##VIDEO ID:Aek96EUl7HE## so at uh at 1804 we will call the meeting to order uh this is a meeting is being recorded by area 58 it is a virtual meeting and all votes will be done via roll call um so so I hope everyone had a good September and everybody's who has children in school or grandchildren in school are all settled in for the school year uh ready to get going with stuff I think that's fantastic it's a good time of year um so uh without further Ado the first thing we will move into is the approval of the finance the committee minut minutes uh that were sent out last I think Friday Thursday Thursday everybody had a chance to read through them yes yes anybody have any questions ads changes or deletions no no okay so uh do I have a motion for approval of the minutes so move so move second thank you second second second thank you okay so roll call vote Cheryl yes Bill yes Frank yes on the minutes for May 12 2024 DJ yes and Mr Retta yes all right and I'm a yes also so those are approved all in favor with one exception Mike's not here um okay so uh if there the next item we have on our agenda is uh the budget review so one of the I said sent out an updated budget uh after some monies after the carry forward items were moved into the new budget um and just for just for the record I had a question on the Halifax Elementary School sprinkler uh line item which still had $4,140 in it from and it was passed on an article from 2017 so that was uh and Cody I don't know if you want to just reiterate your explanation but we did have a chat about that so that project is one that we bonded for so I I'll have to confirm with our accountant tomorrow but I believe that is just the excess funds that weren't utilized um if that's the case we will when we make our next payment on the bond we'll just utilize that remaining uh portion okay very good um so just a a duvail question on that on future articles where we're handing where the town is voting for specific dollars is there a way to that if it's not spent in that year that it comes back to the town as fre cash or not within the fiscal year U but one of the things that I asked um our former accountant to start doing at the end of the fiscal year and uh as we close the books and work on free cash Eric and bill will be doing is looking at these ones that have been there for a while and closing them out so I have a list of a few of them that we're going to close out this year um so it's not something that we can do automatically uh but with our internal accountant they'll look to do it and once we have someone in uh permanently that's part of the end of the year process is they're supposed to be looking at all everything every article and closing them out when necessary it's a it's a past practice thing here in in particular they keep articles open for a long time and it was and a lot of it is because operating budget has historically been um budgeted so tightly that they would leave things open as a way to if an expense ever came up related to that they could dip into that understand again to call sand bag yeah so but it's um we got we want to keep things clean yeah year in should clean up everything possible so you don't get to carry over the project right exactly clean the books up start out claiming new fiscal year yeah so there there's quite a few um with in Sandy actually did a lot it was it was a lot more now she did a lot last year and like I said um as we work towards closing out free cash for this year Eric and Bill will do the same day okay sounds good all right well those were my questions so I open it up to the floor anybody have any questions for Cody on the budget that was S no good not here not right now you know me yep okay uh so all right so thanks everybody for um for that uh so moving on to our next agenda item so it's the CPA discussion so for the community preservation act now we had a presentation the last time of um having a uh from Jonathan and the team on what the CPA does the purpose of it and uh I think we just took some time for everybody to kind of mul over it and think about it um so I'm going to open it up for our discussion and if we want to vote to to support it obviously we don't have any you know perview or sway over whether it gets you know adopted TK or whatever but do we want to support it as a finance committee so I'd like to open it up to the floor for a discussion um and um I will so I'll start with a couple of comments of mine so in my my opinion the items that we're listing to be used for the CPA should be coming into as as part of capital planning um I I recognize that that you know there's there's certain pieces of the program uh that have to be put into certain buckets so 10% for community housing 10% for Open Spaces 10% for historic uh uh Reserve uh and then program admin is a Max of five and then the the rest 65 to 70% goes into General goes into um General funds so just from a just from a town perspective I don't think Halifax is really ready for that right now uh you know perhaps if we' have done this in 2008 when it first came through then that would probably be a non- answer I would just say my aspect is I would I would probably I would vote to not support this from a from a finance committee perspective that's my input soine so to add to that I or to to pigtail off of that I should say um this is a hard this is such in my opinion this is such a hard hard topic um right now I mean we hear we hear