##VIDEO ID:o8dhU6jc678## [Music] page 701 I'm going to call the uh December 10th Conservation Commission meeting to order um first order of business I want to announce that this meeting is an open meeting uh it's going to be recorded by area 58 and can be reviewed on YouTube um the only difference in our agenda tonight is going to be I'm going to be adding to the discussions uh it's called the snap discussion which is a training program first order of business is a hearing for zero Monona street map 95 Lot 10 K yes do we have that noi we'll have to read that plan submitted I don't know if it'll let me open it this pop so let's see okay okay we're here all right we're here do you mind passion being yes sorry want to read it want to read this sure what am I reading yes and then we'll open the meeting okay so this is a legal notice town of Halifax Conservation Commission notice is hereby given of a public hearing conducted by the Halifax Conservation Commission under the provisions of mgl chapter 131 section 20 Wetlands protection act in chapter 164 of the town of Halifax the Halifax W's protection bylaw on Tuesday December 10th 2024 at 700 p.m. at the Halifax town hall to consider the notice of intent filed on November 18th 2024 by Grady Consulting LLC of Kingston Mass on behalf of applicant Dennis and Carrie mcperson of Halifax Mass for construction of a seven building storage facility with Associated radian drainage and pavement at the property located at Zer mon Pon Street sh assesses M 95 Lot 10 copies of the filing are available at the Conservation Commission office at the Halifax Town Hall per request via email Peggy Seltzer Halifax mass.org or by calling 78159 3872 or 781 293 6768 ala Conservation Commission thank you I'd be looking for a motion to open the hearing for the notice of intent for U Zer mon plant street map 95 l 10 I put a motion and we open up the hearing for zero Monon Street do you have a second second okay all in favor I Mr gr identify yourself with record if you don't mind I don't know if that'll okay as long as you got a speaker up there is there a mic up there is that on the tape that might catch you it doesn't it's got a long cord okay me that you put a nod at it I haven't done a wedding toast in a long time we'll carry here you won't then you won't do one tonight either you identify yourself for the record please G representing the applicant for the Noti in tent I'm here along with car MC pearon uh who is the applicant uh you right into the uh opening the project is for the construction of 17 self storage buildings on uh vacant land Zer mon ponon Street located on the Town Line on Route 58 um the wetlands resource area was delineated by Brad holes ECR uh back in 2017 it was recently updated and confirmed um the Wetland resource area is located is demarked by these flags here and the dotted line to the rear of the property um work that's proposed within the 100 foot buffer zone um well there's two two buffer zones we're showing on the plan there's a 50ft no disturb Zone as your know the Halifax local bylaw is a 50- foot no disturb Zone and then we have a second line the 100ft buffer zone here so the part of the project that's before the commission tonight is the work that we're proposing between the 100 oops and the 200 sorry the 150 fot buffer strip um I guess if we flip through the pages I can we flip through the pages can I if you tap the screen oh maybe oh sorry now you can can I go there you go yep actually I'll go through a couple of them real quick but essentially that small sliver here is where we're focused there was just a few pieces of buildings and some uh roadway within the jurisdiction of the commission uh the site is vacant land uh no buildings Etc we did test tools throughout the property for our septic system and um storm water the uh so tree lines here uh resource area and Associated buffer zones are located to the rear of the or the midpoint of the property it's a large 7 acre parcel uh both Upland at the at along the front edge and some Upland in the rear uh we're just focusing on the uh Upland in the front of the property here along mon ponet Street if you can flip to the next oh can I I can press that now that I know where it is than whatever thank you um so again seven buildings the majority of the project is outside of the buffer zone the uh project does propose uh erosion control around the entire perimeter of the site uh protecting the adjacent Woodland uh also mon ponet street from any debris siltation Etc um as you know the commission's focused on mitigating erosion and sediment during and after construction until slope stabilization has occurred so we have silt fence around the perimeter of the project holding any Trash Etc as best we can but the main focus is the silt sock to the rear uh we have a 1T diameter silt sock along the bottom of the slope at the rear of the development um we do have a 2ot 24t wide roadway driveway around the perimeter for emergency vehicle access um we can get a fire Tru around the entire perimeter um so we need these nice wide roads to be able to do that we have a um guard rail along the back of the burm here then we have a shoulder and then we have a 1 and 1 half to one rip wrap slope we're proposing along the edges so that rip wrap will stabilize that slope keep it from eroding and um having any chance to release any kind of sediment to the resource area as you know you have a 50ft no disturb Zone that's going to