##VIDEO ID:S7kSUjaJQZg## are we ready everybody okay we can good okay please call the meeting to order please rise for the flag salute pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God IND libery and justice for all rud of ESS in the event of an emergency all people may exit right or left in this room and proceed to an exit door all doors will open from the inside the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the helden board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey Herold news the board's official newspaper on January 10th 20124 notices of this meeting indicating date time and place were posted publicly on the door of the main entrance of the school and build filed with the clerk in the municipality of hon roll call please Mr bosi here Mr K Mr mrman here Mr Martinez here Mr Mo Mr radon Dr WB here and M here okay so we're gonna start with the presentation is going to introduce uh the presentation yeah so um at a board meeting about a month or so ago um presented our data our state assest test data results and the board had some questions about what we do with that how we kind of use that information um to to realizing some of the the the gains we've seen Ela in M the last couple years so Miss Troy uh she serves two roles she's our school's uh literacy coach um and she's also um uh doing her superintendent internship so this is part of her internship so she's going to present to the board uh how we our assessment to to guide our program thank youone T um so like Mr W said this presentation was created as a followup to last month meeting talking about data it outlines what HBS does with data and all the academic programs that we use to to support our so M try would you mind just getting a little closer to the microphone so that everybody can hear okay so assessment is an important part of our our practice here at HPS we know that it is good practice for good teaching and good learning to really understand where our students are and have data driven instruction assessment comes in many forms we know that that the teachers on a day-to-day basis do formative assessments embedded within their lessons they're checking students understandings and their um and also through exit tickets and question techniques that it also way in more formalized structures like unit assessments State standardized tests or in this St District benchmark assessments so the teachers use this data to really Drive their instruction really understand where their students are and meet them to bring them up to where they need to be um at HBS we do a lot of Assessments um both state mandated and for our own data collection we know that at the end of each school year in the spring we do njsla test for grades 3 to eight in math and Ela and then also grades five and8 in science we also do access for our elll Learners so to kind of assess where they are in the English language acquisition and then we also do District benchmark assessments through a variety of forms um just to really really understand in a whole child way to see where our students are um we do this through the linked benchmarks for for grades 3 to eight which really mirrors our njsla assessments they're highly correlative and predictive of that and they mirror the questions for the students online and in the in the question structure we also use iel for all of our grade levels to really get predictive data and pinpoint proficiency levels across math and Ela subject areas and we also do an H&H growth measure which is a reading um foundational and comprehension assessment which also gives it output for Lexile at which rate students are reading at their appropriate so all of these are administered at couple times a year um linked is administered three times a year and the other two assessments are administered twice a year so really what this means is that HPS is focused on datadriven instruction it's a lot of information a lot of numbers but we use it to understand where our students are and support them um we collect this data on understand and analyze it and then the instructional coaches myself and um Jennifer Ramos who is the math coach my math counterpart we take this information and provide teachers with skill-based and standard based information that they can then use so our data life cycle at the center of it all is our students their success their academic growth um it allows us to have students centered classrooms and Equitable classrooms we're really meing the students learning goals and teachers Drive their instruction accordingly um so like to think of this data life cycle in three ways or in three stages the first stage is data collection and that's where we spend the beginning of the year the month of September largely doing those District assessment benchmarks that I mentioned previously trying to see where the students are as they're coming into the school year what do they know as they're coming in for the skills and standards that they are going to be learning in the school year so we know that many of these skills and Staters they have not been taught yet but it allows the teachers to know what they do know and when they come across that in the lesson they can scale up or scale Down based on the students proficiency levels so we at the same time are looking at njsla data because it's the beginning of the year we're a data collection and we're also in State uh assessment analysis the state is releasing those reports that Mr Walker presented and and you the instructional coaches are working behind the scenes to really digest that information what does it all mean and we're able at that point in the beginning of the school year to provide the teachers with three to five skills or standards that we're giving them a focus area on this is how student this is how students performed and these are some areas to focus on knowing that we are going to provide them with more information later on st2 is the analysis phase after all of the data collection occurs this is where the instructional coaches really dig deep and look at all of the assessment data that we just just collected how did each student perform individually on these assessments and then we're also looking at Trends what is going on in the grade bubble what is going on um between the student cohort between math and El subject areas so we're really trying to see what how our students need support and what areas they do need extra support in or areas that they are excelling in and we can provide teachers with that information as well stage three is action and intervention it's a lot of numbers a lot of charts and graphs and we want to be able to provide teachers with the resource that they can turn around immediately into the class um into their lessons and leverage the resources and curricular progress that we have at place so here's an example um we presented this data to the teachers a few weeks ago and we provide them some snapshots of the assessment results by grade by subject and by cohort and then summarize the key findings for them and then we provide the teachers with unique resources for each of those assessments that we collect and we create uh that they can immediately use in their classroom instruction so for example the linked benchmarks we look at that information we identify three to five standards for students performed poorly and then provide the teachers with those test questions the test answers and Link all of that information to the chapters in The Textbook curriculum and also any supplemental programs that provide the students with extra practice for the specific skills that they are struggling in so teachers can use this in their classroom in aun now they might bring this up in the chapter or unit that they're teaching that skill in but what it lets them know is that in their planning process they're given data that will allow them to know is this an area where the teacher needs to leverage additional resources because their students are struggling with this skill or on the flip side do they um are the students excelling in this and they don't necessarily need to integrate all of those other resources because they understand so it kind of lets them balance their lessons that way we also show teachers ways that they can Empower their own students to take charge of their own learning so using prog programs like iel reflex where they can look at their own skill plans students can they themselves decide these are my recommended skills I'm going to practice on my own I'm also going to use the practice skills that my teacher has assigned to so the students and the teachers have a twoa street so in summary we have the data we digest the findings we make it actionable for the teachers and then at the end of the day we are here to support our student and here's a summary of our school programs and academic support our data driven instruction driven by formative and summ summited assessments embedded within the curriculum our Core Curriculum