##VIDEO ID:oTfrzU5YosA## [Music] so yes okay I'm going to call the meeting to order okay um call the COA board meeting to order um today's date is 11:19 2024 it is um 9 it looks like 9:40 is close enough um and this uh meeting is being recorded by area 58 so if we could all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I find this a little hard then here too I might have to move there okay that's all right I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all just just use okay so everybody has a copy of the oh you got put your books down no that's okay D I'm all set all set stop okay so darene had sent out the um September 17th um minutes and that's first on the agenda to approve those minutes um do do we need time to look at them a few minutes no I've already looked at them okay can I have a motion to approve I make a motion that we approve the minutes for September September 17th you know we playing catchup on them I second motion not true not speci not really ketchup so all those in favor all those opposed you can't vote no okay you can't really talk unless you sp okay um for now okay um approval of the October 22nd 2024 board meetings um I just finished these so I know nobody has chance to read them um I took the minutes for the for that um meeting in October make okay does anybody have any questions on um Judy no they're good to me D um I I did have as I was typing these up the last part you're a new board member of neighborhood Waters how housing Sol oh no it's neighbor Works neighbor Works neighbor Works Housing Solutions they're they're um a federal program they're a Fally funded organization in Kingston and all they have VAR locations but here in this area they serve Kingston they're in Kingston but they serve this area so they help with reverse mortgages you know seeing that they have like a lot of um resources for housing of course so um they've asked invited me to be on their board so um I'm waiting to hear back from them but um I've actually um held a a class for housing not just so much housing in terms of um you know just looking for houses it's just uh mortgages you know but it's also um when you downsized and what to look for um and they cover a lot of aspects of evictions and so on when people cannot afford their their property anymore they may have some referral or resources to uh to reach out to they have they also to Julie Lane is wonderful she um heads the program um for all these different entities out there which is a great resource under it's a Under the Umbrella of a lot of these good uh resource from federal to state so um she also talks about home modification so say for instance a senior wants to um you know uh stay at that home and O Colony would like to have that we would like to see the consumers stay as long as possible in the home they can um um underwrite or look at uh Nabor Works Housing Solutions to uh create a um to see if they qualify for the home modification program which would give them money out of their home or the equity out of their home to redo certain things so that they can stay at that home as long as possible and then they just pay back at the end of the loan so that's why I think it's imperative that you know it's a great resource for us to have but I invited them in here several times to um to talk about these these particular ones we had small group that came but um it's you know it's out there people are asking I listen to when people come in and they have questions and I said well if there's a lot of people asking the same question maybe we should bring in um someone the area experts and they are the area experts yeah sounds good so that's what that's all about but it's neighbor Works Housing Solutions thank you you're welcome so that's the only change yep so with that correction of neighbor works not waterers have a Works housing solution um uh could somebody make a motion to approve the the minutes for October 22nd 2024 I make a motion we accept the minutes subject September 24th October 2 oober 22nd it's it's Tuesday fav of Judy's request for motion um all those in favor I all those opposed what that awesome what is that called again house uh neighbor Works neighbor Works Housing Solutions so neighbor Works housing the second one Solutions yep um the minutes have been approved and before the meeting Ted um Fred we were talking about the um the Ada work and the ramp access and um could you give us the update that you gave us before the meeting yes I will I talked to the contractors yesterday because I happened to catch him over there and asked them when they're going to finish this work that they've started months ago and this morning they're already cutting and removing the black top from in front of the the water department office there and because they're going to be replacing that black top and then doing some renovation on that entryway and then they're going to come across that driveway and do the parking lot for the COA uh putting in curvings right from the hedge row all the way down through the handicap parking and also there's going to be a new concrete entry ramp going in for the COA right now there's a temporary COA entryway that's already set up to come into the back of the building which I'm sure they'll be starting to use probably today soon as that construction gets going a lot to say about this but go ahead unfortunately the I had suggested that they pave the employee parking area also in the back of the building because that's a hazard for the employees and any seniors who happen to park down there because there's no more room in the front parking area but they're not doing that back parking area right now but I'm going to keep after to see if we can get that done because that is a hazard for our employees as well as any of the seniors that visit the senior center and it's becoming a real issue because people that need handicap space