##VIDEO ID:uRPY2MsibvE## evening this meeting is being held in compliance with the Sunshine Law having been adverti the Press Atlantic C notices posted in Township Clark's office ma L's post office M post office Atlantic County Library as well as all the school districts this meeting is being recorded at this time can I get a roll call Mr anch [Music] Mr Dr Sera here Mrs Jackson here Dr laop here Mrs pra here Mr R here Dr Nelson here can I get a motion to convenient the executive session so moved second by all in favor hi resolve the pursu section 7 and8 of the open public act the public shall be excluded from portions of the meeting involving discussion of legal matters uh attorney Clen Cent privilege Personnel Transportation hid and Board of Education vacancy he further result that the discussion of the sub of each subject matter in an executive session could be disclosed to the public when the formal action is taken on such matters subject matters or at any other appropriate time the further resoled board may take action on items discuss in executive session now therefore the resolved board will be in executive session for approximately 30 minutes can I get a motion to close executive session BR by all in favor I this meeting is being held in compliance with Sunshine Law having been advertised in PR City notice uh posted at the township CLK office ma Landing post office MPA post office L County Library as well as schools of the district this meeting is being recorded there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and welcomes comments and opinions of the residents as long as they remain remarks are not personal and discard the public comment portion of this meeting allows the board to listen to community members and to hear their opinions on any school policy or operation the first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only second opportunity following the actions items is when the residents May address the board on any school related issue speaker asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes you are not permitted to yield your time to another the public comment portion of a meeting during both sessions will not exceed 30 minutes upon being recognized person wish to speak should stand identify themselves by name and address at this time can we all rise for Flex sag States this take a moment of silence for private reflection at this time motion to approve minutes of regular and executive session dated October 9th 2024 so moved second by Dr fro roll call please Mr Zer yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr laa yes Mrs PTO yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr Nelson yes at this time I'll turn over Dr for presentations thank you sir at this time I'd like to ask Mrs Brian to come up with a reading challenge one of these November's uh reading summer reading challenge winner is Tia Sarat and Mrs LMA had to say congratulations on winning the summer reading challenge your dedication and commitment to reading is impressive keep up the good work congratulations [Applause] all right Mike can we roll the staff of the month for October please [Music] [Music] go ahead congratulations Miss Bingo [Music] here we hav't fin your class today because your teacher missa got the the cutest thing ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mr Brown Che your p p j to Mr Brown [Music] I need your help in Mr Allen's room can you please come to Mr Alan's room we're [Music] [Music] give tell Mr Brown what happened Mr Brown stabing up the [Applause] y That's So Awesome you okay yeah I I got really scared I was like who is that why why we taking was The Taking of the it right it was congratulations Mr Brown [Applause] I know I have some teachers here if you were one of the faculty members that were chosen for staff up can you please come up and give your an award thank you guys [Applause] congratulations all right I'm going to stay up cuz come on back up Ryan this is your show buddy this is our annual uh New Jersey uh NJ SLA presentation uh Mr Brian and I will be joining each other to present to the board so if you guys don't mind turning around and see the presentation is okay so the njla results from Spring 2024 this is a state requirement to present all of the information this was presented more in depth to the curriculum committee on Monday evening so the categories of results for njsla are 1 through five uh since we do not have any schools um competing with each other like K5 or 68 we only have one of each so there's no performance reports that compare the two uh we have the waa results and and the dynamic learning map known as the dlm notable achievements and interventions we are putting in place so grades 3 through eight are assessed for ELA and math and grades five for Science and grade e for science science results or njsla results are levels 1 through five uh not meeting partially meeting approaching meeting and exceeding and then science for some reason is only four levels below near proficient and advanced this is Hamilton Township compared to the state results um we have made some improvements from last year but we definitely have more growth to go uh we want to see the numbers higher for levels 3 four and five than the state and we're not there yet and this is for ELA and these are the results for Math and the same we would want to push our three fours and five threes and fours up and ones and twos up so I just want to jump in for a minute and talk to you guys so without looking at a chart I want you to understand that last year uh around this time the William D's Middle School had an assembly where the state came in and talked to the teachers and the state came in and let us know that year before scores were the bottom 3% in the state of New Jersey so when you look at these scores I want you to understand that in one year there's no way to go from the bottom 3% to past but what we did was I wanted to show you that we are growing and that's the important piece of what I want you to see so the next slides show the expected growth versus the growth that's happening and I will say you tell you that the state has put out what they call an embargoed uh score for each of the buildings the first page is whether you met