as well as our supplementary programs and resources which we have many of um the this information is also discussed regularly in professional learning communities with teachers and also focused in their student growth objectives their sdos within our Academic Program we have academic support like basic skills intervention BSI inclass resource our lit department and also our ESL program the instructional coaches we offer a a menu of things to support teachers and students we are doing regular classroom visits to support the teachers in lesson planning and collaboration and co- teing really whatever the teachers need we are there to support that um we also are offering this year uh specialized uh Coaches Corner Monday meetings where we pick a topic that is good for uh across grade levels in subject areas across interdisciplinary subjects and we are supporting the teachers in that way uh while we can uh our goal is to visit all of the teachers and support them we do spend some extra time with our brand new teachers and our teachers who are new to HBS as are getting acclimated into the profession and also our h s and then we know that HPS offers so many programs to support students that's outside of the classroom we have after school homework club after school enrichment the boss program in the summer we have peer tutoring during deer and IRL periods and our wild cat skills challenge competition so like to engage the students with some friendly challenges with competition here withl based skills and that happens two times so there's lot of data happening at HPS we all are focused on the growth of our students at the end thank you m question yeah I I have a couple um so there's a lot going on and you and the other coach there's there's two coaches there's a Ela and a math coach okay you have your your hands full you have a lot to do um so when you so you offer supplemental uh materials to the teachers the data that um you know is shown on the assessments um is there any followup with the teachers to see how they' implemented that yes um okay yes and that's with our classroom buiness we'll see we'll show them the data we'll ask about progress monitoring and when the benchmarks occur beginning middle and end of the year we may share additional results we're also looking at regular classroom data because most of our programs are online we're able to pull that student data for them and help them even with their planning of all of that information help impr their students help them kind of drive that so it's an ongoing process and not just when we get these okay great and then my other question is um how often do you see students taking advantage of like those opportunities to you know like take it upon themselves to work on their the skills or things that they may ractice with or they may need to work on like do you see that happening a lot a little bit kind of in the middle definitely and especially with the ISL skills challenge the the kids like friendly competition so when there's an incentive or they can visually see with their practices a lot of these programs have embedded uh rewards if you will so they're able to uh challenge themselves even and so um the teachers are very well versed in just kind of encouraging students when you're done with this let's go back and do another Diagnostic and get a different set of skills for you to practice on so they know that it's just embedded with your no learning and um you're just excited to just so you so you do have to like dangle a little incentive okay because I was gonna say when I heard that I had a similar question because I have two kids and my experience with them is unless I tell them no go do this you need extra work you know they're not going to take it upon themselves for sure so just one I think you answered it just now but when you're saying we in terms of who's doing the analysis and then who's supporting the classrooms it's two coaches the collective wi is one for ELA and one for math correct okay and then cross curricular so we know that a lot of our teachers um go in for BSI so we're really supporting anybody who touches those subject areas okay that we're supporting okay and then second the so we have our own internal District benchmarks do we like based on what you're seeing internally with our benchmarks are we on par with as expected in the actual scoring that we see the standardized scoring that we're getting are we underperforming or overperforming based on what you're expecting from how we're doing with our own District vur so with our district vs they are predicted so what we are able to see in things like link it is that um a student uh above or Advance we likely see that we're seeing those correlations in the data and then are able to compare that information across States sorry across the stat are are you tracking that too sometimes we like we go through these scores and you're like you know we've been trending up and we were kind of unexpected to see this or yeah did better than what was our you so to answer the first part of your question to add on to the first part um the link it Benchmark aims to emulate what the state test is going to look like okay but we don't know for sure what the state test looks like they they'll give us samples of questions right um but we don't but the only kids that will see a state test of the kids that act will take it we're not going to get you know a copy of that back so it's you know they're they're predicted to a certain extent uh but what we're looking for is wherever we see in in October we and then we know there's going to be a benchmark 2 and a benchmark we want to see the arrow going up right um and and we've seen that and the goal is when there's times where we don't see the the arrow go up enough uh we say what what what can we might what might we want to do differently or what can we do better to to try and address whatever the the needs the kids are telling us um so I also think to a big part of this is you know she talked about like the holistic that it it gets so individualized uh because we could see what a linoln if they 10 different skills they're going to look to assess so we can kind of see uh what a certain group of kids are at a certain grade level what they're strong at what they need to work on so we can kind of adjust instruction in real time uh and But ultimately what I'm looking at for my level is just that the scores to keep going upwards thank you any other questions beautiful presentation thank you for the information I just don't remember from the results I know one went up a little bit and one went down you call yes we saw some Gams in math overall overall we saw gain we saw a slight drop in a few grade levels for ELA and we saw some games in that okay so specifically with Ela um are we making any adjustments to the curriculum to make sure that we are I guess in efforts to try to to I guess have the ELA schools also go up um I know that all of these bench marks and things like that are great but in order to make a change there what are we doing specifically with we meet with the teachers or I would meet with the teachers and provide them with those skill-based and standard based assessments we make sure that those uh those areas that they need to be tested in are pushed up or be emphasized into the curriculum because Ela is Si when everything spirals we make sure that they get enough practice in those things and make adjustments in this SCH sequence in case that it's something that so just working with the teachers to adjust and also is there any efforts to try to get the parents more involved specifically in regards to getting the kids take that op out I could speak to that so we have a certain percentage that up there it's not as high as it as it used to be when the test was called to park was kind of controver we have you we still have too many that opt out but it's it's it's not like an epidemic or anything like that what was the first part of your question in regards to getting the par parents involved oh yes so and U I was telling the finance committee this um our apparently ason we just started that position in September we've been getting a whole lot of value from that position uh we started doing virtual parent workshops uh and part of what she's explaining to parents or multiple languages and is here's all the services that are available to you um and then she's also getting specific with they work with guidance counselors helping address specific CERN concerns with parents about the instructional programs okay one other question I'm sorry um in regards to comparables other District park or gu I don't know North is proba not comparable but how how are we looking these Benchmark the um I think that was there was an national state they give you the state right so they they give you that uh as as one metric to to go against they used to do something called District Factory groups which was uh schools in the state that had a similar both