##VIDEO ID:XjWV87Kv-2U## good evening all to order the reorganization meeting on January 8th 2025 this meeting is being held in compliance with the Sunshine Law having being advertised in the Press of Atlantic City and notice is posted at the township clerk's office n Landing post office Mah Post Office Atlanta County Library as well as all the schools of the district this meeting is being recorded please stand for our flag salute to the flag of the United States of America to the it stands na God indivisible liy andice we're now going to have a moment of silence for prate reflection [Music] the general election results on November 5th 2024 where Harry Rogers with a total of 4,256 votes Laura Bachelor 65 94 votes Sean anra 5350 votes and Beverly perto 4,223 votes and we will now uh do the oath of office for um Laura Mr Rogers M anra and M CTO okay if everyone wants to come up front okay hi everybody looking for the video camera so why does everyone stand right there okay you're going to repeat after me I State your everybody raise your right hand I state your name I do solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support theti of the United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey and theti of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and aliance to the same and to the government established to the government established in the united states in the United States and this state and this St under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God I state your name I do solemnly swear doly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office for the office of a member of the Board of Education of a member of the Board of Education I am not disqualified I am not disqualified as a voter to law as a voter pursu to law nor disqualified disqualified due to conviction of a crime du toic of a crime or offense listed in law or offense listed in LA and I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of that office perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my abil so help me God congratulations to everybody congratulations yes if everybody can sign it thank you than congratulations we will now have the roll call M anchor here miss bar here Mrs bachor Dr Serena here Mrs Jackson here Dr L here Dr Nelson here Mrs PTO here and Mr R here we will now accept nominations for the office of board president I'd like to nominate Nancy bar can I have a second second we have any other nominations no okay we um have a vote on Nancy as president all in favor I I I any notes exensions congratulations Nancy thank [Applause] you I will now take nominations for vice pres I nominated Dr trino second we have any other nominations I like to nominate Sean anra second one so so so because you have two people nominated for vice president what your policy says is that you vote in the order in which um the people are actually nominated so you would have your first your first vote for the first person and then your second vote and then what would happen is the first person to get a majority um would be the person that is successful so just know when you're passing your vote that um again first person will be um voted on it's yes or no for vice president if that person gets five the vote is done if that person does not get five it's the second person if that person gets five it's done if they don't get five then you would go ahead and vote again we're look for other nominations okay so our first vote is going to be for Dr Sereno as nominated for vice pres Mrs Anker no Mrs bar yes Mrs Bachelor no Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr Lew no Dr Nelson yes Mrs Paro no and Mr Rogers yes so that would close the voting dat for nomination for Vice president um congratulations Dr [Applause] Sereno can we have a motion to approve the Board of Education meeting calendar for 2025 as listed motion second all in favor favor I I I any NOS or exensions and then we'll have a motion to approve the New Jersey school board's member coder code of ethics [Applause] motion second so I can read them now before we vote so everybody please remember your code of ethics you will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and we seek to develop and maintain Public Schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing I will confine my board action to policym planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members see they are well-run I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the school which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff aspirations of the community for its schools I will vote to appoint the best qualified personel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I will support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties and I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution those are your code of ethics that you are adopting tonight and going to vote on all in favor for the code of ethics any no or extentions I'll have a copy in front of you to sign and acknowledge U receed of those and then at this time we are going to recess so as to not make you guys wait for us to go into an executive session we do have um Caroline here and she is the winner of our holiday C contest and Miss Marino is our our teacher who the family I know we want to come up for a second and just talk and say you know I put you I love putting you out on the spot Miss marand um just to say a couple words you know I know we went through this every year and you do such a nice job with the family so you I want to bring you guys up to say thank you I know um Miss y you right to the mic Miss will present you with your award as you know we've been entering this contest for many years and we were happy to have a