##VIDEO ID:09B0AiAk-pY## [Music] so I'm calling to COA board meeting for uh what's today's date the the December 17th December 17th oh that's because I'm looking at here 17th December 17th board meeting calling to order at n uh 9:42 um want to mention that area 58 is tape recording this meeting and uh we'll start off with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay D did you get an agenda yes thank you okay um approval of the November 19th 20124 uh board meetings I gave everybody a copy have I haven't had a chance I just want to minute to look at them [Music] okay can I have a motion to accept the meeting minutes from November 19th motion accept the meetings from November 19th I second motion all those in favor I I um delene I just had a question um MH so you hired the new van driver yes it's beneficial so yeah and that's working out great I'm sure it will it'll he'll start the 23rd wow yep awesome y thank you okay van driver to start the 23rd two days before Christmas I guess he won't get get his first paycheck for the holidays that's stinks I know that's okay that's good um what else did I have oh the um the case manager can can you just remind me what that is the COA has been assigned to a case manager and the contract so typically so Old Colony Elder Services is our aging service access point that we're all under the umbrella the executive office of Elder Affairs and we're the front line to the community that is the COA so when we make a referral over to Old Colony say somebody needs home care support or something we usually like the person to be self um be able to self-identify and call but sometimes people aren't able to do that so it's nice to have a case manager that assigned to our area so you'll have that one contact all the time that is familiar with the case um so we never had that for three and a half years so when um I reached out to Old Colony and I said look we haven't had anyone for three and a half years what what can we do about this so um so we have this new person her name is Louise and so we're looking forward to working with her so what I did um prior to that so um usually what happens is the um Outreach is most familiar and each month I'd like to have them set up which I was trying to keep that continuity there have them set up to identify certain needs in within the communities cuz sometimes people don't have other people to help them or support them in the community so you know family or friends um so they have a tendency to get lost in the system so we try to make sure that we're out there in the front to make sure hey how you doing is anything you know everything going well um maybe they've set up services but then something happen happened because whatever they didn't answer the door or things like that might have fallen through the cracks on that a lot of different situations of course so we just make sure that we're there for them just to let them know that if there's a problem that or they don't have access to fuel uh something right now with the fuel assistance the funding hasn't come through yet so a lot of people are worried about their bills too you know so stuff like that maybe they um could work with them them yeah out so not every case gets referred to a case manager just right okay just one do you need help with yes so any referrals that we make over to Old Colony Alis Services uh which is oce um they're new names but they've been trying to brand for a long time but o um so uh we we have now a case manager so and there's no money involved like every time you you do a case you don't have to I don't know uh money involved like P like if you submit a case to the case manager there's no um financial responsibility that we have to give money to the casew worker or anything like that no we we wouldn't do that everything that Old Colony has is um funded by ocpc old Cony planning Council so they actually have funding for home care support and it is um income driven so if you call if we make a connection for consumer and the consumers within respit care they call it or over respit care then they would recommend they go private care but majority of the people um are within the guidelines and they would receive certain funding so they'd only pay a small stien per month you know the consumer would uh and not us per se yeah okay great thank you good now you're welcome um okay so do we want to jump right into the um mission statement and um I see that you you've made some changes uh so I don't know how do how do how do you think we should do this daring like well I was just wondering like if there was any way that we can shorten it um okay so you had some suggestions okay excuse me thank you okay it just seems like it's a one big run on sentence yeah but I and I always was bothered by it like it always bothered me cuz it just went on this whole long but comma Comm Comm but it's like can we get the commas out let's see I like yeah let's do it I guess piece by piece so the council aging's mission is to advocate for older adults and persons with a documented disability do you want a peri so let's put a period after that cuz that's basically what our mission is and then we're suggesting to identify the economic health social and cultural needs of the community so you're suggesting to get rid of that pot but do you like that part um I just wondered if uh let's let's see I'm so advocate for adults and persons with a documented disability and then put a period well you know what we could