##VIDEO ID:yur1wYBfoY0## >> HSD Broadcast: All right, that's me. All right. It's temporary share called the mean order. So we only do this once a year, so just real quick when we're gonna do, we're gonna take roll call of the sitting board. That will the pledge opening statement for the meeting and then we'll do. both of them offices and then we'll take roll call again with the new board and then we'll do present, Vice President nominations. All right, so first protocol, Miss connected, this dress? Yeah, Mr. Ashifler here, this crooked? Yes. here, this whole world. Yeah. Ms. Hollywood. Yeah, Mr. Knuckles here, this saddock. Yeah, watching the pledge. Right. And read the statements during current meetings. All administer. This meeting pursuant to the Open Public Meetings. Act has been given by the superintendent of Schools and the following matter on January 10th 2024 notice that this meeting was posted on the interior of the school administration offices 95, Grove Street HADDONFIELD written notice was submitted and follow the Haddonfield Borough clerk and noticeable email to the career posts and the retrospect newspaper. All right, I'm gonna do the imposter office. So Hey, Steph. Better come up. Alright, I want carefully. You guys so you can stay in our camera. Here's the earth that you will need along with me. All right. You ready? I considering I magnoliary you soundly swear. He's always wear that I will support the constitution of the United States. for support Constitution of the United States. and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey. And the Constitution Data Measure, and that I will bear. True faith. That I will bear true and allegiance to the same. into the governments establishing the United States, the government's established in the United States industry under the authority of the people. You are I don't even have. So always work. She's always where did I possess the qualifications prescribed by law qualifications prescribed by law. For the office of member of Board of Education. Right now, it's a member of Report of Education. And that I am not disqualified as a voter and I'm not just qualified as a voter soon, too. First, you, or US 19 colon for DASH. All right. 19 colon for that one. Nor disqualified to conviction of a crime. Norm does qualified through the conviction of crime or that listed in. njs 18A colon 12-1 and JS, 18, A colon 12-1. eventually, partially importantly, and justly. And that I hopefully, and partially, and exactly. Before all the duties of that office, duties of that office, according to the best of my ability. according to the best of my ability. So yeah. Congratulations. Flexible for you guys. And I think Polly would want me to also get a picture of you guys holding those black. Cross on the property right here. These products. Should you? So, it's hardest part. Okay, all right. Pro. Of. All right. We'll call number two, right? Let's Becky the present. distress here, Mr. Escort here, Mr. Crooked here. Miss Ho girl. Yeah. This Hollywood. Yeah, Mr. Knuckles here, Mr. Ritter here besides here. All right, now as temporary share I'll be taking nominations for presidents. The Board of Education. We have any nominations, Nominating, right. Sounds like many of us do. it. Any other nomination. We've heard. She's good. All right, I will take roll call votes before mounting Jamie Griffin President Mr. Benetti yes. His dress. Yes. Ler, Yes, Mr. Speaker, Yes. Yes, Home group. This Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes, Mr, Ritter. Yes, this congratulations. um, okay, now let's take nominations vice president. When they Linda. Yeah, of course it any other nominations. All right. Mike can you call roll? Miss Becky, Yes, it's dress. Yes. Mistress. Yeah. It's over, yes. Ms Hollingworth, yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes, Mr. Ritter. Yes Yes, the son. Yeah. President Crooked. Yes. Deposit. Wasn't there. I was looking. good. Yes. after the agenda thing, that's just the moment I was about to say. Sure congratulations. Okay. Um, Moving on to the reorg agenda. We'll start with public comments. I don't have my my statements, but then he would like to make public comments. Would you like to make a public comment? Okay. sorry. All right, so Moving on, we will be approving a series of things. It's recommended that the board extend the reappointment of the following board reorganization items from this meeting through the organization meeting in January 26th unless otherwise noted Appointment of the coordinator for Section 504, of the Rehabilitation Act, 1973 Appointment of Public agency, compliance officer appointment of affirmative action, officer appointment of liaison for for homeless children and youth Appointment of health insurance prop Four, portability and accountability Act Officer. Appointment of integrated pest management coordinator appointment of school district policy coordinator Appointment of District wellness. Policy coordinator appointment purchasing agent and authorization to award contracts to bid thresholds and set quotes threshold at 15% of the threshold amount a point that have asbestos management officer appointment of safety and health Designate. A point that is indoor air quality designee appointment of right to know officer appointment of chemical hygiene officer. A point of toxic, toxic hazard, Preparedness Officer Appointment of custody of records appointment of alternate, custodian of records. Appointment of a hero Coordinator appointment of Dcpp liaison appointment of educational stability. liaison, bylaws and board policies Organizational chart District curriculum. Teacher evaluation Model, Principal evaluation Model Assistant. Principal evaluation. I'm sorry. It personally Assistant Principal Model Supervisor Evaluation Model, Reflective, Practice Protocol. Textbook list. Adoption of the Code of Ethics for school board members as it reads. Approval of parliamentary procedures. Annual adoption of the Haddonfield School District goals, Depositories for school funds, authorization to sign warrants open public meetings, act matters Adopts of adopting of schedule of meetings. Doctrine of necessity. Approval of tax shelter, annuity companies approval of the Omni group Inc, as third party administrator for tax shelters, approval of payment of bills, between meetings of annual approval of the 2025, professional Development Plan, Annual approval of job descriptions and annual approval of the Affirmative Action Plan. And I have a motion motion back and, and Linda. Questions comments, because I haven't cross-referenced. It has someone cross-referenced double J for the schedule of meetings against all the major holidays. Yes great. What we did discuss that given the absence of Rachel, we might need someone to who might want to take on that too. because she was really, really conscientious about that, not through the rest of his barn, but he was good. She was good at it and we kind of like I said, I couldn't check that before now, but having thought about it. Oh, you okay, yeah, we did go through it. Just a minor note that on LL approval of text shelter. Annuity companies were missing. Three number three. Yeah. So the angle the number three is the same. be free. They're showing me five things. One, Yes. It. Oh, you all. I do have to torture you all and I do have to read the code of ethics out there, but it's just, we're talking about