##VIDEO ID:ulHsvQCe7h0## >> HSD Broadcast: I wasn't sure where to look at this. Time. We're good. Okay, I've called the meeting to order. Mike, could you please call roll? Present. On the ground here. This dress. Yeah. Mr. Has the color here? This Holland one, Mr. Douglas Decided. Vice President Hooker, President Brooker. People. Again. but, Why could you please be the statement? concerning of the public meeting? Public notice of this. Meeting for the Open Public Meetings Act has been given by the Superintendent of Schools in the following matter, on January 10th 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the school. administration offices 95. The Grove Street had Written noticeable. Your father Haddonfield grow clerk, notices, her email to the carrier post and the retrospective music. Thank you. Okay. We're going to start today and welcome everyone to our final leg of The. School board. Traveling Road Show. We're going to start today with the njfla presentation. We're trying to speak up. give a wave. If you can't hear us, we know that they the blowers running. We'll talk a little bit about that when we get to discussing the lrfp update. but we're gonna do our best to speak loudly. I'm gonna have Jason you Okay. ;? Our levels are part of being levels of figures. Same levels are again, Anyway. Or something. Okay. Here, a little time. You turn it. Lower. Okay. With everybody. Friends over three years. first of all, I have to Thank you. Donato here, for making our slideship presentation and grass. looks, so exactly pleasing. very much more skilled with that than I am. So I wanted to just be a little bit of background knowledge for anybody who does not. That's not ever seen anything. SLA, or it's not. does not know what they're components are. The New York City student brain assessment For English language arts in particular, measures of students ability. To set grade level. Three Effects from Authentic Fiction and non-fiction care tax. THEY determinating awards and context and they have to write effectively Using analysis of that text in their life is administered over the course of two days. A little testing time about 15 years for third graders. that's the first year. the test that this is administered. and under 18 minutes. there are some scores for English language. Popular. And then writing adventures of writing instructions, the scores range from 650 To perfect score for all grade levels. And based on the results of students performance is categorized into five different performance levels. Ranging from not, meaning to exceeding. Ourselves scores in particular before I get into we've assessment itself and we think about those categories. Our highest self-source that evidence of grade level priority areas of market. Ing for convention center expression. here. so when we look at our scores, we can find we expectations and exceed with expectations to give us our district performance of overall students who need expectations on the academics. We can find those percentages to say Here is our performance level of our students meeting. what the state expensive students. Comparing them. Yeah. so as you can see here, our students are using very high levels of performance, in terms of language majority. Essments with yarn. Through all of our total leadership. When we look at the state levels of Performance. You can see that our average scores are 32% higher than if you're giving exceeding. packages screen. And I just wanted to create a shout up and central school who has been great, had a hundred percent of their fifth graders meeting. es every single student, you We didn't actually just got this information today. We do like to look at our scores of compared to other districts that are similar to having field. So last year question came up about what is dmpga. So we wanted to give you a little bit background. For me about what that means. So, in New Jersey, you might need such a speaking up a little bit because it was wherever you're not it, that one. So you would mind especially because I want to make sure at home that people are able to hear you but also the audience. get just Thank you. So, District Center here, assigned to eight groups Disrespective. Blues. Those ages risk factor groups are based on socioeconomic status and community based on sexy. Data today is the highest disrespective group and having really falls as a dates here. So when we look at these courses compared to the state, we're now looking at scores of other districts that are high performing apparently, and you can see here that generally are In purple are on par with the BFG districts with the greatest difference. where we exceed, those state districts being in third and fourth grade. As you can see this, the third graders have the lowest percentage of meeting and exceeding compared to other grade levels. So you can also see an as compared to other data history. We actually scored with one higher Thank you. which is an education that that's a great buckle, this probably a little bit covered and it's the first thing. That students. so often, it's the lowest so, Have to be learned that they're agreement. Will compare to other green almost. Secrets. Either way. So, we do look like to look at our data across leaders and we'd like to look at that because That can help us with a lot of different things. Instructions. and accessibility. so, This is the same grade model across police. Years. Last year, we couldn't look at three years later because Pretty much around the 80% of humans, consultations? Okay. very last year, we saw a great site. We came back down to your Great opportunity. Mall. working. Very highly. It's raining. You can see two years ago, have a really big enough and hasn't maintained their loved babies. It's great. what I do want to highlight here is seven three. Seventh grade was a great last year where we had a lot of concern. S. We saw downward trend across five years, that culminated last year's were 16 years. Contagious. and we have a huge increase in performance with vectoring on. Those reflexive 20% from the year before and taking Care of academics, but there you you haven't seen the downward trying to ninth grade and now we have Facebook destinations. Another interesting. trying to look at is, People Forward Trend or the San Diego students across different agreements. So this is the same exact students and things started with a great and 2022. And then the performance increasing across. Support the fourth graders as they. Move. because they had been great. That was my clinical last year and did exceptional may not. We often see a drop from 56th grade. strong is not Nearly three understanding. There. Looking at our sixes, seventh grade class. There they needed a great job as well with students. Too long history, maybe. Take next graders. Continue to create. We often see a drum from Katy the 9th grade as well, but we did not see that this Year students. That every Employee. mind if I just one question before we move on to This was English specific for the the one flag where you Where we saw the jump in seventh grade. Do you attribute that to a change in the curriculum? Did you do something differently for that for last year? That would attribute. that increase in stores. So great question. We do a lot of work with our second Combination of seventh grade teachers, or very aware. And should perform well the day. we're going to high level of rigger, working, so they were very conscious of that. And then the eighth grade teachers that inherited those same students. Did the same thing. Thanks for that students will receiving the instruction? They needed the regularly awareness that we've had performed poorly compared to other great levels. That's great. It is relatively levels. And so, where was the focus? Order family from create a lot of partying, or writing rooting and having. Previous volume. Because it's great. Thank you. Anyone else a vegetalis specific questions? I don't know how much of the chances this might be. So for this, you told me to put a bit in it. How many? how are art texts? The amount of text that kids are reading and their district theory. They saw something recently someone and my alma mater. books course and apparently students are struggling much more. now than they used to. With people. It's true. I there are two articles that just came out. Very, I do something. Yeah. that's a line from home. College professors. and one just in general about. So, this isn't the right place. That's fine. But just I will say that it's something that we have our eye on and we are working that we have Text. And that was part of the reason why we included. This middle school that tutorial period. Lives. are required and every good times. To explore it. spend time. Reading, independent. self-selected, philosophy because that's really where we're seeing. and decline. With children, adults as well. around, choosing to read from other S. So that's something that we really want to inheritage. Community. some of the testing, for example, least have adjusted in response to the lack. Of change. their longer passages between just short paragraphs. So, we don't want to adjust our assessment. We don't want to adjust that expectations. yeah, and one of the just fine and then just to add to that, I thought the same thing, and I buy that article and and one of the what they're saying is that I think it's something about like college graduates. Have read a total of six books. some of them won't average. It was some crazy number of not not enough. And I find that, you know, my students here are reading who like the Books. One of the problems is that a lot of curriculum. Excerpts. And so, students are never reading a full-length book, which is, we know, is a very