for Monday February 5th 2024 uh please stand for the flag salute I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and all [Music] adequate notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the Bolton board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January 6 2024 and January 7th 2024 Mr cheek here Mr laws here Mr patali here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here can we get a moment of silence for private reflection thank you uh we don't have any guest presentations but we do have a couple proclamations to give so if I may um John and Jenny Curts Richard R you it how are you good to see good thank you John how are you to how are you nice to see you okay yeah how are you guys want to do it I got some things I got to read here so um first I'll start with John and Jenny CTS they live in work at 5 5926 Main Street which is the frame multi-purpose building constructed in 1890 character defining elements and its massing Queen an style characteristics including the cross gable roof one-story commercial storefront Edition was constructed around 1910 and includes the buildings Glass and Metal storefront and roof with wooden shingles the building has had iterations through the years as a pharmacy and now an iconic flower shop very nice very nice um Township or the historic preservation would like to present you with this Proclamation they're having kept this business and building in the shape that it is all these years takes a lot a lot of work we all know yeah so thank you what happened the other Richard Renee hwit reside at 200 Kate May Avenue the house was constructed in 1920 with a gabled roof this building also exhibits the properties of the Queen Anne style Queen Anne homes are generally featured an asymmetrical facade with a front Gable and overhanging EES there is also typ typically a a porch that stretches across the front of the home the porch is upheld by four pillars which lend a Greek Revival element again thank you so much for keeping your house the way you do and it's very important to a lot of people in this town that these these uh houses and businesses remain uh and I know it takes a lot of work I've been in construction a long time and I know what it takes so thank you so very much [Applause] um anybody want to get pictures no all right thank you very much all right oh I'm sorry I could have done [Music] that okay let's move on additions and deletions of late agenda items to be considered for Action uh we have two well we excuse me we have a addition which will be 7 Q resolutions supporting the Endeavors of the Hamilton Township Board of Education regarding the duerson property uh to just give a little background on this basically the the school board is pursuing grant money from the federal government for to make improvements or to restore duerson schools so in order to do so they need to support a Township committee and and other governing bodies to uh pursue this funding uh deletions we're going to delete 3A regulation of construction site and requirement to contain the spread of contaminants into the environment so moved second a motion in second all those in favor I all those opposed the eyes have it early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings we have anybody signed up Brett we have Bob Isles Bob isas 7 P Isles had it had it right the first time sorry about that hi Bob thank you committee uh I'm from uh Fairways of maze Landing m a uh retirement community and we wish to thank the committee for supporting the state resolution to limit the rate increases and naturally uh our thanks go there but some of our residents wanted to find out if there's anything that the township could do on their part on our behalf of limiting rent increase so if that's possible we would like to have some action on that again thank you for if you may State Assembly bill um that was brought up last year and our former solicitor was working on it um that file has moved on to our new solicitor so he will be looking into that and you know looking at other municipalities their rent control and possibility of us doing ordinance also but when we saw this coming up with the state we obviously jumped on that and wanted to pass hopefully pass that resolution in support of that so we are we are looking into that yes thank you very much appreciate it and looking forward to hearing something about it our increase we moved in in 21 and uh our increas is to the point where this year I'll be paying about $1,650 more than I did the first year living here and so thank you very much okay very good I'm sure there'll be more comment when it and when it comes up on the agenda uh anyone else we have alen Dex for 6C and 3C good evening the first uh the first one is just uh asking that when you get to 6C the change order to do with leapy that we get an explanation so everybody can understand what that's about MH uh regarding the Park Road sidewalk which which somebody spoke to me about last night uh I I mentioned it to Bob when I spoke with him privately after planning board meetings the sprinklers that people may have in their yards will relocating the sprinkler system away from the sidewalk be part of the project yes um the next topic the next item on this was as you know you presented uh art using those panels about the lead lines that uh the lead water lines that the state mandated all to be replaced if we have lead lines I personally do not will the houses that may have the lead lines that are scheduled in in that plan be considered before a sidewalk goes in which could then have to be broken up like I'm talking coordination lead lines ties right into the water meters that are out in Crocs with lids and what I call the hockey puck the radio sensor on top will they also be moved out of the sidewalk not to create a trip and fall on the sidewalk um I think before we if if this moves forward and we end up doing it I think before we start the project all that has to be taken into consideration I would think that we would make sure that any lead lines or what's considered lead lines whether it's galvanized or whatever would be taken care of before before all this yes the next item was and we know that I've been here since I was one and I'm well familiar with the installation of the sewer system and sewer plant that started in ' 66 the survey Etc started in 1962 as Hamilton sewage company at that time when when the system was built and our parents dug the trench down the side of the house and you get out near the street but not not near the street but out front there was a rectangular structure called a Shuster vent that is in the front yards if they are in the path of the sidewalk will they at least be made flush they wouldn't be the kind of in my opinion not the kind of trip and fall Hazard that the water meters would would they would have to be flush okay and the last one is the big one uh when they did the sidewalks and those brick stripes on Main Street uh the big trees and Etc with then the con Creek going in the area the trees ended up dying will any trees regardless of size be removed as part of the project to prevent number one the trees from dying but number two and more importantly the routs that climb along and upend sidewalks which create trip and fall and it falls on the homeowner I have that problem with my driveway with roots and I have no trees and the root is upending one of the corners of my driveway uh because I know about it and it's not a pathway uh I can avoid it but that's a clear problem with roots and concrete that's that's all of it okay that considered all of it has to be considered absolutely that's I just wanted to bring it to your attention Okay than you Mary Joe C for 7p mayor governing body I want to say thank you for following through on one of your campaign discussions as far as the rent control I know the Oaks at wayth which is the sister property of the fairways because they're also owned by Hometown America they have rent control in wayth Township I didn't really delve into how they went about doing it yet as far as understand all of it but I just know they have it um I know I moved into def Fairways in 2018 when I bought my home that the owners of that home were the original owners and they were paying about $550 a month in lot rent mine immediately went the $750 they added $200 right on the top by me buying the house and I'm hearing from other residents that they do that when the properties transfer ownership they immediately tack at least $100 or $200 on top of the lot rent and then they get the 3% increase that they're they're supposedly entitled to on top of that they charge us at the time it was $34 now it is almost 40 they called a municipal fee for the entitlement of us to have Police and Fire Protection in Hamilton Township personally I think that should be part of our rent the taxes are part of the rent and I would think the part of the property taxes are what cover our police and fire protection so they're hitting us with the lot rent and the municipal fee on top of that um so again I wanted to thank you folks for delving into this and hopefully I know it did go in front of the assembly um I've been trying to follow it myself then I know a lot of people are selling their homes most people are on fixed incomes I'm one of the younger people who still work that live there um but it's forcing people out I mean it's a beautiful development it's well-kept it was really really my lot personally is one of the Prime Lots cuz it was on the golf course which is I don't consider it Prime anymore now that the golf course has been abandoned for about two years I mean I know Carl and I have had discussions about the golf course I know that someone bought it but so far I don't see anything getting done with it um frankly it's an eyesore so again anything you folks can do to help us is was greatly greatly appreciate it and I know the residents all appreciate it so thank you for your time thank you Harry Rogers 7q good evening Harry r 1069 morning Side Drive I'm a member of the Hamilton Township School Board entering my third year in service to the school board uh the new superintendent has had his plate really full with a variety of issues he had to deal with first but about a year ago I started urging him to we got to do something about the dubers school school is owned by the town by the uh school board and it's crumbling it's going to we uh we got report from this um our business agent who said that there was an estimate given some years ago of almost $800,000 to tear the building down that number has only gone up we estimate that number now to be somewhere about 1.2 $1.3 million that comes right out of taxpayers uh Pockets there's been interest in the building everybody comes in with plans with goals and nobody can get over the hurdle of what it's going to take to rehab the building it's a great location it's on the National Historic register as a member of the school board I kept urging at every meeting that we do something um we listed the building we had a buyer we're not talking big bucks here but uh it was a very nominal sum but the idea was we were anxious to get it off the uh the schools balance sheet right now we're spending $40 to $50,000 a year on the building just as it is there's no winners here so last fall I started a campaign by writing to uh the majority of the legislators in in Hamilton Township uh state state government and federal government to try and get some kind of response some kind of interest to perhaps generate some or uh not generate but to uh procure some state and federal money for this Rehabilitation I didn't get a lot of response matter of fact I got very little response um I did get a call from Congressman van Drew and uh I I got to tell you he gave me a good piece of his time I had his U uh executive assistant not not executive assistant his administrative assistant on the phone with us and Congressman van Drew instructed him to work this issue with me but he says I want something first apparently um there had been some issue last year where had procured money for somebody here in the county and they and they worked him over they completely he was standing there with a without a smile on his face and he was made to look foolish and it's a lot of work getting this money he says what I want from you before I delve into this I want a resolution from the Township from the school board and from the county saying that they don't oppose the work that's all all I'm asking for tonight is that you consider a resolution and I provided you with a copy of the resolution that was adopted by the school board I started this back before Christmas I thought this could be an easy thing but nothing's ever easy uh it had to go through legal review and I finally got it last Thursday I immediately sent it out again to the same people I contacted the first time to try and generate some some interest I have and I followed it up with phone calls um I can be persistent and we got to do something with duerson or we're going to spend a ton of money to get a muddy Park a lot that's where it is I would ask you to please consider the the text of the resolution from the school board and put together something like that i' I'd like to be able to give this to the congressman uh at the Reagan dinner on Friday but I I realize that may be an