##VIDEO ID:NLWqoaTsXIM## yes sir i' like to call to order the meeting of the township of Hamilton Monday September 16 2024 please stand for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided person into the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January the 6th 2024 Mr cheek here Mr laws here Mr patal here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here can we have a moment of silence for private reflection please thank you uh moving on we have no guest presentations we do have a proclamation for knockout opioid abuse day which I believe we do this most every every year um right you want to get a little background on this sure so this this was this was requested by the municipal Alliance every year they put this on the agenda it's just a proclamation um for public awareness for the uh opioid epidemic country and Atlanta County and Hamilton Township so okay is anybody on committee have any questions I just have one are there any programs or just an announcement that it's knockout day just it's just a proclamation resolution supporting the awareness what's your pleasure I'll make the motion that's we have a motion we have a second all those in favor signify by saying I all those opposed um the eyes have it um additions deletions of late agenda items to be considered for action tonight we have two additions 3C a discussion request to advertise for an RFP for alternate inim special councel and 7g will be a resolution authorizing the mayor to sign Green Trust preliminary assessment certific certification for the leapy track expansion program so moved second a motion and second or any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings we have no one signed up there okay thank you excuse me uh three discussions formal actions may be taken uh 3A cening ordinance revisions Mr solicitor thank you mayor and committee uh this is on uh for discussions uh because had some initial discussions with the administrator as well as some other Township uh administrators uh regarding the current canvasing ordinance for the the township of Hamilton it's under chapter 137 an initial reviewing uh of that chapter it appears that it has been updated in probably about 25 or 30 years it dates back to about uh 1995 there's been substantial changes in both case law as well as precent regarding canvasing and soliciting it's our Purpose with the permission from committee to be able to update that so that we're in accordance with all of the changes over the last 25 plus years so the residents of Hamilton Township can know what the restrictions and what is permissible under both soliciting and canvasing in the town okay very good committee any questions concerns yes uh I didn't are we going to get any written information on that because there was no attachments to yes so it's only on for discussion so that we can get permission to start moving ahead with that uh update and the adoption so before we go to the first reading or introduction I will have a memo that goes along with that to explain all the proposed or suggested changes and then whatever the influence of the chapter will be under those changes and I I'm clear what canvasing is but when we're talking about canvasing what are we specifically talking about so canvasing for a wide different versions whether it be uh business related or non-b business related whether it be political or religious there are certain exemptions so all of that has to be updated as well in conformance of what has changed over the last 25 years so that's what we're looking update the code for that okay and the definitions of canvasing definitions of soliciting all of that will be in accordance with whatever is current today based on our case law and so then we'll have something perhaps by the next meeting yes absolutely thank you thank you I'm sure there's been a few regulations that have changed over the last 25 30 years a couple all right so do we need a motion or we just no it's just administrative decision it's all right with committee we can move forward is everybody okay good absolutely thank you all right uh 3B hello High renewal resolution conditionally renewing the class 5 cannabis retail license Brett you want to give us a little background on this I I know mayor me I check with the solicor so I recuse myself yes you I recuse um this is just the uh annual renewal of their uh class 5 retail license out uh okay off the black course Pike Way section uh check with code enforcement in the police department they have no violations over the past 12 months good um taxes property taxes are up to date and transfer taxes are up to date as well so very good my letter so all going well so far okay so if we approve this um they will be good for another year yes okay uh committee any questions concerns one question go ahead uh they have a license currently yes the only thing that is deficient is the absence of the final state license when they get the final state license will that be it or will they still have to renew every year no they have to renew every year um so we won't actually issue our license until they provide proof that the state has issued their license I was just a little unclear when we said final it's every year that that um you know gives the township protection and if there is violations or there's deficiencies uh we could hold up their license okay that's good that goes for every license Y no matter what class it is I have one question for me go ahead this is the only open um uh retail