##VIDEO ID:tcxLa1YaEtE## the held in Board of Education meeting is called to order at 704 can we all rise for open public meeting the New Jersey open public Bo was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and attend the meetings of public bodies in which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon according with this provision of this act the held in board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey Record carold News the board's official newspaper on December 26 2024 notices of this meeting including date time and place were posted publicly on the door of the main interest to the school and filed in the death of the clerk in the municipality of held at this time we are going to note the certification of the results of the 2024 School Board election there were three threeyear seats available and the three um candidates as follows has been certified as the appointment for this um seat Miss Roan Cerner three years for 1,153 Miss Lisha Johnson three years with 154 votes and Mr Carlos moxos three years with 945 yes Madam Secretary I move to certify the results of 202 second at this time we're going to have the squaring in of the new members we're going to start with Miss Turner her and her family can come around stand right here behind come over here so you okay you want to raise your right hand you take all right so with is a blink I want you to state your name it says I will you say ready so you want me say you I'll start it repeat after I state your name hi roxa do solemnly swear and affirm do solemnly swear and affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith in Allegiance and that that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the governments to the same to the go and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States in this state in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I roxan Sera do solemnly swear or affirm do Solly swear or affirm that I possess the qualifications for sqube that I possess the qualification prescribed by law for this office by by law for this office a member of Board of Education a member of Board of Education and I am not disqualified and I am not disqualified as a v as a voter pursuant to as a voter pursuant to rs1 194 D1 rs19 4-1 and I am not disqualified and I am not disqualified due to conviction of a crime due to conviction of a crime or listed or offense listed in njsa in njs 18a 18a 12-1 12-1 and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of that office all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations now car right here go on this side good evening everyone I just want to say Happy New Year to each and every one of you it is an honor and a privilege to do this and I'm happy to have been chosen to swear you in sir are you ready yes sir just for the record I want to say this is the longest hope that I've ever seen all right sir are you ready yes sir I state your name I Carlos moxo do Solly swear or affirm do Solly swear and affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I Carlos moel you solemly swear or affirm do solidly swear or affirm that I possess that I possess the qualifications the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office for the office of member of Board of Education of member of Board of Education and not disqualified and not disqualify as a voter as a voter pursuant to pursuant to RS RS 19 19 colon colon 4-1 4-1 I am not disqualified I'm not disqualified due to conviction of a crime due to conviction of a crime or offense or offense listed in listed in njsa njsa 18a 18a colon colon 12-1 12-1 and I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of that office of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God thank you three more now just waiting for more heavy sure mean Jean come on mean Jean also for the record I know none of these people who are standing with me here you ready I state your name hi Lisha Jones Johnson do solom me swear do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance in allegiance to the same to the same to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people help me God so help me God state your name I Lisha Jones Johnson do swear do solemnly swear or affirm that I possess that I possess the qualifications the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of member for the office of member for education for Education I'm not disqualified am I am not disqualified as a voter as a voter pursuant to pursuant to RS RS 19 19 col 4-1 colon 4-1 I am not disqualified I am not disqualified due to conviction due to conviction of a crime of a crime or offense orense listed in listed in njsa njsa 18a 18a 12-1 12-1 and I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of the office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God hey now we going to take the official roll call Mrs Cera Mr Keta Miss CAD here Mr Goodman here MRSA here Mrs Johnson here Mr Martinez Mr moxo here and Mr ramal here okay now the district is going to the board will um take nominations for for president nomin Mrs eel second are there any more more nominations for board president okay let's take a roll call Mrs cerer no Mr Keta no Miss C yes Mr Gman yes Mrs Isa yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr moxo yes Mr ramov yes congratulations thank you um may I have nominations for uh vice president I nominate mus vice president can I have a second second any other nominations for vice president hey can we you have roll call please yes Mrs cerer Mr Keta yes Miss cadr yes Mr G yes Mrs Isa yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr MOX yes and Mr Ram yes congratulations okay okay so we're gonna take uh about a 15 minute break just so that the new board members and everyone can take pictures and uh talk a little bit but before we do that I just want to acknowledge we have a lot of guests here today and I'm really happy to see such a big crowd so I just want to thank welcome and acknowledge um a few folks here uh assembly woman sh Suter Bly Rodney dor Mayor Michael Johnson IM council member Muhammad Ramadan councilman junor Morris councilwoman ra Cel Manchester and haen commissioner Ellen Fisher Manchester commissioner Kathleen Gonzalez Omar Abasi education commissioner Cory T commissioner Capers Emanuel Board of Education commissioner valo pen Tom Baker missed anybody I hope not but