all the meeting to order please rise for the flag [Applause] Sal I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all event through to erress in the event of an emergency all people may exit right or left from this room and proceed to an exit door all doors will open from the inside the New Jersey open public meetings law was inacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Hales andard of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey record Herald News the board's official newspaper on January 10th 2024 notices of this meeting indicating date time and place were posted publicly on the door of the main entrance to the school and filed with the clerk in the municipality of haon roll call please Mr aasi here Mr K Mr gan Mr Martinez yes Mr moel here Mr Ramadan Mr web here miss CAD here here okay uh we're going good evening everyone we're gonna start with a presentation by this vice principal spado thank you m evening um we're going to go over the 2223 HIV self assessment it's always a year behind so we do the self assessment and then you know certification State and just over the results with you we scored a 63 out of 78 points we met or exceeded expectations at every core core element area I anticipate our 2324 self assessment SCH will be even higher B the work we did this school year um just to kind of go over some of the initiatives our our guidance Department implemented this past school year to combat HIV or just conflict in general not just HIV but just conflict with students in general we increased our our mediations and conflict resolutions that was something as a former guidance counsel myself was a big aspect of we were already doing them but there was definitely work for improvement whether it was um PE mediation conf resolution um a parent reading there's definitely room for improvement so that's something we definitely saw our numbers increase um our OSS re-entry procedures so the student was suspended whether it was one day or 10 days not just okay you did this and you're back was how do we prevent this from happening again um how can we reflect on it um kind of like the theal component to it we had a lot to sh of our guidance counselors and administrators pushing into classrooms not just for HIV but also for um par education programming kind of delicate conversations sometimes that was targeted based on you notice say entire grade level was having certain issues other times it was at the teachers requests or teacher would say I'm noticing X Y andz in my classroom can you you guys come in and do a lesson for sometimes it's the guidance counselor sometimes with myself sometimes with both of us going in as a team um we also implemented daily and weekly check-ins for some of our after students in terms of meeting with them some students every single day and just kind of you know what do we need through that a good day what do we need to succeed them at the end of the day you know how how our day go what do we do right what do we need to improve on tomorrow and just kind of you guys a a look ahead for for next schol year we're looking to build upon that with an increased F focus in um even more mediations um group counseling more spe check-ins and we're working with our counselor kro for um to even you know increase our programming not just with assemblies but also with just kind of weekly and monthly themes we can inor any questions um yeah I do have a question thank you for that report um so what what was the score last year so this was for 2023 yeah it's always it's always one one four year behind so right now we're working on 2324 do you know what 2122 was up so 20 the closer we get to co the lower the numbers are going to be just because we had a lot of kids that were either electing to stay home or were forced to stay home so the Hib kind of it it was a lot reduced during those years by by the circumstances um I I think there's also so you're saying it was potentially artificially better yes yeah I think it's a really good way to put it but I also think that you know we you know we're we're very happy with the the what Mr spaz is doing in the middle school now and I think that there was a lot of practices I'm not talking about the team we're doing but administratively I think our our record keeping is a lot stronger now in that area so I also answer that question it's more also the self assessment it's not based on your number of hivs you could have 100 hivs and your score is 78 you have zero and your score is 52 it's more for what your district is doing what you have in place so there's really not any element on this where it's it's you know having 10 hivs to score down at zero okay all right then will you you have question I did have one more question so um you know we've asked in the past what we could do to make our score higher what could we do to make our score like the top score and like the answer has been kind of like it'll never be that high because that would mean dedicating all your time all your resources just to this and that's not you know realistic but but what what is your projection that we could raise it to yeah so I would say there is some truth to that because a lot of the core elements we break it down into um does not meet expectations meets expectations and then he exceeds expectations which is going to give you that 70 72 73 we would almost have to as a not just as a guidance department but as a school devote ourselves and like I'll give an example core element four is curriculum and instruction so to meet expectations you have a week of respect which we we do to get that exceed you would need to essentially be running week of respects almost every single month and pushing into the classrooms on kind of going above and beyond not saying you can't do it but for that amount of energy you would then lose other as other things you have to cut back on so we'd have to completely essentially devote ourselves to you know constant HIV programming it is possible but you know from a you know we are like I said we are meeing or exing in every area already um I anticipate our score will go up 23 24 at 2425 so what did we do in 23 24 to increase the training because it looks like the training on the Boe approved policy and then other staff instruction training those were the two where we lost four points on that and then three on the other do we increase this past year on those ini from from 2122 the 23 24 scores it that's not that's not in right but did we did we make efforts towards that yes yes we did like I said I I anticipate our score will go up because we did four element number the set investigation procedure that was something that was very big for me as an administrator coming in where we are going to abide by not just the letter of the law but go above and beyond that in terms of how we handle our H HIV investigations parent contacts sending them the paperwork in the time and manner um not so we'll get to it next week like we're going to handle you for parent H report within 24 hours it's it's address handle stting an investigation so that's an area that from 2122 to 23 24 we so we're gonna see I guess I was more specific in regards to training the staff because that that one we lost four points on other staff instruction and training programs you mean from the 2122 score the 2223 score is an 11 out of 15 you're not I was gonna say you're not losing points so like so like the minimum training is like once per month so you'll do that and you get four if you do twice per month you get a six you do three times per month you get a nine but theity is like minimum I see what you're getting at I think a good insight into it is we're we're seeing a lot more trainings last year from that were provided to the staff from oural counselor a position that we' had really had okay um you know before the pandemic I think we had to wait the full year into the pandemic before we hired that position um but the amount of time she's going to the the PLC meetings to do small group and whole group and a lot of that stuff that she focuses on in some way or another was going to Resort back to either HIV or was creating a more positive climate in the schools so I think we have done things um so I think when we see the next score you know those those kind of programs that that she put together and the other guidance staff put together I think those reflect well for us okay the only reason I ask because that has the max of 15 which the highest um scoring out of all the different categories so thank you problem just one quick question more educational for me um that you mentioned checkings with at risk students is that is at risk students categorizing students who have a tendency to to to have issues or students have a tendency to to be on the wrong end of the issues like in terms of like believe or is it both uh in this case we use essentially a rubric where we looked at students based on attendance grades and um behavioral issues and then from there essentially we kind of com through that and then we had grade level counsel as myself the other administrators meet with those students um but it was it was a variety of kids it wasn't just one certain type of kid it was a variety of students need feel extra help either every single day or at least once so not just