um facility yes it's the only open cannabis facility that we have in Township and is it doing well considerably I mean is it doing what is expected to do uh as far as Revenue to the revenue uh we project roughly between 100,000 and 120,000 in Revenue annually from it establishment all right good thanks that's good to know okay anyone else um anyone like to move the resolution I'll move the resolution I'll second there motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns Rita let's do a roll call on this please Please Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes yes and Perry thank you good job thank you and good luck going forward thank you can we get a rich eat back oh sure oh I remembered this right else did you remember Rich come on back in breaker breaker one yeah once in a while I'm on the ball welcome back Richard only Rita forgot you the mayor did Rita just totally dropped the ball this time uh we're going to move to 3C it's a request to advertise for an RFP for an alternate uh INR special counsel um I don't know which one you want to explain what an inrm special coun council is because I'm sure most people don't know yes uh mayor if I may we already have an INR Council but this is for a specific uh pieces of litigation especially ones that crossover jurisdictional boundaries outside the state New Jersey um so we need an additional Council to be able to step in for those pieces of litigation uh in R uh regards taking property bankruptcy proceedings and things along those lines um so this would be an RFP that we go out for that alternate Council that's lied to those specific cases okay that doesn't mean we're going to have two law firms on one case it's just one that's correct those cases will be shifted and for example one may be for jurisdictional purposes it would be shifted from our current in Council to the alternate thank you uh you need a motion for this or just approval uh a motion yes all right let's do a motion please so moved we have a motion do we have a second second are there any questions concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed eyes hav't four public hearing adoption of ordinances a ordinance 2084 2024 an ordinance repealing the Redevelopment plan for Atlantic City Race Course Redevelopment area set forth in article 4 section 245-5344 -69 and adopting the 2024 Atlantic City racetrack Redevelopment plan for Block 11351 lot 10.01 aka the Atlantic City Race Course Redevelopment area with the township of Hamilton Atlantic County state of New Jersey so this is very simply taking one ordinance and replacing it with another or updating the ordinance with a uh with a different Redevelopment plan this is you say different it's a public it's a excuse me Redevelopment plan specific to the new um developers I guess that's the right word new use of the new use of the property okay this is a uh public hearing anybody in the public like to speak motion to close second a motion to close and second to close public portion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have it uh the chair will uh chair we'll uh look for an adoption to the ordinance so moved second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns Rita can we do a roll call vote Please Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali I'm very excited yes Dr Withers spoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and adopted thank you and then we lose half our audience yeah just like that we should have put a stipulation yeah that they have toay yeah next time thanks guys thank you very much we'll see you soon okay uh B ordinance 2 uh 285 Das 2024 an ordinance adopting a site specific Redevelopment plan for Lots 237 excuse me block 237 Lots 1 and two of the township of Hamilton Atlanta County state of New Jersey 2877 lwood Road Mr Mayor yes sir I'm going to recuse myself okay thank you Richard getting your steps in today [Music] all right so this is the site specific Redevelopment plan for Green Acres correct yes okay good place to be this is a public hearing anyone in the public like to speak come on up [Music] front or um maybe you can answer to this what's it what's the difference between Green Acres and blue Acres I have no idea there is such such a program run by by Green Acres is the name of the company that's involved with this but if you can find out find out anything about BL blue Acres okay we we'll look into it okay thank you Jim anyone else in the public like to speak move to close public we have a motion do we have a second a second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes hav it um chair will entertain an adoption of this ordinance move ordinance 2085 d224 second we have a motion we have a second second all um any questions concerns read it can you do a roll call for this please Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes M Shanker yes all yes and adopted thank you want me to go get rich [Laughter] please oh I'm I'm two for two tonight welcome back Rich okay uh 4 C ordinance 2086 2024 an ordinance of the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic in the state of New Jersey amending chapter 225 parks and beaches and chapter 235 possession POS yeah forget it parades and public assemblies so this um you want to review this real quick so we know what we're talking about here yes thank you mayor I I believe a committee recalls we discussed this last uh meeting this is an update for both of the chapters most of the updates going through are just updating the