##VIDEO ID:7AeQt5R6lts## [Music] 604 and I'd like to call the meeting to order um this meeting is being recorded if anyone is intending to make an audio or video recording of this meeting they should notify me at this time we all second okay um so at this time I'd like to open the floor for public participation seeing none um I would entertain a motion for the approval of the minutes of October 17th 2024 sove second roll call we don't do a roll call right um eyes I same next on the agenda um is the memorandum of understanding with the SRO so I'll be turning the Flor over to Dr KW so in your package tonight you will see a um an agreement for Silver Lake it's the same agreement that uh we have with the Kingston Police that the Kingston school committee has approved but we must sign our own Sr for Silver Lake and so I'm seeking tonight the approval of the committee for the chair to sign on behalf of the committee to approve the SRO agreement it is the same agreement minus some uh some edits to reflect new additions to um Staffing or things of that nature but it Remains the Same as our agreement from last year like to make a motion to accept with Police Department Kingston with schools and allow the chair to sign up second all those Russ looked at the he he did he looked at the the the new one the the changes were non-substantive so any other questions or discussion see none all those in [Music] favor all right um moving on the next item is the CT e garage door recommendation possible vote um I think we're going to turn to Sarah first for that so when we last spoke about this uh door project there was a a possibility of moving it to June and there was an additional cost and I brought that information to you at the last meeting and that was not favorably received and I was asked to speak to to Russell de gr about this and uh so I submitted all the contract documents to him he and I spoke and he said we had three options one of our options was move the project to June which was the additional $14,990 we could do the work now outside of the school day which would cost an additional $4,260 or we could rebid the project rebid the project would cost us an estimated $1,055 our architect does not recommend rebidding the project because that would have us um essentially purchasing the garage doors and have them sit in storage until we got a new contractor and then they would potentially be out warranty so I brought this information to the safer committee at our last Mee and they voted 2 to one to suggest that we move the project to June for the additional cost of $14,990 any further discussion or questions je why was there um on opposed is that because of the cost to move it to June or just the overall no I was oppos on principle uh yes because I think that there was no fault for our side and in the meantime we have have an attorney who cannot uh represent us in this part particular case so I have no idea why we should pay something or uh have expenses if we did not do anything wrong on our side AG but it does need to be done yeah two options sir so it's a C2 they have a over Barrel they do no completely so to be fair a good part of the increase is the fact that the prevailing wage rates will go up they go up every 6 months so the moving it to June increases the wages of the workers which no one has any control over do we know what the wage is INE like is it going to go again that's 6 months no that's the 14,000 14,000 Mark um I was a reluctant uh majority support um but I'm not totally agre with Lucas but we uh we are somewhat over barrel and this is the most cost way to get the job done it was an option not do go at all but uh that we've got a lot of engineering a lot best this point and uh the interruption to the school would be problematic even if it was outside school hours during Vacations or whatever so that was my biggest concern was that the administration that spoke to the fact that the better that was my sing vote and support the extra money and I hate extra money think I kind of feel is there any further discussion from the Comm um in that case I would entertain a motion to um move the garage door to June I I'll make motion that we move the CTE repair of the G door um to June for the session for the additional $4,000 cost I'll second that and um any any further discussion or I i' just like to ensure that we have a pre-contract meeting this time through we um expected the fire chief and anybody that's involved town side with the contractor up and Michael so that everybody's on the same page what materials need to be use how to maintain the can that be written in I don't think it needs to be a motion I just want to Ure that it's there that happen um all those in favor I I oppos up up okay um our next item HVAC options and money remaining from 7 Vans um I think that is also sah hang thanks um there was $160,000 in the fy2 capital plan for special ed Vehicles Ford limits the numbers of the number of chassis they produce in the year and we were able to get the Transit wheelchair van that we ordered but not the transit passenger van so we will be spending $87,200 of the budgeted $160,000 and there will be an excess of $727 [Music] 7250 any questions from the committee sorry my understanding was is that um the the saf committee also discussed how they would propose utilizing those funds that but if if I'm mistaken I know the reason why I thought we were discussing this to determine how those funds will now be used you spend on garage I believe this is under hbac might Michael's here I want you yes that's it was H that we were going to so I think recognize Michael and get so I think a few months ago um you guys voted to take the 100,000 for building envelope money for this fiscal year and used part of that for facility assessment and the remaining which was approximately $72,000 to do HVAC repairs one of the main hbac repairs that I wanted to do was the auditorium unit here at middle school that repair came in at $60,000 for heat recovery wheel on one unit that's 19 years old that needs to be replaced so I think what we were looking for is to get the approval to not do that and use that money on other smaller PLS that we need to do that unit will be probably the first one to be replaced when we complete the facility assessment go ahead Mar your proposal would be to use that the set invest of the 60,000 19y old unit the entire unit but and currently that unit can still heat can air condition no that unit right now can barely heat so we're going to retrofit that to get it to heat until we can replace that unit in the next few years so the the the money that was I think voted to use on HVAC repairs I think I had discussed it in the original saf meeting that that was the first unit so we just wanted to make sure that you guys were fine with not using it with 60,000 on that one unit if if you voted to use that 60,000 on that one unit it's 26 weeks out for the park alone and again it's a 19-year-old unit that has other issues so you could spend that $60,000 and then have more fail and just keep on the in we have a proposal where we can kind of retrofit that unit and continue to heat um without the recovery will but that unit would be most likely first on the list you know to complete the facility assessment any other questions iort what Michael's proposing we're going to get back to us what we're going to spend the 6,000 on something yeah I can give you a list there's numerous stuff I'm working on qus for stuff but one of it is retrofitting that unit to make it that's about 9,000 how much 9,000 of the 60 year spent 9 yeah I think the original number was 72 that one fix was 60 but we have some um air conditioning units that have died in electrical closets that need to be replaced um because of the Transformers and the Heat and those so we don't you know we don't want to overheat those so we need to work again those reps um the high school has numerous communication issues that have been working through so we have controllers and units to replace all right so what we're voting for tonight is taking 60,000 off the table allocated for to be named later items on the capital plan that you come back to this committee for permission spend it on I believe it was 72 the original yeah cuz it was 72 I think my plan was to use the auditor first and then whatever was left that didn't expect it to be $60,000 for one part being turn so the idea is to use had 72 on numerous units including that roughly $99,000 to give the auditorium here at the school work do you have a specific list of how you're spending 72,000 at this time not at this time no there's numerous units so I'm wait I was waiting for this to move forward to get quotes on all the other stuff okay when we come back to the committee and tell them what they're spending to 72,000 we have a meeting in beginning January January yeah I'll have it by so pleas if we make a motion tonight it's with the understanding that as prices and things come up then you would come back to the committee to this committee or safer we go to safer first they have to and we're meeting right ahead of the next meeting so we can review this at a last minute we could review it and then have it ready minutes afterwards for this um did you have something I just a differing opinion from Mark but I'll defer to the chair of City well uh what I'm saying is if you want to is there anything in that list of things that might get done with $72,000 that you need an answer for tonight before we move forward just the $9,000 repair to the Middle School unit so I don't it's it's roughly 9,000 it's slightly over you're not prepared at this time to discuss anything else other than the 9000 ,000 up to $9,000 for the repair it's a little over 9 so up to $10,000 $10,000 number if if I may this was discussed at the last safer meeting and we all agreed that he would bring it forward to to find out whether or not the school committee would support using these funds to pay for other issues in the aack units in the civil leag schools so at no point was Mike asked to