and see a lot of conversation about it um people in favor of it people not in favor of it I I think in in the foreground it's a no-brainer it's you know it's the it's a it's a process that that makes sense with a lot of benefits for the community long term um I don't think I think it's really hard to stand up and argue that what what makes it hard for me is the the current fiscal condition of the Town overall and all of the uncertainties that are ahead of us over the next couple of years particularly FY 26 um it's it's a scary reality that we're facing and I think when you look outside of the walls of this committee and you start to factor in what's best for the community overall and the taxpayers um it it's hard to sit here and say yes we wanna we want to ask for a search charge for CPA knowing that there is a possibility of an additional ask coming later this year in the spring or in the fall whenever it is um there's just so much uncertainty right now that's out there around the financial condition of the of the community overall that um it's while I love the concept of it it's just really hard for me to sit here and say without knowing what the next ask ask is going to be and I know you have to separate the two I know they're two very different topics um but at the end of the day the the money is coming from the same pocketbooks and in the same wallets and um that's that's what makes this such a hard decision for me and I'm telling you guys and I'll and and you ladies I've I have spent a lot of time talking to people and thinking about this on my own because it does make that much sense to have a program like this it's just a matter of is it is it the right time and I know we said this probably 20 years ago when it first became a thing right is it the right time and you can't always let time dictate the decisions that you're making but when there's when there's things are that are pretty much a guarantee ahead of us um it's it's hard to not let that factor in on your decision that's that's my feelings towards the whole topic cherl um I agree I understand that yes it would be nice to do things for the community but I mean I'm speaking as a senior citizen whose tax bill gets higher and higher in any way you put this it's still a tax and we don't and like EJ said we don't know what we're going to need down the road or how much or how we're going to get it so it sounds like a good idea and concept but my vote would be not as well thank you chery Bill comments I kind of agree with what they said because what's going to happen if we have to raise taxes in the future to supplement the budget and you already have this on top of that that's going to hurt I don't think it's the right time either if we were physically sound I'd say yes but I don't think we are so okay mik I've been torn and like uh like all of you have done a lot of talking right to with residents and the neighbors and friends and uh um you know I I agree with all the comments I do think it is a fantastic program I think the town short and long term would benefit greatly and there's funds there that we might not ever be able to raise internally without a program like this and whether it's now or later when there are programs that we can benefit by that aren't overly burdening to people and believe me I get the tax burden as well my tax bill is normous um and nobody wants that I guess my only question would be so so personally I would say I would be in favor of it I understand the reasons for not being it 100% And can agree with those as well I guess my question to us is and it's my first time being involved in in a vote with you folks so be with me for a second is that are we voting based on to approve this so at the meetings that we go to right we say does the finance committee approve or not approve this if we think it's a good idea even though it may cost more for people aren't we supposed to say do we think it's a good idea and then the town votes on whether they can afford it or are we voting based on what we think the town can't afford and this is my thought and again trying to figure out sure no that's that's a fair question and Cody keep me straight here I think it's you know what the the conversation is around do we as a committee want to put our support behind you know the the program itself right I mean the town does vote for it absolutely but do we want to support the CPA you know the initiative for the CPA so I think what what um what you described Mike is um accurate is accurate where um if you were bringing something to town meeting for instance so when this was on the warrant in the spring um you you get the nail on the head that's exactly what the finance committee is tasked to do you know on behalf of the town really the the eyes and ears for the town not on a personal level right but is this a good decision for the town and then let the town decide okay is this something that as a town meeting right we have the appetite to to move forward with or the ballot this is um it's really really just the you don't have to do anything you don't you guys don't have to vote to support it you you don't have to do anything on this this is just the hope right HX hope reached out to the finance committee and said hey this is what we're doing if if you would be so inclined to provide support just so I think it's more for their so they can say you know we have the support of the alax finance committee we have the support