##VIDEO ID:2QWPUgOXijE## [Music] yes good evening being 7 p.m. September 10th 2024 I'm going to be opening up the hell effect Conservation Commission meeting uh I just want to announce that the conservation meeting is being recorded by area 58 and can be viewed on YouTube members present is delain Helen and Paul deset first matter on our agenda is 8 Hill line roadway and just a need to take a minute we had discussed this last week as far as the Hill projects and and it was brought to my attention today that the the applicant was requesting for the D file number SC 171 0574 which is the hila plane roadway in extension to the 24th does the board have any issues with that we I did send them a letter saying that um there'd be no further continu um I believe there has been some new information received so um I would be inclined to to grant that if the board so chooses that's I don't have a problem with that have a question ask okay just just for on a second okay so when I'm ask there was a motion in a second and then okay I'm get a motion motion okay that's a motion to uh to continue second that okay and what we're going to do is we'll open that the discussion okay and if you have any comments just like bear in mind this any comments are strictly on the continuent yes there's nothing on the application itself okay okay just to identify yourself for the Y Dian Brad 131 Hayward street um I just we have been here time and time again when it hasn't been you know no notice that they weren't coming to the meetings on the 24th we will be away in another country for a wedding I'm asking that we ask that it postpone two more weeks so we can be here and hear it we've been here every step of the way probably more than they have and I think it's only fair that you continue it till two more weeks after that okay anything else I might have a problem with that only because of a time frame let me just I'm not sure how to work this calendar anybody have a better calendar I'm not too good on a smartphone unfortunately the maximum that we can continue is 21 days so if someone's got a calendar I'll see how that falls 10 that's days the 30th 20 days the first which will be a Tuesday October will be 21 days 21 days is October 1st okay right we're not meeting October 1st I don't believe I got look at the schedule no it's the second it's the second um is there what I will do is this all right um I have your comments from last time we'll send the letter to the applicant um suggesting that your concerns um but they will have to agree to continue but we I'll try to do that right away Peggy's not going to be in for the few days it's up to the applicant okay so I'm I'm going to write letters about all three of the projects and state that this is why you know I think the ab betters need to be here it is a big problem this whole development and that if issue just want don't you just get up okay I will be Dian Bradford I'll be writing a letter about all three of the projects on Hill delay I do believe that the abutters are are proving that we cannot there it's you know we've been here ever since we've given good reasons and you can go and read all our letters and stuff that's going to take probably the whole night um but I don't really want and I don't think where I'm showing concern that anything should be voted on until we can come back as a bu person okay your concerns be duly noted unfortunately I can only go 21 days I will send the letter to the applicant noting your concerns if they agree then we're okay if they don't agree unfortunately I can't change it those are the most so you can go ahead even though I've expressed concerns and vote on it without me being there can I send somebody and um get a notary signed and somebody be here from my other my family you can send you can send anyone anybody that wants to Comm in is can Comm in that's not a problem so yeah and I have in this folder your other letter so yeah anything you want to address if you can't be here I mean I probably won't know until next week whether or not they want to extend it any further but yeah you can send anybody you want or we'll read I me wasn't happy to read all your concerns to the director okay when did you know tonight wouldn't be said when I I just got here okay this is my agenda from earlier um and then when I just got in I noticed on this agend on my administ of notes continue the next meeting so that's why I found out okay we have a motion in a second I'm going to go to a vote that vote would be to extend the ill the land roadway project until our next meeting which is going to be 9:24 um we have a second I got Motion in a second y uh yes yes no yes PA yes that's continue to 920 [Music] our next matter on the agenda is 8 H Lane map 120 lot 2T uh D file number SE 171579 gentlemen I have a letter uh to withdraw this particular application by mutual agreement so I would be looking for a motion uh to accept the withdrawal without prejudice if you want I'll make the motion you can make the motion I'll make the motion to the accepted withdrawal without prejudice for uh 8 hland SE 1710 578 do I have a second uh 579 I'm S no no problem I Su in that motion okay hold on DP 1710 579 okay I have the wrong one here okay now we got the wrong fold okay yes so I made the motion do I have a second second I'll go to a vote all in favor yes hi okay next item on our agenda is 8 Hill the lane map 120 I'm sorry hold on a second before I do that I am going to need signatures on this there a new form so [Applause] next item on our agenda is excuse me 8 Hill thean map 120 4T D number SE 17158 I have a letter um to withdraw this application without prejudice so I would make a motion to allow the withdrawal without prejudice I'll second that motion second um we'll go to a vote all in favor yes yes yes just said both of those have been with drawn so it's just the road that there yeah that's the only application we have P to this right oh I'm sorry okay right thank you for hearing us thank you to bring it to our attention Okay next item on agenda make sure changes here is 105 P Road I believe there's a letter for an extension on this one that would be uh 105 Pound Road D number SE 171 0581 we have in the file a letter requesting that the continuance to the next public hearing which would be 924 anybody have any questions or concerns okay just so that you know we're working with these some of these little projects and there's been some issues with the review on that particular project and that's why it's being continued um put the motion sure put a motion to continue 105 pal road to the 24th second okay we go to the vote all in favor yes yes okay we going to go to we're going to go to peer review ecosystems this is all with 105 pal Road um I am going to be looking um as the board knows we've had some issues with the p Road application and the review fees if you've gotten all the emails um there's going a second proposal just a different the the second proposal went out for the additional review fees and consultation fees based on the restoration plan which they want to include in the notice of intent so I would be looking for a vote when I'll make the motion to um resend the second proposal to the applicant based on the fact that it's going to be the notice intent inclusive of the restoration plan I'll make that motion second that motion in favor so she send the letter out on that uh second item under our um under this matter is the enforcement order um we discussed the enforcement order this is on lot 11 previous application was on Lot 12 the board director need to send some letters out um last week if you want to take a look at the foldo take a quick look at that sent out two letters um that were sent out and there has been no response so I want to see what the board the direction the board want to take a minute look at that let me Che look uh Mr chairman is these the same people were here last week yes this just show that you're aware this is the lot next door yeah this is not the intent take a look at that those are the letters that we sent out U there was a clerical mistake on the first letter so had to wrong mon so she sent an additional letter first class me in [Applause] that's okay that's uh 265 want the 105 information F leave this one in 265 this could be for both okay um at this point uh the board's going to have to make a decision on how to proceed um the conversation was last week or a couple of weeks ago uh do we issue 21d finds to try to get some compliance um the only other option is to go to Town Council so um I don't if anybody's got any suggestions uh do they plan on coming for the uh about 105 next I know we continue it uh they going to be here next meeting for 105 they're going to be here next meeting um like I say we've sent we've sent the Letters Out um on the separate lot multiple times yeah so um it's it's kind of up to the point you know my my opinion on 21d um you know sometimes it's a tickle sometimes you going be more of a problem we only have two Alternatives um the private project alone we can issue 21 de citations um or we can um go to Town