or something close are having to walk from the back right and it's very difficult I have trouble walking y y um so we really need to because the Ping is ridiculous so here's the deal the deal is this it's been like that for since then the exception of 1982 of course when our Center was the center now it's gotten the good thing is that we've grown right and the bad thing is the building didn't adapt or wasn't changed to Ada compliancy so when I first came here 3 years ago I asked about that the building itself isn't even compliant right however what do we do so it's been your senior center forever so you know since 1982 but then going forward when this project started they knew that they had to do it and the state was requiring that they do it cuz it isn't that we're open to the public for all people any person that is in a wheelchair and you could never get someone safely through that door so they are trying to do that now and the hard part about it is apparently what I was um expressed to me is that or indirectly but um they were trying to get the library squared away the the parking lot area there and they had to go back and redo it they had to go so it had all these different variables happening re they had to redo the job three times from what I understand so that kind of delayed I don't even think it's done yet they had to delay that but then they also had to um so they delayed that and then the weather so they thought I the last I talked to the uh person that's in charge of all of this um uh Scott he said that it it they probably wouldn't get to us because of the fact of the weather so I said because it was getting now into October now November and it was all dependent on the weather we we have for they're going to get it done so we'll see how that happened so then the trucks left then they came back yesterday y so I'm like well I think that had a little something to do with that getting those trucks back so then we were trying to figure out if the the actual stones that are out there the big piling is going to be there too cuz they that's going to get picked up those are actually your so order line for the back the curb for the back of your parking lot so people won't be backing on the lawn so yeah and the back hole will put that in they'll take scrape that surface and that whole thing's going to get paved except the street will not get paved just the two parking areas or the one the entryway to the water department and then that parking area there down back will not get paved at this point but if we can get that first parking area and the handicap parking area and hopefully get that new ramp construction going hopefully that's what we're looking at right now it looks like that parking area will get done well we'll see I mean the weather too permitting beautifula getting at is we're going to lose people because there's been talk if they get there and there's no parking space they're going to go home I don't know what to say until our building is what we're trying I'm trying to do is pick up people so that instead of four cars we have one that's a great and it it's kind of working but like now on Monday we have lunch and then we have knitting so you have to have people in that group that are going to stay in order to double up see uh and so some things work Wednesday morning works so the the hard part about it Judy and everyone is that you know it was like this for a long time and now they're going to fix it they're trying to now everybody's saying well we're not going to come anymore but to me you I mean like you know what I'm saying it's like it's been like this for a long time has because we've always had plenty of room now with more people coming and new projects coming in a good thing y I mean that's a great thing but it's taking up and it's not leaving space for everybody true so it's not just the old ones that are saying that it's just people come if I can't find a past to park I mean I'm not going to park in the library and walk over no nobody we would never rally while they're doing this until they have places to park people are saying that you know they they' have to go home well we have the staff parking in the back over there the bus are parking there yeah yeah but we don't want that we want we we we well that's a good thing in the way because we are so busy yeah um but the fact is that we coming forward we're trying to keep that space open unfortunately even the way it's parked you get out of that car you're going to get hurt because it's uneven right I honestly there is nothing that we could do to improve it except for the fact if we um it's been like this for years and it needs to be fixed but now it's a a temporary problem we have some funding to get that fixed so it was the one thing that I wanted fixed yep the parking lot yep well you did get the the um we did get the handicap spot there but the thing is too now people Park and they Park so far apart you could fit three cars in that area right if they parked correctly but you get people that just leave an almost space between them well part of the problem there is is there only two handicap parking signs in so that leads people to believe that there's only two cars need to park there yeah maybe if we put a third handicap sign up there that would indicate an exact spot for three cars I agree the next thing is as you're driving into the COA parking lots here entryway to the water department is here starting at the point of where their door is so you're not blocking their entryway that street is that driveway is wide enough that we could actually park right along that area there which is opposite the handicap parking area just ahead a little bit and you'd have have room for maybe a half a dozen cars right on that top of that hill just pull over and if your wheel is on top of the grass for the length of time so be you know pull in there 2 or 3 