##VIDEO ID:lgj8h5-kELE## call the meeting to order please rise for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all beess in the event of an emergency all people may exit right or left from this room and proceed to an exit door all doors will open from the inside the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their in discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the hailen board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey record Herald News board's official newspaper on August 30th 2024 notices of this meeting indicating date time and place were posted publicly on the door of the main entrance to the and filed with the clerk in the municipality of Belen Please Mr Abasi here Mr Keta Mr Mr gzma Mr Martinez Mr Mo Mr Ramadan here M Dr web here Mrs Z here okay so um we have a presentation um let's see Mr you're going to do this presentation I would love to I'm trying to get allowed into the meeting I'm going to try one more time okay and if now I'm going to call Bill and ask to help says Bill I'm waiting for the host to start the meeting oh am I in the wrong thing well I might want to watch myself at some point first thing I want to present is the um I think we kind of the Genesis of this idea came from our board retreat this past May was mayor uh but the the board seem to collectively feel that it would be good every now and again to use a board meeting not only as you know an executive governance session but as as a chance for the board to kind of know what what's going on on the floor and what we're seeing so um I'm sure Mr Bina will will agree Staffing is by far I think the number one issue in public education right now so I want to give this board um kind of like a a I know what to call it so I put perent Topics in public education review and the title a working title for sure uh but Bill if we once we get that up there I'd like to go through the slides I see it up on the on my screen you do Omar thank you yeah I see helden Board of educ it's not in presentation mode yet but I see that yep it's all good all right so um we'll go sh this bill if you hit the first slide so you know in teaching we always use Universal design or some people call it backwards design but it's what essentially you start with the goal and and you teach backwards to you know how to how to or straight a lesson to get towards that goal so we'll do that so the board members by the time this presentation's over are going to know that how many employees does the helden Board of Ed this board actually employ uh what steps have to happen in order for you to see something out of an agenda where it says we're looking to hire this person or that person um I want to let you know what's of the local and National challenges are and um I want to talk about what we're doing to try and say one step ahead of the you know the curveball here you can touch that slide but thanks so hopefully you can see this okay if not I'll I'll read the powerpint a little bit which I don't like doing um but who are L and who is Mr actually not even L she's kind of L but definitely Mr W who are the hilen Board of Education employees so we have 123 teachers uh an FTE a full-time educator means it could be a a classroom teacher could be a guidance counselor could be you know something like that 23 parot professionals you see the teachers are in red that indicates that they also receive uh benefits of insurance uh the par professionals are in purple meaning that some of them qualify some f we have seven secretaries six lunch AIDS one security officer two IT staff members 23 Aftercare workers 10 custodians seven angels um four administrators four shared service administrators and one parent liaison um the it is important for this board to know or anyone listening to know that know the we love the mashio team um but they're they're not technically my employees uh nor is the the SRO who's a hail public a hail in Police Department employee um and this board also hires a lot of coaches and Club advisors and and a lot of co-curricular and extracurricular U you know hires but a lot of them also serve as as traditional employees as well please so the hiring process step one there are only going to be two times where I have to hire the first is when a board approved decision becomes vacant uh you know retirements someone moved away someone wants to become a full-time mom or a full-time dad or someone says I'm just going to or sometimes a lot of times we've seen here is where I was a teacher now I'm a supervisor now I'm an assistant principal so we see the upward Mobility as well um the only other time I can hire someone is if this board creates position we saw that with the the title one parent Aon um you know we've seen that in the past with a couple other positions but those are the only two times where that will trigger me to say we have to hire step two is we post all our jobs on Frontline after track and we also post to the Bergen records but when you post on front line it also connects to a whole bunch of other uh I call it vendors I guess uh media vendors so it'll go to nj.com it'll go to teach NJ jobs.com things like that um but we have to use Frontline because you know there's certain laws requiring what we have to keep in as far as to show the fairness of the application process um and apple track you know guarantees us that the most common the second thing we do is we have to check to make sure that you know we're hiring people certification so if a second grade job comes open we have to make sure we post that uh you know this what certifications are are requisite to that the most common ones we see here are prek through third grade six kindergarten through sixth grade 6 through 12th Ela math or science or teachers of students with disabilities go next slide please build the next part of the hiring process typically the default that we have on Apple TR is that a a job will stay open for 21 calendar days uh we could also extend that if we need to there's certain CTS that are very hard to find where I know we're going to need to extend it there's certain ones where I I don't believe we'll ever have to extend it um each hire is routed to a specific administrator Bas our administrative supervisory tree so if you're one of the little guys you know Miss Pano is going to be the person to task with that chart with that hiring search U if you're a middle-aged guy or girl you're going to hang out with Mr toito the older kids Mr spado is going to run it just like Mr mendz would run any of special education programs same thing Mr Man for I for custodial Mr Pagani it uh L you know she handles all her office staffing um but for me whenever I feel a need to jump into the process then I will uh this happens not very often but not infrequently either uh I went to the caldwall university um