Council and ask for some adjunct of relief which is going to be very expensive I wouldn't want to take that route um do you want to table it um try to get through cath involv I should be ex we yeah you want to table it yeah okay why don't we uh don't you make a motion to table the enforcement I put motion the way table the enforcement of where is the it's it's what 11 a lot 11 lot 11 pound pound uh we have second second okay all in favor I I I 3 265 Long prosty this ASD okay this bring us up the DAT CU we get we have too many 265s and sixes so this is the big project you requested to continue y okay where are we I submitted the form to Peggy uh yesterday the day before I signed off on the extension for time to act and gave the gave the commission an extra 30 days for 265 right 265 correct okay I didn't I didn't see that but that's there been a lot of emails back and before so um unfortunately again on Stow mon Management's 21 so if you're not going to be ready we'll give you 21 then you'll have to come back I believe that's the maximum I'm ready sir it's the commission I'm waiting for you ready there's nothing else to there's nothing else to submit or discuss so you're you're waiting for the Board of Health to act was the last conversation at 265 correct so you want to go to 20 I don't know where you're at with the Board of Health yeah so uh 21 days is fine um again I think we can do 30 but that's that's fine 21 days Works you've got between Wetland protection and our bylaws so at 21 days we're all doing the best we can yes so let's go for 21 days in the event and then I'll double check it but nobody will be in the office till next Monday if we can go 30 we'll send you an email okay okay um I'd be looking for a vote to continue the storm water management hearing for 265 on qu Street until 924 two weeks yeah but two continue from there yeah because what happens is yeah because it be in between meetings correct okay um I'll make that motion anybody want to Second it I'll second the motion all in favor three oh I'm sorry question oh no twitching sorry noch cars to sit in the front row okay I'm going to be real brief on these next one um discussions and actions to be taken stump Brook cleanup um weest some Communications from um National Wildlife Services in the state they'd like to come in and talk to us about cleaning up stump Brook a d stum Brook it's from the the dam and Hansen down through Elm Street and that discussion has been continued to 9:24 I don't really need to vote on that just to keep everybody okay uh 266 mon Street some management permit is this the one we Clos the hearing and yes this is the one that we close the hearing and at this point we need to vote we need to make a vote I do have some questions and issues [Music] on order conditions but um I don't I don't think we're going to need that at this point any for the signatures no no be any signatures we we're we're a bit ways on the uh order conditions so I'm just going to read the three options that the that the commission has um we voted the close now we're going to go to a vote so Stone War Authority has three options one to approve the permit application and issue commit it finds that proposed plan it finds that the proposed plan will protect water resources and meets the objectives and requirements of the storm water management by law and these related regulations to to approve a permit application and issue a permit with conditions modifications or restrictions that the storm water authority determines are required to ensure that the project will protect water resources and meets the objectives and requirements of the storm water management bylaw and those related regulations third would be to disapprove a permit and deny the permit if it finds the proposed plan will not protect water resources or fails to meet the objectives and requirements of the storm water management bylaw and these related regulations those are our three options um if you want to comment then I'll get comments uh yeah I think we've discussed this a lot um nothing came up in the within the last meeting anything new right from anybody I I think we should do option number two and possibly vote on the matter okay any comments and then we'll go to motion um Just sh that we Paul you have you've s intervention meeting watch the tapes are you comfortable with making a decision okay okay um based on that um I would be looking for a motion to approve the pin application and issue the commit with conditions um if you want I'll move that and if somebody wants to Second it I'll second that motion okay um I'll in favor I I I 3 thank you very much okay don't wait okay the I just want to touch briefly on the conditions I sent you an email but it was um I think I was it's okay I've been on the road that's um the next step in the process gentlemen this is new to me and it's new to you all um we voted to approve it based on number two all right um any order condition we're going to incorporate from Pat Brenan the comments that he made um I just want to point out that the plan date is 7:29 24 so anything after that you're going to have to refile um is ply order conditions um Steve Haywood made some additional comments and my email to you was Dave that um Highway svea reviewed the application you would like you have you extend the no pocking signs y I've I've seen the plan no objection to complying okay and we will take care of any issues with any neighbors so as part of the conditions we're going to add Steve hayward's comments um the other question I have is on Pat Brennan's standard conditions and on you know three pages and I think that I think they're reasonable conditions uh is whether or not we're going to meet any contracts um or how we're going to handle uh the inspection fee through 52g which we put in there um I just and also I would like to make sure that the comments from 82624 which includes a traffic management plan grading runoff and the sil sock um information be included in the order conditions okay um okay having said that I just want to point out that um we did vet the the application very well I think the the application meets all bylaws and regulations um I think they've established that there's not going to be any increase in runoff in any AD properties um so I'm very comfortable in that vote um so having said that at our next meeting we'll send you out a copy of the the conditions and then um we can make any comments we'll try to get them up as soon as we can great so if you got any comments well the the Board of Health uh issued their stormw discharge permit that's sorry their sewage discharge disposal permit 4 266 so we've kind of checked that box okay um I walked the the perimeter with the PS uh this evening that's why on my other pants um so that went well so we have a good understanding as to the clear line what what trees he wants to keep and and and not so that's good and I heard you are getting an agent so congratulations I didn't he that oh I'm sorry okay that'll the end of the discussion lot of here today okay all right thank you very much okay thank you thank you okay uh Alan we don't sign anything today we sign it next week with the conditions with the conditions that that's probably going to be a back and forth right now I I have I'm sorry I had three three pages of conditions U two pages of conditions um through Pat Brennan which is basically you know inspections erosion control inspections catch Bas bottom hole inspections so do just has to overlook this to make sure everything's fine yeah everything and he'll be monitoring all the progress that'll be part of the the conditions and we might have to put a special order of conditions which is going to be you know the silk sock um and whatever else I mentioned and there's a question to we currently have um the order of conditions for storm water on the WPA form five which is the DP form which I don't think is applicable to this particular site it might be applicable across the street so we will we'll be working on that okay all right and we're going to incorporate your plan the traffic management plan in this okay all right forward to hear thank you next item on the agenda is 8th 10th Avenue we have a cic got a compliance to sign on let me just bring you up the I'll take I'll bring you up the date this was a project that started a few years ago back in 2019 I don't know when it was finished but there was a issue that whoever had the project whoever had the project at that time did not file for zip compliance um so they contacted the office we spoke with them requested an asil plan and a letter certifying that the system was installed in compliance to B of health and the W's protection act I did a site inspection everything seems to be fine so I'd be looking for a vote to endorse the um certificate of compliance yes I put a motion that we uh for 81 certified compliance um approval yeah that's fine okay one second second okay next door and our discussions is 111 River Street [Music] Jason go microphone you online [Music] sure I I'm Susan Jason I'm licens life professional with Weston and