##VIDEO ID:a40xpSuVRA0## [Music] um I'd like to make a motion to open the Halifax Board of Health meeting on Wednesday December 4th 2024 at 6:31 p.m. second motion all in favor I [Music] okay um this Board of Health meeting is being recorded by area 58 and can be viewed on YouTube okay let's start with disposal Works permits um ratify agents approval so zero mon ponet Street Bob it's still uh under review Okay carry that carry it over okay same with 32 and 34 Nature Way Circle yes that's in the mobile home P so it's it's just two trailers side by side oh okay but same thing just carry car it over okay and then 749 old Plymouth Street that's all set with uh there were actually no revisions on that plan and it's just a repair to a system okay um I'd like it to make a motion to ratify agents approval on uh 749 old Plymouth Street second the motion all in favor I okay item two requiring local upgrades and variances Bob 91 home street so the um it is a uh existing home we're replacing it right back where it was um and because of the proximity to the uh Pond uh they need these um variances and it's also out for kcoms review pending our approval so um there's nothing different from a septic point of view if kcom wants to see differently with you know what they see then fine but it it will need to be repaired right because those variances are exist for the current system as well right I mean it's going right back in the same spot there's sort of no place else to put it right right okay um I'd like to make a m motion to approve the uh local upgrades and variances for 91 Home Street a second the motion all in favor I I um discussion items code of conduct board vote to adopt the Halifax code of conduct I provided that last meeting um it's just how boards and all of us even as employees should conduct ourselves if you agree we can vote on it if not we can put it off to another day so we do need to vote on it so it's not just something that falls under maybe each individual could sign off on their own but I mean either we agree or we don't agree I mean as far as I read follow that I just didn't know if it was something that fell under the you know the fact when we are elected officials or whatever yeah I thought it just kind of fell under but I mean if he very well could be I can present any question that you want to whomever you'd like me to present it to you know and I think it's just a standard operating procedure but I it's fine if we want to vote vote on it so I um I'd like to make a motion to um adopt the halifa code of conduct for um the Board of Health second motion all in favor I okay agent report mhoa conference update it was uh excellent conference lots of networking and um I got cus for both my RS soil evaluator Title 5 uh credentialing so very useful because if I don't keep those licenses up to date then and the town doesn't have a licensed Health agent in town so it was a really good uh time good uh and then an update on the landfill Hemlock Lane erosion repair that's still uh work in progress uh I've been speaking with the engineering company to see what direction and it will actually go in front of the board of Selectmen that the town uh will want to take to either a costs X number of dollars to do the repair that we seems to do every 3 years or if they want to do an expanded project but that really falls under their privy bottom line is we'll have to get the repair done one way or another because Department ofmental protection says Thou must right conduct said repair here so okay work in progress sounds good okay um affirm any bills paid can I get a motion to affirm um payroll for the week ending November 16th 2024 for Robert Valerie Margaret Selter Patricia Sanda Brian cing Robert buer Cindy Metro second Mo all in favor I I um can I get a motion to affirm payroll for the week ending November 30th 2024 for Robert Valerie marget stelter Patricia Sanda Brian cing Robert buer and Cindy Metro a second the motion all in favor I I um meeting minutes can I get a motion to approve the meeting minutes from November 6 2024 second the motion all in favor I I um can I get a motion to affirm was the payment on revolving account 25- 513- FY 25-9 uh Webby engineering 1 through three is listed a second the motion all in favor I I also revolving account 25- 513- FY 25-10 Robert Casper as listed one and two a second the motion all in favor I um can I make a motion for the nursing Services account 01522 FY 25-5 statement covers nursing service period November 2024 second the motion all in favor I I um can I get a motion to affirm the Public Health excellent Grant account 25516 5430 d189 FY 25-14 Cindy Metro mileage reimbursement as listed second the motion all in favor I for the public health excellent Grant can I make a motion to airm for account 25- 5165433272 -89 dfy 25-15 um item one Cindy Metro mileage reimbursement as listed item two Cindy Metro bi-weekly mileage stien as listed and Robert buer um mileage reimbursement as listed and parking reimbursement as listed a second the motion all in favor I I can I I'd like to make a motion to approve payroll for the weekending December 14th 2024 for Robert valer Margaret Selter Patric Sanda Brian clling Robert buer Cindy Metro second motion all in favor I I I'd like to make a motion to affirm the revolving account 25513 dfy 25 uh Robert Casper as listed a second motion all in favor I I um like to make a motion to affirm um the bill paid for the iPad gift account 26 D 26- 514-4305 dfy 25 Dash AT&T mobile one and two is listed second the motion all in favor I I we just got approved too for uh the check that pays for that from the state so the to doesn't have to pay for my iPad and my phone all comes free of charge awesome um can I affirm uh can I I'd like to make a motion to affirm the public health Excellence Grant account 25516 5430 d189 FY 25- uh one Cindy Metro lodging reimbursement as listed and two Cindy Metro mileage reimbursement as listed second the motion all in favor I I can I'd like to make a motion to approve the permits with condition all required documents are submitted to the Board of Health office as listed items one through 16 and Dave will recuse from oh sorry all right six and seven six and seven all right so you rest will be yep second motion okay six and seven so everything but six and seven yes all in favor I I and so we'll just vote on those when when Candace is here [Applause] okay um i' like to make a motion to close the Halifax Board of Health meeting um Wednesday December 4th 2024 at 6:41 p.m. a second the motion all in favor hi hi [Music]