call this meeting to order uh please rise for the flag salute if I can get uh Mr Chief Duty honors the United States of America to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting an notice of this meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January the 6th and January the 7th 20124 Mr Chek here Mr laws here Mr patali here Dr Withers here okay like to take this moment uh to provide a moment of silence for private reflection okay all right so today we have a guest presentation uh wayth Road Bridge Project yeah we don't have one okay so do I have to say that or yeah you could say that and say we have enough the thank you thank you good evening everyone um my name is Nicole Brown I am um working with the uh with Atlantic County I'm with JMT who we're the design consultant for the bridge replacement project of HML 18 and HML 19 those are two bridges that carry wayth Road um over skulls run and little Millstream uh so we'll just I'm going to keep this pretty high level I don't want to keep everyone here too long um we'll go over just generally what the project entails probably what everybody's most interested in is the traffic control and then the schedule pretty quickly so first and foremost um our Atlanta County project manager is diang over here um my name is Nicole Brown like I said I'm the bridge engineer and then Lindsay kets who's in the back row back there is our Highway engineer so this they're the two bridges are about a mile apart so it's difficult to show them on a map that you can actually see so I've split them up a little bit so HML 18 in the top right carries woth Road over skulls run and then HML 19 carries wayth Road over little Millstream so this project involves a complete replacement of both Bridges which will involve the AA the relocation of aerial utilities which include Atlantic City electric lines Verizon and cast and then we also have a gas line um Underground on one side of the of wayth road that will be relocated actually has been relocated actually the I think the aerial lines are in the process being relocated the gas main has been relocated already so the roadway is going to remain open during construction we don't want to hinder anybody's access to businesses or um private residences so HML 18 was originally constructed in 1925 it has a narrower roadway width of about 28 1/2 ft it's a three-sided reinforced concrete frame and it's supported on um cast in place concrete spread footings and Timber matting so you can kind of see in this photo that the um Timber bulkhead shows a little bit of Decay and that's the portion that isn't underwater so what's below the water line is significantly worse uh HML 19 is even older it was constructed in 1915 it has um stone masonry abutments on the original side and then it was widened in 1942 using reinforced concrete abutments it's supported on Timber piles and it's showing some signs of scour so what we're intending to do here is replace both Bridges with pre-cast concrete rigid frames so these are pre-cast offsite shipped to um the bridge site and then just kind of placed on top of the cast in place concrete footings so the traffic control in order to keep this road open during construction what we're intending to do is keep one side of woth Road open at all times we'll have um temporary traffic signals at both ends of each Bridge we'll do one we'll construct HML 19 first and then HML 18 so first we'll close one lane of HML 19 um we'll demolish one side of the bridge in that top left image we'll have alternating traffic going on that remaining left side of the structure then we'll reconstruct the side that was demolished with the new um pre-cast concrete frame and then we'll shift traffic over to that newly constructed side demolish the remainder of the bridge and then reconstruct the remaining side so then we'll have our final reconstructed bridge in place so excuse me that sounds like what did on Road in the area of Camp a Ander a yeah it'll be okay but again since they're a little farther apart they're about a mile in between that's why we have to do one at a time because if you close traffic for a whole mile while waiting for people to get it would take a long time thank you I and then um like I was saying before the gas main has been relocated the aerial utilities are the Atlantic City Electric has been relocated I believe Comcast has been relocated I think we're waiting on one last line for Verizon to be relocated we're expecting this to go to bid in um Mid 2024 and then awarded in late 2024 and then each stage so we'll have the first stage of HML 19 F second stage of HML 19 and then first stage of HML 18 second stage of HML 18 each will last about 3 to four months so our total project duration will be about one year and that's it have any questions do you have a a copy of the presentation I can send it to I can I can provide it after that that would be nice thank you okay thank you very much thank you thank you very much there's no AC no all right so um next we have an addition deletion of late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight I don't think we have any right so we're good there all right and uh early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearing BR do we have it we have no one signed up no one signed up awesome thank you moving right along okay discussions uh formal action may be taken uh um 3A waves of green cannabis Plan update block 994 lot 39 Oakwood Boulevard resolution authorizing um execution of escrow agreement with uh waves of green LLC Mr Deputy Mayor I'd like to recuse myself absolutely thank you don't go far whatever you're more comfortable quick sit here yeah sit work all right good evening everybody so my name is Paul Giblin I am the Chief Operating Officer of waves of green LLC my wife Caroline sitting there is the uh the CEO and 100% owner so we were here to tell you about our project it's been uh many years uh in the making so we're going to start with a brief business overview so uh just a little bit about who we are uh Carolina and I both come from maze Landing so we're locals uh we've gone through the process of getting this to be a certified uh WEEI Women Business Enterprise uh with the state we've gone through a whole lot of uh iterations with the New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission the CRC and we currently hold a class one conditional license class one is for cultivation only it's not for manufacturing or retail sales or anything else it's it's strictly cultivation uh we are currently pre-revenue so we are not uh a multi-state operator coming in and uh you know just dropping into maze Landing trying to uh add business uh here this is the only place that we intend to set up shop so uh we're maze Landing or or bust essentially um in terms of the business operations uh that will be engaged in uh assuming that uh we clear all the hurdles and uh raise the necessary funds to build out the facility that we're planning it'll be cultivation of of plants so it'll be from seedlings and uh clones to uh full-blown mature plants which will be harvested for their flowers and then we'll be um trimming uh that product on site and packaging it and then in terms of uh actual sales all of that product will go to retail dispensaries so our our customers are not the consuming public they're the end consumers ultimately but uh our are you know you know relationships will be with uh dispensaries and delivery services and manufacturers who will buy the actual flower and then they'll be responsible for the uh the sale to the public that's going to consume them so that's uh the business at a high level uh concept uh we've been working on plans for a facility uh on block 994 lot 39 in the industrial park um based on the size of the lot and uh aligning to the New Jersey crc's uh requirements around facility sizing