of the Conservation Commission um it's really an Optics and Jonathan's on but it's it's more of an Optics than like an official in Your Capacity a town meeting where you're actually making a recommendation saying we as a finance committee think this is good for the town and then you guys decide do we have so do we have three do we have three options on this do we have a recommend don't recommend or no recommendation either way I mean like a yes or no or a abstaining basically do we have that option from definely I mean I I would I'd recommend you either do a you can Rec vote to recommend it or just don't take a vote at all I I don't need I don't know if you need to if you're all in agreement that it's not something you want to recommend I don't think you need to dig vote at all because it's again it's just a show of support that the group asked for if you are inclined to do it I don't think you need to go again it's not like a town meeting article where you need to vote you're for it or against it and then we we you provide your recommendation it's really just something the group asked for yeah the personal decision because it's on the ballot whether you want to support it or not as a taxpayer right and that's at town meeting we all said or most people said Put it on a ballot and allow all to V for it yes or no versus 100 people 150 people making any decision right and I understand where hope is coming from they're just wanting to get some support for their program which I fully understand that yeah but I'm not sure from as of being the financial committee that we should vote to yes or know it I agree already done that at the town meeting in the spring we already voiced our opinions at that point so back to what Michael said there's really three options there that we should look at and vote on one of the three um and not vote at all so okay either to abstain to know or to use okay so just probably a couple data points that I want to make sure we get out there just from a and and just a dub tail into what um Cheryl was saying so if you look at if you go from 2010 to 2025 housing the average single H home value in the state of Massachusetts has increased 34.3% but in Halifax it's increased 59.06 yeah so you know that seems a bit lopsided to me as to why it's going up so much here as compared to the state in general okay um we were undervalued so what happened was is we use a um consultant to help with the overall evaluation the assessors yeah through the assessors uh and basically what happened is we were slowly working our way to being where we should have been because you don't want to hit the values you don't want to do that big jump and then you had 2020 happen where right you see that that huge percentage but we were already crazy try to catch up and actually just in speaking with the assessor it looks like we're we're finally kind of where we need to be rather than having to continue to jump up so what what what's going to end up happening is we have this um cyclical uh reinspection and where the state requires that we do uh an inspection of of every property to make sure the value is in line so these are so the Department of Revenue requires the assessors to get their valuations approved every five years so when was the last time our assessors had theirs approved they got approved where Appliance so it must have been at least less than 5 years 2022 okay 2022 Cory is that what it was yeah I think it was 2022 right yeah so um but that's that's why we're a little bit higher than the average because we were already working our way up a little bit more okay cuz well then that would certainly explain the 62% increase over 15 years of the tax bill mhm so you know I guess the net of it is if you go back 15 years cumulative inflation is 44% which means a dollar that you would spend in 2010 you have to spend a144 today same so you know I just again that's my thought is it's just not the right time for the down board yeah that's my feel that's fine as well that's for the voters to make that decision in November yes it's not say one way or the other in this meeting we already made the decision that it should go to the voters yes in the town meeting in May so now it's up to each voter registered voter to come to the school and either vote for or against this okay so no action that's my vote for no action but everybody else can vote how they want okay so any further comments Anybody Everybody I I I would just you know and I I didn't want to go down this road but I I feel like it's important to be said um and that's there's there's a lot of people that are putting a lot of time into this um it started off as a as a handful of people and and it's a lot bigger than that and there's there's a lot of people that have invested a lot into this and there's so much conversation that's going on out there about it and there's a lot of passion on both sides and I I just hope that people don't lose sight of the fact that there's there's there's a lot of people that are working hard at this for the best reasons possible for the town with with nothing but good in mind and I I just hope that this doesn't continue to be a back and forth and I hope people go out there and vote the way that they want to vote you if it passes great if it doesn't pass pass then then we'll figure out a way to make it happen later but it it can't turn into a a a battle you know across town for lack of a better term you know like