[Music] okay it being 7:05 I'm going to open the uh May 28th Conservation Commission meeting uh first announcement I'm going to make uh we have three board members in attendance um first announcement is going to be this meeting is being recorded by area 58 and can be viewed on YouTube uh one of our first issues on matters on our agenda are hearings and appointment for 19 white Island Road it's a continued noi D number SE 17105 76 PMP consultings anybody here okay we have a microphone fire over there is there anything can you identify yourself at a record absolutely uh Pat car from PMP Consulting and this is Sammy kson PMP Consulting representing Jane Warner of 19 white Island Road uh as you know this is a continued noi um we brought this before the commission um a couple weeks ago um went over the plan with them um they requested that the storm water go up for peer revie Pat Brenan from pgb did the peer review sent out a letter dated March 13th um basically stating that everything was in compliance with the storm water bylaw um so we're back here hopefully to wrap this up and and have you with your in order conditions okay just for us that weren't familiar with it what are you proposing oh I'm sorry so uh they're proposing a 18 1 12 by 26t uh it's 26.8 ft addition to the existing dwelling at w Island Road um septic system as well out in the front we're not going to be touching that um we've talked to Bob Valerie at the Board of Health uh the system was designed for four bedrooms there are currently only two in the existing dwelling so the subance is going to accommodate the additional living space uh they also wish to extend um the deck um across the back of the addition from the current deck they're going to leave the stairway in place so kind of a of a of a wraparound with the stairway and the railing um the deck will be supported by peers on the existing block retaining wall so there'll be no actually uh additional disturbance for the construction of the deck and then we designed a roof drain infiltration system over here um you know as was noted in the review it was designed to accommodate the entire roof area of the house including the addition so not just for the addition but for the entire roof area so that way we're not um shedding any more water towards e m ponds of pond okay anything else no um just the project it's all existing line area um there won't be any trees or anything Disturbed for this project uh and then obviously this area will be restored back to lawn uh when the project is completed so you're saying that the whole entire limit of activity is all in a previously Disturbed area yes sir okay I'm going to open it up to the board uh any questions no um I'm the one I I believe who suggested the peer review for the storm water management plan because because of how close it is to the water the wetlands so I was concerned but um if you know I did I did see that Pat Brennan did the um the peer review and concurred that the runoff is handled and that's my my big concern when we have an addition is that um the applicant come before the board and and are able to demonstrate that they're not going to be adding more runoff to the wetlands and and uh disturbing the hydrology so I'm curious though did um were the a Butters they did they had they had to be notified right did any send any what we'll do is complaints in I'm going to ask this should been submitted to the office so I'll get the completed Butters list and I should I should have done that thanks for it was as part of the storm water package okay and so there was there were no letters of concern or any of that submitted to the board correct to my knowledge no and we'll address the audience after the board has any chance to come I'm just going to take a look at this I don't see anything nothing before any neighbors concerns okay no I'll open up to you Mr L do you have any questions uh no I don't okay is there anybody in the audience that has any questions or concerns regarding 19 White Allen [Music] Road one CH question oh I'm sorry step through the microphone please Amy troop 10 Hillside AV um I was wondering what the square footage of the lot was and wonder ing about D law where when you're within 200 ft of the water raising the amount of bedrooms from what it was to something larger is that happening no um basically we're going to go by Robert's Rules so let her ask the questions address everything to the chair and we'll get the answers okay anything else so that was the rule that I was speaking of about the you know if you have two bedrooms within the 200t that you only can have two bedrooms after that zero you have zero bedrooms one you have one because you're in the 200 foot okay so your question just so the board's clear you're questioning the 200t setback from Monon Pawn Yeah and the and expanding on the expansion of the bedrooms okay I believe you addressed that yeah and also the footprint of the building I I just do want to point out that all of these questions aren't part of the Conservation Commission storm water management program but I'm going to ask Mr CR to answer those questions for you sure so just so we're clear the lot is 19325 Ft um we were well aware obviously of nit loading restrictions with the m Pont Pon but this was a previous existing four bedroomroom house and that's why the septic system was designed for four bedrooms when it was installed at some point when they did this they remodeled the interior and actually combines some of the rooms so it it has an existing for bedroom setic system and therefore qualifies the pre-existing for dity thank you any other questions from the audience okay who would have any other questions I think they pretty much addressed um the issues I'm just going to point out that part of the record will be in May 13th letter from uh Pat Brenning indicating as Mr gur said um the subservice infiltration system is sufficient uh the straw watles are sufficient uh you will be providing us with an operation and maintenance man for storm water yeah that was actually included with the storm water management forms in report okay good we might not have all of that because of the St so okay if having heard no other questions I'd be looking for a motion to approve the M permit for 19 white Island Road I put a motion that we approve the still M management for 19 white Island Road I'll second that second that hearing we have a motion in a second I'm going to go to a vote hel I approve okay yes and I approve okay so you're all set the the permit itself I'm not sure how you're going to get it but just check with the office in a couple of days and we'll figure out cuz there is the process for that perm um I think you also have to vote on the order of conditions for the project cuz we never actually did the order conditions for this or was that kind of included with the storm water permit I'm not sure how yet well my other question was and I didn't want to confuse you is you must have filed a notice of intent we did that's how we ended up here in the first place okay and I do not know if that notice of intent hearing has been closed no it was continued to today okay our gender indicates okay so actually you would have had two today so you had the noi hearing which is a d number and our hearing so we'll clarify that for the record um I am going to unless the board sees otherwise we'll probably issue a standard order of conditions on the noi unless there's any special conditions you want to add um unfortunately I don't have my notes with me was there anything specific that we discussed last at the last meting so water was the the major issue we wanted to make sure we had addressed okay in the peer review okay then then I'm fine with that okay Ed okay okay um did you have a soil any soil logs in that St in the infiltration Basin area um we we we use the soil logs from the soil testing they did for the septic and it it was all sand okay uh the only thing I might suggest is um we might ask that the review engineer just do a bottom ho inspection on the infiltration system I was actually going to suggest that if you wanted us out there for that one of the other that's fine that's fine you can coordinate that with the office okay so perfect um so I'm actually going to be looking for for two motions one um motion is going to be on the noi itself on DP number SE 17157 do I hear a motion uh to approve that notice of intent that's to this project yes I put a motion for no of attent for the 19 white Island Road okay I'll second that motion um we go to a vote all in favor that's unanimous uh the second motion I'd be looking for is to approve the storm water management plan with I'm not sure we've got conditions yet cuz this is a very new process uh we just standed conditions which is going to require uh bottom hole inspection on the infiltration Basin can so move if you want so okay any second I'll second that okay all in favor I okay thank you very much and we will we'll coordinate with the office on all this and you do realize you'll get everything recorded registered D before you start anything yes sir okay thank you okay if being 7:15 we have a continued storm water management hearing for 266 moner Street pH D development do we have anybody there good evening David E strge partner with orik development um so we were informed by the office that there was a miscommunication issue between uh I think the newspaper um and the uh office here regarding advertisement for this hearing yeah so it um it had to be uh redone um and that we're going to be on the agenda for June 11th okay so we're basic we're going to restart the process so we really shouldn't speak on the matter this evening all right um just a charm hopefully I just want to point out to you that Under rarm Water Management regulations uh Halifax is um I need you to make pay special attention to section six perits and procedures we are probably going to have to start the process over yes that's my understanding okay so re notifying about is included in that okay but I just want to point out that the general notice in the newspaper won't happen until we've completed the process the procedure requires that you submit a plan that plan goes out to be reviewed it's going to be commented by all the boards and