probably take out the documented disability and just say we advocate for older adults and per and for older adults and caregivers because you know we're we're the whole I remember that conversation that we had with the persons with the documented disability so it wasn't necessarily that whole conversation went well what is the age of a senior and if somebody's um so if somebody goes into your Center and they're 40 years old but they have a documented disability and they're asking for fuel assistance or for males on Wheels is the it is is it the coa's mission or responsibility to um advocate for that person to to help that person or we just sending them to you know helping them find the best source we would become a resource and we're Hub a hub resource we are we are helping people with a documented disability right yeah okay so I guess what we need to understand like maybe we can think about and come back with um some thoughts like maybe everybody put something together and then we can kind of think it through as to shorten it up so that it doesn't have just has a better flow of one sentence I think we have time to just everybody kind like their their thoughts um so we want to keep that hold for a sentence the Council on aging's mission is to advocate for the older adults and persons with a documented disability that is that's re your mission yep okay um period and then period then um so then then the next little thing is to identify the economic health social and cult cultural needs of our community so that's really of our community are we our community would be your Senor Community what about if we do uh we provide we're we are a hub of resources identifying economic health social and cultural needs of the community to and provide a and to provide support learning and socialization while striving to enrich lives by offering an array of programs Peri so how much of that did you take out and leave the rest of it out all right um so it's that it's this it's this sentence to identify the economic health social and cultural needs of our community to and then so all in all that I wrote something up here let me see what I did okay that's good yeah all right hold on one sec so we'll keep the first we got documented disability in there twice yeah it's like a lot of documention let me just see if I can do this I wrote I wrote some stuff down before to provide an environment of yeah we can take some wording out you yeah it's very wordy um to identify the E to optimize oh go ahead I'm sorry if you take out if you put the council mission is to Advocate and provide for older adult ads and persons with the documented disability mhm an environment of support learning and socialization and then leave off while striving to a rich lives because you have the program thing in there already right that's good too I like that all right what did you have did you find what you had to yeah so what I was thinking okay the Council of AG's mission is to advocate for older adults comma persons with documented disability and their families and caregivers period okay hold on that's um I didn't um and then I says they have documented disabilities they have families and caregivers correct and we do um and yeah I think like what Judy was saying this whole paragraph it's this whole next yeah thing that just has to be right so do you want to say one more sentence small shoten that sentence up shoten that sentence um advocacy uh let me see hold on uh what else I put there the Liv of seniors the families and caregivers period okay um could I could we say we are the Hub of resources identifying econom uh we have the Hub of resources offering offering the of we H oh oh how about to provide for the to provide for the econ economic health social and cultural needs of our community yeah so I keep getting stuck here um yeah so we are the of resources providing an environment of support learning and socialization while striving to enrich the lives and we already repeated that so I don't want to do that again we are the Hub of resources promoting their promoting Independence wellness and dignity while improving their life while improving the quality of life for our population no okay so I have we are the public of resources but go ahead okay so I have the council and aging's mission is to advocate for older adults and persons with a documented disability their families and caregivers to provide economic health social and cultural needs of our community I and then I don't think we need to provide economic support that's because that's like kind of repeating yeah I agree with that but do you think we should put We Are The Hub of resources because that's the way a lot of us senior centes are going um I think that yeah I don't I don't know if I but that I mean that's fine so we are the Hub to provide for we could do that we are the Hub of resources to identify the economic health Social Health social and cultural needs of our community period resources while by uh while promoting their independence we need that we are the Hub of resources to provide for our economic health social and cultural needs of our community is that what you said yeah cult yeah cultural needs of our community okay period while while promoting their independence wellness and dignity I love it striving to improve the quality of life while promoting say that again while promoting their independence wellness and dign dignity well promoting their independ wellness and dignity yeah does that sound