Yeah, or a childhood director who've oversees kindergarten in early childhood a preschool, but you have that more support, but it wouldn't be as extensive as need as it would be you Athletic Complex is another possibility which the positive one of our priorities addresses community-wide need challenges. No state aid. A field or a gym. Yes, zero state aid is not educational. so we can go get no going in and Educator just a gym for instance. Yes. big the field is big and it would limit some of the other possibilities when you are taking a big chunk of it off there. And that's something we have to talk about. And then I think it moving forward. I think this is where this is where the lrp landed, you know, just once it's kick discussion once a special didn't land there because we haven't had it was launched is the option of exploring new rooms at the elementary schools and we have capital reserve. We have a very healthy capital reserve count the capital reserve we need more details. We might can give it is money we put away for improving our ability to such. Once it's put in capital reserve it has to do that. We can't take it out and buy textbooks or whatever. It has to be to improve our schools. We have enough that with if we go with a strip down version of field no lights. Just a basic turf field we can get that in place. No, you know. Can everybody and we can do that now? We could we would be in place financially that we could move on this to as soon as Cooley Hall comes down. We could start this project and not have to wait for the referendum and meet this need for us and for our community. It's a really significantly. Um, it also leaves the potential for additional Athletics there things consider. It's not going to receive any stating. That's actually Not as bad as as it sounds but it is bad. Not bad. If this is part of referendum, we still look at stadium for it. So that the reason to do this now is it's out of Capitol Reserve. It's not going to say he's not coming for this one where the other so this is something you check back on the other capital reserve and not save money in a referendum process. It's going to be just a terror field. There's not gonna be lighting. that's that is an issue because The advantage of turf is used on. And if you can't use it at night, it's not as much an advantage you can use it when it's wet. You can use it those times but the plan would be to put the lights in the parking the bleachers the scoreboard with a referent. So you get that money out of the referendum have that accomplished then add to it? Yeah, and and the mod the design that that rhymes you would come up with which do all that work ahead of time underneath the ground and just animals once you get there. So that's that's what that looks like. And then I think I've shown this before and I was you before I because I copied this off a power of this and this is what you could do. Um at that complex, so there's the high school. This is the site. This is exactly side of the field right here you put that there. This is our gym turn. you could actually fit that much there as far as athletic complex is if that becomes a goal online now, this is just an example where I put a gym there but that's kind of showing that I think one space and then once you get into this referendum discussion say what what do we want to do with that space? Do we want to do a gym? Do we want to do an environmental center? Do we want to do? Whatever that's going to be. That type of discussion. So um I'm gonna stop sharing because now we're kicking the committee hole. We're gonna have a discussion have quick why that's signs up. I just want to make make one point of one of the benefits of this is the cost doesn't get passed on the taxpayers because it can come out of the referendum. We really want to keep the referendum at something. that's affordable for taxpayers. We wouldn't be getting stated and we this funding is already in our Capital reserves. So it isn't a matter of well, then now we have an extra couple million to play with it would be we could reduce this scope and size of the referendum which would benefit taxpayers. but I'm letting hear you saying because I'm like why not get your old offices hooked into Central as soon as possible because we have this but we could get state aid for that. So we're spending our money and then we could have gone say they that seems here. That's exactly how good. is that we'd be losing 34% of that also, right? Yeah, right and so let me just start with Chuck just went through this and and he went through two years worth of work in 10 minutes and it I think the important thing is there's so much that is unsaid and he trying to roll through this the hours and hours that have been spent in looking at all of the different options and the pros and cons and and not just saying no, you know know that one. Yes to this one, but really thinking through the pros and cons and weighing all of the possibilities we that and We talked in very quickly about the during the time. Okay, the architect came up with with scope and then we went out to to see how much it was going to cost. They're the scope after we came back with here's everything that we need in this school to to go after those seven bullet points was well beyond what we could ever ever approach to as a referendum. So then we spend weeks and weeks and week. Painstakingly whittling down do we really need this what we want it, but not we wanted it would be nice, but you know it really it would serve our students but we can't afford it and pulled things out and pull things out So there's a lot of work that has gone into where we are right now and now we have to move forward with all that work. So but this is the time to for you guys that haven't been part of this please ask a bunch of questions because we were so into the weeds and we really do want to pull everybody. Thanks. Yeah, we have Ron. thank you here with our architect from land. So we have