feet and that leavs plenty of room in that driveway and I talked to Barbara yesterday because I told her this construction's going on and that's we need somebody at the COA and she said she would do it to direct anybody coming in as this process is going on par over on that side of that driveway parallel to the driveway you're not blocking anybody the driveway is still open the construction can go on and she said I'll put my hard hat on and get that directed so hopefully that's going to happen Okay Okay because that's where they came and then even after it's done if you've got an excess there's nothing there that says no parking and we're not going to put anything up if I can help it just park right on that side in either direction but I'm saying parked and going in because then the operator is getting out on the grass instead of opening that door to the driver it's just a safer operation and when they get ready to leave they go around back of the building come out South Street and leave yeah so the we you know it's going to be adaptation this is all going to be a new process going forward so we're going to Pivot as we need to so we need to be open-minded you know and not angry so that's that's got to be very clear so adaptation over over the years it's we're trying to fix what could have or should have happened over the years and it never did for the respect of the individuals that use the building yeah um so therefore you know going forward I think what we need to be able to tell people to be mindful of that it's going to make some changes and we can move with those that we're going to have to move and group with the you know the times but this is not Ang this is Disappointment yeah because like I say if there's no place to p can you do but it's going to get better and that's what and like I say now we're I'm trying to get them to bring other people with them that's a uh and if we ever get uh to the point of the third higher for the fan maybe we can pick them up so that's the other thing we have been doing that for the shine here's the other thing we've actually been picking people up for different programs now for shine program which we never really had that to do that now we're finding that people need to be picked up to be going to the shine program you know to to to get that they have a right to have that service so we in order to get there we were we saying hey yeah you need to be picked up we'll pick you up that and then fuel assistance you know these are the types of programs that are people we're finding are in need of today and it's just the way the economy is today so it's it's dictating all these different services that we have to accommodate too but we have a staff of two basically doing those things and then to manage all that it's really cumbersome but then we're dealing with the traffic outside and hopefully people go out the right way 106 is not a really you know I walk across there and um the street and um you know even when you use the light people don't stop so you've been there so you advocated for that whole thing the point is is that we're in a the good thing is it's going to change but it's going to be not yesterday the good thing is the other good thing is it's it's so close and it's closer than we ever been so absolutely so if we can remember that I think that helps um and we'll do the best we can to accommodate you know everyone that does come there at this point and with the changes and all the um re designing and uh adaptation to the adaa compliancy issues can you give us an update on the drive that we talked about last week so we're in the I going to I got to read um I just emailed again yesterday to um I'd like to have Cody or other our Personnel um attorney CU we don't have an HR department here in town we don't have so I thought you offered the job to somebody not yet not yet yeah so we have some um things that we need to look at I would like usually when you interview you have a second person there unfortunately this came came out a little bit different and I wasn't in the office I was at a meeting here and he came into the office and they didn't tell him that he should have gone through the process that you got to apply online so he got the piece of paper and then dropped it off which was great but he has to go submit it and I had to go through all these other channels I have to do this guidelines now we know if we have to follow a lot of things now so the thing is so now the second part of this is to have I'm trying to work with their uh schedule one more I need to E have someone else there either the the um so you actually have an inter like interview that sat down with I did I have asked because he came in with his his resume and I said oh you have to submit it through the town to the town's website that was the new process but he say oh well I wrote it all out he was great about it he wrote it all out and everything else so I said well I kind of talk to him a little bit at that point very very um kind and sweet and everything else but he has a great background and that's what we're looking for so he's been a uh driver in um prior to so just he has a CDL license right now will he get the Mr tap certification no problem the problem the point is is that I want um a second opinion to be with me so that they we can make that determination going forward so I I he does not need a CDL is that right nope but he had I that in the minut okay so the CDL is something he had so so saying that but that's not required of the job no we have a the state does require we we have certain driver training and also GATRA so we have to follow the GATRA rules as to and their guidelines so that's what we're doing okay so have you set up an interview or I'm waiting to get back Cody's yeah I got his email he emailed me last night so I I'll read it and let you know what he's decided how we're going to do that