different experience than reading an excerpt. And that's really what you need to be careful of because those kids, when they're in high school will tell you. Oh, I read review. But they didn't actually read it. they read. You know, one act where they write a piece of an act and they don't know that because they're in high school, but I feel like our students do get that whole experience of reading a book from start to finish and that's, you know, as you're saying, that's what you want to keep an eye on us. And, of course, they were talking about your expected to read about a text to me or text everything. That shouldn't be that hard for college student. And so, I just want to make sure that we're like preparing our kids. Yeah, by high school questions and reading stuff. Yeah, it is a genius, right? are like literature basil, whereas an excerpt chapter section. Thank you. You think everyone? how about gonna say people? Okay, you mentioned concerned about his brief ledger, but we could talk about students. Can answer the pleasures. but this is very similar to Ela just something serious 180s. levels these questions as well as soon. Answers. So, we look here at our repair to say audreys, which is the graph disease here to see on the graph. and with this as well as we posted online. So you can see the complete builds there. You can see our performance relative to the state here, which is very strong. You the whole one, nearly double the same performance, they're all straight levels. I also want to point out that you see your great, three, four, five, six for those tests. the third grade engine. like, students, take the test of creating level where it's starting in. Second grade students take the test of math class that European. So for example, if you are a seventh grader in algebra one, you taking out the one that's you're eating later down for what you think that happens. So I just want to point out that slide. Like different achievements. I also put a point out this is really a really high scores and high school. algebra one. So, we have our 8th graders, we take out the one and we have devices to take out the one and we had a higher than typical high school sorts of security to that very high number there. That number actually includes a grade. So, this slide shows students by grade level. So you see eight. that is all eight craters. regardless of which classes are and the reason that I've decided to show you this way is because secret track and higher groups to get them looking at the class stations shifted. to because that impacts the numbers that we see. So in general, we have our highest scores at the elementary level. We talked about this before, we do see, it drops of scores from the sixth grade. That is something, we are aware of that something we are working to address. I was really excited. this year. We got to work with our new moves to kill to start program during tutorial for the students. identify to receive intervention services. So we have intervention services for math interest. We didn't have any school of application. So now, for the first time we have support for our sixth graders during tutorial and programs, when we start next week, a shot, that's the teachers who are doing a great job saying that program and So I think that's a major waiting for us as a district to be able to get support to our student CD. the most essentially, integrating working typically see and drop of just transition from elementary schools. Mostly the other thing we're doing at, I gave my presentation on a hiring classes last year, which is communicated five math program. We are considering adding that for sixth grade next year. year. One more layer of consistency, Pretty easy, sixth grade the workbooks will look the same. The lesser routines will be the same and we think that really help bridge that gap from elementary school, this is that something we're very strongly. Considering I have not made a final decision to hold The bills. Here, as research showed youth is the code for trends. So these are students, if you look at the beginning and they're creating 2022, fourth grade, and 2023 and 23 In all of these, you can see a drop and from 56th grade, as you mentioned, but what's really great as you see a rising trend through minutes, six of us 67, and from seven to eight. So that learning loss from the transition. is we make that up and seventh grade a little bit. and then eighth grade a little bit. And here is the comparison to our district factor group. We are above the district factor group in rates, Three to five, they're at those slightly below those. In fact, group, in grade six to eight, one thing that I want to point out is that we are that gap between us and the district that group of middle school has narrowed a lot in 2023 great 67. We're 9, and 12% points. Lower than the district back to you. We compared to three days. In front. of course, that was nice down to see close and this year algebra one, which was below the district factory group last year came in 9 points. above the district back after this series. that was great made to See, and those things. Yeah, I want to say, I I guess want to make a note for the algebra one high school that that seems to have increased, right? I am That was always something that With gear. and here to me because I think there are those who Are the kids who are the stronger at math of taking it earlier right at the middle school? They're the ones who maybe have more of an interest in it and are more drawn to that. But It's so important. We get those other kids. Still succeeding. and doing well, and I really love that. We put our energy there and that you can really see it in the performance because yeah I just that's something that I think, since I think will support it's been something where I really I've always looking for that and so it's great to see it. was very, very nice. Here, we just got to save it today. And I there was a little bit cheer myself. Yeah, yeah. Where here? I wonder if like we're seeing as men and not like, That great over experience. Just exactly, right. So I didn't look at the date of this year because we haven't file. We get reported the sample of district factory data. They have. The state is not at least. this is what I look at the data from last year. Oh, it's there's some districts where they have like four, five, six and there are some people said there's just like, okay, five, six, there's some schools that are okay and three, and four to eighty and when when students transition or students are in a district where they're in a different school for grade, because it's a great, you can see, The district leader in the same school, they could create a six, right there. is no drop. So we know that. That's the reason recognizing that everybody sees that still makes us want to try. and narrow that as much as we can. But that's a really Nice. It's actually a lot of Jake are located. So, there's the number of high school. Jay Districts is very few That have license a lot of Jade districts are actually high schools. That's more. trying to protect on. So like Little Silver is a lot, is she a lot of changes? are 18. and reminder, for the only take district, In South Jersey. So, Not. This is our last amount of slides, maybe it's in the United States before research decides so, the science test is very similar to under 80 minutes. I do like point of the month of year. We look at is that when students fit and 11th grade things, So we can relays. It's also it also covers great bands So whereas your sixth grade math test covers sixth grade math, standards safety for ELA in science. fifth grade math test, Interesting. and I'm sorry but it's very science. Test is elementary. so science, your 8th grade science. test is middle school science. So something that you were talking sixth grade. is being tested integrated and every digital across the state, has different scope of sequence in. Those different for everything and the safety for 11th grade. the science standards are. six to eight and nine to 12 and we have this test in the living. Great. So maybe students, have you been exposed to all other science yet entertaining stats. Place in science. Typically, why across the state people? their hair out over this and we see the numbers are going to see are much lower than the Numbers of ELA, slides and map slides. and that is across the state. You'll see that engineers. so, here again, we're in the 80s and 90s and proficiency and other subjects and elementary school. we had 59% proficiency and those 24% and high school 55%. we doubled. We're here to double the state average raise by 11 and we had a smaller increase. The state in 83. I should say that, if you notice here, this is pretty typical across the state and the elementary school sorts of high school stores are pretty similar. And in the middle school, works out the drop. Some people think the most Tesla smarter. It's it's more content driven and so it seems have our far. We moved from that content. That's a little harder where it's a high school elementary school focus on the previously. So that's it. Some people. Of me too. Recognize me, look at the three year trends. Pretty stable elementary schools is slight rise and high school. That that drop in eighth grade last year. There's a little bit of a concern I do want to point out that we would be the fact that contributed to those particularly those stores. is that we had an UNPRECED personnel issue. when he sees where it said great that since it's been addressed. For example. Think of those schools. That that personality is human impacted about 50% of the 7th graders that. Yes, that happened. Vancouver verify And then here, when we look at the I'm sorry, I realize that the title on this