impossible um impossible goal but that's what I was shooting for uh I've spoken to uh several members of the County Commissioners today I spoke to uh Andrew Parker and I spoke to um John rizley spoke to him last night as a matter of fact and they're going to try and get it on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting I don't know whether that happened or not but doesn't cost you anything it could bring some good I think we're I think we're damn fools we don't try m thank you very much resolution is on the agenda for tonight that's it that's it thank you all right discussions formal action may be taken uh B Green Acres group cannabis Plan update uh we have presentation Mr Mayor I'd like to recuse myself okay thank you rich while we're waiting just so everyone's clear they have already received a letter of endorsement from Township committee um their facility will be located out on is it blueberry Avenue I believe it's off of Elwood that GRE Acres group is proposing again I'm not sure if excuse me part of last this is supposed to happen last I can't I can't hear you could you please speak into the mic yeah get him get to the mic please we can't hear you so just a brief intro of what we're doing and um how we're going to do it or how we're going to fit it into that building there uh Green Acres rout 2877 all Road hington a proposed cannabis cultivation facility um Joseph myself Hector and there the four of us that are Partners in this and doing it together yeah we needed yeah you can hold [Music] it uh this a layout of the existing building um doesn't look anything like that right now uh um these are eight rooms we're going to have the cannabis grow equipment um and they're going to be made out in phases four different phases we're going to start off with these two right here are going to be our first phase um this is all the support system the dry rooms the mother rooms cloning rooms everything we need to support those two rooms and then beyond that um there's a collapsed part of the building over here we haven't included that because we haven't had any permits to do anything there um but that will also hopefully if we get permits and develop that end and rebuild uh the structure that's collapsed over there that would also be part of that drying support system and mothers and clones uh post Harvest packaging and compliance backround I tell you don't even have to go through the trouble but basically what shows there is is the three Partners I've never done this myself included Joseph neevis has 5 years experience he um uh he retired as a detective in New York City and started a real estate business and he decided one day when it was legal in California to go out there um and start give it a shot uh and he spent five years in two different Farms um and now he's coming back to the east coast so I went out to California I was there for 5 years I started with a smaller Farm developed that to a larger one we had 105 Acres beautiful property uh but then when uh Peter told me that c is going to be here in New Jersey we decided to come here now we were approved in New York but when we found out that it was that we had property and we can come here we would rather be here this is a beautiful Town beautiful people I don't say anything bad about New York but New York is New York c yeah this the city of New York so that's why we really came here to apply to be here great people great environment the property works out well works out well for everybody works out well for us a lot easier to develop than than the building that we were looking for in New York and it works well for the town and again yeah in the middle ofwhere great location we don't bother anybody and the town's supportive and it's a great place to be we just came from Joe's seafood place what a great place we had a great time there and the town is like representative of how everybody else is here and it's just a great place to be so uh we were here before we've been here like three four times and the town has really extended themselves to show that they really want to support us here so we do have the experience I've I've done this for five years we're going to we're going to develop it in phases so that we do it right so first phase we're going to start with about 140 lights and then we'll expand then we'll start about five people and will'll keep expanding when we max out our license we'll be employing about 100 120 people and we want them more from here it just makes sense for us if we have everybody from the town if somebody wants to take off they can just talk to their neighbor or it's just easy to go you know down the road and call somebody else in to replace them it just works well for us and it also allows us to show the support that we want to do for the town because the town is looking out for us so we want to return the favor and look out for the town um so this is where we're at now uh we feel really good about being here if anybody has any questions I would love to answer any questions to put anybody at ease anybody from Township committee have any questions no no okay uh we're good thank you so much for coming in we have business to take care of when it comes to you so um appreciate you coming in and making the presentation thank you so at this point uh a resolution is possible um for the escrow the execution of an escrow agreement with Green Acres group what's your uh what's your pleasure I I'd like to make a motion to move forward with an escrow agreement with Green Acres a second I have a motion in second um my only comment to this is that there's always a lot of concern from people where these places are located and I I don't know that we could go another half a mile and still be in ham Hamilton Township um it's so far on the outskirts their mailing address is Hamington so uh we would benefit from them being here but also they would not be downtown or or in a place where people might not feel comfortable with it so um with that being said are there any other comments or concern um just want to make sure that everybody understands we're entering into this escrow agreement so that now the township will not be paying to answer questions um about this project um the you know any any issues that come up questions for engineers and stuff like that the cost of that comes out of the escrow agreement that's the reason for this so that we can delve in investigate make sure that everything's right and it doesn't cost our taxpayers anything anyone else uh hearing none Rita can we do a roll call on this please yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and car thank you could we I don't know where he went did he go out the back I no put a beacon on her thanks again hi Rich bring any snacks okay we're going to move on to item C sidewalks on Park Road and the 223 safe Street Transit Grant um Brett you want to bring us up to speed on this this has been around for a little bit now yeah so about the time we had our last discussion about this project we applied for a grant for sidewalks along Park Road it was a Safe Streets to Transit Grant and the reason that we were eligible for the grant is because we just had paved Third Street um with sidewalks and this is a link you know it just continues that link out to Route 50 where the uh NJ Transit bus stop is um so Bob has a revamped uh concept for the sidewalk placement that won't be as intrusive as the original plan um it pushes the sidewalks out um into the roadway Narrows the roadway a little bit which would slow cars down on Park Road um and is less impactful to the people along along the road so let Bob uh take it away yeah all right thank you um so again uh Bob Watkins M Watkins Associates so we did a we did receive a grant uh back in December of 22 and it was for $341,000 so we're designing this project uh in accordance with that Grant to basically stay um at that uh cost so we are going to show oh boy there we go so we're starting down at Young's Skating way and uh Tanglewood propose to connect the remaining sidewalk on the north side of Park Road where there's existing sidewalk already um present and then we would finish it at a new handicap ramp at the Tanglewood Drive we would then go into the south side of Park Road and start a handicap ramp and sidewalk going east what bread had stated earlier is that due to the speed concerns on this roadway um and also the narrow RightWay withd of this road uh there was two reasonings why we would relocate the curbing um one is to narrow the road to 24t with 12T Lanes instead of 26t as it is now and two we wanted to keep the sidewalk off of all private property um and we didn't have to ask for any easements or right away Acquisitions saved a lot of money a lot of time and we wouldn't have to go on anybody's property or relocate any fencing or sidewalks as such so the handicap right or the curving right now does have depressions but we're going to be removing and relocating them so there is one other um proposal that we're showing and it is a speed shelf located on the North it's connecting the north side existing sidewalk uh to the souths side and it's just west of Rundle this shelf is basically a a 3 and 1/2 in bump but it's 12 ft wide at the at the um top and another six uh or 5T ramps going up so in total it's 22 fet if you can see that and then proper signage would be um shown of as as well um coming up to it and uh we felt that this was a section that would slow the people coming going towards the skating rink and also coming to the park and then going away from it uh knowing there's kids always around in that area it slows these people down um so that is the one section and then we'll go a little bit further east and again um we are going to relocate the center line over about a foot and a half to 2 ft so we would uh take out the old Center Line and repaint the new one so all from Lake Drive to Tony we would re remove the Cur Curbing and replace it about 18 in towards the center line from Lake Drive to The Cove the curbing will stay in place um due to the township owning The Cove property and we're we permitted to come on the property we're going to meander That Sidewalk down along the c-property um I know Miss dicks has stated about the trees and there are some large trees actually let's go back driving along and looking along this roadway I believe there's about four or five Cedars that appear to be in the way but they will not be encroached on um they are uh within the RightWay but they can remain if need it we don't have to remove them but if somebody says they would like them removed we can remove them um Cedars grow actually more deep than out so they wouldn't affect the sidewalk at all uh but those those would only trees from Lake Drive to Tiny uh tiny way or Young's way now going to Lake Drive along the Cove give me one second okay this was another unique situation since we were not relocating the the curb line and narrowing this section um we wanted to try to slow people down here as well uh we were discussing maybe another speed shelf um but I came up with an idea of enlarging the center line so the center line is a 4 foot striped area it almost it almost forces you to slow down because you'll see a narrowing of the lane from a 12T Lane to a 11t wide Lane and we can have this also striped like a Goring stripe that uh almost forces you to slow down because of that striping situation uh the other option could have been a like an island a mountable Island down the middle and narrowing that section uh but that's costly and I feel M maintenance Wise It's not a good opportunity um the other reasoning why we didn't want to put a speed shelf in this area is drainage purposes the speed shelf that's shown on uh by Rundle it's actually at the high point of a road so we don't have to worry about drainage along the curb lines this way we do striping traffic control striping and I believe this will visually slow people down um again sidewalk I'm sor sorry sidewalk is going to be we show a straight line through here there are some trees along this that are very big um there are a few that may be dead and we have to uh analyze them a little bit more um maybe get an arborus out there and check them and if uh if they need to come down they will come down cuz we do not want to put the sidewalk in and The Roots the Roots get cut the trees die later and then it's just an ongoing battle so we'd like to get that figured out definitely first and then we narrow the and then we narrow the curbing again from the Cove all the way to the east down to the uh White Bridge uh I know there are numerous houses along here that are close um to the roadway um we are not again encroaching on their property but they will be you know close with sidewalk to their property um and to the uh street so that you know it will look closer than it does now um there is again you can see this is the existing curve line and we're moving the new curve line out there is we do have one property that exists right now now that the roadway does go through the property so we do need to speak to this resident about a sidewalk easement out of I think 23 this was the only one that we could not relocate so we will have to reach out to 535 Park Road um and then we will tie it back in to the White Bridge and sidewalk will be connected from Route 50 all the way to Tanglewood and