##VIDEO ID:ewVRbdYiZqs## [Music] well seeing that it's uh 5 7 this uh meeting is recorded by area 58 and uh we start the meeting the first agenda on the meeting is hild the and it's uh 24-3 Tina would you like to read the I get am I just reading the public hearing one is that um Halifax zoning board of appeals will hold a public hearing this is extended from last month Monday November 9th at 7 p.m. in the board of elect's meeting room at Halifax Town Hall 499 Plymouth Street Halifax Mass on the application submitted by Bracken engineering on behalf of Scott bries to create a common driveway to serve two lots said to be located at 8 Hill Delane Hala as shown on assessor map 120 parcel 1 t0 Lots 2T and 4T property is zoned agricultural residential the board of appeals will consider variances and or special permits from the following sections of the zoning bylaws and any additional zoning relief if the board deems necessary 16 7-10 l no common driveways are allowed unless otherwise provided within this chapter who was here to speak to this application uh yes good evening my name is Don Bracken I'm an engineer surveyor with Bracken engineering representing the applicant SC Burg who was also here tonight you want to tell us what you want to do um I'd be happy to go over it I think right off the bat what I'd like to say is that um at the end of this we'd like to continue it hopefully the fifth member will be able to do the meeting and participate at the next meeting but we would like to save time and keep pushing this thing forward it's up to you if you want to continue till next meeting then you you need a you need a for and a affirmative to to pass it and if one of us here declines it then it's not a go yeah that's why we would like to continue it but we would like to present it assuming the fifth member will watch the meeting and be able to participate next time okay okay um a lot uh you know a lot of issues were brought up that uh we were giv some homework to work on after the last meeting just going to hand this out you wer hand the last meeting so I'll sort recap very well aware okay [Applause] put okay so one of the things that the board asked us to do was uh consult with the fire department uh and ask him to review the plans and offer any comments which we did uh the first page in that hand out is email correspondence from him um an engineer in my office submitted a plan to him the plan that was uh that we submitted to you but also supplemented that plan um after Consulting with him on the fire of parus that would be required in this area to to demonstrate that the fire truck could enter the driveway remove the driveway and have a place to turn around at the end so we would be changing the plan to add this turnout that wasn't on the first plan that we submitted so that would be supplemental information um he also requested that we make the driveway 20 ft wide as it's proposed right now was 16 ft wide the applicant is amenable to that so we would uh change the plan um that's presented in front of in front of you do in that to 20 ft and the last thing he requested is that we provide a hydrant about halfway up the driveway which we've already which we've also agreed to and will be on the Revis plan for the next meeting um we also took a look at um this portion of the lot it has a section of upin here whether or not we could put a house there uh we can we have a 50t set back from this property line and 30 ft from the sidelines and where the Wetland is located there isn't an area that would comply the septic requirements of 100 100t setback um in you know regardless of the septic the house would be almost on on top of the Wildland area so getting back to the fire chief where you have the turn around for the fire apparat is that enough space for the for the trucks to turn around and yes yeah we'll we'll demonstrate on the on the next plane that we submit um that it shows that um we'll also have to um increase the easement area we have a 25t easement to contain the driveway we'll also create an easement area over here um to make sure that that always stays open and and maintained any members of the board have any questions so why The Crossing you chose it in that area because of the least amount of disturbance to the wetlands yeah so um a plan was actually already submitted to the Conservation Commission for the driveways for both these lots and that plan was basically just have this driveway side by side straddling the common lot line um in order to meet the bylaw so technically each driveway would come from its own Frontage and be contained on its own lot in order to make that work it would require over 4,000 ft of filling um and when they follow the Conservation Commission they were concerned about number one fact it's in the flood zone it have to be compensatory storage it'd be uh more Wetland uh replication required lot more disturbance in the Wetland area and adjacent to the Wetland area and they did ask us to consider other Alternatives as far as bringing the driveways further up um unfortunately there's no way to adjust the lot line because this is as close as we could get it in order to meet the minimum front so that's why we came up with this plan uh minimizes the filling to only 415 Square ft it's also outside of the flood zone um and overall it'll be significantly less disturbance within the area now what is the distance from hawood Street to the two houses out back um let me see I'll have to give me a second I did in your packet as well you can't do that yet but um Webby engineering is doing the subdivision plan and I they just sent us the latest plans that were recently updated so I just I gave that to you for your own information I know last time there some questions about the subdivision as well I'm pulling up the FL [Applause] profile so the the roadway