create an itemized list for this evening I just I just want to be clear about that again I I don't know if the maybe the the motion could be made so that we talk we say that the money can be used for HVAC improvements and repairs I keep it like that Jason so that that was my intent to draft language to allow Mike to get started on this project honestly there's not that many business days between now and the next meeting if he comes up with anything else that's critical I trust Mike to to take care of it report back to us we can then look at more comprehensive list okay so I'd like to make a motion to authorize M to use the $72,000 um that we now have because we didn't get the 7D van peruse on any H project including the one here at the middle school auditor second uh any further discussion all those in favor just with the the request when you have a good list that we can see buter you to get to work on it Y and wait for us apprciate thank you thank you m appreciated um okay so on to the principal reports U thank you hi everyone just a few updates on Student Activities and then also teaching and learning um our students brought in thousands of Cann goods for um Thanksgiving and those that donated to a local food pantry they're also going to head start the sad group students making a difference and student council they're going to head start Marshfield this week to spread some next week to spread some holiday cheer um the e one of the eighth grade CS is also going to to work with the kids read a literacy book with them and also do um a holiday craft which is exciting um we're more excited here about teaching and learning um we've been through classrooms and with five or six school days left there's still a lot of learning happening um we're seeing carnival ride Creations in teched we're exploring amendments in in Civics while we're also applying um real world problems linear equations un notes to me um they're designing and investigations in science in ways that I have never seen before um and kids are engaged in talking to each other every day and it's really I'm really proud of the place that you know the education that we have here and anytime you know you want to come by and see what's happening classrooms I I welcome you too cuz it's a pretty happy place even though there's 6 days to a holiday break so we're excited about that um I have one request for field trip as you know I've tried to make the Middle School Big Field Trip more Equitable for every pod they used to do different pods used to do different field trips and they would like to again go to canaby Lake um in June far from now but we know that it's a out ofate field trip so I would need your blessing for that to approve the United State [Music] F all those in favor I thank you so much secondly um I came to you for the past two years asking for halftime additional halftime adjustment councel I already do have one halftime and one fulltime I would like to make that fulltime for the remainder of this year knowing that um the next year's budget you know we don't know what that is going to look like but because of an unexpected resign resignation and because of a a leave that somebody took um I do have the funds to fund that and as I've told you um our students do not get just regulated half of the day so any help that I can get for the whole day while we have the funds I would like to utilize that from January till June with Sarah's blessing of course she did give motion to approve point5 adjustment counselor for the remainder of the a of middle school second all those in favor thank you so much thank you okay like the high school great I'm going to let Carissa take the floor first with the fun exciting stuff um and then I'll dive into some of the that require some vks okay I'm going to keep it short and brief so um we had Laker day going on and we changed a lot about Laker Day this year actually so normally we have like a HST come in and then do a cup rally but we decided that instead we do a student teacher dodgeball which is actually like a really big hit Mr Pina told us that a lot of teachers are still like hurting physically from it so I don't know about that a few workers C for way so we also did Mask singer so the teachers came in big blowup costumes and you have to guess who they were and the people I guess first got like gift cards and then we obviously had the pep rally at the end to celebrate like the athletes and also tug of war and stuff like that Beauty and the Beast Play Just or musical I guess went really well the p and crew were really happy and I thought it was an amazing show um the Winter concert is coming up I'm sure some of you guys know people going to be in it and we had FAL flag football that went not the way we wanted it but it's okay we all have fun and then for NHS we are doing the tutoring at kis and the middle school we also um coming up we have some like individual service projects um that in order to graduate one of our like students Ellery she actually decided um her service project was going to be to get a bunch of art from all of the schools like elementary schools middle schools and high schools and display them at holiday and compa which is coming up so that's really exciting so that's [Music] about although we did not win CL football or the Thanksgiving day um store from that we did the event did raise $1,500 which is donating to the St family um and they chose to for that donation directly to the m St scholarship fund which will benefit um a senior from both K high school and inform so still a pretty incredible thing that our students do to raise money here all right I wanted to provide you all with an update on our 8 period schedule feasibility um we have been working on our mock schedule if you will on separate server for the last couple of months all based on those student requests that we took last February and March um once this was built which was a several weekl long process our counselors um kind of dive back in and then hand schedule students that may have holes in schedule they confirm placements um and make adjustments based on those requests and then as Administration team we then take a global look at everything and try to create like our teacher coverage schedule from there um making sure that everybody is is where they need to be um we've had several working group meetings these past couple months that have included our prcum coordinators data coaches slea representatives and then members of our schedule committee um to work through some of those those hurdles that we're seeing um currently the hurdles that we're trying to clear um we're noticing that not all students who requested a world language can currently be serviced our class sizes have increased are have increased a little bit in this mock schedule we have a lot of students with multiple holes which results in multiple studies so even though we allowed students to select a directed study if they needed it if there was a hole on their schedule because there was a conflict um you know was a Singleton class that ran at the same time as another Singleton class for example they would be assigned another directed study and then you have a potential for student to kind of go three hours a day without kind of direct instruction well um our CTE students that would now be able to fit a full year Wellness would possibly lose an elective that they tried to get um and then some of our Singletons ended up running the same block um because we can only do four classes a day so um and then our biggest hurdle is that we can't cover all of our teacher duties in the current construct so um our next steps our guidance counselors have been working on adjusting as many of those schedules as possible Right the computer kind of spits things out and then we go in and try to manipulated so that's what they're in the process of doing we will be able to wrap that up right before vacation next week and then we'll rerun the teacher coverage schedule to see what that looks like we'll take another look at our class sizes um I'll be proposing some elective offerings to you this tonight if those are approved and go through that will certainly help us with some of those goals in the schedule but we're going to have to do sort of our best guess we won't really be able to beta test it because they aren't classes that the students selected um during course registration process so our counselors will sort of have to go in and say like all right let's say Jason has a hole in the schedule but we know he's taking these electives but we know he's really into carpentry so we're going to put him in the carpentry elective you know we kind of have to hand and get it that way um to get a more um thorough understanding of whether or not it it would function so um our plan is to get that wrapped up by vacation and then work with that larger working group again will come back to the table um we'll have to make a decision about school year 2526 by January because we do got to start the course registration process in February um so that's an update on that and I will share that update with fam as well a couple of parents have inquired you know what you heard about this what's happening so I'll share that um one of our weekend so we don't I wanted you to know first so before I open it up to other people I a couple of different questions um so this first one's just kind of the logistics one is this going to instead of having seven classes that they see all year would they do like four in the first semester four in the second semester they would still attend all classes all year the schedule would go a day and b day for silver so for a you know blocks 1 2 3 and four on Monday 5 6 7 8 on Tuesday and so on yeah so they would still have the classes all year long but every other day um and then my second question um just about the holes I gu I only have two questions um if there are still two like is there a critical number of kids if they have too much non-instructional time does that affect our overall time on learning requirement