slide is wrong. but this is like comparison to the district of Doctor Group and I will just set the clericans online. So, it's a greater performing at the same level and high school. We're performing slightly below and then you can see in a little bit gap for some of you know that we're essentially through committee, you've heard about science audit proposal designs audit is alive and well, we started in June. We worked over the summer. We had a really dedicated teachers continuing this work all the time and maybe today high school about it. We're having really passionate discussion. Good discussions. Lots of feedback. lots of opinions. And I'm very excited about this process. I think so many things that we discuss already. We're gonna present the first round of our recommendations in December. the second round of the weeks that you are March with a simple focus on the face. The reason we're going to do that in December is because any changes that happen to take That for the 25-26 a year BG made with four. selection and master scheduling, which is done in January and February and then in March to give you any reputations for the people. and elements levels which don't have to be as much time. It's something issues of course It's like I do want, I would like to know that we are working in all of the data. we have we're doing a lot of work. A lot of thinking you know we have things to address The things specifically about the high school. You know, we have what I, you know, and this is I'm not, I don't have a science background so I wore talking to literally my sisters kids. a lot of people schools will take physics. Freshman year. But I also understand we have more of a calculus based physics as opposed to normal life science based Phys. That schools that do it in ninth grade entity. so ours is, are I think that our breaker is better? because we have it later. However, we also have a lot of students that double up in the sciences and are taking the APA and the other. so physics isn't taken until they see your ear. In which case they haven't had the life sciences that you like I would think that that part of the test would love. and I don't really know that I have like a, I don't have a solution and I guess, what? I'm saying is, I feel like our rationale for that makes a lot of sense. And in order for a tech that's pretty relatively inconsequential. We gather a ton of data, which helps us inform instruction, but I don't know that. I'd want to switch that and have an easier visit in order to have them. Do better on a test that ultimately gives us data, but nothing else, right? If you say. Um, so what are your thoughts on that? Am I right? that So you bring up a lot of points. so yeah. that was something that a lot of students. Zoo. and I hate to say input, it felt like one of those fats and education when I was instantly public business. teacher. I was all about it. I did my student teaching and I think physics, I wrote all of my educational psychology reports on all those better than to because the two here. And why there's so much better a lot of the schools that made that switch are making and, and I think, for the reason that you mentioned, I think that we learned there's so much size that this have to take. in so many different disciplines but we're going to attach the students who wants to be engineers in scientists. We're, we're At the best education. can when they take that classes in juniors senior, and they have more advanced at that point but at least Further discipline, better approximating. So, the physics first thing that that's what we considered a lot of proposals and that's one thing that find another few months and take with anything. But as far as the testing, absolutely, our scores would go. Oh, but our signs achievement. Is so much different than justice stores as you mentioned. and because it covers a great man and because it assesses at a different level than what that is. So, If you switch a visits, first year, our AP scores like, Right. So those you're by yourself in our state, how many students saving the science and how well they do. very chat just to do. Well on this test which argue, they're there is great data, but as you mentioned there, so many other things have to look at them. talking about science and we're seeing me. we look at me when we look at what students are setting in the future and really Air circulated anything. one thing we are addressing through this audit, is how to get those students take business. so, you have a lot of proposal to take a lot of different options that will have more students need because it's right now. About 35 minutes. And I would like to see that number way, higher. I think that's for the benefit of all of our students can go. well enough excitation. So you're kind of art dressing. an issue but not my name. Yeah. yeah. And that's what I wanted to. I just think that that's important that we don't sight of really what our favorite Actually it's not the other perspective. from a Board of Education. Yeah, yeah. that's, Exactly. Because I think that, you know, you guys get up here. I think that you are happy to report the good numbers and I can see that, you know, you're you're concerned about reporting numbers that are good. You know what we all like to celebrate those large numbers but I think this having this data, this is not about celebrating large numbers. It's about instructing our kids and making sure every kid gets the best. education. So, you guys getting lower numbers? and saying, Why is that happening? And what can we do in our curriculum to address it? Is what I is a board member want to hear. I don't want to do what? Let's all. Celebrate. Great number. Yes, we want great numbers. We want to create education for kids, so it's not teaching to the test. It's not how we make sure that every single time we never stood. how do we make sure that every single time making sure every single kid The education. I think That's what that's when you would want. This particularly important science, and there is some district. I call to a lot of science. supervisor, curricular directors and policy that are not a student. Really figured out how to do it. There's no mod. Like, all of this is somebody that we're all gonna follow. And so I think that's how You know what? we're duties, really hard work from the side of the car but I, I assure you that we get this conversation say and it's a well-balanced meaningful science education. and that's the number one thing of Trying yours for all our students through this. this model, Okay, so we're going to understand things. My kids aren't here yet. Still have kids that take physics and help for like minded together. so, We offer two levels of different science course, the first year level, which we have an accelerated and let we have the second year level which For our. Physics accelerated physics. That's an outflow basis. this course and then students who go on to take. Business support is in our district. It's a copy of Space. Cases. So definitely would usually take it at the same time. I just remember like, Sometimes way up with kids from all over. And I remember they had some kids. Motorcycle list. we. Oh, thank you. I had a good calf course where it's So now you have in the currently, but they are separate classes and stuff zippers. But like Automatically to. Yeah. by the nature are about Yes. so what you as a junior youtuber, the first time if you want to take it as a scene, you gotta taken the junior and maybe worse as a senior, which is a calculus. You can't take because I'm thinking without taking, The person correct? Okay. And typically, senior years ago, So sometimes it's engineer but all times. I just wanted to echo to see some comment about high school but also bring it to middle school. If the middle school, test doesn't focus on Areas. but it's more rememberization and happiness, because I have been impressed in the Nice curriculum. I know I didn't. Think please about science. and most scientific questions investigating that. And I feel like that will take like kiddos further than memorizing like the period. and you don't know how much It's just like that. just like I would say for math. memorizing health communities are other things. So, I must stay with that. I just thought about members right about scientific, glitters. all the time. That's cool. That's what I and I know, Exactly. what level sophistication. Of talking about science exposure. I mean, and I will just quickly add that like, I overheard myself last night in the other room or fine. Googling and researching and having a conversation with my husband about the Sciency. like, not doing homework, but it's so invested. In Solving the Mystery. Of the science that it's just really. Yeah. and they say after school a lot, I remember the to fix like and they help each other, which is exactly it. So, if one kid gets it, you're, you know, you're getting from stay up here, help you figure it out. That's great. But all you just so if I go into and I Will. Yeah. I never thought about it. That sounds really wild. I realize I didn't. Listen to college. It's not. you so much. We want to point out that this goes on the website. It will include an appendix and originate you have right now. It's the appendix. solid shows our scores by subvers. So if you want to check the document, we can tell you kind of get any questions. Yeah. Roussos, you are right. Now. Doing science with together. was really great. I got to do a lot of So, I'm going to talk about the deal. So the majority of students I'm throughout the district and is what Katy effect about what we do including special educlide. Do you have a portion of students that take what's called DLM or dynamic? Word. And this is an assessment