mock interview event two years ago I met Miss Stephanie birie currently a third grade teacher I knew right then and there we we wanted to have her on our team um so I I expedited that process same thing happened last year um this buckworth and myself went to the um the William Patterson mock interview event we met uh Miss Corgan who's doing a great job at the kindergarten right now but certain people you know like right when you meet them like you want them on your team um so we get to use our comparative size and and the fact that I'm a superintendent and also a recruiter um to kind of make negotiations move a lot faster and that process go a lot faster um but for all all other ones the head of the search team it'll usually be you always want to have at least one veteran teacher uh you always want to have at least one representative of special education or guid to get their input and usually they'll find another administrator um and they're going to screen the candidates first thing we look at is do you actually possess the certification that you say you do and you'd be surprised how often the answer is not yes um then we read through the entire application uh and then we look at their social media if we can find it there absolutely have been people where we've seen their social media and we said we're we're not sure that you know this is the kind of temperament we we want in our employees uh so we move forward um then two things are are kind of going to happen so they're they're going to interview all the candidates and upon conclusion of the inter the interview they're going to give me their Top Choice their second choice and their third choice then we'll go to the next slide please situation one there's certain spots where we know that finding someone to apply with that certification is going to be very rare so we're going to move forward and I'm not going to request a demo lesson I'm not going to request another week's worth of interviews I'm going to look to call that person negotia contract because it's simply that hard to get someone in that search and my job is to make sure we fully search uh situation two is much much much more common uh this is the best part and that's when there's a lot of candidates and it's a position that's not as hard to find the certification in uh when that happens then you know we we we look to have demo lessons and we've done demol lessons for summer school as well just because we have kids here we've done summer demol lessons during the the December break sometimes uh and demol teach you a lot but we prefer solution situation two but of late situation one's been rearing its head more often than not but once we come to a decision on who we want to hire then what I do is you know I I I talk to the candidate I I need to know within the first five minutes of meeting candidate that they genuinely love working with children like I have to feel that in order to to produce the higher um but once we get past that it's a good thing we get past then we negotiate a salary and the old method was very simple um say all right you have four years of of teaching experience we're going to step five because this is the next step I get you know having that much experience but what's happening is like I gave two quotes this is a study that rugus put out and in the last 11 years it says that we're the state's only producing 1.1 teaching Sears for every teacher left so you you still think that's a a win but it's also going on to show that only 75% of the people that are graduating with teacher certifications are actually going into education they could go into any job they find themselves in um so right now we're we're every teacher we lose it's we're not fully getting that one teacher replacing it um and that's what's causing a lot of districts and and Jeff I'm sure you could talk on this too if we we needed to but we're seeing that certain districts are starting salary up at 73,000 for a first year teacher were not there by by lot and we're we're handcuffed because to do that right we still have this law that says hey there's the 2% this the the most you could raise on property tax levy so a lot of this stuff we're we're negotiating against or or swimming against has been kind of dictated 20 or 30 years prior to where we're at right now which is interesting um but right now it's the the future on Staffing I I think is leak and it and it it's caused us to kind of look to to move really quickly ahead in certain areas you go to the next part uh but once a staff member is hired they complete the process we get them a mentor if they need one certain ones require one the summer they do new future orientation and then they become a staff member at HPS and they do great things next slide please but the foreseeable future I think Staffing will continue to be a high priority need not only at HPS but at every other school district the big districts and the small districts alike will face unique challenge es so you saw in the paper September 24th Patterson announces they have 150 teaching vacancies and that sounds horrible um but for us to have two is probably a very similar ratio of of kind of what we're feeling when when you know when we don't have that um and especially if it's those two are high in demand certifications that are very hard to find I believe that staff turnover New Jersey will continue to be high and it especially occur in New Jersey because we have local Lo alized Board of Education I think there's a lot of positive to be said about a localized board um but if a county has you know 20 or 30 boards bed you're going to have 20 or 30 different salary guides um and you see even in the same county if Patterson's offering 70,000 to start and a lot of other schools in the county can't even come close to that you know that's going to create situation where you're going to see a higher level flexibility that as far as you know stabilizing teaching for in a particular school and limiting turnover than we'd like um I think that's going to cause Staffing to continue to become more expensive for us the state um and I think that we're going to keep using our size to our advantage and we're going to hustle more than we can in the recruiting process than a lot of schools that are figure could possibly do um you know this Pac our teacher recruitment specialist it really helps it she's a she teaches teacher prep among mon State like that's what she does on the side and we have a lot of people from her class that come into hen public schools for your teachers that's a huge thing it really is a huge thing um and we're going to keep keep being proactive you know I I go to a whole lot of of a whole lot of teacher Recruitment affs and sometimes they're the ones are really well organized and sometimes like one time I was one in in chadam and