##VIDEO ID:FbPHblNjSaA## [Music] good evening everybody this is the uh planning board meeting on um December 5th 2024 at 7 p.m. we um are being recorded by area 58 and it can be viewed on YouTube and it can be viewed on YouTube um the tonight's agenda is appointments including 24 spr 20 244 Arnold wear a site plan review application from map 73 lot a Plymouth sorry lot 7A Plymouth Street um pbsb 24-1 300 Plymouth Street Jeremy jamulus Cape Cod Cafe for a special permit for a window sign and 22- sub d226 hildene for approval of definitive plan subdivision modification um we have discussions daily away we have correspondence mail package for planning board from Mark Pierce and we have other business um any other unscheduled business and bills from the Express News Papers um can I have a motion to accept the agenda as R I'll make a motion to accept the agenda as R second all those in favor so first oh and then present is Rick Mary myself Amy troop and Brendan Elliot we have a secretary on um Zoom I believe Danielle or maybe not oh good sorry you were on mute now I can see you it wasn't showing you before okay right so first off we have uh 24 spr 20 244 Arnold wear for site plan application and that we need to um give an extension apparently the or talk about given an extension the applicant submitted a request for an extension on November 27th 2024 um he's hired an architect but it's going to take time to get a full set of plans can I see the extensions in the fold thank you so 60 days from 9 2122 and and 31 is 53 so 7 you have it as um the fifth I have it as the seventh cuz including the 31s can I Mark that as the seventh Danielle yeah I think that the extension goes to February 7th um from the ninth because it's okay yeah I think we just missed a couple 31s yeah that's all right I'm just going to mock that off okay can I get a motion to extend or any discussion on the extension of Arnold we a motion to extend okay okay um just say motion to extend say no motion to extend uh petition number 24- spr d244 for Arnold wera for 60 days till February 7th for 60 days until February 7th 2025 how excited I'll second it okay all those in favor I I okay okay next on the list is pbsb 24-1 300 PL Street Jeremy julis yes you're up um I'm from the K CL CA um we recently a few months ago put up some new signage to drive more foot traffic and so people could see us from the street better are you the owner Jeremy I am one of the owners so you're Jeremy Jamul okay just for the record okay great so we recently put up some signs and we were told that the sign took up over 30% of the window which is not allowed in the bylaws um we respect the bylaws um however you know we ask for you know special uh a special permit to allow the signage we feel it it looks nice we haven't got any complaints we've got many compliments on it actually and respectfully we asked that okay I'm going to open the hearing because I neglected to do that sorry notice of public hearing the Halifax planning board will hold a public hearing on Thursday December 5th 2024 at 700 p.m. in the board of selectman's meeting room at Halifax Town Hall 499 Plymouth Street Halifax Massachusetts on the application submitted by Jeremy jamulus of Cape Cod Cafe for a special permit to put up a window sign said to be located at 300 PMA Street Halifax Massachusetts 02338 02338 as shown on assessor map 63 lot 7 in the plumouth County registry ads book 52 081 page 236 a special permit pursuant to 16713 15- window signs window signs shall not exceed more than 30% of the window area in which they are displayed property is Zone commercial file PP PB SP 24-1 can I have a motion to open that hearing motion to open the hearing I have a second second all those in favor of opening the in I I okay do you have any um pictures of the sign or anything do you have any display yeah I before and after pictures okay um I don't I personally I don't understand how it's over 30% I'm not sure how that how that number was uh I assume that's the sign a question um I don't know how that was determined but what you have a copy for each of us do not oh okay we'll just look and pass around 30% it's 30% of what what of the window what so to mass building code doesn't State clearly um how how it how it should be judged or determined the only thing I could find is you know in a legal law book and if you go by that it doesn't take up 30% um but even if it did I would still ask for a variance because you know we feel it looks nice it's not detrimental to the neighborhood we're just trying to increase our branded presence in the in the area Okay um I'm just going to read the that's the new one that's that's what no that's the old one that's the new one and that's the one that they're saying is illegal correct so I'm gonna I love it who's they uh I I got a call from um it's like when my wife is like they say we should put the kid down I'm like who's that they're not here what are we talking about it's our kid we'll put him down when we want I was notified by Ed Bailey who I assume is the assigned sign officer zoning enforcement agent um he said he got one uh single complaint by a resident and that's where okay so problem okay I don't mean I'm I'm I promise you I'm not being fous or um rude in any way do do we have the size of the door and the size of the same exact sign that you had up there before um square footage wise I I don't have the information yeah I would measure the windows and then measure what the sign is and then yeah that's what I would do it okay so unfortunately where it's a special permit we need four people to be here in order to even get you like it has to be a four to zero vote for select no with the planning board um so tonight we only have three people in attendance and therefore we can't actually do this tonight so I apologize wholeheartedly to you um I think that the other board members are going to say the same thing I'm going to tell you to take a measure in tape all the way down to the centimeter and go are you freaking kidding me this is like uh hold on so um please sorry I just think it's well even even if it's a 30 even it's a 30 square you know the 30% you still have a special permit for a window sign still has to be a special permit oh okay this would be the third or fourth window sign that we've installed since we've opened you take them down you different things up here and there we never heard a thing you would have had to apply for a special permit to put up 10 sign when you first moved in though would you I would assume so you know the getting the proper license business licenses and things like that right I you know we've had you know we had multiple businesses in multiple towns and this is just never come up yeah like similar locations have similar signage and everything like that in other