with desie it doesn't affect time on learning because the direct study is considered and if it's an academic support block as well it's consider time on learning but I wouldn't say that it's good for kids yeah right um especially if they're they fall on the same day right there are a couple of schedules right now where student has Wellness period one two directed studies back to back and then are all great classes but then their next day is their English or math or St right so it's that's tough for students too so we want to try to avoid those types of sched anybody else want is this a definite go for next year pending the um feasibility or is this something that we still need to be taken into consideration com so I think for for next for it to roll out next school year we do need to make a decision by January so if these hurdles are still in place and we can't manipulate the schedule enough to feel good about every kid has a full schedule teachers can provide coverage where needed then we would need to either go back to the drawing board or take a look at what else we can do if we wanted to make a change my other question was um just about the courses that you presented to us for the changes in courses would those only be if we go to the eight block or the block exception of CTE all of them are regardless of whether or not our our schedule changes CTP would be only if we went to the eight block schedule otherwise we can't fit it into their schedule yeah and that would be a way of helping fill some of those yeah great question so this was a similar uh design what we used to do here right correct okay so what has changed with the contract you mentioned something was in conflict with the current teachers contract is that both schedules the way that they exist are in the current teachers contract yep no impact bargaining and our SLA Representatives have been a part of the conversation to make sure that we're which is probably the reason why we're trying hard and get fit to the 4x4 because we wouldn't have to negotiate that and if we're close to it right there's still a few hurdles and maybe we do need to do a contract negotiation I think that would line up next year when we start those negotiations right so that would probably be the next phe I I pulled a couple of our me my immediate family members so like graduates and they [Music] keep going we really enjoyed it during we got to experience taste of it um during our hybrid year um a little bit of a tease um do we we don't need a vote on that do we that was just for an update yeah um and then I wanted to follow up officer Allan and detective attendant detective C were here at our last meeting to present um the draft of their presentation for both community and our students we S held that presentation we did the parent and family community presentation first on November 14th that was in collaboration with Kingston Police as well as the FBI and the District Attorney's office we had representatives from each of those organizations attend and they each had a piece of the presentation um the information was very insightful um I thought it was very concise but pretty um firm on here's what will happen if your child says or does something like this um unfortunately it was not well attended um by parent parents or community members but it was filmed by a local PR Company um they did they interviewed the chief afterwards so um I'm hopeful that when that is produced we will be able to share that with our families we unfortunately cannot share the slides the da or the FBI presented they have a very strict policy and what you know they can do live presentations but because the information is always changing and they can't get legal advis free um we have to be careful about sharing that um but we should be able to share officer Allan's slides the ones we share with students in conjunction with that um we'll be our C when that's ready to go um one thing worth noting um oh sorry we did a followup there with the students the following Tuesday all students grade 7 through 12 we seventh grade presentation 8th grade presentation so we did a by grade at both schools um I will say that the students I think it resonated with them um through was an incident at the high school right after the presentation um and at the middle school but they actually predicted this they did say like you're going to see something right after and then it we should be able to shut it down so it didn't surprise anybody um they anticipated this and again I just say worth noting that both the District Attorney's office and the FBI the FBI especially they wanted to quick to jump on board to be a part of this um because they have not seen any other schools or communities do something like this proactively to try to educate your students on this so they wanted to sort of be head of per with us um so kudos to to our school district and hopefully we we see a change in in student behavior and they they understand that we do take this very seriously because we have to um you have any questions about that to answer that any questions from just a thanks again for putting it together I was excited prior when you first brought it to our attention and I'm glad that you f through you had the results you had appreciate that and big shout out to officer Alan not speak publicly but cres it I think you did it three times in a row six times whatever it was it a lot yeah I just want to add my thanks Caroline came home she was definitely like this made a difference yeah and I do think the kids to get I mean we didn't have to have any of those conversations they they were they were very attentive so um know at behaved well during that presentation so all right I'll jump into our program of studies we have some new course new course title of course removal proposals as I just mentioned the CTE ones um would only be if we move to the eight period schedule otherwise we really can accommodate that c Schedule U but that would be the goal be to add some electives to um provide an opportunity for some of our students who either aren aren't interested in a full CTE program or maybe didn't get in so they can still have access to program or a taste of it anyway um our Ela proposals I'll try to do a quick summary of them um we want to place the existing journalism elective which really hasn't done all that much with a unified journalism class which would mirror a unified wellness program where students and St separate program be paired up um with peers learn about reading and writing a newspaper and um other elements of Journal um we are also looking to update some titles um AP seminar would be renamed AP seminar English to um and then we were looking to drop some of our eled courses that have had minimal or zero over the last four to five years again journalism podcast studies oldfashioned gr modern writers social media analyzing over time um an AP seminar um we have AP seminar for res chch do you want to go buy apartment or all together again there's a lot this year so what can I do to help I didn't think there was anything controversial so I think you just mentioned perfect what youd like us Su best may I just inter to say that the um folder for these were in the top of our shared thing it wasn't was easy to find oh we tried to make it pretty and organized for you this year there were a lot um and find Practical Art we want to change a title dig excuse me digital illustration to digital communication um we want to add that piece of a teacher recommendation to Tech theater because we are working with power tools um we want to be able to it's very much an independent class and we want to make sure that we can trust students to be working on these large steps the safety concerns um in math we're looking to add honors albm we currently have aligra one um but we want to um provide another sequence and an earlier honor for students who are looking um to accelerate in MA leg double ma um and then in science we're really kind of rebranding some of these electives so they better align with the project Le away expectations um we do most funding so one of those we kind of have to do it but also we're just taking existing courses um like manufacturing Enterprise intro to robotics bioengineering and we're just really beating those um so they better project Le way and then social studies we are looking to actually split our current affairs class into two different grades actually so that we have freshman and sophomores paired together and then Juniors and seniors as opposed to all four grades just because some of the the nature of the conversation and the maturity level maybe of the conversations just to help our sophomores and freshmen feel a little bit more comfortable engaging those conversations sort of build up their um this course right and ways of communicating and then they can always leave the course again as a junior um and then we're looking to add a women in history and culture elected which I'm super excited about and then AP research is actually the second part to AP St class that umera is teaching right now um so it would be another opportunity for to expand um in terms of our offerings I think that is my as quick as I can review all of our proposals and I would love for your support to make them all go I make a motion to accept the new course proposals and course change request presented by the principal second all those in favor thank you so much for your support and that's all I have to okay um on to school district business Dr pen special education so we went through our um first part of that tfm's review which was on site the Department of Education came yesterday they visited each school they did a walk around looking at the physical surroundings they are not going to be looking at records or anything else like that for compliance just the physical surroundings we do have a couple of concerns which um we're going to try to take care of the budget process on the whole um most of the schools did very well um and then myself and our assistant superintendent also had