behavioral issues not just behavioral issues one of one of the big things too is um chronic absenteeism we are you know checking in with those it'ss you know you're in the building but like let's you let's you're here Monday Tuesday let keep go Wednesday Thursday Friday so next year kind of look ahead next year is cro working on group counseling for our chronic students because we feel it's a big a big need for us in guidance to have those kids in the building every single day thank you Mr are you gonna stay for the meeting um okay because I have a question about the student security the safy so I'll ask it when we get to that thank you okay let's see and I have a motion to accept correspondence so move second moved by Mr MCO seconded by m v rall Please Mr yes M yes Mr Martinez yes Mr MOX yes Mr Dr web yes Mr yes can I have a motion we have two set of minutes here can I have a motion to accept uh prior minutes can we do both at the same time m a can Okay so um can I have a motion to accept minutes from the June 26th meeting as well as the executive session from June 26th move by Mr aasi seconded by Mr Martinez roll call please Mr Abasi yes Miss Cado yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes drb yes and Mr yes okay can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on agenda items only by m seconded by Mr MOS roll call please yes Mr yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes Mr Dr web yes and Mr yes okay the floor is open to Citizens on agenda items only um and just for the record when you um address the board please state your name and your address and you'll have three minutes thank you U my name is Charles forer 74 West skeldon Avenue um I'm coming because I see if this is part of the agenda chis talks about the helden public school Bureau of helden school resource officer shared service agreement okay so as someone who's been in education for the past 30 years I have some issues as a taxpayer here with what you're planning on paying as person just for context National the average salary for an SRO is$ 71,9 59 in New Jersey it's 77,78 as the first vice president of the patteron Education Association that represents SRO making between 56 and 65,000 I'm trying to find out why we're so far off when I do the numbers and it's 11mth deal in 22 it was 137,138 if we just used but New Jersey was that's about 59,000 over the average in New Jersey 2023 it's about 62,000 over the New Jersey average 2024 it's about 64,000 that's teacher salary that's two support staff people um for 2025 at the rate we're going it'll be 67,000 if unless that new jersey number goes up why are we there I'm not understanding that and in this salary since it's shared are we also paying the pension are we paying the health benefits why good because now that takes it to a whole another level so as as a taxpayer I'm a little concerned that you know this is my first time coming here I've gone to Manchester meeting I didn't realize I had to come here and help monitor the ship that's an outrageous amount of money that you're paying person be an SRO and my sro's do it all too they do inves ation they do lessons with students and and build relationships and all that stuff and they're not making that and in most cases in a lot of places your SRO are mostly a retired person or someone that's maybe third or fourth year in that's my understanding that the person is a sergeant so we're taking a sergeant away from their obligation within the held the police department to be here or outrageous amount of money and and it wasn't hard to find all you had to do is move I happen to know the gentleman that does the training for SRO I I hope this person has gone through that training but I'm concerned with the amount of money and you can fact check it what you have to do is Google it and it's later maybe no one brought that to your attention before I'm doing it as a taxpayer that's an outrageous amount of money and I think it's unacceptable and you know I'm not going to put things out on on the held and Community page but I might have to start encouraging we might have to start coming to these meetings as well and seeing what's going on here at the ones in Patterson and stuff like that that's where I got my start I came up here hoping I didn't have to do these things but now I see I do I don't know if you can roll this back if you can I highly recommend it's way above if you don't want check what they're paying in North Jersey City elizabe C I'm telling you Mr that's more than the director that than our security director is making who oversees all of our security and our Ro I'm wrapping it up thank you this is not good as a taxpayer here I'm letting the board know this is not good it's unacceptable I don't know who negotiated this transaction it's wrong for this community thank you thank you Mr forer we're going to hear any other comments and then we'll close the floor and address any comments are there any other comments for agenda items I I did have another agenda three minutes minutes per well let's see if there's anybody else and then you can discuss the other agenda item it it it's total but since this is your first time here we can uh let you ask another question or or address another issue is there anybody online Mr Miller okay okay Mr BR three minutes please it's G Char barer 74 West Hen Avenue H in New Jersey so I I was just looking through and I saw where you have a long-term substitute for a special education class uh do you base um what you decide to pay about 66320 is it based on their experience certification or um how how' you come up with that number just curious which agenda item you referring to um new highers 2425 school year page one of seven bottom thank you sorry okay okay page one the bottom oh very good very good right I don't want to say the person's name because for recording and stuff that you know okay but I I was just curious you know is it because this person is uh certificated or are they waiting on the CER on their certification and they'll probibly be moved into that position permanently because that's what we do in our district I'm just you know just curious very good okay okay thank you thank you is that it okay can I have a motion to pose the floor move by Mr Mo seconded by Mr Dr web roll please I'm sorry Mr Martinez I'm sorry oh all in favor okay um I do want to address the question about the SRO agreement I appreciate your your feedback uh we did discuss this at the last meeting um this position um so um the the person who was in the position of SRO at Helen public school um was somebody who was recommended for that position she she is somebody who stepped up for that apparently she was if I remember correctly from our conversations the last morning she was the only person who stepped up to to take this role on she's a very beloved member of the community of the police department she has a very good rapport with a lot of the families a lot of the students here um so it was a natural fit um I don't believe that we can roll that contract back it's signed it's sealed it's done um but you know uh we hear we hear your comments and you know we appreciate um the sentiment uh I don't know uh Jack Mr M if you want to add and I think geographically I think this is more consistent with what the neighboring towns are paying so I think the mark your Market here is is the same price so I think crer Park in North Al are paying similar amounts and you got to remember too like I know you you're a taxpayer and and and this board is diligent and it recognizes the taxpayer dollars and tries to spend it wisely but if it's if it's not through the board bed you're still paying it through the burrow so it's not if you're not being double charged you're still going to pay it as as a taxpayer I know the time up but there is a difference if bur is paying that's one thing but it's money that could go for other things within the schools it's different and I'm going now I'm going to have to look at Prospect par what because I know what they make up at the County Tech and like I said I'm pretty much in with all the different areas do nja stuff like that you know bcti is a little different because they have the academy r so they're using novice sros well no no they use mostly retire reti and stuff like that which is normally what we make for because we killed two birds with one stone because most of your retirees their license to carry is paid through the state so it's not something that's on the burden of a school district to pick up and things of that nature so that's why they've gone that route here but uh you know it's just and I don't know if this is a one year or or is this for the remaining is it was a fouryear term contract and then can be looked at after that or is it a year by year it's a fouryear contract that is is reviewed both parties have both parties have a leave Clause if they want hear you I'm sorry both parties have a leave Clause annually I don't I don't know what the the date is up the top of my head when the the the separation Clause would be um I I I would imagine it would have passed for this upcoming school year um but yet the agreement gave us both out but the whole you know to Shar service the school court is paying the full salary correct we are paying the full salary not