we're anticipating a roughly 43,000 foot building uh which will support 10,000 ft of flowering canopy the state defines flowering canopy as uh the physical space that's consumed by plants that are beginning to uh to set buds so that doesn't include immature plants that haven't gotten to that stage of life yet so things like clones things like clones that are still uh adding plant mass and things like that um the facility as we've laid it out uh we have 63 parking spaces um so there are different uh points in time where we'll have an influx of additional uh folks coming in to do things like uh trim and pack but that happens on an interval um you know as we harvest the plants so we don't need people that are trimming and packing every day of the week uh because that only happens at at set periods in the uh the cycle for Harvest uh there's been a lot of discussion uh here uh over the years about um containment of odors and Aromas obviously uh you know we're in the industrial park and there's a bunch of schools in the area so we don't want the smells getting out so there will be uh charcoal filters that will be uh in line for any air that is leaving any kind of production space so the idea there is that uh voc's the things that smell are going to pass through the charcoal filters where those smells get absorbed and eliminated before any of that air makes it to the outside so that uh you don't have uh bad things wafting uh you know over to Hess and of course you know we intend to comply with the the ordinance of the township around um testing for those things as well uh additionally uh the facilities going to have a lot of uh security uh baked in um you know we care about uh people getting illicit access uh to the product of course we want to make sure that it's uh safe and secure uh we also want to make sure that the people that are working in the facility are safe and secure uh so we've layered in uh security into every aspect of the building design uh right down to uh like where our conference space sits and making sure that uh nobody has any kind of internal access uh to uh controlling with our standard operating procedures uh how product is transferred into vehicles for transport to places like uh delivery uh services or uh retail establishments for uh end sale and making sure that those things are uh tightly buttoned up uh this is the location of the lot in the industrial park so uh We've chosen this specific lot because it's uh as far away as we could get while still being uh from schools that is uh while still being uh on a lot that was suitable and sized appropriately for uh what we are trying to uh to do there and then this is a uh preliminary diagram so we've been working with our civil engineer to uh try and make sure that everything is uh uh going to fit uh correctly so this is where we came up with that 43,000 ft uh number where how we have the parking spaces there's retention basins on the front end and we've arranged the building on the property in this way uh not only because actually needs retention basins but because they act as one more uh layer of security uh there will be fencing all the way around the outside as well as a security gate uh at the driveway this is an idea of what the uh the outside of the building uh might look like so we're aiming for as uh little uh entry and eress points as humanly possible while still being legally compliant and again that's one more security measure um we don't want to have uh you know a whole bunch of uh doors all the way around the outside of this or windows that are just entry points not only for uh people that might want to uh break in to gain access to product but also uh for things like pests and contaminants and and whatnot and are also places where we could have air leakage which could contribute potentially to uh some of the smells that we were talking about earlier uh these are elevations again for the uh the same building uh this is a rough layout of the uh the floor plan so uh we have uh entry space here so this is the lobby area with a receptionists we have conference space uh so that Regulators or Auditors are able to uh come into to our facility and engage with our people and do their work without being cleared into any of the process space in the back uh we have uh restrooms locker rooms uh a couple of offices and a kitchen area for break time here and then as you get into the facility um these are all positive pressure rooms so uh in each one of these places we're going to have uh HVAC design such that it's maintaining positive air pressure so that we're keeping contaminants out of the other the product spaces and then we have a space for security and Electrical uh utilities here as well as water in the middle so plants will essentially in these areas where they'll be cut as clones and turned into vegetative plants then they'll move through the facility into one of these two uh vegetative spaces here where they're going to uh put on additional bulk and mass and then finally they'll go around to one of these 10 uh flowering Chambers on the outside of the building uh where they're going to finish out their life cycle and set Buds and uh produce uh the compounds that uh the product is is known for ultimately uh they're going to be cut down harvested and dried out that will uh they'll be hung up in one of these two rooms uh to dry and then after they've dried for a sufficient period of time usually two to three weeks they'll be brought into this room over here and that's where our trim impack operations will take place where the folks will take the product off of the stems remove the leaves um package them up into jars weigh them uh that kind of stuff and then finally we have a product Vault and then we have a one garage Bay uh for both grass and eass so as we're bringing in things like nutrients for the soil uh we are are going to be fully organic so uh as we're bringing in nutrients we'll be storing those things here uh as we're shipping product to dispensaries or retail services or manufacturers we're also going to use the same Bay and again we're making sure that things like from a security perspective the door is is shut before anything is moved uh out of our our vault area and uh moved into these things that also helps with uh odor containment so we just add a snapshot of our progress to date uh as we said we've been working on this for quite some time so uh s our weeb or CRC license uh we've been working with the Pinelands uh commission uh for a while now they had us do a couple of additional surveys uh for red-headed woodpeckers and uh an archaeological survey to look for cultural resources being that the lenp were were very active here uh we did achieve a certificate of filing uh back in September and and uh we continue to work on uh engineering and uh architecture terms of next steps uh you know we intend to uh work with the township uh with the uh the Redevelopment process uh to make sure that we're uh again complying with everything we still need to do some mechanical engineering engage with the MUA on uh you know utilities etc etc etc and that's pretty much it questions I have a question yes I see on your um presentation that your license expiration date is June 18 2024 MH have you applied for new one so we intend to apply for the uh conversion to an annual license uh so that we have that locked in that doesn't require the facility to be built yet and it's even though it's called an annual license it's essentially still a conditional because they don't actually authorize you to do anything until you've built a facility and they've inspected it to ensure that it's up to uh their standards as well as yours of course so that will be renew annually you said sorry that will be renewed annually uh yeah that has to be renewed annually yes okay and just one other questions I know you're away