Samson here to uh represent the project 11 River Street Lot 1C for environmental investigation okay um obviously I got a few questions um working as both the the cheer and the health agent uh we did have meetings with um some uxo professionals that are currently working in the area and one of the things that they suggested is that we get a quality assurance plan um a safety plan and a health plan or quality control plan um and more importantly the safety plan to date I haven't seen any of that and the other major issue that I have is I believe at one of the meetings um indicated that we need a variance request for you to work within the 50 and the office has not received the variance request so it's your call at this point um cuz I at this point I don't have a variance request to well just a couple things and after the last meeting we did provide the commission with as well as the fire and police Chiefs with a draft we recognize a safety plan is necessary and there needs to be back and forth with Town safety officials a draft of a uh site specific safety plan I did speak with Chief Chavez last Friday and got some comments back and you know his his thoughts and opinions on things I went ahead and modified that to a more concise document based on that discussion on Friday and just issued that out today both to the police chief Fire Chief and to your emails you probably didn't have a chance to see it yet but there is a safety plan in progress uh you know along with comments received from the police in terms of the um variance we did provide a letter to the town's consultant Brandon fanth and that went out to your office a number of days ago I have a year on my hand so I can tell you the date you sent it to who to Brandon who forwarded it to you the town's consultant I can tell you that as of September 4th I believe as of in the business today the office never received a variance request why would you send it to Brandon I don't know because when we left the meeting you asked him to follow up with us on the to work together yeah so we he he contacted us after the meeting to follow up on your request there were several items on the list that was one of them along with an environmental monitoring plan so those were forwarded out along with additional draft language for an order condition related to the installation of monitoring LS so all of the items were provided I do understand that there needs to be some additional feedback on the safety plan but we believe the commission could put an order in place stating that the safety plan needs to be developed and agreed upon prior to the start of work the details of it are still in you know communication with the town officials I can tell you personally I'm not comfortable with that idea um I did not see the office didn't receive the Vance request so I can't act on anything the office didn't receive um I can for you the emails when I get back to M okay you can do that but every all the emails should go to the office everything should go to the office and she she documents that she would have put in our package the Vance request okay so the only action I can take or we can take tonight is adverse action because you don't have a Vance request I personally and then you can pull the board uh without having a safety plan that we're comfortable with I'm not inclined to vote in favor of an order of conditions um we'll see what the rest of the board says um I think one of the safety plan is one of the first things that we discussed a long time ago in well safy information has been provided in four different occasions including a Consolidated plan in which I requested comments it did not receive any so I contacted the chief of police on Friday you sent some something I looking for comments I think I've got everything here that you sent me a 27 you police chief and the fire chief received a draft document I yes I I'm going to agree that let me just see here this is the first narrative in response to our last conversations in the previous meeting I did consolid you know made that a little more concise and more direct speaking to the concerns that each of the Town officials have brought up so I I believe it's a more workable document and you and you just received that this evening so specifically the safety plan has you know information has been provided we have had a number of dialogues we are being very responsive to the concerns and agree that a safety plan needs to be in place and completely understand that needs to be agreed to prior to the start of work but in regards to the order our concerns are if the order isn't issued and we don't start the 10-day appeal period we're going to miss an opportunity to conduct the work so we would like to continue to work with everybody in town on a safety plan that is outside the you know the jurisdiction of the conservation frankly okay that's okay I think that the Conservation Commission is the the only oversight to what you're doing and we really really don't want to be the oversight we want you to go in and do whatever you need to do to clean up the area um but we did request a safety plan you can you can argue the details if you don't think that you don't like the safety plan but I think it's important having experienced on knowing what has happened in Hana um and we spent time with those Representatives so that we didn't have an instant replay of what happened okay hold on hold on we're not arguing that point okay so at this at this point I haven't seen the safety plan and if you did something Friday um on August 27th I sent a draft document out to you and the other Chiefs in town I called the police chief Friday to have a conversation because I hadn't seen any comments from anybody he's the primary you know decision maker in terms of some aspects of the plan so I believe we had a very fruitful conversation we're on the same page he was in agreement with you know the approach I took that information and rewrote the plan to be specific to a a shorter version that's more concise that I think hits on the exact concerns that have been discussed along the way so that has now been reissued today so we've provided safety plan information in a number of forms including starting with you know an informal memo in a in in a inperson meeting so we are working on the safety plan we have been responsive and we do agree that it's important we also agree that it needs to be agreed upon before we start work but we're asking the commission to consider issuing the order so that we can keep that process moving the Timeline under consideration while we all agree to the safety plan okay I'll I'll just give you my opinion I am I am not comfortable with any of that I think we should have a safety plan the newest L of development is the fact that we're getting into hunting season we don't know where you're going to store the materials we don't know how you're going to post it for hunting season that should be part of the safety plan if none of us have seen it like I said if you sent it it tonight I did I you know I I did not see it I do recall I I thought I had everything here maybe the August 27th one um but anything that you would to talk to with Public Safety officials and I have been in touch with them not since Friday but I have spoken with them and um again a any variance request B I'm not comfortable if you if you want reest was forwarded then we can resend that so that I don't understand why you don't have that but regard to the safy plan you know we are in agreement that it's a necessary item and we are actively developing it to meet the town requirements and you know it's not a there's no argument there okay we think that the commission could act to include an order condition that says it must be agreed upon if if you extend your jurisdiction to the safety plan then we can agree that the order contains a requirement to have it agreed to before we start work our concern is that with another continuance you know we're you know not acting now we're not going to you know be able to meet the timeline that's required for the project okay having not of that I'm still I'm not comfortable at all with a the fact that I don't have a variance so I can't I can't take a variance request personally it's got to be in writing okay what happen I'm not sure what happened with it if it went into the office um typically I get all the emails she would have put the request in the forward so that's one major problem that we have so there's no mechanism right now for this commission to allow you to work within the 50 ft that's the first problem second problem is a safety plan let me just defer what some of the other members think cuz I think perally we can't do it the variant ecosystem was it like she worked with ecosystems on the variant I don't know I haven't seen that either the ecosystems back and forth document she said she gave it to ecosystems that's correct there were a number of emails that included Mr Diaz with conversations CC between myself Mr Diaz and ecosystems that included the variance request we provided the town's consultant which was our