##VIDEO ID:6qxbYA0JgdU## is it still two nothing no I'm gonna need an extra I I thought I thought they would win today I didn't I thought they would win give me a poem about that I don't know about tomorrow I thought they'd win today and to the Bone we'd have a chance with whe on uh on game five yeah the thing is they're just not sleep so the twins are here and the twins they the same on [Music] the he looks I understand that but that's not my fault no one's fault true give me this [Music] I'm doing good how are you good Linda Oh Linda's great so she's busy with me and we're trying to oh it's it's yeah I'm extremely happy and you know there's things that are important in life sure and you don't know them until you experience okay only certain things light up when I I'm happy I'm going away I made I'm going to France on the 22nd right after convention and then uh we'll be there till about the 3rd of December but she wants to see strap for Christmas and so we're going to do that with our relatives and then than and then and then um then there we're going to hop on a train and go to uh I think it's Basel or Basel on the way to Italy spend the night and then that way go the and we're going to go see father BR we able that's where we're actually head it uh yeah I talked to him I September said so awesome so call call them up absolutely say hey we're coming yes but I tried to contact the monastery they're very they really don't they got an email they have a website but they don't get touch you know what I mean I'll just climb the Pence oh for we'll probably fly home from Naples we haven't decided you know and then she said well I really want to see I wanted to see well she wants to go to the MAF coach so we spend a few days there get two more and I said if I wasn't so busy I I if it wasn't my last meeting on I probably have no return F and come home when I want but it's okay I'm Happ yes you are you know I'm very happy with my time I put in and what I accomplished yeah good thing the man in Black is here I know Kev is jet for me to remember in our house eag not right right that's F I know he do I have you got okay well I'm always her just let you know that there's nothing I don't say that isn't H that's pretty good in another way there we go I just want to make sure this is working is this moving have am very nice get yeah two uhoh are you serious top six you sorry not read computer why is it doing that it's actually warm in here tonight ch there was there it goes all right I'm sorry no problem we're good this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law would you all rise for the flag salute I FL flag of the United States of America and to the repu stands one nation indivisible with liy andice roll call Mayor Gilmore here committee Montgomery here committee woman Evans here committee man CL here committee woman 40 here okay we have minutes of September 10th the regular committee minutes and also the executive session minutes I need a motion and a second please so moved second M Montgomery yes M Evans yes Mr clouse yes M tordy yes mayor Gilmore yes Sergeant Sant antonucci I believe you're here you have a report for us this evening hello everyone uh I have nothing to uh report uh in regards to criminal activity but we're here uh for uh the hesport Fall Festival everything went well uh without incident we're going to be at the uh trunk trunk Retreat and we'll be here for the hesport uh first responder and the Veterans Day launch in great fantastic thank you you thank you stay safe out there so we have our reports from the tax collector code enforcement Fire official construction fire department and we just had Sergeant's report I need a motion to I'll make that motion second Mr clous yes M 4y yes M Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes okay so this evening we have a few um presentations the first one is from our environmental commission and I believe we have Paula uland hi I'm Paulie yolan from 1215 Woodford Lane a resident of 30 years I'm also a Ruckers Master Garder Ruckers environmental Steward Ruckers stormw champion and uh I've come tonight to present a uh walkthrough of the environmental resource inventory and we're going to get started the ER was developed as a volunteer project with practically no cost to the township this ER replaces one from the year 2000 developed by AR and paid for by the township along with a grant that covered half of the cost since that time significantly more information has been publicly available via online sites providing geographic information system or GIS imagery the online sites include those developed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Rowan University and the US Geological Society and the US Department of Agriculture and others One goal of updating the ER was to make it more than a single compendium of figures and tables with brief summaries this ER was designed to provide the township decision makers and professionals with easy of easy accessible information and the resource for more in-depth resource we believe it can be particularly benefit new members of The Joint ltin use board Township committee environmental commission and the green team in the years to come thank you Paula New Jersey Law sanctions the creation of environmental commissions and empowers them to develop ER while environmental commissions are empowered to study and make recommendations concerning a variety of environmental land use considerations the purpose of the ER is not to make recommendations rather it provides a snapshot of the environmental conditions within hesport to inform Township decision makers and professionals the ER is a tool for the township entitles ER is a tool for the township entities including the joint land use for Township committee environment commission Green Team and public the ER is voluminous with many appendices and is therefore designed as an online resource rather than a printed document including the appendicies the ER paints a picture of the environment of hesport through the 150 figures and 11 tables in each section the narratives are intended to give the reader basic information regarding the topic and Define acronyms including the roles of agencies and and introduce the figures and tables the ER is comprised of 13 sections as listed because knowledge is itself a resource and because the narratives are not exhaustive books on each topic each section ends with links to relevant Pages where the reader can obtain additional information in addition appendix a is comprised of internet links organized by topic this draft ER is currently on the township environmental commission page clicking the link brings one to a web page for the draft ER the files currently on the web page are drafts as you can see there is a file with the er er text two files on report figures a file on the report Table and appendices a through n some of the appendices have sub appendices for example appendix B has five sub appendices including the state plan map Mount Holly qu quadrangle policy map and portions of the state plan and a map of the plan circuits in the vicinity of hesport appendix F has 21 sub appendices including one for Geology and groundwater figures a custom soil report from the US Department of Agriculture and 15 additional soil reports these are typical of the report figures which are all letter sized the figure on the left depicts open spaces and annotation to the gis image identifies the location of Creek turn park that's in the center of the left image the figure on the right depicts the de development of inhan ort between 1886 and 2020 and differentiates between lands converted from Florest in green or farmlands in yellow thank you this is a typical appendant figure and they are tabloid size if printed this figure depicts wetlands in the northern part of hesport Township the ER includes a disclaimer that the figures are to be used as general reference not intended to be used in lie of specific site surveys or Project Specific analysis these figure depict Forest cores stepping stones and carer gradients as mapped by the connecting habitats across New Jersey program run by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection the farest core the farest core stepping stones and carer gradients relate to suitable habitats and move movement of wildlife the figure on the left depicts these features within hesport the ranok state park is considered a forest core the wildlife Carters are clearly depicted along rankokus Creek South Branch and along Mason's Creek the figure on the right is the same GIS overlay but for a larger area it clearly depicts the key ecological location of hesport along the path of habitat connectivity between the Delaware River and Upstream portions of the ranus wed at this at this time the ER at this time the ER is a draft and the environmental commission is requesting comments Corrections and recommendations by November 15th the flyer handed out at the hesport wellness day let community members know that their feed back is welcome once all comments and Corrections have been received the ER will be finalized for submitt to the township committee section one includes a recommendation that the township plan for an update of the ER every 10 years in conjunction with the master plan reexaminations the ER is designed to be easily updated by anyone with simple computer skills the figures are screen captures from online resources rather than GIS Graphics so they can be easily replaced without a need for GIS experience the annotations to the graphics can be updated in Microsoft Word we invite you to look over the ER and read it in details if you're so inclined and we welcome comments Corrections and recommendations thank you for your time thank you thank you is there are there any questions if anybody want [Music] any questions okay thank you so much it's a lot of information for us toest all at once must have been hard it difficult that was a lot of work it was a wonderful job nice beautiful job okay next on our list we have the Green Team and the environmental commission Anna yeah yes uh so I was we I think were Overjoyed to learn at the end of September that the uh that hesport had in fact gained bronze level certification in the sustainable Jersey program woo and uh thank you uh and I wanted to take a minute just to recognize all the hard work that had been put in uh not just by the Green Team currently but also by past members and for and current members of the um environmental commission and others so just to talk a little bit about what went into our certification uh 70 of the 175 points that we achieved actually came from the waste management category and