##VIDEO ID:gdUH3P91oMk## [Music] great can I get a motion to um begin the house exp boort of Health meeting for Wednesday August 21st at 6:34 p.m. so move all in favor by please note that this meeting is being recorded by area 58 and can be viewed on YouTube all right so apparently last time we forgot to actually we couldn't vote cuz we need a full board um to confirm the current organization of the board so I move uh that Candace green remains chair of the board of heal okay remain as they are right yeah do we have it says each position so I think we have to go through oh okay all right so moved no second oh second I was G I was off me one more year all in favor all right I move for Pam enrum to remain co-chair of the health export of health so moved second you need to get a second in first second all in favor hi so great um and and then I move for David hatch to remain Clerk of the Halifax Board of pets second all in favor I I okay Bob disposal Works permit well at least now we can keep going I have a board 13 uh2 Ceda Street um there's been a um reviewed and ready to roll so just need ratification okay any problem comes with 306 homes or brandise Circle while we're on it no they're all just repairs of um failed systems Perfect all right can I get a motion to approve I'm sorry ratify the agent approval of 132 Cedar Street 306 Home Street and 83 brandise Circle so moved all in favor that's what happens when you miss too many meetings yeah all right 265 mon pons Street still out for um review with John okay same with 314 so we'll leave those for next meeting yep perfect okay requiring upgrades and variances but otherwise recommended for approval 266 mon pet veryone JD civil here tonight representing th development and me tonight also research of th development I want to make sure you're able to speak into something just in other meetings Andre um nobody can hear what the presenter says so sort of makes a whole idea of recording it ridiculous yep so let's see if we can share this microphone and I can share Dave all right so grad school here tonight presenting devel um just going to give an overview of the of the system how we've designed it and how it will function um so uh this is the propos well first all introduction to the project this is um proposed multi-unit building uh 30 units 55 plus development in the new senior housing overl District uh we are proposing a drip irrigation system in the back here um the building will flow Gravity from here coming out the Manilla building to a 500 gon primary septic tank for 48 hours of storage uh retention time and then flowing into a secondary 4500 gallon septic tank then a 4500g pump storage tank that's connected to the to a w um so we uh through our revisions and through um comments with John Leno we've revised plan uh to address those comments and worked more closely with the the architect and M Engineers were a b further along after we got the Comets uh previously we' had the the sewer line coming out down here in the building we revised it to come out through the middle so we could raise everything and eliminate one of the variance requests that we had um for cover of of the tanks the tanks were deeper and greater than 3 Fe but now we've got them raised up um let's see if I can just um say that um so drip irrigation system is approved by EPA yeah of course because I have the information y I just want to make that clear because it's a little bit unique to certain properties AB Y and I have some more information on that and great because um obviously the maintenance contracts will be yep of utmost importance moving forward and U copies of everything copies everything appropriately be recorded in the register deeds and file with the B Health maintenance contracts and everything um so the pump storage tank um is designed in order to hold 24 hours worth of of flow in order for the operation of the um of the system so we like to have 24 hours worth the flow on hand it's a Time dose system which is basically evens up the Peaks so if you have a pressure dose system that is just triggered by the the um the level in the tanks uh triggering the floats in the tank um you'll get a peak in the morning then you get a peek in the evening what this does what time dosing does it it holds on to the water a bit longer and every so often it'll send water to the field over a longer period of time so it's spread out over throughout the day rather than just getting hit with a bunch of water in the morning and a bunch of water at night um so and we also have and we have 9 hours worth of um emergency storage capacity in the system um that's a third of a day that's pretty much typical for a pump station or sewer pump station and we have an emergency um backup generator um so to 5 allows for us to have an emergency generator and it's right here and we have it's propane fueled so there's an underground propane tank that will fuel that um so we don't need full 24 hours of storage above the operating of the system and sorry to the best of my knowledge um the fire department um told me that they understand that there is an underground propriate tank there so okay good so that way they you know just make sure you have proper fings with the