understanding was our instructions leaving the last meeting where they we would call a to-do list of items that the commission was asking for we had a follow-up conversation with Mr fanf the next day we went through the bullet list we prepared the necessary items and we provided them so our understanding was the commission had it but I can confirm for you that a variance request was submitted good no that's I um Paul Paul and I want to uh to hand so Paul you can share your thoughts just procedure wise I I I don't see procedure wise where we can take a vote but you have any comments or any only only concern I have is the safety uh he was very adamant about that the the gentleman that we talked about there has to be people that watch people that watch people to make sure everything being done that said this being done okay and may I ask who is it that you're referring to that he spoke with who is he the tetr tetr Tetra so that cetch a consultant on the Handover project they're doing the Handover project right they're doing they the gentleman that we spoke to was a uxo specialist he's in charge of the project um I am familiar I do a lot of work in Hansen so I know some of the background on the fireworks and um I did reach out to people that I knew and I've spoken to a geologist and then he recommended um to talk to this gentleman so that we did um and basically we there was ideas that I had that I found that just didn't make sense for that type of project meaning you know firment or paramedic there when they're digging okay okay and um his response is you know we do ammunition disposal with a f 4 hours away um So based on that my recommendation to the fire chief was and we really don't need anybody there um but you spent some time explaining the quality insurance plan and the quality control plans which did make sense because it takes the uxo people are going to be required to report I don't know if it needs to be on a daily BAS basis but they're going to report the quality insurance they're going to make sure that the work is done that's going to minimize the amount of inspections that we're going to have to perform because all we're really interested in is make sure the wetlands are back to some normaly um and we don't have any of that and I don't have a variance request in front of me so well I don't know what to say that so you have you have the option you have copy of it in my hand which I can hand you but it was provided to you um to the commission through your consultant as requested at the last hearing so I don't know what to say and why that you didn't receive it um we also provided an environmental monitoring plan which talk speaks to the proposed inspections which you also mentioned as an item that wasn't provided um I think in regard to the safety plan and the specific aspects of how the work is to be conducted you know that's why we hired a seasoned professional uxo company who does this all over the country as their line of work um you know in regard to the safety plan we agree it's an important element and there's still some conversations that need to be conducted to make sure that everybody's on the same page with that that's there's no argument there um we're just asking to move the process forward so that we can actually undertake the project because if we can't do that it's not going to happen I I told you procedurally I I don't have a variance CR on me so I I haven't seen failure that okay if you provided it to him that's not the right course of action your instructions I believe was try to come up with some sort of order of conditions that body could work with that that that would be the extent of which we also provided to your consultant so ecosystems did in fact provide that but why you would have sent that that's neither here nor there predicament is I don't have a variance request your alternative is the requested to we conveners get that request into the office your safety plan should be done by then I'm not comfortable with voting without a safety plan but it's your project if you want to take the risk if that's a you I just I am not comfortable um we are perfectly comfortable in terms of proceeding with the project you know it's there's been just for the commission's benefit many many frankly a couple of years of discussions leading into this project and how to conduct it how best to undertake it the requirements for it so we are here in front of you now that we're not doing it lightly it's something that we and our consultant you know our subc consultant has had many many many conversations about and there's been you know a lot of thinking about it an information exchange that isn't necessarily reflected in this form so we understand your concerns but you know we have addressed that we've had conversations with mass DP um I've had followup conversations after we met the last time with Sergeant falls from the mass State Police bomb squad we are not undertaking the project lightly and we believe that you know the protocols are in place but they're Dynamic if there's a different condition in the project then what is planned for we will either stop work or adjust the protocol so we need to get on the site and understand what's there and respond to it we aren't ignoring the fact that there may be a potential for materials we're preparing procedures and policies in the event that there is okay it's it's your call it's yeah I time is assessence I can see why you want to but we can't rush this too fast like one or two meetings and boom it's done like we need to see the variance like I haven't seen it like to see it absorve it then vote on it um I possibly next week was it two weeks yeah next meeting for us to possibly vote on it we voted to close the hearing closed last week yeah the hearing was closed last week so we've got 21 days to issue two weeks ago it was okay so we've got we've got 21 days to issue an order and next Tuesday I believe correct so at this point I don't have a Vance request I don't a safety plan option is either continue it or you can ask us for a vote that's your goal I I think we've heard um we we understand that you need to get it done um one of the issues and I don't know that this was address with Public Safety is we got hunting season coming up and I understand that's okay so and we've advised our s consultant accordingly so but without without us knowing and where the will the permit Grant Authority without us knowing what you're and and I don't I'm not talking about what you're doing how you dig it that's the relevant as far as I'm concerned I think the commission concern um we just want a plan in place if the plan if it never the public safety part of it you never use it at least we have a plan in place it's your call you either want to continue it or you want to go to a vote I'm unclear what you're asking but my what I would like is the commission to vote to issue the order of conditions with the understanding that we agree a safety plan still needs to be worked out we have no intent on starting work on the project until that is the case and there are still a number of steps to go but we do understand the hearing is closed at the 21 Day time clock I believe is next Tuesday do you need to vote this evening in order to meet the 21-day timeline we need to to to vote we need to you either need to to provide us with a safety plan which we've requested many times um so that we as the appointing authority have some idea as to what's going on out there all right we're not asking to do s visit so I think it's important for us to know what's happening out there since we're issuing the permit uh that hasn't happened um we haven't got a variance request so we did close the hearing but at this point um we've got the option of indicating or just issuing an order that we don't have enough information and we can deny the notice of intent and then you can appeal that if you want to but based on my impression is that I don't have enough information to to issue an order of conditions so well unfor we didn't receive any comments from the safety plan we did provide on August 27th I did resp I did receive comments by virtual of contacting the police chief last Friday we have now Incorporated those into a safety plan so that plan is now in the hands of all the town officials and we're welcoming comments and we'll revisit it and revise it accordingly immediately in regard to the variance request that was submitted and I don't know why make it to death you said it's all public all Town officials I I haven't seen it you know I have not seen it um it was issued today so you probably haven't seen it yet it's your so what you're asking me is is to make a decision based on something that I haven't seen so I'm just going to ask you again if you want to ask us for a continuance fine if you don't then we have to move to a Bo if we go to a continuance which is two weeks from now and then there's a 10day waiting period it is my opinion that we will potentially likely miss our opportunity to utilize this subcontractor and execute this work based on what I heard from our subcontractor