the Ben so who's paying the benen the dist is um we're paying for the service not the person the borrow pays the salary I'm sorry the additional over over that person out we're they're paying all of that we're not we're just paying for the service we're paying for the service and that was the service that cost that was negotia so I you know we we've heard your concerns and we appreciate your your your feedback this is a little difficult for us right now since all three members of the security and Safety Committee are not here tday yeah who are not here and they would be best suited to address this concern or this issue that is true too but this will be noted in the minutes and uh they can you know review the security committee can review the minutes and if there's any um they have any feedback can be discussed at the next meeting on your website does it list on I believe so I believe you go to the I'll take a look right down in the agenda items on the committee reports it's listed was on the committee yeah okay but yeah so let's move on though because um you know we want to cover the rest of the agenda uh thank you okay so let let me get back here okay um so let's go to committee reports um so I will start with my report um good evening everyone thank you for joining us tonight and I hope everyone is having a good summer so far uh first I I want to follow up on a couple of items from our last board meeting uh I believe that we all agreed with the recommendation from the board retreat to assess uh the progress of our board hols twice a year um a midpoint check around January and then right before the next Retreat which would be around like end of May some or may sometime so I would like you know to confirm that um so if we could just do real quick if everybody's in favor of twice a year um can I can we just do a quick like draw stra good follow me good Mr Dr web good okay great all right uh secondly there was a recommendation for occasional discussions during board meetings of important public education matters via news articles or other credible sources in order to increase knowledge and awareness of critical issues that can or already do affect our district so L sent out an several emails asking for suggestions um here are the list of topics that have been requested at this point but we could always add to to this list as we go um so what grants rfps or or rfps does HPS seek and why what is the process and what is our success rate and uh this would include State national local or private funer grants um how does HPS develop and up update grade level curricula how are textbooks and other materials chosen what is the teacher staff recruitment screening and hiring process and um cell this is another topic cell phone use in schools has gotten a lot of recent news coverage with Los Angeles and now New York City Banning or prohibiting cell phones in schools also um the use of magnetically sealed fabric pouches has come up what is hbs's policy student cell phone use and sealed pouches and do we proceed revising these policies so these were all topics that have been suggested to discuss um individually at you know upcoming board meetings so maybe off Mr W you and I can talk offline like create a little schedule for however you want to do it I think those are all good topics and whatever order board wants me to go about designing and setting it up at the ADV okay so you and I will will talk about that um and then last I I want to thank miss brilliante and miss dula for their years of service to Helen public school and especially its students um it's always hard to say goodbye to Dedicated teachers but we wish them the best in their future endeavors um so any questions from board members okay then I will turn it over to Mr W perfect um I want to start by issuing the apology to the board for putting in a few different agenda items via the addendum route I know that we wanted to look to minimize that um thankfully I finally got over pretty nasty B Co last week uh when I was you know that's when we were creating the agenda so I didn't have as much impact as I normally would with that said I want to thank uh Miss joas L and Miss Moser and Miss Pepin for all helping pick up the load and getting the agenda put together um without very without the usual amount of help that I I would I would give um the second item as you may have noticed the red tinted windows are being installed now at our construction expansion site and they look fantastic I do remember how the board kind of went back and forth between choosing do we want the blue or do we want the red um I'm sure the blue would look nice but the red looks very very very impressive um in fact Today l myself and Miss Pepin we we took a tour of the construction site um and it's really remarkable just how much work has been completed we're looking forward to being able use to use the first floor rooms that we had lost um in about two or three weeks so in a couple weeks where our our teachers would be able then our custodians move those rooms back in set those rooms back up and we can't wait to finish the project sometime in October or November and on a funny note we got a it turned out to be a funny note but uh the police were called because our our motion alarm went off one night um and we looked at the the police couldn't find anyone thank goodness uh we looked at the C footage next week uh the next day and two cats had gotten into the construction site so the wild cats were the ones that uh set off the the alarm so I thought that was f um on your agenda you're going to see a purchase for security doors uh this is part of our front door security project at the next board meeting I'm I'm going to show the board drawings that we're having made up so you'll see what this will look like but I'm going to take this opportunity to describe what we've decided and why we think it's going to be a boon to our security efforts the front doors we currently have will remain in place and they will be unlocked at all times during the school day save for the occasional security drill in the morning during arrival students will walk through the front doors just like they always have and they will walk through another set of doors that will be unlocked uh during arrival but will be locked for the entirety of the school day once the school day starts in the lobby area the area between the first set of doors and the second set of doors we're going to install a touchscreen panel and an intercom that will allow communication between the front door security agent and the parent or visitor that has entered the front door of our school the parent will be able to speak through the security guard stating their reason for entry if the parent or visitor has a valid reason for entry the parent or visitor will then use the touchscreen panel to insert their ID so that we can run that ID against the state database for registered sex offenders like we have to if the parent passes this test in the front door security will receive an alert and will hit the buzzer allowing the parent to the building um now one big change is that say a parent needs to drop off lunch for their child or a Chromebook charger and maybe the child forgot to bring in their science project that day in the past the parent would come into the building uh talk to the the secretaries the secretaries would then call the student down now this took a lot of time and it it caused probably more foot traffic than necessary in that area of the building um now what we'll do is what a lot of other elementary schools have adopted which is we'll have an item drop off table set up once the school day starts so a parent will be able to drop off the item that their child forgot uh the security guard will notify the secretary and the secretary will call the child and the child will be able to go down and pick up whatever the item is but of course the child's really little then we're going to bring whatever the item is in um the project will Mark a significant upgrade on our overall security structure as we currently have a setup whereby parents and visitors are a able to gain access uh through both doors before they have to present their credentials uh or state their reasons for being you know at our at our school now we will have a physical barrier that will prevent any visitor from Gaining access into our main building until they provided us the proper credentials um and what what's really different is going to be the the intercom and then the touchcreen that way of communication so we can kind of figure out what the parent or the visitor needs and then look to to to help serve them uh item four um our summer camp our esy our boss and our Angels program are are still ongoing I think we have you know at least over 250 kids in the building every day which is you know a quarter of our population so we're real proud of that um and we have our new teacher orientation on August 21st and we are fully staffed which is a really big deal so we're proud of that as well um I was going to talk item six about you know suggesting talking about the hiring process and going through that at the next board meeting but this miss a a good point of you know we'll talk and figure out what schedule we want to make for the the in board meeting board trainings