questions. We figured maybe could ask them kind of in them. and you know, it's best you can in the moment. So as we were going as you were going through Chuck, I thought it was really really great outline of the pros and cons of a lot of things. We've already thought about. I really like the brought up that neighborhood schools is big piece of this for early childhood and kindergarten kids. I didn't love King's Kingsway as a solo but it felt more cohesive when we were talking about three Decay 3K read it to kindergarten. and solo Standalone Kay on Hopkins parcel. Feels much more negative than that. It's going to be very isolated. I loved the thinking of well, what else could we do? how can we rearrange stuff going to a seven to eight building maybe doing five to six in the Middle School making Central possibly larger Elementary School. But then you have the neighborhood school pay to four. You've still got your younger middle school kids. maybe that helps with the transition between Fifth and six we were talking about with math and some other things. Than the seventh and 8th graders come over here. They're by the high school, but they're still on their own. I could see a lot of And we could potentially get some fields that way if we build a middle school. It's the fields would be part of Jim would know. Yeah, we don't have space for it if we put in middle school there than you feel good middle school gym with basketball courts and things like that. Yeah, so there's some yeah, you chosen a middle school needs a full size cafeteria a full size gym and Auditorium to function. Elementary can do apr's meals will scan today. They need that as a standalone piece. So if you were to put a middle school there you would certainly have a full gym there. Okay. and then somebody would do you think we would need for some of the eighth grade like you were saying like you told us the number for kindergarten is like running through a rough one together from that right? 75% Sorry, and I'm assuming we've done this already, but I'm just thinking back to remember when not Laur. El the shifted their middle school to seven and eight and just to talk to talk with those folks about what that transition was like good bad. Otherwise, I'm gonna play Arctic Monkeys the difference between the actual the difference between the 678. He's classrooms. With somebody is just classrooms, right if you think maybe it doesn't or too fewer class or no the big space erupts. giant Places like gyms and autores. So even though it's some of the agree with ability. Would be smaller. What that would mean probably is less height. Then maybe seven Ron. this is unfair. Know right would probably height more than footprint, but it would be it would be a smaller or you can make a smaller. I don't know but that's it's you're talking about does your so classrooms and big space you are still there. But we need those designer. So classrooms are kinderg. Yeah, exactly, right. So that's why there's still something that and one of the things that we did talk about because what there are pros and cons to this that one of the cons that you didn't have up there that we did talk about is you put a big building there and then the aesthetic is, you know, we've got all of this space and we have filled it to the end end with buildings and there's aesthetic there and there's a feel to the campus. So that's definitely a negative are we allowed to use some of the high school facilities if we were to build a seventh inning so it can Auditorium only be in the high school, but the middle school has access to it or things like that or is that not allowed? I'm just that's allowed on. The logistically that might be challenging but it could happen. But enough I would say it's not much. Of those big shirts. No. Yeah, there were abilities that are six. There are schools of America. It's like one building. So they're like I'm intelligent disease is a second through 12 notes. You can do that. They share they I don't know if a share facility that way right, but there can be the volume keeping like lunches and things like that. We're there's a lot of social interaction between groups separate but great like space sharing for things like Fields are and we wouldn't have space for field. Yeah, that's the problem, you know, like if we I don't know. We don't have any more kids here with less field space. They don't have literally have to do something like a lock that anniversaries in Middle School field doing today. Yeah. And Football goes high school. They just don't mix it. That's how you space outside. But then it doesn't think about the parking too of like having a whole other set of staff and everything there like in addition and I mean with the road of Hopkins right there Like I just yeah that might be a lot to put in one spot. I need new parking is very challenging. Yeah, this this site right now. And you have all the Middle School teachers now part in there. Yes. the other thing too is a lot of ours. business parking on the other side of happens and you don't own. Yeah that once that's developed that parking is gone as well. So parking would be something that has to be considered that I mean it's even an issue on some days during you know town and Rec and soccer of the parking, you know, and how it gets really filled up and so to be then adding a whole other school and things right there it could get very congested. What are thoughts of adding on to because I just want to keep us make sure we're not talking about the same thing too much. What are we? what are thoughts on adding to existing Elementary School? I was curious as to so if we're adding on to the existing elementary schools. how like what would be the Classroom amount like what? Where would we have area to do that? And where could we even have some flexibility of if we are thinking about right like, okay. This is projected enrollment and if that way even shift, you know, like what are the options at each School site for