to upload all the documents for the civil rights as well as the special education so I think between the two of us we have probably close to 200 artifacts that we were able to produce um um this portion is complete next Monday we will have the online interviews with all the principles they've sent us a schedule everybody's logged in and then after that the superintendent assistant superintendent and myself will meet with the Department of Education to go over the initial finings and then we'll get a report I do expect that we will have one corrective action um at one of our schools that we need to to to address is that um what use said one of our schools would that be the Middle School of the high school that one of the element it's one of the element and there is no there's is one at the high school is well can we see are the um financials that are in here that I'm assuming Sarah talk about later are those directly related to increases in tuition for next year related to I think Sarah's going to speak on the the 103% increases that that are included that's when you told Dr so I I believe um when it was brought up in our last meeting about the increases to programming we we put in the documentation related to that and I believe that Sarah provided the updated uh version so there was there was a sheet that was created on the initial request that we that I did and it has all the major there's like four different schools that have extraordinary increases for next year C cushion Ando um that full listed on the budget sheets this year I have um bolded them so that you can see it's close to $40 to $50,000 of an increase each each and then um also the this year's students that sheet is different and I highlighted them on that sheet as well so that you can see it by school and then you can see the entire roster students and we can um redact the students the student names and just student 1 2 3 4 5 but yes we address that and that there's two reports one for next year's budget at for each school as well as um one for this year that we can any other questions from the committee is there anything I don't think there's anything we we don't vote to accept that thank you very much Dr pen um okay um Financial reports so in your school commy folder there was a financial report that U was produced by the district accountant I wanted to run through this report and just um comment on several things on here so on page two at the top you can see that there's a new line for special ed settlements that was budgeted for in the legal line previously halfway down the page the prek car clerical budget um that is being paid out of the appropriate line it was budgeted as part of the special ed clerical line on page 11 on page three and Page four you will see for the longterm substitutes at the middle school and the high school that there was nothing budgeted but we're spending money on those so we will always be budgeting money in the substitute lines and then paying it out either on longterm subs or the daily subs but we're not going to do the analysis mathematically to try to predict long-term substitutes for the year um there's at the bottom of page four and the top of page five you can see that there are new payroll lines for extended school year that was budgeted in the tuition lines but is being paid out of the appropriate lines on page six we will moving instructional Hardware to a correct line on page8 I've created a a new line for after school supervision on page nine I'm paying the high school grounds out of a contractual service line where it was budgeted in supplies and materials on page 10 health and life insurance if you recall from the spring there's a glitch with our fin Financial program School Erp Pro um we know how to correct the issue after it's happened but we will need to have a consultant assist us to to fix it so that it doesn't keep happening in the long term So currently there's $1.35 million unspent in that line and the report says it's overspent by I think $530 something th000 I just haven't had the time to make the correction for July through November yet um the the rest of page line uh I'm sorry the rest of page 10 the deficits you see there is just moving things to the correct line where they're being spent on page 12 and 13 for a special ed cost there's a lot of moving Parts with special ed and the special ed bookkeeper maintains a separate spreadsheet tracking the special ed contracted services tuitions and transportation the spreadsheet she provided today uh and updated today shows an overall circles at this time in those three categories um any questions from [Music] any thank you Sarah welome okay Dr Clifford hi everyone I just have a few curricul our updates and then we're going to have a presentation or a review by Melissa green um first um on November 5th we had professional development day K through2 spent the day um working on structured literacy the grades 3 through6 works on writing and um bench works benchmarks around writing the k through6 um teachers were able to meet with their counterparts 7 through 12 the K through6 art music PE Library technology nurses and guidance group um special education teachers focused on new and edpl Par professionals met at KES and uh received professional development on behavioral strategies and at the 7 through 12 level um Educators met in departments and continued their work from September 3rd working on data analysis in math English Arts um science technology engineering and other areas and um they were also able to participate in breakout sessions which focused on things as far as grading 504 training star training and AI in the classroom so that was November 5th and we have also continued our work around the literacy needs assessment which isation 12 needs assessment to really look at literacy in the district and find out um what's happening with literacy K through2 so we had a presentation from Darcy burn executive director of heal and literacy on November 5th at 2:30 um she came on and was able to present everyone sort of tell them exactly what would happen during the needs assessment which basically has three parts to it um the first part is focus groups at each one of the schools throughout all of the districts finding out from teachers um what their thoughts are around literacy and then also asking um teachers to fill out surveys and inventories to find out what assessments they're using we as a administrative group have met with Hill twice for 2 hours where they ask us questions and collect data so that they'll be able to present a report to us um soon and we'll be able to utilize that for uh the creation of a literacy plan in the district that will have many implications curricular pieces budgetary pieces and all of those things also all the data meetings happen so beginning of year middle of year and end of year we have data sweeps around assessments and then we meet as um in schools as grade level teams to look at the assessment to help it perform instruction and um tiered intervention um the math curriculum Steering group has began uh they've had one meeting um we're going to have um follow up with other meetings and sub subcommittees um this year and the work to look at curriculum around math and our evaluators are participating in analyzing teaching um for student results the evaluation working group I'm hopeful will start up in January and the technology committee has had a meeting and we'll have another one soon so that's a brief report for me I'm going to turn it over to Melissa for the mcast update oh also um Grant so um back earlier in the year um I applied for a grant in the department of Ed um for um um Shel uh support for the homeless shelter for our multilingual Learners and um we were awarded that grant for Silver Lake which was $7,500 that money will be used for um mainly for professional development from a group called confianza which I think has worked with the group has worked here at Silver Lake to help teachers um learn the best strategies to work with students he students so I'm really excited about that that'll be some nice added professional development money for us so I'm looking for the approval to accept that accept that Grant may I ask a question on yes is that going to be enough to cover the PD that you want to do the $7,500 Grant that's specific for that yeah it's specific for that yep it's written specifically just for that y I'll make a motion that we accept the gr is there a second all those in favor think that was UN thank [Music] you great hi everyone my name is Melissa green and I'm the social studies curriculum coordinator um I'm here tonight to give you an update on um social studies curriculum particularly in grade 8 and the new mcast exam that our students will be taking for the first time is an operational test uh this coming spring so back in 2018 the Department of Education released new Frameworks for social studies which had an increase um looking at Civics including a first time ever grade 8 Civics course um at that same time they also started to do a Civics assessment committee where they entertained the idea of bringing an Mass test in for social studies um in 2022 and 23 our students and teachers took part in voluntary um pilot of that mcast test and then last year in 2014 for the entire State participated with in a mandatory field test um this spring will be the first time that it's considered operational which basically means that moving forward this is a a test that all of our students will be taking um at this point there are no thresholds set for proficiency that will be determined after they have this the spring test under their belt um and at this point as well the department of Ed has not included the Civics mass as part of their accountability reporting um but that being said we did get some pretty limited data from that field test uh this fall they gave us data on 15 questions out of um what is a 32 question multiple choice section as well as what they call a performance task where students are given some primary source and secondary