from a school but you are across the street from a church not too far from it have you talked to them just to let them know that they're not going to smell or uh we have not done any Outreach yet no we have not well you uh yes of course is that it any other questions um do you have um I know just from questions that many residents have brought up from the past sure um can you give a little bit of an overview of how you control uh pests I know you're not supposed to use pesticides I I believe is is is the law or or whatever could you give a little overview on that yeah so uh the way that we intend as an organic operation to control for pests is uh actually with other pests of sorts so uh there are uh beneficial insects that you can deploy and there are retailers that sell these in little sachets that you uh can put on the stems and they don't go Airborne uh they're you know bugs that will crawl down into the the top layer of the soil and eat the uh the other insects that can damage the plants um part of and I'll zip back here one of the other uh control mechanisms we have is is the division of these different spaces so the reason we have 10 different rooms is to uh mitigate uh some of that risk so if we were to have a crop contaminated in one of the 10 rooms ideally we can isolate and limit that to just that one and then call that crop and uh dispose of it appropriately uh without uh risking the uh other 10 and having the business take a massive hit uh so that's one um major contaminant risk with cannabis is actually a mold so mold spores uh are are a real risk in so much as they can land on the bud of the plant as it's forming and then the flower grows around it and then it can actually contaminate the the inside so when I mentioned uh positive pressure air in those rooms it's it's for that purpose it's to prevent outside air that may have some of those contaminants and those spores floating around in it uh move in uh the air inside rooms will also be recirculated uh with filters and that again is to keep things out of the air and then the actual um entry points uh into these areas are controlled uh so there will be things like um foot baths as you uh go from the restroom area into the uh the rest of the area which is modeled after PHA and the idea there is that if you have any kind of contaminants on the bottom of your shoes we want to make sure that that is is eliminated as well so we're doing as much as we can can uh obviously we don't want to be putting any kind of pesticide whatsoever uh as an organic operation uh on the plants uh because that ends up being stuff how about fertilization any chance of that escaping from your facility so we're doing a soil grown uh cannabis so we'll be taking soil samples on a regular basis and uh sending them off to uh you know extension services at Ruckers to get tested and we're only going to be adding or uh organic amendments and those have to be broken down by bacterias and things things in the soil as well to uh to go there so um we're not going to be using any kind of artificial fertilizers so ideally the uh the runoff uh that we have does not have uh high levels of of any kind of nutrients in it and uh I'm assuming a backup generator to run all that filtration system and everything so we're we're looking into uh Power storage with a battery units and uh solar right now okay good uh just one question um as far as your security plan um you plan on linking up with our chief or with our Police Department to kind of devise a you know security plan that makes sense for our town sure uh we have not done that yet but right but that makes makes absolute sense and we' be happy like that okay with you Chief thank you all right uh so if there's no other questions uh just one more question okay I just want to be clear because the this expires June the 18th so when would you get another license which piece I'm sorry the CRC license hold on I highlighted it on your presentation the njc you're talking about the CRC license on June 18th yeah so the CRC has been granting extensions on conditionals on a repeated basis so we've actually held uh class one conditional license for two years significant amount of time so they've just continually uh granted us extension after extension after extension uh we're going to convert it to annual so that uh we have to do that less frequently um but there's no foreseen issues with carrying that on because the state wants this industry to grow my question is when are you going to get the other license uh when are we going to get that uh the June 2024 number but we have to have plan we have to go through this process first so as long as we put in for an extension yeah she needs to be in front of a mic I'm sorry short short answer is we don't have a date yet so we'll need to plan that for that period um we'll be granted another conditional and that just keeps going until we finish our building and then they give us an annual no thank you thank you very much okay um so do we have a motion or a second on the resolution authorizing exe exec execution of escrow agreement with waves of green LLC I'll make that motion we have a second I'll second it okay all right any comments no sir okay got a roll call roll call right yes a roll call okay CU I was reading the wrong thing okay roll call vote Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes Deputy Mayor laws yes all yes and carry okay hang on one second I'll go get get rich yes we're ready for rich thank you you should be right in the lunchroom seems okay welcome back uh May man ch all right uh next item um for discussion is the landfill Redevelopment extension um we have Emily given okay Redevelopment Council for the township um thank you Deputy Mayor um we're here tonight to talk about um the proposed um execution of an addendum to the landfill Redevelopment agreement um this addendum is intended to take us through to the end of the process um that has been described by Mr D and his company um through the original Redevelopment agreement and then through the progress reports that he has presented to um mayor and committee over the years this particular addendum incorporates in it um exhibit a which is a Gant chart that shows um the length of time that is proposed to take us through to the end of the um cleanup and then transfer of the property to the redeveloper um to install the solar facility um if that's the direction that he still intends to go so this um the length of time the duration that's set forth in exhibit a is 705 days um it is um very detailed in terms of what has to occur um the dates that are in here um are not actual dates that we will check off that it you know it's July 30th um but there are periods of time within which actions have to be taken uh if those actions cannot be achieved within that time period the redeveloper is going to have to come back to committee and request an extension 30 days before that expiration so that he can explain to committee the basis for that extension um so if there's there's a need for uh sight clearing extension uh he'll have to be here 30 days before that should start to occur in order to get that extension um and committee is not required to grant that extension if they are not satisfied with the basis for that extension so that's not built in what is built in is if there are regulatory delays if for some reason a regulatory agency has to take a look at something that's been submitted and everything was submitted on time but there's a delay in processing that regulatory approval before he can begin a Next Step um he will have to come to committee and advise you but those those delays are outside of his control as long as he is diligently pursuing those approvals um he can continue and will not have to get an extension from you for that um so the um agendum that you have before you um incorporates that