from awood Street if you look at sheet three that I gave you uh it's 462 ft to to this point um so I would say it's about 200 so I would say about another 250 I would say so I would say roughly about 750 ft to where the houses are located from hawood street so you want to make that whole thing a private way H the lane the roadway itself which which part of Hilder way is going to be a private way well I think hild the lane in general will be a private r private way in itself but the common driveway that we're proposing will be private in exclusive only to these two properties so when the seasment is created the only rights within the seasment will be for these two properties it won't be for the other two lots in the subdivision so who maintains the road well we discussed that last time we'll have have to have a written agreement which we'll we'll submit prior to the next meeting on you know it will it'll be like a covenant that goes with each lot and each lot will be responsible for sharing the maintenance Cross of of can you just refresh my memory again why is that called a driveway not a road CU technically this is the roadway portion you know the road way approval comes under under the subdivision control law this is just a private driveway for both for both these lot owners but is it a private driveway from where the circle is going up or from from Haywood Street well technically the EAS will start at the right of way line that's where the private that's where the private driver begins exactly yeah but all the Lots in the subdivision have rights you know obviously two access so from from Haywood Street to that area right is belongs to well the roadway typically will stay in the developer's name unless he transfers it over to an association and I'm not exactly sure if that's been discussed yet with the planning board but either way it will most like most likely remain private unless the town decides to accept it in the future which I don't know what their policy is for accepting private roads these days mine's 20 years old hasn't been accepted yet okay so I got especially in this particular case and that may be something the planing board also conditions that based upon when they approv it that remains private one at one time the the I don't know if I heard it correctly or not that the plane and board wanted the road paved before anything else goes in there correct it is proposed to PVE the road that is the current is that your intention or no the this driveway is proposed to be not the driveway not the drive for the home but the from Haywood Street to where the driveway to begin yes that's all paid supposed to be [Applause] paid that's indicated on the and developers is paying for that to take care of that yes the roadway the roadways m is there a reason why that driveway can't be turned into a road um I just think that would be very convoluted and I'm not you know if then it would fall into the whole subdivision process all over again and I don't think willing to go backwards and do that at this point so you still to go in front of the plan board uh it's still in front of the planning board hopefully it's final review but you know the other issue is I mean we at one point you can see this dash line that was the original approval it crossed that stream in the Wetland the whole purpose of doing it this way was to avoid all of that so but the driveway layout you would have it just has to be wired to make it a road correct well no I I mean we I I wouldn't call it a road we keep saying a road but right right but if you made it a road that way you wouldn't have a Shar driveway there's a reason why you can't do that you have to 50t lay yeah you need 50 fot layout it would change all the the mathematical configurations of the lot it just wouldn't make sense you know to do this that's why you know but is it possible and keep that same layup I actually don't think it would be I mean anything is possible but I don't think the town would approve having the roadway it would have to be paid it would have to be the same width and want to cross you but if you keep the same layout and do the same Crossing you have laid out on that not not straight up but keep that same well we couldn't do that otherwise it would affect this lot here we would we would lose a lot to be able to make that happen you're right the roadway you know it's possible the roadway could have been reconfigured but then this lot you had Ean on that lot yeah as of right now the person that owns this slot it's not Scot but he he's co- applicant in the in the subdivision is's granting an easement to go across that lot dve now we propose at 16 we're going to increase it to 20 based on the fire CH recommendation and what does the roadway have to be 50 you said uh well the the street layout is 50 but the actual roadway layout pavement edge to edge is 20 SC remember I think last yeah it's a 20 24 ft total it's 22 ft with 1 foot keep card and that's the road that's the road itself [Music] yeah 2 ft from the front you I think uh I think we we've got the fin poing which is one of the questions we had uh we also talked about the paving in the street that so we got the we've got some of the the questions so how many this so you you want to continue it till next month a little more [Music] that a motion so I'll make a motion to continue this to the meeting on yeah was February 10th the next one make a motion to continue hearing petition sorry you still we make a motion to continue but you still going in front of the plan board yeah that is sep like I said we engineering but I don't know if we'll be done with that process by then we certainly cannot be we thatd when get who wants to make a motion I'll make a motion to uh postpone the meeting until February 10th at 7:00 second third all in favor would you like to say something