right wellness and dignity does that sound okay I love it okay doesn't make sense doesn't make sense okay that simplifies it a little bit huh gives it a little bit um no choppiness not streaming do we want to somewhere put in offering a wide AR array of programs how about I mean how about just adding how about resources for listen so if there we are Hub resources economic health social cultural needs okay of our community whatever comma while promoting yeah no I think that's good I think that's good because I think while providing programs that's in that for a sentence right it leaves it open for interpretation in some regards cuz not everybody's created equal you know like issues with Rec do we have have a vision I don't think I don't think our page has a vis we never had a vision the library has a vision statement and it it is much more Su like where we kind of I forget the exact kind of definition of our vision statement but it's it's um shorter than our mission statement the mission is really the things you do to accomplish your vision like what do we see the vision of the COA you know a place for Hub yeah a hub we could use so that's what I was thinking so basically futurewise where we want to be so what's our objective in terms of our services and so on um I think for a vision statement I think that that's something um if we want to like we have duties and responsibilities that's fine but if you want a vision statement you should um maybe um re like do we should do some research on what vision statements are as opposed to mission statements and then come back and and write a vision statement yeah but just for for today and getting this done just so we don't I don't want to write a vision statement when we're not all really clear like on what a vision statement should contain I have to do like a little research on I think you should look that up too we can all like say well what is a vision as opposed to the mission and things like that but if we we get this shortened that'll be good so any business branding is going to have the mission value statement uh excuse me vision and then the value statement you know their value in terms of what their services are going to be yeah the types of services and I list a lot of services on that web page that we have right that we can perform yep and so um the duties and responsibilities that's kind of maybe old terminology I don't know duties and responsibilities I don't see that too many kind of goes no but I think that just kind of goes to the bylaws and I don't think it's a five to seven me okay duties and responsibilities that's like another but it's should it's another thing it's it has nothing to do with the statement it really has to do with the board right yep so that's like inside yeah that's inside like the PO you know the guidelines yeah um so what I have for the mission statement is the Council on Aging mission is to advocate for older adults and persons with a documented disabilities their families and caregivers we are the so we are the Hub of resources to provide for economic health social and cultural needs of our community to identify because we have to understand we do an assessment okay yep so we are the Hub of resources to provide for economic health social and cultural needs and what oh to identify yeah okay so tell me that sentence again yep we are the Hub of resource es to identify to identify the economic health social and cultural needs of individuals let's do that not Community okay so to identify the economic yep Health social and cultural needs of our individuals or Community which one do you want to use um thoughts I think I would go with our community you stay with that okay yeah okay sounds cool um down what do you think t uh pat pat what do you think um we're on individuals they more or less you're talking to an individual identify the economic well economic in terms of it's more M macro isn't it more wider you said individual you like Community Judy um I would say individuals okay and I like so you're the tiebreakers okay to identify the EC the board is split on this to identify the economic health social and cultural needs so that's more wide those those terms are more broad right yeah they're very very broad so when you talk of broad terminology or broad um terms like that I think Community is most applicable right okay but the individuals let's see you could put of our um but say if we we offer let's see of our H resourcesa Community oh how about this we are the hubba resources offering a a wide array of programs Transportation while advocating on the behalf of seniors and persons with documented or are on the behalf of seniors and their families no I just made that yeah just I just like sing between Community or individuals or can we think of a better word we I I kind of like COA community cuz that that encompasses like that encompasses all the seniors all the seniors and all the people with documented yeah love it okay I love it yep of our community see Council on Aging members we got to spell it out Council of Aging members y okay perfect of not on Council on E it's of right I was get that wrong on or of on you're right it's right here in my booklet I was just wonder okay members members I'll say it again the council aging's mission is to advocate for older adults and persons with a documented disability their families and caregivers We Are The Hub of resources to identify the economic health economic Heth Health social and cultural