##VIDEO ID:lTUMY5SYwQk## [Music] here we go okay see you then it's uh 7: call the meeting of the uh Halifax planning board for order taking place at$ 499 the street in Halifax and meeting room on the second floor for October 3rd 2024 at 7:00 p.m. just to make everybody Weare it's open meeting and announc that planning board meeting is being recorded by area 58 and can be viewed on uh YouTube okay uh I'm going to do is there is a presentation for tonight uh I'm going to ask the board of for a motion if we got take it out of water according our agenda I understand it's maybe a 10 or 15 minute presentation so how's the board feel about doing that first getting it out of the way I'll uh entertain a motion if someone like to make one I I'll move that for you do I have a second a second yeah what cool with me second or okay I have a motion and second on the floor to uh uh have the presentation out of order on the agenda all those in favor I'll I'll ask for voice brenon hi myself yes yes joh yes and rck yes okay unanimous well why don't we do that first then uh Mr sh you have the floor okay and they catch and they catch everything everything well as everyone has seen the signs on the on the streets and everything else it says vote Yes on on question six and a lot of people don't even know what question six is so I'm here to explain what question six is and uh it's the community preservation act it's investing together in the future of vals okay the community preservation act allows communities to establish a fund that's spe specifically dedicated to historical preservation open space Recreation and affordable housing funds are collected at 1 and a half annual contribution local on local property taxes $88 annual for a cifax resident assessment exemption for the first $100,000 of assessed property value app applies to all exception for qualified ownership of fact a low-income houses moderate and low income senior households the taxpayers receiving a regular property tax abatement or exemption will also receive a pro rated reduction in search charge okay using Halifax fy2004 tax rate and average residential assessment right now a single family home at 51,2 $43 the rate is $14.20 your tax would $7 7,355 I can attest to that the CPA resident exception is $100,000 the state put that in and that's it you take $100,000 off of that is now $41,250 your tax base is now $587.5 now the SE charge is 1.5% on that tax rate it's $88 the SE charge is $88 that $88 is then appli to your your tax of the year so it's 7,888 that rate will not change unless the value of your house goes up that will always be there every year year after year until you the valuation goes up 100,000 goes up 1 half% and just add maybe $10 to it or $5 to it if your taxes go up because after tax uh a uh what do you call assment uh no no um after we have our town meetings and then the B the taxes will go up this will always stay the same as Val as long as you value your house stays okay HX CPA income exceptions a resident making resident over 60 years old making less than $6,950 with one person in the house will will be able to go to assessor's office and be able to get an abatement a resident under 60 making with one person at the house making under $615 44 will also do the same thing in the assessors and that works all the way down to how many people are in the household so if you feel that you know you're not making that you go to the assessor's office they'll make adjustments to it okay how much would it be collected 2800 tax bills in Halifax is 2800 * 88 per tax bill estimated money available annual for Community investment projects is $246,400 based on average only plus annual variable State contribution not included here and then the state will let us know later on how much we will get and that would be added to that $246,400 these are the towns that are now in it and as you see Halifax is one East bridgew Brockton and Avon are not in the group everyone else you see including the islands are all taking uh the CPA money right now and they're all around us so far the total CPA dist distribution from Bridgewater has been $3,566 th000 if you see some of these figures some of these people entered 20 years ago or 18 years ago when it first started so they got a bigger amount and they've been in the program for a long time and as we see like Clinton got in late but they still have $363,000 from the state that was given to us to them and W bridgew 734000 the over the last 5 years the average CPA contribution has been 26.6% over the last 5 years so difference between CPA and standard taxes fund raised receive additional annual state contribution residents decide how funds are spent can be used as matching funds that are required by many states and federal grants funds dedicated typically unfunded underfunded or unfunded projects unexpected funds are cure interest and all no obligation to spend in any given year but the people decide de side how it's going to be spent CPA passes on the ballot what next develop a bylaw establishing Community preservation committee CPC vote on CPC bylaw on May 20 2025 town meeting CPC drafts a community preservation plan first ass assessment would be November of 20 of uh 2025 CPC reviews and facilitates all proposals minimum 10% funds placed in three categories historical preservation 10% open Spate restoration 10% affordable housing 10% residents determine allocation for remaining 70% who's on a committee of preservation committee anywhere from five to nine members conservation committee historical commission Housing Authority Park commission planning board and up to four at large members those are the ones to determine things how funds are managed and dispersed CPC receives reviews and considers all project request CPC submits recommendations in town meeting through articles town meeting approval required for all CPA expenditures we come before the board they review it if they think it's feasible they'll put it on an article and then you people everybody votes for it at the town meeting completed projects that could have qualified pups playground cost $250,000 and it took 7 years to make it to to build it walk and Trail Renovations 15,000 Gaga B pit 2000 uh open space and Recreation future projects that could qualify Community Gardens Golf Park tennis and basketball courts Halifax walking trails projects open space and Recreation future projects that could qualify as town beach Rejuvenation and ADA compliance land acquisition purchase properties through right of first refusal project historical preservation completed projects that could have qualify blacksmith shop repairs Rock and store relocation project historical preservation future projects that could qualify blacksmith shop house restoration digital Historical Museum documents historic Cemetery preservation of projects affordable housing purchase and convert vacant space into affordable housing for seniors or veterans purchase and rehabilitate existing vacant housing as affordable units and plan and develop new units CPA elgible 5-year Capital plan purchases Town Hall ex exterior restoration siding G is Etc is estimated at $750,000 Recreation uh courts estimated at 350 to 500,000 open space and Recreation 35,000 and restoration of a blacksmith shop 30 50,000 and these are the these are the websites you can go to Halifax Mah hope.org email hope for Halifax at gmail.com and CPA website community preservation. did I just take a minute just away from the screen here uh we have received from our committee uh the different towns that have contributed and have done projects and I think the biggest problem we have is the um the housing everybody's all upset about the housing like they think that we're going to be building things down at the railroad tracks we're going to be building down rout 58 we're going to be putting high-rise uh buildings in here we're starting really late you need millions of dollars do these things but there's there's uh um Clinton put a chairlift to allow handicap and El to attend function on the second floor of of Plimpton historical building Hansen Hansen housing authority to develop a housing production plan to assist in addressing the town's need for affordable housing just and remember few people can vote on these things at a town meeting if it comes up uh pem purchase and install a backup generator for community building at mapow court affordable housing for eler and disabled pem two Grant to pem Housing Authority a new roof for McDonald's way residents affordable housing for elderly and disabled P okay uh this is Hanover and they got in early they got they got what state total of $22 million those people had to assist Southshore Habitat for Humanity to construct an affordable single family house in Wallet Street uh Center Street renovation and restoration of a farmhouse for community housing okay ca purchase and rehabilitate program reclaim abandoned foreclosure properties rehabilitate and resell as affordable housing habitat home to purchase materials to assist in funding construction of a habitat for her Humanity home you have Bridgewater Bridgewater Housing Authority Windows project uh remove existing window uh wooden windows and replace them with insulated Windows M El School Redevelopment project joint venture for funding of a community housing Redevelopment project um see you got West Bridgewater purchase of generator for West Bridgewater Housing Authority West Bridgewater Housing Authority restoration of a balcony at the West Bridgewater Housing Authority located at 7 esta Drive Plymouth and they got plenty of money the uh $ 55,940 they accumulated over those years they did it right away Habitat Humanity ban Road Grand habit habitat of humanity funding for construction of three units of deed restricted housing on Long Pawn Road authorized by the select board for historic preservation restoration Rehabilitation of the SIMS house and the creation of two affordable housing units the SIMS house is the one in manate if you go to man Center head down toward the beach it's a nice old Victorian house and they worked on that for years so they're going to make it a portable housing for that um U Middleboro ncet apartment roof to replace roofs to improve housing conditions for eight senior housing units the masket windows the fun portion of the Middleboro housing authority and the masket apartment window project which will make energy efficient improvements in 12 elderly housing units in two buildings Kingston Habitat Humanity contribution to Habitat of Humanity house built in Kingston funding of Kingston Municipal affordable