##VIDEO ID:-2-03g-mzy0## okay can everybody please rise for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I didn't okay okay I'm going call the meeting to order okay in the event of an emergency all people may exit right or left from this room and proceed to an exit door all doors will open from the inside the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Halon board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey record Herald News the board's official newspaper on January 10th 2024 and December 2nd 2024 notices of this meeting indicating date time and place were posted publicly on the door of the main entrance to the school and filed with the clerk in the municipality of haen roll call please Mr Abasi Pres Mr Keta Miss CAD here Mr Guzman here Mr Martinez Mr MOX here Mr Ramadan here Dr web here and Mrs here okay so um we have board member recognition at this time um and I just want to say a few words um we have certificates to present to Mr Omar Abasi and Mr Dr Nathan Webb as a small token of appreciation for their service to the haen Board of Education though these are just pieces of paper please know Mr Abasi and Dr Webb that they come with a lot of gratitude for the time you dedicated and with much respect for your expertise in education strategic planning and beyond your commitment to the board and more importantly to the students of helden public school have made a difference in our HPS Community Mr Abasi I could always count on you to ask the right questions and to discern important details in all the reports and paperwork that we as a board have to review in order to make important decisions before we vote Dr Webb your sensibility when it comes to student potential as well as setting the tone for an equitable space for students to thrive in has been invaluable thank you both so much for being part of our team so I would like to present uh I guess I I'll start okay uh okay I'll start with Mr abosi uh he is a you served for three years on the board so I would like to present this uh yeah you want to get a picture CH come here oh actually I just realized mind where should we go you tell me thank you I couldn't hand it to want to present to Dr web who has been on the fourth four years CER we and we hope to see you both around in town and at Ford meetings whenever you like okay uh let's go down to First respondence can I have a motion to accept correspondence so move okay moved by Mr MCO seconded by Miss pado roll call please Mr aasi yes M yes Mr Gman yes Mr M yes Mr Raman yes yes Mrs yes uh can I have a motion to to pass to approve prior minutes so MO second moved by Mr mosco seconded by Dr web roll call please Mr abstain Mr V yes yes Mr MOX yes Mr Ramadan yes web yes yes okay uh can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on agenda items only so second moved by Miss pado seconded by Mr Moo uh all in favor I I okay so the floor is open to Citizens on agenda items only anybody Mr Miller okay can I have a motion to close so move second moved by Mr Basi seconded by Mr mow all in favor okay moving down to reports Okay so um well we I think some of you everyone who's here was already was upstairs so they already heard this but I'm going to say it again for the record um so we just had you know a very exciting ribbon cutting for our new addition uh to the HPS School building um the space is beautiful and it's already being optimized by our prek classes and so much hard work went into this undertaking um and I want to thank again um our chief School administrator Mr our business administrator uh L Augustin our director of facilities Jermaine man um for their leadership and close attention to all the details I want to thank our and I don't I have I misplaced that piece of paper but our Architects um caravino and our Northeast construction is our construction um company who partnered with us on this endeavor and they did a great job um I also want to thank um our teachers our staff our students um and Community just for the cooperation for the patients um you know now we can enjoy all the sacrifice that we had to make over the and you know especially the students and teachers and staff had to make now we can enjoy the fruits of that labor so um you know congratulations to everybody um I'm just so happy that we can serve you know all of our prek students now no more weight list so it's um you know it's a great day and it's um a a new chapter in HPS um next I want to thank U Mr Kyle Gavin for his dedication for the past 10 years to helden Public School uh Mr Gavin created HBS stem program from the ground up and it is flourished to include um a robust Middle School curriculum that includes interactive and thought-provoking projects experiments and coursework that challenge students get them excited about learning and help them make connections between subject matter and real life applications which is exactly what we want our students to do uh we'll make sure to carry on the good work that you have begun here at HPS Mr Gavin and best of luck in your future endeavors um and then in closing you know I just want to wish everybody a happy healthy safe blessed uh holiday season um rest relax spend time with your family and friends and I look forward to the new year you know continuing to work on our district goals our board goals and um just keep making HPS better and pushing our district forward that's it for me so I will turn it over to our chief School administrator Mr WKA thank you Miss Board president first thing I want to talk about is the holiday concert we had this morning um I was incredibly pleased by how great the kids did uh they really did do a fantastic job but I'm highly displeased um that a student was able to fall from the back of the risers and I want to talk about that now U before I do I want to let the board know that we're incredibly grateful that the student is okay uh but this mishap was very avoidable and it won't happen again the first part of the issue is ensuring that this won't happen again as such I've asked our team uh to review risers that come with a built-in back guard rails that are of appropriate height