the meeting of the township of Hamilton for Monday May 20th 2024 please stand for the flag salute Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ stands one nation under God indivisible with liy andice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided for so New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the bulleon board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January the 6 2024 Mr cheek here Mr laws here Mr patali here Dr with here mayor Shanker here we have a moment of silence for private reflection please thank you uh we're going to move on we have a guest presentation um safety safety on the agenda Joe Henry from hardenberg insurance company thank you good evening everybody it's been a years since I was last here so I am here to do the annual safety on the agenda as you know uh it's required to have safety Union agenda at least once a year as a member of the GIF they put a large emphasis on safety to make sure that your community are safe and sound your Safety Committee U meets four times a year they're up and running actually six times a year uh doing very well uh there is a $3,000 award for their efforts which they did receive in 2023 and are on uh on uh course to receive that again this year so they do a very nice job uh in relation to the whole program which is established by the GIF so uh I will get involved with the uh accent investigation which is a topic this year our objectives would be when to conduct an accident investigation understanding the steps involved and most importantly determining the root cause which is really what we want to do because if we don't find out why it happened it's bound to happen again and I'll bounce around on some of these points to make it quicker for you uh we'll have an investigation we're going to document the facts that are found at the scene determine the cause and we're going to put corrective action in place and what that corrective action we'll find one of two things it would be a lack of training if it's a lack of training we'll see that that person and anybody else that needs it is trained uh any task anybody in the township does uh there is training available for that task in the GIF free of charge or it could also be an engineering device if there's an engineering device issue we'll see that we can get that in place uh if it's a budget item we'll have that discussion and hopefully we can get that in place Prime example would be we've seen a lot of back injuries in the GIF over the years from lifting manhole covers uh at this point there's really not much reason to have those because of the engineering devices that are available now some important plan highlights preservation of life is key if you do have an injured employee uh you want to call 911 if needed immediately preserve any type of evidence in the event it goes to litigation gather your information and you also want to see that somebody conducts an accident investigation and who's going to receive that report it's very important that the person that does that is a person in Authority because we see in a lot of times that the accident investigation form gets completed and it sits on a desk and really nothing happens as a result of that follow procedures in your plan uh when you report it you like to we'd like to see it reported as soon as possible uh the magic number for an accident reporting is three days statistics prove out that if it's reported within a 3-day window the person will get better quicker and also the cost is going to be less for the workers's comp complete in securing your scene on page six control access to the scene you don't want anybody into disrupt the scene use some sort of barriers to keep people out don't adjust or change the accident scene because again there could be some litigation involved and also uh do what you have to do to move someone that's injured to safety there's going to be a lot of information to gather questions will be plentiful we're going to want to know who was injured what caused the accident where it occurred when it occurred how don't forget to ask uh Witnesses and get their statements that can be very important in litigation as well and the why which is the biggest question of all it's how we're going to prevent it from happening again you're going to view your accident scene immediately and uh take photo photogaphs or a video who doesn't have a phone today that you can take a whole video of the scene that can be preserved for evidence later on as well label and secure your items uh if there's any property issues property damage for the insurance adjuster and get those written statements from your Witnesses get them fresh as possible while it's fresh in their mind the whole accident scene and the investigation uh we do have a saying if it isn't documented it didn't happen so you want to make sure those are written statements and last last ly on the last page corrective measures and tools after it's all said and done what can we do you could purchase new tools and equipment if it's an engineering device issue you could redesign a work area you can improve housekeeping OSHA's top 10 violations monthly typically po housekeeping is one of those which leads to slips trips and falls in the workplace so we can clean it up if need be you can add to existing signage again another litigation helpful situation remove broken equipment tools and you can also improve lighting which also uh can help you if you have any type of slips trips and falls among your uh facilities within the so that concludes this year's acent investigation safety on the agenda if you have any questions related to the safety anyone have any questions for the de not related to the safety open goodone very good thank you Joe appreciate it can I ask