student winner again um Carrie worked extremely hard she kept bringing it back revision after revision uh so she has definitely deserving she put a lot of time and effort into it and I was so happy to here that she won so can we bring her up and her family up so on the board of education members got a copy of your wonderful card um and if you want extra copies we will have them as well and we have a frame for you to take home and a frame to go in the Board of Education offices as well your card is absolutely beautiful we've been doing this contest for a lot of years as your teacher said and we're always so excited when we end up picking someone that is local and your card goes out to all the different clients that we represent so hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of copies of your Christmas cards went out to a lot of people and each year we make a donation on those cards as well so they donate our let us eat please organization that organization feeds all the hungry kids in the area including kids here right here in Hamilton Township so it has a meaning behind it as well that we're very happy to support so on behalf of Cooper Lon we're excited that you won here is your plaque there you go and you also do receive gift cards as well there's a gift card for you individually and then a gift card for your teacher as well so there you go and take a big picture we invite parents up to sure and here's the superintend we're going to everybody great you did color coordinate look at that come on up [Music] okay everybody right here make sure we send you some pictures all m is also a teacher at the high school congratulations thank you than for OPP absolutely it's beautiful work [Applause] we now going to have a motion to uh commun into executive session mve second all in favor I we're now going to recess to Executive session and we'll return good evening everyone can I please have a motion to exit executive session and reconvene to public session moved second all in favor I I any opposed or extensions thank you can I please have a motion to approve the minutes of the regular and executive session meeting from December 4th 2024 second motion by Miss fro second by Dr Sero comments or questions roll call Mrs Anor yes Mrs Bachelor Yes actually I should have stain right Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr La yes Dr Nelson yes Mrs PR yes Mr Rogers yes Mrs bar yes thank you at this time I will turn it over to Dr zto for presentations thank you Mrs bar uh I see we have our read challenge winner so Mrs Bryant can you please come down to present her award okay so January's summer reading ch challenge winner is Colton Ross he is in Miss Mich Miss mless class get that wrong Colton is a hard worker and a pleasure to have a class who loves books and loves reading congratulations Colton picture out thank you thank you and then at this sun would you be able to play the videos for the staff of the month for December let's start walking of the and who's our staff of the month carlen Miss guys let's give her a round of [Music] applause so there many nice wonderful things kind things were written by Mrs stillman's tear the other teachers and other staffs in the building some of the wonderfully kind things they said were that Mrs Steelman goes above and beyond for all of her students in our school but for the staff as well she does the same she works very hard on special things for the staff to boost morale and make our school a wonderful place to be she's a team player and she's always always willing to help in any way that she can she's very much appreciated by everybody and this is our way of showing our appreciation to her thank you very much [Applause] you congratulations you our staff member of the month way that's so cool thank youpl that in your office kids that you see a that's very nice so the staff member that nominated you wrote Sarah is such a value a member of the staff for the high school Sarah is constantly on the Run assisting with first grade students and staff they wrote you completely Hands-On and create meaningful relations with the students the amount of work and love you put into your job the first grade is seen on a daily basis one of the hardest workers that you've ever seen and we' had a pleasure to work with congratulations thank [Applause] you every month we live on a of the month so I'm going to read what it says this person exemplifies dedication and commitment that goes well AB well beyond the usual role making an incredible impact on students and staff whether it's showing up to support them at being or approving providing academic help or just being there we just being there for anyone who needs assistance they constantly go above and beyond this person has an undeniable gift for uplifting those around them their presence brightens a day for everybody in the building with an open heart willingness to help in any situation this person Fosters in positive environment that truly enhances our community at school this person is not just a valuable team member but an inspiration to everybody so congratulations Mr take the picture and you look amazing so in the video this is ugly sweater day so thanks Mike okay if I could please ask Valerie and Breon now our board representatives to present to the [Music] board before we give our student report on behalf of all the students and staff at William Davies Middle School say thank you to the school board for all the work you do your decisions help make the school district a great place to learn you support us by making sure we have what you need in class and sports and other activities we make sure our school is safe fun and welcoming for everyone we know being on the school board is a big job it takes