##VIDEO ID:EK2uNoLy2yc## [Music] probably started yeah good okay I'll open the meeting it's uh 7:04 uh this meeting is being uh video by area 58 first uh appointment tonight is uh the 8 Lane let me see what is notice a public hearing the halifa zoning board of appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday December 9th 2024 at 7 p.m. in a board of selects meeting room in Halifax Town Hall 199 clet Street alifax Mass on the application submitted by Bracken engineering on behalf of Scott burges to create a common driveway to serve two lots set to be located at 8 F Lan Halifax Mass 02338 as shown on assessor map 120 posel 1 t-0 watchs 24 property is zoned agriculture residential the board of appeals will consider variances and of special permits from the following sections of the zoning bylaw and any additional zoning relief the board deems necessary 16710 l no common driveways are allowed unless otherwise provided within this chapter petition number zba 24-3 and who is here to good evening my name is uh don braen from braen engineering I'm here representing the owner SC who is also here um I'd like to set up in E easel if that's okay you have a preference which way I go that way yep so over here yeah probably over there y two is there more stach just this there a narrative oo look at this okay to go in front of this I have some full size PL if you want to lay them out at all in front of you that would help us yeah on this project I do have some history on the project dating back about four or five years ago I assisted uh the honor trying to modify uh the subdivision that's on record for this property um and since then uh weby engineering has been back in front of the planning board trying to finalize the modification of the subdivision uh what I'd like to do is take you through a little brief history of the property and the subdivisions uh that have been on record what's happening right now to modify this sub uh this is the recorded plan on record for the last approval on this property which was in 2005 um for hild the lane name of road name hasn't changed uh back in 2005 the road was longer and there were three proposed Lots at the end of the road and what was required to build this road was to cross a stream in a wetland um the modification uh that's in front of the planning board right now it's been in front of the planning board I think maybe even a year or so hopefully going to be approved soon was to shorten the road reduce this area to two lots in the back two large Lots thereby uh eliminating having AC cross the Wetland and in the Stream uh that's there um this plan sort of gives you an overview of what I was talking about the project as a whole uh this was the plan that was submitted to the Conservation Commission and was approved for the Wetland resource areas uh during the planning board approval process uh that paused so that Webby engineering could go back to the Conservation Commission and red delineate all the Wetland areas and get the Wetland Line locations approved before they would continue on with their review um and that's what this plan represents and the Conservation Commission did approve the Wetland lines and hence you know they were able to go back and and continue the review um as you can see um you this is Haywood Street down here hild the Lane right now is just a gravel roadway I maybe 12 15 ft wide something like that uh so the proposal is to you know pay Hill the lane bringing utilities and so forth and you can see from this plan the way the road is configured is that you know the roadway comes in it has the required diameter for the cuac down here but the layout line for the road extends well beyond where the actual payment's going to be and the reason that was done was to achieve the required front AG for these two back Lots um you know once the plane was through that stage once uh Webby was back in front of the Conservation Commission um they decided at the same time of getting the roadway work approved with the Conservation Commission to get the two individual Lots approved at the same time and I think one of the concerns for that was because still in order to get to the buildable portion of the lot you know Wetland Crossing had to be done someplace um and because of the configuration of the roadway layout and the lot Line locations to get the frontage the only real alternative at that time was to bring a sort of a dual driveway off the road down the lot line and then split off to each house that way there under this scenario it would meet the current bylaw that each lot has to be served by a driveway on its own lot across its own Frontage so at at that point um you know under the when the Conservation Commission was reviewing the project you know obviously they had a lot of concerns about the width the amount of filling of the Wetland and there were a lot of technical issues that still had to be addressed but one of the concerns was you know can this driveway be located any place else that wouldn't require as much disturbance or filling of the Wetland and so that's sort of when we came in um this sort of tag team with Webby engineering um to sort of take over that whole Conservation Commission process you know our goal was to go back in with that same plan answer all the technical information that they wanted um but when we took a look at it you know we thought that the better alternative