they put six FL gr Adventure which I thought was really they were doing a recruiting Fair as well uh and I thought that was kind of weird um but for the most part we're just going to keep hustling and trying to stay ahead of the curve so that's my report on this part of our school operation does anybody have any questions Mr Walk yeah I I applaud the district team for being able to keep the building for the staff but in regards of retainment that's where I'm really impressed because it doesn't take a lot for someone to look and see what salaries are in other districts to be able to not only hire them but to keep them there can you just talk about what the school does to make sure that dep culture is that's a great question I had a teacher come up to me last year and the teacher said listen Mr W I really appreciate you giving me or the school giv us our first me my first teaching job uh but my partner and I are looking to to start a family and this other school offer me at 12,000 and when that happens I get it like there's there's really nothing you could say other than listen thank you for all all you you've given us us and then you give a positive um I think you want to make the schools an attractive place to work as possible right and I think the board was really wise when they allowed us to amend our policy to allow staff members that work for H and public to bring their kids to school uh here a lot of them take advantage of that for for preschool and for kindergarten and and it's it's a huge benefit to to the parents the staff members that work here that are also parents parents um and we and I think the facts kind of bear out because we have like seven or eight of them that have taken advantage of that but otherwise I think it's you know the days of looking at the relationship between teacher and administrator where it's like I'm out to get you those days are long gone and then they better be long gone if you want to do a good job as far as retaining your staff um so I look at and I'm I believe all our administrators do as well where it's it's a partnership and we're we're trying to pick each other up um and then just try your best that that's my answer do you think that like we offer um at least comparable or maybe more professional development to our staff and that may be so that's a great question too I've never interview talk I always talk to sta they leave especially was on really good terms and I've never heard of like more PD being the the what what move the EV right A lot of times it's you know when you're in elementary school and a lot of times you have you know women that are mothering age they'll you know they'll they want to become a full-time mom or full-time dad that that's not uncommon sometimes you move away or get married move away we we've seen some staff moving more money but I I've never heard of a person say to me it wasn't because H the school didn't offer me the PD I need I think even if you asked amand or Dian they would agree as well um so I did a little bit of research in this because I was curious and because I work in New York I mean I work in higher ed but I was I see a lot of stuff from New York and um I I'm I meant to bring a different article that I found that talk a little bit more about National Trends but I found this one this was prepandemic it's from 2019 from um the teachers union in New York state and they talked about um the impact of retirement which I think and this is interesting that this was preco because I'm sure that postco retirement like you know teachers who were maybe just on the brink of retirement decided with the pandemic just go ahead and retire so I I imagine that that has also been a trend you know it it like not just in New York but in New Jersey probably Nationwide Co was the great resignation you that's what it was you know for district across and and not only that no one really knew what to do back then right so the the guidelines and the the allowable you know accommodations were such that it I saw why a lot of people would have looked to retire at time so we're still I would say the professional still recovering yeah so so that's definitely a factor another interesting Trend and this was in the other article was saying that um actually this one kind of touched on it too this one from 2019 that the areas where they're seeing a lot of shortages are um inner cities districts rural districts and then you know lwi income and sometimes that that goes hand inand with these other areas and sometimes not necessarily but um that was a trend that they saw um and then they also pointed out like some areas and I'm curious if you and I think this speaks to your point about like if you need a certain certification if you need a teacher with a certain certification you have to just really go for it because but the the areas that they mentioned that they saw a lot of shortage were um art and music education Blind and Visually Impaired um Career and Technical education and I wonder if that's still true because that um Career and Technical educ seems to have like I don't know at least on like um High School level I've seen that in New York that's kind of gone up um death and heart of hearing ESL what are some of the other ones health health and physical fitness um Mathematics grade 7 to 12 science science social studies all grade 7 to 12 special education with bilingual extension um and then students with disabilities all grades and World languages so those are the areas that they found like a lot of that the shortages was were concentrated in those areas do you kind of see so it's it's funny you say that so I Mentor three assistant principles of New Jersey leaders to leaders program one of them is a vot tech assistant principle in buron County we had a weekly meeting yesterday and I said you check in you say hey what's going on and she goes principle just asked me to find someone to teach astrophysics for $70,000 a year and it's it's and it's it's a nice salary but at the same time if you know astrophysics enough you could probably make a whole lot more money in the pre market um so I think that that's part of it and there's also like hidden things you would think of like finding a school librarian like that was very difficult for us right like we we this board agreed to reimburse the the the the College of The Graduate credit so you get a full certification because no one else had applied and we're very happy with their performance um but I think the certification I'm hopeful that if anyone's listening the certification process will be a whole lot more relaxed than it is done that that that's any other questions or comments I I just had a really quick one for you Mr waa on the the chart where you had the full set of Staff you showed four shared service agreement employees yeah is that all of them or