[Music] uh present is Kim Melanie myself Ed Allan and the first thing on our agenda is the reorganization of the board so we'll um nominate and then we'll do roll call um so first up would be chair if anyone had something to nominate no I'll nominate that one chair and um I are you not looking to um I'm going to step down you're going to step down yeah take a break I'm going to nominate Ed okay and any other nominations so nominated to for chair okay so then we'll go down and vote so need you need a second second I put the okay so your motion okay so Ed's going to Second yes so you need to go to that vote okay so we're going to vote for chair um I first um we vote for Alan um Alan yes or no yes Ed Alan yes and Alan yes um Alan no Alan no okay so after that um three so it be three to two so Al if you accept yes I'll accept Okay and then would you want me to take over the meeting do you want we just going to going down correct okay go ahead um we're looking for nominations for co-chair I'll nominate Ed well actually let me uh pause for a second yeah do you want to Kathy co-chair yeah sure okay I'll I'll nominate Kathy I second the nomination for Kathy okay we have a motion we have a second we'll take a roll call okay the nomination is for Kathy yes Kathy yes for for co-chair yes Kathy yes Kathy yes okay so Kathy's going to be the coach here now we need a nomination for the secretary i' like to nominate himim for the secretary I'll second that oh I'm sorry I mean that's not how that works yes it does it yes it does okay so we have a motion in a second do you want to go to a roll call okay okay yes yes yes yes yes that's okay okay Mr chair yes at the end of the meeting could I please get your phone number in case I need you for anything correct that's fine okay um it being 702 actually our first order of business is a RDA hearing for 20 Crescent Avenue do have anybody in the audience for 25 Crescent okay um um Madam Secretary the procedure should be that if it's okay to read the hearing notice into the record that's not a problem I don't mind doing it at all okay and do we have a cofy in the folda the hearing notice I I don't have it so is that that it this I thought that was meeting Mr chair we don't have a copy of it you do not have a copy the hearing notice um okay not having any and you would be Mr Merchant yes okay um could you kindly present what you're looking to do typically we'd be the hearing notice but we don't yeah no that's fine so along the back of our property we um can you identify where that property is it's 25 Crest na in pemro but it buts up to um Crystal Lake in Halifax and so along the back of the property where the lake is we have a lot of pine trees and so we've been losing big branches and stuff out of the pine trees that were hitting the house and we have some broken siding and other damage so we'd like to take down the pine trees leave the hardwood trees there some Oak and some other trees um but take down the pine trees so that we don't have any more don't any more damage to the house okay I'm going to did you have any sort of a plan any pictures anything that the board can look at the number of trees that you need so we Nukem tree came out and they looked at them I think we came it was like 25 trees okay uh was the request for photos um was it no one requested so I feel like we should have been probably notified you wanted photos I think that's part of the request for determination to provide as much information as you can for the board because we don't have any information is there a possibility that we could get the notice so that it can be official because I feel like we're it's kind of a disservice to us that you don't have the documentation so you're not actually able to see it can we get a copy of that for you you must hearable okay just hold on a second yeah is it in the folder do do we have a folder yes we do have a folder for it it's it's right here isn't it yes it's right here and Kimberly already looked in the folder and said that it was not in there but I didn't look for myself no the did an excellent job everything's in order and it's not mistaken but would it have been in an email by any chance in one of the emails because I can look through my email if you think it might be in there I can pull that up on my phone for photos I weew I think typically the ID wants you to it's going a notice of intent uh what I'm going to suggest I'm going to defer this to the board if if they want to continue the matter we provide photos uh she's correct we should have a hearing notice to determine what's going to be done um you should probably at least to have some trees or excuse me some pitches or something like that to sort of give the board an idea as to what you're going to do and then possibly maybe some small sketch how close are they to that resource area they're right up against the leg so they're within the 50 ft yes oh yeah on okay the ledge um I'm going to defer that to for CH but I believe the policy for informational purposes we are leaving the roots and we're not going to take off you know we're not going to dig everything up and what have you we need to have the trees down we're going to sustain considerable damage we've had many many rainstorms and unfortunate wind things um our house and trees are very close to each other um so the amount of trees that we understand is a lot we don't want to but I don't want to have to pay to get my house repaired every time we have something that lands on the house or considerable damage with um the siding and things like that plus we have children you know it just is it's a hazard a bit may I ask goad sure you go ahead um how much of the tree were you planning on leaving how many feet of the original tree were you planning on leaving because there is sometimes um it's considered it's called a snag tree where you leave a certain um footage of the tree and and that provides a resource for wildlife and and a lot of times he said he said they can just cut the tops off but um they're pine trees so there's really the only branches are at the very top of it and the rest of it's just almost like a telephone pull pretty much down so we're going to leave the stumps and stuff at the shoreline to hold the bank together but that was kind of what we that was it so I'd like to hear but Kathy what your question was going to be ja yeah I just had two questions one is is if any of the members of the board wanted to go and maybe take a look at the property and we can then have a better understanding of it and also um were you thinking of replanting any hadwood trees or any shrubs or anything absolutely 25 trees 30 trees whatever you know is necessary but yes we are you know planting on replanting you know to give the wildlife an option it you know contribut it's um so it's yes that is definitely so um as far as a visit I think that's something we can discuss and get back to someone you know as early as probably tomorrow but um yeah we can discuss that yeah I would personally be okay with just seeing the aerial view photos um and then what your plan is as far as how how high and um and what your plan is for replanting okay so what Mr May yes going going off of Melanie's question to you on the snake trees how many feet would you need not to have damage to your home if we were to acquire that way you're already within the 50t I think if we probably leave like we probably leave 40 ft of the tree and it wouldn't be if it fell it wouldn't hit the house or anything like that it would be plenty of room well with some of them some of them it would have to be lower that's closer to the house yeah in the back corner I don't know how close they it's it's typically 8 to 15 ft that you would leave for a snake Tre yeah yeah so 15 ft would be we would love thank you yeah this a great ball no if you take a right and go through and follow the wall all the way around to your left you'll go into the great is that where the conservation meeting isation Jo Mr chairman I suggested do site visits and you said f 27 trees 25 trees um you can't do an area view and say okay have someone go out or two people go out check it out see which trees they want to are assume they marked them they have not they didn't marked them yet okay I suggest they'd be marked first so we know which trees I want to take down do a quick site visit okay you can calculate it's going to hit the house um I think that be we can have them back come soon they they'll come out and do that quickly yeah do want hear a motion to for site visit oh yeah I put motion that there'll be a site visit for 25 Cresent have okay does two members want to volunteer uh I volunteer okay I can I can go on Kathy's schedule usually okay okay that's fine um just for official purposes the home address is 25 prestent Avenue in pem but the trees we're talking so you need to put in pem when you are putting in the GPS don't go down Thompson please not have to all right I'm familiar with the site so I won't make I won't make a site visit okay so so we have a motion um we had a motion to have two members I'll second motion okay so that motion is for two members which is going to be Ed and Kimberly no no Kathy be going for a site visit uh all in favor I that's unanimous um we would also need to continue this until such time um do we have some time at the next meeting any idea we can continue with the next meeting the meeting after to make it meeting after I would say the meeting after to give time for everybody to get out there they can have to press a mic the ches CU sometimes if it's okay it's 3 days from now um now bring us to June 11th well it's up to that 15 person June 11 we have a pretty good relationship with n they come out and mark the trees as possible so it would be with okay maybe the next meeting like a 72 hour you know work day basically time frame May 28th would be acceptable to we can confirm with new come and not far so um and they're aware of the project they understand we have this meeting and things like that so okay we have a motion or do we have a motion to continue this hearing until May 28th I'll put a motion to continue 25 Crescent Street to our May 28th meeting okay second I'll second all in favor hi I okay so you'll get you'll contact the office secretary and to set up the meeting and and she'll set it up with both board members thank you next item on the agenders uh zero Laurel and zero Thompson Street Marland Landing continued and red hearing we have representatives from yes sir okay could you finally we have an eel sure and identify yourself for the record [Applause] my name markello I'm environmental consultant uh commissioner do remember we were before you back in the end of February to initially present this anrad uh from property off Laurel Street um weing to confirm Wetland boundaries out there at this time that's the purpose of refiling uh at that hearing back in February you all voted to have the have the delineation peer review Brandon is here from ecosystem Solutions and can tell you um he summarize his review for you I can tell you that we revised the plans and revised the delineation based on his comment so his crew went out to the site reviewed all of our well and flags they had some comments which they provided in a first peer review letter which basically listed the flags that they disagreed with they hung new Flags in places where they suggested we revise it we agreed with all of those revisions and so this plan reflects all those changes and you know you probably can't see from there but we've shown the old Flags in red and the new Flags in black and hash the area in between really it's here here here here here that one the major changes they also added the flag down here uh offsite just to make sure all the buffer Z was covered um so I think we're in in agreement with with the with the delineation shown on this plan and with that I'll let Brandon speak if if that's okay with you Mr chair yes that's fine Brandon good evening Brandon fan up ecosystem Solutions uh Mark is correct we are good with the the current plan set um we went to the site and hung our own Flags uh which uh they picked up themselves which is again shown in Black the the old ones are shown in this you say red it looks it looked orange to me but close enough right U with the blue hash being the difference between the two uh you know the areas that have been changed so you got one area here here here and here then we have this this last one way down over here uh that was added uh the property is this uh Das double dot line right here and there are a bunch of flags that kind of go off site so the flags that can be verified end uh right over here pretty much at flag a88 so these flags being offsite cannot be verified that said if you need to figure out what the buer zone is because you get 100t buer Zone that might come onto the site I have no problem