towns Rainham Bri water have to move this there's not appropriate things coming out of my mouth under under my breath um I I yeah I mean what you guys so if there was already a special permit done the first time was there I don't remember I just know when we first opened there was you know you go through your go to permit and you get signed off on there was window there was window um stickers at that time too we've since taken them down put new ones up take them down put new ones up and this is the first time the only thing that the window sign bylaw States let me just make sure I'm reading the right one 16 7 13 15 yeah window signs it says 15 window signs period window signs shall not exceed more than 30% of the window area in which they are displayed there is there is um a bylaw that states you need a um permit to have window signs just if they're over 30% so I would do the measuring and see if yeah I mean just the iest it doesn't seem to me that it's over 30% um you know I would argue how how how was how was it determined first place that it was over 30% which brings me here and it looks like those windows special perent your commercial oh okay but in the window sign itself all it says is that is this yeah it can't be more than 30 square feet right but then your regular signs of 40 I think and then you get into the size of the letters and everything else if he really wants that c CU what I would do just out of well I would like I would not count the circle the inside of the circle of the L or the D or the a or the P or the A on the bottom let's count all of it all that space that's negative space obviously rock and roll I'm down for that that's ridiculous so I mean obviously we have to assign by the letter of the law if we don't have a special permit for it right then obviously we we should have a special permit on file for a window we can't we can't vote on it tonight anyways would only be required if it was over 30% right which no you have to just window sign window sign period has to special per so regardless of size yeah right it's just if it's if it's over 30% then it's a special exception versus just getting a the special perm special special special so just question is I have is if somebody's told them the sign is too big or whatever shouldn't a person have told you what space it's over yeah it's probably an an anonymous poster on Facebook there was a town official that Conta you would have think the town official would have said over by 10 sare me or whatever yeah so that you guys could have something to react to right right rather than you know having him go through this one a time my my thought is and correct me if I'm wrong uh even though we can't I mean obviously we can't vote on it tonight but just as just as input is um I think that if we need to figure out whether you had a special permit in the first place and if you did then if you did then make them prove it right and if you did if you didn't then we have to do it the right way yeah do that I think we all agree that that it looks nice and it's an improvement you know we're just trying to draw you know bring business into the into the town so okay so do you mind coming back on the 19th when we might have a quorum to actually uh handle this uh no well somebody you know if I'm available absolutely or another representative absolutely okay then I would um a motion to um I mean a continuation of the hearing to December at 7 p.m. how do we find out if he had a special permit in the first place um we can he can go to the building um office to find actually it would be the planning board office let me per I don't know if this Cesar do we have all of our documents online yet do we have 300 ply stre like the whole file like scanned into the system yeah so if you go into the file Drive shoulds yeah she she's on the she's on that fer so this is everything but that looks like dat modifi is that dat modified just because okay um Danielle did you happen to search Cape cod's file to see if they had a special permit um previously to be honest Ed was hand it okay so so why don't we do this because we can't vote on it today anyway this kind of a waste of time to do it now between now and the 19th let's find out whether you had a special permit to begin with we'll find out we'll let you know ahead of time and then that way at when you come back on the 19th it's either a can we get this thing off the desk or can we apply for a special permit that's what I would I'll do the math too on the yeah and it looks like like I said that sign it looks like it's like each individual letter it's not one big sign so as far as I'm concerned each one of those letters are its individ own individual sticker so any space that it's not covered by white is window I agree thank you if it's up for interpretation of course is there a motion to continue the hearing for file P pbsp 24-1 to December 19th at 700 p.m. sure we make a motion okay I'll second okay all those in favor all all thank you you're welcome God everybody wants more business in this town but they want to make it hell for to get in here unbelievable uh next on the agenda is 22- sub- 226 hild the lane for approval of definitive plan subdivision modification Joe Webby Webby engineering with me is Scott Burgess and we were here a couple weeks ago and the planning board wanted some more time to investigate or look at the file especially to look for a peer review report from peer review I don't know how you made on that I believe that we were looking into having a peer review done am I correct that's what I thought yeah I think we were supposed to have a peer review done yeah we were you you ordered it Danielle did we receive a a sorry I misunderstood what you meant the peer review from um the 24th of September um conservation plan of this year are you asking we have it yeah do we have a PR review back from um Mr BR I don't believe so okay okay thank you well your peerie would not been from a conservation have been from uh yeah Pat Bren right Pat BR right but from from the same plan that was um used at that meeting you're confusing me now so the plans that were modified and that conservation you said approved right yes we have an order conditions right okay for the road or the or the or the Lots just the road just the road not the lot so you're asking us to do a subdivision modification on conservation only doing the road no not on conservation at all this is PL Bo what we what we asked for is to uh this this subdivision has been previously approved in ' 05 and what we're asking for is that we can modify the roadway uh basically to shorten it up by some 200 ft right so that all our work for the roadway is on this side of the weapons and that's that's the plan that we submitted to to to the planning board right as a planning board as