this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of June 18th 2024 with instructions for internet access was included in a meeting notice sent to the burlin county times in The Courier Post on February 14th 2024 and advertised in said newspapers on February 19th 2024 and February 18th 2024 respectively posted on the website and the bulletin board in the municipal building on February 14th 2024 and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute in addition a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk would you all please rise for the flag salute I pledge to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all M Jen roll call please mayor Gilmore here Mr Montgomery here M Evans here Mr clouse miss gy here okay we have the minutes of the regular committee meeting of May 14th 2024 and the executive session minutes of May 14th 2024 I need an a um Motion in a second please a motion to approve second Miss Evans yes 40 yes Mr Montgomery yes Miss Gilmore yes reports we have tax collector code enforcement Fire official construction emergency services and then the state lease is here today and can I could I ask a question sure um it last last month for the Emergency Services we got the fire report um but we didn't have April's do we get April's emergency squads yet no okay so this says May so this should probably be corrected then because we don't we didn't get any report right uh well maybe what we should do is split it out um to uh individual lines for each of those agencies so the fire department and the emergency Squad can then be E and F and then G can be New Jersey State Police in person so then we can properly separate manage that corre we two months okay yeah I didn't see that in there so that's what I was was asking two months behind yeah certainly respect our volunteers but uh be nice to get the reports and then get them on time so all right okay thank you so Sergeant anci would you like to give your report before we accept hello everyone good even uh I have Dr major to report however uh our detectives advis me that we did have a couple isolated incidents of vehicle theft and they wanted me to REM remind residents lock your cars do not leave key fobs inside the uh the cars uh they were crimes of opportunity and uh they took advantage of it uh we have Troopers out there they're aware detectives are working behind the scenes but uh nothing uh major going on 100th anniversary was a huge success no issues or uh concerns with that and uh we were also at the Memorial Day event got a letter from uh Donna thank you and uh that's all I have right now thank you thank you very much forend anniversary it was a great succcess with you being glad it was very boring for you folks very glad to hear that on news yes unfortunately unfortunately so can I have a motion in a second please I'll make the motion I'll second Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes Miss Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes so this evening we have a um a proclamation Mr Murphy would you please come to the front of the DI this is I don't [Music] know so where is hesport Township wishes to recognize the kindness and generosity of one of our residents Mr Rick Murphy and whereas Rick Murphy was born and raised in hesport Township and has been a lifelong resident and Rick Murphy has had a remarkable career as the lead vocalist with the band The Hollywood Nights whereas Rick Murphy has kindly donated his time and talent to perform at our 100th anniversary celebration whereas his connection to the community and the Hollywood Nights performance was the key reason why the 100th Ann iary celebration on June 1st 2024 was spectacular now and therefore be it resolved that the mayor and the township committee ask all of the hesport residents to join us in proudly honoring and celebrating Rick Murphy for his generosity and involvement with the planning of the event and his band's unbelievable performance which made June 1st 2024 one of the best days in in all of hesport 100e history I didn't expect to get something tonight I thought you guys were just going to you know should I you guys or uh you know what like can we get a picture real quick with the committee members and Rick before [Music] we I'll them in all right one more I have to say something after all that wait can re can you turn around them on the other side and face them yeah my fellow citizens but um a little bit of this is is what I wrote earlier and I just wanted to end in a little bit to um to everyone here tonight you know I've been a musician my whole entire life and uh ran band since I was 16 years old and this was the band that I said I'm going to take and be a businessman and um so here we are today and but you know gigs are always gigs musicians say but this the hesport gig wasn't just a normal gig it was one that's going to stay with me forever there was so much energy in the air that night it was the kind of night that makes you feel that we all were really part of something special having spent most of my childhood and all of my adult life in hesport I've come to realize how lucky I was then still am today we did lose our house to a fire in hesport in 1990 and back then it was I know it was some different people involved but hesport came together and helped us get back on our feet and um really helped rebuild our house and our and kept our family together so it was it was something that means a lot to me still to this day and um getting through a tragedy like this was far from easy but neighbors and all the men and women from the administration and the fire Department came together fast forward to 2022 when the township humbled me and asked if I would bring Hollywood Nights my band to perform for the 100th celebration and some of the ladies here tonight know that I didn't want to do that because uh to me it was um I know it was going to be very emotional for me I'd rather sing in front of people I don't know it's a lot easier and um but that was the main reason I gave resistance not because I didn't want to be part of the celebration I just felt I was going to get a lot of stage fright and that's the truth but here was my chance to give back to the town that had given me and my wife and my kids my six children so much throughout the years so to Mayor Leela Gilmore Deputy Mayor Ken Montgomery committee committee woman Karen Tori Anna Evans Paula Costco Don casy out here and all the women and men that were part of that committee throughout the last year and a half I have to say again from the bottom of my heart you all knew what this meant to all of us and together we did it we pulled it off and it was a success and um the the spirit and the enthusiasm that everyone displayed during the last two years really made me feel even more proud to be part of P sport of everyone working together and again to all the The Joe Ukraine and the public work staff for everything that they did for me helping us get the bus in and the sound crew get in here they were very exponential and helping all that come together and the fire department what a great group of people and the medical service team everybody was in full force and our own New Jersey state troopers were there I know that making everybody feel safe and feeling like the night's going to just be a success I also I'm not a uh I'm not a political person um but I but it's important for me to let everybody know that a band a band finds success with relationships with radio stations and that's my main goal is is to have relationships throughout the Northeast with multiple radio stations to help push the band success and when I was asked to do this I wanted to use you know the resources that I had to to help spread the word of this event throughout all the Burlington County and Atlantic County and just let everybody know that Han Sport's here and we're going to have an event and I felt you know uh 101.5 was has given me a platform in the past to help my band and um so they helped me out again which in turn helped all of us for a successful event so I just wanted to let everybody know that that all came from me and I just felt I wanted to do that for the township there was no bad intent or nothing involved in that and I'd also like to thank my best friend and my wife Robin she's here tonight like all families life is a joy and a struggle sometimes but throughout 35 years of raising six children we and and me always chasing my dream of the stage she has been there for all of us she's never missed a gate so in the way my dream became our dream in the pursuit of that dream we did together and those are the times that really matter and again to all my fellow hanp for Neighbors those I know very well and Those whom I've never met yet please allow me to just say thank you thank you for who you are and how we all live together in this great small town hesport has that extra special thing I think all of us can agree and I think we are all proud to be here and again I am so proud to have