##VIDEO ID:AaWiAJdJtRw## [Music] go by the church we go by the church okay good evening we're going to be opening the Tuesday December 17th 2024 meeting of the Conservation Commission I just want to announce that this meeting is being recorded by area 58 and can be viewed on YouTube um the board has multile members present we have no hearing scheduled first item on our agenda and discussions and actions will be 91 Home Street uh the question is whether or not it was going to be an noi or an RDA um um I just want to point out that an noi was filed and um the asent and I C went out and took a look at the site and we kind of determined that this should be an noi uh the site itself has got a lot of debris uh in some in the atland some within the buffer zone um I did send out a letter to the uh engineer requesting that when this matter gets on our agenda for a hearing uh and prior to the installation of the sulation sock that all of that debris be picked up by hand and then then anything beyond the solitation barrier which are tires and more rubbish be removed however they want to so I just wanted to bring the board up to date on that um I think Caitlyn agrees and I I did ask Paul to go out and take a look okay so that should be an noi that is going to be scheduled for January 14th any questions next item on our agenda is zero Monon Street um we have a Contin pending um for this for order conditions special order conditions based on some revisions that need to be made to the plan uh that has been continued also till January 14th I believe yes okay uh next order of business is 314 Plymouth Street um this is an update on the enforcement order um this has been very complicated Caitlyn and I have spent some time on it we're finding that one of the files say zero the 314 Plymouth one is 314 Plymouth Street uh we did send out some enforcement request is there anybody in the audience from CCO engineering okay no we did receive an email from Larry Silva I hope everybody had a chance to to try to come up with some explan ation as to what was going on and it appears that notices of intents were filed no orders of no uh certificate of compliance were filed for we have three I think aln notice of intents on this particular CLE from different entities and just reviewing the plan I'm finding that there's a big discrepancy in the wetlands line um so I think the best thing to do at this point the board so concurs it says send them out in another letter with the new information that we have um and see if we can get some compliance there the original email that came from Sila sort of indicated that the commission has no jurisdiction on the The Fill that's being deposited there it's something that the Board of Health I disagree and I will put that in the law any comments on that okay next order of business is 596 Monon Street this a certificate of compliance uh I believe that we had initially we had a partial and we're looking to do a completed certificant compliance I believe Caitlyn did a site visit today yes I was out last week and I believe that the site is in compliance so I would be looking for a motion do we have that F yes I would be looking for a motion to uh sign off with a complete certificate of compliance on 596 M P Street sure I make a motion that we um sign the C certificate of confiance for 596 M conet Street do we have a second I'll second that motion okay we'll go to a vote all in favor I 4 zero thank you okay we got we got to sign off Ed was on acation when I first if you want to speak you got to go M identify yourself please Ste from 596 on street and I was just saying that Ed and Kathy started this project with me back when we first started you remember that was few years ago yeah it was and we we we cleaned up the all the debris you knew that right and um they spent a fouryear chage so this is the end of it congratulations this is the end of it hopefully yes thank you no no problemcome thank you just so that you know this order will be ready to be picked up and that it has to be recorded at the registry D yes y I did the posure okay please make sure this one thank you thanks this this SC don't give me one one piece of paper excuse me next to our business is 111 River Street um we do not have anything to report on that um I did there's been a there's been no communication from the engineer excuse me from the engineering company that's doing the project um we did send out um I believe an enforcement order asking them to be here correct they're not here uh I did have a conversation this morning with the fire chief um and he did say that he has been out there he needs to back up again that there's a very large pile of metal debris um so I'm thinking that we should go out and do a side inspection next week next Tuesday but the board's going to have to consider what sort of action to take at this point um the original order conditions was for a two-e project excavation about 3 ft deep um they've gone well beyond that we witnessed um screening plants excavators I believe there was a loader out there um I did find that there's been three incidences where they blown up some uxos and expended ordinance but I did find out that they buried them and then blow up which was not part of the original order so you know I think we're going to need some direction from the board just which way to go think if we've already sent them a letter and they just not responded we could send out a letters