##VIDEO ID:AMY4ehV9egY## follow to order the meeting of the township of Hamilton Tuesday November 12th 2024 please stand for the flag salute could you lead us please sir I ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January the 6th 2024 Mr CH here Mr laws here Mr patali here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here can we have a moment of silence for private reflection thank you uh we have no guest presentations addition and deletion to late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight uh we have a deletion which is 12a Teamsters communication contract ratification in Personnel so move second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor second five by saying I I I all those opposed guys have it number three discussions formal action may be taken a recommend increase escro fee schedule anybody on the de have any questions comments um I mean I I understand we have to do this not I'm not really happy about it everybody's got tough times but those tough times also come along to us so um increasing costs have to be covered the one thing I do uh want to discuss is uh historic preservation and um the appeal process for you know anything with historic preservation and um those numbers going up from a th000 to $2,000 for commercial property and from 200 to 500 for residential property uh back when this initially was uh was approved I I didn't want it at 1,200 so I'm not real happy about this I don't know if this is something we can talk about and maybe lower a little bit yeah I can care cu the the the um fees are very expensive for people to to maintain HBC you know so to keep the houses and stuff up so why is it so much can we have somebody address this because I feel the same way it's I I don't know what $2,000 covers what's why is it $2,000 mayor council members of the public we took a look at this because we were finding that um over the last especially the last two years we saw an acceleration of a number of requests for additional escrow after review for all across the board of any type of application that was coming in what we did is we compared ourselves to other area of municipalities that had a similar profile had a you know quite a bit of land or had similar ordinances those were Egg Harbor Town shiing Galloway MH in particular to the the HPC section um they didn't really have anything that addressed that that we could compare it against and going further out to find say something like a haddenfield or something that does have a historic district we don't think it would have been represented of of what increas is needed in the amount of review so we took a look at the few cases that came through and we were seeing additional hours so we tried to up it proportionally but uh we're you know we're certainly open and flexible to whatever is needed what we're trying to do is there's a there's a kind of a mismatch expectation when they see these fees they pay these fees initially review goes by and then they're getting a second phone call saying we need additional funds and we're trying to cut that down so trying to I see historic preservation commission C certification of appropriateness and that's $25 fee and then you go through the process and if they want to appeal it because it didn't go their way they have to pay $2,000 to go through the appeal process it's anticipating the number of hours that would be requ required for an additional review so when they go for an appeal process that goes through the planning board correct correct now my understanding is it's only an esro if they only spend a thousand if the township only spends a th the applicant gets the other th back we're just asking to help the escrow so you don't have to keep going back to the applicant for more ESC money that's correct it creates some friction in the system system um I mean we can still continue to go this way but it does increase you know Cycles on staff to have to go through this consistently on nearly every application and again we don't really have many that go through HPC uh so you know I don't think this is a that big an issue if you feel it needs to be modified I just think it I know the neighborhoods that are in the district um uh these are people that are not uh overflowing with money and I'm afraid that if something is shot down it's going to be cost prohibitive to them to appeal it they're going to say I don't have $500 to put out because they don't like the color I picked for my siding and I don't want that to be a reason why they don't appeal it's almost like we're we're making it impossible for them to appeal so that's that's my concern um commercial property I kind of understand maybe they have a little bit more money but same thing um I just don't want I just don't want that to be a reason they say all right forget it I'm not going to try to um well make my property a little bit nicer because do you think the $200 fees to was too high to begin with I thought it was too high to begin with but I I I I suggest we keep those where they are I mean that that could be adjusted down if you'd like I mean it was it was it 200 I say we I mean I understand it's got it you know there's cost I would like to see those two say 1,200 if everybody else up here agrees or yeah I don't I don't want to discourage anybody from doing improvements especially in the historic district I mean that's kind of the whole process um when they take on a home like that the the cost are a lot more money simply because they're in a historic area now we're we're kind of we're not encouraging it we're not encouraging improvements so I mean we do have uh an ordinance for a tax abatement for the historic area or anybody in the town you know so we go to all that trouble to help them on the other end but then we put this in front of them if if they want to do it a certain way because truthfully when it comes to Historic preservation area and the the historic preservation wants it done the