been asked to be part of this 100th anniversary and again thank you for allowing me to bring my band in and and make the night just a little bit more thank you thank you thank you Rick right we're now open for comments from the public regarding agenda items only comments are limited to 5 minutes any comments with regards to the agenda is there anyone online no I see no hands close comments ordinances ordinance 20 24-9 amendment to ordinance 20249 entitled ordinance to control tree removal and replacement to reduce storm water runoff and pollutants and to promote infiltration of rainwater from the soil as required by the njde this is the public hearing and on the amended sections and this is the final adoption of saying so we are now open for public hearing anyone from the public have any comments and there's still no one online Okay so I will close comments and I need a vote for final adoption a motion in a second I'd like to make a motion to adopt I'll second that Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes M Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes ordinance any comments seeing none still no one online close comments I need a motion in a second please so moved second Miss tordy yes Miss Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes ordinance 2024-25 th000 in funding from the general Capital fund balances for for various projects this is the first reading and introduction public hearing and final adoption will be on July 9th 20124 I need a motion in a second I'll make that motion second M Evans yes M Tori yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes consent agenda resolutions resolution 202486591 4-6 I need a motion in a second so moved second M Tori yes M Mr Montgomery yes Mrs Evans yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 2024-25 D6 awarding a contract for resurfacing of various athletic courts to shore top construction I need a motion in a second motion second who the second Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes M Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 20249 6-6 awarding a contract for copier of services with kdi Rico Rico I need a motion in a second so moved second Miss Tori yes Miss Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 20249 - 6 authorizing the extension of existing Turf man management maintenance contract for four years for years 4 and five with onsite Landscape Management Motion in a second motion second Mr Montgomery yes Miss Tori yes Miss Evans yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 20249864 to settlement agreement and recommending amended household element and fair share plan need a motion in a second so moved second M tordy yes Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 202499 D6 accepting a performance bond and inspection esro for Longbridge Farms tow houses 4 and single family homes for need a motion in a second a motion second Miss Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes M Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 2024 100-6 authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement with Longbridge Farms LLC mayor if I could ask committee to to uh table that to the July 9 meeting I'd like to get you the agreement it's a standard agreement but I'd like to give you time to look at it before you adopt it and that was my fault so if you could table that to July 9 I'd appreciate it do we need a motion to table do I'd like to make a motion that we table the resolution 2024 100-6 until next meeting I'll second that Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes M Tori I have a question um does this delay them okay then yes uh mayor Gilmore yes thank you you're welcome okay we're to approval of business licenses I need a Motion in a second a motion second Miss Evans yes M Tori yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes okay we've reached comments from the public comments are limited to 5 minutes anyone in the room wish to make a comment yes ma'am in the back no in the far back far back she now 47 I just wonder if there was any way to have my street widen anyway to have my street widen it's all fit to put two more houses on it now there's eight houses approximately 520 ft long something like that and uh due to a lot of the graduations there was a lot of parties on our street and there's only two cars can go down so everybody did park on the same side but they parked two cars almost at the end of my street when I came down I guarantee you if somebody was coming up from 38 and going to turn in they would have hit me head on because I was in the wrong lane and they wouldn't have known that till they turned so it would really be nice i' see you're doing playgrounds resurfacing maybe you could look at that street it's very narrow and now there's eight houses there and it's really tough getting back and forth if just one family has a party well this a daily occurrence or does this happen on a regular basis or this was a one-time occurrence does this happen often yes yeah well especially now we have new younger people and they have more parties than you know used to be in the old folks home but now we have several young families and uh they do have more parties what what street is this again Kitty sorry fish avue fish okay it's what fish right the name of your street fishof avenue okay thank you and as far as that doing the trees I can understand they want to keep trees but if you want to really save the trees and keep environment they should do something about these vines that are destroying all the trees everywhere I can't hardly keep them out of my yard I'm not really able to do much but I spend hours pulling these Vines out as soon as they get in your yard they grow up every plant you have that's what they should be working on thank you thank you okay anyone else from the audience yes ma'am yes ma'am [Music] Donna Casey 1703 Cod Street pport New Jersey I just want to thank everyone for all their help and on on the 100th anniversary it was a huge success I'm still getting positive feedback and everybody is talking about the firewor the best and when are we going to do it again you know next 100 years yeah but one thing we we we really haven't acknowledged is is that this is the 100th year anniversary and we have a lot of history in this Township so I wanted to recognize various people who actually work very hard and getting the the history together Sue kais being one of them she started three years ago um working on the school history and I said ooh we're going to be working on the 100th anniversary history would you be interested she has put a lot of time and effort into a lot of the information we do have some books out in the cor there on display she put all that together and it's beautiful um Elizabeth Gallagher she has worked very hard with BCIT students and um kingport Township students um on a tour book which will not be going out yet but also on markers which will be displayed whoops around the town of some of the historic sites so we're very excited about that and that took a lot of time probably about two years um Alise Bajan did did a presentation with Hal Sunder um which was one of our first uh presentations that was fantastic they talked about the hes family um she's very much involved with the genealogy of the haes family we understand Robert Gilmore is related to the haes family so um that was quite an interesting Conley Brooks grew up in town was an administrator on the committee he had a lot of very interesting history and he all came in and spoke about families in in hesport and the beginning of hesport John Anderson was just there he talked about Commerce on the correct and I want to tell you I didn't realize that there was so much going on in our correct back in the late 1800s and 20s fascinating absolutely fascinating and we're going to hopefully have him come back in September to talk about more things Tish Kelly is coming up she will be talking about Commerce on Route 38 we have loads and loads of pictures um but this committee really is is about the history of handport and I think they need to be recognized if you all have an opportunity look at the books that we have the street Center has a load of pictures on the walls um it's just been remarkable I I learned something new at every every meeting that they they come out to so I just wanted to say thank you and to recognize these people for putting the history of pport together for the last 100 years thank you thank you Donna anyone else in the room anyone online good cut oh we got one more Lake Bloomer lingerer I'll start my 7e um oh you got it um name and address pleas 44 East Way asport New Jersey um for the last 30ish years so um and can't say' been here forever and re thank you for your words thank you for the effort you put into it thank you for the care and the love that you you made this that was the icing on the cake to the efforts oh The Unbelievable women and men it it it chokes me up who who I saw with their heart and soul Blood