of short little teslas. that measure in the academic. achievement students, with significant disabilities words, so when a child has a IEP or are executed disability or is going through the special education system, the child's in between by determine that instead of the njsla big DLF should be taking itself. so it's quantity. And these ass. are based on specific essential elements that do align still to the jsla standards. They're just broken down. Modified further for students. So what's considering whether it's future taking Dln or shooting and Jsla? We look at specific criteria, that is provided to us. Ag. As well. but how can I blow that? But it's a series of questions that the child study team asks to deter, whether the DLM or the NJSLA is APPROP. Riate. So it's for us on students. Take the DLR reports are provided. She also like mjsla and we look at the overall performance in ELA and Science. and we will get those essential elements. See if the students are urging approaching the target at the target or advanced. and when we see if they're after target or advanced that ultimately you really good indication into taking JS on that. I look courses. so, the number of students who are reported results like that TV would report would be over 10, We have less than 10 students taking the DLM. so we don't work on The scores to the privacy. And I think that also says a lot about our curriculum too because and other kind of study team, typically school districts to our above the welcome to More than 1% of students. Ety. The DLL have to report that to the state. and say, why we don't? Because what we do is we make sure that we need Students in generalized curriculum. so much that often students do not need to take you Realize. So the do take the deal about it's because they are something. Completely impaired. and they need to help through the assessments that we can use that data to adequately. Make sure they're having. so, I will say that the DLM that we have gotten back to store reports, we really do use that data to see how students are progressing and all of their goals, their skills. Their ID progress reports that we use our daughter to share particular. Experience questions. Thank you, Dr. Blair continuing down and maybe you assessments that are required, it might be saving New Jersey and other sesame is called Eden Access Assessment. But we access assessment is for students who are identified as multi-play language learners. So, these are our students support is not their first language. and they qualify for language services in heaven. Take a little bit of background about. this. When I started this position, five years ago, we had zero. on ultra language learners and at a point last year, I'd say around three years of club. And people and Albertsons. We're currently at a As a result of that, as Dr. Blair X since we're under 10, we do not reported numbers of publicly. however, those school reports reports are available to, you know, initiators, teachers and education results children. and you are providers. and the analysis of the swords to help guidance inform for instructions. Now, if it's the dln, which place is not For murders, or mega assessment for multiple learners? who are identified in year, one it replaces the ELA portion in JSLA when they're near two or three of the program. and so maybe we have the ability in addition to DJ. because, and when I told you that difference between the 12 and 8, where they're at the point last year will be at 12 million dollars currently had weight. baby that's because they're being a optional, mid-year exam to the students. Before the students qualified system earlier. And can program happy wheels. Typically one-on-one tutoring to have to see their dirtiest school day or activism that they usually enough place to escape. I believe we continue to containing a consultant from growing university who provide English language training support or teachers and also on consultation to help me be able to multimeters. Energy questions about. The Access Test. Right. Thank you. All right, so that's something very exciting this year. This was something that would work through less spring into Project. We've been working on for an entire general, George Washington Tech. Workers. I mean to have, you know, I'm gonna to tell you a little bit about so, This is a happy. good community educational program and this has been collaboration that we continue To Tavern. I'm a very excited because you Use here from the Indian. Pink engines. It's a collaboration with. Museum. solutions and also with the help. Of friendly. There will take you to the Museum of the American Revolution's. website where they are also promoting, Programs. So the original? Have not seen it at the museum. it is. it's actually important Washington from Store 10, who is on display there. But what the museum did about 10 years ago, is way Attitude of people can interact with replica of Washington State University, and that replica will be at the middle school. first and second, it's very, very soon, really, As. I said People working on this. For relax. What is George Washington? 'S, it's office. and his Sleeping. Who's that? Conserved? as a local command center. Before we Continental Army, as I said, the original 10, which is considered the very first Global Office is on this way at the Museum Revolution and recreated revolutionary warnings And it puts the hand. of Beyond this play. based all the time on time and middle school. And the museum staff will be costumed. living and living history, interpreter for training people. who would have been there and they will be provided against that educational program in the need for our 83 classes school. visit detector in their social studies Degree. I remember other step home and may not. be asked. The curator they will be in learning stations and interacting with things. Like instructors. We selected a grade because a lot, really well with A careful. success. we are very proud because this town has been on this way. available in 2014, and it's been on these play and variety sites in Virginia. and Rhode Island. And we are the very first public school district to post this. Recipe. Student Learning Society. So I do want to share with you though. We don't have an 8th grader that doesn't mean you can't come see I'm November first after being graders, There will be an evening program. that if you plan about you, after using it as a fundraiser, because they are helping to pay for this event. I really encourage everyone to teach heart in this fundraiser to help support the programs. For our students and on remember second, which is a Saturday, the temporary and open to the public. Is that by the same people who can see? Here. pollution educators, and it will be there until 4:00 p.m. Leave with that. I really encourage you. Especially about fourth grader, fifth graders to come to attend. You second in every revolution in elementary school as well. So, we'll use those around. For those things together student. S. So, I want to get a special thanks to the Museum of American Graduation. to live. I have something to showcabies. if you thinking Diabet Museum. so, the team and especially our eighth grade social studies, Teachers tribes and pharmacy campus who brought this to me my very first blue last years. So if you asking I've been saying now I definitely on board and even working So, very much. grateful to the work that they've done, and Catherine. and thank you for everything. that's for our community. and first students. Yeah, and thank you to the Indian King Tavern as well. I really could see information for the fundraiser on one that I don't remember first. But don't advice. but, today, are you character? I feel the Federal requires. Yeah, that was great. but, Laughing tonight. Thank you. Thank you again. One of the things we're always talking about is ways to collaborate with the community and this is a perfect example. So really appreciate everyone coming together because it takes a village. Thank you. Thank you. I have Here, I had a lot of presentation, but introduction. So as you may know, again about it, it's just a principal high school is be warnings. He's at the top of the principle of Palmyra was organization. and social future. We had a fine replacement. they're lucky enough to find a very solid very soft. person, who's here tonight and we're back together. guys, you guys The applicants for this job. I am into four round, Divinity Students. Faculty me economy. And with the successful candidate, she was a science teacher. It's just critical Act. a massive. I'm sorry. This is a principal at Timber Creek and she went from and then back to Master Science. Supervisor Montgomery, Township, which is very simple. That On for your experience administration. And so we're very fortunate. however, a great feeling like this and well before. say anything, yet, I know you're prepares of each. I would take a couple on spot like that, though. you don't have to. But it's also your first day work. The whole you are in an engagement. Oh, thank you. very much. So welcome, everybody. Welcome. And we know you have a little ones. to do not feel obligated you Thank you. I'm gonna go to. Curriculum. we're gonna committee before. Yeah. Okay. Committee reports. Yeah. curriculum yet. No finance yet. Policy Rachel. You want them microphone? You coming. I can be loud. You So now that I'm like I did not have I don't have microphone. So, I'm going to share our September meeting and our October. I miss the last board meeting with our September meeting was really late. so I just want to make sure I don't know. We're gonna share it out about my but, Too. So Ly. I got a full time. One thing that I think is worth highlighting, as we