your targets or not and in most areas we did not meet our targets the second page was did you grow as it was expected from the year before and in those categories we met or exceeded every growth expectation that was provided for us so we are growing exponentially but to get from the bottom 3% to passing is going to be a journey so I just want you guys to hear that okay okay so the next slide has where you can see the arrows we showing you the bell curve is and how a set of numbers is spread out the middle is the top of the curve represents the average most common values the sides or the Tails of the curve represent the rarer extreme values lowest to highest and you can see where we are from grades three and grade three just to remind you is a baseline data year that's the first year our students take njsla and these are our math scores and as you can see if you look at the comparison between Grade 8 math and Algebra 1 our top students are pulled out of grade 8 to take the algebra 1 and you can see how well they do on the algebra 1 assessment but that's why the numbers look skewed for grade 8 for math so I just wanted to point that out and um science is a struggle across the state for our grades five and 8 what we have done for our fifth graders is implemented a science program which went into implementation last year this year we are looking for a middle school program we have a Review Committee to implement a program for 25 26 and then here are the subgroups for ELA um you can see how the state breaks them out and then the subgroups from [Music] math and same for [Music] Science and then um we have to present on the difference an achievement from female to male they're not too far off from each other as you can see for ELA and similarly for math as well as science and then we have to break it out for a free and reduced lunch that's the first group that you see and our 504 students our multilingual students special education students and general education students so you can see those without accommodations areir a little bit better on njsla and the same for our math scores and science uh the next set of results are our waa these are for our English language learner students um as you can see the number of participants from 22 to 23 we had 113 multilingual students uh last year for testing we had 124 we are getting an increased number of multilingual students we actually um budgeted for an additional ESL teacher in the element school at the high school and now there are five as opposed to four because we had such growing numbers in the lower grades y so this one me so what happens is we have to give an assessment to the students with special needs those students with special needs um they are the ones that you're seeing here would not be eligible to take the njsla cognitively they're not able to do it so they provide an alternate assessment through the state called the DM what you'll see there is on this one you kind of want the flip to happen which is you want most of your kids scoring in the emerging category rather than the advanced because if they're Advanced they should be taking the regular njsla and be in regular classrooms so you'll see the students that we gave this to were our students that are our lowest students in the district and the lighter score is the students that are in Hamilton Township and the darker color is the students that we have placed in out of district for a variety reason being health related or behavior okay so notable news to share um we have implemented an Ela program for this year uh k35 is my view and my perspective is 6 through 8 so we're hoping that that will help close those achievement gaps for El uh we're continuing with our summer enrichment program c um and I asked each of the schools for notable achievements so Shader students got their first shark dance party for their shark ticket goal and Hess um they had their summer reading dance party um veterans uh visited classrooms on November 1st they had their buzzworthy incens of winners continuing to be recognized firefighters did an assembly for our students on October 18th and they had their first family night on October 15th with the guest speaker Chris Holyfield and Davies had their parade of Champions and then our little friend Rocco our emotional support animal dressed as a as a dragon so our interventions that we have in police uh the implementation of savis that's our main goal for this year is to make sure that that gets implemented properly um Administration is working closely with the instructional coaches in both buildings to make sure that the implementation is successful continuing with math and savath benchmarks um and interventions before and after school before school for the hus school and after school for Davies and continuing with the summer enrichment we host parent workshops uh to support parents and students helping parents um be able to work with their kids showing them how to use the programs that we have available online and Etc and um continuing our online platforms for extra support and it's similar for math uh the only change in math is grade four now has and vision math this year as opposed to Bridges and that was a request from fourth grade teachers and then um science we're continuing with amplify and we are looking to adopt a new program for the middle school for 2526 and same for we host a parent Tech night in October for our multilingual parents and give them a device to be able to work with uh their students and we show them how to get on to Genesis and all of the various platforms and that was a pretty good turnout and then we host two other nights for our atrisk students but since we're a schoolwide district everyone is invited and again implementing the new science program hopefully for 2526 any questions yeah real quick I'm sorry what's the relationship between the shark tickets the buzz tickets and improving scores that is oh well that's our positive behavior incentive program so it's more of the social emotional learning hopefully if students are supported emotionally they will perform better on tests okay than thank you thank you I'm G throw it over to dve you got you got our our heads up on what's going on in the district some October events October 