is there like additional four certain matching number at Manchester so it's My Buddy L who's sitting next to me it's uh Mr Pagani who's our it it's Mr man who's in charge of our facilities and grounds and who's the're forgetting aboutto Roberto Mendes are our our special director okay put the secretary oh secretary thank you nothing nothing else well thank you so much Mr W and then we'll we'll talk about the next topic maybe a few you know maybe in December or January yeah when we talk we might learn something the convention next week where we want to make that topic something done down yeah that's a great idea okay okay great so um moving on we have a um student assessments results review and I believe that Miss Pano is going to be giving that present I'm gonna give that presentation tonight um and then if the board has any followup questions they have then what we could do is have this Bano we can ask this Bano and uh D try M REM academic coaches to kind of give further input okay um but tonight I'm going to go through this particular report got it that's all right so I this is like the packet that I gave to all the board members and you know this the public see outline we're also going to post our website once the boards had a chance to review it uh but these are the scores from our um our state test that we took last last spring so we'll we'll kind of get to the nitty-gritty but this slide here is explaining um you know what percentage of our students in each grade score a four or a five a four means uh you pass a five means you pass with flying colors a three me you're right in the borderline but the of the students that pass each grade level um here's what our data is for overall for for Math and for ELA and for Science and I'm going to go on a tangent about science and when we get to the um the state average for science you know it it's even more alarming but for a test that Statewide less than a third of the kids that takeen the entire state are passing uh to me it signifies that the standards that the state is asking us to teach are not the skills and the standards that are being seen on this particular assessment test right uh because I can't imagine the whole State's just terrible of science right uh but here's our overall scores and we good next slide please bill um this is where we're at by grade uh for each of the three so if you look at the left column our third graders um are 3% of them passed for ELA uh got a four of five that means for math 38% of them passed well this is a oneye snapshot um for last year as far as how many students got uh a four or a five on this particular assessment Ela Ma Mr W oh never mind go ahead I was going to ask if if you had the state and District a or state averages on for the previous charts ask and you shall get you shall get Omar uh because we're here so here's where we're at with Ela so you see that um we we Trail the state a little bit and then our eighth graders I'm not sure if they because our eighth graders they did a lot better when they were in seventh grade so I'm not sure if they saw hey I got into this school or I got into that school and you know I'm done and I'm going to not fully try my best that that drop was a little weird um but they you take the test at at the end of the year right it's like April year yeah so that could be yeah the senior itis or eth grade itis could be part of that because that drop was kind of it doesn't jive with the rest of that chart uh but if we go to our next slide please build and then here's uh the percentage of students in each grade level it looks at both our district and versus the state by what so if you score to one uh it's the lowest score here is what percentage hour score to one versus State all the way up to you know the the five which is the highest level and this is just for ELA uh but please know that if you're an if you're a student that takes ESL um you still take this particular assessment if you're a student um this is this is everybody we got takes this it's very very very rare to get any exceptions from student taking this assessment go next slide bu and this is overtime um it shows what each grade little it's the same grade but the very next year with different students um and some grades we saw that the students had risen uh the spoiler alert is going to be overall we went up 4% you take all the math scores from last year all all the ELA scores our Ela went down a little bit our but our math went up enough where our overall was plus four which is good um last year our overall was plus 12 so we were super duper excited plus4 is still you we want to keep the momentum going forward so we did if you can go to the next one bill our student achievement over time so the percent that are meeting expectation and exceeding expectation um from grade three to four we're we're seeing gains in some areas and and and you know not weaknesses not I wouldn't say weaknesses but losses in other areas and you know at a future board meeting we'd love the opportunity to come and explain what we're doing about that the next slide please bill this is a Mobility comparison this particular chart shows it if you started off being a student that was a high achieving student your early on what's the chances that you're going to stay at that level the very next year when you take the test um this is shown as that for the most part the yellow SC to be the the biggest one we we'd love the green to be bigger um but it seems that most students are kind of staying on far with what what they're expected to be at and the next slide Bill and then here here's the same thing for math the math scores this year were were were better and they they helped us out a whole lot overall and this is the uh our Paris of the state um and even though our eighth graders didn't really maybe not have tried their best on the English part they actually did beat the the state this year the one group that did beat this state uh mean in e8th grade um and I think one of the things that different is last year was the first year this District had a districtwide math coach um so after one year I am happy to see that we're we're seeing you know a lot of positives coming from that just like we did for the Miss Troy the first year we got hurt again the MTH the same grades over periods of time and we see gains here we see some losses here um like I said well we'll be happy to talk about that further should this P wish the same thing the same student achievements over time and again the in map the mobility seemed like the yellow was was was abundantly the mo of choice I guess for the the results you have bu and the science like it's I think Omar when you see the Statewide science you I think you might agree that it's just it's it's a flawed there there's a disconnect between what they're asking us to to