##VIDEO ID:Na3eRQFMeBI## G me first name I don't know it's I'd go for don't know that you know but so I sent an email from from the event I in I thas discuss theek he's here can oh please I just met him the other night with my friend CT and to too we went on a bike run don't how I don't know how I ever work well I'm still well yeah yeah she's all the time yeah she's doing she's um doing well enough to argue that's what I like to hear that's how you get there I work six hours today see see trying to get a job finished oh God the seat's going down want oh no I make sure you do not give Lea yes you want another of all the people I said don't give it to Lea get it my go wait a minute I got another one feel like sink yes I was going down yeah one of I think we mixed them up during that meeting yes out yeah I do joke there somewhere but I'll refrain thank you I appreciate that all right I'm ready whenever you great this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of September 10th 2024 with instructions for internet access was included in a meeting notice sent to the Burton County Times And The Courier Post on February 14th 2024 and advertised in said newspapers on 20 on February 19th 2024 and February 18th 2024 respectively posted on the website and the bulletin board in the municipal building on February 14th 2024 and has remained continuously posted as required under the statue in addition a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk I'm going to ask that everybody um rise for the flag salute but I also uh would like everybody to remain standing afterwards because I share news of the passing of former mayor Charlie Gray Charlie dedicated six years of his life to serving our Township including term as mayor in 1985 he was a true and public servant who cared deeply about our community and worked tirelessly to make it a better place at 94 years old Charlie leaves behind a legacy of service and commitment that will not be forgotten on behalf of the entire Township I extend our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones during this difficult time we are grateful for his contribution and he will be dearly missed I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the stand indivisible with liberty and justice for all can I have a roll call please committee woman Evans here Deputy Mayor Montgomery yes committee man clouse yes committee woman Tori here and mayor Gilmore here minutes we need approval of the regular committee minutes of August 13th 2024 so moved second clouse yes Evans yes yes Montgomery yes Tori yes Gilmore yes thank you for doing double duty tonight I know sorry if it seems I'm being disrespectful but it's just easier for me just to say the last names absolutely thank you cost there you go I'm here for it oh you're on deep water here we have reports to um accept tonight and we have we have sardin an tanucci here would you like to give your reports sir sure hi everyone uh nothing uh significant to report uh some uh couple thefts here and there uh tools were taken uh just a reminder to make sure you lock your belongings up um maybe uh uh Detectives suggested uh like ring cameras that will help identify some of these perpetrators um but uh that's it for uh any criminal activity nothing nothing uh major uh going on we're all set uh for uh the Fall Festival canine unit the Marine Bureau Aviation and our Color Guard will be there um and then uh just a reminder school is now in uh session this drive uh carefully and uh I can't believe the summer uh flew by but uh it's a good time of year for especially for sports fans football's back and uh baseball playoffs are coming all that kind of stuff but that's all I got thank you thanks Sergeant thank you will you be around for a little bit will you be a around for a little bit I need to talk to you so with our reports I believe we're just missing a file report Fire official report correct he will have that at the next meeting and he apologizes he's had some family issues that he's been I understand okay I need a motion in a second please mov accept and five second Montgomery yes TWY yes Evans yes clouse yes and Gilmore yes he I got to tell the last name thing it's working sry not quite used to it but okay it's like they call me that 12 more 12 I mean I could use if you have another nickname I can change it up oh we can't give you those no inappropriate you and I don't have to use mine that's right all right we digress so uh correspondents tonight I would like to formally acknowledge the receipt of the resignation letter of each Crile f The Joint land use board H was on the board for 17 years and he has been incredibly dedicated member of the board for the and for the past seven years he has been the chairperson his leadership and death of experience and unwavering commitment have greatly benefited our community we are deeply grateful for his tireless service and while his present will be missed on the board we wish him nothing nothing but the best on behalf of all of us I extend our heartfelt thanks to H for his many years of dedication and hard work we have to accept then file just no the the resignation was effective when he filed it so it's just an acknowledgement as you as you described it thank you so