committees and towns and then we're going to sit down with you guys and go over that particular plan what's happened is the this process has been held as if it was a no of intent so if you look at section 6 and if you want I'll give you a copy of this sure we're going to have to follow that procedure so if we can stop that ad then we will okay you have submitted I just want to be clar just want to clarify because I get these mixed up this is 266 this is the large parcel uh 266 is a small parcel okay6 the there's an outstanding review and that needs to be done there's some comments that came in the review that needed to be addressed we haven't seen those yet from uh uh yes yes so we're in respon we're in the process respond please review section six I'll give you this if you um and we can contact the officer myself and we're going to we'll follow this procedure true okay um so your chances of being June 11 for a public hearing tell me yes so just sure you if you agree or disagree just let us know and we'll sit down but that's the way I interpret the bylaw and somehow that wasn't followed um so for my edification um the the main difference in the process between what we follow to date and follow and we should we should follow is that it's going to be uh sent to other departments for review and comment is that the main the main difference the main thing is that there's a time frame that the commission has in order to approve your project so the the way the bylaw is is that you submit it we send it out to be reviewed we send it out to different boards and committees for their review we take in all of those comments we'll have another meeting with all the parties and then once the once the commission has a plan that's agreeable to the commission and yourself then we hold a public hearing at that point okay then we hold a public hearing and then this board will have 21 days from the time we schedule that public hearing and then additional 21 days to come up with any specific orders conditions so it it's spelled out in there and it's it just got overlooked yeah okay so I'm going to ask here to cancel you June 11 if you can because we won't we won't be hearing in Jun sure that's fine um how do how do you see the fact that the plans have been submitted peer reviewed pure the they've been issued a comment letter already um how do you how do you see that playing into the process it's the same we're going to take all of your submitt go through it again no okay you're not going to need to go through any of that okay you've made the submittals yep all right our problem is going to be when we get to the once we get everything through boards and committees then the emphasis is going to be on the commission to make sure to hold timely hearings so none of that's going to change other than we won't have a public hearing from the public until the plans are all reviewed all the comments are received that's really the only difference so it's going to delay you okay 30 days or so understood all right thank you okay you does the board have any any questions okay no not this time anybody from the audience okay quick thing do we continue this or we just or let dat I am going to say no I'm going to say that because procedures are followed we're not going to take him off the agenda but we really don't have the right process to continue it I don't think Mr I forgot I didn't write your name down EAS okay e yeah I don't really think there's any real need for us to continue this to a specific date only because you're going to have to uh I would agree this this um particular uh item is basically null and void at this point and we're going to kind of restart the process okay but B you don't you mean you're not going to have to pay any more fees just my suggestion would be to complete the process from here yeah let's that next week let's get everything reviewed um once you get those review comments it's going to be important that we send that out to our other boards and committees as soon as you get all the reviews done okay all right so we can get that started so it doesn't delay the process sound good Mr chair may I ask a question um so how does that happen does he he submits it or the applicant submits it to to you or the secretary no the the applicant submits the applications to the board this board and then this board distributes it for comment this board yes we'll take that um and we're going to be discussing something that's going to be sent out to be reviewed while it's going out to be reviewed all right then and the board can decide if it if it's a big project like this this is a very big project there's got to be 13 14 pages of plans over there um there's going to be some time to review it m uh the board can decide do we want to get comments prior to review or do we want to get comments during the review process it's strictly up to the board as long as all the boards have the opportunity to review it we'll have another meeting we'll go over all the revisions and we'll schedule a public hearing at which point all the abuts will be notified based on the abuts list and there will be a publication okay when do we go about deciding whether or not we want the comments prior to the review or while the review is in process I would think at the next meeting because they'll submit um Mr estrid you're going to be sub to your reviews and everything to the office okay yeah okay so once he gets that all reviewed once you gets that all submitted uh we can set up an informal discussion with these gentlemen uh and then we can decide at that point okay or if you want to decide to send it right out then it's just I don't know if it's fair for the board to look at it the board should be looking at it because you've got um you've got some implication in the 50ft buffer zone so the board should should probably address that prior to sending it out to the others that would be my suggestion okay M tro can you go to the mic please um I was wondering is it like the 30-day from the site plan like you know like on a site plan for the planning board how it's like 30 days for the boards to comment is that how it's going to be correct processed is it 21 days for we're 21 PL board maybe 30 we're 21 days yeah that's so you'll have 21 days 21 days for the boards to coming okay um we have a 710 hearing for Heywood Street which I believe was not advertised properly so we are just going to continue that so I would be looking for a motion to continue uh Haywood street map 121 Lo 1D until on next meeting I put a motion that we continue hearing for Haywood Street to June 11th I'll second that motion okay all in favor I okay very good um 265 on Pon street so this is the lodge ble okay just to clarify [Music] um I believe this one was advertised for today you're going to have to bring me up to date so the the advertising went out for this one yes yes this was uh partly noticed and showed up in the newspaper okay all right um again we're going to have to go through that same procedure for both the storm water and the notice of intent okay cuz there's a so we are in front of you for two items uh notice of tent and a storm water [Music] permit I apologize now in the St water okay so y strictly notice of intent yeah right now okay I know you got an aned I have not seen a notice of intent um has that noi been reviewed [Music] okay yeah get it mixed up here this is [Music] 265 do we have a DP number let me see the D number per the agenda no 171 058 no we have a d number from D yeah 0578 okay do you know or does anybody remember if this noi was there any discussion about it being reviewed either the W's plan or the plan itself I think there been reviews on this we had for the you had an interad on this right yeah okay was there anything else done have you submitted anything else that needed to be reviewed do we have a peer review done on this that's my question on on the or you did but not on the of inent to my right um with this is on a no or not noi let them continue and then they can decide I don't know what your procedure's been to decide whether or not you want what they're going to be doing review if we have an established wet line yeah then if they're not within the 50 Foot um and it's up to the commission okay all right um good evening David E Thorn development uh with me tonight is Paul mcmanis from EOTech and Josh White from jde civil uh he is a wetland scientist civil engineer um so this so we're here in front of you at least for a notice of intent if not for a storm water permit for 265 mon Pon so this is what you've referred to as the large parcel uh located over here to the east side of Mont ponon street so this site has a bit of History um it was previously permitted back in 2014 2015 for a number of tow houses and development was actually started on that project Pro uh their work included um installation of this road with Associated drainage um a uh actually construction of a first foundation for six units uh number of utilities for this kind of loop road are installed for drainage and Sewer as well this whole area was prepped as a leeching field uh for their septic system and this uh detention Basin uh along with its Outlet structure was constructed as well um so this was basically abandoned for you know since 2015 and uh the site has kind of satow ever since so recently uh We've entered the picture and um similar to 266 on the left side of the street uh this lot is subject to the senior housing overlay District um and as we've mentioned before we have an orad on the um uh on the wetlands line that we've received as well uh this site is also subject to a Master development agreement that was approved at town meeting last year so that has a number of obligations uh on the developer and also on the town it's um bit of a partnership uh and that involves uh as part of the master development agreement where were required to construct pickle ball courts on this lot contribute up to $2.6 million for a senior center on this lot um place a conservation restriction on the southern half of this parcel which is about 12.4 acres and um Senior Center yes and a number of other things including some offsite sidewalks and crosswalks and the like so in that effort we've actually already subdivided the land um into four