source documents and they have some multiple choice questions as well as a writing or written response components we got 15 questions worth of data and this fall myself um Dr Clifford and um principal Co along with our 8th grade teachers did the D data analysis review of that what we saw uh was pretty consistent with what we've seen elsewhere that there were three questions out of the 15 where our students were required to analyze a source and they they struggled with that that was an area they scored lower um than what we would like to see and that was consistent with what we also saw with Ela um we did see two questions that they scored you know one of them was 83% of students got it correct it was it was well above 70 and it's actually the same for State there's only two questions out of the 15 that students scored above that 70% so again there is no proficiency threshold set at this point but as they set that and we're able to gain more data you know we'll be able to give you a more comprehensive overview of it um one of the things that our teachers are doing this year that I'm really excited about is we've adopted a new curriculum and through that curriculum we're really looking at opportunities for our kids to engage in the Civic practices and the the discussions that are really meaningful and um really thinking about their role as a community member and so this curriculum um is from a organization called the Democratic knowledge project and they're based out of Harvard and their curriculum is a f year Project based open source we do not have to pay for it it is free um free F this fully aligned with the state curriculum Frameworks and not only that desie did a review of over 100 Civics related curriculum documents um in response to the 2018 rewrite and this was the curriculum that came out number one ranked by the Department of Education both in terms of their standards around being a fully aligned to the content practice and literacy standards that are in our curriculum Frameworks but also their standards for high quality so um um we had some teachers do some training explore look at different curriculum and this is the one that we really felt strongly about um so that also led us last spring I appli for a grant and we received a grant that provided us with three years worth of support from the Democratic knowledge project um it amounts to almost $25,000 worth of support for our teachers to do professional learning to have first access to resources to be um in a community of 21 other schools from around the state that are implementing this curriculum for the first time their hope is to add another 50 schools at minimum for the the cohort next year um and one of the other things they do is they actually come and do school visits and we've already had them out three times this year to meet with our teachers and give feedback and support them in this process um through all of that there's a lot of data opportunities within the curriculum and I know that that's um really helpful for our teachers there's really qu high quality formative and summative assessments they also have a pre and post test where we're able to look at Baseline data and look at student growth by the end of the year in terms of the curriculum Frameworks and so just as the ties time goes on and I think we are more in it with this curriculum and see how the full mcast exam rolls out will be able to not only give you more data but I think more strongly support particularly you know our folks in the ELA department and the work they're doing around literacy as well um like principal coet said earlier we love having visitors and you know my my grade8 teachers are so proud of the work they're doing and the S our students is pretty incredible and so we welcome you really anytime you want to come and see a grade8 Civics classroom they would be thrilled to have it you might have to jump into the debate but yeah you might actually to get in it with them I found myself on a you know standing up in a spectrum line the other day and talking with students it's really incredible stuff so um welcome any questions that you might have or came out today from the district and we also were sent in regards to are we going mention it tonight in regards to the change thank you is that that's report right yes thank you my think you're up Dr appr okay so um we have been working on our budgets uh with the principles from high school middle school special education we met with today um and we will be prepared in January for our preliminary proposals for you um I'd like to thank Dr T ree for the creation of the special education handbook um for her her staff um it does a nice job of outlining our uh protocols and expectations across our districts and um I just wanted to thank her and the special education department um for that we have a I mentioned um might not have been the school committee the join but I know that everyone knows that the joint meeting for tonight was cancelled and rescheduled for January 16th um it's going to take place at the Kingston Town Hall because Kingston is required to provide um live online participation at the same time as their meetings so uh they've asked um the towns to participate at the Kingston Town Hall and both Halifax and Clinton uh agreed to that so they will also be at that meeting um in addition a um Halifax in Kingston have um applied for and been approved for a grant um looking into the costs and benefits of full regionalization and um they uh would like uh to request a spot on the agenda at the Joint meeting um to to talk about that Grant and what they hope to discover by going through this process they'll also be looking for um my understanding is this uh participation from school committee members as well across all districts that are interested in participating um can is a demographic study included in that not necessarily no not not traditionally but again if that's something uh that we think is important um again it might it might tie in it might be something we should additionally fund uh at the same time because I think it's going be I don't know if it would qualify under the grant that they received but again I I think that that's an important question to ask in terms of looking at the numbers of our communities and um Dr cre um one of the contingencies on that grant that I seen is that both Halifax and MTA part of that Hasa had so Monday and are you kidding me that's part of AC the so if I may uh Cody has already reached out to the the state the state has already transferred the grant to Kingston oh nice thanks great excellent It's it was in there there's the first ex could we just make sure it's on the agenda for the 16th just talk about the Dem graphic study two so that we can have you can ask the chairs of both committees and yeah y and demographics um okay next sorry next item um in your package you will see a uh a calendar um it's the 25 26 school year calendar we have uh presented this to our principles um at a at a meeting and then again uh for further followup so you'll notice I'll just point out a few things because most of these things are basically in the same places as last year um the inservice for teachers would be the 25th and 26th of August and the first day of school would be slated for August 27 um you'll notice in December this is something that I want to draw your attention to in 2022 we agreed to a half day before the winter break um and uh so you'll see the 23rd is a half day I'm also looking for this the school committee to approve um the day January 2nd to be off rather than come in just for Friday there are a number of schools who are not coming into school on Friday uh there are there may be some schools that are too and taking two weeks potentially as well oh okay there's some floating out so again I I don't think it's unreasonable to not open school for a single day uh I think that some families May appreciate that um it's something for you to consider I just want to point it out because it is different than last year um you'll see that graduation is slated for the 29th weather permitting and you'll see that the tentative last day of school with 5 days would be the 22nd if we had no snow days uh it would be June 12th um also notice how we added that this the last day of school is a half day for elementary schools and the middle school we were asked to include that language at the last um calendar read so we've Incorporated it in this year's um draft of the calendar so um I'm presenting it to you for a possible vote tonight uh it would need to be reviewed by all of the Committees in voted by all of the Committees before it became official um but it's it's there if if the committee so chooses to vote this tonight should we open up the floor to discussion before I take a motion after seems a little on the early side personally but go ahead J I will say parents start asking around February or March so while I definitely anticipate that we may have to make an amendment to it it still has to be approved by all four committees both times it can't be just altered by one committee so I don't see any um harm in approving it early and hoping that there's not necessary and I've already taken a look at this so um guess I'll go ahead Paul oh no not um I'll I'll take a motion if someone has one to accept the calendar is presented Madam chair I prefer to hear some of your thoughts and comments before we open it up um so I I agree with Dr PR personally about the the January 2nd that was my my main strong feeling um I don't think there's any way around the the big discrepancy between the last day in June um given the Jun teth holiday and just the the nature of snow days and everything um I I think we're stuck with that 10day discrepancy either way those were really my only strong thoughts I don't know if anyone else has any other thoughts beyond that um I personally don't think that um I I would love I'm a big Christmas person I would love to have two weeks off of the holidays but I think that just pushes out that last day even further