we also have some teachers here and we have lots of family and friends so I welcome you all thank you so much for coming let's take um so let's take like a I guess like a m president yes um before we take a recess I would you I would hope I know folks have other places to be we could hear from our assembly woman our assembly yes be great thank you thank you uh yes um assembly woman Su would you like to say a few words good evening everyone and happy New Year blessings and congratulations to all of the newly elected school board members uh truly the job that you have before you is protecting our children setting up a curriculum and in these times it's more important than ever to represent those issues to make sure that we have a quality education I'm pleased to report in the state of New Jersey we still remain in the top five for our public school education and it is thanks to the teachers and each of you who make the commitment to show up to do the work without pay but for commitment and heart so please enjoy yourselves thank you and service Beyond self is why we're all here God bless like to say a few words yes good evening and uh it's a indeed honor and great to see pendor in the crowd over here that's always a pleasure um congratulate all of the newly elected um school board members commissioner Cerna commissioner Mo who is a family friend and and great Miss Johnson first lady of hild but also to the president and the entire board you know as stated education public education a priority for us in training uh the work that we do bringing do back to our district for public school very important every deser best education regardless of what I will say is it's always a pleasure visit understand that fa with this small is really what it's all about so thank you and godess good evening everyone and happy New Year I was newly elected so I had to get used to following these to uh Partners as well as uh season legislators it is very excited to be here tonight as a as a 31st year educator uh and now newly elected County Commissioner I am very proud of this young lady commissioner cerer as well as all the newly elected Commissioners but this young lady I taught for 17 years in the classroom and she was actually one of my students so I'm excited to be here to witness this as well as mayor Johnson's wife as well as my former colleague from pcti so this is very intimate and very personal for me and to all the Educators in the room you understand the importance of education and putting the right people in school board when you put the right person in in the school board you produce great citizens and when you produce great citizens you get people like these two who run for office and make things happen to move he and other P County CI forward so I thank you guys for stepping up I congratulate you God bless you to all my Educators you know what we do so make sure you support them God bless have a good night Johnson would you like to say a few words good evening everyone it is an honor and privilege to be here not only because I got to swear at my wife but also for commissioner C commissioner this board is a board that does do work as we all do on the council I'm so surprised Happ my Council colleagues here but I know that they have their work to do and we have our work to do and we're going to let them do what they need to do and I'm going to put it out there that my wife and I are two different people I want to let each and every one of you know that so while we do share the same household her mind is her mind mindly when we get home but when we're out here streets it's a different different landscape but I I just want to say thank you for all re so thank you very much May thank you here General you all of I know that there's work to do and again I can't help you on the school board now you got some folks over here can do it so happy New Year again to each and every one of you we get home safe and I'll see you again soon take care one more uh president council president IMA would you like to say just want to say sayson here you guys got a lot of work to do very I'm looking forward to see what2 you guys got good work wrong way I I would like to give the opportunity to our newly elected uh or reelected board members to say a few words I can start with Miss I want Tok the res out V the number speak for themselves um and I want to give huge thank you to Michael Johnson Johnson you guys are a lot for me this whole time um Peta really much you mean to me and um all my family my kids for for walking with me and knocking on Boors and my husband thank you sy in the board I'm happy to be a part of the strong Bo I appreciate everyone than I'm very thankful I thank God first and my family um to be here in helden I never thought I would be here as any servant besides baseball volunteer coach but here I am on my third turn okay third turn and I'm looking forward 2025 and I know we've done a lot of good stuff here but the job is not done yet we're looking for any issues so we can get ready to go right back at it for 2025 I want to thank everybody that's here today family friends and friends and friends appreciate you and thank you so now we can take a break let's take um let's come back at 7:40 thank you again everyone oh I'm sorry can I have a motion to take a break all in favor okay to resume the meeting second all in favor I okay me get to my agenda so let's go to report so I'm going to start with mine um is there anybody I'm just wondering if there's anybody left online here oh yeah for sure okay great well thank you all for staying happy New Year everyone um thanks so much for joining us tonight and staying on um you know when board members are sworn in it's always a really nice occasion and it's nice to have such a big crowd here um you know even if they leave after it's okay um we're happy to have them here um I want to congratulate once again Mr moow Mrs Johnson and Miss Cerna on their wins um and I'm looking forward to working with you this year uh and our alongside our fellow board members to continue moving our district forward in ways that this board has set forth and that our District's strategic plan aspires to uh secondly I want to thank my fellow board members for entrusting me with the leadership of this board for another year I look forward to continuing to work on our board goals which are focused on