different Lots there's a senior center lot located here a pickle ball lot located here uh the main parcel here and then the southern parcel is going to receive a conservation restriction where there's no planned work so that's a little bit of the background of the permanent me switch to the site plan and I'll talk a little bit about our development program so this is our proposed layout um so this application covers this main parcel here um and also the pickle ball court it does not cover the senior center parcel that will require separate permitting with actually the town as an applicant once that design uh gets worked out we have treated this lot essentially like a lot in a commercial subdivision so that we've designed infrastructure inclusive of the storm water to accom at the impervious area that's being added to that land um but we haven't done the design for this so we've we've looked forward and and made our design and anticipation of that but there will be a separate permit um submitted for this lot through planning and conservation um so our proposal we have our main entrance located here currently if you're familiar with the site the driveway entrance is located about here so it's a little bit farther to the north is where we're going to locate our entrance um if we come in here we have kind of a loop road around a central green this is consistent where the former leeching field was and this will be the location of our leeching field for our septic system we're proposing uh two main buildings each has uh 36 units in them uh three stories each and a series of uh five separate garage buildings as well as a pool house and a pool um other amenities include some Community Gardens uh located here so those will be a fenced in area rais planting beds that type of thing Central green and the Community Gardens is something that we've done it's kind of been a signature of our communities uh um for most of our communities in the last couple decades um so as I mentioned the public components of this are going to be the pickleball courts here uh we're installing a sidewalk that goes down to the housing prity land here um as well as the senior center here uh that we're again contributing to and we'll see whether we end up building it as a GC or not that's to be determined um so with that basic overview I'm going to turn it over to Paul and he'll talk about the Wetland resources uh thanks Dave again Paul mcmanis uh professional we scientist from Ecotech um I won't talk too much about the Wetland delineation the commission as the chairman said uh reviewed that already uh with it with through the anrad process and had Brandon fff's uh input on that um so um Josh will talk about the the the storm water management and meeting compliance with that um another issue that I suspect the commission is aware of is that somewhere along in the process I don't remember the exact date uh there was a submission to the commission of some photos of eastern box turtle on the site they brought that to our attention we went to Natural Heritage uh met with natural heritage and and it was agreed although because of the the box turtle is kind of the lowest of three categories in the endangered species uh program um so the site is is not uh is not remapped um as uh priority and estimated habitat but nevertheless um natural heritage wanted us to submit a turtle protection plan which we did do and uh and then with that a scientific collection permit application which we have done and and and received essentially the the goal of the turtle protection plan is to cordon off the site so that uh no if there are any Eastern Box Turtles happen to wander onto the site that they don't get get impacted during the construction process so if you go by there now you'll see that the site is the majority of the site is in circled by seed fence um they have uh a kind of an ingenious gate in the front that can close and it has a pipe that goes down tight to the to the to the ground surface um so that you know when when on the weekends or whatever if there's no one there um the gates closed uh and you're not going to have Turtles wandering in there so that perimeter fence went up uh ear uh in the spring in early April uh which was a cut off date for basically cordoning off the area um because the expectation from the life history of the turtles is that they wouldn't be out on a site like this uh it wouldn't start moving toward it until mid April or or after so that that uh cordin off cordoning off uh happened before that there is a small portion of the site that that um was not included and if that gets developed and obviously that's that's subject to permitting uh final permitting and all um that has not been cordoned off so the process there in the turtle protection plan the scientific collection permit is that that area would get cordoned off with entrenched silt fence and then there would be what natural heritage calls Turtle sweeps where we literally go out and they they specify you know you have to have uh people qualified by natural heritage to do this uh we go out and literally beat the bushes looking for Turtles and they specified number of hours per acre of search area it has to be done uh when there's good conditions when the turtles might be moving you don't want to do it on a cold rainy day um for example and so there's a number of hours on non-consecutive appropriate weather days and when that's done uh we then uh write that up submit it to natural heritage uh what we did you know these are the dates the times the personnel and these of course are our findings if if we do the the reason you need a scientific collection permit is because you're not supposed to touch uh you know it's use the term harass but but touching uh Eastern box turtle is is against the law um unless one has a scientific collection permit so if if we were to to find a turtle out there um you know we would we would photograph it identify the conditions that we found it and simply take it and move it outside the exclusion barrier so um can I just interrupt you one second I want you to could you show us one plan the area that you're talking about this is the just an array but is one of your other plans and I reviewed those and I know you've got a big layout if you don't mind sh the commission which areas uh we talk about with the turtles with the turtles plus the area you got a conservation restriction on some areas just so we have a big picture cuz this is just a rendering thanks Josh so that thick green yeah the green I just want to make sure thanks I don't want to missp speake uh the green line all the way around the perimeter here uh is the turtle exclusion barrier the conservation restriction area is actually off the plan it's to the South there's nothing proposed so it doesn't show on this on this figure but it's it's just all the rest of the lot down here which is about 12 acres yeah 12 12 1/2 acres so that's the turtle exclusion barrier and so obviously it's it's a lot simpler um less labor intensive to go and get the barrier up before the April 15 deadline rather than have to go and put in uh be a lot of hours uh doing Turtle sweeps on on that area uh but that's that's [Music] it you um so if if I if I may anybody got any questions question obviously he says between April and what is it June May June you'll be doing the searches for the turtle you said that's when you us well the the the we don't need to do searches in here yeah but but for the for the the remainder area um if if that you know work cordoned off with the with the exclusion barrier um then there would need to be searches in there um before any before any work was done for any ground disturbing work so regardless if that happened today um you know we could go out we could go out tomorrow could could be day one of the searches it can't be consecutive days but um but it but uh and then it's up until September 15 I think don't don't hold me to that I can't remember the exact date there's there's an end date um so but if it's if it's basically during the warm weather uh you need to if you put up the exclusion barrier during the warm weather then you need to do the sweeps that's really in a nutshell so is it fair to say that's going to be the limit of work during the project that erosion control that so so the answer is no to that so this is uh an exclusion Zone the limit of work will actually be established as part of this process um it'll be you know as you would typically do requiring sedimentation control at the perimeter of the limit of work the reason that this is done is just to exclude certain areas where we will need to do those tur toal sweeps so for example if our future limit of work is here and the existing Turtle barriers here we'll have to do sweeps within this area as an example so it'll be between the current Sil fence that's out there and the future Sil fence that we put up as part of our um uh new limit of work any other questions on the the turtles okay so with that I'll turn it over to Josh he's going to speak a little bit about the storm waterer management all we're on the noi though storm water is part of the M I think we better so again just for the record Josh White from JD civil uh representing Thorndike uh for this development um so this plan we have here uh basically is the demo and settlment control plan um basically from the previous plan we were just talking about with the Turtles um we do show a br line which encompasses the proposed limit of work um so far um obviously that's pending comments so that could change um but obviously it pretty much matches the um the turtle uh line more or less um this area the existing septic system the existing uh Foundation is going to be removed from the previous development and then this is one of the existing basins that was um constructed partially constructed under the previous development and it's kind of remain um for this development so this is our our site layout uh like Dave mentioned we've got the pickle Court up front um some parking here um the driveway in to the uh pool housee with the the Ring Road around the center Green um the pool and the two large um 36 unit buildings um four garage buildings proposed um on the site um as well as parking throughout [Music] the overall