needs of our COA members perfect while promoting their independence wellness and dignity right yeah so we're getting rid of and improving their quality of life I don't really think you I I think that's all spelled out in the yeah and we and then we we put it back or changing in our website it will identify to you all what we do below it so the transportation advocating all that stuff that will be identified below um right yeah so that's cool thank you that m is good to put members in there what if somebody's sitting back and thinking well I'm not a member of the COA yeah it's true with the COA and the caregivers it be caregivers cuz we do serve the caregivers that's our whole point too and families caregivers and Families givers is a broad term families is a family you know so exended well we might be back to community yeah I think that's better than it's a good point P very good point Thank You culture of and then our our community yeah instead of the the COA Community cuz you're right people might say well I'm not a member of the COA way so just okay back to our commun about our individuals and Community wordy okay it down cut it you want to put Halifax in front of community no no no n thank you I don't think so I don't think we need to do that because it's under the it's under the under our website so they will it's becoming like you said a little bit too so I'm going to um on that one write this I type this up again okay um want me do it okay if you want yeah I'll do it I'll do it and I'll send it out but we have to um we'll have to approve it at the next meeting so by the next meeting I'll bring it and and then we can approve it um and in the meantime darene and all of us if you know we kind of want to look around between the difference of vision and mission statements um because I know that our the library's long range plan has a vision and it has a mission statement so I just can't remember like what you know I think it's the vision is the future right right is what your your we see the library and what yeah what the point is and the N mission statement is yeah go goal slash yeah so that but um we can all come back with sort of like and talk about the vision statement because I think it's important I think that's a good point we should have that in there and this page can be you know vision statement and a vision statement I I really think is just a few sentences um yes it just clearly states like what what is our vision for this place new build and then Mission and then the duties and I would keep the duties and responsibilities oh yeah oh absolutely in another spot um okay that's great I I like this everybody like this statement looks good that always bothered me I'm glad we did it thank you thanks for doing that um okay chers report um I don't have one I just um let's think about a a vision statement for the next time and we'll talk about that I'll put that on the agenda um for the next time um so darling the only thing I had under the director's report I'm looking at the agenda is to update this but did everybody got a copy of um budget status report um does anybody have any questions or anything they want to talk to darene about anybody have any questions on how the money situ how the money works or anything like that we um just to comment we did get are we were fortunate enough to so what we try to do is like the different accounts and so and the revolving and and um gifts and revolving revolving accounts gifts and transportation those are continual they go from yet to there um so with those those types of you can see it's accumulated so we get to start spending it a little bit so the thing is is that with the van situation you never know how it's going to cost cuz we needed to get it was leaking one of our vans was leaking so we don't know where the water is coming from we don't know and it's an older it's 2013 so therefore we just don't know what that's going to cost but we would bring it over to our shop thank goodness we have them going to figure out how to get a new van yeah so that's our Capital planning put that on your do some fundraising $100,000 or more probably so but um so that would be something though but uh um yeah so that uh we just got so you said something about you would doing a revolving fund just no those are the revolving accounts revolving accounts so we also got 500 we were watered $500 oh right to build the Triad backup so what um yeah so I noticed that the you know we've been using the funding to to purchase like the the soda not soda but um tea and coffee and so and it's a most respect respectable um uh committee and I want to keep it that way and so I want to make sure so I saw that the funding was a little bit cut a little skim or light so I thought oh I so um one of the um Outreach people from the District Attorney's Office offered this Grant from a year and a half ago yeah so correct so each each um of these accounts are set aside for a specific reason and that's all Grant funded so remember the COA is Grant funded their funding is Grant funds from the state it's also Grant funds from different funds grants and also for the friends of the COA they support all of these entities support our our um um our mission and uh um Community uh so the COA but of course the salaries is supported by the town in terms of that but we are um awarded not awarded we are given each year um at which I decrease that we know that we have to decrease that amount by 10% but because we use so much of