teach the kids and what they're testing the kids on because Statewide you're going to see if you go ahead build the um the the Statewide is is I think it's the Val be less than 25% kids pass we goe build and then we have to go through each grade level one by one um or this is the the yellow the yellow highlight on top that's the main score for each particular grade level go every five seconds if you want to go through next grade level there's there just so many of them and that's so that's our academic presentation um if there's specific questions um you know I'll certainly you know note them now uh and then I'll look get the answer or if this board wishes to have you know a really in depth uh you know presentation about what we're doing can uh can you send I don't have those charts can you send them to me oh it's not part of your board notes I I'll send it to the entire board anyway tomorrow yeah I was going to ask for that as well just so that we can look at it a little bit more closely no it wasn't an attachment so oh I'm sorry um and then what what it this um there send me question but overall what I'm looking for is to see Positive Growth I I would have like to have seen the ELA growth continue it went down a little bit but the math growth growth was substantial enough for overall 4% is something that you know I would sign off on every year Mr Walk in your in your opinion why you see the difference between State averages that's that's making us not meting it close to it there's like obviously a variation of a good two three or 5% difference between what's what the state wants and where we at so what are you seeing is the major factor that's impact the transy I believe that the students that took the test been one year it's been the year before that it's about a 20 to 25% different population amount of students coming in the amount of students going uh I would estimate that we' probably have one of the higher transiency rates that at most schools um we just and the staff will agree like we get the daily we always send a daily staff email to everyone we welcome these new students HPS welcome these new students or HPS says goodbye to these students um and it happens more than any school that I've ever been um and I I know that you know there's the there's a lot of reasons for that right um but the same students that we prep year three third grade and fourth grade aren't necessarily always the same students that we test in grade fifth grade sixth other questions Mr W well um to see growth in math but what is it that we could specifically do for the ELA and I know you mentioned that the entire population regardless of ESL population takes the eln I know that's probably um contributing uh to to the uh results but I I think you know I would I would love to see a targeted approach to try to bring that up as well so if the board president agrees I'd be happy to ask M tramos to come in and present the board next that be yes so I'm sorry um Dr Webb I I didn't fully get your question were you asking because I I think I have a similar question or like what can we do as a district or what resources you know can we exactly supplement to to bring these scores up is it something you can maybe you could survey the teachers for the math Ela and Science and see if they have suggestions or you know maybe look at some of the maybe we can Canvas OR see the scores of some of the districts that are exceeding um um and you know maybe you can call up the other Chief School administrator and say hey what like to know what is there anything specifically you guys are doing in math science and English I just where where can how can we improve what can we what can we do to help you to help our teachers and students to to always always you know do better good so let's let's if like I said let's make that our the next Focus for our next board meeting and then I'll I'll I'll have the the people that are really working and doing a really good job because the data showed they they the scores up so they' both been here come and kind of show you what they're doing and then the new ideas that they have and the new the new initiatives they're looking to take om Mar okay also also I'm sorry is it also possible to have data from neighboring districts Prospect Park um to see how they're doing on the same you know situation so I I imag I think we might be a little earlier than everybody but by the end of the month every district is going to have to report the same stuff to their you know so I'm sure if I went on board modes or board minutes it wouldn't be difficult for me to find so by the next meeting of November I do that yeah I think that'll be helpful just just to have a yeah and if we have you know think between now and our next meeting we can think about any questions that we may have you know regarding regarding this and then we'll have the presentation also to look at to kind of go through more close I think it's SM okay great thank you so much all right and and yeah it's good to see that we're still um increasing you know still improving um not as good as the year before but still you know 4% isn't is an improvement so it's not a decrease sure right okay let me get back to my agenda now okay can I have a motion to accept correspondence move by Martinez SED Dr web roll call please Mr aasi yes Mr Martinez yes M Ramadan yes Dr web yes Mr yes okay can I have a motion to accept prior minutes Mo second moved by Dr web seconded by Mr Ramadan roll call please Mr yes Mr Martinez yes Mr yes yes yes okay can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on agenda items only moved by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr Ramadan roll call please oh all in favor I yes I okay so the floor is open to Citizens on agenda items only okay can I have a motion to close motion second uh moved by Dr web seconded by Mr Abasi all in favor all right all right okay moving on to reports so I will start with my report um okay good evening everyone um thank you for joining us so my report tonight is short and sweet um I want to acknowledge that Board of Education members who were recognized this weekend at the first Puerto Rican flag raising in Halen uh congratulations to vice president Carlos Matco commissioner rapael Martinez and commissioner Angelina Quadra and by the way this quadrado was on the committee that put together a wonderful event on Saturday and she sang an absolutely beautiful rendition of the Puerto Rican national anthem and I was not at the second part of the event but um M Mr Martinez also performed his band performed and I heard it was great so congrats um so you know as I was writing the report for tonight's meeting um and I was thinking about the event over the weekend and it made me pause and think about the diversity that we have in ha and it's it's immense