##VIDEO ID:nPDdjdpjcoI## [Music] good evening being 7:00 I'm going to call the uh Halifax Conservation Commission meeting of um September 24th to order and I need to make some announcements uh we do have a zoom one of our members is on Zoom hopefully it looks like she is I don't know if she has a volume we tested the volume just just bear with us see sees be with me one second let me get the [Music] I know that you connect see hi Kim you there can you hear us Kim let just give it another minute Kim are you there okay I'm just going to continue um unfortunately we got some technical difficulties so as soon as the other member gets on board um we'll have it chime in um this being the September 24th conservation meeting I want to announce first that this meeting is being taped and recorded by area 58 can be viewed on YouTube I have three additional agenda items that I'm going to add number one is going to be 81th Avenue was mistaken in order of conditions uh number two we're going to acknowledge a letter from the central water district three uh there's a training update under our discussion first order of business is unless we have the gentleman from the stump BR clean up I don't see okay if we don't have them uh first order of business is going to be 8 Hill the lane Mr Webby that's going to be D file number SE 171 0574 see let me apologize for one second I need to make an announcement I'm going to make it even though that um she's not on yet this is going to be a remote meeting all of our votes will be taken by roll call and if there's any technical difficulties then the member that's in attendance remotely can make a decision as to whether they're going to be remain okay Mr Webby Joe Webby Webby engineering and uh we are here on the roadway that is known as hild the lane uh off of Haywood Street and there were a couple of items that we had to take care of from the review of ecosystem the review engineers and I did uh a Rivers front analysis and we also are asking for a slight waiver to work within the 50t zone and I do have a couple of handouts if I may um unless they've been we we sent these in electronically I didn't know if you wanted to see them tonight or not um fine we'll take them as long as they've been into the office yeah it's just so uh we can see this the two areas that we're talking about same this is the same area that we have on the plan yeah yes yeah the plans haven't changed uh the first page shows the roughly 600 ft of uh work we we will be doing between the 50 uh within the 50t of the buffer zone and the second page shows uh the amount of area that we're going to be utilizing the river front area and we've done a river front analysis and uh that has been reviewed by echosystem and that has been approved so I believe that we've done everything uh the commission and your representatives have asked us to do okay um I just got a couple questions and then I'm going to turn it over to the board you filed a variance variance request yes we do for work within the disturbance area okay I think there's a minor amount of disturbance area I believe it's 650 ft okay the visional replication so would the I imagine there's going to be some possibility of some mitigation somewhere else on site um my other question is on the riverfront area picted on your on the second page in the drainage area is that a wetlands area or is that just the buffer zone that's all that's all Upland that's all Uplands yes so the relief that you're requesting is in an Upland area it's just because of the riverfront area that's correct and it's it's uh also beyond your 50t of the BBW also so we're working strictly within the 50 and the 100 ft from the BBW and strictly within the 100 ft and the 200 ft of the riverfront area okay and based in the riverfront area um I did see that you did an analysis and that analysis outlines any other scope of work or any other possibilities am I correct on site yeah this is the that is the only uh work that we're proposing yes on the roadway okay yes um any board members got a question at this point almost uh no I'm okay okay I'm going to open this up to the audience anybody that wants to speak if there is anybody that wants to speak um they just need to come up to the the microphone [Music] anybody want to speak on behalf of the roadway pot okay um I don't have anything part of the record but I did in fact receive some emails from Mrs Bradford regarding this so I I have just one question from map 20 lot 1H can you possibly tell me the distance of where you're working versus that lot Mr Webby is that lot yes we got a 60 scale so it looks to me to be if I may this is hild Delane the BRS live on the corner of hild Delane and P okay so the distance between the any proposed work is couple hundred feet no easily EAS okay does the board have any other questions did the ecosystems fully review this yes ecosystems did um there's a number of reviews on this particular parel because this the part of the reviews were integrated with some lot development um so I did receive a final review today um and basically they were fine with the proposal um they wanted to just make note uh that this approval is only for the hill the lane um roadway and Associated drainage infrastructure um it does not include any approval of construction of driveway houses inary structures associ iated with lot 2T and 4T depicted on the plan therefore there's no Wetlands Crossing allowed so just come on just you don't mind identifying yourself for the [Music] record uh if you don't mind we this is being recorded So my name is honey n and I'm Joyce n um we both have a question and I'd like to know if it's possible we see the plan on the road itself is that available absolutely and has the road been approved of this pending approval uh I'm going to defer that to the to the engineer Mr Webby let them look at the plan and then um you can answer that question miss m m if you if you don't mind Come a Little Closer M yeah yeah if you don't mind coming close to the speaker so that we have someone taking the minutes think I think the question is I'm not sure what the question is but the road will be lower than their house that's that's what my question was I just know are you asking for improved Road plan at this time or just for we are asking no weing for the approval of the plan can you show the you show me a plan of the elevation on I just had the I saw this before and I didn't see elevations on this one there is no elevations on this one correct it was elevation were submitted to the town or another sheet I don't have that that's the most important one I don't [Music] have own is that this is the most important line I think for the we have a lot of dra issues but we just wanted to know the obviously you just said that that the elevation is low the elevation is going to be well it is that's what I want not put 4 in of tower on the road and it's lower out we're not raing that's why I'd like to know the elevation between what she is at this point of your property to whe it is on the the actual top of the road I I don't have that information for you right now okay just didn't bring it no I know just that's fine but that's important to know the elevation otherwise got a problem m n if I may in my revie reviewing of the plan um your house is the first one on the right correct okay and it it shows from the plan the existing dwelling number one the front yard elevation is elevation 34 oh that's that there's a 34 Contour there does he have the same M yeah okay and then it shows that the road elevation is 33 is that the top of the road top of the Finish Road top of the top of the Finish Road right okay all right will there be grading cuz we know that years ago they didn't do much grading on this road so her property were grades right here will they be helping gra that and they put the road in Feathering that in so her grav comes right up to the yeah we're not going to leave a phone okay just that's why I want to go the elevation just how to grade it make sure it's way to the Contour okay that's fine as long as you say that's I'll I'll take your word on that I didn't see a plan but no I okay yes I mean you were in the office a few months ago when we have the at the time okay and I I know that we had discussed the matter so that Mr n here want to make sure that no affluent wa uh the people can't be heard so if you turn that mic around towards you yeah just yeah [Music] yeah it has to be the road in the the elevation obvious contouring towards thead not above okay yeah and and I just want to point out where this board is not in the position of approving the road all we're approving is the work that's within uh the riverfront and the wetlands area okay that's fine now who throughing that let's say what is the next step you would allow to get that you have to go to Flame yeah yeah we've already submitted the planning board the planning board asked us to come here first and uh now that we hopefully will get get an approval tonight for the for work within 100 ft of the wetlands uh then we will go back to the planning board yeah and I believe that we have to come back for a storm water permit that's correct that would be back here so I don't know that once the planning board approves the roadway then