to have them see synthesis and just stop any activity until we can get out there look at it decid what we GNA do after that okay I I I don't have a problem with that anybody any other comments know I agree with you I been out twice on that site they don't they don't seem me communicate they don't no compliance at all okay then I'd be looking for a motion excuse me I got this from the holiday and Halifax Freez and allia Grinch was for cold the yeah the Grinch wasn't cold the guy that was running the trailer was cold um I'd be looking for a motion to to issue to immediately issue a cease and assist um on the project um I will take the initiative uh to have Peggy type it and deliver it as soon as possible and we'll send them out by emails um send the email and certified mail uh I think aist should be should be hand delivered we'll find we'll find some on there um and then we'll do a site visit so uh do I have a motion to issue immediately issue a cease and assist on the project I make a motion that we immediately send out a ceas and assist on that project for 111 River Street okay do I have a second I second okay any more discussion none hearing none um all in favor I 4 Z let you know I'm work with Peggy and getting that drafted and get it delived um also so is next week you're on next week Christmas uh Christmas week is coming up very soon are you here next week yep okay so we can plan on okay when is Christmas Wednesday Wednesday she's building okay so wait a minute Christmas is on Wednesday on Wednesday you have to work sat Thursday y I believe so I I don't think uh we get Christmas Eve off off or the next day so I I think it's just Christmas okay okay um next item on our agenda is 266 month P treat um I'd like to have you take a look at the file there's some photo some pictures that were um that were sent via email I don't know if you got a chance to review them prior to the meeting are they in our I just saw in the yes they're in our uh admin notes they would be this one then anybody get these these pictures I believe I do okay I'll just kind of explain uh I got an email um late one I think it was Tuesday maybe it was um maybe it was a Wednesday uh an email late Wednesday with some pictures and I also supposedly s a video but I couldn't open it um this situation is 266 mon Street The Thorn D property and if you can see from the first picture um let's go to do this one yep okay this is the property line on the right hand side of this would be Thorn's property on the left hand side of this would would be the PG property as you can see from that discolored water uh and you look further back you can see the driveway what had happened during that Heavy Rain event I'm going to have you go to picture number three which depicts the sock and if you see here with the steak is sticking out of the sock right there yeah you'll see that this piping which was piled up a few feet away during The Heavy Rain event had gone over next to the sock and then this material here was the silty material just so everybody can see this material here was the fill they brought in and at this point here there was so much fill brought in and so much water that it washed up and over the sock and into their property um and then the other pictures basically show uh how close they are working to the sock itself um there should have been some distance um I went out the next morning and looked at it and then I met Caitlyn there the same morning and and showed her what was going on we we we looked at everything else was there they agreed to put a solation barrier in in that area and they agreed to move this all this material away from the sock this should be at least a foot from the base of the sock over with no materials so this was just poor poor excavation I'm going to say that created this situation and we're going to keep monitoring it again I went out today for a hot minute and I saw that they had a so sock in this area and they still had some material there um kin I don't know if there's anything you want to add um I think you covered it um you know we instructed them to move everything to hopefully prevent uh the water from flowing into the other property so I think the other property is there a house there or anything no this is this is the only house that's near there and this is the closest to the house if you look at the first picture I mean there's the driveway I see C cars yeah I mean this the the lot line runs right down the driveway I mean the the back of this property is it's got to be 6 or 7 ft off of their garage um we did walk the remainder of the silt sock in the back that was fine they had no one had gone anywhere near it so it functioned the way that it's designed to be um this one they just got over aggressive they weren't paying attention um my thoughts are that we should get them on a letter basically and I got to look at the letter conditions that the uh prior to any major rain event that we get a photograph and then it be inspected after a major rain event so and I think that's pretty much all we can we can do with that um can we T to anybody from Thor or you just I you T to somebody obviously yes uh Eric I don't yeah I don't want to check his I don't want to mess up his name but U yeah we did check in they knew were coming I spoke with um Dave Estridge um Eric was there when we showed up you know we went in with hot hats and onel land yards and he he walked as around the site uh