today and they are scheduled because without our ability to give them a commitment they will take other projects that they have in you know in demand so the only thing that I can comment on the 10-day appeal period my experien is I've never seen one appealed during the appeal period typically an appeal is going to be looking for superseding orders I mean I think at your own discretion you can work within the appeals period we don't have a problem with that I I personally have not seen any any or heard of any litigation based on you starting the project PRI can I just hold on requires the safety plan if you okay I have a floor so if I'm again I'm not inclined without looking at the safety plan to vote in the affirmative on any orderers conditions if you provide us the safety plan and the order conditions are all seem to be acceptable then there's no reason that we cannot at our next meeting vote to approve that order of conditions but they got to be here so that they can be sent to each member of the board so you can't send something tonight and expect everybody to see it so that would be my suggestion well again I sent something on August 27th requesting comments we didn't receive any it was our understanding in the last meeting that the agreement was yes we needed a safety plan but the commission has the capability to include in order requiring it but the specifics of it are to be vetted with Town safety officials and all parties that have an interest and it can be agreed to prior to the start of work that was our understanding so it is not the case that we didn't respond to the requirement of the safety plan or submit anything for review we also did provide additional information that was requested at the last meeting okay it's it's your call so whatever you want to do I will I will take a vote on whatever you want to do like I said the best I think we can do is if we get everything all together is there's no reason I don't believe that if we had the order conditions and they were all completely vetted and there's really nothing special in the order conditions other than inspections which should be bed that we couldn't sign off next week did your consultant provide you with the draft order because that was also our understanding that that would have been the case we provided the draft conditions that were requested of us I'm going to say yes I don't know because we haven't received anything ourselves but well he would have yeah I'm I'm not not going to guess you know I I probably got a dozen emails today the reason I asked is if there isn't a draft order and there's additional time required there then there may be another if we extend at the next meeting commission may say we don't have a draft order we can have it without thought I'm just looking for a timeline given that we've been responsive again I'll repeat myself I don't see a problem like if we do continue it and if everything is in no order that we should vote our next meeting without um that's that's my feeling but like he says we can't I feel un comfortable voting on something I haven't seen so I just see your point you sent it but I haven't seen it um if there's any we won't I don't think we'll change the go post at the next meeting right 21 days from the next meeting in which the commission would take to issue the order no what I said was this if this is continued and the safety plan we get that right away we could vet that safety plan with all these people here get back to ecosystems have him come up with a draft order of conditions that's going to be suitable I'll review them I'll make sure that our Public Safety people VI do them and and at this point I don't know that there's a lot of public safety issues I haven't talked to Chief ch um or or chief Witham uh other than last week but I think the public safety part of it's going to be small um but there's no reason that I would think that ecosystems could not provide us at our next meeting with an order conditions that we can sign off on uh if they come here soon enough you know they can't come the night of the meeting then everybody will vet them and we'll vote on them um the order of conditions will come to me um and we'll look at them if there's any questions I'll go over them with ecosystem any concerns and then get into the board um because we won't have an Asian yeah this is the Asian's not going to so again Jo call what Manner should we submit the resubmit the documents that were already submitted and any new information so all the board members are receiving everything should go to the conservation office everything you send should go to the conservation office I don't have my email open so I can't confirm but I just want to make sure that it's it's Peggy s and and you can you can always CC me um and whoever is relevant if it's something the problem is I think if it's if it's relevant to conservation that you come here if it's relevant to Public Safety you can send it to them but you know these guys they have I I just I don't want to be frank but better things to do they they're looking for our guidance on what to do over there we need to know what's going to happen if there's an accident and hoping there isn't so we will always forward for any additional comments to Chief Witham and chief chaps so we come up with an order condition they're going to tell us what they're going to be looking for uh based on the tid bits that I'm getting you know we're not going to need too much public safety personnel on site um of a van and this has to be vetted if you do find some Munitions then that's going to have to be protected 24 hours and then you need to address the hunting part of it um how you're going to handle that and then you're going to need to address to us the storage of whatever Munitions you find and how that's going to be stored you know in a fenon area however that's all we really need to know yeah and that that is all in the written plan so when members receive it you'll be able to okay then that's fine that's what we should have I think is there anything else that the commission I mean no CU I I have nothing else right now I'm not going to change ask for different things at our next meeting obviously because just keeps pushing everything back so we want you to do what you have to do but this is the only board that I think is got any oversight so uh we just want to make sure that um the 911 system doesn't uh get overwhelmed when all of a sudden something blows up out there yeah and where you know once you've received the document which will make sure then that's fine then if you'd like to have an informal followup meeting to discuss any elements of it prior to the next hearing we're also happy to do that as well we have been actively trying to you know proceed with the process process and fully agree that the safety aspect is important so you need to remember if we got I got a meeting on Tuesday night you really can't send something to us on Tuesday I mean our protocol has been that whatever you need to submit should be submitted at time of agenda because then it's circulated between the members you know everybody doesn't have um you know they have full-time jobs but do something everybody doesn't have printers to print it all out so they got to look at it they Le you that's all I can suggest so what's your pleasure it it was you know again I received comments on Friday but it was also our understanding leaving the last hearing that it was agreed upon that in order you know that the commission required an order in the order of conditions related to the safety plan but that the plan would be continuing to be worked out because it involves other Town officials and other parties who have an interest in it so it was our intent to provide information today that related to a boat it was to provide additional information as follow so just for clarity I just want to clarify one thing whatever your safety plan it is I know that's subject to change but we have some plan into place that's all we're looking for if it changes we're not going to make it come back to the commission because you you're going to you can't put the fenon area where you put on the plan we just want to make sure that everybody's aware of of what's going on down there and if you do have to blow up any of those Munitions okay the residents in that area are going to be notified so again um we spent some time on this what's your pleasure if we can agree that you know we're happy to make sure the commission is comfortable with the project but our only concern is the timeline so if we can agree that we can be prepared by the next meeting hopefully to isue in order of conditions and we're happy to be as responsive as necessary between now and then to receive and respond to comments amend the safety plan in any way that we all need to agree to we're also happy to do that so if we can agree that at the next meeting we will likely be prepared to issue an order of conditions I think that's fine yeah so let me put them well no oh she has to ask you got to do the motion and she's got to sign one of the forms so uh it