look at policy 501, 20 minutes. and thought about the registration changes and it's the students seeing an earlier phrase and we're great for making some Possible. adjustments that you need adjustments. And so, yeah, the idea is we're going to use data to try to inform. them any changes to that. We're not sure there's actually any challenges of policy, maybe it's been kind of a goofy year over. we're We're trying to see kind of what the shows us. so enrollment. And we know that Cell phone policies will be primary sense of new statements solutions. and so, that was another thing put on kind of to do list for And then, we also meant. like, it was in October second and the policy will see. And we have one first meeting policy of Google. it's policy. Free visited. or look at this policy again. Draft athletic, competition the regulations. The consideration we had for it was a particular to homeschool students with advent of online schooling. and online schools students is not on homeschool students. the world has got to learn. So when I was high school student, I remember a public school student. There was no online alternatives were no altern. temporary like so that hasn't made just a little bit more complicated than I In the past. It is possible that I feel. The students would be cut from one of our lives. You can do allow for Homeschool students. And and you know that we have a good resources of space. and we also know there is a great vegan grease of availability of sporting options. So there are a lot of clubs and other organizations. that students any students. Lights over. And so, We are proposing that the Eliminating homeschool student ellisability for our school programs and it's not available for not clubs. So, the line also gets right there and you also, recognize that our new district family. how to attend school for certain number of hours that they would have competition. Otherwise, their analysis, we have. no way of honoring them for students who doesn't actually Of. And so, we have a lot of discussion about this and I hope it can just still and what we think we have to kind of simple as Fairness location is to. Eliminate. and we talked a little bit about, it's not for a reason. Just for information, we talked about policy. 25 Instruction. s, We just have a discussion about how supplies or requested an ordered and food that it's good. You probably all seem in our social media feeds and teachers in general, post Amazon, which wasn't the things like that. And so we had kind of brought about What's going on? Is that happening? here? We have enough, money, first super Discussion about how we're not seeing. Anything wish list. District wise situations teachers have the ability to request and money works. of clients that are Is not on for any boat, because it didn't seem like You said anything? Policy 3283 and electronics, communications. Teaching. staff members and students. And we talked about the possibility of updating some charms in there and you look at the College online. What is the PDA? We have discussion about it. and all. So just nothing. Button. But also where we want to investigate things like What if an athletic coach is only communicating with captain and not entire team? That's our coffee. a while. For that. not allows that like how you dress or trying to get some more information to make sure that our policy is actually guiding. and our sad, right? and how their instructions. So that was kind of also being investigated more. are looking again. And then policy 7230. That this ranson donations and regulations, like, there were just some minor language peanutsen, for example, sometimes of the CSA And some product, you know? So that's a major there, that knows required for both. It's just something won't change. The career. Policies. And Any questions for Rachel? Lrfp. Are you guys want to do with? You, you do it. Although, okay. All right because we haven't had to vehicle. Oh, okay. So you're not gonna present anything down. Okay. we'll get four inches. The color of me. Okay. All right. Um, just one of the things, you know, too. I know we mentioned earlier about the extra tendencies tutorial. I thought I will share him to tell I'm amazing set. But if you shared empathy meeting which was that the library has already lent out in the middle school, Percent more focus in the month of seven centers. then in the entire year of last year. Wow. So, just what I just thought that was an amazing set. a numbers and just kind of see, you know again, how are we sparking some interest and engagement and reading and then also there was just, you know, a little bit of it's further into here, but the middle school book Fair. and how just a little bit to talk about how that is a different kind of event then. an elementary school book fair but ways to happily engage students. I think it's held in people with usually Fair. So just have all these things trying of coming together community events, I thought were really neat to see all of that. The PTA has a number of different social events to different grade bands. So they are in just had earlier this week, a very successful sixth grade couple. outing that they sponsored. There was also a supplemental that the school and student great meeting free after school that the PTA is a snacks for. And so we can see some of the different events where I think it was student council was able to socialize and needed candidates. and so including sixth graders. and voting for me Student Council. I would say globally. heard so much about student. Some races. and things like that. So it really seems to be some kind of school was very into coming from they have Wellness Day on October 18th where We bring you from. the community events and classes about get raise or relaxation and health. and wellness. through the different grade bands. So that is coming up. the seventh grade social, the Spring dance has now been moved to the fall and they're doing like a whole dance. and then the eighth grade before social event is going to be upcoming in November. So there's a bunch of different events going on. One of the other things, I will say, just been looking at. what the PCA was thinking about. They haven't questions on Things to, you know, to the different things at VCA wants to do with the school. and they have some questions and reference to Is any of? I know we don't have anything, you know, any great. if there was new playground or things like that at the central area. But they just wanted to put in a club to say that they keep hearing about asking for basketball. That's a basketball courts for the middle school. So that was just something I think that I didn't plug you can put along there but that there's always, you know, they wanted to see about getting more sports equipment. But that they also wanted to be mindful of That is in the event, you know, the references that there's things that were screwed up or maybe they want to be around the school that they want to be mindful of getting that name. We're having so, Right. you. Anyone else? Oh, Megan Microcentered. Okay. so we can have them pick and share next time. So I spoke at those blood also lose Okay. Yeah, right. Central. and Highness. So I have all three pts move over the referendum. Of. That's the case. But i I said, I would first and I didn't Okay, Dr. Prill, do you have anything? I do? Okay. To share with you because it is an item. on the agenda for approval next week, which is improving our tri-annual submission of our internal CUSACKS scores. For those of you are not familiar with Cusack. probably the best analogy. I could give it's like getting your car inspected that you have to go get Everything. But I'm sure that everything is understanding. Well, it's a similar process through the community. New Jersey Department of Education. Whereby they come in once every three years. There are a team that comes in from county department of education. and essentially, they look under the hood, you know, we have about 4 50 policies. and regulations here. And a lot of them contain regulations of the things, we must do some things have legislation. types of curriculum for sale valuation. fiscal management. and we have to provide evidence that we are doing all of these things up to code and in line with impossible regulations and Place. Ment. It's a very involved process. Process. Usually takes anywhere between three to four months. Pile. all of the work. Think of it. this way. There are there are five different areas under which we're analyzed. Construction Program. fiscal governance, operations and personality. under each of those areas, there are anywhere between 25 and 45 criteria that we have to demonstrate evidence or sometimes. There's a civil right here that requires four five or six or seven, or eight different pieces of evidence. So it's then our jobs to collect that evidence and be able to share that. In a easy way for the county Department of Education. They reveal those documents then, they come into the district and meet with the central office team anywhere from four hours as questions. And clarifications, then the final part of that involves a building block where they will walk through all of our buildings and our classrooms to make sure things are on the code. We don't have any violations or example, and there's a wonderful display that first grade teacher has that he or she has hanging the Well, it looks great but that's the key set. Buying an issue. We can't have any certain sales. We can't put things on rules. So our maintenance is the grounds to all work with each other. to make sure that we're here for all of those policies. and regulations. Where can we compile all of that documentation? We then, instead as a team and give ourselves a