or or just discussion topics whatever you want to call it um and to address the gentleman's question about the uh long-term sub I I want to make sure I'm accurate this but I'm pretty sure I am I believe the long-term sub is for a special education uh student and this might be a contracted vendor that we went out for to provide whatever the the child may need I don't know that for 100% but I I'm pretty sure that's what this particular Ira is and that's my report uh ask question um so the doors I'm assuming you referring to 1320 right I believe um so that's is that quote inclusive of the ID touch screen I believe it's all packaged together but I'm not 100% sure actually actually it's probably not packaged together I I know Mr Pagani um has been asked to look into uh providing us information at our next meeting about this with different types of uh software and Hardware we could use for this task okay and so but the main benefit of the touch screen is having the ability essentially to scan the IDS that's one benefit the other benefit I like is that to say there's a language barrier which prevents the the intercom speaker from being able to understand what's being you know what what the language of the the guardian speaks my vision is to kind of also have an option through this touch screen for like some kind of either chat or Google translate or something so that the messages could be made clear in multiple languages to help leave confusion and then it does not include I don't see it I don't probably not that yeah and so but is is the cost of these doors within the budget that was approved for this project I think it's a lot less it's a lot less okay we were we were looking when we when we went met with the architect to kind of this doors it's not the installation so we went through four different plans as to what we could do and finally the architect said listen you know the first three PL are expensive but you're you're probably getting a better service by doing this plan and then so Roder architect Carino he kind of you know planted some some seeds in the mind of intercom might solve that problem or a touch cream might solve that problem okay um so this is going to be a lot under budget as what we thought it was going to be and then lastly the the table drop off that you were talking about so that's outside the doors it'll be between the first set of doors and then the second which is the one that really gets you into the building okay so how do you get in the first set of doors you just open you just open you just open yeah okay the second set is where you need the second once school day start that thing stays locked and it only opens um if you're an employee or if you uh have a valid reason for for answer the building you pass the the ID test thank you who's placing the um whatever they bring in t so it would' be the mom or the dad or Grandma whoever is dropping off the Whatever item that the child forgot you know it's it's it's mostly backpacks or Chromebooks or things like that also gives the opportunity for the security to check and sure yeah there was concern with that yeah so Mr W I heard you say that you expect the completion of the projecting October or November we talking the big project that one yeah that one looks like we the ribbon cutting for when we'll finally be done with sometime be mid October to late October so I think a really good transition time to move move the new classes in and set that up is that that election week when there's like a one day then a half day then an election day then another half day then the teachers break so uh the teacher convention so that's probably going to be our transition week and then so up until then they're going to have the same setup that they have right now well actually not right now because right now we still don't have access to the library or rooms uh we don't have access to all the rooms that we lost in two weeks we're going to have access to the rooms that we lost so now those are going to be repopulated so to be when the year started last year and then you know we'll we'll unve our plan to the next board meeting or what if we get closer to the the end date of here's what we're going to do with all of these rooms because they all have bathrooms they're all fully furnished now it's they're going to be great rooms to for the kids and the staff to have great great any other question so in the next board meeting there'll be a plan for the extra students of where they'll be until those classrooms are available I believe I I believe at the next board meeting I I'll be able to to recite that information I may hold back a little bit just because you know there they're going to be coveted areas and not not everyone's going to get the use that they want um but we kind of have a good idea as to what we want to do with those rooms okay but because it's the last board meeting before school year Stu right but those rooms won't be move inable until but we're gonna have the October we're gonna have the students here right we're not getting new students or anything it's it's just going to be there's a lot of there's a lot of student there's a lot of teachers who are on carts right right now we're going to have those students instead of kind of having a teacher visit them on a cart there's going to be a permanent place that teacher and we believe that the the overall quality of Education could be a little stronger a home base it's not a higher burden than we have now it's just when the new classrooms come in it will releas some of the the burden on the space it'll be that um but I think with our ESL population Rising the the rate that you know it has um a lot of those students are in rooms that are probably too small for them right now so I I know there that's going to be some be big benefit as well to have you know rooms to fit the size of the actual program at its current rate thank you thank you Mr wat um Miss Augustin for the business administrator report thank you madam president so the first thing I just wanted to mention that we um have three seats that are open for the election year um there's three threeyear terms um that are available though and the petitions are due July 29th so if there are any board members seeking make sure that you have your petitions in this everything goes to the county and um or your applications are submitted to the county just to me do we have any questions on that at all okay great so some of the things that we talked in the finance team uh meeting today we touched on um resolution 13.8 the teachers the teachers this is the one that the teachers the license that were're paying for so the teachers can um use resources with other teachers and um use other like lesson plans other um ideas in the um classroom so these licenses give the whole schoolwide um access to this type of um resource or our teachers to do their lesson things okay um we do have it on the agenda for being paid out um as a funds these or title funds that we using to Sho we also discussed the um resolution 13.9 new is that newella the agreement this is a database for um students um to do to look at research articles and it's a software that all students can use and teachers can use this to help with their lesson from teaching of um um topics of the school office so this is something that um we do pretty much every year we but um this is um something that we are um paying for I think that's question on so there isn't like a a free resource available like a website that has age appropriate articles for kids research so there might be here and there but to to be able to like this is a a supplement whatever the curriculum instruction is for a particular class and these will have you know the article along with guided questions along with follow-up activities along with it's it's it's a more structured program then I think you'd probably be able to find for free you probably the Teachers Pay Teachers that's not necessarily free but it's very very cheap um some of the same stuff could be found on there uh but the newel is it's a a very commonly used program with our school especially Elementary it's highly popular District where our teach um it's interactive so it's not like so you can have unlimited amount of students go on there and and we'd have subscriptions and but like the class would have it so like for all the grades that use it or the teachers that use it all their kids will have a subscription that that they teach for that I think in today's day and age it's almost akin to textbooks you know these like interactive um platforms you know they're they're almost like textbooks or you kind of need something like that to do we also have textbooks we have text yes I dropped some off for you last year to look through no that was the health yeah there's textbooks no I meant for this specific I'm sorry it's okay um so yesterday I was researching and I saw that they had like an collection you guys are are they subscribed in that as well is is that part of our package I I don't know up the top of my head we have the pro package so it does have a lot more in it so but I can find out whether it my next question is um is there any statistics or analytics that you guys get at the end of the year or at the end of the month of how many students are