population and economic social level um they kind of went away from that so they they don't show you how you compare to that particular peer group anymore so right now we would have to look at whatever every District that you'd want to know reported at their board meeting because I wouldn't have access to that okay M president yes yes Mr I I don't I don't want to jump ahead on the agenda but if I may I bring everyone's attention to 8.2 um the curriculum it's uh parent workshops that are that are scheduled for November one in English I believe and one in Spanish uh our parent coordinator is putting together for using the real time uh application that being said how do we feel that um a workshop like that is going to impact our benchmarks having our parent coordinator educate our parents how to use real time so they can better uh assist their children at home yes um they're not going to be able to assist their children and they're not able to know where their children at they're not checking their children repard so we have to start there we have to make sure that our parents are aware uh how to uh log into the application how to check the child's grades and so on and so forth we need the parents cooperation where we at also where we at last time as it pertains to parents checking the real time P about how many of parents check that you bring up a really good point in that we just started this title one parent the ason and we wanted to start with something so fundamental but but still super important which is getting parents familiar with all the systems we have so that they can monitor not only their child's grades but monitor their child's attendance on there their child's discipline on there their child's teacher comments the guidance counselor notes we want that to be something that um you know the the not only the parents but we want the kids to also be you know checking on that often um so that's why we started um doing things like this this early on in her tenure in this in this position and I think to answer your first question how will that impact assessment scores I I I can only imagine it would would would help build enthusiasm and I think whenever the child sees that Mom and Dad are aligned with the vision of the school I think that it's a very healthy place for for a kid to to be academically and you know to your point about the kids checking I know we're getting off topic here but um I noticed that when the kids get older and they check themselves there's a little more ownership there like when they're younger they're they don't have any I mean I guess they do have access They Don't Really check the portal but as they get older like in middle school they're checking it and they're like oh I got this grade and then they're seeing how quickly um you know the score the their tests are being graded how quickly the grades are coming back I just know that from my own child and her friends so um you know that's a part of it too you bring up a good point I read a study where they if you go into a classroom and you ask a child what's your grade at this class the children that can accurately describe to you exactly what their grade is and be able to tell you why those children tend to do better in that particular subject and I I think there's a correlation between the ownership and then checking in and seeing it in real time and just kind of I think so at least I recall uh real the real time portal was uh the last report that you issued Mr Walker was like maybe 30% of parage check oh yeah it's probably I would say Bill it's cing from Roman about 30 or 40% maybe check report cards yeah yeah so I I would like for the school dist to monitor after these workshops how much more parents are checked for the real time we can keep an eye on that we can compare the First Market period versus the third and see how much went up yeah okay any other questions from Miss Troy yes in regards to the benchmarks um how are they correlated into their actual gr they're not used as actual they're just data for the teachers to understand because that was a big selling point that we wanted we wanted the kids to to want to take the test and to take it seriously and and like you know some schools philosophy will put grade weights on a benchmark but for us like what what are we really using it for we're really using it to find out what an authentic start point is and then you know where the where the the progress markers are going to be so we didn't want to put that there's a lot of test PR pest pressure on kids anyway so philosophically we decided not to to grade that any other questions okay thank you so much Mr Troy this is a great presentation Troy well done thank thank you and Miss Ramos too thank you okay all right let's move on to minutes can I have a motion to accept prior minutes second mov by Mr Martinez second by Mr Abasi roll call please mros yes yes uh Mr is here okay Mr K yes Mr Goodson yes Mr Martinez yes Dr WB yes Mr yes okay I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on agenda items only so move moved by Mr Gman seconded by Dr Webb roll call please okay or all in favor all right okay hi the floor is open to the public on agenda items only anybody have anybody okay can I have a motion to close second moved by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr aasi all in favor I I okay moving on to reports okay so I will begin so good evening everyone and thank you for joining us um first off as yesterday was election day and we have unofficial results for Local School Board elections I want to congratulate Misha Johnson and roxan Cerna for being elected to the hon Board of Education beginning in January 2025 I also want to congratulate incumbent helden School Board member Carlos MCO on his win and I look forward to working with all of you in the coming year to keep moving our district and our students forward I also want to sincerely thank Omar Abasi and Nathan web for their dedication and service these past few years we've been through a lot together and your contributions to this board are valuable and appreciated we still have three more meetings to get work done and I want to make the most of them next I want to talk a little bit about the New Jersey school boards association annual conference that took place a couple of weeks ago a number of our school board members along with Chief School admin Ator Mr Waka and our business administrator Miss Augustin attended this multi-day event which provides an opportunity for Schoolboard members to participate in sessions and discussions that provide professional development guidance best practices and a chance to network and team build with fellow board members within our district our County and across the state so I attended some great learning sessions um that focused on student achievement um leveraging Schoolboard committees which is a topic that I think we should take a close cler look at um and Gathering student input on various School topics an idea that I'd really like to explore further um I also had the pleasure of attending the effective law enforcement and School District collaboration session pres presented by our very own um CSA Mr Waka and School Board commissioner deputy chief Gman Mr Waka and Mr Gman walked session participants through our process of building and maintaining a productive and efficient system for communication and collaboration between our local police department department and our school district this successful relationship helps to ensure the safety and security of our students and our school so while every district and police department is different and has unique factors that would need to be worked out on an individual basis I believe that we here in hailen have an excellent model that any District could follow in order to create a valuable partnership with its local police department and a system which all stakeholders benefit so thank you for that great presentation Mr W and Mr Gman uh and thank you for sharing your expertise and our own experience with other districts in the state I think that they benefited those who were in attendance benefited uh next I don't want to steal any of Mr waka's Thunder but I do want to congratulate the administration including Mr Waka and Miss Augustin um as well as our director of facilities Mr Man um and his custodial team on the wonderful accomplishment of creating this completing the school building Edition construction project on time and on budget it was a huge undertaking and everyone's cooperation was truly appreciated especially that of teachers staff and students I'm really looking forward to seeing the new classrooms uh and the space being filled with eager students and dedicated staff and lots and lots of learning uh congratulations and thank you to everyone involved um and then before I turn it over to Mr Waka did does anybody who presented I who attended the workshop want to comment on any sessions that they attended or just the conference