for our students AG K through 8th grade we could simply order rails and install them to the existing structure but I want this problem fixed completely and permanently um as such I want to Pur a structure that's designed specifically to prevent this um and I expect to have this order place within the next few weeks um no student groups are going to need to use the risers for a couple months so even if it takes a couple weeks for us to get the uh the new materials um a new product that that would be okay the second part of it is that I was informed that a similar situation had occurred during a practice session the day before um that this happened and it wasn't reported to the administration is an issue there's no doubt about that that but it's an issue that I addressed with the applicable staff members my second item I want to talk about is uh on Saturday evening uh myself Miss Isa uh a bunch of board members as well were there George there uh and hen students and hen staff and hen community members uh we attended a service for jelle winter our eighth grade our eighth grader who passed away last month uh the service was beautiful uh and the most beautiful for me at least my opinion uh was the video tribute of her life um as one would expect the first sets of photographs were of her from her infant in toddler years uh then we started to see as she got older and many of the pictures were either taken and hailed in public um or pictures where she was wearing held in public you know clothing um and it was emotional being reminded this way just how important this place is to a whole lot of people's lives students and family and staff uh but especially students uh so I want to thank jelle's family for for inviting us uh and making us feel welcome at that type of event and for allowing us to share in in their grief during this highly difficult time I I expect sometime in late January or perhaps early February uh we'll look to work with the family and determine what the best way we could do it hailen to honor your sales life um when we lost Caleb in 2019 we had waited a few months and four months later and then we had a ceremony for him where we dedicated a bench and his honor in the playground area the year later we lost curado tragically and we waited about four or five months and we did our mural and we had a ceremony for that uh we look we're going to look to keep this pattern um and have some sort of ceremony for gazelle in May or June this upcoming year but of course we want to work with the family to find something that we think is best for everybody number three um during the upcoming winter break I've worked with our director facilities um and and we're going to be going to every bathroom to check the quality of the Stalls um any stall that's not opening all this for students any stall that's not opening all the way or not closing all the way or or squeaky or whatever those are going to be identified as stalls that need repair and then during the Christmas break week uh we're going to look to make it to that we get back this is not something we have to concern ourselves with for a while uh I got great news uh third grader Francesca D stepan was awarded third place in the Bay County poster contest uh she will receive a calendar of metal a T-shirt and a certificate from the county at a ceremony at the police academy on the 23rd uh so congratulations to Francesca and he BR Miss Tuscano for entering her students in this contest um finally uh I I want this board to know that during our reor meeting I will prepare information regarding the upcoming front door security project uh we had looked at it and then L had actually come up with a really good idea so that's going to it's going to make it even better so I'm looking forward to presenting the board a general outline on that there's still a few pieces information I need and Pat Pat's also been very helpful that so I say thank you to that but I'm looking forward to sharing that uh per Mr Gavin uh he did do a great job spearheading this stem it's sad to leave him leave uh to see him leave um he's he's he has aspirations of being a school administrator and I think he's gonna be very very very good at it and you know this is just his he's becoming an instr instructional coach was a very good pathway towards that goal so I'm really proud of it um and on Saturday this coming Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Halen is having a hen public school has a float for the annual holiday parade um it's their departing pretty much on time from Manchester at 6:30 so if you're G to come we we'd love to have you come it's gonna be cold so bundle up um but that's always always a fun night bring your kids um please and you know we'll leave from 6:30 from Manchester so that's my report thank you Mr W um Miss auson I have a very short report we didn't have a chance to meet today for the finance team but my things my items are just agenda items today on the agenda we have our annual safety grant that we are approving to accept this is a grant that we submit through our insurance company and we submit us um safety um items that we are going to be using the money for so we've already spent the money and we're just getting reimbursed for um safety supplies that we spent throughout the year this is annually that the um insurance companies encourage us to continue um making safety a priority with our school districts the other item is 13.5 and 13.6 this is also our annual resolution that we passed with the Asus um consulting company that group um bidding for gas and electric electricity for school district it helps to get the prices at a favorable amount even though that you know the price of electricity and gas is rising this is beneficial so that there's more purchasing power when we go out to bed with these groups as a whole and the last item I'm going to speak on is just our um Finance reports from 13.7 to 13.14 these are the annual um monthly reports I'm sorry that we um um approve every month and this is just a Outlook of our finances um throughout the district and that's all I have to report as far as a highlight but