remain undisturbed Woodland plus a little bit more as you can see there is space between the 50 Foot no disturb and the silt sock so chances of having impacts to that resource area are minimal and they're also mitigated with this erosion control guess we can flip to the next same screen uh just showing the um top side of the project again erosion controls uh from the 100 foot buffer zone to the 100 foot buffer zone we have silt sock let's try the next one this is the uh storm water plan um let's just go one more just flip right to it the majority of the so the roadways are the storm water is mitigated or and attenuated via catch basins placed throughout the parking areas since these are Long Level buildings for storage um we don't have a lot of slope to work with so we needed a lot of catch basins this is a these are flat slabs so you can only make the roadway go up and down a little bit to be able to get in and out of these buildings so we have lots of catch basins in order to capture the storm water you can see there's low areas that's a contour right there's another one right here again in this location so the roadway drainage is routed from through storm through catch basins to to drain manholes and then to this infiltration Basin located to the north side of the property um going to flip two more I guess roof drains are routed to subsurface detention uh basins so roof runoff is considered clean water it doesn't need to be treated with catch basins or any additional um TSS removal uh because it's not uh there's no sand or salt introduced to a roof uh that would need to be removed from the storm water prior to discharging to the infiltration Basin so the roofs are routed directly to these subsurface basins there's um small outlets on them which let the water go slowly so they will hold back the storm water um so that we can release Rel the water at a rate that's lower than the existing predevelopment condition so water goes into those and we let them out of small orifices basically and then they discharge um in a few points along the rear um which is in your jurisdiction uh we do have a uh storm water application and permit that we'll be discussing with you at some point in the future I guess um let's take a look look at the next was that it might be it okay that's no construction details as I said see at the roadways this I did profiles of the roadways we basically little over 1% just trying to collect that water this long level um slabs associated with these buildings so this is more a construction than permitting but you can see that those roadways when you look down them they won't look too um hilly but they will direct water to the catch basins want to I think probably it's a large file with 19 sheets I believe yeah details um you keep going the last sheet is the landscape sheet those last few sheets there were uh pre- and post-development catchments catchment plant that we utilize for the storm water um analysis the uh landscape plan is mostly associated with the front aesthetic but we also are proposing uh New England restoration mix in and around the uh storm water basins and along the the uh edges of the site uh that will um be the the uh vegetative stabilization that we're proposing to you know to stabilize the ground to eliminate the exposed soils that could uh silt up the wetlands if they were left un unvegetated um it's a fairly there's a lot of buildings there's a lot of drainage associated with this there's a lot of pavement but the majority of it is outside the buffer zone and um we are proposing storm water controls we're proposing uh during construction controls with silt fence Etc uh vegetative covers uh in our opinion the project that's been designed to protect the interests of the wetlands protection act to protect the interests of the local bylaw and will not have adverse impacts to the resource area and I'll be happy to take any questions Okay Kevin what I think I'd prefer to do is we'll um we'll talk about I'll have you sit down let them just hold off on questions I'd like tunk Associates just to address the issues as far as the wetlands line but that's okay his findings yep um we did uh email proof of mailing to nhp today there is an ongoing CMP that we were hoping would be completed and we wouldn't have to uh submit the notice of intent to them but we submitted it and we now comply with the requirement of the mailing okay and I emailed it to Peggy okay very good Mr Clemens try to take take the easy route here few other things in my hands thank you Mr chairman and commission and Mr Collins um just identify yourself my name is Phil Clemens I'm the principal of t Associates uh Wetlands environmental Consulting for embas Hansen and uh background wise I spent about 20 years and one role another with the Hansen Conservation Commission and um got a few other connections to the science of this business so this the business I'm in um I had the opportunity to review the Wetland line and also the reports from the past that uh Mr Holmes from ECR has produced back in 2017 and in in this p just within the past few weeks uh this has been uh a very busy time we did this all in Fairly short notice uh fortunately the weather was with us uh cutting right to it uh the Wetland line to review was much shorter than I was con concerned it might be when I first was asked to provide an estimate for it uh there because the work that Mr homes did back in the past covered much much larger area this