and kind of disrupts end of the year plans so um put just a reminder the 22nd that is with the built-in snow days so other than that the 12th the 12th which is very whole week and a half can I get a um maybe someone could remind me the September 2nd in service day I know there's two the week before but what the September 2nd one it's so close to the other ones previously covered election day yes so there are some years where it's an election day and uh or um primary primary so uh so we we wanted to stay in keeping so that we didn't and also as the math curriculum Review Committee works this year the thinking is if we if if we do indeed adopt the new math curriculum we need professional development for teachers that's a thought during that day it may be professional devel start I would entertain a comment from Jason too um after I say something but um I will say Michael as a veteran educator the first those two pre first day of school PD days those are usually taken up with things like civil rights training getting your classroom ready you're not really doing curricular PD that's the same I don't know if you have anything to add to that Jason yeah got does that with the addition of the one um because I see here that the holiday also has the additional date does that add Day next year or is that did we maneuver one of the ones from March because previously I think we had have the primary day in Li of the Monday following the February vacation we should only have two professional development days on the calar we don't yeah it doesn't add we sometimes have one in November but we don't this year right we're okay yeah still four full daying any other thoughts the thought probably there I'll make a motion that we approve the 25 26 um calendar as presented with the understanding it may Beed later on second all those in favor I think that was unanimous and um Dr I know that Mark had asked about the mcast or Genie asked about the mcast and I think we kind of lost over it um so so um today uh I sent out to principals I sent out to school committee members uh and I sent out to the community a document from the Department of Education related to Legal changes um as they pertain to mcast and CD competency determination of boards so just to go over a few key points um students who have not yet earned their competency determination will instead earn a CD that follows a process as described in the new law um by satisfactorily completing coursework that has been certified by the scho students District showing Mastery of skills competency and knowledge containing the State academic standards and curriculum Frameworks in areas measured by the mcast high school test districts uh determine local graduation requirements in their District so we have graduation requirements currently in our handbook um participation in the mcast is still required by federal and state law um the question did not change this requirement and Desi's accountability system will continue to use assessment participation rates and the resulting achievement and growth in its annual determinations for each of our our uh school districts Jessie will continue to offer all scheduled ret test opportunities for at least the foreseeable future depending upon uh the need um the John John and Abigail Adams scholarship program the Stanley cic certificate of Mastery award in the state seal of viol literacy has not been changed by the new law they will continue to utilize mcast scores and uh as qualifications for the award [Music] programs and um I think that I think that summarizes some of the the highlights that may or may not be surprising to people um with the passage of the law but we we still will be required to um participate in mcast students will still be required to take the test and we will still be um accountable for the scores and participation rates um and we can still use them obviously for assessment purposes to help determine our needs strengths and weaknesses alignment with the standards um I have one question and um just reading through the document and I don't know if any of us know the answer um so in the past I always understood the CD to be the mcast does are the schools required to like submit to the states that their graduation requirements are the CD or do they need to create some sort of do we need to create some sort of new this is what our CD is not this time there's a little bit of language in here that says the desie may come out with guidance for us but again I I I can't say for certain but I I see some um so I've had this real experience of having phone calls with people I never thought would call me so I've then talks with Russell Johnson the commissioner Jeff Ry the former commissioner various legislators on this topic um we've been through this we have precedent here in Silver Lake to deal with this as we went through during the co pandemic when the mest was suspended as graduation we have trained Educators and administrators who devel what competency looks like which is one of the reasons why question to pass by such a wide margin the caution that I'll extend everyone know is we need to be very very careful that desie Andie doesn't do an end run around the will of the voters in creating a new state mandate that has already been widely rejected by the voters massachusett so I'm working with Senator Lewis who is the co-chair of the joint committee on education right now to try and craft some legislation to protect the rights of individual districts but to give some guidance moving forward to make sure um you know the federal accountability standards met with the being given but also the local control is H and respected so I wouldn't suggest anybody make any moves in the next year just to see how it all comes out and and Trust the process that we went through that we used during the pandemic thank you Jason does anyone have any questions or comments thank you for that um so that's it for your report all right thank you um so we're on to reports of special committees first up is SLA hi everyone K from the high school librarian also the slea secretary I'm here on behalf of JW president she's currently under the weather she did send something for me to read though um the Silver Lake Education Association would like to just take a minute of your time to show our appreciation for a group of Educators that has gone above and beyond even most even more so than usual this year our special educators are working tily and devoting their time both during the school day and outside of it to make sure our students are getting the services they need while also working to make the required changes from the state our educators are constantly being pulled in a variety of directions co- teing meeting meetings with students and families running resources evaluating for writing and modifying IEPs adapting to the new IEP in addition to learning an Ed and working through num Parks I'm sure there are countless other things that I've left off of their list as well slea wants to recognize the dedication to their students and to thank them than thank you admin review CT uh there was no meeting but uh I would like to say something uh I believe over a year ago Dr crew promised to give us updates regarding uh CP and opening new program uh so I would like to ask if there is any update or how the things are moving along sure would you like to yeah sure so I do believe we had a CTE subcommittee meeting earlier this year where we shared that we um the biggest hurdle right now is knowing what our budget constraints are are not um so as soon as we know more about that we can make a recommendation but if we are able to add a program our recommendation is to add the marketing program um as we discussed again it it's a I would say a dry shop is sort of the phrase that we use in the industry because it doesn't require heavy machinery and and things like that to support it um it's something we can manage with our current space um but a lot of it really comes down to what our budget looks like this year because we would have to have staff member for year one and then second staff member um after year or beginning year two it requires textbooks computers materials and everything else we need to to build the infrastructure of the program so kind of in a holding place until we know what our next steps are with the budget but Mr glass has put all those together in the r in our requests and I'm sure we'll be speaking to that in Greater detail new budget okay thank you you're welcome um Chairman's report correspondence um Gordon didn't share anything with me so um Jason legislative agents report so first I'd like to thank um those of you who could join me down the C for the m m Jo conference and the delegate assembly this year for entertaining representing Sil Lake there um we for some really good U initiatives I now have 40 PLS and the platform I have to bring forward to the State House on behalf of the school committees in Massachusetts which is why I've been engaging with some of the people I've been engaging with former Commissioner of Education Jeff Riley is currently working at MIT he is the person that is interfacing mit's computer technology department specifically their AI Department with public education um so he is a good spokesperson for both uh public education and uh integrating technology in classrooms so I'm in conversations to end to try and develop some professional development for school committee members I know he's already working in the superintendent Association to develop professional development for them as well um unfortunately U my conversations with acting commissioner Johnson have been a little bit more stressed primarily around the idea of a blind lottery for chapter 74 programs Vocational Technical education programs um right now there's people who want to eliminate attendance requirements discipline requirements grade requirements for entry into chapter 74 programs uh the allegations are that those practices create imbalance and Equity opportunities however um a broad review of chapter 