perfect yeah so timing it's a second interview okay so the director's report a recap on Behavioral Health Training yeah so the The Latest Buzz today is behavioral health every organization out there is offering behavioral he or quently other services is offering a service we've actually I attended a three-hour training uh last uh week Thursday and that training was from mlan hospital it was actually offered through the Massachusetts Council of Aging so Mass cultural of Aging the MCA um they are an association that we're affiliated with so they have a lot of different um uh programs or trainings that we they send out there and then the directors will say Hey listen I'll have that training over at my Center so this training was in brain tree and it was a very detailed it was offered by two professional women or two professional uh people who actually um are trained in that area of Behavioral Health course m c hospital so they presented um the a nice um um way of approaching um as we age and the barriers in which that we encounter so say for instance if you're being told every day in your life you're not uh you're old or you're this people tend to innately believe it and it becomes a problem over the years so what you absorb in the environment that in which you live and what you're told sometimes that incorporates into your your whole being and so now we're trying to say people that's not not that's not true so what we're trying to re-educate our professional Workforce to say how do we deal with that mentality today that feel like hey um older whatever that means we don't know what's older um but then how do we adapt to uh you know being able to uh participate in the programs that we offer so um so it was a really good uh training in terms of sensitivity to going forward and we're dealing with people and that's what we see is everyone as an individual what uh yes Barbara actually had her sign up but she was not able to make it yeah so but um Outreach usually how it happens the director will ask Outreach to come along because it's excellent training and so um you know with the scheduling for her private scheduling and stuff she's not able to make a lot of these things but that's okay you know I brought back a lot of material that she can was just my next question if you brought back the mat so we try to compliment one another because of the various trainings out there so maybe I might be here so she might be going to to that because I couldn't be there so I try to make sure that we're we're able to compliment one another absolutely for instance she is on the board for Old Colony Elder Services she does a lot of that types of um programming if I see something that's out there that I feel that she's going to benefit from that or just that Outreach part of it is going to be benefit from it I will say hey take take advantage of this also too I try to say that each of our staff members Diane as well she is our administrative associate so that person should be taking some type of training sensitivity training as well and this Behavioral Health is one of those so um you know I sent that uh training that has come up to uh Diane that take a down of your day you know go to grab your lunch sit and watch the uh video and participate with the other people maybe this something that you're encountering in the office environment which you want to talk about with others that are in the same position so they have virtual classes like you can them online they uh some of them yeah not all of them so some classes are um held virtually and others uh are not you got to attend are we still looking for a new assistant yes so yes we are we um we do had we have a couple of different we assistant I know we had one good one but there was you something with friends of Thanksgiving they uh yes they're in the um the Great Hall y okay so um so anyway um they uh so we're trying to keep uh everybody trained so I require not I require but I like to know because I know over the years of being in the in the field they always required you to take three trainings within the year and then put it in your personnel file so I say okay if you take that training make sure you get that documented make sure you get the certificate and then you submit it to per you know to um to the uh to the office office because we don't have or submit submit to me so I could put it in their file and then I would send it over here to the town hall to keep aile of it we need to always be remembered because you come over years you know when you're staying in the same job all the time you're in a silo you don't tend to fluctuate you don't tend to you just stay you know rigid so it has to it opens up a lot of op options in terms of what to look for hey wait I was thinking about that but I was afraid to ask anyone and it's a good a collaboration is so helpful we learn from one another whether it be good or bad you know there's going to be there's going to be instances in which you you take a class and or something's happening and it was something new and it didn't didn't turn into something that's what you expected does that mean it's bad no no does it so that helps you to keep that mind open to say wait that's a learning something for me that I could do better or we can do better so that's way I look at the training so that's why um if we had to go to all the trainers we'd be never be here but we handpick what's out there but we are the behavioral health everybody has their own like I have our own funding for it our federal government has so much money to fund these different programs State as well they presented to all these different us the front line to the community they presented to us but it's all these different if you see it it probably happens to you all the time you get all the literature in the in your mailbox right yeah come on down well we have to be selective as to what is