Sweat and Tears but what wasn't on the surface evident was the love that they put into every decision everything they made everything was critical to the it had to be perfect for the success of the event and um it really was those who who stepped up who volunteered who did the work who did the action for the last two years this doesn't just come together in 6 weeks or or 6 months um these these ladies have worked this forever to make this a celebration of the little town that we call our own and um you know again anyone who who I think they all should be recognized and every time you see them out you know thank them for this for a while because um it put us on the map running to cornhall I was talking to people from Burlington from cerville everybody who came up and they were just couldn't believe it and as our state trooper said we didn't have any trouble and that's what you see at all these other events everywhere else is trouble trouble trouble so um you know I just think that you know anybody who who who didn't do any there should be no criticism going around of anybody or anything that did because they did their best they did their absolute um you know best for the town and for everyone in the town and that's about it thank you thank you okay last call seeing no hands I'll close public comments comments from the administrator W I canot follow up with all this love it's really awesome it makes me really really proud and grateful to be here in position that I'm at in um just a few form boring announcements not really I actually have a really great surprise for everyone we like surprises we love surprises so I can't remember if I reported out last month that we received the firefighter Grant the $63,000 uh American Rescue plan firefighter grant that we wrote on behalf of the the fire company um to receive new uh turnout gear as well as upgrade their um oxygen refill station so we got that Grant which is awesome and that's a completely 100% well in Kind Plus the the funds that we allocate to them can be utilized towards the cash M cash match but the big announcement is uh we just received notification that we received the $700,000 Green Acres Grant I'm pretty pretty stoked about it um and the one ordinance that you all brought forward for introduction um allocates uh funding uh for our required match of $700,000 so that is uh a lot of $1.4 million that is now dedicated to the creek turn Park Improvement so um we also still have the um earmark money out there the Congressional funding um we did passed the first test um Congressman Kim has forwarded that to the Appropriations Committee um so that's a a big pass there so we'll see I'm I'm thinking probably what John when does that money usually come next year yeah the beginning of next year if if we've been G given the Congressional money and that was another 1.2 million that's awesome y great so those are really good so happy about that lots of work Paula thank you yes absolutely um our latest edition e newsletter just came out today uh the hesport community Chronicle this is issue number eight um again I want to recognize um Elizabeth for putting this together and starting it we also have a volunteer student uh from mortown friend School who's a resident of Hainesport uh Keva who's been assisting with that Kev Williams so she's been doing a great job she helped put that together so that has been pushed out on the website mobile app as well as our Facebook page and we go uh fenmore Road was paved uh the construction was completed last week and palaski and Laurel Ridge Road should be uh should start next week fantastic great that's all thanks Paula in the heat in the heat comments from our solicitor has anybody told big Rusty is being lavished with all that money she she be very cool you know I just really wanted to join the chorus of accolades uh about your 100th anniversary party uh I just thought it was incredible I've been doing this 40 years so I've been in a lot of towns seeing a lot of celebrations and it's just really great when a community I mean it's for everybody recognizes that it's a HomeTown you know um and I congratulate all of you I thought it was wonderful on that stage I still can't get over that stage I really cool congratulations to you for coming for Ser serving your hometown you know so that's all I have well done thank you can I also just put for the record that the um the stage and the fireworks were not paid for through taxpayer funding that was all uh donated by our professionals as well as other members of the community um as well as the fundraising efforts of the 100th anniversary committee uh side committees that put on some wonderful events so I think between the straight donations that we asked for and we received as well as the fundraising efforts I believe we raised somewhere around $65,000 so the fireworks um your taxes did not go up and smoke again that was all donations um it's not my first rodeo I understand the the commentary that comes behind it so that's why you know we made a decision to to work hard collectively as a team and and get those donations in and it was worth it thank you thank you comments from the committee Mrs Evans oh uh yeah so obviously I attended the Memorial Day and the 100th anniversary celebration I thought both were amazing well organized and excellent of course the spireworks were absolutely spectacular so I just like to add my own personal thanks to Donna Casey the recreation committee and the 100th anniversary committee for all their hard work there um I'm very excited that we just got the Green Acres Grant thank you Paulo that's awesome uh the Green Team just got its feedback from the second round of certification and we now have 95 of the 150 points that we need another round uh final round for this year at July the 31st that's an outside chance that we'll get our Bron certification but it's a possibility one more event I want to talk about is that this past Saturday about 20 Hainesport residents gathered here at the township building to celebrate pride month in Hainesport uh for the first time I believe we took pictures with some pride flags and then we went to the much larger Mount Holly Pride celebration uh next year I would love to do something similar not a not a huge thing but have it endorsed by the township and to have a pride flag raised somewhere near the municipal building not with the flags up front but maybe on one of the street lamps around the uh the car park um and have that flag there for the whole of the month of June which is pride month other towns have pride Flags I don't understand why we should not uh someone observed on my post about our small event the following we are thinking of moving to the area and it's posts and events like this that make it more likely so that's something to think about for next year finally Cricket is in the news uh on June the 6th the American cricket team stunned the World by defeating Pakistan in a World Cup match huge shock and also Major League cricket in the US will have its second season this summer so I do really think that we need to uh look into using some of our wonderful flat land in the Municipal Park to provide residents who came to the last month's meeting and asked if they could have a Cricket pitch see if we can do something for them and for the Youth of H sport because Cricket is going to be an upand cominging sport in the same way that like 20 years ago it was soccer right and we should get ahead of that curve and get our cricket pitch built all right enjoy the rest of your day and thank you for coming everybody thank you m tordy please yes first of all I'd like to congratulate Rick thank you so much for everything you did for us um it was a pleasure working with you and Kathy really so um thank you so much from the bottom of my heart thank you um I'd also like to give a special recognition to Paula Leela and Donna for spearheading the event our 100th anniversary and a special thank you to all the many volunteers who helped out in any way it would never have been possible without you and I couldn't start to list them CU I know I would miss people there were so many so thank you so much um uh and I'd also like to say thank you to the many residents who helped to fund this event um as Paula had put forth um from the major sponsors um to the many residents who contribute did in any way we started fundraising with a fashion show so if you did anything donated anything if you came whatever it all helped to help fund this event um to those who purchased Flags shirts cups ornaments 50/50 tickets hot air balloon chances and Tents all of these events all of these purchases contributed in a major way to help fund the event so thanks to all of all of you for that so on the um subject of shirts I have placed an order for more shirts after our event I had a request for 70 more shirts so it took me a while to get them all together but we have ordered them I've ordered 150 shirts so we will have plenty um available so hopefully