using it and so we we'll get it statistics or some kind of data uh for the online programs a lot of times when when the kids submit you know the answers the teacher going to get you know basically real time to see what percent of your kids got all 10 questions right what we got nine eight so that's you know I guess micro um but as far as um as far as how much each particular student uses I don't know if it tracks that that it might I just don't know but I to that point I do know that the teachers will use they'll assign students to to work inel because I know that my daughter need to do that and my son had to do that so that's part of their classwork or their homework is to go you know use all um I know our middle school and our Upper Elementary use it I'm not 100% sure if our kindergarteners because not all to read at that point um but I I know that our middle Elementary and our upper use it a lot so the other item that's on the agenda we had this student 13.11 we had this on our last agenda and I believe I mentioned that um at that time there was a price of $188,000 we went back to the insurance company to negotiate because we did have a competitive price and they were able to match the price so we're reappointing the um this um new agreement price so that we can move forward with um the the policy for the student accident insurance and just as a reminder the student accident insurance policy is voluntary the parents could um request to um fill this out in case something happens on the school grounds and this policy only covers when they're on school grounds if there's an accident so and the insurance company will have to kick in first and if anything that's not covered um this policy will take over but if the student does not have insurance then the policy will cover the whole okay we also talked about the bond um approvals that were on the um agenda I just wanted to mention it this is something that's approved every year for myself and the treasurer because um we signed all the contracts the liability is on me most before so it also covers the district in case there any type of um you know litigation when it comes to that so I just want everybody be aware that is reason why the bond is on for you know approval for p so this is an annual item uh we we are awarding the Mass's contract you're seeing it on the agenda to again because this is an actual contract B award the last time we awarded them winning the bed so this is um uh part of the process of approving it within our snar system which is our student um nutrition program so this has to be done annually even once they have been awarded we have five years up to five years to remove them every year we can goow out a bit to bit again but that's not customary we use to just renew them because you don't want to make switches you know with food service companies um every too often you want to kind of get like some type of consistency with the students but it is a possibility that you guys wanted to go out for or Fe again next year as possible okay and there also um on the agenda I think it's 13. 31 there are for the approval of their delivery service and I was explaining to Mr Mo on the finance um committee MOS has a separate company that delivers Commodities to school districts so all school districts have to select the delivery service company to deliver the Commodities from the state to each of the um Food Service Company I mean um each of the school districts has will run for school nutrition program so that's the difference it's not there's no real money exchange here we just have the food to use their services okay thank you uh we have 13.16 this is a classroom Furniture obviously this is probably a question Mr Boss is going to ask y but this is um us getting prepared for the new year filling filling up the classting spaces that we need to do you're going to see more big purchases like this as we get closer we do have another um company I think it was K1 Furniture those are for the um some other parts of the classroom so this is part of filling up the classs or replacing some existing classroom Furniture that's outdated or need to be replaced so so this is this for the new classrooms it's a little combination of both okay okay and it's part of a co-op so you see the bid number on there so the competitive competitive prices our snow pile um file that's on there this is from the old truck where we painted we kind of re refurbished it a little bit and we're um taking it off our asset list and we're going to try to um sell it on GB deals to see if we can get anything for um you know the quality of it it's in pretty good shape they did it wasn't little rusty and we kind of fix it up a little bit so we're going to place it for resale can I ask a question on this so last time we approved the truck right we approved the truck and the truck had the snowfl kit yes so we're reselling this one do it was it not compatible with this it's not compatible it's a new trck new version so it's not compatible so we're just going to that one so there no like conversion kit to get it to I'm not a trucker so take a look at that I you know got okay okay all right so it's not it's two3 the size of the new one new one two bigger two3 bigger right so we couldn't like du tap it on or something all right on this bills um the finance committee um we did talked about 1322 and 1330 there are two bills list that are on the agenda tonight we are transitioning between two accounting systems one was called CSI the other one Genesis so there's two different formats going forward the finance team under the Genesis system which is more software um based um driven they get a sign on to get into the um system and they'll get one page report or whatever multiple page report and they can view the actual POS online so they're not going to be getting paper copies anymore it's going to be more of a digital okay and 1329 this is our title money submission I have to give kudos to Mrs palano she worked very diligently the first time submitting our title Grant it was submitted and it was already proved on the county level which I think is amazing because usually they come back with um several questions so she got um worked very hard on that and um we're you know one step closer to getting the um full Grant approved and you'll see it on the agenda again to accept the funds once the state approves it and that's it for me unless there question I had a question about the new Billing System so when that's digital are there GNA be is there a need I mean I am guessing that we still need to have signatures on on the payment so it's just a bill that's coming in but like the invoice that we pay out that would still be a hard copy like where everything is digital so even on the system all of the invoices all of the purchase orders of voucher the actual vendor copy everything is uploaded on the system so what about signatures signatures will be a report that they um um reviewed all of the purchase orders and they will sign off on the report that they agess I digitally sign everything for first I mean are like almost obsolete this um I do have a couple more questions sorry uh 1310 okay the the amplify um so you've got it's split right between um part of it is professional development so I guess that's training the training is what for the for how to support a dyslexic student is that what that is I think how how to had a part of it had a screen so we could identify you know the dyslexia okay and then make a plan to help the child um and I so you have student licensing and then you have the professional development is this like the renewal of a license or is the first time we're getting it I guess it says one year so probably all right almost all of contracts even if it's three or four years we still have to renew it every school year I got two more 1324 what I I couldn't tell from the attachment to the the items there to link it what what data is being compiled for that oh link it's a great link it's great um so what we do is our kids take three benchmark assessments a year they don't count to the great uh we do it so that we can kind of measure what we're doing right what what kids are telling us based on their scores we need to adjust instructionally um so that's the linkoln is a emulation of what the state test is expected to look like that year so the kids take it the the first time see how they did they take it you know a couple months later we see where they improved and what particular skills the LA and math they improved on make our adjustments one more time uh but that's kind of what we want to see is everything going like that throughout the year um and we believe it's been a very valuable program for us so it's a tool essentially for us to as a metric against our number one strategic priority with try to improve our math and grades and things okay you know Mr B that point I think yeah we need data I went to this um they did there was a one of the at workshop last year this was one of the sessions and it was really in like involved all the things that they can um Aggregate and they can collect and I mean I don't know that we're doing all of that but it it seems like a great tool and if you know if we yeah we want to be able to have a Baseline and see if how we're doing it's a good