if you rely on on these flags here figure out what sent in the I think those the ones you're talking were down the left end of that a Series yeah and these as well and these the ones above are over the Town Line exactly they're still on site but over to Town Line are not part of this file correct yeah yeah and these ones right here technically off site but if you need to rely on the buffone I think you're fine um this a series is a bordering vegetated Wetland uh the B series down here is an isolated vegetated Wetland as is is this one it looks very big but it's a it's a a pretty flat wet Meadow neither one of them are going to hold in my opinion the the required quar acre foot of water minimum 6 in deep but still uh jurisdictional under the Halifax weon protection by okay so um I recommend issuing uh an ordered resource area delineation is accurate for uh the bordering vegetated Wetland and the uh the two isolated vegetated Wetlands under the bylaw as as being accurate um in my report I I spelled out exactly what the flags are um but I think that if you reference the most recent plan dated uh May 8 2024 in your motion I think that's that'll do it okay um I'm going to reach out to the board any members have any questions orc concerns an email did go out with the report from his organization which substantiates uh the comments that he made anybody anybody have any questions is there anyone from the audience that has any questions regarding this and R okay I would be looking for a motion to um okay the anrad for zero Laurel Street zero Thompson Street and depicted on the plan by C I can't read the date May 8th May 8th May 8th plan from CEC someone want to make that motion uh I make a motion that we accept the an okay you can say so moved if you want oh so moved soov soov is there a second on that I'll second it okay um we second it is there any any other discussion okay I will be looking for a vote all in favor um all oppos n okay it's unanimous thank you very much we'll be issuing once we get the appropriate paperwork then we'll be ising the area thank [Applause] you okay next item on the agenda is is 8 Hill the lane notice of intent and continued hearing we haven't been in the audience from 8:1 um anybody here from Webby engineering I think they're going to continue think they're going to continue I this morning on your yeah it was a a bunch of uh emails around because uh I've been chosen to peer review that one as well um they need to get the review uh money in and uh and then I can start my review okay so you're saying that you need have you been in Communications with either the engineer or the office I didn't see any emails relative to I there was some emails that went around just this morning uh stating that they need to pay their their peer review consultant fee for 53g and it was uh Joe Webby Joseph Webby said that they could continue to the next meeting I forget what that date is he has it for the 11 yeah we have it as um June 11 which should be two meetings from today yeah okay so June June 11 they said if it's not already then they'll just continue with it again but it it'll be ready for that okay all right based on the information we have a motion to continue 8 Hill the lane until June 11th could I ask you Mr chair there is people here in the audience um do they have to just come back or can they share why they are here today there's really nothing the we can't move forward with the pro with any testimony on the project so what should have to do is um if the other engineer was here and he's here then you can discuss it but there's nobody else and you can share your Fox but no we just have another something happened in our yard that pertains to the water damage that's past two weeks so I thought I put it in the folder along with it if I could since they you wasted our time maybe we could just have you sent anything into the office if you can we've been here to every meeting they haven't probably no what I'm saying is you you have a new incident you said you have something happened just recently yes I mean it's gone along with all the other damage in the neighborhood with the water table and stuff so we have a pool in our backyard and we needed a new liner while we got the liner out and there's a lot of water damage coming up from the um River shall I say now so we're going to have to fix that but I'm just it's just to help everybody know what's going on with this water table and to you know go against the bylaws to build more homes that are now going to even detent all the neighbors again I just think that you know I'm saying my P so my suggestion if you do have some concerns photographs would be helpful I I got one that's why I didn't know if you can put it in the folder but I'll bring it next time what you should do is is either bring it into the office or email it to the office so it becomes part of the record bring it may I Mr chair yes I I don't want to speak for the whole board but I I believe what the board's trying to do is have you officially put in your complaints with the administrative assistant in town hall not just during open meeting here yeah I mean letters have been sent we've sent them throughout the last two years um that we by oh yes there has been letters and each time that there's a new concern you send an email or a new letter um always send pictures and I address it here like I no both is helpful okay both is helpful but when it goes into the office it's officially a part of the record and it goes out to all of us in the chair automatically so you want me to go through two years of issues I've had and redo it no just anything just anything that is new if you wouldn't mind doing a summary with the well whatever is current on your mind that is continuing continued issues that you can think of more pictures so there isn't a folder with the pictures in the neighborhood that have wrote letters and stuff there isn't a folder with this stuff there are some I'm not sure if it's in the the folder for this project or if it would be it was on before that so it would be great to have an official Complaint with be summarizing just that is um if you title the email 8 held the lane that way it actually goes the letter and basically saying what going on and damage that's being done already without even having the new homes okay Mr Wayne Mr chairman uh we having peer review done on it so that' be a big help um when it's done to see what's the situation what could be caus it is it more Wetlands than on record that's why we having a pay review done okay so that way so you want it this week because when you when he gets the money when he gets the money when he gets the money rock and roll so I'm looking for a motion to uh continue the hilden lane roadway application till June 11th I make a motion okay you so move it so move it okay second I'll second okay all in favor okay the matter is going to be contended to June 11th my suggestion is this particular project I know there's been a lot of projects down there what whatever you want a document should be to this particular project that would be very helpful and make sure that the secretary has it and she'll share it with us okay can I have your name for the minutes1 thank you m rord chair I should probably okay I'm sure we'll be talking to you thank you okay we're running a little bit behind at 75 I'll let the room for a second send that folder down oh that's we have a 7:15 hearing on number three 6th Avenue we have someone okay um can s here come on up front please identify yourself with a record Kenneth Susan nson okay and do we have a hearing notice on this one I do Mr chair okay but I'd like to do is have the uh secretary read the hearing notice into the record T of Halifax conservation commit notice of public hearing notice is hereby given of a public hearing conducted by the Halifax cons commission under the provisions of mgl 131 section 40 Wetlands protecting act and chapter 164 of the town of Halifax Halifax Wetland protection bylaw on Tuesday May 14th 2024 at 7:15 p.m. at the Halifax town hall to consider request for determination of applicability submitted by Kenneth and sudas Nelson of 36 alifax for a proposal to clear area behind shed and left side of a driveway Loom to level off and hydro seed to paper Street leaving current stump in place behind shed and cleared area install fence in the future on right side of driveway from paper Street up to the right of the sun's house Loom to level off and hydro seed behind Sun's house Loom to grass and hydro seed at the property located at 36 Avenue Halifax Mass shown on assesses map 52 288-i to do we've seen that you want to clear and every behind the shed um do you have any photographs do you have any plans do you have anything you can show the board we have photographs did you submit any of this to the office the photographs no just the um application with the plan you will have to if they're going to be part of the record we will need those photographs in it I think did you want um well why don't you you can stand if you don't mind and you can show everyone this is the area so this is let me get my bearings straight of what this this is the left side of the driveway where we want to just level off and um or just make it even there's an area here that had um when we had tree removes which we were back here a little while ago and had 10 tree removes the it left a divot in the um area so just to be able to bring it to um a level and have the not have water accumulate there so that's the one side just to be able to loom and grow grass um that's the other another angle of the area as well just further down M um on that side of the host okay thank you so then this is the so this would be the back side of the house um that abots the water they're just again bringing um wom and grass right to grow grass here um Can can I just ask one question there was grass day before it looks like uh that's the porn grass Moss yeah that's the porn yeah okay and that's the house right there like I said the area for from like from the edge of the house that runs along here doesn't have like it's just okay is that area within 50 ft of the pond yeah that's right CL is the house to the pond I think this is the plan that they drew do you want to pass that how far back the back of the house to the the pond thanks and then this is the beginning of the what would be the right side of the house that the area we want to clean or just clear um here so that's the the street would be right here so that's the beginning of it when you say clean clear what do you mean so you know clean up the leaves and remove some remove the trees like the little trees to have an area for it to level out and um grow the grass that's the beginning of it okay then that's the a better view so that would be my neighbor's next door so it's the area between our house kind of what is described in there is behind the shed so that's the area there you get your steps in so can you show me here where the pond is so that's that's the so this is the house okay this is that the water's right here the back of it's on the back of the house do you know how far it is he said it's about 15 ft from the water to the house from where the water is to where you want to clear and and when you say clear you mean cut down trees so these are the this is the area here that um so you said you didn't you were going to from here right yeah to start so well was the shed the shed's right there oh okay yeah just this area right there next to the shed so all this you want to remove all those trees yeah not the big ones but just like the little the little ones to clear do you know how far they are from the water so that's you probably to the this Edge you're probably talking about 40 ft that's from approximately did you all hear yes okay thank you I think yeah that's the other the other angle that's that's what we have did you have a total of five ages six six okay and you will provide those to the office y I'll email them to her when I get home okay anything else you'd like to present to the commission um the the trees that were removed in that area won't you know the um before the last time we came we had 10 trees removed we kept the stumps the stumps are still there those will remain yeah um what else I think that was I think it was like I said it's just more of to clear it to be able to have it um open for be able to use it and um you know make it look nice as we have a like a from the telephone PO for the house those trees whatever they are I don't even know what kind of trees they are they just grow in fast and they like pushing on those W is I don't know if it's something you want to come look at or what I'm going to do I'm going to open it up to the board to see if they got any questions and then they'll make a decision or some sort of course of action I'm going to open it up to the board for