way it was done how many years ago and the reality of it the cost is just you know it's cost prohibitive so I don't I I agree with Carl I don't really want to add any more um blockades from them doing what they want to do Hamilton's ordinance is quite balanced in that it's one of the few that actually does have a set of incentives on top of a ordinances that are un verely U perceived by constituents as being overly prescriptive and prohibitively expensive so that's present but there are some uh historic districts particularly on the outer ring of Nork which have updated their ordinances to just simply have historical designed standards and with the incentive to adhere to those standards without being so prescriptive and and selective through a deliberative body uh that's one approach that can be taken as well nonetheless you know U I've heard your feedback and we can certainly keep it where it's at or we can as Brett noted we can actually reduce it again the frequency where this happens on the HBC once every other year yeah maybe I understand yeah it's not something that's really dragging Cycles out of the staff so okay um committee what's your pleasure I would like for them to be visit that you know because or revisit you know and um come back with us with something else because we don't want to price the people out I was on HPC for six years and they're very stringent y about you keeping the property the way uh it was originally and those um parts are very expensive you can't can't hardly find them but if you move into the historical district you're saying that you want to preserve the historic district in M land or or wherever it is you know so I I don't want to price them out either because I know how expensive it is by sitting on that board for six years I'll second so can we can we vote on this um with the stipulation that the uh escrow fees for residential stays at $200 yes mayor it's it's only over for discussion so obviously the consensus of commit would allow us to be able to move forward drafting the ordinance for introduction okay just for clarity it's the on the last page the correct 2,500 is what committee wishes to keep the same as it was before as 1,200 but the rest of the adjustments you're okay with yes okay thank you all right so um we don't need to move this we just we have given you the authorization to move forward just to be clear though the 200 for residential we want to keep the same yes commercial will state at a thousand the commercial and residential will stay at 200 yes correct there thanks thank you you know I just realized that I skipped over early public comment no thank God I already knew that that's why skipped some things you just know uh B caver cannabis review one resolution authorizing are we want to do the review there the presentation we're already passed the presentation we're we're pass P presentation oh yeah yes I'm sorry Rich all rich I promise I won't start back up without you Bobby remind me thanks I'm sorry go ahead that's okay um they have entered into their escrow agreement um we are technically um at 88c on the Redevelopment uh process chart okay but because um the site that they have is um currently would require so many variances because of the existing conditions on the site it's an undersized lot um the frontage is not the the correct size um they brought a proposal to the Redevelopment committee and the Redevelopment committee was not happy with it asked them to go back and rework the site which they did and they came back with another proposal to the Redevelopment committee uh and based off that second proposal Redevelopment committee was happy with the design uh we've had input from Mr Watkins we've had input from the chief um input from planning zoning and um the consensus was that this new proposal was appropriate for the site okay and to move it forward I mean it really does need to be rehabilitated redeveloped um uh there are some safety concerns with regard to leaving it in the condition that it is so the recommendation was to move forward with um the site specific Redevelopment plan based off of the latest proposal that they made to the Redevelopment committee okay and that's what we're here tonight to get authorization for um Mr pesa's office to move forward with drafting that plan okay it will then come back to you for an introduction uh via ordinance with a referral to the planning board planning board will then do a master plan consistency review make any other recommendations that they fill are appropriate um if any and then you will have a public hearing um before you adopt that ordinance okay okay very good so just to be clear we we have a resolution authorizing the township planner to draft a site specific Redevelopment plan for City dispensary 4760 Black Horse Pike block number 1134 Lot number 3.02 committee what's your pleasure I'll make a motion I'll second it we have a motion we have a second um just a Voice vote on this yes okay any questions or concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it thank you Bobby [Applause] okay so uh we have no public hearings or adoption of ordinances we have no introduction of ordinances uh Awards bids contracts and change orders a resolution authorizing the award of animal control services RFP number 2 24-9 to animal control of South Jersey Egg Harbor New Jersey in the amount of $3,100 per month from 1125 to 13125 I'll make a motion we have a motion second we have a second any questions or concerns have question okay uh uh on the um resolution itself it has the warden contract for Township dog warden that's the position of the person uh and general Animal control officer uh I thought that it should have the person's thing and not just the T we're not we're not awarding a contract to the dog warden we we are awarding a contract to Sam harand who is with animal control Animal control officer I'm not against the contract I just don't think it should be just the title of