we've got to really recognize that everyone has opinions on these types of things but it doesn't mean that people are doing things for um negative reasons one way or the other so I I just want to throw it out there because I've seen a lot I've heard a lot and I I don't think it's fair to to either side when you start poking holes in people's beliefs so I hope I hope people do what they are entitled to do which is vote on this either way and let the people's vote decide which way it goes that's what's most important agree I agree I don't feel we need to Jonathan's on I don't know you wanted to speak anything Mr cely any comments hold on guys sorry I'm throwing dinner together he caught me at dinner time here um yeah no I I respect that decision um oh sorry buddy hold on I respect that decision um and again I I appreciate the work you guys do um my one counterargument and and I don't want to I don't want to keep beating this because I think we do need to um just kind of let what happens happens but you're going to have good years financially and you're going to have bad years um and and that's going to change but I feel like what we need to do is is make the preservation of Halifax a priority and then you can debate that you know till the cows come home but um if you wait for the absolute perfect year to have CPA installed you're there's always going to be something right so whether we do it now whether we wait waiting for the perfect year you know oh this would be the great time for CPA it it's going to take a while for funds to kick in anyway right so I again I don't want to I don't want to pull off the scab because I know you guys have gone back and forth so um I appreciate your uh taking the time to consider it and uh yeah well that's that's really all I had I only I was only here so that if anybody had any further questions about the program um that uh I could I could help you guys get some answers but um it sounds like you guys are pretty squared away good thank you sir appreciate your input thanks J no worries thanks guys enjoy the night enjy dinner all right chicken noodle soup all right take care good night okay so then I just want to make sure I have the consensus of the committee correct we're just not going to do we're doing nothing at this point correct correct yes whatever happen the voters choose voters very good okay so we will close out that agenda item and move into um committee liaison updates so I added this in here because as we get deeper into the year uh these conversations will be started to happen um I don't know I don't think anybody's really talked any department heads up into this point uh I know I'm working on a couple of things with um you know trying to get some some time with the schools i' I've sent an email out to uh Sarah I think her name is uh to see if she's got some time to sit down and kind of look at some forecasting on what she's done EJ as soon as I get some idea back from her on that I'll send you I'll let you I'll Loop you in on that so you know what kind of like where to be and and what to do um cherl Cody yeah we're going to be doing the same as we did last year as far as meeting with our um with our Le on the L on between COA and police are we going to meet together with you or just me and them no I think we'll follow the same I mean as long as you guys are amenable I thought it worked great yeah it did well okay so I think we'll we'll plan to do the same thing uh I'm working on the budget memo now um you're going to notice it's going to be very similar to last year's except more of an emphasis on those 10% Cuts because I think we're going to have to implement more of them this year yeah so um just almost identical but asking our departments to take those a little more serious because we're going to take them a little more serious um I'll have that to you early next week so you can review it and then we'll have you at the Joint meeting on the 22nd that okay that' be great sounds good thanks no I thought I thought it worked out really well absolutely Nick last time for the followup meeting on some of the bigger issues and I thought it went really well I like that format okay so um so that would that's what I that's what I so this is this uh agenda item is just going to appear from now until we get the budget all squared away so if you have an update this is where we'll do it if you don't that's fine too okay thing to update you guys on so I met with the schools the thing I had mentioned I was going with them I met that me um and my two uh counterparts in Clinton and Kingston had a meeting with the school uh administrative team uh couple weeks ago uh regarding a few things and and Budget Finance being one of them so we actually agreed on a few things um to help with the timeline one of them being we are going to do the uh we are going to attend one of the school committee meetings on December 12 um and it's going to serve as kind of a budget kickoff meeting with the schools uh to try to lay out expectations so they we're clear from the beginning with them uh of what we're looking for and then the idea is to um be a little bit more involved I'm going to try to attend more of the school gr meetings during the budget season to make sure that alax is represented uh and the information that we are setting and the parameters that we're setting is being portrayed to the school committee uh and then they're going to send us all of the draft