Gant chart into it um and it will allow both the redeveloper and the committee a better level of um security with regard to what is expected to be done and when so if anyone has any questions with regard to that I understand exactly what you're saying concerning the chart the exhibit mhm there are no dates correct in this resolution it's addendum it states that this ends August I mean April 2nd no the the prior um extension runs through April 2nd of 2024 so it the the the current extension that was granted to um the redeveloper ends tomorrow correct yes I don't see the 750 days the 705 days is at the um the top of the chart exhibit a it's the very top that's not what I'm trying to say we don't have an end date no I'm not articulating it right I'm saying in this 3B the discussion is the landfill Redevelopment extension in that agreement should say something reflecting what you're saying not but whether it's to go to the Chart because there's no dates on the chart there's nothing I understand that there's not an actual date certain um the difficulty with that is that we are not clear from pin lands yet and so the activities that he can take on the site can't begin until Pinelands gives its final approval everything has been sub submitted to the Pine lands they simply have not granted approval yet I'm I'm not confused with that I am saying and I will reiterate it needs to be reflected in this resolution one thing I've learned if it's not in black and white it didn't happen and in on according to this it does not State anything that you're saying we're supposed to know if anyone comes after us they got to know to look at this exhibit in order to follow it's they should be able to follow it by what is written in the resolution is what I'm saying well they should be able to follow it by what's written in the addendum correct so so if you look at the resolution number one authorize the execution of the addendum it then goes to the addendum that includes the Gant chart as exhibit a so the resolution just allows the execution of that addendum seems like M wants a date that is correct because on this right here even in the addendum it says it is it is extended through April 2nd 2024 so that means that would end tomorrow cor yes the prior resolution expires tomorrow so the purpose of resolution and the dendel is to extend it beyond that prior resolution so this and essentially is an extension of that prior contract by adding the addendum and highlighting the specific milestones and the day the days that it would take to complete those Milestones so it shouldn't say extended through April 2nd 2024 it should say the addendum should say begin April 3rd or April 2nd 2024 pursuant to the chart so if I'm understanding correctly you're asking about paragraph two on the resolution correct that says the April 2nd Date go ahead so that paragraph indicates that the prior extension under resolution 2023 0389 was already extended through April 2nd 2024 okay and that's the reason for the need for the extension so what we're doing now is pretty much approving an an extension from tomorrow until beyond the prior resolution that was granted up until April 2nd 2024 correct does that Encompass the 75 days yes so the the extension incorporates exhibit a which is the Gant chart that sets forth that the timeline of 705 days and it includes certain milestones in the length of time that each of those Milestones is supposed to occur within and some of those are going to overlap um and some of them may be completed in a shorter time frame okay um and Mr D is going to have to keep the um Township committee appraise of his progress so when um a particular um event is completed uh so right here on number seven and we have LCP approval by njde uh it's anticipated to take 10 days to get that if that takes 5 days he will let us know and then he should be moving on to the next Milestone um if he believes that one of these Milestones is going to take longer or he's not going to be able to begin that milestone in in the time that is set forth in the chart he's going to have to let you know at least 30 days ahead of time and get your permission to move the the entire time frame further back who who from the township is going to be responsible to make sure we're hitting these timelines so that's going to be in coordination with Mr D reporting and I would imagine um Mr null's office and if you would like our office to participate in that monitoring we certainly can um so let's say um site clearing we get to that point and for some reason whoever was going to come do his site clearing can't come and do it so now we're going to be we're going to miss that time we're going to miss that set time Mr D do we throw them off the job is there a penalty so the no and and that's based more more so on the original development agreement um that allowed for a 90-day cure period um so we are tightening that up by giving him 30 days rather than 90 days um and um Mr D D has agreed to that um but there's no penalty we're hoping that this time frame and the notification requirements um will help him to keep the project moving forward at this point um we're almost at a point where regulatory agency review and approval is not going to hold him up any longer um and I'm sure that he can speak to this but the PIN lands uh should have this on their agenda July uh and so we would be starting the actual uh process and the that we would be hitting those days where work will be done on site um sooner rather than later and get that process started um so I have I have always been supportive of Mr D I always have but this resolution here does not reflect anything that you're saying the chart does but to me the resolution should indicate to follow the chart or say something of the 705 days the addendum it says absolutely nothing so in the agendum itself the the document that that the township that Mr I will be signing that binds um says that the redeveloper has provided timely updates um and he has provided the township with an anticipated schedule of necessary steps that must be taken to bring the project to completion which is called the project schedule attached here to is exhibit a re developer has requested an extension of the landfill Redevelopment agreement commensurate with exhibit a contingent on approvals which redeveloper is diligently pursuing the Township believes it to be in the best interest of the township to Grant the requested extension to the landfill Redevelopment agreement as reflected in exhibit a and then in the event despite its due diligence and pursuing any and all remaining approvals and permits regardless of which governmental entity requires same funding to complete all necessary obligations under the landfill Redevelopment agreement and this addendum the redeveloper requires an extension to the timeline set forth in exhibit the township agrees not to unreasonably withhold condition or delay its approval of such request then it goes on to say that redeveloper shall make any request for an extension to the project schedule set forth in exhibit a attached here to and Incorporated herein at least 30 days prior to the date set forth for completion in exhibit a so it it does incorporate fully that exhibit and that timeline into the agreement and the resolution authorizes execution of the addendum but the addendum itself sets forth the terms I'm really not comfortable with this the way that's written but you know I will go with the pleasure of everyone else I'm not comfortable the way that looks be only because of what is States you know in the very very beginning to me that should be more clear here there's going to be other people that come hopefully I'll be here for a while but there may be people that come after me they should be able to look at this and know that those dates with those timelines they should know