our grant funds I was able to reduce that by $44,000 in terms of our like um expenses from the town so the town would authorize us or allow us $8,800 for you know toner supplies for that postage uh things like that but we use um some I've extracted some of that money so that we don't have to use postage all the time through uh Town funding we could use it through other other vehicles and I was able to do that because it runs about $176 a month $180 um $500 yeah so that's going to be TR that's you put into is that a town account that that goes into I don't know that's a good question and that's counting question um but it will be it will go into the I all I know is it does go into the Triad so that that built it up so now we have that funding to um to use it like for you know we have the once a month uh Triad events so if we had a a speaker that we had to pay $50 or something we could take it out of that um so there's a lot of uh it's it's purposeful for enrichment of the community in terms of you know safety so but all of our um key you know speakers or speakers that do come they're always um they're always you know free you know what I mean like um they always in kind and uh we don't have to typically pay for them so which is good so um anything having to do the funding we're we're comfortable and even if we did take the 10% with regard to our expens in terms of office equipment things like that we' we've done very well with um if we ever get a new when we do get our new building um it may be different because we're going to need furniture and all the fun things that um that you would find in a a council in aging and you know mostly the technology part but there's always stuff out there that's offering we can take advantage so like I I save a lot of this information it might lay dormant for a year but I remember that it's there and that's what I did with this grant I pulled it out and I say wh it's getting low here so pull it out of the yeah and we were fortunate enough to um be awarded that so I was grateful well you Generations group is chomping at the bed to help you oh they were Wonder yeah no they're ready they they've been um working for so many years to you know to to help with the new building and I think that's what the that's where their heart is right now so I think it's I think we're about to and and our population and seniors and the caregivers and the families really need to um see that new uh wave of um of community center you know and also COA so it's it's going to be a positive thing and a lot of resource we're seeing more and more people in the younger classification to um that are coming to our Center for uses of you know Medicare and understanding a lot of that stuff too so it's uh it's a young it's a um a population why would say younger we're all young um even in yeah we're all young but but I mean you know it's just that we're seeing um a lot more uh people coming in for the different services and so um yeah I think that's why um I I like the mission statement where you put you know but if somebody came in I think we we had this conversation we're right in the mission statement so if somebody came in and they were uh you know in their 40s and they needed help with fuel assistance would you help them with fuel assistance we have to okay so these are the things that we as um but they don't have a documented disability and they don't yeah technically technically typ we got to think of this because who is going to be we're drawing a certain crowd anyway right because of the name because of our brand right okay so if it was um uh let's just say bmz okay like I'm bringing that up if it was like a community center we're going to see a lot of different variety of people right all different certain situations families and so on and it could be seniors there too but what there is a no wrong door too but um but when we offer support to Southshore Community Action Council to help them with the fuel assistance even with the distribution of the food we're not only helping our senior population or um senior members but we're also helping other families within the community so when we bring in food we are going to bring in additional Food Supplies and then we would distribute it to maybe the fire station because the firemen when they go out on a call and they see families in situation to have those uh supplies available Hey listen we noticed that you know you might have some economic issues so therefore we provide they might have a couple of these bags on the the ambulance that they could provide to the the families so it's we're we're trying to be open to not to say shut down to every you know certain individuals but we also remember our seniors are very giving too we're always you know in support of other people and um you know whether it be knitting uh hats for the children and so on so um but for these Support Services like sore Community Action Council and for the fuel assistance we are open so if you're in that category that it's not you're not a member but we're going to have you register we would still help you with that application I'm wondering if we should take out the word older and just have adults well because you said if somebody comes in and yeah could do that um but if someone comes in and they're um they don't have a documented disability um but they walk in and they have um they're 30 or 40 um and they have they need help with fuel assistance darene just said that darene helps them with their