is clearly much more limited so there was only Pro approximately whatever the math is 15 or so Flags to be checked uh I did that and in order to be thorough in defending the line both as done and as as confirmed by myself uh I performed uh I did a few other things and I put them in my report I looked at the soils uh and I also looked at the vegetation in a little bit of detail and documented that hopefully to the benefit of all parties but again uh no concerns no changes to the location of these flags flags number 8 through 22 um it's interesting that it uh is where it is uh with regard to the power lines that go through there because uh when those were constructed probably back in the 1960s it looked like the runoff from this area was channelized through a Culver but that's offsite from this and uh no no impact it simply documents the Flowage of water from this particular Wetland area northwards towards pill Brook and those important Wetlands there so uh the wet line was fine I did notice in observing what Mr Holmes had written up in his earlier reports and also my own confirmation of that that U this is part of a relatively large polygon of of of priority habitat uh identified by the uh State natural heritage and endangered species program and as Mr Collins has just said and as he put in this notice of intent uh there are Communications that are necessary when that all occurs and apparently those Communications have been engaged in I don't think it's within the scope of my responsibility to follow up on that but I did note it because one of the interests of the Wetland protection act is wildlife habitat which this most assuredly is and uh there's wetland in Upland and I don't know and it's designed by the natural heritage program to not be too detailed for the for the Mass public to be aware of what the species is that they're concerned about or this and that because sometimes too much attention being paid to a species is harmful to that species uh but I it's good to know that they are in communication with with the natural heritage program and wherever that goes I think that both the applicant and his representative and the commission uh should follow that through depending on what your action is tonight or Beyond it might be a special condition of your approval to make sure that uh the the endangered species habitat is properly addressed uh I would say closing on that that a comment that get might be made I'm not going to write anyone's recommendations for them but uh uh it seems like this is a relatively small percentage of the overall priority habitat that's been identified by the state and uh who knows what what their response will be uh so I feel that it that the work was properly done and uh reasonably well documented I added a little bit more just to make sure that uh whatever the commission does or the applicant does uh can be defended should there be any appeals further up the line uh going forward with the regulatory process and the report I believe is in everyone's hands and if there's any questions I'll be happy to answer them okay does anyone have any questions Mr C no okay good okay now what I'm going to do is does anybody have any questions relative U you know for Mr Grady relative to the line and the amount of work that's going to be done between the 50 in the 100 you don't have you have okay I always have questions um one question I have is on your proposal for the erosion control you're looking at both siltation fence and an erosion control barrier which just one there's two different uh erosion controls there's a silk fence that's outside the buffer and there's a silt sock that's inside the buffer okay so so it protects the Dow gradient okay and you feel that's necessary the both types of erosion control it's it's pretty standard uh AR controls that we use okay all right the other question I have the work that's going to be within the 50 to the 100 that's basically I think you did cover most of that it looks like you've got a guard reil and you've got some drainage um you got some pavement um can I ask is fire okay with the Turning radiances for that rear section there's been no comments on that okay um and I have had the opportunity and I do believe I show a uh turning template with the um okay emergency apparat being able to get all the way around okay but you didn't get any comments back no okay well there has been comments but nothing nothing on on being inaccessible okay so we can feel comfortable that the amount of payment that you have there now is going to be the maximum amount that you're going to have yes 24ot wide pavement it's basically it's wide is a public road okay get you should be fine um I do not have anything I think you've outlined I did have a question but you answered it on this some 4in pipe that's going I can't see it from here from some of the catch basins I I couldn't figure out what that 4in pipe was heading towards the retention basins but you've explained that that's coming out of the infiltration basins that's the drain up okay um any any other questions um any questions and board members any questions from the audience Mr Clemens Mr CH through to through you to the applicant this may be outside the the scope of what I was asked to comment on but I was just wondering um uh regarding snow removal I wonder what portions of the site would be used to potentially accumulate snow that might be removed from the pavement and would any of that uh necessary