and as a whole um I'll say it was a event for a couple of days um I really did enjoy the the session that Happ with did um since a pictur I sent it to you guys um but um I really wish that uh everyone could be there because uh you United as a united front I mean obviously people work different stuff but as united front us being there together I think uh next yes Mr yeah so it was truly an honor to present Atlantic City I think school boards convention um collaboration between law enforcement and school officials um I just just to reiterate our school resource officers are not just nearly school resource officers they are detectives assigned to our schools that specialize in juile matters right they have specialized training um in interviewing juveniles whether it's a sexual U situation or a bullying situation so on and so forth um they are Thea on between the police department with the same kind of Prosecutor Office juvenile when not the performance of their official duties as sro's they oversee our community police and services division they do a tremendous job they are Beyond just officers armed with a gun it's a model that works and uh we always looking for ways to expand on that and let's be clear there's still a lot more work to be done such as that drop off and pickup situation on Lee Avenue that is still seems to be a problem and we need to finally address that um but I digress on that and truly an honor and I thank everyone for their support thank you very much thank you um yeah to Mr Martinez's point I think you know while everybody may not be able to attend um the the conference in Atlantic City um I think it's really important for us as a board to attend professional development together so whether that's a county meeting or um you know a a session that and njsba is providing or some other format you know some some other venue um um it's it's great to attend those sessions together because then we can discuss it together and it's um just a really good way to build camaraderie you know as well as build our knowledge so and to Mr Gusman's point you know the SRO are just a part of our our uh collaboration with the police department that's that's a successful part of it but it's just part of it that we have a lot of other ways that we communicate and collaborate that makes this a successful model so I'm really proud of that and thank you again for that presentation um yes I just want to Pigg you back on that um I love the fact that the officers that are here are also the officers that are out there so they know and they see what's going on in the neighborhood and it can easily if you folks notice it's strategically done the state in a lot of different districts the SRO uniform is different in haen the state uniform that our sro's wear is the same uniform that our Patrol officers wear so our students can make that connection very important and they also see they also see that you know the headline about you know police officers not being the best they don't see that here because they're involved and you know they have that one-on-one connection with the kids the kids see them in the street you know they're they're you want that you want your kids to have that trust right you know be able to not even in school but even in the street be able to see oh I need your help you know that they already met them here they already had that relationship here and we thank our our superintendent Mr wer for inviting the heal police into the school district to do walkthroughs and things of that nature and same thing with our superintendent up at Manchester digal High School Mr John coo he opens his doors uh their doors to the uh held of police department as well we can't be we can't be than for we appreciate the collaboration and the cooperation thank you so much thank you okay so with that I will turn it over to our chief School administrator Mr w all right I start by thanking Miss Troy as a really good report um you know that shows how far this board's come uh when I got here like seven or eight or nine years ago there was no math coach no Reading Coach um but you know the board kind of advocated for that um and we've seen games for that so you know thank you for that and they do a great job they're the they're the then the great teachers the reasons the schoolers uh have been doing well and the kids are getting a whole lot of different Services um construction update we're like 99.9% done we're just waiting for the fence rental company to come pick up the fence their fences um so I I'm told that on Monday uh they're going to be gone one way or the other um but we've already moved two um classrooms into that area uh over the you know the teachers and we'll be out for the teachers convention next couple days um but we've been they've doing a great job kind of getting those rooms ready so that we get back on Monday uh we'll look to have more you know kiddos in classrooms get that area fully populated they're doing a great job job um and you're right we went on time on budget um you know so I just want to thank the board and L and Germain and our neighbors our neighbors been really good because we made some noise lately uh but they you know I didn't get one single complaint about construction or the parking so thank you to our neighbors uh and on December 18th 6:30 uh we'll send you a an electronic invite to this but we're going to do like a ribbon cutting type ceremony it'll be in the second floor um that's where there's a uh that we you know put into the wall that you know talks about the project and um you know lists all the board members that were part of you know this process uh but so far it's going great so thank you next is not a good issue to talk to you about um so now for the third time in about 18 months we've had a pipe issue or pipe burst by the cafeteria area so we looked into it and when they built this school a long long long time ago it we decided that we're going to bring water in under the ground and water comes under the school and then comes into the building and spreads wherever it has to go um but that means if there's a problem with one of these underground pipes now we got to take a jackhammer and and it's it's a real tough process just to get to these pipes um we've replaced the sections of pipes that have kind of eroded but if we're replacing three of these pipes in 18 months it probably looks like the shelf life of these particular pipes that were installed forever ago they they're just going to start to erode so we're we've asked the plumber to give us a detail report and then L and I will look at it make a recommendation as to what to do next um but we we'd like to see if it's possible we get some kind of camera and a snake and a flashlight to go into the pipes to see how bad is this problem in the Middle School in the cafeteria area um we we we don't know how bad it's going to be or how bad it could potentially be so we we want to get that information and we're working to get that now um in the meantime just because you know the last thing you'd want is a pipe to burst on a Saturday night and then no one finds out about it till you know the the following Monday morning and now we're in a bad situation uh we're going to have custodians come to the buildings every so often in the weekend just to kind of check the area um Germaine on his phone camera has ability to look at our hail school cameras we can look that are just every down just to make sure nothing bad's happen but that would that would be something that would really be bad if like it happened then and then we didn't Discover it for a while and in the meantime we're going to look uh to talk to the plumbers see is there some kind of fail safe device where waterers protected on the floor in the meantime before you figure out exactly what we got to do with this Pro with this project uh I'd like to be able to kill the water supply of some kind of water is detected so I'm not a a plumber um but we're we're going to try and learn more about this as to make a recommendation to the board um that's kind of liik might have more to explain about that but that's kind of where we're at with this project um next we I got to say thank you to the maker Series team they do the maker nights uh we're usually really good at not double book but we booked a a dance and a maker night in the same Friday night um so the and both really like having a lot of space uh but because there's more kids in the the dance um the the maker night's going to be held in the small gym uh so I I really appreciate that team kind of you know making that adjustment for me so we could get two good things for kids you know and not have to cancel one um so just a reminder to the community on Thursday Friday um the certified Angels program and the and the after program will be open for student students uh I know the board had asked for this last year so Mr was kind of put this together so for the month of October 24 the guidance Department held 106 