self-score, And I'm very optimistic. Outdoors for this year. I'm giving you what I provided in this slide are the prior year evaluation scores. So we were evaluated in, it's actually 2019 with the sports accountability. You can see how we explored in each of those five different performance review areas Arts. Our scores in between 22, we saw going up a bit which is always good. You have to have advanced support Areas. and then finally, we're projecting for this year. Are almost hundreds across the board And I wanted to put a hundred for the instruction programming because based on all the data that we've collected as far as documents, Relations curriculum. Documents. We believe we've met that but there's also a portion of it that is just derived from state assessment data and it goes towards more sciences. we don't know. Go to schools until the County. So I'm getting an acid. -19. People. however, about 60 To break that. I don't know. how. So, the 2020 is actually agreed to the 2019 with the chiefs after the first time in a decade, you used to be exact few seconds Movement. A decade without doing anything. So in 2019, you failed all five areas and had to go back and redo everything in a year because That's how this is a surprise. You a challenge here. So I I basically I want that process which is outlined on this slide almost all of the heavy lifting is done by central office staff in conjunction with our business office and on our fantastic supervisors principals. also contribute to that process. And so here's where we are. We're well ahead to schedule on this work isn't actually due to the county until December, 15. So we finished two months into the schedule. We had an aggressive timeline at the same time. We want to do the bulk of the work of the summer, in the early fall. To be able to find two things. and then get our priorities to the family operations. School District. Rather than piloting that is that the clients? So I'll be the one that uploads all this information to the engineering Department of Education. The site business happened around January February. that in a few months later around the March of April. we're getting feedback where they might ask for additional information or clarification on other information Then we'll receive our final score around age. I just remember I, my first Board meeting was when I first got on board was when it was reported that we found. I remember this. What the end with the process. and I know that the laundry because I think you work well with it but it keeps, it helps all of us to stay on going tasks and we really have a great system. Gino has developed a great spreadsheet in cataloging all of it all over materials and And we really didn't now have it down to to a science. It's all about the system. so that we can focus on the other aspect of are going to change day today. But I think it's really valuable that and the way that this process and just probably really good that they stop. allowing People to not do it because you're doing well. You know, if it's exactly like that's probably why you're doing well now that you're not accountable to give a different starts of doing that routine, but I think you'd like get done Marie in starting things around and getting us a contract that we're organized and it's so much more seamlessly. Now that it was funny, I teach 2020 series. To this because we have a great team. doing historic and my colleagues in the audience. say, I, I'm always making jokes about this process. the same time it Is incredibly valuable. and I think quite meaningful to be able to essentially look under the hood and make sure everything that we're supposed to be. Doing is happening in the School District. and it losses further. Good conversational among our administrative team and really does put us on the path. Ology. f*** that one. Inviting that we're voting on The late has the district score. At 40% for instruction programs. Yes. so, I heard this earlier this war that he did not compute or commuting the self-inflation law. the state gives us those scores and not giving us a success story yet. so it's way it's a formula. and expiration that you're looking at is Gino's was a little part of education. So we slide right quick over here. It's an accurate. reflection. And there's something break, 100 points. Broken down here. 40% are curriculum. because that 60%. So we don't have this test scores. We're we have all the cricket materials in place. That's our 40%. You're never getting that. Okay. And why is it 0? .0. 6. Absolutely. Yeah. Is that all? of this? And that's part of the charge of the Q7 team. is made up of some people here. I'm a kid Rose curves. here's the team that the UGA representative. So the members of the team looked through the evidence that we collected to make sure that it's growing, what is happening. functions? The questions and any other questions? I'm not the answer any questions? Conversations. Reviews. Today is two year journey to put this package together work. All ties background Michigan. Which is important. They will close this Higher Avenue excellence like home. learning and power system members of the local community to have property. problem facility to do that in this whole package festival in the So once again, you probably are aware. There's not, you know, a referendum December 10, the total Referendum numbers, which we simply dollars, which is ninety dollars. a day. So local tax impacts 30% million dollars. That's good. news. Nine dollars. year. In average housing above 3059. But that looks like so. When you did, this was the areas in the six areas of the United. Accessibility. This is the last groups on authority. athletics. Building means safety which other education. species, like memory area. You need centers. and we put this together and comprehensive solution, Make sure we can adjust all the areas and these areas of independent, without additions this attack, you cannot achieve these accessibility. We have to work being done for Oceanside. education. We need assistance we meet and learning. The newer to make our star, our Auditoriums athletics. and accessible. We have to do a lot. We have to have that tie into those things and building safety touches all together. So these are all part of your That's all my solution. We'll be doing is being coming up with. Questions of the American Cross and address them. And these are three questions that come up with. Did you considerability middle school on this far? So, yes, we did. We actually thought about them a little slow. He actually talked about the Navy building and Kindergarts. Championship building a middle school there. There's no schools is very many. Schools. that 80,000 square feet to take almost entire college. The issues in the middle school today and hired higher than many states. To add additional 4005,000 a year in operation. Any day. The biggest factor is new construction is not received. so, the entire ability to note they need Instructions, that 600 hours a square foot. That means about my math. out of 48,000 to build that building. notate. That's more than the time rest of them nothing else to happen, right? So, I'm not going back. so, that would be that community entire And then question, we have this giant boost. boost, what we do that Okay, you can move our fifth and Then we're making neighboring school by second grade. That was something not fuel this community value. Our Rate was great. That is not something you'll be the model. we want to have. So you're the reasons why we look at the Putting Kindergarten Center there as much smaller than those who doesn't even doesn't need to be easy. Doesn't need as much space but then they get to We were looking at Kingsway where the biggest pieces of feedback we've heard, wasn't We don't want our kindergarteners and our neighborhood and if you put a kindergarten center there, that would take you away. So there are reasons why we went through that. We call all these things through costs around and Decided that that doesn't matter where you're going to go. what happened. So, we take about the athletic complex, which include a new free stadium with an accelerating champion you're using wrestling. about the use? It will be used for a lot of things first of all, really across audio. definitely, this needs are poisonous girls, dancing location. and practice. the same time when you say this over. and over again. when our fifth graders doing after practice, I thought at 7:30 at night is wrong, mission home from practice by putting this out there. we'll be able to get those on the practice early we can use this for group intentionally for herbs in the fall. We are looking at living in a winner from long. apartment. Out on space practice. So it'll be used by. The community. You can also bring you to find his spring for about baseball softball in that practicing news. There's a lot of teachers for it and we also Your gaming here. But we also done through another aware. Pivot balls. an issue. And so we say is this something to make available in the community, Right? We have we have a facility that we could make it available to the community. To play difficult, you know, workers of work with something because someone who says, I'll want to Alberta community, pick up all the and you really face on And so really things like that to me. Well, you mind, if I jump in there just one of the benefits is that all the typical law is that It's, it's one. it's it's about to talk. And also at the time when community is playing pickleball, that's generally when our students are in class, There's a lot of people that run during the day and because this is an auxiliary gym, it gives us a state where people can access something that and also, one of the things that we