that not look at an the denim with tiny font of 705 days that's ridiculous that's not clear it's really not clear it's I mean you're saying if if we look at the exhibit we're supposed to know from the exhibit but even on the exhibit it says first quart there are no dates there's nothing so how should the township do our due diligence and actually following this timeline where there are no dates here I I understand what your question is um it's just difficult for me to be able to put dates in the the flexibility that we were trying to achieve through this addendum without setting specific dates and having Mr Dy have to come back to Mayor and committee and request another extension of and another addendum um was to allow for a time frame and so just give me an example or just just on the first quarter just give me one example and then maybe that'll clear me up okay so he anticipates getting pilon's approval and then that will begin um the issuance of the access agreement for the for the adjacent Lots the the industrial commission is going to take their action and and do their the authorization of an access agreement and so number six will be done and pinland commission will have given approval and say we start on June 1 then on June 10th he will have to have received the LCP approval by njde and so we won't have a date certain until we have that first Milestone where we we can start the clock from and as soon as we get that then all of those days will follow but until we have that first date we can't yeah thank you we can't we can't give you the date certain so so in essence once we get to that date the 705 days begin the clock starts on the 705 days is that that starts tomorrow that starts at April 2 okay so no no that's where I'm confused at yes so if you look the 75 days there is 000000000000 right right so that's there there that nothing comes off of the 705 until we get to number seven right that's what I'm saying and the date that we that number seven occurs from that day that's the date we start the 75 I think that's the question that you were trying to do right that one question yeah all right so yeah and I apologize for not being able to articulate it um it's no it's just think go a misunderstanding I think we got it clear now um and that happens and then there may be other permits that you had to get that obviously we can't put a date on it because if there are any other that that come up but that's the that's the only one that should be the last one and that's why I'm hearing the word should Jeff can you go the mic clarify that that Pinelands is the only last remaining the Pinelands is the the tricky one but the the D landfill closure plan approval they are not allowed to issue until Pinelands issues approval so that's the 10 days that's formality they yeah they already have all the documents in place they're ready to issue that they're just waiting for Pinelands in order to uh uh issue their approval and if the person who's in charge of that is on vacation that week you're obviously not going to get it uh well no that's a the pance basically what I'm this just it's just what I'm saying the these aren't the only permits you're going to need permits from the township that's true yes we need we need Street opening permit we need uh you hear that Bob so when he sends it already got it relax I'm not I'm I'm being the devil's advocate so that seven months from now when you come up here and somebody's going I thought you said you know the 7 days start those applications are prepared actually the street opening permit's already been filed it's just sitting there uh the uh soil Ro set up a control plan application is ready to go in obviously you know we need to get the you can't do that until you get the finance well yeah unless the finance would have a change to it which right they're not really going to come in on the S Ros and 7 control we don't believe um the just as a quick update for uh committee the two most before you before you go into your just a quick question quick question um so you've already submitted the application to Pilot that's we're we've established that is that correct correct so we're just waiting for their review when they submitted us we submitted the application in last may they submitted a letter in July okay we have done the additional work work etc and so forth and submitted everything to them the last piece was a letter from Mr Roberts consenting to the application submitt okay and that's what was submitted on March 6th and then okay so and then the items that have been discussed and you can go ahead and give us the update after this but the items that have been discussed are the items that you feel you're in agreement that 705 days is enough time for you to get this stuff done is that that's corre correct okay we we think we'll bear think we think we'll be able to over outperform that that timeline by quite a bit particularly because of the groundwater monitoring which you'll see is stretched out right so you have padded in times for delays and so on and so forth that's all construction delays very good so you're a good planner okay so go ahead now the the One update was that we got the letter from Mr Roberts that was that was a big issue and the other is that the uh outside consultant that the pine is hired to review uh the permeable versus in peral provided a memo to the executive director that our plan is compliant with the CMP and that a per cap is acceptable for this landfill so okay those were two major milestones that were out there we had outside parties and those have been achieved so it's a and um I was um I I reached out to the PS this morning to get an update um aen just mentioned Ernie is on vacation till Thursday uh so tomorrow would be the deadline for getting on this next agenda with the finance commission this uh this schedule assumes that'll be next uh that we're a month ahead month later than next so I thought we would already perhaps be outperforming but uh pinland is still reviewing and the main review they're doing now is the storm order which is the coler's work and their design with the 24 infiltration basins or whatever the heck it is that we have out there now okay or infiltration features why you're at the mic I have a question the sesc implementation 210 days what is that actually that yeah soil Eros and sent control that happens throughout the duration of the project okay just you maintain silt fence maintain uh uh runoff control I'm sorry could you repeat that I just you said it so fast I didn't I'm sorry soil erosion sediment control okay that's issued by The Soil Conservation District of the county that's one of the other permits along with the street opening that we have ready to roll here um and um that maintaining of soil erosion obviously happens during the entire length of the project okay and then just just to clarify you have 705 days that is calendar days not work days correct when it says 10 days those are actually uh those when the days over here are are are actual work days the total duration of time over the quarters it has up top here is calendar calendar a little bit of both in this okay well then just say you're less than two years 705 days your construction ends go out to um one year and three months not the well monitoring so your construction is 705 days calendar days construction is is effectively finished at the end of the ters and set of control I'm yeah okay but that your your your quarters and your calendar days on the chart come up to a year and three months ballpark the same as 700 days and now you're saying 705 days is actually work days no the the calendar is is calendar days across the top these you see here on this column where it has the number of days by task here yes that that's that's work days yeah they're work days are you gon 10 days it's that's two weeks I realize