mediation per conflict resolution sessions between student and student or student and teacher just you know what whatever was kind of bothering kids um the year before that uh we only held 53 so um I'm really proud of what the guidance team and with Mado uh are kind of doing the kind of work with the teachers to identify problems before they bigger problems in the first two months of the year it's still a middle school but it it's been kind of a quiet middle school and I think a lot of that's because of the individualized work with the guidance council is doing uh so thank you to everyone that's part of that um and then the last thing you're going to see um that I want to talk about is on the agenda there's the qac self-reported score um we got uh a self-reported the full scores for governance grounds and then for operation we've had qack maybe three or four times now and it really hasn't changed so we've gone through the process we' made our process the process that is we've get the high scores so I feel confident that that section is gonna we get the scores to be reported there's some kind of a glitch on the there's one section had 90% instead of 100 we've gotten 100% of than last time there's some kind of glitch in the software I couldn't figure out how to enter the score um so miss m is working on that to try and fix that but the Personnel will be 100 and then miss l l and Miss Mo do a really good job with our HR department uh and then there see a 40% for instruction that all of our curriculum are are up to date and up to standard the state has not populated the test scores into their rubric or their formula so we don't have when we get that information then we have to share that with the board as well um and that's my report for tonight thank you Mr W do anybody have any questions Mr W okay um miss our business administrator misson thank you so um just like Mr Walker noted the construction project is um nearly um completed in most areas we received a certificate of occupy and some classes um have already moved into the building we just have a few other um things that financially would take care of on the agenda you probably see the last um payment application on the agenda a few change orders that will open what one is on there tonight so that'll probably be the next you know few agendas until everything is everyway um the contractor took care of all the punch list items so the you know architect signed off and everything so we're good to go so far and obviously the contractor let us know if there's anything that comes up you know they're still around to make sure everything is um you know 100% to our satisfaction the piping um issue that happened earlier um as to Mr Walker Mr Man about what we need to do to try to um combat that issue going forward right now we're just going to do an assessment to see where we are this is um the third time I believe it happen so we want to make sure that we understand what's going on with the PIP in Mr Man already gave us some suggestions and we're just going to you know connect with the professional and even if we need to get a second opinion to see what our options are and we'll come back with you guys on our plan it's definitely going into the long range facility plan just in case it becomes a bigger project than we anticipated but it is something that we see that now that we really really need to address okay for the qack um upcoming H I got an email today I don't know if you saw the email about the facility walk that's happening on November 21st I haven't checked email since about two so the um County VA sent an email that we're going to we're the first district to have and great that's what I said what want yeah we're going to be the first district to do walk through us when it with a couple District Downs I usually collaborate with some of the other business administrators so they be collaborating with me at this time so right the yeah definitely but it always good to get a little insight before because they you know sometimes they just look at different things every time you know stick to the standard but there's always like a curve wall there and I'm hoping that um I'm I'm for sure we rise to C like you guys said just let you know that's right around the corner uh a few items on the agenda I did mention the change order with the um contractor so we'll see a couple of those once every before the financial aspect of the project goes out we have the discarding of the Chromebooks this is usually when the shelf life of the Chromebooks are at is um you know life cycle we ually discard them and I think umill you can um remind me guys clean slate clean them all okay and use the parts that you can use right okay and uh also on there on the agenda where highlighted um resolution 12.19 this the annual comprehensive maintenance plan I just wanted to um let you guys know that's something that the district has to present to the county every year it's just the plan to say that we are keeping up with the building facilities and we're doing the required maintenance every year and we have to put a plan together and send to the county for approval so that's something we do every year other items on there is um tuition contracts if there's any questions on those but those are I related and there are some medical um resolutions for I believe it's a dental company that wants to give services for our kids to pray questions on on 129 you referenced the maintenance plan and the anticipated budget that you calculate an so is that accounted for in our does that match our what we have budgeted for maintenance for 2425 yes if we look at the 24 25 column I took it right off the budget so this 25 26 column will feed into next year's budget yes I I just increased it by two thank you else thank you m thank you okay so moving on to our reports personnel and management Mr Gman thank you madam president um I just want to start by saying that regardless of what's going on on the federal level or state level it's important that we all work together on a local level um let continue being good neighbors let continue to be there for one another um public service is not about titles it's a way of life we may now agree on everything but one thing is short Miss roxan Cera Mr Omari Mr Carlos moxo Dr Nathan we MRSA Johnson are all dedicated Public Service Helen has five solid candidates choose from to be board members and fortunately only three only three can be chosen but again it's not about titles it's a way of life there's no thought in my mind that regardless of who comes out Victorious ultimately as as the uh results are certified I think that we're we're going to be in good hands and that we're going to continue uh working together to move haing forward um and I think I just wanted to share that sentiment with everybody because it's very important that we don't get caught up on titles um Mr Omar has served this board with nothing but the professionalism and dedication same thing with Dr web so I just want you to continue to stay motivated um and as you both already know you don't have to be on this board uh to make a difference in our community so I want to salute both of you and I want to congratulate from the bottom of my heart the presume winners of this election which uh Mrs roxan CA Mr Carlos moo m l Johnson and that being said I have curriculum and Technology Dr web guess before before iard only I do want to thank all the residents of Helen who did support uh my campaign I don't take it lightly and I I'm here um and I'll be back so agenda item only thank you uh policy and public relations Mr Martinez agenda items only security and safety Mr Gman agenda item Community engagement Mr Abasi nothing to report finance and physical plant Mr Gman um and for state and County um we we do have a PA County School Board Association meeting coming up on Monday December 9th um it's a hybrid so if you can't attend in person you can attend virtually and if you do attend in person it's going to be at blakeland Regional High School in wanu um and it's 7: to 8:30 virtually and if you attend in person it's it starts at 6 because they have dinner um so keep that in mind it's um it's the last one of the calendar year so um that's an opportunity to oh I'm sorry the topic is harnessing the power of public relations social media and tax so that's always interesting and relevant um okay uh and then uh board attorney report Mr Marina no report tonight okay thank you okay so let's go back now uh curriculum no I'm sorry personnel and management Mr Gman like move item 7.1 7 second so moved by Mr Gman seconded by Dr web Roa please does anybody have any questions for personnel and management I got a couple I no no it's fine I was waiting for her to say mru than I used to talking I only have a couple of these left so I'm GNA take advantage of so just just really quick 7.4 is that just for substitutes that haven't already been approved it's just we're adding one more or is this one substitute for