elepant fire department okay did that come up with your discussions didn't honestly okay okay want to misrepresent but uh yeah we we're familiar with getting the we we have a project in Rainham where we have five of these underground propane tanks for back of generator so we're generally familiar with the process it's not my Lane but sure I care about my fire department work together propane can blow up yeah um okay so and does that have like an automatic like the generator does it go off is it like testing or whatever it has an automatic do a a test yeah okay and it'll have lemetry for calling if there's an issue as well the system itself um okay so the the sotion system is the perf uh dri dispersal system here's some my copy of some data through through it uh this is the drip tubing this right here is the um pressure compensating emitters onut there basically this is what um these are off about a foot or so spread out throughout the um M tuing through the system and they emit um the effluence um one drip of time um even like throughout the system and it's as it's pressurized by the pumps um so it's an Innovative alternative system Mr Val alluded to approve for General use by MP um I do have a copy of the um the approval letter and in that folder and you said yeah as well right um so it's proof for General use uh system is a Time dose pressure pressure go system uh time time spreads up you familiar with this book excuse me you familiar with this system oh yeah uh I've actually been through um different trainings um at my um mh8 conferences okay on um Oaken or um oh what's the other one drip r or something yeah per is the product Oak is the distributor for new Eng exactly and I've installed um do we have any I feel like we have um I've installed one in Cali a there's another one in Halifax commercially and not commercially they're residential and um three residentials in mfield so um you know any experience with them commercial bigger systems okay not commercially we have one that uh just was installed in West Bridgewater it's not commercial but it is a multi-unit uh residential project 40p project um um it's installed it's coming online as sell houses um and there's a second one on the same project that they're installing currently or just so we've had some experience with them projects both single family homes and systems um so the D drift dispersal system is the same technology as um as drip irrigation system so it's subsurface um and like I said the system the whole system gets pressurized when the when the pumps come on um and the uh the the flow emitters um emit you know a drip at a time throughout the whole systems for a constant application rate throughout the whole field there's three zones in the system um that will rotate as the um each time that the um system is charged up um so there another representation of the three zones and this shows the actual tubing back and forth um and this is a schematic of how it all like it all gets charged up each Stone and then there's a line um there's a hydraulic unit located right on top of the tank over here that controls uh flow out of the system and pressurizing the system and then return flow goes back to this one goes back to the secondary tank so um and once the system shuts off uh in between uh it drains back out so there's no water just sitting there the whole time it's a a relatively short shallow vertical system it's about 6 in sits in 6 in of sand um it's got a short vertical profile um right here and you know a lot of questions we usually get are what about freezing that's not an issue because it do to between cycles and if it does snow the snow over top kind of insulates it so I would agree that No it should not freeze as long as it drips back yep yeah point there are check valves um that when it turns on the and everything goes forward when they turn off everything comes back y um in the past or the failure that I did see in one system was the check valve didn't work right so in the event that a check valve doesn't work right now youve got a frozen system which means you guys would be pping like crazy because they won't be able to go out yeah into the tubing like it's supposed to so yes it won't free uh when installed correctly yep and if those valves maybe they've been improved this was probably 7 5 seven years ago um don't seem to walk up or just not work right because of course this didn't happen in the summer happened to happen in the winter and now your pipes are frozen even though effluent is warm um with only that 6 in of cover yep um it's just something that Oak knows um I've worked with Bob from Oak um and need to be aware of it happens here and there and I like for warned is forarm right yeah and also you know another bonus is that it has it's an open field area we'll have sound exposure too that will also keep it and you're not going to be ping snow on off of it correct we as for John's comments we have a fence along here that's going to prove this room thank you ni over there so so yeah we've got we got comments from John's Zeno we addressed them uh in our response comments letter sent them back to John as far as I am aware uh he recommended right um John in fact said that I'm I'm recommending