that that's why I asked you the question but the the the work chart shows a year and three months for your for your uh construction one year and 3/4 which would be 700 days ballpark ballpark not 700 work days 700 calendar days so you're cut putting in that the duration is 7 105 days but you're saying 705 work days this calendar Over The Quarters here is accurate some of those days might overlap overing yeah they will over some these tasks are going to be overlapping yes right okay so we need a clarification on that it has to be either or work on the chart if it's work days it comes out like two and 3/4 years Emily do you follow that that's five days working so are we talking about the stuff that's in red and yellow CU that looks like it's perit no what I'm following from Rich's question is if we add up all of the days and the the number of days that it's going to take for to do each of the tasks it's going to exceed the 705 gotcha the 75 calendar days calendar day no so so we have 705 days but yes it will seeed the 705 calendar days what Mr D is saying is that some of these tasks are actually overlapping and so while it will take 10 days to get the um potentially to get that approval by njde at the once that's gotten at the same time we can get the submitt certified and mobilization starting at the same time oh yeah right here it's not 11 right here but as far as looking at it starting off first what he's calling the first quarter day one the first the first month the first quarter and then it goes out a year and three quarters 700 days that's actual construction that's true well from can we make sure that construction entrance pad site mobilization and task n I'm sorry I can't hear you I'm sorry task n is mobilization so from there would be your construction yeah well once you get your Pine lands the clock starts to tick correct you have 705 calendar ballpark whatever it is the year and three months I'll provide the clarity on quarter I believe these are work days I'm not sure and perhaps the 705 is work days but I I think the calendar is accurate here well as long as we go by the calendar because you can multitask yep yes correct so you want that clarification in yes please looking at your your schedule there's a lot of fluff in in there there should be yes a lot of these a lot of the construction tasks can happen concurrently oh yeah yeah and a lot and a lot it I mean it there's there's Comfort Zone built into this so as requested by the professionals when we put this together the the other thing is that it's eight quarters of groundwater sampling which we've already done the first you can see the today's line is here and pre the good news at uh as previously indicated groundwater is very clean at this site so the D's guidance is eight qus of monitoring two years but um with good results like this you can reduce that so that's that's a factor that ground well the monitoring the pink area here that's after construction that's not part of 705 days yeah correct so we will clarify work days versus calar 75 calendar days yes 705 calendar days we take a call vote on this just okay yeah but I think that is okay with accepting 705 calendar days not 705 work days yes okay he's good with that okay all right uh so uh can I get a motion in a second please for clarification purposes Mr null just handed out an updated uh resolution to pass out the committee there we did notice as we were going through not the adental but the resolution there was a typo that didn't change the spirit of the resolution um you can verify going back and forth between the two proposed resolutions uh there was just a a name that wasn't supposed to be in there so it was just a typographical error but we did want the the appropriate update to be presented before committee tonight got it thank you thank you for finding that and getting ahead of it guys thank you very much I appreciate it I just have a clarification if he's falling behind just say uh uh just say mobilization you have a you have 10 days after and you're not mobilizing do you have does he have to come to us then to say why he didn't mobilize or does he have a chance to make it up in the construction schedule to hit the next Milestone if he's going to require an extension to that 705 days of the total of the total 75 okay he will have to come to you 30 days before mhm and get that extension but if he makes it up if he believes construction noan void yes it's something like mobilization we're going to call him and ask him why he's not there yet but know it's putting up the silt fence we may not call him it's just hope hopefully all call me okay since since we're doing the addendums you know to the calendar date is it any way that we could add um to the resolution where it's the town Bel in um where we can put in there that the clock starts once he gets the pine lands that's when the 705 days start instead of just saying exhibit a so in the um third whereas Clause from the bottom of the agendum right we could say redeveloper has requested an extension of the landfill Redevelopment agreement commen with exhibit a contingent on approvals with which redevelopers diligently pursuing and upon receipt of Pand approval the 705 day clock shall begin perfect Emily where where are you you're in the addendum yes okay is the resolution going to change uh can and Brett have that resolution the resolution that was provided just the committee just allows for the execution of the addendum but I believe that that adjustment is going to be in the addendum solely are you going to add that to the resolution the res resolution as I'm reading it now does not refer that the addendum should be attached to this resolution and made a make a part of the resolution right but um I I I admit I was confused by that myself and thought I was going to attach it to the resolution as well as the addendum just to be sure but we could amend the resolution on section two uh to indicate that the authorized mayor and the township administrator uh to execute setad denum and attached to this resolution could be modified and added in for modification that's good work for everybody number two page correct it will attached to the resolution yes okay okay I'll motion okay second all right thank you thank you all right so than you we call vote please little behind Richard Chek and Dr W yes Mr Chek yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes Deputy Mayor lws yes all yes and Carri okay for public hearing adoption and ordinances there's nothing uh this evening um CNA here y yep yeah cor okay so we'll move right on um introduction of ordinances public hearing to be held April 15 20124 a um ordinance number 2071 d224 an ordinance of the township of Hamilton for the impoundment of shopping carts and P and penalties uh for abandoned shopping carts can I get a B I'll move that motion second second a motion got a motion a second got it okay roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr Pali yes Dr Witherspoon yes deputy mayor laws yes all yes and introduced thank you what of bids contracts change orders is that require oh there are not okay yeah Deputy Mayor we don't have any uh Wars of bids contracts or change orders for this evening perfect thank you thank you very much okay the consent agenda uh is there anybody like anything separated from the consent agenda discussion openly I motion to go a through I I have a second second okay roll call please Mr CH yes Mr catali yes Dr Witherspoon yes Deputy Mayor LS yes oh yes carry Personnel a resolution to appoint Mary Kelly as full-time interm uh executive assistant to the administ trador slj fund commissioner uh effective 4824 at an hourly rate of $45 not to exceed 35 hours per week can I get a motion motion or second did you make the motion yeah I'll second it okay have a roll call please any question oh any questions yes