I think that speaks to the fact that hesport has been doing a really really good job in the recycling category for many many years so we're certainly very grateful to our recycling coordinator uh pastor and present who uh contributed to all those um activities we also had great work done in the health and wellness category by mayor Gilmore because a couple of years ago she started the mayor's Wellness campaign in Hainesport so that also contributed to a number of the points um we also got a lot of points from brownfields remediation and here I'd like to recognize Paula Costco who's done some incredible work getting grant money into hes support so that we can do the remediation at the various Brownfield sites that we've had to without it affecting taxpayers uh in addition to those though we did have some new initiatives uh Sam lovan did the Community Asset map which you can also find online under the environmental commission website uh I myself did the equity and diversity profile for uh hayport which is I I believe also available the uh environmental commission helped us uh helped us the committee and and uh the our legal representation to draft a tree ordinance that not only protects trees but also recognizes the rights of hesport uh citizens to manage their own properties um and that really is the key to sustainability it's a lot of people don't understand what sustainability is it's it's not about energy convers conservation per se it's about making decisions today that make life good for us in our current environment but also recognize that we owe a duty to our descendants and the other people who will be be living in our town for years to come so with that in mind um what I'd like to do is I'd like to ask all of the current members of the green team who are present and all of the current and former members of the environmental commission who are present to come up and maybe Jen if you could take a picture of us that would be awesome thank you very much we will be recognized officially at the uh sustainable Jersey lunch in the uh conference Atlantic City New Jersey League municipalities conference in November so come on up everybody go ahead oh we got to move the DI over the Podi ah you got to get there you go job [Applause] congratulations okay okay so third on our list is we have a presentation from Madison Capital group hi good evening good evening thank you mayor Gilmore my name is Bob baronowski I'm an attorney with the law firm of Highland the bin chyro uh in Marlton uh we are before you this evening on a presentation concerning uh block 24.02 lot 12.04 that's in the uh i1 uh zoning District so Madison Capital group is the contract purchaser uh of that of that site uh you'll see our our team behind me here is setting up an easel we'll we'll show you some renderings and plans pertaining to uh what we're about to discuss with you that this evening um this is a very shallow and triangular uh parcel it's at the northeast corner of M Highway uh and the Mount Holly bypass and uh it has been been designated as an area in need of Rehabilitation uh by the governing body uh that happened in March of 20121 uh that was resolution 2021-topcon our development proposal for a self- storage facility as the plan that would be adopted uh ultimately as the Redevelopment plan for the site in order to proceed forward as a permitted uh Redevelopment uh project and just by way of very brief background as to zoning issues so indoor storage is a perminent use in this Zone District in the i1 uh but Self Storage is a distinct defined use that is considered a conditional use in this zoning district and on this site we we we can't meet the conditional use standards which include uh meeting all the setbacks and buffers and so forth uh due to the the shape uh of the lot um so we have had prior meetings with the Redevelopment committee we had an initial design we presented and discussed um and based on some comments we received uh we did go back and do some additional work uh on the project and uh I think as you'll see we've made some significant improvements uh to the visual impact of the proposed uh project particularly with respect to the setback areas and the overall um Aesthetics but the site constraints uh really do inhibit a conforming design and impact the ability to develop the site which I think has been recognized by way of the designation of property as an area in need of Rehabilitation so I think it makes sense to for this development to proceed as a Redevelopment project and that's uh why we're here this evening before you to ask for your consideration to look at this uh development proposal um and to consider uh moving forward with it as a rehabilitation or Redevelopment project uh for uh this site so I do have the members of our project team with us I know you have a very busy agenda tonight I don't want to belabor any points I'd like to have them give you a quick overview um just present and to answer any questions is Mr shimone caner he's a principal of Madison Capital group um we do have Mr Matt kman who is our uh site engineer from bowler uh we have Mr Bill Fon who's our um architect with vizy Architects uh he created uh what you see before you at at this moment and he'll speak to that and we do have Amanda didario uh who's an aicp design from kaone planning consultants and uh she could speak a little bit as to the some of the planning topics I I mentioned to you as far as what's allowed in the site and the the the um designation of of the property as an area uh in need of Rehabilitation and perhaps the um you know how it would make sense to proceed forward as a Redevelopment project um so if I might have our architect Mr Fon just kind of give you a kind of a flyover type of description of what you're looking at here on the board and he'll tell you about his work that he's put into the design okay you should tell the truth anyway thank you uh Bill F on vizy architecture um just to give an overview most of you familiar with the site we're on the Southeast corner of uh the bypass at Mar Highway triangular site pinch point on the Southeast corner so we met with the town um got great feedback with that feedback we altered the design we actually kind of flipped the building so what we ended up with we created a colonate effect uh on the lower two levels it is a four-story building but we've designed it so that it appears as a three-story building so the lower level uh would include circulation the back of the building I'm sorry the front of the building which is set back from the road approximately 40 ft civil engineer will give more uh details on that but this allows circulation to carry underneath the uh third and fourth floor of the building uh allows us to do some things with lighting uh that can be uh pretty interesting on the building um third floor does uh come out a little bit and then the fourth floor steps back uh we used a uh cool color pet uh so we have some eephus some uh gray metal paneling some masonry and then we've got accent paneling wood paneling uh vertically uh throughout the project uh we have a couple additional uh renderings that we could talk about the site was difficult but I think we the team did a great job trying to utilize as much of the site as we possibly could so this gives the uh the understanding of how that colonate effect really pulls the lower levels of the building away from away from uh the bypass as these are all uh as you're traveling Northbound uh on the bypass um so what you're seeing there is the the first and second floor they're almost imperceptible from this view because the building is at such a pinch Point as you travel Northbound the site widens out and then the first and second floors do get a little bit larger what you're seeing there is the the light gray mass is the second floor and then the upper uh vertical uh metal panel banding is the fourth floor of the storage building we're keeping to a total uh roof height of 40 ft as I believe the ordinance would uh would require us to do so um so great circulation under the building pulls it back about 40 ft from the from the setb sorry from the property line which the property line in itself is set back from the curb line of the road uh so this is uh facing southbound uh at the intersection uh should this be adopted uh there's a lot of uh desire to implement uh some green strategies uh to use solar on the roof uh for environmental purposes uh so this corner uh we tried to Accent the actual intersection we have a chamfer uh to allow some greater visibility around the intersection so there's no no dangers there uh a little bit of glazing again more of the wood banding uh there is some entry to the site uh on the Northern side uh coming out onto M Highway uh this gives is a good visualization of of the difficulties we had with the site trying to maximize as much as possible um okay so I think that I think that covers the design um and if you'd like to obviously ask any questions about architect be happy to answer them if you like we have our engineer here who can show you how this building design that you've seen lays out onto the physical site and give you some more information as to how that works so your discretion of course mayor Gilmore well I'm willing to listen but um you're on two County Roads um so with regards to access have you talked to the county about this site I that so maybe he could put you want to put your plan up uh sure Matt and then maybe you could you want us to hand those out I can hand those out want you can speak to the question mayor Gilmore had about discussions with the c sure my name is Matt hunman I'm a site civil engineer from bowler engineering So the plan you have in front of you is the concept plan rendering um so we do have two driveways proposed we'll have one Ingress driveway and one egress so one point access to enter the site and one point to exit and they're located the furthest corners of the lot so looking at Mount Holly bypass on the right hand side of the page that's where we would have a driveway and then also um top left corner of the property on the mar Highway that's where we have another driveway we have also met with the county and we've gone over these driveways and they provide pretty positive feedback since we'll provide one Ingress point one egress point but do you have a you don't have anything in right you don't have an approv we haven't uh made a formal application we just had a pre-application meeting but um they did provide pretty good feedback and they seemed pretty acceptable to what we're proposing now with whom did you meet what was that with whom did you meet at the County uh it was it was County