uh positional uh titles for who you're reporting to or applying through so most of them change to the township administrator so most of the language is updating that throughout only substantive change throughout uh the chapter uh is removing uh in chapter 225 Article 4 regarding skate uh parks that was removed because it's uh not relevant um as well as uh regarding leapy hockey Fields uh we discussed under the Green Acres Provisions uh keeping One open to the public uh and putting one on a reservation system or special permit system these updates will allow that the process to happen okay this is a public hearing anybody from the public like to speak motion to close motion we have a second to close public portion all those in favor signify by saying I I guys have it the chair will entertain an adoption of this ordinance I'll move ordinance 2086 d224 second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or comments one question or basically a comment uh which I confirm with solicitor on page one it's established hours for the enjoyment of all New Jersey residents and organizations and that's basically because we get green acre funding as we have over 9 million residents in New Jersey yes that that's correct that's part of the greenacre funding requirement okay uh read can we do a roll call vote Please Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and adopted thank you we'll uh there are no introduction of ordinances so we'll move to number six Awards of bids contracts and change orders resolution authorizing the purchase of a street sweeper through the Grand Turk Equipment Company Incorporated via Source well Cooperative purchasing program contract number 0930 21-g in the amount of $299,995 63 BR you told me this thing was going to be $3,000 you saved money $437 exact 37 actually I was I was told it was going to cost more like 320,000 oh then we did real well doing good you didn't tell me that part thank you Mr Tilly I appreciate your hard work um we have a resolution what's your pleasure Rich you me you moving Carl go I'll move a motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns just one question um I know we're under the state cooperate program so does that mean we only get one quote it's a national Co-op so we're actually purchasing off a national Co-op similar to The Way We purchase fire trucks uh we have to advertise that we're purchasing and U Get committee approval it's speced out nationally you just get one right just Co-op through the co-op through the co-op right is it also this is another one of those things that's mandated by the state right with no funding to back it up um we have a motion we have a second Rita can we have a roll call please Mr Chek yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and carry B resolution approving a change order number one and change order number two for leapy concession leapy field concession stand restroom building bid number 2023-24 77533 c so move second a motion and second just so everybody want everybody knows that a majority of this work was caused by a lightning strike so uh these were repairs that had to be made uh um we have motion we have a second any questions or concerns the other uh comment on that that since the lightning strike it we're insured for those uh so some of this money is going to be reimbursed back minus I'm sorry I should have mentioned that yes Rita can we do a roll call vote Please Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shaner yes oh yes and Carrie thank you C resolution to award bid number 2024 -07 2024 Road Improvement program to arak Paving Company Incorporated for the amount not to exceed $837,500 so moved second we have motion we have a second or there any questions or comments I just one one question when will this work begin and how will it affect the traffic so we are planning to have a pre-con meeting next week and I should be able to get a res schedule by the next meeting I don't think they would be starting anytime I would say third week October the soonest unless things open up for them is that will that affect the traffic um the major roads here are Jefferson Avenue dur Avenue they're they're out in mispo they'll be able to um make one like flaggers or allow them to get by so they won't cause any traffic backups on this yep okay any other questions Rita can we do a roll call vote Please Mr Chek Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and Carrie thank you number seven consent agenda whoever makes a motion please pull a out okay I make a motion on the cons agenda to go from B through f a second can can we go through G there's actually G I'm sorry there's another this right we had G sorry that's okay we good do we have a second second okay um any questions concerns just one okay um f I didn't I didn't know and maybe I should have known that we had mining some mining um areas here yes we do somebody tell me where they at cuz I don't know I didn't know about that that thought there they're located off of blueberry Road um and Elmwood Elmwood goes into Blueberry Road it's in that section of town um and it's primarily for Sand and Stone and no gold not that I know okay should tax it then rat that's it okay I know how to pan for gold I just did it uh we have a motion we have a second um all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it so I needed a pulled out because I need to add something to it and I'm going to read how I would like it uh to be approved or not approved skelly's amusements