if there's any questions I'm willing to answer good anybody else have any questions I don't think I have any questions okay thank you Miss Augustine okay um State and County so there was a county meeting on dece December 9th a few of us were were there uh were in attendance either virtually or in person um the presentation was harnessing the power of public relations social media and technology and it was given by Dr Janette uh Janine dut she's a superintendent of schools in um North Warren Regional uh it was very good uh she discussed how a district can tell its own story through like social media through their website and other communication tools with the community um you know one of the questions that I had was you know what is the role of the board because you know as Mr Molino has you know always reminds us when we have our ethics training in January you know board members have to be careful what they post on their social media Pages or you know anywhere about the district um so basically the the response that um that Dr dut gave was you know you can you can always post something positive like if you know the school did the play or the school had a concert or something like that that's always you know okay to post um so but really it's it's the you know the district as a whole and she did make a good point that if if the district if we if you don't tell your own story somebody else will so it's the districts it's in the district's interest to tell the story of our district um you know via social media um website you know and and all the communications that Mr Mr Waka uh and the administration are very proactive about that so I think you know um we we were right on the money with with that um she also talked about artificial intelligence and um you know that's just one of those things that it's here to stay it's not going away so I think we need to embrace it um but you know we want to um harness the the positive aspects of it right we don't want it to because it it has the potential to also create problems create issues like in terms of course you know schoolwork class work so um you know that's something that know needs to be thought about maybe in the coming year that's something that we can talk about and think about you know how we're going to um leverage artificial intelligence you know to the best of our advantage and to help our students um and then the other thing she talked about was just building strong relationships with your stakeholders you know open to a communication um and that's always something that is important and it's always something that can be improved and it's always something that we should be doing and working on and I think we and I think you know our district does a good job and Mr WKA does a good job but um it's always something that you want to keep refining you know so it was a really good presentation and um I I believe we got the um the the presentation the PowerPoint so I'd be happy to forward that to the board members who weren't able to attend um I'll forward it to Lois and then she can share it um secondly there is an opportunity for educators and other members of the public to comment on the state state school state school funding law um anyone who's interested in submitting comments can register register to speak at four in-person um hearings or you can also submit written comments um so the dates the remaining dates are January 8th that one's in Somerville January 14th in Trenton and January 16th um in Blackwood New Jersey so um we've gotten a couple of emails we got an email from um Timothy Perell from New Jersey Schoolboard Association and then it's also in you know those that weekly Roundup of things that we get from njsba so if you're interested in that just look out for that uh for that email and it's not just board members any members of the public can can comment and then uh lastly you know there's always um mandatory trainings that are coming up webinars and other activities that board members can register for so just you know check your email uh and that's that's all for state and County does anybody who attended the the workshop do anybody want to add any of the board members I think um I think it was a good a good um weinar and I also like the fact how they were branding they were mentioning how the schools are like branded with their logos and stuff yeah yeah you know it's funny when you think about branding and schools because you don't usually connect those two things but it's just a m a matter of like your identity you know so our I think our identity is like the wild cat and but you also want to identify with really positive things like Student Success and um you know anything in our missions dat right like that's kind of what we wanted we want to yeah absolutely yeah yeah so thinking about branding in a kind of a more a broader way as opposed to just thinking of it in like a marketing kind of way yeah for sure um okay um so Mr Molino anything for you nothing to report okay then let's move on to our committee reports um personnel and management Mr Guzman thank you madam president um first let me just start by saying that we're losing to excellent qualified board members i' say it was an AB absolute pleasure working with both both of you um truly was I salute both of you and I'm very excited to see uh what the future holds for both you thank you again uh for your service to our district very excited about the ribbon cutting today um I don't think uh folks see how much work actually went into that project you know from the administration all the way down um so thankful to our teachers to our students to our school Community for all their full cooperation we had some minor hiccups along the way but I think it was worth it it looks amazing we've expanded preschool from started with 30 children year long waiting list so now to get to a point where there is no waiting list that is amazing it's impressive Ed and that is a testament uh to you Mr W and to this entire board to this entire School Community um I appreciate also um the support we receive from Manchester Regional High School we have our president