a roadway modification and what did conservation say about Crossing Wetland you're not Crossing not Crossing stay the side of it but on the Lots what did he say about that they they didn't act on that uh yet because they sent well not Scott but uh yeah Donnie Bracken was going through the zba to see if he can get a u a variance of a special permit to have common driveway but that has nothing to do with us and the roadway well in my mind it has nothing to do with okay so then we'll work on the waivers which we still need to hear back from Brian right yes so the waivers that you're asking us for are [Music] um just to be clear like for everything today right so the wave and and please let me know if there are anything missing or added okay um we have um to allow the pavement to be 22 instead of 30 ft wide yes okay um um allow Cape Cod BMS instead of Cape Cod um sorry instead of granite curbing yes to allow no sidewalks instead of one as approved yes to allow heavy duty high density polyethylene hdp pipe instead of concrete piping yes and to allow utility PS overhead instead of underground and you are doing Town water and not well we doing um what what do you guys have to say about this I'm defer you um I don't it's way was they looking at before we some of Butters are here I think previous meeting wanting sidewalks and didn't really see the need of it because at the time I think it was just two lots you're going to add now we have four um I think was always well originally I think it was five or seven yeah but that was with sidewalks and a 30 foot Road and everything else so when there went on the road and eliminating the sidewalk underground utilities but you're putting in a main with a hydrant which is which is a good thing and the road's under 500 ft so I technically don't need it right but I'm doing it anyway yeah not a bad idea yeah I mean I just don't uh I just remember the conversation the last a year ago when we were having the the butters I forget who it was but they were talking about wanting the sidewalks so now we're shorten in the road and doing the sidewalk but you know you know my opinion what do you need a sidewalk for should we open up to a butter yeah Diane Bradford 131 Hayward street on the corner of hillan next Hayward street um if anyone's walked down Hayward street you probably break your leg okay so we having a new road put in smaller right now they tried to get Town trash she's on the opposite corner of you yeah she's on Hill the Lan okay and they couldn't get the town trash to come because of the smallness of the street so she's paying more money for their trash to be able to come um I just feel that I asked Mr Webby to come and show us just measure it the 22 feet versus 30 just to show us it's just you know being kind and no one's ever came to my door he's there for his son his sister lives on the street you know is that too wrong so we can kind of get an an idea I don't think that's too much to ask and we'd like a place to walk and if the sidewalk is on the B um bylaws why not give it to us we said no to the I mean the underground electricity give us something okay it's um Hayward street with all these trucks that are going to be coming in to do this project is going to be atrocious the road is going to be worse I just feel like something should be given we're not getting the pretty nice BMS at the bottom of the street we're getting the other ones um you know I just think they can give a little bit okay and um I'd also like to see can someone kind of explain this road now because it looks to me that two house Lots but there's going to be two more back there and how if the Street's not going to go that far how are you going to get to that one and two I I can Mr Webby come up and kind of show us where the street is so it looks like the street where the yeah Lane the one you're going to make right here and then that's the that's the joint driveway that's going to go to lot one and lot two that's those lot FR on the right Theos lot one and lot two okay so they're going to come in this if I'm right I mean I but we're actually uh trying to the conservation has asked us not to do a crossing at this spot oops sorry that's all right I can fix it if you got it so conservation has requested that we do the crossing right at this spot which is the Narrows um so what they have now we we are not having any part of that not any part of it but that's being done by another engineer that's creating a a Crossing there across Lot 1 so but that but again all we're talking about tonight is the roadway well Al all I mean I'll ask answer any other question but I I don't are you in front of do you have a hearing in front of zoning yet no I believe it's Monday but I'm not sure Monday night M it's scheduled for Monday that's why we'd like to get an approval tonight so they they know what we're good on the C side my idea on that would be that we would actually see before we actually approve this that we would see if the variant would be granted first we're dealing just with the road nothing to do with the house Lots well if you can't do that then it's all for not and I'm I feel as though the whole project depends upon that so in my eyes I don't know how the other board members feel here tonight but my my feeling would be number one you so far you can't cross any of the wetlands without going to conservation two you have a common driveway issue which is against our bylaws you're asking for a stream of of um waivers from our subdivision control I mean there's a lot it's so if you get into it our job is to make sure that the residents are not detrimentally challenged and and to me there's a lot of waivers being asked for that's why and and conservation hasn't even said that you can cross the wetlands to build a house back there yet uh yeah I believe they have no they haven't it actually says it on the it says it right on your order of conditions that you cannot do a Wetlands Crossing it says it right on it well it said we weren't apply we didn't get an in the order condition does not have a Crossing on it that's exactly right yes I may I say that uh I I don't think the subdivision is any any way in Jeopardy the only thing in Jeopardy is Mr Mr bridg is going to lose a lot um if if the zba does not give him a common Broadway he's going to lose a lot but that doesn't change the roadway the roadway is still a roadway going to be for for this but for one last lot there's still a couple of lots on the roadway without going through the web that's correct yeah well we we can e easily get this lot this lot and we are allowed one crossing under the uh the mass wet protection act the question really is according to the to the uh this the uh conservation commission is we have to take the shortest way in other words the shortest way across