trust fund transfer Community Fund housing funds to the affordable housing trust fund I think I'm moment thank you for your patience yep thank you for your patience that's it I just thought I would add that to us to us because that's a very big concern about the housing and uh aable housing unit but it's not just building these big buildings and everything else it's what we already have and try to keep okay thank you for your time I'm going to open up to questions from members of the board first Bron do we have to go in order can I pay you back off somebody else anybody have any questions I think I think you covered pretty much everything do you want me to go before wee all right my my only question or or my big concern would just be that um unfortunately if there's a loophole to be found somebody will find it y um so I know the people vote on it but anybody that's been to one of our town meetings some things get buried some things get put at the end of the agenda so that it's when everybody else has to go home at midnight and then all of a sudden somebody's got something that they want to push through so I guess my I mean I love the idea of it it's just more like what are the repercussions if somebody gets caught with their hand in the cookie JY where the people can actually stand up and go this is this isn't how it's supposed to be used well first of all you're not this isn't rais in appropriate and come from available funds this is a you have the money in the bank and what you're doing is you're drawing the money out of the bank to pay for that particular article right you ever been down at the town meeting and they say the water department wants a new truck or they need something they take it from water Revenue you've already paid for that you PID for water bills it's not raising appropriate you're paying for it this is the same thing this is that this will not go up unless they value of your house goes up I meant more like how do we keep the how do we keep the committee with the checks and balances to make sure that the committee is doing the right thing and putting the right things on the article so that the the residents can actually vote on the right thing I would think that you would put it on a put it in the paper saying that this these are the Arles that are going to come up this is the committee that that is form and these are the recommendations that the committee is going to set forward to the town okay and if they want any change you go to the committee and and voice your opinion who holds the who holds the committee accountable um I don't know that's the question that that's my thing it's more of just a just a how do we keep from people who may have malicious intent sure from taking advantage of what we're supposed to be building up parks for our future generations and I have a three-year-old and a 2-year-old you want to build up the playgrounds I'm all for it I'll I'll pitch in extra Mr you have information got I do can can I speak Mr sh sure is all right um yeah so so if CPA does pass we have to create a community preservation committee which John was saying there has to be five members kind of representing the five different arms of the program okay you have parks in there you have housing you have historic you have um a blanket on conservation thank you and the last one is and you guys are you guys are in there as well um so I think the idea is you try to get a crosssection of people from all the different um kind of buckets of this program the other thing the town can do if if so choosing we can add up to four citizens at large right so it can be five people on the committee it can be nine people so whatever we decide to do um I want to make a distinction here the CPC doesn't have any power to pass anything thing right they're kind of you think of it like the finance committee makes their recommendations the CPC makes their recommendations at town meeting they say hey we'd like to do this if if the people at Halifax like it and they want to go for it cool if they don't it gets shot down the money stays in the bucket it collects interest all year and you Circle back next year with a project that the town thinks is worth doing um and just to piggyback on what John said the reason most towns do this program is the the residents of Massachusetts pay uh real estate uh Amy I know you're realtor so real estate transactions uh Deeds titles they collect money on all real estate transactions put it aside for the CPA program so that money is being collected by the state regardless right so unfortunately it's been happening for about 24 years we're late to the party um but I still think it's a definitely a viable option because again we're leaving money on the table for things that that you know could use it I would like to think that the more people we can get on that committee the more um bomb prooof we can make it if that's the right phrase um just because you see things with shorter boards all it takes is a couple of people on that board with a similar agenda to outweigh some others so I just I know there's a young handsome fell on the planning board it's that salt and pepper down there don't let him fo you don't let him fo you if if that would make you feel better then I would say jump right on I'll I'll add my two cents how's that fny no that's all I had it's I'm just I'm I'm all for it I love uh of the the concept of it I just unfortunately nowadays people have agendas that aren't always in the best interest of the group it's for themselves and so I just want um to make sure that we have some checks and balances in there so that the people are actually represented that's all all right so we go in at maybe one both can answer it we go in at 1 and 12% just just for talking from what I understand we're locked into that rate for 5 years is that correct corre and if the town votes or wants to vote we can put it would have to go to town meeting if it was either way either decreased to 1% or increase to two just for for an example I I just wanted to if my understanding was correct is that right John that's right it's not like you can slide it in and then oh let's let's all let's go to 5% let's you know the town would have to come back go through this process again at town meeting at town meeting to town would decide whether or not to so to to it wouldn't it wouldn't be anything that you know late at night all of a sudden let's go up to 3% yeah I wasn't worried necessarily about that I was actually more worried about how the funds are being allocated right I think also if there's going to be a committee and there's going to be whole new set of bylaws that are added I think that maybe there should be some stipulation in there that it can't go up more than 50 basis points right the the fraction after the percentage right so if it's at 1.5 if any given year after the five years if we increase it or decrease it it can't be more than the next year being two and then after that 2.5 instead of doing these jumps from 1.5 to three it's like well we're not we've got to put some kind of governor on this before it gets out of control if we want to get the public behind it I'm not sure what town did it but they went from 3% down to 1 and a 12% because they had so much money in the that was Kingston it was Kingston went down and there wasn't one community that has applied for this has has backed out of it not one community at all yeah there's there's 19 196 196 towns in the state 70% of the state are part of CPA uh not one town in the 24 years history has voted to leave it now as far as checks and balances go uh are the monies collected totals and one order are they printed in the in the town Town book as part of the uh you know the the reg it'll it'll be in your budget it's all published be monitored yeah so maybe I'll maybe I'll change amend my statement can go down at any percentage but should be governed up by 50 basis points or something just to but still would have to be governed down also it has to still go to town meeting oh yeah yeah yeah I just mean whether any change I'm saying whether it goes to the town or not saying if we're at 1.5 for 5 years and then after those 5 years we're like oh we want to bump it up it's like yeah but we wrote bylaws five years ago when we got into this thing to assure the public that it's not can't go up by more than a half a percentage at a time so that it would kind of backo some safety net for the member for the residents to say we can't go from 1.5 to three if we went from 1.5 to.5 we can go in any direction down but we can't put people in a direction wait a minute no no no at the at the discretion of the people voting for it right I just think again putting things in place so that we don't have to six years from now we have a big crap show of people enraged that this isn't what we all signed up for five years ago just putting extra governors in there is never a bad thing I think I guess too well what do you have for a let's say a definition of affordable housing somebody comes in with a project and they have some units that are uh affordable housing it still has to go to the board it still has to be reviewed and still has to be so and if there's no money in there to do anything with you can't approach anything that's too large but it's nothing that's automatic I guess no just to say affordable housing and hey what kind of money does the town of Halifax have exactly corre all right good anybody else have any other questions of members of the board Tom go ahead no no no goad no go ahead Tom no no here we go I already forgot what my question was That's Why Try to defer I think it covered um when we were talking about the percentages up no matter what percentage is presented it still has to clear town meeting anyway correct I will say to that point uh Plimpton is 1 and a half% I believe currently they're they're looking to go to three because a lot of the community wants to thinks it's a great program does the state match every P dime for dime or no so so what it is Rick as I said it's connected to the real estate market and I will admit it's it's been a tough Market lately um so it fluctuates so it fluctuates on how many Deeds how many titles are being sold comes out of the tax stamp money yeah exactly and it also um it also def fluctuates on how many towns get into the program obviously the they have a pie and the more towns that jump in so the towns that get in 24 years ago are better got 100% they got 100 stuck at 100% they clean house for a long time so we uh like we said we're late for the party very late to the party there are 13 towns right