a lot of time and hard work and we want you to know how we appreciate it thank you for helping William dve students learn and grow your support makes a big difference in our lives thank you [Applause] a big thank you to Mr Williams NJ chess and all the community members who helped make our annual holiday Giving Tree a huge success this initiative ensured that families in our community and some surrounding areas receive president presence and holiday cheer challenge day took place on December 4th 5th and six this was an amazing event that allowed our students to open up about life and make valuable connections thank you to all the teachers staff and community members who made this event happen also a big thank you to Mr Williams none of it would be possible without it on December 13th the media Department did an incredible job live streaming the in school basketball game versus Hamington the live stream included instant replays and commentary by eighth graders Roman Rivera and Zion Moses there were also a s a few media students that traveled to Hamilton during the day and took pictures of the basketball student council members traveled to TC NJ today to take part in a leadership conference students participated in workshops and learned valuable ideas for future student council fundraisers cits the resilience Action Group is working hard to get our Dragon Nest up and running Dragon's Nest is baby's fully functioning thrift store where students can swap donate and purchase gently used clothing shoes and accessories eighth grade choir student Jacob buros will be performing with the all South Jersey Junior High choir on Saturday January 25th and Sunday January 26 at Washington Township High School seven D band students will be auditioning for all South Jersey junior high band on Saturday January 25th at Southern Regional Middle School the Davies music department will be holding auditions at the end of January for its annual Performing Arts night show this show will be held in February and will feature vocalist instrumentalist and Davy's percussion Ensemble and the Davies Jaz B we que Tech Miss jarino Miss Hooper and Mr Kowski took 30 seventh and eighth grade students to TW Tech at Stockton University on Friday January 3rd que Tech is dayong event designed to develop girls interest and self-confidence in stem featuring local female featurers professors and professionals Le Hands-On workshops for middle school girls University leaders and fale college students talk with the girls and their teachers about stem Majors students participated in a variety of engineering computer science physics and environmental workshops from coding robot to learning about how oceans affect the clim it was a great day the student council and kindness Club will hold a f drive at the William Davies Middle School from January 21st and J to January 31st items will be donated to the main street food Pion at the First United Methodist Church here in Mand last year we collected over 900 items there is a great need especially after the holidays and members of the church we're very grateful for our donations this food pantry serves our our own Community ASA there will also be a friendly competition among the eighth eth grade or among the grade levels to see which grade level collects the most thank you guys appreciate it nice job at this time can I please have Mr Williams come up to present the ssds one second a sign back in he get I just all the not people team counsel the administrators also just didn't want to go they trly um all right so I have thect privilege of presenting to you again the S St School data system um and our HIV reports uh for period broken up in two periods uh so I was hired here in the summer of 2021 and these were the numbers that I first presented on so if you were on this board you remember I probably stood in front of you and I said that's not good I was coming into the school not knowing anything and just knowing that I wanted that 639 to drop as much as possible um and for those in the audience who may not know you this school has come this District itself has come a way so to come here in the summer of 2021 and to present this I made one promise I said those numbers are going to drop and each year they did and so I'm power to present our report for 2425 so report period one we have seen our incident drop across the board for a total of only 96 in leading to removal um this is the second year now that restraints are put on that list so that restraints were not part of this in it's first reported but now they are restraints time that we have to make soon not danger to or somebody else so those numbers are as well u in total we only had 11 confirmed ks in the entire district and 14 so I think we are in the right direction and again that goes to Big thanks to our school administration team for school coun Contin to work hard and students themselves back us got behind the that really that's it any questions on those numbers before I jump to the last part of this awesome I'm just reported by a law to tell you the things that we're doing in the district um we've had a lot of different staff training P we've done a lot of monitoring on the data you don't have to read all that stuff just tell me that we have made sure that our staff are trained and that we're working closely with students to meet with them and provided behavor that's going through the district and the staff um the administrator team the administrative team has also had training from training which they came into talk to the administration team about making sure that we are having a restored approach to discipline and monitoring that and that has been awesome I learned a lot from that as well um H has been U this year H