##VIDEO ID:c7yRHpn_kro## okay good evening uh this meeting has being in held compliance with Sunshine Law having been advertised in pranic City no posted in the township clerk's office ma Landing post office Miss post office Ling County Library as well as all the schools and districted this meeting is being recorded roll call please Mrs anchor here Mrs bar here Dr Sera here Mrs Jackson here Dr M Mrs Miller Mrs pero here Mr Rogers and Dr here I have a motion to convene into executive session MO motion a second all in favor iOS resolve pursuing section 7 and8 of the open public meeting act the public shall be excluded from all portions of the meeting involving discussion of legal matters attorning Cent privileges Personnel transportation and duerson the further result discussion of such matters in executive session can be disclosed to the public when formal action is taken on such matters or at any appropriate time be it further resolved the board may take action on items discussed an executive session now therefore be it resolve the board will be in executive session for 30 [Applause] minutes I got a motion to close executive session and reconvene public session second motion all there clst this meeting is being in Hell of compliance with Sunshine Law having been advertised in PR Ling City no post Township clerk's office maing post office post office Ling County library and as well as schools and District this meeting is being reported there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and welcom comments and opinions from residents as long remarks are not personal and disc courious the public comment portion of this meeting allows the board to listen to community members and to be hear of their opinions on school policy and operations the first portion first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity following the action items is when the residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes you're are not permitted to yield your time to another the public comment portion of the meeting during these sessions will not exceed 30 minutes upon you recognize persons wishing to speak about should stand identify themselves by name and address at this time can we stand for FL United States of America tobl stands indivisible [Applause] sign for prior reflection motion for approval of minutes executive sessions meeting of August 28th 2024 motion by Dr trino second second by Miss call Mrs aner yes Mrs bar yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs PTO yes and Dr Nelson yes at this time presentations uh at this time I'd like to uh recognize our district technology coordinators one who is here tonight we have a little speech so we want to recognize two outstanding team members our technology coordinators Lou impra and Anthony petta both have recently been recognized for their techn technological excellence and more importantly for keeping our students safe in this ever evolving Digital World Lou and Anthony have gone above and beyond to ensure that our technology infrastructure is efficient and secure protecting our students and staff every day their dedication and commitment to staying ahead of the curve in a rapid changing fields are commendable and their work directly contributes to the safe and effective learning environments we are proud to offer on behalf of the district we want to thank Lou and Anthony for their hard work expertise and their critical role in our schools congratulations on this welld deserved recognition also on behalf of uh Anthony and our entire department say thank you always supporting our U Dr uh for being U on the same page as us and want to continue improve um our ecosystem to make sure our staff and students are safe um whether in person or virtually um it's something that we take pride in being very precautionary instead of reactionary um it's something that uh we take seriously every day love about it every day make sure we're doing what right by our students thank you very much very hum um and we appreciate it thank you for your thank you [Applause] want to photo bom I didn't want a photo bomb really at this time uh keep it with Dr Roo for superintendent report uh so at this time I just wanted to also acknowledge we did have a wonderful art article uh that was put in our shore uh the uh Shore local newspaper about our technology department and in addition to that Dr Nelson um Mr hickey and I were um in attendance at uh a interview with CBS News uh which we're hoping will Air Monday morning um to discuss our technology initiatives and uh security next scho so very proud of the job that we're doing here in Hamilton Township so thank you very much at this time since our last meeting I've attended all orientations attended back to school nights met with the staff at H to discuss the upcoming school year we call that the district dialogue for your review please see the registration transfer statistics for the month the enrollment for the month the discipline reports for the month and the following are dates to remember Wednesday uh sorry Saturday September 28th uh is our PTA parents night out from 5: to 9:00 Wednesday October 9th is our next Board of Education meeting so it's pretty quick um executive at 5:15 and our regular session at 5:45 directly concluding after our uh that will be our PTA meet the candidates night uh and right here in the cafeteria for our upcoming uh Board of Education Election Monday October 14th Columbus Day school's closed the 19th of October is our PTA chunker tree uh which is a wonderful event very well attended uh we still do have some tickets available uh you can find that on our Facebook page Session 1 is from 1: to 2:30 and session 2 is from 2:30 to 4: and then Monday uh October 21st is our next virtual and inperson PTA meeting at da school at 7:00 that concludes my superintendent's report thank Dr um at this time receive comments from public on tonight's agenda items in accordance with the board policy and participation of board meeting each speaker will be limited in your comments to 3 minutes you're not permitted to yield your time to another see none Personnel committee this CH we met on Wednesday