now that have CPA on the ballot this November we are one of them um so I mean it goes to show you that um a lot of communities in the state are they're late to the game but we're still trying to get yeah so that being said the money is coming from s charges that are costing the people who run businesses and live in the area more when they sell or buy a property because now the Sur charge it's is actually a Sur charge at the registry of deeds above and beyond what the deed costs to be recorded So you're getting the money from the People by search charging businesses and people for selling their houses and then that's where the fund comes from and I would say that if 17 other towns get on then that 203 excuse me I stand corrected if the 13 other towns come on then the 21% that went out this year could go down to as low as 5% which is the lowest that it could be and when we have residents in our town that are struggling to add a 1.5% on it is is really not sure forever sure I mean we're all talking about how the how our children can't afford to have housing well why don't we just add to the tax it doesn't seem logical and I would ask you so are we doing in the plans are we trying to do the $100,000 off of everybody's tax bill okay and then we're also doing abatements as well like meaning on that you cannot do um right here it says um in the law it says the I hav't right here give me one second it states that you can only do one so that you can only choose one way to give it so you cannot do two different exemptions you can't give a $100,000 off of everybody and do that you can only choose one of the four ways carry it under story so you can't do that I'm not in the law I'm not following what the other is so you there's four different ways that you can give people an exemption mhm and you're naming two but you only have the choice of one what are the two the two what of the two you can either 100,000 they're not using the law this is a sales pen so what she's saying maybe just from another voice what she's saying is is on the screen it says 100,000 off of everyone and people under here also get an abatement correct she's saying the law says you have to pick one or the other I all I can tell is it's been submitted and vetted at the state level most almost almost every CPA Community takes $100,000 off of your assessed value whether you're a property or a resident and offer these exemptions and stated it right in the law itself what what are we looking at we're looking at the one that we're looking at right now it's called chapter 44 and it's chapter 3 to 7 but there's chapter um the within that law there are 17 different provisions and we're not seeing it in writing we're seeing things that are more on the front page not the actual written law the written law doesn't State these things so um and that's where and you have to go by the written law not not like you know what we see on a penlet no offense that's just the way it is and then the other thing that um this shows is the incom are wrong because in the 2024 incomes there are totally different numbers um for instance a um median family home in 2024 um with one person living in it their low income is 4,550 and um the extremely low is 27350 I think your numbers were somewhere in the vicinity of 61 and 76 one person these are again I can tell you these are from the state we we use the state number so is this it's directly off of the State website from the law with the links right to it um as far as exemptions go you're saying that they can either pick the 100,000 or the income exemption well if they qualify the for the income exemp no the town the town can choose one of those ways to exempt P again we're we are using we're using the we're using the exemptions that 95% of the other towns are using coming from Jonathan I guess the community preservation commission is a state agency that helps towns with their CPA process so um it's been vetted by the Attorney General it's been vetted by the community preservation coalition 100,000 in the exemption so it's States it right in the law I I would hope that the AG knows knows that that's what we used I'll I'll send it right to you because it right in law we can review that also also we um if you do have funds and you're transferring them year to year you have to have them allocated to something and you cannot deviate from what they are located to as far as which bucket it's in yeah yeah you and that's for all of it that's for all of it not just the 10% for the three different um categories that are demanded but the other money as well it cannot ever deviate from what it is and if we ever did try to vote to shut it down say for instance we went for a dog park that has a 99 year lease you cannot shut it down without keeping the residents paying for that for 99 years so even if we took it to to have it revoked you're still going to be charging all of the residents the taxes to keep everything that you have not like say say for instance you had spending that you were relying on the CPA funds all the way to 99 years your residents are now at they have to pay for it so I would so I would think if our community preservation commission is worth anything they probably wouldn't deed out a dog park for 99 years right knowing knowing that that's one of the that's one of the things that's in the grant is that it's a 99 year lease and that you have to have people working there for 99 years and all kinds of other things so one of the things and the reason I got it is because one of your ideas is a dog P yeah so I mean that's why I brought it up sure so so I would think whoever's on the community preservation commission and I don't want to speak for anybody on there would consider on there nobody yet voted just making sure because you said the people on that they have to be from certain committees yeah right have to be on certain committees hopefully Brendon I think excellent those well good to see everybody open mouth and Joint Committee WR the bylaws write the bylaws and figure out the things that you're talking about now within the bylaw committee that knows what these things are supposed to do and and they're going to be there going to be modest numbers to start as I said we're late you know we're not going to be talking millions of dollars we're going to be talking projects around town um that are going to need it you know the basketball court gets brought up all the time um so projects like that where the state has money set aside and whether you think it's unfair or fair that they charge that that tax on real estate it's the it's the the game that we're forced to play right until that changes at the state level we can't do we're allowed to play by the rules of that are handed down to us by the Commonwealth and I know I know you have a hard time with that I do um but but I would like to see us take advantage we don't have to do the things that keep binding the people to more and more work because it's enslaving them longer not everybody makes a half million dollar a year and and folks that are that are really truly hurting that's why they put these exemptions in to help them out that's not true and if you if you think about it the folks that are exempt make out the best because they don't contribute anything to the CPA yet they still get to that's not true either it's an ed it's Ed they do have to pay certain amount to no they don't States it states it right in here I'd also like to think that with the um it's an abatement it's not a squash if this moves forward right um I would also like to think that in the bylaw committee and then that we would have to put down um if we're going to spend the money somebody's going to be paid to do the project I'd like to also assume that we would put something in there that says there's going to be an even amount of bids out there so that there's not some kind of favoritism no no no it has to go through the B I'm on the planning board I own an Escavating company I'm or a tar company to redo the basketball court it has to go through standard Town bidding process yeah CPC yeah that would be important Tom over uh Rick any questions comments I just want to clear up on this exemptions and the baits things you're just using that to calculate the amount of money right they're not actually getting an abatement say that one more time if you're getting an aate where it says about income well not the income exemptions but the abatements is that just a figure to use to calculate the amount of money at 1.5% or you actually giving people an abatement for $100,000 they are they are getting evad from from paying the fees if it's one of the chosen things yeah so if your household income is below one of those numbers you you get the abatement for that it's not 100,000 it's the $88 he was talking about corre what I was getting at was if if we were actually giving physical abatements to everybody we still have to raise that amount of money in taxes so so you know are you getting an abatement or you're not getting an abatement I mean right you're going to have to raise the rate to compensate if you're actually getting an it's on top it's it's an additional payment has nothing to do with your tax payment it is a separate payment almost like a trash bill no no I understand the payment part of it but when we start talking about a baits if we're bait you know for instance at 1428 I think it was the tax rate tax if if you're baiting say everybody's tax bill $100,000 you're you're you're lowering the tax bill by 14 that's just for the that's just for calculation that's what I just wanted to that was my unfortunately not everybody's getting $100,000 off their tax we the exactly no that's I'm glad you asked that Tom strictly for strictly for math purposes to help CPA came up with that formula to help people that's what I assumed I just wanted to point out the difference because then we'd have to make that up in tax yeah no the CP the CPA um stien would be in addition to the it would be a separate yeah it's on top of what you're going to pay for taxes anyway just to calculate it we're taking the 100,000 I just wanted to clear that up cuz sound like everybody was getting $100,000 no I wish we could no and and that wouldn't work because you'd still have to raise right the tax money and if they were actually going to get an abatement on the CPA they have to apply for it every year they can't if they don't apply for it then they will be charged the 1.5% that they're talking of now so it would be more work for like say an elderly person that doesn't know how to do that it doesn't go year to year so