also been the All Pro de I M program Brad toast as well sh did that as well too teacher student program that's still strong doing positive referals now and model of respectful response to sa time to be Trend within our school and kind ofct as Welles has expanded their wings program there's been couple gentleman things going on team a bunch of chats what they are they we have come a very long way from where we were uh this model here is our restorative piece we throughout the entire District the teachers are trained on this as well it's just getting a chance to really talk to the students first and start our teacher triy first strategies in get out room relationship that all that good news any questions for me yes sir I'd like to say thank you for all the work that you've done along with everybody here in the audience the staff members I mean if we look back four years ago when um we were having these problems uh I I can tell you that the staff members that are here every single week were not here so it what it does says is that their engagement all the way from the top all the way down enables our teachers to do what they need to do as teacher students our demographics haven't changed our poverty lines haven't changed nothing has changed other than you know the the the people in this room stepping up and doing you know everything they want to do and the administration supporting them so I want to say thank you and thank you for all the hard work because it makes it easy for us as a board to be proud of you guys like this and I can tell you from the township level and the county level committee members they are excited about what the school means and what it's doing they they can't stop talking about the dragon Network and um just well you know we were senior four years ago and kids didn't want to come to school because it was dangerous there was three fights a day and all that stuff and you know how are we going to fix it you guys have done it and turn it around and almost imp possibly a short amount of time so I want to say thank you very much for everything you guys have [Applause] do and now can I please have Miss Carol Russ come up from Forge Scott Associates to provide us with our audit presentation good evening everyone happy New Year it's nice to be back and um I want to thank the board for their continued confidence in for Scott every year um look forward to coming to this district and auditing I also want to thank Chris and Michael for their attention to detail this past year I know they came in kind of mid year both of them and they hit the ground running all of their attention certainly helped us perform the audit in a more efficient manner and not just thanking Chris the entire administrative and the business office staff everything that they do certainly um makes our job easier so that being said said I want to also um indicate that as part of the audit what we're looking at are the minutes expenditures are they proper are the expenditures properly approved not only by Administration but by the board as well contracts are properly did um Bank reconciliations are done in a timely manner which they now are up to date and all all is good with that Financial reports are inbalance um payroll test a sample of employees um salaries are paid in accordance with the contracts taxes are paid to the respective agencies including pension on a Time manner so really no issues whatsoever which is always good to report um we have no findings or recommendations in the audit report itself we do have a finding but no recommendation in the smaller management report and that has to do with the Community Education once again um we were finding that cash receipts in that department um aren't necessarily being deposited in a timely manner um at times it was taking four to six weeks from we look at at the check the date on the check it hits thing like four to six weeks later um the reason we're not putting a recommendation in is that problem has already been addressed by the business office where they're going to be taking or have already taken some control on those deposits so they're going to Ure that everything is done in a timely manner um with food service we again have it's called a suggestion to management we did not we weren't required to audit the Food Service program as a major program this year but we do calculate the amount of excess cash that to maintain in that fund no fault of the district um ever since covid the state just keeps giving districts more and more money with the uh limitations on how you spend it so we're just pointing it out that yes you have excess cash you know you have excess cash and you're doing the best that you can in order to spend that back down as far as fund balance that you would use for budgeting purposes it held pretty steady between 23 24 versus 2223 um you ended the year with about a $15 million fund balance however of that amount about 13 million is 15 million fund balance about 13 million of that is reserved for items such as your excess Surplus capital reserve maintenance Reserve ve incumbrances which is leaving you with about 1.5 in unreserved fund balance that can be applied in future year um as far as food service you did end the year with a profit of about 190,000 that's compared to roughly 144,000 the year before um you were able to keep cost down as far as primarily in supplies and materials in that department revenues maintained steadily um aside from short uptick in the state revenue um the community ed also um ended the year with a profit of 91,000 this year compared to 194 the prior year and the kids club ended with a loss I believe was expected that was about a $40,000 loss than that that was Prett much the highlights anybody has