budgets um starting in like January oh nice they they won't have anything before that yeah okay um so do you think they're going to be able to give us like a status of what they're spending how they're spending it where they're at where they're at on their budget this year I I I don't see why they you know like a they got the you know I think that's where maybe um uh we can schedule something with uh you myself and EJ and we can sit down with them to discuss preliminary budget stuff and that could be a topic that we want you know where are you at we are things for this year what you spend today yeah one of the things that they said was well we're actually we're actually fixing a discrepancy from last year this year right well is that the same thing this year we want to know what are we looking at um one of the big things with them that we need to work to identify is you know they still relate used uh end excess and deficiency which is their form of free cash basically to fund their budget last year you never use one time funds right right in my op I never advise you to use one time funds to supplement your budget but they did that last year to help with the the cuts with in mind with it in mind that right now the town all the elementary schools get Circle breaker funded um with and you get it for the prior year so we're getting circuit breaker money right now based on last year's numbers next year we will not get as much because the way we do special uh special education has changed so they're going to get more of that Circ breaker funds so the good news is the one time monies that they used are going to be covered by the circle breaker funds the bad news is we're not which we've always used to supplement our elementary school budget so you're going to and and I I caution them on this last year and I advise it I think it's was a good idea what you're going to see is you're not to see a huge fiscal clip at at Silver Lake we should see just a normal percentage increase but you are going to see a nominal increase of the elementary school on top of whatever increase they're looking for percentage wise right because we're losing the circuit breaker funding that has always that has supplemented our budget and it's being rerouted to Silver Lake but we're not going to see uh basically you're not going to see uh relief from Silver Lake because they're just using it to fund the onetime monies that they used last year so we're going to see we're going to have a very very serious issue with the school budget this year um yeah on top of whatever percentage L we're looking at which on an average right somewhere in the three to four range we could be looking at an additional couple hundred, increase Beyond a three to four whatever the increase and that's where my concern my concern is broader for the Theo year but that is where my concerns trying to get start that communication with them because I don't know what that number is and I I don't I don't run the operation over there um but you know we get a lot of circuit we've historically got a lot of circuit breaker funds because Halifax has had a high number of you know special education students we're going to lose not lose that we're going to a lot of that is going to be rerouted to silverly right and not used on the local level anymore right which means you're not going to see a decrease you're only going to see an increase so that's where really we need to work to try to identify what is that number going to be to what extent and and we're not going to get that relief from Silver Lake because they're just using it to cover that onetime fund that they used it'd be like if we used pre cash to supplement the budget this year because we knew we had a new form of Revenue coming in next year you you'd be okay but you're you're taking from right you're robbing than P it's yeah so just a quick question is is probably only for my edification a lot of the surrounding towns um the schools have the parents pay for transportation for student is that something that the town would have the stomach for to help kind of alleviate the budget crisis yeah I mean it's something that we can start to discuss with the school committee it's definitely something that you could uh it's it came up uh preliminarily in some discussions this past year on it um and there wasn't an appetite for from the school committee right but it's something we can discuss and then one more thing on top of that you may recall the elementary school also used 50 to $55,000 in onetime funds to supplement their budget out of their school use fund right so if someone rents out the gym that money right so so you're talking several likely or possibility of several hundred, of dollars that were utilized last year already in a challenging year as one-time funds as a Band-Aid that we don't have new source of Revenue yeah three4 of a million dollar yeah it is it's a huge number lot of money there's there's nothing left and the and then on the opposite side of it our growth is at uh histor lows right over the past few years so while the the budget has continued to increase our revenues are they're they're not increasing at the pace that they need to um for uh as far as New Growth but also you know we we continue to monitor economic Trends right in the overall economy and that hits us at the global level with all of our local receipts um state revenue is down what that and a lot of people may say well it