just one question okay sorry um is she back here because she was in Virginia according to the thing how's that going to work she's waiting for tonight's meeting to see if she's getting approved before she moves before she relocates cuz I was just wondering how she was going to do that from Virginia okay all right good question right all right all right all right so what call please Mr Chief yes Mr patal yes Dr with yes Deputy Mayor laws yes yes car okay approvals sorry uh a minutes regular meeting minutes of March 18th 2024 so moved second okay roll call vote Mr cheek yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes Deputy Mayor LS yes B bills bill list totaling 1,252 36949 it's a lot of capital we're proving that so move all right second negotiate yeah right we got a second did you second I'm not you know I don't do that did someone approve she moved it we got a second okay car says I don't do that all right can we get a roll call vote please Chief yes Mr patali Dr Withers Deputy Mayor yes Carri okay all right reports uh we have our administrator first please so I just want to speak real quickly about the dam and the water levels on the lake sure um you're going to notice the Public's going to notice some fluctuating water levels in the next coming month next few months um I've directed Public Works to use the power house as much as possible between now and the construction of the spillway um the idea is to try to make sure and to see this this Powerhouse work because we're not going to have a Spillway or three floodgates okay once they put the cord Dam in front of the the spillway so I really want to see what that Powerhouse will do make sure it's going to control the leak so um so right now we're trying to um it's it's like a trial and error just to try to anticipate um a rain event like they're forecasting 2 in of rain we get 4 in of rain so how much in advance do we have to open the new Powerhouse to keep the spillway um at zero right now we don't know okay uh we're trying to figure that out if we make a mistake we can always open the floodgates so right now it's trying to figure out how to operate that Powerhouse effectively um for when the time comes when that Dam's no longer going to be able to be used absolutely so that's great again we're not going to we're not going to flood the town you may see some fluctuating level you may see it get up high you may see it drop down really low um we're trying to come up with a a formula to operate that Powerhouse just as you guys know in television land that uh we'll see some fluctuation in levels and it's by Design that's all I have thank thank you just one um question Brett uh uh it's in your in the report uh the rabies um Clinic was changed the venue you know where it's uh here at Town Hall okay that's it thank you okay all right our solicitor do you have anything to report anything to report today thank you so much for all your help this week um preparing for today we appreciate you um engineer uh thank you Deputy Mayor I did email everybody a hot topics list um if anybody had any questions regarding any of the items um be sure to ask I just wanted to give an update on Underhill Park so we be advertised on April 4th this Thursday uh in the paper for bidding purposes uh we are opening the bids on April 25th and we hope to award it on May 6th uh meeting and um our aggressive uh bidding process is for to maintain the $650,000 grant money that we have for the project um we are just to include there is Ada Pathways uh new fencing around the baseball fields uh we're including the retrofitting of the bathrooms for the concession stand as well to meet ada8 um compliance and we're also putting a supplemental bid of repaving old Arbor Road along the whole Frontage of the uh park there um we're going to see how those bids come in uh if they are a little high with the roadway we'll probably include that into to the road program we might be able to get a better price with that um but we should have that roadway paved by the end of the year as well um and besides that I give you a list of the roads that Brett uh had informed everybody from the last meeting and um I just want to uh piggy back onto the dam um water fluctuation uh elevation that was the first time I went up there last week with uh Mr Telly and uh he gave me a great um tour of it and I was very impressed with the how it how it works um you know unfortunately trying to uh guess the elevation of opening those Gates is going to be a little bit of a guessing game knowing how much rain will come or not and uh you know living on the lake I see it and I'm always in touch with Chris so it'll be an ongoing uh process and I think we're going to work it out because as Brett said once that Spillway is closed off these gates are the only thing that are going to be controlling it and we need to know exactly how much we have to open it so that's it great excellent all right Township committee members we'll start with uh Dr Witherspoon I attended the atena county League of municipalities meeting at violin on March the 22nd at the Savory in and the clerk um Joe Jala was there and was the guest speaker um and I'm sure that everybody has read that the ballot um legis well there was a court case concerning the way the ballots are and it has been changed it was 49 states which I didn't know we're doing it by block voting and so there's no more any lines like a b column right that's over with um I'm sure that the clerk will be coming out with a message for it but I just wanted to make sure that everyone was aware of that uh he said that they didn't have enough time to change the ballot so everybody voting in at least in New Jersey or South Jersey will be getting a mail INB uh so that's how everybody will have to vote on this particular time because they will not have an opportunity to change it between now and the primary I want so I got that information and I wanted to make sure that I brought that back to the township um I did get the opportunity to go to the new um Outlet grocery store I was not able to be there on the um opening day but I did go by Saturday and introduce myself and welcome him to um Hamilton Township I cannot pronounce his name so I called him Chuck and said Chuck welcome to Hamilton Township so I was excited to do that and um the Hamilton Township sustainable team Earth Day is coming up at oakrest high school on Saturday May 4th the green Fair event and it's a very nice event I have been attending this event for maybe three or four years or at least a couple of years and I really really like it it's going to start at 10:00 and end at 2 uh they're going to have the free recycling the shredding and all of that and green um initiatives free workshops and they have local businesses and 50 plus vendors and exhibitors so um would like everyone just to um Mark that down on their calendar you know to go by and support the Hamilton sustainable team they do an excellent job and um they just do a nice job and it's a nice organized event and um it was raining last year but they made it work and I was out there with my umbrella and I did attend uh last year and was staying a little bit so we want to make sure that this gets out and I also um done a post and I'm sure the chief has it on there but I done a v a post for everyone to remind to remind everyone that this is um the awareness month for um distracted driver distracted drivers so if your children or grandchildren are out there or you with a cell phone and you're doing it while you're driving and you get stopped by the cops they're not being mean they got a grant so I was letting everybody know that if you get stopped you're going to get a ticket so we just wanted to make sure that everybody was aware of that please tell your loved ones not to get distracted you know and pick up the phone or dial or call or do