we'll look at it again for on Water Management to make sure all the Contours are correct to make sure there's no effluent all they have to keep and maintain all of their affluent in the roadway so that would be the next step in the process that's I mean I know honey and I she's mentioned only the only object she would have an elevation he addressed that and this is not a final meeting anyway for this it's just pending the to work in the Wetland this just allows work step way that's fine totally you totally agree with that thank do I hear any comments or concerns okay hearing none I am going to be looking um for a motion to close the hearing for 8 Elder lane roadway I put a motion that we close the hearing for 8 Elder lane roadway okay do I have a second second okay this I'm still going to hold a ro a roll call vote um so yes Ed's yes for closing the hear alens yes Paul yeah yes okay having said that we have closed the the hearing process um the next step in the process is to issue the order of conditions the ecosystems has developed an order of conditions for us I don't know that um hopefully everybody's got a chance to look at it um believe I did okay there's just some graphic errors in here that need to be changed um just meeting attendance and so forth which I think we can do um I just want to outline again to those here that this is only to construct the roadway and the cue saac and to work in the drainage area so so um the next motion that I would be looking for is if everybody's had a chance to review this order of conditions there would be a standard order of conditions and then this would be a special order of conditions if we're comfortable then i' would be looking for a vote to accept these orders as presented with some minor spelling errors uh I put a motion that we accept the special orders of condition along with the standard order of conditions okay do I hear a second I second okay I'm going to go to roll call vote um Ed yes Alan yes Paul yes yes okay um Mr Webby we'll we'll have to the order conditions and we'll have we should have them ready for next week thank you very okay um next order of business is unless we have the the folks from I guess we don't okay um from 105 is that yeah we'll do 105 I was just hoping that the uh Community preservation people would come in but I haven't uh haven't seen them so our next order of business would be 105 pille Road D number SE 171 0581 Mr [Music] Webby Mr Webby Joe Webby Webby engineering uh this is 105 palmerville Road we've been before the commission a few times on this uh where some work was prematurely done approximately 3350 Square ft of uh of land between the BBW and the 50 within your 50 foot uh was Disturbed uh with several meetings we've uh come up with a planting plan of 10 blueberry bushes to be put in that area and uh what we would also like to ask we we would like to request a waiver from your regulations to restore that area back to uh vegetate it uh as per your enforcement order uh but we would also like the uh hopefully get an order of conditions to construct a single family dwelling on the property okay uh any questions from the board we' we we've discussed this on numerous occasions um Paul you can take a look at the plan and see if you have any questions or concerns this being the right here this being the the watering vegetated Wetlands this is the area that was Disturbed during the Tre cutting process this correct uh this is the 50t no touch Zone I believe this shows the the plan shows go the uh line where the fencing is going to go correct and then there's going to be some signage every 50 ft I believe yeah right okay um proposed blueberry bushes so Mr Webby I do have one question um the area has pretty much been overgrown um I don't know who's going to undertake the planning so I'm assuming well let's say that we want to make sure that they don't disturb anything more than what they have to um I think in the order conditions there's a either a pot size or caliper size for the vegetation that that you're going to install right yeah these will be U blueberry bushes High Bush blueberry bushes that'll be approximately 3 ft tall um they will be planted and had mulch around each Bush to protect the bush from uh invasive weeds uh I think that if we're going to plant blueberries then we ought to give them a shot to actually have blueberries okay um on the fencing uh it does show the fencing in the uh special order conditions we'll be looking at those that fence line to be posted every 50 ft with um a no disturbance type sign based on the Conservation Commission no problem at all okay um this dock line I believe is your proposed Sil sock line yes line between thew be Sil y okay okay I'll ask any board members if they've got any questions at this point I I don't know I read the email from you read all the email EOS system do you have uh I have no questions at this time okay I'm going to ask the audience we're on 105 pille road if anybody has any questions or concerns regarding this notice of intent okay seeing none I am oh hold on I'm Sorry Miss King you with us uh we can't hear I don't do something go chill do I don't either um hopefully sees it can fix the problem I don't know where he is the p p her feet go look for well we're in the middle of this one won we w we finish this and then we'll we'll take a um she disappeared she took a quick break yeah maybe I see Kim can you hear us well we can't hear you you on mute okay M you muted okay Kim if you can hear us we're going to finish this one up and then we'll let you start in with the next one cuz we can't hear you hear me yeah we can hear you now okay okay yeah I have no questions I've been with you for a while okay okay uh just for the record it being um 723 Miss King is now on board with the commission uh you heard everything on 105 Palma Mill Road I did okay you have any questions or concerns I hear not okay and do you have anybody from the audience I think I asked that okay so I'm at this point I'm going to be looking for a vote to close the hearing on 105 pill Road I put a motion that we close the hearing for 105 pal Hill Road second good okay so okay hold on [Applause] so so we had made the motion um we're going to go to a roll call vote we have a motion in a second uh Ed yes Alan yes Paul yes Kimberly yes yes okay uh before you go Mr Webby I'm ask going to now that we close the hearing I'm going to ask that the the board approve I think I missed it on the other one the variance requests to allow the work um within the the 50 Foot I also want to discuss with the board as part of the order of conditions I think we should be looking for a bond to make sure that the area is completed as it was Prior and we don't leave that issue hanging on if the vegetation does not continue to grow so I'd be looking for some input on on the bonds how much will that be you know um my thoughts were $110,000 uh if the board has some other indications or inclinations then I'm okay with that I just want to make sure that the signal goes out that you can't go in and and disturb wetlands and then just hope that it grows back so if somebody's looking for a less amount I'm okay with that um maybe I would be be more comfortable cutting that in half the 5,000 okay I I I don't have a problem with that um so as so what I'm going to do I'm going to look for a vote on that and then as part of the order of the special order of conditions uh we'll be looking for the 10 bushes post and real fence the signage and it appears to be a $5,000 Bond but let me go to a vote do you want to make that motion I put a motion that we approve with the special conditions and the variant conditions inside within the Wetland area and also with the bond of $5,000 okay do I have a second I second I a second it okay I'm going to go to a roll call vote Ed yes Alan yes Paul yes Kimberly yes yes okay um Mr we you should know we do have the tenative order um so we'll get that over to you um and we should have it ready for the for the meeting next week thank you very much you're welcome okay next order of business is uh 265 on ponson Street storm water management hearing the applicant has requested a continuance until October 8th I would be looking for a motion to continue that I put a motion that we continue okay go ahead k I'll make a motion to continue to 65 Monon Street on behalf of the applican until the October 8 meeting okay second I'll second that motion okay uh we're going to go to a roll call vote um Ed yes alen yes Paul yes yes kimbley yes [Applause] okay next item on our agenda and I don't see any anybody is the stump Brook cleanup is that gentleman here yet okay so we'll just go over that our next order of business is 266 mon Pon Street thnik management it's on the storm water management permit um I just want to bring the board up to date on that permit um and doing the research we found that there isn't a good template for the storm water um findings so we are working diligently on coming up with the findings on that um we don't need a continuance but they requested it I've spoken with them at length um we'll have some findings hopefully early next week so why don't I look for a motion to continue that and that's this continues is strictly on the special order of conditions