approval of play with the following recommendations to be shown on the plan and the board should make this part of conditions of approval so I went through each and every concern that he had the only one that obviously has to be pending is because we don't have a final ass built so but the final as built plant needs to demonstrate that it was constructed in the Mana so there isn't impact to a Butter's properties and the septic disposal area thereof so that we would catch on the as build but then we'll also have to make sure gradings things like that go on MH um and then we can talk about the variance requests so right um if you know if you want to go through that in detail absolutely that would be great Bob can I ask you a quick question first sure is is 266 and 265 on ponet the same thing no okay 266 would be the area um if you go past like um how many Liquors in Grill 58 it was an old Peach Tree f okay so we're talking about two different things so right now we're talking about 265 no 26 265 is across the street that's going to be another whole okay so that one is still up for review I was okay thank you so we're on the the old Peach Tree file yep correct and you know the plaza is right here mr's property but where is it right up here Shelby Plaza it's just south of Shelby Plaza around 58 you go past the plaza I just had one question on the system you guys said you've uh installed uh residential and you're doing a project now how many units are for the project now that is total 96 units 96 yeah um not all of them are on that system there's two systems and then some that are individual Subs on how many run off that system uh I know it's close it's more flow than this it's closer to the one that we're going to propose for across the street okay I'm not familiar with it at all so yeah just a few questions y uh that's what we have for yeah I can go over feel free the variance request so we're requesting a variance for um separation from height connection to groundwater um because the height of the tanks is such that um the bottom of the tank is below groundwater and we have to connect the bottom of this tank where because it holds you know the storage capacity of the system to the wet well at the bottom in order to have access to the full amount of flow that's com that we're working with uh so that's what the variance request is for um we went back and forth with Mr deleno on that uh we're doubling off the steel straps than just one we're going to put two steel straps on there'll be a rubber boot um cast into the tank and we're also going to put some erosion Corrosion Protection sealant around the um the straps and the boot and down onto the um the pipe um it's a product that's basically um I just saw our Instagram rail for it they they painted out a few coats of it and you can just stret it out it's like rubber and it's really uh good for Corrosion Prevention and there's also notes and everything on the plan for testing the the water tightness of the tanks and the uh the wet well prior to putting the systemate operation it's part of the conditions I believe that uh Mr Jo recommended for approval um and also to hire a Consulting from to perform that testing on the behalf of the town so clation straps to keep the tank from floating no they're um so there's a rubber boot where the pipe connects we'll have those stainless still straps around that to tighten up the that connection between the the rubber keeps the tanks from floating in high water Seasons no we um it's not a not your name and live sorry just for the meeting well I'm going this I'm Joseph Canelo and I'm from Shelby Plaza 284 mon Pon street thank you I'm a direct the B to this project thank you all right go ahead sorry so uh we've done the the pointy calculations on the tanks uh and like they're not going to float um but I know you're referring to like a ballast like some kind of like concrete or something like that that was Drops around we don't need that for this um because the B of Cs for the weight of the tanks and the soil on top of it um will'll keep it from floating up out so we got a factor safety of 2.73 on that one 1.62 and 4.97 on the on the mod so that's part of what we we look at and we right on the plan the calculation so that make sure we won't have floating tanks um yeah so I mean that's the the varant request why we're here tonight the most part um what's the standard setback on Legion Fields to property lines 10 we have so there's not a variance on nope we're not you 106 or 10 N I think it say we have 11 to this side and 10.7 it's the closest on that Bob what are we talking about for like uh you know how much of a variance is this what how much higher is this tank than it should be well it's the connection it's the connection the tank is fine but you have to come out the bottom rather than higher up to get into there so the like you would effectively have to raise everything uh five and a half six feet feet get the entire thing out of right I mean this is the invert of the pipe is 6846 and groundwater is at 7065 right the pipe connections yeah it's more of the connection when we do repairs this is common uh um new construction is why we we're here talking about vars meaning if