any questions I have one Qui question the the uh the profit on the Food Services do that take in account for the monies that wasn't recoverable because the parents didn't pay the accounts off yes so that's calculated in and we still made a profit even losses yes that is calculated in okay thank you m was the other PA balance amount for the uh the food service out of curiosity I'm shown about 90,000 that's all yes thank you you're welcome here thank you so much hey thank you good night on some of you tomorrow can I keep going okay at this time I was hoping Mike we be able to show the uh CBS News Philadelphia video that aired a few weeks ago on our new technology and keeping students safe in South Jersey consider the art technology to protect its students and staff CVS news Philadelphia's Brandon Golder explains what those safety features are the moment you walk into one of the three campuses in the Hamilton Township School District in MA Landing the off school resource officer Colin hickey says you face an inescapable fact anytime your own campus you're probably within range of at least two different cameras uh to help out with our security Over The Last 5 Years the district expanded from 39 cameras to around 500 even the one place without cameras the restroom has state-of-the-art protection when the ceilings are what's called Halo devices which can detect anything from fape pens smoke even words like if someone yells help it then alerts SRO hickey and administrators it was a blind spot for us that we thought we could leverage this new technology point the district even has sensors at every outside door J 47 held open which alerts administrators if it's been prompt open for a long period of time I wish we didn't have to do this um I wish we weren't here at all um but I will tell you I feel that we're doing everything that we could possibly do to keep our students safe School Board president Warren Nelson says the security system proved itself last year and a teacher acly pressed a panic button triggering the lockdown he says local police were Amazed by how quickly students and staff reacted they practice it and it does work so I feel like we're ahead of the third when it comes to that kind of stuff District administrators State parents have told them they feel comfortable with this new technology knowing their children are safe as a parent I feel pretty comfortable with what how our schools are executed Brandon goldner CBS News Philadelphia all this technology is expensive especially when the district has the largest Elementary School building in all of New Jersey a district leaders say a recent Bond referendum and federal Gramps help pay for it I just want to say we're going in the right direction thank um and thank you to the board for supporting us and supporting keeping the children safe and to our Administration and and the team I know it hasn't been easy a lot of changes happening but thank you so much for all your support as well um I do want to take a moment I know Mr Williams did kind of humbly say that there's a team behind him but I just kind of want to reiterate um we did something really special for Christmas and we gave uh 400 students a Christmas that may not have had it otherwise um that is in collaboration with Hamilton cares um we did have our Community Education Department um provide Community Resources our National Honor Society uh help wrap the presence and and create an actual store it looked like Toys are Us and William Davies um they did a phenomenal job and we allowed uh parents to come in and inevitably shot over Christmas and it was just a wonderful time for our our guidance counselors our teaching staff our Administration everybody was in awe with what we were able to provide so I just want to thank everyone that was involved in that and again board thanks for thank you for supporting that as well uh since our last meeting I've attended the hasson DB's band in cor concerts participated in the Hamilton T Council meetings to award the music department for their outstanding performances worked with Hamilton carage to provide families with presidents for the holidays hosted the hot cocoa and cookie cart for the staff which uh then wish them a wonderful Christmas break and have been meeting with the PTA to discuss the upcoming auction plans for teacher and for teacher appreciation to up update us on our district goals I continue to work on the goals of inclusion classroom management and code of conduct your review please see registration transfer student statistics for the month the enrollment the discipline and the HIV report following your dates to remember January 13th is our regularly scheduled PTA meeting right here in the Davies Cafeteria on January 16th we have our Hess concert band at the Hess auditorium at 700 p.m. on the 20th school be closeing observance of Martin Luther King Day on the 24th we have a really fun PTA kid Bingo night in the right here in the D cafeteria at 6:30 on February 10th will be our next PTA meeting and on the 17th school will be closed for President's Day I do have one last bit of exciting news uh for anyone that's in wants to take a look today the Hamilton Township did get our delivery of four large siiz buses and one small wheelchair accessible bus that will begin our Fleet here in the Hamilton Township School District and for anyone that would like to take a peek at one of our new buses it should be parked outside of right here on the side to take a look they should be ready for deployment in the next couple of weeks thank you that concludes my superintendent report thank you Dr zto at this time we will open public comment there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents as long as remarks are not personal