any questions or concerns I have one question Mr J um what you want to level fix near the closest to the lake is it like run off water going straight into the lake from there or what's going on there since there's really nothing there a lot of runoff comes from the paper street from 7th AB to 6th and just comes down into the yard right there but behind the house you're talking about where we want to like right on the water nothing it's just um the trees there there's nothing it doesn't grow it's just Moss so we had you know we try to do something with it and nothing will grow there so we're just trying to see if we bring in new loan and try to um have it so that it'll something will grow um but it doesn't there's no runoff water from that to to the pond no I just wonder if it if it stays as it is it would just like do to the lake I'm just no okay questions my questions would be for grass and the the hydro seed how much fertilizing and other things are going to be needed by whomever does it to do it because that the fertilizer is going to hurt right the lake and drink supp things you know we have a landscaper I do not they do not fertilize just cuz I know that it's bad for the um for the um like you know having a septic and having to go through putting in a whole new septic on a house right on the lake was you know a big expense so um I'm not sure about the upkeep we just hoping that it takes and you know it's not something that you know we're in competition with our neighbors of a better grass screen it's just more of rather than having dirt back there to try to grow something um and that's what we were trying to talk to him of like what kind of grass would grow in the in the shade or in this area so that it'll just be there and not dirt it's because it's dirt in all rocks um that's in the very back of the house so I actually have a question for the chair um so I see it as sort of two different things so we have an RDA um removing of trees within 50 ft of wetlands I would think would require an noi but um the loom and the leveling of where the trees were already removed where the divots are to me that would be okay with an RDA so what do you recommend as far as okay it's up to the board but yeah you're correct that any work that requires a variance would need an RDA the work that's being proposed and we haven't seen it is all within 50 ft so I think it's discretionary because we've got a previously Disturbed area mhm all right um to put them through the expense of an noi with a plan seems to be just a little bit overboard um I guess I would suggest that commission members go out and take a look and I think that if the board was inclined you could go with an Ida with conditions if the commission felt they needed something some of those spagnas trees or whatever you got there to be replaced or um or they want to look at whatever's going to happen as far as the grading um you could issue an idda with conditions but I guess the first step the board should decide um it's not clear to me what they're doing they seen the pitches and I'm okay with that if they want to do a site visit if they don't want to do a site visit um then we can decide on which course of action to take okay so I I feel like the pictures gave enough information I don't personally feel like a site visit is required um but as I said I feel like it's two different questions that were being asked so you're correct okay so your option is that if you felt as though this needed to go to an noi then you'd have to make of the project you mean right then you'd have to make a motion that we issue a um a positive determination on the RDA and that would kick them over to an noi okay so right so what is the motion again that that I would have to say to to have have the portion of the project that I believe requires an noi be on an noi it would be the whole project would have to be on the noi unfortunately and where you have a previously Disturbed area because it appears that everything there that they're doing is previously Disturbed um the noi would be a great expense but I mean feel free that motion would be to issue a positive determination on the RDA okay um I do have one more question is the area um that you want to clear the trees behind the shed a previously Disturbed area what do you mean by previously Disturbed area okay any area that when since you've been there you've done a septic system yeah okay so all your lawn area previous to stup the area that she has she's questioning you might have a picture of it is it heavily treed she does have a picture little trees the little trees who they're they're um what size caliper trees are they yeah yeah you might not seen that what's out at Maple I might be able to tell if I look at it again yeah how much this I mean so this runs like the whole length of the so this is yeah that's the beginning of of it that's the same picture okay that's the other side sorry and then see it runs from here all the way okay you might want to just give her an idea as to how many of the trees that you want to take out because this I guess if you want to Define trees you can find trees is caliper 6 in or less I don't see anything there that's uh any larger than 6 or maybe 8 in it looks like the the scraggly stuff is what you're looking to do right but why don't you show her that one okay mhm and then that's like a better I don't know what kind they are but yeah I can't tell without seeing the leaves either in the it looks like Maple I would say Maple but could be Maple broke quick um I mean we've been there years it could be birch as well never touched it this is our first you know um adventure to do this after we took down the big trees that made a big difference looking at the bo M I can't tell what the right okay all right because do you you want to take the larger ones down too or just the saplings no no just the small small ones when you say small could you define them for the commission are they going to be 2 in or less in caliper size this one here would this come down yes so that is that looks like appears to me to be greater than 6 in um I'm not really sure about okay so that's a maple or a birch that would be a mature tree and that is almost mature these two in the back would be mature these smaller ones like when I say s where we're that's what we're referring to as the smaller ones on the bottom to clarify you want to clear the the whole area all the trees in this picture okay yeah I definitely personally feel that that would require an noi so I agree all right the board's been trying to stay consistent yes and follow procedures and other and other things so I would have to agree with Melanie's input and notice on that one so Melanie is is it your intention to make a motion to do a positive determination on the r a yes it is okay that would be your motion yes it is okay does someone want to second that I'll second okay U we'll go to a vote excuse me let me just CL some things out on the ID we can add conditions right yes you can like obviously they said they will have no fertilizer um when you maybe take down those trees maybe have a condition then replace those with some other friendly um trees and brush that for the Lake area that was the other plan was to like maybe do the taller like I don't know I think they're kind of like a privacy bush like in that area or like some kind of greenery there instead of a fence or something you know to kind of close in the um that was our other our other thought you would need to clarify that because the motion right now on the floor and it has been seconded is to issue what was called a positive determination which means that you would not be allowed under an Ida to proceed you'd have to get an engineered plan and do I don't want to do that I don't think that we're that heavily involved in it like I said we've lived there for 29 years it's just more of you know to clean up the area have a clear area for the dogs to run to put up a fence so they're not going in our neighbor's yard um but it's I'm not sure that we want to go through what we just went through we're moving the trees and doing all that just for that I have a I have a I have a a question question um and it may help maybe not help um change Melanie's mind if they were willing to leave the mature trees and just take out the saplings would you do an RDA with conditions I would probably be willing to do that but I would like to see that all in the actual formal RDA so then I would suggest that they withdraw this RDA and come back with one no we we what would happened is that under the RDA we'd come up with a list of conditions so that would be part of the determination okay so if they were not looking to remove the larger trees in that area but that might defeat the purpose of what they're trying to do no okay not necessarily like I said it's it's more of just to have that area clear um you can rake and all of that all on your own without the commission's per he he won't touch any of it without us being here con yeah he you know he said I'm not even you know he said I've been on jobs where I'm near the water and somebody's com and they haven't done that so he won't he won't do it until you know we tell them what what's to come from this so that's why I said um but I mean I don't know if you feel I I don't feel that I I could leave it as is and just I'd like to have the grass and the LOM and the big divot out of you the yard before taking all those trees so if it would be separate or you know to redo it separately that would be you know another option for us as well like the the LOM the area where there the tree was that it was it sunk is now like sits there with wet mosquitoes yeah and everything there and just to level that area off um as one and then be able to have them come and work at the top of the driveway so that we don't have the runoff from the from the road as well well so the run off from the road won't hit the back area but the any large storms or anything like that or any torrential downfall will there be a barrier so the loom that you're adding won't go into the pond a mention something like that if you still work on it to put a barrier up okay okay what I should have done excuse me is anyone in the audience have any questions regarding uh 36 abidon okay all right won't we continue then I'm sorry a question to the fencing is that going um is that within the 50 ft also the wetlands yes yeah is between the neighbor and us so we like with all the saplings or trees it would go right from there up to the street there's still fencing post from when before we moved in that is still standing but um is it reusable I don't think so I think it's rotted I just we kept it there just so we know our boundaries okay we have a motion but we may be changing that motion I just have just want to do a little bit of discussion uh I'm not sure that the board would probably entertain that these folks come in with a very clear detailed plan of what they want to do as far as trees that are going to be cut if they're going to be 2in caliper or less we can measure those those at the base exactly what you want to fill um come in with some steel photographs showing that this is the area that we want to fill these are the trees that we're going to save and you can photographs of that if the board susceptible to that um it might make it a little easier for you and I would withdraw my motion if that is the case because I feel that that would be sufficient um I really feel that it's two separate issues you're talking about and I think it would have been better to come with an RDA for just the the um filling the divits with the loom and then doing the other one separately because that's the one that I'm more inclined to want an noi for so I would be that makes sense to me okay um process is a little confusing hard to understand but get it now after listening yes okay so so basically what I think i' do is uh a going to ask the question does anybody want to do a site visit I'm familiar with the are I personally don't need to do a side visic I don't feel that it's necessary after seeing the photographs I I don't either it's up to you you feel as all you need to I would like to if I could okay yeah okay um I'm going to suggest that you contact the administrative assistant and come up with some days with Miss Evans and let her come on and take a look at p is that right it's go back P so it's see the petty Patty or piggy Patty or piggy the one can help you yeah you can set up a time set up a time with you um to come out just take a look okay I would be looking for a motion to excuse me Mr chair we've been going with two members going out do we still need two members to do s visits it's up to discussion of the board and this is something minor um it's and it's up to the board if the board if if if Miss Evans believes that she need somebody to assist them that's