um we are allowed to do it but we would also be setting a presedent by doing it on any other new construction that goes on in town we've had other um Inlet Outlet uh variances but they've always been on a repair so there is a little bit of a difference there y so um I want the board to just you know be aware of that um is it allowable within Title 5 yes is it recommended by the review engineer yes with all the stipulations being met but we'd also at the end of the day say well if we say yes today to you we should to me the word would be must but should say the same thing to each and every as long as same stipulations at a minimum same exactly you know but I just so want to say yeah you know yeah blue can do it red can't uh Sil you know yeah so it's when we get into larger systems like this um it is common to have these to have variance supress such as this like that larger system I was telling you about in West Bridgewater we had more than one variance this is one of them but we also had components that were Deeper Than 3 ft um because we had a s collection system at the end of a CAC and that that tank was like 7t in the ground so we don't have that and I did speak to um Rob Cas for the agent in West Bridgewater how's he doing here we go he's he you know Rob and I have worked together multiple times and Y he said well we did it I go well that doesn't mean I have to do it but it's nice to know you know so and you know in the grand scheme of things towns that have sewer systems a lot of sewer collection systems are oh yeah there a lot of areas in the state that have high ground water and they'll have a sewer system that connects that has to be a certain death in order to run gravity so do we have to vote on this tonight Bob what do we have to vote on this tonight no no we don't have to I'd like to just um I'd like to lead him into the um into the right direction because um conservation won't approve their plan without our approval of the septic plan so isn't that nice of them everyone wants to go last isn't right but I you know I don't know what you guys have thought I would say that if the Board needs more time more time yeah let's do do I due diligence because tying this thing up any further also means another two weeks on comcom which is ms4 which is this which is that so um I'm available the next two weeks answer any questions put any information that you need I can reach out to Greg I can reach out to whomever and um I mean as I see it it would be planning and conservation that would make sure that uh Mr Tel's uh you know Tel's property is protected from any potential runoff be it from the septic from Mother Nature whatever because the height of the project that's there the elevation of what you want to put in and the elevation of his property um is not really a a Bo health issue I I don't see that septic affecting that but then they can make that determination at least then they have an approved plan to say okay well now we need to do this do that because we have an butter on one side and a butter on the other and um I wouldn't want a big puddle in my driveway because it was putting in correctly right or in my septic system because his septic system is right there it is right there and it's 4 feet high M which and I'm really not expecting breakout obviously from the the drip right but barrier going around that Sy there is a barrier and but I yeah we just want to you know final slope on it it looks like we're there but I you down the proper line property up 4T minimum across front to back from the street to the back it's coming up 4T they're bringing in 800 trucks of fill to fill this property to do this property so like everything round thing does you know does run down um my concerns is a couple of small little things I I brought up there in conservation um you know the overall perspective of water going into the ground water uh the infiltrators for the parking lot aren't adding any water to groundw but you are adding 4,300 gallons a day of septic onto a 1 acre property that was not there before into a high water ground water anyway and in experience you know I've been there since 2007 I've already had to replac my septic system for the plaza once and you it wasn't a pleasant build let me tell you CU you know and so just my concern is adding water to the ground water on a high system anyway and then the drainage on the edge there it drops 10 4T and 10 ft of property line directly onto me so there is a little bit of run off but there is the property line they both come together they both L up so there'll be a swell created right on the property line that turns but that was you know people look at it don't realize the property's coming up 4T and then the building's twice as tall as what the reason we need to bring it up is for and to make sure that we have our separation ground water and we've done the mounting analysis and we've adjusted for there then go up so we're we're doing all the things we need to do for to PL so Bob you have those plans so like see one right now that I just want to make sure you've got that so like when I come to see you I can send them to you guys I have them all electronically um or individually if you want to come down suit