have to be placed within the 50ft buffer uh I don't know what spaces uh they might anticipate being necessary for that maybe it will never snow again but maybe maybe it will maybe we'll get this will be the year of another 3-foot storm but because snow removal is itself in activity and things go along with the snow when it melts you find out how much other stuff went with it not to mention perhaps uh uh melting chemicals things like that I didn't know if if thought had been given to how much of the site needs to be sort of reserved if you will for that uh just a thought okay thank you um part of the this process is is basically going to be to determine if the line is okay and that we're going to allow the work between the 50 and the 100 the next step of the process is storm water management and with planning board and with us with storm water management so I'm going to say that the snow removal or disposal area or stockpile area will be addressed then right simply that it may be within your jurisdiction if it if correct necessary okay um I'm going to ask the applicant does it appear there's going to be any storm snow storage removal within the 100 um not um stock pile I mean the uh typical edge of Road small storm yes it'll be um on the pavement in the rear unless you want a condition otherwise but you know typically on a small storm they're going to plow and just leave the edges if there's a significant fall they going to store it in the parking [Music] spaces this is the place to store it that's a significant area there's another area out here that are both outside the buffer parking can be moved from this location to along the edges of the buildings and that's typically where people are going to park anyway when they're accessing the storage units these are compliant just spaces for compliance more than anything okay okay I'm GNA ask the audience any members of the audience as has any questions or concerns regarding zero mon Ponto Street the notice of intent okay having seen none anybody else got any comments ready to okay um is the commission I mean this is pretty straightforward so is a commission ready to close the hearing and issue some some conditions um KY one thing usually on a 50 um you like to have some demalation um I don't know that on the plan it shows uh any demarcation on the 50 Foot or but that would be nice I've having some post the post or you know it's post and real fence post and real fence would be nice yeah the that have area so heavily wooded um we do have a uh he has guard he said right he's got a God reil right and we have fence around the of this um protection from trespass uh so you got a chain link fence in the back y okay so so if we're if we require you just post something on the Chain rail fence chain rail fence uh that the um no work beyond that point okay that' be fine yeah so we you know we need to protect the contents of the uh storage facility so there is a chain L 8ot chain L fener on the entire we can hang some signs no problem okay and you can incorporate that into one of the plans I'm assuming that you're going to have to make some quick changes on that plan um okay um does anybody have anything else that they want to um discuss if if they don't then I would be looking for a motion to close the hearing I put a motion that we close the hearing I second okay I'm going to go to a vote um Paul I okay um yes alen yes yes Kathy yes okay now that the hearing has been closed um I would I would believe that we'd be looking at a standard order of conditions with some special conditions meaning that the the signage is going to be placed on the fence and waiting for any GSP yes part of the order of conditions and I that's the first one is that our our orders are going to be conditioned on uh math whatever you wanted that abbreviation compliance with nhsp yeah nhsp um and no snow storage no snow storage in signage on a fence was there anything that that I might have missed in the special order of conditions I think that's it no it's pretty straight forward it's it's fine okay all right um so I guess I'll look for a motion that we're going to approve the project and we're going to issue uh typically we would issue we need two weeks to do the UR conditions we're not we're meeting next week um I don't know that we'll get them out to that quick we have plenty of time if you need an extension okay um not an issue we still a planning board and few other okay at this point too we're going to make this contingent on this we're going to approve this based on this planed date um would you prefer to update the plan before we issue our final orders in the event that it's probably not a bad idea since we haven't um had engineering peer review yet I don't anticipate that we're going to the project is isn't going to get closer to the resource area we pretty much okay 50 foot buffer what I'm going to suggest then is that uh if you can give us an um an extension the 21-day extension you can send it to the office in writing we're going to approve the project we'll get it on our next we'll keep it on their agenda if if you get your approvals for the next meeting which I don't think you will otherwise then we'll get you the early part of January okay um and then you'll have you should have most of your conditions ready your plan will be updated we'll we'll we'll condition everything on whatever that approval date is when you get it sounds good okay any anybody else any other suggestions