they will be in by the end of next week and we will notify anyone who has left their information to be sure to watch um for a notification from us and also on Facebook and U various places uh they will all be available for purchase at the municipal building and at all of our events until the end of the year concerts movies Fall Festival Etc and I believe the flags are sold out are the flags sold out one flag left can you more of them is that something well that's something we might want to consider and we have pups and ornaments still available as well Jen um so I'd like to say special thank you to Hal connley John Elise for your special historical present presentations they were informative and uh we really appreciate your efforts um we're looking forward to tisha's coming up Memorial Day was a fitting tribute to our fallen heroes thanks to Donna and our committee again for organizing another special event and finally on Saturday June 15th I attended a special event Our Lady Queen of Peace church and over 150 community members came together to recognize and express our appreciation to Deacon Mario Munos for his 50 years of service to church and Community that's a milestone 50 years he was born in Chile and served in several countries before coming to New Jersey he first went to Patterson because there was a great need for his Services he later moved to hesport with the intent of retiring and living here but his desire to continue to serve after his retirement led him to connect with father show and he has continued to serve us ever since by assisting in church services and sacraments visiting the sick and mentoring various groups and activities his service not only enriched the spiritual lives of our parishioners but also strengthened the bonds of our community fostering a spirit of unity and kindness he is truly a man of humility prayer and service and his tireless efforts in supporting guiding and uplifting others earned him the respect and admiration of all he truly is a hesport hero and so we recognize him and thank him for his service so I just like to say thank you all for coming I wish you a very happy and safe 4th of July may God continue to bless you our country and hesport thank you thank you Mr Montgomery um just want to say that the Memorial Day event [Music] um I think powerful was the word you were going to use and I is that okay is that is that that's the end of that all right um we we had 21 waths which was I think the most we've had right I believe think so um which was great to honor our our veterans um thanks again to Donna Lynn and her organiz and her group and all the volunteers um Sue and Liz um just was really super and um for those of us that have family and friends who are veterans that passed uh whether they were in the midst of serving our country or afterwards um it's just great toay tribute to them um I want to welcome Jen as um she's here as the uh Deputy clerk here taking notes and everything and Donna who is assisting her uh with this so thank you welcome um we expect no mistakes and everything to be perfect um are we kiding um the 100th anniversary again timer on yeah there are other people that spoke through length 100th anniversary we had seven I heard that the estimates were 7,000 people and like how do you count them well we had a lot of cars a lot of different parking lots whatever so I mean 7,000 people do anyone know how many how many people we have in this town we have 6,000 people in this town so tremendous just tremendous it was so much I I I wanted to bet a lot of them here to see hp's favorite son um Rick um saying and his band and and of course the other band and um mother his wife Robin thanks for your support with to him and all of this it was just was wonderful and just as as was already said just made it a great day even greater um fun and peaceful um and peaceful I don't mean quiet but it just uh no uh no problems um we still have a lot of lot to celebrate it's only June so um hoping that um we can continue to do that we' already talked about other things you can buy the famous t-shirts um special thanks again to Donna Leela and Karen and Liz and Sue and everyone else uh because there's so many people um that did all that um and a lot of people have said that andain who's here with us too yes exactly I know there's like other people on the committee list but I don't have the list in front of me um we're debt free for the second year now so thank you Paula thank you um D McAn um we did that last month and I just want to just to say that again just great great job [Music] need it and you know in like in two hours we had food trucks that ran out of food for God's sakes we had 11 food trucks 11 um 12 we had 12 we had 1 right sorry yes 12 and two of them ran out of food some had to go and get more and they still ran out of food so it just was just super um I'd like to also congratulate the hansport graduates uh not only from the the wonderful hansport school but also from RV our high school um best wishes to them as they go on their way and um make us proud um speaking of The Graduate we have a h graduate who just got drafted by the Philadelphia evens Jeremiah trer Jr who graduated from hesport school uh lives big property next to my development there um so we have a new favorite trout to cheer for for the Eagles and um he signed a rookie contract and um his dad lived here when when he played for them so Jeremiah Jr we wish you well and uh Fly Eagles Fly um like to thank folks for being here joining us in the summer and celebrating our 4th of July celebration uh I don't know where they're going to go watch fireworks but I can't imagine they're going to beat the ones that we had on June 1st but uh so God bless him support God Bless America thank you thank you so one other little I don't want to mention everything everybody mentioned before uh but with regards to Memorial Day Not only was it a great day here and we had a huge amount of representation from the community it was a lovely event the three women of the uh committee also attended the County Memorial Day service and presented a wreath in honor for hesport so I just wanted to mention that but as we sit here today I know I share immense gratitude and pride as we reflect on our 100th celebration a milestone event that will be talked about for the next 100 years from the early planning stages over 2 years ago to the Grand festivities on June 1st this journey has been nothing short of spectacular many individuals have come together to make this celebration an unforgettable experience the dedication and effort of everyone involved have truly shown through in every event we have hosted our celebration actually kicked off in March with the tea and 100 Years of fashion fundraiser held at the Bradford estate then coincidentally on March 12th the township meeting was the actual date of incorporation and we were able to celebrate with cake and camaraderie in April engaging historical conversations and presentations began that continued through May and June the Highlight was undoubtedly the Fantastic event on June 1st complete with fireworks food trucks and performances by pure Petty Band and the Hollywood W nights both have strong ties to hesport and it was truly a night to remember we still have more exciting events on the horizon this fall we look forward to walking and driving tours additional conversations and presentations and our highly anticipated Fall Festival these events will continue to celebrate our Vibrant Community and Rich history creating new memories for all of us I'd like to thank thank each of you and everyone who contributed your time energy and passion your efforts have made this celebration year a resounding success and a shining example of what our community can achieve when we come together here's to our past 100 years I personally am forecasting a bright future for HP thank you amen very nice with that we have some bills to pay I need a motion I'd like to make a motion that we pay our bills if I could make a request uh resolution 24- 0057 needs to be reduced to $74.50 please and thank you okay so do we need to just accept bills as amended yes motion to adopt the bills as approved I'd like to make a motion that we pay the bills as amended [Music] second Mr Montgomery yes M yes M yes mayore yes um do we have a executive session no I do have one thing just for 5 minutes we'll be out of here no formal action will be required personal M so we need to make a motion to to adopt the resolution authorizing an executive session to discuss matter of personnel um and no formal action be taken and just a couple minutes so moved second Mr Montgomery yes M yes EV yes mayor yes okay SOI will just take are we just going to are we going back we're going to step out and we'll be right back in about 5 minutes will there be any there was no formal action no formal action take back in the J okay you want me to turn this off I made that motion second second all in favor I I need a motion to adjourn