making us a more professional informed and accountable board that is committed and prepared to help our students achieve greater success congratulations to vice president moow uh he has been a solid vice president for the last two years and I have no doubt that he'll continue to be a Dependable source of support for this board next I want to say a word about teamwork it's always hard to say goodbye to valuable team members but it's also an opportunity to welcome new members and discover their strengths so that the team works as productively and efficiently as possible in order to reach a common goal in this case I know our common goal is to make helden Public School the best school it can be for our students our teachers and staff and our community so I look forward to working together towards achieving this goal to our new board members please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have uh I I'm sure I speak for the rest of the board when I say we're all here to support you especially as you learn the ropes um all board members please note that I'll be appointing and reappointing board members to committees for our next meeting if you have a committee you're interested in reach out and let me know um I can't promise that I will I can put you on all the board the Committees that you want but try to accommodate any requests um at our next board meeting I'll also be reviewing our virtu our new virtual attendance policy as well as our board goals especially to get the new board members up to speed um lastly I want to acknowledge the passing of Shirley Scher over the holiday break Shirley worked at HPS as a cafeteria aid for more than 40 years like so I can't I can only imagine how many students she watched over during that time so um you know we're grateful for her years of dedication to to our school and um our you know I send our sincerest condolences to her children her grandchildren and her great grandchildren and all of her family and friends uh and that's it for me so with that I will turn it over to our chief School administrator Mr wat thank you that loss was really really sad for everyone here and happened you know right before the bre um so I Echo all your thoughts I want to begin by thanking all the candidates that ran for Board of Education uh the election this year in Halen I do think it's a very healthy indicator uh for a district with so many different community members look to express interest in this important task it demonstrates how important the school is to this community and that's something that you know we're all very proud of U to the two new board members Miss CERN and Miss Johnson I want to congrat congratulate you and wish you the best of luck in your sportsmanship uh and to Carlos I want to thank you for once again uh volunteering for this important task and now that you've got even more little ones on the way up towards preschool hopefully you'll be here for a very long time yes on your agenda you'll see that we have a board ethics training uh because we moved to date uh Mr bero had a prior engage of it Mr to the fourth cast we wanted to make sure he was here in person so we're going to begin the next board meeting with board ethics training but it's it's we always want to try and get it done you know in that first month item three at HPS we're excited to they've come back from a long holiday break it was a bit weird coming back on a Thursday and I I think our lower attendance numbers those two days sort of reflected that uh but it felt like everything was back to normal today we still have six months left in our school calendar and as always they are jpack events and Athletics and activities and field trips and programs and of course uh stay tested uh we're really proud of the many co-curricular curricular and extracurricular offerings we have to our students our parents at HPS and we expect that uh the remainder of the year will continue to be full of pro positive experiences for our young Wildcat students um and that's I was going to talk to the the crowd about what a a reor meeting was but it seems that you know the crowd is no longer a crowd uh so I'll in my report there thank you Mr W um I will turn it over to business administrator Miss I have no formal reports for that it's only okay let me get back to agenda okay so um I think what we're going to do since we don't have the new committees officially uh I'm just going to call on the um current boards Board of chair chair people committee chair people um to if we have any agenda items so for personnel and management Mr Gman um just want to congratulate all the uh our new board members each and every one of them uh Mr Johnson Mr MOX CNA a few people have the for um and I know they're all going to do a great job as I said before there were five phenomenal candidates on the ballot and held is selected that they wanted here they are and I for to work each and every one of you let's not forget to Echo what the president said we are a team that you know we're not here for ourselves we're here for for the children we're here for the better purpose so if we take ourselves out of the equation we make the right choice with that being said person thank you um curriculum and Technology um Miss skip because skip down to finance and physical plan Mr M agenda item on okay um for state and County um for the new board members I'm sure you're aware that there is mandated training that you have to attend for your first year so if you just look you know in your email for the New Jersey School Board Association um emails they will let you know there's online training you can do you can go in person so just check your emails for those um and make sure that you get those those done that's important to to complete um time in a timely fashion um there is a county meeting on Wednesday January 29th um it's virtual and the top of the presentation is going to be the transformative power of charter schools in New J New Jersey's public education so it's always good to get to go to the county meetings you get to talk with people you get to hear b a presentation and it you do get points for that or credit for that um so again check your your email and I think that's it for state and County we don't our attorney is not here today so let's go back to um personnel and management Mr Gman like to move the items on the agenda relative