again to answer misss concerns anything that's in the way of sprinklers um will be relocated as part of the project uh we will look into any of the sewer cleanouts and water meters along this section we can work with the MUA to have them uh locate them if they're not locate and even upgrade them if they need to be and make sure they're flush and Ada assess uh accessible across the sidewalk and safe as always so that is conceptual plan at this point and the grant should cover all of this we're going to design this accordingly for the grant to cover it yes and again the Grant had money uh before just doing sidewalk there was an excess amount um from the Grant and I did a calculation to to try to figure out how not to go on people's properties and we had enough money to redo the curve line that's why it's done this way so um unfortunately 8 years ago this curbing was put in and paved Road and and we're doing this I understand that I wasn't here but um I think it living around the corner and seeing how many people uh Walk This Road and and Traverse this area I think it's a safe um opportunity to provide to these residents and uh and children in this area so I think it's a a good idea I do have one question if I may yep um to your point I see a lot of kids even you know riding their bikes down that street making the streets smaller MH does that put our kids at risk uh while riding a bike down those down those sides and are we encouraging bike riding and I mean I see a lot of um parents with strollers walking in the street like right on the side of the street if we make that smaller are we saying that they should then be on the on the sidewalk strollers and children and anybody walking should be using the sidewalk yeah but obviously the area is where the bicyclers it's it's going to be um you know a situation now it's it's it's not narrow enough to have a bike Lane right now right so no absolutely but more but are we putting our kids at more risk making it smaller I I don't believe it's going to cause an issue with that I think it's having that narrowed in this section it it produces those cars that they can't really go around them as easily so they really have to slow down um and and the children you know there is laws about riding the bikes as well they can't be you know weaving in and out and and such so most most of the kids I see right on that edge you know right on the edge line they're not doing anything wrong it's just I'm I'm just concerned with constricting it it may slow cars down for people who are trying to respect the law yeah people who are who are not that puts a kid at danger but just consider it it's just something I would like you to consider yeah and and there's I don't believe there's I don't know if there's a law or rule that bicycles can't be on the sidewalk I don't know that for a fact or not they will be on the sidewalk a sidewalk right I don't think they're supposed to be on the sidewalk okay I I'm not sure if there's a rule or not but you know small little kids with their parents might be riding on the sidewalk I would encourage it just to stay out of the street but that's a a parent being parenting at that point so um yeah again the speed limit is 25 and I think the speed shelf and the narrowing and the striping will encourage the the speed to decrease that has been a problem on Bark Road so um the only thing that I was in in front especially in front of the cove um you talked about removing some of those trees is there a possibility that we could replace ones that are dead or not necessarily in the same place but absolutely we could always add trees in um and we can have you know donations of trees as well I would encourage that from any developers that may need additional trees that they can't fit on their properties we can have them donate trees to The Cove along that area as well um the other thing we were looking at as well um whether done done in-house or not uh with Public Works was replacing the fencing I think we discussed that because the fencing is um in pretty bad shape so if we're going to relocate that sidewalk and move it inside a little bit then the fencing will have to get relocated as well so can that can fencing go in under this grant or I we have to see if that that pricing works out I we're going to but if the money is there can you use it for absolutely yeah that's what I meant yeah we haven't submitted a design plan or any specs to the state yet for review so once we include it all then they can do that and if we have to remove a tree off somebody's residence one of the Residential Properties we would replace I looked I I looked today and I didn't see any that we needed to remove um one that I was worried about has actually been removed from yeah so anybody that has any that want to remove we'll take care of it it's in the RightWay Maybe yeah got a couple at my house could you bring a sidewalk there please um but yeah this is uh this is the project and um we're going to try to stay under budget with the grant right now okay any questions I don't have any okay Dr Withers spr [Music] questions all right yep um so in in this I know the last last time this kind of came up they uh because we were taking uh small portions of property we had to get uh we we went out and talked to people under these circumstances we won't be going out to talk to the people in the neighborhood or do we just one person one we have to yes I'm talking about everybody in general it's not going to have to but we can so it it it you know we can have another informational session like we did last time I think before we're going out the bid and knowing that the final project are where it's at we can have that um right now there's not much more we can do with the plans [Music] um besides maybe uh looking to see if the certain trees are going to come down along the Cove so cuz we are staying out of everybody's property except for one property so okay yeah so we would have to get that bare minimum taken care of correct and I'll work with the solicitor on on that okay uh what do we have to do here to if if we're interested in moving this along I don't see a resolution to do anything we no no it's just more information right we just we'll have a proposal probably in the next meeting just to continue okay that's very good yep thanks mhm all right thank you very much thank you uh let's move on to number four public hearing adoption of ordinances a ordinance 2064 2024 an ordinance authorizing the sale of lots 11-23 and block 308 as shown on the tax map of the township of Hamilton and granting owner or owners of said Real Property contiguous to the same the right of Prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic state of New Jersey this is on Venice Boulevard this is a public hearing anybody from the public wish to speak motion to close motion to close we have a second second we have a motion and a second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it what's your pleasure motion motion to pass ordinance 2064 2024 I'll take a second we have a second um we don't need to roll call this do we okay all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it B ordinance 2065 2024 in ordinance authorizing the sale of lots 19 through [Music] 29 and block 312 as shown on the tax map of the township of Hamilton and granting the owner or owners of said Real Property contiguous to the same right of Prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic state of New Jersey also on Venice Boulevard this is a public hearing anybody in the public like to speak seeing no one I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion second a motion and a second or any questions hearing no questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it AC a motion to pass Port ordinance 6 265 2065 2024 I'll make the motion to pass ordinance 2065 2024 a motion in a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have it C ordinance 2066 2024 an ordinance authorizing the sale of lots 7 through 25 in Block 313 as shown on the tax map of the township of Hamilton and Grant and granting owners owner owners the said real property contiguous to the same the right of Prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic state of New Jersey this is on Venice Boulevard also this is a public hearing anybody from the public like to speak motion to close public a motion to close public portion do we have a second second second are there any questions or concerns seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I all those opposed pardon oh okay I'm sorry yeah right I need a motion to move the ordinance now on motion all right thank you second have a motion and second to move ordinance 2066 2024 are there any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it D ordinance 2067 2024 an ordance ordinance authorizing the sale of lots 27 through 34 block 13 as shown on the tax map of the township of Hamilton and granting to the owner or owners of said Real Property contiguous to the same the right of Prior refusal to purchase such land in the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic and the state of New Jersey also on Venice Boulevard this is a public hearing would anybody in the public like to speak motion to close public motion we have a motion and second to close public portion are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys hav't I'll entertain a motion to move ordinance 2067 2024 so move second we have a motion and a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it moving on to number five this is the introduction of ordinances public hearing to be held February 20th 2024 a ordinance 2068 2024 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget and appropriation limits to establish a cap Bank in accordance with the New Jersey state 40a 4- 45 14 right you want to give us just let everybody know what we're doing here this gives us the ability to raise the um cap or our budget above the 2 and 1 half% cap uh to 3 and a half% for cost of living uh things like Health Care pensions insurances fuel Solid Waste okay it's not we don't have to raise it that high it just gives us the ability to if we need to correct this is something that we can't do without this correct okay anyone else I'll accept the motion to uh move the ordinance so second or excuse me move the introduction of the ordinance oops getting the eyeball from over here yep I got you uh we have a motion do we have a second second okay thank you are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it B ordinance 2069 2024 is a bond ordinance for the township of Hamilton in the county of Atlantic state of New Jersey amending and supplementing Bond ordinance 2034 d223 uh reconstruction of Township's fueling station um finally adopted by the township committee on 32023 to increase the appropriation therein by $200,000 to increase the authorization of bonds or notes by $190,400 fuel tanks um our engineer gave us a proposal and a design uh and a spec recently and we went back to the contractor that we hired and we got a price and we need a little bit more money to install the the tanks they want us to do um some pretty significant footings and uh concrete work to support the 2 8,000g TX okay um so that's the uh increases for keep in mind that the county has committed to 65% of the bill yes okay anybody have any questions concerns yeah I just had one when will the work be completed I'm told if all goes well it will be done in April again it'll be done in April if all goes well which I don't see any reason why okay looking for a motion to um introduce ordinance 2069 2024 motion second Motion in second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed guys have it move on to six Awards of bids contracts and change orders a resolution authorizing exception excuse me acceptance of a proposal from Remington Vernick Engineers Environmental Services investigation of the fuel release in groundwater at Public Works facility amount not to exceed $3,625 Again Brad a little background please so after we submitted the water test to D um they want us to put in four monitoring Wells to keep an eye on the groundwater and the potential contaminants from the wants these ground um so this is this is part of the requirement to close out the old yeah removing the old tax this is kind of standard practice yeah okay so who's going to be monitoring those Wells R&V is going to do it um they'll submit the reports and we we pay that bill county is going to pay 65% of that that's what they said as long as we can we do the same thing for the landfill yeah it's same situation who said it this time I did does the D does the D come out for any of these inspections yearly possibly no I think we just submit it and if anything's real high then they'll come out okay okay it's your pleasure a motion I have a question oh does this come on is this for the new tanks or the old tanks this is for the old tanks this is part of come under the insurance that we had on the old tanks we're we're we're going to submit a I think we either are going to submit or we did submit part as part of our claim for the old tanks we have tank guard insurance on the old T this modering the old tanks yes so the question mark now is will the if the insurance is going to pick up this $30,000 we're right now kind of in limbo with that so we'll get reimbursed if they do