way to get Benchmark data and progress data instead of waiting yeah made we had the presentations that the the admin team along with the learning coaches certain teachers put together we just never shared a repard um so this year based on our conversation the last meeting this will be something we could easily share walk around get something that's what we the last one is a is a combo between so 17 18 26 and 27 four different members ships for mes they're all relatively insignificant in terms of cost but only one of the four is a shared cost and I was just curious are the four memberships are they necessary does it doesn't keep us informed of of other things going on it may be part of the contract um I know you know when I was an assistant principal and a principal um part of my contract was uh with the board was memb ship at the certain Association okay um I I don't I'd have to look at this contract to be able to tell you if that's specifically the reason why or not I don't know have that front I'd be curious to see I that pleas I'm done all right you know what you know what I meant to ask earlier um 1323 I know we spoke about it in one of the last meetings facility use did did we talk about a a charge for the facility use so listen if this board wants to charge then then I'll enforce that um I look at both these programs I see a lot of kids from in it right I I think if there's going to be a cost incurred like if I had to open up the school and hire custodians to come in from home on a Sunday then then yeah we we got to charge that right if we're already here and it's not like the their burden as long as they have their own insurance their burden of being here is not costing us a dime then then I I'd like to do something good for the kids and get them not that was something that we yeah and I apologize I know we we talked about it I was all right cool good because I know the um one of the coaches for Southside all right would be different if there they're like charging each time like this like the Z right there's a feet to come each time person's collecting The Profit there is a fee there is a fee that's private side Sofer is a whole private it's not part of hel that's like the a it's like they got to have they have their own LLC yeah right but I think it's Mr Walker's Point Community you know so regardless of whether they have to pay or not it's it's nice to be able to offer that done you know free of charge the the space I agree yeah my son goes to the rec center to play volleyball they charge the time follow you want another oh they do no no they don't oh yeah no I to say hold on back over there find what's going on all right I'm good thank you questions okay thank you Miss Aon okay so um I think uh well let's let let's go down the list and then before we start you know uh voting we'll do the sheriff services but let's go down the list first um so let's see personnel and management Mr Martinez uh agenda items only um curriculum and Technology Dr web uh policy and public relations Mr Martinez agenda item okay and I do want to just remind the policy committee that um we for the virtual policy yeah we were supposed to I mean plan was to have a committee meeting today um we we did not U but we'll get you a draft policy by the 19th okay um for the board to Ral excellent okay thank you uh let's see now Safety and Security so I'll just ask Mr um mosow since we don't have any of the members here um we're not voting yet it's just agend yeah agenda items okay uh Community engagement Mr aasi um nothing to report okay and finance and physical plant we met we discussed billing went over a couple other items other than that agenda item okay uh now for state and County I do have few things to report um so first I just want to acknowledge the passing of Daniel Sinclair who was the president of the New Jersey school boards Association uh for two years from s 2017 to 2019 and he was also the president of the pay County um School boards Association for some time so he was a lifelong educator um having retired as the Director of Cooperative education County Special Services um where he worked for 39 years and he was also a school board member for the Lakeland Regional and the wanaki boards of education and he held numerous roles within the New Jersey school boards Association so uh Mr Sinclair passed away on July 6 and you know condolences to his family to the New Jersey school boards Association and to the Paya County SBA family um next there were uh there were a series of webinars in July um some of the topics were eate funding education law Labor Relations and a state budget recap and legislative update so that one was today and I was able to attends that it was very informative um it reviewed some of the expenses that have been approved for this year's state budget um that included um funding allocated for Extraordinary special education teacher Recruitment and uh retention artificial intelligence programming which is interesting um and climate change education ing grants so these are just a few of the items that um a few of the line items that were mentioned among many others that are included in the state budget this year and it is notable that New Jersey is the first state to incorporate um climate change education grants so that I thought that was pretty cool um so the webinar also covered numerous new laws and bills in motion um addressing educator evaluation an educator evaluation study Oprah reform um and the school bus driver shortage uh just to name a few so they're going to share the presentation and when I get that I'll share it with all of you um there are a couple more webinars coming up in August there's one on August 7th best practices for policy development and maintaining the manual and one on August 14th mastering School Finance uh essential conversations for board members I mean they are during the day so it's tough you know to but if you have the opportunity they're usually you know good um there's some online mandated training opportunities coming up in September so just make sure that you're up to date with your required training um and there's also a survey being circulated um by the njsba on Career and Technical education to help inform their review of their um final report of the taskforce on educational opportunities for the non-bound murer um so though HPS is you know prek to8 so we don't really Encompass CTE um it's still worthwhile to fill out the survey I filled it out it's very short um and I think it's important for school board members to you know provide feedback on topic any topics that affect New Jersey students so if you have a chance um you know the last the last email that I saw with that was July 17th um talking about the survey so if you have a chance fill it out uh and that's it for state and County uh Mr Molino anything for the just a pigy back on that so the state is also working on the AI policy so they're working with SH sesme we should have a draft policy before the school year so the big the big thing you know like there's a lot of positives about artificial intelligence but there's also this negatives and the negatives about like some of the bullying that's going on um it's an issue like the fact that they can take photos and warp it into things so and also just the plagiarism and and the fact that the computer can do your homework so those things are going to be addressed and it's going to be interesting what what it looks like I'm sure this is going to be a policy that's going to be revised Millions oftimes yeah I was kind of surprised when I saw that on the budget that what it what it said was the the funding that they allocated was for programming for students so that they can you know be aware of um artificial intelligence and I bet you anything there's it's going to involve like uh dos and don'ts you know with artificial intelligence but there was also um funding towards programming for like how schools can be can use it effectively so it'll yeah it'll be very interesting to see how this all plays out and um yeah it's going to be evolving I'm sure um and anything else okay thank you all right so let's go to um the shared the shared services um can I have a motion to pass shared services so second moved by Mr mosco second I'm sorry moved by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr mosco roll call please mros yes Mr yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Mo yes drb yes Mr yes okay personnel and management Mr Martinez personal management please move eight .1 8.4 second moved by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr M roll please Mr okay just real quick on this uh so uh the The Villa is retiring so we have 8.7 Cisco and then 8.11 which was kind of discussed a little bit earlier are those both for the same spot or it sounded like the second was it's a differ for one student the second okay so the replacement here or the potential is for um Lisa Cisco to back fill that position it should be with us full time this year okay and then just on tracking Olivia steel Shield yeah she's in for the she's going in forant yeah okay and then last 812 I noticed the extracurricular position positions the basketball was blank is Mr Bond no longer doing it if he's listening come back home and Coach our boys basketball team