doesn't matter to it does matter to us because a the trends right are are very applicable to us but also the state aid right what the state is going to give usly tied to how the state's doing State's doing really well they like to pass that on to the municipalities st's not doing so well get less money so you you you when I do our projections I use level from last year and then hopefully we get more right and if we do that's great but um you really can't count on more than that particularly with the economic conditions and then on top of it uh interest rates were dropped a little bit we expect them to go down a little bit more by the end of the year which is great for the consumer um not so great it's good for municipalities when you're going to borrow but it's not great when you have cash in the bank like we do correct and we that high rate on it so so this year we actually made uh our financial team sat down and we made some um some decisions to invest a little bit more different places uh and and just put some money in CDs and things like that we made more money this year in our investments than we ever have interest rates and you know CDs were good um right the homeowner was the same for me you know I I bought into CDs that I haven't bought into in over 20 years right because the rates are finally there yeah exactly right so all those are all changing now right so we have to consider that where you know for a town our SI we brought in I think close to $100,000 in investment which which is great which is good fiscal 23 we had $6,000 in investment right right so we and we're not going to go back to 6,000 because of just some uh policy decisions that we made investing a little bit better but we're not going to likely see the 100,000 so so the revenues are all trending in the wrong direction um down and our expenses are are steeply uh trending in the opposite direction so yes they are just synopsis of what you could expect going into this budget season okay next okay um so uh that was uh so thank you for all that information that's that's good stuff um and I appreciate it so before we move on to the next one I have been reminded that I missed the minutes from the 916 meeting so if anybody has any ads changes or deletions for that I get a motion for the approval of the N 16 minutes so moved thank you thank you all right so roll call vote Cheryl yes thank you Bill yes Frank yes on September 16 2024 thank you sir Ed EJ he said he said yes I can read his lips sorry yes I was on mute sorry about that Mike yes and I'm a yes also so that that motion carries thank you all all right so into the next agenda item correspondence Ras may arise I have a question Cody so and this is possibly you know I could be reading this wrong or I could be misinterpreting this but so we authorized $100,000 to the elementary school for an hbac unit or to the school yes so I read an article this past week where the school is now taking that $100 $100,000 and they want to do a facility study with it and not buy a here that's not true because then where's the hund because they said they add $100,000 and then they added 42 to it yeah that so all right let I'll try not to be confusing here this is one of the things we discussed so uh going back two years probably about two years yeah when arpa funding came out Silver Lake approached the towns and said um we have two hbac projects that we want to pursue yes one of them is to put AC in the middle and high school we anticipate that costing around 2 million we'll call it and then the other is we need a new rooftop unit for the high school cafeteria cafeteria which is cost about you know three 350 400,000 at the time um what we did is we said okay we will apply for arpa for the big project the multi2 million project which was AC for middle school and high school and then um because we have a lot of other projects going on that we can use AR for the town had set aside approximately $200,000 um um years ago Silver Lake had excess funds above 1.5 million anything above 1.5 million they have to return to the towns so this was years ago what the town did at that time was they took the excess funds H taxes was around 200,000 and put it aside in our stabilization fund and said we're going to save this for when Silver Lake has a capital project that they need this for so we decided this would be a good use of that so at the time it was about $100,000 for house we appropriated that at the at the annual time meeting in 2023 so projects at the time had been appropriated okay 100,000 approximately from the town's stabilization fund for the smaller project y 450 give or take to the bigger project out of arpa deadline was approaching for arpa September 30th was our deadline through the county been pushing pushing we need the contracts we need the contracts if not said I'm going to bring it back to my board and have them reallocate this funding so I'm not I'm not sending anything actually federal government um we got the they finally bid it out there were some procurement issues what happened was I don't know where their estimates came from their estimates were just totally off right they weren't able to do AC for the middle and high school for $2 million they were able to do the middle school not the high school okay uh and that came in a little less than 2 million so they had a little bit of leftover money there and then the smaller project came over budget so they needed another