we now have comments from the public on agenda items only comments are limited to 5 minutes is there anyone in the room who has has any comments with regards to the agenda items do we have anyone online this evening no we don't not okay seeing none I'll close comments ordinances 202 24-12 this is the public hearing and final adoption I open it for public hearing U you need to read the title first though we'll do supplementing chapter 161 Article 2 entitled storm water control for major development to conform with the revised storm water management rules we're open for public comment anyone online no close public comment I need a motion in a second so move second Montgomery yes Evans yes clouse yes yes tordy yes and Gilmore yes ordinance 202 24-13 amendment to ordinance 202 24-9 entitled ordinance to control tree removal and replacement to reduce storm water runoff and pollutants and to promote infiltration of rainwater into the soil this is the public hearing and final adoption anyone in the room have a comment seeing none n line close comments I need a motion in a second so moved second TTY yes Evans yes Montgomery yes clouse yes Gilmore yes ordinance none online close hearing I need a motion in a second so moved second Evans yes Tori yes montgomary yes clouse yes and Gilmore yes okay we have several consent agenda resolutions 2024-25 D9 through 2024 135-9 need a motion in a second so moved second Montgomery yes Tori yes Evans yes clous yes and Gilmore yes resolution 2024369921 [Music] bankr Lane so any comments oh just to say that this is nothing to do with the storm water discussions that we had the previous meeting it's a completely separate matter and the cost of this change uh so cuz this this went up or down this is it did actually go up so that's why I did not put that on the consent agenda I believe there were there was a change order that actually decreased the quantities so I put that on consent but this is an increase of uh $591 uh which would amend the contract amount from 888745 to 9465 and again that's to macro's contractors for the Full Repair of that storm water pipe at 22 bankr Lane which yes this is the third time that this has been repaired by the township actually the first time was done by K Hoban the developer at that point the second failure was beyond um the maintenance Bond period so the township did assume that cost as well as this third time which is the final complete repair of that storm pipe um I have a comment um this is a example A lot of people talk about storm drains here's a prime example of a storm drain that serves a community across the property of the township that we maintain so I know a lot of that talk about the other storm drain was the township shouldn't maintain something that serves a community we do it all the time and this is a prime example of the township maintains storm drains that serves a community across property that's maintained by the township correct okay can I have a motion in a second please so moved second Tori yes Evans yes Montgomery yes clouse yes and Gilmore yes resolution 2024 d137 D9 approving Payment Certificate number two for storm sewer improvements adjacent to 22 bankrupt L is the uh and that's an additional money so what's the difference in that so this is so you just authorized the change order and now you're authorizing the actual payment right very good okay I'll I'll make that motion mayor do you want to um do you want to do uh 37 and 38 together because doesn't thir 38 provide for the performance for this very Pro you can do them together okay great sorry so pretty they all look pretty similar to me that's what I was wondering yeah I had I been alert I would have told you to do a b and c but I wasn't alert I apologize oh dear change of time okay so resolution 2024 d137 D9 and 2024 d138 D9 I'll make a motion to approve both of them okay I'll second that Montgomery yes Evans yes clouse yes tordy yes and Gilmore yes Okay resolution 20 this is one I enjoy really 2024-25 D9 appointing Jennifer curus as Deputy clerk move okay anybody I don't care Evans won that one second who was the second Ken or okay uh Evans yes Montgomery yes clouse yes 4y yes Gilmore yes resolution 2024 d140 D9 appointing John Fred Parker III as the school crossing guard need a motion in a second please so moved I'll second that to yes clouse yes Evans yes Montgomery yes and Gilmore yes resolution 2024 d141 D9 recognizing the mayor's appointment of a class 4 and Class 4 all class six alternative to the Joint land use board motion can I just ask they're both Bo yes time out time out time out out wait they're both fours the six is reversed it's it's a four oh okay that's why I stopped myself so it should be class the agenda it says six yeah oh so it's class four and class six no no last four and one and Alternate members no the resolution is correct the agenda resolution is correct the agenda is it's class four and Alternate members both yes can I make can I ask my question sure okay I assume that one of these is a new person coming onto the board because of 12 two new people what districts are they from I believe one is from four and one I'm not sure it's on Creek Road I'm not sure I we discussed last time we were appointing that it was important