the year like we have more substitutes that are approved than just this one extra one correct yeah I remember um at the beginning of the school year there was a subtitute list so this is just one additional okay um 7 eight for the the uh the rapid response team are are all 18 members of this team do they all have the CPR AED training so we have this year alone uh there's car team they uh theyve trained 90 staff members thus far and we have another group of uh staff members that are going to be trained in um in February in our next PD day February so we're going to be one of the more Advanced schools around as far as this particular training we appreciate that so I I I don't have the list in front of me but I imagine that all these people were part of their first group night okay and then let's us God forbid something happens outside in like the Park area what's the closest ad to that spot so there's one in the small gym area um this board I thought was wise when they vot a guest to having a playground monitor uh we didn't you know most schools you go by and you see kids playing as what you want them to do after school on the um but we decided let's just have a staff member there from three to five is we can get that staff member to it um District peace of mind to help the kids out so that there's a staff member that you know has is going to be either has that training he has because he's coach um so they'll be able to help in that situation and then lastly very quickly 710 and 711 are both new hires for the after care services program right and so 71 is different 7 710's an Aftercare employee uh 7-Eleven is um a we were able to hire a school nurse okay um and um so we're approving her tonight um the AA and and myself and Jeff are kind of all coordinated um we agreed that this person's going to be hired with an emergency their certificate like right now she's like a an e like a a hospital nurse but she doesn't have the what she needs for to get the full school nurse certificate um so we said we would would would provide uh would pay for the classes as long as she gives us a two-year commitment um you know once she becomes a full-time certified employee um and we thought that was a fair thing because she was only person that applied and she was really really really impressive candidate yeah for some reason I read that there were both the same I was curious as to why there was two for the one resignation but uh a very long yes oh sorry I have no more questions thank you madam president okay so now do roll call please Mr aasi yes Mr Keta yes Miss CAD yes Mr Gman yes Mr Martinez yes Dr re yes and Mr V yes okay curriculum and Technology Dr web I'd like to move 8.1 through 8.6 okay so moved by Dr web SED by Mr Martinez roll call please if you have questions have question okay do do you w to just ask us before they vote or should we whatever yeah let's do it that way because that's the way we we've always done it if you have questions you know before you vote you can ask your questions so just really quickly missa on 8.3 um the jackals baseball team thing is that are they coming are Jackal coming for the school or they came and did something similar um they gave uh our I believe is our second graders and our fourth graders remember I remember I was at the Jackal game with them that night I forget what group we were there too yeah um so they gave the kids complimentary tickets and they let them do like we all ran on the field uh and they do uh and they also do like the I guess the connect with the schools uh the reading the reading incentive program yeah uh they they get free tickets or merchandise whatever they can but they're coming to the school too like to do the reading with the kids or is it just no I think it's just the program I I don't think they the Inc to do the reading to go there they do like one big assembly hyping up the program but I don't know they they're actually coming into the classroom reading with the kids okay I I wasn't sure if that was the case or not said it said um in school startup assemblies um but that's not actually them coming it's their it's PR team is or whatever their people they with the team it's not actual team members right no they never B I was just curious if you had any like aspiring semi are you fan no I was just CU sign balls um but when we went this was real quick story it was like we were it was us and Cedar Grove and there was like really no one else there was kind of a a misty night every kid must have got a foul ball every kid had hailed had so many opportun that part was neat we all excited um second on 8.4 and you referenced this in your report Mr waa the Personnel one with the so on that first page for 1B and one C the select the percentage of files for those is still not selected if you put 100 I'm curious that will make the tally go to 100 instead of 90 at the bottom it may because when I was doing this the Excel like every page looked the same except for the Personnel page and there was a a formatting thing so I might either miss something but um because if I think I think one A B and C are three separate inputs just looking at it and B and C still say selective percentage that could have been what was was missed I Know I Know M Moser told me she was gonna correct whatever she was going to do on her end I just haven't got the confirmation that it's been done but good very good faith I if she will but that could very well be it and then um 8 five so a couple questions on this is like a big checklist for the preschool program there's there's one section there that says no we don't have a Head Start program and no there's no private providers in the area that are available is that I think it's questions like 21 to 23 something like that so what there's no private provider in the community or anything similar to the headb program or do we have something else so similar so so I guess I answer your questions the reason we have to do this is that our preschool is fully funded by the state so we're we're you know it's free for for our school to do it they want us to take as money they can but we have to kind of go through their whole checklist um I don't a head starts a specific type of program I don't believe there's a head start specifically in in in ham I think Tech has one but but they'll be W I have a question yeah when was the last time we had a curriculum uh curriculum heting committee meeting curriculum curriculum uh curriculum committee meeting well if there was if there was something where you know I had a lot of stuff on there or the board the if the committee chair the requested one we're always happy to have one just feel there's a lot of questions I think you should probably you know follow our our our model which the the committee model you know um that was one I mentioned it in my report that was one of the sessions that I attended about leveraging committees and I think we could do a lot with that you know um it doesn't just have to be um something new coming up you know or something out of the ordinary we could do a lot with the Committees and I think it's something to think about going forward and you know for the new for the new year yeah to answer your question uh we we don't have a specific Head Start the best my knowled and then the last one on the same one number 37 the screenings um later on in the agenda 12.6 there's a dental that's being provided like should we I mean just so off here so what it is is that the screening they talking about here is just a mandated like the basically we all got get here's your your your eye test here's your height here's your weight for certain times yeah um as far as the thing that you're referring to to with that service uh I think that's a more that's a a service apparent can opt into I think this the dental company's giving away some some kind of service they but the child would have to have their parent bring to that office for that okay thank you no more questions okay so mros yes Mr kada yes Mr I have a question on the 8.2 for the parent workshops for the real time um can we follow up afterwards to see what the status is um parent participation actually you what the number like the like a metric of how many parents showed up the thing said we're like at 30 something per now maybe afterwards we can um follow up and see if it actually helps and is there a way that maybe there's like an acknowledgement button that has to be pressed for the parent so I think like if this is Al it's going to be on Zoom right so it should be recorded so we should be able to see how many people but I'm saying for the real time like when I go to check the report card I'm in there and then I come out maybe we should do like an acknowledgement button there is there there is a button there when you um it's they have it for like the forms that you're supposed to fill out and there's always a check mark there but they also have the report cards now it doesn't I don't see anything like that for the grades