>> Michael Groves: Yeah, it's probably Mike. Wow, okay. Let's call the meaning to order life. Could you please call Roll Just? Brown this dress. Yeah, Mr. Ashley Potter here this Hollywood here Mr. Knuckles Eric mississ. Okay, welcome everyone. We've got a whole house, which is always our this coupon meeting attended. We're going to start with the student commendations principal account you enjoys you might want to go second the defensively High School principal account. ing He's what yeah. Well now we have it's in characters. here very all right have a system. There you go. Oh, yeah. Mr. Coffee right here I think they're matches. Yes. Yes. All right. So the first one is please to share that to Elizabeth Haden fifth graders after finishing first and third at the Haddon Ford lately spelling bee they then competed in the Garden districts Valley View and earned second place and third place and they will go on to compete in the New Jersey state Federation of Women's Club Spelling Bee on April 20th in New Brunswick, New Jersey and earning. Second place was Justin mayro. Congratulations Justice. and in third place was Zoya or you thank you you. All right. Congratulations. I had a student selected as the winner for the story works three magazine writing spies contest and her entry in response to the story Message of the night demonstrated a solid understanding of the story along with the skills needed for an engaging response and out of hundreds of entries hers was selected as the one of the winners of the contest and story Works theories of magazine that is published by Elastic each month in that talented writer is Sienna Tompkins Seattle. Congratulations. You go this way. Congratulations you. first before we get to the high school Awards. I know what usually happens. We got the accommodations and everyone leaves because we're meetings are not fun for everyone, But we after this we do have a student group that is to a song for us. So I would encourage everyone to make sure they stay and hear the Chicago Chicago is the High School Musical They're gonna sing at this make sure you stay at least for that and then I'm gonna give a brilliant superintendent updated about an hour just tail and Michigan You too. Alex have to wait nothing to German Awards because So you do this and the parents? Ah, all right good evening to everyone members of before parents Didn't I have to thank specially my juniors for being here the second night of the week because the many of them got inducted into the Honor Society where when we honest society and unfortunately, this is also the reason why some of them can come here tonight because they is alive they have jobs their volunteering and some people are setting up for data. What is it called Challenger? Yes, but in any case so we have enormous amount of one and that's a testament to our students and thank you for making it manual position. So I would like to start with starting a physicara who got this the gold model the second year in the round. He's over here. Perfect. Yes. That's what city Baylor and Benjamin Asawa to come and join us. Yeah, also would like you to give the second round of applause to bed. He's the one through decided to pursue the opportunity of getting the full scholarships for the whole expenses paid trip to Germany this how much and way way after. very painful interview in German before the South Jersey chapter and most importantly said through incredibly difficult father exam. We don't know the results yet, so waiting but in any case congratulations forward I don't know how many people presence the sophomores Brandon Stoner alexisawa. Ryan cop. That's already Julius Caroline Siri Evelyn the Siri Natalie kissed collapse Thomas and Hammer. Maybe No, I haven't. I'm sorry. but Congratulations. Okay. Congratulations. tired of clapping so the bronze models go to the sophomores so somewhere else Holly. Congratulations, and then Here Comes Juniors Catherine Crawford, please join us Martin files and sweetheart Thomas George Max cashmere. Hammon is directed Uber. We're gonna probably yeah you guys together. value Benjamin Angels, you know virus Liliana degrass Luke cancels, Isaiah cook Corner Holly, Isabella on Chase's wrong Martha Rose Jack medicine. Okay. And I'm not perfect order. Yeah. Congratulations for the genius. That's a long time to the next time AP exam. Le many college days, so of course trying next year and thank you for showing up. Thank you. Oh you Congratulations. everyone look out and you throw up three right now, so make sure you Yeah, yeah. is not Here. Congratulations everyone welcome. Sure. All right, so our last award because Knuckles he is our finalists for the National smartly. We've only been on more than broadcasting live for two and a half years didn't figure that out yet our finalists for National Merit also recognized for Camden County best of for overall student, so he'll be in that. Ceremony and maybe get to hang out in May. well know about this, you know surprised you didn't tell you I just do what Shane you. but actually Alex is one of our top students for a reason. He's a great kid and we're lucky to have them here at the high school and can't wait to see what you're doing the future. So congratulations. Do you want a picture of just Michael? Yeah, that's good. Oh, okay. Wait wait wait. what about now just musical number okay. I have one. I'm sorry drastically over here. I'm feeling the choreographer for the musical. This