for everybody would be to ask for variance on the the bylaw that we're asking for so this plan up here is the one I have in front of you that we submitted as part of our application um in this scenario in red I've highlighted where the lot lines are this is that roadway layout that I describ and again you can see the Wetland coming through like this and it starts getting narrower and narrower until it gets further on and gets very narrow you know beyond this um this sort of olive shap ated area is the area from webby's plan that he submitted to the town that would have required 4,660 ft of filling also this was in the 100-year flood zone uh which would have been another permitting hurdle um with with probably femur and get letter map amendments in order to be able to fill in um any flood zone um not impossible but difficult and obviously if it can be avoided uh like to avoid it so this is the scenario we're proposing is you know coming across um this lot 7t with an easement and then coming up and crossing the intermittent stream Upland of where the flood zone is here so we wouldn't be impacting the flood zone resource area and then across the lot similar to the last plane with the two structures up around this area someplace it's a lot longer driveway more costly the utilities and so forth but we feel in the long run it's going to be less costly and less impact than doing you know the alternative that wouldn't requ the um so I mean keeping in mind also that you know one L 14 is a 6 acre LOD and L 2T is 11 12 acres so it will be each Lo will obviously be limited to one structure um so I just like to go kind of go through my project narrative um why Mr bird this FS of Varian is warranted owing to conditions especially affected such fossil or such building but not affecting generally The District in which it's located um we think the conditions on this side are unique given the size of the Lots um multiple Wetland resource areas and also by the fact that there is an approved subdivision plan on record that is being modified to create less lots and less impactful on on the wetlands uh a leral enforcement of the provision would involve substantial hardship I think from what I said previously I think um it would be a hard hardship to go through you know this lengthy costly permitting process for one thing also I think it's more of a hardship for the neighborhood to cause that much disturbance with where this entire area could now be left natural and you know the only disturbance is the 415 ft up in this area uh then such variance shall be granted only in cases where desirable relief may be granted without substantial detrimental detriment to the public good so nullifying substantially derating from the intent and the purpose of the chap um again the driveway is going to be designed in the safe manner for Access emergency vehicles and so forth and like I said we think the design uh it basically from a common sense standpoint um is what should be uh constructed on this site um with that we happy answer just a procedural question there only four of us does that mean we all everyone has to vote be unanimous okay has to be unanimous vote you don't have to take your vote today you can have the hearing close the hearing y we can do that but we just want you to know that you have to get all four uh people here that's going to vote Yes or or no if we don't vote tonight if we don't vote tonight so I think can we we'll wait to gauge that once we get yeah let's let's continue on you sure anyone have any questions here questions what is the length of the of the B again um I don't know if I have that specified anywhere but is from the road it's about five it's about 500 ft from the road to this point where it needs to lot I shouldn't call it a road common driveway yeah that was that was a question I going have why are you calling I start off by saying from the road down here so but I know you're considering this here A driveway but why considered a road as a road there other other people us because you're you got two driveways up here that are coming off so I'm just I'm just questioning why this is not a road and and you're calling it a driveway well I I would want to make a distinction between what is the road here and this would be more of a common driveway for two properties I think what he's asking is why can't you just continue the road and call Road Ohad oh I mean well we can't because then we'd have to create a layout like this somewhere up and around here and then the road would be te you know then the road would be crossing the intermittent stream and the road has to be uh 24 ft wide you made the road has to be meet all the other requirements where a driveway doesn't have to meet all the same requirements as a my other question and the only reason why I'm asking this here is because I know people in other towns that have a common driveway now you have two two different people going to build homes there or there's going to be two different tenants one who huh one person it's a mother buying all three lots and she's building house for a daughter house for a son they're all going to live they call it the little compound okay it's a family compound I mean that's good for now but what happens if they sell and they move grand kids well I I'll answer the question from a technical perspective yeah we are going to create an easement and there will