fuel assistance so so well it's still I mean you would help them anyways no matter what your mission statement but the mission statement is you know what is our mission but I think we have when we say do we put yeah we put families and caregivers right so yeah we still have older adults yeah but that's our our Center but if somebody walked through 30 years old walks in and said I need help with fuel assistance but then you're opening up I think when we talked about this before we said we it's for older adults because you don't want to open it up to everybody because you can only help so did we talk commun center it's the I think we should I think we should just leave it as this you know the older adults right now and then maybe open it up to a survey for the public to understand cuz some communities have come to serve all okay they are the some COA communities the Plymouth of active living you know there's um you know duckberry Center so some of them don't put that limitation of the verbiage you know yeah so and they open it up as a community center pemro but you don't feel like we're ready to do that I don't know I have to ask we have to ask the community perfect you know maybe we should ask them to see what they feel and in the direction of you know maybe they cuz we do help people and we don't if they come and it's a service that sou Shore Community Action Council is asking us to do as a Health and Human Services Health and Human Services um social you know it's a social service so we're not going to turn a family away because they're not over 60 you know but we're going to because the we have the paperwork to facilitate that but let me just say one more thing for SNAP say you need food assistance right the snap program is a specific to somebody 60 and older so but then they have food you know EBT cards for anybody under that and that's another telephone number and another type of thing um and it's it's all the same application process but it it's it's a different um telephone number too I think it's a little bit actually I never did I did do a couple why don't we leave it like for now and so we think we don't have to make that decision right this minute yeah we can always upgrade when we're ready yeah when you feel like yeah seems like we're helping more you know right but your mission statement is just to really what do I want to focus on who am I helping and so if if older adults is really your main source yeah that's your main objective that's yeah okay you know if you open a business it's a business for selling something you know you know a specific thing and I guess it's you're branding your audience you know you're trying to attract that one audience but not just older adults but we do people do come to us so does um let's see new business board members comments and concerns um I will just say welcome pat pat Judy and I were at the um tell funny story so we're at the selectman's meeting and um that was great um you did a great job there have had and Judy so supportive but we were you know walking out the door and leaving and it was kind of icy and I turn back to make sure and Judy down the stairs and stuff okay and they were like long gone they were in the pocking line it was meing behind holding on to the railing and making sure I didn't sleep but anyways I'm so happy to have you here and thanks JY for going yeah totally but you guys left me in the dust sorry we'll have to be more aware of that from now on yeah me Hing along and you guys are just like bye bye I'm like okay I don't do outside at night so I know you were ready to get home to just get home um okay um so well continue our search for new board members any thoughts on that or I'm still looking I'm still looking I'm still inquiring with people down there in the park see if I can get somebody else down there to join our board that would be good because we have a lot of seniors in that Park so I remember when I first came on I was just two people remember yeah two people I'm like boy so it's nice that we have an involvement yeah M you know what I mean I just like that so it's a good thing I have one that would be I think great but she's on the generations board so I have to wait just so we identify Linda Linda Oh Linda yeah is she on the board at the I mean it's Generations I don't she isn't I don't know I don't she's on the board and I don't know that that would think she is oh if she isn't I think she would be did I put that on our thing because I don't know on our um minutes is who who's going to be our liais on yes Judy Judy's our lia's on yeah okay so that's good yeah that's just logical because I go to both meetings so man I know it's it's a good thing so an update on Generations um they have they're forming a committee uh for the dog show and we believe we're going to call it the dog and pony show because we're thinking of maybe getting pony rides we're going to see what we can do but they're forming a committee um the next Generations will be for that committee only the meeting uh and that that will be in January and then we'll have a regular meeting in February thank you I'm glad you told that I'm glad you told me it's for them in January oh so would this be like something they're planning for the summer yeah sometime in Jun around June we think cool that's be fun there's also talk of a c new another cow plop but we're not sure because of the work involved before when we had it before the um the Outreach worker or whatever she was she