is Char. She's our student director for the musical. Yeah. um, thank you for being here. We're performing a quick little opening number. We have a incredibly successful run with two sold out shows and very close to being sold out for the other three. So he's just successful one eyes one to thank the administrators and Mr. Fox and Mr. Michael and everybody who made this possible. We had a fantastic run and it was a great seeing yourself. So enjoy our performance. This is a small group of our casting a short version of our Those are people just to come in here so you can see you guys could marry me here you. always conference if you like that if you well Find a flask we're playing fast and loose. And All That Jazz come jazz Jazz. Oh, you're gonna see your sheep. I should be safe and all that jazz. Oh, she's our Chevy to regarders great and all that jazz. Show where the Parker turtle? here her babies for all. that just come away. Why don't you just and all that jazz on a Rouge right here? that no one no one's wife, but Yes that jazz. Thank you. representative tonight and she's going to give our students representative report. All right, so to begin I'll talk about the musical success. As you can imagine it has Char said there was two sold options and the process that they just had it all began in January. There was a high school preview. I think like a week before the show which encouraged a lot of people to attend and even some interest in the drama club the senior trip the seniors and parents were very thankful to be the day earlier as to avoid the 2AM departure and they were very thankful to the board and Mr. Klaus for the approval for the changes. The Freshman dance is going to be April 12th on the seniors are on the The peer leaders are trying to make a new Initiative for no Tech Tuesday. So they're basically launching a challenge for students to stay off of their phones during hallway passing and during lunch as to increase student interaction and like a chance to say hi to each other in the hallways. The SAT was I think last Saturday, which was the new online version which was according to student feedback. It was challenging due to the first application of that. Tomorrow is the equity Summit where 70 students signed up to participate in the school day Summit and they were working groups and developing action plan for the high school. The full school will have an assembly with a guest speaker named cam awesome or formerly known as lendri Thompson. He's a championship boxer and he provides captivating presentations and purposeful activities designed to nurture gratitude and reshape perspectives. Tomorrow's awesome Miss Michaels 50th birthday. So it's a big day. That's So next year, we'll have to have them coming through this music before and shows the one that's important poor planning on Mr. Cloud support. I just want to say when I was young and the principal High School on the senior trip. I've got two o'clock in the morning. It's 24 hours. You can't believe this McHale is getting salt. I just um, but that it sounds silly but When you get to the high school two o'clock in the morning, so you're up at 11. You didn't get your room at the hotel until 11 next month. So you're literally up for 24 hours It was and what happened was in day two. Kids are tired. They feel sick. They just you lose a day. So even though it was a little bit of stress to do it. Um You know what the heck it's worth it. Yeah, so For you. Yeah, and what were your thoughts on a compared to the old one? I liked it because personally I'm not a big reader. So I didn't like the chunkier reading sections and on this sat they're much shorter and each question comes with its own paragraph So you're reading probably like 40 paragraphs as opposed to like Seven different readings, but I know for some people they felt like one section was harder than another or like they felt like they weren't really ready for that change in reading. So I think like with more practice if it'll get easier, but for me, I liked it better. Okay, and it's sure that's it it is so if you do really well on the first module the seconds harder which Can be scary. Yeah, but it's scary if you don't get yeah. Yeah, start learning and and it's only an hour and a half now, right which is much which is better, right? I think you're right though time will tell because they'll have to adjust. These yeah feedback. On this one. Okay. All right, moving on to our our board committee reports. The only one we have tonight. I guess it's great. I did watch last weeks. Everyone did great sure you I did not watch it in life real time. We had a finance. To get March 19th. We had six agenda topics. The first was the volleyball which was brought up last time. Well, everybody wants to support a new program. We obviously a budgetary constraints which we're dealing with now. I think we went back and we're gonna ask a couple more questions in the volleyball folks to see if it's going to be a pay for credit potentially early on like a lot of the other sports see things that we can pitch in whether it's busing or insurance or maybe a small detours it but we're considering that also and we haven't forgotten about the crew people because that was sort of before so it's it's integrated conversation for all of them. So more to follow on that the toilet room Renovations, they're down to one partition. here in the high school that they needed to come in and they'll complete the