be easement documents you know have to be put on record you know for each property and there'll be uh you know maintenance language in that document and so forth even though it's the same feel now it's got to be prepared for the future I mean that's the only part that I look at I look at you know who's going to who's going to fow is that going to be the person or this lot or that lot I know you're saying it's a family and that's all well and good but in the future yeah cuz I've seen two 10 two people in own homes Comm and driveway they don't get along well I think the the documentation has to be prepared so that they both have to participate 50/50 and if one doesn't then it's just going to have to be a civil matter to force the other one to do it and I I I have a property myself for the common driveway with uh three units and that's the way we we had set it up you know so um and you know it is it is it's not uncommon you know no pun intended for these uh common driveways in in the eement that go with them what exactly is happening when you're making it larger to could be so you have the front what does that actually look like is that how is that all going to be paved at this point no yeah so the pavement is going to be down here in the cuac and basically this is just on paper to create the legal Frontage for each lot to get the 150 ft required for each lot so you don't really have the frontage on the road well no technically you do because you have it on the layout it's just a road and this is this is not uncommon you know I don't know maybe you haven't seen the here on this board but um there's actually no maximum size of a cuac layout there is a minimum size for the pavement to get a fire truck to go around but there's no does that meet the requirement does that meet the requirement yes and that's why it's kind of allong to try to keep it as small as you can but to get the the length going around so is it going to be cleared there no no the only clearing will be what's necessary for the road so this can all stay natural you fight a are they are they okay with this because yes they are yeah you've got that in writing anything I well I'll have to defer to SC I think he's probably referring to the subdivision Road itself but I don't know if you've solicited any comments from this board to the fire department for the driveway yeah you want to make sure someone can get to it get to the driveway yeah like you know where's the where L fire hydrant and then getting all the way back there aot and is is the road when I when I think of driveway I'm not sure that can handle the weight of a full fire truck or lad truck or whatever's going to be brought up there is it white is it going to be almost the same white with a with a road or that access to the gravel the gravel driveway portion is 16 ft and is uh twoot grass shoulders on each side of it so uh has a clear width of of 20 ft typically you know that's plenty for a fire truck to get through and you know it's going to be a gravel surface it you know it'll be stable enough for the fire truck but um I I think what I can say already at this point if you don't mind we can certainly provide you that information in more detail or maybe try to solicit comments from the fire department before the next meeting if that's I would that I'm not wouldn't be looking for you to make decisions these are good questions no I think that would be uh that would be a requirement yeah you know just to make sure that that the fire Tru can move and that those angles and that the driveway can support the weight of two or three trucks MH it's going to be showing up there yeah so we can we can provide the maneuvering analysis we do that inhouse of a fire truck to get in there you consult the fire department we can provide a specification for the driveway construction material and we can provide a draft of the E language I would I would need that because uh I mean you you have driveways going into both uh Lots so I don't have a problem with that I have a problem just that this is considered a driveway and it's really a road I mean I mean you just just a you just calling it something that it that to me it isn't I'm just saying my experience like I said I've seen a lot of common dway so I wouldn't consider it a road I think it was a lot shorter it might be e consider uh I yeah I wish it could be a again this is really driven by how far up the flood plane comes you know that's why we didn't want to interfere with that so what is the reason why the right lot can't have its own driveway coming down at the uh bottom right side of the CAC is it right it's yeah you bring it in further or is it no it's just yeah um um cuz if you bring it towards in the right some it will be yeah it's all wetland in this direction so I mean there's Upland right here but you know no matter what we'd have to cross the Wetland we want you know we want the cross to be further west you know as as the wet gets now to minimize the yeah cross the cross it will be will be shorter but it will be costly right this is 11 ACR this isent on the bottom right how big would that if you created a lot there how big would that be how much is the up one there oh this spot um shows up there some place else 160 by 150 23 24,000 sfty roughly just right up in here can use conservation use conservation can be part of your yard but it can't part of buildable lot you have