right I'm good okay [Music] um I would be looking for a motion to continue the 36 AV RDA until is May 28th sufficient does that seem to work is that okay with you okay somebody want to move it sorry go ahead so moved okay uh I'll looking for a second second okay all in favor I that's unanimous so again be very descriptive pictures showing what you want to do um if there's any great big trees that want to come down if she indicated then she's going to be looking for notice of int did that like I said not I don't even know as a year we just U did that the whole thing so it's just more clearing the area of the small smaller one and except Miss Evans whether want you you want to Mark the trees you're going to save or Mark just let her know yeah okay yeah we showed you in the photos from Melanie ey what the mature trees were and what at Le the two of us felt would be sufficient and not and with the seed links it'd be helpful in the new photographs with the descriptions just to have them marked so we know which ones you're keeping okay and and and I'm okay that if you use any type of household items or Ribbon or anything like that to mock them so so we know something bra for us I that ready okay we'll see you on the please make sure that you submit all the documents at least four or 5 days beforehand so that the admin can share them with the rest of the board okay so these plus more so to add more pictures with the markings and then an appointment with when she wants to come out and do a S correct what you might want to do is just put the picture on a piece of paper and have some sort of description below that's up to you underneath of it you picture up top what you plan on doing here you got a you got a 6-in hole you want to fill that in or more specific if you want to take pictures of that tree area that seems the area of greatest concern okay thank you thank can I please have the second map that goes with 36 oh here it is don't you also that little binder I can get that at the end of the meeting that's a different thank you have a good night we're running a little bit late okay we have discussion items we have 10 6 South Street 14 acre donation to the Plymouth Wildland trust I'm Al s 106 appraiser AR um we're just to begin we own a um 15 acre property on South Street uh that comes close to a buding um the wi tax River what we want to do is separate out the house lot and donate the rest of the back area to Phil County Wildland trust um we've appli for the um state tax incentive and are trying to maximize the value of the but back lot which why we hired Mar yes go ahead okay so um I you submitted some plans and look something like this we had ECR come out and flag the weap do you mind just bringing either that just hold hold them up just so that we want to make sure that the camera can get them I believe that's the camera there okay okay this yeah that's fine you can just make sure all the void members can see it once the camera se's one that's fine did you this one yes anyway um originally it looked like the only way to develop property has a house lot would be to put a driveway in within 50 ft of the Wetland across 250 ft I talked to Alan he said that was pretty unlikely to be allowed 50t buffer requirement so came up with an alternative plan which is to put it in the front so it would be a different shape lot you Don would be another try to maximize the value of the donation right there would be another 7,000 square ft that would be part of the donation and there's barely enough room to put a local septic system in a house there with just like 12200 Square ft of area or more where the septic system leeching field could go and the house would be here would be small house but it would maximize the value that this find do would you kindly show me on this where you're talking about putting the driveway sure um there were to be this is the new lot line it has to have this funny tag to this to make 40,000 square ft but um this would be where the This Is 50 ft from the well okay this is 100 ft well I understand this well is no longer in use now so this doesn't really applied but anyway the um septic system could go right here in the front and the house could go right here uh it goes right up to the 50t line I'm not sure what you think about that putting a dwelling right up to the 50t line mhm that's enough me yeah that is how close would it be do you think we try to be consistent with keeping it 100 ft 100 ft yeah our bylaws that is the bylaws of the Town OFA okay I see that plus a 50ft no touch anything within 100 you have to go before us yeah right I understand that but if you allow dwellings that close to 50 ft from from W or not since I've been a member okay all right I'm sorry just direct the question to they here what was the question did we uh have you have you allowed dwellings within up to 50 ft from a wetland before uh in the past I know we have by going back a few years um recently I well we did the property on Home Street the one that was on water was existing home it was an existing home that they would doing now so it wasn't a new build if I could um I did get the email when I spoke with Mr snoow bus um because it really wasn't clear as to what their goal was um I did with her permission go out and do a site visit and I would agree with the lines that that are here as far as the wetlands lines um I just want to point out to the commission that this is basically hypothetical um the the intent of this particular plan and it probably would have been better if you had shown the colid plan the mass mapper plan so that them um this particular lot is inundated with wngs um you could going through a lot of Hoops maybe gets a dwelling in there um but it would be a lot of Hoops um and I believe that there is not going to be any BL so I think to leave I I think and you can correct me if I'm wrong is is to you're looking for some indication as to whether or not any or all this R would be allowed right okay okay all right so if there is not to be an existing dwelling um and you're asking if it's okay to put in a driveway is that the question what is the not sure what the question I originally thought that the only place that could be developed was in the back and require Wetland Crossing to get to soil where put a septic system okay but um I have a new idea we is to put the dwelling in the front here would not have to go within 50 ft of the Wetland otherwise the driveway would go through 50 ft within 50 ft of the Wetland and then it would have across 215 ft of w which it sounds like you probably in anyway this is all hypothetical there's no plans of building no we're donating the CL County wild have they have no plans to build anything I just need some kind of indication in my report so I can say whether the property is developable or not it makes big difference in value well wouldn't it legally not be developable because of the the bylaws of the town of Halifax and it all the only not necessarily um in this in this type of scenario um they basically looking to find out that if they went through all of the hoops could you potentially get a single family dwelling there um not that they're going to uh I'm going to say from my experience that probably uh would be very expensive very extensive they might might need to go to D [Music] um but um I think of what he's showing here there is that potential um we have nothing in front of us so there's nothing for us to deny but I think or approve but I think if they put something together um it would be a struggle yeah quick question how bigger would the lot be with the new house hypothetically the whole yeah the lot of the house 14 14 acres and you going donate 14 acres oh the whole thing okay well the currently the whole lot is 15 Acres we would keep our house and one you know one acre um and you get 14 make a donation 14 acres and this hypothetical house would be outside the 50 but be within the 100 yes yes and any grading would have to be done in the 50 any driveway or anything in the 50 the driveway the other side of the house and you had a question about horizontal drilling well that was when I thought we need to put in a private well but this town water there town so I guess my question is what are you looking for umiss some kind of sense if this if this is possibly perable or not possibly perable I I suppose that I would entertain a motion the board so chooses um that the Project based on on his representations would be possibly permittable I'm going just okay so may I comment for a second Kimberly has something to say so it's my understanding that the onus of responsibility to show that the hydrology is not going to be impacted is on the applicant is that correct that's correct okay so I feel that it would be very difficult to not impact the hydrology but if you were able to as Alan said jump through all of the Hoops to show that you are not impacting the hydrology in theory if it was possible for you to show us that um and then it is possibly per permittable that's my understanding okay um yeah I I I would agree I would agree Kimberly has something she wanted to to say I wanted to read something but this is the Board of Health and not obervations by law I have I have Helifax bylaws if you you got a certain section or yeah I have't to I have one what was what section were you looking for is it under Wetlands protection or is it under our bylaw our bylaw I was looking for the development in the wetlands protection just for driveways because we've come across it before and I've know I've read it in a couple of times um in the pair in like my voting to see if it appal the first thing I do is ask for a PIR peir review study but I understand that you're asking the board to see if we'd hypothetically go one way or the other because you're looking for the most for for yourself right we' like we'd like to gain the highest advantage of our donation that we can to the um wildel trust um um and in order to do that we would have to it would have to be established that it was a buildable lot I'm not convinced it's a buildable lot underneath our bylaws or state law state law I would agree with Kimberly under our bylaws um that you would have to the responsibility would be on the applicant to prove to us that it is not going to impact the hydrology within 100 ft of the the wetlands so that would be my understanding as well yeah just to clear the air we are not trying or we're not this is this a current lot now or is it going to be subdivided it hasn't been separated out yet okay so it's currently the full 15 acres is one so are you you are you looking to not looking for the commission to determine whether or not you have a lot here not okay anybody from the audience have any questions um yes in tro is it in a f of blood Zone and is there any wild um any um Mesa or National Heritage on the uh the area could potentially or hypothetically be developed was successively drain soil hand or something like that that's so I guess my my my suggestion to you folks would be to come up with what you're looking for for a response from the commission um we're we're looking at this as there's a multitude of wetland there's lots of issues um she's correct with hydrology um potentially if you're going to do a road you could do a limited Crossing uh and it just goes on from there I don't think you're going to Crossing do you have a specific well how about this if if it if it was proven that the hydrology is not impacted would this be permissible do is there any way to have I it's tough to read this map but any way to have it outside the H 100 at all uh no well they have to tear down the garage I I'm sorry what was that question they have to tear down the garage because to be outside the 100 the G outside the 100 the G has to be 30t from the property line the house has to be 30 ft from the property line so I put it as far away from the W as it can possibly go on the sketch without tearing down the garage it wouldn't be the first time that we've asked people to reduce their square footage or take off a porch or garage to make if that would be something that You' be comfortable doing we can't I mean we we're limited by needing to keep an acre lot for the house well I could do that hypothetically um you know say the value of the property before is two lots is X and the value of the property after is one lot is why and the difference between the two value of donation be the same as actually donating lot but it will be signicantly higher it's just completely unfillable Mr chair yes I have another question for the donation and to go through to see if it's hypothetically available lot would they need to go through do they need to go through bard of health and planning in the other departments as well or are they just coming in front of us they would well I'll answer the question but if you want to if I'm wrong just correct me um