work. We think it was necessary to have the prescription manager here. Give us that update. The Fourth of July celebration we came to agreement. We're going to allow the use of our bleachers. And and food trucks would be on Sylvan Ave. I guess I guess more to follow from the Fourth of July committee, but they'll have used more bleachers. We're gonna keep people off the field so it doesn't damage the turf, but but that should be nice event. Things actually on July 3rd this year. upcoming projects We have some Esser funds that we need to spend we're looking at doing four toilet room Renovations at Tatum. the seawing elevator in this bill in the sea wing most likely in the summer of 2025 because we can't get the parts in to get it done 2024 that has to be in operation during school. Or hopefully order this stuff haven't ready and get it done in the summer 25. And we're looking at some Rod grants for the roof. restoration at the high school annotative right now elevator still operational, right? This is preventative elevators operational. It's a little David it's worth trying to get In Memento Jewish Army day. We're going to recognize that they and they're good planted tree. when it's better time of year, and that's not my specialty, but I'm assuming the spring and the tree will be located on the Sylvan side outside the wrestling group. the football locker room update we got a request for some furniture and some A new carpet on the flooring. Obviously. I think the carpet is a safety issue. We thought the cover was a safety issue. So we're going to look to replace that. So nobody slipping and falling the furniture is not something we're going to support because there's some furniture there and it just again budgetary wise. It's just not worth it for just the locker room. And that was the funny thing. Any questions to program? I actually want to add that partition for the tournament. The toilet room here is actually received by the contractor today their schedule right? Thank you. Okay, um any PTA updates? Got a Lizzy had an update. we both oh, yes you Know what order to go? I've never done anything yet. They had visits from the canine visits in the classrooms that were very popular. They're gonna look to continue to do that. They had a literacy night. well received as driver sales and how we say. Oh they did a Harlem Globetrotters. where the chorus saying at the event. that was neat for the kids and about 300 folks from the school showed up at that so they were pleased with that turnout. upcoming events bookworms spaghetti Bingo parent socials the normal stuff there Was that was the main topics? And they're excited for their shade. That's gonna be coming that they donate insurance. You know, I have a quick update I talked at sports the last meeting about the summer Richmond program and our goals have something up tomorrow actually just sent out now. It's about 15 minutes ago 42 register and so already it's that's when you just sent it out. I got it. Yeah. Yeah, so it's so we have a exciting We're offering and it's good to see that. People are showing their interest. Um, Mr. Claus David, just just a quick thing. We're contacted by the NJ do a New Jersey policy lab and the Rutgers the cool wall Center researcher Rutgers, and they're working with something called the promising practice they took data from pre-covid and post-covid and they found outliers successful outliers. And so they are reaching out their new workers Central School to meet with them and investigate what happened Central School the Central School results. For saying our assessing improved during covid and statistically significantly then so we're one of I don't know how many a couple dozen Schools they're gonna come in and meet with simkis and your team and say what you guys do because whatever you did work better than other places. So that's pretty exciting. you know, they reached out to us to do that. So that that's that's happening and they're meeting with missing next week. Don't really. Nothing from me. Just a quick reminder to respond to Linda if you haven't yet for your availability for June because we're doing the retreat vision. Okay. well open up for public comments. Don't have my publication. you don't need. Yeah, right, okay. If anyone would like to make a public comment, just please never to give your name and the name of your street and you have three minutes. To make your comments and you may come I'm noticing new Podium was that there's only here because the answer to you. Oh, I thought this was something with the renovation. No, no, we're gonna move back over. Okay. It is kind of nice. Yeah, and do they need that I promoting. Okay, no public comments. We'll move on to sort of items for board approval governance acceptance of the late monthly HIV extension vandalism violence report. approval of the Fire and Security drill and policies 8507 and 85089 motion. Sure Staff and night click with a Hardy Harding odd it on that's good enough. Okay. questions. I'm just gonna ask you know, should we be voting to approve the research project or not yet. Is that an angel? You know how we met with the folks. Are we you get when I'm saying, that's next one. I'll do it. Okay. All right, because we met in time for it to be here. I guess not. Yeah. Okay. Sure. Okay, Mike can. You miss dress. Yes, Mr. Ashley Blair. Yes this holiday. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes, Miss Sonic. Yes was President hooker. Yes, Mr. Beneke. Yes, Dr. Brown. President. items for click the women's special ad approval field trips conferences travel and overnight field trips resolution between the board of educort Learning Center resolution between the Board of Ed and learn resolution between the board of adventure with educational evaluations resolution between the board of educier gradually resolution between the Board of Ed and Shure o&m resolution between the board of end behavior therapy. resolution between the Board of Ed and Rowan for our partnership involving student internships resolution between the board of Edna University of arts for a partnership involving student internships resolution between the Board of Ed and Burlington County Special Services and resolution to a group a student to volunteer in this gen Epstein's preschool last week motion motion staff and a questions comments Okay, Michael this rasenberg. Yes, Miss Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes, Miss Sonic. Yes. Vice president hooker. Yes, Ms. Beneke. Yes, Dr. Brown. Yeah, just dress. Yes abstain eye. Present group. Yes. abstain age Hey Personnel, approval of new Personnel transfers. salary upgrades mentoring extracurricular coaching appointments and weaves of absences and resignations. resolution to approve Rowan University students to complete their political Insurance clinical experience ill placement. I've had I hadn't build elementary schools resolution for Catherine. Linnahan to be paid for three hours of work associated with ell access testing and planning resolution for Patricia. Pat. happy to provide 45 minutes. of CST extra curricular hours resolution for Rose Marie Connolly to provide an hour of speech services. resolution to approve Madison Brazil he to chaperone Special Olympics Bowling Club resolution for Madison brazowski to provide three hours of ten story reading Services resolution to approve teachers. To attend CST meetings during the summer resolution to approve Megan, saline to serve on the 2324 elementary math selection committee. resolution to approve employees to access one-on-one extracrific aids for extra curricular events resolution to approve a student to receive program instruction resolution for another student to receive home and instruction resolution to approve the following teachers for professional development planning. the resolution to approve teachers for the 24 extended school year program. resolution to approve the following EAS for the 24 extended school year program. resolution to approve Behavior support AIDS and bus aids for the 24 esy. resolution to approved genev Palma as a bus aid for the 24 esy resolution to approve supplemental reading instructions for day 24 esy. resolution to approve invoices subs for the 24% esy resolution to approve Michelle Barringer as the school nurse for esy resolution to approved Karen on Armory for applicational therapy for the 24 resolution to approve following employees as speech therapists for the 24 esy resolution to approve the employees for evaluations and meetings during the 24th summer. resolution to approve Brendan Cain and Samantha Ryan to complete school year planning for 20 hours each summer each during summer. resolution to approve Ashley Miller and Madison brazilski to work on CBI curriculum approval to submit to the Camden County business administrator the contract for Mr. Catalina. And the approval for the Camden County Superintendent to to submit the contract to the Camden County for Dr. Creola. the motion Okay Megan stuff like no, you're probably gonna say but I'm gonna say I'm really really sad to see Mrs. Lynch. Yeah, I talk much leaders second, but we have addition coming up I talk about and then we have this Landry who's retiring. So, um as you see Dr. Preola one on a season, A decade on Journey you find a new Middle School prison, but it's been a long process and you know did a great job at it's a very thorough process. It's quite a grind. Um, and after our third round third time through we finally don't know Mike Michael who's here with us tonight. I'm not trying to my 70 years as a system principle in prints with Delray middle school. So we're still working Delran, which is a great thing. Great thing for us not so much in Delran, but I I the committee that you know put together a lot of people from from water wire as soon as they met Mike he was a candidate and we're really excited to have him here the Michael dinner conversation might be interesting thing. I discuss the transition from me. That's all right. That's fun, man. But like if I don't know if you want to say welcome Mike, we're really happy to have you really excited. We actually got on multiple counselor from Delran earlier this year and he was just he's grabbing the hallways and you guys got the winner. This is this now staying home if you add anything to that. Well, I just want to add so all of the candidates they people who make it all the way through the prostate they go through five separate interviews over about two and a half period so we definitely put them through their paces and to those interviews include a panel that Mr. Class reference. So the panel includes several teachers support staff members and parents. So the panels meet with each candidate over the course of two weeks for about two hours. So after those two hours the panel concluded that Mike was the most poised the most Visionary the most Student Center candidate that we have. There's