the wetlands is not here where we had originally designed it but it's right there this way we could keep each lot have its own access its own driveway so that's what we're not not fighting but that's the issue we have if we do the crossing here that lot is still a lot this one would not be so it's it's really it's in Mr brid's Jeopardy but the the roadway is not going to change I understand that but with the waivers and things of that nature and a Butters here stating different things would would your client be willing to put in a sidewalk I got put a sidewalk in I put a sidewalk in what's the um the answer to that is yes yeah what's what's the difference between and I'm going to ask you what's the difference with this uh that heavy duty high density versus concrete is there they use concrete but use a lot of plastic you did see that in Plymouth use nothing but plastic yeah so that's not that's not like a deal breaker yeah plastic the if I could if I could address the K guard burms as opposed to Gran cban uh the highway surveyor DPW doesn't want these curbs because they always destroy their plows so they they really don't want the standing cures they want yeah that's more of an thing the overhead why is is only because we it's already partially overhead already so the only other thing is if you throw in a sidewalk then the 22 ft opposed to the 302 um which I think is the same as I think somebody was talking about deal away I think that one is about 22 not a good example at all right use any other subdivision anyone but that one but your point is proven on that right get it can you go over and point out where the road would be please you mean literally on the ground yeah pie okay can we have that done yeah let's take it out all right I think that we should do that um we I should make sure um and Danielle you have it can we make sure that pgb does a PA engineering know what we have in front of us I'm sorry I didn't hear that you know if there's any money in the account um was I think I put 2,000 bucks in there I think there's like 500 left from the but you you would you would refill it right he would refill it okay um so it's the sidewalk is the you tell if so so that we didn't have a peer review where did the money go well this is all changed now from what we did the prew on Do It show yes well the I think the well I'm not going to address that I don't know if the peer review did but I do know that the big thing it always is the big thing is drainage and I do know that we drainage is all we have en LGE the road it's always the road is still the same same road that am not a anymore but a designed yeah so why don't we do this why my thought process is if Mr weby can go over and meet with the buts and point out where the road's going to be maybe like for anybody who can't be there well no I'm going to I'm going to well you got to remember we're going to put stakes and you're going to try to drive down there not you but honey and my son well we just mean so that they can see it the sidewalk would be just well no well if I stake the if I stake the road and you say okay here's 4 feet then you you'll know where the sidewalk is sure so they'll take pictures and stuff can you do that otherwise it's just going to get too confusing to you know what I mean though let's just smooth it over talk about the sidewalk thing and you said you would do that if that was the deal breaker correct let's go see what happens on Monday prayers for you and um and come back on the 19th so I'd like I I I I would entertain a motion to continue this to December 19th at 700 p.m. I just say one more thing but I agree with that yes we're we're thinking right now putting the sidewalk on the south side right I think that's what we had talked about before right just so yeah we don't want to have we don't want to have to shap anything more so with the with a 22 ft of pavement and so the sidewalk can be away from the pavement more that's is a room to maybe put some trees in between or something maybe you know because you got more of a strip there because I see a lot of times they have a two foot strip to stick trees in it and then over the years the trees the roots are growing up through the sidewalk you know um I don't know it's just a thought dress up a little bit you know I preer to have a little bit of a space between the road and side but the road's narrower oh yeah yeah but the road's narrower then maybe get the sidewalk further away yeah um I do have so the street itself would be paved and how does the drainage work we've had a drought you know pretty good drought with one rainstorm that's Hill the lane and it I can show you how it floods so is are we going to have it look like Hayward street well not once it's cleanly paved I mean they'll they'll they'll grade it all so that the the drainage goes where it's supposed to go and where is the drainage going to that wherever the the the drainage Bas has already been approved yeah wherever the drainage basin so the reason why it's catching like that is because it's all uneven it's not graded properly so once it's graded properly yeah and now the drain Bas when we were at the conation meeting they said that was to flow was going to go into the river yeah well it goes into the but the river flows into hward Street that's my worry okay there's a lot of worries here and I know it's taken I I watched them you know the last meeting and you had said that this has gone on and on and on but it's not our fault there's been basic things that need to be done and we've been at meetings where no one else shows up and so that's why the length of time has happened so I don't to I want all the answers and we deserve all the answers yes yeah for sure agree okay so PR engineering agree to sidewalks see what engineering I'm sorry what zoning says and um I'd like clarification from conservation telling us exactly what's going on with their Wetlands Crossing issue there is no issue there's nothing before conservation right now this is just for the road right I understand but like this is a subdivision modification so just the road doesn't clarify the rest of it it leaves a very big open piece isn't that this is a modification isn't that a good thing well if you know what I me I well will we need to have a finished product in order to sign off on it so that we can understand we need to know what's going to happen we can't just be like oh right the road's okay and then have no idea what's going to happen with the rest of the lws because right now it's either going to be another one or another two and that might not happen and you might cross here and other things might change so but again that's not a planning board issue the planning board is it is because this is a subdivision modification this isn't a road modific this is a subdivision