like the grade book The Daily grades but there is a check block for the report card you click the button and it you know it's um verified that you have reviewed the report card you you better than I would think that that actually for the grades like a report card yes acknowledge but also for like to get the parents into the habit of making sure that they're acknowledging their their their students uh grades or their weekly reports and stuff like that I think we should add that mandatory and sending reminders like I get a reminder that an assignment is missing maybe sending a reminder didn't check the portal you know I mean I mean parents parents always ask hey how come how come you guys don't do this how come you guys don't do that well if you would re go into the real time and you would actually look at it and acknowledge it then you can't say we didn't give you that option we need like we don't want to make our parents do anything they don't want to do can't make them but having the option there that's there and you acknowledging them it's letting us know that you're actually looking at your kids stuff and that you're aware so well two things um I think we could give an incentive if they go in and check but from a technical standpoint is I know with the the report card it's a document it's a PDF right but with the grade book it's like um I mean I don't know what you would call it but it's it's not a document is there a way to check off if somebody's looking at that screen or that page that seems a little bit trickier not we what were you so I was going to say something kind of similar in that you know let if it's maybe Bill a pack and just give it give it a gander see is there any report we could run that would show us the level of parent participation in a whatever the time frame we want to give onto the the grade page there it might be possible there is some kind of report that like that and but it's possible that there isn't um and I think that you know once we we're going to see that as far as how many parents are going to this this Workshop or both of these workshops so we we should see an uptake um but if it's something that you know if it's possible to put in some kind of check mark um you know we could explore what the options are and that I'd make a recommendation to the the board thank you mrman yes M Martinez yes yes Mr yes let's finance and physical plan Mr 12.1 through 1220 I second by Mr Gman seconded by Dr web roll call please Mr one very question 1220 the safety checklist yes are we in the process of getting flame curtains for the stage yes so that's it's in the works it did say that on the report that they're in the process I think they said we will I just wasn't sure is there that's fine we good deadline is there any urgency for I don't have a date for you but it's will be most likely before the county ba comes okay thank you have to see the availability um I have to check with the vendor just make sure that they can come yeah okay yes yes Miss C 127 5431 and yes okay Mr Martinez yes Dr web yesman yes and Mr yes I'm sorry I do have to abstain from invoice 4351 on 1217 you said 43 4351 okay um do we have any new or old business Mr Gman um no mad president so um as we have more board members are becoming more seasoned you know everything else sometimes it's good to go back to the join board and um revisit how we do business you know committee model or any other model um so I think we're there and we want to leverage the fact that we have mras here and Dr web here so and so forth um as we you know look into the new year and fore the future so I think uh we should we should visit that and analyze that at the board uh to see how we're going to conduct business see if there's any other effective way um any other best practices throughout the state uh take it from there I think we've come to that point so some like some board members are more effective at asking their questions via email some of them make a phone call some of them discuss it VI a committee um you know and we you know it's important that we're that we so I think that's important I mean that's just my two cents yeah um it's a good suggestion I I'm not sure how that would look because if we can't it would in a meeting in a public meeting if we're all together sure so do you have any like thoughts on how how we would do that should we we could do it at the November 20th meeting maybe have designate time on the agenda to talk about that or I mean anybody have any thoughts on that I think it's something that maybe your superintendent can um and look into and come back with maybe a proposal or um um you know we could consider down the line for another Retreat as well you know it's it's just you know something that we can we can revisit that's all it doesn't mean we have to I mean I think right now things are going smoothly in my opinion but it's something that should you know we can consider well I think that's definitely a a good topic for a retreat if we want um to have Dr web and Mr Abasi here in the capacity of board members it would have to be done before the end of December so um I mean we could we could think about designating some time on the November 20th because the the December 18th one um we're going to have the ribbon cutting and it's the end of year I don't know if that I think I think it'd be a good discussion for the board to have the retreat about how do we want to in the future do onboarding for for new board members um you know you have the certain there's governance one they have to take and the new board member Academy and all that stuff so there the opportunities for someone new in the position you know it's it's they're there for them to to kind of to pick up on it but I also think that that there is some kind of think even if if it's a suggestion protocol for onboarding it's not a bad idea but together some some notes or OBS observations I've had that may be useful for that like I like when I first started I used to either call you before and ask a bunch of questions and then just say yes to everything or sometimes if it was a longer thing I would email you guys I've now leaned more towards I don't know if people get annoyed by it but I actually like to ask the questions to public because it might trigger sometimes it triggers other conversation that we didn't think we were going to have that's true so I stop kind of giving you a heads up and just giving you quizzes all the time yeah so nsba has like the their suggestion is the guess the rule of no surprises but I also think that I don't philosophically think that's always the there information that's not super high I'm trying to be like I got you but sometimes meaning you want to say something publicly because it's good show and it shows community that you're being a diligent Bo member when you ask the questione so I understand that part too so I think we need to balance all that come up with a good balance and move forward you know yeah and and keeping in mind though that you know committee work is where a lot of that hashing out should happen too so so that we're not like getting bogged down with like a lot of details like like higher level questions are good at the meeting at the public meeting but when you start to like really get into the weeds that's better I think in um committee meetings just so that you know it doesn't um slow down the meeting like the pace of the meeting too much but if you're willing to do that Mr aasi and if you would like to Dr Webb like share any of your thoughts um you know that would be wonderful you know and um and I think that's definitely a topic a retreat topic for sure um yeah that's a great suggestion um and I know I've asked this question in the past about you know um looking into the possible sidewalk a couple other things in terms of security um um the own inclusive Park as well um can we have an update on that as it pertains to the building expansion and the inclusive yeah so at the next board I'll get show some pictures of what makes our playground an inclusive playground whereas before wasn't and a lot of it's just the the the visuals the teamwork that kids have to use to operate the thing there's there's sounds there's there's a lot of different things that we hadn't seen in a playground before uh but I I like I took the idea I'll provide pictures and a little update about what makes that unique and lastly if I may um access apartment you know sometimes you know we want to make sure we visit the protocol as far as when the Park is open when the park is closed we may want to have that Park open for the community even when school is closed and things like that so I believe we need to weigh that and uh make a make make a board policy on the park you know um whether it's uh the Park is open you know I don't know from Sun from sun up to sun down seven days a week but then who's responsible for locking the park it will be one of our custodians and cleaning it so we have to weigh all of that