Mr Bond um but he's uh he's taken the year up last year um you know we obviously we respect whatever he wants to but uh you know we'd love to have him back their best no doubt okay right um yes Mr throttle yes Mr Martinez yes Mr MO yesb yes yes okay policy and public relations Mr Martine oh no you know what there's nothing I'm sorry there's nothing so I'm we didn't move number n minut where am I oh I skipped curriculum I apologize curriculum and Technology Dr I like to move 9.1 to 9.4 by Mr Dr web seconded by Mr Martinez roll call please Mr Abasi yes Miss P yeah Mr Martinez yes Mr Moo yes Dr web yes and MRSA yes okay so security and safety um Mr MCO like to move 11.1 through 11.3 second moved by Mr MCO seconded by Dr web roll call please Mr Quick question on this one too so U for for 113 um the the closing plan it references there's four days buil into the calendar in case of in weather and then if there's a fth day we're going to remote learning on that fifth day is that how is that how I'm interpreting that what page are you it's first page of 11 through 8 so item number two the weather is inclement to the point it's not safe so like snow days there's four days built in but it says should more than four days be needed you're going to allow for remote instruction I think we we will consider allowing so it'll depend on what the situation can be I think this gives us leeway was to happen again this gives us figure out whatever the disaster the weather like we're talking about weather for this one specifically so unless it's like a major flood or something big bard so we're gonna do like after four days the fifth day you might go remote we'd have the ability if that's gonna be messy if we do do that let's hope we don't get but what we so here's a good question here brings a good point so a lot of times if we know that something big might be coming weatherwise uh it's not uncommon for me to call like a last minute cabinet and I I talk with Bill and delin and say um how do we get all the kids their Chromebooks home in case something happens and then we're for a while um and a lot of times we'll just ask teachers have their kids send their Chromebooks home with them this weekend or something like that but luckily we've never had to to enact that protocol but we've talked about it before a couple okay and then just a suggestion on 112 with the the the reporting I think that coincides with I I think the report that provided earlier um so we have one of our strategic goals one of the four revolves around safety which is why we're doing stuff in the front um so maybe we should consider I don't know if it's already part of like the reporting that you do plan eded in there but maybe goals to try and reduce incidents that are occurring um that might be just something we want to implement as part of tracking towards that goal yes so we're gonna this year I'm gonna have to present my my district goals and like the school goals um that's something where you know we want the school goals to obviously be aligned with what what our dist board gos are uh so that's a subsection we can definitely export okay um yes long a longwinded yes okay we on number 11 security you want to ask yeah she hasn't got to me yet M yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Mo yes Dr web yes uh I do have a question I think Mr spado maybe can answer so um I was looking for or this is regarding the school safety data system report so uh sure yeah so um I couldn't I was looking for last year's and I couldn't find it I I went through like all the agendas and I didn't see it anywhere but I was wondering if um if so this is for this year this is for 2003 2004 so I was wondering if incidents have improved um the rate of incidents if that's improved um and you know how does this year's report comp comp with last years so if you'd like tomorrow I can email you the 23 24 compar to to this year our inss were down this year okay I would attribute that a big part like I said to our the amazing job our teachers and our guidance counselors here with getting in front of things um kind of talking about the previous um question of of reducing incidents I would say our job kind like being in the CIA your successes are never known but your failures are so I would say for every one inent we had prevented 20 through mediations through parent contact through uh talking things out through you know being present being in the hallways um the teachers do a fantastic job if they see something out a place during lunchtime during recess we'll report it to a guidance couns to myself through an administrator so we can get ahead of it not letting things kind of fester so if we hear something's going on for drama rumors we'll call the kids in immediately let's see what's going on contact the parents we're always very appreciative like I had no idea was happening or sometimes we'll say oh she mentioned to me this morning when she was going to school that she have a problem so and so so I would say just um a big reason for the decrease this year compared to last was the work with the teachers to guide thank you thank you and I'd appreciate yeah if you could send the YouTube reports that would be great thank you any questions I thanks for coming to meeting yes thank you H and yes my vote is yes and now finance and physical PL Mr M uh like to move 13.1 through 1331 second pleas oh I'm sorry moved by Mr Moz seconded by Mr Martinez roll call please question Mr yes let me know how much you sell the the plow for I will let you know you can fit on it you know M yes Mr Martinez yes Mr maxel yes Miss Dr W yes Mrs yes I'm sorry just I I forgot to know just if you could check the the contract for yes for M um so for new and old business I I did want to ask about we had spoken at the last meeting about this late opening policy I don't know if we've had a chance to discuss we were talking about possibly having like some teachers do like a before care situation for delayed openings so I think the before care thing going to be tell we have to open up like a sidebar for that I think the the right move this year is going to be go from 10:30 to we said 10 o'clock at the last meeting so um I guess we'll do a strugle the board if you guys are comfortable with that because I'm putting together the The Faculty handbook and the student handbook uh this for this week to send out uh next week um and that's something a major change I have to indicate on that yeah for sure so should we do it now or do you want to I don't think the je the board doesn't really have no not this yeah I think it's more just as a as a courtesy and also to feel the waters on this U you know I'd like to go to 10 o'clock for the delayed opening this year see per year assess that it's better worse not effective go there you fair enough okay thank you um okay any other New or Old business I have like a question so everything going digital like for the after school programs is there any plan on making the available to be digital aren't some of them or no for the school program yeah C angs it's like I don't know but sir I know I think Jeff for the after care I I could be wrong but I believe there digal but I would love to look into no no no I I certified ages with a check every but that's still I I can definitely look into yeah but right now can you pay your Aftercare online is that that's correct so um through pay schools do they have that option here no I don't believe but it is possible yeah so I'm going to look into pay schools I know they have different opportunties to do that so we can definitely do that you'll just have to upload the payments on the P school um app okay that was good y anything else for New or Old business okay can I have a motion to open the floor to uh the public mov by m second by Mr Martinez roll call please we can do all oh okay all in favor all any opposed okay the floor is open please state your name your address and you'll have three minutes hi my name is la4 um so I just wanted to talk about the emergency virtual or remote construction program so if I'm not mistaken do the chair whoever can answer this question I was under the impression that's more of a state plan from the governor so um regardless of whether you like it you don't like it four days um usually after the fourth day the fifth day then you're to go virtual so I wanted to get clarification answer right now yeah Mr can we I'd rather okay and then my next question was going back to the um delayed opening that um you were just asking about so you don't have to go through your union to ask to see if that's part of their contract um to see if anybody could work the delayed opening because it sounded like you were saying the board makes the decision so I was just wanted the clarification because where I work that's no no okay and then the next question I have um was the uh student safety data system report so normally you would have a 2023 2024 anything anywhere between like September at least SE member December September January so that you can make that comparison with the 2022 2023 re work so I was curious to find out if you had um I don't know you know what the what I guess clarification classifications that you were low in but I was just curious to find out I think it was Dr web that asked or was trying to ask