that Edition and like where the areas that we would be able to use that you want to speak to that because we we actually have these in plans. All right. So this is something that we can feel very comfortable. Yeah. the central plan really we looked at every option. Central site really isn't conducive for expansion beyond their arms building. So the idea that we're gonna break it through and we are going to turn the existing board. I offices in two options for additional classrooms you get about two for four, but the direct connection through where currently running over At Elizabeth Hadden. We looked at a second floor Edition over top of the one story portion of the building. So they'll kind of changed the street facade. Look it would take the two story portion and continue it all the way to the end of the building where Pre-K classroom fairly are. That allowed us to put a more formal proper size Media Center on the upper level as well as three or four additional classrooms. with table Elementary we had Concepts everything from separating the APR into the dedicated Jimmy death period long story short. We kind of landed at an addition over the current one story administrative. we would take that building up and kind of complete the look of Tatum as a three-story building all the way across. And that would give you we also had a New Media Center in there because the current library is is a very poor layout and or the circulation space in the library that gave us an immediate Center and it at least four classrooms at the time. We had a gym in two classrooms and one of our Concepts, but we think we usually get the four classrooms. So one of the things land Associates is doing right now is we are looking at enrollment and also the classroom accounts for each grade level working with yellow RFP committee Administration so that we can develop we develop a needless based on current and future projected and growth and we're studying to make sure we get those classroom accounts those few additions. because that would be and thank you because that would my next question would then be you know, yeah. What kind are we building in even a little bit of wiggle room and looking at enrollment numbers because I mean I know even in districts I've you know been in the past that by the time the additions were put on they were already at or Beyond capacity and so it's like if we're going to put all this in there, you know does adding for classrooms accommodate the need for everyone who would want to have full day kindergarten at the neighborhood schools. We work on that. We haven't classroom number we both retiring and and still try to keep things like our music group. So right now, you know music rooms are so some of those are they they're multiple places. Keep an art room. try to keep a science lab open because not reach our science lives for classrooms right now. I'm probably the world night, but we're trying to get all those things. You know, how many would fit in and that's for Iran. This team will do it and to to but further expansion one of the things that they said they could do is a place like Tatum you build the shell now if you want to do classrooms right now. You could just have a wall and then eventually you don't need they'll show you just classrooms in there are expensive later on so that's something you could save money now to make there's a reasonable referendum you could plan for the future and not fully develop those spaces. Okay, there's even tricky spaces that we looked at and these would be hard to use it. There's actually Space inside the middle school, that's too full classrooms. Just walled off. just dead Airy, um when the middle school edition went on they put the roof over and they put the gym whatever on the other side. To the roof out there. This is a covered Roofing and it's besides about two classrooms. I meant to be later finished. So yeah, so that's so that's that's what we just sound like that again on the challenge the challenge with that space right now is it's in the middle of the middle school so it doesn't help. Elementary, oh, no, you can't have first graders here. Yes. So and one of the things that I just want to point out, is that as we talked about the building. the media centers which is one of our needs that's where bullets it also vacates the space for the media centers in both of those. who already that are not well equipped for what they need. So that does open it up and Chuck has been very thoughtful in not what classrooms do we need today? But being mindful of what we might need in the future and then coming up with the flexible space as well to where you know, maybe we've got a World Language room because that that really is ideal. But if we needed it down the card and yeah, I'm a functional class. also to consider all of these I think all of these options that we're talking about now Universal Pre-K is off the table right? there. So definitely inclusive Pre-K remains, but there are a lot of opportunities and encouragement from the state to partner with neighboring private pre-ks so that we can use we can do our curriculum and have their support and and work collaboratively to have you have Pre-K essentially universally, but it would remain in the pre kindergarten building because we just that's just not in the stars for us at this point. So I think that's something we're probably gonna say one of the things that I didn't point out the slides was if we were to go to the root of addition to the elementary schools if I go to back to my Slide the seven areas we're looking at right. It would give us it would address so our kindergarten because their kindergarten desire it would give us a chance to work on athletic facilities additional classrooms. The auditoriums would still be it would be addressed the mini centers of specialized learning but also be improved into those buildings significantly because for those of us who didn't listen hadn't From library it is. not very large