that was her F and her husband is Scott murn he's on the thing so they've offered it but we don't know if it's a possibility or not we have to do some investigating because there an awful lot of work involved and we don't feel that we can impose on them so we'll see yeah and as um as the time gets closer I can reach out to um Jonathan Selman ceiling and since he was is involved in the Hops KY plop and he might be able he's a good hand he you know he might be able to help I I don't want to add to his to his uh listed to-do list but is there any that's what I do if we can find out two through generations maybe some passive income so you know maybe find out there might be some like we were getting passive income from Stop and Shop if you bought bought flowers at the Florest you know that blooming M so we get like $40 or whatever so the passive income to you know the um the the clothes the clothing yeah the box so something like that would be cool if we could get some kind of uh organization or something that we could look at maybe get some try you tried that with the sneakers and that was kind of a lot of work well that well it wasn't a lot of I it was a lot of work but that wasn't the reason the reason was we weren't getting anything they sent all these bags of shoes and we got $6 MH and it just it it's more productive to put the the sneakers and the shoes in the Box out behind the COA because we get we get checks every month oh every every quarter I believe I don't know uh she was waiting for check clothing behind the stairway clothing shoes belts little bit everything but it's all recycled so my suggestion is if you have clothing that is really nice donate it to St Vincent to Paul at the church those those boxes up there are good clothing that they take out they they wash them and clean them and they put them in the store and they sell them and um so if it's really nice clothing then I would put it in there because the other stuff is just going to be recycled that's for things with stains on the holes in them and stuff like that um we want to be dis you know we want to be respectful you know people shouldn't be throwing some things that should be just thrown away you know yeah those are the things that go in there because they recycle it you know it it isn't going to affect anything oh they don't try to like sell it you know resell it no they just they just recycle them okay that's good to know so I mean I have a nice pair of pants that you know I don't want to just see them uh put in a thing and dissolved and remade into something I would like to see somebody get use out of it but if it's you know and I also think underwear is acceptable in that one because like you say like I said it isn't going to be wor um okay so I'm going to a couple of things because I realized on this agenda there's new business and old business and director's report and cheers report but we don't have a Generations update so I'm going to be changing the agenda up to just add that okay and I will put that like right before um can I'll show you how I I'll send you it cuz iall that so OC that under y like like every time I do like director's report I can put OC what o OES report any business or something OC yes yeah business business information e s business okay yeah that's perfect or maybe just say new business um yeah um new business yeah I can I can I can stick that in either there or just put that under new business it's Triad wait a minute it's um Triad also Triad so OC was that yeah okay I can put that all under your report okay I can put and TR yeah it should it should be on there I would think yep okay just bullet bulleting yeah and um so that we can just talk about it what's happening y um see what else anything got some nice thank you notes you know for the services and provide this the services that we provided individuals it was nice I had the thank you not B I left them in my office the um I just want to say that um Christmas party at oh um meow Brook was very fun I had a really good time your outfit daring was just smashing oh no it was it was like the hemp fell and it was just funny that was really in the spirit it was totally it's like whatever so it's interesting yeah I was like what the heck you know I had it so I so I had it for three years best table of singers but you know the fun thing was so the baskets went really well everything was but 80 people it was so nice we had close to 80 people and the meal was awesome she Debbie does such a wonderful job at metal Brook and we had a lot of support from you know various you know different other organizations but um yeah she always does a great job great job and the everybody enjoyed the meal and it was just I didn't want to limit it to the food thing and people got both you know they were able to get both chicken and the outfit oh my gosh who's is that that's my great my grandson-in-law where did he get that I don't know I and it's funny I I sent something to call that's cute I said call the me yeah but it was it went well the um oh I love it my son was going to get one too I they're two of them they're nuts oh and we had a fantastic Santa you should have seen Owen we were oh Owen found a girlfriend oh okay I'm going to um Call adjournment of this meeting at 10:35 10:35 gorgeous and thank you all Merry Christmas no Merry Christmas how' you say that right now it happen too quick I know I know right happy holidays everybody have a great time with family and friends you too [Music]