him another question sure Joe hold on we're not done with that related to the safety I just have a question uh the assessment we pay is there any plan for that to um be changed or made cheaper I know there's a little competition out there now I hear about different municipalities or leaving the GIF there's multiple gifs and we work with several gifs and when your three-year contract is up typically what what we'll do is meet with you and say would you like it to be marketed and then we'll go out to any GIF that's interested in quoting it and then we'll sit down and go over and take the best course of action for you what what you decide which way you want to go with it thank you so much thank you thank you Joe uh we have some proclamations tonight uh historic property recognition with uh Kathleen ganell Wendy and Edward fritzgerald to come up [Music] it's that's wow I was looking for them I just seen name um okay so good evening tonight we'd like to recognize two buildings in Hamilton Township uh C can now lives on 6059 Main Street which is one half call wi 2 B deep frame Welling constructed in Circa 1936 colal Revival detailing elements the blowing include massing possible original window S Windows wooden S Windows the bo go and the wooden Blackboard s William and Martha E Applegate most likely built the resid shortly after they purchased land 1936 we can't tell you how much we appreciate what you do and I know it's a lot of hard work all origal so on behalf of the township and historic preservation committee thank you so [Applause] much um they're not here tonight but Wendy and Ed sherd [Music] on Mansion at 628 Main Street it is a three story tall frame commercial building constructed in Circ 1890 as a hotel finding the elements including massing and two over two double Hong wood stash Windows I've been in construction 40 years do [Laughter] know roof that is covered in what appears to be a flat seene metal roof thing anular Revival Style Elements include molded wood cornets with wood Tre um I wish they were here tonight because again this takes a lot of money and time to keep these properties up and we really appreciate what they do I have another Proclamation here for gentleman Schmid I don't believe he here ton so we're going to hold on to this his uh he's he served on the uh senior advisory committee for a long time since actually I'd really like them to be here for this back all right let's move on auditions s Late agenda items we have none early public comment and the on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings Brett we have none one no one signed up uh discussions formal action may be taken the 2023 audit report resolution certifying that the government body governing body members have received and reviewed a minimum of the contents and recommendations portions of the annual report of the audit has everyone seen the resolution we need to motion we need a motion to accept this motion second a motion in a second are there any questions concerns hearing none R let's do a roll call Vote for This Please Mr CH yes Mr laws yes Mr yes Dr wther spoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and Carri okay we'll move on to b a presentation for uh Columbia care also known as the Cannabis 4476 Black Horse Pike block 1134 lot 14 Center class 5 retail license application to the New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission Mr Mayor i' like to refuse myself okay going to do the they're going to do a presentation yes okay everyone uh Richard Wells from Archer and grinder here on behalf of the Cannabis uh as was stated we're here requesting your consideration this evening for a resolution of support as you probably know the resolution of support is not an approval uh represents just one of the many steps that an applicant must take to be licensed and uh eventually become operational uh the Cannabis is a little unique as you'll hear throughout the presentation they do have the ability to serve both medical and adult use patients which which is what they are proposing here this evening okay so I have two representatives from the Cannabis we'll have them introduced and they can get started with the presentation okay feel free to sit at the table if you're going to run the uh um we got a clicker oh you do whoa you guys are way Advanced these guys are way ahead of me all right I'll shut up now you go ahead tech tech support came through uh good evening every everyone thank you joh for allowing us to present my name is Jonathan Gilbert I'm the Executive Vice President of Operations for the Cannabis company I've been with the company now just over nine years and was a active participant in our participation in developing applying and and opening our facilities in in New Jersey I'd like to take you through just a broad sense of the company and our um our operations in New Jersey and the Loc a um that we're applying for so the Cannabis company is considered a multi-state operator we're actually in 15 jurisdictions throughout the US uh we're publicly traded in Canada uh we have about 92 retail locations throughout the country that are either open or in development and 27 manufacturing and cultivation facilities including two here in vinand New Jersey um um uh New Jersey is a it plays a big role in our company in the success of our company so it's part of one of the it's one of the top five markets for us in the contribution to uh sales and and profitability our New Jersey participation is uh we were one of the first medical licensed medical dispensaries in the state we opened our first dispensary medical dispensary in 2000 in vinand and in depford in 2001 uh we have a 50,000 ft cultivation manufacturing facility in binland as well as a 270,000 square F foot facility uh also in