first is an announcement that this meeting is being Tak by area 58 um under uh new business we have ambulance abatements we have a motion for that one motion uh approve approve the second any discussion all those who favor say I iOS see um so what do you want to do here between town meeting preparation and line item transfers which she let's do town meeting prep last that is kind of where we'll go through everything all right and do you want to just give us some uh explanation on these various transfers sure um oh we have the surplus vehicle first oh that's here I have the agenda that I posted so there's a surplus vehicle uh the highway surveyor had requested that it be declared Surplus it's a 2003 Sterling model L 6500 series and that is uh we Capital had approved a new vehicle for us so he's just looking for it to be declared Surplus so we can um send it out to the auction so um I'll make that motion that we declare that vehicle Surplus we have a second second discussion all those in favor say i i v unanimous all right line item transf now we have line item transfers so um as you know we can do line item transfers um at the end of the fiscal year May June and then July um in reviewing several of our accounts with our town accountant we uh came across the E that we anticipate are going to be in the negative so uh the first one is Town Hall electricity this was something thing we got our new electricity rate in September so after we had done the budget um so we didn't anticipate that much of an increase we saw a 50% increase in our electricity cost uh in September so that's going to be that's what requires the transfer good news is is Kathy Stanley our energy manager she was able to find us a reduced rate so this won't happen again next year so we're back down to almost where we were before um so that's the reason for that the Town Administrator salary this was the result of the new contract negotiation that was affected March 1st um treasure banking payroll this was another one mid year so we we use a payroll company CDs uh who do who outsources our payroll and they increase their fees halfway through the fiscal year so we couldn't have plan for this um so that's the reason for that increase and you can see it's uh not a huge increase it still the whole amount is like less than $110,000 for payroll for the whole town which is a pretty good deal um the treasures expense account this is um Indian additional $500 this is again our our financial advisor uh their fee went up mid year so we couldn't have anticipated it um the Silver Lake assessment for debt is $365 off this was just a budgeting error that we made last year um the figure changed right before we finalized our budget so our number was $365 less uh the group insurance is requiring a transfer uh this was just due to new employees coming on taking the health insurance so it was more than we had anticipated and then Medicare this was one um you know Medicare increases as our as wages increase we didn't know what wages are going to increase last year when we budgeted because we did the compensation study so this is making up that difference uh that we didn't anticipate these are transferred from where so they're from various places so Town Hall electricity is coming from our conservation wages and we have um over $20,000 in there there because they we didn't we haven't had conservation staff for much of the year um the Town Administrator salar is coming from the building inspector's salary that was the same thing we didn't have a building uh inspector for much of the year so we have extra money in there uh and then the banking and payroll the treasur expense and the Silver Lake debt exclus the debt are all coming from conservation wages and then the group insurance is coming from snow and ice and the Medicare is coming from veterans benefits where we over budgeted what we what we needed for PS for the veterans all right and uh are is there a does the finance committee have to make a decision on these also yes so you're voting it now and then finance committee will vote it after you guys tonight it's on their agenda as well all right any other uh questions comments no makes sense um all right so uh I'll do this in one motion pass that now yeah you can just say uh so just as explained just as explained uh a few minutes ago uh I would move the wage I mean the light item transfers from concom wages to town hall electricity building inspector salary the Town Administrator salary uh concom uh treasure to treasur Banking and payroll concom to Treasures expense com uh concom to Silver Lake debt uh snow and ice to Group insurance and veterans benefits to uh Medicare second that discussion all all those Dage say hi hios you nail okay town meeting preparation all right so I put this on uh like we've always done we put a lot of preparation into the town meeting obviously we had um we had the town meeting prep meeting where um we had the John was there John Bruno was there and the moderator Rich was also there and finance committee um and then we also have discussed this at the last meeting but I just wanted to go over for it one more time make sure everyone's on the same page knows kind of what they're moving if there's any questions and then have the moderator here as well um for a discussion on it and you know same with rich rich being here so um I yeah we can go through this quickly again I don't know if there's specific questions or anything or we just want to run through it quickly um just go through it quickly I suppose so uh first one's just're pretty standard I just have a couple of comments that I'll make about about the uh the meeting tonight it won't take very long I I no one ever else ever says anything and by the way we should we should do away with that uh article of the future because it doesn't it's doesn't fit anymore I will say I think I mentioned this before rich and Paul both recommended that we do away with it it's unnecessary now but I don't want to make too many changes yeah okay uh number two is the waging personnel yep I got my notes here ready to roll and oh Jonathan it maybe um just mention again that that that is there is the attachment that attachment a is exactly it so if you want to you know if they're specific kind of to it as people check in the town clerk is going to advise them grab the two Hand notes okay so that'll all be in there okay number three uh is finance committee so they're uh well actually proposed yeah proposed by finance committee so they'll handle that uh number four is also finance committee uh so they'll handle that and then B we talked about how you're going to handle the U the article the budget article do each section uh line line by line for hold and so on right and then so um for at the beginning you're going to make note of the change those two changes yes the 2022 should be 2023 I think I have it that the beginning notes right it's right here and then the blue page is you know replaces those two pre figures on the one that was a script there and then I would mention it maybe again when you get to the article just so people are aware that the blue that blue page what about the editorial Corrections yeah that's what I was just talking about so 1 through 4 is going to be handled right off yep we'll right in order 1 through 4 and then the loty starts correct okay uh number five is uh naer are you comfortable moving