okay just like they reimbursed us for the removal of the old tanks right for the engineer reimburse us for this okay thank you they fought us on the last one but they did at the end reimburse us it's usually with the insurance company it's back and forth mhm at least it has has been with this so okay did we have a motion I'm sorry we have a motion we have a motion we have a motion do we have a second a second we have a motion in second are there any questions or concerns Rita let's do a roll call on this one please Mr cheek yes Mr lws yes Mr Batali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes uh we're going to skip over B for the time being there are two items in or at least one item in the uh consent agenda that has to be passed first before we do this so we'll move on to C resolution approved change order one at leapy Field parking lot reconstruction uh bid number 23 20 2023 -08 contract to landberg Construction LLC increase the amount of 57,98811 would you like to give everybody a little background on this I'll defer the okay um so the design of this uh parking lot was with porous asphalt and it's a excavation of material um and stone to be replaced while we were Excavating out there there was massive amounts of clay that were not known of um out there as well as um under the pave surfaces not the porous asphalt but the regular pave um there was also a lot of soft spots that had to be rectified so excav overe excavation of about um, 1500 yards and a th000 yards of crushed concrete had to be brought in um we did try to save as much as we can of the millings of the existing asphalt and used in in inside of that area um but unfortunately uh we wouldn't have been able to pave if we just left it the way it was with the clay so so okay um that's why the price is uh this High um okay just for f future reference we hate change orders I I don't like change orders either just throw that out there I agree I agree I I inherited this one but that's okay I'll take it all right I'll take it I'll take it uh committee what's your pleasure don't move second your Motion in second to approve the change order one um Rita let's do a roll call for this please Mr cheek yes Mr WS yes Mr Batali I abstain because my employer supplied material to this project Dr Witherspoon yes may Shanker yes four yes one exstension thank you D resolution authorizing a contract for membership with the Atlantic County Economic Alliance for a 12-month period an amount of $5,000 um do you want to speak on this Brett I mean basically the Atlanta County for those of you who are not uh familiar they're they're a group that tries to promote and bring uh development to they they've worked very hard and along with the county with the Aviation Park out there in a Harvard Township um pretty much every municipality with the exception of maybe one or two when we were one of them uh are members to this um I think uh it's a consensus that we feel that this is something that will cannot hurt us but could all but could help us to promote Hamilton Township and and some uh some some sustainable uh development um $5,000 is below what they normally the rate they normally get so kind of like an introductory offer so uh we're we're we're looking to do this uh and possibly you know see how it goes for the year see what they bring us see how it works out um in our conversations with them we kind of gave them some things that if we pass this tonight that we would like them to do and not you know everybody wants to focus on the mall and everybody wants to focus on the racetrack which is great and Noble okay but they're private property I think there's other places in the town where we could help or they could help more uh one of the things that we discussed was anybody who wants to uh develop or buy something in town or anywhere in the township they could be that help to get them over the line we see a lot of these smaller businesses that come here and then they don't they either don't make it or they don't make it after they're open so um making people who are in business aware of what's out there and what's offered to them is very very important we try as a Township to do that um but we don't always get there and and I've seen a a couple examples where um small business could have done better financially and uh an effort to get them here uh and get them done uh quicker uh so it all works out so I think this is a a good step and a continued step in our Redevelopment efforts um anyone else have any comments I do I uh but this is going to be part of my report so I'm not going to talk too much about it but I am glad that we are participating because when I was at the meeting there were eight other municipalities who took advantage of this they also go out and find grants that's you know for um different municipalities and there's 21 in our County and only eight are participating so I'm really happy that we have decided to um be a to be a part of this so we can take advantage of the the grant opportunities that are out there for Hamilton Township Bobby well no that's exactly what I was going to say they do have um from our meeting with them they do have the uh ability to uh generate grants for these projects um and they're open to any business that's that's looking to um Locate themselves in Hamilton Township and or throughout the county they are a nonprofit organization so they don't belong to the county or the state or anything like that they're a nonprofit organization so um the feather and airc cap is to get some things done here that keeps them going that keeps us going I think it's a good marriage I agree anyone else committee what's your pleasure motion second we have a motion a second um for contract of membership with the Atlanta County econom IC alliance any questions or concerns Rita let's do a roll call vote on this please Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes sorry uh we'll move on to the consent agenda and I'd like to take a motion on all items except for J and K and I believe uh Mr cheek you wanted to pull p so if I could have a motion for all con consent agenda items except for J K and P I'll make a motion okay we have a motion we have a second yes it's and Q pull Q too you want to pull Q okay I'm sorry that's the one we added yes okay I'll just have a question one say where is Q hold just one second uh can you can you change your motion to include uh Q please oh sure uh so I'll make the motion to remove uh J kpn Q okay do we have a second second are there any questions yeah I I just have one question just one on in um the is at 10:00 I don't have a problem with the Raffles but is it supposed to be at 10:00 at night yes that's what they asked for right that's correct Rita yes we checked with them so it's up to you if you want to approve it or not no I don't I'm not against it I just want to I never seen a raffle that late yep that's not trying to be funny or anything that that I just wasn't sure yes yes we called them okay no problem okay any other questions senor other questions all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it um so Jay um is a resolution amending the temporary budget for the year 2024 um Rett can you give us the items that were this this the amendment will be for K which is uh accepting a grant for $937,500 items that are part of that correct so we're accepting the landfill Grant and we're also accepting a grant for safe and secure for the police department for $32,400 and we're adding some additional money for Education into OEM okay so all this is additions to our budget not deletions okay and they all it's all grant money too so I will entertain a motion for Jay so moved second we have a motion in a second any questions concerns this is all grant money you said no well the OEM is we're moving money into the temporary yeah that's I misspoke yes um all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed guys have it so K is um and again this is all kind of plays together here is a resolution accepting a grant up to 937 $1,141 71 from the Hazardous discharge site remediation F fund public entity program through the New Jersey Economic Development Authority and the New Jersey de Department of Environmental Protection so Brett this directly affects this is for the uh landfill landfill excuse me this is a grant that um hip renewal when out sought for us and and received for the township um to remediate the landfill and to cap the landfill and possibly put solar on it once it's cap at one step at a time soon right yeah okay so who who receives the money the township receives the money and then we pay it out to get so as the expenses come in we we put in for the reimbursement and then we pay we pay the contractor who's the contractor hip renewal it's B so they're back on uh agenda item 6B mhm that's the next step yeah okay okay so we had to accept this I see why you did it now okay mhm do we have h a motion so move second I'll second it Rita could we get a roll call vote Please Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes okay let's move on to P resolution supporting assembly Bill a 3361 New Jersey to establish the limit on rent increase for tenants residing in modular or manufacturer homes you want to I mean I know what I know about this so this is something that came to us from buav Vista Township they gave us the heads up on it they're having issues over there just like we are with um lot rent control so this just deals with lot rent control um it seemed applicable here so I put on the agenda and it's it's going to help us you know so I think I think there's questions out there uh why the township hasn't done anything before this and I think the right way to to talk about this is by simply saying that there you would have to establish a rent control built board and that hasn't always worked out so well for some municipalities so um this if this legislation passes it gives us some teeth so they're kind of doing that work for us so then we can start doing what we need to do without taking the risk of being sued we can't we can't establish a rent control board and just go after lot rent we'd have to go after we'd have to regulate everybody yes this regulates just the lot R Mr Mayor I I have a concern uh this legislator from the state is for increases yearround rentals it's been brought to my attention that when a a house is sold or a lot changes hands that the landlord now increases up to 40 45% the lot rent can we put an appendix in there that they can only increase by a certain percent cuz right now it's only limited to them year R year round rentals like renewing your own rental thing if the if the lot changes hands there's no from what I read there's no clause in there yes that's correct obviously this is a bill that's put before the assembly that we uh we're looking or putting before committee to support uh so it' be up to them to amend it but and this is uh as Mr n stated limited and the mayor stated limited to modular and manufactured homes yes so that that's correct as the way the bill stands as of now uh it is limited to the year round and if there's a new tenant then it doesn't directly isn't applicable to them so at the end of the day this isn't something that we could ask to to have amended we just have to support or not support at this point is that yes or Tim maybe something that we can reach or the can reach out the legislation speak yes it's ultimately something that uh the committee can propose legislation asking for amendments but it would have to be amended to that bill it has go back to the bill so it has to go back to the bill to the correct what's before committee tonight is amending or supporting or not supporting the bill as you're written yeah okay I didn't know if we could do it if we could shirt tail something onto this or not you know understood so I feel as though this is a good first start here here to kind of do it so we're not getting you know listen we hear we hear what they're saying um but we also don't want to put the Township in the line of fire either so okay I think this is a start you know where the there going to be some regulations with the increases of the rad and like you said once this is start it gives us teeth to get maybe a rent control board where we could monitor or have something where we could help with the other issues that are going along with this excuse me yeah I think um this is a a step in the right direction in my opinion for our seniors um with fixed incomes these these things make it very difficult for them to maintain and as the gentleman spoke to earlier you know people are actually moving out M because they can't afford to do it anymore and it's that's that's that's a plight that we don't want to be a part of committee what's your pleasure I like to move to support the ordinance I'll second okay so to correct you it's a resolu resolution I apologize yeah thank you it's okay like to move resolution right so we have motion and second are there any questions concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it um 7 Q resolution supporting the Endeavors of the Hamilton Township Board of Education regarding the dubers school property have any comments I just wanted to pull that because Mr Rogers got up and spoke about it just so that we know that we we are this resolution hopefully passes MH um would be nice to see see