removed second all in favor I all right and that's the end see you pend this --------- this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of June 18th 2024 with instructions for internet access was included in a meeting notice sent to the burlin county times in The Courier Post on February 14th 2024 and advertised in said newspapers on February 19th 2024 and February 18th 2024 respectively posted on the website and the bulletin board in the municipal building on February 14th 2024 and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute in addition a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk would you all please rise for the flag salute I pledge to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all M Jen roll call please mayor Gilmore here Mr Montgomery here M Evans here Mr clouse miss gy here okay we have the minutes of the regular committee meeting of May 14th 2024 and the executive session minutes of May 14th 2024 I need an a um Motion in a second please a motion to approve second Miss Evans yes 40 yes Mr Montgomery yes Miss Gilmore yes reports we have tax collector code enforcement Fire official construction emergency services and then the state lease is here today and can I could I ask a question sure um it last last month for the Emergency Services we got the fire report um but we didn't have April's do we get April's emergency squads yet no okay so this says May so this should probably be corrected then because we don't we didn't get any report right uh well maybe what we should do is split it out um to uh individual lines for each of those agencies so the fire department and the emergency Squad can then be E and F and then G can be New Jersey State Police in person so then we can properly separate manage that corre we two months okay yeah I didn't see that in there so that's what I was was asking two months behind yeah certainly respect our volunteers but uh be nice to get the reports and then get them on time so all right okay thank you so Sergeant anci would you like to give your report before we accept hello everyone good even uh I have Dr major to report however uh our detectives advis me that we did have a couple isolated incidents of vehicle theft and they wanted me to REM remind residents lock your cars do not leave key fobs inside the uh the cars uh they were crimes of opportunity and uh they took advantage of it uh we have Troopers out there they're aware detectives are working behind the scenes but uh nothing uh major going on 100th anniversary was a huge success no issues or uh concerns with that and uh we were also at the Memorial Day event got a letter from uh Donna thank you and uh that's all I have right now thank you thank you very much forend anniversary it was a great succcess with you being glad it was very boring for you folks very glad to hear that on news yes unfortunately unfortunately so can I have a motion in a second please I'll make the motion I'll second Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes Miss Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes so this evening we have a um a proclamation Mr Murphy would you please come to the front of the DI this is I don't [Music] know so where is hesport Township wishes to recognize the kindness and generosity of one of our residents Mr Rick Murphy and whereas Rick Murphy was born and raised in hesport Township and has been a lifelong resident and Rick Murphy has had a remarkable career as the lead vocalist with the band The Hollywood Nights whereas Rick Murphy has kindly donated his time and talent to perform at our 100th anniversary celebration whereas his connection to the community and the Hollywood Nights performance was the key reason why the 100th Ann iary celebration on June 1st 2024 was spectacular now and therefore be it resolved that the mayor and the township committee ask all of the hesport residents to join us in proudly honoring and celebrating Rick Murphy for his generosity and involvement with the planning of the event and his band's unbelievable performance which made June 1st 2024 one of the best days in in all of hesport 100e history I didn't expect to get something tonight I thought you guys were just going to you know should I you guys or uh you know what like can we get a picture real quick with the committee members and Rick before [Music] we I'll them in all right one more I have to say something after all that wait can re can you turn around them on the other side and face them yeah my fellow citizens but um a little bit of this is is what I wrote earlier and I just wanted to end in a little bit to um to everyone here tonight you know I've been a musician my whole entire life and uh ran band since I was 16 years old and this was the band that I said I'm going to take and be a businessman and um so here we are today and but you know gigs are always gigs musicians say but this the hesport gig wasn't just a normal gig it was one that's going to stay with me forever there was so much energy in the air that night it was the kind of night that makes you feel that we all were really part of something special having spent most of my childhood and all of my adult life in hesport I've come to realize how lucky I was then still am today we did lose our house to a fire in hesport in 1990 and back then it was I know it was some different people involved but hesport came together and helped us get back on our feet and um really helped rebuild our house and our and kept our family together so it was it was something that means a lot to me still to this day and um getting through a tragedy like this was far from easy but neighbors and all the men and women from the administration and the fire Department came together fast forward to 2022 when the township humbled me and asked if I would bring Hollywood Nights my band to perform for the 100th celebration and some of the ladies here tonight know that I didn't want to do that because uh to me it was um I know it was going to be very emotional for me I'd rather sing in front of people I don't know it's a lot easier and um but that was the main reason I gave resistance not because I didn't want to be part of the celebration I just felt I was going to get a lot of stage fright and that's the truth but here was my chance to give back to the town that had given me and my wife and my kids my six children so much throughout the years so to Mayor Leela Gilmore Deputy Mayor Ken Montgomery committee committee woman Karen Tori Anna Evans Paula Costco Don casy out here and all the women and men that were part of that committee throughout the last year and a half I have to say again from the bottom of my heart you all knew what this meant to all of us and together we did it we pulled it off and it was a success and um the the spirit and the enthusiasm that everyone displayed during the last two years really made me feel even more proud to be part of H sport of everyone working together and again to all the The Joe Ukraine and the public work staff for everything that they did for me helping us get the bus in and the sound crew get in here they were very exponential and helping all that come together and the fire department what a great group of people and the medical service team everybody was in full force and our own New Jersey state troopers were there I know that making everybody feel safe and feeling like the night's going to just be a success I also I'm not a uh I'm not a political person um but I but it's important for me to let everybody know that a band a band finds success with relationships with radio stations and that's my main goal is is to have relationships throughout the Northeast with multiple radio stations to help push the band success and when I was asked to do this I wanted to use you know the resources that I had to to help spread the word of this event throughout all the Burlington County and Atlantic County and just let everybody know that Han Sport's here and we're going to have an event and I felt you know uh 101.5 was has given me a platform in the past to help my band and um so they helped me out again which in turn helped all of us for a successful event so I just wanted to let everybody know that that all came from me and I just felt I wanted to do that for the township there was no bad intent or nothing involved in that and I'd also like to thank my best friend and my wife Robin she's here tonight like all families life is a joy and a struggle sometimes but throughout 35 years of raising six children we and and me always chasing my dream of the stage she has been there for all of us she's never missed a gate so in a way my dream became our dream in the pursuit of that dream we did together and those are the times that really matter and again to all my fellow hanp for Neighbors those I know very well and Those whom I've never met yet please allow me to just say thank you thank you for who you are and how we all live together in this great small town hesport has that extra special thing I think all of us