no okay great okay thank you very much apprciate your time thank you you a motion to oh I'm sorry yes we're going to I'm going to be looking for a motion to extend the um the response requirements additional 21 days you know what we might have to go a little bit we've got a calendar here for January let me just see where is it it's not here [Applause] January 14th I'm going to ask you to have that continued to January 14th 2025 and I'll be looking for a motion to continue this until well it's approved we'll continue the order of conditions or special order conditions um until January 14th I put motion that we uh continue this zero M P Street to January 14th okay do I have a second I second okay all in favor I I this unanimous so you'll just get us an extension letter okay thank you thanks good night yeah okay Phil thank you okay um we have a 7:30 appointment but I know they might be running late um um Mr Grady Kevin do do you mind just hanging in for a second sure um we have you on discussions for uh zero Monon Street on the storm water review right um just so that you're aware our regulations require that the application is completely vetted before we schedule a hearing So based on that when are you going to be comfortable enough we have four departments that typically spawn uh fireplace Highway um and then once we get all that information back we will schedule a hearing so if you've got an idea as to when you want to come back in with a completed application is so as the completed application um predicated on those departments responses it's not complete until you receive those responses and the review okay SO waiting on review Pat will probably have that in a week you know uh I know police has signed off fire we met with the water department tonight and they said the fire chief we need to talk to again may have changed something from our original meeting that we need to discuss um so I expect that to happen uh I don't recall if Highway commented I know water department did they interconnected or is it two different uh no that's they're different okay the only I know that in reviewing the plan with Highway the their only concern is the entrance way which I think I discussed with you they want to make sure that you've got some basins at the entrance way so uh our next meeting is uh next week and then the next meeting would be in January I don't think we'll be ready for next week okay so if you don't mind um just in that letter just send us something from the storm water management and we'll put you on for the 14th okay uh requested so and on the 14th is when you'll determine that everything everything is complete complete review is done what happens is the review will be done and any changes that need to be made from the review engineer will be done by by your office resubmitted he'll review that give us the okay and that's pretty much the only thing intermental comments um is usually not many so we can uh discuss the application that night too right it's not absolutely okay yeah that timing sounds perfect okay very good thank you all right great thanks okay uh 1425 um next discussion item is 596 mon Pon Street a certificate of compliance I'm going to ask that that be held for next another week or so um only reason being is we signed off on a partial and they submitted for the final certificate of compliance which I just saw her on the agenda when I got it on Thursday and there's few items that I think need to be completed the fencing and I stopped and I saw the applicant today and I asked him to make sure that all the fence is complete all the dirt any dirt that needs to be moved is in place and then there'll be no more Earth moving activities so I'm going to just ask that we hold hold off on that um if he gets done by the next meeting then we'll sign off on that everybody okay with that yeah okay 285 Home Street in our folder somewhere and I hope everybody got a chance to review your findings in the decision who have is that another folder Kaitlyn you're going to have to help me with this one let's see I'm give you this one back yeah we'll swap thank youcome [Applause] okay um we have the um findings and determination based on the 200 uh 285 Home Street project I asked her to mail these email to everyone did everybody get a chance to read them I'll just take a look mind did you get a chance I there were findings and okay just take a peek let everybody take a peek at I didn't check gday good what we have just for the audience is that this the this findings has got the background on the the property some of the uses since mid 2022 and then drafted up what we call the finding of facts based on the representations by the um the council and the engineer so I'm going to be looking for a motion to endorse this findings and determination for 285 Home Street I put a motion that we uh a motion forward to Endor 285 home street I'm looking for a second and I second um going to a vote all in favor I four 4 Z okay all right next order of business is 111 River Street just looking for an update um the probably should have been part of the agent's report but um we haven't heard very much on the 111 River Street uh Caitlyn I'm probably going to have you just pick up on this we had discussed some enforcement letters based on the um um requesting a um an amended notice of intent a replication and a a restoration and a replication plan I correct that yes okay um um okay what has happened and we really don't know