to get more representation from districts other than three and correct so I'm not really sure what side of Creek Road I believe one is from District 4 and the other one I'm not sure what the district three three I think it's on this side of one side of the road is one district one three the other side is four I mean five but just as I can't appoint people that are of a certain political party I don't I can only appoint people that have applied for the position and filled that an application and are very highly qualified so if you would like the copies of the no I I I just I'm very aware of the fact that we discussed the and I did I did the last one was from district one now I have District Four and the other person we just we think is District three right or three okay which so we are why we are taking someone that wasn't alternate and making them a class 4 citizen and appointing two new people okay so Richard Gus Bradley rises from alternate one to class 4 and we are uh appointing Richard Murphy as class 4 alternate one and Thomas McKai to class 4 alternate 4 I have a motion in a second can I make that move I have a question I have a question what about Tom do we when do we have to that's the joint land use board does that has nothing to do with this board they choose the chair thank you they choose their own chair yeah right okay good I'll second okay clouse yes Montgomery yes Evans yes Tori yes and Gilmore yes resolution 20241 42-9 authorizing the sale the flal god I remember all the buying that flare M right um to the burrow of Medford Lakes need1 second yeah for $1 I know can we do a 50 can we do two can I hear three do I hear yeah how about a nice 10 spot yeah sure there's reasonings behind the $1 there sure there is we just want them to take it right yes can I get a motion come come get it I'll make the motion thank you I'll second clouse yes Montgomery yes Evans yes Tori and Gilmore just don't say I gave away the farm it's to another municipality they have a need we have Surplus it's that's how simple it works they do help us as well and when we need things so how shared services work yep business we have an approval of two business licenses I believe I need a motion in a second I'll make the motion second Evans yes Tori yes Montgomery yes clouse yes and Gilmore yes that was quick comments from the public comments are limited to five minutes I'm ready anyone in the room open for [Music] comments anybody in the room in a hesport Township [Music] t-shir oh oh she's called out okay no seeed no comments nobody online okay I will close comments from the public comments from the administrator s here so just want to report out that the construction on the municipal and Chase Park courts began last Friday this past Friday um I believe they've completely um skinned both Tennis Courts at this point um I think they're going to work on the basket oh no they did the basketball court as well over at Chase I don't know what is next and I honestly don't have a timeline but they are aware of the safety concern so they are going to work expeditiously through this um hopefully it will be completed within 30 days um I know there's some time constraints on The Ordering of materials so that could be a time Factor if it it does get Bey extended beyond that time um on the state side of information to share with you the state health benefits committee voted um to increase our 2025 rates for health insurance again um 17.2% will be the increase to the local government employer group um so our our increases have been around that amount for the last three or four years so um I'd like to shop around again I know we did it we're only allowed to do it every 2 years um with the other health insurance program um but I would like to reach out to them and and see if we are eligible to to get a uh a quote from them a lot of people are jumping ship from the state health benefits plan because of these increases um and unfortunately what happens those of us who are left behind are having to make up the difference for that and the state employees increases are significantly lower as well as the school districts so we are have been um our increases have been significantly higher as the local government group than those two entities that is all I have thank you comments from the solicitor uh just a couple um really for the benefit of the public I should have done this earlier and again I apologize been a long day uh the three ordinances that were on the table tonight that you adopted so the public is aware we're all part of D requirements so that the township maintains it's ms4 permitting right so um nothing that was unusual except I will say and I will commend the township again with regard to the tree removal ordinance that you've adopted and that was amended this evening you're one of the few towns that actually did more than what the state said you could do you provided greater protections I think for your residents in terms of the burdens that the state's model ordinance placed on both homeowners and developers and so I I this was this is yet another effort to try and make it more reasonable uh in terms of 100% affordable housing projects right that that it would just be too costly to do so those three ordinance