the thing I think it's just just say the person's name we're doing contracts we don't do it according to title we do it according to the name so Dr when you're you're saying the title of the resolution you would like who's awarded to in the title right it it has resolution award and contract for a Township dog warden that's that's the title of the person who's doing with the Animal control officer first his name is Sam Holland no it's for the it's for the services that's the that's what we put out through the RFP is for Township dog W and general Animal control officer for the contract of year 2025 okay so that's why we have it written that way okay I just thought that we that's fine but I just thought that the person's name should be a part of the contract it is further down says now therefore resolved it says that it does say it's being word time control it is further down but the position is for dog Ward and general Animal control officer services so just saying it should just be Animal Control the title is for the positioner for the services different like ler engineer which is what's in the title and then who it's being awarded to is further down in the resolution so the position at the top is the services that's being ared or awarded and down down below where it says there being uh being resolved is where the animal control Service uh it's being worded at Animal Control South Jersey which is the company organization okay just yeah it was just a little confusing way that the way that was written I would have rather for it just to have said animal control and just put the award title up there right that that was a little confusing to me if you like we can amend the title to include the the uh position or the name of the organization top if You' like to do make motion to amend that second all we're doing is changing I'm assuming what you'd like is resolution awarding contract for Township Dog Warden and General Animal Control C for Township of Hamilton to animal control South Jersey control South Jersey because that's the vendor am I correct yes so we have have to first establish what this is first all right before you control is when resolution covers everything that we're trying to do where in the resolution it is it's just it we can move it around like we have a motion in a second on the floor how do I can we amend it yes uh so we have to withdraw the second and the motion and make a motion to amend second that voice call and then go back so I need some I need have a question okay is there any state or County qualifications that has that has to be qualified under a trade name and this and that that's why we would have to put it under that particular name I don't think he's putting it under name this is just the title of position no differ l or Township engineer is a title of the physician corre so that's not the name of the oranization dog in general but there's no qualifications goes along with the company yeah I'm not against Animal Control I mean I know what that is I was just saying that when you do a contract where really is for animal control and that person is the yeah I know that's I would like to see that's what I would see because that's the vendor am I right animal control of South Jersey is the vendor so when we're when we're approving something we're approving it as um we're doing a contract we should be making it to animal control services I think you might be confused using that with just he me for a second but I think we might be confusing that with the fact that they're the contract is just establishing that that's the position we're trying to fill I'm notused right I'm not confused oh okay so the contract is for the position of do Gordon in general Animal control officer the vendor that's being awarded the contract is out of control of South Jersey right that's all I was saying you would like the title and the vendor both be in the title The Resolution may procedurally we would need to withdraw the second and the motion that is so I need I'm you got me confused now because in the resolution it states animal control of South Jersey and their address so what are we changing where it is in the resolution where it is in the resolution so our resolution templates are all written this way I'm looking at the tree and stump removal further down and the name of the organiz the contractors down later in the resolution so we can we can reorganize it but it's effectively doing the same the same thing so it's it's up to you legally it's not changing the resolution it's not a material change I I believe what Dr Withers spin would like is she's indicating that the the title of the resolution itself only includes the position doesn't include the vendor right there although the resolution does name the specific vendor within the resolution itself so it is contained the okay all right if um the motion and the second put forward that you would like to re resend that so we can I'll resend the motion I think I'll I'll resend my second just resend a second okay thank you so do we want Dr Witherspoon would you like to make the motion yes I would like to make the motion that the resolution would be to award board uh animal control now confused animal control services forther the record it is already the resolution is already to award it to that vendor my assumption is that you're only asking to amend the title of amend the title that's correct my my assumption is that your motion is to amend the title of the resolution to be resolution awarding contract for Township Dog Warden and general Animal control officer for the township of Hamilton to animal control of South Jersey that is correct I'll second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or comments R can we do a roll call vote please Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr yes Dr yes sh yes thank you B resolution renewing commodity resale agreements for snow removal chemicals for the period of 10124 to 