anything this particular month because if Hamilton Township uh police see you they're going to stop you and last but not least I did attend the award ceremony it was very nice on last Thursday uh it was nice to see the people I think people need to be appreciated and they've done a great job here in Hamilton Township I stayed for Until the End uh and it was very very nice because I got to see some of the officers and dispatchers that I really didn't know uh as a result of that I will be on tour tomorrow I contacted the chief to go to the police department and dispatch unit so I can familiarize myself with um the good employees that we have here in Hamilton Township that's my report awesome thank youman Pat got anything like to share uh piggy back on on Dr Witherspoon uh I also attended the award ceremony and I'm I'm I just got to ask how come the chief never gets an award what's up with that I don't know I I could I was waiting for you to get something but I I want to say congratulations to uh the officer of the year Patrick mogen um from what I could see he's he's a heck of an officer and uh we're really lucky to have him with us and of course all the other officers and that that received an uh ACC Commendation we uh it was nice to see them all well except for the ones that were working but it was nice to see them all here and uh and like Dr WSB said people like that on the back uh even the dispatchers and uh and some other people that that were involved um and it was amazing to see all the things that went on in our town uh this past year um and also knowing that we have all these officers that are able to take control of the situation and get things done and put people behind bars that belong behind bars so great job um tell me you took pretty much everything I got I got nothing I got I got nothing um there's a long list here and it's all gone you the Green Team you can talk about the May um another thing that happens on that day is uh we'll do a road clean up at Babcock Road correct 8 o00 where are we meeting meeting 32nd Atlantic Avenue meet meet there sign a release so if you get poison IV or you get stabbed or something by a piece of glass you know um no but that's that's normally a good time we we we have a good time we laugh we we we make it fun so please come on down help clean up the road and and I suggest anybody in your family is getting close to being a a driver have them come down so then maybe they won't throw trash out of their window CU it is the most frustrating thing in the world to to see how much trash and it's just all stuff thr out the window so come on people don't do that let's keep new Landing classy uh and that's that's really all I have So Reagan I'll see you soon Maddie I miss you I love you and I hope to see you soon thank you very much uh committing in uh patali and I think that's a great idea you know to bring your kid who's about to drive so know not to throw stuff out the window uh committee man Chek I would have went to the awards but I called the chief and uh I was sick that day so no one wanted me there uh bring that here right I'm pretty sure he's not getting any Awards this year either and uh I was fortunate before the I attended the turnover meeting for the the PowerHouse Dam and saw how the lock everything worked and whatnot and it was really neat and since being there I've been keeping an eye on it to see if W's coming through it and everything else and it's it's really pretty a pretty neat system and then when we had rain probably well we've had rain a lot probably two weeks ago I went by and there was no water coming over the Overflow over to Dam it rained 2 and a half inches that day you could see the water coming out from the PowerHouse extremely fast and a little bit of water coming over the spillway so Public Works you had to figure it out you got to figure it out that's all I have thank you uh commit and Chic uh for myself um I'd like to say you know thank you to all of you for um attending the meetings it seems like uh there's certain faces here every week and uh I'm actually happy uh that you guys showed up on my first night of you know handling things for our mayor um and all the calls and all the support I got this week from everyone who uh looked out for me to make sure I didn't mess this whole thing up so thank you guys very much um I also attend well I did do the ribbing cutting for um uh Grocery Outlet and I got to tell you what great people and and last name is uh Na and it's NN a so it's it's naty um and I was messing it up too so don't don't feel bad I I thought about the first name oh okay okay um so it's a husband and wife team and uh they did some really great things at the grand opening one of them one of which is they uh made some donations you know usually companies wa to make money before they started handing money out but they they LED with a couple donations one was to the um funny farm uh was a a a large check well when I say large check I don't know how much money but I'm just the check was large um for a funny farm and the other was um St Vincent's uh to Paul so uh so our local school and uh the funny farm two local nonprofits uh did benefit from um the opening of this uh company and I'm just very very happy to see that uh we're very grateful um price-wise they're right there um and uh they have some of everything and uh I think this is going to be a good neighbor for us also I found out that that they actually live here in Hamilton Township too so they they've lived here and the gentleman had um attended stop the state college and uh went on to grad school and uh he's getting his doctorates now or has his doctorates now but uh just a fantastic story um when they talk about pulling yourself up by the bootstraps this this family actually has done that and very proud of of what they accomplished uh lastly the uh police Awards just an awesome event this room was packed uh a lot of blue a lot of blue all the way around the room uh Greg actually shaved uh and trimmed his mustache and everything before the meeting I before the event was awesome um but what I was struck by is is how much you guys are faced with on a daily basis um look I moved here from Philadelphia years ago in 1980 and Philadelphia you know has its level of crime and Maze Landing has its level and uh I never in a million years knew that our men and women uh in blue in this town had to face so many things now I see a lot of the youth stuff because I commit myself to that but what you guys are doing is outstanding and I and I thank you for doing two things a hiring the right staff that's able to handle this stuff without incident B and some of the stuff was massive I mean some of the stuff was really huge um even a cold case I I I recall it was a very very intricate call casee that they uh figured out you know when when others gave up when others said you know well this is we can't find you know our staff went in and and dug up more information and and took that extra level to bring people to Justice and I'm just impressed by some of this stuff it's almost like the TV shows but I want to thank you for that and thank you for um awarding those ladies and gentlemen properly um thank you so much and I I I uh look forward to doing it again next year here all right that's all I have and uh know if we have a motion to uh open it to public comment oh okay there we go my first time and I got to the end to mess it up right motion to paper over open up oh it's my next page but next spage yeah right um so I'd like to open up the floor to any public comment motion to close second Motion in second thank you guys so much all those in favor all those in favor I all right so do I have a motion to close now so moved second all in favor I I all those opposed I supposed to say that too right no all right we're unanimous CL all right meeting is closed than