74 programs from across the state I've only found four schools have any issues with under representation of protected classes and desie is already working with them in professional development and to come up with policies to address those issues Surly the idea of having a completely blind Lottery uh is not a surgical approach to isolated incidents and it would have profound impacts across the state um principal Gils report today she talked about a teacher recommendation as a prerequisite from one of the courses um that she would like to offer the slope of the line Lottery P those are also the challenged um at the state level as well that children go through our locational program here kids go through several rotation then get into two more specific labs to do their rotations in and then based on their performance and reviews of their teachers the Professionals in charge of their lure um they get assigned into two different programs for the next three and a half years the blind Lottery people are already saying that they think that should be abolished as well so it's a very tenuous situation right now um legislators have backed off on it but the board of Elementary and secondary education seem to be leaning in on maybe Chang regulations instead of waiting for ML to be changed sock I appreciate the work that M has been doing uh on behalf of the Vocational Technical education schools in Massachusetts um M had a huge win recently a hoisting license we you been talking about for a year and a half where our kids in Horticulture weren't able to utilize the tools of their trade um thanks to Senator Moran's push she filed a bill last year howy got adopted in the economic development bill that was just past last month our kids are now allowed to use that equipment again under the license of the trained professional in their classroom so there's a win um the State Legislative cycle is starting up there's already people filing for the next legislative cycle um Kathy will be refiling for our Regional School assessment Reserve fund she's also doing the special ed Reserve I'm trying to get that from 2% of the net School spending to 5% net School spending I was asked to give testimony on how much money should be allocated for circuit breaker next year and we're asking for $667 million which is about $58 million more than last year um the faces didn't really look that enthusiastic about the number um unfortunately we may see our first year and over a decade where we don't hit the 75% threshold for reimbursement for circuit Breer which would be devast um additionally Silver Lake fell off of the rols potentially for the veral aid that we had been getting for the past several years um because of how many people per square mile pluming is all a sudden show which is one of the indicators of of rurally in Massachusetts reinat is already looking into that for us but as it's right now we can't come on rurally this year also for the past 18 months months I believe we've only met benchmarked by a decent amount that's how much revenue the state predicts to take in each month we've only made it by a decent amount two months out of the past 18 so we're going to have a great problem getting a lot of money from the state to share in addition to that you know I stayed away from elections elections were over president Trump when he was candidate Trump had mentioned potentially dissembling um some parts of the Department of Education potentially dismantling it in its entirety it does seem like candidate Trump is looking at potentially shifting all the title funding directly to the states and bypassing the BR receed in Washington that might be an efficiency not having a bunch of bureaucrats Wasington just sending the money to the state that does cause an issue of how the state an allgates those title PS to individual municipalities and school and unfortunately for us most of that would be needs based assessments and when people look at our towns they don't see much need for extra dat so we could be losing up un Federal funding like Title One title two and title 4 which are some of our biggest LS of federal dollars that we have what this comes down to is we need to be depending on each other and our communities and the voters of our town meetings to move the budgets that we before this spring there's not going to be a p at the end of the rainbow that we can hand from the state or from the federal so that's where we are at this point mark can I uh ask what the number is for the rural funding this is year the scope of the fund last time I looked we were at about $157,000 per year but I don't know if that's have to go back the sat in my own Des data that's pretty significant yeah well Clinton for several years was getting tens of thousands and Silver Lake was getting six figures with we're and losing that is obviously devastating considering where we are budgetarily and looking at trying to move to a four block two day cycle at the high school getting some people into the business office so we can actually get the job done that we're supposed to be doing as a district and not be receiving warning letters from the federal state Auditors and mandated people who are looking at our books we we have some work to do here we do need to lean into our budget but it's going to again come down to our neighbors our fellow taxpayers and the people who show up the town you know just anecdotally unless you follow us year after year month by month especially during budget season two years ago we had extra money from the state we were thrilled and we gave the towns a break and we were in we were in a good position fast forward only 2 years and we are we're very tight it looks like we possibly may have funds that we were expecting perhaps not come in and it's really difficult if if the taxpayers don't follow us to understand the roller coaster of finances that we ride over and over again and again it's just an comment you you can't explain a lot of this at town meeting well two years ago we had this and you know it's it's really such a uh his you know a historic and ever flowing you know change honestly it's a roller coaster and again it it's so difficult for people to understand unless you're listening to us and following us over time I agree I I actually made that point at our town meeting someone said can't I think you need to take another look and I got up and I said we've been doing this since November of last year we just haven't been there but we've been doing it with here every month doing the work so I'll add to the conversation just to put it out there I've done this publicly as my plinton school committee meeting and the finance committee in town There's a significant chance that Clinton will need to consider a proposition two and a half override for this spr um we had some budgetary overruns at the elementary level the administration both central office and building base did a great job BR to Bear any resources we could we spoke with the finance committee um and the board select we used all of our special stabilization fund to address this we managed to take a pretty deep hole down to about $46,000 and we're hoping the finance committee and the town voters will give us some money at special town meeting to fill that budgetary Gap so we don't have to lay anyone on but the reality is that new number is where we're starting from looking at Next Year bud so I'm already about 6% above where I was last last year for my starting budget de at plon locally so we're all got very close to the Levy some TOS more than others last year in the spring it's really important for us to have that conversation at our January meeting with the towns when we all sit around that table for them to let us know where they are which they're not going to have the full picture we're going to have to let them know where we think we're going to be and mind you this is probably before the governor budget even comes up so we won't know state aid they won't and we won't so it's a good beginning conversation but that's all it's going to um any further discussion jie just to add that um what Jason said in regards to um what happened in Clinton's budget this year Kingston experienced the same thing a couple of years ago and I just want to warn you that the town then accused us of a I believe it was a 12% increase and it was like no you have to consider that we have had deficit mid year um so we really only we're looking at a much um less of an increase I believe it was around 4% off of the actual figure not the projected figure that we had voted on back in the spring so just understanding um the differences and the changes as the close of the budget throughout the year is extremely important in being transparent to taxpayers um when presenting in our to meeting thank you for mening it thank you J thank you Jason um on to negotiations and emplo ume P we did have a meeting um last Thursday um so we approved our annual report which is now going to go to gessie it had to be approved before December 31st um that was approved unanimously um trying to think there was only one big piece of news um the Department of Developmental Services has approved pouth area collaborative bid so they they haven't made the bid yet they've gotten approved to be able to make a bid to provide services for recent transitions out of pth from ages 22 to 30 so this is a pretty big deal they're very very excited about it um they are currently operating at a deficit um again with the es and flows a couple meetings ago we were flushed with cash some of that was returned to the towns and now they're looking at a little bit financially scrap but they anticipate that that will be resolved over the next few months um and we are up for possibly being audited this year so members may be interviewed um that was basically it was a very short meeting so those big three things J so the Freshman Class of legislators are having M this week getting their mandated training before they take their office um theyve longtime membered the pilgrim are very collaborative and the