had, Said from the gecko if you really want this to be a community space, we recognize that there is limited immunity, especially if you're community space for our seniors or you know, any of our events and As we are getting feedback and ask your discussing it, we're moving a little further along the lines of what our vision is for. if the rock around the taxes. and and what's going to become a space. And it seems like the need which is really something that you wanted. We want to fulfill the needs of their community. And so we need to think that this might be a viable solution and especially help. I don't think seniors because I know there's a lot of young people but Okay, right now. So. but but I do think that this is it, you know, it's it because it's not connected to the school. That so, in Itially. So that will be used and we use a lot number of hours later. It's going to get 20 some hours 25 hours a week or something back to these bits where they can have more time and practice. though to get home, we can go get the advantage of it Um, And then the final question is came up with Booker changes. and communication. You're at the funeral or walking interval broadcast that direction like your phone all the way. guys automotive, and I don't even know what it was. I just got through that number. but so, We can go back and revision. That's probably, we have to do. we pointed out over and over again, in the initial curve field plan for a month Is not quite reformed. we have capital reserved on independent. That's not contingent upon the refund. Station move forward with that, maybe. Elizabeth Hadden. is not Discussionable. There's no. You are. you can not share. If you cannot put the game office, That's not acceptable, that elevator has to be here. Our fire systems, which is 2.0, whatever million dollars. They're not. they're not they're saving now. They will not move along those things. have to be addressed so we have to take a we have so many couple reserves. What do we do that while we go back? taking feedback to the community about what why the best friend who's not successful? Revisit it, Really cool. and we'll go back out but we had to deal. There are stockings. have to be considered between September 11th. It was on successful. and the next conversation about the program that's the short. Right there. I do that. I think that the all of that fall, Really try hard to visit to what? Take it back. Really discuss it. This was a hard question because We worked. so hard to put together the things that we know this school district feed as Mr. Klaus said, I don't think any of us in good conscience. Could say well, if the referendum doesn't pass, if we're going to spend Her field. Not have an accessible. So this is, this is a product of listening to what the community is saying and continually rethinking about. Critically about what we do, like I do work, we would have to completely This. And And so here. What's happening again? Okay. and we're gonna go through a little bit talk about these species of the social and bad conditional. is to worry about us. It's gonna be a new media center and that gave me questions and building a small group, instruction spaces, improve rooms. PT the playground for me. accordingly accessible this is true. American people. Replace microphones that ventilation has to run constantly because it was under containing. I always hear. I'm sure she's out of there. that need your place. kitchen. if you have not, appreciate pictures will not believe this. I show you a picture of things they just, we don't have a great roof repairs. Of course, we have already upgraded some areas and even fireworks. And this is, these are the challenges of being container. This is a library. The arabicism. That's, this is the one sector where you see to the next. the whole way to go through our library, which is why you're leaving. You've never been here. They used to get into the angular You're building an addition under that. as you look into this today, maybe writing my mind, I should be showing these pictures that other schools. you're taking families here, you know. so, this Nelson teaching right there on the left, I'm walking through to go visit a teacher and I walk right to replace It also, I've been using lessons in the library because there's no space for that. So we are not. We're presenting it in the library of schools. We go to family library, we can not possibly be in it. Because first of all, this many people need like let me cross the way. it's set up in the car. There's no, where you stand Um, small creek. We have instructions. become always we don't have much more construction areas. of storage, which is not great. It's just looking to look about. This is actually the kitchen over 400 people that You can see that's it. and I'm going to say that most of our cases are at home for larger than that. All she did in the hallways. and this is playground service will be important places to play your own service. and even I've had this ultimate fire had nature. Well, maybe the roots you're thinking they can find out a window. So, say, outside new group names. They actually, this is how they access the roofing. So that's that's the work being entertaining. and that's great to work. where we are. The referendum as I keep saying in September 10th of pleasure. And I remember what I want to say, And he about the fire, this book detectors, the fire alarms very expensive, but our current system is not supported. It's kind of like anything, right next to anticipated. It's very difficult to get pieces. Teachable communication. Associated state, right. to keep it that way, especially knowing that we're running out of character. we can't get that all. So, when you talk about things that happen, is one of them. We were happy about that. I Anyone have any questions? Asked that Jim components you deserves. A great recording is. there are doors and restrooms. So like if you ever been for those sporting event, At university. Because I Am high school. You have to like drag a kid across the thing. Hopefully not get hit by whatever activities again to a restroom and everyone we're gonna go right there. Yeah, that's another good and you're right. I forget, you know, we say that. so many times, very different people in different times. The way that the complex is designed is that there are bathrooms. that will be accessible for using the field That will be locked off. then from the gym. So that it's, they are going to be usable, even if you're not in the gym, like if you're just accessing them We have done this. so many times, so you but for those that have not heard of talking about the gym, there's a lot that could happen to the gym but the hot page of parcel, part of this referendum is not just legit of there are historic properties on that line, that must be restored and we are not going. Now, that allows properties to just call the judicial pay. so who's the properties? must be restored? There is parking for any extra knows that in high school. that they do parking. Lot is a mess and it's, it's not the greatest thing for you have to park that the teeny tiny little little mile in a weird if you're ever a parent trying to go to a sporting event, you can't go down. one of the lane. Well, something else is coming up. So all that hard game is Plus additional parking. Now, so the new gym is definitely a market that you a lot of their but there's other things that are part of that company's personal things you just need help. Going back to normal writing just a smooth pleasing to say mission too critical disability. Taking that part on makes that accessible and this football stadium is also part of the parking. Public accessible. By your previous project. So there's planning is not to be equal policy assessment as well. and that's all part of hunters far from you really folks as a genetically, what it's a lot of stuff happening out there and that's that's going to be valuable. And I don't again, you said it before, making a bears repeating that it put into the gym and things into the gym and are currently in high school. that present space in high school for future use as long as you experience. Alright, thank you. I don't really have much of the report today. Just give me minor in Asda advantages. Up. We have your, your RSVP. if you do not receive yourself being able to stay for it to the 19 selection and just let Mike know this as possible because you can still update them. And it heads up that Thursday is a slow day. It was like because those who haven't been before, Thursday tends to be a day where there's not as many. Things longer? Yeah. so I just did what you feel, Ob to say Wednesday to Thursday. that there is Disappointed Thursday. So they did. they tend to have a few sessions and so that they come back and it's it's usually reducing one they had earlier movies, too. So But it's really valuable and Tuesday, We do a lot of networking with our with a lot of our service providers. So it's a great opportunity, big, lots of great workshops, you can download the app that you didn't download the app yet. And go and see, you know, when you plan to do our inter have like a lot of things. More ones, which is fun different from their strokes. And what if you're going with this Okay. Oh, Att reality is coming up. If you can find your tickets, it is a super super fun event. with lots of great foods. So, all the proceeds, go to our teacher brands. So the agencio educational truck. they're used, whereas It's sold out the last couple of years ago. an ordinance to add additional. Taking this year. So, I mean it's still anticipate at selling out but it is a really fun at night and a band and they close all Taylor Street. It's a lot of money. and tons of food so that