of the grading and drainage for the development um like I mentioned this existing Basin is going to be remained and reused um we're going to modify the outet control structure um to gain some extra volume basically for the previous development this area was proposed to be just undeveloped um grass and Meadow obviously with the senior center proposed there um we took the roof area and the impervious from that lot and directed it into this Basin um and kind of future proofed it um so all they would have to do is put a pipe into this sediment 4bay and it would be um accounted for in that design um the road would be captured by catch basins out to this uh it's going to be a storm scepter uh CDs treatment unit uh and to a set 4 and then out to the Basin um the pickleball court is going to be some sort of impervious um material so we proposing two um buyo retention areas on either side of it to treat um that storm water runoff um this Wetland has a pipe that under the previous development so prior to the previous development this pipe went out here uh from the previous development that pipe went into this Basin in our current design we're proposing to put a manual here and redirect the pipe this way um that way we're we're not adding any more water um it's basically just not going into the Basin to accommodate this extra um in peras area can I just ask one question yeah the the drumry shows that the original pipe going to that um sediment area was a 10in pipe you is that pipe going to remain it's going to be remain a 10-inch pipe okay and then you're going to add an additional 10in pipe yeah we're going to put a manhole right about here and intercept that pipe this will be removed and then this will be redirected out here you don't have very much pitch on that pipe y it's it's fat so that's okay so two 10in pipes all right I'm fine with that yep um the roof of the pool Cabana building is going to be redirected into this Basin and then is there any treatment prior once it hits comes off the roof before it goes into the Bas it's not required um The Roof Run is it's considered uh clean runoff so it doesn't need to be treated for TSS or anything like that um but all the all the other um treatment trains um throughout the development will meet the required TSS removal um majority of the site um captured with if you don't mind yeah do you folks understand TSS this this that's called total suspended solids and just take a minute because these folks um are new to this yeah so it's it's basically the the material that's uh carried away run off sand uh dirt uh leaves sticks cigarettes that kind of stuff that you find and runoff uh from water um so you want that to be treated and removed via a treatment unit or sediment for so it doesn't clog up um your drainage system whatever whatever it might be um down here we've got another large um infiltration Basin um sediment for B before treatment unit before um and it'll be captured by a trench trrain um catch basins that'll convey the runoff down here will be treated and ultimately discharged um to the Whitland offsite off this lot um right here we've got a subsurface system uh it's a large chamber system to accommodate uh por of this parking lot as well as the um the roof of um a handful of these buildings garage buildings and uh large apartment building um it's got a an overflow pipe that'll convey it down here to a Swale which will direct it out to the Wetland um so that's second set of basins the infation basins aren't going into the sediment Bay so there's these bottom ones here these ones no yes yeah so this one I go U VI so you can see that with more [Music] detail so we've got um catch Bas in here and a catch Bas in here and a c that's it for this one but this this last row of Chambers is going to be wrapped in filter pavic so it'll act as an isolator row um which is a a BMP that is made by storm Tech um it helps filter out the material um and provide the treatment for the underground system okay just one other thing BMP just want to explain that sure uh best management practice it's kind of a just a quick um abbreviation for that um so basically you're designing this based on storm water the handbook and the guidelines yep as well as the local the local ranks um so the the roof run off from this will go into this this system and ultimately overflow this way um so to answer my question there's going to be a pipe coming from the infiltration Basin to the set beyond the sediment Bay that be on there yep cuz it if it were to overflow this area it'll already be treated okay um that just any questions on this part of it um maybe let me ask just one more question the large main building what do you how you going to uh you going to do to accomplish the roof run off on that is that going into that 6in pipe that's going to head down to the the bay so on the rear no this building's covered by this infiltration Basin to the rear that building there y this one has uh a roof drain collection system it'll take it down here and it'll tie in the tie in point right here is this manhole and it'll go into this this drainage pipe into this set bank and then this B so basically it's saying that all your roof string coverage you have all your roof trins coverage yep everything everything is accounted for the garage buildings have a similar um this one have down spouts to the roof Trin system that'll connect here um go to the other page to show it [Music] [Music] the roof drain for the like I mentioned before the roof drains for the pool the pool building we'll just go into this Basin um The Patio has um the pool area patio has a couple area drains which will be at the start of this this drainage line will be directed down here um the this garage is piped into this system as well um in between the garages of this building is a trench drain in the parking lot um which will capture the runoff and direct it down and that's that's all the the buildings for this development um like I mentioned before this Senior Center Lot is accounting for in the drainage cels um so in the future future plans would be uh put a manhole here and a pipe into this 74 Bay which is size appropriately and the base in that size appropriately and that lot would be treated as well um if you don't mind let me just any questions at this point we got roof drainage coverage um since you put in a pool I'm familiar with this type of thing since you have a pool what's the run off of the pool was that going to your septic type system or does that go to it goes to the the drainage system the the large drainage basin down at the bottom um in the South it's just going to be little probably 12in um area drains for the patio um you won't even notice it cuz the the patio area they're basically the flats you wouldn't you wouldn't really notice them um but we kind of directed them to the corners capture any runoff cuz you don't you don't want to go into the pool so the pool yeah the the pool itself like when you have to drain it whatever else there's always like what type of pool is it chlorine or is it soft water do you know to that goes into the our last two have been salt water that's all I can say at the moment we haven't gotten that that Lev detail just thinking about the run off to if it was salt water would it any impact you would get any more tsss I don't know if that would impact so typically you don't drain it all the way down anyways um you don't you don't want to I measure the pool that pool's probably 40 by 60 so it's halfway is going to be 8 9,000 gallons so y um okay so I also do have a question but I don't know if we're there yet okay good want I ask it good yeah what what has been decided so far about a peer review we're talking about just the storm water management portion right now we're talking about the noi but I think we should let them make their presentation and then we'll go to a vote on thew yeah this is much too big um couple things I wanted to just uh point out um I believe um I think Paul touched on this briefly but um we'll get into kind of the logistics with the previous project before but we do have a a small um replication area Wetland replication area that was part of the previous development it wasn't done now the order expired so we're going to get into that so we've got this area here show that was my question on the on the replication area um have them nois been closed as of yet they were closed you pass Pap so we have to CL it yeah again Paul McMan so so this this dark area you can't see it from the back but this dark area is a proposed Wetland replication area of 1500 square fet the the the plan the approval from roughly 10 12 years ago um allowed uh for some Wetland fil required Wetland replication this plan proposes no Wetlands fill um but the the wetlands replication from the now expired order wasn't done so it seemed appropriate that that be rolled into this application so that's what this is there's there's a planting spec and a construction spec for that but that's what this is is is really trying to really trying to catch up from the failings of of the prior permit that order conditions has long expired so as a as a practical matter that needs to be addressed by by the Commission in my experience this this unfortunately happens from time to time um and what I found that the most effective way that commissions can deal with it is that Thorndike would submit um a request for certificate of compliance uh on that because you need to have something on which to act so they would submit that request for a COC and and the the hope would be that concurrent with issuing an order that required for example this replication so an order for this plan or or you know perhaps a revised version but essentially this plan including the replication so that you could then you could then uh hopefully issue an approval for this at the same time issue a certificate of compliance which was very explicit in that the certificate of compliance was was that order conditions was not fully complied with however the outstanding issues are addressed by new file number whatever this file number is so I found that to be acceptable it makes it makes among other things it makes for a nice clean paper trail um and you know for the commission so that you know down the road