viol that was open two and a half three years ago um as I highlighted we we also have uh a dispensary in vinand a dispensary in debord and our proposing one uh here in Hamilton uh to date um we are in uh we are executing we just executed a lease excuse me in in March at risk for the the location uh in question on 4476 Black Horse Pike um in a slide we'll walk through what we've proposed as the anticipated timeline for how things will progress us um but the next immediate step is obviously um local endorsement and uh submitting our planning board application so this is our anticipated timeline sorry if the lines are going through it here um I think we've been attempting to um kind of exceed expectations be a bit conservative because it is construction and there's a number of factors but uh we're anticipating call in the next 30 to 60 days getting planning board uh hearing approval submitting the site planning and and getting the permits uh back uh we'll spend about uh 130 to 150 days building out then to see uh get the certificate of op occupancy and then the Au authorization by the Department of Health to operate as a a medical facility initially um as you can see from this floor plan and apologies it's pretty small but the the facility the only facility that we could find is actually much more space than we need uh the footprint itself is approximately 16,000 Square ft um we need probably less than a third of that as you can see we're planning to build out that top right hand corner and leveraging the existing entrance that's right there on the the the middle right of the building um but we will be we are leasing the entirety of that building and uh have no plans to uh to sublease or anything at this point so we're we're paying for more than we need because we like the location uh excuse me this is a zoom in on the floor plan of what we're building out so as you can see across the top in the uh the red block those are going to be the dedicated points of sale for medical patients um and there's a patient consult area up in the top right hand corner so um I'm going to hand it over to my colleague for the next few slides and then we'll we can open it up for some questions [Music] good evening thank you uh my name is mallerie McCarthy I'm the Vice President of Operations management at the Cannabis I've been with the company for six years uh primarily focused on the buildout and development of our cultivation manufacturing and Retail sites uh across the country including uh our vinand and and depford sites that John also mentioned and uh it's a pleasure to be here um so as as John mentioned we love the site uh some benefits to the community that we've identified uh is uh the tax benefits and some Community initiatives and support which I'll share in just a bit of some we've already been doing in the uh municipalities and townships we're already a part of um in general our investment in Hamilton that we've already shown we have a patient access plan first and foremost uh our focus is on the patient our medical patients so um everything around the design and the building of the facility and how we approach operations is geared towards patients and customers um so that includes uh patient only hours reserved parking uh patient access hotline and counseling and just uh virtual meetings with patient caregivers and just continued access to medical cannabis products so finding out what products patients are looking for and making sure they're in stock with this will mirror our operations that are uh Again Medical Focus in our uh vinin and depford sites so we look forward to continuing that in Hamilton a little bit more about our uh focus on social Equity we have a focus not only in New Jersey but around the country in our hiring efforts so you can see some statistics around um hiring employees in CRC designated impact zones or uh uh minorities in and females uh one uh important note is uh positions of management we ensure that out of the three top candidates at least one is a woman or minority in that final candidate pool um uh in terms of outside of hiring diverse vendor service contracts and Partnerships already have many in process and plan to have a few more uh that includes um uh co-manufacturing agreements as well as so wholesale supply agreements as well uh we do a lot with community outreach engagement and donations uh just a list of some of them Shiloh Baptist Church the bud tenders bash and Ben benevis Health Partnership uh couple more on the other page you can can read through these but we are committed to uh promoting medical cannabis in New Jersey and working with other companies that um promote it as well and making sure we're good stewards of the community couple of other highlights the minority cannabis Academy um and these are through either monthly donations uh for other places as well in addition to sponsoring events that align with our mission and goals uh one more item we'd like to highlight around the benefits to Hamilton is um the location in itself we looked all throughout South New Jersey and really honed in on Hamilton um this particular location at 4476 Black Horse Pike um has public trans Transit which is important to our medical patients and the bus routs uh the site is has a signalized intersection ample parking and adequate interior circulation infrastructure uh we believe that the location also complements our other operational dispensaries in vinin and depford in addition to our cultivation manufacturing centers in vinand just a quick overview of the the site and a great pylon sign there to uh show where the site is and um can see right on the the main route there uh a little hard to see but a great location uh heavy trafficed area and the the red box there is the actual uh site