to person so move second yes yes we want to start with ad oh should we start with adoptions make a motion to accept adoptions okay so moved by Mr gizman seconded by m quad roll call please Mrs sna yes this Mr K yes question do we do we have to do anything for the skipping number five or can we just we're we should make a motion to postpone it to the next board meeting okay can I have a motion can we finish this one first yeah Miss Miss CAD yes Mr do I apologize I do have a question for Mr W um on the tuition did our tuition go down see very what number we talk about uh 6.9 6.9 for 3K K Garden 12,000 off maybe I think it was in that ball part as far as the budget maybe what we look at is the average perhaps it could because the the preschool money that's a preset money we're getting from the state so that's why it's a little bit different than the other kids but I uh L might have a the than I will okay so my vote is yes you want the answer or oh I'm sorry okay oh my bad um every year once the budget is done the state calculates uh tuition according to what we submit on an annual basis so we get an actual official list of what our tuition will be so that is put on the agenda every year to approve so it's calculated according to our enrollment and other factors just just looked a little lower yeah it's predetermined by the state thank you m said yes Mr Gman V is yes Mrs iser yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr moel yes Mr radov yes okay so let's go back to number five can I have a motion to postpone uh the ethics training to our next meeting second moved by Miss Quad second by Mr Mo roll please okay all in favor okay can I have a motion to pass appointments so move move by Mr Moz second by m quad roll call please Mrs SOS yes Mr col yes M yes Mr Gman yes M yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr moxo yes yes Mr yes okay can I have a motion to pass contracts and Joint services so mov second move by Mr MCO seconded by Mr K roll call please Mr Mr K yes Mr Mr yes mrman I'm sorry yes Mrs yes Mr Johnson yes Mr MOX yes and Mr Rob yes I have motion to pass designations so move second mov by Mr Mo second did by m qu roll call please this is s actually I have a question sure um in the training classes they said that we're gonna be doing away with the newspaper and actually um how are we going to be posting it I'm sorry I didn't hear during the training classes they said that they were going to be doing away with newspapers and posting our meetings so how are we trying to uh when we were around that so right now I received the email that they retracted that um last week so they're going back to um discuss how that's going to be moving forward so there's no official change at the moment and if that is true then we'll probably have to figure out how to do more online posting okay but right now they retracted that I got received the email earlier um last week yeah Mr Keta yes Mr D yes Mr gizman yes Mrs Isa yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr moel yes yes okay so now let's go back to committees um and we have some agenda items for personnel and management Mr gizman like to move all items on the agenda relative to Personnel man second mov by Mr Gman seconded by Mr MCO roll call please Mrs CA yes M Mr Keta yes Mr gr yes Mr Gman yes Mrs Isa yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr moel yes Mr yes can I have um curriculum and Technology Miss Quad all ite of the curricul technology second um okay I'm sorry I missed that moved by this is um okay moved by Mr second M Please Mr Ser yes Mr Keta yes m c yes Mr Gman yes Mr zissa yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr Moo yes and Mr R yes okay and then can I have a motion I'm sorry finance and physical plant Mr Mo like to move uh items 18.1 through 18.3 Thank You by Mr MCO second by Mr Ramadan roll call please Mrs CA Mr Keta yes Mr V yes Mr Gman yes Mrs Isa yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr moel yes yes okay uh so that's everything that we need to vote on um Miss Augustine should can we combine the open opening the floor to Citizens on agenda items as well as operation of schools we do like a joint one for this meeting yeah we could okay so um Madam president yes we have to make a motion to accept designations if so I'll make that motion yeah I believe we've gone through everything yeah including the Committees yeah we did appointments designations and contracts I'd like to make a motion then to open up the public por for anyone who wishes to address the to bed or who wishes to address any items on the agenda second move by Mr griman seconded by Mado um all favor I okay so the floor is open to anyone who would like to address the board on agenda items or anything regarding operation of school do we have anything Mr Miller then I have a motion second by Mr seconded by Mr MCO all in favor I okay so now going back to uh new an old business uh I just had well before I I have one item does anybody have anything for New or Old business yeah TR just just draw F of the board um we posted a a professional wrestling fundraiser here last two years it's been a fun event it's been well run people that run run it have have been very Cooperative with us uh they're looking to come back again this either April or May I I'd like them to come back but before I tell them yes let's plan something I just want to make sure the board looked about might put this on an agenda does anyone the board have any issu with that coming great the last two yeah the last they've gotten more and more attend and I believe it's a good fundraiser for the PTA anything else that's it for me any anybody else have anything for New or Old business I don't have nothing for new old business but I want to give a shout out to uh Mrs Lisa Marie Cardona one of our former officers Who's online just want to give her a shout out all that miss her our H so thank you for attending and everyone else in the virtual I I I understand that she that her family has moved so thank you for joining us for sure and everybody yeah um okay so I do have one item um this is just something that I think every new board member including myself has made this mistake so I just wanted to mention it now um you shouldn't email the entire board because it's considered a quorum so if you need to communicate with the entire board you can send