what what can happen is oh sorry I mean just going to say what can happen is not everybody's salary stays the same year to year you know it can go up it can go down um so to to set one salary level and then be good forever that's just not realistic so that's why you have to do it and the property value is only going to be assumed if you do a property evaluation right like if you do if you bring in an assessor to what's the word I'm looking for appraisal thank you so like well we're on a recorded line but some people don't always appraise their house all the time maybe paying a little bit less if their house has gone up in value so technically to your point I just wrote down when and said property value goes up obviously your 1.5% of that would go up but if you haven't had your house appraise in the last four years which I have um then you would have to that's the only way that they would be able to they're going to go based off of the record on yeah and it's and it's market value too I mean appraisal flates I just don't want somebody to come in and say like if my house is worth 700,000 and then they come in and go well we think it's worth a million because of what Zillow says no no no it's you're going to go off the assessors thank yeah that's that's that's what I'm saying the accessors okay all right okay stupid question questions rck or anything like that comments you like to sorry could else I'm the accessors do go off sales price correct yeah well they adjust it's Mass appraisal so it's it isn't exactly what the house might actually sell for if there's a this sort of a scale there that they have to come within 10% over or under of what market value might be so I mean they're not again it's Mass appraisal just an individual appraisal so it gets a little tricky but it's generally lower than the market that and if if the board doesn't mind if I could bring up one thing I'm seeing in social media is folks are saying uh that if Hal we have the 3A uh zoning issue that's coming up in December and then if Halifax does not come in compliance with MBTA we don't get CPA money right that is not the case they are completely separate they are not tied to each other so I don't want folks thinking that they have to V they have to vote one way or the other on each of them they are two separate two separate issues think of them separately have you seen the scoring that they do to make it so that your town like so are you sure that it's not in the scoring because you know in the second when they find if they have any more money they have a scoring so have you seen what they score by or you just no I I email the state just to double check this morning and I uh I can forward you the email from the state that says the 3A zoning issue and CPA funds are not tied in anyway okay because I honestly I have that same concern myself so have you seen section 17 of the law then that states the commissioner of Revenue shall have the authority to promate rules and regulations to the effect and the purposes of this chapter I have so that means that they can change this whenever they want as I said we we're tied an Ever Changing law again we're tied to the rules of the game which isn't within your rights if you vote for it it's correct right that's exactly okay anything else Mr Chay no I don't have anything for to we could uh open up to some questions sure Fred what would you like your name and address please Fred Coran from Rosewood Drive John a quick question thank you very much for the presentation by the way living in the Halifax mobile hom States where there's some 437 units however my understanding is that we're taxed as an entity right how does that homeowner who is low income qualify for not because every home in all 437 of them are going to get jacked $88 a year I would believe and now how does that homeowner because we're going to be paying it because they will up our rent or our fee whatever you want to call it so how do we get from not having to pay I mean if we're living on Social Security we're sure than thunder not making $60,000 a year not unless I'm in the wrong country okay so I'm not sure how to answer that question but how how is that being addressed how would that be effective sure um so I will say I my my heart dropped out of my stomach when I had that exact same thought that thread happen because I would never get behind a program uh where lowincome folks are not eligible for this right the the bad news is Fred because Halifax Estates pays one tax fill they are they are a corporation they are not eligible for lowincome housing aate that's the bad news the good news is when you do the When you subtract the 100,000 from your assessed property values you go through the whole thing you come up with a number you divide by 439 units the annual contribution for folks at Halifax Estates is $560 okay that's a good answer which I think is a win-win for the town because the town is able to to to create funding and not kill the resident in Halifax State okay so if they raise and what they rent by 20 bucks we're going to the after the chairman there you go so didn't they just raise you guys 20 to $30 a month already they have a new rate just coming up yeah I think it's 20 bucks M it's going of increased by but that's laad to I think utilities or or maintenance there something else in there that they're tying that to not to this program so on a budget like yours $5 might mean quite a bit yep oh yes yes I'll take one more yes your name and address please Karen fa 66 C Bosworth Ro um I have a couple questions so the first question is um businesses don't get any exemption $100,000 is off the board for any businesses correct that everyone gets the $100,000 not businesses says right no state law again I'll share with you Karen what what would put forward but it's $100,000 right off their website it says businesses do not qualify for $100 wait now when you say business do you mean commercial commercial commercial commercial pay com okay I didn't know you meant the business itself no any business that comes into town I mean we're lacking business if we had more business our taxes would you know be lower because we'd have more income from that so that that's concerning to me number one um is that you wouldn't be getting that and then businesses aren't going to want to come here if they have to pay an extra fee that they don't have to pay somewhere else that's if the business owner owns the building because it's being assessed by someone owns the building right but like I think about I think about the place where Rodney's kitchen is yeah that guy owns that whole thing but the seven businesses that are in there or how many are in there now 15 no uh the seven businesses that are in there whatever those business owners aren't going to be ter be under Corporation it wouldn't be under someone's personal name the business cor the business owner if it's a corporation you're not going qualifi yeah right so you're still not going to qualify still no I get it I'm I'm just saying yeah okay um the other thing is is that if the town decides you know a year after this was implemented that they want to get out of it it's five years minimum and as Amy stated previously to get out of it and you have to pay back the money no no no you don't have to pay back the money it says five minimum five years and repayment you would repay anything that's still open right so if we're drawing off CPA that's the other thing if you have a project you would really like to do you can draw off CPA right there we don't have enough money in our CPA account but we want to do this project so we can set up a bond and draw off a CPA if you have an open Bond and decide to pull out while that bond is still open yes you would be on the hook to to make the extra payments for that again you still be on hook for payments for a minimum of 5 years residents I'm not for the CPA program to be part of the program for 5 years not get out of it change it it is a fiveyear commitment and then after that it is whatever the town would like to do again 24 years 196 communities not one town is left so said is it in 5 year increment increment or is it just 5 Years From the the first five and then game on and you can go six and pull up seven pull up you're on the hook for like you said for 5 years or say people are hurting right now and people can't AFF us it's um I would think that have it have to pay for I have not it would take right five years for an accumulation of enough wealth to really make a big big difference it's is probably why they're doing it at like give it a give it us some time sure right sure and I can and I can see the town maybe holding on to it for a while to to you know get enough money to do something you something doing doing a project that really means something so yeah yes sir in the back you had your hand up earli your name and address Street this adds to the 2.5% annual tax increase on top of it right so that already putting this up to 4% increase no it's not to the tax it's to your payment it's 1.2% to your tax payment not your overall tax rate it doesn't affect the tax rate it's 1 and a half% correct yeah of your and proposition 2 and A2 is 2.5% right correct that's the most the town's supposed to increase taxes based on town meeting and all that and then extras what trying to hold to that 2 and 1/2% so now you're adding another 1 and 1/2% to that so you're at 4% no not exactly not exactly it's 1 and a half% of your tax bill correct tax half% 2% is of right so I divide that by 365 it's still one and a half% not the way the map goes so it's again I don't I don't want I can share with you after if You' like but it's it's 1 and a half% of your of your payment not of your not of your assessed value you know what I'm saying not of your your overall tax bill right but you you just w't buy certain figures right now that's not even you don't even have a true figure if it's only going to be $88 no that's that's and it is the average it's based on the average assessed value of the home if your home is assessed less than that your payment will be less if your home is assessed more it will be more that's now that's based on $500,000 house and take the $100,000 off you can put the 1 and half% on that tax bill and that comes not the tax itself it's a an amendment to here's the calculator are you saying it's going to be costing you more is that what you're trying to say Mr Mall yeah so are you saying that's tough is that like what you're overall I mean without getting into the in intricacies your your messages is right well two you add 2 and a half% regardless