that we're leasing as John mentioned uh we'll be utilizing the front part of the building for the uh the public access but uh it's a great location and uh we look forward to operationalizing it uh with that uh thank you very much uh John rich and I are happy to answer any questions and in the appendix there some photos of our um other operational depford and vinand sites um if anybody would be interested thank you anyone have any questions I do ahead th first it's an excellent presentation thank you I really like it and I like the way it was presented I just have one question did I understand you to say you already have the lease do you have a lease yeah we we um we have a conditional lease that we've signed but um uh in many cases we proceed at risk at our own expense in some cases starting even building but um we have the right to terminate without certain approvals so there's there's a way to to terminate the lease if if we had to my my only question is um how do we I know it's owned by L Max and you're renting the unoccupied um unoccupied space did they give you like another number to separate them from the Low Max um we consulted the lease it's at 4476 so um we haven't been assigned a unit or anything yet for that kind of block uh but um but we can definitely clarify that with them yeah that would be great because when you pull up the address it says Low Max okay you know so just start to differentiate you know Columbia definitely and and we would want that obviously we don't want to create confusion for any patients or customers so we can find out how we designate that and uh make sure it finds its way to the internet that it helps with search function yeah that's my only question okay great anyone else I have a question it's not you know directed to this location but you do have another location in town that you're building right is that correct that you were already building or something is that yes that is correct what happens with that um particular property uh well we own that property um we don't have an intention to uh utilize it for the purpose of our business in other words a retail dispens or anything so um I think we'd be interested in exploring you know possibly the development committee or someone to to talk about what options are there in selling it or uh repurposing it so we're we're open but we're not going we have you know no plans to use it for dispensary this is our preferred location okay all right thanks very good anyone else thank you yeah thank you very much very nice uh we have a resolution before us granting local support for the Cannabis company Al alternative treatment center class 5 retail license application to the New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission so this would be for our local support letter of local support what's your pleasure so move second we have a motion in a second are there any questions or comments uh my only comment would be um thank you for sticking with Hamilton Township you guys have been through a lot of issues uh with the other site and we we understand that you know however it came about it really doesn't matter but um it wouldn't have been surprising if you took your ball and went home and but you decided to stay here and we appreciate that so with that Rita could you give us a roll call vote Please Mr Chek he's not here oh sorry Mr law Mr L I said yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers mayor Shanker I'm going to abstain three yes one exstension motion carries next we have a resolution authorizing the execution of an Esco escro agreement with the Cannabis company who is the conditional developer so moveed one second we have a motion we have a second we have any questions or concerns I mean I've already stated mine okay concerned yes as long good to move forward we can move forward okay just to make sure that that's I don't know how we we Implement that in the document I think that would have to be in the Redevelopment agreement correct so that will be clarified okay it just a quick question um how was it done prior when it was like Toys R Us and the Office Depot okay okay thank you anyone else R could we have a roll call vote Please Mr laws yes Mr Bali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker I will abstain three yes one Obion motion car thank you very much for coming appreciate your presentation anything we can do for you let us know I'm going to wait this time I'm going to go get them yeah I'm going to wait I usually just blow right through Richie's going to start to take it personal you're right welcome back rich thank you okay let's move on to number four public hearing adoption of ordinances we have ordinance 2 2075 2024 an ordinance amending the Article 2 chap 66 of the code of town Township of Hamilton providing for the maximum number of employees uh before we go to public hearing do somebody want to review what this the reason for this ordinance so those who've not heard do you want me to go through the whole synopsis or can you condense it we so basically we are realigning some of the positions in public works we're going to realign some of the positions in public works to fund the titles through the grant grants that we have clean communities and recycling trust um we are going to increase the maximum salary for the J fund commissioner and we are going to create two part-time positions at the Cod and increase the salaries okay this coming year thank you this is a public hearing anybody in the public like to speak motion to close public second we motion to Second close public portion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it uh we'll move on to adop an adoption of ordinance 2075 2024 some moveing second we have a motion in a second any questions concerns R can