43025 these are for Atlantic County Institute of Technology and Hamilton Township Board of Education U we pretty much do this every year with them so second we have a motion we have a second and any questions Yeah question it's not really a question uh on I called earlier about this on U page 104 for um acit uh the is also between AC special a I mean special services School District sssd so I had asked for that to be included into it's not just um uh the Board of Education and acit is also special services It's Already Done Right but that was just doing it for the record that wasn't said um would it be better to your point um Mr would it be better just to stay Atlantic County board board of education do that would both no because AC uh special services School District who I work for is a separate entity there same school board just like Hamilton Township is while there those schools are part of the same school board I just no because Al County Special they have it written here on page 104 on the AIT page they have it separated as SSP okay and acit the first the first packet has the uh Hamilton Township Board of Education HT booe right the second um contract has special Services school district and AIT atanta County Institute of Technology so I was just asking for the name to be put in there along with the Board of Education and acit is also kind of special services um School District it's right there on page one for on the second contract on the second agreement okay so it's on there it's on there it just wasn't stated okay wasn't stated in the agenda correct okay that's all we have a motion we have a second are there any more questions all those in favor signify by saying I saying excuse me S I'm so sorry are we saying that we are adding acsd it's in the resolution yes no resolution is just is for the Board of Education and acit okay atanta County Special Services is not I just wanted to make sure that that was included inside of the res isn't sssd it's that's the that's the that's uh special services when you look at it here it only says the Town Township Board of Education and acit acsd is left out yeah but on the but on the actual agreement it's in there on the resolution okay this included in the resolution yes it's that's the actual agreement so it is in the agreement and it has been changed and it is in the resolution I assure you okay okay I didn't I I'm sorry uh Rita I didn't see I know you changed it I just didn't see it no I didn't reprint the package okay that's the reason why I said that's the reason why I said something so for the record mayor be a motion to accept the amended resolution theed resolution that par put on the record has been okay so sorry can I just understand exactly what we amended to just so I can write any let me show youth okay okay this that's the qu that's what I was asking so on here even on the contract it doesn't say at County Board of Education says it here but it does not say it even in the contract it just says Board of Education so I'm not argu about the bo no no I I'm I'm saying that it should say he'll show you so the amendment says County Board of Education SS you see what I'm saying but on the contract it she amended the resolution to add with acit and at Landy County Special Services School District right but but she correct it's listed as AC you see what I'm saying look at that contract this is right right now this is right if that's what we're going to put then it's not right in the contract I think there's two contracts there two contracts one cont and the second one is is with AIT and the the second there's two separate there's two it's one number one and number two on the agenda right and this is the second one I'm looking at it it says Board of education- special services School District yeah right right doesn't say Atlantic County Board of Education which is what we have in the resolution she amended it she correct she corrected it we just did get a copy of it is amended correctly is it going to be amended in the contract that's all it now I wasn't going to change the contract no okay you know I mean it wouldn't be up to me it's already in the contract as sssd it's not in the contract as AC sssd which is what we have in is under a special services School District right but it's not it's a Atlantic County is what she has in the in the resolution okay Atlantic County sssd on here it's just sssd it was just a a mistake and she fixed it it's not fixed in the contract okay look at the contract it's just I see it she wrote I wrote AC on it I'm not going to make a big deal out of this I just wanted it included I didn't want it just to say Hamilton Township in AIT and leave the Special School District out of and that's fine I just want them to match do you want me to change the resolution to agre should say the same thing okay and that is the property R can you do me a favor can you read the resolution out loud as it as they asking you guys have it we don't have the correct one did you hand it back just I don't have it is that up there up there oh resolution authorizing renewal of commodity resale agreement for snow removal chemicals with Atlantic County Institute of Technology AIT SL Atlantic County Special Services school district and then in parentheses a c sssd is that correct that is correct that's correct okay be resolved by the township Committee of the township of Hamilton to authorize renewal of commun commodity resale agreement for snow removal chemicals with Atlantic County Institute of Technology AIT and Atlanta County Special Services school district acsssd and authorize the mayor to sign right that's perfect we good and that's not that's not leaving that Hamilton Township Board no however this one doesn't say AC Board of Education County Board Justice Board of Education you want to sign that fine with me but I'm just saying it's different I got you all right we we are technically doing this with two facilities not three we're