to have a 20 back on but could you create a buildable lot and put a house on it or could you create a 40,000 ft lot put a house on it well I mean you could you could you could use this entire lot area and possibly put a house here but I don't think we get a house in a septic in a well no we don't need a well but a house in a SE is the 100 foot setep back from the WAP I would have to I would have to reevaluate that you know what I mean which I can take a look at it and come back rather than guess now but I I just don't I think that maybe look into that as well yeah I just don't know we don't have any other shared drivs in we have a couple do we yeah but those on the lake so but at the same time it's one family's uh land so yes if we put some uh language in that ismen um that to give to certain because yes I could understand we don't want any more share driveway but it's a family that's want to use the L and for the kids so we can put language to make sure that the certain that they bide that what said and there is name so that's how I see m we you stand with planning board now uh just had a meeting last week on the I think it was the 5ifth yeah we went on the fifth they wanted to see what you said and we explained to we just dealing with the road but they want to know what's with the locks and I said well I'm we're just dealing with the road right now yeah so this has been a 6 year old deal yeah I know you've had different configurations when tried to do everything to be I mean I I see driveways going each lot one going here the separate one going here that's fine it's it's just that this is called a driveway which is that's uh I it seems more like a rope it seems more like a rope I mean this is not this when I look at this here this is not Shar driveway because they have they have their own they this one has this one but this is the road here and I'm just looking at the the way it turns and everything else uh whether the fir trucks can make whatever they have to make here to get in so in order for you to make it a world there's certain um size that it think to be so do you think do you have the the space enough to have it no we we can't make it around we cannot make it I understand the L and else condition they have there t however as you said you will take the fire department analysis to go and try to see if it can fit and go we assure us that if there's in case of emergency two or three fire truck can be there helping those family there so is that something that uh you'll be able to do and to assure us that we'll definitely we'll consult with the fire we definitely yeah that makes makes a lot of sense just one other thing I wanted to point out is that he again this is the by right where we would need the variance basically it's it's the same because we're trying to keep it as close together it's the same with same type of construction here that we're proposing you know here just just to point that out so even if we had to go back to this it would be the same same thing and when do you when do you go back to the planning board I hate going back and forth like this year this is it's kind of ridiculous thank you it is on the 19th we're supposed to go back all right so we won't see you till yeah January 13 yeah well we we can't give you an answer tonight that's for sure has too many questions there on it do we want to hear from the others huh want to hear from the yeah I any other questions so as of right now the lots have not been approved by conservation I don't know if you realize that or not I don't this is the first was saying this so okay um Mr Diaz specified that only to construct the roadway in cesac and work in the drainage area was the only thing that right now they approved because there was so much Wetlands I believe the planning board meeting said it couldn't go Road couldn't go to the right lot it had to go around to the left of to the other lot so that's something you might want to take into consideration talk to them I don't know um we can all say that it's going to be a family living there but are you going to have how do you know you know what I mean well that's part of what we're talking about right right but I'm just about it um we're the abuts we're all getting flooded we had to have work done on the bottom of our pool the wetlands are horrendous there um if this is having any effect on the people who have lived there over 30 years and we're going to have more problems um you know um we're asking that it you know we stopped and this is why it's gone on so many years um I know four people who have owned this land and they couldn't get by it um you know there's a lot of animals out there there's a lot of echo system said they had to take the Turtles out and put it in in some kind of pen or something I don't don't know the whole story of it you know there's a lot to take into consideration so I'm asking you to do so okay sure okay cuz we're going to be really you know it's not going to help the wetlands at all you know I mean normally the the way procedures go is usually we get a an approved cite plan that comes to us and then we can we can do our thing on it you know uh if you here we're seeing this is what's going on right now we do have our questions on it uh as far as conservation and the wetlands uh they've got to they've got to prove it because if they don't approve it it doesn't it doesn't matter what we say