we do a roll call Vote for This Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr Vali yes Dr Withers spin May Shanker yes all yes and car B ordinance 2076 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 163 EV evacuation excavation excavations construction I am and I excavate but I'm a plumber you're ready to retire I should have retired last week excavations of chapter 203 land use and development of the code of T Township of Hamilton County of Atlantic and the state of New Jersey thank you mayor this is an update required by the py lands to update the storm water requirements uh for the committee's purpose we did receive word that the planning board reviewed this uh and they have found that it is fully consistent with the master plan so this just updates both chapter 163 and 203 with Pand okay very good this is a public hearing anyone from the public like to speak motion to close public motion do I have a second second we have a motion to Second close public portion uh all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh we will move to an adoption of the ordinance 2076 2024 so moved second we have a motion and second are there any questions or concerns hearing none Rita can we have a roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes adop introduction of ordinance ordinances we have none uh moving on to number six Awards bids contracts change orders resolution approving the 2024 use of facilities agreement between the township of Hamilton and Ma laning Athletic Association motion oh I'm s second we have a motion a second any questions or comments question go ahead I I called earlier about this the uh agreement includes mlaa and hyaa and I wanted to know should the resolution reflect both if I can address that this agreement mirrors the agreement that went through hyaa at the last committee meeting so this is the other half of that uh so it's a binding agreement between the municipality and ml because as of last committee meeting hyaa was put on the same terms as c yeah I get that but what I'm saying is the resolution does not reflect the agreement it just says mlaa and not h y a it doesn't have both it just it's in the agreement the agreement is correct correct but it's not in the resolution it's because the agreement is not a tri part agreement and uh which means that this resolution of this agreement wouldn't bind under this one hya which is why we had separate agreements um in the future we may pursue a tripart agreement but there are dual resolutions one for each with mirror terms I didn't see the other res resolution for hya that passed last okay that's cor correct so we had that one the other half essentially they Bally got it all right I got it that's that's it okay um where were we at did we have a motion and a second we had a motion in a second I want the record to reflect the uh committee man laws has uh stepped away he has a conflict in this uh situation um all those oh now this is we'll do a roll call Rita Mr Chek yes Mr patal yes Dr Withers yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carrye okay somebody want to go get Mr laws thank you you don't want to forget him again yeah you know thanks Carl you know if you didn't say anything nobody would have noticed we just would have kept on [Music] going welcome back okay so B resolution amending a contract for the Cooperative Fleet maintenance and Management Services bid 21 2021-22 change awarde name from first vehicle services to transdev Fleet Services Incorporated so this is the same contract where're just it's a name change that's all it is okay motion second we have Motion in a second any um questions or concerns question go ahead is the new company all public work certified and all the other requirements from dpmc yes okay okay so uh I don't think I need a roll call all those in favor signify by saying I a roll call this you want a roll call yes wow Rita somebody's a little cranky tonight so we're going to do a roll call yes Mr laws yes Mr matali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes oh yes and Carrie thank you consent agenda we have a through H I don't know if anybody else want to pull anything I didn't have anything so I'll no I think we're I just I don't want to pull anything but I did want to discuss e so then we'd have to pull e pull e okay do you have a question about um it was just a simple question about the fireworks they're just that's just for sale right yeah okay I'm good okay so uh the chair will accept the motion a through D and F through H okay so moved so moved we have a second second any questions comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it we're going to now look at uh e chapter 159 resolution to insert item of Revenue with offset setting appropriation for National opioid settlement proceeds in the amount of $ 57,187 cents sorry I have to say so MO is it already you have a question no I do have a question okay the um this settlement that we will receive will bring us up to a total of 8,252 sense same question I asked last year I'm asking again this year what services have been put in place or at least started with this opioid money settlement because it's a huge problem and it's not just a huge problem in Hamilton Township it's a huge problem in our County and just to know that we're doing something to assist any way we can we may can't stop it but maybe we could try but just to pile the money up and we're not I don't see anything I mean what's the point of getting the money that was my question I don't know who's going to answer the question so the county the county started a task force and Hamilton has a seat at the table Lieutenant Mike Fergus our representative of the task force and they're trying to come up with a this is this is a county problem a