doing it with the Hamilton Township I'm aware I got it Atlanta County Special Services school district and AIT that's all I was saying was just add the one we have a motion we have a second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it C resolution authorizing an award of a bid from tree trimming and tree trimming to Rich Tree Service Incorporated of South planfield New Jersey not to exceed the amount of $12,000 for the period of 11125 to 12312 second we have a motion we have a second there any questions or concerns Rita can we do a roll call vote Please Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Mr yes Dr Witherspoon May Shanker yes oh yes car D resolution authorizing the award of a contract to JD audiovisual integration for a sound system for War Memorial Park not to exceed $23,550 so moved we have a motion second second any questions or comments this one um question I just need to explain to me we exceeded the vid threshold no we can you explain that we exceeded the payto playay threshold so anything over 175 we have to get pay to- playay disclosure which we did okay that's all I want to do thank you are there any other questions hearing none Rita can you do a roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers SMI yes mayor Shanker yes thank you e resolution to enter into a three-year agreement from December 1st 2024 to November 30th 2027 for antivirus end user protection with Shi cost for three years $71,400 Rita can we have a roll call vote Please Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Mr yes Dr Withers Shanker yes F resolution authorizing Award of bid 2024-25 15,000 for the period of 11125 to 12312 so moved we have a motion we have a second I just have one question wrong job8 an hour second uh any questions or concerns just I don't have a question uh I know that you won't be signing these things until the insurance was attached to it correct that's it R can we have a roll call vote Please Mr Che yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers yes mayor Shanker yes yes mry G resolution awarding Professional Services contractor Rebecca Rebecca bwin Esquire of the firm Bodwin Ross Roy and leonori PC alternate REM tax sale foreclosure attorney not to exceed $10,000 sove we have a motion second we have a second this was an award from an RFQ we sent out and we only had one one firm correct okay um are there any questions or comments hearing none R can we do a roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes may Shanker yes yes thank you H resolution to award bid 24 -08 Babcock Road to arak Paving Company Incorporated in the amount of 115,000 $800 motion second we have a motion we have a second or any questions or comments hearing none Rita could we do a roll call vote please yes Mr laws yes Mr yes Dr Witherspoon May Shanker yes thank you we have the next we have the consent agenda a a through n I'll make a motion move a through N A second we have a motion we have a second all those in favor any questions I'm sorry just one questione um 7 B the the amount that we're doing is the is it the 127,128 I was coun of little I didn't quite understand the the the um escrow amount which reduced what are we doing the 127,000 or it was two different amounts yes so the um 617 was the performance bond for the uh development that's being released and we're getting a maintenance bond for the $1 127,128 so to be clear it's it's two separate bonds yes performance bond and a maintenance Bond correct main Bond comes into play after the performance bond has been met correct okay just so everybody is on board with that um we have motion any other questions all those in favor signify by saying I all those opposed the eyes have it number eight Personnel resolution appointing Lan McArdle as a recycling and clean communities coordinator at 5227 24752 annually effective 11224 we have a motion in a second any questions concerns comments hearing none Rita can we do a roll call vote Please Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes thank you number nine approvals minutes regular minute meeting minutes of October 21st 20124 so Move Motion second please second all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it all right um we're going to do the bill list in two different motions due to a conflict uh the first is going to be $366 72 to Ari Pearson I think it's for stone wasn't it some kind of doesn't matter second we have a motion we have a second or any questions or comments can we have a roll call vote Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes Mr Dr Witherspoon yes mayor shacker absolutely yes one exstension motion can we skip the next one no yeah let's see who's got the guts the motion this one uh the second balance is 6,131 8863 so move we have a motion we have a second second thank you um any questions or concerns R could we do a roll call vote Please Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes thank you we move to number 10 reports Mr administrator I have nothing to add toight thank you Mr solicitor nothing report mayor thank you excellent we're on a roll here Mr engineer Bob go nothing to report mayor get out way to go Bob Township committee Dr Witherspoon yes I have a report uh first I want to say that I'm very happy about the recycling cans uh that went out through the district um I've heard from some constituents and they were very happy about it um so I was really happy about that it was a long time coming but it happened with the grand so thank you Brett and everybody who worked hard to make sure that that happened Public Works public works thank you public works for making that happen till Tilly right thank you um um yesterday I attended the veterans um program uh at War Memorial Park it was very very nice and the mayor done a great job neither one of us knew that we were on the program but it worked out and um it was very nice day and it was a very nice program on next week I will be attending the uh League