this is but I say this bias here umz thank you for being here as well your school superintendent was here as well we appreciate your support and it's important I feel that we continue um that positive work to relationship between both boards both schools uh because it's very very crucial for our children's future um and uh President Truman once said um it's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't care who gets the credit that school expansion is a credit to everyone this in the school community and I know I always talk about the positive things but that doesn't mean that I do not fully understand and comprehend that there's still a lot more work left to do and we're just getting started I'm looking forward to our future looking forward to continuing the great initiatives we got going on um and it's truly an honor working with the whole it was a tough tough uh Saturday that we just had but again what I saw soine there is no Sil lining in that situation but saw a school community that was United so teachers saw School administrators saw board members saw parents saw police officers that's what it's all about I know that when we're down when one of us is down we're there for each other so again thank all of you president Lana Bay thank you thank you and um let's continue the great work and let's remain United thank you and agenda items only thank you Mr gizman okay uh curriculum and Technology Dr web thank you Madame President I just want to say a couple words right now my my heart is uh overwhelmed with gratitude thank you helden for this opportunity to serve for 4 years I'm just thinking back to when I was appointed January 2021 and at that point I was uh just beginning to work on my doctoral work so I felt like my time within this process as a doctoral candidate and as a board member at the same time it allowed me not only to serve helden but helden actually served me as well I was able to learn a lot in regards of policy I was on the policy committee I was also on curriculum technology C uh Community engagement just being able to understand uh the functions of a district so I I thank you all uh for allowing me to be a part of this process I I'm not gonna lie the part I'm gon to miss the most is uh read Across America Dr still inv you're still invited okay okay and I think it's fting that we're here in the library because I think Omar and I we're both down here that day together uh reading to the preschoolers so um it it's yeah it's a wonderful thing and I'm just so thankful again for the opportunity to serve and yeah I hope to be back someday soon so thank you thank you El an agenda items thank you thank you Dr okay uh policy and public relations Mr Abasi uh just a reminder I'll I'll maybe I'll say something later but just a reminder that starting in January with the new year we have the the Tor the Tor so invested in my government job the uh the virtual policy um that guideline comes into play so just a reminder to everyone um and nothing else to report on Poli okay thank you and I will be um going over that in our January meeting especially for just as a reminder to our current board members and a uh to inform our new board members you know of that new policy effective January 1 thank you Mr Abasi okay security and safety Mr Guzman J okay Community engagement Mr Abasi uh just a reminder again to what Mr waa alluded to earlier that the parade um leaving Manchester um this this Saturday night at 6:30 uh he did send an email out on the 9th um so if anybody wants to uh join the float uh just send Mr WKA no response to that email um and there's one agenda item um for tonight okay and a finance and physical plan Mr MCO um it's been so much said already but I do want to say um I've been on the board now for a few years and it's got to be probably the most comfortable I felt with board members all right you know we are going to lose two true true uh soldiers to our helded uh Community but um just praying that uh you know we can uh stay on focus on ground and what we've been working on but it's been a pleasure so um and other than that as I continue agenda items only but uh I will say that I am truly honored and um I've been gone for the last two meetings on personal matters but uh I am truly honored to be uh voted back in into this board um my goal has never changed it's uh Children First youth first and I can honestly say that this has just gave me another momentum Because by the time I have to run again I'm going to have a pre schooler start so I'm not going nowhere so uh with that being said um agenda items okay thank you Mr M okay so we already did State and County and board uh an attorney report so let's vote um personnel and management Mr Gman man' I like to move items 8.1 8.1 second okay so moved by Mr Gman seconded by m Dr Webb roll call please Mr Abasi yes Mr D yes Mr lman yes Mr Martinez I'm sorry Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr web yes and Mrs yes okay curriculum and Technology Dr web to move 9.1 through 9.7 second moved by Dr Webb seconded by Mr abas roll call please Mr Abasi yes Miss CAD I have um I have a question and a comment on for item 9.1 the mystery readers I'm just wondering if there was like a is there is there going to be like a vetting process for the people who are going to be the mystery readers so my understanding is this is going to be like the parents of of the kids in the classrooms like the parents and grandparents and relatives so the the vetting process would be you know when you walk in you still have to figure ID and they register you they they scan you against the the registered sex offender database that's the level we use for this because they'll be in it out in 20 or 15 minutes or something like that okay and then um I just have a comment for 9.4 the anti- buing prevention program um it it really sounds interesting and I'm excited for it and I'm hoping that we can bring more programs like that to the school good thank you because that one I think a group that specializes in in creating like antiviolence programming they were the ones that put that together um you I think it'll help the