I would have gave my seat up so I where to hide I would have gave up my seat so I could be special hello how are you I'm getting a different perspective I see okay you my buddy K you're early this is no the thing on the left this is the actual Liberty recording system the microphone this is what we use for our minut technically use our YouTube meeting now for the minut have so many things going on I have T-shirts to sell what's I have T-shirts to S I have school board members to get on the thing my f my my thing is getting bigger and bigger winding up your watch well I said it yeah I said it wrong this morning so yeah so any news on when the con open uh end of July I heard so doing anything special for the that's what I heard we haven't gotten official notice opening or anything very busy Tak of her parents out central Pennsylvania so she's been going back and forth so I'm home to take care of the dog water the lawn and all that kind of stuff so nothing special yet but I miss it we're going to plan something very soon I hope so go out and see my daughter she's a Wyoming Oh wow was that no maybe we'll have a little upgrade now I hope so be fun yep there either she had to get a Cofe of [Music] real Ms Right real ones are they part of the weight now we have 15 C part the white uh is that up the Poconos area or white no no no that's the West I have not been there I I need to get out more so well I haven't been there either but my daughter did for two years she did it was a chance Rock and the iding theid sounds like my daughter she's into all that 10 o' yes sir I'll call to order the hesport township joint land use board for a special meeting today is July 2nd 2024 uh this special meeting has been called to deal deal with a particular resolution that we'll address um I'm the chair I'm the vice chair of the committee uh Tom Mckay uh our chair is unable to attend today and so I will proceed to handle the matter um Can the clerk confirm that we are also online to the public yes we are thank you all right um first we'll have the flag salute pled of the United States of America to the stand na God indivisible liy and justice for all okay thank you uh may we have a recitation of the sunshin law compliance sure this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law all right uh let's have a roll call please Mrs tor here Mr McKay here Mrs Kelly here mayor Gilmore here Mr chochi here Mr Bradley here Mr Murphy here miss Costco here Mr Cru Fifer absent Mrs bgio absent Mr novita here and Mr Holden ABS all right we have a we have a quorum uh we have one item for business uh it is is item 5A on the U on the agenda public hearing on master plan amendments uh regarding uh the uh housing element and fair share plan and the Township's resolution 2024 d98 D6 um we have uh John Gillespie with us who is the township attorney and Mr gpie are you able to provide us provide this board with uh information to educate us and the public on the issues before the panel today have thank you um first of all thank you for convening this morning on on relatively short notice this is a gave notice importance stat hearing um you'll recall that earlier this year we appeared conditional Judgment of compliance and propos that was after last summer in July we settled with aare housing center and settled our affordable housing obligation and responsibilities and how we're going to achieve them I think it was in August that we conducted a fairness Hearing in front of Judge cob who uh approved the settlement agreement and from there we work towards um a housing element and fair share plan that would incorporate the necessary components to meet our number with 197 um you approve that this past January you adopted that housing element share plan as part of the master plan and as a result of that in February judge C granted us conditional judgment there were two conditions to that judgment one was the adoption of a new affordable housing ordinance which a committee introduced in April you reviewed and referred back as consistent with planning committee adopted in May the other condition of that compliance was was we had within our plan five units allocated from the Legacy treatment services and not to go into too much detail but in the allocation of 197 affordable housing units there are moderate income low income and very low have have certain split among those numbers and Legacy accounted for five of our very low income components Legacy any other way than say bails they decided not to provide us with the documentation needed they decided not to participate and um it was a surprise to us but um we undertook to find other means by which to meet our obligations we had been in discussions uh with KES mobile home park uh on 38 uh they have they're going to be coming in toward 10 units so they set aside anyway negotiated a third from them we may or may not be able to include them in this round they may go to the fourth round but what we decided was let's let's use that let's find uh five other or more units of supportive special needs housing and we've been in discussions with um uh Habitat for Humanity of our first round and the second round and we find try to find Solutions as well as with a provider of affordable veterans housing um and so in order to continue uh and meet our obligations we need to amend the settl agreement which has now been amended to remove Legacy and substitute in its place those three options either home units through special needs of support of housing uh or through someone like habitat um similarly therefore the housing element and fair share plan need to be amended in the same way and you have for you the amendment proposed amendment to the housing element share plan on page two of that you see paragraph REM of course Under The Heading additional mechanisms on page John and check NuMe for that vation this week but I actually think it's page 35 we will we will pinate this correctly but the final line is for you we're asking you to adop this committee has um reviewed this and at the last meeting commit did adopt a resolution recommending this to the Joint board as the means by and still meet our constitutional obligation parare housing center has agreed to uh this change and courts special master has agreed and recommend this change those are the only changes to the housing element plan okay so it appears from your recitation thank you very much for that extensive and very informative recitation by the way it appears that everyone who uh needs to look at the this proposed amendment has agreed that it is appropriate under all the circumstances that's correct Mr chairman all right um take a board comments or questions first and then we'll go to public any hearing none uh we'll open this uh to the public um the record can reflect that there's no one in the room in the audience section uh but there may be people online so if if you are online please unmute and be recognized there are no people online there are no people online all right um that being the case uh I will close the public meeting again I'll offer the board any other questions that the board might have all right um so we'll move on to the resolution itself uh which is proposed as uh uh 2014-16 and um uh Mr Gillespie are are you the person that King Mr Kingsbury I drafted it then Mr Kingsbury um do you believe the resolution as as you've drafted it incorporates all the necessary uh findings uh that this board should adopt yes it states that you have a public hearing and that you approve the changes requested by all right so that being the case uh any questions on the form of the resolution before we get to a vote by members of the board all right hearing none um I would ask for a motion to approve the proposed amendment and adopt same as an amendment and supplement to the master plan as required pursuant to njsa 40 colon 55 d-10 may I have such a motion so moved may I have a second second roll call when when when you have time sure uh Mrs Tori yes Mr chochi yes Mr McKay yes Mrs Kelly yes mayor Gilmore yes Mr Bradley yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes uh Mr novita yes it's complete oh yes all right motion passes yes thank you um there being no other formal business I'll just run through uh the other items on the agenda uh to see if we have any comments to make there are professional comments section number seven any professional comments beyond what we've already discussed gentlemen no thank you again for and thank you Mr Gillespie for taking time to be here appreciate it um any board comments item number eight all right hear none hearing none we'll move to um the last item public comments again there is no members of the public in the room in the audience section and there's still no one online still no one online all right so there's no public comment being offered uh may I have a motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor I opposed none thank you special meeting is adjourned well done thank you yes don't forget your packets for the 11th I have mine already special no problem the mayor