call $50,000 okay for Clinton and Kingston it was a simple arpa change because they used arpa for both they said we're going to use pull from the bigger project put it to the smaller project for us it was a little bit different because we didn't use ARA for the smaller project so we had so we still pulled it from the bigger project but we had to submit a new application for the smaller project for the additional it's give or take um so the only scope of work that has changed is they are not doing AC in the full middle school and high school they're only doing it in the middle school and then they're still doing the rooftop unit in the high school cafeteria okay it's not costing us anything more other than a reallocation of funds from the larger Arbor project to the smaller uh High School uh rooftop what what that went out under an article in 2023 remember correctly that's correct and then you're saying we moved 52,000 approximately out of the arpa funding that was getting ready to retire or expire over to the um cafeteria unit for a sum of 152,000 is that correct approximately approximately yesim but that it didn't cost us 52,000 more we pulled it from the initially approved arpa funding yes yes correct okay that's what I'm getting that's arpa money didn't come from anywhere else set under the arpa funding that we already had and that was already allocated to the middle school and high school project right we just that came in under bid so we pulled the excess there moved it over to the other project the smaller project which came in over bid okay yes we had trouble at the meeting regarding their we initially had an we had a and then we had this town meeting we had because they said we're going to be over budget but we don't and then I said well we need a number and they weren't going to have that number so we said okay we can't we can't request more money we all the number in 2023 there was a big discussion Regarding why was it over at the town meeting and nobody really could explain it m and then it came down and well we just got the wrong bids and what ended up happening is I don't know actually can't tell you exactly what happened but um they had to rebid the whole project just recently and they just recently got like as in like two weeks ago got the contracts finalized because we us three towns said none of us are sending money back to the federal government so if we don't get these contracts we can't yeah we can't we have plenty of projects that we can push us towards so but they met that so they may doing some sort of study um but not with anything that we've allocated okay through through this I the numbers just sounded way too close to what we had allocated they did do a study initially uh this is a new one yeah for silverlink for silverlink a facilities study for $142,000 is what they're oh yes that's that is something else that's not something we're paying I believe the facility study is as in I know I understand that I get that I know it's something else what I'm saying is when if I the the dollars that they found were very close to what had all so I was like that's you know something something ,000 it was on what is it the Enterprise I'll bring you the article yeah okay that would be good to finance and operations like what um anyway so anyway while Cody's reading that just a quick update um I have been able to have a quick chat with the uh finance committee chairman for climon and for Kingston uh so I got some positive feedback and we're kind of like joining forces to meet with when we start meeting with the school the Silber Lake about kind of going in as one voice instead of three separate ones um I believe there's a finance there's a committee finance committee meeting in plinton tonight where they're going to discuss it and I think Kingston is also having one so I once I get some feedback from them I will let everybody in the group here know kind of like where we're at and then we can kind of strategize as to what want to do moving forward from there thanks Jim for doing that sounds good okie dokie all right um anything else on as may arise I want to go to that conference in November but I can't seem to sign myself up and somebody do that for me signed you up Cheryl didn't you ask me to sign you up before you I you signed me up Cody yeah you ask me Cheryl I thought I could do it myself but I can't so if you could sign me up I'd appreciate it everyone so other than Cheryl is everyone signed up that wants to go yes I'm signed up I'm in I'm signed up as Welly drop the ball anyone all right Cheryl I'll I'll um I'll do it tonight and you'll get an email thank you all right okay um next agenda item moving on is public participation I don't see anybody here or on the call that uh would qualify for that so we will close that agenda item out last agenda item is uh next meeting planning so we all know that we are meeting in person on the 22nd uh at 5 correct then we're going to the select meeting 5:00 on 22 yes that work for everybody y y yes okay all right any yes ma'am no I'm good okay anybody have anything else discuss with the committee we're all here all right there so that said uh we'll see everybody in person on the 22nd um and shall we have a motion for adjournment so moved second second thank you sir roll call vote Cheryl yes Mr Smith yes Frank yes for adjournment Mike yes EJ yes and I am yes as well so thanks everybody for joining meeting is concluded at 185 thanks