something happen at duerson obviously so and this is the what the superintendent came at the last meeting and talked about this the one uh that was president of that was the president of the school board president of the school board yeah came and talked about I I meant to say president of the school board did come here and talk about yes he did talk yes you're right he did talk he did bring it up yes absolutely um i' like to um if I can okay I'd like to uh thank uh Mr Rogers for his uh hard work on this um um he was diligent and when he was told you know not told no but when he was delayed or pushed back he continued to push forward and that takes real dedication um it's been years I know he's been trying to uh get on our school board and I'm just grateful that uh you know the people the fine people Hamilton Township were wise enough to elect them to our school board because this this is the type of effort we need also like to say that our our school board president um generally comes to our meetings and reports and that hasn't happened before we haven't really had the school board come in and Report um at each meeting um I think it's important that we kind of partner with our school board um to help them along as well as them helping us along there's a lot of our tax dolls that going to these schools and I do and I definitely believe that we should have you know a say in some of the decisions that are being made there um and that can only happen if we're aware of uh what's going on and the thing and the issues that are going on there so again to you Mr Rogers thank you so much and uh we appreciate your efforts um I couldn't agree more with with uh what Bobby had to say and Harry this is uh a type of thing that's been I can tell you in the years that I've been up here I there have been numerous people who have come forward and wanted to do something with dubber School uh many many different ideas many many different things and you know it has not come to fruition for one reason or another um as a Township we had meetings and tried to work with these folks and did whatever we can to help them uh it just hasn't worked out so in the meantime we as a collective group have watched this school deteriorate and it is I've been inside the school it's beautiful school and it's still got really good bones it's it's a solid structure it is there's nothing wrong other than the fact there's a big hole in the roof so you know the the if we can get funding to stop time from affecting the school that would be a bare minimum and a of a goal we're set we're setting here um appreciate your efforts pushing this forward this is um something that when when a developer doesn't come through it gets put back on the back burner again and the one thing I did want to mention uh Congressman V drew it was Cumberland County and it was for about $20 million so he's very very careful what he does now and I can respect that and I just appreciate the attention that he's taking to Hamilton Township and our school board so thanks again and um we will entertain a motion I like to make the moot uh the uh motion to adopt the resolution supporting the Endeavors P to Township School Board education regarding ders second a motion is second or any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have it thank you Mr Rogers thank you sir let's go back to 6B now that we got all that cleared up uh 6B is a resolution to award a contract to hip renewal LLC for remedial remedial action for the Hamilton Township landfill site pursuant to the grant award by the Hazardous discharge site remediation fund and the state state and the New Jersey Economic Development Authority for a total amount of up to $937,500 I think everybody's pretty clear on what we're doing here with this so I will um I will accept a uh a motion move a second I'll second it motion second or there any questions or concerns I have questions questions and concerns okay this is a n close to a million doll bid was this put out the bid is there specifications or anything no we we have a um Redevelopment agreement with this firm and doesn't the Redevelopment agreement end in March yes we would they're up for renew in March it's February now a $900 and some, job should be out the bid there's no schedule of values there's no footprint whatsoever on this contract you're just handing a firm a $900,000 contract without bidding it without knowing what the what the scope is I don't think we're handing it to them well it's part of their the money is is there if they complete the work the money well we don't just hand them $900,000 I realize that this is this project has been drug along and I realize that time yes there is no scope of work in this [Music] contract we don't even have a schedule of values to pay what was done I feel as if this should be going out the bid we have we're being out allocated the funding I agree with that but there's no bidding going on I I just have a question I thought this we already have a contract right yes and so I thought this was a part they went for the funding this is a part of the contract this is part of his contract to go after these grants to generate the funds to do the work the landfill C the landfill so this company got the grant he secured the grant for us he secured the grant for us and they were paid to get the grant correct it's part of the it's part of the Redevelopment agreement Redevelopment that ends next month yes so they were reimbursed to get the grant the Redevelopment ends next month they did this under their Redevelopment agreement yes it does it does EXP they did what they did that but then it doesn't carry on I just feel as if with a 12year project and where we are for now we should be going out the bid we should have a environmental engineer of our own or someone write the bids the specs and the schedule of values right now this is very vague and it's shown it in the last 12 years with the production we've gotten so this is a process that's been 12 years in the making yes yeah I have a question this took the state a long time to to approve yep right so it's I mean had the state moved a little faster they're behind in a lot lot of things are going on with the state but I'm not talking about the state I'm not here to talk about the state but this uh Grant was put in for a we I think I had just got a uh sworn in last year when this was being put when we when you got sworn in last year we accepted another grant that they secured for $2.9 million and then at that time he applied for this grant correct so he's he secured quite a few dollars for this project right I think the question that Mr Chek has is what has he actually gotten done with the money that he secured and I think Jeff's here to to speak to that I know he's at Pinelands he's close uh he's he you want to take the opportunity we on here yeah good um so this resolution um um the committee approved the application for this grant which had the same documentation last year actually about this time MH and this is the process through the d review and approval and then the Eda appr review and approval and it comes back and these two resolutions go into the grant contract documents which we talked about at the last Grant uh the grants are capped at uh 3 million per municipality per year for this type of renewable energy hdsr F Grant which is why you have to do the supplemental granting process each year and they can't just grant the whole project in one uh application um so that's what we're dealing with right here today um by way of an update uh in-house Township business at the uh industrial commission meeting in January uh the industrial commission uh formally approved the moving forward with the access agreements for the adjacent Lots which as we know the landfill is on those lots and we working with the township for all 12 years to get that access um and I spoke with uh now that our new Sol Warren is buckled in uh and we're going to talk about uh moving forward with those uh those agreements so that's that's an update here uh we've been working with pilin commission all for the last year with the application um I spoke to the uh reviewer contacted me middle of last week he has submitted a draft memo to the executive director at the pance commission uh that approves the permeable cap if you remember that's a key component as opposed to putting an impermeable cap over top which cost significantly more um and um um so that's a major step and what we're waiting for to submit the other documents that are in the Pinelands uh commission's letter which is all the storm water uh updates Etc and updates to the plan and speaking with kers our engineer at this point uh they have those plans in final draft form we're working with them the rest of this week and plan to submit have them submit to pilins uh those are updated plans which will address the other letters in the pum commission letter um I don't have any schedule yet from the commission on when the uh uh the memo will be presented to the commission the board um but uh I expect that consistent with the schedule I've be talking about with Brett uh we'll be close to that in uh in uh sometime in April um and also discussing with Brett I plan to come in on March 18th I think is the second meeting in March and submit with you a detailed schedule scope uh and go over the budgets on on the plan to move forward with the project because by that time I expect to have heard back from pance Commission on where the uh application actually stands as you guys probably know it goes before the board for initial review and approval then goes out for public comment then comes back to the next meeting whenever that is I don't know if that's the actually next month or the month after for formal final approval uh once the staff presents at the first meeting to the commission and the public and then there's a 30-day public comment period so that's their administrative process um and um so that's kind of where things are with the commission uh D has already been on board they've reviewed the uh the prior plans and ready to approve uh we'll have that discussion with them we'll submit them a courtesy copy of the updated plans when we submit to Pinelands as well so they're prepared when pons issues their approval then the D will be able to move forward uh still anticipate the same schedule we generally talked about after approval which is six to n months uh Colliers has actually done a nice job for us and I think the scope is actually lesser than what it was before uh these Grant funds are for um you just approved a small amount for groundwater monitoring this is for the groundwater work about a third of this grant is for the groundwater work uh about 100 12,000 is for uh budgeting for the fencing and some final roadway activity on on the landfill for Access and uh the rest of it is construction management and other other activities and we are out to bid you know ourselves internally with contractors uh with um have been out to bid and we will go out to bid again with these final plans that are coming back from kers with some of the changes that they've made um internally with our with our f folks so um that's pretty much where things stand uh just a couple questions um one I just want to understand how the the grant piece Works sure um so first off is this it's been 12 years I understand now and I wasn't aware of that but um so now it's 12 years and over 12 years every year are you making Grant applications for us each year no we we had uh done initial Grant applications back in in 20 2009 2010 I believe uh for the investigation of the landfill property okay and at that point there was concerns about the groundwater contamination and Forest walk impacts Etc uh those grants I think were approved in 2011 uh that work was done over the course of how much was that uh those grants totaled uh I had the numbers I'm sorry didn't bring all those historic that would help yeah that would definitely help yeah I can I can update again all right and then I have those amounts here oh you do yeah we give me we have a grant from 2009 for $379,000 we have one from uh 2011 for $426,000 2019 for another $233,000 and last year was uh almost $3 million and this is for $9 37 and uh yeah so the $3 million none of the $3 million have been spent uh the 2115 that uh Brett mentioned was the first grant to do the uh engineering and stuff for the landf for closure which we're wrapping up at this point and uh one of the other factors in the delay from 14 and 15 we presented to the governing body and the public the results of the investigation showing that the land stops are pretty clean uh there isn't a major groundwater impact in fact there's little to know groundwater impact and it was not the source of the contamination in the forest wall Community um that was approved by the d uh after submitt and it wasn't until 2017 that the D approved us filing for the grant the the 2015 $215,000 Grant just referenced that's application went in and was approved by governing body we prepared that in 17 that was approved in 19 2019 which was the first grant for the remedial action and uh it was approved by there was a lot of activity going on in between 19 and uh 20 okay uh that was approved by a committee in the beginning of 2020 and that initiated the work uh with the design and so forth for right closure