September 18th um the following were attendance uh Mrs bar uh Mrs bitki myself and Dr Zeno we discussed and reviewed policy and Personnel matters including resonations retirement Le of absence new hire substitutes Etc um our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday October 2nd um and I'd like to a motion to approve section n um and with that we had two changes um not changes but Corrections on the new hires list um ishmail mun is a parah um at 20960 and Shaka uh barbery is a substitute bus uh bus driver on call at $24 per hour second have a motion in a second any questions comments here n Ral this a yes Mrs bar yes Dr Sereno yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs pero yes and Dr nson yes all right I made a mistake well I'm sorry Reser any we did can uh Mrs ster and M liski please come if there are any new hires like to introduce our district V so we have one of our new Paras this year Styler for war over here that's her brother Jack I'd like to say her brother Jack is the mayor of the Shaner school and decided he has a semblance to Mr Brown who thinks he was the former mayor of the Shaner thank you and I would like to introduce the new supervisor of instruction student achievement Scott Sako I appreciate the um approval of this tonight as he will be taking away some of the double duties I've been doing for RO Bri congratulations Scot doing your spe right now ready to do the speech ready all right finance and operation committee we met on September 17th at 400 p.m. virtually uh the committee uh spoke about budget transfers tuition contracts professional development travel um Regular contracts Transportation use facilities and clubs and activity reports uh activity trips at this time I'd like to get a motion for approval of items 10.2 through 105 motion by Miss a second by Dr k questions comments you're none voal Mrs anry yes Mrs bar yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs per abstain from 10.8 yes to the rest Dr Nels yes that concludes my report curriculum committee Miss bar yes the curriculum committee met virtually on September 17th at 5:15 p.m. our committee discussed um again the new curriculum for this school year as well as our district goals and the supervisor of construction position for our district I would like to move 11 to as motion motion by m BR second by Dro question comments none roll call please Mrs an yes Mrs bar yes Dr sharena yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs PTO yes and Dr Nelson yes uh at this time we'll do board member comments any board members want to make comments um I want to I wanted to uh take this time to recognize Christine Miller she was on the board she's uh put her uh well I she's retired from the board um I do have a speech I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge and express our deepest gratitude for Board of Education member Christine Miller Christine was an incredible asset to our district throughout the time with us she will be remembered on the board as a true champion for her children and Relentless advocate for mental well-being our passion for ensuring every student had the support and opportunity they needed was unwavering Christine always approach situations patiently and calmly bringing stability and wisdom to every decision making process her thoughtful approach and dedication to our students will be sorely missed but her Legacy compassion and advy will continue to resonate throughout the districts for Years Christine on behalf of the entire District want to express our greatest and deepest gratitude for your service and your heart for our community we want to sorry we want you to know that you will always have our support and we are here uh for you as you embark on your next Journey so uh we will miss Christine Miller very much and we will be eventually advertising for her replacement after uh elections we would be advertising so her resignation is effective now we can go ahead and start that process to get that advertisement together and then the board has 65 days to fill that need thank you um I also wanted to for board comment I wanted to say um that the schools uh for the first day uh were best I've ever seen them so they look great they still look great um each one of the schools um you can see the pride in it and the teachers and the administration and the custodians and um and it just shows that we're seen articles about how we're doing things right we're proactive with things we're being interviewed by different news agencies and uh even the tempo and the and the report to us was you know why we were taking initiatives and to being the first of doing a lot of things so that's that's great news that our our U our leaders are our teachers our technology people are not sitting back and watching their their leaders and they are um pushing the boundaries so I wanted to say thank you to everybody uh for putting together a great year uh our transportation the first year that we did our own school buses I think you know knock a wood was great we only had one complaint that I saw leading into it and that was on Tuesday her kids never got picked up so but the Facebook was nice enough to point out we didn't start till Thursday so um it was nice to see that uh the one biggest complaint was the fact that she looked at the wrong calendar or something but um other than that I wanted to say thank you for um putting all the attention into it and kicking up to the right here any old business I'm sorry the new business old business new bus good ask question any old business ch um any new business all right I do have one a motion to accept resignation board member Christine Miller effective September 25th 2024 motion motion by Miss anra second second by Miss bar questions comments Ral M yes M far yes Dr Shara yes M Jackson yes m yes and Doc yes all right public comment receiving uh comments from the public enement board policy and participating in a board meeting hearing none we don't need another session all right I guess that brings us down to a motion to adjourn all in favor oppos all right I have a motion motion second second thank you M Bar all in favor I oppose thank you