it has to be approved by them it has to be approved by the planning board uh if they're thinking that we may be leaning towards it that's one way we can look at it that way there but we certainly can't give uh approval yeah and we we can't go back to the Conservation Commission unless we have an answer from this board obviously because I mean this was already submitted to them it was withdrawn so that we could investigate this so if this doesn't work out we'll be back with this you know so I you know it's like one thing has to come before the other and I think the varians comes first before going back to the Conservation Commission so and I don't know how this is this really isn't directly related to the subdivision that just has to do with the road the road construction obviously they want to know what's going on but I think I mean even if we approve that there if it doesn't meet conservation it means nothing so it doesn't it doesn't do anything but I mean we definitely would need to have an approval an okay from the fire department before we could even uh consider that okay is now is this owned by the same family at this point right now or you're going to get the variance uh that's owned by somebody else but they're working with us and they've already given us permission to create this easement across their lot and they're part of the subdivision anyway well I think that direct that question is actually directed towards me my name is hi how you doing my name is Paul Jackson and and I am am representative I guess for lot six of um and we are working with Scott to to try to help him to to uh de devise a palatable plan for everybody so that he can move forward with with his development so to answer your question we're all totally on board with with Scott using using in that land or having that land however however it all works out we just want to see some conclusion so that that we can everybody can move forward okay well I mean that's that's the end result that everybody wants they want to make sure that everything is is on the up and up and everyone's on board with it that's that's all we're looking for okay y sure yes y I would like to ask Mr uh Burgers how long how wide is going to be the road if the pickup track for for the trash to come to our house because town of Halifax refused to come to our house to pick up the trash because the road is not wide enough and it is a private road we have to pay for the people to plow the road for us or because the beginning you told our house was building wrong and we have not um we not allowed to use this road and this is now it's a private road we have to know what's going to happen in the future well right now the road's at least a 40 foot layout you can put four tractor trailers side by side from the telephone PS over to your property okay and for the plow we have to pay for it when snow it's coming we have to plow Z they have to pay for it it's because they have to plow because if there's a fire at your house and they haven't plowed they have to plow not is saying is that town trash would not I know they were going to planning board to say only 20 ft of a roadway okay close um is that how wide it's going to be all the way down this says 50 ft the layout F the way out okay lot so what she's saying is she can't have the town trash come into that's how wide it's going to be as wide as it is now that's not very wide so is that going to go all the way up that makes a problem maybe they're concern about no turnaround so if the road is built like it's proposed you'll have the turnaround the trash be turn around cuz now we cannot pull it from like far away from our house to the H they're probably concerned about either backing up the road or backing down they refuse to come and do it and we have to know this is because for the beginning they said we have to pay for the road if it's a private our house was build in wrong because it's not facing H um H this I not build the house you know this is that would that that would certainly be part of the planning Bo if you would to bring that to them and tell them you know the with bit why a truck can't go down there I mean that would be in their jurisdiction to be honest with you it wouldn't be a yep anybody else okay I think uh we'd have to uh motion to continue until we hear from the planning board the fire truck the easement language yeah thetion of can I get a motion motion to continue to January 13th okay thank you 13 mm 1 three 13 yeah I bring those concerns to the we didn't know where oh yeah no I mean it's unfortunately that's hard [Music] look at the uh meeting minutes for November 4th had a chance to read hey how you nice to see you good to see youo how you doing my wife is going my son is living in China thank you very much for your thank you have a good one happy holiday thank you soon okay we have some builds that we have to look at look at some of the builds $90 yay [Music] so I sign yep here sign right there yep [Music] he that he that trying to get my was it Hilda Street Hilda yeah where is that uh do you know what Hillwood street is Hell blank I'm tal some talents for us just get to see I was on the plan board for a couple terms that's about it can I get approval to pay these bills make a motion to approve to pay the bills second all those in favor yeah yes [Music] yes is it Mr [Music] what's the name David FR Jerry I think you have the