all related to D mandates um the only other thing I want to comment is uh about a year ago somebody announced breaking news that the township had been sued by beaking of hope so breaking news that lawsuit's been dismissed with prejudice and just to show how frivolous that lawsuit was it the the lawsuit was filed in federal court July 31 2023 it was served on the township August 22nd 2023 and the federal court dismissed it with prejudice August 29 2024 um and it was uh defended through uh The Joint Insurance Fund of which this municipality is a constituent member so that lawsuit is properly over that's all I have thank you for your help with that comments from the committee Sans uh yeah I wanted to I'm sure everyone else will too but I wanted to express uh my personal gratitude to uh age Kifer for his many years of service and I hope that he gets to enjoy man united for many more years to come big F I also want to congratulate Jen uh forus on her appointment to sorry oh I I think yeah is that better oh yeah okay sorry I have opposite problem from Ken he he projects more um yeah so I was congratulating uh H call Fifer and I also want to congratulate um denoris on her appointment to Deputy clerk she's proven herself to be indispensable which is wonderful I wanted to say something about the Kickball tournament that I played in on Saturday uh there weren't quite enough pain sport residents to play so we formed a joint team with Lumberton called Lumberport uh Lumberport won their first game 172 against East Hampton so we were in the final again against West Hampton and we went down 43 after a very hard for game uh we'll try and do it again next year was for a very good cause for special needs kids and uh finally I'm very much looking forward to the uh May's wellness and Community Day on September the 28th thank you all for coming out and see you next month I'm a little disappointed in you Anna what's that we went through years the last hundred years we were so proud of the fact that we had separated from Lumber and you went Jo Jo us back together again I mean and and and lumber was before Port hon didn't sound right ah hes pron who had more people this is T actually that oh okay well they have a lot more people than we do anyway um in reading through the ordinances getting ready for tonight's meeting I just wanted to um point out a couple things that I think is just really wonderful and it goes to the hard work of um the many residents and our staff here at um hesport we received a $63,000 grant to the fire department $1,390 grant to clean committee and Jay do gave us $184,000 for resurfacing roads and we were able to give tax exemptions for three disabled veterans in our community and I think that's wonderful so I just wanted to mention that also would like to welcome Jen on board she's wonderful like to say happy birthday to Paula um again and yeah and I would like to thank HK cifer for his 17 years of service he is just um a wealth of knowledge and information and he has said that he'll always be available for any of us who have any questions so I'm very happy to hear that I'd like to uh welcome Fred John Fred Parker as our new crossing guard and I'd like to welcome Tom and Rick thank you for stepping up to be on our joint land use board welcome thank you so much we're happy to have you okay so on Saturday the Faith Assembly Church um held their third annual free market and um for weeks and months actually volunteers collected food clothing shoes school supplies and various items and um they were able to serve over 150 to 200 people who came that day and just were able to take whatever they needed or wanted for free that's a great group over there they're doing great things for our community and I just wanted to commend them so Friday night is going to be our last event in the Park the movie will be minions the rise of Gru for all of you who want to attend on Saturday the 21st the Ladies Auxiliary will be holding a spaghetti dinner for fundraiser at 4:00 and of course our hesport mayor's Wellness day and fall festival will be on S Saturday the 28th a great event for all and our anniversary items will still be available new Flags ornaments short sleeve shirts and we are placing a new order for long sleeve T-shirts with different colors so they will all be available on that day we will have classic cars live live entertainment food trucks scarecrow contests sand art face painting exotic animal presentation as well as much needed medical information health professionals and much much more so it's something for everybody so we hope to see you all there that day so I just like to say may God bless you may God bless hesport and may God bless America thank you thank you um I just like to say um well miss h i served with him on joint new landboard he's a wealth of knowledge congratulations to Jen and I just want to say a few words about Charlie Gray uh Charlie was a good friend of mine a good friend of my father's and an exceptional friend to this Township he served as mayor during some difficult times when we had about ready to get rid of the police and charie um helped me out with some items that I needed done and I was his daughter's age actually so um he'll be missed uh he made it to 100th