is important. November 18. and so going to be HTTP website to take back tickets. But again, probably going to do that. sooner rather than later. And again, all proceeds Yeah, that's the committee meeting I'm sorry. Looking at my calendar. That's a Monday. The 23rd. Okay. sorry about that. Yes, it's Saturday the 23rd. At 5:00. All right, so now I'm going to open the public comment. We'll begin with the public comment section members of the community on invited to speak for us to three minutes at this time. if you like to make an additional comment, you must wait until this person to kind of chance to make your initial statement. All comments, Let's get directors with four backgrounds of the public According to our bylaws. I'm in touch. You can last no longer than one hour It is an opportunity for the board to listen. but not to date issues or enter a question and answer period. Please be aware that not on issues grow up for for people to dissolve that easy. We ask you to identify yourself by taking your name and an interview street. While public education can be emotional issue, we started making a certain level of perform at the meeting. Public, meetings are streaming about local reply or YouTube and students on the participate in the meeting as such. citizens are expected to maintain each other. Are sooner on avenue. um, I was gonna let this board know that I'm extremely disappointed to hear from me around tonight and policy community. I didn't even think to stand athletics and other activities and you want those who and this Cash. They take taxes with anyone else, but don't take out the spot in our school. for the 17,000 or so that each student costs, this district There are many reasons for a child to home schooling on which is religious piece. I'm surprised that this would have been trying to drop a ham on these kids and they also it's a pay taxes Television. One of the things I really like to talk to Facebook is I used to have kids in touch that. Worked. They were in potassium, they found out the reasons. why they don't mind which respected. Don't want to be here, whether they would believe whether they feel religious reasons why they do. That. Very smart. and the fact that we worry about the numbers, Spot. We used to have an open that policy here. You got rid of them. lookout Polic. Y, And now there's pass and now you're worried about personal persons containment, that's why. But here with the cuts, don't let your good company. We used to not have that. I don't understand why people. Please don't. Be completely. after another cross country code, what you do now, because You can't cut. I'm just asking this board. Everybody is taxes here. with issues with spots, which would be awesome. And refinable. Show them. You speak up a little bit. that's okay. This morning. About this industries. Our son is positives. Please. It's really important participation. He is are some Williams. All there was seven months of each year will also from the state is really activities. such as Music Program Township. just about this was a very helpful, I'm just going to create an into exclusive while she also comes from the 13 months. every year or also very grateful for consuming kale for a lot of money to swim the high school last year. We considered how many millions in with And we also discuss the possibility is from the camp. We actually favoritism justice. We also wanted to give William. the opportunity when a decision to say, where you want to go. How we're going to school. He ultimately shows. when we want to continue. homeschool. If that way he can take three AP classes as a software. Wouldn't be a test. When we learned that this possible, there's going to change Really users. earlier because part of his decision was based on the idea, he would be able to swim this year and hospital. As he did last year. I hope you. really, but if you choose from the house, please allow students to lie on this. An opportunity to be granted anything, very least. so that they can change their plans for the following you One thing. We don't have money holding something, but there are three. goals of the school district, the first one. And the third support, keeping this concerns. Everyone is running the kids where they aren't teaching them. their needs as a game and diverse. Is taking classes that he couldn't take other things. The other issues to support is motion. Athletics in this community are different for athletics that. ahu's or some other program, this is having the situation which you don't see these kids every day. We'll see this. is every day. All right, we're going for items of board of Ed approval. I actually, a very special because I feel like we been together. So, honestly, so I, I Don't know. Thank you. I like, did you? guys execute? Okay. We are going on one item today, which is our employee. In. I did even if someone was informative, I guess serana. because that this will, or maybe when that tonight, well, that give her an opportunity to give her 60 days. and stuff for sooner. And I have a notion. That and machine discussion. I'm excited, right? Thank you. Yes, we like the colors here. The team Stewart. You're already over. Thank you. Solder, which President Hopper? It's been, yeah. But grim, yeah. Okay. Is asleep. Only you talked about looking at language? So, when I read through, It's fine. It's correct. But I read Internet. Say a word. But Because we're like, I don't know if it's gonna consult social media now, but what are we called? back? If I were playing this shape. So like I don't but yeah, I wasn't going to say Yes. and then, Curriculum, Special education. And where is the? live hangout of virtual presentation? On HIV with school community. today. What? School community that wasn't just a little bit more great. Yeah. So Rob Fox is working with Eng PSA by A virtual session for parents about these and outs of what each idea is. what it is. It's given about the loss. We're really trying to do it better now than educating the parents about the policy business. And providing each policies. And how it impacts with schools. and what that process is long. S. And I think if another great thing about it is we're collaborating with at least two other local school districts. So it's a so it's great, really trying to be more intentional about the library with, with the sound of history. This is a great opportunity. All right. Feels good. but that's actually an elementary PLC classes. Yeah, I have that she sent yet. Did she opened it later? But it's like not. Early. like what many of their few many fields are plc, are walking down town. and so we're proving kind of general piece. I would like you to our biology class. Going out back to help respond with you something but their shoes are gonna be traveling to Starbucks. So are we improving the format? or just like internal? I don't know what. Yeah, we're like we think that potential that this is that they'll go to. Yeah. Yeah. But the dates aren't set yet because some of them might go along the curriculum or like downtown Haddonfield could be if they have an opportunity to go to a store. It's a smaller group, right? Yes. So that might be, they might be doing elections about They can change it. We'll go down some of that and go Thank you. Personnel. One thing of it. So just just let me know to be more personal. That's me. The supervisor finish Individ? November the publication, for the big sessions. We don't know who they are yet. there will know by tomorrow. So you're gonna see more stuff on here. That's bonding finalized tomorrow. Just Said that. pops up a little bit. And business. And oh wait, any questions? Today, we're going A question, subscribe. And then around here, This is finance. It'll yeah. Call a little break, you know? so magnets for example it's like it's finally get ready. it'll be on agent and well, I'm gonna send them more Recently is coming locked up version. He was good. added. Figuratively announced different group. So we think you'll need only one of those changes. The smallest genes. um, the other thing in melody and it is the resolution for the Energy Savings Improvement program. The resolution cabinet was on literally means One. the financing mechanism in which were fun in Houston because there's too options. options you Whoever love. Well, you should Groupon or have a capital police. The markets are so close interest rates right now. If you need this long discussing with our broadcast financial advisory Honeywell, we're decided to go over the capital lease. So that resolution will be on me actually also talk about Again money. And this is the general objective. I hope you might have to try again. Chair with you. Guys, the link to the agenda tomorrow. consists out the world. If not it'll be fun but I do want to The contract because it's a type of don't have. We have this. notes in it. Yeah. I mean, Oh, Most things that you Think about it. All right. Thank you consideration. Well. you know high school over at professional. Of the community. I was lost. So, I shared a couple of weeks. I didn't exchange. left of the actor journey. Today, they were here for 10 days. while they were here. They had structured trips to New York Philadelphia, Washington D. and on their way back to the car asking them. Things. They all absolutely. Agreed. being in our school. They love the atmosphere high school. They look classes. They love the sense of community with they said they love what a community. was in my typical whole day, loved that all of our kids. we're gonna experience and There. This is what they felt coming from other country. One of the United States was hating energy tools. so it gave me jails and what we do here like, that's what that's what I think that's why people will do. That. Yeah.