##VIDEO ID:AjJtOdlgHDs## [Music] [Music] it is 6: PM on the 16th of December this is the meeting of the finance committee we are going to call this meeting the order uh the uh meeting is being recorded by area 58 for distribution on the area 58 alifax Channel at a later Point okay so anybody have anything they want to open up with before we get started all right so we will dive into the first piece which is the special town meeting articles so comments questions um I guess I'll start I would say as a resident uh I am this is not something I'm certainly in favor of however I would uh say that um we should be cautious because of the financial impact um if the grant if there is you know hey told me to interrupt you guys got my email of that basic kind of estimate there I put together yeah just want Lindsay's got you coverage she knows it all $1,234 is what he's saying is for the if we if the PWC program goes that's the cost the estimated cost uh so back to the back to the subject at hand um I think it's a risk from a financial perspective if you know uh the remuneration from the state is held back by the government because we did not vote for it and um you know I believe that a lot of people think that that's a risk a risk we should take uh because of the litigation that's currently going on and whether the legislation will or not um it's going to be a tough piece and just on the just as a comment on the legislation from what I understand and what I've read it's more of a process suit than it is the legality or constitutionality of it so they're saying that the the law was not formed within time for public comment so it was just formed to voted on so it's outside of the procedure that's what they're that's what they're filing it on at this point as far as I know and I'm not an attorney so I'll be the first to say that so those are my comments I open it up to the flooor I'd like to say something about it there is financial impact in the town one way or the other whether it's through grants and funding Andor litigation to support the um legalities of dealing with the state on it if it doesn't pass or even it does pass so the financial impact to to the residents of Halifax matter what yeah yeah I I would just add that um I think with with all of the ongoing litigation that's happening right now with the communities that have voted against this um I would think that gives Merit to towns that are in the in the middle of their voting process in the sense that we shouldn't I don't feel like we should be held to a vote right now where there's so much uncertainty with what the state is even going to be looking for from this down the road so I I would I would hope that if we did vote no on it and it did become a problem we would have some flexibility with the state because of the time in which we were voting now I I could be reaching from the Stars thinking like that but that's kind of the position that I have I think it's going to cost the town need money they have right it is right M and do you mean from both sides of it no the town right now is facing fiscal constraints right now correct add this on top of that yeah it's even worse even worse best not taking Grant and we have enough issue with the school department and their budget the way it is it's very tight it's very tight to begin with I think um you know if if we you know vote one way or the other it's going to impact the school budget so now we have to consider that as well and that's you know just going to get worse as time goes on it was it was it's tough too because it's we've been directed on on must do you must do this you must do that but there's been no support from the outside to help us get there and to have us get penalized for doing the best we can but have it not be enough just doesn't seem doesn't seem right I they're trying to force community's hands into doing this they are to well they are defin be in the bully bully trying to hurt the wall well Milton is already spent what quarter of a million their defense at this point and they could very well lose and they could lose and they could be spending more suspect there will be more because it's go on for a while sure this will get dragged their tax Bas is a little more than I think so too but we also have to think of the fact this is this is Halifax you're half an hour from roof three you're half an hour from Mo 24 right what makes everybody think that we're suddenly going to have all these developers in again I mean really fair point I mean I it just doesn't make any sense to me and I agree we're stuck either way right either way we're going to if they you know if they knock that all that suit down and we voted no we could lose whatever grants we get and we get a lot for Education have grants and then the other way we're still going to be in trouble because now you're going to have more children than we already have keep coming into the system because of immigration and that sort of thing so it's like yeah read the way we're in trouble does anyone know the amount of Grants per year per year I don't know I think Cody had something up in one of the meetings that we were last meeting had a number that was in it was Millions yeah was in the it was over a million yeah it was over a million dollars the schools get a good amount of GRS but there their are listed a little bit different sometimes of those I mean where it's the school amatory no matter what so keep in mind I don't think that all of the rants away forun not totally yeah there's a list of the school ones I think they have