so that's where we are and then in a significant factor to state in September of 2021 they changed the the rule uh or the amount of excuse me they changed the amount of money that was available for this type of Grant Statewide it used to only be 2.5 million it was competitive now it's 10 million a year which enabled us to submit for the $3 million and the $1 million so there's much more money available that really opened the door to move forward with completing and moving the project forward to fruition no I I I I'm starting to you know get the picture um but in totality I think we're somewhere around to $6 million or something am I close or between and million yeah and this this action Grant is is a I'm sorry 75% Grant the redeveloper hip R know hip is Hamilton industrial park by the way oh okay is is putting up 25% of the money for the so your firm put up 25% our firm is going to put up the 25% to match the uh and then we um the grant is 75% of the total right but I I'm just trying to understand so Mr Chek said that uh um we're reimbursing you food it's a reimbursement Grant so when we would get we would hire the contractors they'd be under contract with us as a redeveloper they would do contractors Engineers consultants and so forth they would do us stuff they submit us an invoice we may or may not pay the invoice right away but we would submit right away to Brett he would sent and there's fees to your he would then forward it to the D for approval they forward Eda and it's dispersed from the grant goes over to uh Cynthia's office and then she would uh cut us check so it's a flow through Grant and this is all outlined in the Redevelopment agreement and uh agreed to that this is a process to to go forward all right so so if I'm understanding correctly then and and please correct me Mr Chek is um I I think his concern is and not to speak form is that over 12 years we've uh you've been able to secure these grants to pay yourself and you know the companies that are doing the work and there's still nothing the work isn't done yet is that is that what is that what you is that what you're asking I just that's my main concern and another concern is is that his Redevelopment agreement you just stated it ends in March and then right after that after we give you another Redevelopment agreement you're going to give us the schedule of values and the scope of work for the 900,000 that we're approving you for before we give it after we give it to you my understanding is that the Redevelopment agreement runs through the beginning of April so from if that's not correct and if you're when I run a business if I was coming to a governing body like you are right now I would have that information right now if we're voting on extending your Redevelopment agreement you're not voting on that right now we're considering and we have a chance to talk to you but you and then you state it you talked to Pine lands last week last time you were here you talked to Pine lands a week I talked to Pine lands every week almost I'm ding the it just is very frustrating we've spent $150,000 since last November in doing the additional work that the Pinelands did we paid for that we haven't been paid a nickel to go get these Grant monies as you stated that's not true we are not allowed to submit for Grant monies for preparing the grants that's against the law so that's not been done all right so I understand the plan and and discussions that I've had with Brad as we've talked about this is that we we know that the the agreement's coming up in April I had asked for a longer agreement and the town the committee approved six months with the understanding we'd be coming back in and asking for another extension when we had progress and hopefully approval from pands and that's where we are my plan is to submit on March 18th before March 18th and then come present the committee and the public the schedule and uh the status report and and really the schedule for moving forward and who's going to be involved Etc so so come March 18th if you don't have everything you need from the pine you really can't give us a schedule I can give you a schedule with with contractors Etc based on when we get P's approval I have I mean you could give us that now what's that you could you could have given us that now based on 6 to 9 months is has always been the construction once we get our approvals in place that's what can we do to help you get answers out of the pin lands have you reached out to resolution to uh our Senator have reached out to assembly men asking for help when you were mayor you did reached out and did a lot of work on our behalf and we've spoken to a couple of the Commissioners on the PES commission and I think it's gone as unfortunately as fast as it possibly can and the key item is this approval of the permeable cap and that is now in with the executive director uh for consideration and preparation by the staff to presentation to the whole commission so what how how big of a difference cost wise is the permeable cap to the imperal cap significant uh it's another $200,000 an acre probably to put the perable the inable cap how many acres is it uh this is 17 of of landfill waste area a little bit bigger when you do the go go out I mean another thing that I'm looking at from the Township's point of view is every day that we still own this landfill we are opened up to something happening understand so I I I got to look at it and say well at some point we got to look at if we do the imperal yeah I I can't even say it and I'm in the business business um that may be the route we want to go because it's going to get it done faster you know a coming listening to what you have to say about this if that's what the holdup is is the permeable cap you know that that might be something that we may want to do because I I look at this and I say if something were to happen it's going to cost a heck of a lot more than the $2 million it's going to cost to do the more expensive way I mean we could you know it's we're we're open we're the only you want to say something I see I know a little bit about this about the storm order piece of this and if you do an an impermeable cap it's going to trigger more basins okay more and more Pine lands that's probably why it's costing so much more money and we have to fit in more basins and more drainage within that footprint of the the landfill so it could slow us down and just so everyone's clear then um your reason for doing this is what at what's the end game here we're going to uh redevelop solar on top of the landfill um and so after all this work is done we're going to turn the city's going to turn the the Township's going to turn the the property over to you we get there off our hands we hand correct yeah we intend to take title of the property and the liability that that uh not can is that the for us to hand the property over to you yes so can we hand on the property he doesn't want a landfill that hasn't been capped okay I don't know I'm asking right so this is something that the township would have had to do this this whole cap at our expense so an agreement has been reached with their company and they are giving they've gone after every one of these grants and gotten every one of these grants and how we have this so the money's funneling through us so that we can get this capped and we can get it off of our books and it becomes theirs at that point but you cannot transfer polluted land s to speak okay well you could but that would but you probably wouldn't be able to and these grants are only available to government entities so that's correct part of it so that's okay that's what I was looking for all right very good I have a question with the two different caps the impermeable and imper does pine land's regulations that change constantly are they affect it more by one than the other for approval and time uh I'm not sure I totally understand the question but I do know that well you're changing it from one the imperviable he hasn't changed it he's we're just talking about if he changed it would it make it quicker with the process speed we we've been we've always been proposing a permeable cap allowing water to go through because that helps degrade the waste faster the waste in this landfill is actually already very degraded the groundwater is probably less contaminated than your fuel station area it's very clean um and that's a big benefit and that's want to go to the record and say I disagree with you on that state I I I react that I take that off the public record I'm sorry which which cap is more favorable by Pine lands I mean we've been in Pine lands here for how long that trying to get through this is there a certain cap that the pine lands likes more than the other or is the pine lands moving I mean we spend another two years designing a certain cap and then the pine lands say no we don't want that you know we're again our design is is done and it's going in next week and we've been working with Pinelands for the 10 years and part of that not only on this site but some other sites in Pinelands we've been working on is to get them to uh be amenable to the permeable cap if you will and they are and they've actually approved three others uh in the Pinelands with perable caps um Berkeley is the most recent one that's under construction right now for closure and solar um and same firm that's putting the solar on that one we hope is going to put this build is going to build the solar on this one so the other benefit of the solar is the solar lease Revenue goes to pay us back over time for the 25% of contribution we have also we uh if it's approved by the state it' be a community solar project which means the power would be available to the citizens of the township at a lesser rate than they're paying now for uh power from the utility so there's a multiple benefit scenario I can run through all that um on top of getting our landfill that's the summary sum cleaned up so to speak off our hands off our hands so that's that's ke that's the biggest issue is a cost of solar is is the bonus solar is the right the cherry on top if you will yeah so the solar part is going to be done by your company and we have no involvement or is it part of a a future Grant it's going to be done by a solar developer company we have a lease agreement with and they have done this many times and they're going to build it and so forth and then they just will provide us with lease payments again and that okay right no it it is it's it's it's an opt it's an option in there right yeah appr in the Redevelopment agreement it mentioned solar yeah but you would have to get site plan approval because oh yeah no we need site plan right so it's not part of the Redevelopment agreement yeah they need site plan approval they also need another uh pilin approval that that's not part of the grant that's not part of the grant should not be included in any discussion that it's a separate entity because once the time of that you cap this and they turn it over to you it comes back to planning board for approval with the solar correct okay I think he was clear on yeah the solar get goes through all the regular proc okay okay you know yeah Pro this you know inherently make sure the grant didn't include that no part of that it's a private entity yes no that's Mr mayor is this an actual um resolution to uh I just lost my paper is this an actual resolution can I use yours is this an actual resolution to award the contract or are we this is just a contract of 900,000 is that it's there just a renewal of this contract I just want to be clear because that's what so in order to get this money correct me if I'm wrong we have to move it we have to have a contract with someone to in order to get this money correct but I'm told that's how I understood it this package this documentation was all submitted in the application that was reviewed and approved by njp Anda so it's the same what's attached to this resolution is exactly the same as what was submitted based on the prior resolution authorized the application last uh I forget what it was March or February that I'll be honest with you I think my suggestion would be is that we put this on hold next meeting he can come back with the scope of work and the everything else that he wants to come back with in March and we can see what we're getting for [Music] 900,000 could that be done I would wouldn't wait till March no no no up next meeting I said but he plan on coming in in March come in next meeting so we just voted to accept the grant we accepted the grant we inserted the grant into the budget don't we have to have this in place in order to do that I mean it was all kind of a three-step program here yeah I don't think you can we can't take the grant unless we have a contractor well we won't get the grant until we get a contract the other the discussion could be had when he comes back for his Redevelopment agreement extension but then he has a contract but if he doesn't have a Redevelopment contract but if he doesn't have a Redevelopment agreement then but but then why a word a contract he stopped you know I award a contract is someone that doesn't have a Redevelopment agreement so we can get the grant money it looks like we have to award the contract to get the grant money this they they won't give us the grant money without