yes I would now it's very confusing private roads are you know owned by the street um there just seems to be too many ifs with the private road is is there a bond that would be held in case for some reason it didn't get finished it's not the first time in HS that I really didn't get finished by a contractor that would be I live on one you live on one it's awful it's awful right and I don't want to deal with that none of the others still um you know I mean I just that would have to be put by the planum board has nothing to do okay I yeah it's hard to know the plan and B will set the rules I that sharing a Dragway to two dragways is a bad idea I know they have someone that's going to buy it and it's a family own thing but that doesn't mean it's going to happen and it doesn't mean 5 years down the road there's not going to be two not in the family and they don't like each other and then you have another to call the town to plow something or whatever and take care of any problems whether it's flooding flooded area our is flooded um I just the whole thing does not seem something very well preped I would just suggest that you attend the pl board yes I do weekend don't okay next next plan will be whatever it is yeah then you can go over there and for your opinion see what you want to do okay and they will you know give you the Direction on what they going to do with the thank you okay thank you [Music] next one is uh dbh 24-4 is 66 M P Street application for variance and a special permit to rest strength single family residence would you like to read the petition the HEC zoning board of appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday January 13th 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the board of selectman's meeting room in Halifax Town Hall 499 pouth Street Halifax M on the application by CA sir Bon behalf of Charles palan to reconstruct a single family residence said to be located at 6641 pwns Street Halifax Mass as shown on assessor map 19 parcel 547 book 22226 page 310 property is own Commercial Business the board of appeals will consider variances and or special permits from the following sections of the zoning bylaws in any additional zoning relief the board is necessary 167 d8a continuation of pre-existing non-conforming use 1671 rear set back of 40 ft relief requested to 24 16711 front setback of 50 ft relief requested to 21.7 Ft who speaking he's the one around the building you want to step up here and tell us what you guys trying to do so you want to tell them the existing is so close to the street like 12 ft or so and got I set back we have the FL plan you guys have the yes can see [Applause] all can mat this [Music] what is behind the house another house another what's behind the house on another another house on this side the other house know shed or something um no shed over here then the Hans side is just the L going through and I don't know how far this is that a house though uh I don't know I never I never went back there drove back there to find out that looks like uh 40 ft from here in uh 25 from here looks like it could be a house no that's small small ctage somebody shed I all what are these These are around the property or not no no just this is what I was asking if that was a house or not but this is where he wants to put it right yeah that's existing that's where he wants to put so it's push back more so was he asking for a variance asking for this variance no for for for this variance and that variance this is propos I don't know why they mark this is looks like demolition Mark right mhm yeah that's the demolition Mark suppos to be this is the this is the existing home right right now yeah and this is what you going to construct okay so you're taking this home down yeah the front so close to this you're taking this down yes and you're putting this up yes pleas decrease the amount of non-conformity here but increasing it the back but it's getting it off is this the existing house uh is that it no no all right I'm trying to I'm trying to visualize it too four okay you how you type in you type it in and it comes out close but not quite up computer um who's running the computer Danielle Cesar oh she's downstairs she's at home because we can Mass interactive and figure out yes x marks the spot x marks the spot exactly yeah the property yes yeah I don't even have a mouse for this so I can't do much unless there's one in here hold on so the house is currently there yeah the house is still there yes that's our house right there for here is stre MHM what is the size of the existing home I can look it up too just I didn't the top of you had close to the street you're outside and back I 16 or 18 yeah yeah I'll just card right there that's the house it would be this levs there you say this one 35 D Street this over here I don't understand the line cross everything that's probably the time yeah show you see 664 is here take that down that 66 this is the house that's there right now M yes so I think it's done right no on this side actually this I think it's a share there there's no house maybe room for the back septic system and everything else is blocking house if be trying to move it anywhere this this would be mhm that lot size only 1,000 anyways but the good part is it is getting the house back off the street M I agree yeah yeah it is it is kind of like a white on sidewalk yeah this this size over here should be like 18 by 18 you see it yeah so it's a shed here I I guess it's shed because it canot be this is400 ft so the existing house is 1614 for square yep 16 okay trying to remember from reading reading the tax but 16 well there's so much information on this bills none of it makes much sense how much bigger is the house the the new house that's why I was asking I know we have limitations on that what is it we have limitations on