a motion that we uh continue 266 my Pon Tre you have a second second okay okay second I'm going to go to a roll call Vote Yes Ed yes Alan yes Paul yes kimbery yes yes okay thank you okay moving right along next order of business is um 111 River Street D file number SE 171 0584 good evening Susan Jason with West Samson here representing the applicant okay we did Clos this hearing and it locked the variance request which we did receive so um what I'm going to be looking for is a motion to um allow the variance request from our local bylaw also to give them a waiver to work within the riverfront area um I'm not we can't give you variance but I I think we ought to give you the waiver um So based on that I'll be looking for a motion to Grant the variance request for Riv Street in a wave it to work within the riverfront area so I'd be looking for that motion uh I put a motion for 111 River Street notice of intend to Grant variant uh request and and the waiver request in the waiver request do I hear a second a second second okay all right I'm going to go to a roll call vote Ed yes Alan yes Paul yes Kimberly yes yes okay so the next piece of this puzzle is to vote the conditions um this has been going back and forth today um and did everyone get a chance to look at the order of conditions it's very lengthy yes I did yes you did okay the only question that come in the only question that come in later was when the ecosystems contacted you about some monitoring WS I didn't go back to the original noi so was it was a monitoring well asked for in the original noi it wasn't specifically but we did discuss it with the commission during several meetings requesting that it be included in that we are likely to need some we don't know exactly where they would be placed but they would be a followup assessment to any findings during this stage of the investigation okay okay um I I personally don't have a problem um with the what we discussed is is in that regard that we would you know communicate with the commission at a later date and provide you with additional information to where we prop you know where we plan to put those with some additional that's fine and you'll you'll take whatever precaution you know with there's been no discussion on on the wells as as to F and I'm not going to really get into that tonight the construction of the wells you're reporting and all of that so you just have to follow that up with whoever's going to be administering this uh if you had to record the wells for the EP then that's part of your criteria uh I don't I don't see a problem with with the wells in itself um and if no one has any issues with the order condition I did just want to follow up that I did speak to Chief chavs and we've been in communication uh on the project safety plan um he had some revisions made to the project safety plan and he's fine with it I did not get a response from uh Chief Witham but I'm assuming we're going to be okay with that um my only other question is how are we making out with the 53g um I can speak to the fire chief I did receive no no no comment no the 53g is the funds CU you want to get this started right away yeah I was going to say I he did provide comments and we addressed them just just so you know um we did forward the payments if that's what you're asking M they should hopefully have been received by Peggy at your office today by overnight mail I did provide an email copy of the checks that have been put by the our internal accounting department and they were sent by overnight mail yesterday okay very good hopefully they are in your hand at your office I didn't call her to get confirmation today I do see some checks [Music] here sa today okay so we're all set should two two of them yeah so having said that the where we did close the hearing we have an order conditions she they did provide us with a safety plan um I still have a couple of concerns but Public Safety people have to address that uh I would be looking for a motion to accept the order of conditions prepared by ecosystems um it's not dated but it's the one that we have want I make the motion um I would make a motion that we accept the order conditions provided by ecosystems it Comm in today unfortunately this is not dated so I'm going to put in the 9 uh 924 what is yeah 924 date today's the 24th yeah the 924 date we'll make sure this is dated um did she get that ready so let me go let's go to okay let's go to a vote um I'm going to look for a roll call vote to accept the order of conditions dated 924 from ecosystems for lot 111 River Street um I made the motion so I'll second that motion okay um we'll go to a roll call vote Ed yes Alan yes Paul yes kimbery yes yes okay okay m I don't know how we're going to pull this off if you want to come into the office and sign this uh we've got majority here but that's that's up to you yeah okay let me just review it [Applause] okay you are all set there's a procedure as far as the recording so you can get a hold of uh the office tomorrow and figure out how you're going to get it recorded okay but it will be ready for pi it's it's ready now but you have to work that out with Peggy uh there something about whether you pick it up personally or she sends a certified mail I think it starts the timeline yes I'll talk with her tomorrow okay thank you thank [Music] you is anybody here yet on the um stump Brook cleanup do we have all the potties good evening sir my plan was to take you first to get you out butut okay so you identify yourself for the record please sure good evening I'm Brad Chase I work for the massachusett division of marine fisheries as a fish biologist I'm here tonight to present the stump Brook stream maintenance plan to assist diet fish passage in the brook it's a it's a plan which I I think you've received and reviewed it's Sur process in which we allow this activity to happen it's uh fish need to come from the ocean to their spawning habitats so it's a very old practice of looking out for these fish looking for tree falls debris jams excessive vegetation growth and removing it under the wetlands protection act so DP has a policy it's only been out for two years that allows this to happen it requires Conservation Commission review um commissions can condition it particularly if they have bylaws that are applicable but the policies designed to make it easy to have this work occur under a DMF approved uh stream maintenance plan which I have presented to you this is I think the 14th we've prepared in the last eight years and and typically conservation commissions want to know what's going to happen sometimes they condition these to have notification of activity sometimes they'd like to see reporting annual reporting or every certain number of years reporting on what happens in this case we would like to work with with the air wife restoration committee locally and any of the volunteers would like to work with us and train these folks to do the work and then eventually the work would just be done locally um it it's going to be required I think annually to have folks get out there take a look for winter tree falls and and allow the passageway to be open for these migratory fish okay I I've got a couple couple of questions um you're going to be going I'm going to go backwards you're going to be going from the bridg at Elm Street back to the dam yes so that yeah Elm Street and furnace Street the first section goes from those two culverts back to the stump Brook bog Reservoir downstreet and that location is pretty much it's fairly open now there are three segments the first one is from stumper clog Reservoir up to furnace Street and Elm Street the second section is Upstream from that which goes to the great Ceda swamp that's an extensive area that needs a lot of attention okay just so that I I got my baronss cuz I I don't if you're going on Elm Street and you've got um you're at standing at the bridge yep all right um the dam is off to your right mhm all right and then you furnish that's a reservoir that's on the left and then that's a reservoir owned by the state and then Y and then beyond that Upstream Upstream Y is going to be the that that's the main SE SE that needs work that extends all the way up to the stump Brook Dam that's owned by the city of baroon and and that's their regulatory Dam from maning the water supply that section Elm Street to there there's a lot of wilderness there's a lot of places that people haven't paid attention because River Herring couldn't get to Elm Street until a fishway was installed last year at the stum B Reservoir so that's why we're interested in this because now these migratory fish have a chance to reach these locations okay so from the brook from the from the U the roadway up to the where Brockton controls the water that's all privately owned or a lot of it's privately owned a lot of the adjacent land is the the river is Commonwealth property it's it's Commonwealth Waterway the much of the property is private okay so you're going to have to deal with that I know on the opposite side that's that is owned by the Commonwealth because that they got that from um the the C kby Associates or right Public Access is one issue about this where um we'll work with private property owners volunteers