to as far as the other grants that we get not so much you know those we could lose and yeah but I think even then it was we could lose them I don't think there was a r RIS right so they can say no if we say no some of the destig grants would they can say no they go way too yeah but I don't know at least I haven't seen a town heard of a town that's already lost Grand money well not for this fiscal year so that would probably start in next fiscal year correct right so the ones that he had mentioned at the meeting on October 10th Mass Works program approximately a million dollars to redesign and construct the intersection of R Community compact best practice program it's about $50,000 uh to provide technical support to the town's form of government study uh approximately another 50,000 to update the town's m plan uh the rural small small the rural and small town Development Fund approximately 250,000 to assist in the design and Engineering permitting of town buildings um and to address an ADA accessibility requirements and then a land use planning Grant which is 30,000 approximately to update that Town's open space so those ones that are currently I believe that we are receiving funds for that are that may be at risk next year because they have to be renewed every year just like could you repeat repeat the first yeah uh Mass Works million dollars to redesign and construct the intersection at 58106 that's probably I guess well the residents will have their say tonight those are the ones that we currently have in place have a list of other ones that they were potential yeah to there was that potentially B was saying the list is quite long based on his work I can't believe the public say they must you apply for they do you apply for T police department does apply for Grant and the fire department does as well that's how you got all your equipment get some of your we can probably apply for more I feel than what we're actually applying for and I know since I've been on on here those two departments their the request for Grants has gone up in the last couple of years with the change the um Administration within the town didn't he let from a grant kind of sort of that was uh mimo that was that was a mimo program for that yeah it was a grant for that yeah so the biggest comments that's the tips program that one you apply for the tips one usually takes you apply you three years I I mean really agree with what everybody's been saying we're we're stuck it's a hard place to be in because we're stuck on either side whichever where we go or it's going to cost us could lose there's Financial impact to us here the town no matter what correct it's early on and a lot of them it's difficult okay all right so what are we going so what do we want to do yeah cuz we need to do we need to three things right yes no or no just no opin no opinionation I no opinion I think information your could just be we recognize the financial impact on both sides so as a board to make a motion for that to make a motion for that make a motion second second by Mike all in favor I okay we have to roll call V only one video call yeah only one video calls okay so no recommendation yep no okay one more article realiz wow really yeah I had to like sneak through a huge line to get in oh my gosh you didn't tell you with finance committee did you oh they're to they're Towing your car right now I I was trying to squeeze it and they were all getting closer I'm like I'm not trying to cut the line I'm not trying to cut the line it's blocked it not toad article two uh article two I'm really kind of indifferent on it CU I don't live on Lake and I don't have a person but I think as written I would say it's a no go yeah I I think the I think the idea behind it makes a lot of sense um you know clearly there was an issue yeah at least the last year if not longer last cple last couple years really quite a bit right and um and hasn't gotten addressed because how do you address it right but the problem with this one is that um I I don't feel like we've done enough work to figure out understand what the cost would even be to do thisly and there's also disadvantages to people who live on the lake the way that it's written right now so I I would be a note on this as it's written right now but encourage people to go back to the drawing table and figure out a different way more prise and especially with the hours have 600 p.m. the summer time be a nice night you take your V out yeah that's not for you oh yeah okay but they're looking for full enforcement come Jun one anyone have any other comments one personal water sure I I feel it needs to be more precise okay s right are we going to discuss the cost is sure we can certainly so Cody did send out a list of the costs so physical sticker cost um our the city's cost is $262 that's based on 55 registered personal watercraft $262 per physical sticker with a minimum order of 100 um system buildout takes about 10 hours uh process time of 10 minutes per sticker I guess that's to you know take the money give them the sticker register everything uh postage to mail it out 73 cents per item uh and then 25% of the applications require CS followup at 10 minutes each so this but this does not speak to enforcement correct okay it's just issuing the tiet just Town residence it's the administrative cost what about out Town you're not I don't think I don't think what I'm reading here I don't want them they don't want you here I don't want that town you don't get yeah unless they come down on the state ramp which is illegal