yeah cuz there's a huge pile of dirt piled up there right was that the thing yeah it's the big pile of dirt that's not the dirt that caused the problem that dirt is going on the inside of the foundation yeah so they're in the middle of pouring it they put all the dirt in first and now they're pouring around it spreading and then they'll spread it out after to is this area here is the roadway in um and the material that they're using um and and Kate and I kit and I spent some time and I was showing her the difference in it it's a silty material and it's it's not what I would use there but you know it's not my project um if it had been a gravel base without a lot more soap we wouldn't have the problem um you know but that's that's up the contractors just not up to us so we'll keep an eye on that 340 Plymouth Street I believe that that has been solved um I went out a couple times during the major rain event um Steve Haywood looked at that everybody doesn't remember that have address that's Mrs alers so I think that um we've got that situation under control there was no major ponding uh it appeared that when they did the the roadway they've got all the the water going the way that you suggested so it's they're all going to the basins so we've gotten rid of that problem okay um so unless something pops up uh we'll take this off the agenda continue on 76 Pratt Street K I'm going to have to defer this to you because I don't believe we've gotten any communication from Pratt Street we have not okay and we did we send out enforcement letters for we did so the the situation on that is like I've explained in Prior meetings um originally we had thought it was 76 um and it added up the the The Cutting to the wetlands was on zero Pratt so I had sent out an enforcement order subsequent to that to zero Pratt Street um and I also had sent an email to the owner of 76 just um cuz I had a phone conversation with him he said you know I didn't do the cutting I'm really confused I don't know what's going on so I said if you could just send in writing you know saying you know you didn't do it he he he never sent me anything so I didn't get anything on in that regard but um I've have not heard back from zero Pratt as well and I I don't believe I sent that certified mail I just sent it regular mail okay so let's double check let's start Rising cross On's if the enforcement order has not been sent out by certified then need to be sent off by certified request that they attend our next meeting um if they don't then I think at that point we need to discuss some 21d fins I mean if we're getting absolutely nothing um and maybe at some point you got to go by there if we get another Heavy Rain event I don't know that anything went into the river or not yeah I I haven't gone by since the The Heavy Rain event so maybe I can stop by well the water levels I'm sure have risen in that area why don't we plan on make sure our our paperwork is in order okay and then we'll plan on doing River Street and this one next Tuesday okay okay that works for me okay storm water application um we spent a little time with Peggy on this and I asked her to review the application and come up with some ideas as to what additional information she needs to put in I did some research and I found that some other towns are used on the same application uh other towns aren't um it didn't seem to be completely adequate so we're still working on that with pay 90 Redwood 90 Redwood up up like that was going to be yeah to January 14th it I miss we engineering asked for it to be continued to January 14th meeting okay for some reason that did not make it to the agenda make it to the agenda but we'll acknowledge that there is some there's been some issues with that and just to point out um um Caitlyn and I went on a mission Tuesday Wednesday whatever day it was yeah that was to that was last that was Thursday last okay and we did we went out and we took a look at that 91 homes because that Wetlands was a it was we had a wetland to the rear and we had the pawn to the front um we did a site visit there and we mentioned that we're going to ask that to be cleaned up and we also went to this 9 Redwood because there there was a discrepancy in the line that the original bot this put in versus what our review uh person saw and and I think Kaitlyn and I agree with our review for some strange reason that line was in some cases 20 ft off um why I don't know um there's excuse me not a big impact on the project because the only thing that's being proposed in there is removing existing drawing so and but I believe there's a problem with the plan have they been there's something going on with the plan I'm just not 100% sure got May mention any to you they didn't okay so I'm okay so we expect that to be in on January 14th okay okay okay last item on our agenda oh wait we have minutes for December 10th yes we do the next meeting oh good completed okay oh okay read the first couple of sentences the not okay all right okay be looking for a motion to just continue the um um December 10th meeting minutes until January 14th and make a motion that we continue the January December 10th meeting minutes to January 14th I'll second that motion okay any discussion hearing none all in favor okay 4 z um wow it being said 26 I am looking for a motion to Jour I put a motion that we j i second um no discussion all in favor all all right close your thank you thank you [Music]