of municipalities um conference on Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and that is my report thank you committee win Pali um not much to say um but I do want to say uh um Lan Mardo um she lost her daughter last week to cancer um so I just want she had her daughter had five children of her own so she's got five grandchildren that that lost her mom so I hope everybody can keep her in her prayers and uh hope she knows everybody here at Town Hall we're all thinking of her and uh praying for her um fence W up on Park Road looks really really good um I don't know if anybody that lives across from the fence has any issues with it I don't see anybody out here saying anything so that's good now but leaves and it over the yeah we want this sand back don't go keeping that sand all right uh no but that that looks really really good uh happy to see that coming almost to a close we're getting there there a few punch list items I believe that have to get straightened out so happy to see that um get done and I know a couple years ago when that got brought up I was one of the naysayers and uh I I'll gladly eat a little bit of crow because it it came out really really well better than I expected and uh I see a lot of people walking on the sidewalk uh which is what we would hope would happen so very very good great job by everybody thank you and uh that's really all I have Reagan see you later Maddie I miss you I love you and I hope to see you soon thank you committee Che late October actually Mischief Night I attended the Halloween parade I will tell you I think it was the best Halloween parade we've ever had was just great to see the crowd to see the people see the kids everybody seemed to enjoying themselves I have to say the public works department and the police department did a hell of a job of organizing it and keep it well organized I have to say it was just a really nice event and then I have to thank public works as well on Election Day for getting everything ready and taking care of everything on both items picking up put down it just worked out very well was a compliment to our Township that's all I had to say thank you committee men LW yes I'd like to Echo um committee men cheeks uh on the Halloween parade this an outstanding event um and it's not you know missed on us the the type of work that you guys have to put in to make that happen so thank you guys very much from you know Public Works Police Department I mean everyone fire department everybody uh just a great job um also like to say congratulations to uh mayor Shanker decided to get married again and uh and uh to my esteemed colleague over here uh who got married this week also uh so congratulations to you [Music] both piece of work that's it that's all I have man oh man I thought you before you go m i mean before you make your report I did attend the um the Halloween parade too it was nice and the AC Rotary Club has been doing that for over 60 years yep and they've been doing a fine job along with everyone else and um the only other thing I wanted to know the Christmas tree lighting are we going to have that yes absolutely seen anything about that because I know we're not meeting again don't remember the exact day it's the Saturday after Thanksgiving there you go no beot if you say so I'm not I'm definitely not making that promise it's on you yeah okay all right so uh yeah we I guess we were all at the Halloween parade and and again I Echo the uh the job that public works and our police department and everybody involved does and I can't thank the rotary enough because without them it wouldn't exist and it's a lot of hard work a lot to put that together uh even the night of carousing all those kids and floats and cars and and they really did a really great job uh this year in particular uh we were honored by having our Congressman Jeff Andrew in the parade which I don't really think that's ever happened before which was a very uh nice surprise um yesterday I attended the Veterans Day ceremony and again thanking everybody who was in involved with it uh great job setting it up getting it broke down uh thank you to the veterans and the uh the veterans Advisory Board the Ladies Auxiliary just a really really nice event and yes I was I found out when I got there I was actually the guest speaker yeah and um it was it was an honor it was a pleasure and an honor to speak on behalf of our veterans uh we don't we don't honor them enough so um the last thing I have is uh congratulations to committee man Rich cheek and and Bobby lws for their success in the in the election last week um I look forward to working with you guys for at least another year two maybe we'll see uh that's all I have I want to open it up to the public anybody in the public like to speak good evening mayor members of the committee my name is Lou magazu I'm an attorney for casaer just wanted to thank you for um the vote of confidence uh I know it's the just another part of the phase and the stage that we have to go through uh We've uh enjoyed working with the township professionals uh this is really an outstanding Township and we look forward uh to uh completing the project and having something that everyone will be proud of just wanted to thank you for your efforts and again to reach out specifically reference the professionals we've been working with it really been a pleasure to work with Okay thank you Lou anyone else from the public come on up hello Lisa Moy 1932 cologne Gardens apartment okay again I bring up of course the rent I'm not your only constituent and I feel like after 67 years do I have to move to a whole another County you I mean I'm I'm coming to you guys because we have you in place to help us and so that's all I'm doing is asking you I've been looking and looking and looking and everybody's telling me the places are backed up for the next two years so what do I do am I to sleep in the street if I can't afford to pay what they're asking