they haven't invited us back the last time we made a request to go out they said that we couldn't um so we've we've drafted um an enforcement letter and it's requesting is what I mentioned the uh replication plan restoration plan and an amended order of conditions um so that's kind of the update on that one anything you want to add k um I think you covered it uh that was all drafted today so um I wrote the enforcement uh order up as well as uh the letter uh stating that they need to amend the order of conditions um as well as let's see I also specified um and then yeah the just the restoration plan that's and that's all covered in the letter okay I don't know do you want us to take a vote authorizing it but I think you're I think you're fine as I send the letter out okay okay anybody think we need to vote on that no okay uh 314 Plymouth Street we're in the same situation that letter went out a couple of days ago um the notice of intent on that project has expired and there's been no response and I took it upon myself to call and left a message and got no response from anyone so we have sent out letters on that particular one 340 Plymouth Street we will know tomorrow um we are expecting some heavy rains tomorrow so um I know that I'll be out there and you'll have some idea as to if the improvements they made on that project were successful good anything we've haven't had any major range so right it's s to tell okay good um 76 Pratt Street to my knowledge we have got no response from anyone we have not okay and we're at the stage we did did we sent that an enforcement letter we did yeah okay to but that was to zero Pratt um because that was we had discovered that 76 Pratt was that smaller parcel and uh zero Pratt kind of engulfed that parcel and that's where the cutting took place okay um so we had sent out originally 276 Pratt um and then subsequently we sent out to zero Pratt um because that's where they cut up to the um the river over there okay so so right now we did send a regular letter to both 76 Pratt and Thompson Street the new owner of Thompson Street do we send anything certified I do not believe we did certifi just regular mail so we just sent them a letter requesting okay yes I'm going to suggest that an enforcement order go out on this particular one and ask them to come to our next meeting that would be the owner of the Thompson Street proper gotta um and I also probably suggest that maybe if Caitlyn's got a minute um we're going to do some inspections on Thursday she might do a driveby to make sure with this heavy rain that we've got nothing in there nothing in the rivers in the event that we do then just let us know uh you know if anything is washed in there so we can some come up with some sort of measures I don't if you have to get DP involved or not everybody okay with that yeah um we had the storm water application uh it's going to stay on their agenda for a little while um and talking with the the admin she's not very happy with the amount of information or the type of information that's on the storm water application I did some research and some other towns are using the same application and some are using a different one so what she's going to do is to put something together that's going to outline the information she thinks it we need and then we'll discuss it on our next meeting if everybody's okay with that okay um you want to do the appointment now yes okay John how are you good evening sir okay good now is it go good TR G guod okay um for everybody everybody met Mr guod I'm gonna call him John at the last meeting John has filled out the talent Bank application um proper protocol is for us to interview him at a meeting take a vote make a recommendation for an for an appointment a non-appointment uh one of the things that John was interested in and I'm going to bring that up is the um the course that's coming out next month but John what I'm going to do is ask you to step up yes sir just identify yourself and give us some idea as to microphone good evening my name is John gu 51 Lake Street here in HX and you you have we have discussed this but we'll do it in Open session again um you you put in a request to be on the Conservation Commission so maybe you can share some of your thoughts you're you're a newb in town I my wife and I have been here over three years in January since we moved into town um I retired from the Sharon fire department a couple years ago um and we were looking for a a nice place on a lake on beautiful Lake and there it was we actually looked at a house two doors down six years before and then purchase it um but we ended up coming back here this beautiful place so um now that I'm retired and I'm living on a lake I have a lot of concerns for the water quality in the lake as well as the water quality all around um Halifax I understand that we're at the headwaters of Totton River so I'm concerned about that as well and um I feel like it's part of my responsibility living on the lake living here in Halifax to be um to participate in a board like this so that I can um help I think that every citizen has some responsibility and this is where I'd like to step up I think in our conversation just I think everybody's aware that I we spoke in the office and he came to the meeting um and I grilled him a little bit um your your fores is you want to protect the lakes and yes sir you don't have a lot of experience but I think our discussion you okay with doing the research