Incorporated 4403 Black Horse Pike temporary Carnival 10324 to 10624 at the Hamilton Mall contingent on Final approval by Chief of Police so mov we have a motion do we have a second second all those in favor any questions concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh number eight Personnel a resolution to extend appointment of Mary Kelly as an as needed hourly employee at the rate of $45 an hour not to exceed 24 hours a week effectively effective uh and this is an error so it's 91724 to 12312 so moved second motion second any questions or concerns R can we do a roll call vote Please Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr catali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shaner yes oh yes I'm Carri uh nine approvals a minutes the regular minutes meeting minutes of September 3rd 2024 so Mo second a motion we have a second any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes having it bills bill list total 2,623 51177 so Mo we have a motion second we have a second are there any questions or comments hearing none Rita can you do a roll call vote Please Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shaner yes oh yes and Carri thank you number 10 reports Mr administrator I have nothing to add tonight thank you Mr solicitor nothing report mayor thank you okay Mr engineer nothing I submitted to you our report so if there's any comments you let me know okay thank you anybody have anything for our professionals no we move on Township committee members now I know I said I'd start over here but I I was raised right and ladies always go first so we'll have to work this out later on well go ahead th tell you tell everybody what I was going to say I knew I was going to hear it but you know what next time I'm going to just say you could you could go you want me to come down there and sit next to you we'll say it together you know what you can if you like um I was just so excited um to attend the ribbon cutting at leapy field with the concession stands it was very nice and um was just very very nice long time coming and I'm glad that it's here um I do know um is it the fan duck fans am I say that right for the they can't cook inside the hoods well will we be getting hoods okay the only reason why I'm asking because if they want to cook is it appropriate for them to cook on a grill outside you know I said that didn't seem to be the right way to do it from an engineering standpoint I'm not sure from a fire might have to ask the fire I might have to ask fire yes okay but I was still excited you know it was a very very nice building it was a very nice Affair and then I was at the rata uh and it was very nice I'm I'm so proud of Hamilton Township we do things very differently and I want to say commited man Carl patali done an excellent job um on that and I'm not just saying that because I S the star spanger band but thank you for asking me to do it it was just really really nice it was very relaxing and uh while I was there on Saturday the wind hadn't picked up so that happened after I left but while I was there I really enjoyed that and it just a different way that we do things and I had a friend of mine with me and I said uh commissioner Stephanie Dixon uh Martin Luther King commissioner I want you to see how we do things in Hamilton Township and she came and she really enjoyed it so I want to thank you for all the hard work uh that you done to make that a success and then the 911 ceremony I was at that I really enjoyed it um the Presbyterian Church does an excellent job putting that program together and um I was glad to be there and I didn't try to get a a uh grand entrance is just that when I got there there was no seats on the dice so that was only for people who were participating on the program which was okay so I said I don't know where I'm going to sit and um I want to thank the chief for escorting me to my seat and uh it was just a nice program it was just very very nice I I had a very very good time uh there and I was very proud of the way that whole program was put together for the township we have a excellent 9/11 ceremony commemorating those who died in that horrific horrific tragedy on 911 23 years ago so that's all I have to say okay thank you Comm M Che I'm not going to say by surprise uh we all were at the ribbon cutting for leapy and that was very nice and it's really nice to see something com to fruition like that for the for the young gentlemen or kids for in our Township the 9911 was very very very nice it was a beautiful night and I have to say one thing our public works department has that Park looking great and it's just a compliment to our town and we can see something like that and then uh after it was over as they were cleaning up I went around and thanked them for the good job they're doing and as the mayor said during the ceremony I'm sure everyone in this room knows where they were when they heard about it and that's something that will all live with the rest of our lives and that's all I have thank you may mayor can I just add the mic system was excellent yeah uh I really like the mic system when I first started going to to the 911 ceremonies the mic system was not that great but it was upgraded so whoever did it thank you can I add that I did know that yes me laws yeah um outstanding uh day for us um out at leapy to see uh the ribbon cutting and to actually get the uh the place opened up what a fantastic job you guys did you know just kudos to you guys uh and everyone that was