##VIDEO ID:2zWy-4w0Hhc## like to bring to order the meeting of the township of Hamilton Monday October 21st 2024 please stand for the flag salute Mr CH Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the Bolton board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January 6th 2024 and January 7th 2024 Mr Chek here Mr lws here Mr patali here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here can we have a moment of silence for private reflection thank you uh we have no guest presentations addition deletion of late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight we have two items as additions we have 7 A1 business registration for moose Landing ice cream company 8 Route 50 for ice cream sales we also have a Personnel Manor resolution to appoint Angela Gonzalez as Financial assistant at the annual salary of $48,000 upon successfully receiving a qpa certification 2,000 will be added to the base salary effective date November 4th 2024 and contingent upon successful completion of physical drug screening and background check so Mo second we have motion we have a second are there any questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings we have no one signed up okay uh discussions formal action may be taken we have a resolution acknowledging the completion of the best practices inventory call second we have a motion we have a second second do we have any questions hearing no questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh we have no public hearings or adoption of ordinances we have no introduction of ordinances so we'll move on to number six Awards and bids Awards of bids contracts and change orders a resolution authorizing second-year extension for as needed license pluming pluming Services bid number 22 excuse me 2022-2023 25 I'll make the motion we have a motion we have a second second a second are there any questions concerns hearing none Rita can we you have a roll call vote Please Mr Chek stain and due to the fact we're in the same contractors Association Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes four yes one exstension motion carries B resolution authorizing adoption year number two for Turf maintenance services bid 20231 to True Green LP thoroughfare New Jersey for the amount not to exceed $ 22,89125 9 C effective 1125 to 12 3125 motion second we have motion a second are there any questions concerns hearing none R we do a roll call vote Please Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon no mayor Shanker yes four yes one no motion carries okay thank you C resolution authorizing the third-year option of a bid bid number number 20229 for HVAC services to Peterson service Medford New Jersey for the amount not to exceed 97,3 42 effective 11125 to 12 3125 so move we have a motion we have a second second we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none Rita can we have a roll call vote Please Mr Chek abstained due to the fact that I'm in the same contract Association Mr laws yes Mr Vali yes Dr Withers smon yes mayor Shanker yes four yes one Obion motion carries thank you D resolution to increase the not to exceed amount bid 2022 09 Peterson Service Company for heating and ventilation and air conditioning service to increase in the not to exceed amount of $40,000 so move second have move motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none Rita roll call vote Please Mr cheek stain due to the fact we're in the same contractor Association Mr laws yes Mr Bali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shaner yes four yes one exstension motion carries thank you e resolution for a change order number one uh bid ing for the increase amount of 9,261 so move second we have motion we have a second are there any questions or concern Bob this still keeps us under what the grant was correct so there are two grants there's a DCA Grant of 70,000 I believe or 70,000 and then there's a cdbg grant for 300 I mean 630,000 33,000 um this is over uh the grand amount due to the fact we had we did the additional Paving okay from Route 40 to the bridge and the area that's not in front of the park itself wasn't covered okay but it came out as a way better product to do that yeah it turned out nice very nice okay yep uh any other questions so is this the additional amount the one this is the total like there's not going to be another change over we're holding 2% um they'll do a final um probably at the next meeting we'll close it out okay thank you Rita can we get a roll call vote Please Mr CH yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers spin yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and carry thank you uh number seven consent agenda we have consent agenda items a through e and that includes Mo Landing ice cream at 7 A1 I move 7 a through e should Dr W give a motion pardon me I think Carl did Carl I'll second um we have a motion we second any questions or concerns just one question on 7e MH um I'm happy that we get the grants but when this grant is over with will we be able to um supplement the off off salaries was there been any money put aside for that Brett is this something we apply for this grant every year Chief okay so it doesn't end the grant because you know some grants they end and you know so what I'm concerned about is just making sure that we are budgeting enough money into the budget in the event that it ends we still have the money to supplement so I've sat through this is probably 15 years of sitting through these meetings and we've gotten it all 15 of those years okay so um I don't have a crystal ball