kids with to see 3D screens with like with the glasses on that might help increase the engagement so you know we we'll assess it and hopefully it's really good are we invited to come yes board members are now invited let's do it thank you yes yes Mr Gman yes Mr M yes Ramadan yes Dr web yes and Mrs yes oh no I'm sorry I have some questions okay okay um this is curriculum and technology so actually on the the present the three three to be presentations that mentioned uh 9.4 so that's just middle school because I read that the youngest grade they recommend the youngest grade to be sixth grade so is that just the middle school grades that are going to be participated my understanding is that's correct let me verify that and I'll email the entire for okay and then um you know they're they're going to be collecting like it's an interactive sessions from what I read there it's an interactive session they collect data like throughout the session um and then they share that with the staff and the teachers and I was wondering if a summary of that data would be shared with parents or is that gonna be so I I have to see what it looks like I guess first um if it seems something that's worth sharing I wouldn't have a problem sharing with board first and if the board thinks it's it's a good thing to share out I I just don't know exactly what it's going to look like we get back okay all right that's fair enough um and then for 9.6 um the New Jersey 4S the five week group study um so is that is that something that was initiated by umal counselor or how did that come about so I I would say Mr spado probably did the most work with this um he was the one since he was a former guidance counselor um and the you Jazelle was a middle school student um he had been tasked with you know procuring our our Counseling Services um this is uh the people that were the people from the county that were doing that recommended like for the the 20 or 30 that we identified as having having had a really hard time with with this with this loss um reaching out to their families and offering additional through the county okay so that was my next question if you were kind of focusing on certain students if it was going to be open to all the stud the first day a lot of the kids found out that morning right so we had 160 kids that receed treatment that treatment the counseling service the first morning um the the second day we kind of I think we had the 80 and then the third day it was basically that they identified who would still need more so that's kind of how we we narrow them okay I just want to say something the third the third this is the third time that I've seen Mr W and his team handle a tragedy within the school district and that doesn't include the covid-19 pmic that we as well and Mr Walk I just want to say thank you you know for leading us tragic situations I've seen it fir hand I've seen you call cabinet meeting on Sunday I've been here um and I will say this everybody's not always going to agree but I know your heart's in the right place um and I know the heart of your respective hearts of the folks in the team is in the right place as well and I just want to thank all of you because some folks may not see why a decision is made but I would hope that they understand that it's made um knowing that you have the best interest of this the children um in your mind so I just want to put that thank you thanks Mr griman well said um okay and then my last question you know the 9.7 so I was pleased to see that we're going from Steam stem to steam and I was just wondering if that was based on a recommendation or how that came about this was based on the fact that uh we had one person that life and that person was an Ela teacher uh but he started like robotics Club so we had the passion for for the subject um the a in arts that would allow us to to hire a language arts teacher that was you know really interested in Steam and then we would look to get them additional trainings for the science and the technology engineering part uh sadly that person backed out and took a job somewhere else um but since right now we have zero candidates by making it theme then I could add Ela as a person that we would consider hiring for that and right now I just need I need people to apply so I want to kind of open the the gates as wide as I can and I mean it also broadens the subject matter you know it kind of and you can make more connections you know besides just the you know the science and technology and the math and you know you can open it up to ELA so I think it's there's a lot of cool things you could do here so hopefully it gets more candidates in but right now um we're we're still at the zero Mark but we're going to we're going to keep pushing it and find you know hopefully find someone good soon okay so what's the risk if if you don't find someone by the first well we did with um when Mrs irari had left teaching she was a Spanish teacher and it took us a real long time to find the Spanish teacher uh we ended up putting a sub in the room but we hired a it's called Sarah Spanish school was based out in New Mexico uh and they had a curriculum and our kids were learning through a license teacher online and then the sub was just making sure everybody was you know doing okay for stem I really would hate to do that like that's really not the spirit of it um but we're going to hope we don't have to get too creative with this all right just keep us Post know you will if you know anyone okay so uh yeah I vote Yes okay so next and then we go down to uh Community engagement Mr aasi I'd like to move 12.1 second moved by Mr bosi Seconds by Mr MCO roll call Please Mr ABI uh yes and just a note on the holiday float uh I guess it's first 20 or on it because it's a 20 person limit so we'll make room for you Omar okay so um by oh yes vot yes Miss yeah Mr Gman yes Mr M yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr web yes Mr yes okay and then lastly finance and physical plant Mr MCO I'd like to move uh 13.1 to 13.15 Second moved by Mr MCO seconded by Dr Webb roll call please Mr Roi yes Mr BR yes Mr bman