a really good what's going to fit our culture absolutely so you know yes so they're offering on I'll take a little bit of that and then we'll offer that one we'll actually you know kind of use that as a core so the mlan hospital is the they are the people and they are there dealing with this type of thing all the time with trained individuals so that's a good that's a good um training so that's what I think we were talking about that but I think um um one of my library Associates actually went to a library training on Behavioral Health given by mlan hospital so that they might they're probably doing like this big you know push on on trying to get a training out for Behavioral Health which I think is a long time coming and I'm glad it's here and I'm glad we're participating enj I have a certificate uh for dealing with Dementia um I went and I got my certification for the CPR um there there were quite a few other ones um and it it it expands you so that everything that like we come to the meanings every month and nothing changes it's boring but if you go to some of these things then when you come you have something new to offer the people that didn't go and somebody that went there are for us you know um I think it's important yeah great and I also think that the CPR I would love to get the funding to do that for all PE you know all our members so that they can come in hey I think I might like to take a CPR course and get certified um it's just that right now our fire department department does do that for the staff so but would I would love to open it up to you know I think it was $30 or or something before was it yeah but I mean if I got Grant funded money we could have it for free so that would be a great thing we did not to jump into the next one but it kind of does no I think we should jump into the next one yeah okay so it jumps into my next one so the district attorney um uh Timothy Cruz's office and the wonderful people Outreach they off offer um different grants so I remembered back um when uh I was sent the information about last year and I always tuck it away I never lose it I tuck it away because I don't need it right now but I'm going to so then um I wrote the grant the other a couple weeks no SCH two months ago I don't know time flies so but maybe two months ago so I just was told last um this when was it last month that um at the Triad meeting that we were granted $500 so to yeah just to put that towards you know some of the things that um they do and that we they sponsor a lot of these different um wonderful Outreach programs within the community and we want to be able to support that so we have to have some funding in order to you know to to to um to um accent what they do so they awarded us that will we stopped nope um there's other things out there so I'm going to try to see what I can do I did reach out to the fire um the national fire department at the state level to see if they had any money for blankets those fire blankets right but the fire blankets they said are great but the main emphasis and the fire chief is right about this to get out of the house you know as soon as possible but if it's a little I I don't know what you classify as a little fire or if the stove catches on fire I want you out of the house so so they made a very valid point about the fire blankets they're good to have but also uh extinguishes a better yeah extinguishes a better but you know you got to be able to you know in the moment of uh your energy level is at a a peak and you don't remember hey wait I got to fire you know how to use the extinguisher you got a pole a tab and all this other stuff I would probably not be able to do it because you just panic right yeah so you trying to keep C but but the thing was is that you had to pull the tab and all this other stuff and then remember to squirt it down and stuff you know and it's pretty heavy we found that out so but unless you get the smaller ones so maybe we there's some kind of funding a lot of research out there a lot so did you get the an award did you get actual money from no not it's coming yeah it just they just let me know that we ordered that grant that I wrote just FYI um the blankets are mainly for like a stove fire right yeah um maybe a candle fire a candle catches onto a table clock or something so it's a small fire that you put the blanket on to protect your house from running down for something minor it's not for anything really first of all they're not that big uh but it's not for anything that's really major like you say out get out well because the fire you know I mean we don't see it so when we don't see it we are saying oh I know what it's going to do fire has its own mind you know what I mean and if if it's a candle and it lights something else on fire it's like you know and it's a piece of paper that was beside the candle or you know newspapers who knows we don't know what the if a hoing task did you have to be specific on what you were going to purchase with the money um I don't know yet so it's a new it's a grant that I've never written before but we got it and I'll find out what it can spend it on oh okay great so that I think I would like to um move the update on the mission statement uh Dalene and I had talked and um she feels like the mission statement is um long and um so maybe our homework to go home would be to look at that mission statement shorten it up the way you know you see fit and then um next meeting we will come and and um and you're talking about this right not that the our um in our uh I think it's procedures our COA policy and procedures we wrote a mission statement um and I can send you or get you a copy of that Judy I'll give it to you tomorrow when you come over for categories um but the mission statement that we wrote as a board um darene fails and I I tend to agree with her it's very long so we want to say the same thing um