diversity especially for such a small town um and it made me appreciate that my kids are growing up in the community that's rich in cultures from all over the world and it's one of the reasons that my husband and I decided to stay in Halen and raise our family um it made me smile to know that our school board reflects almost every continent so all of us on the board uh represent Hispanic African-American Middle Eastern and European backgrounds which in turn reflects our student body at HPS so but we don't just look out for our own because all HPS students are our responsibility and we work together for their best interest and I truly believe this and it makes me happy and it makes me proud so tonight I want to thank all of my fellow board members for stepping up to serve our beautiful Vibrant Community of Helen and that of Helen public school um lastly I want to thank nurse peins for her dedication and service to hen public school students uh over the past five years and we wish her the best in all of her future endeavors and with that I will turn it over to our chief School administrator Mr W appreciate you said that just being proud of in here um I feel the same I know exactly what the sentiment you're getting at I do um and that's the reason why Jeff's never seen me in any superintend final interviews because I I I don't ever want to leave here I think it's a special place um but I I I I get the frequency what you're saying um so I I know I gave two long reports um tonight U so I'll keep mine really short I just want to talk about the the school safety and vandalism report on there um so I was about to print out my notes on that of course we ran out of paper and I didn't know how to fix it me um so I took a picture of it so um I'll love the two presentations count the ma jority of my report but I do wish to let the board know that the 2324 School violence report was submitted to the board to the state we had presented 2223 results a few months back over this summer uh we did that a bit late uh because we' missed it um but now that we have a new assistant principal we're actually on time presenting it this year year um but it was noticed that we've been late on that so I want to make sure we fixed that here are the summary findings uh the preliminary scores were submitted to doe we have no reason to believe that we look to challenge our scores uh but we will find out for sure in a couple months but I'm I'm sure we're find on that uh there was an improvement between 23 24 and 2425 and honestly this doesn't surprise me one bit um because I see the work that Mr spado and the guidance team and the teachers uh especially the Middle School uh do do with this and I'm really proud of their efforts um so and I think I sent something to this board or maybe just you miss about the the total number of U de escalations or or kind of you know some kind of ration remedy that was performed by either Administration or mediation that's it I'm trying to find that word and and I think that you know we've seen that that that those have increased exponentially almost so I think that's what we're see a smooth climate right now you will see one time where it says there was an HIV that was not investigated uh that was because um without getting too much into confidentiality the the parent reported something that happened four years earlier and blamed an entire grade of students as the so that was just a little a little much um but everything else I I thought was positive any questions from Mr W uh I got a couple quick ones that's okay uh Mr Waka in the notes that were distributed last week um number one was uh discussing the fact that um all the teachers that have been certified in CPR yeah yeah um I think that's great I was just curious how many aeds are in the school need to use one I'm gonna I'm going to ask your qu answer your question with a question do you remember what color they were because we did our board retre that was one of the questions of the scavenger hunt is what color is the a neon yellow neon green neon green very good so you know where that one is I know we have it's off the top of my head I could think of one two I could think of four of the top of my head I'll get the exact answer but I can think of four up top of my head Omar all right um second I I'm assuming it was just a typo but it went from item three to item five I'm just assuming it was a type there's no item four that was missing yeah so I a lot soot some most of the notes I write but some of them all the the teachers are great and they'll write with the notes that they want to have publicized throughout the school Community um and sometimes I I just forget the number and then lastly the item five or four if you're counting top down um it mentioned the drama club was going to do Adams Family The Adams Family musical mentioned when the whatever the auditions are just uh keep us informed of when the actual play is or music because I'd like to try and be at the school for that if I can not only that Omar but you could buy tickets in advance online so we'll get you that information way early on and it's usually in the spring right yeah and we actually when I first got this board we only did one play now we're doing two performances so there's gonna be two nights to watch it different weeks are the are the two performances on different weeks no it's it's back to back uh just because we have to bring in some some vendors for the lighting and for the this and any yeah that's fair it kills the not kills gy it just we can't use the gym if we a to play that night okay thank you yes um and I did want to ask you um you mentioned that our score this year in the um self assessment was better it improved from last year is that right okay all righty um if that's it then we'll move on to uh Miss Augustin our business administrator our report is very brief um we have a small Finance section of this so everything is agenda item the only thing I want to mention I I I'll be sending out some more information about AC especially with theel accommodations so that everybody knows where we at and some of the functions we hav I think already sent an email about probably might want to attend you know one of our own doing presentation and the other thing is that we have the pleasure of going through two sectors here you see that we're improv on resolution there are some item that um I had the pleasure of being part of Manchester that I want to make sure that we cover one of them was um just making sure that the board has some type of training on how to evaluate the superintendent I'll send more information for coming I believe there is an online version of that on school boards and if everyone can just review that and notate that you took that training because that is actually a point that we can um achieve during qack