how much bigger they can make it yeah but he said he's tearing this one down I'm not sure if they're they're on or not wasn't the guy on Lake Street going to tear it down much bigger is he looking fori he's considering this one here because this is going to be going and the new constru constru only 31 need to be 50t so that's why this is nonconform improve the look for the property it looks like you'll probably be increasing the square foot probably by about uh the footprint is the same the foot prints on this house is the same as this no should be it's definitely not like this I asked the engineer to do so we go only the second floor we add some square footage this this house goes this wayi is there anywhere on that that says the difference is all right and right there isse it's the same it's the same same size house here you're going to put here yes yeah yes you're not you're not increasing orre inre same size same same Foundation put the only the only you need is because of the front and the side yes now we got it yeah thank you do you have plans for the house yes page [Applause] [Applause] yeah go through the kitchen and it's right down for din do you have anything sh the dimensions of FL don't have so can I in you there Daniel H they should be able to pull it up if they yeah my audio is a little choppy right now so I can't really hear what you're saying do you do you have any other pictures of the house like the floor plan what Foundation plan with sizing on it with what on it sizing yeah with Dimensions um I'm trying to see if I can get off of here and go into open up hold in just one second [Applause] okay is this is going to be a second story building right yes it's the same as the other one or no other one two St yeah Flor right yes but it's probably the Artic right it's like one and half story right yeah it's one and a half it's one and a half story now the other one the other one was two story or one and a half I wanted the old the existing one it's got a second floor but I don't know if it goes across the hole it does not it's one half one and a half y so this has continuation the only Dimension is the the height of the house at yeah they know have D on the building depart for D in the contact the guy and each CH for like that usually come in different way the dimensions sure can't you can't increase or create any additional floor area like I help anyone have a scale in the car the you don't find nothing I can't I can't get in you think you think Caesar has a ruler I think she Cesar that she downstairs one okay I think what is the pl plan make scale the on scale this one is not scare but you remember Jeff you have the formation plan there should be one more PDF or something usually put all [Applause] one for the on give me one more second I'm just going to look on one more spot [Applause] [Music] 3T but I'm just looking at this this is that's 30t right they're probably 26 wide we just do the door there let's see yeah let's check it out technal got to make it work right get all that school in so it's got to pay for it off sometime these are the only two files that I have even in open there's nothing else on there for this okay it might be on a different um yeah if she's looking at the zoning application I think that one was only uploaded there but if she looks at the permit for either the demo or the new construction from right okay no I'm assuming this is just a gage is that a garage is this portion of garage room no it's no garage it's a room okay it's bigger no it if if we scale this out yeah this is 54 ft long by 27 ft wide [Applause] yeah but even if not going to be a 27 ft wide this yeah okay it's small all right so the base then we'll do the 27 by 33 it defin 34 36 this is 30t right here so 30 so what's the size of the main house 34 by 26 [Applause] okay I think in PL plan can figure out because we go by the pl plan the existing this is the existing so this wall over here should be this this over here is more square is not that angle and this wall over here should be over here is hide in the same direction or it's up high a little bit because the one go over this wall if you verify this one it's scale for sure I think it's uh 1 in is 20 ft on the if you're looking at the [Applause] pl so8 for each floor and that's before you add this this one like so you add that we have [Music] 24 this is 24 ft 20 ft oh sorry don't [Applause] [Applause] yes Ione [Applause] [Applause] we're not too bad with our little makeshift [Music] CL yeah so it was you have idea with this woman no my husband talk to you so it's [Applause] 3:42 the new 21 2,110 ft so that in of itself is a problem with the zoning law because you have to be the same size same size as the other house as the existing mhm EXA same sign yes you cannot be bigger so footprint living [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he's pushing it from the the streeto big if we take this out it will be 176 how much 7 oh 16 16 so OPP finishes two base close porch 18 CL ENT 19 2000 what you say 21 so this one two floor should be 176 house yes and what was the old house 1614 so one this house show 1716 two floors right uh it's 884 * 2 so 1768 and your current home is 1614 I do 26 it's right it's right here so this one 13 this 13 26 * 34 oh you have a 36 there mhm I go 33 what about if we go with 32 22 * 26 I like the 26 comp better rooms it's 1664 so by 50 that doesn't includ the yeah that does not include the B we can go straight ball we do just overhang P I make I don't make the rules I'm just saying we need we need a plot plan that says what the house is going to be what the measurements of the house what is it's going to be we can't just vote on something that you know the old one is smaller than meeting what's that H February February 10 it is what it is you have to conf we we need the exact