you don't have any plans you have no intentions of building a house no okay so you're looking for some sort of uh direction from the commission as to how to proceed from here um so the answer to that would be no okay they would have to go me ultimately have to go to the planning board when it's before it's done yeah you'd have to go to the planning board in order to create a uh that second lot which would be U probably very simple I might suggest yeah the question I've had is where to draw the line to the second lot you know do we draw it okay in a place that could could uh accommodate the building or not you know I don't know that we can tell you that I think that from sen of the board is they probably looking at you guys to provide some sort of foros findings and then we would look at that and say okay we agree or we disagree with what you want um M Mr Mr chair and one of my big questions and asking too about the other boards is too and all the wetlands is can you even pass a perk test can you even get septic in on that yeah this this is exessive very soil definitely pass yeah we've had it surveyed L quick thing I don't want to tell you how to develop anything but since you have no ples to actually develop it when you want the smallest house possible on that is it just about the smallest house possible I was just curious how you can get further away I'm just think David tho would be fine yeah small I think 700 ft the minimum under the State Building Code we had another question for the honors Mr I was just going to let everybody know and make sure you knew that that an approval not required subdivision does not guarantee that it's buildable up oh right right okay I'm going to put the emphasis on you you you've you've heard the discussions from the board um so what course of action would you like to take would you like to come in with the proposed findings um this really the board can't take any formal action because we have nothing in front of us so um how do you want to to me that if if it was proved that it doesn't impact the hydrology there's a pretty good chance that it would be all right but I don't know for sure potentially it would potentially fild a ball and didn't impact the hydrology if it did then you know I mean it can't because our laws say that it can't I have one more question before we finish that have is it even possible to go over instead of crossing the wetlands like would it be building a bridge be that's financially uh okay financially unfeasible un feasible okay all right hi so what would you like us to do um well am I right in thinking that it was not hydrologically a problem that it would be so it would depend on how for me personally so um I like to see natural solutions and um if it was just all you know underground Chambers and and um engineered Solutions and there was you know a bunch of vegetation removed that would be a no for me so there's a there's a lot of things that would impact that decision but for it even to be considered you'd have to prove that it didn't impact the hydrology personally that's you know there's a lot of things that would impact it and you know um neighboring properties and and people would be notified and if they already had issues of of water infiltration there there's so many things that come into play but um it wouldn't even be considered if it if you could not prove that it doesn't impact the hydrology because it's just against the bylaws of the town are you guys looking for potentially a motion that said that you possibly we don't have anything W yeah we yeah we so unless you've got I think you're going to need something uh some sort of pro finding I guess or some sort of specific action you'd like the board to take um looking at the soils and looking at the site um would be very difficult they do have the soils um they do I'm not sure that they've got form a capabilities as far as planning these are all things that are up in the air um but yes is true how do you know they have the soils I looked at this soil logs so there's soil logs on the property for where this is no no we have there's a system we have it's called web soil survey that that you can tell basically what types of soil are in certain areas you do that as a soil evaluator prior to going on a site but in the town of Halifax we have to do soil evaluations on each property in order to design a subject system okay I think we're getting just beyond the scope of what we're doing here we're not designing AC setic systems um they have the information as far as the soils um it's up to them to give the board some sort of direction as to what you want us to do excuse Mr Diaz can you share the soil information by email with Peggy so the rest of the board can see oh yeah I think he should yeah he could yeah yeah he could cuz all information that every board member has is the more information you provide to each board member we all have the education corre he I I think you're going to have to ask the board for some specific action do do folks agree yeah we need some sort of specific action to and you have to tell us what that specific action is for us to make a decision on and my my question is too is it legal and maybe we may have to ask Town Council is it the board's responsibility to say something potentially buildable so they can maximize Their donation and get the best and build it fill their pockets I don't think that that's necessarily the board's responsibility either and I don't want to see us later on down the line find out that the board may have taken uh inaccurate step do we noted so you've got an idea around the feedback um think ready so um I think what to do is yeah come back information um my suggestion I don't know how soon you want to come back if you want to call the office and be added to the agenda or you want to thank you thank you next item on the agenda is one discussion go ahead yeah I'm sorry we're in the discussion mode next item on the agenda is 112 River Street did everyone get a copy of the 112 River [Applause] Street not sure is that [Applause] this this one just send it back afterwards [Applause] wait a minute she did some Deeds let me see if I got it King is there a fold R 112 there is okay um if you want to share the folder it appears I have it here it appears that 112 River stet had an noi taken I don't want to M up the dates it was an noi that was taken back in 2009 and I believe and that would have been D file number 171 this information is correct on the partial uh certificate of compliance should have been 171 0397 that work was done in 2009 and prior to that in 2006 or 2007 an additional or a previous noi was taken out and that work was not completed so I think with the applicant and I thought no one's here for that I thought the applicant was going to be here um um and I think what they're asking to do is for us to sign off on the certificate of compliance when no work was completed but in 2009 that work was completed and they only got a partial I'm surprised she didn't share this with you but she sent it to me in 2009 they did a partial so I'm not sure who's looking for this I have no idea here but the bo inclined to sign off on this I think we should notify the current owners that that partial um needs to be completed you see your name on it maybe it's this one I think it was the first one I think you on the first one Cathy it was a septic repair I don't know the site I don't know the location um so the first one was the septic repair they were both septic repairs yes they were both septic okay for some reason the first septic repair was not done there's when you say a name you mean the name of the people is that what you're asking for with the name of the the people the people at the time you're looking for I'm sorry it says who the certificate of compliance is issued to I see that is that the question were you asking no so that that certificate compliance is only a partial right which would have been for the septic repair yeah but the initial 2007 septic repair it appears was not completed I'm not going to go through the F oh here it this right here that wasn't completed so they're looking for us to sign off on that that no work was done so on the first one that was never done they were correct that's what's in front of us and the second one that's the passal correct that's the information that I got from doing the um the deed research and then the assessors provided me with the copies so if no work was done is the board inclined to sign off on the original notice that the work was not completed I I wouldn't be inclined to do that without them coming here and sort of giving us the explanation because we're guessing right now I believe what they want us to do they're not here so because of that without an explanation that I wouldn't be inclined to to sign I'm okay with that if the rest of the board is I don't know who added on the agenda maybe they just called in okay yeah is is that Mr board's inclination I would continue it and ask for them to come in in front of the board okay um just to make sure that they just haveen them made contact of making a point get on the agenda at one point begining action otherwise until they call to get on the agenda and then my my second question is is just just for clarity Mr chair as everything from the registry of deeds and we don't have hard copies of this property at Town Hall either that we had to do another registry of deed search and go into the systems or did we have them here no what I did is normal course of business I looked at the Chan title but you can't copy those from the registry of deeds so I asked the admin to get those certificates to compliance so yeah the information is here it's just that you can't copy it from the registry okay so they did I was curious as to why you had two nois in the same project and these are from some time ago so so we'll table that that's do we want to continue with to 528 or June 11 it's it's on for discussion so I think have to put it on the agenda I would make them have them call us and say we're going to be here this state so put on the agenda they don't show again okay I mean someone should come in and um explain said okay next item on the agenda uh is 285 Home Street indication was sent to Town Council we're going to continue that uh 129 Oak Street Mr Krispy it's just to pass back for the folder he's he's not here does anybody want to discuss this this is from the prev 12 seeing none uh 471 mon poner Street uh complaint trash junk build up at property the um there's been a lot of neighboring complaints that have come before multiple boards I don't know if all the board members get the email um but I do know that Mr Valley and the fire chief were out recently um and they didn't see anything of concern um Mr Doyle didn't show up to our last meeting as requested um and we haven't you really can't see anything from the road if there's contaminants from everything that's building up or anything like that at the edge of the property to go on and we haven't scheduled a site visit and things like that um at our last meeting um I was asked I can I can still go um but Mr Valley i' asked if the Board of Health would go um I also um Bob would like two members of conservation to go um if conservation if he joins conservation to go to I would be willing to go do a site visit but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for because as a conservation member if it's junk I don't know how that necessarily applies to us I would I'd need some explanation as to what I'm looking for and then I would be willing to go with Kimberly do does anybody know if we have a copy of the complaint and maybe we should start with a copy of the complaint see what the allegations are because junk and debris is not under our pview uh um I am familiar with a lot uh the gentlemen that own that prior used to be on the Conservation Commission um and he passed away some time and I know it's been five or six years with the junk accumulation um there um yeah the problem we have is that junk is not under our purview but yeah there was no those in uh I haven't seen it formally written to conservation um only those that have come to our open meetings to talk to us about it um and it's labeled junk trash and other things um I believe our last not our last meeting the meeting prior um they were concerned about potential chemicals from air condition is being stored some cars and different things like that which would be in our peer viiew if making it to the pond and such things but we haven't been able to do a site visit to see if anything is in the pview of who do we need per we need permission from the homeowner to do a site visit yeah yeah you would need but you really should have a a complaint you really should be looking for something that's under con correct and then I'm sure you can go on anybody's property and find an