can't just go through private property obviously um our agency um has the authority to maintain passage for these fish so we'll go to private properties if we need access to private properties and talk to them and say do you mind if this group comes through so that that's a process and uh we we'll definitely respect private property ownership and talk to folks but the river itself is Commonwealth property um it's regulated by the Conservation Commission that that the Commonwealth has an interest in keeping that open for fish passage so we we have some authorizations to go out and do the work we just have to clear it locally with the Conservation Commission and then if we have to access through private property we have to talk to private property own have you thought much about where the debris is going to go we we like to put it right in the bank we like to not remove it far from the river it it can serve as habitat for different types of wildlife so we like to only take as much as necessary to allow fish to pass so I think years ago people would overcut they'd cut the bank they'd cut the canopy we like to just remove enough to allow the migratory fish to move upstream and so that means we're placing uh root balls we're placing tree falls on the bank so there's no dredging no this it's almost entirely hand workk if if there were to be a serious tree fall then we might use a chainsaw otherwise it's manual labor Clippers handsaws it's um it's it's it you know it applies to the wellness protection act absolutely but at the same time it's a kind of a time monored practice that people have done for many years to allow these fish to come up it just it's a bit of a gray area how it fits into the Wetland protection act now that's where the DP policy comes in that says this is a good thing it should happen but you still must check off with conservation commissions okay approximate distance from the dam to Elm Street is that about 3/4 of a mile I've been on either end I don't know what the distance is between so the stump Brook the the Brockton Dam correct yeah so let's see it's listed here as 2 km okay so what's that about 1.2 miles okay it's a big area yeah it's one of the I think more extensive challenges we've seen for stream maintenance cuz no one's been looking at this for a long time a few locals go up there but when the river Herring were not present there wasn't a strong incentive to go up there and and open things up so it I propose that we go October through November train up the aif restoration committee work with them and establish a plan and then eventually let them do the work on their own but the DP and this plan requires that we start off with with my staff training the local volunteers okay any questions and um like uh when they set the project maybe they can notify us and we can someone make a public announcement so you might have more volunteers they're going to have to do a notice of intent they'll have to do a filing I'm assum you're going to have to do a filing no the the whole idea of the policy is to um allow this work to happen with no permitting it's considered very minor activity in the W protection act it's considered essential activity because one of the the resources the ACT is protecting is these migratory fish so there is no notice of intent if you wish to have notification I I can include that in the plan yeah if you guys wish to have um reporting of some frequency we can include that if you have bylaws that are Beyond The Wellness protection act um that could be included in the plan as well but that's the whole idea of the policy I think the reporting is essential we do have a byw I don't think it's applicable here uh we've got a 50 foot no disturb Zone but I don't think that that that applies cuz we're you're actually in the in the river in the resource area yeah yeah so I don't think that will be applied so I don't think any of our local bylaws uh would interfere with your project at all okay okay I think the reporting is essential um just so we know what's going on where it went y um well what I can do is put um this is a draft that you have I'll include in in a final form if you do choose to support it a um requirement for reporting when we start before we go out as well as annual reporting on what we did okay Paul any questions no it's it's great idea uh Kim any questions I don't have any questions just a comment I think that the clean up of stum would be not only beneficial to the wild life but also for public and environmental health and that degree it's been a neglected area really yes I I agree I've been on both ends of it so um so what do you need from us well it uh the policy doesn't require a permit application it actually doesn't require approval by the Conservation Commission although I would I would encourage approval tonight so that you guys have that buy in I would include in the plan that you approved it tonight and that would include the the conditions which you've just asked for and so and then I would deliver a final copy to you and then give you notification when we start in October so it's a little bit different because it's not a permit application but DP recognized that there was kind of a uncertainty in the Wetland protection act for this type of work and so they developed that policy that makes it easy for this work to happen it just has to happen within a division of marine fisheries stream maintenance plan local you know local volunteers couldn't do this on their own without an application just give me okay we have no members from the board any members from the audience have any questions concerns okay seeing none um I just had a curiosity question hold on go go ahead go ahead Miss King yeah I I have one question um I'm just will we I understand they policy they don't need the application but will they need a waiver due to the riverfront act even though they're in the river and not just the 50 Foot DP decided that um that would not be required under the wellness protection act and so they obviously silent on bylaws so but this is this was designed by DP to allow this activity to occur under the stewardship of the division of marine fisheries without additional permitting requirements so um I I DP the policy does not address the riverfront act but at the same time it's um it's work that's occurring within the res area so obviously within the river area too correct the other thing too I guess the way I'd look at this is they have strictly going in and cleaning the debris they're not they're not dredging um you know there might be some soil disturbance not enough I think to impact anything um I think we need we should be looking at the uh these websites but I think you've got a long process um I I personally don't have a problem with with what they want to do if any of the board members does I think we have a question from the the speaker Amy troop T Hill Side of I just have a curiosity question for um Brad so um so where does the it start and does it go under Elm Street and then into and then under furnace is that where the river goes yes there three identified here the first one is from St Bo Reservoir up the furnace okay and that is pre-open right now then from Elm up stream to the stum work d own by the city of barck and that's that long stretch Great Swamp um a lot of work is needed there okay and the third stretches above the stum Dam which leads into Mon onet that's fairly open right now and that's all River yeah underneath Elm Street all the way under furnace yes okay incidentally all River a um project right now the to of alax to try to look at those two CS to um consider replacing or improving that so divisionary officiers received the grant with the town of alax you know and uh so we're going to proceed in the next month to look at those two culverts to consider replacing those so it's independent of this that would certainly be a notice of intent but it's really a feasibility study to look at replacing those two cits in the interest of improving water flow and fish passage okay which a little confusing is we when you say the stump broke Dam that's known to me as burage yeah so you that's why you had me confused so basically you're going to go from the burage dam down to Elm Street yes then the water body that's uh on the other side of Elm Street is owned by the state right U and then the rest is whatever okay yeah yeah that's the local names I don't always yeah it's yeah if you you said burage then I think a lot of us would have said you know cuz we know where the barage bog is and and the in the dam so okay um I I can actually go ahead just put a motion forward so we put a motion forward or you can you want to yep uh I put a motion forward that we uh support support St Brook cleanup project with the ERS a condition like uh reporting it but basically wouldn't be in order conditions he's going to provide us with the necessary information okay that's fine so we have a motion I just want to get that to uh okay with new information I'll second okay so Ed made the motion give a second I'm going to go to a roll call vote Ed yes alen yes yes Paul yes Kim yes yes yes okay you're all said so just make sure you're going to do all the reporting yep um I'll send you a finalized stream maintenance