applications Jerry I think you have the applications in this oh your it's on youra right here should be on the top list Mr fire so there were three that applied yeah two that returned Danielle's request to attend and one that actually attended like going in front of the principal noce B no right did you just want want to tell us what you uh why you want to be on the board no in particular reason uh this just I see challenging things coming up to the town over the years it's I've been in this town almost almost 45 years okay and I seen a lot and I see it going a lot further and it just a lot of it's common sense in my house well I think I think as a board we look at everything as common sense we try to any I see everybody is allowed you know should be allowed to do what they want with their property within means but everybody's nobody's going to be on board with everything you had people here that have a some of them had concerns about being flooded out and some want to use their property I kept hearing the word driveway but when he said 500 feet that's a small Road as you can see that can is that is that what he was showing on yeah Y how the heck are you going to get a lot of truck down that road at 15 ft wide Y and once you get it there you're going to put the O rers up where they go MH off the road into the into the mush the grass area that he and you got to get it out of there and over million whatever for that truck I was on the fight to in this town before we had a l of truck when Chief Calvin before the other sounds familiar but what the same concern the L got to be able to turn around yeah you said down you got to get know you turn around got down and we got a brand new truck which is I don't know what the length of it is but it's barely fits in that garage down there oh yeah and now you're going to get it down well those are the concerns once you get it in there like you said each one of those homes has a driveway not just the common driveway right so you got to get it up the driveway to even use it well you seeing the same thing was the whing so that's that's part of the common sense that we we try and look at yes you know I think the biggest thing that I I really like doing sometimes when we have a lot of questions is doing a site visit site visits really give you an answer as to you know what we see in a drawing we don't notice the drop off we don't notice uh that there's a something else on the property that that that would give a Hot Chip to someone that wants to do something and wants to build so it's it's looking at all those things and you know you hear what's what's going going on and then you actually go out to the site visit if you have a lot of questions and you get answers that way but 100% yeah I think most of the people that come here you know the things that they're looking for are common sense type stuff they need a garage or they want to put a a porch on and they get something else they want to try and do it's just to make their and most people have given a lot of thought trying to make it work yeah and also a lot of composition of the families are Chang so um before we used to have most high in Halifax are small and now you have a new generation with three or four kids um that they need more space for their kids or they need and they come to ask for varant for different type of situation to accommodate their family so it's it's a Lely wood sometimes I mean uh we all have different opinions we don't always see the same things but I respect their opinions and I mean that's that's how everybody can have opin yeah not I don't care how many people you put in the room and not everybody is going to agree y well when I leave here at night I leave here everything is everything here it doesn't matter it doesn't matter which way we go or anything else it's it's how we see it and the vote's taken and whatever the vote is it is you know and and that's the end of it um there's no problems it's just Solutions well that's what we try to do and I think you know you have to have the same kind of mindset if you will you know you have to look at things and uh we we we have a lot of things in the in the uh bylaws that uh a lot of people don't like but you know we just set a bylaw Review Committee and we changed a few things we've taken a few things that were restricted on the on the uh bylaws and we've taken them out so I mean we we're trying to do it in a in a good way uh in we're looking for people that have the same kind of attitude when they come on this board uh we all have friends out there and they're going to come up and it doesn't matter you know we have to we have to look at what the drawings are and what they're telling us and and what the Hot Chip is you know and uh and we we we try to do the best we can to help any Resident you know uh that's part of the community you know if if they're going to make it if they're going to make the house that much better for the location and that's terrific as long as it doesn't interfere with the other neighbors in other words you put in two and a half stories on it you're blocking everyone's view you got to rethink this here you know that's that's part of what you do but you've seen one uh one one thing tonight it's too bad we didn't have four or five of the ones that we we have problems with so you get a good sounds like you got your hands full with this one well it's it's