can agree and I think we're all proud to be here and again I am so proud to have been asked to be part of this 100th anniversary and again thank you for allowing me to bring my band in and and make the night just a little bit more thank you thank you thank you Rick right we're now open for comments from the public regarding agenda items only comments are limited to 5 minutes any comments with regards to the agenda is there anyone online no I see no hands close comments ordinances ordinance 20 24-9 amendment to ordinance 20249 entitled ordinance to control tree removal and replacement to reduce storm water runoff and pollutants and to promote infiltration of rainwater from the soil as required by the njde this is the public hearing and on the amended sections and this is the final adoption of saying so we are now open for public hearing anyone from the public have any comments and there's still no one online Okay so I will close comments and I need a vote for final adoption a motion in a second I'd like to make a motion to adopt I'll second that Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes M Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes ordinance any comments seeing none still no one online close comments I need a motion in a second please so moved second Miss tordy yes Miss Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes ordinance 2024-25 th000 in funding from the general Capital fund balances for for various projects this is the first reading and introduction public hearing and final adoption will be on July 9th 20124 I need a motion in a second I'll make that motion second M Evans yes M Tori yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes consent agenda resolutions resolution 202486591 4-6 I need a motion in a second so moved second M Tori yes M Mr Montgomery yes Mrs Evans yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 2024-25 D6 awarding a contract for resurfacing of various athletic courts to shore top construction I need a motion in a second motion second who the second Mr Montgomery yes misss Evans yes M Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution [Music] 2024-the yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 20249 - 6 authorizing the extension of existing Turf man management maintenance contract for four years for years 4 and five with onsite Landscape Management Motion in a second motion second Mr Montgomery yes misss Tori yes Miss Evans yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 20249864 to settlement agreement and recommending amended household element and fair share plan need a motion in a second so moved second M tordy yes Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 202499 D6 accepting a performance bond and inspection escro for Longbridge Farms tow houses 4 and single family homes for need a motion in a second a motion second Miss Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes M Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 2024 100-6 authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement with Longbridge Farms LLC mayor if I could ask committee to to uh table that to the July 9 meeting I'd like to get you the agreement it's a standard agreement but I'd like to give you time to look at it before you adopt it and that was my fault so if you could table that to July 9 I'd appreciate it do we need a motion to table do I'd like to make a motion that we table the resolution 2024 100-6 until next meeting I'll second that Mr Montgomery yes Miss Evans yes M Tori I have a question um does this delay them okay then yes uh mayor Gilmore yes thank you you're welcome okay we're to approval of business licenses I need a Motion in a second a motion second Miss Evans yes M Tori yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes okay we've reached comments from the public comments are limited to 5 minutes anyone in the room wish to make a comment yes ma'am in the back no in the far back far back she now 47 I just wonder if there was any way to have my street widen anyway to have my street widen it's all fit to put two more houses on it now there's eight houses approximately 520 ft long something like that and uh due to a lot of the graduations there was a lot of parties on our street and there's only two cars can go down so everybody did park on the same side but they parked two cars almost at the end of my street when I came down I guarantee you if somebody was coming up from 38 and going to turn in they would have hit me head on because I was in the wrong lane and they wouldn't have known that till they turned so it would really be nice i' see you're doing playgrounds resurfacing maybe you could look at that street it's very narrow and now there's eight houses there and it's really tough getting back and forth if just one family has a party well this a daily occurrence or does this happen on a regular basis or this was a one-time occurrence does this happen often yes yeah well especially now we have new younger people and they have more parties than you know used to be in the old folks home but now we have several young families and uh they do have more parties what what street is this again Kitty sorry fish avue fish okay it's what fish right the name of your street fishof avenue okay thank you and as far as that doing the trees I can understand they want to keep trees but if you want to really save the trees and keep environment they should do something about these vines that are destroying all the trees everywhere I can't hardly keep them out of my yard I'm not really able to do much but I spend hours pulling these Vines out as soon as they get in your yard they grow up every plant you have that's what they should be working on thank you thank you okay anyone else from the audience yes ma'am yes ma'am [Music] Donna Casey 1703 Cod Street pport New Jersey I just want to thank everyone for all their help and on on the 100th anniversary it was a huge success I'm still getting positive feedback and everybody is talking about the firewor the best and when are we going to do it again you know next 100 years yeah but one thing we we we really haven't acknowledged is is that this is the 100th year anniversary and we have a lot of history in this Township so I wanted to recognize various people who actually work very hard and getting the the history together Sue kais being one of them she started three years ago um working on the school history and I said ooh we're going to be working on the 100th anniversary history would you be interested she has put a lot of time and effort into a lot of the information we do have some books out in the cor there on display she put all that together and it's beautiful um Elizabeth Gallagher she has worked very hard with BCIT students and um kingport Township students um on a tour book which will not be going out yet but also on markers which will be display whoops around the town of some of the historic sites so we're very excited about that and that took a lot of time probably about two years um Alise Bajan did did a presentation with Hal Sunder um which was one of our first uh presentations that was fantastic they talk about the hes family um she's very much involved with the genealogy of the haes family we understand Robert Gilmore is related to the haes family so um that was quite an interesting Conley Brooks grew up in town was an administrator on the committee he had a lot of very interesting history and he all came in and spoke about families in in hesport and the beginning of hesport John Anderson was just there he talked about Commerce on the correct and I want to tell you I didn't realize that there was so much going on in our correct back in the late 1800s and 20s fascinating absolutely fascinating and we're going to hopefully have him come back in September to talk about more things Tish Kelly is coming up she will be talking about Commerce on Route 38 we have loads and loads of pictures um but this committee really is is about the history of handport and I think they need to be recognized if you all have an opportunity look at the books that we have the street Center has a load of pictures on the walls um it's just been remarkable I I learned something new at every every meeting that they they come out to so I just wanted to say thank you and to recognize these people for putting the history of pport together for the last 100 years thank you thank you Donna anyone else in the room anyone online good cut oh we got one more Lake Bloomer lingerer I'll start my 7e um oh you got it um name and address pleas 44 East Way asport New Jersey um for the last 30ish years so um and can't say' been here forever and re thank you for your words thank you for the effort you put into it thank you for the care and the love that you you made this that was the icing on the cake to the efforts oh The Unbelievable women and men it it it chokes me up who who I saw with their heart and soul Blood Sweat and Tears but what wasn't on the surface evident was the love that