but I'm going to say we probably get it next year again um and I guess this Police Department submits a grant a request on how much funding we need for the the two off officers um so I would assume that we're just going to budget what we got this year in next year's but next year's budget all right okay any other questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it we move on to number eight Personnel uh we have one Personnel matter resolution to appoint Angela Gonzalez as a Financial finance assistant an annually salary of $48,000 upon successfully receiving qpa certification $22,000 will be added to base salary effect of November 4th 2024 and contingent upon successful completion of a physical drug screen and background check so move second we have a motion we have a second uh any questions or concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it number nine approvals minutes of a regular meeting minutes of October 7th 2024 motion second we have a motion we have a second or any questions hearing no questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have it B minutes of the executive session meeting minutes of October 7th 2024 so move second we have a motion we have a second or there any questions it's not a question I just wanted to State it on my motion that I was not against the court U the Central Court M I just had concerns about it MH and that wasn't um put in there I would have said that earlier but I didn't get a chance I didn't read it to this evening so it's it's saying that um it's it's stating what I said but it doesn't state that I wasn't against the Central Court and I wanted that to be included okay um as long as committee's okay with that if that's what you heard we don't want to talk too much about this yes no but I just wanted to make sure that cuz that wasn't said by me why don't we table this to the next meeting no I can change it is that okay yeah if there's a Temple Amendment we can't go because so executive session is still confidential yeah I don't want that's what I a simple Amendment simple is okay with it we am that that's fine everybody all right okay Rita can we have a roll call vote Please Mr cheek yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry C bills bill is total um the total is 5,771 264 52 cents we're going to break this up um so first we'll vote on the um there's a one in there for Ari Pearson um for $260,700 5, 700,000 correct it's just SE the next one will be 55 yeah gotcha okay second we have motion we have a second any questions or comments read a roll call vote Please Mr Chek yes Mr lws yes Mr Batali obstain Dr withersan yes mayor Shanker yes four yes one exstension motion carries uh the remainder of the bill list the balance of the bill list is 5 m 5,510 52653 don't move second we have a motion we have a second there any questions or concerns hearing none Rita roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes me Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carried thank you uh item 10 reports Mr administrator I have nothing for tonight okay Mr solicitor nothing report mayor thank you okay thank you Mr engineer just quick um just want to let know Malaga Road was Mill and paved uh last week came out really nice and uh Park Road is moving along pretty uh smoothly hopefully be finish another week okay y very good anyone have any questions for the professionals hearing none we'll move on to Township committee members Dr Witherspoon yes I would like to report that I went to the Elan County Legal municipalities meeting it was held at the crb trap in summers point it was a great meeting they had the South Jersey um Transportation Authority there they gave a presentation about the roads and people who had received Federal money concerning their roads it was about five municipalities uh their there are a lot of deaths on the county roads and they're working to they said 20 in 25 years 2050 2550 they should be at zero depths and so I was sitting there doing the math I said my goodness I'd be 82 if I Liv to be that low but by 25 by 2050 they should be down to Zero fatalities uh on the county road so that's their goal so that's a long time so hopefully there's been about 60 fatalities on the county roads and um so they're trying to work on something to get that fixed so I was glad to be there and the other thing I will be going to I'm registered to go to the um League of municipalities conference I will be attending that in November the 1920 21st I believe and going to take some courses to make sure that I'm you know compliant or I know exactly what's going on in our area uh that's it and um wish everybody a happy Veterans Day we see everybody soon okay thank you committee M um really don't have much uh Fall Festival this Saturday at War Memorial Park 10 to5 and Halloween parade on the 30th on Main Street uh starts at 6:30 uh please make plans for the traffic that's going to happen that happens every single year on the 30th of October so by now I would hope everybody knows unless you just moved here within the last uh 12 months um so be prepared for that and and please come down if you can um hasn't rained in months I doubt it'll rain that night so it should be a great time he just killed it there it is bring your ring coats it's not it looks nice Chief is it going to rain yeah it work you want you want me to fail that's why I see wow I see I see how you are yeah that's that was mean spirited that was it was mean Spirit mean spirited um and uh Dr Witherspoon talking about the uh traffic death I think over the last two weeks I've