it's necessary to to perform our duties CU we have to make our decisions unfortunately based on the regulations right sometimes personally we don't agree but if the regulation says you can do this then you can do it so and and I think are you prepared to do that I am uh in my previous occupation um I was the emergency medical services coordinator which meant I dealt with the State Licensing of the uh ambulances for the fire department so uh I understand that when it comes to law you get the letter of the law and that's what you have to abide by um you know I would often have discussions with our chief about you know can we do this we can that do that say Chief this is the way the law is written um and that's the way we got to do it and and I understand that can actually help you because when you're in a situation where you're wondering go back to the letter of law it's right there in black and white when needs to be done any any board members you know we had a little brief discussion any any no okay no okay I don't really have anything else um you have some involvement with the Watershed associate did they meet tonight tell they did meet tonight um and installed a new board tonight of which I'm the executive secretary okay good congratulations B thank you okay um if nobody's got anything else Caitlyn any questions I don't think so okay if nobody's got any questions uh I would need a motion that we um send a letter to board of Select and requesting that uh John be considered for the vacant position on the commission someone wants to make that motion um should we have a vote to see if we I don't I have a motion but should we have a vote to say we recommend it like that would be the motion the motion would be to to recommend or not recommend John to to the board of Selectmen uh for appointment to the commission now I did because of this snap business um I did reach out to the Town Administrator to see if we when their schedule was so that we could he was he had some interest in the snap which is a storm water management uh seminar um my thoughts are that it should probably just enroll anyways but I did ask Cody would the board be meeting prior to December 13th and the answer was no um plus the board select board wanted to I guess hold a position open for 30 days so we'll just make the recommend let him deal with it I'm going to suggest that he signs up for it anyways so so if somebody wants to make a motion either recommend or not recommend I put a motion that we recommend uh John to be appointed on the conservation committee okay I'm looking for a second I second that okay any discussion no okay all in favor I okay you're all said what we're going to do we have to send the selectman a lot and then they'll put that on the agenda and then they'll interview you I would suggest uh Kaitlyn do you have any interest in that program or do any other board members what did I do with it that's the one he sent you yes so I submitted an application um so you have to apply it's free um but they ask a few questions I think there are four or five of them um so I submitted the application uh to the storm water it's called like the stormw series um so I did that Thursday of last week and and I'm waiting to hear back from them um but I did apply because I think that would be good um to get me up to speed with storm water basically what this program is is a planning session a series which is five 2hour Training sessions over the course of six months it appears that it's going to be down in southeast Mass somewhere at least from the pitches um but the emphasis is going to be on conceptual designs for storm water that aren't the norm which would probably rain Gardens or or anything like that so that's probably what it's going to be from my understanding I think a lot of it was virtual and and maybe they have some field I'm trying to remember I don't have the I did I did see that there were some field sessions as well yeah okay that's what I thought so you don't have a problem what I'm going to suggest is is you're filling in as an affiliate okay you know send your application in then does anybody else want to consider going do we know when it's meeting is it during the week or on weekends I can send you the information cuz I applied so I will uh send out an email to all of you just in case you're interested just so you can read through and see if you're interested it was four pages but it didn't have dates and times cuz I think they were um not finalized yet they're still working on yeah they they had a number of classes that they were going to do but no set dates yet for my understanding yeah I'd be interested if I can f okay yeah like I said I'll send all of you an email just so you can have and if you're interested um I can send you the application thank you you're welcome okay joh you're all set and I would just put affiliate to the commission you know because by I you know I think you'll be on I mean the selectman are going to be meeting the rest of the month I'll do what I can to get get it on their agenda all right very good okay thank you thank you okay um agents report yes so last week on Tuesday Cher Diaz and myself went out to 266 mon ponet Street um for an inspection they had started installing the drainage system um and cheraz did you end up going back out to 2 66 mon ponit yes yesterday yes I did okay okay so I'll fill it in after you can finish a report of this section okay so we checked out the drainage