Planning Department so it would be with the engineers I wasn't personally on that call but it was with the planning which would have the engineer and the the planner as well when you say on you weren't on the call was it a telephone call was it Zoom wasn't in person then so was it Zoom or was do we envision full movement access in and out of the driveway and War Highway uh no we do not would that being issue May don't wor like to hear about I can't I couldn't hear the beginning whether we would have a full movement driveway on Highway well the concern is for that's a very busy road and um you know there's a lot a number of accidents that occur there as it is and pedestrians have been hit um you know so safety Public Safety is a is a huge sure that I know it's a very low impact from a traffic perspective is very low trip generating from the self storage facility but MTH want speak to that yes Self Storage is considered one of the the most quiet use least amount of uh trips for commercial industrial use um we would submit a traffic report which would analyze the intersection and our driveway locations as part our site plan application um but you know meeting with the county um since we will only have an Ingress movement and egress or one enter one exit movement right right right in right out uh they were not concerned so when the people leave they have to make a right or they're going to make a left they'll make a right it'll be a right out only and what a self storage type of use it is a Destination type of use so it it's not necessarily people driving by and saying oh I want to rent from Self Storage it's they plug into their phone they know where they're going and they make that termination no I'm you know it's close to the corner it's where I'm going and it's sure safety what is that distance there are homes across the road yes which distance sorry what is the right out to go to the mayor's question what is the right out distance from the corner the right out yeah yeah yeah [Music] out you can enter and exit from there I thought you said it was one way in and one way out right right right each at each location oh wait wait so one in right we have go through the site now okay you just said it was in sorry it's not two it's be two okay one way sorry okay and what is that distance to the corner like Mar the out the out the out the corner from the about 500t from the from the e from the egress right getting out from there to the yeah from there to the corner it's approximately 50 people so that'll have to comply with the county road requirements for those points of Ingress in the right correct and you and you spoke to the county about that they knew it was 50 ft yes and they were and we've submitted this plan to the county for a pre-application meeting was it Danielle by the way Danielle scary you recall you yes Dan williiam Sher thank you so so I have a question you described yourselves as the contract purchaser yes does that mean you are under contract to purchase this but you have not yet purchased it under contract and is that purchase in any way conditional on this site plan moving forward there's a zoning contingency on the plan right so um the property is owned by Capri Associates I believe sounds right one of the holders of Capri Associates is former committeeman Ted Costa you might not know that I just want it read into the record um because I know that there's some some residents are upset about the the other portion of land that also enriched Mr Costa that went to make the large Warehouse on the corner of Highway this has nothing to do with you I'm reading it into the record okay nothing to do with you guys you've already said my initial reaction was correct it is it is nothing to do with you but the point is my and this is a question to our our legal representative Mr glesby given that do we need to be at all careful in making these decisions given that we will once again be enriching Mr Costa who is a former committee man so I'm not aware of what his relationship is or what his whether he has an owner so I'm going to I'm going to reject the proposition that anybody's being enriched you specifically asked me that question about him being enriched okay but should we be at all careful if you determine that this is in it is in fact the case that this pass of land is in part owned by a former committeeman are there any things that we should be legally careful about in making our decisions about this land you know the the the history of this committee's approach to development of this town has been pretty consistent so uh given that he has been gone from this committee for quite some time now I wouldn't expect the committee to treat this any differently than any other one that the committee would view which is with uh great scrutiny with the kind of questions that are being asked this evening and you know the process would follow the normal process would the committee turn the screws on somebody more because they were once a member of the township committee I wouldn't advise them to do that and I wouldn't advise the ease up either and and they never have so hope that anwers your question yes thank you um I have a couple questions um the driveway could you tell me what the width is what my concern is if cars let's say somebody's car breaks down and our car is going to end up stacking back up on to the bypass like what is the width of that driveway that's underneath not including the parking spots which I see there's about seven mhm so the entrance right the entrance entrance and exit the whole the whole driveway not including the parking spots you're saying the the width of the driveway no I'm talk about if a car for some reason breaks down in the I'm going to call it the tunnel because it's underneath will cars be able to get around it like what is the width is it the width of a road is it oh yes the width of the road is 25 ft and since it's one since it's one way um that provides enough room for a car to be able to get around okay um are you doing control atmosphere I see you have many splits on the design on the roof yes okay so are all the units controlled atmosphere yes okay and that would be offset with the solar or is that just something for presentation offet no but I mean is it but you ful intend on using solar with it okay um and my other question was parking is seven parking is your parking or people stack up on the side of the road to park there on a Saturday morning when people want to clean out their you know Christmas stuff or whatever they do in storage units you know there there are eight parking spaces which is an adequate number for the size building and at that site I know there's presently a driveway entrance at the bypass there I I believe the entrance is on the mar Highway on the short side that's what I meant I meant on the mar highway right exactly there's present one there so this would be further down than the present one there yes okay okay that's all my questions thank you what I don't see is a fence and most storage places that I've seen are used um have fences around them for security and all is is that going to be offence is there fence in the plan that just didn't isn't on the plan the way we generally operate is with an access control technology meaning once you have a unit you have a code you can only get in if you have the code um I'm more than happy to put up a fence the reason why I did not put up the fence was to your concern if people had to go in put their code into the fence the traffic would then back up uh but the building is completely secure with that access control the door will not open unless you have that very specific code you get when you rent your unit it's not for the car it's for the it's for the individual unit individual walking in correct so cars can come in and it's just to go into the building itself need to cut absolutely if someone wants to cut through they they could not that they would but um yeah to get into a unit you would need your very unique code what what would you do if cars decided to cut through I mean um how would you control that with speed bumps I mean I don't see the advantage of driving through but I could also see the Allure of just doing it so yeah I think it's not legal people people do things all the time that aren't legal I'm just curious to what control let's say you you built this and you have start having you know some 17y olds that grw up in the town that are driving through and make it a you know being you know a place to gather I'm just curious we would have we would have yeah security what yeah we we would we would certainly put speed bumps we would you know we would come up with a a plan to dissuade and deter uh all those types of Bad actors from utilizing the site in in that manner and um we would we would do the utmost to to take care of because it's kind of like a tunnel and it looks like an attractive nuisance for some younger people not that I ever did it but you know yeah you looking to go park in Jerry I'm just I know old people that'll do it too why you got to call me old what's up with that I look i i p and this is a great town you seem to have a lot of great recreational spaces to hang out I don't know that I would prefer to hang out at the storage center rather than your beautiful uh Park Park you have out here and other great places you have to hang out so I'd say this wouldn't be the most exciting place in town to hang out but I mean you know I but it' be something you would address I we would certainly address it absolutely yep and and again you know we are I'm happy to answer questions we we certainly want to answer your any questions and address any concerns those are a lot of site plan issues we will deal with from a use perspective um you know part of what we are looking looking to address this evening is whether it makes sense to make this specific plan the plan for rehabilitation or Redevelopment of the site and that would be an additional layer of a zoning regulation in addition to what is currently existing which allows for industrial uses and indoor storage and Self Storage as as a conditional use which like I mentioned before you incorporates strict compliance with the buffers and setbacks which are very difficult to meet at this site so in in planning and I have our uh someone from our planning consultant who office who could speak with us from from Kone planning in the planning context if you have a conditionally permitted use in the zone so understanding right there it's conditionally permitted but by adding conditions to it if you don't meet those conditions it turns into a DV variance that goes to the zoning board where it gets