which is close to $2,000 what do I do I know you say sometimes you just have to move but if all the constituents just get up and move who's going to be here I understand um do have we gotten any movement when we we discussed the rent control this thing is about as annoying as it gets I I know it's an ongoing issue that we continue to discuss but I think there's a lot of movement across the state and I think that will continue but there has not been a specific movement the creation of control board here in Township yes and I think Bob you had spoke about this before about how things are changing and moving forward but anything with government is uh moving at a glacier's pace and I know that's not what you want to hear I know um but there is movement there is there are people who are including us that have recognized there's a problem um it's it's very difficult when you're talking about a a privately owned uh community and we are a public entity so it it's not as easy as you would think it is to to do something I know I'm I'm I'm doing more than likely just like you guys I'm searching the books looking looking for anything that may help not just me but everybody I can't you know I I can't in all truthfulness say that I'm just working for Lisa I can't do that I mean it wasn't the way I was raised I have to help everybody so I'm not only here for me but for everybody that lives around me in here in Atlantic County we know that thank you we appreciate it and and let me just say if I may that the um that's been echoed throughout the country and uh it was evident and in in the election and one of the things that I noticed through a lot of those interviews after after the election a lot of people were pretty uptight about you know what it cost to have milk in the refrigerator and egg and and rent was a you know was a major point so I'm I'm hoping you know you know it's h and we all are able to move forward to to to be able to afford it but you're not in the boat by yourself I know not why we're all in together I'm here for all of us we appreciate you coming believe me thank you yes ma'am okay yes I did I did get an email I I passed it along to our administrator um I don't we didn't get a chance to talk about it today I think I just got the email the other day if I'm not mistaken conc yeah okay always neighborhoods that have maintenance done and we all this money and were that shouldn't be but our main concern is this Association Fe that they're telling us to pay $21 okay who are these people that's a good question um it's okay it doesn't make any sense to us and like I said $21 by November 20th and then $15 a month stting January and initially we were told be35 I guess but it's gone up some of us have tried to do inqu right this is an HOA that was there when you moved in when you yeah this is I don't that's the part I don't understand so going back going back a couple of a couple of months artist walk was brought up and I I I specifically said and kind of question I think there were some people here from artist walk that everybody understands that you guys you guys are going to have to have an HOA and I questioned do the people who live there know this how do we you know because I kind of listen I saw this coming I I I knew this was going to happen I knew it because I don't think a lot of a lot of the people who live there know that you're supposed to have an HOA were you aware of that you you're supposed to have an HOA I was aware a lot of problem but we need some kind of organization I you guys what going2 someone we don't even know who hasn't even shown their faces well this this is and this is where where it gets kind of hard we really don't have anything to do with with the HOA it's not it's not us this is between you you have to get your homeowners together to create the HOA and then please Ken correct correct me if I'm wrong you you put um a board in place and and they they do all this work for you because you guys have to maintain your they have to they have to self-maintain their uh basins um I don't know are they responsible for snowplow that stuff that's us there are certain things that you guys are going to be responsible for and I don't I don't know who I don't know who to go to I don't know where to direct you to go honestly PCA regul ho we have to check and see if reg the company that she's referring to register information but you guys can choose your your your your the home yeah your board chooses your um they representing so so then someone chose them that's what I'm saying so you need to talk to you need to talk to your your your board members don't sir sir one person at a time please thank you when she's finished you're more than welcome to come up I I would say obviously there's a letter that I guess we really didn't look over yet can you breto look over it and then Brett can you get back to her get her information please cuz I I don't want you to be upset maybe there might be no reason for you to be upset I don't know you know we got to get someone telling me yeah you owe 200 you owe $21 guess you're going to be a little bit upset I understand I understand it could be vo yeah yeah your board needs to establish whether that's your yeah our administrator will get your contact info he'll review that letter that that we got whatever it was and then point point you in the right direction money that they're asking for I I yeah I don't even no comment because I I haven't seen the letter I don't know I don't want to comment on that at all I'm sorry Mr if I can we've had these issues with h before Miss P doesn't have oversight of HOAs in the township the DCA through the state level they have the regulatory oversight for that so the the mechanism to go after the H or contest that or have mediation or the process would be through the DCA which is directly with the state of New Jersey municipality doesn't have the ability to to come in or regulate or change anything HOAs uh but