countywide problem trying to figure out how to spend the money we're not the only ones holding uh dollars for this settlement and right now we're looking at possible um uh expenditures towards our EAP program um but we're not still we still have no you said EAD our EAP program Employee Program um but we still don't have a solution for the chunk of the money and only reason why I'm saying that because we have some rehabs here in Hampton down yet you know recovery C of America we got John Brooks we got things here so I I don't I just don't understand both of those are are currently involved with the county I believe I see uh our chief is making his way down yeah um I did attend a couple of meetings uh last year with that and it was still a lot of discussion about how we were going to how the county was going to um spend the funds so hopefully our chief has a little bit of in so but like uh Mr M said so it is going to help out our um employee assistance program as well as we are working with the county um in reference to subjects that that have pening court cases some that money might be used for their recovery someone said down to jail we're going to get help and recover it's an ongoing process it's something like uh the administrator said it's a countywide problem so we don't want to just use our money and be selfish we want to be able to as a county put all our funds together and get the P back for a so that's the most important thing and then it might also be able to be used to Pur noran it can be used for noran but but it may also be used for like uh the um the refrigerators and everything like that so there are other it's very hard it's not cut and dry I spend it so we're trying to work through it and figure out exactly what we can spend it on but it does appear that we we made some progress on what so just it's aough I understand it's just that next year this time we're going to get another money so there'll be three be three years worth of money we haven't done nothing thing is We're All in This Together to the county so you know we're going to resolve it or figure out what we're going to do with all this opioid money in in the whole County to try to help help everybody out all right well we I understand but hopefully by next year when we receive some more money yeah that we've done something we could say we done one thing whether we got a defibrillator we we got some Nar can we adds yeah anything you know I just wanted to bring that point out thank you so before before you go um Chief um a simple question though what so the whole county is getting this money and nobody's spending it is that what I'm understand and no one's used it everybody's kind of waiting I don't nobody Mone being spent very slowly because they there's a lot of stipulations so on how what you can use it on how much you can use it and like I said the couple of meetings that I I attended um in the beginning that it was a lot of we don't even know what we can do yet so it was kind of you know it's it's a it's a bit of a learning curve so is there a set of guidelines that was put forth along with the whole book yes book of guidelines okay all right very good okay that's it okay um we have a motion I'll move 7e I'll second second are there any questions all those in favor andix signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it so number eight Personnel try and get through this as quickly as possible we have a resolution to appoint Cove staff for the 2024 season 2022 202 6222 24 9224 do I have to read all of them off no not unless any individual Committee Member has a conflict that they need to be pulled okay is everybody all right with this list as it sits before you to hire people 1 through 12 we have a motion do we have a second second your motion and second Rita let's do a roll call for this please Mr Chief yes before we go to roll call can I just ask a question here is is this the entire staff like are we all the positions are fill now we're okay for the summer yes okay all right go ahead I'm sorry Mr cheek yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers SP yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and Carri thank you number nine approvals minutes regular meeting minutes of May 6 20124 so moved second have Motion in a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it bills bill list total 2,840 8841 57.91 it's so move second we have a motion in a second R can we have a roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr Bali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and Carri thank you 10 reports Mr administrator I have nothing to report tonight excellent Mr solicitor nothing to report mayor thank you Mr engineer ditto nothing to report didn't want to bust it open there n that's all right it's all right um one thing that uh committee mque and I were discussing the other day is the condition of the mall Al exterior exterior the interior has its problems but the exterior of the mall and where they're not uh grooming things they should be grooming is there something we can do funny that you had mentioned that mayor um we had just recently sent a letter out um I believe it was on Friday correct and it was warning them to do action within the next 15 days or the town solicitor will be informing them of a lean that would go on their property okay if they don't maintenance their basins that we've been trying to get them done for the last year yeah the property in general yeah overall um so has this seems like something we go through with them every time the grass gets tall yes is there something we can do long term I mean this this is you know if you go by there you'll see it I mean I understand that maybe they're not doing so well but that's not really issue here it's something