treated it like a little a mixed bag it's not exactly permitted because it doesn't meet the conditions although it is a conditionally permitted use so it's a less strict standard of proof in a zoning board context but you know because of the site constraints because it's already been designated as an area in need of Rehabilitation this is why we asked for the committee to consider would you look to to this plan as being suitable to adopt as the rehabilitation or Redevelopment plan for for the site so you wouldn't be plan on this wouldn't be planned to be a sprinkler building I assume a sprinkler building yes oh it would be okay and then you would be able to control what what things stored there I mean I'm sure they by leasing absolutely yeah prohibit hazardous materials and things like that okay you've eliminated your neighbors sorry in this picture you've eliminated your neighbors in the picture or the the the the rendering yeah I I blame the architect for that the more things he puts on the pl the plan the more the more it costs to make little figures and and drawing and things um so that's just really the rendering but you can see the site plan shows all the surrounding and existing improvements on well that that last picture shows the road awfully close to that property I mean the road is close and we're trying to set back the building as far as possible I mean you get to a point you know what what what makes sense to to go here I mean you have permitted uses to go here that are industrial uses and the setbacks by the time you meet them on a site with these types of constraints the shape the the narrowness the depth the pie shape it you know it's not much you could do with the site and I think that's again the four stories high and that close to the road if people are complaining about Warehouse which sets back how far over 100 fet which is why going to be right in their right in their face understood we don't want it to be in anybody's face we tried to you could see from that that Viewpoint of the street it's pushed back you have the columnar effect you have trees and you have the setback of the fourth story even further back from the road so you know on a site with constraints like this you know we're I think the uh design team is doing their best so that's not having that kind of effect on on the visuals to the to the street does does the county doesn't the County have setback requirements for a bu not for a building so on 541 you know what would their setback be the county they do not have setback they don't have a requirement off of 541 no what is it currently at what is the setback uh the zoning setback is 75 ft right what are you proposing uh from the property lines approximately 15 ft 15 15 correct and but keep in mind the the zone to 15t to the the um to the property line along the um why don't you walk from the highway from the highway 15t clest that's the property line so the road it averages about 25 ft to the curb in the road and one thing to keep in mind with the zoning um is the underlying zoning is for a 5 acre lot this lot here is only one acre and there's no uh there's no opportunity to you know gain an additional property uh with the cemetery next to it so we're very we're very limited and the building envelope is very very tiny for the lot and the underlying uh permitted uses would never be able to fit within the setback requirements for the Zone well I think the county did that too yeah I mean owners ask that question I I've learned over the past seven years that this has happened a lot where the county or the state would come in to put in their roadway and bifurcate someone's property and leave these little corner lots and these random lots and were there ever any provisions made to the land owner for doing that I'm not I'm not sure so the county created this hardship on property basically am I looking at that right yep I know the road went through and it created a partial Cemetary down the other end throughout the state did madis do a title search yet um we have when when did the when when was this piece created I'm going to assume it came from a widening of 541 the you know the installation of 5 the bypass when they installed the bypass they went through that right was the shin property you remember when that was uh was prior to me I'm somebody in the audience could tell us cuz I know it was prior to it was prior to the one I was in high school I'm thinking it's probably in the 70s the bypass but they did go diagonally through it as a matter of fact there's a partial in front of the scrapyard that's a cemetery that they cut in half right they cut it diagonally right through so they did create that problem and it's one point something what the law area is 1.14 Acres 1.14 correct okay so just a tad over so I I have a couple questions so um you're saying it's 25 ft the width of the entrance and the exit and the for lack of a better term the drive that's that goes around that's 25 so it's basically all 20 the width is 25 the whole way around yes not including the parking places correct all right how excuse my ignorance how wide is a a lane in a Highway 10 12T probably 12T okay so this is is 25 so it's wider than a typical so one of the concerns was the car stop and they get around for some type of overflow or whatever and is that what you have in green there and in brown that's the entire property you're utilizing every bit of it right there correct is that uh the front yard set back to the building is 15 ft to the property line and then right the curb there's about 10 ft but I mean that's your whole problem you don't have any property behind oh correct is there going are there going to be fences behind there or so just the building just the building okay are there going to be trees back there or anything like that or is it property it's just you're going to you're going because you're putting it right to the end correct right okay so you you'd require a zero setback from that back property line we're proposing one foot but yes John it the bypass was opened believe it or not in August of 1986 the year before I started driving wow 1986 yeah 1986 it was opened I I always thought it was there cuz I didn't drive until it was open so you know what you get for living on the other side of 10 that's what happens when you live on a farm what are you going to do how many storage units are going to be in here does anybody know approximately 800 800 varying size yes they could be as small as 5 okay a lot of lot of units if it's concerned for traffic count with the number of units the it which is uh what the industry uses for producing traffic counts and parking spaces and things of that nature that would account for the square footage of the building and with my experience and uh developing numerous self storage in the state providing the number of parking spaces for this size building is adequate is self storage a growing industry in the in new jerse say I we could have Jamon speak to that but I'd say yes you can you come to the podium sir okay absolutely it's it's growing um there's one in belmare that I I completed recently and pensal as well um regarding the 800 units I just want to address that for a minute it takes on average about 3 years for the billing to fill up 30 to 35 units rented monthly is is about average and to the other question which one as to whether it's a growing industry oh absolutely yeah I mean it's a grow it's a growing industry um there's been a lot of Acquisitions in Industry with with the REITs um I think storage facilities have grown from 40,000 to about 55,000 over the last few years as well across the country typically study demand when you there's always a demand study absolutely I mean there's there's a good six weeks of research that go in um before an offer is even being made on this on this type of property and then there's another year of due diligence that comes in before we're closed so um there's we're certainly very careful where we're putting it um fully conent of the fact that I don't live fa and you do um and you need to look at this every day and I do not so you know again very open to feedback on how how this looks like this is a I'm sorry okay and this is a you this is you store which go g store GH store so that's different from you store correct yeah GL I asked okay they all have a store box in it somewhere okay um I know you have more things to do this evening and I don't want to take up much more of your time um I would if I may ask our planning consultant just to touch on briefly whether this is a consistent Proposal with your master plan with the Rehabilitation plan designation if you you uh would indulge me on hearing from her if you'd like can we sort of kind of w absolutely she's here we've got the hurry up sign yes I'll keep you brief my name is Amanda Dario I'm a lus planner with Kone Consulting Group um I just want to touch on a few important points um everybody already kind of went over most of my Spiel so I will save everybody the repetition appreciate it um as we know it is a IR regular shaped lot there are a number of permitted uses that are actually permitted on this lot um we believe from a planning perspective that this use um in the shape of the lot it actually lends itself to self storage facility because of the narrow and long configuration that uh self storage facilities usually are um in planning we're always trying to find the highest and best use um so as the township is already um designated this as a part of the rehabilitation area plan we know that the township kind of has an idea that they want something here we're just trying to figure out what as this is a permitted use conditional use in the underlying Zone but it's not a part of the rehabilitation plan that's what we're trying to accomplish here um so we're trying to accomplish this because we believe that it will further Implement um goals and objectives of the Redevelopment plan and the master plan um just from the Redevelopment plan one of them is encourage Industrial and Commercial development that will provide jobs and rable growth for the township of hesport um currently the site is vacant so it's not generating much um promote the ReUse of vacant and or abandon sites by embracing smart growth practic practices of directing development towards existing developed areas and then from the master plan goal number three promote beneficial economic growth development and renewal for all res resents of New Jersey and to balance the needs of residents visitors and employers to provide a variety of land uses so essentially we will be providing a necessary use for any potential multif family or residential development