um and I didn't see you know anything a concern they're not quite finished yet um and Cher Diaz will fill in what he observed yesterday when he went out to the site yeah what had happened is 266 mon Pon Street they had started the storm water system only because the the lot is so tight that in order to put the foundation in they had to do all the storm water constructs first they did not call for an inspection so they had it probably 60 or 70 Cent complete we made them dig a little hole appeared to be frozen it was saturated um or it was wet with some silt um I did go out Monday they sent an email in late Thursday to inspect the rest of it cuz I only Built half of it I did go out and look at it um and I met with Eric I'm not going to try his last name um I did notice and I'll send the report in that the material was kind of we call platty it was had was moisture ridden and it was kind of tight it wasn't the best for drainage but um that's what they got so I'll log it in uh if there's any issues afterwards then they're going to have to address that um but I did do the second in inspection imp platty is a type of soil that if you put it in your hand it's almost like a little clay so it's not a clay content but it's something that you can make a ball out of and throw around so that's tougher drainage or just that's you're correct and it's useless for septic system but grain you got to remember that you have an influx of water yeah and then it dries up so but you could do anything else um I think that covers it for now okay we are going to be doing two inspections on Thursday um we've got two reviews back one90 Redwood there's a little discrepancy in the line but it's to the applicants Advantage so I think Kaitlyn and I want to kind of go out and see what the difference is the report indicates I think some hydric soil they did hydric soil testing in some of the areas so we're just going to go out and nose around just so that we're both familiar and especially her is going to be familiar with where how that line is drawn and then we've got another one at 91 h street that the wetlands line is fine but there's some indication that must be some debris so we're just going to see if it's in the wetlands area as part of the order of conditions will'll have it removed anything else G not that I can think of I think think we're okay the next item that we have is our meeting schedule for next year um Peggy did send it to me we reviewed it um my biggest concern was the uh December 23rd meeting which was close to Christmas uh but it's a Tuesday I think the Town Hall's closed the next day um I don't need I don't know that we need a vote but I'll take a vote let me see on it as long as everybody's fine with it do you want a motion to accept it yeah won't we accept yeah if you don't mind can I make a motion that we accept the 2025 meeting schedule that's been set by py okay I'll second that motion okay I'm looking for a vote it's no discussion all in favor I I unanimous okay next item on our agenda is the bills to be paid um somebody want to make a motion I put a motion that we uh paid the bills than okay have second second all in favor all okay just [Music] I see this too late [Applause] [Applause] okay next order of business is going to be review the meeting minutes for November 26th they should have an email to everybody and I thought they looked pretty good so I'll be looking for a motion to approve the meeting minutes I put a motion that we approve the meeting minutes for November 26th 2024 I have a second by a second okay all in favor all 4 Z unanimous you know it's good to see these meeting minutes are very up to date very up to date and um I think she does a great job with [Applause] okay is there any other business that we need to attend to um something about the next meeting December 6 17th do we have a lot of things planned for that day or that was very confusing cuz us it's usually every two weeks on the notes cuz at Christmas I'm assuming that's why um what's the board's appetite we don't have to make a decision right now if everybody thinks they've got stuff to do I don't have a problem and our agenda is has been pretty pretty good as far as being cleaned up our notice of intent is U we' going to get extensions on that so we don't have to worry about the 21-day period there um and the rest is just kind of uh discussions discussions and enforcement issues okay does the board want to hold off or do you want to wait for another week and see if we get anything massive coming in I say to make it easy for the people who might have to come from us I say we possibly cancel there is a big meeting on the 16th town meeting the DAT night before right okay but what I'm going to do you can what I'm going to do is I'm I'm going to let Peggy know the intent is to cancel it and that's something comes up address but I need to verify with her uh on filings because I know that we have um we get 90 Redwood and 91 homes those applications have been Smitt that's the only issue if if we have those then we have to we have to meet on those so let me just work on that I'll find out from Peggy if those two are not going to be ready for the 17th then then we'll cancel it um if not we're unfortunately we got we got to meet the 21 days no absolutely I to agree with that okay it now being 80 three I'm looking for a motion to adjourn I put a motion that we adjourn for the evening second all in favor hi hi unanimous thank you [Music]