issue um with complaints that should be reasonably specific um my my interpretation um the problem the junk has been going on for six or seven years I did read the email B Valerie at Highway take um 10 or 12 tires out um I know that in the past Kathy dryan has gone over and had um cans or any recepticles that could catch water were chipped over um but my opinion would be that if we have a complaint and that complaint should be in writing then it's important that we investigate it at this point trash junk you know I think if someone I'm buing a boat and said they saw an oil sheen next to that property then yes um but that's only my opinion so the board can you leav it on the uh agenda for discussion or or move on wait just move on and let's get something in writing as far as a complaint so my I'm fairly comfortable that the fire chief and Mr Valley would inform us if they saw anything that they thought fell under the preview of conservation the Departments really have been working really well together so I'm comfortable taking it off the agenda until something comes in writing it's been on the agenda for quite some time as a discussion and then if a new matter comes in with extreme detail I'm sure because the property is listed on the town's distress list where the proper departments are already handling it and I'm sure if those departments see something they do a great job of communicating with us that that they'd speak out correct I do have one comment on this um Mr Doyle stated that um there was a lot of junk that he was trying to get a dumpster for so does anyone know is there something that we can ask um the Town Administrator is there any kind of um help for people who need these type of services is there are there any grants like a community preservation Grant or something of that nature that clean helps clean up properties to keep Halifax looking nice and safe if you wanted to answer that my years on the board of health the answer is no okay you know it's education um if it gets to be U some sort of health hazard there some sort of violations of the state senary code then you can take some sort of course of action um the fact that you've got a lot of junk Bill up is unsightly to you and I M it's just it's not a reason to to go onto someone's property um and have them remove it um and in the past we've had situations On The Board of Health and the agent spent a lot of time with trying to get other agencies to try to Comm in um the town has no agencies um I agree that they probably need some help I don't know if who's out there that can assist them in getting rid of the junk and maybe do the education part thank you any other comments is this a topic that we want to add into the educational Forum that has been bouncing back and forth um growing off the oal education that we've done we've talked about the education of the ponds and other different things is that a topic that we want to put in to see like a small segment done cuz we're just looking to try to do it for something online something quick something that can be be viewed and if it is done like live if we get to that point where it would be able to be zoomed and you can still replay it that way people it's on the website it's in different areas that way it be a lot easier for people to get the education I need to try to put something to go uh it's a problem that each town has yeah I think Halifax has been fortunate there's only been a half a dozen that one has to that one seems to be sticking out the most um there was another one on Plymouth Street that was resolved um but there every town has that that issue so um so if you'd like to come up with some sort of program um we can look at it and we got some more discussions as far as policies and procedures up with something or maybe Caesar can assist you with coming up with some sort of educational it is and I'm sure the state reps and everyone else would be more than happy happy if the town didn't have money and different things like that they helped us before in different things like the options are endless when it comes to education yeah the that might be a reach for the state representatives but there might be some agencies that have Assist and I know Kathy had some with hoarding and and that type of situation um and I know that she was very successful in in handling that with the education and getting people um so that might be an area that you might want to look at and see if uh there are some agencies of organizations St out there that would that could assist and you just pointed them out yeah and she was really close with a lot of different Health agents I can reach out to through that are still there too and see if they still use from cath's tool box and Bob's got a Big Tool Box hereo okay so we're going to take that off the the uh theist of discussions our next one is 341 Plymouth Street drainage issue complaints um Mr Alia okay do have a handout that I want to just let me pass these down yeah um I might have to address wrong we know where it is suggest we put them on top of the agenda next time yeah Tom I'm going to give that to you if you don't mind did I pass on enough I think we need one more one more nope I'm sorry yes is enough okay um what I did is I I took it upon myself I hope the commission is okay with it that um I know the alers I've done work for the alist years ago um I know they've been in pretty much every meeting in calend the 23 and probably 24 um and I I understand their frustration they have a serious trage problem um I spoke with Steve at Highway and um a message came in from Cody as to what type of action that the board this board was going to take um so I did prepare this scope of work what I do want to point out though that the drainage issue that they have is not under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission all right um the we are responsible for storm water management but we're not responsible for the storm water that comes in off the streets there is a storm waterer plan that's 127 Pages if you want to read it um and that plan governs what should what should not be done in the streets um catch Basin cleaning uh determination of where the flows are going to go um and so forth and so on uh there's been some speculation that there might be some other outside sources from I get I probably get the numbers WR 330 327 319 are those areas across the street okay uh there is there's been some discussion that potentially some of their runoff is getting into the uh our storm water um if you go to the last page and what I did is this little sketch and we start at the top shows where Stop and Shop is these little Square dots are the catch basins that are in question some are within the public way some are not um those I think the purple line is Plymouth Street and it looks like there's uh two four there's probably six or seven basins in that area that they're accumulating the flow that's going onto correct me if I'm wrong is it 319 is that the road back between next to O'Reilly yeah okay so all of these flows as you can see from the plan 39 I don't know which one it okay um if you go up where it says Plymouth Street this shows Plymouth Street it shows maybe it's the entrance to Walmart it shows is a basin that comes across the street and drops off we don't know what that is for type of basin there's basins and I have another one if somebody want want to share it I have another one you can go to the back page the [Music] um these these all of these Basin it appears to me are going to this ow r24 which is an outfall pipe that is the pipe that's in question that the alers have been consistent that this is flooding their property ow r19 is another piping that comes in off of Monon Street and drains into that field um in my conversations with the highway department um they have a plan to go out possibly next week with VHB which is the engineering consultant company that has produced the S water plan for Halifax and they're going to inspect all of the Bas there's a certain inspection criteria they're going to determine whether it's a leeching basin or solid Basin they'll look at the piping in those basins um they'll look at how much Sledge and solids are at the base um from that we might be able to see exactly which flows are going to 319 plus um I know there was some talk about some dyes um no um I did speak with with high on that and I think that they were what they were looking for is to introduce some of the D we use in septic systems and that's nowhere's near uh good enough to to put in these to see where the water's going to go you just you need a volume amount of water uh the right way if we had to die test this would be to use a pwn die but if it comes out o24 the whole field is going to be blow so I think die testing at this point is uh not a good idea but I think the inspection uh using cameras in there will determine will help a system which way it goes and then if need be they're going to have to get a vacuum truck to clean these basins um I don't personally don't think think it's going to solve the problem but I think it'll answer all the questions as to where all this flow is going where it's com froming again exactly um on the basing that on private property they still be touching those without permission I understand from some of the minutes my yeah uh there was some lce out I think if we get permission to go out there um we can go out there but I can tell you that under the my interpretation of storm water management is we can require those buildings or those uh facilities even though they're not under storm water management they were they're not we call preconstruction and post construction that we can actually have them come up with the best management practice um program so they'll clean the basins but I think it's important if we do find out if the pipes are coming from there and we can do that or they can do that by looking at the Basin on the street got a great plan thank you Mr has so um the board doesn't have a a problem I'll assist with the highway um and go out there to do the followup and then report back to the board it's just okay it's just unfortunate like I said under the some water program we have no jurisdiction Mrs Al yeah just I I had the paper all on the kitchen table I went out without it okay but this last storm like 2 days ago that we had the rain it rained so hard that both sides of the street were flooded the water was coming down the drive my driveway and going down one side was going down of the driveway one side was going into the backyard the other side was ponding by my back step and I keep my uh rubbish Barrel there from the town with the wheels on it and the water was halfway up the wheel and it sat there you know it scares me to see that water coming racing down like a raging River from the street and we had a medical emergency around 6:00 and they can verify how bad it was going down the street because I was in the front window watching them and they were just just moving so slow with the lights on you could see water splashing they were in the middle of the street and the water is just splashing on both sides now I'm sure the fire department and the police department will verify it that it was bad and and that the drains do not carry the water off of 106 it just does not do anything okay and I'm going to agree with you I have been out there not this year it's last year of the year before yeah and I've seen the heavy range I've opened up the catch basins cuz my concern was with all Ry because there is a good size detention Basin in the riv that and that pipe that comes off of of um the um catch Basin in front of O'Reilly's is pipe to the rear facility and we inspected not only the Basin on the street but there's a basin on O'Reilly's property what was unusual to me and I'm going to get a little technical is that the invert the pipe coming out of the Basin on the street okay was much lower than the outlet pipe heading out to the backyard so the water comes in here the water goes out there which to me I thought was very unusual I mean usually if water comes in pipe goinging out should be low it's the way it's always been in my business um but and checking it out I'm finding that engineering standards do allow the the volume of water to go into that second Basin to actually filter up and go out the other Basin so those are correct engineering practices I know exactly what you're talking about I've been out there I was out there three times uh when that road first started flooding I'm going to say a couple years ago cuz it seems to me that you live there that it got worse as far as the road flooding maybe with the riy you know but I didn't I didn't really notice um but where I was involved in O'Reilly I did go out there after heavy range to make sure the Bas and stuff was working so did it did it flood before O'Reilly's yeah okay and