never been contacted more about speeding and traffic and and whatever else um and of course it all goes to our chief he immediately gets on on it responds and uh you know we we're doing the best that we can to be everywhere we can be um just really you know we got it covered as much as we can and uh I just wish people would slow down and stop being in a rush to go everywhere because that seems to be the uh the big problem so just be careful out there and uh that's it for me Reagan I'll see you see you later Maddie miss you love you hope to see you soon okay thank you MCH last Friday I attended the ghost walk that was put on by the Historical Society it was a great event and if anyone here wants to know what Captain Shephard Hudson did June 21st 1860 call me I know but it was a really nice event it's the first time I ever did it and it was a very nice event also Saturday I was at the Hamilton Township PTA trunker treat it was a beautiful beautiful day it was a great turnout and between the two it was just nice to see how our community can come together and everything just clicks with the community it was very nice and with that I say happy Veterans Day the Halloween parade Fall Fest this Saturday and that's all I have to say okay thank you mayor June 21st 1860 midnight little late so Deputy Mayor laws yes uh I can't follow that one up right uh we had a action pack weekend um uh we attended the um trunk retreat but uh also I spent some time over at uh Victoria Crossing um and uh they had a really nice event there for their Community it was the energy awareness um uh event was pretty awesome um really really involved your community um had a lot of of support out there um and uh this type of stuff should happen in each Community just to keep everybody a breast of what's Happening um and and in our Township uh as it pertains to energy uh also we had a uh homecoming for acit uh their first year having football out at leapy and uh it was a great day uh mayor Shanker uh came out and flipped the first corner uh these guys were really appreciative and uh I think we'll find them as a a great neighbor as they you know finished their development uh and uh then we had the Hamilton Youth Athletic Association uh Hamilton night's uh homecoming uh yesterday and uh I could just tell you guys I'm beat I can't I can barely move right now you know but uh it was a lot uh a lot went on but I got to tell you if it wasn't for the work that you guys you know put into that area to make that area better you know for us to uh to operate in uh and not just us but the guys from hockey across the way had an event going at the same time they just work together with us their event ended just as the other event began on Saturday perfect everybody worked cordially and it's just amazing what can happen when everybody's working on the same page to do one thing and that's just make it a good experience for our kids and everybody did that was really impressed uh last but not least uh there were some issues with people driving through uh leapy too fast uh the way the parking lot's set up now it's you know kids are going back and forth to the hockey course back and forth from the football field from their cars and guys are just driving well people are driving through too fast and had a conversation uh with someone from the Hockey Association and uh I guess they reached out to uh uh Greg and and you guys did something about it man thank you so much there was a speed bump out there the next day um I was impressed I I thought that was awesome and all the complaints immediately stopped cuz you can't come flying through there off the uh off the roadway anymore and that was a great thing so thank you very much that was awesome that's it can I say something um mayor I just want to say um it had the uh Hamilton night did have a great night day but it's a poor frog that doesn't Praises his own my grandson ran two touchdowns and he had a sack yeah two sacks two sacks you know so I just went to that should have been the first thing you said well I was waiting for him to pull that out I should have I should have I want you to have that Glory they were all good though they other grandchildren no just that's the last one but I just had to say that thank you Shakur sure so um you know this is my second favorite time of the year U Saturday we they did the the PTA did the Trunk or Treat which is always a lot of fun giving out candy bars to the little kids that are all dressed up and just having a great time um and then of course this this coming week uh or next week is the Halloween parade which is you know known all over the county it's it's a great event it's a lot of fun and it will not rain so it'll be a good night out everybody's going to have a good time so come on out uh like committee M patali said the traffic yes it does exist so plan for it all right uh that's all I have anybody your favorite time of the year Christmas yeah okay there's a song about it yeah Wonderful Time of the Year thank you I thought you were going to make me sing it no oh my God Dr Witherspoon can sing it any she want the wonderful time here we go I've now lost control of the meeting thank you very much oh goodness um it's I'd like to open it up to the public is anybody in the public like to speak motion to close second a motion to Second and close public portion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed a motion for Ajman is in order Mo second we have a motion we have a second any questions concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it don't forget to vote