to come thank you thanks M any questions I just said and I don't know who can answer this um one of the things is that it's four stories and I and I get it that you're trying to make it look like it's not which is very creative but it still four stories does it have to be four stories could it be three or is that just not make it work speak to that you want to speak to that considering what we're doing here so we're essentially missing half or a good portion of the first and second floor through with the drive-thru so if we eliminate the fourth floor it makes the project not viable okay thank you so without full County approval is it worth it for us Mr Gillespie to um you know it might be might be helpful for I would say maybe Scott Taylor to follow up with Danielle scoler okay and get some input from the County uh on their thoughts about this not suggesting that any misrepresentations were made I mean accept what you said um I don't know if that was an hourlong Zoom meeting I don't know what was shared I don't know what they saw um but certainly before the township committee goes down the path of considering whether or not it wants to consider a Redevelopment plan for the site given that it sits on two County Roads right right uh that's probably not a bad idea to have Scott reach out and see what he can find out okay and we can see what else we can get to by way something more formal from the county um as an outcome of our pre-application meeting um but certainly I would I would be I would be good with Mr Taylor contacting the county so to get that information uh directly as well get the County's U feedback and I certainly understand the committee would take this under advisement I think you know we're we're not um we we understand uh there's a process here and uh we're happy to continue to work with you to engage in that process thank you I appreciate your understanding thank you and thank you for your time this evening thank you folks thank you does this go to the join lamb news board next or would this go no you would have to no you would you would decide whether or not you want to consider a Redevelopment plan for the site and then you would authorize Scott uh and uh staff to work on that okay um if you we're comfortable that the plan that came back to you for your consideration and there's a lot of input with the with the developer as well I mean you know the there's no sense having a Redevelopment plan that ends up being not workable if you want to move down that path but you know that's months away uh and once you're satisfied that that plan reflects how you want the site developed uh you would introduce it and then refer it to the to the planning board there yeah wouldn't be this yeah are you are you um the administrator asked a good question are you contemplating a request for some form of tax incentive I I don't think we would be seeking any type of incentive other than the ones that are already available as a as a result of designating uh the property as being in an area in need of Redevelopment so so the only the only tax incentive that you could consider for a rehab area is a fiveyear so I'll repeat the question are you contemplating requesting a five-year tax abatement under that statute I think I'd have to speak to my client to confirmity he seems to indicate uh that is not part currently a consideration I saw is it shimone Mr saw if you don't mind me saying your first name I saw shimone shake his head no when he asked that question so um take it take take that for what is thank you you may want to stay around for a little while um because coming up next is comments from the public and people in the room may have questions we we would we would certainly do so thank you may Gilmore well well well taken thanks again everybody for your time all right thank you so we're now open for comments from the public agenda items only comments are limited to 5 minutes we have someone yes Mr Hillman all right Steve hman 308 comberland AV north comberland um I totally object to this plan it was enough that they stuffed that warehouse in there where it didn't belong I happen to live over in Claremont and every time I come around the corner I see this monster on MAR it's still sitting there empty now they're going to put a four-story building up on the other side of the road it it's like putting another Thumb in our eye down there it's it's just not right and as far as the solicitor saying that Ted cost is enriching by this has nothing to do with it it certainly does to us maybe not to you since you're a contributor to the Republican party but it me matters to us that's all thank you anyone else in the room yes ma'am metha loveman 2514 Creek Road um as a commercial site um besides for the building uh would this I'm assuming self-service building be used in a way that we can hire any residents either in hesport or around hesport to generate more money into our town or is this a strictly self-service where no one will be there and the only income we may see as a town is is the taxes they pay so I don't know if you well at this at this point I think it's public comment so if you want to come back to the applicant afterwards and ask any of them to address the comments I think that would be appropriate but to get back and forth now is probably premature right I meant for them to sit to listen to see if there was any comments and questions yes ma'am Janice Janice Len 14 Heather L um I just have some questions I appreciate that you asked when does it go before the joint land use board um I appreciate that they're putting solar on top I think that's a good thing I wish all the warehouses were required to put solar on top um but looking at the site plan I did not see any um accommodation that's currently empty where is the water on all this new impervious surface going there's not much land there to begin with um I don't see how they're going to meet any of the storm water guidelines that are in place so I'm just something to consider for that and um I realize the odd shape of the lot you know it's a shame Starbucks isn't there so um but anyway that was my thought thank you thank you yes Paula hello Paula 12 wford Lane kport I have a couple questions to the applicant is there any other building in Burlington County that looks like this I don't know they'll answer the questions l a little later after everybody's th um and is this space or this lot not going to have a sidewalk doesn't appear to okay I'm have two requests for the applicant I'd like them to consider night sky lighting that there's no light fixtures that that shoot straight up into the sky this is for the birds to help them with their migration and I know it's only one building we have we have many buildings that don't uh consider this at all so you have to start somewhere you got this would be a great place to start and the other thing I'd like them to consider is it s it looks like the building is surrounded by Arbor Vite and I'd like them to consider some native plants thank you thank you yes uh uh good evening Robert mode 202 Lumberton uh I actually have nothing to comment on this I wanted to ask Anna a question regarding the uh bronze certification going forward can you share with us uh now or as soon as possible what's the next step how do we move on from there thank you I'll address it later thanks Bob anyone else in the room no comments anyone online no now hearing no more comments I'll close public comment and go on to the consent agenda resolutions we have looks like five resolution 20241 144-10 through 2024 the I have some I have some questions I think I think if there you want to withdraw you want to ask it to be pulled and added to uh Section 8 or just or do you want to just wait for a motion a second and then a question on the motion I I didn't hear that second part do I or do I want to you can either um let the motion be made and seconded and then you can raise a question on the motion and ask the question at that point or you can ask that it be pulled from the consent and added under um section eight of the agenda yeah I I can uh yeah I don't think we need to pull it I okay all right so then i' wait for a motion in a second then can I make a motion please I'll make a motion on the consent agendas a through e do you have a second second question I have um on the on letter e number 10 or 14810 the inactive liquor licenses so we have five liquor licenses now in our town this is number six and as far as I I know this this has been inactive for 20 year has it been 20 years I don't it's been a long time um um and I'm concerned about our losing the town losing this this pocket license I guess because it's been active for so long um is there something that we can do to have I don't know whether I don't know whether the town buys it or whether we can encourage someone to utilize it in a different way I I I don't I don't understand how the process works for it it just would be a shame to lose this it's been inactive for 20 years I just to see it inactive have a lot of growth a lot of Development coming up especially as you enter hesport um where the old Wawa used to be over our you know is there something we could do with that um I don't know what the process would be John so I don't know if I'm asking you or or who no no it's it's okay um I'm just asking PA of questions one is it the old flows and it is yes yes two um are we over our limit are these all Quote grandfathered pre statutes and she said yes I believe they are yes which only underscores your concern that you don't want to lose it um so as to the rest of your questions um I'm happy to look into that and get back to committee but I don't think that should hold up yes agreed yep and I didn't I didn't mean it to but I I just don't want to lose it I mean I think that could be really helpful for our town um we're a small town we have five that's six and it's Let's uh let's put it to use sure and if I can just add to that um so this is this has already been approved this is just a formality ABC sent me an email requesting that we identify in the resolution that this is actually an inactive license and that was not done on the resolution that you passed every June abely um they wanted us to ensure that it was stipulated in the actual language of the resolution that this is enactive so by remedying that default we're present I presented this to you again for consideration yes secondarily to that the state did pass a law recently uh with regards to these in-pocket licenses can now be sold to contiguous municipalities so the owner of this can sell this to mount Laur yes but it would have to be a a collaboration and dis you know discussion