it's something that you can pass along I can speak to the administrator as well we can at least get you the information but committee doesn't have the ability to kind of step in with the HOAs the the state of New Jersey has through DCA a system to be able to address those concerns but it has to go directly with the administration that deals with the H which is DCA so yes uh probably not tonight but tomorrow we most likely we respond to you so make sure that the administrator has all your contact information we can get it directly to you how to contact them specifically they're pretty good sir did you wantan to did you have something you want to say come come on come on up you're all that's fine uh it appears from the letter that they've already selected this company and saying that the board of directors selected this excuse me uhuh we don't even know who they are yeah because you have they don't give you any warning of any board meetings or anything like that and it has it sent out another letter to elect uh board members but as of right now from them selecting that company they're saying that they already have the board in place and we don't know who any of those members are yeah that would be I would think that they would have to tell you that I'm not an expert on this please you would have to start there yeah sir could you do me one favor could you state your name for the record uh William white thank you William appreciate it I'm Dix attending uh Planning and Zoning meetings since 1991 is often as I could in 29 years on the MUA so I've seen this issue many times I want to refer BR you back to your agenda item uh M resolution denying release of artist walk maintenance guarantees paperone is mentioned in here words that weren't said in this dialogue over the last five minutes is at what point and this is planning board experience the HOA documents are reviewed as part of the planning board process the Builder is in control of the HOA until certain number of units are sold at at such point they start to establish and ultimately turn over control so what's the status of the you're and you're agreeing with me thank you um what's the status of the buildout of artist walk are are every one of the lots and I don't know the number off the top of my head uh are every one of the Lots built with a house on it that there should have been 100% turnover from the Builder to a a new to be created board of directors I think that's that's where this needs the first questions in my mind is where does it start who selected those initial board members and where are those records and I don't know that any of those would have been forwarded into the township once paperone Ryan or whomever would have started that process but somebody should before you talk DCA because they're going to be in Atlantic City next week they're not going to be in Trenton able to receive phone call so calling this week because it's next week right thma is the is the league meeting yes uh this week if there's a call to DCA it needs to be this week that that's just my experience on it and and this is an interesting situation I'm not surprised because uh Melissa has been here before thank you so we voted on tonight to not allow the release of the maintenance bonds the maintenance guarantees correct or orst walk correct do you know if it's all sold out I can't answer that 100% but I believe most of or all of the homes are I would have to double Che significant amount if they're starting into the HOA I don't it just sounds like me like the residents were not really well informed over this if that's if if I could speak mayor just um I believe Papo homes was maintaining and controlling the HOA mhm until now right and then they just and whatever they did and vote for um they didn't inform them ahead of time and create something is my opinion okay I can't believe 100% correct correct I understand but the mainus bonds were um denied uh so they can go back and fix some sidewalk driveway aprons as such but day-to-day maintenance stuff such as cutting weeds and grass and stuff like that they're no longer doing that now turns over to the HOA which sounds to me like it I believe appeared I believe it was part of the approval process I believe part of the Deeds or the HOA documents um or public offering statements were probably provided at the time of closing it's just that they never disclosed I believe who they picked for the board so nobody knows okay and that's something that we don't have prevy to so okay I could just quickly add because of what Bob just said DCA D DC no DCR Declaration of covenants and restrictions as Jenny knows for where she lives that's a recorded instrument so if artist walk has an HOA has a recorded instrument which was part of the planning board approval it should be a recorded instrument in their name that's something else that needs to get looked at and that could be done tonight on the the computer at somebody's house not my house thank you no I got enough on my point thank you okay so maybe we can establish that Brett and let's let's make sure that this has been um listen we're we'll try and help you as much as we can but as you know committee with patal has stated this this there's a point where it's out of our hands and it's a DCA thing but they should be registered it just sounds like the information coming to you it wasn't um as good as it could could have been so give your information to our administrator we'll do everything we can okay anyone else in the public like to speak motion to close we have a motion a second to close public comment are there any um all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh we will be adjourning to exec session uh police promotions and Personnel will we be coming back out I no we will not be coming back out with any make a motion to adjourn to Executive session to Executive session I need a second second all those in favor signify by saying I I I was opposed thank you