and for Tatum, there's actually doing a hallway in the middle. So people be teaching and people are walking down the hallway through the library. So you got two significantly improved areas there. That's also one of our so those that would help those things would help us there and checks about box and the addition if you're the second floor at man that would include the elevator we're talking about the unique because that's a communities greater accessibility. Right? Just one thing I wanted to mention also. the idea of new construction lives Limited in funding right because it's based off a very integrated formula. You only receive eligibility for your own house students. There's a formula equation that starts with maybe your District updating enrollment protections the state comes back and says, okay you're eligible for this much square footage of the new construction. We now have that number Mike. I think it's right around 38,000 square feet. Yeah around forty thousand. Okay? Yeah, but just to keep in mind like even we talk about the idea of a brand new Middle School. We need to be 80,000 square feet and receiving the small portion of eight drillingness to the small portion a about half of that building. These additions called the fell within that square footage a lot of based on your enrollment. Project. I just want to note that is a factor to consider. It doesn't happen all the way across no matter. how large you. my other question, was that something you said, Jamie just reminded me of it. is there is it possible to talk about moving special ed to almost like a special ed magnet school where we can have larger otpt facilities. Instead of having it spread out among three buildings. I don't know how I feel about that. Students away from their neighborhood. I don't want to move student. S we write schools either. I'm just thinking about in terms of the actual services that we I think you would potentially have much. Much better ability to serve those students. Don't just sacrifice inclusion. Well, if you let other people opt in. And we'll tell you that we're we're many years. moving away from neighborhood schools and and consolidating has been a discussion for that same reason, you know resources and yeah, it's it's more economical it is the third rail in this town. We've talked about it. We stay away from it. We're those reasons. so I know I know. I believe me. I want neighborhood schools. I I also like, you know, we have one big OTP a much nicer space for the spread it I think this is why you buy great-ups was a great I I Body, good. I know what I like and I care about. It's the neighborhoods. That's right. We choose to spend a lot more money to keep those and everybody. Yeah. I just want to mention. that prior scope of all three Elementary School s had a significant change in your community. Yeah. We were moving those spaces out of their current locations making them properly sized for instance, Even the library was becoming All right, so we were gonna significantly expand what you work with versus what we were going to you think that one still um a possibility if we build on to buildings? I think it's a fair enough me to do. Yeah, yeah. I mean, we don't get it within the district, but just seeing OT is such a game changer and that's an upgradable math. And Michael you can say something. No. Oh, okay. Sorry. I'm curious in this plan. It sounds like Central is getting the least. But when we when I've heard about when we've heard about enrollment numbers, it seems like Central is pinch the most I mean, not the most I know they all are but you know what I mean? Like what? what can you tell me more about that? So, you know, like what does it do when we you know, you before class review the four classroom and that gets them up and I already has to kindergarten classroom or you Our space. Okay. I'm just trying to think it serves right right. So I mean they are getting you. This amount of stuff, but they also can't build that right. Okay build out. Yeah makes that part. But if you Those districts lines aren't set in stone. We can redistrict. So we're finding especially if new buildings go up right or going to need to three. I mean, you're not sending one like this side of town over another you know, right over a Streeter. so so yeah, they're not and and a lot of where where the new housing is going up like some of it's pretty Central where they probably are going to be equal to one or two schools so we can kind of figure out where they should go but I think that's something we're gonna be reproduces the same two schools. Which is here. this is the head that's Right making multiple shifts. Yeah. Yeah, yeah exactly and then moving more, you know more. Cutting it because having someone with the most space, so maybe you cut it. You know, we have to look at populations. And and I think we talked about this before. I'm sure you all have talked about an hour FP, but what are our risks in terms of if we're adding on to additional schools, and we need that work completed? over summer that we can open in time in the fall. Well, none of these projects. most of these are probably 12 16 18 Michael so our approach is going to be how can we make this least impacting on the student population curriculum, but allow this construction to occur because if we were to pull this apart into only some hard work we're talking. A decade Worth, right? Okay. So things we're looking at is when can we start? And what does that mean? Obviously, there's gonna be a big shift your summer curriculum programs based on the construction, but it's going to be the Summers going to be eating the superstructure infrastructure the additions in place so that we can open the school back up and then knowing we work through the school year. It's going it's still going to be a challenge. instructional ies, it won't be as severe as ripping the walls off the table like we did last time. But it will be a obvious issue to be dealing with on the user