modification which includes the Lots it includes the frontage and includes what all of the information I mean I'll open up chapter 235 and we can talk about all it you may do that at your own time but but there there's many times we have just developed roadways and then came in with a anr after the roadways Built Well that's different right but I mean I am I know it's it's a difference but basically we're just talking about constructing a definitive subdivision which which I think when done properly is you guys would like to have a paved Road as well right so um it's hard because I I see both both sides here of like we we got to get the road done right and whether they develop the last two lots or not let's let's make sure the road gets done the right way specifically with what's on our agenda for discussion next if the road gets put in and they don't get those two lots and that's that's on them right it is it's also the town's problem so we have issues from not following so it's not just about the road it's about where the Lots lay out because I mean like this is chapter 235 right here and we can talk about all of this because this is what we're supposed to approximate lines and dimensions of lots and approximate radi of curved property lines in each subdivision the subdivider shall furnish a topographical M map of all parts of the subdivision such topographic M map shall show Contours at into the levels of I mean I could read on and on and on and on but right there I just said that we need to know where the lot dimensions are and that's part of subdivision control van question um can you just identify identify yourself Sor oh sorry vaning cranberry drive just one question is that you want to change the piping from concrete to the PIP you mentioned it earlier is that been approved by the highway for structural Integrity of the road so I don't know what the structural Integrity is of the versus the concrete and uh that's the only thing that I would raise an issue to and I don't know the answer to it but I think that's an answer for you for the town's engineer well did they do that they're going to do that in the peer review you go yeah okay thank you so so if we were to just go down the list right so 22 to 30 is going to be addressed by staking it out right and then obviously from there you can figure out the you're not going to double stake the the sidewalks you can say this is the side that the sidewalk is going to be right Cape Cod BMS instead of the Granite curbing if you're going to do the sidewalk agree to the sidewalk on you said the south side yeah we think that we'd rather have it on that side that way we don't interfere with H's driveway and then easy in a Grade the hdp pipe instead of concrete will come back from our engineer and then the abutters you guys already um con not conceded that's not the right word but agreed to um doing the over head wires instead of underground that was kind of the give in order to get the the sidewalk so I think the peer rview is going to bring us back what we need to be able to do what we need to do to move forward with everybody happy a and that you'll show them where the lot I mean no I'm going to show them 22 ft wide down going down down the road yes thank you so why we do that order the peer review and then when they go to conservation conservation will tell them what they got to do next we'll have our peer review on the 19th and then we can have the conversation assuming all requirement are met on that yeah and we're going to need a bond as well the road okay just so that you're aware um okay so is this going to be is this going to be a Town Road the town approved Road Road you have if it's going to be private you don't have to worry about that you going to be keeping it a private road we'll have to see what the people that are building the houses what they what they want to do we can't do that s well I can no it's either a private road or it's going to be a public road and private road it's a private road private so not never to be plowed by the town or taking care of I don't know who plows it now we'll have to look into that if I may I think there be there's going to be a covenant that the town the planning board is going to COV it's an agreement with with Mr Burgess and yourself and I think what you're going to find when you write your Covenant up you're going to say that something of the sort that you can't build on any Lots until you get lots released by the planning board and typically planning board will not release any Lots at least until the base code is in we usually you then that's the time you get us have you post a bond make sure the road gets done because other than that he can't he can't do any building he can't get a building permit unless you have a road we used to do it all the time sub divisions you just put the base down you build everything and then you do the Finish probably like take the last one or two lots conrete truck oh but you know the problem we have other roads in town they never get finished because they didn't have the bond they didn't do it the right way so that's not going to happen again no big deal so we'll do those things that we agreed to um and can I um have a motion to um continue the hearing I'm sorry the uh subdivision modification site plan till December 19th 2024 7 p.m. so move I'll move it second all those in favor I I thank you you're welcome 19 thank you got a one way or another or not one way or another a on a private road it would be the residents no no some it's it's sometimes all the ab is on to the center of it a lot of times a private like this he'd own you know he'd own the road he would yeah okay I mean I don't know how that works I me I I live in a two lot sub division I own the road I own the road and the other lot has it right away we should probably discuss that in the next thing too because um there was an issue when this all first came about yeah um a big issue um he um said people in couldn't use the road he said you sorry he came to my sister you know I'm not involved a lot my sister came with her because you know and he said to her you you buil your house wrong and she said what she said your house has to face a street you know one P Street street and I wouldn't let you drive in this road he said my sister came to my cousin he was he know he said let him do it and we'll tell him what's going on but she said I said how can what are we going to do that that man's going to come here what are we going to get our lawn and get another road to go to drive our car the window if he can it's a problem it's a problem but didn't he tell you you had to pay some money yeah a toll to build if I have $100,000 I wouldn't be in this house well that's maybe something else to bring up it's like who won I most times you put in