on our taxes because everything increases and cost goes up the bills came out today so I saw mine and I was like okay here we go and spent $200 every year increase and they put the trash in and now that's already going up 10% this first year and it's like wait a minute but this this will only go up if you if your house goes up this one and half% 5 years from now if everybody's value drop down well then they change the tax rate it'll go down that that that amount of money for the CPA will go down and if it goes up your valuation those that will go up that 1 and a 12% that's the only thing that's going to be moving in that 1 and a half% is that that figure for the CPA that's all it's going you're locking in for five years right for $88 per year right I've been paying I've been paying the Plymouth for probably what 20 years 22 years and it's uh mine's up about $160 for Plymouth at the part so I they got tons of money now they do but I'm I'm paying for some of that I just pay it and I send the check in one couple questions now with the the new CPC agreements or whatever that's out there the um the amount of contribution that State used to do was what 80% now it's 21 somewhere in that ballpark us be so now they're going around this to go get the money because the real estate amount of money they're getting isn't enough to pay for this so now they're coming back to everybody to get the money the biggest issue I have is equity here everyone's trying to find a way to get the V is to jump on this them by giving them a break or whatever I think the the people that had been at a higher salary or whatever there's 50 things the state and the governments are coming after this for the money on Equity it's getting out of hand where you just can't pull the whole boat you got kids too and everything else you go back and look I'm not worth working anymore because I'm better off quitting my job and just going on assistance because the amount of money that's coming out it's every level I could go to my company in medical I pay more because I make a higher salary I don't mind that that makes sense to me I might helping that out but you can't go there you can't give me no money for school you can't give me no I just paid all my kids colleges at 200,000 each so the issue is is that when you're done with all that there's nothing left so I took all my retirement money and gone right because of that salary related issue then you sell your house first your house goes up in value you're already hitting the person at a point and a half of whatever it is on the house now you're going to hit them back again another point and a half and you're paying 3% and the government now backed out of the if to use that money somewhere else because either they're not getting out of real estate de I to put it in some other area and you said this thing was locked in for 5 years okay so the question that's the 1 and a half% lock okay what happens after the lock can you go to three cuz this agreement we're going into this uh this group who can come back and say we decided now we're not getting enough from Real Estate it's got to be 5% now you can hit us with 5% why not maximum maximum is% maximum three for it say locked in for 5 years right except for the fact too that the state can change any of that in section 17 my point so the issue is is that we're saying we won't change it for five years but after that we can come back with that and get it so this is a problem nobody trusts the state okay because every time they come to us they hit us with something else so this is people I think if you look around what's happened in the country own insur and everything else 77% costs are going through the roof and then going after the people those guys make a decent way to begin with and then going up but they're killing them on everything else so that's the big issue I have and if you leave Helifax to sell your house you're going to pay that exit tax on real estate so I think it's we're trying to set this up so we can get the town voters you know in the mobile park or whatever to vote for cuz don't worry it's not going to hurt you it's hurting all your fellow citizens here because they're not getting one equity tax and you pass the other one down here and you pass the other one it's all going to come into play we're all going to get hit with this that's why I'm hoping this election is a landslide because this is really killing us for a lot of the people that are make a decent salary you know paid our way paid our kids to college and all this and we keep coming back to them and what when's enough you feel like somebody that makes 200,000 maybe he should just pay the whole bill okay and then he gets nothing at the end and then he's going to say give up working we got we can't keep hitting people people want to share people want to help but don't kill them okay it's just not right and I think that this and again could I pay this tax yeah okay but the rest of the people I know having the same kind of issues with their kids and families and everything else and they don't mind helping out but it's like everybody wants to take it from them and it's really I think I the emotion out here right now is getting serious and the towns have to stop listening then not okay and they're trying to find ways to push these things through round the propositions to get the money from the rather than go into the town and say that makes good sense let's invest in it and vote it no we want it every year guaranteed so we don't have to come to you anymore we're going to get this access wrong it's not the way town was set up you should go through the town and all these things and do it and not put in something that's called a preservation act and housing is in the what's that got to do with a preservation act I mean what so the issue to me is is that you want to help your fellow citizens and I I agree with that and a lot of things I do do that but the issue is we should not be penalized from the state the local governments and everyone coming that guy makes more we get it at the end of the day he's got nothing so think about that I guess when you're saying support the other people that are helping pay the whole Freight because it will collapse and then we're going to be left hold one hell of a bag and it's just not fair that the FED state government and just they're going to come with us and they're going to say do this or else I don't think they remember on the next one that the tea was thrown in the harbor people are getting to the point and I'm sure you all know that frustration is at the point where they got to end it okay and that's what I'm saying to the people of the town here now wasn't enough enough all right take Taking because you think someone's got a Bucky out of habit well I mean that person's working 100 hours a week to try to maintain every time he's doing it he's paying back they want to help but don't kill them guess is what I'm saying all right thank you what it started out as a 10-minute presentation now you know what you had your hand up years this will be the last one your name and address please uh ER Rini of the of the board members how there was possibly four or five at large members that could be would they be voted in or would they like have to apply to be on the board how would that get determined um I'm going to pull it up for you one second here so of the five right there's the bo the different board members but then there's the just the citizens that are going to be on the board right the four citizens will they be voted in like will they be elected in it would Beed it would be appointed it would be a talent Bank form situation all right yeah and then I think this question was answered but everything will have to go out to bid it's not like correct private citizens could just say correct no no this has to be on the up and up it has to go with our Town Administrator there's a criteria that has to be met a certain amount that's going to go up to bid and have so many people get and I and I feel this gentleman's passion too I really do um the reason I got involved in CPA was was back in Hop's days when uh when I was trying to build that playground and everybody said just use your CPA money you know just and I said what CPA they said you know CPA you don't have CPA they were they were floored um and I would argue that we're getting more bang for our tax Buck because there's money out there that we're just not use them so so we're more effectively using our tax dollars went from 80 to 21 I would suggest and if uh there are other questions and whatnot you have an email and can come get back to their meeting but Mr thank you so very much Jonathan thank you I appreciate one night a month that's how they get you yeah I think no matter what all right let's uh let's get back to our agenda now let's start off appointments in the hearings even though we don't have our time scheduled for each one it's contined for 24-- 246 266 mon Pon Street hello sir yeah go ahead wow excited um wait till say good thing we're about to sell what 200 how many un a lot lot lot of contributions to the CPA exact y Y2 from your won be low inome right good evening David Eastridge Thorn development so here to discuss minor modifications to the 266 mon ponet Street site plan so uh this was submitted uh a few weeks ago and you guys had a had a hearing a couple weeks ago I apologize for not being an attendance I had surgery in my arm on Tuesday so wasn't going anywhere um so uh I watched a good chunk of the tape and it sounded like there was a bit of um I don't know gaps of information as to what other boards might be doing um so um uh so one thing I'll say is that what's in front of you is whether the modifications that are shown on these plans are problematic compared with the plans that you previously approved so that's kind of the question are these things substantially changed and do you have any issues with them so recognizing that you brought up kind of the status of do we have the plan uh you're telling me that you're looking now for the plan after I've submitted it 3 weeks ago I'm file right here and I'm yes they were submitted yeah these are submitted from August [Music] 1st do we have anything over there it so three weeks ago we don't have the no the uh see the the plan right here yeah yeah the plan right here is from August 1st yep so you didn't send that in three weeks ago as my point so from August 1 no I'm not saying it's your fault not that dat on it but that's when he sent it to us it's the letter on it okay so this is one okay yeah those are the correct