measurements so we can vote on it other than that we we'll just throw you know saying something to you just give us the the regular measure the new house the house is is even though even though it's on the same footprint it can't be any larger than the original house if you want to you want the house to be the same exact thing as the old one we need the direct uh the exact measurements of the new house so we can vote on it it's not the same fun for though because otherwise it would be 16 14 so that's what that's what I'm asking then new because full second floor over here that's the reason they have a second Flor on this the footprint Jo when I say so we do it exactly how I say you know the FL plan this one is correct but because the second floor that that from there coming the square footage that is one and half story space you you want the footprint of the house the first floor footprint what that is you know the second floor doesn't it's not that it doesn't matter it does matter but we need the footprint of the House of you want to make it the same exact Footprints as this we need the measurements for this for this one exact measurements it may be but their second floor is gr them all yeah their second floor is only a half story on their existing home when you measure when you when you're doing the footprints of the house don't you do the first floor they have then you multiply it by two right well that in this case yes cuz it's livable but in this case on the Assessor's line card we have 1406 on the first floor and 208 on the second floor yeah because they're not using the whole full second floor right yeah now on the second on the new one you're using the whole the so you would have to have a smaller footprint to have the same number of square feet to satisfy the zoning line just I I can make it smaller now but you need PL just to satisfy the zoning board so we can vote on it we can you know yeah so you won't get in trouble we won't get in trouble yes so you know you need a per and yeah we need to know what the exact measurements is and all yeah so 164 livable area is what you're going for 16004 yes well no it would be more CU you said the second floor no that's you have to do the same thing no matter in One Direction but matter in another Direction because can I do bigger than existing you guys have to figure out among yourself what you what you want the house to look like so the matter what we want it's got to be 164 yeah if we can configurate something for that you got to bring us a plan that says that this is the house that we building 1614 and we say okay that's your house you know and yeah far away yeah we're sorry about that you know we have to vote on something two weeks once a month once a month once a month they don't pay us for two [Applause] weeks okay make a motion to continue till the next meeting February 10th at 7:15 second you want to make a making a motion [Applause] second I don't know what we have like what's ours with yours whatever you need have now I know to do yeah thank you very you know that the that was from the assess so that's the number that we go yeah 164 is what your asard hi hi what can we do for you um I'm James Cronin I'm here for the alternate position interiew or whatever you guys call I have a question about that last one um since they've tearing down the complete house and they build a new house why couldn't they go bigger because of the I mean it's a nonconforming lot you need have 40,000 square ft only has like 18,000 got you got you got you that's the that's the real problem with it you know I me I'd love to approve improve the area I I is the problem yeah we Landing size long and why would you want to be on this board now that you've seen all this um I've only been in Halifax about 2 years we moved back from Florida um just a couple years ago my grandchildren up here so uh the uh FaceTime Skype wasn't working but I me and my wife originally from Massachusetts um I retired from federal law enforcement so we kind of bounced around a lot um and we settled in ALA and from day one when I walked into this Building compared to going to Miami for a lot of De Boston people in this building were just so friendly very nice I mean for a small town uh everybody treated treated us fantastic um and I just wanted to get involved in the town I I I know we had that big meeting back in December about the npta um um I know that was a big issue and I know Kingston approved it and a couple others but um we'll have to wait and see for that but um I just want to get involved in the town and I F out one of those applications the um Talent sheets um and I put a couple different things and um D Danielle is it right Daniel yeah called me for this one and the first time I was supposed to come I I had the flu unfortunately and then so I showed up today I just want to get involved and um you know have a say in what goes on in our nice Community here I guess okay I don't have I'm not a builder you know so I don't know a lot about I if that's a prerequisite a builder or you know I mean I can look at the plans like you guys did but I'm not a you know I don't know all about we all come from different background we all bring our own little Special Sauce to just that you know you you learn what the zoning uh rules are and then from that day you just uh you apply it to the dra so they go to the zoning Point first and if they don't get approved they come to we're trying to get that squid away to the the pr process that goes through but normally it's it's a uh it's the planning board if you're going to do something that you're going to build on you apply to the uh the building department for permit okay and then the building department who's who the enforcer for the zoning bylaws you'll notice that there's a a violation that you have okay and then he'll send you