they put into every decision everything they made everything was critical to the it had to be perfect for the success of the event and um it really was those who who stepped up who volunteered who did the work who did the action for the last two years this doesn't just come together in 6 weeks or or 6 months um these these ladies have worked this forever to make this a celebration of the little town that we call our own and um you know again anyone who who I think they all should be recognized and every time you see them out you know thank them for this for a while because um it put us on the map running to cornhall I was talking to people from Burlington from cerville everybody who came up and they were just couldn't believe it and as our state trooper said we didn't have any trouble and that's what you see at all these other events everywhere else is trouble trouble trouble so um you know I just think that you know anybody who who who didn't do any there should be no criticism going around of anybody or anything that did because they did their best they did their absolute um you know best for the town and for everyone in the town and that's about it thank you thank you okay last call seeing no hands I'll close public comments comments from the administrator W I canot follow up with all this love it's really awesome it makes me really really proud and grateful to be here in position that I'm at in um just a few form boring announcements not really I actually have a really great surprise for everyone we like surprises we love surprises so I can't remember if I reported out last month that we received the firefighter Grant the $63,000 uh American Rescue plan firefighter grant that we wrote on behalf of the the fire company um to receive new uh turnout gear as well as upgrade their um oxygen refill station so we got that Grant which is awesome and that's a completely 100% well in Kind Plus the the funds that we allocate to them can be utilized towards the cash M cash match but the big announcement is uh we just received notification that we received the $700,000 Green Acres Grant I'm pretty pretty stoked about it um and the one ordinance that you all brought forward for introduction um allocates uh funding uh for our required match of $700,000 so that is uh a lot of $1.4 million that is now dedicated to the creek turn Park Improvement so um we also still have the um earmark money out there the Congressional funding um we did passed the first test um Congressman Kim has forwarded that to the Appropriations Committee um so that's a a big pass there so we'll see I'm I'm thinking probably what John when does that money usually come next year yeah the beginning of next year if if we've been G given the Congressional money and that was another 1.2 million that's awesome y great so those are really good so happy about that lots of work Paula thank you yes absolutely um our latest edition e newsletter just came out today uh the hesport community Chronicle this is issue number eight um again I want to recognize um Elizabeth for putting this together and starting it we also have a volunteer student uh from mortown friend School who's a resident of Hainesport uh Keva who's been assisting with that Kev Williams so she's been doing a great job she helped put that together so that has been pushed out on the website mobile app as well as our Facebook page and we go uh fenmore Road was paved uh the construction was completed last week and palaski and Laurel Ridge Road should be uh should start next week fantastic great that's all thanks Paula in the heat in the heat comments from our solicitor has anybody told big Rusty is being lavished with all that money she she be very cool you know I just really wanted to join the chorus of accolades uh about your 100th anniversary party uh I just thought it was incredible I've been doing this 40 years so I've been in a lot of towns seeing a lot of celebrations and it's just really great when a community I mean it's for everybody recognizes that it's a HomeTown you know um and I congratulate all of you I thought it was wonderful on that stage I still can't get over that stage I really cool congratulations to you for coming for Ser serving your hometown you know so that's all I have well done thank you can I also just put for the record that the um the stage and the fireworks were not paid for through taxpayer funding that was all uh donated by our professionals as well as other members of the community um as well as the fundraising efforts of the 100th anniversary committee uh side committees that put on some wonderful events so I think between the straight donations that we asked for and we received as well as the fundraising efforts I believe we raised somewhere around $65,000 so the fireworks um your taxes did not go up and smoke again that was all donations um it's not my first rodeo I understand the the commentary that comes behind it so that's why you know we made a decision to to work hard collectively as a team and and get those donations in and it was worth it thank you thank you comments from the committee Mrs Evans oh uh yeah so obviously I attended the Memorial Day and the 100th anniversary celebration I thought both were amazing well organized and excellent of course the spireworks were absolutely spectacular so I just like to add my own personal thanks to Donna Casey the recreation committee and the 100th anniversary committee for all their hard work there um I'm very excited that we just got the Green Acres Grant thank you Paulo that's awesome uh the Green Team just got its feedback from the second round of certification and we now have 95 of the 150 points that we need another round uh final round for this year at July the 31st that's an outside chance that we'll get our Bron certification but it's a possibility one more event I want to talk about is that this past Saturday about 20 Hainesport residents gathered here at the township building to celebrate pride month in Hainesport uh for the first time I believe we took pictures with some pride flags and then we went to the much larger Mount Holly Pride celebration uh next year I would love to do something similar not a not a huge thing but have it endorsed by the township and to have a pride flag raised somewhere near the municipal building not with the flags up front but maybe on one of the street lamps around the uh the car park um and have that flag there for the whole of the month of June which is pride month other towns have pride Flags I don't understand why we should not uh someone observed on my post about our small event the following we are thinking of moving to the area and it's posts and events like this that make it more likely so that's something to think about for next year finally Cricket is in the news uh on June the 6th the American cricket team stunned the World by defeating Pakistan in a World Cup match huge shock and also Major League cricket in the US will have its second season this summer so I do really think that we need to uh look into using some of our wonderful flat land in the Municipal Park to provide residents who came to the last month's meeting and asked if they could have a Cricket pitch see if we can do something for them and for the Youth of H sport because Cricket is going to be an upand cominging sport in the same way that like 20 years ago it was soccer right and we should get ahead of that curve and get our cricket pitch built all right enjoy the rest of your day and thank you for coming everybody thank you m tordy please yes first of all I'd like to congratulate Rick thank you so much for everything you did for us um it was a pleasure working with you and Kathy really so um thank you so much from the bottom of my heart thank you um I'd also like to give a special recognition to Paula Leela and Donna for spearheading the event our 100th anniversary and a special thank you to all the many volunteers who helped out in any way it would never have been possible without you and I couldn't start to list them CU I know I would miss people there were so many so thank you so much um uh and I'd also like to say thank you to the many residents who helped to fund this event um as Paula had put forth um from the major sponsors um to the many residents who contribute did in any way we started fundraising with a fashion show so if you did anything donated anything if you came whatever it all helped to help fund this event um to those who purchased Flags shirts cups ornaments 50/50 tickets hot air balloon chances and Tents all of these events all of these purchases contributed in a major way to help fund the event so thanks to all of all of you for that so on the um subject of shirts I have placed an order for more shirts after our event I had a request for 70 more shirts so it took me a while to get them all together but we have ordered them I've ordered 150 shirts so we will have plenty um available so hopefully they will be in by the end of next week and we will notify anyone who has