25th was our annual pink out day clubs and activities looked amazing in the pink here and were able to raise money for breast cancer awareness mon the academic team team went to St Augustin prep on October 23rd for their first competition of the Year Davies came in third place out of 27 teams her next competition an online an online math competition is coming up at the end of November student council members volunteered to help me trun or tree and the Halloween parade a huge success and valer will do the upcoming events for November on November 12th the group known as buffal soldiers came to give a Veterans Day presentation to eighth graders they will be back later this year to remain involved with ladies tea and boys bbq sixth grade also had their own yearly Veterans Day scavenger hunt theil Action Group Club has their second field trip on Saturday November 16th students will be going to Lake lenon PE to take water samples examine native plant species and conduct a macro andary study with highand invention group the William Davy's flag football frenzy will take place on Wednesday November 27th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at oess Stadium our dance giving food drive sponsored by student council and mjhs will take place on November 26 to support community members in need auditions from Moana junor have concluded special shout out to miss Arsenal Mr tholly Miss Jones Miss oriente Miss Brown and all of the drama students who are here to put on amazing performance November 30th is a Hamilton Township free lighting ceremony b band as well as H and Dav choirs will be performing at this event that's all thank you very much guys great job I'll give you my superintendent report I want to say congratulations to the Hamilton Township School District as we've been approved for a rod Grant to build our new preschool classrooms I saw a colle back there congratulations Colleen this will provide us six un CLS and hopefully get us to our our preschool Universe number well we get everybody off the waiting list so exciting news happening there um uh I want to just give you guys an update on our [Music] goals so District goal number one was inclusion the goal was to enhance inclusive practices across the district to ensure that all students regardless of ability have access to high quality education and are included in all aspects of Life at Sher uh we are having classes that integrate from special EV to general education classrooms during Choice time to promote more PE interaction in academic setting where students choose their activities at has the plan is in place for developing an Adaptive swim program self- classrooms are participating in new programs such as preparing and providing bagels and snacks for staff and at Davies during their weekly guidance CST support meetings they discussed meeting with teachers to identify students who can move onto a less restrictive environment uh our self-containing rooms have been involved in music presentations trick- or-treating we're also attending PD to best support the movement of our students to a more least restrictive environment to assist with their transition to high school they've spoken to uh the high school to allow our students to attend events at their school to assist in transition over annual parade of Champions including our academic team who won third place in their competition we had a red rings trip to the skating RP which included all students on special ed all child study team members and related service Personnel will be attending one more session of the New Jersey Coalition for inclusive education uh CST training series three CST members are attending the mom the university special services Academy four CST members will be attending the njcie winter inclusion leadership conference on January 10th goal number two was implementing the district code of conduct um at shener the PBIS ideology and initiative serve as the basis for proactive conduct management with Primary students when necessary team meetings are held to assist individual students experiencing difficulties and Implement specific strategies based on their individual needs at H monthly meetings are taking place with Ruckers the Department of Education and the New Jersey PB sis coach personal meetings and grade level meetings including PD and open discussion at D's admin meet regularly to discuss data their ASP numbers and best practices to continue to improve our numbers we've also attended PD to ensure best practices for all populations and special education they have training for admin and CST based on feedback from State monitors to re to uh relative to our status of targeted review for suspension they have manifestation determinations for training for CST and guidance NCI training for power professionals targeted teacher group CST guidance and for admin and our last goal classroom management for shener they are doing the nurtured heart training for student new staff members positive classroom environment rooted in core ideals embedded with PBIS PLC discussions review of specific data points to identify areas of concern parent child events imom and all prodad which were really well attended ah Hess the new teachers are going through a book study to help them grow their management and toolboxes and at Davies is they're continuing our B4 for support for new and seasoned teachers this group meets monthly to discuss various programs events and classroom organization skills to help support teachers Dr Holm was met with uh the new teachers to offer support training and one-on-one time to continue to assist the transition the Administration has uh had parent coffee and conversations allowing parents to be informed of other options in special ed the nurtured heart trainings provided for the new students RBT training for coaching regular review with teachers of Behavior Support process and the bcba training of targeted staff uh since our last meeting I've attended the New Jersey school boards Association I went to workshops and worked with the administration on specific topics from the workshop that pertain to our schools attended the Atlantic County Superintendent Round Table attended the PTA Grant application meeting attended the PTA trunk retreat at the