to us to to look at it you know and then we'll look at it and there's a lot of reasons that can happen I mean could be the Topography of the land and you have to put it in a certain location sure and you know a lot of times do a site visit cuz the site visits really tell you what's going on you look at it if it's not really obvious on the on the drawing yeah it's better to see the actual thing in person yeah yeah I mean we I think we try our best to uh help out the citizens to do what they want sure but we try and do you can't you can't Overlook what the rules are right because then it's then it just opens up Pandora's Box as far as that goes but we do have some leeway when we look at the topography land Hot Chip and everything else on it and that we take take that to uh to help help the residents do what they want to do this boards the final say though if you say one of these tonight you guys just denied they they're done that's it they done two years to come back again and two years they can withdraw without you saw a prime example here tonight that they didn't have their facts not like the first one yeah well he they've been the first one's been for about eight years second one the second one excuse me 8 years right about 8 years the first to do different the first one the first one has been eight years he said all different kinds of configurations that he's looking for you know and he's he's gone through you know he has to build a road yeah yeah and there's people on either side of that road and and the second one he doesn't they don't they don't have the right measurements of the building right and they're trying to get a variance the variance are hard to get you got to have a hard chip and all that stuff and you send them back to get the proper measurements we can't just vote on anything sure you have to vote on the right thing that that's presented in front of you if it doesn't fit our you know the bylaws then now one other woman had a had a um an issue with non with roads not being completed someplace elsewhere so she's concerned about that to that's up go to the planet board yeah a lot of a lot of the RS don't really don't realize what boards can do what right but they'll come here and they'll they'll make their complaints so we at least we acknowledge them and tell them where they have to go to to present it because we can't we can't vote on that we try to help them out we try to help them out as best as we can we can't we can't tell them you have to do this you have to you know they have to go through the other boards first then they come here then it doesn't go doesn't go if it goes it's it's a okay and that made sense when you said to have five for the vote too you know yeah like if one of us votes no thing's dead in the water right but we give them the option you have an option the the first one wanted to come back when we have years what's another month exactly now you will be available once a month we only meet once a month yeah y cuz as you can see we don't really I'm retired very often the selectman's going to have that point oh yeah we just we we we we'll recommend you to the selectman and they will do I then I meet with them or once we give you the give them the recommendation you know you go down there and they they give you they'll give you they'll let you know that uh your your name will come up at whatever date that they're meeting they're going to meet and then you just attend there and you're going to basically explain to them what you're explain to us you and I think this for an alter right you don't have a seat right now I think I'm we've had we've had an opening seat for about I don't know I've been on the 10 years so we've always had one open seat that uh no one seems to want to apply for I think there was somebody else supposed to be here tonight but doesn't look like that yeah no we got a report that they weren't coming today so we don't know yeah you know if there's if there's four of us here then you're the alternate you get the vote okay yeah you vote is is permanent that's but if there's five members here you sit in you can still ask questions you don't just sit there you can ask question we all we all came on this board like an altern you know all the same thing that you're you're coming on this board for and you're the chair person yes and he's the vi here in the center so no no they take a shot at we voted for him when he wasn't here yeah great but that's you know that's kind of kind of it um I just want to get invol it's a great Community you know I love kind of almost on the Kingston I guess P line cuz my daughter lives in P by Silver Lakes Middle School back over there but we live off of Oak Street Dartmouth Street so it's nice you know about an acre uh piece of property there and it's nice and quiet um so we we enjoy it it is it is a nice town it's a quiet Town yeah very quiet that's why I'm glad because that that building for that NBTA probably would have been over in our area cuz that's where the station is so don't count your chickens yet I was on that Community to to help find the land and the land is unbuildable is it really it is they may be able to put 50 units over there but where was it with the it's over by the train station Twin Lakes where the the caral at I know it's all lot of land that's in back of there oh yeah it's a lot of wetlands on the wetlands up in Gloucester huh they're letting them build on the wetlands up in Gloucester I thought all stuff was like protected those Wetlands not no not when Miss Healey needs her people I mean my biggest concern with the with the state because they the state is already the courts already said you can do what you want to the you know they can sue they like they strong arm in thecate you know kind of definitely yeah I mean to me it seemed like it our reps no one wants