and it's very important to real U I meant to put this before I forgot um we're qack this year in the past we were qack because our our assessment scores were were below a thresh mark this year we're qack not for that reason but because it's just naturally our turns so we're in cohort 3 so if you're from hasell or you're from Wayne or you're from orthorn you're in the same boat as us and you're getting two sack and that's the reason why we have a lot to do but I just want to make sure that you know the governance part is taking care of okay defitely and you know I think that that um training for super intendent evaluation will be really helpful because you know even though we've some of us have done that a lot of times now it's always good to you know kind of see um I don't know just get a different perspective of how you can go about you know doing that and if we get that early enough then we can you know have that in mind as we go through the year and as we you know prepare to do it in the spring and that not to interrupt you but that evaluation that I shared it with my entire administrative team I said here SCH board is telling me that they'd like to see do you know a little bit better job at um and I I thought this board did his professional job as possible you know for from that so I really appreciate that great that's great to hear thank you um okay so thank you Miss Augustine okay so personnel and management Mr Martinez there's another management that's uh option 8.1 We're not gonna move yet okay uh curriculum and Technology Dr web items only um policy and public relations umy um policy and public relations uh nothing to um nothing to report okay a security and safety Mr Ramadan nothing to report agenda items only finance and physical plan uh Raman agenda items only okay okay um so State and County nothing new to report since our last meeting other than you know the workshop is coming up and I know some of us are um registered to go so we will we look forward to that and we can you know talk about that when we're back and then board attorney report Mr M okay okay so now let's go back to personnel and management Mr Martinez let's move on 8.1 through 8.7 please second moved by Mr Martinez seconded by Dr web roll call please Mr AI um yes and I just want to acknowledge and like commend uh Mr Robinson for stepping up to be the boys basketball coach oh yeah yeah Mr Martinez yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr WB yes and Mr Walker if you may can you expand upon the uh the maker night events oh those are the best so this Vault was the Catalyst of that years my second or third year here so what it is it's a night so it's a great specific night and say say it's kindergarten maker night uh a child will come in with their mom and their dad there's going to be six five or six different stations around this gymnasium and they're going to have to use the child and the parent together are going to have to work either a science skill a math skill an engineering a technology whatever you know or an Arts skill um and it lasts for about you've been to maybe an hour and a half or something like that um but it's a really neat way for a child and and parent to kind of you know come together in an academic setting at the at the child school and I've only ever heard positive feedback like I brought my son when he was little we love him okay yeah thank you yes we'll see you here in a couple years yeah they're super fun events and you you know you work together on a project and you know it's um it's a lot of fun you said that yes um is yesul andology Mo 9.1 through 9.4 by drb second by Mr Martinez roll call pleasei yes Martinez yes yes yes yes thank you okay security and safety uh Mr Ramadan a motion to move by 11.1 11.2 second by Mr Ramadan seconded by Dr web roll call please uh yes and just Mr w maybe for next meeting or maybe you can just email uh some information on the responsibility and the role of the threat assessment team I actually went to a countywide training with every superintendent in the county take just about that exact topic so if you happy to thank you Mr Martinez yes Mr Mr Ramadan yes Dr web yes Mr yes um Finance and physical plan Mr Ramadan yes motion to move motion to move 13.1 13.7 second by Mr Ramadan seconded by Dr web roll call please Mr uh yes and just just a quick comment on 13.1 because I you know I didn't know what it was and I so so I searched it uh I screened a couple of videos I saw online and to me everything checked out um so if there's any concerns out there I think it's pretty uh I think it seems like a pretty good uh assembly idea so yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr web uh yes but on that 13.1 I see there's five uh is it all happening on the same day there five different classrooms or that different visits I I it's it'll be the same day but each grade level will probably go to different time okay yes yes okay do we have any new or old business I just want to recommend so I know when we we talked about it earlier already with the if you could canvas the teachers and ideas of regarding the uh you know what we can do for ELA math science with regards to the scores um maybe that's something we can uh maybe the parent leaon can get input from parents as well if they have any suggestions yes so Omar it's okay with you let me let me ask the the coaches to come in and kind of let you give this board a really full super nuts picture about what what what's going on you know what they're looking to do and how they're looking to do it and then you know if if that what you suggest might still be the outcome um but I I I'd like them to First give a chance to kind of you know present what they're doing to this board that's fair yeah I just I have these notes and I just I don't want to forget them um that's all plus you know the student achievement is our number one priority right in our strategic plan and um that's all I got over and actually um you know speaking about the evaluation and one of the things that we talked about was um informing the parents and the community more about you know our academic um R not rankings but like you know how we're doing academically so obviously the the board meeting is public they could par me come to a board meeting and but is there will will that information be like the information that was in the presentation in a kind of condensed way or in like a simplified way is that so the first thing that we're our parent are apparently able to doing the first big project is um we have only about a third of our parents log on and check our our students report cards right um so what we're focusing on now is she's going out there and her and Bill work together and Bell as well to create like a a parent workship but here's how to get onto a parent portal here's what this means