plan and then we'll let you know before we get out into the field you're talking about annual maintenance you're really going to go in there from October to November something November so this this highlights um October to mid December as the preferred period but it also highlights the need to inspect the sites at different times to make sure there wasn't things that were missed so there'll be some inspection period but most most of work will happen when it's not too hot the leaves are down bugs are down and so mid October to mid December is the we're just looking at the reporting aspect of it you can just keep you know this office in in in the loop is what's going on uh and then obviously you're going to get a but a butter U permission that's up to you guys yes okay very good thank you appreciate your time thank thank you hope Halifax Miss nin we actually come out looking for you earlier was going to get you in before we had our hearings um but you disappeared oh I was yes um the hearing went quicker but you okay okay uh just just father the record um speaking to the speaker cuz you're on tape uh just identify yourself for the record I'm candy nin I'm um chairman of the ballot support committee for the community preservation act and I just came tonight I wanted to give you a little bit of information about who we are last spring that the um town meeting voted to put the community preservation act on the ballot and so it's question six on the ballot in November and after that happened a group of us realized uh how little people knew about the Community protection um act which has been in effect since 2000 uh so for 24 years towns have been raising money and receiving money from the state for Community preservation and so we decided that we would form this ballot committee for two primary reasons one to get information out and we've tried to do that we've posted on Facebook we have a website that we've established everything that we've posted or written is on our website we've posted and have profiles from neighboring communities all of whom are CPA communities Halifax actually Halifax East bridgew which also has this on their ballot in November uh Brockton and Avon are the only towns that have not enrolled in the CPA and the way we look at it is for 24 years we've left that money lying on the table from the state but the CPA money the CPA is designed it's not a um it's not a tax it's an assessment on top of our taxes and the way it works is um your tax bill won't change your tax bill is your tax bill and whatever it is that's what the tax bill is going to be but the CPA is um figured that you get a $100,000 everyone gets a $100,000 abatement on the value of their home and then H the bot question is asking for 1.5% for CPA without going through all the procedure that comes to right now that comes to uh we have our new tax rate and we have our new average home valuation so it comes to $88 a person per year in two two installments of $44 for the average homeowner in town um the statements anyone who is Who falls into the category of lwi income or moderate income senior they don't pay that assessment um and what happens to that money is what 10% of the money we take in each year locally and from the state is has to go into three buckets 10% has to go into historical preservation 10% into um uh historical preservation uh I'm what open SP 10% into open space and Recreation and 10% into housing um you don't have to spend any of this money any year and then the other 70% can go into any of those areas that we choose um you don't have to spend any of this money in any given time uh it can accumulate it will gain interest but um what it does do is it allows us to address projects that need to be done such as for example under historical preservation the blacksmith shop that we all know about we have this lovely historical district we can't go in the blacksmith shop because it's structurally and sound we could address that with CPA money when we would be able to address that with local funding it would come out of the budget and we don't know when that would ever happen um another thing that we can do with um with CPA money is some Town well some Town recreation some towns many towns have established walking trails um they've purchased land for open space for example if we wanted to we could we could purchase land to protect an aquifer um to protect just Environmental Protection and we can decide uh as a community all the the money that we that gets spent from this account has to be voted at town meeting it's there's no separate committee that decides there is a a community preservation committee that has to be established if after this passes and they would come to town meeting with recommendations uh for expenditures but town meeting has a final say on any money that is spent um what else can I tell you about it our committee is actually made of nine people all of us have lived in town raised our children in Halifax they've all attended the Halifax and Silver Lake schools all of us have served on various committees some still do um through our years in Halifax we're all just people who thought why haven't we already done this and we've um decided to take it on as something that we could hopefully educate the community on and and get them to sign on um so that we can start doing things that we aren't able to do and we don't know when we'll be able to do some of them the playground is a classic example of something that we could have done had we joined Community preservation 24 years ago um instead we fundraised for six years for that playground however if a piece of equipment were to break and needed to be replaced we could use Community preservation funds for that um climton just put lights on their field their soccer fields we can do that with Community preservation money um there's there are so many things that need to be done in town that we could start to address uh as far as housing it it doesn't have to be three story um buildings that we choose not to have there's so many opportunities with housing some some towns have actually hired a housing coordinator or housing director to just study the needs of the Town determine what they need for housing what kind of units they need make recommendations um another thing that we don't have in town is an up-to-date master plan without an upto-date master plan we're pretty much at the mercy of these coffee shops and pizza shops and whoever wants to come in um our latest information is that we could fund a master plan with Community preservation funds so I don't want to take a lot of your time um I would direct you if you have any questions to our website which has everything on it we've been posting on Facebook we've we've done a presentation we have two more presentations scheduled um but our website has everything that we've done on it and that's um how affa Mah hope.org and I'm going to I'm going to give you a some material that has that in it tonight but we would urge you to look Conservation Commission could should and would probably play a um major role if this law passes uh and so we would really appreciate it if you would discuss it we don't you don't have to do that tonight but we would appreciate your support in passing this article if you agree with us that um it's worth our time and money um open space is a huge part of it and um if we had money and we didn't want the the construction on on Route 58 the condos that are going in we that land was vacant for a long time we could have bought that land and protected it as open space or we could have decided what to do with that land but we don't have any money to do that sort of thing so that's where this act steps in and it's short money for a lot of good things and the abatements you know are are pretty generous and um so we hope you will consider supporting it we'd love if you would vote to support it and let us know and if you have any questions I'm here to answer any questions you might have but I also want to read with you we have we have together in addition to the other things GR and some we have some other hand so like just leave for you okay and do you mind taking just a few questions not at all this was okay uh no I don't mind taking questions okay do we have any questions from the board I'm familiar with Community reservation only because the property enhancement and be favor for use so uh couple questions um like say the 10% of the housing you don't have to spend it every year you can hold on to it and never spend it and it be voted upon a town to you whatever happens with the the town we have to approve it absolutely you don't have to there's no pressure ever to spend any of this money obviously we have a lot of needs and I'm sure we will spend it but it can sit there and collect interest until we have a project that the town everyone agrees we need to go forward with and that's what the community preservation committee would would study and make recommendations on but none of it requires that it be spent in a given year okay yes K follow following up I have a second question um off of BS and I'm familiar with it also from in multiple other child projects um but I'm sure this about the roll over I understand the money can't be spent but how