involved so thank you very much um I can tell you this AIT played their first game there uh this week again it was just an outstanding day um uh I was told to uh give uh kudos to our mayor and and to our our Township staff uh from um uh Dr Gunther on a great job that you guys did out there and and for opening it up for them to be able to play their um home game there uh they have one more home game uh there um throughout the year and uh they were talking about you going out and throwing the first football I don't know about Pitch but you know you're talking about you throwing I think I can still do it yeah I think you can do it uh you got to throw it from the go line to the 50 anyway um I think I'm out of town that dayb yeah right no it's just a just an outstanding day to be out there and just to experience the whole thing uh secondly obviously um the 911 event was outstanding um I know everybody spoke about it already but I want to I want to just point the attention to a couple things um and Richie brought up one of them um the the way the whole program went was so smooth and and art be began the event by saying No thank yous and no introductions and literally that thing went smoothly from one portion of the program to the next without even a nod from someone to say oh you you go next it floats so smoothly um and I think it's because everybody that was there was there for the right reasons and everybody that participated participated for the right reasons um and lastly um mayor shanker's speech uh was by far the best speech I've ever heard as it pertains to 911 um not only did he bring up what what uh committee man Chek mentioned um but he also brought up the fact that we were unified in that moment and I think we need to get back to that that has to be you know how we operate in as country so um kudos to you mayor for seeing uh not only the township through and understanding what that really was all about and I think we should Echo that sentiment throughout the throughout the township thank you appreciate that I'll give you the 20 bucks later you got it hey how's it going um didto with pretty much everything uh leapy field it's great to have that done but the work's not done um we'll be getting hopefully getting together and and figuring out the next phase on that and uh hopefully we'll have the funds to to move forward and get some more work done out there but everything does look great I'm really happy for all the kids that are going to be out there be able to uh make use out of that uh use an actual bathroom instead of a porta potty I think that's a huge deal so that's that's great what happen out there the boat races I got to thank Dr thma with been for singing the national anthem on Saturday um my stepdaughter Jordan sang on Sunday uh everything went really well it was well attended um one group of boats we had more one more boat than we than we had the previous years and that was a boat from North Carolina so you know people are coming from far away um things went smooth the next day uh went a little bit longer than it was supposed to because some Boats were breaking down out and and then they have to get dragged off the course so added on some time that but it was a beautiful day I was over on the other side of the lake Lake over at the uh Atlanta County side and there was the parking lot was full and people were there spread out had food enjoying themselves watching the races so just I try so hard to get to to promote this and and get it out there and get more people coming so hopefully next year even more people will show up um so I want to thank everybody for their support on that thank the public works for what they did and the police department and rescue squad and everybody for what they did uh really appreciate it so hopefully moving forward next year even more people show up um art the park is Saturday um so please come out let's uh cross our fingers hope we get some good weather um and then of course coming up this time of year we'll have uh uh Dickens of a holiday uh the ghost walk the Halloween parade all kinds of exciting stuff coming up down Main Street in the middle of town so um of course we'll promote that from up here but keep an eye out on social media and around town and uh to come out to these events and and support our town um and that's all for me Reagan uh I'll see you soon Maddie Missy love you and uh I hope to see you soon May mayor with permission can I just add one more thing sure um I enjoyed those the races was just phenomenal the um Park roads the parks I know they're going to be doing the sidewalk soon but once we get through the sidewalks and hopefully we can come up with some more money cuz while I was on the Cove U the playground equipment was a little outdated and I would like to see um that to be restored um with with some extra kids people had their kids out there it was just a wonderful time to bring your family but I would like to see um the playground equipment to be updated on on that Cove Side that's it okay thank you um committee M Pali does a fantastic job promoting that race and it is you know the popularity of it is a lot of it is attributed to him because of the way he goes after it gets sponsors and is on Facebook constantly uh promoting it so I kudos to you a lot of hard work and I we appreciate what you do there Ley Ley field concession stands the bathrooms I mean what more can be said it's uh it's a great uh accomplishment um you know when we first started this I I was