head school I walked the schools with the HDA president KY duner to review upcoming issues and and we today met with the superintendent the aison which happened before the board meeting to discuss any issues that were happening in the schools for your review please read the regist see the uh registration transfer statistics for the month enrollment for the month discipline reports for the month and the HIV reports following your dates to remember November 15th is PTA movie night at H I think they're doing meetings um that'll be a fun time our new uh theater in h is phenomenal the 18th they have um we're going to have our virtual PT meeting our or you can come to the D school that's at 7:00 the 28th and 29th school is Clos for Thanksgiving December 4th is our Board of Education meeting December 5th is the 45 choir concert at Hess the 12th is the Winter concert at the house Auditorium the 23rd to the 31st school's Clos and January 1st school will be closed for New Year's this concludes my superintendent [Music] report thank you Dr Z at this time we'll take public comments on tonight's agenda items receive comments from the public uh agenda item is in accordance with public board's policy and procedures at board meeting each speaker is asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes and you're not permitted to yield your time to another all right seeing none board member comments Trina um um first thing I want to say is the staff U member of the month they really have to they're getting better and better every month I have to tell you that whole you know skit that was done with the taking the pulse was amazing I have to tell you so um and it's great to see that uh these folks are being rewarded and I like the surprises um the second thing I want to say is I love every month seeing the reading challenge winners because it makes I love to read and it makes makes me feel good to see these kids young and older getting this these Awards so um I just want to say uh congratulations and way to go and then I want to thank Brock San for walking through that 29 page uh slide deck and it's great to see that we're moving in the right direction and um although it's going to take us some time to get there it's good to see us moving in that direction so um I want to thank all the teachers the administration Dr Zito Stan everyone that's working hard to get us where we need to go thank I just I just want to thank the community for reelecting me to the board um education is my passion I really enjoy being up here and just a huge thank you to everyone who voted for me or who voted in general thank you anyone else all right I just have a couple ones um I want to say thank you to our VA Chris and whoever else helped you I'm sure it was more than just you but putting together at the Grant in three days that resulted in the ability to expand our schools uh specifically Shaner um with his help we were able to get Senator paulino's support on that at the state level and in the end we were successful with getting that Grant pushed through and that's money that we don't have to charge back to our taxpayers in our tax and our in our tax base um I want to also say that I was proud to be associated with the township um Hamilton Township school when I saw our schools walking down the parade um I think every administrator was there every at least everybody here I know you were there um and we had I don't how many students you said oh my was pack yeah I don't know if you guys were able to be see the parade but uh we had every every uh administrator and you know I don't know how many 50 60 70 100 students walking along with us it's the first time that we uh showed our strength with that and we had every mascot and the new mascot for the dragons is awesome um so hopefully we'll be able to get the PTA to get us a which one's coming next to the Shar or the buzz I think the Hornet needs to be to okay so it was great and I want to say it was proud proud to be associated with you guys and you guys look great up there so thank you very much for that um thank you again for the DAV student council for attending um and thank you for giving us the updates I know sometimes it's a little intimidating um and thank you for the teachers and administration that continue to show up uh month after month at the meetings it's it's important to us as the board members to show you're that you're supporting us and vice versa and uh along with Miss anchor comment I wanted to tell you that out of 26,000 Atlantic County uh eligible voters we had 68% show up which is much much better than last year which was only like 34% um so if you voted great thank you if you didn't try to push the numbers up next year but congratulations to miss Anor and um Mr Rogers for being reelected and um I just want to address one thing I typically don't get involved with the Facebook uh email muscles that people put out there but there seems to be a lot of um I don't know what the right word is I don't to call them ignorant but uh it misinformed people on there the reason we were closed last week last week was that we were going to have the students come Mond day um and then go home Tuesday for voting because we can't have security officers at are H school because it's considered to be intimidation so our students would have been vulnerable so we decided that it was safer to not have them in school and we would come back Wednesday and then Thursday and Friday the teachers were at their normal convention so instead of dealing with the follow of parents not knowing if the kids are supposed to go to school today or not go to school today um we decided to close schools for that reason and that's the reason why we uh were close and I think we all would like to be able to get out school early in the summer but at the at the concern of safety for our students that's the reason we did it so um if you hear anybody talking like that uh if you can inform them for the real reasons why we were closed I think it would go a long the way because I know not only myself but some other board members were really kind of frustrated with people just learn things out not really understand what's going on and it's a trap for us to get involved with that on on Facebook and stuff like