and user of each building. But we need to allow that work to go concurrently. Otherwise your cost might be exorbitant, right? We have a lot of these contractors to start. Finish and what concurrent process we're also going to look at phasing over multiple years because we can't share all district buildings. apart okay, so the strategy now moving forward is how can we best plan needs to be? released impacting and also how many of your summer programs and how do it's not going to be a summer, but it's not going to impact our ability to open school on time. That is Paramount and it's not. Um, it's not and one of the reasons we never. Well one of the few one of the reasons one of the few reasons, we had a couple of them for not starting school early before Labor Day, and I remember that intense was because we we hope we plan on this referendum and giving that time starting a little later in the summer is probably probably a good idea to give a little bit. A buffer good weather. Yeah other thing just to add we want to avoid if we will not have this temporary class. Room their eyesore their incoming and they're expensive. rights with me or however, we don't do something we're gonna end up with them anyway. so how much I just wanted to check one time so we can get six minutes. Okay, so in talking about getting things done and and when can we get started? I personally would like to go back to Hopkins because there is a project that depending on on how everybody feels um that we could say, let's go that the athletic field we will not get a dime of State funding so it does not behoove us to wait and put that in the reference. This town is in desperate need of fields. um We've got space sitting there. We've got money in capital reserve where we can put a field and we can make sure that the you're laying in the groundwork for the things that will come after the lighting. The parking and yes all of those things, but we could say go now and and start looking into getting that field there. So it sounds good. That's what well the town is. I mean we should talk about how everybody feels about moving forward with that, but the town is contractually obligated to to demolish that it should have been demolished already We have heard from the mayor that they are they are supposed to be going out or the second part of the the demolition did because it's so hazardous thing. I have to have a second part. I think if the board in this town saying we need this we need to lean on them and we need to say this should have been down already. We need it down. We need that space for our students. So I mean, let's talk about how strong we feel about this. I like the idea, but don't think that it can come at the expense of the classroom space. so if everyone has reached comfort that with the other plans and other buildings and adding classroom space there that will meet our needs a great makes sense to get started and get going but I think primarily using plans first. We wouldn't I would like to see the plans and just like our primary mission is education Athletics is part of that but We can't teach kids without classrooms to fundament. And so I don't want to do anything that would. Take a space that we could put classrooms on but if we can meet that need elsewhere, I see no reason to delay. Yeah, and the the field does the placement of the field does leave that space for the configure. So in that something we decided the Middle School seems like that's gonna take up that whole space but it also seems like a bigger. Stretch, but we can we'll look more into it, but I don't know if the feasibility of that is as so I think I think I'm sorry interrupt. I think it's because we know that we had plans in place. We had separate plans in place. So we had plans that had the the libraries and the classrooms and we moved away from that and and looked at other things that there was a plan B there was a plan C so you don't know we do know that we have planned. Thank you properly put the amount of classrooms in that we need because we are doing that. I would be Down and do you think the idea of putting another school? Whether it's kindergarten or seventh and eight, we already know that's really freaking expensive because you need a principal and nurse, you know all of the people and the teachers obviously and but maybe that's more shuffling than any credible and we were going to have to pre-k with tuition and now we're gonna have no Revenue like nothing will be kind of in we're not generating anything. So to me, it sounds like the field is safer, but there's room in your image. I keep looking behind me. like you. but you showed the high school gym could fit on that property with a feel it's so that gives me some hope to like if the high school needed more space or the you know, like we've got some like the environmental so there's somebody that could be really utilized. I did a rough, you know. the budget thing hiring another administrator for the kindergarten. so the kindergarten Pre-K principle. but yeah, all three schools some additional Staffing beyond that but that's that administrative and support structure is about a $600,000 difference between Standalone or someone has a to stand on building. I need issues there a significantly Yeah, and and I'm on the finance committee, and we're talking about trying. To balance they tell you. If we have now, so I think that makes me even more cautious like we should use the field it gives. it makes folks in this community happier because a lot of our kids as we saw from Lucky's presentation at the high school, but even younger right we cultivate this is a community that cultivates kids running around outside and it will give them that space which is good. And I love this that open space. Do we still consider turf fields up in space? I mean, yes you better go to Sunday soccer games and having to navigate around where it is now. It's It's very dangerous and when we have so many cars trying to park where