an email to Miss Augustine um and then she can direct it to Lois or whatever the case may be but um and if it's something very urgent that needs to go out right away a an option is to blind copy if you have to do that you can blind copy everybody but you should really try to avoid that um and you know just just um because it's considered a quum you know anytime that we the board meets the majority of the board meets it's it always has to be in public so and that includes femail so I just wanted to mention that and also if I mean mad president that that also applies let's say we're all members of this community whether we're at the B of Hil and reorg or wherever if five of us or more are present at a specific physical location we got to be careful that Us by not discussing Schoo business you know public right that is that's the uh the kicker you can't be discussing Schoolboard business you can be talking about your summer or your holidays or whatever you know we all happen to be at an event but you you can't be discussing School Board business uh it's a quarum and it has to be in public when do that thank you for that further clarification I just have the H PCA on 392 yeah yeah they Chang their venue yeah and it's casino night is the theme so it should be no Casino table but just yeah theme right and it's always a good time and that is pta's biggest fundraiser and it really helps to fund almost all the other activities that they do throughout the year so if we could have everybody's support and since Miss Erna brought it up um the board has always been generous in do making a donation to The Tricky Tray so if we could do that um it would be that would be a really nice gesture and it would be helpful from the board yeah like a donation to The from the board new board members are encouraged to call Members yeah sure okay if I could also add just um we two new members um anything you email on your uh email account is subject Oprah so anything you say Okay members of the public can request those emails so just make sure that you're that good very good very important Point um yeah and you know and we're not having our ethics uh training today but just you know the the one of the main points of that is that you know we're public servants we are um we always have to be mindful of um you know confidentiality of students of teachers uh and just you know we always we want to be supportive of our school our our staff you know that's we're here to serve them and we're here to make our district better so that's our main goal and that's you know if you just operate with that in mind you know and and use common sense we'll be okay uh but more on that next next at the next meeting um anything else yes Mr Gman everybody hears grown everybody hears ad everybody does whatever they want I think I think Mr CL there is could attest there is no alterior motive like during in the last two two two two months I Lisa called me once and ask me for support for president I said I'll definitely support you think she my job I haven't talked to car not once I think I talked to Kea once I have not talked to Mo I have not talk to you or say so the point I'm trying to make is that sometimes things they like oh there's an alterior motive when there's not there is no alterior motive Mr Waka is a straight shooter whether we like it or not have not always agreed with Mr Waka but that doesn't mean that I'm going to come out here in public put up a show of spectacle to watch I don't do that if that's what you guys want to do or anybody else whether it's anybody on this sport but me that's not what I do I like to Hash my stuff out private we are a school board where we're accountable to children I think it sends a wrong message we're sitting up here arguing bickering I know me roxan are like brother and sister we've got back and forth but there's definitely to respect there um but you know me personally I don't want to have those type of uh disagreements in public we're not always going to agree I understand we may have to but I just I just hope to try to keep as professional as possible and I go for myself as well and that we move together as a as a team you know and if there's any issues what you got to do is call the boss right there you know as a as a deputy chief of police I can tell you our mayor does not interfere with the data day operations of the police department because that's by law same thing we do not interfere with the day-to-day operations of the school that is his job it's pretty simple you know and if there's something that we don't agree with we bring it to his attention and I know he's always been accommoda not just to me not just to anyone else but to everyone tries to do the best he can so teachers you know for anybody that online that was hoping for a big spectacle today you know are you get it but we're here to move this District forward we're here to work with teachers our students our entire school that's we here much luck to each and every one of you have new year God bless all of you and again for the last time I look forward to work each and everyone thank you very Bill do we have the new Board memb sell um email set up all right so EMA I'll email the new board members by cell phone number in case you guys and just to you know on what mrman said I have faith that we are going to be a cohesive team that we're going to work together we're gonna and and we don't agree on you know everything um but that doesn't mean that we can't be respectful to each other and have a good culture here amongst ourselves you know I I have faith that's how it will be um so yeah let's let's work together as thank you I don't think I will hope nobody was online with for something on weor day I don't know anybody would think that gonna work together very well we will we will work for the future of our kids that's right and we got to make it better by the time my daughter get up okay so I actually realized that we did leap off one uh item correspond respondence can I have a motion to uh pass correspondence so move by Mr Mo seconded by Mr Peta call please Mrs CA Mr Keta yes Mrs C yes Mr yes MRSA yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr B yes Mr yes okay so since we already open the door um and I have a motion to adjourn by Mrs Johnson second by all in favor all right everybody we'll see you on January 27th 27th Monday