Plymouth school committee Michelle Badger was recently elected so we have yet another former School Committee Member in the legislation someone who understands the dayto day and what we go through it's always good to have another person you don't have to explain 101 school committee to so congratulations any on that note I believe we all got a reminder about Charing how important that is Mark Char the training for new school committee members required um so I think that's it for p um policy so thank you to Karen for putting together the meeting I know she was having problems getting some of us to reply emails guilty um 5:00 on January 7th is our meeting and this is mostly to go over changes to Title 9 which is ironic as we just did changes to Title 9 about a year and a half ago and I predict we will have changes to title again in the so thank you for that be expecting to vote on those on the night two days later uh I don't think so we'll have to do first read second read there's no emergency CU we already have to do them by federal and state law just to bring us into compliance thank you safer safer well thank you um we had we had a meeting on uh November 22nd uh 21st um on a zoom meeting virtual meeting um we're going to be trying to have more of our meetings in person uh going forward allow some some interface back and forth um we uh discussed the school zone briefly uh the funding did come true for that if I haven't said so before uh the signage and the funding town of Kingston absorbed part of it and they got aror funds to pay the rest so that will be no obligation uh district and they're going to move forward with that if they haven't already started we have a new highway superintendent so that may be delaying some of the I I did see an End School saw never anybody else saw it I think the materials are coming in pieces be patient um um we discussed uh some hpac issues with the H uh C office and some other issues Michael's already highlighted tonight building U the admin building hbac and that we discussed at length the garage door project which I think we f it this evening um we talked about admin space and and several options that were available um that we need to consider I would like to move forward uh towards this budget process um we have some plans of a typical offsite building that's available we have um also the plans um that I'd like to have included in the full committee I don't know if these electronically in U Silver Lake folder or not but this was the study that was done in April of 2023 um so I I'll give those just to have them available in case you want to discuss those on the nth after our safer meeting which is coming up that day too uh we discussed the capital plan and Sarah is promising us uh a moon improved format um she showed us some plans from before on the previous meeting of other schools and how they do it and we're looking forward to that're also waiting for our comprehensive facilities view to come back from uh Scott bankr to a uh that was initiated last week just a got a little delay starting off um they were waiting for know that wait for the start okie dokie so that's going to delay hopefully we'll have some information so that we can actually get some of those items clarified for our budget going to be a little push right now finish that up um see oh uh one of the options uh for the uh admin building would be to do some uh some lease paas versus some purchase also we discussed and ta the uh electric vehicle charging stations cuz we couldn't really come up with a spot on campus those going to get we're getting excited about and the permitting it's on hold the funding isn't available for the applicant to come through and it's un clear on the so that'll be a decision that we kicking down the road perhaps we revisit it uh wastewater treatment plant um we did have a meeting um with and Jill attended and principal at the wastewater treatment plant we all little little bit about uh sewage treatment but uh more prly the environmental side of it the science and all in the state Massachusetts uh through its vendor that provides training for SE treatment plan operators has anest an interest to use Sil Lake as a local site to certify operators and to recertify and continue education here at Silver Lake the nearest site right now is in Essex and that's quite aute for most of the folks in Massachusetts um Kingston Sewer Department initiated this idea um when they found out that we built the plant for a teaching facility so it could be a free classroom um available with these small numbers of groups there's a classroom space in there we would probably have much impact with the school perhaps if we have to give a a bigger test we would need a a weekend to come in and use some facilities which we can discuss that time looking forward to that sorry um can I just but that um like we get money from the state for that well that's what we're hoping yeah this is a no cost item if anything could be a revenue source for us to uh let them use the facility they're very excited about it we get soon as we can coordinate the holidays to get a conference call on time I'm looking forward to it um and again the Kingston sewer department is very excited about being involved and moving that forward the environmental science that's available to our students we can start considering that as a as a field trip too because there's so much science involved doesn't sound like a great eomer's job but when we start talking about about six figures to do that job would be a significant input if we can get our students involved in some L night right now it's going to fall on the adult education side and probably an off-site lease you know R from r that we'll see um the next meeting's on the nth and like I said I'm going to add these ask to add these materials so we can all look at the different admin buildings we do need to to consider our admin uh resour ources I think they were addressed a little earlier by Jason we we've lived in the building we have it's certainly not adequate for the people we have in it right now needs to be updated uh we need more room we need more staff and uh in that end it all FS together right now office space is depressed in the market because everybody worked from home and it is yet to come back and this could be an standing opportunity to get into a long-term leas purch and that's all I have thank you um I think treasurers report is next I that's Mark Mark I'm going to apologize there was a piece of paper that was I thought I don't know is it the pink one that you wanted me to read no it was a white paper and I have a copy of it if you don't mind me going I appeal to you please um there are 20 20 warrants here in this stack totaling 2,417 24.70 there are also two Student Activity account warrants totaling $ 39,821 58 for a grand total of 2,815 4328 in addition there's a payroll warrant I'm sorry two payroll warrants for 1,989 379 89 for a grand total in this pile of$ 4,792 3.17 cents for our December warant thank you Sarah uh Union 30 oh Lucas sorry I would like to just come back to sfr meeting uh uh there is a comprehensive facility study right that we spent over $70,000 on there so I I think that while we're spending such significant amount of money that we should have some comparison some quotes some bids not just award the or give the $70,000 to one particular company and to the company who was taking care of our CTE doors and the result is what it is so uh that's just my opinion that we should uh take care more of of our financials not just randomly spend $70,000 to to un particular comp yeah go ahead so looka the money was approved by the committee to spend on the comprehensive review back prob me if I'm wrong two meetings ago I think um so we voted to to address that we got we've already hired the gentleman to do it which is a even asso and they're already on contract to do that but they didn't have a start date till last week go go forward okay but is uh is this company the only company who's doing this type of study in the state of Massachusetts um I would say no but um we defaulted and made the choice to go forward with them as our house doctor um because they were available and they needed to because they're doing the study they'll also be more knowledgeable of the equipment we have so they continue to advise us we hired them as advisors we don't have to use them but we but that decision was made a while ago to use them to do this comprehensive facility stuff okay but for for the future I think that for the future decisions we shouldn't just blindly pick up the one adviser that we have and give the job to to to to Publics no taken and that's why in the contract that Sarah uh explained to us that we do not have any obligation to go forward with their services but they happen to be available and that's why they were chosen but we we did vote to choose to vot believe so thank you okay next on the agenda Union 31 just that meeting is moved from tonight to the 15th on Town Hall Dr preset and um the town um administrators will be there um single signature warrants so we did not have a meeting in November so there was a warrant that went out digitally there were 17 vouchers totaling 1, 9838 5945 from accounts payable there was uh there were two payroll vouchers totaling 1,834 24419 for a grand total of $ 3,818 $818,000 64 those went out for electronic signature and on November 14th and were paid thank um are there any agenda attachments I didn't see any those are all the in the drive okay um and then I will take a motion to adjourn M I just want to make sure front with you guys I not to the January nighte um I'm going to do my best to make it to all my local commitments in 2025 but sometimes being elsewhere might be beneficial to our local things you know what I mean so I won't be here so I just wanted to inform the committee and my partner from so we have a thank you update to the chair thank you thank you um we have a motion to adjourn so move second um we vote on that say yay thank for wonderful job so nervous [Music]