fortunate enough to sit with all the different groups from the recreation uh all our Recreation groups and explained to them and showed them what the project was and told them that look this is what a million dollar buys and you know this is why we decided to phase this out because of the fact that it is costly and we're trying to do this as we can get some Grant loans or some low interest loans and stuff like that so um trying to be as as uh fiscally responsible as possible but thanks to all involved appreciate it turned out real nice um it was nice ribbon cutting ceremony I was less than uh good at cutting the ribbon but we won't talk about that um the 9/11 ceremony and you know we've been doing this for 23 years now and um every year I sit up here and we thank the the the police department the public works and and they're absolutely right the park park looks fantastic the fountain works perfectly everything in that Park is is so nice that right down to the blades of grass um the police department the fire department all those involved uh with with that event and it is one of the most touching things you can be involved in but I want to give a special shout out to Reverend Ash he is the constant every year I go out there and uh including this year he catches me on the way in he hands me a piece of paper and he says you're going to speak here and here I went okay that's fine whatever you want so he's a very he it takes a lot to put that together and he does a great job and I don't want to miss anybody who who was part of it who was helping out I'm sure there was a lot of people and I want to thank all of them also but like I said Reverend Ash is there every year [Music] and I appreciate it that that ceremony is as touching as a ceremony can get and I'm glad we do something that nice uh that's all I have I'm going to open it up to public comment anybody in the public like to speak good evening uh just want to do three quick announcements for the school board uh we've been uh monitoring Snapchat I don't know if you guys have been hearing about this but a lot of Snapchats out there listing schools Target shootings and uh our schools have not been part of the Snapchat list Atlantic County had a couple schools in it and I think Atlantic City so but we sent out a message to all of our uh parents and just notifying them that we're watching it made notification to the police department and to the Atlanta County Superintendent uh notifying them that there's other schools on the list but not ours at this point it's right now it's just uh kids doing a trend but unfortunately th those kind of warnings we have to push through and check them out and a big waste of time for the our uh law enforcement um I want to say thank you to Mr Chek Mr laws and Dr W Witherspoon for coming out to the um backpacks and haircuts uh first I think it was the first year we did the haircuts and it was a huge success um and that uh I think we had like 230 24ish um um kids come out for it and we ran out of supplies which is a good thing that means we're getting good participation so next year we'll have more and I do know we took some donations afterwards for because we were short maybe 10 or 15 uh backpacks and uh unfortunately couldn't even find them locally our teachers went out to like Walmart and stuff and nobody had them so uh some some uh gracious people came up with some and and donated them to them afterwards and finally on the dubers we are continuing to take in the bids uh they close on Thursday and hopefully uh we'll have something in there that we can notify you guys on any progress with you good it's good to hear thank you thank you anyone else in the public like to speak Jim yes I have a question about the road program okay Jefferson Avenue is in Galloway Township there's a there's one in the mispah area of the town oh there is MM travel Route 50 to a harbor Pia Kus mhm and Jefferson like that okay anything else I thought that was a road I was talking about no trust me we're not Paving somebody else's Road I I realize there was one one in mot mhm what was it near near the Miss Firehouse it's near the Miss Miss Firehouse haden't been there for a while thanks I would let anyone else in the public like to speak move to close public oh wait a minute hold on just under the wire knew she had to be here for a reason from the wonderful Metropolis of misah so we do have a Jefferson Avenue Andy H and what is the other street that church uh Church Street and Su Avenue I was just going to say your street no that's the street on the other so um Su is in between it's horrible we're we're pav and soul you're Paving Soul all right so we got the memo those three streets and so they all those are the three well the two streets that will let you in there's really only three ways in and one way out so you're not going to do them all at this no no okay all right thank you if there's any problems he's the guy you call okay tell Mike not to mess up that new asphalt all right anyone else from the public like to speak move to close second we have a motion we have a second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed a motion for adjournment is in order we will adjourn to Executive session for a municipal court update attorney client privilege uh contract negotiations we're coming out right we are not coming back no need to come out no nothing to vote on okay I need a motion so moved have a second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it thank you everyone