a somebody that we're going to be paying to do it yeah but I mean right now we can't we just wait and hear what the schedule of values is and I don't know the scope of work we don't even know the scope of work I think it would kind of be not wise for us not to accept this vendor with this money I don't think it's wise for us not to do that I think we need to move on it and everybody can just buot their own conscious based on what he's done in the last 11 or 12 years he's not going to burn through $900 and some thousand do between now and the time his Redevelopment agreement runs out no but you don't know what you're paying 900,000 for no one knows that's well he's permitting getting us through Pine lands hopefully for the last 12 years we have been there there's no scope of work you're give we're voting on giving a guy a contract and there's we don't know what what's included in the contract so we've gotten multiple grants they're all they all are structured like this one through them yes gotten $5 million or so this is his fifth Grant it hasn't cost us a DOT no now have we paid them any of that 5 million yes there's been oh the original yes how much have we paid them uh 2000 I can go through it in 2009 we paid him 3 79125 in 2011 it was $426 and $3 $ 4263 this going on very long Brett no it's there's more continue 2019 we paid him $213,800 and we haven't paid him anything since it out of the so we received over $5 million just round numbers here so nobody shoot me um of grant money and we're about to receive another million roughly we still have all that sitting somewhere yeah we have it'll be million triggered by what we get completed so this is this isn't real money here right it's reimbursement well it is real money but my point is it's it's it doesn't go anywhere until the work is completed he has to provide them what he's done to get the reimbursement my point is is that we're not writing him a check tomorrow for 900 plus ,000 yeah that was my point if if we did award in the contract the money is going to be there when his Redevelopment agreement is up for another to be extended technically our money yes right correct okay very yeah so we we apply for the money as it goes right so am I correct in saying the money is technically not not in our bank account in their bank account and we he bills us we Bild them money comes back the other way right right so the only the only physical money that they've received so far is for work that they have done and completed and because the state won't give us the money unless it's they've done the work yeah so we are not in any way shape or form um going to lose this 93741 71 cents and that's my next question how do you come up with that number just couldn't have been like you know 940 and call it a day and they're again they their tasks are indicated in there what the money's for and they're okay allocated based on engineering estimates so basically and we do have some bids in in order to get this grant we have to we have to designate it to hit their company yes doesn't mean it has to go there am I correct that just says all right we're taking the grant we have a vehicle where this money can go change the vehicle we could go from a Chevy to a Ford if we want right the only thing it's cost us is time well we haven't lost any money on it yet yep well time is just as important you're right that's where I have a problem that it's been since 2009 yeah but and all we have is test wells in all reality physically is is that why the amounts here are doesn't match with the grants were the amounts that you were paid still no no I understand I understand that but so the amount that that we paid out to you are less than most cases what you what the grants were for yeah because he hasn't done the work right that's my point yeah the the money is allocated at the Eda right but these are reimbursement grants so as since so each of these grants are for different aspects because I'm reading this one the grant money's received this is for this one by the grantee pursuant to this agreement shall be used and applied by grantee solely for the purpose of of Performing preliminary assessments endoor site investigations endoor remedial investigations endoor remedial actions on the project site in accordance with the scope of work approved by the D so you have a scope of work that has been given to the D it's what's attached to that schedule C there on that attached to the resolution if they have the whole I don't I don't have that there's no scope of work attached to this but we have the scope of work it's there but this is for preliminary cars that's that's what this says am I am I correct4 we're still in preliminary no no no no no no this is for remedial action that's all the things that could be eligible we've we've done all the work that's in all of the first things you said we're in remedial action phase now so the landfill closure and or remedial actions we've done all so he's so he's going for whenever Grant comes becomes available you're like okay I'm going for this grant I'm going for this grant so this is just another grant that became available for different aspects it may not be $900,000 it might be $200,000 that's true we hope okay good but you're going after every Grant you could possibly get so that we won't fall or you won't fall short again we when we applied for the original Grant we had the whole budget in there and they approved the 215,000 for the beginning phase right and then then that change in the in the allocation of the money went up from 2.5 to 10 million as I mentioned in 2021 that enabled them to issue a $3 million Grant and then this is a supplemental application again filed uh be first quarter of last year which is now approved and so we are now in the process of accepting and finalizing that Grant so that the grant that Grant is in place and can be used upon execution of the work so reimbursement correct me if I'm wrong but this decision here is a financial decision and not a performance decision the performance decision comes next month when we decide whether to extend their Redevelopment agreement do you agree yeah okay and what happens illegally what happens if we give award him a contract and then cancel the Redevelopment agreement cancel his contract but then he comes back for reimbursement correct reimbursement for what he's already been paid for everything he did for his 25% we went through this two years ago he could come back and and ask for the reimbursement for work he's done up until the agreement expire we had this discussion I think that the LA the last time you were up here and he could come and ask for whatever monies he put forward to go after the grants um permitting all that stuff yes so that's we're going to be in the same same place again in March call the question um yes I'm more than willing to take a motion you've been you've been having really short meetings this woman this is not cuz I'm back it's cuz I'm back sorry I didn't even eat no dinner cuz I said you know what it's going to be a short meeting aren't so good at getting I'm with I'm starving like I [Laughter] [Music] apologize oh my God uh listen this is very important I mean it's it's worth having this conversation because this is going you know no matter what we do here this builds into you know next month which I as you can hear it's very very important to lay this out um to the best of your abilities and you know rebuild the confidence up here that's that's that's a task and I hope that you rise to the occasion cuz we have been down a long road here we have been and the ultimate goal here is for us to get our problem taken care of and make it go away off your books I understand it' be your problem anyway um sorry I a motion in a second there is a motion in a second uh do we have any uh questions or comments I think hearing none Rita can you give us a roll call vote please I uh I have to say no I feel if we should look into this and see the ratification more and our liability if we are to terminate the Redevelopment agreement see what we're up against yeah I I I feel the same way yeah I think we should uh yes my my my answer to be no at this time V is yes did you is no or yes I said know it this time oh okay yes yes yes thank you he survived guys had me lost there for a little while I okay um is it still Monday yes uh number eight Personnel motion to accept the resignation of Susan Lark from the Hamilton Township sustainable team motion second motion and second are there any questions concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed I would just like to thank Susan for all her work over the years that she's been involved and I'm sure she'll be missed absolutely absolutely she's been uh she's been a driver of the sustainability um B we move on to motion to accept resignation of Karen Clays from Hamilton Township has historical preservation commission don't move we have a motion do I have a second second any questions or concerns um that means there's an [Music] opening all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh approvals minutes regular meeting minutes January 16th 2024 motion second we have a motion and second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have for Carl oh you're abstaining yes one exstension okay uh B bills bill list total 5,223 18214 so move we have a motion do we have a second second second um any questions concerns read a roll call please I wasn't sure if it got separated out I didn't see it on I was just going to abstain from the whole thing because I think we're going to have four votes anyway so okay okay I did excuse me if did we did not divide this one up correct because it's showing here that it was all one all right so can can because there's something in there that my employer so moving forward can we do it on the agenda sheet where it shows two different Well normally I wouldn't know that that's fine you know what I'm yeah that's okay agend out right and then later later okay all right so if he's abstaining then we can vote on that yeah we're we're okay we're good I'm going to throw I guess I'll throw somebody under the bus because I did ask for it be removed but and and it was it was oh so we can I'm ready to oh I'm sorry I wasn't sure if it was longer come on read it don't play so can I make a motion to motion well I got to we got to change it so that I can vote Yes all right so what is I make a motion all right she's got to give us the amount yeah that's why first one mhm which will just be the purchase order 23- z960 lber construction 9,332 motion second a motion and second Rita can we do a roll call please yes yes obain yes yes 5,483 go for it Carl come on I'll second it how's that we have a motion to Second any questions or concerns R can we have a roll call vote please yes yes yes yes yes thank you Rita uh 10 reports Mr administrator on Wednesday we're going to meet with the county and wsp who's the Consulting engineer for the dam and we are going to learn how to operate the new Powerhouse they're going to remove the temporary Coffer Dam and it should be functional by the weekend I'm told that's my report excellent that's a big one so that means we're we can continue the project without having to wait because that means we can control the water without having to rely 100% on the dam so that's that's sign deal huge mattresses mattresses mattresses what are you talking about balloons boards household appliances anything sorry that's all I have that's all you have thank you it's good news thank you Mr solicitor nothing to report thank you mayor thank you all right Mr engineer um very quick I did submit you guys a uh Hot Topics list uh just two points I want to point out is uh the leapy field uh concession stand the walls have been erected and the trusses should be up this week so hopefully uh the roof will be inclosed by uh by next week and we have a commercial building going on at um mcke Avenue in the Black Horse Pike it's CarMax they started clearing um if you've seen it they anticipate to be opened by the Fall so we'll have a a new rable which is good yeah a project started well before I was here 2019 yes yep yes and got delayed by our engineer I think yeah I'm um but if you have any questions on the rest of the report I didn't know if you needed to go over it but you can reach out anybody have any questions okay thank you yep Township committee Dr Withers yes I have a report on the 18th of January I attended the Atlantic County Economic Alliance um annual meeting it was held at Smithfield uh they have a due president now uh chair Michael viscot of fox Ro he's the president of the accea now and um it was very very good there were a lot of presentations from various they're going to have um some hotels near the airport um um and I thought that was really really good they announced that and it was just a good meeting um it was just a good meeting and I was very um happy to see that we um have a membership now to be a part of this so we can perhaps take advantage of any grants that are available for us they seek the grants out so I think it's a really good thing for us so I'm really happy that Hamilton Township is a part part of that on January the 24th I believe the opening of crel cookie I was there so some of you all came later but I was there and welcomed the new owners and um told them I was