here's what that means thank goodness or apparently isn't the Spanish because that that helps a lot as well um so that's you know that's that's the first step um but I agree that you know of course student achievement is is the most important thing um but it's in terms of what is happening here do we send it out to the uh the school as a whole the answer is no but if this board encourages me to do that then I'll do that well I mean I think it would it's good information and you know when I was on the PTA board I would always ask was miss us to this presentation to the board and I'd always ask her to come to the PTA meetings but even was still a small group I mean I think it would be it would it's such good information for them and maybe not all parents will you know um take advantage of having that information but it would be good for them to have have access to it let's do this it's okay with this board let me turn this and work with the coaches to turn that presentation I gave into a par a more parent friendly um yeah data I guess review um but what's today dat October 50th if you give me till November I we could put something together and get it out the community via Rec additional Communications I think it would be great and I think it would be really um enlightening for a lot of parents to see how our students are doing compared to the state you know I think that's important for for us as a community to know so that would be great that would be great if I could ask the community one thing like just my little Soap Box please don't ask to have kid exemp that or have your kid not take the state test um the best way for us to be able to fix it right is or to be able to improve something that that you know could be improved is us to get that data and have it be reliable and there's that that's happens a lot but I I I would really like this board to get that presentation about you know here's what we're doing about the scor why we're we're seeing two straight gear positive results um and I and I would like to put that U you work with the parent is on the coach to put something out community that be great thank you and I also just want to highlight the importance of making sure that the parents like you said a third of them check the report cards a third yeah so I mean that's just I mean we can do everything that we can here but if the support isn't at home I think that's extremely important to Student Success so that's a great point so last I think we talked last board meeting about um you know parents would say I didn't get the email I didn't get that so I know Bill put together a real nice thing about here's here's how to manipulate your Gmail settings so that halin public schools no longer going to spam right because that was the most common situation that that caused that outcome um but yeah it's there's I think there's a lot of reasons why all the communication tools don't work as effective as we would love them to um but yeah I agree yeah the bot is they do have to check you know and they parents have to check the communications then and then beyond that in a more broader sense like everybody knows that if parents are involved and the family is involved the kids are going to do better almost always you know so um it's it's it's both you know and the Apparently aison will hopefully be a huge uh step in that direction of getting more parents invol involved more families involved and as you say that to be totally fair my wife asked me to log on to my son's Parent Portal and I had no idea how right so it's it's I I get it um but we of course I would be a better parent if I now I now I know how to right so we want to get everyone that to that level if I can ask a question yeah go ahead all right um when I was if I'm I mean when I was in school if I remember correctly my report cards always had to be signed by my parents um is there is there a reason we stopped doing that did haon ever do that and can we send report cards home with students and say you know you got to bring this back by Friday sign by a parent we we we could do that uh I I normally from between June and June I I like to keep everything black and white and then I look to use the summertime to make any adjustments if that's something this board wants to look into I I'd like to you know I remember when we first started going paperless it was it was you know a goal of this board to go paperless right um so you know this board have to be comfortable kind of taking a step back on that now whether that will increase the amount of eyes on on things it probably would to a certain extent but I'm hopeful that what we're looking to do now with the parently aison could could get it to get to that same end end game result that we want to get at me I mean when I was going to school we had paren teach nights where parents were had to come right I mean shouldn't it be mandatory for you to come check your six grade in a way get it I mean well you can you can you can make it mandatory but you can't force adults to do anything so um there's one option on the parent portal where you check off if you looked at the report card you just so it's electronic so it's paperless but you still check up but that's never been since people on paper list that's never been mandatory but what some of the teachers have done and especially with um my daughter who's in sixth grade now that they get it like a communication fer and it goes home once a week so once a week all their all of their scored work is in there so not necessarily homework or classwork but it's the tests and the quizzes are in there and you have to sign it that's been for like the past three years that I've had to do that so um you may not we may not have to sign off on the report cards but a lot of the teach are asking parents to sign off the class yeah that's great acknowled that they re anything else for New or Old business yeah I just do have one thing um just a reminder the I don't know how many people are still on the line or in the room um but this is our last meeting before the election and so I would just encourage everybody to go vote regard of who you vote for um I I encourage everybody to go out and vote that's where you have real power over agree everybody should vote exercise your right to vote 100% okay uh okay so that's it let me get that to agenda um okay so can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on um operation of school seven second moved by Mr Martinez seconded by Dr web all in favor I okay the floor is open um if anybody would like to address the board okay um motion to close moved by Mr Martinez second did by Dr web all right everyone um motion to adjourn second so moved by wait Dr web Dr web moved seconded by Mr Martinez all in favor I hi everyone thank you so much and we'll see you in November night good night