there's fences falling over. That's her field. would absolutely look better and I feel so much better and anytime I drive by there. I'm like any other what do you feel? I mean you feeling dissolved. are there any other questions that you have? Okay, any other questions or comments Because oh have this probably post this morning. I will add. a Because I would email address for now. I'll put our communication about just bullet points piece of water discussing and just send it out to the community to say please if you have any thoughts for opinions, please email us or let us know and for all of us but also for the for the community we thought about how we were going to do this and we're just like tell us what you think rather than the slot that the survey we try to get like we didn't want to do it so that we're kind of crafting what you're going to be picking kind of just your general thoughts. Because we're looking for not already. Well, that's exactly it. And so we thought about it and it's not like it that just makes more sense. Right? You want to say something. I just it sounds like we're all in on the field. Like what would the next steps be if we well that we really you said that I I know who it always got to go but like really administrative. So yeah we my community feedback is a you know, absolutely it's good that but if this is a decision of the board, we would let wrong know he's already got basic. Drawings for for the field and he's working on provides drawings of the additions. Women they start looking at those. So people just say them to make sure we're comfortable with it. and then much like everything else whatever we're gonna do we have to go through the department of Ed. So, let's be submit the department of Ed. Yeah. It's a sure process because there's no referendum time. So it's a matter of okay the fruit and then from there we would um move on that and then work for the referendum the other thing let's talk about so Ron mentioned timing. Um, you know, if if we decide to move on this, um, we've got to pick a date for a referendum and when the best day and you know, um, we don't want to move a rush last time. So we try to everything's in we don't want to do that. We also can't wait too long because if you missed the opportunity to Get Summer construction store. You're doing everything you're using a year not losing if you go to if you go way two foot two to let your vote go a month too late. You're not losing a month. You're losing a year. So we have to be cognizant of that as well. lot of those type of things. So lots of think about but if we know there's General consensus, um, we'll start to talk on more and make sure that's and make sure like that. Things are good with knowing that they're what are other options are and if we don't have we we might still have that somewhere we had to pronounce them of the different mock-ups. So well figure that. Um, but I had a horrible flaws. Just walking my dog this morning that whether the zoning varies for this place because we need one for another school and Ron looked into that looks pretty good. primary so that saves us and you know each other very good while we have the opportunity to talk local board. You brought up something. So we did talk about. okay, we've got some some plans that are kind of maybe we can dust them off and and and move forward make some tweaks and we'll have something. So we've talked about potentially because we are not gonna Rush this we are not going to be down to the wire We want to have enough time to talk to the board to get public feedback, But even if we were able to take some of the plans that we have now revise them a bit. Um, we could potentially be looking at December that might feel rushed. Um, and then did we say that there is yeah January of March January or much So just so that you guys know that's the timeline that we're looking at, but we are not going to say this is the date we're going to Sure that we're taking the time that we need and say okay if something happens then We're going to move the date. We're not going to let the date Force us to make decisions if we're not comfortable with them. Okay. We'll now begin open public comments session members of the community are invited to speak for up to three minutes at this time if you'd like to make an additional comment, please wait until each person has had a chance to make their initial statement. All comments must be directed toward the board not members of the public according to our bylaws comments comment session can last no longer than one hour. This is an opportunity for the board to listen, but not to be issues or enter a question and answer period Please be aware that not all issues brought up before board meeting will be resolved that evening. We ask you to identify Yourself by stating your name and the name of street. while public education can be an emotional issue we strive to maintain a certain level of decorum at the meeting public meetings are streamed and available for replaying on YouTube and students often participate in the meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain the tone of courtesy and civility. Warren grocery. I just wanted I came because I followed the referendum was gonna make sure it's accessibility issues. I had a daughter in a wheelchair. Um, so I heard that you mentioned the foreign place the elevator. So I hope that that is definitely going to be addressed with the referendum and thank you. Um other thing that I would want to also bring to your attention, is that the stadium seating at the high school does not allow someone in a wheelchair to sit with other people. Um, we went to a football game and fall and my daughter had to sit on the track and field and we had to move a couple times because we were in the way of the cheerleaders that we were in the way the football players. She couldn't sit with any of her friends. so I know I'm alumni a Cherokee. I've been to a Cherokee football game and they