the state to tell us what to do but our reps they've had two years to put a bill up to say let's change this because not all towns are good for it none of them are doing it right yeah so so the end result is the Reps AR going to doing anything the court is for them to me the next step would be okay you don't want to do it but we're going to tell you where you're going to put it and then they just came in like domain is going to go right here I think we're going to have a lot of FAL intervention in the state very soon I don't I don't think it's going to go that way there's going to be there's going to be arguments back and forth but the state's going to win I don't think's up on on incoming president's High's a lot of they want to enforce their laws they're going to do it one way or the other and uh we're going to try to fight it as much as we can to keep our town the way it is sure great town great town great people what everybody I met so far the big cities where I've been the other thing is we don't always vote the same you know we all have different opinions but everybody respects everyone else far say you see it our way we see it our way and hey you vote and whatever the vote is it's fine yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean yeah that's why you have to have the board right I mean everybody has their opinion do you get you usually have something every every month though is there usually something on it every month I once in a while get a a gim me and we get to go home and minutes yeah it's funny I mean we can go for a stretch like 6 months where we're here till 10:00 at night doing over and then lately we've been having one two and that's it well I think that now that lot a lot of the laws Chang yeah a lot of the laws change like before we used to have in-law apartments okay we'd have to vote on in-law apartments and now they Chang it that if you want to put an addition on your house to put your in-laws in you can you don't have you don't have to come in in front of the Zone accessory apartment and now you can do it by right really and now you can use it for if inlaws move out you can use it for income income produc them I think the max was like 800 850t that's the biggest you can you can build that's nice inla apartment though two people ft but anyone can as long as you get the the room like you can put that in there and you meet the the the zoning you know the setbacks you can put same thing with garages you have to do garages we have uh 8 900t 30 by 30 that's would CU we get ready to build yeah we've had quite a few oversiz oh yeah over yeah so just be a normal two car people have like boats and they were cars and they have cars they want to put them living in Florida I don't know if you guys been down there but there's a lot of HOAs down in Florida and there's a board you know for all these HOH owners and they can be rough sometimes I mean you know I was still working I lived in a 55 plus community at the time we're still working if your trash brows out there after 6:00 at night you know you're getting a letter on your book I don't get home until after 6:00 but but these other retirees that are in these agways they just watching they get the binocular waiting to see who who didn't pick up their trash yet or if your roof's dirty or whatever the case may be they can be rough some those yeah I think my mother-in-law got to find cuz our Halloween flag was out until Thanksgiving cuz it's yeah they're crazy about that they try to stop people from flying American flag you know that's the Supreme Court now that they can't stop he Jo cannot stop you from flying that American flag um but yeah some of them can be rough and and it's a those a lot of those especially the 55 plus ones are like a soap office you go to the board meetings it's God the things that blows your mind low your mind but uh anyways yeah anything else from you need no as long as you're willing to serve yeah no I think be good looks you guys there's one other person two other person yeah one of them's a principal for what's itelf really princi yeah so I mean occasionally I'm sure he has other things that have thrown at him imagine yeah so it's it's tough in that yeah but pet Peter is ex he's a good guy uh yeah there's a lot of school me committee meetings right a lot of lot of cars over at the uh at the school over there tonight basketball basketball oh basketball it probably wasn't for school Comm it's a it's an active town for sports and stuff like that that is always a good take in it's the sixth grest and I mean it's it's great to see the kids out there and you said you came from a game right did I hear you say basketball game I was all there before the meeting oh okay okay not my but yeah my grandson's eight so he plays the flag football he just started actually doing Jiu-Jitsu um his his mom and dad had they gave him like a free one to see if he liked it he loved it so now he's on his third time so I take them Tuesdays and Thursdays uh to go in Handover but yeah it's good discipline for kids too I think you know I mean you're going to keep bul is nowadays and stuff but they they teach you know self discipline but you know somebody starts doing something he's he can at least protect himself he think like that but coming with my background you know the kids need something to do before they get into trouble you put them in sports and they exactly yeah other than that an idle mine is a Haven for the devil yeah you know I mean girl softball I think is fantastic what is that girl softball I mean you have the big tournament in the wingland yeah uh pretty close pretty close yeah is Big too for girls yeah we have a we have a tournament here on the first weekend of August and we usually get about 46 teams 46 teams 46 teams for for the weekend well I think I don't know if I was talking to