##VIDEO ID:tH4OxMXhrzk## [Music] seeing that it's uh 7:00 we'll open up the U the meeting of the Halifax uh planing board for uh what's our January 2nd 2025 at 700 p.m. in the selectman's meeting room uh the planning board meeting is being recorded by area 58 and can be reviewed on YouTube uh right now attendance in the meeting is uh Amy troop uh Tom milus uh Rick Mary and myself Robert Gainer okay uh I'll accept a uh a motion to accept the agenda as presented I'll make a motion to accept the agenda as right do I have a second second all those in favor say I I I unanimous okay uh let's kick it off I'm going to reuse myself okay let the record show uh Amy troop re uh refused herself from uh from the uh the appointment of anr 24-2 for 1 19 93 Home Street okay uh Mr gy how are you I'm well good let's see what we're doing here let's take a look didn't put a signature block on what's matter I was just looking to see if they put a signature block on the my that we can sign inside did we ever get that St remember we were going to have that l out I don't I don't [Applause] know is that it good damn very high tech huh I'll do it so that it drive y all right uh Chris I just had one question for you here oh what that what's that oh it is oh I didn't you know what it is I didn't unroll it enough all right so you're going to keep parcel a for yourself yes which is uh 56 by 188 on on and and then from from there from there back Apostle ID 44 68-4 is that a separate lot or is it just I don't understand why it's it's different yeah they're two separate options he bought this lot from from his brother okay that's what I okay yeah so that's where I got confused cuz I didn't think he had I was going to say where's the lot line you know but okay back behind br yeah right at this minute okay so he's just holding on to that parcel a and it where it says to be combined with his lot so that's doesn't need to have anything else any other language there and it just leaves the remainder of the lot which I believe Bruce is looking to take or not take but work something on any questions from any members of the board I think this is pretty straightforward so basically bottom line on this form a MH just so I'm clear the this back parcel that uh is being form made it's uh as it exists right now as we speak is a non-buildable lot corre I'm sorry corre oh all right okay down the road who knows but at least right now you you know cuz from what I understand Mr Webby and other Engineers usually Market as a unbuildable it and it's is it made mention I heard you guys talking something about in the in the notes or something is this some reference point to it because it it has no Frontage so uh as it exists as it exists on paper right now right it's not avable that that exists right now okay as long as uh we're all uh clear with that take it from there Tom Rick no doesn't I don't really see anything seems pretty straightforward I mean down the line you know it it can change as it as it sees fit yeah just the the remainder of this is going to be combined with your lot correct but you know that you haven't done anything until you have Deeds yeah a lot of people leave the planning board with a signed plan and think that's all they have to do and then 10 years later they realize they never created a deed so they didn't really do anything all they did was create a point of reference and that's yeah basically what this is a point of reference you have attorney for that so after this record all right I'm good with it you need a motion yeah sure pleasure of the board I move to approve the uh plan uh a form a as submitted do I have a second second I have uh a motion a second to approve the form a as presented I'll uh call for Voice vote Rick yes CU we don't have a right hand Tom yes and myself yes pass is unanimous set up um an item wants to come back um we had a correspondence today from uh from Mr hubson Our Town Council met him last meeting he was here with the uh a third grer and uh he thought that uh it would probably be in the best infy and the board that we have a a a time frame on the on the bond you know when that I know you said you're quite clear about you want to start in the spring let's rock and roll let's get going a cop I just it you guys sign be almost because ofy in my hands this not I gave um this a copy of the Y I just dropped this off at Cody's office earlier so okay it has it as November 28th okay it's going by the 10th of December it's going to be D anyway I push them say hey make it a full year we'll be done before then so yeah but it's it's all in there that it's will'll be done within the year yeah I don't know if you guys great he has you guys can keep it just I gave it to he'll be I can do that been crazy thanks appreciate it so there's no problem with you know because he was asking for a I was asking for a recommendation what we put like a twoyear thing a one year thing I you you would mention you wanted to get going in the spring and the only thing that's going to happen is like Amy had mentioned before that uh prices are only going to go up you know got it to the road Just sh we got the middle of the whole road down anyway so it's just basically starting from scratch to it's going to be nice it's going to be good though yeah I'll bring it to that my I go 220 whatever that was I just get there 225 it's just easy all right that's awesome a point getting a light at the end of the tunnel yes thank you sir oh if I go fast it comes out better how do you have there I a bunch I would let this dry for a [Applause] second I one [Applause] more that's you am I knocking more things over you did it so I had to do it what's the day when we put on at the second or thir today's the [Music] [Music] second first time writing 25 sign how many are we signning I have no idea we just we just signning away might as