and darene wants us to say it in a shorter version of what is the mission of the COA and that's for all of us to decide you know with darene okay and I think it's a good mission statement it's new we you know we just wrote it a few years ago which is nice but to always look at that and revise it and kind of shorten it um would be good and that's what Dalene would like us to do so okay um so go home and and that's your homework look at the mission statement um see what you think is worthy or or whatever see how we can say the same thing um in less in less words um I do have a request for you when you send me an email if you could send it to my personal email because I forever cannot get in to my okay so tell me your personal email and I know you've given it to me a 100 times I I'll give it I'll send it to you okay so that we don't want it's like thing you know because I'm calling them all the time I can't get in no you know what this is um it's been an issue so that um yeah we T was talking to someone they was saying that cuz Gary our van driver said that he was not able to get in either because it updates the the uh the password all the so here's what it'll do um we were just told that all anybody that's on a committee or anybody that is just employee that they have to have the we only supposed to use the email because it's um it's uh you know for public records so so we that's the only reason why we're doing it but the thing is yeah so I try to include the I think this time I did I think what I'll do is I'll call caar and have a discussion and then see if there's an then maybe change my password every month maybe that will make a difference well let's let's you know if we could streamline it so that my myself and um so I know with my border trustees I always send it to the Halifax email as well and um but then I add their personal email so that they get it on both accounts and then when they reply all it's uh it's obviously reply to to everybody well initially we started that way the only problem is is that somebody uses an old email to reply back or something and then it cuts off and like wait so what happened to all the cuz we had it down pat and then had everybody perfect email and now if I change it I'm going to have a problem no that's a good idea so we'll go back to that and we got to be if you open the email make sure if you respond back to something just make sure we're all on there and then you can probably just click go hover over it the email itself it will tell you whether or not it's a Gmail whatever okay or AOL Mail the best thing to do is to talk to Caesar and get into yeah I'll teach you yeah but I think we yeah because we don't want all six six of us coming up and we're also doing um the computer technology classes at the library now so when you come in tomorrow you could make an appointment with Megan to um you know to set up your or you know do your password or something like that on your Halifax password um on your Halifax email okay um but um okay so we all have homework next time to look at the mission statement send out the both of them get the mission statement Judy okay I'll get the mission statement from M it's on the website it's on our website as well it's on your back of your um your uh newsletter um but I will cut pce what it is and then versus what we want to kind of do um and yeah so I'll do that I don't know how to do that that way there you can kind of look at it together side by side yeah I mean you could just type what you can give me something and I will type it up you know for you but you I I'll get you the I'm going to see you tomorrow yeah I'm going to see you tomorrow and I'll give you the copy of the mission statement and everything um and and you as well I'll I'll get you all that stuff tomorrow when you come to the library for categories um um so I'd like to move on to the new Talent Bank form okay and we have Patricia right would you tell I could call you Patty yes Patty okay Pat Pat okay Pat um well welcome to the Sea um board meeting um the way this goes is we kind of interview you we get to know you um we ask you some questions and then we recommend to the board of Selectmen that um they you have to be appointed by the selectman to be on our board to be a board member um so once we say yeah this is great we'd love to have you on the board um then the next thing you do is make an to get on the selectman's agenda and I don't know if you are I could get her on that or then she would need to talk to PM yep she would talk to PM okay it's said the secretary p m she's a selectman yeah she's a she's the selectman's um admin admin and so she's right across um right across the hall her name is p mcer and she will get you on the selectman's agenda um and then you would go to that meeting they would ask you a series of very easy questions um like and one of us can go with you if company yes so one of us could yeah could be there so I'll need to know the we don't want to have a quorum of the board and I know that that Fred is always at the at the selectman so you we would just want to be careful that we don't have a quorum at the board of selectman meeting um we don't have one we don't want to unless I post the me I could post the meeting okay but it it I I could post the meeting and then we would have to have a quorum or I can not post the meeting and she could just meet with the board of Selectmen right so we have to go buy what they the new I didn't know that because when I I know it's when I was appointed I know I mean people were coming into the meetings so well anybody can come into a meeting but it's it's board members so the only board members we have now are me and you and and Fred so we only had two anyway when we first come when I first got here before but if both you and Fred go then we have a quorum of the board and then that means I would have had to post the meeting