between the receiving and the sending municipalities um but that is another opportunity for ler loss in the in the town so happy I asked the question thank you Mr CL yes u m tordy yes M EV yes M Mony yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 2024 4-1 49-10 appointed the clean communities Grant coordinator I need a motion in a second so moved second M py yes was that Mr CL yes M Evans yes M Montgomery yes mayor Gore yes congratulations yes thank you Jen resolution guard Mo a second second Mr Montgomery yes Mrs py yes Mrs Evans yes Mr clouse yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 20241 51-10 establishing compensation for the qpa by Jano Township through its shared service agreement I need a motion in a second so moved second uh Mr 4y yes Mr CL yes M Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes and may I ask uh mayor to amend the agenda to add a resolution that I failed to include that is my fault um it would be resolution 20241 52-10 accepting performance bond and inspection escrow for hesport family apartment just know that this isn't necessarily required but we do this as a formality and as a method of ensuring that we're staying on course and are organized absolutely so we need a motion to amend the uh agenda to include mine's on there because it's on our agenda on your agenda but it's not it was not on the published agenda I updated yours but what was published okay and I'd like to make a motion that we add this resolution I'll second that M Montgomery yes M Deans yes Mr clous yes M Gordy yes mayor Gilmore yes so now I offer you resolution 2020 make a motion 15-10 Mr CL yes Mr Montgomery yes M EV yes 4 yes may yes okay we have some business licenses to approve need a motion and a second I'll make that motion second M yes Montgomery yes Mr CL yes M yes mayor yes okay we are now open for comments from the public on any subject you wish comments are limited to 5 minutes anyone in house yes sir score I good evening Joe Shy three else on our drive I'm going to start with a quotation the issue today is the the same as it has been throughout all history whether men shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small Elite any question any uh answers thoughts as to who said that did give that man $5 okay now that was Thomas Jefferson well over 200 years ago all right well there are two bills pending in Trenton as we stand here tonight that deserve a very close scrutiny because they deal with those exact issues all right assembly Bill 1884 is an act concerning Health misinformation and supplementing title 45 of the revised statutes I'm going to read from the statement this bill establishes the act of disseminating misinformation or disinformation by a healthc care professional as an act of professional misconduct subject to disciplinary action skipping down misinformation means any health related claim of fact that is false and contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care all right think about those terms who defines what is misinformation who defines what is the standard of care the standard of care has has evolved over centuries and Millennia Once Upon a Time bloodletting was the standard of care and it took an English physician and a French doctor in the mid 18 early to mid 1800s to challenge that all right it was treated for everything small poox and other things I have written comments that I'll submit in the next day or two logical conclusion let me read verbatim here we really can't afford a repeat of the covid-19 debacle when the politically and financially captured medical establishment sought to punish an otherwise cancel doctors who successfully treated patients through combinations of existing inexpensive medications that had been proven to be highly effective and less dangerous than the covid-19 gene therapy injections that injured and even took the lives of young and old healthy and Ill some of whom I'm sure you know as personally I do logical conclusion assembly Bill 1884 should be opposed there's a companion bill on the Senate assembly Bill 4453 is prohibits application implementation or enforcement of policies and rules established by International organizations in this state this bill would prohibit the state of New Jersey all departments boards commissions and so forth from applying or enforcing policies rules or regulations as a result of an international organization two weekends ago on September 23rd the United Nations met in New York City and adopted the international Health regulations and The Pact for the future so second question was anybody aware does anybody know about the pact of the future that was agreed to by the nations of the world all right minimal minimal coverage all right but this really sets a blueprint into motion on topics that we've discussed before or I've addressed before in this chamber which is world government and it's World Government via Health Care cultural Norms social norms these are going to be standards of care and especially to implement them they are focused on tracking individuals vaccine passports and especially most especially restrictions on freedom of speech and just tonight when I was checking my phone there were two live streams today one was doctors are afraid to health professionals are afraid to speak or scared to speak and the politic the other one was the politicization of America's Health Care system so I would ask you respectfully and everyone in this room to support assembly 4453 the second one and to oppose assembly 1884 we have to do this to maintain our sovereignty and our constitutional republic which is not a democracy as we all know and contact senator tyer and assemblyman teresi at 856 8117 2143 and assemblywoman cats at 60985 2397 if anyone would like written uh the written comments that I have here that go into a lot more detail feel free to contact me with the subject heading remarks at j s c i u l l I gmail.com thank you for your time thank you Joe thanks [Music] Joe anyone else in the room wish to speak anyone online there is one person online no comment nope that being said would you no we have someone in the back one oh all of a sudden okay come forward be heard what come forward and be heard your name and address please okay hi I'm Heather brof one Well's Court hesport obviously um sorry I'm really nervous public speaking so just bear with me um I came because um I Heard on through Facebook about the township um needing to shut down the EMS service and um then after I saw an anonymous poster asking is this true is this true and like a bunch of people speculating um I was like okay I don't know if it's true um and then I saw that the township posted a statement that it had um but I was hoping that if I came to the township meeting that I might be able to get a little bit more information about what it means um like going forward because I this is the first time that I've lived in a town that has volunteer services so um I got the sense that Lumberton would be covering us but he didn't really understand if that's a temporary situation or a permanent situation and I wanted to know how I could get an understanding logistically of how it works to have another town C cover our town because um I was just kind of thinking like if two situations occurred at once or if the town that covered us was busy with something like then what happens and so I just kind of wanted to get a sense of how handport is covered and what the plan is for the future well nothing will change for you you'll dial 911 right okay and and you they will respond I'll address that in my comment PA stay here or you can sit you can stay whatever whatever you're comfortable doing thank you thanks yeah that's what I told her Mrs Costa are we is our public comments closed or no but you want to address that and I'm speak I think I'll wait during my report okay that's okay with you she's going to respond okay I will in a little bit would you like to someone from the uh group want to U I think that address comment closed or no well there there's no more public comments so I figured they can speak now before I close it all I think Bob mod had his hand up he spoke already no Bob mod he had his hand up just now he already spoke no I thought he was wait he was no no no no I was pointing no you were pointing her out he was pointing her out okay yeah yeah so thank you if you'd like can address our the I can give you response to the comments we received with regard to our uh discussion I think there was a question about well first of all I want to confirm Mr gaspie correctly saw uh my client shake his head no so we're not going to be pursuing any uh tax abatement that would be uh otherwise available to a rehabilitation project so that's that's a no um there would be uh two employees per shift um at the facility um if it is uh goes forward and it's developed uh we would also seek to uh bid uh put out bids for local you know construction uh local trades to uh to work on uh the initial uh construction of the of the facility if if it does go forward uh storm water management would be handled through uh underground retention uh so that would that would have to be done in that manner but there would be a provision for that certainly um any other buildings that look like this in Burlington County not aware of any it's a pretty unique design given the unique uh features uh of the site um some of the architectural features that you saw in the design are commonly utilized techniques to achieve those um effects as to the visual impacts but all put put all together in that way I think the building would be one that would be um unique um couple other things that were questions we got side sidewalks or dark skylighting the Landscaping uh species for plantings we'd certainly be willing to look at all of those uh issues during um the site plan process process and work with uh your land use board professionals on all those things uh to their satisfaction so I think that covered everything unless if you think there was anything else um that I missed I'm happy to talk about it Noe I think I think you covered it yeah okay great thank you so much again appreciate it okay so now all comments are closed and we'll have comments from the administrator thank you and I do I if I can go backwards I actually did I made a mistake that resolution was in fact on the agenda initially it was resolution 15310 which is the second payment to the hesport fire company corre that was what I intended to add to the agenda my apologies so 2024 13-10 authorizing a partial payment to the hesport Volunteer Fire Company and that would be payment number two in the amount of $30,000 okay so we need to add to the I