well that and then I'll try them up do you need help Tom I've got it I figured out if I right quickly comes [Applause] out okay so these ones are done [Applause] we need well you might as well just sign them off since they here takes two seconds you know what I mean I I'm not timing January I guess we can give one to each one of the appli [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh listen [Applause] another one for we live um I don't think it'll take that long I don't think it'll take more sh I don't think it'll take I mean have to clear out for [Applause] attention Road itself they'll be done within a [Music] week I think more the you [Applause] know's taking all the abuse [Applause] it's the right angle you can try I don't think it's very too that he's in Florida when we're freezing up yeah it's not you have more a plan fingers feel like ice cubed you I [Applause] think this will time here I think we might have enough maybe we should huh we got more than enough copies I was thinking we could send one for the attorney Chris and then sure does that make sense everybody cop okay deal let's uh let's do some minutes oh we we have to sign this said yeah you got to sign that too yeah now does that go with Cru or Chris yeah that has to get that gets with the but do we have a signed copy for the office is that at we should probably make a so do we have two copies of it do you need help we a sign this is what assign it here [Applause] page huh no there's a oh this is the bond this oh there we go I'm like what what I'm looking at all I see is Goose goose go go have you taken title Bru I'm sorry have you taken title of Sylvester's lck I know I we have to get um the release release I just got I just got from the B company so on Tuesday um so yeah this is this is going to her so do we need another copy of the application sign for our file we do right want me to run awesome not us do you want me to yeah why not let's get them out of I'll make motion to accept the December 5th actually we don't have quorum to do that we we only Rick and I were at the December fifth meeting not Brendan would to be so we'll put those off to the next we have to good catch and um also um did you want to talk about putting ride away on the um recommendation list to go to the annual town meeting to be accepted by the town uh yes I uh think we should uh discuss it well really uh we released the bond you know cuz everything was compliant we had uh Steve hay would go down and so now the process is uh is getting it accepted by the town and and uh from my understanding there's one of three ways either the residents can uh together like petition the selectman to put it on the town warrant to get it accepted by the town the Selectmen themselves can do it or the Builder uh so uh it's really not up to the planning board other than we could recommend it uh to the selectman that uh since the uh conditions were uh were were met and inspected by the uh surveyor that we feel uh right his way should be placed on the on the next town meeting one so do we want to recommend it to be on the next warrant is what we were talking about do we need a motion okay we'll make a motion to um put ride our way on the uh annual town meeting in May 2nd Monday in May 2025 recommend to recommend that it would be appr I mean to recommend that it would be become a public road or an accepted Road of the town of Health ta do I have a second a second I have a motion in a second uh to a letter off to recommend the acceptance of riter's way at the next town meeting all those in favor say I I I opposed you said I also unanimous I didn't hear him say that all right the only what about uh the November 21st one oh you need sign Bron just need to sign that that's correct and then we have our next scheduled meeting on January 16th I think we have um um I abstained you need you need to release the lot right which thoughts sylvest oh okay um so okay so let's talk about that so Ham's um email on the daily way lot six said that they needed the bond to release the Covenant first and then so then we make our motion and we also need a time frame correct uh correct however what we added to that is uh that's right they he can't technically buy the lot until the Covenant is released okay so we motion to release the Covenant okay now that we have a bond I'll make a motion that we well now where it's not on the agenda yeah you know what I mean it's not on the de so should we put it on the next I think we should I think we should go all right well then on the next agenda we'll have the lot six daily way Covenant released on the agenda okay yeah yeah that that you should be on theend okay so do I I have a motion on the floor do I have a second second um motion any discussion about uh putting it on the agenda for the next meeting okay all those in favor say I in fact I'll take a Voice vote Amy yes myself yes Tom Yes Rick yes unanimous okay and that way we cover all the VES yeah just in case um what else do we have to talk about for the next agenda or anything we don't have Rick on here oh he wasn't oh he was here he can use my line I have stain just cross it can you think of anything else like we have Cape Cod coming back I don't know Hilda well you gave it to uh yeah how did we leave that I the sign I don't remember I think I think that we needed one more meeting I feel like we left some like voted it didn't I thought we voted it too I think we we vot we voted the special permit I don't remember I think Christmas got away okay I'm pretty sure that's how we we did I remember I remember we did cuz we talked about the four needed and that's why we didn't do it on December 5th okay cool all right I'll make a motion to adjourn oh do I have a second second Motion in a second all those to adjourn all those in favor to say I this is it this is the got the good one [Music]