so happy that they were in Hamilton Township the lines have been extremely long so I'm glad that I was there on the opening cuz I don't know if I could stand in the line that long u but it was very good and lastly I was very ex happy to um former resident of maze Landon Daryl camper known as DJ got the a gramy last night excellent and so I was really excited about that and I've known him since he was a when he was born know his mom and knew his dad before he passed so I was really excited about that can any good things come out of uh Hamilton Township absolutely and um also Rodney Jerkins his parents live in MA Landon uh he got a Grammy last night also so I was very excited because I've known them all their lives and to see something coming like that just made me very very very I don't think that was Rodney's first one either no it wasn't his first one but he hadn't gotten one in a long time been a while it's been a while good for him so I was just happy about that and I wanted to um say that that's it that's my report excellent thank you uh s uh yeah I attended crumble that that first night and then we went back on I went Saturday and I counted 12 employees uh when I got there the line was still inside it wasn't outside yet uh but just very very happy to see um see them come to town and the excitement to having that in here I hope it I'm sure it won't stay that way forever but I I hope it's uh that you know they're successful um when I spoke to the owners they said they hired 25 people for that one that one location so and then of course um Jersey Mike's is opening up in the same Plaza I don't know uh when that's going to be but another Another Empty storefront will now be filled um so that's that's a good thing um over the past couple of weeks um I've been driving Bret crazy on the weekend because I drive around town and I drive through Walmart and I see the trash that is everywhere so I hear a couple of moons out there that means you haven't been out there lately because they've cleaned it up um Brett has been on top of Code Enforcement they've been out there uh Brett met with the manager um they were given violations I don't know where they are with the violations right now but they did get out there they did clean up uh working on the many piles of shopping carts and getting the owners of those shopping carts to come and get their carts they were behind behind the Hamilton Mall they were behind Regal Cinema they were behind Walmart they were in front of Walmart uh just got another picture and lomax's lot of more so we're slowly but surely getting that cleaned up code enforcements on top of it and uh it's just it's you know I always say Stay classy ma Ling it's really hard for us to be classy when you go to our district our shopping district districts and there's trash just strewn everywhere so um I'll stay on top of that drive my girlfriend crazy cuz I make her drive through all these Lots as we go out to go to crumble um and and uh also there's a couple of cars out parked out at Walmart I took pictures sent them to Greg check them out see what's going on with that just get things cleaned up um went out to leapy and it does it looks great the pavement looks looks great I'm really really happy to see all that um the the building is a lot bigger than what you see on the I I was I I I went into it and I was like holy smokes um so I think everybody's going to be very happy the idea the second floor I think that's was an excellent idea um there'll be storage up there there'll be um be able to call the gains from up there so it it looks really good it's really exciting to see that come together really clean the area up it's it it's just it's exciting I'm excited to see that get done what's any idea when you think they'll be done April April is supposed to be uh substantially complete so I haven't heard anything that they're behind schedule they've missed a couple about a week or so with the weather real bad so if it has to be extended we can um but so far they haven't said anything so no but that's what that was one of the things that I campaigned on back in 2019 so it only took 5 years government works a little bit slow but we're there um very happy about that um like Brett said about the dam excited to get that phase done uh so now it goes on to the next phase which is a Spillway which isn't going to start until August but now we know it's going to be it can start we're at that point so that's that's another good thing and uh just wanted to say you congratulations to to the curtes and the hwis um thank you to the historic preservation for what you guys doing and noticing them um I drove I was on Main Street today and I saw the Abbott house and the work that's going on there it looked like it slowed down a little bit it looks like it's picking up again um another dumpster was in there so that's that'll be nice to see that completed that really excited to see that that'll be another thing on Main Street to to get done and and and move forward so that being said that's that's all for me Reagan I'll talk to you later and Maddie I miss you I love you and I hope to see you soon right thank you Mr Che uh I must say I'm going to play second fiddle tonight because everyone's repeated my notes down here I too was at cookie crumble L of sweet up here I was fortunate I was given a packages for my grandchildren so I had the most hyper kids in school the next day you know and also I was at leapy uh the Fieldhouse and the paving does look excellent with the two different types of Paving that we spoke about they were putting up the second floor and they will be putting up the trust at the end of the week correct so they are moving right along and that's all sorry rich rich you go first next year next time we go to Rich first uh Mr law yeah absolutely uh I was that crumble heard that before but I'm no um and you know I got a care package too so I don't know why he thinks he's so special no anyway uh and I had the most hyper wife at work the next day um I visited the school board uh this week I took it toward davies's um well last week I'm sorry um and I was pleasantly surprised I mean davies's uh started began to get a bit of a bat WP for some of the going on at that school and I got to say that Mr zitto and their new front School uh is just doing an outstanding job over there um they also have a summer program that's been extremely successful about 150 students um and I just hats off I just think what they're doing is amazing over there and it's it's going to help us turn the corner as more and more people or more and more kids move into our community I think it's important that we teach those kids that this is how we live and how we do things in Hamilton Township and that we don't become conformers of outside influence that we actually influence the outside um next I'd like to give a congratulations to miss Ashlin worker she's uh uh just won her tournament uh I think it's a week ago a week or two ago she just not tournament I'm sorry she won a pageant um and she represented M Landing uh and she'll be moving on to the team Miss uh for New Jersey and then from that you know to vine for Miss New Jersey and she's right here from Hamilton Township so I just want to you know just shout her out and uh so a great job and uh we looking forward to maybe having her here in in front of the township uh uh to update us on her um on her movement throughout the pageants um also I'd like to congratulate Miss Brian gralt uh she's a ninth grader uh that just made it to the state championships uh for track of field she's the number one freshman hurdler in the State uh right now and uh she's uh right now number four and the uh the the states for group four uh for all grades uh so that's pretty impressive coming as a nth grader and and and making that far but she represents acit um she's a Hamilton Township student went to Davies last year and she's just doing a great job and finally I'd like you guys to uh you know keep an eye out for this young man Clayton husta he's number one in the state in the hurdles uh this young man has done an outstanding job uh uh in track of field um and super impressed by his work he represents oest high school and he he represents Hamilton Township well at at the state level so let's keep our you know prayers and and and and store for this young man and and uh and Briana as they move on to the state championships next week that's it very good thank you um did you go crumble yeah I went to crumble he missed it one of the things and and everybody listen you listen to Township committee here and they're they're talking about a lot of good things that are happening H you know we all tend to focus on some of the negativity around us but you know things are things are moving in a positive direction on very on a lot of different levels and and I for one uh I'm glad to see it uh I'm I'm you know as most of you know I've been a proponent of the Redevelopment uh that we started back in 2018 2019 unfortunately we ran right into Co but now I think we're starting to see um some growth here and it's it's controlled growth it's it's growth you should be proud of um the one thing that I that really you know as a guy that's been in construction for a couple weeks when I see a strip mall that was built and there was only that one even though it's proposed that there's more they they just filled it or they're filling it Jersey miks will be the last opportunity in that particular part of that project so I I look at that as a positive in a sense that that could be the next that means more can come I've heard rumors that the Benderson group is talking with certain uh companies and I won't mention because right now it's just rumors um the did Bob is mod wash still are they still moving all along yeah I don't believe that they submitted yet anything plans but I'm one of yeah so mod wash is I'm sure you're all familiar it's a it's a large Car Wash which they are trying to move in next to AutoZone uh you have CarMax come in and CarMax is probably the biggest project we've seen out of Redevelopment and you know you have to understand it Redevelopment just a lot of people people are under the impression that Redevelopment is about tax breaks tax incentives that can be part of Redevelopment doesn't necessarily mean it is what it really does is allow for businesses to be in a place where maybe they don't fit or they need certain variances and it helps the township to be able to work along with them and I feel like the township has done a very good job so far of making sure these places go where they should go if you're going to give them a break or help them to to get in they they need to go where where it's good for the township and everybody here so there's a lot of positive that's coming um I hear more and more and you know recently we've had a lot of activity and a lot of chatter about the mall from two couple different entities a lot of chatter and a lot of activity actually the the racetrack is uh I don't want to say it's under contract I don't know if that's the right terminology but there is somebody who has sat down and signed some papers and they're doing their due diligent to try and develop uh and see if they can develop what they have in mind so I'll be honest with you in the years that I've sat up here it's the first time that anybody has put a pen to paper with the racetrack so when I say to you there's a lot of positive going on and I'm not sitting up here promising that it's going to happen because that's I don't have a crystal ball but that's the furthest along we've come in a long time so there is a lot of positivity and uh I think if you if you see the interest rates start to come down you might see more activity so you know it's all set up right now to be a positive uh long coming but a positive uh note um that's all I have um I'm going to open it up to the public if anybody in the public would like to speak to close public oh hold on easy now he's the new guy I didn't see him black horse can you state your name please Dy came in here the last no two meetings ago and complained about Black Horse Pike mcke what a horrible job that you guys he nailed it came right back out fix it up it's great and I I got to give credit to where credits do Brett hammered on them until they finally it it was was it wasn't part of their project was it no we met out there with do and our previous engineer Steve Bon and uh got it previous previous engineer he lives in the town and uh he had a contact up there and we actually got that project and an intersection in the industrial park done so so as much as we and and Foreman didn't they do that intersection too that was part of the Dennis Dennis Foreman that was part of the original okay yeah so as much as we would all like to take credit for that and thank thank you very much by the way that was Brett no that's great that's great listen you know we when they do roads like that they they don't do this they don't do that part and problems like that believe me I go down that road every day yeah it's much nicer now thank you anyone else from the public like to speak all right Bobby move to close section second all Us in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it I will accept a motion for adjournment so move second second all those in favor signify by saying I I eyes have it