a subdivision when it's all done the town accepts the road and the town you know takes care of it plows it maintains it all that but then a lot of times it's a private Ro only do brought it up at one of the meetings he also did it to Mr son he said lawyers that he could that shows you why we're a little no of course of course well let's are you have your Frontage on Hilda or your Frontage on Hayward so you don't even use Hilda way aot huh a lot that's that's why you need a sidewalk and besides they're going to put the PS to go to the river and our land to Dum the water in the river Flo the winter the come to our I want to make sure that we don't get in trouble for discussing this no good no no no it's yeah so on the 19th we'll we'll bring that up and we'll address it yeah that'll be that'll be a good conversation on the 19th for sure no don't apologize 1 o yeah I don't thank you thanks guys thank you thanks guys good night have a good night so the next thing on our agenda is deala and um we had a vote on October 3rd which was a unanimous vote to put daily away on our agenda and then it didn't get on our next agenda and then we just voted on the last meeting to have jily away on again however and I'm keeping it on because the and we just agreed to it when we read the agenda alloud because um this is what we've received today and this is what we are dealing with somehow and I'm just going to read it out loud um hi Danielle without being present for the previous conversation but based on what you and B have told me I think it's best to put it on the 1219 meeting if anyone has particular questions they can send them into you prior to then and then on the 19th Council will be present and prepared to provide a status update as well as answer applicable questions feel free to share this email with the PB members so that's the planning board members so that they know the plan it can even be announced at the December 5th meeting that any questions can be emailed to you and we'll have a discussion on December 19th to discuss let me know if you or the planning board need anything further thank you best regards Cody had town administr TR sorry not happening we're talking about deal away and you guys can ask the planning what your questions and if we need help we'll call Town Council um Cody is not in charge of the elected planning board so we had motions twice to put this on our agenda and he cannot do that does anybody disagree with that according to Cody I guess from what I heard from bir he he wants you're supposed to have town Council here when you talk about deal your away why that I don't know that's what uh that's what he's saying so I don't I don't I that Cody doesn't if Cody wants to that doesn't make any sense I know if if if a if somebody who lives in our town asks to be on our agenda and discuss something who who asked to be in the agenda how many months ago two Michael J six Ste way okay I asked dam was a member of the planning board if she could get us on the agenda okay since she is a member of the plan but she has a right to get us on sure I'm not saying you can't it's just has been up in the air it's like you they putting a deal way in the agenda it's like why what's going on you know that's tell you okay all right good we have good notes oh yeah so we're having a discussion on daily away because it's all right so recently it's happened since my semester I daily away um what I've done in the interim is I was able to get in touch with Karen Spellman because Kevin who originally did this whole thing passed away last year so she just got it out of probate so it's happening in the past couple of weeks is I said listen I offer a small amount of money for a lot and I said I'd be responsible for taking care of the road but and we've got it it's with her attorneys it's gotten to Town Council um I think even Cody is aware of it now we're trying to move fast because I want to get the the road completed I actually have SLT on board for the spring if I can get this to go through um and this terrible new hearing it's it's horrible it's echoing exactly um we have a steel plate on the road I'm already I I don't have anything agreed upon yet the planning buard has to I was just hoping the cenet come on to me so I can get the road done that's the whole plan I just want to get it done um but there's a steel plate on the road now I guess where one of the manholes you know the steel covers that were underneath water you know went through we need to you get plowed so I'm paying them you know $2,100 um SLT to come out next Monday just to at least get that repaired for now so just I just want to get I want to get in front of you guys any has to go in front of Town Council and stuff on the 19th but I want you guys everyone to be aware because I didn't mik didn't even know I didn't want to say anything until I knew um I was going to be able to get an agreement done with um Cameron Spelman so I just want to give you guys a heads up are you going to leave the lot open or are you GNA what do you even know I might put a garage on it that's my plan right now so I go a garage so that's pretty much I got cars I got cars and trailers everywhere I collected cars last lately so so have for the it's already with Town Council now I got my attorney to do it very quickly um and she got an attorney it's really she just wants to De it over you giving her $10,000 is what I told her give her 10 grand I'll take care of the road it's going to be a very expensive lot but it's expensive garage it's just an expensive garage corre so but I just want the road done I have the means to do it so it's just the don't have yes I'm um this is P I just told this for 20 years we've been battling this world you know because of the way you know it's so Bruce is stepping up so we ask the cooperation of the plan and boy to help I'd have a hard time believing that we wouldn't cooperate assuming on the 19th we have all the necessary requirements right um and boy do I like the path of leas resistance on this so I'm almost hesitant to ask this but I feel like it needs to be set on the record knowing that that is being done and knowing that Town Council or people in this building obviously are aware of this plan said Cody is aware of it yes and I'm not going to call anybody out I'm just going to say people in this building are aware of this project or the advancements in the project I'm curious why the string of events of delaying to have this conversation delaying to have the conversation until the 19th until town council's here um why people voted no to have this on the um agenda unfortunately all the answers to that will be speculative which I have to be careful about um on this side of the table um I'm just very curious and I would like to get some answers as to why on this side