have a bleacher. You can just roll right up on. Um, so if we could I guess look into maybe using Mark. I'm not gonna start to update the situation to accommodate people in wheelchairs, that would be amazing. Thank you. Thanks for sharing that. Hello, I'm Carol Sterner on Avondale Avenue. I just want to First say remember this down, but I am thrilled about what you have proposed. so it might be happy but they're right. It's really separate. I know this. I'm not sure if the board issue and Jamie got back to me, but I learned this week. I hadn't feel Memorial High School his instituted a policy. No our procedure of confiscating all students Smartphones at the beginning of the class. Specifically by requiring students to place their smartphones in Cubbies before they go into the classroom so student can go to high school and change both their gender and their name behind their parents back, but they can't be trusted with their smartphone. policy 5516 stated tonight a device can only be confiscated if the student violates the prohibition on recording. There is no proactive rate on the behalf of the staff or Administration to confiscate all devices to prevent recording. the policy is clear on this point. No information was given to the pets. No data was given for the extreme change, although it asked for. I do not recall any discussion that this particular practice from previous Board of Education meetings, and I'm unaware of any District policies that specifically allow for confiscation accordingly. I'm standing before you asked me to seek the clarification from the Board of Ed. if a child has an IEP or 504 and needs to access their cell phone or their tablet, they're going to stick out like suicide. Is that what you wanted additionally these students these IEP and 504 kids. It was proposed that they're going to be tracked what their personal recording but devices are doing and be required to upload everything to Canvas so that they can see how much their self-ins are needed in the classroom. Why now? My understanding Through the Grapevine is that someone inappropriately uploaded a video of another student in the class if this is a case, isn't it that reason why we have him a stop it hat and an Administration that is able to stop those types of behaviors. Why you punishing the entire population of our kids at the high school for these people's actions? if a parent and a student decide it's in their best interest to keep yourself in your backpack. Will they still be committed in the class? What's the difference between a procedure and a policy? and how is the procedure enforced? I was told that the board of education does not have any jurisdiction over the procedures of the principal. Then who does? as a board of education knows there should know the practice of confiscation referenced above must not be undertaken lightly as it has the potential to impinge upon student protection student safety classroom use developmentative technology, but disabled and non-disabled students alike many of those concerns of the Board of Education know we're race during the recent board of education meaning it was also raise tonight. So I just need to let you know that I am uncomfortable with kids having to put their cell phones in a cubby and I don't know then who to speak to. to discuss it Thank you. any other okay, you know comments. Well, no more comments. We'll move on to I'm items for approval. Keep in mind this is a working session. So we'll go through each section. just more quickly and talk about it. but there's no action week. governance. Any questions or comments on those most of it is what we addressed with Rachel. basically, yeah, so I had a question about the sick leave policy we're we're saying that there will we're going to ask for some kind of the backup or certainly something that if there is to prove that they can say if there is a suspicion of abuse. and so my question is what? It what would be? the the paperwork? What would they provide? So if someone is every single Monday and every single Friday, they don't feel well. what what would they give you because they're not gonna have a doctor's note. So we would ask them. They would have one. A doctor's note if you well. That's why it's outside. Do you want to so so the idea is you can't ask like it's unrealistic to say like, oh, I'm out sick for a day or two and then have a doctor's name as we know. We're not gonna pay for doctors appointment. We should pay for them. However, if someone's absent every Monday and Friday and we start thinking well, wait a second. Okay now I need a doctor's note, but They'd have to break doctors, but then they would have to go to the doctors. In which case if they're really sick they'll provide a no, right? They're not that would be a conversation with them before that. Right? So you say listen Chuck. you've got every Friday and in December out every Friday and one day. Can you talk about what that is about and it's a if you're gonna be out really really what's wrong. just I'm way behind this because and for me it was well it what are they going to to produce and if that's the case to to prove that They're set. So I was trying to figure out where is the line, but I think actually think you original policies like every time right? the school district is within it's right to technically request one for a time. That's not reasonable. It's not manageable nor is it in the spirit of how we work with our teachers? I get it. It was just that the the like if there is a suspicion and then and then it's like okay when when is there a suspicion and that's Mission reasonable and every year two days after the winter break. So I frankly I frankly one whether the The person that the unchanged policy was better. We're thinking you're sick you have to You know what you have now that I was actually worth the hga to have that put in. So there was we said that's what let's make this up some of both live with an understanding. Okay, because we're