what training the teachers were getting like did the the teachers have to put together a teacher survey foral did the students have to do a student survey um that maybe could help uh bring the scores up um on the data uh because I know the teachers are probably doing a phenomenal job and the GU counselor are doing a phenomenal job um but I would just like to know what the feedback from the children are to find out how well it's working for them and if they have any um you know I guess ideas to help make the process for better for them in their school community and that's [Music] all char for West H so this is just a suggestion because when Co hit we thought that the one great thing that was going to come out of this with the virtual is that now when it was inclement weather and instead of calling a snow day we could just go virtual then our elected officials at the state with this dumb Clause out there that says it's got to be four days before you can do this which means that if we get in a situation like that that's four days that we have to make up if you don't have that built into your schedule so my recommendation is I've been speaking with every legislator that I know telling them you need to change this that under whatever the situation is if we need to go virtual it should not be a waiting period we should be able to go immediately so that we don't move I don't about here I don't know what time you got out we got out on the 27th okay and there were a couple more situations where we were like we get if anything goes wrong we're in trouble okay you were in school while we were not in school because of the flood that in all my life never happens around Christmas but it happened so you know some elected officials at the state level you got to encourage or some superintendent got to come together and maybe do a joint letter to them citing the reasons why they need to change this because it needs to be something that we otherwise we lose time you know just just a recommendation because I've been putting it out there them but sometimes if they hear from more people they might act on and say you know what that makes sense thank you anybody online okay can I have a motion to close the floor moved by Mr Martinez second by Mr MCO all in favor I okay is closed okay I do want to address a couple of the um issues that um Miss fera brought up um so um let me see let notes Here the question about well I'm going to let Mr spado maybe address the this um this student safety report but the delayed opening so we we discussed La at the last meeting we discussed because we were talking about making this the delayed opening earlier because 10:30 seems to be problematic for some parents who have to get to work and um so then the suggestion came up to possibly have some teachers um if they were willing do like a before care if they lived locally they could come in and then the parents who have to get to work they could drop their takes off so Mr W had to discuss that with the ETA so yeah that has to be and I think you just mentioned it would have to be like a sidebar to our contract if we were to do that is that right yes so for that particular one I guess to answer part of your your question um you know we we have a start time contractually negotiated we have an end time um but we don't have any structure within the contract and here's the amount of people the board's you know going to look to pay to to do the before hours what are the hours we have to negotiate the rate of pay um that that's something we just don't have in our contract right now because it's something we've never really offered before as far as the before care thing um so I guess hopefully that answers that part of your quote right so there will be some kind of sidebar if we move forward with it yeah if it moves forward we'd look to make it in contracts of both sides have it you know crystal clear you know and as far as this this snow day so I'll say this all schools I believe have to build in a certain amount of snow date right so I call me oldfashioned but I think it's important to retain some snow days you know I think that's important for kids I think they should have a day if there's h a big snowstorm they shouldn't have to worry about logging on and doing and not to mention that that is a logistical nightmare because you don't know when it's going to snow and now your kids don't have this the students don't necessarily have their Chromebooks at home so I even logistically I don't know that that would work or if you I'm sorry yes yes so I mean I I I I am fine with the uh you know having your your days right you have your your studies because all schools have those they have those days built into the calendar and then once you reach that Max then you go virtual and then you have to plan for that um you know as and as far as the um what you mentioned Lauren about the um the uh report being submitted so yeah we have to submit this report this this um contingency plan right if we were to have like another pandemic that has to be reported every or submitted every year correct yeah and we have the um we have the uh the school boards and the school district has the autonomy to be able to choose what their plan is to under certain guidelines right yeah so like I I think you to your to your point of like why do we have to get this board approved when the state can ultimately just say here's what you're going to do right I couldn't agree more right like I I agree um but you know the we receive state funding in the county doe says this is a form you have to have your boards you know approve um and so that that's why we're doing it so we're within the allowable confines of you know what could when to start um you know the the virtual school philosophically I I also agree with you on the the number of days necessary before you start U because every situation is going to be a little bit different and and and you you have factor in all the things that make that situation different right so um I I'm also disappointed with that um do do I foresee change in that anytime soon probably not anytime soon um philosophically I agree with anybody else want to add anything I just wanted to know what was anybody's thoughts about students um participation in like a student survey or like the so I believe that this Mrs cosbro I don't know if she's done any surveys like as far as like the programming that she's doing but I think that there's and maybe Mr spaz will know more about this but there's a she has a lot of interaction with the students and I think she gauges the activities that she does based on the response I know that she had um a couple of events there was one last year not this school year but last year that was like a an assembly and it was with middle and my son was in in eth grade so I I was very aware of this one and like all the students really enjoyed it and I was surprised to hear my son talking about he I thought you know at that age they're kind of too cool for school and they don't like any of that but they all really liked it and so shows that like he came home but like they a chance to do a Google form and the kids you know were able to the best answer I give off the top my head I don't know that's something have to look if you don't do it nice to do it because the students you know they you know yeah a lot of the the like the I guess the information that we get is anecdotal you know what she'll get emails from parents she'll get you know the kids telling her but it's not necessarily hard data so it's not you know a bad suggestion at all just you know just to kind of have uh something to back up like what students would would like would they like this assembly or this activity or that you know it's a good idea I know they use a isn't that like thing that at home and it gives them like questions about you know things like that is there not data that we it's possible I just don't know the top of my head you know what what you know I don't know if it's in the form of an official climate culture survey or if it's if it's some kind of adaptation that that through a program like most Zoom or or newella or any of the other programs that we use or the team uses I just don't know I can't give you the answer right now it's a good it's a good suggest it's hard to get that off of children too um they a lot of times their influence you know without even realizing there's a teacher in the room or whoever's asking or the way it's asked but I think if they make it uniform right if they make it like a uniform survey I mean it you know that's always that could always be biased you know anybody difficult I mean it's probably there's probably it's hard to say but I think I think you could probably get better data from the parents and like the stakeholders who they might actually have buas too soy it's hard it's hard but I do think it's a it's it's a good idea to ask the students what they like like we're all sitting here talking about what we should be doing for students and what and like did anybody ask them you know soers but anyway thank you for the suggestion okay uh anything else any board members anything else all right well can I have a motion to adjourn sove move by Mr Martinez second by m quad all in favor okay we are adjourned thank you so much you