I've complained about this I've complained about this to the highway and some of the guys will say j i noticed that when I went by that the water is coming right down your driveway but nothing has been done about it I don't know what can be done about it whether they can put some kind of a burm up there that I can still get into the driveway but um it's ridiculous yeah I I I think personally um that the first thing is to look at all the basins make sure they're at capacity if you got a basin that's that's 6 ft deep and you got 3 fet of debris in the bottom it's a half capacity so this is all part of the storm water management this is all start all part of the storm water program the town is required to do so an assessment of the basins I think is the first step yeah well now from what we understood there was different pipes different size pipes coming up of those basins to go down to Auto's Pond some of them are small pipes some of them are big pipes and some of them are medium size pipes and they're all put together going down the autoa okay um I'm not you might want to I don't know what Auto spawn is so you might want to let St oh the the okay the those basins aren't connected to that yeah they are no they she she's right they are because the AL just can say and you um we have a new fire chief now but the Plymouth County Mosquito Control project does all the ditch man works and the water management work from the fire department in middle school and the you look across the street where p in the small swamp is they do underneath the road and all the way down to where Riley's is including the golf course just to keep viruses down because on the board of health and you know you serve we have such we're always high-risk in town and it's one of the concerned areas so one of the state agencies does all the ditch work in the water management for the golf club and they've worked all the way up and they've tried to work on this property and other things too and they they couldn't come up with any forms of solutions other than staying up with it and we've put it and we've add they've added Stop and Shop in other areas to their list just to identify and keep an eye on to see if there can be work for them to do in the future that's in their peer viws okay um I can only go byy the storm water management plans that were done by VHB for the town and they mapped out all of the um the storm water receptacles and where they go out out so I'm just going from that I just I find it highly unlikely with the hill going down that the water from um front of your house is heading in that direction but I mean it is okay well you know once VHB goes out and inspects these these um basins they're going to make a determination as to which way the inet and Outlets are um so if there's um if you look at this plan in front of the little pink building it shows the Basin this one here this one here of tesis is that tesis so what it looks like there's a round Basin there which would be a receptacle and then there's a another enclosed Basin there which might be used to turn so sometimes there's two Bas that's what it looks like to me but that pipe ends there but VHB will be able to tell us well if that's what you're saying if it doesn't go down there then it's deadheaded no they don't where it go though they would they might be part of it and I think they should figure it out you know I would think I would think that from the entrance to the country club just my own thinking from the entrance to the company Club down Country Club down to the fire station all those Bas would probably be connected to that Auto Pond um I would think but you know they did this 50 years ago that's right so I just want to we have been dumped on by the PCS years ago like probably 30 years ago we've been complaining well take care of it take care of it take care of it we've been in front of bulls all Bulls 30 years ago and we've been fighting this fight now we have the town dumping in on us so where do we go and it's against the law to dump water on other people what do we do I think I mean there has to be a cure um I know runs downhill yeah I would hope that is's a cure but I think we need to do the investigative CL first I mean you've been you've been here for a year going back and forth very frustrating and I think this is going to start the process so we can see which way the water goes cuz right now we're just having conversation right but we used to have corn field we had we had a corn field I mean we GRE corn there you can't walk across that now I mean I I think part of that is the global warming and we're inundated but that I know but listen I think the only approach that I think unless somebody's got uh some different idea is let's let's investigate the the Basin that's that's going to be covered under the storm water uh program that the town has okay and then we'll digest that information I just you're getting initated from two sources of water yes okay that's true I'm curious why um they proper is basically right here why we don't have I'm not sure what you're talking about you'll have to get up and show everyone across is they property so I'm curious why we don't have that's the exit of stoin shop Dunkin Donuts 359 P Street where they just tore down all the trees and uh the country public I'm curious why we have this area and not any area cuz their property would be that's the area that's in question so that's area we Hades here so anything that's over here that would be coming across the street isn't included in any of this map here there's more basins as you go down the street obviously correct in order to get that that that information just so that you're aware of is on Tom website in order for us to reproduce it she had to like snipe it or something I'm not computer guy so this is the area that we're going to investigate but if you go on the Tom Tom website okay to the storm water management plan and when it comes to the area with basins and you'll see it I think I included it I'll another one okay the uh let me me let me just finish up so basins go up this way they go up that way and that information is on the website go ahead Tom the basins in the driveway up back the water gets so high it goes in those basin and goes out into their retention Pond which is filthy dirty and Mr PC pulled the hole in the pipe that's down below so the water just runs straight through it's not even being filter okay um all I can say is that go ahead uh sorry to interrupt Mr chair um was the site visit done on the basins for the bank my recollection that the retention form was cleaned 3 or 4 years ago um that's my recollection I did not see that um Bill you would know better than I they went out there but they just talk it a little deeper okay I think they removed the vegitation there was a complaint maybe 3 4 years ago and they went in and they dug the basins I I did not see it witness it I have been at O'Reilly's cuz I was part of that process should should we go and look when you go through the drive-thru and use the ATM over there like you can see to vitation and things but I've never gotone out and look to see if they've upkept any any of that and see if we can ask some of the business in town to do better upkeep under storm water management and best management practices if I could just answer that I think we have the jurisdiction even though those those facilities weren't built when we adopted some water management back in 2019 I think if we can use utilize the best management practices portion of the storm water to to try to get them to do what they need to do and I think you're more than welcome to go out there um I like I said I have not been out there but so it's my understanding that um Peggy or one of the administrators just sent letters to nor Eastern Bank was one of the recipients of the letters asking them to clean out their basins there were three there was Happy Dragon non's restaurant and nor Eastern Bank they just received letters so I think they need a little bit of time after receiving those letters to make sure they schedule that and have it done and then it it's possible for someone to go and check and see if they did but the letters I believe just went out okay I I haven't seen the letters and I agree and um I will look at the letters in at the next meeting I think I'd probably include some of the information that's available online with best management practices catch B and cleanings what they need to look for I think that would be more helpful I don't know what the letter say but if the letter says you know fix it in 30 days we're going to send you a fine I I think that's kind of eff but I think the letters as well if we're able because I just know that letters went out because it's in the admin notes okay good yeah I don't have a problem with that so yeah um I know for a fact is different pipes different size pipes going down from the streight that came from Ste Hayward told me that that they they're not all the same and they should be enlarged because he said some of them are small some of them are medium siiz and some of them are lot and it just doesn't go anywhere you know it just it it doesn't flow right and but you know the town doesn't have the money to fix it so do we have to take it do we have to take the water no I'm going to I'm going to say that I'm sorry go ahead I got some pictures here that you might want to see I'm going to say that that's a that problem with the different size pipes I've seen that in other towns because of the contractors that put the road in at the time you know they didn't have supervisory staff so I I've seen that that might be the problem but is it going to go away anytime soon not without some relief from um town meeting you know chapter money chapter 90 money is aren't going to solve any drainage problems that would be quite extensive but let's you know these things have to be mapped out and should be logged so if this if there's any 4-in pipe com out of the Basin or even a 6in pipe coming out of the Basin that's too small that should be noted it's required on some one minut so it should be noted and then that has to be addressed you can't you can only kick that can so far down the road because we're on the ms4 and the FED say you got to do this yeah now the water is coming down in front of our old stand right next to the bank and I don't know about the house that we had next door I don't know how that driveway is cuz it's very hard to tell whether the water is pouring down there or not um bill just a mess okay you you can show the pictures the only problem is is that if you're going to show the pictures you need to provide the pictures to become part of the record so okay if you don't want to if you want to submit them I mean they should they should be part of the record not that we don't want to see them Alles either all can just yes Miss I just want to clarify so I just want to make sure I'm understanding so the town storm water management team is going to be going and working with VHB next week you said and addressing this and addressing this by investigating to see where the water is flowing and discovering whether or not needs to be removed from these catch B bases that's the first step correct that's correct okay so is that does that sound helpful anything anything okay I just want to make sure that just need to move forward I mean that sounds to me great idea a great start last 30 years it's been yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll take care of it time every time a new business goes in you people that have been here long enough know that I've been here I have been here and I come upon deaf ears everybody is concerned about our problem but nobody really cares just let it go that's their problem you know that's and another business goes in and and the business goes in and we're stuck with more water and you know it gets tiome after a while it really does and it gets very disgusting and I think it's time that the town is going to do something to help the whole neighborhood out I mean even the safety of the street I mean we hear your concerns and it was been a long battle I don't know that this commission can help you but we're or can solve the problem but I think we can help and that's okay that's all thank you very much big stinks you know what I mean it's just we just want something done correct okay M I was thinking that maybe you could add some properties down to the West like the Dunkin Donuts to at least include the perimeter of their area for the drainage um VHB was it BHB and what does VHB stand for Van heisen something I I I don't I can't I don't I don't it's a very very well pronounced engineering not like an acronym for no um and the the scope that I've outlined is what we plan to do that's they're they're going to be doing some work from what I'm told in front of the country club there there's