another panel of students that we have about eight students now those students met with the two fought too. finalists for about 20 minutes and after 20 minutes the students conclude that Mr. Michael is the most Poise mostly candidate that we had and in fact, I we prepared a public press release that will go out tomorrow in anticipation of the board's approval tonight, and I also met with the student group this morning that the panel flip them know of Mr. Michael's selection. They were all super excited asked a lot of Questions, and we're really happy really excited for what Mr. Mckelman for each School. We're gonna say yeah. just don't want to thank you all for this opportunity. I'm really excited to get you know over this coming months the building and the staff. I really can't wait till September you get to know the kids. This is a great opportunity. I really and it's happy. We are seem like come on board. We have retirement. that Landry she came to The District in 2017 or 17 years later. She's retiring her most recent position was getting Talent teacher. This is why prior to that she was at Haddon is a classroom teacher for years. An outstanding teacher better person. So wonderful time compassionate person, but after a long career toward the end of her career you have this gift these gifts and tell us a new position. Look two years old and that's like I want to take this I'm taking on and it's a great. here you go, which is kind of exciting but also kind of scary because he's like, what did we don't know really figure out so she dealt the program and it's going very well. It's Of what years better than we had three years ago. And so Deb took it on. for the edit the career right and and created and build it and which is a hard thing to to do because you know, I'm talking about like yeah, this is what we would say and it's like well how that happens is it that's what we want you to do. I keep going to be a great idea. I don't know how to put it in play she did and she did it very well. And so the next person takes her place to set up for Success because Dad worked so hard because that's who she is. once again a great teacher better person and if you ask her what she came to work for every day, it was kids. That's what she really cared about. That was her passion and I'm wishing her the best of luck and she's gonna be surely best. I will say that I was on the front end. of watched our with Science Olympiad and I know your kids were out too and didn't watch her, you know get all of these kids. so fired up and spent so much of their own time learning about science and getting excited about science. She was just special. Yeah and some gentle I appreciate and not gentle in many things. described me. She's just so patient and kind and wonderful human being It yeah really sucks. Okay for um, Mike can you call roll for personnel MS Hollenworth? worth? Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes. We started yes. Vice president hooker. Yes, Miss. Yes. Dr. Brown, yes this dress. Yes, Mr. Essenberg. Yeah president. Yes, but abstain One D. B yeah the road with you Okay, not last one went up to the Double A's I thought I was getting Tongue Tied by the end. All right, this is the finance approval of the change order which reduces the cost for that's what we're motivations payment of bills budget transfers board secretary's report cash someone report motion. Linda somebody didn't participate yet right here. Haven't I heard from? it? Okay questions. Okay, Mike. Can you cover all Mr. Douglas? Yes, Miss Sonic. Vice president hooker Miss benetti. Yes and Dr. Brown. Yes. This dress. Yes, Mr. Ashenberg. Yeah, Ms. Hollander. president group all right approval of the minutes from the regular meetings February 8th and 29th and the executive session to 29. motion yeah, okay. Questions anyone catch any typos or your vacation? Did you good? This is totally because I'm feeling like all right. Mr. Becky, yeah Dr. Brown, yes. mistress Ively, yes, Miss Hollywood. Yeah, Mr. Knuckles. Yes, president group. yes items for future consideration of the board. Just that we still have our Retreat to plan. Yep, and and we'll get more information how easy to kind of bring storm a little bit beforehand. So it's information about it the ideas. Feel free to send in my life. I think we're going to spend a great deal of time really working on the district goals board goals that and how they want to our mission statement and stitching that I can find something to read about that like, oh, yeah, like just you know, like maybe there's something something out there that might give us some direction our guidance. I would know I was going to submit to you guys. just some interactive exercises. So I mean my thought was that and I don't have it all together yet, but I'll get it out to you. So, you know, we start with the mission statement and them we start to break down what some of our goals might be and we think about those in advance and we bring them and then you know, we'll have get a white orders and sticky notes and then start to categorize them. You know, we think that we have goals and we start to see that there's a theme we put them together and then the most important part is how to make them actionable and how to make the measureable. So I think that there's going to be a decent amount. Okay. So yeah. And structure. So yeah, that's what that's good. Yeah, sounds good. anything else Okay, um motion to adjourn. you see