plans we didn't submit them to you until they were dat they dated a certain date but then we submitted to you them to you after that date so August 1st so you didn't do any changes to it after August 1st right so even though the Board of Health gave us um more elevation just two weeks ago tops we don't have plan showing up no those were those weren't submitted to the Board of Health two weeks ago because the change was asked for I believe this month this past month I think sheing to the 6 in this is actually 265 anyways yeah is this6 I don't this is 266 so just what these are yeah these are draft conditions storm water conservation [Music] yeah these are 285 and those are um we have the folder 95 24 we have a letter um n 729 24 Bingo one that says Board of Health over the last of Health comments but the Board of Health comments were changed in the beginning of this month those are the correct plans that's what I'm asking you to vote on you have the plans um you've had the plans you've talked to your peer reviewer as to and gotten confirmation that the changes are the Minimus and I'm asking you to approve those plans the last plan that pgb has seen is July 9th 2024 and I have that in writing we do not have a pgb review of anything past July 9th yes we do no we don't he not by evident writing it it is right here in that's from m is it's not from PG can you hold on a minute I do have one right here from uh I'll just say these changes are so minor it doesn't require any expertise to evaluate them this is di Minimus on Thursday September 5th 2024 at 10:48 a.m. uh that the uh the Board of Health approved their portion of the some elevation changes should you review that Mr uh uh Mr Brennan said I took inspection sections of the storm water management bylaw added some inspections made some minor changes taches the document which should be included as conditions this would be appropriate for both 265 and 266 and just to follow up there is uh he agrees that there would be where was this other letter we got another the elevation changes would not impact the stone on the pavement is being captured and the runoff from the grass over the septic fields is less than existing conditions no matter which way it flows Thursday September 5th September 5th is that that's referring to so uh and again the uh letter as long as on the subject the letter here from uh from Mr uh the chairman of uh of Conservation Commission Mr Diaz who's sitting right over there uh should also be included into the file I can read it into the record if you like but uh bottom line just to summarize I is the chair did not address the elevation changes because there would be no impact on the site increased runoff to adjacent Pro uh properties on September 5th 2024 I contacted Patrick brenon regarding the increase in elevation based on the boorder of Health approval the only elevation increases were over the SE SE system and that area was uh grassed so all of those areas uh have been addressed um Mr dios as long as you're here I'll I'll ask you if you have any comments or problems or issues that you felt no alen de uh chairman of the Conservation Commission we reviewed the plan very extensively uh thik has taken some of our suggestions put them all into place regarding the storm War management and regarding uh sulation barriers around the property they made some drainage changes on the entrance way and through out the system we reviewed all the plans we found that all the calculations were correct they were all um proofed by Pat Brennan okay um he had answered a lot of questions that the commission had and we are very comfortable with the plan as it stands we were comfortable before this minor elevation honestly I don't know that it's 6 in or not has no impact on any of the drainage so that well actually it was it was stated that you specifically said you had a cons conc Ern about the runoff with the increase let me address that I did have the opportunity to watch the plb meeting and I'm just going to tell you quite frankly that M tro lied about all the comments you made I never made a comment at the planning W meeting relative to Elevation changes I never made any comments that I or the board had any concern with elevation changes that did not happen at all so as far as conservations commission is concerned with with Mr brenan's presentation his his investigations his thorough review of the plan conservation signed off on it Board of Health signed off on it and your and correct me if I'm wrong I don't want to put words anymore but your board is all set with it my board has approved the plan and the only thing we're waiting on is a special order of conditions which I have in draft form and those orders went out to Town Council to be reviewed so I suspect that early next week that I'll have that draft proofed and my board will be signing that as soon as it's ready great thank you sir all right so bottom line what we have is as of uh July July 11th on 266 we uh we voted to approve the uh site plan it was uh it was pass 401 and uh then we put conditions on it until we heard you know yep let's just make everything clear and bring everything up on and to me everything's been addressed Board of Health Conservation Commission uh I just uh we already voted on it so it I'd suggest that we uh we sign off on tonight unless somebody has uh another motion or something i' like to make on it but uh I think we should get it done I'm going to read Pat Brennan's letter into um into into record and it is from today um and he says that the last plan that I looked at was revised 729 24 I did not submit a letter on the revised plan um because the res re revisions did not impact storm water my last letter was 7924 based on the 7824 plan and is did contact y 95 above the border of Health approving the plan with some elevation changes above the septic leein area I explained that the elevation changes over the setic failed would have no impact on the storm water there was no increase onious area and the area over the septic field is proposed to be graded the same as 78224 plan that I reviewed I do not know what variances the Board of Health granted for the septic system so um basically what um I have a question for is can you tell me uh um in your storm water management plan Alan is there a any any um water coming off of the property Mr CH yes sir if I can the entire pel although it's very small contains all of the rainwater and everything that comes out of the sky will be contained on that we made some adjustments on the solation sock so that during construction if we have a heavy rain heavy rain event snow melting that the sock instead of being 12 in would be 18 in and they are required to maintain that and there's going to be weekly inspection So based on the experience reviewing all the plans there will be no runoff from 266 going on to adjacent properties okay so further back you stated that that there was going to be some water coming off of the grass area um in the back that that all had always been there and that um you had a concern about it do you recall that when was that Mr chair during our conversations with uh Thorndike some of the questions were because of the grading that's currently existing and this content was brought up by an he was concerned that any affluent would run into his property after doing a site visit we've established that there's no impact on any of others from storm water that was a concern it was raised was addressed by thik we reviewed it we're okay with it so all of the water off the grass area will not there will be nothing that will leing off no if you if you look at the plan and read the plane you'll find at the toe of the slope that the elevation goes up so I'm going to say that based on the plan your your answer is no does this have the correct elevation plans on it that have been adjusted since the beginning of this month they haven't been adjusted this month we've just been in process with three different boards so these are the latest plans there are no other plans that exist for 266 month P it and honestly these are the ones I'm asking you to approve that's that's the ask question I understand what you want but I have every right to ask are no further plans so the the 6 in that the board of H just made you go up they're on this plan this was revised on 729 per board of health review comments one of those comments was actually uh one of those comments was related to uh am mouning analysis and that's what drove raising grading so these reflect the grades that the Board of Health approved these are the same 94 yeah yeah so just because they approved on 94 trust me there's a gap between submission and approval because that's my job sir I don't work for you I work for the people of the town of palip okay uh do do you want a motion to reaffirm our vote if you'd like be sure I'd like to make a motion to reaffirm our previous vote and now accept the plan as presented and pass it and be done with this thing do we take comments from the public on this I do I have there's a motion on the floor do I have a second a second there's a motion and and a second on the floor any other further discussion for members of the board okay uh I'll ask Voice vote uh St down is it rick yes Tom yes Amy no Brendon yes and myself yes passes 4 thank you very okay what do we need to sign off on that on uh actually sign off the really just uh it's issuance of a letter that ref you you signed as representative on the original site thank you very much thank you uh I think we're all set thank you thank you uh the next one 24- 244 h of ver the site plan review application for map 73 lot 7A CL oh There He Is We engineering uh we did submit plans to the historical society and we did get answers back from John uh that basically the only thing that that they suggested is that we collab all sides so we said as far as he's concerned our next step will be just the F with the build building INSP okay so where were we on that as far as uh any questions Mr from the board you still needed to do documentation to the historical board right that's what he was just talking about yeah we had to go to them um and we talked and I talked to John again tonight and he said no just tell them that you you're all set with us just go to the building toste no I actually heard what he said and what he stated was that you had to give him more than the outside sketch right but at the building yeah we have to subm a whole set of plans to the building to the building inspector and then he will be be reviewing them at the building inspectors but it's Fara as Windows in the outside