again it's your call are you asking a specific question my question is do you want to continue this or do you want us to vote on what we have in front of us I agree to continue the hearing okay that's fine um we have a request to continue the hearing I don't know that I've got the hearing request forms in there if I don't have a blank one because we need to vote on them they'll have to send a request in the in the morning admin is out for the next few days but you'll CC me I will get it so I have a request uh let me just see September 9th me just look these September 5th monal monitoring plan September 4th okay let me just this is the first time that I've seen this I've got some emails here September 9th September 4th and I have a I don't know where this came from an environmental monitoring plan and I do have in the file did not brought to my attention uh request for variance now this was received September 9th what's today 10 okay this was received on the nth I don't know when you sent it how you sent it agree with that but without my computer open I can't okay I can what we're going to do is this we'll deal with the variance request we have the variance request it's made out to the commission that the request is dated September 4th the received date in the office is is the 9th and soon as something comes in they they date it so that's when we got it so um I have a motion I have a request for variance excuse me I have a request for continuance I'm going to be looking for motion a motion I put a motion for 111 River Street to notice the pent continuance to the 24th um do I have a second a second y all in favor i z may I ask given the items that you have in the folder what exactly are still on the list of things the safety plan as far as I can see it's it's the safety plan but this this is a dra to the commission it's addressed to the commission September 4th obviously it was an email because it's dated the 9th so I don't know when this come in and this wasn't and I get all the emails I get every single email so this did not come in by email but having said that and we've got other things to do disagree but and I the record so it's irrelevant but you have yeah we continue next meeting yeah we go this SE 9 Susan I sent you something this September [Music] 9th requesting the safety plan quality control plan um and this this on September 9th was in response to your your question that you didn't know what the quality what the plans were and I just responded to that that's okay well let's um anything comes to the office to me and pays and then you can see see you know Brandon if if that's what you doing um we don't have a problem with that um I would get that safety plan in as soon as possible the safety plan is in your hands so we will be waiting the next meeting we'll vote on it yeah we'll vote on it will be you know communicating with your commission as well as police and fire on any comments that they have all right so we had a motion the second we voted that's okay why where are you with a quality assurance in a quality control plan do you have any of that we are have spoken directly after your question I thought you were asking the in regard to the NCP regulations in regard to the Uso regulations the sub consultant does have a procedure where they include that as part of their work plan it's not a document that is typically separated and submitted or review but they will have q aqc procedures built into their work that's the quality assur the quality um the quality control plan is the one that we have no no interest in looking at it's the quality assurance plan that the that says that you went out you dug some holes you fill the holes back in that's for my understanding of the quality assurance plan and that supposedly is in the in the CMR the regulates the uxos so they're going to be more familiar with that but there's going to be any the order conditions and you should find out from them right away is how they want to handle that if they want to handle the reporting on on a weekly basis uh I don't think that we need we don't need anybody out there every day if you're going to dig every day then at the end of the week then someone should provide us with a report and then that can be potentially are we talking about restoration under the Wetland protection act no CU that's in no what you received we're not talking about restur we're not looking for we're not looking for you to do any restoration all we want is to make sure that whatever you're doing you fill the hole back in very simply fill the hole back in and that's it and and that procedure was spelled out as part of the scope as we planned it issued with the notice of intent narrative so it's always been the intent to investigate and back and that's that the last me that's that's fine who tells us that everything you've done is okay well I'm not talking about the bullets that's that's your that's your ballgame someone needs to say that okay you did pin holes and I'm just assuming because this is the first time for all of us you you you excavated 10 areas you back filled the 10 areas um there was something in the in in the order conditions or there was something in one of the emails relative if you did it in the spring you had to cut the brush uh you didn't want to interfere with some uh Aquatic Life or something out there which you're not going to do it in the springtime so that's not an issue um you going to dig a hole you're going to put hay straw whatever on top that's all we really need and that's from what I understand that's part of the quality assurance so and that should be part of what the uxo organization will provide to you well our plan as written in the noce of intent narrative is to conduct any necessary investigation that F at that time nothing will be left open and to replace the vegetation that was removed as best to our ability as a plug if you will if for some reason that vegetation can't be reestablished or is not intact then we would you know deal with that individual situation but as a whole for the project the intent is to conduct the hand excavation evaluate an item if it's a metallic anomaly B fill that area and immediately replace the vegetation as a restoration element of the project so that's been the plan all along and has written into everything that we've submitted today I'll agree who inspects that your consultant has developed or agreed to a inspection schedule which is in the environmental monitoring plan that was provided we Weston and Samson also will have the staff member if you will looking over our subc consultant so it's not a situation where the uxo Specialists are on site without any oversight at all they also are required to document any activity they conduct under our contract with them the client's contract so they will be actively documenting what they're doing so they'll be a big paper trail if you will in terms of if anything is found if an anomaly is identified and if any excavation occurs because of it there'll be a lot of record to determine where it occurred what occurred what was found and that restoration occurred so that's always been part you know of the scope of work from the beginning of the the project devel okay we're advised that there's quality insurance people who quality control so we'll have to address that any other conditions all our concerned is you do whatever you have to do to dig is someone will Comm in someone from the town whether it be the consultant or the agent will Comm in to Comm in and inspect whatever you've done that's we don't want to get involved with yeah and that's one of the to-do items that we left from the last commission meeting that was a item that was discussed with your consultant we had a followup meeting and developed a prop schedule for presence on the site so that'll be part of the order that'll be part of the proposed order conditions okay very good tomorrow please send the request for V request excuse me the request for continued okay you have a specific form for that I'm going to vote on that but like I said nobody's in the office tomorrow we're voting on that particular form in a few minutes uh so anything you can address it to me you're going to request you're going to request a continuance until our next meeting which is going to be 9:24 you can go next meeting you can go 9:24 okay whatever language is and just send that out and Peggy will document that put that in the file when she gets in next week and I will look at that report that whatever you sent tomorrow and then get back to ecosystems on any questions that that I might have but you have the safety plan okay yeah you've received a draft to what I would call a health and safety plan which was what was issued on 827 I think what my understanding from your comments in the hearings what I sent you today is more specific to your question so I think if you look at today's document which is about 10 pages long instead of 50 it's very specific to the items that concern the commission and to the items that I think are of concerned should fire and police and I think it's an easy way for us