of the table why that's gone the way that it's gone I just don't I don't understand like this is this is a huge issue for 20s something years we finally have a solution and for some reason this building is telling ordering us to stop or delay or pause you know I said it earlier today if you smell like fish you probably handled fish that day something's fishy and I don't like it sir your opinion fact okay I approach Amy to get me on the agenda Y in October because at that point in time I did not know Bruce had any intention of coming forward right okay Amy got me on the agenda and then started inspiring that Bruce was willing to take the whole thing over but he wasn't prepared to make it public because he was negotiating with um Mrs Felman and putting it all together that's why I did not come to the next planum board meeting my apologies well you weren't on the agenda yeah we we thought we were going to be on it but yeah that that's yep but and then so we got back onto the agenda yeah and at that point in time Bruce filled me in on what was going on yeah so that's a little claric and then on our agenda here it's it's um discussion it's very clear that it's there and then there's a strike through through it I'm sorry there's a strike through it as in don't talk about it strike through so like so when you have a letter like when you have a word and then you have a line through it yeah right here who did that so my this is where I'm saying that um if this was new information that you were just delivering to us tonight like it was a big surprise like hey guys guess what surprise I got some great news I want to announce it here publicly this is the first time anybody's hearing breaking news that's not the case ago I say so more than two weeks ago or Okay so until now you didn't really want to say anything you want to make sure everything was cool right but this bu here talking about it everything is great and I guess according to Town Council and Cody they want to wait till the next meeting apparently so at least we know what's going on it sounds great um I think you know you get the lot released we'll be you we run into this you know you have to finish the road and everything and depends what you want to do the lot you know if you have the means to finish the road and get rid of everything and um I don't know if it has something to do with you transferring a lot from her you have to maybe have to post a bond or something maybe just to make everybody happy and get the road done in the spring when the flowers are blooming and everything would be wonderful be buring money though Grand probably oh yeah okay so just a hypothetic question is is there any way since lot six is already has a covenant on it for Karen filment that that same Covenant can be transferred to we're having a problem with the Covenant so I think that I'd probably lean towards Town Council but if we could get a bond it would just be better off for everybody in the whole world I can see his point you don't want to waste five $5,000 if we transfer the Covenant I get it but I think going to cost me probably 230 Grand I'm going Li so expensive luck it's a crappy lot too what my name is Scott mcke I live on 8 Del way I'm with Bruce I you know Bruce is doing a have you been down the road already did obvious you have it's a horror show oh I know I mean someone's going to go through it y but whatever he's doing a great thing I don't think he should have to jump to the RO that's my opinion on the whole thing and if he gets a $5,000 Bond how long does you guys hold it until it's done Road till the road gets released till the road gets done it gets released yeah it's a bond it's it's you pay for it's Insurance you g 5K he's paying the insurance he's throwing he's giving the insurance company five grand the lot wor I it's an insurance policy no no it's different it's an insurance policy but does it cost you 5K out of your pocket just to purchase it yeah yeah you never get it back it's like insurance it's Insurance a country club so we get discuss I just want to get up in front of you guys I know it wasn't here I just want to make sure it gets on the agenda because I was so I'm going to try I just it's we'll make a motion to put it on the agenda again and actually keep it on the agenda um uh daily way December 19th we'll have Town Council want make motion make a motion to put it on the agenda for the 19th okay and uh we're going to have spy Town Council and town administ here and hopefully we can straighten it all out and I would like to make sure it's an appointment not a discussion cuz I want to make sure that like we have a hearing like I want to if we got somebody that's going to solve this problem I want to have it done on the 19th amen if possible within guidelines of the bylaws obviously he's going be he's going to be coming in with a definitive plan that Joe web's doing okay yeah Joe well that's yeah Joe has it already the plan that he drew up exactly on on the on the 19th so does that need to be P reviewed we want to get we want to get it appr do that before yeah if you have the plan you should we should a peer review with pgb engineering it's already been an improved plan right before just the only thing it has been well the only thing they have to just check all the drainage everything that has to be done I'm sure wrlt probably has that on proposal to finish all that there is yeah I got a proposal from them and I got talk to Steve Hayward I think he's got a lot of input on this cu the roads so I'm actually going to make an appointment to see if I can get you know get out with him soon you know meet up with them see if you can mark the road with me so what I'm concerned about is and the reason why if it does need to go to peer review I'd rather have it be peer reviewed before the 19th if that's possible because again something doesn't smell right that smells right something else doesn't SM smell right so if you come on the 19th and we get all this done and then we go okay great now we're going to send this out for peer review and then it jumps into January now that's another two weeks for whatever the hell is going on here gets fingers and cookie jars and stuff right for trying to keep it clean because we're on YouTube So at the end of the day what I'm saying is is that we're going to send that plan we're going to send that out for peer review if you come in on the 19 and it's already been peer reviewed y so set up an account with um with us and we can have pgb engineering or another engineering firm prer engineering so we have all our te's crossed and eyes dotted so Joe has a plan for him to look at for for p Joe Webby did the original plan right yeah yeah but I meant with like the conditions that they are now so F SLT has a proposed um set of plan like set of uh