the girls downstairs one time about that it was coming up was this past summer right yeah summer smash it's a big thing for it's been going and it's great for community service for the high schoolers and everything yeah yeah it's good stuff I still have a lot to learn about Halifax but yeah join the pages you'll entertain yourself is there much room to building or is there any new subdivisions that getting ready to pop up or is there is Halifax kind buil as as forck I think a lot of it is a lot of wetlands was an agricultural Community a long time ago yeah okay and we also have our base really doesn't want much business to come in doesn't want what I'm sorry a lot of business to come in they definitely fight it and then wonder why the taxes are high look at pen I think p over built so quickly that it's just uh you know they built so fast they have problems with the water pressure my you know the different thing I don't know if anybody lives in P but uming water yeah water here that's that's a lot of lot of the problem on these little small towns they don't they don't have the the water and all that stuff to to have these big communities in here you know they wanted to put that thing at the training station they wanted to do 850 units imagine the water they're going to spill out every day exactly it's a lot of lot of to put a burden on this town like that and that's not the highway department or Street all puts the strain on everything I met with the the highway guy over there you know and he's I guess they cut his budget you know he just has a lot it's just not enough man hours and and money to do everything especially with the cost of everything now do as we all know if youve done any homeowner home stuff I mean go to Lo but do you get brown Water you you I don't I must be on a good well a lot of people complaining about I think it's along the main strip here oh it's where they get it my daughter lives over here on the B the lake yeah she goes every every two weeks she gets like a brown water only problem with the legs is the the size pipes they're too small I feel like the only time ever used to be just some Cottages I said only time yeah wasn't built for that we had we had one lady down here that they were going to put a new bathroom in one of the houses people on the street if you put a new B in we won't have any more cuz we live beyond you right yeah if everybody takes a shot have makes sense like you say it was built for cottage yeah most most of the the the houses on Ling Street you know the street here they were all cottages words yeah well it's good to meet you nice me you put your name in with the selectman and we'll go from there okay great so we just wait to hear from I guess from Danielle or whatever the case right great thank you I thought it was going to get drilled hard of well it's good to it's good to to watch a couple meetings yeah then you get a feel for you know what what's going on what you're in for yeah I mean both tonight though they seem very C I'm sure you get some that get really upet I assume sometimes you get a lot of contentious people that want to yeah but what a difference the first guy who was an engineer of course compared to the second who was just I shouldn't say just say but the Builder was one with square way you know more than the other but you try to direct them the right way to go and get what they need and come back and you don't make it hard for them you make it comfortable so they could understand what's going on and explain it to them I mean how can you make a decision with no dimensions for for brand new home I and each one of the members of the board we you know we have a little different strong points and every one of us have you been on the board a long time everybody here yeah think we've all been at least through co co I know yeah wow we definitely made it through that 5 years going on 5 years I can't believe it's been 5 years already almost 5 years March of 2020 I guess it really started April March all right okay thank you have a good day nice meeting you see you again take care we have any bills we have to pay bills bills bills IE before this meeting out I knew that wasn't the same size well it's basically same second we had one other person that uh that was here for uh yeah last time last time he he seem to be pretty good too yeah uh that the trying just to look at something these 4 years okay I think it was this guy David uh frer yeah yeah here for 40 years he's got his name for a couple different uh uh positions in in the town too he seemed to he was on the planning board a long time that's what he said he was on the planning board yeah and he just looked like coming he wanted to come back for something else this guy seems to be pretty good Des his ideas and everything else on it so yeah uh let me get the bill out of the way here um we have one bill and I'll make a meeting motion a motion to pay the uh Express Newspaper bill for $90 all in favor yes okay meeting minutes of December 9th 2024 [Applause] jeez I'll make a motion to improve the minutes second wrong hi yes yes we already discussed this guy so do we want to take a vote to uh yeah so we have the two yeah recommend this guy to the Z the well this guy or the other guy or even if we do both how would one of them is going to take one you know or the other you know we can recommend both of them to to select when they can do the they can you know they do whatever they want right right okay we leave that in Danielle's packet and tell we recommend those two people [Music] and we just we just recommend recommend anybody want to make a motion to recommend those two all right I'll make a motion to recommend James Cronin and David frier to uh meet with the select M second all in favor yes a motion to adjourn this meeting second all in favor let's go home [Music]