to continue that Dialogue on any of the elements that need to be worked out if there's not an agreement but before finalizing what was s today I did speak to Chief Chavez and got his verbal agreement on the approach okay so hopefully we can finalize that okay we'll we'll look at it when it comes in okay okay thank you thank you okay next order of business is Hope forax Conservation Commission first follow me should we we can Bounce Around can we yeah we can bounce around I have no idea what you here for so home street right I am I'm here for 285 Home Street I represent the applicant okay so let me let me okay 285 home street is up for discussion purposes only but I'm going to ask you to go to the mic identify yourself and we'll try to answer any questions that you have good evening my name is Ann seski I represent um lell Development LLC the property owner at 285 home street so when I saw this was on the agenda I wanted to make sure to come down um and meet with the commission back in March of this year there were complaints that were made about storm water runoff on the property and I came down it was the March 21st commission meeting talked to the commission and indicated that as the property owner was going to retain an engineer and was going to come up with a storm water management plan for the property in order to address the situation in the meantime at that meeting the commission asked if we would do something to try and stop the runoff while we were getting the design done so we put a bunch of hay bales if you've driven by you've seen them we put a bunch of hay bales to stop any water from running out into the street and I went to the following commission meeting with the information about the hay bales to accomplish that and since that happened we retained an engineer we've developed a storm water management plan we f for the permit um right before I left to come here about 4 4:30 the town's review engineer reviewed our plan he had six comments so I've already passed those along to our engineer so that we can address them when the application actually gets open before the commission we would like to be in a position because there have been complaints because we're trying to solve the problem that we've actually proactively looked at what your reviewing engineer said addressed it so that when we come in for the hearing we'll have responded to his issues and our engineer says that he can he can do that he had one question that he wanted to talk to Pat about he knows how he would follow up with okay uh I'm going to I don't know if the boys got any comments CU they probably didn't see that review no I didn't see the review here from okay um just so let you know I've been actively working for a few months on the 285 Home Street problem um the matter was referred to council and um we kind of changed things um but I'm going to tell you what our procedure is and I did see the review and it might be six items but it's very extensive um the the issue for 285 has been ongoing so we're hoping that through the process you can resolve that for you know the highway department and the neighbors by our procedure for storm water is this is you submit the application we have it reviewed that is sent to all of our department heads this highway and police and Bill inspector someone else is those and that was done once and then I requested that that go out again so that went out again today we have the review Once the review issues are all resolved then we will the board will take a vote that the that the permit okay is ready to move forward at that point we will schedule a public hearing and you'll notify the abuts accordingly so we're not quite there um the review you saw six items to me they were very extensive so you need to get that addressed once those are addressed you can either come in or we'll put it back on the agenda that the application is completed and we will schedule a public hearing okay so okay so just that I understand so you want us to respond to the review engineer before the public hearing happens absolutely okay that's good that's how stor Water Works it's different than the other ones but that's how it works they come going in and out so everything is going to be fully vetted okay well that's definitely something we can do we were planning on doing that anyway so okay understand so I can tell you now that you probably won't get a hearing until October okay now that's fine that I understand we want to make sure that everything is addressed so that we can move forward um but we we are sensitive the timing we want to make sure that we okay move forward and and do something proactively to solve the problem one you got a question no no one of the concerns that I had when I read the application is you file for a minor uh based on a disturbance era quite frankly I don't agree with that but that's up to the commission um I I I do not see that project as being a minor storm water project but you file the application that's your call um you know I've read the complete file I've read every complaint um I've read all the comments I reviewed the the original plans that were submitted for the drainage um and again you know I'll let you know review do his thing but I'm just going to tie you that personally I I don't think you're you're in a situation where you're in a minor stor and I think you'll find that from the comments today you're in two actors so not only you m Pon that you're in Silver Lake so I think you really need to look at that application so that you don't get it fully vetted and then we can't take any action on it based on the fact that it's the wrong type of application it's just my suggestion all right well no I'll definitely take that back to the review engineer I mean he does not to review it's your your guy oh okay so just understand so you are taking the position that work that was previously done on the property prior to the adoption of the regulations triggers a major application I'm saying that I just want to understand okay I'm saying that the work that's been done on the property doesn't warrant a minor storm water application or the type of work um and and you can read our regulations so you've applied based on the fact that you're only disturbing less than 43,000 squ ft I think you could make a reasonable argument that u in since 2019 or 20 whenever they went in there that they Disturbed probably somewhere around 60 70,000 square ft I don't haven't done the math so you you you filed for mining that could be a problem so I think our Engineers should look at that because the area that was previously disted has not been controlled so there's still some impact from that area that's going to impact the 35,000 sare ft that you're saying that you're going to disturb now yeah the only disturbance currently is for the installation of the system to solve the problem I will say that the review engineer computed the storm water management calculation to account for the prior condition of the property so that there would be no runoff from that prior condition before any work had been done on the property at any point in time so from a mathematical calculation perspective the system has been designed to address that past work but I I understand what you're saying you're it's it's the opinion that um because there was pass work on the property regardless of when it happened we would be triggering that major component and you want us to make a major filing instead of a minor filing based on that past work I understand what you're saying and I'll take that back to the property owner and I'll see what he has to say about that and you can make a reasonable argument we know that we adopted our regulation the storm water regulations uh back in 2021 I believe um you it might have been after he started the project but but ms4 and storm water regulations have been in since 2006 so I don't know if we want to get into a bait a debate on post and pre-development um we have a problem out there as you know right to me I would just get it addressed so that you know file for for you know under the minimum and then you're denied now you got to refile again uh for a regular spell Mar it's my only suggestion just to save your step yeah and I can I can certainly appreciate where you're coming from there and as I said this is an in instance where this particular property owner is making an effort to try and solve this problem the design is endeavored to solve the problem we're not here pretending that it there isn't a problem or pretending that it doesn't exist and we've actually moved pretty quickly since I got involved in March March 21st was the first time I came to a hearing to say that we were going to put up the hay bals and they were up the next week they were up before the next Conservation Commission meeting we hired an engineer we designed a plan we made a submission so it's not a situation where people are pretending that there isn't a problem it is a problem that we are trying to address but if it's the position of the commission that we need to file a different application we'll certainly