long do you have for the monies that are unspent to be rolled over into the next year's budget I didn't um she is there a term how long you can hold on to the money and not spend it what you said what you want to know was once this money gets into the fund and and I might be able to answer that for you once the money gets into the fund it's only expended by town meeting vote so there's already already there's going to be a carryover balance every year I don't think the intent of the committee would be if there's H1 100,000 in there to spend 99 so you're going to have to come up with a good project so it's not really a budget it's a fund and that fund would keep rolling over uh until you I think initially it probably be a few years before you develop enough to do any major projects and then go from there but it's it's not a budget it's a fund there's no time limit word but even when the fund would roll over in state monies often they either penalize the towns for not spending or rolling it over after so long or they decrease the amount that the towns can get I'm just curious if we know what the details are on anything rolled over I'll clarify that if you unless you understand it completely well I what I would say is that this is legisl State legislation and there is nothing that requires the funds to be spent in any given period of time or in any given amount other than allocating it to those areas 10% a year and the other 70% can go to any one of those areas um but there's no time limit no time frame and every city and town gets the same percentage of a state match every year in the first round of funding um I hope that helps so I think what what you're saying is there's the 10% that that if this is passed that the time will get the state doesn't require that to be spent that's going to stay in the fund until the town itself decides to spend it so that you're going to accumulate that 10% each and every year I don't know what the matching funds are but I I know that there is a time and just to clarify you're saying 10% 10% is is that the minimum yes that's the minimum re do so you don't necessarily have to spend um you you don't necessarily have to spend anything in any given year but you have to allocate um 10% of whatever money you take in to each of those three areas and the other 70% to whatever in those three areas you want so I think what she saying is that when this comes out of town meeting funding that they're going to have multiple projects some to meet the 10% goal and the balance would be utilized for whatever else the the committee decides right they could the other thing I will say is it's very feasible that we could accomplish some projects as quickly as the first year we the blacksmith shop exactly looking at that the blacksmith shop the tennis court if the town agrees I mean I I keep bringing up the tennis court down by the school because I think of it as a liability issue it's is in such terrible shape but it could be reconstructed and it could be a new tennis court or pickle ball court or both um so there are projects that have been identified but this there's a lot if this passes there's still a lot of work um the committee the board of Selectmen would have to go and they would have to establish a bylaw a sta that which is establishes the community preservation committee and that bylaw will be voted on at the next annual town meeting May 2025 and then they would put together a committee and then the committee would need to some time to study the expectations and what their job is and what the the limits are and what the um possibilities are and then they would accept eventually they would accept um applications which they would review and make recommend ations on so the first um they would accept the bylaw so the first distribution would be the following November and then the vote the first vote of expenditures would be the next annual town meeting so it's a process that we need to do going forward and its work but the first step was getting it at town meeting voted and the second step is getting it on the ballot and we're looking forward to the third step of devel helping the bylaw and making this happen for us okay just a point of clarification sure you had mentioned $88 per person that's what the average assessment would be on the average tax bill in Halifax not per person per household oh did I say person I meant household tax per tax bill yeah per tax bill okay with all the deduction what you know exactly okay um any other questions from the board at this point um I I think it would be beneficial especially where recation was incred reason and they have a lot of projects that would fall into the approved um allocation of monies and I think that if we did cast and go forward and everything went well that the CPA committee and pox and Recreation would both very much benefit from having it passed yeah I I I would agree um Halifax really doesn't have a lot of open space I mean there is some land that's under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission that I don't think anybody knows we don't have a parking area for people to walk through the woods there's no dog walking trails um but we could create some that we could also just I will mention that I I believe the number is 400 but um there's a number of dog parks that have been built with CPA funding since it was enacted too so we could create our own dog park and not have to take our dogs to Kingston if that's what the town's people wanted and we had a place to do that yeah it's probably more the open space that you know the town should be looking at I I agree and in one project like I mentioned I mean that was available to the town years ago and there was no money right so right um any other questions of the board oh I'm good yep um I'm fine okay um I don't know is the board comfortable with u making some sort of a vote to um um you don't I mean I'm not asking you to do that right now okay fine if you want us to study it and get back to you whatever you're comfortable with I just was saying that we would appre appreciate your support okay Miss King I think I think willing comtable to put a motion in to support them at nominating as a Conservation Commission okay um did we have any questions for the audience we missed anybody or is this just a presentation it's a presentation but if anybody in the audience has got anything to say I don't have a problem with that yes any troop 10 Hill Side app what would be the total amount at the 1.5% that the town would be assessed to fund I'm not sure a question so you get like the total if you assessed every so you assess or search charge or whatever word you want to use each household in the town each commercial property too how much would the total be I four contributions from the state before we we don't have a firm figure on that but it was um early on and it it it actually would be a little bit more it was 222,000 at the local level that we would bring in I'm not going to say that's a firm figure now because um the tax rate changed the average home price changed so I I can't really give you a clean figure that you could throw back at me because I don't know okay I think you have somewhere around 2500 homes in town somewhere in that vicinity and if you're looking at $88 to $100 per per household um yeah that number you can't we wouldn't know uh the assessment on Commercial I I think I've always paid it on residential so I'm not sure there is an assessment on Commercial it's the same it's the same same okay uh I don't there is on vacant land too so I don't know if she's answered your question well it's giving me an idea so you want just come to the mic so then basically 10% of that would be for housing or so you should to choose so I'm just curious what kind of things that you'd be able to do with housing with that little bit of money when a house costs more than that to begin with it would be it would be not just 10% of that but it would be 10% of the total funds which includes whatever we receive from the state whatever the state match is but also like I said you don't have to do anything the first year you can accumulate it if we put 10% in and then decide that we have a a housing project but we don't have enough money we can put part or all of the other 70% in we can also and I we aren't even haven't even brought this out because it's confusing but we can also borrow on anticipated funds I don't see that happening certainly not in the short term um but there are a lot of options to do a lot of different projects and they don't have to be three-story H apartment buildings so specific to housing the 10% I I understand I think what she's trying to say you the town's not in a position that's going to build houses uh the town might be able to with some of those funds buy some additional houses that are under the Housing Authority or they might be able to renovate some of those structures or they might be able to add on to some of those structures I think that's where that 10% you need to put 10% out there you're not necessarily building uh houses with this 10% no there there are a lot of different things you can do um but the accumulating is is an important factor there are number of different things um we could H hire a