so even if I go as a friend and not a board member that's right CU you're because you're a board member so this is interesting cuz when I first got here we had people we went from uh we only had Joe and then we had one other person and you know if she didn't they didn't show it was just only so I'm like wait aren we supposed to have more yeah so we increased it from five to seven but we did have members they just didn't but what they did but what what we used to do is if somebody was interested they would submit their talent Bank it could have been from 10 years ago and they would resurrect that 10 10 when a position came up they would pull that one from 10 years ago and they would make that uh do you still want to be on the board in front of the Selectmen that's the way I did it when Chang she has to appear before the S I just went in and they asked me a few questions so because they a decision there was a whole bunch of people I don't know they that's true yep oh and there will be a lot of people at the meeting it's not this is a regular selectman's meeting and she'll be on the agenda for a certain time and she will be asked a few questions and then they'll make a vote to to either approve or or which I'm not seeing a problem with not approving you but I just want to be cautious about and I I post a meeting or not it doesn't matter so the whole thing was the reason why it's designed this way is so that they're aware of the fact that somebody's not just jumping on the board for their own private you know for their own personal uh gain so because you're going to you're invested in the community for servicing the COA and not because of a personal um you know reason you know like hey I'm I you know yeah it's hot though because I do this whole town everybody's friends everybody supports each other and you don't stop and think that you know I'm a board member and I'm I'm going it's okay if if like Fred's always at the meeting and you want to go to the meeting it's okay to for me to post a COA board meeting for the same time as the selectman's meeting to Simply appoint her and that's the agenda and that's fine and if you both want to go then that's what I'll do so as it gets closer and she gets her it's just that I told her I would stand by her yeah so of course I at night if I have to so yes okay and if you need help you can certainly ask me but let's um get to your interview um so um I guess I'll start with a question of um why do you want to be on this one like what bring you what brings you here today there's a wide range why would you want to do this and why would you want to go to a selman's meeting to do this no why would why do you to be on the board I enjoy helping people and the COA is a great place to help people they have many opportunities there and Pat's been been really supportive of like Judy and and Fred and everybody's vested and they vested in the community but not not only that for their people that they're they live beside too and it's a nice and when you said when they said Pat I'm like she's so you just she's there all the time she's aware of what's Happening like Fred and Judy you know what's going on it's not like I'm only there once in a blue moon and it's not the only thing she does either yeah so the con with having a person as yourself on that board would be wonderful asset to us thank you um Judy question do you have a question for p no not it's not because I know all about her okay besite the mission statement yeah okay so you're giving your gold sale of approval because of all your experien yes you know um yes we did the only thing is that in the Summer she goes to Plymouth but she does come back once a week so it will have to be on it will be board meeting day well the nice thing about having a full board I mean it's tough now because we're Board of of three so you know when one of us is is out then you know that's a problem so it's nice the more board members you have then then that's okay um I I will say and I'm not I'm just saying that um at the end of the year P mcer says you know I have to keep attendance but I but that's okay she just and that's just a matter of procedure like you know are you really invested in this board it's just really a I have a dentist appointment I don't show up right Judy has wonderful attendance um okay um Fred but I certainly appreciate Pat's coming forward and she's definitely a booster of the COA and I just feel that that would be a great help to our board I really do and to the seniors in Halifax who need this COA way more than they let loose yes and there's too many in town that don't know that they can turn to the COA to get help and the more board members that we have that are familiar with the workings of the COA the better off the town is going to be and I welcome you advocating for you know advocating for the board advocating um you know for darine letting getting the word out to the community of all of the good things that happen at at the COA is really just like on the board of trusy advocacy is on number one goal and our number one priority you know to let people know all of the great things that are going on to participate in in things that the COA is is having um I know donene has has asked us you know oh come and come and come and yes it's a time constraint for everybody but the again the more board members that we have the more people invested in the mission of the co you get takes yeah I mean there's strength in numbers and um you know to have somebody jump on board that just wants to advocate for the COA and do good things and give us our opinion and I think one thing you know I will say where I I see with other boards you know it's okay to give your opinion and it's okay to disagree and it's okay to talk about things and you know you have your thoughts on what the best way to do things and we all have our thoughts on what the best way to do