with me but if you want copies this is the latest plan because I know it changed from it went up 9 in or something from when the comom so this was revised on 7:30 of 24 um we received it on 85 because we've revised numerous numbers of plans guys you know um so um yes this is the most current and according to this plan and what I got from my review engineer was what we stated MH what I got from outside sources you know was consistent with where this start process is isn't going otherwise I just say shut you down right now quite frankly okay or tell you which way to go right um so uh oh and the pump Cals are spot on just so you know because our former board member who was chairman know the former chairman is a great pump guy so I go hey John Weber I go John could you come in and I just want to verify these numbers on floats this that how they run and he goes okay yeah as long as they do this we're all good so good good yeah we've done some extensive research on this I'll just say if I could um so just um on the kind of and you are I'm David Easter Thorn de development I'm you're right um on the uh let's say administrative side so this uh Community will have its own Condominium Association a professional management company and these plans and whatever approval we might get are referenced within the condominium docs and they become they become requirements of the trustees uh to perform um and those docs also get recorded at the registry of these so there's kind of a link to the requirements that is imp perpetuity um based on the way we uh dra our condominium docks just want to mention and just a side note outside of the whole septic is um many multi-unit areas end up with multi Nuance complaints whether it be hoarding whether it be um other areas will or could the company consider having the appropriate bylaws in place so that we don't end up being their enforcement agent on things that they could handle inhouse I've had it in other condominium projects just part of whatever when you buy a use it you agree not to have trash coming out your windows not to I mean yeah how we go about request like that I I agree as soon as we started talking about condos and bylaws I just thought of the hoarding issue that we dealt with in the condominium how they wanted nothing to do with it I don't know how I mean this obviously is a completely different issue but I will be interested in how we require that as part of the approval for this I don't know if I could request it I can't request it as part of the septic no we but uh I mean I can't require it I would request on a side note that's why I said just sideline so since you're with the whoever's going to manage this property so our our standard langage do something um uh prohibits nuisances emanating from any unit including odors noises you're not allowed to store anything in the Hall you can only have seasonal wreaths on your door um so we have very detailed kind of specifications that kind of in um protect those that are purchasing there from uh bad behavior from their neighbors and uh I've been with Thorndike for 25 years they were were my client for 5 years before that we we generally do uh we do high quality work and have a little let's say higher end uh clientele never had an issue with any porting type issues uh our worst incident was we had a shared porch one was a Christian one was Jewish there was a big blow up Santa Claus that ended up in a shrub that was our biggest incident that we had between neighor so uh besides that um it's that's like a dream compared to exactly so assume in place but I try not to assume we we do have standard kind of typ of language you know could we can share that like a list of concerns that you might that you would want like sure address and you can say you can look at your standard language just um I'll be glad share the relevant sections there you go with the board I just figured I didn't want to have to call you in for another meeting if you already had the answer to the question and at least I could open up the topic because we're talking about this particular address sure and um for one we had a very difficult experience with a condo association that apparently had no nothing helping with that and it was a big health risk situation that that we had to deal with when really it was a private Condo Association that I feel should have played some role in that but so a separate issue but definitely something I think um well was um a year and N9 months of my life yeah wow generous do yeah well okay all right so we'll carry that over um any um Pam and I will both saying you would like more time Dave do you have anything to add about the variance we just want to read up on it a little bit more so we'll carry it to the next meeting so that sound PR to you Bob oh it's fine with me I mean you the board makes the decision um would let the board know that um you know look I'll get you more educated speak to whomever um but I don't see any major problems with this at all I it's just a lot of information a lot to absorb especially if you're not doing all the time okay so we'll just take do our due diligence and then we'll put it on the agenda for next meeting to vote I do like the direction that they've