when when if this gets approved and they want to close out this you know there's a there's there's a clear understanding a clear record of what happened with the prior order so that would be my suggestion if that's agreeable to the commission Dave is prepared to submit a a request for COC kind of with that understanding that you know that that you you you cannot issue a a COC that says it's compliant that the Old One's compliant because it just isn't but but this hopefully would Rectify it so we can incorporate that with this no that's that's that's my suggestion yes that answers my question on the replication any questions on you probably didn't get a chance to look at the plan but um I did look at the full set and I wondered why they had a replication area um and one of my questions is going to be is there any going to be any work proposed in the 50 Foot no touch though so no there's no new y proposed in the uh no touch can you point out what was done prior in the new because it appeared when I looked at the plans that that that latest control structure heading towards that Wetlands on the eastly portion so that's pre-existing this uh with this this Outlet system right that's pre-existent correct so that's currently in the in that's what this replication area was designed to serve okay yeah so that's that's kind of uh that swap or offset is um part of addressing the old order of conditions in a way yeah and we also so this this purple line is the um 50t on here so we went through an exercise already of when we first designed this and we just had slopes kind of coming off we were into the 50 ft so we actually added you before this was submitted but internally uh added some retaining walls here that's kind of the thicker lines just so we would stay out of the 50 ft any question so far this is lot to absorb yeah I'm not entirely sure what the process is because you know they have the noi with the the storm water management permit process is now changed and that's part of the noi but I just have a general question about if you what you're using for low impact development features in this plan is is that going to be addressed during this process or is now a good time for you to address that and explain that to no that's part of that's part of kind of the storm water which is part of the notice of intent so as I would characterize it the the local storm water permit really parallels the review of the storm water design that's required as part of the notice of intent so the the information that we provide um showing that we're complying with the storm water handbook is a requirement of the notice of intent so all that it's kind of the same information that's being submitted even though there are two processes that are looking at that same information so again I'll you if you want to modify that that's fine that's that's how I'm I'm but we are right now talking about the notice of intent not the stor Water Management so to answer your specific question man now good time that procedure is going to and I'll discuss that with him so this is strictly the notice of intent for the wetlands and so uh I know that you brought this up at one of the previous hearings and um we do have a little bit more Elbow Room on this site so as opposed to our previous uh submission um across the street where almost all of the storm water was um subsurface uh in this case uh the vast majority of our storm water practices are on the surface not Underground so you can speak with this to this in more detail U but these types of Bio swes are exactly one of the items that fits into that low impact design uh category I if you want to elaborate yeah I'll just add a couple of bit more words to that so the the low impact that we have posed here the two buo tension areas on the either side of the um pickle ball cords that'll allow the runoff to just sheet flow um by gravity into the the area but it'll it'll be planted and it'll infiltrate into the ground and any any excess water would overflow into the and follow up this way um like I mentioned this this sale we've got that proposed as a low impact and really just Tred to minimize um the work within the buffer zone to the max extent we could um just as a kind of overall we do have about 38,000 uh Square ft of work within the 100 buffer zone um that's about .9 Acres can I just clarify real quick so is that between the yellow and the purple that's between the yellow and the the entire 100 foot oh no with no work within the purple t Okay um so that 0.9 acres is about 7% of the lot and about 11% of the proposed development as a whole so just kind of put that in uh kind of perspective um just want to touch on a couple other things before we take some questions um just want to show the overall utility plan um uh water stub was done um for the previous development and that's going to be connected for this new development um it'll be an 8 in um water main that'll loop around the building there's I believe three or four hydrants proposed um but any modifications that we worked out with the water department if they requested um anything more um this large area right here within the central green that's the proposed septic system um got tanks and a pump chamber with a generator um proposed right there those plans will be submitted to the Board of Health um as this process goes along um but that's the area for the septic system um I think it should be noted that uh while the drainage for this lot is included the septic system is not that's correct yeah um yeah I think that's that's kind of a very high level overview of this um we look look forward to working with the commission and any review engineer who looks at this um throughout the noi and storm water process so I'll take questions from the board at this time I think yeah so this um just a couple other items so this is our uh first um permitting effort for this specific lot in front of the commission so in the coming weeks we will also be submitting to planning board and the Board of Health as as Jos mentioned so this is but you're the first commission or board um to see the 265 sub M and with that we'll take any questions you might have than I do have one more question so the the pickle ball court you said that will be impervious and it is going a little bit of that is going within the 100t buffer yes that's correct so this is this is the yellow line here so it's kind of just clipping the corner is there a reason that cannot be a pervious concrete uh I'm not aware well so this is going to be the towns so we're building it and turning it over to the town and um uh perious uh concrete is a real maintenance issue and so that's something that we could discuss um but uh the town is going to be responsible for the cost of Maintenance of this surface um after we build it and turn over the land um so it's not just to put that in context um it's not just uh it's not just us involved in this it is a partnership okay sir one question the surface of the pickle ball is it going to be concrete or is it going to be uh it'll be that uh uh basically like a tennis court you know that kind of typical um is it asphalt yes yeah yeah it's an asphalt it's a binous product it's just got particular um right so you could small Aggregate and that sort of thing in it so you could use the impervious type ashalt in that particular case to address her concerns I mean they do have an impervious with an underground system but that's the permeable you mean yeah permeable I'm sorry okay but that's I guess suggestions yeah we've we've accommodated you know the runoff for that and you know very environmentally conscious way with the BIOS swes that actually if they do overflow they basically flow through the meadow you know so it's another kind of grassy Swale natural cleansing that that occurs before they make it to the W to the wetlands any other questions uh no okay I think before we open it up to the audience um I think I'd like to have the commission decide um whether this is going to go out to be reviewed not then I'll take comments from the public um so what's the board's feelings on getting this reviewed by uh review engineer I think it's an absolute necessity on a project this size okay then I would be looking for a motion to um send this out to PM Pat Brandon for review I will make a motion to send this noi out to Pat Brett well for peer review I second motion okay all all in favor hi okay I'm just going to open it up to the audience and then we'll discuss that afterwards anybody in the audience got any questions so far on this particular project yes I'm going to have to ask you either to come up or can you pass her the mic just so that we get everybody and just make sure identify yourself for the record I know Tina Alia 340 Plymouth all your water on uh 266 your storm water your drains that are out in front are they staying on the property on 266 or are they coming over to [Music] 265 Mr chair um there's no drainage that goes underneath mon ponson Street connecting the two sites does that answer your question any other questions for the audience Mr tro um I would have a question want you go over for the cameras as well okay a I'm wondering when the last time this has been Wetland flagged [Music] ahead uh that was part of the or ad so I believe it was about I want to say 9 months ago that order magnitude August the 22 pretty close August the 22 any other questions yes uh was it witnessed by anybody that represents the town okay well let me just point out the wetlands delineation is done by their organization and we are now going to send it out to be peer reviewed but that would have been reviewed during the INR so that line would have been verified by our representative at the time of the the INR so the answer to the question is yes please make sure yeah was uh brandan Fu was um who's your um consultant for Wetlands issues um flag yeah he walked the flag with with our consultant they looked at a flag in some instances they're using I think ecosystem and some of them but in this particular case it's right then Pat Ren did it and no this was not P this was Brandon oh Brandon F oh that was yeah Brandon F oh so doing okay yeah he's the one who was out there with our Consultants he made some suggestions we modified map and um