make the agend I make a moot motion to add it second can we do an all in favor all favor I I so now we offer up resolution 2024 d153 d10 I motion motion okay now we'll go with comments from the administrator okay people will expect their government will protect them we are committed committed to doing our best to ensure that hesport residents are receiving the services that they expect and that they deserve as the administrator I have the great opportunity to be a part of the hesport community its improvements growth and changes running parallel to this the residents have the right and privilege to be critical hold government officials accountable and demand better we too have the same expectation of our employees professionals as well as our volunteers the unique of working with volunteers is that they have the utmost support of its community and local government officials while at the same time must provide their time and service that rises to the demands and expectations of today we have unwavering respect and appreciation for the hesport Emergency Squad its history within the community lifetime members and volunteers while we seek understanding we will never truly know the amount of personal sacrifice and level of commitment that the volunteers have given over countless hours and even decades that Legacy will be preserved and honored as such I want to outline some important facts that led to the decision that to retain the two municipally owned ambulances assign Lumberton back onto the first dispatch grid and reconfirm that Mount Holly America and Mount Laurel will continue providing Mutual Aid EMS response to the hesport community I want to First acknowledge that I should have provided Ed more detailed information to the residents when the ambulances were retained I chose to convey only that the emergency response coverage was not disrupted on that day the public statement that we posted the next morning should have been provided immediately I apologize for that and I thank the hesport emergency squad for their well-written social media post I will start with the beginning then the end and then the most pertinent facts from the time frame in between as the public is aware the township hired the public safety Institute group in 2022 to conduct an evaluation of the current level of emergency Squad operations issue findings and then make recommendations the PSI team are seasoned Chief officers EMS managers and technicians and are well respected in the fire and EMS Community throughout New Jersey the findings and recommendations were such that the township commenced Communications and meetings with the EMS leadership over the past 2 years we disc discuss the findings and courses of action being taken by the squad and the township to make improvements on Saturday October 5th it was reported to us that a serious incident occurred which a hesport EMS officer and possibly two other volunteer EMTs violated The public's trust their relationship with both the fire service and the township and Municipal resources entrusted to them we looked into it and determined if to be credible information after careful consideration we acted and I personally called the newly assigned Chief and informed him of the removal of the rigs I also called several long-standing members and spoke to them directly from 2022 until last month our mutual Aid Partners responded to anywhere from 20% to 76% of the calls for service in hesport during the first half of 2024 45% of the calls were handled by another agency the EMS report for this past August from the chief at that time who has since resigned reflected a 40% response or 60% handled by another agency almost every in-house surrounding agency with 24-hour assigned Duty Crews respond to 100% of their calls actual re EMS response times reported had been Guided by a lot of variables so response times had been affected it was evident based on the many years of financial information received tax filings and reports and the PSI studied that operations of the squad was on a negative trajectory there were some training concerns there were some decisions that were made unilaterally unilaterally by prior administrate admin administrations within the organization of of EMS to change the grid to unilaterally remove Lumberton emergency Squad off of the response grid regardless of geography of Hainesport there was no evidentiary reason why this decision was made America Mount Holly located on Mill Street in Mount Holly was deemed by them to be the first responder for all calls in hesport regardless again of geography they also have a contract to service a portion of Springfield they have 1 Ence they too fill for service this is one instance where the local public contract law was ignored and the law is there to protect the taxpayers hesport EMS while a nonprofit is indeed a taxpayer funded organization we want to preserve the hesport emergency squad's Legacy within the community and not allow the last couple of years to overshadow its strong history as a volunteer organization it has done a tremendous all volunteer service to the resident since 19 1956 hesport like numerous towns throughout New Jersey and the country has struggled to continue providing an all volunteer emergency Squad effectively and efficiently it is not sustainable in today's world the health and safety of the residents of hyport is our number one priority I invite any Resident to come and meet with me to have a continued Dialogue on the matter I will be more than happy to discuss specifics and more detailed information in a private meeting we will continue to work with the members of the squad to ensure a continued positive transition we will begin working on a permanent provision of EMS Services over the next couple of months until then hesport Mutual Aid Partners will continue to cover our town as has been done for many years thank you thank you thank you Pa thank you Mr gesp and just two things one you know there's been discussions and the economic development advisory committee has met with um the owner of the property at the old VW site and it's struggling and you know we had the proposal from psng um which is not going anywhere it doesn't appear and so would the committee be interested at the expense of the owner of the property through its escr uh account in putting out an RFP it isn't an area in need of Redevelopment or rehab I can't recall which it is we've done that in the past where the town has put out an RFP and basically the the market the industry says to you this is what we see going there we would be interested in pursuing the following development of that site right government doesn't always know where the market is for different properties and so it might and and they're willing to to let you do this I mean I've talked to their attorney about this um and I've told him that it'll come out of their escrow account the taxpayers pocket um but it's worked elsewhere where the governing body simply puts out an RFP identifies the property says what the current zoning is but invites proposals for the Redevelopment of the site you're not bound to anything you get these proposals it it it enlighten you and the public as to what the business World sees going to that site and if you say well we don't agree with the business world then that's the end of that right but it may spur I mean that site has been empty for how many years right which site is this VW um across from the aaha across from the across from the W and maybe that would be a great spot for that pocket pocket liquor license who knows who knows right so who knows are you buying it license Che so if you're okay with that I would ask for a motion that you authorize staff uh and I would include Paula myself and Scott in that and whoever else as well in putting together something um that would go out um in a in a notice to newspapers and we would send it to different you know real estate companies and that kind of thing and that would come out of their escrow not our yes yes I mean I'm in favor of it it's just like we're not B the own bound to anything other than putting it out there to see what the what the business World him an idea of what conduct the process then I'll make that motion I'll I'll second it I think that's I great all in favor hi thank thank you um to go to your point about maybe that's where the license yeah no no no no no I just I just want to respond to the gentleman about I may not care who the individuals are who are involved in some of these properties in town but he does and I respect that but understand this suppose a former governing body member a former planning board member a former environmental commission member somebody who was involved in this town came to you in a few months and said I could bring a Capitol Grill there or I could bring a PJ wellan there so I'd like to talk to you about redeveloping that site for something like that you know individually you all come to this table on a ballot with an r or a d after it right so individually you know you you you may have those concerns about who that person is but once you sit up there your your duty is to evaluate things as to what's best for ha support right so while the gentleman May care about who the individuals are and what the person personalities involved are governing body has a different responsibility and a different charge and that charge is to evaluate suggestions proposals applications fairly without bias and and with the eye towards espcially with this Redevelopment where you have a great deal of discretion as whether you want to do it or you don't want to do it the issuance of a license whether you do it want to do it or you don't want to do it it's without favor it's without prejudice it's what's best for handport so that's what I meant when I said it doesn't matter who it is it's what's in the best interest of hesport and that's the charge that the governing body has that's different from maybe individual members of the public thank you thank you thank you John Mrs Zin all right okay so firstly I want to respond to Bob who asked me thank you Bob for the next steps for the green team as regards to sustain Jersey so the next step onward and upward is to start working towards silver certification now this is not going to be as easy as it was for us to get Ron's certification we need to get 350 points we currently have 175 and we need to fulfill another priority action I don't want to get into the weeds but that part is not going to be a problem thanks to the wonderful environmental resource inventory because once we have got that approved that will be another priority action and another 25 points so now we only have