was just claps we don't have a whole set of architectural we have to create them all he wanted to see if this is what the outside was going to look like no he said that he needed more than what you had provided he he said well the answer is yes we we have to submit a whole set of architecturals yes two historic he's but he stated you heard them that I we my next step is to go to the building inspector with a set of plans okay but we we we're going to be able to see them correct I would assume so is part of this process it's part of the process like we'll get word from him I thought you meant that we were not going to be able to be a part of that oh no no just I think this is the last link in the chain I mean other than that we have all other so you're in the world how we set the time I have that right here we have Arnold WEA October 9th um October 9th so we'll need an extension do you think 30 days will be plenty so it would bring us to November 8th yeah cu the last two times or three times you couldn't get an appointment with the yeah cuz you just had your first meeting with him to last night well we had it three weeks ago I submitted everything to ja well the meeting was last night though yeah just I just want to clarify what are we waiting for historical waiting to present us with a set of plans or we going to be included in the building inspector's routing program I just want to be sure what why we're extending this what we're doing or what we are to expect here oh so that we don't lose site plan from October 9th no I understand I just trying to establish what we're still looking for as far as documentation site plans right to to to to act on the uh on the site Point um all the documents from historical so that we can see what's what's going on maybe a letter from from historical I will see what John yeah I mean yeah that that's I was just trying CL but but then like so that we can see all the approved plan so that we can make a site plan um vote on the site plan based on the entire plan well if I understand it correctly the only the only uh final site plan would just was clap WS is what unless you have a a letter from him that says the exterior will include clapboards and whatever else well I'm a little confused at at what you and I heard tonight with John is he explicitly said your next stop is to building so I don't I don't know I'm confused yeah well that's why I'm trying to clarify what we're doing here well that's why we needed in writing from the boards it's like cuz then everybody can tell you one thing or the other but we need it in writing for I think you need a letter from John okay stating that the historical is satisfied with these additions to you do have an exterior rendition right yes yeah so so you're going to add collab boards to the exterior rendition and that should I would say run that by the building inspector come on next meeting and we'll yeah the building inspector isn't going to care whether it's collab one way or the other not that an extension so you'll give us an extension from October 9th uh to November 8th that's yes it's Ane that Wasing so I'll make a motion to have an extension on site plan 24244 from October 9th giving 30 days November 8th there's a motion on the floor do I have a second second a motion in a second to uh approve the uh extension all those in favor say I I I I your name you might want to have whoever did the rendition just draw some collab wordss on thank you I'll just yeah can't see can't see what I'm on can't see with I'm off you have a good night thanks all right do we need to sign that yeah I'm just continuing to write it out so if we want to move on to the next thing I'll finish this cool we'll go to our next uh appointment which is 285 Home Street PS PR 24-1 site plan review application where are we Hi how are you hi I'm very well thank you I'm an seski attorney for the applicant um we had hoped to have our updated plan submitted today but it did not work out so our engineer um took the review comments on the storm water design from the town's review engineer he revised them that was in conservation that was from conservation okay he spoke with the review engineer a Revis them to make sure he was on the right track he revised the plants he has a letter explaining the comments and we've also included um a row of uh Arbor trees to provide some some additional screening we had after your suggestion at the last meeting I reached out to Mr Mary we offered to go on the property to see where we should plant the trees he wasn't he thought that it wouldn't be worthwhile to go for us to go onto his property and look from his property to our site so what we've done instead is we've gone from our property to look at his property and see where we can identify where you could see a building through the existing vegetation and site the landscape screening planting those are shown and I've got a little narrative that explains we've got they're going to be um the good green giant arbu which grow to 40 ft they grow about 10 ft a year it's recommended place them at an 8T spacing so we're showing those on the plan um and but as I said I had hoped to come with them for for you but they're they're not done so we're going to submit those on Monday and the engineer did ask me specifically to to clarify how many hard copies you guys would like of his updated PL yeah we like we it's say five copies I can't believe so we're not I don't have to recuse we're not discussing anything on this I'm sorry we're discussing in this do I have to recus from this or there won't be any discuss yeah I'm just we don't have the subate plan so I just wanted to give you guys an update we're good with dates in terms I'm just going to say how I think we continued um until November yeah okay so we got this like I feel like it was like the 19th or something like that [Applause] 18 the 19th so if we if we file on Monday we'll file with both you and conservation um we're on the agenda for conservation for Tuesday but I don't know if that's enough time for them to substantively actually review what we've submitted so we'll probably and not to speak for conservation but we'll probably not have a substantive decision from them until such we would discussing anything like that but I just was concerned we talked last time of doing some dve and whatnot there is additional equipment signs and whatnot being brought onto the property is that permanent or just a temporary thing I mean as of yesterday day before I'm not aware of that but I will look into it I'd appreciate it thank you all right so we're good we have somebody in the public I no idea uh well we not really discuss because we get no point yeah don't have anything to look FR I'll go ahead why not just one one quick question on her comments on the giant aritis she stated that they grow 10 ft a year they grow 3 feet a year just to be correct on giant aritis thanks Fred good all right let's do I'm sorry oh uh let's do some minutes what do we have we have um one more thing here oh I'm sorry I didn't see it there sorry he sing in aut Autumn Lane yes so I'm Cody Roland um we are here with the grell's here um to talk about to ask about seven Autumn Lane we um are in the Pro they're in the process of purchasing this property but there seems to be um we don't know for sure what the town is going to require to release the lot the the developer has been somewhat vague we don't really understand exactly what needs to be done so hoping to clarify exactly what needs to happen so are you the C owner no I am the agent representing these guys we're try they're trying to buy the property try to buy the proper to buy the propert the property is one of those never ending sagas that's what we're trying to ascertain exactly so that's what we're trying to ascertain like what will complete the Saga for this particular development and then maybe we can work it out with the developer to complete it done I think one of the things as I recall and memory doesn't serve me well Much Anymore um the top coat on the street was not put down okay I think is there any I I guess is there that's what I was hoping to figure out here like what what still needs to be done so the lot could be released that's really it we probably have to refer to the highway S I know he's got some notes I'm sure he still got some yeah not from before the last time we went through this we tried to get a peer engineer on the street so that we had um what needed to be done correctly and do we still do we still have any money in the review account for uh I would that would have to be a question that we would ask check the treasur yeah so we should probably just just to see if there's any money in there to utie but um yeah um but we would have to look into like exactly what needs to be done so that she could have a quote so that they could do it and and do we even know who the developer is top code or could there be other conditions there could be other conditions it depends there's no what about the lot itself is that the one that goes like big hole the Grand Canyon we do have a goes down it's kind could go right out that's another issue we to we were going to maybe discuss um plans but I think the more important thing is see we're just trying to find out should we walk away from this you know I'd like to tell you this is the only one in town we have this situation yeah and actually you wish you could say that or I wish I could say it was the only one yeah I was going to say say I think think of at least this one anyway make it go away so maybe what you could do is call an engineer and find out what needs to be done to um complete the road to a town standard right I think the first place to start if it would let me is who owns it now does green development still yeah yeah um I think it was green I may have that wrong well where's my notes a jake development okay that's different than it's done triani I don't know triani triani yeah okay that that name rings the bell yeah probably start with them if you we have yes he was his wife SL agent said um basically let us know what the planning board wants and we will do it so the easy the easy answer is the completion of the original Road PL that's but is it just the we we don't know was this the meting was this the meeting where we no go ahead where they came in and we talked about um sidewalk and elri I'm not talking about I'm not talking about pasture hold on let me finish there was a there's a conversation that we had that was the developer I thought was in here and talking about putting the electrical and moving the fire hydrant is