that's what got approved as and that line has been approved correct any other questions from the audience I has the state approved the bylaw overlay yet let see uh not relevant to the conservation process but I'll answer the question nonetheless um it's you don't have to answer the question again it's not relevant so but it's up to you you want to answer it go ahead that's fine um we anticipate it being uh issued on June 7th that's the date we've been told just to just to further comment on that the issues that are before the Conservation Commission are relative to the the wetlands portion of this we're not the permitting process so if for some reason uh that bylaw is not approved by the Attorney General's office all this is for not because all we're determine is whether or not your plan meets our bylaws we're not issuing any building permits I concur thank you any other questions from the audience okay don't okay I am going to be looking for a motion actually um in that last motion we're going to use uh Pat Brennan to review this portion okay cuz he's going to do the SW water okay um I'm not sure how long it's going to take I don't want to put you on for the next agenda and him not being sufficient CU before I do this motion a couple of questions I had it looks like on this particular plan you've got your observation holes um in that retention area okay I didn't see any soil logs anywhere on the plan was they missing or not on the plan itself some yeah sometimes we do do them on the plan when there are this many we tend to not um but we did include them with the trainers report um but we can certainly add them to the plan as I they should be added to the plan I did see you had modeling but your modeling suggestions were strictly um on particular notes and I think we should have some soil logs folks basically that tells us what's out there material where the GR water is so that we know we're going to get a reasonable amount of penetration in the soil sure so you don't have a problem let makes s um one month perfect well I'd be looking for a motion to continue this till what's on meeting a month away uh about what's that July [Music] 9th yeah this June 25th for July 9th yeah I prefer June 25th as a month perhaps we'll get a two for one deal that evening we'll see how 266 goes okay so I am looking for a motion to continue this with piew until 62524 uh I put a motion so moved so moved okay I'll second that all right all in favor I unanimous okay um please you can reach out to the office we got some changes going on but um they'll come up with some sort of a number for you guys to provide the account for the initial peerreview understood okay anything else thank you thank you have if if you'll leave them right away right if you if you got a minut I'll explain okay let me finish up the hearing what I do with my agenda oh here it is no okay all right next item on the agenda is 25 Crescent Avenue we have a Chie tree remover request you have an RDA that that will be you [Music] sure good evening um identify yourself right I'm Sean Merchant I live 25 Crescent AV in pem Brook um Kathy come out last week I believe and did a site visit um new tree came out marked the trees so she see that um Nukem told us they were going to send a letter to the office about you right up with the trees and stuff but I haven't I haven't seen anything from them since so um I haven't either so um Miss Evans is not here tonight um I didn't receive any emails or anything regarding your situation I don't believe I have I'm going to I'm going to ask that we continue this for two weeks but I was under impression you were going to provide us some some pictures of what you wanted to do Kathy had gone and she had taken a bunch of photos of the yard of the trees and she all she did all out my wife I was at work I didn't okay all right if you don't mind just take a few pictures make sure they get to the office just for some reason we can reach out to Kathy to see what the decision was yeah but if if some reason he's not here to present him we need somebody to pres okay okay we're going to continue to next 25 Crescent Avenue until next meeting next meeting I put in motion that we continue 25 pres na to June 11 I'll second that all in favor I unanimous thank you 36th Avenue come down folks who is going to do your site visit Kath uh Kath came out on Thursday okay all right um all right um so Susan and Kenneth Nelson 36 okay I do have one question I know you had showed us some pictures last time you're going to submit those to the office have you to see okay I did I sent the six that I showed at the last meeting and then I sent in an additional 15 15 of them okay all right go ahead continue um so the new ones just showed I guess the overgrowth of the tree the type of tree and the diameters of the tree within the area of [Music] question once you once you have M look at that identified them as Birch I did send a picture of the they are Birch Cleaves okay that's that looks correct to me that was my first assumption that the so but you'll see the difference like the ones that I submitted when we did our first meeting there's no leaves now there's leaves on them so it looks a little more overgrown but all right so why don't do you mind just telling us I guess basically how many trees are coming down so in the caliper yeah so that was the question that we had at the end at the end we were deciding and Cathy we're trying to figure out with her as well the diameter of the tree like what is the majority of them are what under two they're about 2 in the caliper is measured when the tree just comes out of the ground so that's the caliper yeah the majority of them are small um there were a few that she looked at but she didn't really give a decision on them she just kind of said okay that you can see them better in the this clear here like in the beginning of the isck yeah so it's you know these were the ones that were in question but I know you and Kimber believe were asking about the circumference of how how big so we didn't know what to cut off and nether to Cy so that was our question you were looking for the caliper we were looking for how uh what the diameter was like how how um far around they are um if it was typically you measure a tree by which call a caliper so it would be right excuse me should be measured right about here just as she comes out of the ground this is that Tre that would be the the caliber that's the the common way to do that this one here is one or 2 in this looks like a 6 or 8 in so is that you were looking for that that's what I was curious about how many of them were 8 in or more which would be considered a fully established you know how many of the ones that you were looking to remove were fully established adult trees and um there weren't that many that were that size that you know Kathy and I and and my husband looked at um and then what where he said was it an 8 in C off was it a 6in cut off or what was the cut off that you guys had decided on well we were just asking you what size they are but I believe standard it's 6 in okay so the majority of them are under six um like I said there a lot of them are just the they're tiny about 2 Ines um and that's what makes up the majority of them the bigger ones there those are the ones that are over the wires that would be trimmed and that's what we had told her there then that there's a picture in there that it's the branches go through the the wires and that was our biggest concern with those that I know okay so I thought last time we discussed um the chair asked for you to give us a plan of really like detailed what it was that you wanted to do I didn't know how else more detail of like I mean there's probably about what 25 trees that are tiny I mean to count each one of them and then I figured if we counted the bigger ones that were there there's one of them that I marked on there the bigger caliber tree and those would not be removed mov D that was in one of the photos that I marked so last time I think you weren't saying that you weren't going to remove the larger trees I think saying you were going to so that's what we need clarification on I think writing right last time it was determined what like what could we remove so then at the end you said anything under 6 in was okay so we went and redid the pictures and did more in-depth pictures of what is actually there and Kathy came out to look to show that we're just looking to get rid of the smaller ones and to keep the bigger ones and the bigger ones would need to be trimmed cuz they're in the wires the telephone and cable wires in the yard okay yeah yeah secondary line if if I can make a suggestion Kathy's not here and um don't really any want to keep kicking the can down the road um is this all been previously Disturbed it's lawn it's something like that it's all um like brush um leaves pine needles um if I can make a suggestion from the like the rock pictured in there to the to the shed there's nothing behind the shed and behind the shed is closer to the water none of that will be touched none of that is just going to be disturbed it's all the you know from the shed up and I thought I put it in the picture there where that area was if I can make a suggestion um if uh this plant so we could issue if the commission wants to um a negative determination with some conditions that no trees 6 in caliper or lust be cut you mean or greater 6 in or greater I think you said or less um six in or greater correct um if um or uh where Kathy isn't here um we can continue it but I I think that's clear to the board we've got some pretty heavy agenda stuff coming so there was more to what you were asking for last time that wasn't the other was the other side of the the other side of to fill in the yard to where there's like the big hole and that that's the other other half of the yard to fill that in so that it's level we get rid of that hole so there's no mosquitoes and then the back of the house which is that picture right there on top right near the water to put grass there and L and like I said no fertilization just you know hydr seeding with fingers crossed that something grows cuz right now it's mud so and so if we were to do uh you know um negative determination on the RDA with