things that that doesn't mean we're not being helpful to darene but it means we put it in a bucket and then we ask darene what she you know what her opinion but that doesn't mean you have to agree with everything that that goes on and I just want to yeah thank God I know but we are here to support and advocate for all of the programs and to use dar's expertise in everything that she's a wealth of knowledge and um fantastic grants I've never never seen anything like it I really haven't we're they because we're a good Community yes we have a good community and um have a good I welcome you I'm so excited that that you're here um and and you know put the word out if we're a board of 1 2 3 4 let's make it a board of five you know let's let's still be in search of me and just one more piece to that too is that an Advisory Board you know there's different boards that were set up for different towns or cities depending on where you go and it's set up so some are advisory because it it's asked that on the executive office of Elder Affairs you know reports what type of organization are you you know is your board and is it advisory is it uh you know uh director ship you know do they direct and run the COA does some of that do depending on what town you are in and how it was voted in so here it's advisory so um as they learned so that's you know something that to to be mindful of to bring that up to you too and let you know that that's what it is so um if other than that right now I have a question do we still have a leas on I I would hope we we need that yeah have that I kind of took it over when Sarah but I mean nobody's coming to me to ask I mean you went and did we need to make that more public so because you went and and talked about the uh bags and I didn't know anything about it yeah so I I think that liaison I mean we could we could vote today to make you the liaison to Generations is that what you're asking I don't think it needs a vote but a formal vote we had done that before when gave it up so I was just asking cuz I mean you know what and I can add that to to um the agenda for each meeting I'll just I'll just say Generations update from well actually that's already in it's supposed to be on there anyway you know usually they give it like oocs you know everybody right right yeah so it doesn't have to be OA on so to speak it's just a person that brings you up to date on what's going on with us and I go every meeting so so what she what what what Judy's mentioning is that um we were approached by holidays and Halifax um to do some you know to to do something for the community so we want to do that so with that said we're like how do we get the grants and how we get this going and so I said let's reach out to Our Generations Group which is Our Generations groups is not only for generations of over the time but it is the friends of the Council of Aging so they are a nonprofit group that does a lot of the fundraising that supports the COA if in fact we need funding for certain things um so in this particular case we'd like to have a program uh excuse me uh we're part of the holidays and Halifax hey what can we do um our theme is you know gingerbread and uh toy land so Toys for Tots is going to be present so that's an awesome something I already collected toys got in my trunk so anyway um so we asked Generations if they would like to be a part of that so we thought 100 bags which you meant is um 100 bags for little kids goodie bags so they're going to actually fund that so that's the type of sponsorship that we go out to the community to ask we asked uh we Generations is funding that Generations is going to fund that yep wow that's great so we're going to ask I don't know anything about it did they we don't have and then I realized they we don't have AA on so for that we used to but did they vote on that at a meeting they have they're going to do whatever they have to do yes they said they're going to vote on that at December meeting only one M uh person that's kind of against it um you know that is so she's always against I would like to take a vote to um of the COA board um to recommend Patty tamio Tam tamio pad pad tamio to the COA board um do can I have a I I made the motion can I have a second second all those in favor I I I all those opposed okay great thank you so your next is to just go right over to p mcer and say that you need to be put on a selectman's agenda um to be voted to be the ne a COA member and then Pam will take care of all of that and she'll let you know the agend that the um meeting and um when you're on the agenda and what time too um and you can just expect the selectman to um be very kind and wonderful and ask you questions and it'll all be over in about I mean I haven't met the whole boy together but I've met him individually and they are really yeah some of them are funny yeah they're fun thank you they're good and they don't give this one over here any cause for concern no he Cas us so we Judy will be our liais on then yes Judy Judy so I mean I go anyway we should have a backup too you know just in case something you know but um so well for now I'd like to to make a motion that we appoint Judy um as Our Generations liais on and I expect that each meeting she will be given um a few minutes to talk about what's going on with Generations so I made a motion can I have a second second that motion thank you all those in favor I I no you can't say anything yet you can't V I mean I should have gone outside from the executive session but okay good um so we are on or I'm going to go sit with the program for a little bit and um oh yeah we're going to do the pr so I would like to adjourn the meeting at uh not well 10:36 we have to talk to somebody about changing that clock so adjourn at 10:36 I make a motion I second that motion thank you all those in favor I I all those opposed very good meeting thank you