the Schedule, I did want to know on print. It might be wrong with that agenda here, but it's, it's right. Digitally May 1st is the budget Adoption. Not paperwork. Okay, yeah, sure. The meeting is still that day, though. It's definitely. It's just the budget adoption you. So, will that be a voting session? then? Okay. So it'll just be advertise. Yes, actually put in there because we were calendar falls. When you budget adoption. So, the 10th meeting will be too late and the April meeting too early as a spring break. Okay? So we got to put an extra media adjustment. That's responsibility, it's tough year, and also Before that. Obstacle card in March meeting. We usually get it on the last Thursday at February, but We we found that it was tough. To get our state numbers the same day scramble as a financial income, come to you guys same day. It's nice to submit it. As always I possibly could but give our little more breathing All right. I'm Larry the code of ethics. Now They're going to do. Yeah. Alright. right. all right, so the following of the code ethics for school board members. Hey, I will uphold it, enforce. All laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and Court Orders Pertaining to Schools, Desire changes shall be brought about only through legal, and ethical procedures B. I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children, and we'll seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race creed sex or social standing CEO. I will confine my board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies. and plans only after the board has consulted, those who will be affected by that D. I will carry out my response writer straussibility. Not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they don't. They are well run. E. I will recognize that authority rest with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the Board. F. I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to Special Interest report partisan political groups or to use a schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends, Gee, I will hold confidential, all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclose Needlessly. Injure individuals or the schools and all other matters. I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fall board members interprets to the staff aspirations of the community for its school H. I will vote to a point the best qualified personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer. Hi. I will support and protect school, personnel and proper of diabetes. Jay, I work for all complaints, to the chief administrative officer and we'll act on the complaints at public meetings. Only after failure of an administrative solution. So everyone should have an acknowledgment or their seat of the code of ethics, if you haven't done. So already signed that return to me before we leave, and then you can keep the copy, put in the fridge, and then, for Stephanie and Matt was also a host design, make sure you give out to me before you Anyone else have any comments on gender items? But not okay. Like pin cocoa, Miss Nick. Yes. Mrs. Yeah, Mr. Essen player. Yes, President. Crookin, Vice President Hooker. Miss Howard. Yes. But you're knuckles. Yes! Miss Sonic. Yes, Mr. Ritter yes. Okay, any items for future I got one more thing. Just to let you know this never happens, all the self-paced trainings are available. Oh school boards. Like governance, two, three, and four. only sorry about that. You've already been. yeah, you But first, I'd like to welcome you back, okay? I know we should all know this but does everybody know what they're doing? Yeah, this year. Are everyone's gonna be registered, I know. It's time ahead. I know you three are good. I don't think you three have to take. Ah, I think you guys might be in four. Yeah, because all you like you might be three and just a new sheen. I think her too a mass one. Okay, there we go. Are you gonna email this out or something That was going to be registered except for that. So we'll see. It together. Okay. Registration. Of the self-paced. Okay. Whatever you want and there's a live version available to do that where you can wait till the great to the workshop, right? Because the disclosure like the financial disclosure form up already as well. Yes, it is great. That's, that's not just in our going. I'm always late. So I wanted to finally what year I think we get the month. Okay, thank you. after week which you might in our, in our goals one of them wants to do it all taken additional class. This doesn't satisfy that right? Okay. Yeah. But if you went to the the convention, right? Those two So, if you didn't go to the convention, make sure that you take an additional class. It's gonna report back. Where was that? Now we, That was the goal was to take it and report like a high level of regular balance. That was keys. Were the three? Interesting points that I took away? Well, we did some of it because some of it was just it catch, Matt up. So, one of our goals this year was to take additional training and especially things that had to do with maybe a committee that you sat on or whatever. And we all thought that that was a really worthy goal. Um, for some of us who we because there were a lot of referendum related sessions and we did come back and we talked about it because we talked about how it was job, we learned that the day after the referendum that, you know, then when it passed that people met and they talked about how they took pictures, they kept the community abreast, and we took that part and we've already done that. So, we, we did approve a quick. joke. You you gave approval before the holidays of the, the quick summary that we gave for our fee and and that is on the website now. So yeah. It probably we didn't. We didn't couch it as this is yeah, exactly. Right. This is what we learned in all right, but I think it kind of got integrated right? But to your point, maybe if someone takes an additional, yeah, that isn't required by the rest of us. Haven't taken, then let us know. and we'll make the time in one of the meetings, one of the working sessions, right? You can report back, right? And probably a good time to talk about you know the purpose of the working sessions. We said that we would Have committee of the whole meetings on topics that made sense topics that were timely. So that certainly would make sense if somebody is taking training and they want to report back on what they learned, just send a message to Jamie and make sure that we get that as part of the agenda for our working session. Now, there were a couple months and I was going to use my superintendent support in this. So from these to talk about the district goals report back on those three goals and what leadership team is doing to meet those goals. Oh yeah. To start work that in there. Yeah, that's great. yeah, and we can We can start thinking about what? Any, any committees with the whole that we want to think about having before summer hits? So if there's something I'm so much of our focus was on the rough around yeah that we hadn't really had. Yeah. Still it still it. So what our community, the holes were very much discussing referendum and those types of things. So, if there's a topic that that we think might be valuable, we can we can Definitely do that. All right. Anything else before we adjourn? Anyone like to make a motion to adjourn. Okay. And right.