left their information to be sure to watch um for a notification from us and also on Facebook and U various places uh they will all be available for purchase at the municipal building and at all of our events until the end of the year concerts movies Fall Festival Etc and I believe the flags are sold out are the flags sold out one flag left can you more of them is that something well that's something we might want to consider and we have pups and ornaments still available as well Jen um so I'd like to say special thank you to Hal connley John Elise for your special historical present presentations they were informative and uh we really appreciate your efforts um we're looking forward to tisha's coming up Memorial Day was a fitting tribute to our fallen heroes thanks to Donna and our committee again for organizing another special event and finally on Saturday June 15th I attended a special event Our Lady Queen of Peace church and over 150 community members came together to recognize and express our appreciation to Deacon Mario Munos for his 50 years of service to church and Community that's a milestone 50 years he was born in Chile and served in several countries before coming to New Jersey he first went to Patterson because there was a great need for his Services he later moved to hesport with the intent of retiring and living here but his desire to continue to serve after his retirement led him to connect with father show and he has continued to serve us ever since by assisting in church services and sacraments visiting the sick and mentoring various groups and activities his service not only enriched the spiritual lives of our parishioners but also strengthened the bonds of our community fostering a spirit of unity and kindness he is truly a man of humility prayer and service and his tireless efforts in supporting guiding and uplifting others earned him the respect and admiration of all he truly is a hesport hero and so we recognize him and thank him for his service so I just like to say thank you all for coming I wish you a very happy and safe 4th of July may God continue to bless you our country and hesport thank you thank you Mr Montgomery um just want to say that the Memorial Day event [Music] um I think powerful was the word you were going to use and I is that okay is that is that that's the end of that all right um we we had 21 waths which was I think the most we've had right I believe think so um which was great to honor our our veterans um thanks again to Donna Lynn and her organiz and her group and all the volunteers um Sue and Liz um just was really super and um for those of us that have family and friends who are veterans that passed uh whether they were in the midst of serving our country or afterwards um it's just great toay tribute to them um I want to welcome Jen as um she's here as the uh Deputy clerk here taking notes and everything and Donna who is assisting her uh with this so thank you welcome um we expect no mistakes and everything to be perfect um are we kiding um the 100th anniversary again timer on yeah there are other people that spoke through length 100th anniversary we had seven I heard that the estimates were 7,000 people and like how do you count them well we had a lot of cars a lot of different parking lots whatever so I mean 7,000 people do anyone know how many how many people we have in this town we have 6,000 people in this town so tremendous just tremendous it was so much I I I wanted to bet a lot of them here to see hp's favorite son um Rick um saying and his band and and of course the other band and um mother his wife Robin thanks for your support with to him and all of this it was just was wonderful and just as as was already said just made it a great day even greater um fun and peaceful um and peaceful I don't mean quiet but it just uh no uh no problems um we still have a lot of lot to celebrate it's only June so um hoping that um we can continue to do that we' already talked about other things you can buy the famous t-shirts um special thanks again to Donna Leela and Karen and Liz and Sue and everyone else uh because there's so many people um that did all that um and a lot of people have said that andain who's here with us too yes exactly I know there's like other people on the committee list but I don't have the list in front of me um we're debt free for the second year now so thank you Paula thank you um D McAn um we did that last month and I just want to just to say that again just great great job [Music] need it and you know in like in two hours we had food trucks that ran out of food for God's sakes we had 11 food trucks 11 um 12 we had 12 we had 1 right sorry yes 12 and two of them ran out of food some had to go and get more and they still ran out of food so it just was just super um I'd like to also congratulate the hansport graduates uh not only from the the wonderful hansport school but also from RV our high school um best wishes to them as they go on their way and um make us proud um speaking of The Graduate we have a h graduate who just got drafted by the Philadelphia evens Jeremiah trer Jr who graduated from hesport school uh lives big property next to my development there um so we have a new favorite trout to cheer for for the Eagles and um he signed a rookie contract and um his dad lived here when when he played for them so Jeremiah Jr we wish you well and uh Fly Eagles Fly um like to thank folks for being here joining us in the summer and celebrating our 4th of July celebration uh I don't know where they're going to go watch fireworks but I can't imagine they're going to beat the ones that we had on June 1st but uh so God bless him support God Bless America thank you thank you so one other little I don't want to mention everything everybody mentioned before uh but with regards to Memorial Day Not only was it a great day here and we had a huge amount of representation from the community it was a lovely event the three women of the uh committee also attended the County Memorial Day service and presented a wreath in honor for hesport so I just wanted to mention that but as we sit here today I know I share immense gratitude and pride as we reflect on our 100th celebration a milestone event that will be talked about for the next 100 years from the early planning stages over 2 years ago to the Grand festivities on June 1st this journey has been nothing short of spectacular many individuals have come together to make this celebration an unforgettable experience the dedication and effort of everyone involved have truly shown through in every event we have hosted our celebration actually kicked off in March with the tea and 100 Years of fashion fundraiser held at the Bradford estate then coincidentally on March 12th the township meeting was the actual date of incorporation and we were able to celebrate with cake and camaraderie in April engaging historical conversations and presentations began that continued through May and June the Highlight was undoubtedly the Fantastic event on June 1st complete with fireworks food trucks and performances by pure Petty Band and the Hollywood W nights both have strong ties to hesport and it was truly a night to remember we still have more exciting events on the horizon this fall we look forward to walking and driving tours additional conversations and presentations and our highly anticipated Fall Festival these events will continue to celebrate our Vibrant Community and Rich history creating new memories for all of us I'd like to thank thank each of you and everyone who contributed your time energy and passion your efforts have made this celebration year a resounding success and a shining example of what our community can achieve when we come together here's to our past 100 years I personally am forecasting a bright future for HP thank you amen very nice with that we have some bills to pay I need a motion I'd like to make a motion that we pay our bills if I could make a request uh resolution 24- 0057 needs to be reduced to $74.50 please and thank you okay so do we need to just accept bills as amended yes motion to adopt the bills as approved I'd like to make a motion that we pay the bills as amended [Music] second Mr Montgomery yes M yes M yes mayore yes um do we have a executive session no I do have one thing just for 5 minutes we'll be out of here no formal action will be required personal M so we need to make a motion to to adopt the resolution authorizing an executive session to discuss matter of personnel um and no formal action be taken and just a couple minutes so moved second Mr Montgomery yes M yes EV yes mayor yes okay SOI will just take are we just going to are we going back we're going to step out and we'll be right back in about 5 minutes will there be any there was no formal action no formal action take back in the J okay you want me to turn this off I made that motion second second all in favor I I need a motion to adjourn removed second all in favor I all right and that's the end see you pend this