anniversary thank and on stage and it was uh and always a prankster he was fun and he was an avid Hunter owned an archery company he would do the uh training for your archery license and he's just a well-rounded very nice guy that was totally dedicated to this community and he'll be surely missed so thank you thank you Mr mry problem problem about going in in the end is that a lot of people say what I want to say but um no I'll cut it short um uh condolences to uh mayor Charlie Gray's family and thank you Jerry for a little more background um I was at the 100th anniversary but I appreciate that and also um I I don't know that I want to accept the resignation but from H Kifer um a good friend of mine and a 17 years on the joint L use board and seven years as the chair his in intellect his compassion his professionalism um I can't tell you how many people come up and tell me like this who is that guy he is so good um so some big shoes to fill so we'll miss you each and um enjoy not being uh up here in the public again and you're watching the soccer as uh Anna has said um appreciate the notification from Senator Le tyer and assembly Mike teresi for the 63,000 firefighter Grant and the 19,000 Grant and the other grants that car mentioned as well so good great job Paula and and our people behind the scenes on getting that and saving taxpayer dollars I want to congratulate Jen for being officially appointed Deputy clerk uh Jen consource and uh congratulations Fred Parker III on his appointment honors our new school crossing guard I can remember M crossing guard and in Garfield East in Willingboro New Jersey um and um so that's a great position want to congratulate Gus Bradley and Rick Murphy and Tom maai on their appointments to the janlo Joint land use board and speaking of volunteerism uh thank the new firefighter that's joining and also uh don Fraser is his name and also those attending firefighting class number one and two in the truck company operation class so volunteerism is alive and in color here in hesport so thank you all for um as said stepping up and and um and making the day U not just about yourself um happy birthday to our esteemed Clerk and administrator Paul cost oh Costco and um I'm glad we got our tennis courts and basketball courts resurface especially at Chase I had some people talk about that a little while ago so we came through with that garden flags new and improved look at these double-sided very nice double-sided but not double the price still $20 um get one put it in your garden before the season uh changes mine is faded so I got another one happy to give you my faded one if you want another one free um also um scarecrow competition 28th so get your scarecrows ready thank you mayor Gilmore thank you so um before I I just have a a couple of things to say but um I neglected to um bring to the attention of the people that write the agenda the fact that um the mayor's Wellness campaign um was approached by the um the uh quality Institute that they have a mental health initiative grant that needs to be filed by September the 13th for $25,000 and like I said we have contacted um a group that's willing to work with us and they have also helped us to write the grant but I need permission to do that do I ask forgiveness before yeah I think that would just really be a motion to authorize the the f of that Grant um by this Friday by Friday at 3:00 at 3:00 I should go in the motion so I would like to get a motion in a second for permission to file I have been helping you with this so I am well informed as to what is going on and I absolutely will make the motion thank you I'll second it thank you Tori yes Evans yes Montgomery well okay yes W yes and Gilmore yes so I I follow everybody else with um congratulations to everybody that's been appointed and to birthdays and to everything else and it's great sadness with Charlie and he was quite the man and um and H it's it's it's a shame that his health has caused him to step down and we only wish the best for him and and hope to be talking to him again soon um with regards to volunteers we're actually looking for volunteer singer for the national anthem for September 28th so any sing the anybody that Rick do you want to us it is a Saturday so I know a lot of people aren't available on Saturday but um just to keep it in mind okay Jerry you could do it and then on a more solemn note um everybody please remember that today is September 10th but tomorrow is September 11th yeah and we must not forget thank you thank you we have some bills to pay yes ma'am need a motion in a second pay the bills I'll second that that was a motion yeah that was uh have CL on that yeah that's did you motion it yes it's okay I don't know who's first there's like a race going on and I'm confused okay clouse Evans yes yes yes tordy yes and Gilmore yes thank you executive session resolution 202443 D9 we have some pending [Music] things 15 15 minutes 15 minutes and there may be maybe form action taken and how long would this say 15 about 15 minutes okay it would take a half an hour you know 15 minutes to 30 minutes okay so we need a motion to enter into executive session you do so moved second all in favor I I you want to take a three minute recess I thought