not going to be here forever not gonna be here for the policies not who we are gonna be. He's also love you. moving on to curriculum and special education very excited to see the new High School courses in business. question about that just the distinction between AP course and Nan AP course What what level are the non AP courses going to be College Prep College? And a lot of that language has to do with the Clearing House for athletics on if you don't the course correctly then some clearance won't take it and it doesn't count towards your qualified place. so that how lovely. Yes. So so, you know, we pronoun designated when we actually title the course of course catalog will be College Prep next wires, and it's designated that way for you. I was wondering probably because we were just talking about the curriculum updates and policy if this and our discussion about the mission if our curriculum form should have the mission now. Our Three core things. I don't want to see. Someone feel like they have to force something in like we just discussed the athletic fields. How would we argue that fits? Exactly. You know what I mean? Like, I don't mean it could be there's an NA optional so but these to me really struck me as being aligned with our mission and it isn't documented anywhere and I was like, oh this feels like a mess, you know, this work we've been doing and so it was just a thought I had as you look at the process and how it all works. Maybe they're I don't maybe that's inappropriate, but maybe there's something like that that know us trying to not only have Excellence but the global citizenship or however, we call it now. We worked on the writing. So I'm saying it wrong, but right part of a global something these really felt like it was part of it and I was like, oh I wanted to see it all come together. So just an idea. Okay anyone for personnel? questions I have a note here, but let me see. do is the employment on my website names. I don't know what it's allowed right now. So the employment the second line. It says $300 Personnel. Yeah. He's only attachment. Yep, and the attachment. Sorry personal a attachment. unlisted on during 337. Is that an hour? Is that like the other one is just annual salary. Like I was like, what is that number? Sorry for de M room, okay, so this is the daily rate for this person fell in. Thanks for the recipe. You're gonna be still on the I mean so that That's in the guide is what okay, it just looked so different compared to us year-long salary above it was like I don't understand. It's a short change. This is zeros on here. yeah for less than one year. Okay, so that's full present that thank you. Any other Personnel questions, there's a finance recommendations. Thank you to the baseball booster club. What is the coach to coach calms? you know, yeah, so it's a communication system between the coach and The Dugout and the catcher behind. Wow. So instead of giving signals, which takes longer opens you up to other teams stealing your signs. This kid yourself, right? I mean, I don't have cell phones during the game. Yeah. This is a way I guess. This is a work around. Just curious on the projector airport. Yeah exactly here trying to Do baseball a lot of different levels. not only Communications between the Dugout and the catcher, but then the catcher and the pitcher in communicating what pitches might be coming next or it used to be signals at the catcher gives and you know again you over yourself up the science dealing into the pace of playing increases through these costs so coach to coach Communications also means quite a player right? It sounds like coach your player because maybe that's the brand or something. Yes. Also, that's why it looks like yeah, he stuck out. Okay. Um, and I had a question. Sorry about e this sustainable Jersey thing we heard about that at the convention, right? is this so it's like we then the board kind of kicks it. Off right. So we were gonna We would vote on this next meeting to join this join this Consortium particles that we want to be and Ron Smith from there. Okay. So good hands here. So this would get us into that program and you get rated on some of them. Yeah, it actually reminds up well because the community is doing the 10th of burrows in the same thing. So hopefully working together make that happen and Michael's working on stacking some grants for electric buses. So, you know, Okay, um. Before Oh any questions. Oh, wait. Is there any questions there now? minutes. I just want to imagine about so the first item number business. Oh, yes kind of budget is normally a resolution, but there's specific numbers in there about funds and and withdrawals are possible reserves that I do not have yet, but on the 29th or 29th was 29th will be the full resolution by one at least a placeholders. Okay, but we anticipating approving the tenant budget. Okay. Okay minutes questions. items for future consideration on the board I just want to throw a little plug in here. Just a reminder that Financial disclosures. Oh, yeah. I just remembered I missed it right here entirely. But yeah. sure you explained or entire team. I actually the county sends it an email to the entire County every Friday of the district and the number of applications. they have and a number of applications complete every Friday. And so the end of it. Yeah, right. Two seconds are evaluation. really want to make sure. That it normally but it's a little bit more governance training thing has Not yet, though, right so it was after not all governance. It's got it. Um, and even more specific not all the self-paced version got it. Love those governments and some people don't hesitate. Yeah. Yeah Lucky them. you sure of your first term ever, right every year year that that's yeah. I just now that I really adjusted my expectation of the due date consideration as you're feeling front of you on your personal to do list. All right. Okay. Would someone like to make a motion to return anything?