that because people are just going to WR right and we always invite them to come here up to the podium and talk and I've yet to seen anybody ever take on that invite so um just for your understanding and uh and if you don't mind carrying that message be great all right um we're going to move on to Personnel policy committee um M Jackson yes so the Personnel policy um committee met on Tuesday November 12th virtually at 5:00 P p.m. um those in attendance were myself Miss bar Miss litski and Dr zto um we discussed and reviewed personnel and policy matters including new professional um new hires District goals a couple of policies and regulation updates um the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday December 3rdd that will also be virtual at 5:00 p.m. um so if um can I have a motion or I'm motioning to approve the policy and committee items section 9 and section N9 we have a motion we have a second second by Dr fro roll call please Mr M AER yes Mrs sorry Dr Sharina yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr yes Mrs pero yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr yes thank you M Jackson MTO can you do the Sor Dr um so the finance and operations committee met on November 11th at 4 p.m. um discussed and review Finance operational needs our next meeting is Monday December 2nd um and I have a motion to 10.2 through 10.15 have a motion motion motion by m brto we have a second second second byan roll call please this is I yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr L yes Mrs per yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr Dr sorry um I don't know if it's going to be Miss Mrs ster or okay Mrs ster please come up and introduce our new staff such a good job I am very happy to say we have two new professionals here in the audience tonight Tara Marino is over here she will be she'll be joining us at the H school and R is here with her mom and her brother and she will be joining us at the Shaner School welcome aboard guys congratulations Tera you've been very involved with our schools in the past right I see you a lot thank you for coming board Mr de would you mind doing it thank you thank you all right that was culum committee met on Monday November 11th 2024 at 55 p.m virtually those in attendance with Miss far Dr Zoo myself Miss anra Miss s Sero and Miss Bryant committee discussed and reviewed curriculum matters including the curriculum update um and the review of the NJ SLA scores I have a motion to um 11.1 motion motion by Miss anchor a second second second by Miss Jackson roll call please Mrs I yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr yes Mrs ber yes Mr Rogers yes Dr thank you uh any old business any new business all right public comment [Music] at this time receive comments from the public in accordance with board policy and participation at a board meeting see and hearing none uh this time we're going to have another executive session can I get a motion to recess to Executive session motion by Dr all in favor I just to interject so you want to go into executive first and then come back out I'm just going by theend okay so typically the interviews are in public and then we go into executive to discuss y so I believe hold that motion I would hold that motion for right now um we are interviewing for board candidates and then from there the board can go into executive to deliberate and I believe he'll be making a decision at the December board meeting all right I stand corrected so at this time we're going to start the interviews for our vacancy uh reminder Mr Miller had vacated her seat and we had advertised and we do have two candidates for um consideration tonight and those are public and then we will as a board recess to Executive session to discuss the interviews and then as said uh next month we will then make our decision on who we select for that vacancy so this time we're going to take a 5 minute break to get uh the stage set for the interviews thank you evening my name is Amy Hal Elco I'm the school attorney and we're so excited to have you here today thank you so what we're going to do is go through a process um even though it's a public meeting we ask the other candidates to step outside um when you're done you're more than welcome to stay in here if you want you've already heard the questions at that point but when both candidates are done we're going to go into exective session and then we'll make a decision and notify you before the December board meeting and the person will be on the agenda yes so I'm going to ask you questions and just give us your best answer and we will go from there okay okay okay the first question is give a brief introduction into your background and your interests sure my name is Julian Powell I grew up in the Red Schoolhouse down the street um I went through Sher Pest and babies and oest I am a speech pathologist I have my master in spech pathology and I'm the lead speech pathologist over at Atlantic a so I work with adults um I have two children um my husband and I we lived in Philadelphia and when it was time to leave the city we decided to move back to M Landing to raise our family so I have a y old who was at Sher and I have a six-month old um yeah that's that's it I actually worked for Hamilton Township as a speech pathologist as soon as I finished my bachelor's degree and Anne Nelson was my mentor who just retired oh that's great yeah okay next question what do you see is the role of a school board member um I see the role of the Schoolboard member as someone who is working towards the best interest interest of our community at large and um looking at how we can enroll our parents in the learning spectrum that we're trying to address so I was looking at the scores and thinking how would a board member um be a part of improving those scores so you know I I see myself as someone in the community that our goal is to um improve the education opportunities for all of our kids that's what I think that the board member should do great next question what specific skills would you bring to the board okay so I think that I have an interesting perspective because I worked in a school district and now I'm a parent and I'm someone who went through our school district so I think