gone from this void to this void back to that void back again it happens a yeah doing it for over a year well it depends upon what you bring into the bullets I mean he's bringing something that's not cut and dry yeah so it's going to take time to um Hayward street and sou Street oh okay very bumpy road almost as bad as hers I think it's worse you my is unable but yeah there's there's a lot of things hopefully you know uh the town can streamline our operations somehow because we do hear a lot of we won't do till they do it and you know that's going to stop because that's not that's not conductive to uh the people the residents of I feel we should have one big meeting was that mention I would love to see that imagine how long that we tried what four years ago to try and you know trying to iron things out between us and we had one maybe two and that was the end of it way you use the conditions we approve or deny conditionally upon oh yeah and I I can see the residents being frustrated there's no question the pass the ball oh guaranteed they weren't happy when they left you know that's I don't I don't believe for something like this they were expecting an answer to no I don't think so no there was too much well we had a tell them anyhow to make sure they yeah I I wouldn't go in looking for something like this with a with an expectation it's a one night meeting yeah exactly yeah do you have any other questions for us no not at all not all okay you available second Monday of every month 7 o' yeah what the hell else my wife say why do you want to do this again well to keep the time going but for punishment no well back years ago on the planning board it was a lot different somebody ran that void but right everybody was under stum I won't mention any names but early 80s everybody know who he was especially you I was in elementary school I have no idea yeah the early 80s I think uh you have an idea no I have no idea I didn't come here until 2006 so oh I'm a I'm a new I'm a new be still yeah yeah and the only reason why I moved to Halifax is cu my daughter moved here she's got five boys at the time they're all small so we we were taken care of them most of the time I'm get nothing was Grace I'm sure that's not going to be the way you could go out and sit in a lawn chair at [Music] 5816 me wasn't there wasn't there the wasn't there I just like the fact that the the police officer in Halifax his backup was the single police officer in Hansen oh je that's the way it was yeah it was very very small town well Halifax has changed and not so much but all the surrounding towns run through us so the traffic isn't strictly from Halifax but so what do I wait to hear from next uh we have two other people we going to just they they were supposed to be here tonight okay send them ination we can I can have Danielle reach back out to them and I don't like are we just increasing the board by we're we're filling we're filling se but the board still doesn't gr we're just filling the other alternate seat okay so that if we run into the things over the summer we have we have more more more space to choose from or even like tonight he could have sat in listen we have five H exactly it's not but it just gives us more options upon gives you guys more leniency to you know hey I'm going to be away for the long weekend okay higher chance of having a full quar correct but even an extra voice doesn't hurt either the op the opinions and stuff we all have different opinions so you know everybody sees things differently and ask different questions so mhm more mind's in it the better so I think we just got to discuss and have Danielle get in touch with him do what we we'll discuss what our next move I guess and then have Danielle give you a call okay okay thank you for coming in thank you you're welcome have a great evening we don't have I think we're I think we're set you have a motion to uh adjourn well I guess my question isi going to call the other people or we just well yeah I think we have Danielle just call and make sure yeah like I said that's up to you guys if you want to give a second chance by all means you said one one other was supposed to show right one other was supposed to show and one never even responded to her I mean we can when did he say he going to show tonight how long ago do you remember I she didn't tell me she just told me that two of them were two out of the three were supposed to attend tonight and again we don't have to make a decision right the second so she can reach out maybe gu had car trouble I I don't know reach out to the one that was supposed to show yeah and see what happened we can make decision next mon sure and and like I said I don't know exactly when she reached out to them I believe it was when she set the agenda probably so y you know they probably had a good week to respond so yeah well at least we have one that showed up and he's he's willing to come on the board so right yes positive St one of them does happen to be a lawyer which wouldn't be terrible thing but well it might be a terrible thing might be busy though might be busy might bring an extra an extra idea to the board right keep keep us straight in nrow or maybe we'll never be able to approve anything they keeping us legal okay sorry not every lawyers can keep us legal all right so we're done where go keep do do [Applause] what she was actually the one that came [Music]