or discourteous the public comment portion of the meeting allows the board to listen to community members and to hear their opinions on school policy and operations the first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity following action items is when residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes and you are not permitted to yeld your time to another the public comments portion of the meeting during both sessions will not exceed 30 minutes upon being recognized persons wishing to speak should identify themselves by name and address at this time we'll open public comment for agenda items only okay seeing none I will go to board comments any board members that would like to comment than I want to say congratulations to miss bar and Dr drino uh for aping President also wanted to say thank you to um Mr K's what's the dragon Network the dragon Network yeah the dragon network is made making a lot of large news I even get now emails and phone calls from back home in Iowa people seeing the uh the TDN and my mother even said that we got to be careful and not lose Mr K because he's doing an awesome job so you have some negotiating power there all right don't tell him that but uh I just want to say it's a it's making big news and you know a lot of even the local politicians are starting to talk about it and they starting to see them and I know you guys are making ways with ESPN and we're making the CBS news for things including I believe there was they even talked about that at one point in time so I just want to say congratulations and again all your hard work that you guys are doing is is paying off and it's uh really making the schools shine so thank you very much Dr um first I'm going to turn that off first um want to um everyone for voting for me and let you know that I'll do the best that I can and work with everyone and learn from n so um I also want to thank the student council for coming to our meetings I think it's amazing having them here and not just because of the cookies I want you to know that um it's been amazing having them here hearing the student uh reports and things like that so I app that um I got inundated with cards and thank yous today and it was just really wonderful to um to get them and realize just how much um this impact is making on on the students sometimes you need to be reminded that um this is really important because it's our kids so I just want to thank everyone for that I want to thank Mr Williams for all the hard work that he has um done with the hips and a bunch of other things challenge day and everything like that I think he's a little humble but um I just want to thank him and thank you and the board members all right well Happy New Year to everyone um I did want to say thank you for your trust in um the presidency again and your votes congratulations to Bev and Sean and Harry and welcome to um Laura as part of our team here uh as you can hear there's a lot of great things happening so I'm excited to continue that work and and strive for those board and District goals alongside everyone else here congratulations to our Dave's superintendent and President List there's a lot of kids names on those lists that earned really awesome academic success in the first trimester so congratulations to all those kids and um board appreciation month lots of cards thanks for the cookies delicious um and just the uh you know the appreciation goes a long way so thank you so much for that there were no committee meetings this month so at this time I would like a motion to approve Personnel policy committee items 10.2 through 10.16 motion 10.2 10.6 second motion by Dr Nelson second by Dr Sero comments or questions see on roll call Mrs anr yes Mrs bachor yes Dr Sereno yes Mrs Jackson yes yes Dr L yes Dr Nelson yes Mrs perto yes Mr Rogers yes and Mrs bar yes finance and operations can I have a motion for 113 I know that we had do have someone here to be recognized if someone wants to come up and recognize that person sorry about that down Mr Williams just want to recogniz [Applause] of hi everybody um I am incredibly Greatful this opportunity um from the first meeting I had with Mr Willam the last meeting um it's just clear and evident this is an incredible School Community District to be a part of and just a testament to intentional practices and that the district has put in place transformation incredibly grateful thank youc you're welcome all right finance and operations first I did want to um thank Chris RBA for such a great audit it's always nice when we can sit up here confidently and know that our district is being run um well and then we have um evidence of that so thank you Chris and of course his whole team that that and can I please please have a motion for 11.3 through 11.21 approve 11.3 through 11:21 motion by Dr Nelson second by Miss Pera comments or questions roll call Mrs anchor yes Mrs Bachelor yes Dr Serena yes Mr Jackson yes Dr Lad yes Dr yes Mrs Pera yes Mr Rogers yes and Mrs B yes I also have a motion for curriculum committee 122 as list motion approve motion by m petto second second by Dr Nelson comments or questions this AC yes Mrs Bachelor yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr law yes Dr Nelson yes Mrs fra yes Mr Rogers yes Mr Mrs bar yes at this time is there any old business any board members would like to comment on or discuss is there any new business to discuss this we will reopen public comment at this time we will receive comments from the public in accordance with the board's policy on participation at a board seeing none we will close public comment and can I please have a motion to adjourn second motion by Dr serenos second by Mr Rogers all in favor I oppos extensions thank you everyone