conditions we would also want to make sure that the conditions said that there would be no fertilizer and that there would be proper precautions taken to keep the grass and um to keep it stabilized keep it stabilized and not affect the water yeah I think we agreed on that the last time like that part that other half of the project was um like I said to all mapped out he's got it or the landscaper has it you know understandable to keep make sure that there was I think Kimberly had a concern about the hydro seening on the loan going into the water that will be addressed um it's just more get rid of the hole level off that yard and you know put something in the in the back which is directly you know you know within the 50 ft of the water um Mr chair can we possibly do like a stipulation with um any um objection from Kathy like say we we allow them to take down the trees with what of Kathy to said not to cut down these trees she can maybe dress those yeah I think what you we could do is we could issue the negative which allows you the ability to do that but we'd give you some conditions that are going to be similar to our notice of intent being that you're not going to be using any any fertilizers other than natural fertilizers you're not going to cut any trees 6 in or larger um and I would probably make the suggestion that those trees to be removed to be marked and if Kathy can't come back if M plant wants to just do a driveby um sure it's it's it's very hard to like to show in the photo it is and um I tried to go out and just even Mark the bigger ones and that's even harder to see even a photo so I I Mark I like I took a photo and I was trying to mark them but it's hard cuz there's so many yeah there seems to be quite a few going to that the wire to the house the power to your house yeah so the one that's there's some of the skinnier ones go to the power to the house but then there are some of the bigger ones that those would have to just be trimmed you know up above not cut the the branches would have to be trimmed so that they're off the wires yeah utilities usually recommend that yeah okay all right uh so what I would be do doing is I would be looking for a negative determination with conditions so what does that mean the negative determination okay let me it never does so I'd be looking for a negative I'd be looking for a negative determination with conditions um but I would prefer to have those conditions signed off at the next meeting you going have a chance to review them and then if Miss plant wants to go out there to take a look then I think you should knock the trees what a negative determination means is that we're going to allow you with the project you can't start until we issue the order conditions okay then you need to comply with those okay those particular areas will allow to be filled um no fertilizers other than natural fertilizers um uh maybe near the water some kind of Sil fence so if it does run off the how big is how how big are the holes that you're filling 6 in 4 in in the one in the middle like you remove the tree where the water it's a good size it's probably about I'd say 10 in Deep by Whatever 6t by it's only three or four no I'm just talking about the spot near the house we just want to put the grass down oh that how big is that no I'm just thinking about put a Sil fence oh yes he did mention the the landscaper did mention that that so part of those conditions we're probably going to suggest that you put Waddles cuz they're easily removable we put Waddles at some point okay um so I'd be looking for a vote uh for negative with the conditions and then we'll we'll have the conditions next week so you won't be able to stop until you get this okay I put uh a motion uh for 360v so moved okay other conditions I'm looking for a second I'll second that okay I'm looking for a vote all in favor I I okay good we're going to send you a list of things you need to do we'll go over that next week and then we'll I'll sign off on it you don't have to record this but we do want to make sure you comply yeah absolutely like I said we've been there almost 30 years so it's been you know it's been a ride um so you want do you want me before we leave do you want me to mark the trees that are not going to be cut that is doable no your marking all the ones you don't you are cutting it be simple to do the ones that aren being touch right it's EAS easier to do the what would you so I know what's normal is you mark the ones that are being CAU with red okay but they're like in big like groups of you know little skinny ones I think Kimberly actually did discuss that using some sort of you know environmentally safe Ribbon or something like that if he just tied something around it Loosely as to not damage the tree in any way um if you could just do that with the ones that you are keeping then that would be appreciated for sure yes and if you don't mind emailing the office that they're ready then they can someone can send her the email and if she so chooses she can go before the next meeting yeah so just send it to Patty and then she'll forward it to yep okay good thank you so much can we just take a five minute break sure just speak to you got a [Music] second's agendas 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes chill five minutes everything's five minutes they keep it to that yeah then you have to ask motion extend the time or something no I mean they literally took 5 minutes I mean like they all the work was done in the spirit of public hearing exactly but it was uh you know it was very well they had they probably did they have a conservation agent they have an agent yeah that's a big plus she been there we 15 years at least yeah what the story not for me to say this we are back in sessions um anybody here from 112 River Street okay just to bring the vote up to date I did speak with a real estate agent he was supposed to be in tonight um but I also need to go into the office which I didn't have time today to see what the second order that wasn't complied with needs to be complied with this is one we had two so we'll move that to the next agenda okay um 341 Plymouth Street um I'm just going to 34 make a br now who is 341 I think oh okay all right I get the numers mixed up no no no it's not 346 nobody 341 should be on the opposite side of scen get the addess is wrong I just want to bring the board up to date um you know I've spoken to them um I don't we're not going to spend a lot of time on it we did I did meet with Highway superintendent during the storm last week um we know what's causing the water you know where the water is coming from it's different sources but I'm just going to address in front of her house um and we have an idea as to how we can solve some of the issue uh rout 106 is going to be repaved in August uh we're hoping that if we can get an engineer to come out prior to that and he's got to look at funds um to put some mockings because it's going to be critical for the elevations the road is only going to be elevated an inch and a half and we've got water that's supposed to be heading west that's going east so the next meeting I will have something in writing as to what I would suggest and I think that the highway department would concur right thank you so having said that nothing on the other end nothing on the other problem not yet you're still investigating that which which that intersection that's worse that's wor that's worse okay and I'm not going to get into a lot of detail the we found that that from our observations both driveways at both facilities tip the wrong way so the water in front of our Riley's heads East in the basins on the west side in front of yours that water heads East in your Basin the Basin that's supposed to accommodate Duncan's water is in the middle of so we know up at up at the inter section is and non's and okay we we had an assessment done by VHB but they just assessed manholes and they just took water samples looking for cogens and some other something that came out of the water there's a [Music] new meeting that's T hasn't been scheduled where they're going to open up all the basins they'll do all measurements and we'll see what's going on I personally at this point don't think it's Bas in capacity I think the water staying on the road too long and that's why you almost spash well I mean there's got to be some fix to it I mean even even if you put a uh pretention Pond out there I mean the town is just it's like oh oh are you talking about behind the Ries yeah oh oh no but but I mean for the town itself the town has got that drain that goes okay I I'm really not going to get into that yeah no no that's fine that's fine well that's we know that everybody's addressing everything yeah we're working but before they go the the the the that drain that comes off of Plymouth Street that goes out into Beck's property well used to be peex property sold has no impact on the roadway so whatever they do to the roadway that water is going to continue to flow so what needs to be addressed is the uh uh Naes and not necessarily nones um we know where the water's coming from your question is the water that's coming off of Plymouth Street going down that road that's that's got the the drainage pip the drainage pipe okay that's only it's going to be addressed by the self storage place or or Starbucks no they said no see okay I I haven't so okay I I'll at some point I'll take a look at it's separate okay the catch bation for the road is here the town's going to go around it okay okay you have I'll take I'll take a look at the when you when you do those testings with that whatever group it is uh Billy wants to be there to see it also yeah let me I spent one whole day chasing them and I saw them do one basing good luck with that um you you're going to have to address that for Steve Haywood that's beyond my authority because we need we need police details in the whole name I'll let Steve know I just want to point out one other thing while I was out there Stop and Shop based on the letter that the commission sent them they are address and their storm water management because there's no we walked out there there is no catch bases coming down that road that goes out into this there's no catch bases okay you got you got to