taken and where they're going and again protecting neighbor properties but that might be a whole different Lane that could be concom and uh planning board so okay I defer that to them right what's the date of the next meeting first Wednesday of September so I think that's two weeks from today right so September September 4th or third let me see sorry September 4th Wednesday September 4th okay you guys need to do a motion and I don't know if we need to I think we can just say we're going to carry it over um I yeah I would vote it okay um get a motion to carry over the decision on the um 266 month 266 mon pal Street bearing request to the next Board of Health meeting in two weeks so move all in favor bye thank you joh thank you thank you thank you Greg I have a revised rean requ letter if you want it I didn't I brought it just in case it's basically just the origin one we submitted had to but we did address it through all the comments and response to comments with John oh I have that but I can I got a new letter let's just clear emphasize exactly what this is does it does it track with what's in the agenda cuz if it tracks I think it tracks what what's in the agenda so it may be covered yeah so think it's they hav covered that all right yeah my major you know um you know concern Honestly by concern what I I see is systems is the system that's where where what how where it's going to go um and it's protecting Mr property I think I matched up show that yeah I would I know you said your name into the M than you have time great okay very much I figure butk you well like I'm just thank you apprciate the time and effort sure since I'm here do you feel like you know John deleno personally or what well I knew him before no that's okay thank you yeah we he was conservation agent for West bridgew when we did that product I was match that in my um yeah so did the same did us to grab them at M connection really the only time I saw the uh I think it's still Bob from Oak who comes out yeah great guy you know he goes out yeah he always does it's a matter of I mean with the in there there was a that we're going to ask for can I actually can we have that Bolder is that okay I'm sorry put it away but can we can we borrow that till next time no you can have it he'll give you another one I'll print up for another one I have this info in my office too all this I was okay that's online just so you know okay and this part here honestly is mostly propaganda right marketing materials right what do you think nice presentation thank you for all of the developments in the area that that's a have this in system yeah I have no knowledge of that system whatsoever I know I'm all right we're still in meeting mode we're still we're still but yeah we still got finish this we got to finish this but I agree I think I just need more time to educate myself on this before deis I prefer that decision because it's a big of the board tonight and we will do our new yep any all right moving on uh discussion items uh fee schedule changes revisions Bob let me find my agenda page oh um Peggy wanted to not Peggy but we were going to consider putting in a farmers's market permit for nonfood vendors meaning if you happen to bring frozen meat from like a you know they have it slotted from their house and have it packed at a packing plant um they would have to spend $75 per event or 150 for the year um other towns seem to be in the 50 to 65 range so we would not change like hot food vendors um you know a mobile food truck goes in yeah hey you know they you know that you know that's them but you know some of the guys who just sloted their food on their own property and on they pay 75 for one event but you're talking an outside place yes taking care of because Raven Brook is starting to do farmers markets yeah they're actually going to be doing them over at the uh School throughout the winter apparently oh really yeah so um I think it would um at least help maybe a few local people on something I don't even have to inspect food trucks I have to inspect yeah so we should get the full fee on them because you know it's it's a food safety issue I can't just right for the trck let them show up for an event right for the trucks us but for the other stuff that's packaged like that has to it's already getting packaged through legitimate what oh yeah yeah is butchered at Butcher slaugh House in USDA stamped so I guess I'm not quite sure what the what the fee would be for well the fee because it's a food product so we don't charge for somebody who knits slippers so and we Char we currently charge them as a regular food vendor oh we would be charging so I'm looking that I agree with oh okay reduce it reduce it trying to low lower the price for somebody like that I agree with that I was thinking the same thing you were I agree with that but I also think it's important to note and why we shouldn't vote tonight is like ravenbrook charges their vendors to be there okay so I have no clue what they charge they charge all right so what they do so it was more just a start a little healthy discussion on yeah yep we'll help them out but geez would you help them out and cut your feed too I don't know I follow the money okay their