plans or I itinerary on how to make the road proposal that 2018 there was that engineer they had some options to how to fix the road either replace patches or take it all down and and go you know there were some options then until the road you know be one of the other so like I said I'll talk to Steve and then we can get a good plan I know that um I know like the Retention Ponds they need to be they're all full of trees they all cleaned out can we get a motion to change the road to Sylvester way so Jes the gate up at the yeah 100 Grand you'll make that money back for that so here's just I think we're kind of circling the wagon here when I say this so I don't want to beat a dead horse but um I want to make sure that no matter who's in attendance at this meeting on the 19th right when they go well it needs to be peer reviewed you go got it right here and then there's no bll there's no reason for this to carry on and then that way the only thing that anybody can do and everybody that is involved in this building is going to be watching this right now so it's not going to be a surprise so when you come in with extra stuff in your hands they're going to know not to even ask for a peer review because it's already done okay and then there's no crap and if anything else comes to the surface like a dead fish we'll know between now and the 19th okay thank you you know K Cod Cafe really got me going I'm like how fired up right now [Music] [Music] must we have to we have to finish the meeting sorry didn't mean to be rude for years it's all right thank you for your time pleasure to have you very good yeah awesome great news yeah AB Michel see you soon Danielle um mail package for planning board from Mark Pierce and where is oh it's right there design to Enlighten us that one uh y that's it thank you um Design This is correspondence that we received um a Sketchbook it says design to Enlighten you I don't know what's in here did you peruse it at all I tried to there is a note there Sor okay by who written conceived by Mark Pierce energy and transportation department hello my name is Mark Pierce just a quick recapitation recapitation I grew up near the original location of the Town blacksmith shop across from Zilla Baker I think and his writing is really neat but it's a little hard to read can you see that this isn't ticket I know right and his historian J Baker Mr Mr Grand mayor is I'm sorry if I'm not reading this correctly um is mer and she do you want to give it a world it's really hard to read so what's this thing all about yeah let's get to the basis of the does that say the Earth is flat America's intelligent committee September 4th 2024 6:30 a.m. we have Killers thieves trust what did you show a list to anybody in the building includes yeah yeah yeah we had the news today oh boy Health Massachusetts town hall I there politicians Exon Mobile School of Destruction School of corruption School of collusion school should we be reading this I mean doesn't seem like there's a lot of uh why is this relevant to the plan says so I would like I would like you all to take the time and read all 100 pages of my handwritten notebook we're not do right now idle by all I know all the town hall members by Oh by all I mean all of the Town Hall members the planning board the health and safety board fire chief school committee Buzz around Inc took me years to write took me years to write and learned how to read and write atax Elementary School and now to locate gravity near a water tower and create a spark Mak any sense it does but he also first of all stop right now my name is Mike Pierce I'm at 4611 trimmer Road number 422 Killian Texas okay so um that's he down yeah it's um I think maybe we hand that off to Town Council and see if it's even something that we should touch and maybe have it scanned for how did it get that's why I didn't touch I know that's why I'm like that'll wash your hands that's what I'm saying it's I mean I don't want to be disrespectful it seems like somebody put a lot of time and effort into that and obviously he's very passionate they're a resident of Halifax originally right um it seems like there's a lot of stuff in there that uh why they send it to us that's the question above our Pig yeah that's it's above my pig the question is yeah so on the packaging it didn't say why they sent it to us H I'd like to I'd like to pass this oop sorry Danielle I didn't mean to cut you off said it I wonder if they sent it to other ones so what I would do is just in case just to cover our tracks I would um recommend that we forward it over to the selectman okay just so that it's on their hands or in their I'll make a motion to send it over to the I don't want to I don't want to be rude in a way of of dismissing it because the gentleman put a lot of time and effort into it but it's above our pay grade maybe maybe the historical Association absolutely Society or whatever yeah so we'll hand it to the selectman with the idea of maybe they can decipher what it means and if it's appropriate and if it is appropriate they can hand it down to the historical committee and if it's not appropriate then we have to deal with it in the way that we would handle anything that's inappropriate okay and that was my motion by the way okay question police for a while too you might want to get that to them first because to think cases like this could if there was an issue right good time is always of the essence right so just a recommendation that they look at that um first to make sure that on its way to the selectman it stops off at the police station you go and then that we ask the chief if it's okay if he deems it okay that he passes it off to the selectman and if not then he takes care of it as as the law enforcement should okay I would make a motion that we take the package that we received um and attempted to read to the best of our ability passed off to the chief of police which it does ask that that is said in that list of people uh chief of police and if the chief of police deems it safe to pass it along to the selectman to then decide what to do with it okay uh do I have a second I'll second that all those in favor all those in favor I all right I all right okay and then we have a bill would you like me to read it please uh Express new newspaper dated 12524 for 300 Plymouth Street Cape Cod Cafe Jeremy jamulus in the amount of $90 motion to pay that motion to pay that invoice A1 4371 C do we have a second second okay all those in favor I I okay does anybody have anything else that they want to discuss tonight anybody else no okay all right just learn a lot from coming to the I know really Panic definitely a good thing yeah for that that's kind of freaky you can read it if you want [Music] yeah motion to adj second okay I I all those in favor I [Music]