some maybe there's some Bas in there it's going to be a problem or there's something going on at the Country Club that I'm not 100% sure they're going to be investigating those basins and they're going to come up to your place so I'm assuming but and further right and further up to no they're coming up to whatever whatever I think 9s 9s they're going to come up the the basins that are on this map on this section like I say we I just took it off the the U website so I didn't get it all but I can tell you that the um the original original appointment for VHB was to investigate for whatever reason that Basin in front of the country club Y and this problem has been added to it and that's I got an email at 5:00 on that so now we heard from the other side of like Walmart it goes the other way across the lights it should it should and I I um I've been by Walmart a many times but I believe that their retention basins all drain out into a wetland area just the street the street and everything like that goes towards uh goes east you could be right you could be right I'm just going by the plans that I've seen I mean we'll have an idea because when they get in front of uh 90s or what whatever number that is if there's another uh 10 or 12 in pipe that heading they're going to document it and at some point they're going to have to come back um and investigate that but as part of like I said the ms4 program St Water Management they're required to do that so we're just trying to get them to do a little faster thank you all right all right you guys all right we have the right agenda get the right agenda okay we can Contin okay um can I'm we the next item on the agenda is uh Conservation Commission policies and procedures um I added some stuff and I think someone else added some stuff it's 9:00 I don't know how much time you want to spend on this um but I think it might be important for for all of us individually to kind of take a look at our regulations um I've listened to all the meetings so I know some of the concerns and then come up and have a discussion on what needs to be changed um there's signage there's post and rail fences uh there's um disturbance Zone I think there's 2 to one uh replication um suggested here um I think we need to discuss this but we do need to have a public hearing if we're going to change any of our rules and regulations and we have a discussion then you want to change something then go to the yeah it's not a we can spend a few more minutes or we can go home or my suggestion is each individually I have a complete set of um the rules and regulations um I don't have any real issues but there could be um when and where do we allow work in the 50 Foot if it's a uh distinct no disturb Zone then the signage in this no disturb Zone if there's a replication area a replication um and it's a 2 to1 up to 2 to one um is that because we're disturbing the 50 well I think the regulation is that once you disturb the actual resource area so that should be all we should all be on the same page as far as that's concerned so if there's everybody's got their own little particular area um getting into replication areas what you want you want to Engineers provide species to go in there um and that's kind of it so can we put if we obviously it's getting later limited time can we put this closer to the beginning of the discussions so we have time to go through this that's fine I didn't have anything to do with set in the agenda so okay that's fine okay so it seems like proba we concur that we've been pushing this stuff off for a little bit um my hope is to take the the nois and the and the rdas and if we can get rid of them in one evening that would be helpful uh My Philosophy is always if there's something on the agenda I'm going to do the research before the meeting that's just the way that I am so if the rest of the folks want to do that then that's fine if not then we can continue it but I think if we clean up our agenda and get rid of some of the the lengthy ones um then we should be able to spend some more time on here so we'll discuss that more we have some bills to pay we excuse me Mr chair before we move on um I'd like to see I know we don't have an agent right now um but when we do have an agent I'd like the board to discuss what the agent can do administratively as an emergency I don't we have a lot of emergency tree removals with the trees hit the house and folks are waiting 2 weeks but if we have an agent he should be able to go out and sign that emergency by himself and right now even if we had an agent our conservation department doesn't have that Authority but I'd like to see our agent have those authorities in an emergency situation administratively to do it and then bring it in front of the board for us I'm going I'm going I'll let you finish um and then the second note I'm bringing up Melanie's point of RDA or noi tonight really think about what do we want to see in the RDA with conditions so we don't have to spend that money on the nois like is detailed as possibly could be okay so those are great ideas I would let's put them on paper we can discuss them I'm just I'm going to disagree with you what first of all I have no idea what the status is of the agent I don't know what Kathy does I don't I I have no idea I think last time I heard Cody was going to um look into other towns as far as sharing an agent okay I will follow that up to see where we are with that um but I disagree as far as emergency Powers uh the agent um and board members under certain circumstances do they have the ability to issue orders the key is if it's depending on the order um a notice of intent an after the fact fining could be made in a lot of cases if you got a tree that comes down on a house and you need to get it off and it's in the buffer zone they need to pull the stump then the applicant can do an after the fact okay which is which is fine um there's other issues that if if it's an enforcement action that becomes a little different because on an enforcement action um member can but that has to be ratified at the next meeting so uh the agent does have all those Powers he doesn't get them from our regulations he gets them from the wetlands protection act okay so they do have the powers and hopefully if you get an experi I don't know if you get an experienced agent but you get an agent that'll go through the regulations you'll find um it it's pretty powerful I think the key is is which direction does the commission want to go know anybody in the 50 fine what are you going to do for signage what are you going to do for replication areas um idas with conditions or NIS with conditions I have yet to see um a standard order of conditions have any of you guys seen the standard order of conditions okay uh we do have one yes it's yeah okay so we the template we we'll look at that standard order conditions but as as part of an noi and the whole process we should be looking at each member should be looking at what particular supplemental orders that you want to include whether it be the tree planting or whether it be rain Gardens or all that other stuff so want to pay some bills okay um I haven't seen the bills but it looks like that we have an invoice w249 35-1 peer review for ecosystems I'm looking for a motion to pay that bill do we know how much it is okay I'll ask you to add that the next time ecosystem ecosystems think that a motion 3,875 3,875 um I would be looking for motion to pay that bill I puty much that we pay the bill for ecosystems okay do we have a second second okay all in favor I okay I'm going to go 4 Z I wasn't part of that so we're going to have I will be abstaining um and we have two legal ads which I'm going to um bundle together legal ad number 15449 for the amount of $45 for an uh advertising and a legal ad of 15502 36 Avenue for $45 and I'm looking for a motion to approve those I put a motion that we approve the express uh newspaper any voices second okay uh any discussion all in favor I okay um we're going to go 40 I'm going to stain um meeting minutes for April 23rd I did not have them in the package and I would not uh vote on them but um do are the meeting minutes in the package they are they are is everyone that I don't know who was at that meeting but if everyone that was at the meeting is okay with that then I'll take a motion to approve those meeting [Applause] M I don't think I've had a chance to read them were they emailed to us i' if you don't mind can I scan them real quick no you can scan them quick or we can before I do that can I back up for one second just confused as to why we are paying for the peer review for ecosystems for Maryland's Landing rather than them paying for it okay they are paying for it but they they they're required to make the the payment to the town which is put into an account which the Conservation Commission has that we're the only ones authorized to pay out of that okay thank you right Kathy yes get it back to you I will not sign these okay I think you got enough signatures yeah does the chair typically you need three signatures or okay do you need do you need everybody now you don't need everybody um I wasn't here to participate so no um maybe what we ought to look at is um in some instances and we'll have to check with the accountant that once the board votes and you can have the chair sign a one member sign and that might make it a little easier where it wasn't here um I think the you guys are fine Mr chair yes inside of our actions to be taken folder for discussion There's a sticky note to review 266 month p Street it needs a plan 106 South Street just just just be bear with me um this book it's in this book is it in this where is it no it's a sticky note inside of the folder so we can put it on the agenda for next meeting if I could just take a quick look at it it's yeah it's just a sticky note um and what's it say to review 266 months ponet Street needs a plan the second no for us is 106 South Street and then number three is audio visual plan presentation yes I asked that to be put on the the agenda and typically where it's not on the agenda I think the chair has a discretion I'm not going to be looking for a vote but I would like to discuss it um I did spend some time with Caesar and I've watched AIO meetings and I know you've had difficulties with seeing the plans so forth and so on through that screen they have the ability as long as someone's going to be trained that we can take plans letters put right on the screen everybody can read them if the board is kind of amendable to that I think that would be Lov yeah instead of I know you're looking for an easel I called him earlier to get the easel um but okay if that's okay I don't really think we need to vote on that um again 266 mon ponet I I got the reviews back on that and we're not going to take any votes on that tonight I'm going to ask the admin to make sure that that is added to the agenda but it's got to have a Time sequence okay under storm water management this commission only has a certain amount of time to act on that once the plan is completed okay so it should appear on the agenda with all the dates that we must comply with otherwise they get a constructive Grant but I'll talk to Peggy what was that one 10 266 of 106 South Street 106 of South was on the agenda tonight okay all right okay with Ms let's Okay uh before we continue did we haven't gotten through the meeting minutes we okay are you okay with the meeting minutes okay uh I'll be looking for a vote uh to accept the April 23rd 24 2024 meeting minutes I put a motion in to accept the April 23rd 2024 meeting minutes as written second I'll second that okay all in favor I 4 Z I wasn't there for that yeah it was only oh I'm sorry so it's going to be three 3 02 you're going to over State yes okay 02 okay um I I don't I don't have it but I think we I did see some discussion about a uh an emergency gas repair at 179 Oak Street and I I'm not sure do we we sign off on road permits do we get an app an actual application we should have something to sign on so we sign something last meeting we did is this sign there was something last meeting uh but I don't remember the address of it yeah there was a cut out okay what I would be looking for is a motion to re approve if everybody's okay the road request for 179 Oak Street by eversource gas and that if the paperwork comes in and needs to be signed prior to them doing it that they allow the share to sign it okay I'll make a motion as stated so moved you okay oh so moved any second for that second okay um no discussion all in favor I I okay so we have 4 01 is there any other business before us okay it's 9:15 I'd be looking for a motion to adjer oh I'm always looking to stay later no I'm just kidding motion to adject I second okay uh no discussion all in favor I 5 z z thank you so much everybody thank you okay thank you [Music]