to launch a personal watercraft firm but the only one that can my understanding that can enforce that is the Environmental environmental police and not the um local police unless they're given jurisdiction from the environmental police short yeah so the overall total was $1,200 $123 .40 for the program for the programs that's that's the town's cost but that again that does not include enforcement enforcement right right that's the issue it's going to enforce it right well we and how and that's how and how much is that going to cost I guess you know my other thing which i s the last meeting was if this is a deterrent then there is put across for signage in the re would should be a cross for put of some signs stickers only otherwise you know repercussions this is part of that is there is and I would think enfor enforcement is an additional thing separately but I think enforcement would be just like you know running running Radars and things like that they could have an officer at the beach in the morning when everybody's showing up he's looking at the craft see if they got a current registration on it however they want to do that you know and then that's where they can issue tickets or whatever warnings or whatever you want to do there I guess that's legal to do so they're saying that no boats can be launch from the state ramp no no personal water water just right but Town law can't supersede state laws so the town would have no say in what gets launched from the bo ramp that is correct yeah but they have on Fourth Street in the other Beach I'm not sure which the other Beach is yeah all right the one on 36 r on 36 so it's two places that that can personal water crap for the resident of Halifax can be launched from Legally plus anybody that lives on the lake right but that doesn't say that that doesn't say that doesn't say that okay so good premise reate well they could have amended at the meeting right you know as as written I that's a no right I think we have to say that as as written you guys want to am it as we go listen to what you have to say but until then yeah yeah I think that's the right way to do anybody want to make a motion for that so move second second all in favor the motion is that the article two is a not recommend Finance as written okay as written as WR not as written in the warrant so this is also not recommend well the first one is a no recommendation no recommendation this is a no we this is a no this is a no we should take the vote one more time just just to make sure it's captured because we were asking questions as we were doing the vote that's all all right so the motion I believe as it stands is on article two as written in the correct correct correct yes yes okay so Mike put it out I put it out Cheryl seconded it yep all in favor I I I I any opposed all right motion carries okay so um just one question from my part guys when they ask us for the recommendation on the first one do you want me to say we we as the finance committee understand both both the financial aspect on both sides and make no recommendation on article one at this time at this time is that that work for everybody we understand the let know financial implications from both sides of the vote approving or disapproved it right and there's a lot of uncertainty out there you know okay we going to talk about anything else or we going to uh well we had the everybody had a chance to look at this schedule yes so everybody okay with how it's written currently those are all going to be in person fine no no no those juste like doing every other one at your house going to take the train twin legs are you serving wine too or I think our first I unfortunately will not be here in February okay if you're well that's our first one yeah if I won't be here the whole month okay if you want to do something on you know then I can try to manage to get there from Florida but Florida be at Florida Sor to be sorry about you should stuck up here exactly little bit jealousy sorry my kids gave it to me is a 75th birth vacation I can't say kids my kids okay uh so if everybody's okay with the schedule um I don't know if we need to vote on that do we need to vote on the schedule fluid anyhow yeah okay and then yeah no correspondents or uh no committee Lea on updates as it stands but I think we talked about that briefly uh if you want to reach out to your department heads just let them know who you are then feel free to do that I think it's that time of year anyway and we moved to middle of January yes the school the school is on the 16th 16th in in Kingston yeah do we think they'll have what we need by then um [Laughter] yes question I'm going to be The Optimist yeah Mike thinks they will I think I think they'll have a path okay they have we want Okay do um correspondents or as may arise so I don't have any correspondents that's come directly to me um anybody have anything they want to chat about while we have the group here in its entirety before we get out into michig michig F our way see anything okay so the next meeting is January January January 9th now 8th S no six is the first Monday in January yeah the sixth yeah the sixth is the first one upside down doing that virtual yeah that'll be a virtual one we're not going to do anything in person till the first meeting about of February 16th we'll have schools tely y okay all right I think that's our agenda ladies and gentlemen very good so uh do we have a motion toour the meeting move second all in favor right me a Jour 1822 let's go we can make her our way [Music] [Music]