there that I can review with Mr Watkins and we can abut pursue any remedies possible okay cuz I'd like to stop this every spring MH they're on okay thank you I have a question on the same item sure the bid the maintenance bond is that a bond or is that escrow I believe it's a cash Bond um that's with the clerk's office or with our with the town um that could be pulled to do the work in there now with a cash bond is that totally cash for the amount of the bond or a percentage no it's a total cash shity so once we have the attorney take care of it we can pull into that funds and not deal with the bonding company/ insurance company we'll have to take a look at it we can take a look at it but with notice that seems like appropriate I think it's time for something like this because we te we tend to talk to these folks over there and I think we've been nothing but nice to them and understanding of their situation and yet they ignore us on a consistent basis so concur yeah okay thank you Township committee members Dr Witherspoon oh yeah you know always have report first I want to apologize my allergies are acting up very bad here tonight but I do have a report on some things that I have done during the township on um Friday I went to the oakrest high school and um there was some area residents or former residents that was inducted to the wall of fame at oakrest uh darl camper uh William chetam commissioner Amy Gad and David Tobias it was a very very nice event and that was held I didn't get a chance to stay for the concert but I thought that that was very nice also um I did go by where uh uh cookie cream and I mean cookies what is it crumble crumble cookies yeah crumble cookies and Starbucks and all of that they were out of commission for a few days but they're back in commission cuz I went before I came to the township to get a hot chocolate just to make sure that it was working so they're back up and running and we have a new um Dollar Tree uh in Hamilton Township I did go and visited that it's very I missed the um ribbon cutting which was on May the 5th but I did go to the Dollar Tree it's very nice it's large just a little more convenient than the other one but um it's very very nice last but not least memor day ceremony is coming up on Monday and I have been asked to sing The Star spanker bner and God bless America so I just went and that service will be at uh dedication will be at 11:00 a.m. on Monday and that's my report thank you Comm M patali um as Dr Withers been said the Memorial Day ceremony Monday 11:00 a.m. War Memorial Park uh come hear her sing she sings very very well but uh come and and uh pay remembrance to to those who uh took care of us um really nothing nothing else really for me so uh I'll just say Reagan I'll see you later Maddie miss you love you hope to see you soon thank you Comm committee man Chek I visit the Le leick Fieldhouse they're moving right along they're ready for paint pretty soon they'll be planting grass so that means that they're basic Bally almost done which is nice also I went to H school on Saturday for the resource fair and what a sh and I've never been there before and it was just really really a heck of a show and it was put on by the njaa and it was just a heck of an event if I could say after being in construction for well over 45 years and being in commercial kitchens the kitchen at Hess which is over 30 years old looks brand new with the original equipment and we have to hand it to the kitchen staff they are taking the greatest care of any commercial kitchen I ever saw and that's all I have very good thank you Min and laws uh yes um I also uh attended the um resource fair with uh uh committee manque and uh just an awesome event uh it was really um impressed by the Civil Air Patrol and the number of Summer Camps that they have set up also um uh but the Civil Air Patrol has a um a drone program um that they have you know it's kind of new um they didn't have it when I was in the Civil Air Patrol 100 years ago you had to turn the props yourself but uh it it's really really Advanced and the kids you know if you know any kids that are you know going to high school um I think this is a great opportunity for for for young ladies and young men to uh get involved in aviation at an early at an early age um so that was one of the things that stood out in my mind also to uh committee man's point the uh the kitchen and the kitchen staff over at uh school was just phenomenal and what they've been able to do there is just nothing short of amazing um it's got to be the cleanest kitchen I've ever seen in my life and I've been in a lot of restaurants and owned a couple but that's it's amazing it's amazing what they've been able to do um and uh last but not least uh uh last week um uh we lost a young lady 7 years old that was a cheerleader for the nice organization she was um uh late to rest uh um yesterday um but I got to tell you guys please you know just value your children value your loved ones um value your friends and make sure you tell them you love them every day because you never know you just don't s years old's way too young you know um for a parent to lose a child and uh I just wish that you guys would keep Carter and her parents in your uh in your prayers um and her family um but that that's a tough one um it's a great loss she's a great young lady um to Hamilton Township so that's my report thank you it's very sad very sad um I just have a couple things I did not have the opportunity to get to the resource fair but I've been there before and it is quite um amazing and well worthwh uh I want to thank Dr Jerry Nelson and all the staff out there that do an amazing job and it it never ceases to uh impress when we when we go there uh like stated here before Monday is