clarify the main entrance as far as from the lights from Stop and Shop to the lights there's no catch bases there's only catch Basin in nanis and the Chinese restaurant you could be you could be right okay yeah we know where it's coming from okay what yes we'll address that later we can go all right okay thank you okay working on thank you thank you thanks for coming all right we only have we have a couple of items on the agenda have a good night take care have a good night um next item is going to be the notice intent and storm water management applications what has been suggested and I did speak briefly with Kathy about this is as these notice of intents come in and storm water management applications come in we're using um ecosystems in Pat Brenan um what we're hoping the board will concur that they'll be sending them out right away um if an application comes in 10 days before the meeting it's going to sit there until we address it then send it out to be reviewed so you go it's going automatically start a peer review when it first puts the notice of intent in so we correct that sounds good to me so that's automatic so all of them are going to get peer reviews all the time the yes the the all your storm water management should be all peer review um if you've got a notice of intent because someone has to repair a septic system I suppose you could maybe not have that peer review but as of now if the bu so concurs we'll send everything out as they commend they'll be notified uh whoever the applicant is that they're going to have to submit x amount of dollars for peer review and if they object to that and they want to come in and we decide to wave it fine if we don't then it has to okay yeah as long as there is a process for that and and the fees are based on the size of the project correct yeah the lar of the project correct okay so both the nois and stone Water Management would go up yeah your stone water management is over 43,000 ft other than the Minor St uh disturbances but we do have an envelope right in mon Pon mon p in in that area there that's entirely in the storm water area so any activity should come before us well like the water shed you talking yeah in the m points of water shed anything around the pwn okay that se that area is separate and it's got a distinct section in stor Water Management versus what we're doing at 265 okay okay so I'd be looking for a motion let me just clarify that one more so any project that comes up before us that has a no of ATT tent if they have need a stone Water Management plan it has to be P reviewed automatically or let's stay with let's let's stay with an noi noi is noi is strictly going to be wetland protection okay so if you want to have a cap or a shield so the question is if we got a standard nii it comes in whether it be a septic repair or new construction I can see that those should all go out yeah um the only thing that I can suggest is with the administrative assistant if you've got a small project if the applicant does not want to pay the money to send it out they he can come for the board just make sure they stress that's the person say if they have a small project like a mom and pop doing a little small project around their house which they have to have done yes I suggest they come in front of us okay I would be looking for a motion to um allow the administrative assistant to send out our peer reviews on nois and storm water management applications uh I still Move Motion I'll second that okay all in favor hi hi okay in your package there's a blanket determination of applicability I'd like to have you take a look at that it's a um I hope she put in is she I don't think so I don't think there's much anym this there might be one piece of paper it says a WPA form well I might have it wrong this is the form two just take a quick peek at that I'll take a look at that one what I'm going to do we'll send it here and just review it it's a it's a process where basically the the agent would review that and if it's in compliance with all of that any work minor work that's done within the 50 to the 100 would be done on that type of application instead of a Nota 710 depending on the project this this that front page outlines just what can be done what can't be done things like swimming pools oh okay uh is there a list there right here see these okay those are the projects that we you're spending some time on [Music] [Music] that one maybe not should [Music] yeah yeah and that too the guidance I'm okay with that as long as they're not doing anything invasive but why would they purposely but I think we can review it tree removal yeah that's going to depend on the tree so I don't think I'm okay with all of these I'm okay with some of these that's okay so what we do is we take a look at that because we have to adopt that in a policy we have to hold a hearing so if the board's so inclined then that's a good place to start okay and and we can agree on which ones corre we we feel are okay to do under this process rather than have to go through the entire noi process correct okay yeah some of these I'd be fine with some of them not um you can take that but I'll make sure that they email you a copy she was supposed to email a copy to everybody so take take this yeah you can take that yep we won't take any action um policies and procedures I don't know if there's anything we need to go over tonight um I think we're all working on some of the items and policies and procedures yeah I would prefer that we wait until we have the other members of the board the board present to talk about that okay let's go to the bills we have legal ad number 15537 uh 19 white Island Road for $45 I'll combine these if you don't mind and a legal ad for $265 Monona Street for $45 I'm looking for a motion to approve those I put a motion approve the bills can I ask for clarification sorry just is this one of the ones that will be reimbursed to us under the permitting process or do we actually pay for these no they reimburse these are part of the fees they pay the Fe to us we have to pay them all right I second that motion to pay that all in favor I okay WB Mason I'm going to I'm not I'm not going to vote on this one because it's my own name plate um so we'll take the name plate for WB Mas um there's an invo for I'll second that motion okay so when we going to a vote 22 going to be 21 I'll understand well we didn't vote yet but yes I'm sorry I'm looking at the clock it say a did two and the one of the items next item is a line item transfer thank you there two you know what it doesn't have and I did see it is the dollar amount what happened is one of the accounts which is the 01171 55120 was expensed out incorrectly it's a very small dollar amount so I'm going to ask motion to to approve that line item transfer uh for motion that we approve line item transfer from White L account 01171 5120 okay any seconds yeah let me just clarify when you say a very small amount any idea what the amount was $60 I think $60 just a sit right here is it say is a $606 budget status report is this 5961 let me just see if this is it okay yes yeah I think this is is that what it is I think so uh yep yeah okay all right I'll second that motion okay let's just include the dollar amount if you don't mind sure it was $596 okay you made a motion second I yeah I put the motion he put the motion in I second I I I you animous okay um meeting minutes I'm going to suggest the meeting minutes uh you don't really have a quorum I wasn't here on the 14th right so I can't vote on them so you think we ought to hold them or yeah just hold them toight we hold them and we have Road opening permits does someone have them there yes looks like we have a Road opening permit for 46 80 and 86 mlen road they're 4T by 6ot Cuts yeah there's 1 2 3 4 five five on Oak Street yes five on Oak um I don't know we need the addresses and um 19 and 22 a lawence road um question what are these for are they are the forid I canot vote on these um I'm going to disagree I'm I'm going to just tell you why um and if you want where you were employed by urce yes I okay if you want to file a disclosure with the time Clark indicating you have no financial interest you can you can vote on these if you don't want to that's up to you but all you need to do is is do a disclosure but if you want to hold off and do that yeah I don't want to do any disclosures cuz technically I do make profit on stocks and stuff like that oh that's so far okay that's fine I don't know I just don't conflict yeah we we'll we'll I think we can lump these up uh road openings is going to be three on mcen road there's two on Lawrence Road and there's five on Oak Street I would be looking for a motion to approve these road openings and this is for utility access is that yeah yes okay I'll make a motion to approve the road openings and I'll second that motion and go to a vote I I so that's 2 01 there's nothing to sign here do you probably just put a signature on I have no idea yeah they want oh yeah got to [Music] sign does it say cheer and coair oh chair or Co or Co yeah you need one person you need to sign up how many minutes can I get to you did I sign everything I need to sign uh yeah we okay I I think I signed the bills yeah that's back there okay I'll just to sign that just show me where just ignore where I initialed cuz I should not have initialed I don't know why I did that not have it oh okay up top okay that's right these are the same should be two of them okay oh should it shouldn't have sign I'm okay with that uh where is the W can I here let me do this that's the WB Mason one that I didn't uh I didn't sign anyways and I'm going to sign these two Road opening there's a three Road opening Comm three is there anything else uh nothing else on the agenda I'm looking for a motion to adour can I can I ask a question here so these meeting minutes that we're supposed to be approving um is this the piece of paper because it says approved date June 11th so oh those are the meeting minutes we're not going to vote almost those oh okay okay yes I wasn't here on May 14th and I'll believe so um not I'm looking for a motion to journ at 8:52 I put a motion that we journ I'll second that motion all in favor thank you very much folks thank you [Music]