consider that thank you I'm glad I mean we will work with you in any way because we do want the I mean the file's very thick all the complaint so we do want it to go right oh any any board members got anything toep for no okay you've been involved a little bit more with the 285 issues yeah she came from the commission I think before you were appointed yeah and she has addressed it like she just stated we told her like the hay things like control it now cuz it was going it was during The Heavy Rain season too but it was really affecting the road flooding a little they addressed it I don't granted we haven't had any major Stones since then to really test it oh my backyard would differ with you I live one town over okay um good hopefully we can work together and and get that resoled thank you for your time okay thank you get this Al she can say if she wants to as as indicated earlier blistry um they are the only question is stock dat is whether they going on temper first or Halifax first that's the only update they got for you but we know it's getting done it's just a matter in September that's what I've been told that's good thank you and for some reason they're doing the traffic count today um and just so you know in talking with the with the highway department the um we want to make sure the first process is they're going to come in and they're going to heat up that pavement that's there and then they come in they put new pavement on top well the second contractor is the one that's responsible for raising all the catch basins so Steve was trying to coordinate to see because with the heating process they can increase the road height he's just not sure that they can do some of it and the paving do the rest or let the Paving Company d m okay just as long as it's done yeah Ste has been on vacation but I us sat on Tuesday we're working good thank you okay I don't know if you had a question no okay good okay uh let's go back to hope for Halifax um I got an email it's in the file yeah I see hope heax um and they are an organization that is promoting I believe the um Community preservation so I've asked them to Comm in on the 24th along with the stum for cleanup make presentation to see if we can assist them in any way um you know I think one of the things with Community preservation is in some other towns have done it you know you can develop areas where they can sit pack the car walk through the woods there's a bunch of different things so we will talk to them on the 2 and uh at some point I think I read an email they want us to vote to see how we the whole board feels on the matter um like I thought it that email okay you could have um I read the email um my understanding is that I have no problem with that right my understanding they're going to make a presentation I think if they a request if they if they do a request for us to vote then we'll just we'll make a decision at time that time okay training for board members in our file on a on June 25th 24 I'm not very clear on this uh but I just want to bring it to everybody's attention that um as members you are thanks thank you good night as members that we're going to be required um to do in this particular one is going to be 1.2 uh that all members of the commission shall complete the following below um orientation for the new Commissioners and then fundament fundamentals for conservation Commissioners this was only the second time I've seen it I did see it I come out so I just want to keep it on the radar we'll keep it on the agenda so that um we can make sure that everybody gets that done uh quick question on those each um like part A Part B how long are those sessions for and what kind of no idea this is I did see this when it came out but I'm not the greatest for the computers I will spend some time on it and when I find out I'll let you know I can't see it being any longer than the uh is it more like a compliancy type thing I'm not sure well the I know this information educational information it's it's probably more education where I haven't seen it I I don't know at this point um it's probably the same as the open meet and law something we can take you know on on an afternoon um not sure but you I'll make it a point oh she ask if be financially compensated for time yeah okay we'll put it in the build okay um we have I just don't know where they are okay in our f up um Peggy took the time and drafted three forms I'm going to ask that you can take a look for three forms once you get them out just let me know first one being r a mutual agreement for an extension this is on the stone Water Management um Stone water management is time sensitive as far as closing the hearing and issuing orders and and sometimes as we did earlier tonight um it takes some time for us to get the the the orders drafted and and so forth so with this agreement anytime during the her the excuse me the meeting process or the hearing process this allows the applicant to get an extension um and this is this is these are probably letters that should have been in somewhere in our system because you know we're always doing extensions the next one is the notice of intent again um under our bylaws we only have 21 days is the maximum that we can extend um uh continuances so again this letter would allow that continuance so that we don't get into a situation where we didn't vote and they get a constructive grant let me just step back constructed grants are really part of stor management if you don't act within that time frame you get a constructive Grant and they can do whatever they originally proposed uh a last one is a letter of mutual agreement for withdrawal which we used earlier in the day on the two projects that had been lingering along basically what this allows is the applicant to withdraw he does keep his D number and once he reapplies that he's not obligated to pay any more fees but it'll get it get it off the agenda and so we get a lot of these have had lots of bugs in them so yeah plus it'll be on record that has a DP number it makes yeah DP number and then we have something in so I would be looking for a motion to um approve the three letters of mutual agreement I go Motion we adopt the three letters of uh agreements for the stone Water Management okay do I hear a second Sor a second okay so I'm going to go to a vote um all in favor I I okay that's 3 and let her know that we're okay with all these um okay we enforcement order we agreed to uh table that to the next meeting yeah okay we have bills okay first bill um we can do them if somebody wants to make a motion to do them we used to do it all at once that's fine that's okay with me I don't think everybody so I'm looking for a motion to to pay three bills 265 mon Street uh 266 Monon Street and 19 W Island Road I put motion that we pay the bills second second all in favor I I three Z this you okay something okay just just to clarify your your motion we're going to pay all the bills all the bills okay I'm sorry that's going to be including all the Haywood Street Hill L npg okay I'm fine with that Express new Pap first and second page few more SES few more signatures on here did I miss I think I don't know oh I'm sorry um you missed this one there's three in here there's three in here sorry minutes yeah I'm looking I am going to I did read these when they come in yeah I got an email about yeah and and I am okay with them and I'll be looking for a motion shortly um okay we're going to do meeting minutes um meeting minutes for August 13 2024 uh what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be looking for a motion to approve these minutes um and then C can sign off on them next week uh I will I will make the motion and you know want I'll have a second I'll make a motion to approve the August 133 2024 meetings oh second second that Paul in this particular case you w a member of the board correct go to vote and I'll have you abstain if you don't have a problem so I'm going to the vote Yes yes so let's Okay so let's go three no two you don't want to sign [Music] it okay last item on our agenda is going to be the the um we're going to review the planning boards uh June 4th excuse me September 4th uh decision on the fik developments um we just want to put on the record that we did review it I don't know if anybody's got any questions on it the board did approve it um four to looks like 3 to one um that's the site plan you can take I already read that okay I think on this one I [Music] think I think we just we just acknowledge the fact that we read it I don't know that we need to vote yeah we we just acknowledge the fact that we we just so you know what what happens is as these come around some of the boys in committee say okay we don't have anything to say about it but unfortunately getting so picky now and that's why we had to send 285 home F out again is we do need some comments so okay based on that I am looking for a motion to adjourn that's your H it being 8:46 um who wants to make that motion oh I'll make okay all makes the motion I'll second that motion okay all in favor 3 Z thank you very much thank you [Music]