Farmers Market is great to reach out to them and find out I already did I wrote I reached out to gimbley and said okay yeah I'll consider it I'll bring it up to the board and I guarantee they're going to ask or I'll bring it up what's your fee for for doing this no these and he said like jam them with a fe on fee on fee need to present you proper they need to sent me with proper paperwork and and right yep because she said Porta parties Etc y I'm like well if you're going to be doing it in the school are you going to put up a pter part are you going to be going in the school I don't know not me you know we'll work it out but yeah I think it's a reasonable request let's do cross at yep yep okay and then there was also the reinspection um of a system not ready or improperly installed so this is under specifically targeted at what will happen during this project big projects but can happen on a residential um we would move it to $100 so the first inspection I do bottom of the tank free second inspection I do which is the actual field oh sorry bottom of the hole free third inspection I do which is the final free well now if I have to go back for a fourth time then that would fall on on potentially a homeowner but I'll be going back a fourth a fifth and a sixth time when it comes to 266 Mon ponset and I don't know how many times on 265 because on big developments even with O'Reilly to get everybody working in conjunction the septic people start here then the elect electricians go here and then they call me back for a septic and then they call me back so it can be 8 to 10 inspections long which okay I'll cover three of your inspections for no cost but so each one will be 100 yep how often do you find yourself having to go out more than three times to joeo listem field zero okay I'm done with that as long as zero but as long as somebody who's already putting out 15 grand for new septic isn't getting charged another 100 because their engineer their installer screwed something up well so that's why find very rare that a homeowner needs a for f six walk through exactly which is to is a great point because I need to know the installers that I work with and they need to know what my level of expectation is when I get there and um I have to admit single family home the people who who have worked in town do their due diligence to make sure it's all right okay as long as this isn't going to cost residents $100 no I I yeah I think if it's I think if it's more often for these big developments that need extra supervision then I think that's fine I would vote that that's okay I don't know what your thoughts can yep no I agree um and then I think we had one more that she wanted to that we wanted to talk about that's good oh real estate housing inspections okay we're currently at $75 all you charge to do an inspection for someone they can hire you for $75 to do an inspection before they buy a house is that what you're talking about no I was gonna say that's cheap yeah no that's going to be if somebody is renting you oh okay rent sorry so um the example would be just you know tenant landlord the the tenant can request before they move in that I go in and do a full inspection usually the landlord's the one who requests it because he wants to know that the place is pristine so when the tenant ruins it right it's documented so we're at 75 and what do you do on the inspection there's a full housing inspection the same thing I did at um c29 L Lane okay is that the going rate no going rate right now for other towns is a 100 does we're at 75 does the landlord pay that or the tenant the landlord if they request it oh if they request it and if neither requests it it doesn't happen and it falls on whomever so but my thought process in actually raising it was any time you add multifam unit buildings you get oh so you're thinking about this I sorry grew up in I'm reading between the lines I got a you don't have to I was about to tell you when I was in marfield I used to do these things like I know they have so many condos all the time because hey it turns over it turns over this guy guy rented for 6 months he's gone Bob come in do an inspection rents for 6 months and it's always whoever owns the property because they want to make sure that it didn't get ruined so um okay so very rarely will ATT tenant ever call me because it it would have to be a slum Lord that they already moved into a terrible unit so increasing the fee would only put that upon um whoever request yes okay so we need to vote on this right that I would vote on okay so the first one was um assessing a fee of $100 per visit after the third inspection of a septic system by the Board of Health agent yes correct all right can I get a move um a motion movement can I get a motion um to approve the $100 fee for any septic visit by the Halifax Board of Health assessment if you will after the third visit so starting with the fourth um assessing a fee of $100 so moved all in favor I and then can I get a motion to increase the fee for a home inspection real estate and housing real estate and housing inspection um fee from $75 to $100 so moved all in favor by those were the only two right and then you said hold on we'll wait to the next yeah