this is it just revolving funds they don't actually put any money in account just uh six we have uh Finance committees moving back number seven is going to speak on that to the move that article we're going to pass over s i mean six Todd Todd's going to uh move that uh seven is Passover uh eight is uh finance committee and that's all uh Capital stuff so you going to be the same thing as the budget yeah Fire Department police department Highway y if someone has a holds you hold we'll go back there the holds and then vote it we don't want to do the total what we talked about because that we want these the budget and on the capital like turnout GE $74,400 we don't want like the fire department get $174,000 to do whatever they want I thought we were going to do that way we what did you say you know like that blue handout we were going to we were going to say the total right on the budget I wouldn't vote the total we don't want to vote the total we want to vote the line because otherwise if we vote the total like say total government right General government which is MIL something OD dollar it doesn't differentiate officially where where that money's going what differenti officially is the line yeah I don't think you need to read the amount because the motion is as printed in the warrant so it's those numbers are already being referred to in the warrant and if we vote if they change right if something changes for example like say in the article one of these articles somebody says oh we're not going to do the turnout gear or whatever uh we the total changes right so we don't want the total to be voted we want to vote exactly what what is we're going to use that money for okay no totals right we don't vote the total those are just for informational purposes so they they can change uh doing that one also he's uh yes he's recommending that one uh number eight nine uh nine is John cely yeah that's the CPA I'll try be quick I got 20 minute PowerPoint so going uh articles uh going handle thatle 12 R we figured this is the best one for you that's it that's a County cooperative uh Article 13 uh I'm going to move even though it's so if you Mo IAL Linda has changed her mind she would like to um give a description so if you move it okay and then when bur comes back to you for an explanation we'll call on Linda Linda will get up give a brief okay she's getting over her fear of public she can do it she can do it that's good okay all right uh 15 is uh this is passed over what happened to 14 so 14 the school committee Paul has will move PA just call her uh one of them I emailed her and then I sent the motion to both of them okay so someone from the school we don't have to do anything someone will move it and then either Paula hatch or uh Gordon law will give a explanation just ask for somebody from the school committee to speak to speak to the motion cor uh 15 is uh passed over because they don't have an actual figure a placeholder and then uh 16 is a uh just the uh uh unemployment that Todd's going to handle uh 17 is the that when we move to adjourn we move to adjourn to Saturday to take up article 17 and then on the special town meeting uh I'll uh move at 6:45 I think we have at 4 6 yeah all right so at 6:45 I'll move that we adjourn the town meeting annual town meeting and move to the special town meeting the second we voted on yes and then there's only one article so I'm also going to move to pass over that article because it was put in as a placeholder and the school doesn't need the money now and then we'll move to disolve and go back to the so we have to close that special town meeting get a vote to close or to adjourn dissolve dis that's so we'll adjourn at the end of the annual because you're going to the election you'll dissolve the special because you're all done right that sound right John yes me all confused was calling no I I know what to do I got you brother it's a very technical thing but adjourning means you don't you haven't closed the meeting resolve means it is over so that's do and so usual process that uh whoever makes the motion gets first cracket ination and then finance committee makes a recommendation we don't have any zoning or anything so that's all that we need for official recommendations and then uh open for debate and uh everything that we have here in front of us is all majority nothing nothing's 2/3 nothing just one no stabilization funds no zoning majority okay um yeah and then so far um oh the other thing just as a reminder if anyone amends anything in the budget their amendment has to come with where they're getting the funding from if it's increase if it's an increase correct all right and if uh if a Australian ballot is asked for it has to be made in form of a motion seconded voted on with my majority that be majority vote Yes okay just want to throw it out there yeah it's basically a secret B yeah we call it Australia yeah why do we call it a because you split it man and woman but we don't do it that way we do now so it's it's it's basically secret B and I touch Bas with Su she does have different colored paper it actually says yes or no on and it's a like a blue or something so so there no if they that somebody does that first of all make sure they understand that that's the first thing is we have to address whether or not to do by secret b i to cour to ask it for and then secondly I always try I think it's a good idea to really make very clear what we're voting on right are we voting to end something or we voting to approve something you know it can get very confused as people say I'm not sure what we're voting very def okay in other words I would even say a yes vote needs this and a no vote that with that form of Bing would that be article specific or is that somebody motion to have it the whole night uh oh for for the whole meeting correct I've never heard we take each article individually yeah I would think you need to vote it individually they could make a motion for every article you to do it if the challenges but it a separate motion for every article that would be just to have that c balance then you would actually vote the article right if the if that passed probably seven members of the Flor vote ande majority reconsider or on a reconsideration you know to challenge the moderator determination has to be seven people yes uh someone that makes the motion has to be seven people that uh agree that should be reconsidered if they challenge you if they challeng they challenge your call on whether or not it passed yeah which is a little bit hard to do now because of theard yeah but when you did it by voice yeah you could if you yield loud enough you could it if I've seen that I'm not going to admit two other quick things so B are you stting to do the moment of silence there yes I am so Jonathan had a good idea um after the pledge doing silence for the individual that lost their life yesterday on the lake um and then also during the announcements do a uh acknowledgement to Sandy for her do that round of applause for Fant smell on the lake hell ax guy or somebody else I don't know yeah has beene as of any anything else I could how do we look good yeah how are you feeling good I feel great yeah you look like a million bucks I don't mind telling all right motion to adjourn to uh attend the annual town meeting so move any discussion all favor say [Music] I all those not I have one note [Music] y