that my perspective is um something that would make me an interesting candidate for being on the board um I work in a hospital so I work with a lot of different people and teamwork is especially important in what I do and I can bring that to the board and um I'm a speci pathologist I I help people communicate and I think that's a big role that we have as well so I think those are three things great great thank you okay next question what area would you like to strengthen in our district I'd like to strengthen our curriculum and our parent engagement you I want people to be proud to have their kids go to school here um I'm proud that Theo is a Shaner shark and he had his dance party um that's I want our community to be proud of the school district where they're sending their kids great thank you okay next question are you aware of the training commitments ethics laws and disclosures required for school board membership yeah I looked at them um I reviewed the policy okay great and then finally the Board of Education currently meets twice a month once for committee meetings and once for board meetings and our board meetings are typically on a Wednesday please confirm that you will be able to attend these meetings on a regular basis yes and I know there are only three four options allowed okay thank you very much you for hi good evening I'm going to be asking you questions tonight um what's going to happen is after the questions are asked we're going to go into executive session uh the board will be making a decision and appointing somebody at the December meeting okay okay so the first question is please give a brief introduction into your background and your interests okay hi everybody my name is Beverly I'm a lifelong resident of M Landy um I'm also a former student of our school district Sher duers andies um Bor in education I have a master's degree in curriculum and instruction um I have three teaching certifications I have Early Childhood which is preschool through third grade elementary education which isor through grade and teacher of the handicap stes 3 to 21 um I have been in education for 19 years and the last four years as a instruction coach um and I also have been certified as a brief curriculum and teaching strategy go assessment trainer as far as my interests go I'm deeply rooted into uh fostering a supportive learning environment um strengthening Community ties um with our families and actively pursuing um revenues for our students and parents as an active Community member and a coach for my children's te thank you very much next question what do you see is the role of a school board member um the role of a Schoolboard member is to serve um is to serve and represent um our community and to be an advocate for our students education this role involves U collaborating with the administration the staff and our families um to create policies that Ure the inclusive and effective um learning environment um a board member should actively listen Advocate and make informed decisions um for the needs of our entire thank you next question what spec specific skills would you bring to the board I know you answered a lot of that with your first question so anything else you want to add skills so as I said um my background in curriculum development and instructional coaching um equi me with the skills for strategic planning teacher support and classroom Innovation um as a creative curricul trainer I understand um the degree of early childhood and the importance for our ear early Learners um my experience in both teaching and coaching has taught me the importance of clear communication um and community building which I again like to bring important a lot thank you next question what area would you like to strengthen our district I've kind of said it before but I'll start with particularly the early childhood education program um which we have been moving forward to that is a passion of mine as well as the educational um resources for our special education program um I'd like to see a focus on professional development opportunities for teachers especially around inclusive practices at curriculum updates um so that all students receive high quality education as possible thank you are you aware of the training commitments and ethics law disclosures required for Schoolboard membership yes I am fully aware of the um training commitments and the ethics law departments um I understand that being a board member is ongoing training um and to do that to be effectively serve both our staff and our community thank you and then finally the Board of Education currently meets to a month once for committee meetings once for board meetings typically on Wednesdays please confirm that you were able to commit to attend these meetings on a regular basis yes I amitt toly in my current role for the last three years I've only missed onee and that was for um a commitment to my school district which um was about a community event bringing bringing your parents to school night um and I taught lessons to preschool lessons to parents coming in um again it's just one of my my passion is trying to bring the community into our schs thank you very much we are done so what's going to happen is the board's going to make a motion to go into executive session we're going to delury and we come out no action will be taken we are just going to adjourn it thank you to both candidates appreciate it can I get a motion to recess to Executive session pleas move second all in favor closed result pursuing section 7 a of the open public meeting act the public shall be excluded in portions of the meeting involving discussion of board candidate interviews be further resolve the discussion of such matters in executive session can be disclosed to the public when formal action is taken on such subject matter or at any appropriate time be it further resol the board may take action or items discussed in an executive session now therefore be resolve the board to be ex uh will be an executive session for approximately 30 minutes session motion second second by Miss Jackson motion hey look Lely uh all in favor opposed no action to be taken at this time I would entertain a motion to adjourn motion by Dro second M brto all in favor iOS thank you