we'll wait on the uh Farmers Market oh yeah that was the other one yeah let's get a little more info okay I mean I don't these people are trying to make money small businesses I don't want to hit them with no too much so it' be interesting to see what these other places are charging okay mosquitoes tell us about mosquitoes Bob so just update got my latest report today and um there is or has been positive tests for Triple E and West Nile Virus um in Halifax which there was but last week there wasn't this week there is middleb Cava East Bridge Water um all surrounding towns um tomorrow or the next day dph has recommended a um a spray area that they're going to do I would air and caution look at our website and Dusk to Dawn of the peak periods yeah and all wear long sleeves getting rid of standing and mosquito and get rid of standing water I mean it seem seems like a routine drill but Triple E is a three-year cycle for the most part and this is year three 4ish and um usually yeah you'll get wnv but we did in the other part of the state have the first human case these are only test samples but yeah it doesn't mean if that test sample didn't bite you the most susceptible young children and the elderly they had the last couple weeks at baseball they moving everything earlier so that the kids were in before desk oh good they do um from The Ground Plymouth County Mosquito Control does these ball fields yeah but they only do them once every six weeks because that's that's the standard protocol of how long you know the that one spray will last based so I just want to put that out there because it's a tough tough season in September late August September early November it's out there uh really your key mosquito times yeah all right let's affirm about a million bills yes can I get a motion to affirm the bills paid that I've already signed um a the payroll for the week ending August 10th 2024 for Robert Valerie Margaret Selter Patricia Sanda Brian cing Robert Valerie uh for the PE Grant Robert fuker and Cindy Metro so moved all in favor can I get a motion to affirm bills paid oh she did a again but she doesn't mean a a A2 expense account number 01- 512- FY 25-01 one and two as listed so moved all in favor can I get a motion to affirm bills paid B revolving account number 25- 513- FY 25-2 1 2 3 and four as listed so moved all in favor I can I get a motion to approve C the iPad GI account number 26514 48302 FY 25-01 1 AT&T mobile as listed still moved all in favor I can I get a motion to affirm bills paid D nursing Services account number 01522 dfy 25-01 one as listed so moved all in favor I can I get a motion to approve uh or affirm bills paid Public Health excellent Grant account number 25516 5430 d189 FY 25-2 1 2 3 4 and five as listed so moved all in favor and I get a motion to affirm bills paid at Public Health Excellence Grant number 25516 5430 d189 FY 25- 03 number one Deputy budget director as listed so moved all in favor I and finally can I get a motion to affirm bills paid G dhcd expenditure 28-50 75784 f25 one as listed so moved all in favor I the following to be approved signed and or voted on can I get um a motion to approve payroll for the week ending August 24th 2024 for Rober Valerie Margaret Selzer Patricia sand Brian clim Robert buer C Metro so moved all in favor can I get a motion to approve expense account number 01512 FY 25-21 as listed still moved all in favor can I get a motion to approve roling account number 25513 dfy 2-3 one as listed so move all in favor all of those divisions and John Delo only got $170 for that planet 265 history all those revisions he had to do and his fee was $170 I know that's it talk about having to like well thank god get paid per revision or something Jesus nobody got it for the initial final review okay good and and that's paid for though by Thorndike development or Drisco I was going to say it if you know his normal review is that's that's 266 this the one we were just talking about 265 oh no we were talking about which one were we talking about sorry we're talking 266 Goa okay 265 is coming up but still you know to your point the amount of time and effort John deleno has been putting into both addresses 265 266 and currently working on Starbucks for a retired man he he goes Bob I'm only doing it as a favor to you because I'm retired I you know so all right so we approved that right we approve that okay can I get a motion to approve nursing Services account number number 01522 FY 25-21 as listed so moved all in favor I can I get a motion to approve the public health excellent Grant account number 25516 5430 d189 FY 25-4 one as listed so moved I'm sorry one and two is listed yep so moved all in favor okay can I get a motion to approve the meeting minutes from June 5th 2024 and July 3rd 2024 so moved all in favor bye and finally the following permits can I get a motion to approve the following permits with the condition that all required documents are submitted to the Board of Health office one through eight as listed so moved all in favor I I can I get a motion to close the healtha health I'm sorry healtha Board of Health meeting for Wednesday August 21st at 7:36 p.m. so moved all in favor bye I could have taken [Music]