housing director to help us figure out what we need need to do um we could buy an abandoned building that might be sitting in town and renovate it uh for apartments um affordable housing we can buy an affordable housing home that comes on the market and keep it as an affordable housing home um there's there's there's quite a bit we can do we can also leverage that money um if we have an opportunity to get a grant and there are a lot of Grants out there state and federal many of them require matching funds we can use CPA money for our matching funds we can take that matching funds to get a grant and actually I Plymouth the town of Plymouth um has done that a lot to to the point where they've had projects that have cost the town almost nothing um because of the grants they were able to get so I think I think getting it in is the next step and then there's a lot of um studying that the committee will need to do and figure out what's best and one of the things that the committee is charged with is looking at the community and determining not just our needs but our abilities to to pay so I I think it's just a matter of work research and learning about it while we're also getting taking in funding so that we can do something when we're ready okay that answer your question is true that part of it yeah okay I have a motion on the floor so yeah no I just want to ask a couple of more questions what is the uh committee's um view on MBTA 3A housing Miss tro I just want MBTA housing has nothing to do with CPA funds well no it really does it's a question that I have I I this is this is clearly premature um I I wouldn't expect her here for CPA funds to address any MBTA housing situations what our view is on it as a committee I have a motion on the floor so I gave you some discretion to ask the question so that's not appropriate so if you have anything else that's relative to that then that's fine otherwise I'm going to go to my vote I can send it to her but we can't ask questions online and um I'm asking the question now so I think in the okay that's fine okay um Miss King we have a motion I do but I'm concerned about M troop's continued Behavior between you two and the last meeting I told her that we could have a remov I don't think we have to go that M K let's hold on that's that's not appropriate we you made a motion and I'm going to be looking for a second and we'll we'll address that afterwards so uh just to reiterate your motion would be to support the the hope for Halifax I get that right um Endeavors as far as the CPA absolutely I think it's a fantastic idea for the comment okay good um we have a motion does anybody want to second that motion I'll second a motion okay so we have a motion Miss King second by Mr new set want to go to a Voice vote H uh 90% of this I agree with the 10% I don't but 90% is very high percent I'm going to vote Yes on it okay uh alen votes yes um Paul yes yes uh Miss King yes yes okay um if you'd like we can get something drafted up or if you'd prefer when it comes up the town meeting um then we would be more than happy um I would ask to chair whoever is going to do that the next the next thing is valid actually before tell me so um I I would just appreciate the opportunity to say that we have uh that you took a vote and that we have a support of the Conservation Commission and there's some others um I don't think you have to write anything up but if you'd like to okay take it okay very good all right I just want to remind everyone too if it's okay that we from day one have had an email address um where people can send their questions so if you have additional questions or anyone else has questions okay you can provide that to M troop and okay we have we answer them and we post the anwers so okay thank you so much for your time thank you okay next item on the agenda is 285 Home Street an update on that um the planning board held a hearing on that and they needed some additional information the applicant has requested a continuance from us until I think November I think October 8th so I'd be looking for a motion to continue this until October 8th 285 homes is the the the storm water management issue that it's not we haven't addressed it yet um only because it hasn't met all the criteria so okay yeah I'll put a motion that we motion to continue continue uh 285 Home Street okay do we have a second second PA second okay Paul uh go to a Voice vote Ed yes alen yes Paul yes yes okay um yeah y I'm sorry I missed you yes okay thank you yes um lot 11 pill road we had discussed this this is the enforcement order that was placed uh on this particular lot because of the clearing we decided to table it um from last week I I don't have any other information other than the fact that the owner has not responded uh at all so I think the course of action that the board has is whether um we attempt to issue 21d or uh refer it to council so I'm looking for a little direction as to what the board wants to do with this m King I think you're familiar with this [Music] right I'm still and I'm aware okay good anybody got any ideas um I'm sorry that refresh my memory on this is this is next to the lot was 105 they cleared not only they cleared both of the Lots um I think this one has got more clearing on it than the other lot they did file a notice of intent for the other one um we did in fact had the sheriff deliver a notice of intent uh to the applicant or to the owner of the property excuse me the enforcement order um no response um we sent an additional letter which I think is in the file um sent it both certified mail and first class mail we have no response so we're going to need a little direction as to where you want to go with this I'm very corre yeah correct both LS are owned by the same individual correct that's correct would Mr wedy be able not that I want to put in the M middle but would he be able to assist with the second lot to help with ement and come up when before we start spending Town money on Town Council and trying to collect finds that could potentially not be paid and avoid that large cost um I I can I can't there's nothing we can't go to Mr Webby and ask him no our responsibility only responsibility is to put the applicant or the owner on notice that he violated the Wetland protection act and hope he brings it into compliance that we've done but no response um I personally don't like the idea of uh Town Council um but we just need some direction as to what you want to do with yeah I'm kind of puzzled by this cuz he was just in for 105 Palmer he he's throwing that Disturbed are he just did why didn't they why don't we respond I you know I have not been in communication with them I haven't spoken with them so um I it's it's going to have to be a board decision which way to go um you know I've sent out two [Music] letters what would we want to start the find under 21d it would have to be $300 per day um and it would be if the board so inclined uh 5 days 10 days see if we get some response uh I think we should talk to council briefly brief meeting so it doesn't cost as much and see what he believes we should go forward with then go forward with the what council recommends okay um what I'm going to ask we're going to get into Council I'm I'm going to be using Council would the board prefer that we I don't know about speaking to him I'd rather do it in writing uh if the board's okay with that uh I would provide him with the enforcement order all the communications and ask for some direction uh I don't think I really need to speak with him okay just he'll look at the records and say okay this is what you need to do if that's what the board wants to do that sounds good to me okay um so why don't I to get a motion to um to ask for the permission to use Town Council for this particular matter also do we need a motion for that uh yeah I I'd be more comfortable with a motion with a motion in a second Mr chair before we put a motion on the table um if Count Council says it's good to go in his recommendation is the 21d can we vote tonight that if that is what Town Council recommends to give you Authority and the votes already there that instead of waiting another two weeks to address it that when you do get the clarification from Town Council that it can just be sent out you can include that in your motion but um I honestly don't think I'm going to have an answer in two weeks I have another matter which I'm going to we'll discuss that we're going to Council potentially on and I have preliminary permission to do that um I think that if we if if if the choice is to go to council then whatever he decides then we would do right away I don't think I would need to have a vote to come back we would just Institute it right away and um go from in um okay so someone do someone make a motion you want to make that motion out no okay um I'll make a motion that we request the use of Town Council uh for the enforcement order issue 111 Palmer Mill Road I'll second that motion okay we have a motion in a second I'm going to go to a roll call Ed yes Alan yes Paul yes Kimberly yes yes thank you yes okay 340 Home Street uh excuse me 340 Plymouth Street uh just update on that I spoke with Highway today uh weather permitting they are going to start the beginning of that