this the same development that we're talking about where you didn't want to put a fire hydrant within a certain depth of change it was changing how far the development was going remember that remember we had the original site plan for for a new development was so far back and they cut B it's just this is another like um deal away and pasalan deal this one's been developed for quite time Unfortunately they all mesh together not finishing their prod I read the last last time he was here yeah and the minutes were to talk about um a wood guard rail instead of a steel guard rail okay and then after that there were several there were many um he would get on the agenda but not show up got it so yeah got it that that's typical yeah so we're just trying to figure out we had a little pocket in the history of Halifax of developers developing 85% of the development and then bailing on the last 15% leaving everybody that they sold houses to we we should probably investigate to see who the last review engineer that we had that the planning board had to see if there's any notes or contact that engineer to see what the last thing they left it with where would they find that that at the here here's the department with Steve hawood he might have some of that but we also could check with the treasurers office to see if whatever Bond money was put up or whether it was a actual Bond or cash or whatever it might have been the l i a lot a lot yeah here's the good news but for review you know how you have motivated sellers you very motivated board to get this off of our so can you take it I can buy it from you we're very motivated so whatever that means so outside assuming that the TR you guys aren't holding any money and it is just a lot I know that I'm I don't Marsh they do that sometimes um what do we do then well well my point was we might have some money set aside for review engineering we may have used it all up we might not have used it all up but at least we might be able to track who the review engineer was and get that at least ask for some feedback um and give you some kind of Direction now would he have the would he have the plan the engineer would the engineer probably would yeah the first engineer that if they supposed to be contacting him back in December we can find out who that is and we get that then we can you know we'll we can shepher it he we're here we'll shepher anything you want we can get it so I'm just trying to think it out and whatever suggestions you guys have my biggest suggestion in my time here and I know I'm not the most tenured person here but in my experience is just when you think someone else is going to do their job just the fault of you doing it and then we might actually get it done so that's what I would suggest in this so we can get the planning board folder um the anything on that on that as far as like a peer riew on the road should be in that that's why I keep saying all these documents need to be in our planning board folder so that when things like this happen people go to the planning board office and they're like oh on the conservation said this and oh the uh board house said this and oh this PE engineer said this the plan Bo office downstairs Danielle is there I know we had conversation with her she would be there and right beside her as the building inspector so they there may be I believe a place to get your to them at one I I talked to her and she said I had to put time on agenda to come to talk to you and so I don't know if you can tell her that she can talk to us I don't know the plans have been moved so many times that that that becomes complicated too but that that's going to take some effort to search them up just to save this guy's shoulder he seems to have yes sir I've noticed your name and address please not dist Street and contract is come and go night and day and there should be major bonds put on any decisions to make sure that they're going to ahead to what you guys say I couldn't agree with you more yeah it's been a big movement over the last few years for us and it goes back to 2030 years back in some of the other towns they put in major developments they put in the started the sidewalks didn't complete them put the first coat on the road and walked away and lot go that they're holding it is for them do the road that's the problem the pro the problem goes back to the planning boards at the time when they started taking Lots in L of bonds and and typically if you're going to do that you take one of the better Lots you don't take the worst lot you know the one that needs the most amount of work we live in we live on L poost drive that's one of those that and it was down at the back where the swamp land and that's what this one is there the wetlands going right through it because that's my next question is even if we can get this I don't know if anybody here could I don't I don't know the rules of it but most of the property can we develop in the 50 in in the 50ft buffer zone so you can't you have to stay outside the 50 both buffer zones right right you can't develop in either one there's like a 50 there 250s to make the 100 so you can't develop in the 100 then I don't want to lock cuz when you say 250s where were you what the front set back and the Wetland set back yeah the front set back's 50 50 ft right y so this is this is where the wetlands come through this is 50 and then this is the full 100 so you can see if I can't develop in here then there's nothing left yeah this is your 50ft setback there was that's this is the 50 the 50ft setback nothing good this is the this is the wetlands coming through so if I have the 50t setback and I can't get into any of this then this is all I have and this is is this is coming in from this side so that's the buildable property oh I don't remember that part but and if that's the case that I hope you guys can get your money back I well we don't have any money you're not going to get it from me no we just who gets Hur is the rest of the people in the sub division I know that sometimes you can get through the conserv but I don't know if that's how you going to do the SI well there the there's 50 there's 100 I mean you can work inside the 50 okay well that that was my question so that 100 yeah but I mean we if 50 ft is excluded completely there no touch you mean like within of the what you said 50 I just wanted to make sure no no no I I was yeah pointing so made it easy that was my understanding when I looked at it is that this was possible this is not possible correct this is possible but you get conservation approval yeah you're going to have to file right because you're within the 100 anything within the 100 ft is going to be you file but I couldn't come in here so this is all I'm dealing with so it would be to build a house the house would have to fit in in here somehow yeah inside inside this yeah right right inside this yeah so because 50 out so it would be yeah that that's 100 that's 50 so it it would be anywhere in like anywhere 30 on the side set back but it's not a guarante on that but like this doesn't show how the front from that's just the circle they'll probably make you so I was meaning wherever the EV you're probably have to the Del because it's so old and things change over the course of time that's the line they're going to use and then then you figure out what you got left but you can work inside that 50 y okay but to his point Bruce if you have to have it delineated it may be different you might lose some of that land too yeah okay I mean we can at least try on this end to come up with whatever we come up with for you I mean if we can look into that how big a deal it is and all that eventually we may just say forget it we're willing to try to do it we we'll let Danielle know that uh you'll be heading down there to see what you can research in the uh said in the file that was okay and then outside of that we'll check with the treasurer on any money you guys do that and then how do we find out the next meeting or yeah you could you could contact Danielle sometime next week give me a day or two I can check with the treasurer to see if there's anything down there awesome I really appreciate it we live in town we've been here for 20 years now we love Halifax and so we want to move over there thank you thank you um on that note on this note uh daily away wants to be um put on to our next agenda oh somebody left oh that's proba Thor J Jan Oh Oh It's Jonathan you can sell it them Hey listen you can buy your Biden's laptop is off limits I have a feeling the Halifax selectman byy your way off the committee with the with the that's funny okay let's do a minutes um I wanted to D way contacted me a resent on D way wants to be put on the agenda for our next meeting in regards to that road because oh the condition of the road and what's going on and they want to be on our okay so can we make sure that that D way gets on our next agenda yeah I'm in contact J put on well I'm putting it on here now like so that he doesn't have to he doesn't email and things like that so he stated that he just wanted me to bring it up tonight and have it so you can as the chair have her put it on the next agenda a motion to put deala on the next agenda do I have a second there a motion do I have a second second I don't know we wouldn't any Rick why not sure yeah Tom yes Amy yes yes it's on the agenda thank you who is it that wants it on the agenda a resident from daily West J unfortunately tell I know it's just going to be the same run he's asking so no no that's all good yeah why not it's all good yep it's all good all right let's move on to our last item then which is uh minutes for uh August 22 got anything else on here sent Mar is yeah minutes of August 22nd 2024 I believe I asked them to have the adjustment of the first couple of minutes on them right it was a quite a few [Music] [Applause] adjustments those on adjustments those were in blue anyway but it still doesn't talk about any of the discussion that I had in beginning with everybody so we what is the uh pleasure with board I was not here so I am going to remove myself Rick am move the minut as presented as presented um there's a motion on the floor to move the minut as presented do I have a second a second there's a motion on a second to move the minutes as presented uh I'll ask for Voice vote Rick yes Tom yes Amy no as they are disregarding of me again we need a motion to adjourn and uh unless there's anything else I have a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to we have a second second all those in favor say I [Music] I oh I yeah okay [Music] ah