Memorial Day we will have a memorial day uh proceedings uh do your best to make it out there it's um it's it's just not another holiday it's it's the holiday where those who um gave the most um and give us the ability to see sit here today so think about that a lot over the weekend uh and it's simple things that you do without them you wouldn't be able to do it uh the other thing I like to say is congratulations to all the members of the wall of fame and the people who are put up there uh but especially Amy G Amy G sat up here for quite a few years uh not only she been here she's a county commissioner and uh she's spent a lot of time giving back to her community in one way or another and we're very proud of her we're very proud of our accomplishments um that's all I have I one I just have one more thing sure I I just forgot to say um kudos to the Hamilton Township Police Department they went for a training at Atlanta County Special Services um about a week ago and we were the first um Police Department to go through the training with people with disabilities and the prosecutor has asked we we we're like a model now so I was kind of excited about that uh has asked for all of the police departments to go through the same training but we were the first so I wanted to say something about that and I forgot to say that in my report very nice not a not a beauty model right yeah I was I wasn't going to say it Carl but now that you brought it up I saw him over there get all excited like a hand model going like this with his hair yeah I saw it too now good job okay thank you everyone um I'd like to open up the public comment anybody in public like to speak I'll make it quick um I wanted to bring up a couple things uh schools will be closed as you've already said for Monday Memorial Day uh so we will be closed on the 27th additionally as the school wrap year wraps up we have several field trips planned uh so I guess uh you know be safe around the neighborhoods around especially around Shaner we're taking our little ones to the library and also to the ice cream store or shop uh so please uh if you're out in the area just if you see a whole bunch of kids please take Extra Care while transiting around them um we did have our resource fair and I was lucky enough to have two committee members uh we we walked around and made introductions and yeah the Civil Civil Air Patrol has a quite a program that they put together with hes um our goal is to now bridge that into oakrest or other or one of the other greater eggs and the idea will be to We pre-train Them get them all ready and to be certified to uh have their drone licenses and when they come of age at 16 uh the plan is to then Bridge them and get them their certifications along with that type of program like our medical program the idea is that a child will be able come out of oakrest or SAR uh with either a partial degree or a meaningful um license or something they can do something with so if they're not College Bound like some of our students uh they will be able to go right into the workforce and have an early upstart and stuff won't you know they won't have to go get their license or pay for it the schools will pay for it um the other thing is uh we will be uh Shaner will be having uh so our youngest ones that school's bills will be changing next year we're shifting them an hour earlier so that we do have some Fallout from the parents so instead of a kids getting out at 3:30 they'll getting out at 2:30 they I think I don't know if we talked about this before but that's because of our school buses um we will be taking on our own school bus scheduling and the result is we're saving almost uh 20% on our school buses so as prices go up we're trying to counteract it without having to charge our taxpayers more money um so that simple change for us is almost saved a million dollars um and then uh on top of that we will be P we are purchasing uh our own buses and our first set of buses will be available for before the end of the year and take our eighth graders to The Cove so that is our goal is to get those buses online um trained all that kind of good stuff and have our first uh inaugural bus trip if you will uh for the cove and then th those buses will be used for after school activities uh ad hoc requirements for some kind of uh having to go pick up some kids for whatever reason um because those traditionally cost us about two to three times to go rate because we can't plan for those a year ahead of time so the school bus companies that we align with usually like to overcharge us for this um as their prerogative is so this way we have a uh a set of buses that we can uh use instead of that so if we're like on a school trip if we going to the bowling alley or the skating rink those buses would cost us about $2,000 um per bus to take and our operating cost for that same bus is $200 a day so just on those a trip like that we'll save ourselves you know uh it'll be 10th of the price and then one last thing is we do have for anybody that's ever tried to use our use of facilities forms um we have a new calendar on our web page so you can start to ideally sign up for the any the use of any of our facilities including the swimming pool um anything that you want to host at one of our schools as long as doesn't conflict with our you know um requirements um but uh that calendar is now online and we're fine-tuning it but should make it much easier to use our facilities right very good thank you anyone else in the public motion to close public second Motion in second to close public portion all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it take a motion for adjournment so move second a motion is second to adjourn all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it