yes Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr yes Mrs yes okay do we have any new or old business M president so I I guess I'll say a few words one I want to say it's been an honor working with this group I I really didn't know what to expect when I joined the board um but I pleasantly surprised um with the experience and I hope that I serve well um and I say I preface the rest of this with saying I have nothing but love for anybody in this room um but so when about 14 months ago we passed a resolution this body did um acknowledging you know what was going on overseas and calling for a you know a ceasefire a resolution as it was greatly affecting negatively the children of Gosa um and since November not 30 days ago 395 days ago not there hasn't been a single school day for the children of Gaza so my thoughts and prayers were up to them but it was based on that and the situation has only gotten worse and worse over the last 14 months that when it time came to run for this body again and put my name back in I didn't want to be associated with anyone that was implicit complicit explicit with what was going on um So based on some of the the people that were supportive and vouching eventually coming down to the level of this board I elected to run independently had nothing to do with against my my fellow incumbents Carlo commissioner Moscow and commissioner Webb again I have nothing but love for any of you um I just you know that's what I stood for and I was unwavering in that and I have no regrets and I congratulate Carlos I congratulate uh Mrs Cerna soon to be commissioner Cerna and Mrs Johnson and soon to be commissioner Johnson I wish them nothing but the best of success and I again I appreciate the time here and thank you very much and thank you again George because George took the lead on putting that resolution together it really meant a lot to me thank you thank you Mr thanks very much president yes Mr Basi um I just want to tell you I commend you for for that for standing convictions for believe I think I think we all inspired by that I think you sent a strong message and I don't think it was done in v and again very excited to see what your future holds um and the beauty of this board is that there is no animosity I know that M that you're happy for Mr moxo and Dr web is is a you see to ey and we have that type of cohesiveness we always have and I think we should always strive to maintain that you know not get caught up in unnecessary noise just just get the business done you know again thank you so much for everything you did standing on your convictions apprciate that thank you thank you Mr um okay any any other yep so um this board did what I felt was a responsible thing in hiring a uh parent coordinator um using Federal money which essentially G no cost to the taxpayer here in held it and U I just wanted to see if uh Mr Walker when time comes as his assessing situation um what positive impact any has that position had on tremendous distri tremendous and I think it's important that the community understands and hears that and understand why we wanted a position like that how it's important that our teachers our our parents are are guided and supported um in checking how to check the real time how to L in resources for p engine and so on and so forth so I just think it's important that that we relay that message to the public uh Madam president you said something that really resonated with me that is important that if we don't write the story of our district and somebody else is going to write and uh and it's important that we let the public know what we doing why we doing it doesn't mean that we're perfect it doesn't mean that we're the best it doesn't mean that uh we don't have more work to do it's just pointing out the positive things that are going on school district and not forgetting about the work that still needs to be thank you Mr Gman and you know speaking of the work that needs to be done um you know for the year to come um we had topics that we had as a board we had you know um said that wanted to discuss so one of them was um the hiring process for and the recruitment so that one we we discussed but there's three other topics so you know I I want to make sure that we get those you know we get those on an agenda this coming year so you and I can can talk all the ones we talked about including the on that George George just mentioned those are things where you know it won't take me very much time to prepare so um you know once we look at the the schedule for next year what proove whatever dates that you want to earmark we can put a topic and I'll I could present that topic okay yeah and those are you know just general educational topics um that are pertinent to our students and you know to our district so it will be a good conversation for board members it'll be a good conversation for uh the public so I think you know it's it's definitely time well spent um okay yeah that's that's it for me any any anybody else any other uh old or new business yes Mr Madam president I'll make a motion to open up the public portion okay he does uh okay so moved by Mr gizman seconded by Mr Abasi all in favor okay do we have anybody in the public that would like to address the best part best part your name your address Bush and I'm here as a private citizen but in years past I was I served but when I was on the board whenever I travel I always brought treat back and Mr is complaining so's you know so you do it from Manchester forgot about us yeah yeah so anyway um in the spring I went to Hawaii and when I was there I went to a macadamian place and so this is where I went here treat Mr is this [Laughter] you it's part of the're delicious thank do you need to report on the state um anybody anybody else is there anybody online Mr Miller okay can I have a motion to close so move second moved by Mr MCO seconded by miss quadr all in favor I happy holidays everyone and we will see you in the new year thank you motion to adjourn moot oh motion to adjourn I I second third I need a I need a motion Mr move by Mr second by Mr M all in favor I happy New Year I mean happy