process which is going to be heating up that pavement and then Rec compacting it and then a few weeks later there's another company coming in that's going to repave it um I did see the representatives from that Paving Company out there last week with with Mr Haywood so it looks it appears that everything is on board and that we're going to get rid of some of the flooding problems out there but we're still a few weeks away she we won't believe her until we see the I know listen the first rainstorm I'm heading to her house okay that's just the update on that yes I don't know if you know this uh the P project starting tomorrow has been delay push till Thursday because of rain that's okay yeah I I spoke with that's okay that's fine um I I have before we go to our bills I got to find it we have do mind um 810th Avenue I added 810th Avenue onto the agenda because I got a call that the certificate of it is the certificate of compliance that we signed referenced the wrong uh booking page so research at the office um the admin was correct the applicant's engineer put the wrong book and page on it so I've asked to be on the agenda so that we can get a signed so that they can pass papers on that property um so I'm going to be looking for a motion to approve the amended uh certificate of compliance for 8th 10th Avenue uh I'll make the motion if somebody wants to Second it y okay I'll make the motion do we have a second second Ed a second go to a roll call vote Ed yes alen yes Paul yes kimbery yes yes p okay good night thank you we have a party on the alarm once this time um okay I I lost my little cheat sheet here I got uh we got bills no there was two other things training oh yeah training board training yeah we can do the Bills first how I do my cheat sheat it's only one bill to be paid let's go to bills while I find it um i' be for we have one bill for ecosystems no I have a a pink piece of paper was on my front of my agenda that I misplaced already that had I might have put it in here was 8th 10th Avenue well let's go to the bills while I look at we have a bill for ecosystems um for 111 River Street the noi that bill amount is $4,125 I would be looking for a motion to pay that bill I put a motion that we pay the bills for 111 River Street of 4125 second second PA going be second I'm going to go to a roll call vote Ed yes alen yes Paul yes Kimberly yes yes okay um oh here it is right there in front of me that's what you're looking for yeah sit right in front of me I'm going to deign that Kimber we have three signatures so I I think we'll be fine with that you don't have to come in to the office or anything for that particular one okay um one thing that I do want to do oh let's go to the meeting minutes get that back to you we have the meeting minutes for um September 10th yeah I don't know if everybody's got a chance to look at them Miss King you at that meeting yes she um no she was not meeting okay um was Paul just look at the end the only thing that I noticed on the meeting minutes was your adjournment time and I think she added it I sent it to her it was 827 did it say 8:46 y okay anybody got any of the questions on the meeting minutes nope okay I'd be I'd be looking for a motion to approve those meeting minutes I put I put a motion that we approve the meeting minutes for September 10th 2024 second um Paul he second okay okay I'm sorry Voice vote Yes Ed yes Alan yes yes Paul yes kimbery yes yes okay [Music] [Applause] I I just correspondence yes on the correspondence did everybody get a I got a copy of it today okay I I got a an I got a letter from the central um the Commonwealth division on let me just look at Central Plymouth County W yeah Central Central Plymouth County Water District commission and it was relative did you get it Miss king so I'm just going to you know for the public I'll just it was a quick narrative that the city of Brockton I guess has gotten the Silver Lake water levels too low which has affected some of the um Marine growth and annual migration of river Herring um to the Atlantic Ocean and sent that to some Town administrators and some Conservation Commission members in plinton Halifax and Kingston and I thought that I would share that with the board and I would probably going to share that with our bard of slackman I'm not sure what we can do other than support them um anybody's got any questions or any you know I don't have many answers but I just want to make sure we acknowledge that and I'll forward that on to our board M King Mr chair yeah could I please request you to also share with the board of house where our house agent is in a lot of communication with a lot of levels yes with the city of yep yes I will so I'll share that with the okay we'll do that um I think we got it all um oh I just want to just mention one other thing is the training update uh as you know we're all required to to do some sort of training for our positions but I it's been kind of difficult to get on that website um I am also with the board's consent going to ask the admin if we've got enough funds that every one of us should have uh a Wetlands protection act regulation the newest one it was uh new ones come out last year um and there is some de guidance manuals that we can get from the State bookstore and I think that all of us should have a handbook with all of our storm water regulations and um this got I got one with abbreviation and all that stuff that's what I use to refer to I don't know that anybody would object to that I I haven't found anything in the office for a booklet or a pamphlet that new members or even the older members can go to to to look at a regulation um so I don't think I need a vote I just want a general consensus that as part of our training we should all have some sort of a bookwork yeah I have no problem with that do we have to get some approv to get the money to buy those books um I'm going to put the request in and see where it falls okay all right it's not very much um the state book store I think one book is $14 one book is 1315 the other book is 200 uh $245 those are wetlands protection books the the town B laws I'm not sure at this point who would provide them to us we might have to print them and download them and get them in but I think we should be able to have a booklet for that okay okay uh hold on did I see just pulled out a letter regarding groundw but that issue has been resolved okay um being no other business in front of the board I would be oh I'm sorry there's one other thing that we we got a fly in for Miss King that she wants everybody to know about and it's basically on the uh the wonderful world of waste water uh Kimberly I'm going to have you explain this it's Justice um seminar on um how the waste water and ground water work together and how the waste water really isn't polluting the ground water how all the facilities work um and I just found it interesting and ask py to share it in case anyone from the boorder the public would be interested in attending okay it appears to be a free seminar I have no idea where SV C I have no idea where it is the date is oh this is this this is put on by new Wiki um I am I am familiar with NE Wiki because they do all the training for uh all of our Title Five stuff or certifications and inspectional services uh but it doesn't say where this is is it a is it a virtual one the information very virtual and they're just such they're such a great training agency and so well respected that I thought it would it would be beneficial for those who may or may not want to learn more okay um if you don't mind I can double check but the other board members you'd have to go on new Wiki's website to see where it is um if this is if this is you got one I don't know what that is though the SVT I don't know what that is Auditorium um must be somewhere Auditorium somewhere yeah see but they're up in in low mass um so I think what you're going to have to do is go on their website it's it's pretty easy to get to as long as you're going to new Wiki they do all the training for uh Massachusetts for sanitarians soil evaluators system inspectors um they they they are a great organization so um if you you find out any more information you can share it with us does or they can Google this new Wiki and and see where it's at did I miss anything yes I did did I miss something Miss King no I said yes have to okay good um in the training and policy from the border of Selman I'm just going to send I'll send a memo I did talk to Caesar the other day saying it was a little difficult to get on we'll follow that up um technically uh new appointments have one year to comply with Section 1.2 which is the orientation for new conservation members and the fundamentals fundamentals of conservation Commissioners so we'll follow that up to see if we can somehow get on the website based on that I would be looking for a motion to adjourn I put a motion that we adjourn for the evening okay it being 84 2 8:42 um I got I got a motion by Mr [Music] Lane we have a second who wants to leave okay Miss Kings second want to go to a roll call Vote Yes Ed yes Alan yes yes Paul yes Miss King yes you got five to go thank you so much all right you know have a good one hey we C four minute shout out on the last meeting [Music]