to get another 150 points um and we have some plans uh I again I don't want to get into the weeds but don't worry the green team will be busy okay uh other things over the last month I attended the burington County outstanding women's Awards reception on September the 17th it's always wonderful to see so many deserving women get Awards in our community I attended the meeting on September the 26th with po onx which uh that's the company who's going to be digitizing our Municipal documents sounds a bit dry but I think it's going to be a step forward for us all I um went today on a tour of the County Recycling Facilities in West Hampton with our wonderful recycling coordinator and uh found that very interesting uh so I talked about that on Facebook if you saw that I'm looking forward to clean up day which is of course this coming Saturday and also the trunk and treat which is the following Friday thank you all for coming it's wonderful to see so many people taking interest in municipal government thank you Mrs Tori um yes first of all I would like to congratulate the Green Team and the htec on their um sustainable Jersey certification thank you very much for all of your hard work um a comment on the property that we were discussing I do just have a concern that like everybody's going to be moving out of M Highway and making a right so that goes down into the residential area um I'm concerned about how much traffic do you think that would if you can figure that out in your studies how much traffic will it really be on a daily basis because I'm picturing people having to go down into that neighborhood and turn around somewhere and comeing back out Mar Highway and so and that respect I am going to be very interested if anybody else from that area over there would like to come and give our comments I would very very much like to hear them okay so just to keep that in mind um but thank you I think it's a good good idea if we can make it work for everybody for everybody okay so so much has been going on I would like to congratulate all those that worked on their e Chronicle newsletter to Liz and everybody who um contributed to October newspaper is very well done lots of information in there um as the AIS on to the recreation committee there's so many things I'd like to bring up but first of all I'd like to congratulate congratulate the ladi's auxiliary on your spaghetti dinner was very well organized and we really enjoyed it congratulations to you um the Fall Festival the well mayor's Wellness Day fall festival was huge success so thank you to Leela and to Donna and Sue and everybody who contributed to that day um it's very well attended I I I hear thousands of people came yep okay so we have a community cleanup day on Saturday trunk Retreat on the 18th on the 19th we have the State Park tour led by John Anderson um and that's going to go from 9:00 to 1 1:00 in the afternoon we have the the um Halloween house decorating contest judging coming between October 18th and October 20th the prizes will be awarded so I hope a lot of you participate in that in November coming up we have our hesport historical walking and driving tour on November 9th from 11: to 3: so you will meet over at the Kenneth Street Station pick up your booklet walk around and see different areas we will have 10 markers of significance regarding our past history so you will be able to walk around a few of them and get in your car and drive around town and uh Donna has told me that nine of the markers are approved and one more almost approved so we will be looking for them all over the town and on November 11th we will have our veterans lunch and um and I like that day that's the day when we will honor our veterans with a nice special luncheon for them um so I believe that's all set except for today Stein's Pharmacy they um offered free vaccinations for flu shots today and they had 15 to 20 people come and they were very well um attended and they were very well um very appreciative of us organizing that for them so with that said I'd just like to say God bless you all God bless hayport God bless America thank you um I think committee woman much said it all I know it didn't leave me nothing but it's all good but I I I have to tell you Wellness day um the mayor Donna Casey the staff did an excellent job as always and it's always great to look forward to was very well attended so thank you all the fire department they're justplay everybody it was just grandp bubble there a whole bunch of people I liked it this even the snake guy was great I like the snake guy you can tell me about the first spond dinner on the 28 oh you can First Responders dinner on the 28th yeah so but thank you all for coming it was great thanks thank you Jerry okay Mr Montgomery so Echo the uh Wellness day U great job um as a father of four my wife and all the women out there I'm um wearing my pink ribbon tie in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month um and although I didn't have a whole lot to do with it um as as a member of the environmental committee I'm just very proud of the um environmental resource inventory that was done and um led by guy hessle he doesn't like being noted for these things but just uh just a phenomenal phenomenal job by him this is a highly professional Dynamic inventory which can be updated online um and uh just our little town is we wow it's just awesome so I hope you all go to the site and look at that so uh just wonderful so uh thank you guy for your your leadership and work with that and the whole environmental committee great job um it I just was read through this booklet we get a booklet of things that come out and in it there were a number of people that were complaining about dogs defecating on their lawns I like okay so we responded and then the one person responded back to the code enforcement officer and said okay I will no longer walk my dog near that person's property not the point not the point the point is you carry a doggy bag and you scoop Up After Your Dog that's the point and for all these things it's like you got to be kidding me really we're still doing this so why am I mentioning this because someone has to say something so I'm going to be the one to talk about the doggy bag okay so there we have it um I'm happy that there John thank you for looking into this pocket uh liquor license and if there's something we can do I love the fact that we're going to do an RFP for that spot that is many times been uh referred to as the gateway to hesport and would really love to just get something really super there um I would love to be involved in that however I can um really all over that I also want to thank all the volunteers in hesport um just through all the years um they've done a Fant fantastic job and continue to do a fantastic job and it's a shame what has happened um it it needed to be done um and um I just really appreciate all the volunteers everywhere not only in in the the emergency Squad in the fire department but all the sports and the youth leagues and everything else and um and all the work that the Committees do which is all volunteer um so um great great job uh clean up day is in two places right this week weekend it's at the street building and it's here so this one is at 7:00 a.m. and the other is at 8:00 a.m. so make sure you look at that little card you got it's also posted on the website I can tell you but you'll forget so check that out to look at that and um other than that there's more cards in the hallway ah and there are more cards in the hallway if you need a reminder thank you mayor so I'm going to be a little fungible this evening um which which is not unusual for me um however we received a letter from uh the burough of Medford Lakes um you'll remember last meeting we had uh donated the Flail Mower and they were greatly appreciative of it and um thanked us for our shared service gift that uh they had received and they will continue to take good care of it didn't they buy it for a dollar [Music] but can I add to that do you know that did you see the email that they put a plate on it in memory of J Jones no I did not oh good that was Jay's favorite piece of equipment to them did not know that so we held on to it for this long for obvious reasons but they they put a gold plate on it and Grave that says that on there so oh that's so they truly truly appreciate it so then we need to send them thank you know for that's awesome and in and in L of that they made repair to our Leaf machine graus oh very nice very nice paid forward that took got me all discombobulated um I also um wanted to make note that the hesport commun um the chronicle that is produced by Elizabeth Gallagher mentions a spotlight on the sustainability of Hainesport very nice uh article and um thank you Elizabeth she does a fantastic job you're here yep um the walking history October 19th the signs are in the back of the room right now they're getting ready to be put up fingers crossed um and um we received notice from the county uh with regards to recycling efforts and I'd like to congratulate the community of hesport um we have saved um over 30,000 $3,643 with the curbside pickup and um the municipal drop off this is tip fees that we would have normally paid for these items to go to the dump dump what's the time frame that um 30,600 that's that's great I know it's fantastic well it's right here I'll give it to you that's it's over it's from January to June whoa six months yes great job congratulations that's awesome wow told you recycling is our thing it's our superp power yeah indeed um the other thing is um I too would like to thank all of our Town's um many volunteers we wouldn't be who we are without you anyway um and last but not least in the hallway we are selling wonderful holiday gifts commemorating hesport Township there are t-shirts and Christmas ornaments and light up mugs and various other things uh Flags the flags are wonderful quality this new batch and um I encourage everyone to show their hesport pride I for one have everything that being said um let's pay some bills can we also add uh res purchase order number 24- 0591 to the bill list and this is a payment to Colonial Village for the first responder luncheon which is being held again on October 28th correct in the amount of 44 4 $2.75 so added we pay some bills was second motion to pay the bills second the motion should include with with regards to adding the addition I amend my motion to include the additional payment for the luncheon I will second that motion amended motion amended motion Mr yes yes yes yes yes that being said motion to adjourn can I get a second somebody second yes yes yes all in favor hi hi