but it's important I think that the community at large should have access to park I mean again that's decision so we um we have before the M had had gotten here um one of my first years we put on a because we knew that there was going to be times we just didn't have supervision but we wanted the kids to be able to play on this equipment because it's right there and and it's it's a safe environment um so we opened the park up but we um I think Mr meino helped us write it but we just put postage signage around there saying uh basically you're you're on your own after school hours um there have been weekends where when it's nice where we've left the gates open and kids enjoyed it um we haven't really KN well we haven't really come back on on a Monday when that's happened where the place is wrecked um you know maybe a couple rappers here and there but we haven't seen any damage or any like vandalism there so I like the idea of kids being able to play outside um but then during the winter time we just close down for for sure I mean that makes sense but I think that if we have a policy on the park as far as the operations of the park just continuity it's not just oh it's a good thing so we're going to leave it open you know I think that we need should have a qu place we should talk to uh Council to see if you know what liability of any is on the board because obviously we need the park open and something happens that could be an issue too so um there's a signage suffice and uh the board of any liability I don't know what I would really what I because that comment I know L is always gonna be a position where she's like let's let's protect in liability right sure of course that I I drive by a whole lot of I have to drive past seven different elementary schools to get the work from where I live sure and every one of them there's kids can go onto the playground anytime they want because there's no fence there's no barrier right and and I think it's important for as a kid to have a local your school to be in a comfortable place where you want to go there and play in the playround after school hours um you know when it's weather forbiding and reasonable so I I kind of do like I would recommend to this board that we I agree maybe we should have it in policy je is there any policy we have in this now or what's the lank and umbrella coverage on yeah we we we do have a policy and we've checked with insurance to make sure there's enough coverage um so it's continually updated so we we have the insurance coverage we have the policies in place we have that signage I think we're protected but we could always always take a look at it again yeah let's let's revisit it and also remember too we can always uh reach out to the chief so you can authorize perhaps periodic checks of the park by protol and like we do already but you know something more formalized that's all and and it it does help that there's no lights out there you know so it's kind of thing the DUS is kind of a natural deterr um I have a question though so this when you were saying before that we have a monitor there a staff monitor from 3 to 5 so are we talking about after five o'clock like on weekends in the spring and summer this you know September five o'clock kids are still going to want to be out there right um three to five it's still kind of covered it's a um considered school so monit so we we put the monitor there we didn't we weren't legally forced to put the monitor there this was something that I recommended the board kind of seem to agree with it where we'd all feel a little more comfortable if if we have some um we we hired um you know Mr cusac is doing it he's uh you know getting something done on his KNE um so now we got you know a couple other staff members that have you know taken up that snip of position um but yeah there's there's times where you know there summertime and the kids you know there's no camp or anything that kids in the community will use the park off so sometimes Madam president so after school right the kids go they hang out in the park and they play and they play basketball they're in the uh in the uh the kitty Park and instead of have forcing them out of there you have a monitor there monitor them after school till 5 o' is something that superintendent fuding about and and you know what I it's a good idea um but now what do we do on our weekend or anything yes a lot of a lot of times the weekend it's about like if Friday was a rain out and we Clos lock the doors we probably don't open it the rest of the weekend sure um sometimes I could be wrong about this but the best to my recollection if it's nice on a Friday we or the kids go to the playground um and then the the park should be open on the weekends I could double check that be sure can I make a suggestion um if the president wants to kick that certain um I don't know issue or initiative to a committee I don't know if you want to to securitya The Other M look that more factual detail about when it's open when it's closed uh because you're right A lot of times it's it's either Lee wh is in charge of the building saying it's kind of wet outside let's just let's just close it after storm might be coming later let's let's let's close the park but there's nothing formal other than just my assessment who the chch of building that day's assessment yeah I I mean I think once Mr waer once you provide some information if it does go to a committee to kind of further it I'm looking at the Committees now I think security and safety would probably make the most sense okay so but let's wait to hear back from Mr WKA and I do want to ask how does that interact how does that um um affect Aftercare because aren't the Aftercare kids also in the playground and between the hours of three and five yeah so you'll have uh the staff members watching the you know the kids or the parent whoever's kind of hanging out in there that area uh the Aftercare will you usually use either the The Far Side of the playground or the field um sometimes they're they kind of mix together for a little bit after's more structure um but yeah so they will intermingle but they intermingle anyway like that right during the school day okay all right great anybody else quickly I just like to say you know I'm probably gonna wait till the 18th I might still say something that but I do want to congratulate um commissioner MOX on this uh real election of the Challengers roxan and or Miss CA and Miss Johnson and congratul you know me Dr web uh job over here and I you know I appreciate the kind words that we're supposed to hear thank you very much I also have something um so I just have to followup question a question I asked a while ago in regards the after school care and the payment system if Cas think that something implements it um I did bring it up to um work on the pay School portion of it but it is a final object okay yeah it will be through pay schools that's our only off parent will have to create an account and they will have to go their um funding you know up on the account we just have to connect it to um see how we can connect it to the app here theill I think that's great because a lot of parents have time to run to the bank to get the actual cash and rather do it online yeah it's a convenience yeah that I mean doing it through face would be the only option we're not going to do or cash app or any of that so that's not going to be um that that would be an option because of the liability has thank you president yes I make a motion to open up the public portion yep okay so moved by Mr Gman seconded by Mr Martinez all in favor okay the the floor is open to any members of the public who would like to address the school board we'll start with anybody who's here would you like to no anybody online okay all right then could I have a motion to close the public okay right so moved by Mr Abasi seconded by Mr Martinez all in favor I okay so now we do have an executive session um we are um so Mr Keta can stay because our new policy is not is beginning as of January that's correct right okay so Mr coleta you can stay um just please make sure you're in a private you know uh environment um and we will take about to discuss a student matter we will take about five or 10 minutes uh and then we will come back so at this point take any action on this uh no so no action will be taken um to go ex okay so moved by Mr Gman seconded by Mr Martinez do we have can we do do we have to do roll call or can we do all in favor it's a roll call just okay roll call yes Mr Keta Miss yes just um I I'm in the car with someone so I'm going to log out until you guys are done this way confidentiality uh somebody could just shoot me a text on your right back on thanks okay all thank you Mr yes mrman yes Miss Martinez yes Dr web yes Mr yes all right it's :41 so motion to adjourn all in favor oh no we have to we have to move I'm sorry Mr Gman motions Mar second D all in favor all right see you all in a couple of weeks you good